Why do you dream about going down a mountain in a dream? I dreamed of going down a steep mountain in a dream

Do you believe in prophetic dreams? Even if you don’t believe it, you should still remember what came to you in the form of dreams at night. Such images are transmitted by the subconscious, and you just need to listen to it. But a person is not always able to understand his own way down the stairs? The interpretation will depend on the location of the structure and its appearance.

Staircase at the entrance

Images of things and objects that you see every day can haunt you at night. But one should not assume that these are just memories. For example, you can see the stairs in the entrance. Why do you dream of going down familiar steps? A person who sees such dreams is in a difficult life situation. Consciousness changes, goals and interests change. The person must understand that all the circumstances that happen to her will lead to the best, although in a dream this can be difficult to believe.

Why dream of going down the stairs that you know well? This image should be interpreted as a change in thinking. Perhaps you have recently reconsidered or are just about to reconsider your views on things. Don't be afraid of these changes, they are quite natural.

Descent with a man

In night dreams, a girl can go down the stairs with a man. Why do you have such a dream? The downward trajectory of movement should alert the dreamer. Such images are conveyed by the subconscious to those ladies who are too demanding of their gentlemen. Take a closer look at yourself and your behavior with your lover. Perhaps you find fault with everything all the time? appearance young man or you don’t like that he talks loudly or doesn’t wash his dirty plate. Understand that all people were raised to different conditions. What is normal for you may not be normal for a young person. Relax and enjoy the conversation.

Let's say you were just about to go down the stairs with a guy. Why do you dream similar dream? Relationships with a man are in limbo. It only takes one step to destroy everything. Be attentive and courteous if you want to keep your loved one.

Descent to the basement

Such a vision can frighten a person. But in reality, everything is not so scary. Be happy if in a dream you go down the stairs in such a familiar life episode? In the subconscious, the basement is storage. If you keep your way in dark room, which means your consciousness turns to past experiences that should be applied in the present. Don't worry if your imaginary basement is dark and cold. The past always appears to a person in dark colors. Having seen such a dream, think about what situation needs an urgent solution. And when the problem is found, try to solve it, relying on the experience you already have. Using a proven and working approach can get rid of the problem quickly and permanently.

Descent and ascent

It may take more than one day to decipher the images. And sometimes understanding the meaning of a dream is very simple. In a dream, you can first go down the stairs and then go up. Why do you dream about such a path? Changes are happening in your life or will begin to happen soon. The subconscious mind warns you that you have nothing to worry about. You will be able to successfully cope with all circumstances and easily adapt to any conditions. If you overcome obstacles in the form of steps in a dream easily and quickly, it means changes in real life you won't be affected. Changes may not affect you personally. For example, the staff at your workplace will be disbanded, but you will know for sure that you will remain in your place.

Descent into Infinity

Man rarely realizes his degradation. Once you start going down the social ladder, it is difficult to stop. The way down is too easy and fast. You may not notice that you are deteriorating. But the subconscious will definitely notice this. It is at that moment when you dream of descending into infinity that you should think about where you are now and where you are heading. Reconsider your views on the world, take a closer look at your habits. If you are really ruining yourself, then change the situation. Give it up bad habits and start improving yourself. If you hear from others that you are changing in better side, then, continue in the same spirit to go in the chosen direction. A person should always know where he is going.

Descent with a dog

Animals can accompany a person in a dream. Always pay attention to the images you see. Why do you dream of going down the stairs with your dog? This kind of knowledge foretells you a meeting with best friends. But how does the subconscious realize that loved ones will visit you soon? Perhaps a month ago a friend told you that she would arrive on the 20th. But you forgot about it, getting caught up in your daily routine. Information about nice meeting passed into the subconscious. After a while, a reminder may emerge from the recesses of memory. Such a reminder is by no means uncommon. Human memory can work wonders if you know how to use it correctly. Therefore, when you see a dog walking down the stairs, remember which of your friends intended to come visit or invited you for a walk.

Sticky steps

Do you have a wonderful life? Then why do you have to go down the stairs in your dreams? Why dream of going down, especially on sticky steps? A similar phenomenon often haunts lucky people. If your life is like a fairy tale, then expect envious people to appear in it, whose goal will be to create trouble for you. Why do people need this? It is much easier to ruin someone's life than to take responsibility for your destiny and make positive changes to it. Some people enjoy watching someone else's fairytale fall apart. What they see makes them understand that have a wonderful life It's not even worth trying. Therefore, if you see sticky steps in a dream, expect trouble. But don't sit with folded hands, take action. You have to fight for happiness. Therefore, you have to confront a horde of enemies and gossips.

Descent with load

You won't always walk up the stairs empty-handed. If you are going down loaded, for example, carrying some boxes, then keep in mind that in your new life you want to pick up old problems. You shouldn’t expect positive changes from such changes; they simply won’t happen. You need to change completely, not partially. The restructuring of consciousness takes time, but you should not cling to outdated and ineffective moral principles that your mother imposed on you.

The subconscious, which forces you to carry a heavy burden, signals that it is time to think. Perhaps you are taking on too much responsibility where you shouldn't. Or you may be burdened with work that could have been delegated.

Slow descent

What were you doing in your dreams last night? Maybe they were planning to go down the stairs with such a dream? The subconscious mind says that not everything is in order in your personal life. Carefully analyze your relationships. You can understand your partner perfectly and support him in everything, but at the same time you can be very jealous of your other half towards people of the opposite sex. This feeling comes to people who are unsure of themselves. A person who is very afraid of losing his soulmate destroys everything with his own hands. Constant control, mistrust and daily interrogations quickly spoil relationships. If in a dream you slowly walked down the stairs, it means that in reality you should become more confident in yourself.


Some people have calm and measured dreams, while others have dynamic dreams. Psychologists say that if a person is active in his dreams and daydreams, it means that in his reality there are not enough events and physical activity. But still, sometimes dreams are a complete projection of the present. For example, you may imagine a scenario in which you are running away from a maniac down the stairs. Such an action is not uncommon for a person who has actually faced serious life changes. His emotions are off the charts, so he finds emotional release in dynamic, albeit not entirely sweet dreams. Don't worry about the scary figure that might be chasing you. Changes, even positive ones, cause fear in a person. Such chases are often dreamed of by schoolchildren who, at the end of 9th or 11th grade, choose their life path.

Descending the ladder

In a dream, did you fly on an airplane, but did you pay attention not to the flight itself, but to the end of the dream? The most memorable part of the night vision was the part where you had to go down the stairs? Why do you dream? You should be wary of bankruptcy. A person who climbs down a rickety staircase in a dream could have made some ill-considered financial investment in the present. Perhaps the person made a large short-term investment that promised high interest. Financial disappointments will haunt you until you grow up and understand that you need to earn money with your own mind, and not try to get rich through the work of others. There is no need to look for treasure. Easy money does not bring any pleasure to a person. Many people who quickly received millions at their disposal found themselves in deep debt a few years later.

Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and development of one’s personality are only a small part of the opportunities that the world of lucid dreaming can provide. The ability to control your dreams is available to everyone, you just have to want it and find a path connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious.

Science beyond reality: discoveries made in dreams

The progress of mankind took place not only in stuffy scientific laboratories, but also outside of consciousness. Dozens of discoveries were made in a dream, and the most sensational of them became the heroes of this article.

How are external stimuli reflected in our dreams?

The human brain is a unique link in the human subconscious. Scientists still say that the brain is an unsolved mystery. The secret of the relationship between the subconscious and conscious links is revealed in the reflections of dreams, which clearly demonstrate the connection between external stimuli and a person who has entered the sleep stage. This is an amazing mechanism that has attracted, attracts and will always attract the attention of an inquisitive person.

Why do you dream about going down?

Descending in a modern dream book

A dream in which you are hastily going down may mean that, due to circumstances, you will sacrifice your principles. Going down the stairs is a harbinger of losses and decline in activity; in the elevator - to failures that will affect your entire life. Descending from the throne in a dream means that a difficult period has come in reality, and you can’t count on the best yet, everything will only get more complicated for some time.

Going down in Miller's dream book

Descending from the throne means that in reality you are destined for great disappointments. If you went down to the cellar with barrels and bottles of wine, the dream promises unusually good emotions. Going down the chimney means a dream of sadness. The elevator from which you came down is descending - the dream warns that the real deal will not go according to plan, there will be interference. You go down in the elevator yourself - you will be struck by a stream of failures. Going down the steps - the dream foreshadows bad luck both in business and in love; to see others descending - you will be overshadowed by troubles, not a trace will remain of your former joy. Going down a hill on horseback means unfortunate circumstances.

Descend in Vanga's dream book

If you descended from the tower in one jump, without crashing - the dream predicts that you will make a vital decision, all the consequences of which will depend on you. If water descends on you in a dream, this is an omen of influence higher powers on your fate, nothing will depend on you. By harmoniously merging with the sent forces, you will gain great glory and high position.

Descend in Freud's dream book

If you go down into a mine, the dream means that, in all likelihood, you will have to abstain from sex for some time due to the lack of a partner. The staircase symbolizes life itself. If you go down it quickly, the dream speaks of your demanding nature, you have big complaints about your partner or too strict conditions when choosing him. Going down a ladder in a dream is evidence that you are oversatiated with sex and need a break. Give yourself a few days of rest and solitude, and then invite your partner to a tete-a-tete dinner, it will be a holiday for both, and you will return the fullness of feelings from love. The dream in which you are walking down a hill is intended to focus your attention on what you have. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a hidden resource. Your partner is not as simple as you think, you will spend a lot of happy time with him, you will not be bored. A dream in which you are going down an escalator demonstrates your inflated ego. You think that being in bed with you is already a pleasure, and if one orgasm is achieved, then this is the height of happiness and you can relax. But in sex it is important that every action is confirmed by even more significant steps.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Going down quickly in a dream means that you may compromise your principles.

Seeing going down in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Going down quickly in a dream means that you may compromise your principles. Stairs, rock, steps.

What does a dream about Steps mean, going down?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Damage, humiliation, failure in official affairs and unrequited love.

Why do you dream of Down?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Going down somewhere in a dream means you will have to change your views on some things. To see people descending - be doubly careful for the next day or two. Riding on a train that is rushing downhill is a prediction of many works that will cause you anxiety. Ride a bike...

Dream - Down - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Going down - you will have to change your opinion about the actions of loved ones. See those descending - be careful. Going underground - it's time to remember your parents and give them a couple of days off. To see birds diving down - suddenly you will achieve power. ...

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Down?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Go down the stairs. Some failures in career matters.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Down?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Going down - you will have to change your opinion about the actions of loved ones. See those descending - be careful. Going underground - it's time to remember your parents and give them a couple of days off. To see birds diving down - suddenly you will achieve power. ...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Descending?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Going down a hill, stairs, an elevator, an escalator - all this symbolizes the search for a solid point of support. Descent into the cave is an appeal to the unconscious, where past experiences are stored that will help solve problems. Descents mean temporary setbacks that will help you do the right things...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Elevator?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Stairs?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a staircase and walking up it is a danger, clouding of reason. Walking down the stairs is bad luck. Walking endlessly up and down the stairs is a temporary clouding of consciousness. The staircase is a dream symbol of the spinal cord. Climb up an endless staircase and experience...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Elevator?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes the desire to rise in life, improve your status. But unlike the stairs, the elevator tells you that you're not putting in enough effort to grow. Riding the elevator up means there will be success, but not soon. Going down means a decline in business. Get stuck in...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Steps?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you climb stairs in a dream, it means good luck and great happiness await you. If you fall down the stairs, people will envy you. Going down the steps means unhappy love. Sitting on the steps of the stairs is a happy omen.

How to interpret the dream “Horse, horse”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, it promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting loved ones. If you notice that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy are possible on the part of those who...

How to interpret the dream “Steps”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dream that you are climbing steps, good luck and great happiness await you. If you fall down the stairs in a dream, you will become the object of someone's envy and hatred. Going down the stairs means failure in official affairs...

How to interpret the dream “Fireplace, chimney”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Fireplaces or chimneys dream of trouble. After such a dream, some kind of unexpected event or news that can ruin your mood. You may receive an illness message too quickly. Going down the chimney promises sadness. Seeing a fireplace overgrown with ivy or...

I had a dream “Staircase”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Fortunately, wealth. A broken staircase means losses or worries. To see and walk on many stairs - beware of clouding your mind. Climbing the stairs means profit and success in business, getting a promotion due to hard work. Go down…

Stairs - we go down and up them, some are lucky enough to do it on their own, while others obliviously wait for the help of others. Sometimes we climb them, and sometimes we happily run up, jumping through three steps to success. Why we dream of going down the stairs, we find out in proven dream books.

The staircase in a dream is attributed to the image of a kind of thread connecting the top and bottom. Climbing the stairs is associated with events that allow you to go beyond the boundaries of your universe. This is the path to perfection, spiritual and physical growth, to the formation of a full-fledged self-sufficient personality.

In many myths, a ladder is a connection between the vertical levels of the universe; along it you can climb from earth to heaven or get to the underworld. In one of the legends, angels moved along the steps, if up - their function was contemplative, down - active.

For the dreamer, going down the stairs means not being a dreamy person, but being content with what is here and now. It is important for such a person to live in the present day and solve pressing problems in a timely manner. They do not dream of a dizzying career or untold riches. These are practical, modest and very reserved people.

I dreamed about such a plot successful businessman- get ready for difficulties. This reflects a decline in your career, poor health, weak energy and general impotence. Falling down the stairs means suffering a complete collapse, plunging into despair and depression.

For a creative person to go down several steps in a dream means to pay with his dizzying success due to excessive stardom and vanity. Lack of demand will pacify tempers, give you the opportunity to think and discover new facets of talent.

For a young girl in a white dress to stop on the stairs, holding on to the railing, is to be disappointed in her loved one the day before important event. Now more than ever you need the support and attention of close relatives. Such a dream could be a sign of warning. Sometimes, to find your happiness, you need to turn away from what seems the right way and change strategy.

Descending into darkness in a dream means being in a state of uncertainty and confusion. Perhaps some event shocked and wounded the soul. Now you are in search and knowledge of yourself. Raise your head and go up, falling and stumbling, - try to eliminate all life obstacles on the path of your own realization. It must be remembered that many frightening obstacles are distorted images and stereotypes languishing in the head and blocking forward movement.

I dreamed about it spiral staircase with a steep descent down, but it doesn’t scare you - good sign. You are full of energy, strength and health. A series of problems and difficulties will not stop you, because there are specific plan dramatic changes. Fortune loves such individuals and will definitely give you unexpected prospects and chances to reveal their talents.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Going down the stairs in a dream is a symbol of approaching harmony and monogamy in sexual relationships. For a girl to see a man approaching from above is a sign of a future meeting with her lover. Do not reject or turn away from someone who seems, at first glance, to be an inexperienced young man. He hides a brutal and sexy partner who will not disappoint you at all in bed.

Running up the steps with a man, keeping up with him, means you have inflated claims to opposite sex. Such pickiness can lead to sexual starvation and complete loneliness.

Descending, falling means in reality losing something due to uncontrollable love and passion. This loss will affect the moral side of your soul rather than financial well-being. For a man to rush downstairs from someone else’s bedroom - to shame and censure of his own reckless and immoral behavior. Your frivolity and excessive sexual activity can play a cruel joke, leading to impotence and impotence.

For a young lady to go with a stranger - to the first intimate relationship with her lover. To be afraid to look down when descending means to worry about unwanted pregnancy. To be at the same time wedding dress- to a marriage proposal from someone to whom they were cold and indifferent.


The interpreter predicts unfavorable changes for those who went down the stairs in a dream. The cause of negative events in the dreamer’s life may be own behavior, moral principles, bad habits and addictions. Walking with a child means setting a bad example or raising a child incorrectly.

Stop and sit on a step - repent and admit the mistakes of the past. Such a dream brings a person hope for the revival of the former happy life, restoration of health and morale. To raise your head and see the light means in reality to enlist the support of loved ones, relatives, those who are not indifferent to your fate and who are responsible for your future.

David Loff

Represents a ladder with a platform or some kind of platform on the way to achieving material and spiritual values. The wider, more spacious and brighter the staircase, the greater the chances of achieving the desired result.

Shaky, creaky steps and railings, darkness with small gaps in a dream - this is the personification of the vicissitudes of life that the sleeper will encounter. The lot of the majority is to climb, fall, get up and get back up again, making great efforts. This is the only way to achieve pleasure from your own perfection.

Gustov Miller

The staircase structure is associated with an intermediary who facilitates the path to success. If you dreamed about climbing, this promises fame, recognition, success and wealth. Your career will be very dizzying and fast if you see yourself jumping three steps up.

If you feel lightness and unbroken breathing, it means you are a very resilient, persistent, hardworking and purposeful person who is ready to work around the clock to realize your own idea and make a decent profit.

To stumble or fall means that in reality you will overestimate your strengths and capabilities. A dream can be a sign that you should stop, gain more strength, and analyze the experiences of others.

To quickly descend and rise in dreams - in reality, learn to quickly respond to external changes and adapt to life's challenges. Finding yourself in a downward or upward dilemma means facing a choice between material well-being and sincere, tender feelings.

Author's notes

Did you dream that you were going down a mountain, and did it hesitantly in your dream? That’s right: both in a dream and in real life, in such a situation you need help, some kind of support that will serve as the reliability of your position in life. Anyone can lend their shoulder, just look around and ask for help. What is the significance of going down in Miller’s popular Dream Book?

Descent from steep mountain portends the most incredible rotations. If it went well and did not cause you any worries, then you should expect a happy completion of a complex transaction. Otherwise, you risk losing your support and falling face first into the dirt.

If the road down leads to a cave, then in this way you are trying to look inside yourself, remember something important that can help in a specific situation. The subconscious forces you to look for an already proven option.

In the book of Simon the Canaanite, attention is focused on such a nuance as the number of people descending at the same time. If you make the descent alone, then in life your beliefs are incomprehensible to many. Seeing a group of people at a gathering snowy mountain entails various troubles.

The Wanderer's Dream Book comments on the deterioration of the dreamer's affairs associated with such a vision. And the lower the descent, the worse the situation is. It is important to pay attention to whether someone is waiting for you below. If such a person exists, then in life you need to count on someone’s help.

An important detail may be the surface on which you walk. If you slide on the snow, the unpleasant situation will quickly be corrected. But if you walk down the mountain through mud and get stuck, it will take a lot of time to establish a normal life.

It will not lead to success in business or love if you experience fear when climbing a steep slope and leave this venture halfway, rushing into reverse side. But when the situation turns out exactly the opposite, and instead of descending you begin a sharp ascent, it means that you will become wiser and rise even higher in the eyes of others. The completeness of the action is also important here. If the convergence is completed and you have safely reached the ground, then your troubles in life will very soon be resolved with a positive ending.

Explanations from other sources

Psychologists say that similar visions talk about the dreamer's low self-esteem. The sad truth is that to achieve well-being, you need to listen to your dreams. It is also noted that the picture may not concern the present and future at all; it, like a reflection of past events, continues to disturb you. Perhaps during the descent you are exhausted and unable to move. This is a dead end in your personal life or the implementation of your plans
the project makes itself felt.

Often a high point signifies your achievements, and a descent from it means that you are starting to lose ground, experiencing failures in business, confused and in need of help. If at the same time you begin to fall altogether, then the end of such a dream may be a sudden illness.

The picture may not be accompanied by a descent on foot, but, for example, by car. This suggests that you are forcing events and can no longer control the situation. Very soon troubles will make themselves felt.

If you dreamed that you were racing a bicycle down a mountain as a child, then pay attention to your relationships with your loved ones. Perhaps you missed something, and now is the time to slow down the conflict that may develop in the family.

Descending from a mountain in a dream has another meaning. Your other self advises caution. First of all, this will concern business, since the dreamer’s exaggerated ambitions can greatly harm him. If you go down a mountain with an enemy in a dream, it means that all misunderstandings will soon be resolved.

As you can see, there is not much positive in the meaning of this plot of your dreams. All of them are associated with a precarious state. But overcoming difficulties turns out to be much easier than in a number of other situations with a specific action in a dream.

In conclusion, every dream can be interpreted differently. Due to the omission of many nuances, we often incorrectly interpret the content of dreams, what our consciousness tells us. Therefore, in order to unravel the mystery of dreams, you should reproduce the dream picture as accurately as possible. Many authors even advise writing down snippets of a dream after waking up to clarify its details.
