Actual average monthly outdoor temperatures.

Temperature in Moscow in January 2017

Average monthly temperature in Moscow in January 2017 was -8.664 ° С (average for 1999-2019 -6.8 ° С). Average monthly humidity 83% (average for 1999-2019 85%)

Coldest day in Moscow in January 2017 was January. The average daily temperature that day dropped to ° С. The warmest day took place in January with an average temperature of ° С.

The absolute minimum temperature in Moscow in January 2017 was −29 ° С (January 8, 2017 at 05:00:00), the absolute maximum + 1 ° С (January 24, 2017 at 10:30:00)

Humidity in Moscow in January 2017

Average monthly humidity in Moscow in January 2017 amounted to 83% (average for 1999-2019 85%).

The most low humidity in Moscow in January 2017 was January. Average daily humidity on that day was only%. The wettest day took place in January with an average humidity of%.

Absolute minimum relative humidity in Moscow in January 2017 was recorded on January 26, 2017 at 11:00:00. Humidity at that time was only 42%

The most common wind in Moscow in January 2017- southwest (blows on average 25% of the time). In second place is western (17%), in third - northern (17%). The rarest winds in Moscow in January 2017 are: east (4%), northeast (7%) and southeast (8%).

Maximum gust of wind in Moscow in January 2017 is 8m / s and was recorded on January 24, 2017 at 01:30:00.

Average daily wind speed in Moscow in January 2017 ranges from m / s (January 2017) to m / s (January 2017).

Temperature in Moscow in January in different years

Average monthly temperature in Moscow in January varies in the range from −14.5 ° С to −1.6 ° С. The coldest January was in 2010 and the warmest in 2007. average temperature in January according to statistics for 1999-2019 it is -6.8 ° С.

More detailed information presented at the graph of the average monthly temperature in Moscow in January... The graph confirms that 2007 was the most warm january(−1.6 ° С). The second in a row - in 2005 (-3 ° С), the third - in 2001 (-3.7 ° С).

Respectively, coldest January in Moscow happened in 2010 (−14.5 ° С), the second in a row - in 2016 (−11.4 ° С), the third - in 2006 (−10.9 ° С).

The climate is normal for seasonal travel. The weather in Moscow varies from month to month. it is very far from the equator. Cool average annual temperature environment+ 9.3 ° C during the day and + 2.3 ° C at night. The city is the capital of the state of Russia and it is very popular among tourists. Below is the climate and weather in Moscow in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The best months to travel

High season in Moscow in June, August, May with excellent weather + 19.0 ° C ... + 24.6 ° C. V this period In the capital, this popular city has the least rainfall, about 4 days a month, with 32.2 to 53.6 mm of precipitation. The number of clear days is from 15 to 21 days. Climate by month and temperature in Moscow are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Moscow by months

The warmest weather in Moscow by months and in Russia in general is in June, August, July up to 26.7 ° C. At the same time, the lowest ambient temperatures are observed in January, December, February up to -8.8 ° C. For lovers of night walks, the rates range from -11.8 ° C to 15.5 ° C.

The number of rainy days and precipitation

The rainiest periods are June, May, July when bad weather 6 days, up to 60.1 mm of precipitation falls. For those who do not like humidity, we recommend November, January, December during this period it rains on average for 0 days and monthly rate precipitation is 17.8mm.

Leisure comfort rating

The climate and weather rating in Moscow is calculated by months, taking into account the average air temperature, the amount of rainfall and other indicators. For a year in Moscow, the estimate ranges from 2.5 in December to 4.9 in August, out of five possible.

Climate summary

Month Temperature
air in the afternoon
air at night
Rainy days
January -8.8 ° C -11.8 ° C 1 0 days (28.5mm)
February -5.6 ° C -9 ° C 2 1 day (17.8mm)
March + 6.3 ° C -3 ° C 4 1 day (29.7mm)
April + 11.5 ° C + 3.8 ° C 9 2 days (45.6mm)
May + 19 ° C + 9 ° C 15 6 days (53.6mm)
June + 22.5 ° C + 12.5 ° C 15 5 days (51.8mm)
July + 26.7 ° C + 15.5 ° C 18 6 days (60.1mm)
August + 24.6 ° C + 14 ° C 21 4 days (32.2mm)
September + 17.4 ° C + 8.2 ° C 12 3 days (43.8mm)
October + 4.5 ° C + 0.8 ° C 5 3 days (27.0mm)
November -0.4 ° C -3.5 ° C 6 0 days (34.0mm)
December -6.5 ° C -9.2 ° C 0 0 days (33.2mm)

Number of sunny days

The largest number sunny days noted in May, July, August when 21 clear days. These months Nice weather in Moscow for walks and excursions. The least amount of sun is in December, January, February when the minimum number of clear days is 0.

Has been monitoring the weather in Moscow since 1999. This page talks about weather in Moscow in January 2017... Below you will find information such as, humidity or wind speed in January 2017, history of weather in Moscow in January and other data.

For convenience, all information is presented in the form of text descriptions, graphs and tables. So you will see temperature graph and weather table for the city of Moscow in January 2017. Remember that another city and another date can be selected in the site menu.

Temperature in Moscow in January 2017 (graph)

Below is the graph of average daily and current temperatures in Moscow in January 2017 on every day. The graph will help answer the question what was the temperature in Moscow in January 2017, and what were the minimum and maximum temperature air.

As can be seen from the graph, the air temperature in Moscow ranged from -29 ° C to + 1 ° C. Moreover, the minimum temperature (−29 ° C) fell on January 7 at 01:30, and the maximum (+ 1 ° C) was recorded on January 1 at 08:00. Lowest temperature value on average per day was −27.5 ° C and coldest day in January ended up on January 7th. The highest average air temperature is + 0.75 ° C, and the warmest day in Moscow in January 2017- January 1st.

Humidity in Moscow in January 2017 (chart)

Schedule of average daily and current humidity in Moscow in January 2017 for each day is given below. From the graph you can see what was the humidity in Moscow in January 2017... Also visible minimum and maximum values ​​of relative humidity air.

So, in Moscow in January 2017, the relative humidity ranged from 42% to 100%. Moreover the smallest humidity(42%) was online on 26 January at 11:00, and highest humidity(100%) - January 1 at 02:00. Moreover, note that smallest value humidity air averaged 67.00% per day and the driest day in January ended up on January 6th. Highest average air humidity is equal to 98.25%, and wettest day in Moscow in January 2017- January 1st.

Wind rose in Moscow in January 2017

(also called wind direction drawing or wind map) is given below. The wind rose shows what winds prevailed v this region... Our wind map shows the prevailing wind directions in Moscow in January 2017.

As can be seen from the wind rose, the main wind direction was southwest (25%). Besides, prevailing wind directions turned out to be western (17%) and northern (17%). The rarest wind in Moscow in January 2017- eastern (4%).

Wind rose in Moscow in January 2017

Weather diary (table of average daily values) for the city of Moscow in January 2017

The weather table contains data on the average daily air temperature in January 2017 and also about relative humidity and about wind speed... Data are given for each day of January of the month. In fact, this is weather diary in Moscow in January 2017

Average daily
the wind
+ 0.75 ° C 98.25% 982 4 mps
−0.88 ° C 94.00% 977 4 mps
−9.5 ° C 82.00% 981 3 mps
−10.13 ° C 82.50% 982 3 mps
−14.38 ° C 77.25% 988 6 mps
−26 ° C 67.00% 1008 4 mps
−27.5 ° C 72.63% 1009 3 mps
−26.38 ° C 76.00% 1008 2 mps
−21.25 ° C 78.88% 1005 2 mps
−10 ° C 83.88% 1003 4 mps
−11 ° C 83.50% 1002 3 mps
−7.88 ° C 88.75% 990 4 mps
−5.25 ° C 82.63% 990 3 mps
−3.5 ° C 84.00% 991 6 mps
−2.25 ° C 93.38% 993 4 mps
−2.75 ° C 91.50% 1004 2 mps
−4.75 ° C 87.13% 1012 1 mps
−5.63 ° C 77.00% 1014 3 mps
−3.5 ° C 79.00% 1003 6 mps
−2.13 ° C 82.50% 994 4 mps
−4.13 ° C 79.75% 994 3 mps
−3.75 ° C 89.88% 997 4 mps
+ 0.14 ° C 88.86% 992 3 mps
−1.88 ° C 88.50% 988 3 mps
−14.25 ° C 77.38% 1005 4 mps
−14.88 ° C 75.50% 1005 2 mps
−3.5 ° C 87.50% 1001 2 mps
−2.75 ° C 84.38% 1008 2 mps
+ 0.75 ° CJanuary 1st
Average monthly temperature−8.66 ° C-

Average temperature, Moscow in 2017

To estimate the temperature in Moscow in January 2017, compared to the other months of 2017, use the following chart. It shows the temperature graph for January 2017 against the background of the temperature spread for the entire 2017.

Weather calendar in Moscow in January in different years

What was temperature in Moscow in January 2017 compared to other years, can be seen in the following graph. On top and bottom of it dark color the zones are filled, showing which temperatures have not been previously observed. In other words, the white (open) bar shows the temperature spread over the past years. The red line displays the current temperature.

History of weather in January in Moscow

Coldest January in Moscow was in 2010. The average temperature was only −14.52 ° C.

The warmest January in Moscow was in 2007. The average temperature reached −1.64 ° C.

At the same time, January 2017 (−8.66 ° C) was the average for 1999 - 2019.

This is evidenced by the graph of the average monthly temperature in Moscow in January 1999 - 2019:

Average monthly temperature in January, Moscow

Average monthly temperature in January in Moscow obtained from various sources.

The climate of Moscow is moderately continental, but the degree of its continentality relative to other large European cities is much higher. Annual amplitude has in Moscow the highest value of 28 degrees (in Paris 16 gr., Berlin 19 gr., Warsaw 22 gr.).

Frost starts on average on September 29, ends around May 10;
The frost-free period is 141 days, its extreme limits are 98 and 182 days. The duration of the growing season (with an average daily temperature 5 degrees) 175 days (from April 18 to October 11).
Persistent frosts on average from November 24 to March 10. Thaws in January and February last for 5-7 days, in December for 8-9 days, in November and March for 17-18 days.

Temperature in winter months
daytime -4 ° C
medium -6 ° C
night -9 ° C

Spring temperature
Spring in Moscow usually comes in the third decade of March, when the average daily temperature becomes steadily positive and the snow cover melts, but slight deviations from this period are possible, when the snow cover finally melts in early March or in the first decade of April. Cold returns. For example, after a warm period in April (+15 ... + 25 ° C), the temperature can drop to +5 ... + 10 ° C in early May, accompanied by rainfall in the form of sleet.

Temperature in summer months
daytime +23 ° C
average +17 ° C
night +13 ° C

Average monthly precipitation - 85 mm ( the largest number precipitation in July - 90 mm
On average, 5-7 days per season, the temperature exceeds 30 ° C

The beginning of summer is characterized mainly by unstable weather, thunderstorms are frequent, hail is possible, in some years they were recorded devastating hurricanes(June 25, 1957 and June 20, 1998) and even tornadoes (June 1904, in the Moscow region (Zaraysky district) - 1970, 1971, 1984, 1987, 1994, 1997), 2005 - in Dubna, August 3, 2007 - in Krasnogorsk, Sergiev Posad region - Smerch on June 3, 2009. By the end of June, an anticyclonic type of weather is usually established - clear and sunny. The hottest period of summer is coming.
August is characterized by warm days and a little bit of cool nights due to an increase in the darkness of the day and the accompanying cooling of the air, but this is noticeable mainly only outside the city, within the city, the nights are noticeably warmer, which is due to the return of heat from buildings and asphalt warmed up during the day. In this regard, within the city, frosts usually end 2 - 3 weeks earlier than in the region, and, accordingly, start the same amount later.

The temperature during the summer is rather uneven: periods of hot weather usually alternate with temperatures of +26 ... + 32 ° C, sometimes up to +35 ° C. And in moderation warm weather+18 ... + 25 ° C, occasionally there are short-term cold snaps with a daytime temperature of +12 ... + 15 ° C. Their duration, as a rule, no more than 3 days, recurrence 1 - 2 times per season

Temperature in the autumn months
Autumn is characterized by large fluctuations in temperature, heat returns (+15 ... + 25 ° C) in late September and early October, usually every 2 years. The rains are longer but less intense than during the summer months. Gradually cloudy and damp weather becomes predominant. Frosts begin at the end of October, snow cover is established in the last decade of November.

Changing of the climate
Average annual temperatures in Moscow, averaged over a 5-year cycle
V last years the city's climate is getting warmer, the average annual temperature is increasing. The reason for this process can be considered global warming.

Average temperature over a decade:
1969 - 1978 - +4.8 ° C
1979 - 1988 - +5.0 ° C
1989 - 1998 - +5.7 ° C
1999 - 2008 - +6.3 ° C

Warming proceeds unevenly throughout the year, for example, in winter December and January warmed up significantly, the temperature in February increased slightly; in spring the temperature of March and April increased, the temperature of May decreased slightly.

In summer, warming is observed in July and August, the temperature in June has slightly decreased. In autumn, warming occurs in all months, most in November. Spring in Moscow usually occurs in the third decade of March, when the average daily temperature becomes steadily positive and the snow cover melts, but slight deviations from this period are possible, when the snow cover finally melts in early March or in the first decade of April. Cold returns. For example, after a warm period in April (+15 ... + 25 ° C), the temperature can drop to +5 ... + 10 ° C in early May, accompanied by rainfall in the form of sleet.

Has been monitoring the weather in Moscow since 1999. This page talks about weather in Moscow in January 2015... Below you will find information such as, humidity or wind speed in January 2015, history of weather in Moscow in January and other data.

For convenience, all information is presented in the form of text descriptions, graphs and tables. So you will see temperature graph and weather table for the city of Moscow in January 2015. Remember that another city and another date can be selected in the site menu.

Temperature in Moscow in January 2015 (graph)

Below is the graph of average daily and current temperatures in Moscow in January 2015 on every day. The graph will help answer the question what was the temperature in Moscow in January 2015, and what were the minimum and maximum temperatures air.

As can be seen from the graph, the air temperature in Moscow ranged from -22 ° C to + 3 ° C. Moreover, the minimum temperature (−22 ° C) fell on January 7 at 05:30, and the maximum (+ 3 ° C) was recorded on January 14 at 14:30. Lowest temperature value on average per day was −20 ° C and coldest day in January ended up on January 7th. The highest average air temperature equal to + 1.75 ° C, and the warmest day in Moscow in January 2015- January 14th.

Humidity in Moscow in January 2015 (graph)

Schedule of average daily and current humidity in Moscow in January 2015 for each day is given below. From the graph you can see what was the humidity in Moscow in January 2015... Also visible minimum and maximum values ​​of relative humidity air.

So, in Moscow in January 2015, the relative humidity ranged from 54% to 100%. Moreover the smallest humidity(54%) was on 20 Jan at 20:30, and highest humidity(100%) - January 1 at 17:30. Moreover, note that lowest moisture value air averaged 70.75% per day and the driest day in January ended up on January 6th. Highest average air humidity is equal to 98.00%, and wettest day in Moscow in January 2015- January 24.

Wind rose in Moscow in January 2015

(also called wind direction drawing or wind map) is given below. The wind rose shows what winds prevailed in the region. Our wind map shows the prevailing wind directions in Moscow in January 2015.

As can be seen from the wind rose, the main wind direction was southwest (26%). Besides, prevailing wind directions turned out to be southeastern (22%) and southern (21%). The rarest wind in Moscow in January 2015- northeastern (0%).

Wind rose in Moscow in January 2015

Weather diary (table of average daily values) for the city of Moscow in January 2015

The weather table contains data on the average daily air temperature in January 2015 and also about relative humidity and about wind speed... Data are given for each day of January of the month. In fact, this is weather diary in Moscow in January 2015

Average daily
the wind
−2.38 ° C 93.13% 1008 5 m / s
+ 0.88 ° C 94.75% 998 7 m / s
+ 1.5 ° C 87.88% 985 8 m / s
−0.13 ° C 89.50% 982 6 mps
−9.75 ° C 76.63% 997 6 mps
−18.75 ° C 70.75% 1017 6 mps
−20 ° C 81.25% 1029 3 mps
−11.75 ° C 78.50% 1018 7 m / s
−9.13 ° C 87.88% 997 5 m / s
−3.38 ° C 96.00% 989 3 mps
−1.25 ° C 93.25% 982 5 m / s
−1.13 ° C 89.25% 989 6 mps
−1.5 ° C 88.13% 999 7 m / s
+ 1.75 ° C 95.50% 1004 5 m / s
+ 1.13 ° C 92.13% 1011 4 mps
−0.38 ° C 73.38% 1019 4 mps
−0.75 ° C 87.75% 1016 6 mps
−0.25 ° C 93.25% 1014 5 m / s
−1.14 ° C 80.29% 1018 3 mps
−3.63 ° C 77.50% 1026 3 mps
−11.75 ° C 86.25% 1032 1 mps
−10.5 ° C 89.63% 1031 2 mps
−5.88 ° C 89.00% 1028 3 mps
−1.88 ° C 98.00% 1024 4 mps
−8.38 ° C 78.88% 1029 4 mps
−11.63 ° C 84.38% 1023 2 mps
−8.13 ° C 89.88% 1018 3 mps
−6.13 ° C 89.00% 1012 2 mps
+ 1.75 ° C14 january
Average monthly temperature−4.77 ° C-

Average temperature, Moscow in 2015

To estimate the temperature in Moscow in January 2015, compared to the other months of 2015, use the following chart. It shows the temperature graph for January 2015 against the background of temperature spread for the whole of 2015.

Weather calendar in Moscow in January in different years

What was temperature in Moscow in January 2015 compared to other years, can be seen in the following graph. On it, above and below, the zones are painted over in dark color, showing what temperatures have not been previously observed. In other words, the white (open) bar shows the temperature spread over the past years. The red line displays the current temperature.

History of weather in January in Moscow

Coldest January in Moscow was in 2010. The average temperature was only −14.52 ° C.

The warmest January in Moscow was in 2007. The average temperature reached −1.64 ° C.

At the same time, January 2015 (−4.77 ° C) was sufficient for 1999 - 2019.

This is evidenced by the graph of the average monthly temperature in Moscow in January 1999 - 2019:

Average monthly temperature in January, Moscow

Average monthly temperature in January in Moscow obtained from various sources.
