Current problems of municipal management lectures. Current problems of state and municipal government

Quarterly scientific and educational journal
Published since 2007
ISSN 1999-5431
E-ISSN 2409-5095


Scientific journal published by the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE),
Published four times a year in Russian. Since 2014, a special issue of the magazine has been published in English.

In terms of impact factor, the journal "Issues of State and Municipal Management" is one of the leading Russian periodicals, included in the leading international databases Scopus, RePEc, EBSCO, as well as Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on the Web of Science platform.The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the publication of the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences in the areas of economics, sociology, law.The magazine participates in the information and analytical system “Medialogy” for compiling media ratings.

The purpose of the magazine is to create a professional platform for discussing complex issues of state and municipal management.

Editorial Policy is based on the need to provide a fairly clear focus on a specific subject
(to avoid duplicating the topics of other publications) and at the same time - pay attention to the interrelations of the issues
state and municipal administration with related issues: economic, legal, political science, managerial, etc.,
as well as issues of interaction between the state and civil society.

IN Editorial Council magazine includes leading scientists and experts from international and
national level in the field of public administration, representatives of government bodies.

Readership magazine - researchers, experts, practitioners of state and municipal administration,
as well as a wide range of readers interested in problems of state and municipal management in Russia and abroad.

On the pages of the magazine, scientists and statesmen provides an opportunity for active exchange of ideas,
information and opinions on current problems of public administration, such as:

· reform and development civil service,

· development and implementation of administrative reform,

· improving the activities of local authorities,

· modernization of the budgetary sphere and the public sector as a whole.

Subject of the magazine

- Modern theory of public administration.

Theoretical foundations of economic and social policy.

Factors and assessments of the effectiveness of state and municipal government.

Innovations in the system of state and municipal government.

Planning and forecasting in the system of state and municipal government.

State and municipal service personnel. Personnel management in government
and municipal bodies and organizations of the state and municipal sectors.

Financial, material, technical and information resources of the state and municipalities.

State and municipal services.

Features of the functioning of organizations in the state and municipal sectors.

Public private partnership.

Interaction of the state and municipalities with the public.
Ensuring openness of government bodies. Public control.

Partnership between the state and municipalities with non-state non-profit organizations.
Economic and managerial problems of the development of the “third sector”.

Development educational programs on the subject of state and municipal management.

The journal is published in the public domain on the Internet (http://site)

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Director of the Institute of Globalization Problems

The resource for Russia’s development is not the state, but its recovery
The immediate reason for the low efficiency of the state is that no one is organizing its work.
The main reason for the incapacity of central government is general irresponsibility

Our main problem, in my opinion, is the catastrophic state of the public administration system. The most important function of the state is goal setting- is almost completely absent, and the problem of organizing management is not perceived in principle.

I believe that the resource for the development of the Russian Federation today is not the state as such, but its recovery. The future will show whether this is possible without destructive political upheavals, but it is obvious that the state can improve its health not on its own, regardless of specific goals and objectives, but only in the course of establishing stable rules of a modern market economy.

Governance crisis

Over the past 10 years, Russia has been experiencing a series of crises, at the origins of which is the state. Sometimes it creates them directly - like the systemic financial years of 1995-1998, more often - through inaction, like the default, gasoline and upcoming grain crises.

Among the specific reasons for the incapacity of the state, low salaries of officials are usually cited. This is not true. They spend enough money for these purposes: for example, in the first half of 1999, the federal budget alone allocated 5.3 billion rubles for public administration. - 79.8% of budget projects. This is more than the costs of courts, healthcare, space, liquidation of consequences emergency situations, science, agriculture or environmental protection.

The immediate reason for the low efficiency of the state is that no one is organizing its activities. Spontaneity has led to the fact that in the government the same work can be performed three times: by departments, departments of the government apparatus and the secretariats of deputy prime ministers. Other branches of government function no better: for example, the State Duma does not even have regulations on its apparatus.

The crisis is exacerbated by a lack of strategy. As a consequence, at one of the stages of development (or rather, degradation), the apparatus designed to clarify already made decisions was given the function of making them. Incompetence led to overexertion of officials and paralysis of their work.

However, the main reason for the incapacity of the state is general irresponsibility. Its roots, in my opinion, lie not at the departmental or even governmental levels, but in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

To correct this situation, it is first of all necessary to establish a balance of powers between the branches of government that corresponds to today's realities. Thus, the natural functions of the president are strategy, security, foreign policy, nation-building, crises and representation. The rest is a matter for parliament and government. Without the necessary powers, they cannot in principle become responsible.

How exactly the presidential rights should be changed is a topic for a separate discussion. Apparently the government should be formed by a coalition of parties that received more than 50% of the votes in the elections. The president, of course, can dismiss him, but the new government will be run by the same coalition. The President appoints and dismisses only security ministers; the rest is in the power of the prime minister. Finally, the president can dissolve the State Duma, but the Constitutional Court must confirm this decision.

One more thing. Today, according to the Constitution, each subject of the Federation is actually equal to it as a whole, and this is a sign of a confederation. This situation is unacceptable, since under conditions of election of heads of the subjects of the Federation, they are exempt from all responsibility.

Here, as at the federal level, irresponsibility is transmitted down the power vertical. The shortcomings of public administration in most regions exceed similar phenomena in the center. This is indirectly reflected in the fact that the share of expenditures on it in regional budgets is 3 times higher than the same figure in the federal budget (6 and 2%, respectively).

In my opinion, the Constitution should provide for mechanisms for implementing federal laws in the event of attempts to violate them by local authorities - up to and including a change in these authorities. It should describe the relationship between the federal center and the subject no less carefully than the relationship between the president, government and parliament.

Main tasks of the state

So, to normalize the situation, you should first of all carry out management reform. The state needs to take upon itself the regulation of those areas of human activity in which the market is impossible or insufficiently effective. Wherein the most important function State regulation should be the cultivation of market institutions and the encouragement of self-organization.

The main thing today is to reorient efforts from reducing state intervention in the economy to market increasing the effectiveness of this intervention. For a long time, the state was oriented towards liberal ideology and tried to transform itself into a “night watchman” both in terms of functions and intellectual and financial resources. Meanwhile, in any relatively organized society, it is necessary to constantly, actively and promptly intervene in its development, implementing civilized, market government regulation.

Currently, the Russian management system is so liberal and so inconsistent with the high monopolization of the economy, What any reasonable step will also be a step towards administrative measures. The times when it was possible to develop through the spontaneous release of initiative are gone: market initiative for a long time needs reasonable administrative support(starting with enforcement of laws and court decisions and ending with indicative planning and medium-term programming for the development of society).

Main directions of reform of the public administration system

Increasing the efficiency of the state is the main factor determining the future of Russia. Therefore, this is the most important strategic task. Especially now, when the financial and political crisis is forcing the country to change its development strategy and begin to rely primarily on internal resources. At the same time, in my opinion, it is necessary to built-in mechanism for permanent improvement of the public administration system.

Today's moment is favorable for its reform, because:

The decomposition of the state administration apparatus has gone far enough for society and the largest corporations to realize the need for change;

The weakness and passivity of the apparatus significantly reduces the ability to resist its destructive elements.

Of fundamental importance is the replacement, to the required extent, of direct, administrative control by indirect, market control. The main goal of the state will be the formation of stable rules of a market economy.

In general, all necessary measures can be divided into three main groups: those that bring immediate results, those that can bring results within six months to a year, and those that bring results over a longer period. This division is determined by practical considerations, since the forces that will have to implement these measures will proceed from the political tasks of the corresponding periods: elections to the State Duma, presidential elections, preparations for the elections of the following years.

Measures that could bring
immediate result

1. Establish that the introduction by an official of a draft normative act that contradicts those already in force and does not contain indications of this contradiction and proposals for correcting the latter, automatically leads to a warning about incomplete compliance, and if re-entered during the year - to mandatory dismissal.

2. Ensure mandatory acceptance by the prosecutor’s office of submissions from the Accounts Chamber and the Main Control Directorate of the President.

3. Carry out a comprehensive audit of the service systems of the state administration apparatus and stop the excessive budgetary funding associated with it.

4. Implement unified comprehensive state regulation in relation to affiliated persons and structures.

5. Conduct an audit of the work and financial efficiency of the project implementation teams of the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Russia, carried out on a credit basis.

within six months to a year

This category includes actions related to the implementation of the President’s instructions (1996) to develop a state-building program in the Russian Federation. This program should set out in a concise, understandable and attractive form the directions and mechanisms for increasing the efficiency of the Russian state.

Her goal- establish long-term guidelines for the development of the state management system and introduce into the mass consciousness the understanding that improving the latter is not only an independent, but also the most profitable and important sphere of state activity for society. A secondary goal is to instill optimism in people about the capacity of the state and their future.

1. State goals: Why do citizens and corporations need it? This section should be a truthful, understandable declaration that sets out the essence of the informal social contract: what the government actually provides and intends to provide in the foreseeable future to its taxpayers in exchange for the money it receives from them.

2. Basic principles of state building: how and with what tools the state will achieve the goals listed in paragraph 1. It seems appropriate to point out that due to constant changes in external conditions improvement of the public administration system is a continuous process.

3. The purpose of the current stage state building - correcting the shortcomings of the state that can actually be eliminated today.

4. The mechanism for achieving the goal, in my opinion, it should use everything positive that can be taken from domestic and foreign practice (in particular from the experience of the United States, where public administration reform is most extensive and carried out most frequently, as well as Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, where it has achieved the most significant results) .

As world experience shows, improving the public administration system requires continuous efforts and the creation of permanent structures, the members of which are included in the daily management process.

In our conditions, it would be advisable to create a permanent commission under the president or chairman of the government to improve public administration. The main directions of its activities:

A comprehensive survey of the work of the most important government bodies with the development of appropriate recommendations;

Organization of intensive internship (with borrowing methodology improving public administration, and not specific techniques, which are ineffective in Russia) in the USA, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand of promising government officials;

Development of regulations on departments (with their participation), clearly articulating their socially useful functions;

Development, with the participation of departments, of unified, clear, formalized, quantifiable requirements for the competence and psychological qualities of employees holding senior and middle positions;

Preparation, with the participation of departments, of unified job descriptions defining: who, at what level, what can make an independent decision;

Development, with the participation of departments, of unified criteria for assessing the activities of the government, departments and officials.

The state-building program should also provide for the division of bodies into promising (functional in nature, strengthening market regulation, weakening competition restrictions, ensuring the implementation of Russia’s strategic interests) and reducing (industrial, directly managing economic entities), transformed into large corporations (holdings).

The medium-term task (which, however, must be set immediately) is to carry out government restructuring, radically simplifying its structure, moving from the sectoral to the functional principle of management. The prerequisites are obvious: in the industry departments, forecasting and analytical units have emerged, on the one hand, and operational management units, on the other. It would be reasonable to pour the former into the Ministry of Economy with a reduction in personnel (while retaining specialists). The second should be allocated to state-owned companies (holdings) that will manage state-owned stakes in enterprises in the relevant industries. The Ministry of State Property will be the holder of state blocks of shares, exercising control over these holdings (including the Central Bank) according to predetermined fully formalized indicators.

Fundamentally important normalization of budget management: direct subordination to the Ministry of Finance of bodies providing state revenues, including federal extra-budgetary funds, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties and the State Customs Committee (with the rights of main departments) and the withdrawal of the Federal Treasury from its composition (with transformation into an independent body).

The Rosstat Agency should be given analytical functions, include the relevant government structures into it and create on its basis the vitally needed effective system of indicative planning and forecasting.

Actions to change the structure of government in the next 3-5 years are as follows:

The government apparatus is disbanded into “core” ministries, and instead the secretariat of the chairman of the government remains (albeit 10 times larger than the current one).

Of all the deputy prime ministers, one remains, in charge of strategic developments (and in this part - all ministries and departments). He replaces the Prime Minister ex officio. The movement towards this position goes through an intermediate stage: one first and two deputies, supervising financial policy and the real sector of the economy. The task of the latter is to unite the relevant departments into the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy; upon its execution they become the corresponding ministers;

the number of federal executive bodies is reduced to a minimum (the simplest comparison of functions shows that it is enough to retain 24 ministries and departments, including 8 security forces);

the structure of territorial bodies of federal departments is enlarged in such a way that each of them covers not one, but several subjects of the Federation. Directorates of territorial structures should be located in the regions;

a computerized system for comprehensive accounting and operational analysis of financial and commodity flows is being created;

in the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipal units, the maximum share of expenses for administrative needs is established. If this share is exceeded, the corresponding budget loses the right to receive financial support from a superior in any form;

To establish a civilized and formalized mechanism for taking into account various economic interests under the Chairman of the Russian Government, the following is being created:

1) Committee of Russian Exporters of the heads of enterprises whose share in the country’s total exports in value terms exceeds 0.1%. His tasks:

Assessment of the activities of Russian embassies and trade missions from the point of view effectiveness of assistance domestic export;

Participation (with collective veto power) in the appointment of Russian ambassadors, heads of trade missions and first economic advisers to embassies.

2) economic council , allowing regional leaders to directly participate in the development of economic policy, adjust decisions at the early stages of their development and ensure the necessary interaction.

3) council of major taxpayers , uniting the heads of enterprises that pay more than 0.1% of its tax revenues to the federal budget;

the structures performing the functions of supervision, licensing and liquidation of credit institutions are separated from the Central Bank and transferred to the subordination of the government;

close interaction between the government and the Central Bank and operational control of the government over the Ministry of Finance are ensured.

Measures that can bring results
for a longer period

If the state-building program is developed and begins to be implemented before the presidential elections (which is possible with the tension of the state administration apparatus), then judicial reform can and should begin almost immediately. Today, the judiciary is not properly aligned with the executive: the latter influences the former, but does not ensure the execution of its decisions. To correct the situation, it is necessary to create appropriate mechanisms and provide effective subsystems to ensure the efficiency of work and the safety of judges, victims and witnesses. Along with achieving real independence of the courts, it is necessary to create a system for monitoring the quality of the work of judges.

The narrowing of the state's capabilities affected not only state property (the management of which was largely transferred to private hands), but also the managerial aspects of the influence of the federal center on economic entities. However, at the regional and local levels, the authorities are administratively capable and actively intervene in the operation of enterprises and the distribution of property. Here, on the contrary, individuals and enterprises are unprotected. These are two faces of lawlessness: on the one hand, federal power cannot rein in regional power, on the other, regional power is not balanced by municipal power. And all of them are not under the judiciary. The independence of the court and the prosecutor's office is almost an empty phrase.

Carrying out a realistic policy in the economic and social spheres certainly presupposes an increase in the role of the state, which is determined not so much by the share of GDP redistributed through the budget, but by the purposefulness and effectiveness of intervention in economic processes. Ultimately, this is the development and implementation of effective laws and other regulations that meet the needs of society.

One of the most harmful reform myths is that the rule of law is characterized by achievements in the field of lawmaking as such, and not by the practical regulation of economic and social life. Hence the adoption of numerous legislative acts that are not commensurate with the realities, and as a result, the impossibility of managing without breaking the rules. Discrepancies between informal norms of economic behavior and officially proclaimed ones, the perception of laws as declarations of intentions, and, finally, disbelief in the law have become common. In such an atmosphere, it is difficult to count on social isolation of criminals, and, consequently, on victory over them.

The following measures are necessary here.

1. It is advisable to carry out revision of legislation regulating economic processes. Insufficient thought of the rules of the game proclaimed by the state leads to the loss of the line between criminal redistribution (tax evasion, racketeering, bribery, fraud) and productive activity. As a result, the latter is pushed into the “shadow” for various reasons.

We need to separate legal norms, which have a decisive impact on the economy, from those that have little influence on it (as can be evidenced by the small number of references to them in court decisions), and especially from norms that are violated en masse either due to impracticability or due to lack of effective implementation mechanisms. This kind of analysis should form the basis for improving the legal framework for economic transformations.

It is necessary to simplify legislative and regulatory acts as much as possible to create predictability of the legal environment for economic activity. Transform as many laws as possible into documents of direct effect.

2. An additional tool for increasing the efficiency of the state is reliance on corporations regional level. It is necessary to raise them to the level of the Federation, to develop them into worthy partners and competitors for the self-destructive oligarchs (just as the United States develops world leaders from its national corporations). This is the only way to implement the slogan “strong Russia - strong regions”, free the hands of the state and put it at the service of the entire economy, and not just a small part of it.

3. It is necessary to establish a unified procedure for coordination and interaction of federal executive authorities, including their territorial divisions, with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local self-government.

4. It is required to completely eliminate the practice of departments creating structural divisions that duplicate the functions of other departments.


Inozemtsev Alexander Alexandrovich
Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg

This article is a brief analysis of the main problems of public administration in the Russian Federation. The problems are considered in the context of the Administrative reforms undertaken in 2003-2005 and 2006-2010. In addition, the article contains some recommendations, the implementation of which would improve the effectiveness of the above reforms.


Inozemtsev Alexander Alexandrovich
Higher School of Economics Saint Petersburg

The article contains a brief analysis of the main public administration problems in the Russian Federation. These problems are considered in the context of Administrative reforms, undertaken in 2003-2005 and 2006-2010 years. Moreover, the article provides a piece of recommendations, implementation of which could increase the level of efficiency of the mentioned reforms.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Inozemtsev A.A. Problems of public administration in the Russian Federation in the context of Administrative Reform // Politics, State and Law. 2015. No. 4 [Electronic resource]..02.2019).

The state is an important part of the life of society and throughout its entire historical path development, it performed a variety of functions: from total control of all spheres of social life in ancient times to maintaining economic stability in society and its private interests in terms of property in the modern era. All this, naturally, was reflected in the processes of state and municipal government, which affect both the state itself and its development, and its citizens. Thus, taking into account all the problems that arise at one time or another, and all the shortcomings of previous social development programs, the state must perform two main tasks related to the modernization of the process government regulation. Firstly, it is necessary to develop new concepts of public administration that could have a positive impact on the processes of stabilization and progress of society and the state as a whole, and, secondly, to find methods that facilitate the implementation of such concepts.

One of the main problems of modern public administration is the lack of proper understanding of the significance of the entire Russian system of municipal and state government, as well as the lack of suitable concepts of transformation.

Special attention should be paid to creating the necessary information base for public administration, and, as a result, establishing order in the field of state statistics and the necessary statistical indicators. This demonstrates the importance of a detailed analysis of the needs and requirements of society in order to provide an appropriate program of social development.

You should also consider the issue of assessing the effectiveness of public administration in order to be able to assess the quality of a particular innovation. A necessary condition is the possibility of applying these assessment methods at all levels of government in the state, which makes consideration of the effectiveness of the relationship between state and municipal government more clear.

Another problem that needs to be addressed is the need to ensure decentralization of the federal state while maintaining its relative unity. The Constitution, guaranteeing equality of rights to all subjects, in some of its articles, which have a spatial interpretation, allows some subjects to have a greater range of rights than others, which creates contradictions between them, giving rise to conflicts. And instead of developing the region and improving the quality of life, they spend energy, time and resources on resolving disputes. An example of the situation described above is the numerous bilateral agreements concluded between the republics and federal authorities. The former had the opportunity not to pay a number of federal taxes, which infringed on the economic rights of territories and regions. As a result, this developed in them a tendency towards separatism, expressed in the desire to form new republics. Since 2000, the situation with bilateral agreements began to gradually level out, and most of them were terminated by 2002, strengthening the power institutions of the state.

The situation developing in the relations between state and municipal authorities regarding issues of their competence, the delimitation of powers between them and their interaction also deserves due attention. It is also necessary to adjust the regulatory framework of public administration, since sometimes the basic law of the country contains contradictory postulates that require revision or modification.

Public administration must be reformed primarily in combination with a planned nature in order to stabilize some areas of public life, while allowing the development of a market economy. In essence, over the past 20 years, Russia has been in a transitional stage, as has its public administration system, and various reforms have only confirmed the fact that public administration needs to be improved, as it has serious shortcomings.

As a result of the crisis and the urgent need to revise the concepts of socio-economic development, the influence of the state has sharply increased “to the detriment of the quality of state institutions,” which led to the administrative reform of the civil service. It is the inability of the state to restore the economy to a greater extent, as well as its direct role in the emerging crisis, that requires a revision of the public administration system. The latter conclusion was developed by Fukuyama's theory, highlighting a direct connection between the evolution of the state and economic development. Thus, the increase in the influence of the state partially led to economic stagnation and, as a consequence, a crisis. And the administrative reform carried out in 2004 only increased the number of officials without making their work more effective. This reorganization was supposed to identify unnecessary and identical functions and make the public administration system more flexible and three-level (federal agencies, federal ministries, federal services). But in practice, the result was only an increase in the total number of employees without increasing the efficiency of the new system. Thus, it was developed new reform, lasting until 2010, aimed at improving the efficiency of the federal system and designating specific powers and functions of government. But here, too, problems arose: the lack of proper communication between the state and society, the “shakyness” of the regulatory framework of administrative management, also the wrong choice of the body that would carry out the reform, indicators of international ratings indicating a decrease in the indicator of people’s faith and the indicator of the effectiveness of public administration, as well as shortcomings in the methodology and organizational process as a whole. Civil service reform experienced the same problems.

Thus, public administration is the regulation by government bodies of various aspects of society. This area currently has many problems. Low level of efficiency with a high number of civil servants, inaccurate wording, which creates ambiguities in the distribution of powers between state and municipal bodies, and conflicting articles in the legal framework, as well as the lack of necessary information support from the state. All this requires resolution, attempts of which were made by the administrative reforms of 2003-2005 and 2006-2010, which did not produce the desired results, which left the main course of modernization of public administration unchanged - improving the regulatory framework, creating an accurate list of issues related to the scope of competence of both municipal , and government agencies. This also includes the development of an effective method of providing information to the state and improving the staffing of civil servants. All these solutions must be found and implemented in order to improve the public administration system.

  1. Dobrynin, N.M. Public administration reform in Russia as the need for the establishment of new federal relations: practice, specifics, patterns // Russian Legal Journal. – 2005. – p. 17-25.
  2. Slatinov, V.B. Strategy for reforming public administration in modern Russia: sphere of influence versus state capabilities // Central Russian Bulletin social sciences. – 2010. – No. 1. – p. 97-104.
  3. Ivanov, O.P. Public administration reform in Russia: model and regional aspects of preparation for changes // State Medical University. – 2005. – No. 1. – p. 5-10.
  4. Sharov, A.M. On the main elements of administrative reform // Modern personnel technologies in the public service system // Public administration reform in Russia: a view from the inside. – 2004. – p. 3-35.

The economic growth. Contents, factors, indicators. The relationship between economic growth and social development. n n n - Economic growth is an increase in social production, expressed in an increase in the level and pace of development National economy, in increasing the economic potential of the country, increasing national wealth. Economic growth is manifested in the growth and improvement of the structure of fixed assets. The general indicator of economic growth is: the growth rate of national income - its volume per capita; the amount of national wealth

Factors influencing the nature and rate of economic growth n Economic growth is determined by: n - the quantity and quality of natural and labor resources n - volume of fixed capital n - innovations n - growth factors n demand factors

If we quantitatively correlate the contribution of various factors to economic growth, then n n n n we come to the conclusion that increasing labor productivity is the most important factor ensuring the growth of real product and income. - an increase in labor costs gives 32% - an increase in labor productivity - 68%, including innovation - 28% capital - 19% education - 14% improvement in resource allocation - 7% savings. due to the scale of production.

National wealth is the totality of available material values ​​(social labor and natural resources of a given country), presented in monetary terms n The modern wealth of the country consists not only of natural resources, but also of the latest diverse knowledge, many of which are converted into technologies. At the same time, technology plays the most significant role in economic development. n

Mathematically, the importance of technology in economic development is expressed by Pelzer’s formula n W = PT where W is wealth P is resources, such as land, labor, minerals n T is technology n n is the degree of influence of technical achievements on them, i.e. technology as if multiplying itself, since each technical achievement creates the basis for the next. n n n

In the modern economy, there are two characteristics that allow an economy to be classified as an innovative type: the main increase (80% and above) in GDP is achieved through the use of intellectual potential and the production of high-tech products. n - rate of increase in funding basic research must exceed the growth rate of industry purchases of high-tech technologies. n

Categories of economic growth National income - value newly created in a given year in the sphere of material production; part of the national gross product, which remains after deducting the consumed means of production n National gross product is a statistical indicator expressing the total value of final goods and services in market prices n

Main settings budget system Russia in the period up to 2020, by levels of the budget system, assessment

Distinctive features of the federal budget for 2012 are: n a gradual decrease in federal budget revenues and expenditures in relation to GDP and an increase in social expenditures in various areas of the social sphere; n an increase in public debt and the volume of budgetary allocations allocated for its servicing; n a significant increase in government internal borrowings and funds from privatization to ensure financing of the federal budget deficit; n formation of the federal budget in the context of the beginning of the implementation of the Program of the Government of the Russian Federation to increase the efficiency of budget expenditures for the period until 2012 and taking into account the principles of program-targeted budget planning; n presentation of the analytical distribution of federal budget expenditures for 2011–2013 according to state programs

Main characteristics of the federal budget in 2010 -2013. (in %% of GDP) Surplus Deficit Revenue No. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1 Revenue 15, 5 17, 8 20, 4 19, 5 20, 1 2 3, 7 23, 3 23, 4 22, 4 18, 8 17, 4 17, 6 17, 0 16, 8 2 Expenses 14, 1 14, 8 19, 0 17, 8 15, 8 16, 3 15, 9 18, 0 18, 3 24, 7 22, 7 21, 2 20, 1 19, 7 3 Deficit/surplus 1, 4 3, 0 1, 4 1, 7 4, 3 7, 5 7, 4 5, 4 4, 1 - 5, 9 - 5, 3 -3, 6 -3, 1 -2, 9 4 Non-oil and gas deficit -1, 7 -1, 0 -2, 9 -3, 2 -1, 8 -2, 5 -3, 3 -6, 5 -13, 6 -13, 5 -11, 7 -10, 9 -10, 4

Federal budget deficit (as a percentage of GDP) No. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1. With an oil price of 70 dollars/barrel at constant prices - 4.0 2010 (71.1; 72.2; 73. 5) (in %% of GDP) - 3, 0 - 2, 0 - 1, 0 0 2. With an oil price of 75; 78; 79; 80, 5; 82 dollars/barrel in 2011 -2015 - 2.4 - 3.6 (in %% of GDP) - 1.5 - 0.5 3. Proposed version of the federal budget deficit (in %% of GDP) - 3.6 - 2, 9 - 1, 5 0 0, 6 including due to privatization - 3, 1 0, 5 0, 4 - 5, 6 - 5, 2 - 3, 7 - 2, 0 For reference: 4. At a price for oil 50 dollars/barrel in 2011 -2015 (to the third option) (as a percentage of GDP) - 6.1

The main distinguishing feature of the 2012 budget is that it will be implemented in serious restrictions government financial resources n Calculations have shown that a deficit-free budget can be achieved through oil and gas revenues if the price of oil in 2011-2013. will exceed $105 per barrel. This level cannot be considered “comfortable” from the point of view of macroeconomic security: there is a situation of increased risks of oil price volatility both for the formation of budget revenues and for the country’s economy as a whole. n In such a situation, not only the budget, but also the economy as a whole looks vulnerable

The second distinctive feature of the 2011 budget is the presence of an imbalance between the growing social obligations of the state and the reduction in the real capabilities of the economy. The consequence of this is an increase in public debt and the volume of budgetary allocations allocated for its servicing n The state's debt policy may face a number of risks. n First of all, these are the “risks of falling oil prices”. n Calculations carried out by the Accounts Chamber in the module for assessing and analyzing budgetary risks were carried out at the lower limit of oil prices at $60 per barrel, showing that the planned indicators for oil and gas revenues will only be met if oil prices are more than $71 per barrel. At a lower price, budget revenues are at risk and the volatility of key macroeconomic indicators aggravates this situation

Another specific feature of the 2011 budget is that it is designed to solve the modernization problems of the economy. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the “investment risks” of fiscal policy. The forecast provides for an increase in investment in fixed assets in 2011 - by 10%, in 2012 - by 3.5%, in 2013 - by 7.4% (in 2010, according to estimates - by 2.5%), which is not is quite consistent with the thesis about an increase in investment activity in the forecast. The share of investment in fixed assets in GDP increases from 19.5% in 2010 to 20.8% in 2011, 20.9% in 2012 and 21.9% in 2013. At the same time, the increase in investment volumes in 2010, 2012 and 2013 will occur mainly due to rising prices for investment products. The deflator index of investments in fixed capital in 2011 will be 108.2%, in 2012 - 108%, in 2013 - 107.9% (in 2010, according to estimates - 108.4%).

One of the priorities of Russia’s strategic development is the formation of a public-private partnership system. It is necessary to attract extrabudgetary funds in the modernization of the economy, as well as the use of knowledge, skills, and abilities of private entrepreneurship for this activity. n It is the public-private partnership (PPP) model that allows solving problems of creating, reconstructing and operating public property, as well as providing public services to the population n

The main forms of relations between the state and business, as a new social ideology n Public-private partnership of strategic partners is capable of providing them with an acceptable economic and social result, satisfying the overall state and public interest, minimizing risks (financial, production, management, etc.) It is partnership with private business will allow the authorities to attract additional resources, and primarily investments, to the public sector of the economy, alleviate the severity of budgetary problems, shift the bulk of the risks to the business sector and at the same time preserve public facilities in state ownership. n In such a system of relations, the resources and potentials of two economic entities are combined n

Crisis 1. A sharp turning point, a severe transitional state, an acute shortage, a lack of something n 2. A state when existing means (mechanisms) of achieving goals become inadequate, resulting in unpredictable situations and problems that require new thinking models to overcome. and actions n

An economic crisis is a process of decline in economic growth and the forced restoration of the basic proportions of reproduction that were disrupted during economic development. n The process of reproduction is a process of self-healing and self-renewal of biological and social systems. n Includes the reproduction of material goods, labor, industrial relations, social structure, social norms. values ​​n

Socio-economic crisis n The economic crisis is manifested in an absolute decrease in production, relative overproduction, a reduction in capital investment, rising unemployment, violations of the monetary and monetary and financial systems, inflation n Phases of the crisis: - Crisis of overproduction - depression - stagnation Depression in the economy - phase of the capitalist cycle , coming after a crisis of overproduction, characterized by a stagnant state of the economy, weak demand for goods and low level prices

Stages of a socio-economic crisis n n n Stagnation - stagnation or gradual decomposition of the system due to the lack of development factors Cyclicity of crises (Large and small Kondratiev cycles) Crises - local, regional, global (Large and small cycles of system development) Stages of crisis development: financial, real crisis economic sector, social

Corruption: concept, forms of manifestation and counteraction. n Anti-corruption issues are a national priority of modern government policy. n 2008, the Federal Law “On Combating Corruption” was adopted

Ensuring the effectiveness of the public administration system is possible only if corruption is radically eradicated in all spheres of activity of the state and society. Unfortunately, all attempts to form effective system anti-corruption efforts have now failed. n The system of privileges that existed in the Soviet Union was replaced in the conditions of the new Russia in the relationships between government officials on the one hand and private individuals and entrepreneurs on the other with direct cash payments. n

At the same time, the level of corruption has increased significantly. The abundance of laws, legal acts, instructions, abuse of discretionary powers by officials, weakness of the legal and judicial system - all this currently creates high administrative barriers that scare off both foreign and domestic investors. n At the same time, the pressure on enterprises in certain regions from local regulatory authorities does not decrease, but increases. n Currently, the moral corruption of a significant part of civil servants, including the central apparatus, has become an ingrained norm. n

Russia based on the report of the International Anti-Corruption Committee (2010) n n n One of the most corrupt countries in the world. Annual losses from corruption – 40 billion rubles. per year, this is 60% of the federal budget Ranks 1st in the number of billionaires prosecuted by law enforcement agencies 134th in the world in life expectancy 97 in per capita income 1st in the world in absolute value of population decline 2nd in the world in the number of suicides 57 - in quality of life 2nd place in the number of prisoners per 1000 population 2nd place in the world in the distribution of counterfeit medicines 1st place in the number of plane accidents 1st place in the number of children smoking 1st place in sales of strong alcohol

Corruption: concept, forms of manifestation and counteraction. n n n n Among the causes of internal corruption, researchers include: -low pay for civil servants; - opacity of their activities; -weak control over subordinates; - unprofessionalism of civil servants - excessive procedural complexity, procedural freedoms; -lack of indicators for measuring performance results

The problem of corruption has many aspects n n n not perfect and inconsistent Russian legislation; - lack of an effective system of state and public control; - lack of principles of administrative ethics; - lack of transparency in decision-making, openness, etc. According to the annual report (2007) of the Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiatives, in terms of the level of corruption, Russia is in 147th place out of 180 designated places.

Anti-corruption system n n n The main content of the system is traditional measures to limit corruption by strengthening control. Among them: - careful regulation of conflicts of interest - a system of personnel selection based on merit - detailed regulation of the activities of officials. Job regulations, containing the requirements for an official, his official rights and responsibilities, should become the “basic normative act» regulating the activities of civil servants. - rotation, . which is carried out by transferring employees from one position to another within one government agency or transferring from one government agency to another - both at the federal and regional levels.

Measures that do not involve tightening control over officials, but changing the system of incentives to increase the effectiveness of their actions. Among them: n Increase wages. the salary of civil servants must be correlated in the labor market with the wages of workers of the corresponding specialty and qualifications of the commercial sector

Comparative data on anti-corruption mechanisms Anti-corruption mechanism Concept of civil service reform Law “On State civil service in the Russian Federation" Rotation + - Competitive selection + + Performance appraisal and performance-based pay + - official disclosures - - implementation of job regulations + + regulation of conflicts of interest + + cross-sector balance in remuneration (remuneration in accordance with remuneration in business) + -

Federal Law “On Anti-Corruption” » . New measures to combat corruption n n n n “- declarations of personal savings will be provided not only by civil servants themselves. but also their close relatives: wife and minor children; - officials at all levels are required to report all cases of bribery known to them; -a two-year ban is introduced for officials to hold positions in companies with which they were associated through service; - the official will not have the right to rest or go on business trips at the expense of the companies that he supervises on duty; -officials cannot receive gifts worth more than 5,000 rubles. (previously – no more than 500 rubles); - judges and employees of the prosecutor's office and investigative bodies are prohibited from participating in politics - joining the party, supporting them ideologically and financially. - punishment is introduced for political corruption - forging voters' signatures, obstructing their expression of will.

Social politics. n This is a system (set) of measures (actions, measures) of government influence aimed at regulating the entire complex of social processes and relations between people.

Social politics. n This is a system of interaction and relationships social groups society for the livelihoods of the population, increasing the level and quality of life. Department of Labor and Social Policy of the Civil Registry of Civil Registry

Subjects and levels of social policy n State (state social policy) n Subjects of the Russian Federation, regions (regional social policy) n Local governments, municipal structures (municipal social policy) n Enterprises and organizations (corporate social policy)

Interrelation and interdependence of social policy, social development and economics n Fisher's formula n M x V=Q x P, Where: M is the volume of money supply in the country; V - speed of money supply turnover; Q – volume of goods and services P – average price of goods and services

Interrelation and interdependence of the economic and social block n n Economy Economic policy n n economic growth n Social and labor sphere Social policy n improving the quality of life

Priorities of social policy of the Russian Federation n n n Increasing incomes and reducing poverty Reforming the housing sector, housing and communal services Pension reform Modernizing the education system Reforming the healthcare system Improving the quality of life of the population






Social processes n all processes in which two people enter are already considered social n theoretically and practically all processes in society are social n So we must limit ourselves to processes. which occur in social and labor sphere

Social processes n Changes in the states of the social system, social relations, types and forms of social activity, a set of unidirectional and repeated actions isolated from many other social actions, any repeating model of social interactions (conflict, differentiation, social coherence

Social development A type of development that includes: - progressive development of social interaction based on the law of increasing social needs - indefinite development (sociosynergetics deals with the study of this type of development). This process cannot be assessed from the perspective of “progress-regression” - reverse social development n

A social revolution is a radical, sharp qualitative revolution in the entire social structure of society; a way of transition from one form of socio-political structure to another form. n Social revolutions are divided into: anti-imperialist, anti-colonial, national liberation, bourgeois and bourgeois-democratic, popular and people's democratic, socialist, etc. n Social explosion - mass (armed) uprisings of significant social groups of the population against the existing order (against the authorities). n

Social evolution is the process of progressive development of society and its elements from the simplest to complex forms. n Social change is the transition of a social object from one state to another. Social changes are: - modifications in the social organization of society; - modifications in social institutions and social structure; - modifications in established social behavior patterns, etc. n

Standard of living Level of consumption of material and spiritual goods in comparison with historically determined standards of consumption n UN documents note that the standard of living is defined as the level of satisfaction of the needs of the population, provided by the mass of goods and services used per unit of time n

Main components of standard of living n n n n n Health Clothing Housing Education Cultural development Health Working conditions Social conditions Environment

Quality of life n n Determines the level of development and the degree of satisfaction of the entire complex of people’s needs. Assessment of the quality of life has two forms: The degree of satisfaction of scientifically based needs and interests. Satisfaction with the quality of life of the people themselves.

Social and labor sphere n n - STS - social and labor sphere is the basis of the social policy of the state and social development of the municipality STS characterizes the degree of social development of the state and the municipality; reflects the unity and interdependence of labor and social relations; Reflects all phases of the reproduction of the labor force and its social support

Main blocks of the STS n n n n Social sphere (education, culture, healthcare, social protection, sports, tourism, housing and communal services sector) Labor market, employment, unemployment and the system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel Social partnership Social protection Social insurance Sphere of motivation for productive labor (organization of remuneration, labor protection,) Pension system Stabilization of living standards

Modernization of the social and labor sphere Development of a strategy for the socio-economic development of Russia until 2020 Goal - Improving the quality of life of the population n - Reducing poverty, social stratification of the population. - Increasing the social responsibility of the state and business - Reforming the housing sector, housing and communal services - Pension reform - Modernizing the education system - Reforming the healthcare system

Modernization of the social and labor sphere n Beginning of modernization - implementation of National projects “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens” “Education” “Healthcare” “Development of the agro-industrial complex”

Results of the implementation of the NP through the eyes of the population. VTsIOM polls assessed the modernization of the housing sector negatively - 78%. Agriculture -74%. -Healthcare - 67%. -education -53% of the population. NP assessment: - Propaganda campaign - 16% - a fundamentally new program aimed at improving the quality of life of the country's population - 20% - ordinary programs for solving long-standing problems - 44% To the question “do YOU ​​know about the implementation of the NP”: 11% of respondents answered in the affirmative answer, 56% heard something, 29% heard nothing, 4% found it difficult to answer. n

Social market economy n Goal - increased efficiency and profit n Criteria - social justice, social protection, social responsibility of business

An approximate diagram of a social market economy; the priority of social justice over economic efficiency n Redistribution of taxes State regulation of the economy and social and labor relations 1. Legal regulation social and labor relations 2. Regulation of incomes of the population 3. Providing social protection 4. Regulation of the labor market and employment 5. Labor protection, etc. n

Social state of the 19th century. – the concept of “social state” in the philosophical works of Hegel n Attempts to define the principles of: - fair distribution of income between labor and capital - Ensuring freedom and equality of citizens - - ensuring fair solidarity of society and care of the haves for the have-nots and those not working n

Welfare State n The economic theory of the welfare state arose after the Second World War and involves the implementation of reasonable policies in the field of taxation, credit, investment, antimonopoly and customs legislation, financing of social sectors and programs. The social state creates a legal field, establishes rules of behavior on it, mechanisms for functioning and monitoring the achievement of the following goals:

The goals of building a social state in the Russian Federation are n n n development and sustainable operation of the domestic market economy, ensuring economic security for the country; real participation of citizens in production management, public and state life; implementation of tariff policy in the interests of the employer and employee; social protection and support for those in need; pursuing a policy of fair distribution of income, social solidarity of citizens; active social policy and social partnership.

Welfare state n n n 1949 - the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany proclaimed Germany a social state 1958 - France proclaimed the country a social republic 1978 - Spain 70 years - Norway, Sweden, Italy 90 years most countries of Eastern Europe Russian Federation - welfare state, politics which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people (Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

Principles of the welfare state The principle of human economic freedom and recognition of the right of entrepreneurs and their associations, wage earners and their trade unions to tariff autonomy on the basis of social partnership n The principle of trust in the regulatory role of the market through supply and demand, pricing and competition n The principle of state responsibility for the game of market strength and creation of conditions for streamlining the flow of economic and social life aimed at ensuring the well-being of its citizens n

Principles of the welfare state The principle of social justice and solidarity of society, including through tax redistribution of income from the rich to the poor and the employment of those able to work to help those who are already or not yet able to work n The principle of participation of workers in production management and distribution in public and state life, while developing various forms of economic democracy n

Social development is a type of social progress in which each subsequent state of the social system is more preferable, and each subsequent structure of it is no less preferable, i.e. in which the life activity of the entire society is steadily improving: the conditions, level, quality of life of all social groups, its improvement social structure

Social degradation is a type of social progress in which each subsequent state of the social system is less preferable, and each subsequent structure is no more preferable, i.e. in which the life activity of the majority of society is steadily deteriorating: conditions, level, quality of life of certain social groups

Social state n Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.

Demographic imperative n Russia has 40% of the world's reserves energy resources. However, only 142 million people live in it. Human. n The population density is 10 times less than in Asia, but the mortality rate is 65% higher than in Europe. n In 2005, 2.3 million people died. , in 2006 -2.1 million, in 2007 - 2 million. 2008 - a small population was noted. Every year the population decreases by 900 thousand people. (at working age - 700 thousand) n Since 1992, the population of Russia has decreased by 10 million people (taking into account the birth rate and migration flows) n During this period, the country has lost 12 million people from natural decline.

Demographic imperative n n n The generation of children does not replace the generation of parents. Half of Russian families do not have children. Seven million of these families are unable to have children due to vital indicators. Less than a third of children are born completely healthy, every seventh child is raised in a single-parent family, and every third child is born out of wedlock.

The problem of preserving the nation is the main task. IN car accidents 35 thousand die, the same number from alcohol poisoning, 8 thousand from fires, 17 thousand drown, 70 thousand go missing every year. n By 2015 there will be 10 million people with disabilities. n n In 50 years there will be 101 million of us (according to UN estimates) At the same time, by the middle of the century in Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Arab countries the Persian Gulf zone, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, the population will reach 1 billion people. n In China - 2 billion 359 million. n

The main features of the current demographic situation in Vladimir region Low birth rate, widespread one-child family, which does not ensure the reproduction of the population, deterioration in the reproductive health of the population. n High mortality, especially the mortality of men of working age as a result of accidents, poisoning and injuries. n Decrease in migration growth. n

Structure of cash income formation in the Vladimir region Fig. The structure of the formation of monetary incomes of the population of the Vladimir region in 209 -2010. , % other income 11% income from business activities 8% wages, including social payments 51% income from property 3% social transfers 27%

The rate of population decline in the Vladimir region, the Central Federal District and Russia in 1990-2007. , %, as of January 1, 1990 level = 100% 101% 100% 99, 6% 97, 9% 99, 3% 98, 8% 98, 6% 98, 1% 97, 5% 96, 9% 96 , 2% 96, 3% 95, 2% 95% 92, 1% 94, 2% 93, 0% 93% 91, 9% 90, 9% 89, 9% 91% 89, 0% 88, 2% 87 % 89% 1991 1992 1993 Russian Federation 1994 1995 Central Federal District 1996 1997 1998 1999 Central Federal District without Moscow 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Vladimir region 2005 2006 2007

Social state. Maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and spiritual needs of a person, increasing the level and quality of life of the population, reducing social inequality, ensuring universal availability of social benefits n a state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions. Ensuring a decent life and free human development

General objectives of social development n n n Improving the social status of the population through a system of increasing incomes and reducing social differentiation Reducing poverty Increasing social minimum standards Strengthening the social personal security of citizens Social assistance and social support by the state for vulnerable and low-income groups of the population, pensioners, disabled people, veterans

Priorities for the medium term n n n n Ensuring the growth of monetary incomes of the population and reducing their differentiation based on increasing wages, increasing the share of wages in the gross domestic product Reducing social and economic poverty Increasing investment in people (education, healthcare) and ensuring universal accessibility and quality of social benefits Modernization of social infrastructure Ensuring a balance of supply and demand in the labor market Strengthening the insurance principles of social protection of the population and creating an effective system for protecting socially vulnerable segments of the population Modernization of the housing and communal services sector, development of transport infrastructure and communications Stabilization of the demographic situation

The main goal of the region’s development strategy is to consistently improve the quality of life of the population and create a comfortable social environment. (from the report of the Governor of the Vladimir Region N.V. Vinogradov)

Dynamics of regional budget expenditures on social sectors in 2008 -2010. n education – growth by 65.1% n culture – growth by 56% n healthcare – growth by 73.3% n sports – growth by 56.2% n social policy – ​​growth by n 37.2%

Forecast for the development of the demographic situation in the Vladimir region until 2011 n n stopping the decline, stabilizing the region's population at a level of at least 1.42 million people by 2011, creating conditions for its further growth; increasing the total fertility rate to the level of 10 -11; reducing infant mortality to 8 - 9 per 1000 live births; increasing life expectancy to 65 years;

Characteristics of the consumer market of the Vladimir region n n n In a crisis, the level of commodity saturation is decreasing. The range of non-food products, especially imported goods, is narrowing. The population's demand for expensive goods and durable goods is decreasing. The demand for cheap goods and essential goods is growing; a high level of competition remains

Characteristics of the consumer market of the Vladimir region n The average wage level in the Vladimir region is higher than in the Ivanovo, Bryansk, Oryol, Tambov, and Voronezh regions, but significantly lower than the level of the leading regions of the Central Federal District. n In terms of average per capita income, the Vladimir region ranks 17th. The gap in income levels between the Vladimir region and the neighboring Moscow region is more than 50%, with Moscow - 6 times. This situation stimulates the outflow of part of the workforce from the territory under consideration to the Moscow region.

STS in the context of the socio-economic crisis The monetary income of the population in 2008 decreased by 5% (in 2007 it increased by 20.3%), cash expenses, accordingly, decreased by 10.5%. (in 2007 they increased by 15.4%). In 2009, there was a further decline in income and expenditure of the population. n The budget deficit in 2009 was about 8% of GDP, revenues dropped to 6.5 trillion rubles. n

STS in the context of the socio-economic crisis, salaries from December 1, 2008, federal medical and educational institutions, other budget organizations have switched to a new wage system. At the same time, the total wage fund in the federal budget network increased by 30%. n About unemployment n from January 1, 2009 maximum size Unemployment benefits increased by 1.5 thousand rubles. in addition to its indexation by 8.5%. That is, the maximum amount of unemployment benefits from January 1, 2009 was 4,900 rubles. n

STS in conditions of socio-economic crisis Anti-crisis measures are conventionally divided into four groups. n The first includes measures to improve banking system and the financial sector, including mechanisms to stimulate lending to the real sector of the economy. n

STS in conditions of socio-economic crisis n The second group includes mechanisms to support the labor market and reduce social tension. n The third group includes measures to increase demand for products in certain sectors of the economy, including by improving the government procurement system, n The fourth group includes measures to strengthen the position of the real sector of the economy.

STS in conditions of socio-economic crisis n. About pensions In 2010, the size of the labor pension increased by more than 1.5 times compared to the level of 2008 and will amount to 2.5 times the living wage of a pensioner. In the region today the minimum subsistence level for a pensioner is RUB 3,787.

STS in conditions of socio-economic crisis n n n n In the region: in 2006, the average pension was 3306 rubles. as of January 1, 2009 - 4659 rubles. In 2009, the average pension increased by 1,200 rubles. and amounted to about 6,000 rubles. Military personnel now receive a second insurance pension. Since 2009, the wives of military personnel have been included in their length of service for the years that they did not work, but were on business trips with their husbands. (if this time does not exceed 5 years of work experience) From January 1, 2009, the pensions of those who have worked out their seniority until 2002. For those who earned experience before 1991, indexation was carried out by another 1%. Citizens who will begin to form their pension savings after 2010, with 30 years of experience, will be able to count on a pension of at least 40% of EARNINGS, FROM WHICH THE CONTRIBUTIONS WERE PAID

STS in the context of the socio-economic crisis About housing n The state bought over 80 thousand ready-made apartments on the market (an additional 83 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes). n The size of the tax deduction for the purchase of housing (worth more than 2 million rubles) for the purchase of housing has been doubled since January 1, 2008 from 130 thousand to 260 thousand rubles.

STS in the context of the socio-economic crisis About housing n A system is being introduced that will reduce the waiting time for construction permits in Russia. True, today there is little need to talk about the particular relevance of this measure, because most construction projects are frozen at various stages of readiness, not to mention the implementation of new projects.

STS, in the context of the socio-economic crisis, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Law “On additional measures of state support for families with children”, allowing the use of maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions from January 1, 2009. The law covers those families who entered into mortgage agreements before December 31, 2010. n

STS in the context of a socio-economic crisis The opportunity to use maternity capital funds to repay the principal debt or pay interest on loans and borrowings will be provided regardless of the period that has passed since the birth or adoption of the second and subsequent children. n In addition, from now on, men will be able to manage maternity capital funds to pay mortgage loans. Corresponding changes have been made to the rules for allocating maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions, according to which the opportunity to use maternity capital funds will be available to a person who has received a certificate, as well as a person who is in a registered marriage with him. n

STS in conditions of socio-economic crisis n The Government of the Russian Federation is considering additional measures to support the mortgage lending system. In addition to the steps taken by the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency, the Central Bank is initiating the creation of a special organization with state participation that will purchase housing pledged by banks for mortgage loans. n AHML itself carried out the first three pilot restructurings of problem mortgage loans in Novgorod, Samara and Saratov. All three borrowers had their payment schedules changed and were provided with stabilization loans that will allow them to repay the banks within a year.

STS in the context of the socio-economic crisis State Duma deputies are making a new attempt to introduce irrevocable deposits into Russian banking practice to revive mortgages. The main condition for opening a deposit is that the depositor will have to use the accumulated funds as a down payment on the purchase of a home, and the bank will have to provide the remaining amount as a loan. n According to the document’s developer, A. Aksakov, the introduction of a new product will allow the bank to attract additional liquidity for a long period. n

In the context of the socio-economic crisis, STS is ready to provide guarantees to banks to refinance mortgages from the Central Bank. However, banks that issued mortgages in foreign currency, without a down payment, as well as loans that were too large and risky, will not be able to take advantage of the new scheme. The planned volume of guarantees that AHML is ready to issue to banks for refinancing with the Central Bank is about 500 billion rubles. n

STS in the context of the socio-economic crisis The standard cost of one square meter of housing in Russia for 2010 was set at 26.5 thousand rubles. n It is used to calculate the amount of subsidies provided to home buyers through government housing certificates. n In addition, the average market value of housing determined by the Ministry of Regional Development is used as the maximum price set for auctions for the purchase of housing from developers for the social needs of the state. n

STS in the context of the socio-economic crisis n The Bank of Russia proposed creating a special organization with the participation of the state, which will purchase housing pledged by banks for mortgage loans. It is assumed that borrowers will be able to continue to live in apartments or houses that have been transferred to the balance of the state structure, but will be required to pay rent. n Rent rates have not yet been determined, but experts suggest that they will be below market and not much higher than utility bills. The creation of a special government agency that will deal with problem loans of citizens will become relevant this spring.

STS in the context of the socio-economic crisis On tax cuts n To reduce the fiscal burden on small business regions, the right to reduce the rate by 10 points, to 5% n Since 2009, the procedure for calculating VAT on advance payments has been optimized n since 2010, the amount of depreciation bonuses has been increased up to 30% (faster write-off of equipment will be encouraged by a premium (i.e. no tax will be charged) - this is an innovative approach). Depreciation bonus is an incentive to renew fixed assets. n Tax services have been proposed to radically reduce the period for VAT refunds. The income tax rate has been reduced since January 1, 2009. The price of the issue is over 400 billion rubles. , which will remain in the real sector. (Changes to the Tax Code).

STS in the context of a socio-economic crisis On support for the defense industry It is proposed to increase interest rate subsidies, increase investment in the capital of enterprises and allocate additional funds to prevent bankruptcy of defense plants; the total amount of resources allocated for these purposes is more than 50 billion rubles. n About small business. Through the Development Bank, 83 billion rubles were allocated to support small businesses in 2010. , which is 21 billion rubles. more than planned (for lending, subsidizing interest rates, for developing small business infrastructure) for grants, training programs. n

STS in conditions of socio-economic crisis n. About labor productivity It is necessary to increase labor productivity in key industries by three to four times, to raise the share of innovative products in total production from the current 5% to 30-35% Reduce the energy intensity of products by no less than 45%

STS in the context of the socio-economic crisis About banks and loans Transition to a significant strengthening of the entire banking system. Long-term money should appear. It is important. n Expand repurchase practices commercial banks bonds of the largest domestic companies. n Expand lending to domestic companies and enterprises almost entirely from our own financial resources. n As part of the stabilization package, about 5 trillion was allocated. rub. to ensure liquidity and stability of the banking system n Strict control to ensure that allocated resources reach the real sector. , and were not spent on financial pyramids. n Transition of the banking sector to microcredit.

Key factors affecting the labor market n n n A favorable socio-economic situation causes an increase in demand for labor. In conditions of a socio-economic crisis, the demand for labor decreases. In the Russian Federation for January February 90 thousand people lost their jobs. According to experts, there are more than 8 million unemployed in Russia. There are 32 thousand unemployed in the region (of which only 24 thousand are registered at the Labor Exchange)

Modernization of the social sphere n Positive trends. n Over the past 5 years, federal budget spending on healthcare and sports has increased 9 times, on culture by 10 times, on education by 5 times. n According to experts - in 2012 -2013. there will be a reduction in social spending.

NP “Education” n “Education is the most important resource of the intellectual, spiritual and moral potential of the entire nation, and the very future of our country as a whole and of our children depends on its successful development” Putin V.V.

NP “Education” The education system in Russia is currently undergoing radical changes. n The transition to 12-year secondary education, the introduction of per capita financing, a single standardized federal final exam, which allows you to enter any university without an exam if you get the required number of points, cause a lot of controversy, but continue the steady trend towards entering the world practice of the education system. Along with state educational institutions n

Objectives of modernization of education n n n n new educational standards; - a new system for assessing the quality of education; - individualization of education; - new wage system; - introduction of normative per capita financing; - participation of public institutions in the management of general education; - informatization general education; - creation of a preschool education system.

Modernization of education Restructuring the organizational structure of management On September 1, 2008, the first stage of testing the second generation of school standards began in a number of pilot territories. - Improving the regulatory framework - Informatization. In 2007 - the connection of all educational institutions to the INTERNET network was completed (4.5 billion rubles) - For 7 seven years, on the basis of Article 156 of the Law “On Education” State final certification of 11th grade graduates at the end of a secondary educational institution is carried out in the form of the Unified State Exam. -

Modernization of education n. In 2011, 1 million 95 thousand 781 school graduates (including graduates of previous years) took the Unified State Examination. In general, the main assessment of Russian graduates was a three. A quarter of all graduates received bad marks in mathematics and literature

Building a motivation system In September 2007, government decree No. 605 appeared, which introduced a new remuneration system. The new wage system (NSOT) is built not on a sectoral principle, but on a departmental one. n The new remuneration system is that the salary of an education worker will consist of three parts: base salary, compensation and incentive payments. Providing maximum independence in establishing an institution's remuneration system makes it possible to take into account the features that exist in a particular educational institution. n

Building a motivation system n However, the NSOT model methodology contains systemic problems. Its key principles - such as the dependence of wages on the number of students - are in conflict with the main objectives stated when it was introduced: to motivate teachers to do educational work and to use individual approaches to teaching.

Preschool education n Thanks to the provision of conditions for the implementation of compulsory preschool education for children aged 5-6 years, the coverage of children with preschool education, according to 2010 data, amounted to 62.1%, which is close to the indicators of the prosperous year of 1991, after which a sharp decline began (for example, in 1998 year, only about 54% of children attended preschool institutions). However, more than 1 million Russians cannot place their children in preschool institutions, and there is a shortage of personnel in this area almost everywhere.

Financing of the NP "Education" n Expenditures on the priority national project "Education" are characterized by negative dynamics: 2009 -30 billion 857 million rubles, 2010 and 2011 - 7 billion 900 million rubles each. This is one of the reasons that the share of education costs from total federal budget expenditures has decreased over the next three years: from 4.69% in 2009 to 3.78% in 2011

Objectives of modernization of education in the Vladimir region n n n Creation of a system of educational services that provide early development children regardless of their place of residence, health status, social status; Availability of quality education for persons with disabilities; Creation of a system for identifying and supporting gifted children. Creation of a structure for social mobility of students. Formation of mechanisms for assessing the quality and demand for educational services, including an open system of informing citizens through the creation of an objective system for assessing the educational and extracurricular achievements of students and the participation of consumers and public institutions in monitoring and assessing the quality of education.

Objectives of modernization of education in the Vladimir region Ensuring the innovative nature of basic education, including justification of the content and technologies of education: n Development of variability of educational programs; n Updating the structure of the network of educational institutions; n Introduction of new financing mechanisms. n

Modernization of education State support for talented youth - 5,350 awards allocated (200 million rubles) n Monetary incentives for the best teachers (1 billion rubles) n Financing of innovative educational programs (10 billion rubles) n Creation of national universities. (RUB 7 billion) n

Results of the implementation of National Projects Negative trends: n Insufficient pace of restructuring of social sector institutions n Low quality of social services provided free of charge n Ineffectiveness of spending budget funds

Problems arising during the implementation of the NP “Education” n acute shortage financial resources, directed to the development of the education system; n the lack of development of the regulatory framework in the field of education; n systematic failure to comply with legislation in this area.

Culture n Culture is a set of material and spiritual values ​​created by the creative labor of people, accumulated during historical development societies aimed at positive development (civilization, community, individual)

Modernization of the housing sector n Housing stock, n housing construction, n housing and communal services, which ensure the reproduction and maintenance of the housing stock, as well as the delivery of housing and communal services to direct consumers

The housing sector is in an acute systemic crisis; there is an acute financial shortage; weak material and technical base; insufficient qualifications of personnel; lack of a well-thought-out housing policy; monopoly in the housing construction market; insufficient elaboration of the regulatory and legal aspects of the activities of construction and housing organizations in terms of their relationships with authorities and consumers. n Housing, along with other public services, remains subsidized. Its maintenance places a heavy burden on the municipal budget. n low quality of services provided; n ineffective management. n n n

CURRENT STATE OF THE HOUSING MARKET IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION n The volume of housing stock in the Russian Federation as of September 2010 was just over 3 billion square meters. m., despite the fact that the total need for housing is 5.3 billion sq. m. m. n The average provision of living space for the population in the country is 21.1 sq. m. m per person, which is 2 times lower than the European average. For comparison, we note that in developed countries there is an average of 40 to 60 square meters per person. m., and in the USA - 63 sq. m., and in Norway - 70. n The bulk of housing was built in the period from 1921 to 1970. - 1 billion 606.5 million sq. m. From 1971 to 1995, 915.9 million square meters were built. m. i.e. the age of most buildings is measured in tens of years.

National project “Affordable and Comfortable Housing for Russian Citizens” n n Increasing the affordability of housing Increasing the volume of mortgage lending Increasing the volume of housing construction and modernizing public infrastructure facilities Fulfilling government obligations to provide housing to categories of citizens established by federal legislation

Main trends in the development of the real estate market n The existing rental housing market is predominantly illegal; it is almost impossible to objectively assess the volume of rental housing at the moment. n According to the degree of settlement on the territory of Russia: with the total size of all lands of the Russian Federation being 1709.8 million hectares, settlement lands occupy 19.1 million hectares or approximately 1.1% of all lands, of which the lands of urban settlements make up only 7, 9 million hectares or 0.46%, and land rural settlements 11.2 million hectares or 0.65% of all Russian lands. n By type of development: 30.2% - individual housing, 69.8% multi-storey buildings. These data indicate a significant predominance of multi-storey housing, and, accordingly, building density, despite the fact that in Europe, as a rule, multi-storey buildings account for 20 to 40% of the housing stock.

Main trends in the development of the real estate market n Demand for housing in 2010 amounted to about 200 million sq. m. m, even achieving the planned construction volumes - 56.3 million sq. m. m. will not allow him to be satisfied. n At the end of 2010, the country's average commissioned 0.35 sq. m per person, with a range of 0.02 sq. m per person in the Murmansk region up to 0.9 sq. m. m. in the Moscow region.

Main trends in the development of the real estate market According to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2010, about 12.5 thousand hectares of land were provided with engineering infrastructure. n In order to ensure annual housing commissioning at the level of 140 million sq. m. m., it is necessary to increase the pace of equipping land plots with engineering infrastructure by 5 times. n At the same time, the reliability of the existing engineering infrastructure in the regions, according to expert estimates, is significantly below the permissible level (the number of accidents and damages ranges from 1.8 to 2.2 per 1 km of network per year, with the permissible 0.3). At the same time, the scale of network replacement does not exceed 1.2% of their total length, and only in certain regions - up to 1.8%, with the required 4-5% per year. n

The main reason for the rapid rise in prices is the imbalance of supply and demand in the housing market, the lack of stability in the housing market creates a trend towards an increase in the volume of housing purchased for investment purposes, the existing imbalance of supply and demand leads to a market orientation mainly towards high-income groups of the population. n Despite the growth in the volume of mortgage lending, the focus on mortgage mechanisms for purchasing housing has not significantly increased its affordability.

The proposed mechanism for managing the housing sector at the municipal level is based on the following principles: n n n n priority of social, regional and municipal interests over sectoral, departmental, local ones; focus on diversity of ownership forms in the housing sector; gradual decentralization of management and transfer of a number of management functions in the field of housing to the local level; antimonopoly policy in the housing sector separation of the functions of the customer and the contractor and the involvement of contractors in the construction and operation of housing various forms property on a contractual basis; ensuring the normative principle of resource conservation and highlighting different levels of service to the population; involving the population in active participation in the housing sector; use of various sources of financing.

Development of the agro-industrial complex - main directions Goals Indicators Acceleration of livestock development Increasing meat production by 7%, milk by 4.5% while stabilizing large livestock cattle at a level not lower than 2005 Supply of 100 thousand heads of breeding cattle under leasing Supply of equipment for the creation of 130 thousand livestock places Stimulation of the Development of small forms of farming in the agro-industrial complex Increasing the volume of sales of products by private subsidiary and peasant (farmer) farms by 6% Modernization and development infrastructure network of procurement, supply and marketing agricultural consumer cooperatives - 2550 Providing affordable housing for young professionals (or families) in rural areas Input 1392, 9 thousand sq. m. m. of housing and improvement of living conditions for at least 31.64 thousand young professionals in rural areas.

Deeper reasons for the growth of corruption. Among them, we highlight the main ones: n - the problem of merging state power with business, primarily criminal; n - lack of public control over the institution of public service; n - underdevelopment of civil society, etc. n

The problem of corruption has many aspects: n n n - the imperfection and inconsistency of Russian legislation; - lack of an effective system of state and public control; - lack of principles of administrative ethics; - lack of transparency in decision-making, openness, etc. According to the annual report (2007) of the Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiatives, in terms of the level of corruption, Russia is in 147th place out of 180 designated places.

Corruption: concept, forms of manifestation and counteraction. The problem of combating corruption moves from the plane of political declarations to the plane of state policy and becomes the main element of administrative reform. n Solving these problems requires a serious and comprehensive approach. Formation of an anti-corruption system, training of personnel with “anti-corruption sustainability”, improvement of organizational, legal and socio-economic mechanisms for organizing the civil service are the main directions of the fight against corruption. n

System of anti-corruption measures n n n The main content of the system is traditional measures to limit corruption by strengthening control. Among them: - careful regulation of conflicts of interest - a system of personnel selection based on merit - detailed regulation of the activities of officials. The job regulations, containing the requirements for the official, his official rights and responsibilities, should become the “main normative act” regulating the activities of the civil servant. - rotation, . which is carried out by transferring employees from one position to another within one government agency or transferring from one government agency to another - both at the federal and regional levels.

Measures that do not involve tightening control over officials, but changing the system of incentives to increase the effectiveness of their actions. Among them: n Increase in wages. the salary of civil servants must be correlated in the labor market with the wages of workers of the corresponding specialty and qualifications of the commercial sector.

Comparative data on anti-corruption mechanisms, Anti-corruption mechanism Concept of civil service reform Law “On the State Civil Service in the Russian Federation” Rotation + - Competitive selection + + Performance appraisal and performance-based pay + - official disclosures - - implementation of job regulations + + regulation of conflicts of interest + + cross-sector balance in wages (wages in accordance with wages in business) + -

Federal Law “On Anti-Corruption” » . New measures to combat corruption. n n n n “- declarations on personal savings will be provided not only by civil servants themselves. but also their close relatives: wife and minor children; - officials at all levels are required to report all cases of bribery known to them; -a two-year ban is introduced for officials to hold positions in companies with which they were associated through service; - the official will not have the right to rest or go on business trips at the expense of the companies that he supervises on duty; -officials cannot receive gifts worth more than 5,000 rubles. (previously – no more than 500 rubles); - judges and employees of the prosecutor's office and investigative bodies are prohibited from participating in politics - joining the party, supporting them ideologically and financially. - punishment is introduced for political corruption - forging voters' signatures, obstructing their expression of will.

State regulation of the social and labor sphere n The answer to this question must begin with the definition of the concept of “social and labor relations”. This concept consists of two components. Labor relations are the relations between labor and capital, employee and employer. Labor relations in practice rarely exist in their pure form without social relations; on the contrary, social relations arise as a result of labor processes and the accompanying conflicts and contradictions. That is, social and labor relations. These are relationships that develop as a result of the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of labor, providing conditions for productive labor, its protection, and improving the quality of life.

State regulation of the social and labor sphere All phases of the reproduction of the labor force, the system of social and labor relations are reproduced by the STS - the social and labor sphere. The social and labor sphere reflects the object and subject of social policy, characterizes the degree of social development, and reflects the unity of labor and social relations. n The structure of the STS was developed at the Department of Labor and Social Policy of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation by the head of the department, Professor Nikolai Alekseevich Volgin. n

State regulation of the social and labor sphere n n The main blocks of the STS reflect and ensure the phases of labor force reproduction. : - social sphere (i.e. branches of the sociocultural complex: education, healthcare, culture, housing and communal services sector) - labor market, employment service, retraining of personnel (including the unemployed) - sphere of motivation for productive labor (organization of wages, labor protection and regulation, stabilization of the standard of living of the population

State regulation of the social and labor sphere The next block is the system of social protection of the population - the system of social partnership; - system social insurance- pension system and labor protection. The development of the social and labor sphere, and, consequently, the improvement of social and labor relations, forms the basis of social policy. n Social policy is a system of interaction and relationships between social groups of society for the livelihoods of the population, the growth of the level and quality of life of the population. n n n

The subjects of social policy are: n n n - the state (state social policy) - a subject of the Russian Federation (regional social policy) - local governments, municipalities (municipal social policy) - enterprises and organizations (corporate social policy) Let us dwell on the issue of state regulation of social policy labor relations, it occurs within the framework of state social policy. When implementing it, the state must evenly take into account all the components of the STS that we noted earlier.

State regulation of the social and labor sphere n The goal of the strategy for socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020 is to steadily improve the quality of life of the population; in essence, this means the formation of an effective system of social and labor relations, the harmonious development of the STS (social and labor sphere).

Mechanisms of state regulation of the social and labor sphere: n n n n 1. Formation of a legislative system for regulating social and labor relations. -The Constitution of the Russian Federation defined the Russian Federation as a social state. - Labor Code The Russian Federation determines the essence of social and labor relations between employers and employees and other legislative acts. 2. definition priority areas social state policy: - reduction of poverty, social stratification of the population - modernization of the education system - housing and communal services reform - pension reform - healthcare reform improving the quality of life of the population - effective migration policy reducing mortality, increasing the birth rate - support for young families - support for socially vulnerable social groups (pensioners , children, disabled people, orphans, unemployed)

Mechanisms of state regulation of the social and labor sphere n n n These areas are implemented through the system of National projects: “Healthcare”, “Education”, “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens”, “development of the agro-industrial complex” . For example, in the field of education: - the organizational structure of education management is being restructured. On September 1, 2008, the first stage of testing the second generation of school standards began in a number of territories. The regulatory framework is being improved and educational institutions are being computerized. In 2007, the connection of all educational institutions to the INTERNET network was completed (4.5 billion rubles), etc.

Financing of the social and labor sphere. n n Over the past 5 years, federal budget spending on healthcare and sports has increased 9 times, on culture - 10 times, on education - 5 times. In conditions of a socio-economic crisis, the state carries out anti-crisis measures. I will note some of them: -from December 1, 2008, federal medical and educational institutions and other budgetary organizations will switch to a new remuneration system. At the same time, the total wage fund in the federal budget network will increase by 30%. -from January 1, 2009, the maximum amount of unemployment benefits will be increased by 1.5 thousand rubles. in addition to its indexation by 8.5%. That is, the maximum amount of unemployment benefits will increase from January 1, 2009 to 4,900 rubles.

n n By the end of 2009, the average size of the social pension should not be lower than the subsistence level of a pensioner. In 2010, the size of the labor pension will increase by more than 1.5 times compared to the level of 2008. -Citizens who begin to form their pension savings after 2010, with 30 years of experience, will be able to count on a pension of at least 40 % FROM EARNINGS FROM WHICH CONTRIBUTIONS WERE PAID -The state will buy over 0 thousand ready-made apartments on the market (an additional 83 billion rubles will be allocated). -The size of the tax deduction for the purchase of housing (worth more than 2 million rubles) will be doubled from January 1, 2008 from 130 thousand to 260 thousand rubles. and etc.

Foreign experience of anti-corruption policy n. In most countries, the fight against corruption has become the basis for implementing administrative reforms. Two fundamental models of reform are distinguished: rationalization of the bureaucracy and the transition to a new public administration.


In the process of forming a new professional stratum in Russian society: municipal employees, it becomes obvious that this process cannot be isolated from the development trends of the world community. The role and functions of employees in the management of local communities must meet the requirements of basic global processes.

In domestic and foreign literature, there are several approaches to defining municipal governance. According to the first point of view, municipal government is considered as the activity of municipal entities of an administrative and executive nature and is an integral part of the local government system. According to the second point of view, municipal governance is associated with such a concept as public administration at the local level. Based on this, municipal management is not included in the system of local self-government, but is opposed to it and is interpreted as management activities on the territory of the municipality, implemented by higher-level authorities through appointed administrative bodies.

Social problems municipal government

Currently, Russian scientists adhere to the point of view according to which municipal governance is a broader concept compared to local self-government, including:

Public administration at the local level, i.e. federal and regional government bodies that locally carry out a number of functions of state policy in the field of finance, taxation, land management, employment, etc.;

Local self-government as a form of democracy;

Municipal management as a system of actions to establish partnerships between local governments, the population and private capital in order to ensure the progressive socio-economic development of the municipality.

The 21st century has dramatically changed the view on the problems of municipal management and the quality of its human potential. The driving forces were:

Technological challenge - lagging behind advanced countries, loss of intellectual potential, the answer to which is to improve the quality of education, develop professionalism, change the competency model for senior officials, develop new curricula, create a more innovative and risk-ready organizational culture in the municipal service;

Demographic challenge - loss of human resources, shortage of personnel in social sphere and the economy, the answer to which lies in ensuring equal access to municipal services, developing a plan in each ministry to ensure the representation of all social groups of the population;

An environmental challenge - deteriorating health of the nation, rising environmental costs, the answer to which can only be an environmental imperative - environmental education and education, study and application of new health-saving technologies, achieving a balance between work and personal life;

Information challenge - information inequality, economic lag of Russia in information sphere, promoting knowledge of information technology as a guarantee of a successful career and a better quality of life, the answer to which may be the promotion of new priorities in management informatization, attracting the attention of international and national scientific and training centers, leading universities to the problems of municipal government;

A dynamic challenge is a lag behind the global dynamics of change, a crisis of the economy, science, education, culture, the answer to which is the development of advanced education as learning to live and act in a changing world, facilitating access to senior positions in the municipal service for specialists from outside, the formation of a non-bureaucratic, innovative climate in municipal government, improving interdepartmental cooperation, the need to preserve unified system state and municipal services to ensure close cooperation between the central government and emerging administrations in the regions;

Worldview challenge - the growth of crisis phenomena in the development of society, the need for a new scientific worldview, the answer to which lies primarily in the fundamentalization of knowledge that develops a view of man as a part of Nature, openness and attraction of talented people, creative consciousness, the formation of strategic thinking among leaders to determine priorities and development goals of territories, taking into account specific characteristics and natural features;

Moral challenge - demoralization of society, loss of spiritual values, crime, corruption), the answer to which may be the priority of education (including moral) over training, concentration of attention of municipal employees on improving the quality of their work, the need to make it more responsible for consumers municipal services, management of labor results, a new system of payment and evaluation of the work of municipal employees.

Method of cognitive mapping in assessing the socio-technological competence of municipal employees of the city of Lipetsk and the Lipetsk region

Modern scientific approaches to constructing a comprehensive assessment today are not possible without the use of a cognitive approach to research, which makes it possible to connect into a single whole many processes occurring in the economic, social and political spheres. A possible option for applying the cognitive approach in a specific study could be to assess the issues of socio-technological competence of municipal employees of the city of Lipetsk.

To formulate this concept, two already defined ones were considered - social and technological competence. In the course of our work, we believe that as a result of the educational process, a person should develop some holistic socio-professional quality, which presupposes a person’s deep awareness of conditions, technologies, methods for solving problems of a family, group and the ability to competently implement their knowledge in practice, easily interact with group (team). This quality can be defined by us as the holistic socio-technological competence of a person.

Data for the study were collected using questionnaires, the results were processed automatically using the SPSS statistical data processing program. The sample consisted of 100 people, 66% of whom were women with work experience of up to 5 years. Municipal employees of the Administration of the Lipetsk region and the city of Lipetsk were interviewed, holding such positions as specialist, head of department, deputy head of department, Chief Specialist, leading specialist and specialist of the first category.

As a result of the questionnaire survey, many of the most important criteria (concepts) were identified that describe the socio-technological competence of municipal employees, such as: knowledge of means, methods, programs for performing actions, solving social and professional problems (1); readiness for non-standard, creative solutions (2); knowledge of activity management technology (3); knowledge of the algorithm and sequence of professional activities (4); knowledge of social design procedures (5); experience in implementing knowledge and skills (6); technological effectiveness of activities (7); ability to work in a team(8); forward thinking (9); readiness to manifest personal properties in human activity and behavior (10); constant desire to improve activities (11); responsibility for decisions made (12); organization (13); the ability to adequately assess the level of one’s own activity (14); willingness to take risks (15); active in social activities (16); ability to effective self-organization, self-control (17); diplomacy, ability to resolve conflicts (18); motivation for research and scientific activities (19). The requirements of measurability did not allow us to include in the set of criteria under consideration “a value-semantic attitude to competence” (concept No. 0), because at present there are no models that adequately assess this criterion. However, it was included in the lists of additional criteria.

After identifying the 20 variables (concepts), another survey was conducted to determine the causal relationships for each pair of variables. As a result, it was revealed that there are no pairs of concepts that do not influence each other.

The analysis showed that there are no negative feedbacks in the signed graph, and there are four positive feedbacks.

This means that such criteria as “knowledge of activity management technology”, “experience in implementing knowledge and skills”, “systemic, long-term thinking”, “readiness for non-standard, creative solutions” and “value-semantic attitude to competence” form the outline of the system. A circuit in a system is a combination of connections that presupposes the presence of three or more factors that are in a cause-and-effect relationship with each other.

Within the contour, a change in feature 3 causes a change in feature 2, and it, in turn, affects feature 9, which will similarly change feature 6. It is important to evaluate the nature of the relationship between the criteria of the contour. As we can see, the relationship is positive and represents a dependence in which an increase in the values ​​of one factor causes an increase in the values ​​of another factor.

In our study, increasing knowledge of activity management technology leads to the readiness of municipal employees to make creative decisions, after which systemic long-term thinking is developed, which leads to an increase in the level of experience of a specialist and an increase in the implementation of his knowledge. All of the above factors in their totality form a value-semantic attitude towards competence, which accordingly increases or decreases with an increase or decrease in the constituent factors.
