Where is the highest temperature? What is the maximum possible temperature in the Universe?

Summer is coming to an end, and many regions of our country have once again remembered what heat is, because in some cities and regions the thermometer has more than once risen above the normal temperature mark. But in comparison with certain areas of our planet, even the highest temperature readings recorded in most cities simply pale into insignificance.

There are a number of places that are considered the hottest on our planet. Many of them are so remote and unbearable for life (for example, the Dashte-Lut desert) that even the operation of a weather station there is impossible. To get more accurate temperature data from different parts of the globe, NASA launched two satellites and has been monitoring the Earth's surface temperature for the past 12 years using a medium-resolution scanning spectroradiometer. Thus, scientists were able to obtain the missing data.

Most places have some similar features, such as the absence of any vegetation due to extremely low air humidity. In addition, all registered hot areas are located low above sea level, under the influence of direct sun rays. After getting acquainted with the temperature data, it is hard to believe that the existence of any life forms there is even possible. And although it is quite difficult to talk about the absolute leader, we can still highlight the 13 hottest places on our planet.

Dallol, Ethiopia

Dallol is a former mining settlement located in a volcanically active region called the Afar Basin in Ethiopia. Now Dallol is a ghost town. In the 60s of the 20th century, when the city was still inhabited, the highest average annual temperature on Earth - about 35°C.

Coober Pedy, Australia

The temperature here may not be as high as in other similar regions - it is unbearable enough to drive an entire city underground. Coober Pedy is a living city and is one of the centers for Opal mining, but from above you will only see how many buildings there are - the entire city has moved underground. This decision was made to escape the sweltering heat, which can reach 45°C in the shade, not to mention the regular sandstorms.

Al Azizia, Libya

Occupying a third of the Arabian Peninsula, the Rub al Khali desert is one of the most... large deserts in the world. Temperatures can reach 56 °C, and the average annual precipitation is 30 cm.

Death Valley, USA

Death Valley is widely known as one of the driest and hottest places on Earth. In July 1913, the highest temperature at that time was recorded here: 56.6 °C. Located in the Mojave Desert, Death Valley is the driest and hottest place in North America.

Fire Mountain, Tien Shan, China

This mountain range is located in the Taklamakan Desert and is part of the Tien Shan mountain range. This sandstone mountain range is known as the hottest point in China. The highest temperature recorded by a NASA satellite on the mountain range is 66.6 °C.

Queensland, Australia

Despite the fact that register exact temperature This region is not easy to live in due to its uneven population and is known for its hot climate, especially during periods of drought. So, in 2003, a NASA satellite recorded an incredibly high temperature there - 68.8 ° C.

Dasht-Lut, Iran

Stretching for more than 300 kilometers, the deserted and lifeless desert of Dasht-Lut turned out to be the hottest point globe. This sandy-salt desert is lifeless in the truest sense of the word - even bacteria cannot survive here. For all five years, while the NASA satellite studied the temperature background of our planet, it was here that the highest values ​​were recorded - 70.7 ° C.

The scorching heat generated by the grill in the restaurant... The same one humid heat, which comes after a summer downpour, making even just moving uncomfortable... The air inside the car when you left the windows closed because you were afraid that someone would steal something from it, enveloping you in the heat... Yes, it may seem like a very high temperature when you experience these phenomena for yourself, but you can find out what really high temperatures are in our list. At least these are the highest temperatures recorded.

Since Australia's most famous region is the Outback, many people assume that Australia is a vast desert wasteland. In fact, about 70 percent of Australia is either desert or semi-desert. IN last years Australia also recorded the hottest summer periods. However, the temperature reached its highest point more than 50 years ago, before people knew about the term “global warming” and, accordingly, there was not much noise about it. The temperature was recorded in the town of Oodnadatta in South Australia. Less than 300 people live in the town of Oodnadatta. Considering that record temperature was so high that it killed bed bugs in a few seconds, it is not surprising that the population is so small.

8. The highest temperature in Europe

Temperature: 48°C
Date: July 10, 1977

Europe as a whole is characterized by a temperate or cold climate. There are no vast deserts here and even southern countries there is the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, which keep their weather within reasonable limits. However, in Athens, Greece, temperatures reached an all-time high in the same year that marked the start of Europe's warming trend. Greece is a fairly moderate country, so it was quite unusual phenomenon. Less anomalous was an unconfirmed record in Seville, Spain. Here, on August 4, 1881, temperatures allegedly reached 50°C, which would put Europe virtually on par with Australia.

7. Highest temperature in South America

Temperature: 48.88°C
Date: December 11, 1905

Unlike Europe, we consider South America a hot spot. Extensive rain forests The Amazon seems the most likely candidate for the most hot spot. You might think that the hottest temperatures might be reached in the 105,000 square kilometer Atacama Desert, which is the driest place on the planet, but in fact the desert temperatures are quite moderate. As it turned out, the highest temperature was recorded in Rivadavia, a city in northern Argentina. Unfortunately, record high temperatures in South America one day did not greatly increase the influx of tourists to this city.

6. Highest temperature in Asia

Temperature: 53.7°C
Date: May 26, 2010

Before researching this topic, we would have thought that the highest temperature in Asia was most likely recorded in the Gobi Desert. But we would be wrong. No, temperatures were not recorded in either the West Indies or tropical Asia. And not even in the Iranian desert. The hottest city was Multan, the fifth largest city in Pakistan, which suffers frequent floods. Unlike most items on this list, this record was set very recently and during this period Pakistan suffered from a period extreme heat, from which several dozen people died.

Incidentally, Asia also recorded the highest surface temperature. The remaining regional items on the list relate to air temperature. The temperature of sand in the Dasht-Lut Desert was measured in 2005 and recorded as 70.7 °C. Chicken eggs begin to fry at about 70 °C, so this is where you could fry an egg on the ground.

5. The highest temperature in Africa

Temperature: 55°C
Date: July 7, 1931

There is a surprisingly fierce debate about the highest temperature ever recorded in this part of the world. Until April 2013, the record was held by El Aziza, small town near the capital of Libya, Tripoli. The record temperature was 57.77 °C, making it the highest temperature on the planet. But then, after 90 years at the top of the list, the methods used to measure this temperature were revised. As it turns out, the thermometer was located on the ground, so it was actually measuring surface temperature, as in the case of the desert in the previous paragraph, instead of air temperature. After the Meteorological Society recovered from the scandal, the highest temperature in Africa was lowered to the record set in Kebili, Tunisia. We hope that later it will not turn out that this record was also incorrectly measured!

4. Highest temperature in North America

Temperature: 56.6°C
Date: July 10, 1913

Finally, we have reached the highest temperature in the entire world. Surprisingly, the phenomenon was recorded in the United States of America, and not Canada. Moreover, it happened in Death Valley, Nevada. This area is famous for being well below sea level and most likely the driest area in all of North America. It's surprising that anyone was sent to check the temperature in those years, given that the weather here is so bad that it regularly approaches a mark that would break the current record. In fact, in 1913, at the time of the record, Death Valley was going through a heat wave that lasted 10 days, with temperatures exceeding 51 degrees each day. This was in the days when air conditioning was just experimental, so it's hard to imagine how people survived back then.

3. The highest temperature in the oceans

Temperature: 46.4°C
Date: 2005

All this talk of near-deadly heat makes you want to take a dip in the ocean. On the other hand, these temperatures are quite cool compared to some parts of the ocean. Admittedly, these are small, remote parts of the ocean, but they are there, so it's not worth the risk.

At a depth of three kilometers in the Atlantic Ocean along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, scientists have discovered volcanic craters that raise water temperatures to levels that science had never previously imagined. Since then, the water, heated to such an extent that it can melt lead, has been called Sisters Peak and the village of Two Boats and Sisters Peak. The water is so hot and under such pressure that instead of evaporating, it actually bubbles up. hot water, which is on the verge of evaporation.

2. Hottest natural temperature

Temperature: 55,555,537.77°C
Date: approximately 2000 BC

If you are wondering where or how on Earth the temperature could reach such a level, the answer is that, fortunately, this temperature was very far from Earth. In fact, it happened very far from solar system, even on a cosmic scale. The phenomenon occurred in a supernova, from the point of view of a person on Earth, in approximately a part of the sky known as the constellation Gemini. Supernova left behind a vast cloud of gas known as the Medusa Nebula. When it happened, the supernova reached a temperature 10,000 times the temperature of our Sun.

1. Highest man-made temperature

Temperature: 5,499,999,999,726.85°C
Date: August 13, 2012

Of course, these unimaginably high temperatures were short-lived and confined to a small space, but breaking such records definitely feels like a sprint rather than a marathon. At the famous Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, lead ions (that is, lead atoms where the number of protons and electrons are not the same) were used in atomic collision experiments. The resulting high temperature was caused by subatomic matter, quark-gluon plasma - what, according to theory, the Universe consisted of before Big Bang. The most important thing is that humanity has completely surpassed the highest concentration of heat that the natural Universe could create.

There are many records in the world. Like sports: who can jump the highest or run the fastest. Same with physical ones: who is taller, who has longer than an arm, legs. But not only people and animals set records. The weather also likes to set them. Not only such as the highest wave, the deadliest hurricane.

No less interesting are the records in weather, namely in temperature. It is customary to distinguish between the lowest and highest temperatures, and the average annual lowest and highest. It is difficult to select specific leaders in these indicators, as well as to compile a rating. This is due to the fact that the Earth can be divided into several sectors. And habitually low temperature in one sector will never be seen in another, with a warmer (tropical) climate.

It is customary to measure on the Celsius scale, recognized internationally. It is impossible to say exactly what the lowest temperature has ever been on Earth, since it was only in the twentieth century that this began to be closely monitored and the results recorded.

Antarctica - "Dome Fuji", -91.2 degrees

Information also appeared that in 2004, on August 3, in the area of ​​the Japanese Arctic station “Dome of Fuji” a new world temperature record was recorded - -91,2 . One of the reasons for setting a new temperature minimum is the location of the “Dome” at an altitude of 3786 meters above the waterline. It should also be noted that the average annual temperature in Antarctica is -60.2. This indicator rightfully reserves the title of the coldest place on Earth for Antarctica.

Leader in minimum temperature is Antarctica. This is the continent that is higher than others above sea level. It is completely covered with ice and has no vegetation. There are no temperature conditions above zero here. Considering everything climatic features Antarctica, it is worth noting that it rightfully holds the well-deserved title of the coldest place in the world. Antarctica belongs to no one. All results about its temperature indicators were provided by stations located on its territory. Antarctica is called the South Pole of Cold. The pole of cold is usually called the place marked by the coldest temperature.

The lowest officially confirmed temperature in Antarctica was recorded by the Russian Vostok station. The thermometer dropped that time up to -89.2. The record was recorded in 1983, on July 21. This was taken at an altitude of 3420 meters above sea level.

Asia - Verkhoyansk, temperature -67.8 degrees

In 1855, a temperature of about -67.8 degrees was recorded in this eastern part of Siberia. There is an official dispute, but the majority insists on giving the title of Pole of Cold to Verkhoyansk. There is non-documentary information in favor of Oymyakon that in 1924 a lower temperature was recorded in the settlement, amounting to -71.2 degrees Celsius. And in 1938 – -77.8 degrees Celsius.

The debate about a colder climate is still ongoing. An interesting fact is that Oymyakon claims to be both the North Pole of Cold and the World Pole. This is explained by the fact that the difference in location above sea level with the Arctic station “Vostok” is taken into account. Therefore, Oymyakon has the right to be called the global pole of cold. Representatives of the locality believe that this title should be distributed, taking into account not only the temperature, but also the location. Vostok station is located at an altitude of 3420 meters. Whereas Oymyakon is located at 741 meters.

In Oymyakon the temperature dropped once up to -67.7 degrees.It is worth noting that the lowest temperature indicators it is impossible to compete with Antarctica. But each continent has its own temperature records, which are not much worse South Pole cold. There is such a competitor in Asia, specifically in Russia. In the world it is called the North Pole of Cold - Oymyakon. This place is located at an altitude of 741 meters above the waterline.

Some believe that Oymyakon is the harshest place with temperatures below zero, having resident population. -67.7 – Oymyakon is considered to be the same indicator North Pole cold. the main problem The fact is that not only Oymyakon claims the honorary title of Pole of Cold. There is a lot of controversy on this topic. And many scientists consider Verkhoyansk to be the most cold spot Asia and the northern hemisphere.

Europe -Ust-Shchugor, temperature -58.1 degrees

The lowest temperature was once again recorded in Russia, but in its European part of Siberia. Ust-Shchugor is a small village on the territory of the Komi Republic. It is known only for its temperature records. -58.1 – exactly with this indicator locality managed to set the lowest temperature in Europe. This was done just in time New Year, December 31, 1978.

North America - Northais, temperature -66.1 degrees

The crowning glory was the Greenland Northais in 1954, January 9th. He entered the list of the lowest temperatures with a personal record of -66.1 degrees Celsius. 2345 meters above the waterline (Greenland Ice Sheet) - this is the height at which the record holder is located North America among temperatures below zero.

South America - Valle de los Patos Superior, temperature -39 degrees

Hot and strange Argentina pleased us with the cold. This happened in Valle de los Patos Superior, where the temperature dropped in 1972. The temperature reached -39 on July 17. As in previous cases, the altitude of the location played an important role - 2880 meters above sea level.

Australia - Charlotte Pass, temperature -23 degrees

The southern continent, at first glance so hot, has its snowy side. Charlotte Pass is the coldest area in Australia. Where in winter months The temperature may well be below zero. 1755 meters above sea level played a role. And they gave a record for Australia of -23 degrees. Which at first glance may not seem so cold. But only if you are not used to celebrating the New Year on the beach and in a swimsuit. Here is the one and only ski resort Australia.

Africa - Ifrane, temperature -23.9 degrees

Last on the list, but not last in importance. Even in Africa it can be cold - Ifrane, Morocco. In 1935, the city pleased with the temperature -23.9 degrees. Subsequently, due to the unusually cold climate for Africa, it was made into a ski resort.

What's the weather like? In principle, it is possible to live at +50°C and -50°C, and even in a greater range. Air conditioners, fans and jackets will help us with this. Well, someone, of course, will die and nothing can be done about it, because we don’t live in a terrarium.

What is the lowest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The lowest air temperature on Earth was recorded at the Soviet Antarctic Vostok station on July 21, 1983, when the platinum thermometer at the weather site showed -89.2°C. This is the lowest temperature in the entire history of meteorological observations.

The lowest temperature recorded in our country is -78°C. Incredible frost occurred in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River.

The lowest air temperature in inhabited areas of the planet was recorded in 1964 in Yakutia in the village of Oymyakon - -71.1°C. The entire interfluve of the upper reaches of the Yana and Indigirka rivers is considered to be the region of the cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the highest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The highest temperature on Earth recorded in Libya in 1922 is +57.8°C.

The highest soil temperature was recorded at Shurchi station in Uzbekistan. The temperature of irrigated light gray soils here reaches 79°C. At the Repetek station in Turkmenistan, the sand is heated to 77°C.

Which maximum temperature Can a person withstand outside air?

For a short time a person can be in dry air with very high temperature. A person can tolerate temperatures of 160°C. This was proven by English physicists Blagden and Chantry, who conducted an experiment on themselves. A person can tolerate a temperature of 104°C for 26 minutes, 93°C for 33 minutes, 82°C for 49 minutes, and 71°C for 1 hour; This was established during experiments with healthy human volunteers.

What is the minimum outdoor temperature that a person can withstand?

It depends on the state of his health and clothing, but most importantly - on the speed of the wind. In Yakutia in winter, people spend hours in the cold, with air temperatures below -50°C, but they are dressed appropriately, and in the conditions of the central part of the Siberian anticyclone there is usually no wind. In Antarctica, winterers from continental stations are also happy long time you have to be outside, but there very coldy often accompanied strong wind. Therefore, warm, windproof clothing is not enough there, and people are forced to wear a mask or cover their faces with the hood of a fur jacket (“parkas”). The staff of research stations in the Arctic and Antarctic, who are forced to regularly be outdoors due to the nature of their work, sometimes use electrically heated clothing, which weighs less than ordinary warm clothing, is less bulky, and less restricts movement. Minimum temperature, at which people spent a short time in the air, is -88°C.

And two more facts

The maximum temperature of solid objects with which people can come into contact for a long time is about 50 degrees Celsius (at a higher temperature a burn occurs).

At a constant body temperature of more than 42°C, a person dies.
