Which network marketing company is best? Job search: choosing the ideal company.

Despite the difficult economic situation, it is much easier to find a decent job in Moscow than in any other city in our country. Therefore, many citizens go to the capital to get the income they need to live. In this article we will talk about where to go to work during the 2018 crisis in Moscow and how to find a good promising vacancy.

Where to look for work?

In order to find, you can use different sources:

  • Internet;
  • Labor exchanges.

IN Lately Many citizens of our country are looking for work on the Internet. On the Internet you can find many offers from different companies and organizations. Therefore, if you have not yet decided where it is better to go to work in Moscow, try looking for a suitable option on specialized employment sites. Prepare your resume and keep a close eye on new vacancies. As soon as a suitable offer appears, immediately call the employer and arrange an interview with him.

If you find several vacancies, do not rush to apply for a job on the first offer. Maybe you can choose a more attractive job with high salary And good conditions. But, at the same time, you should not get too carried away with the search, as this may negatively affect your reputation.

You can get the answer to the question of where to go to work in 2018 at the employment center. The main problem is that labor exchanges offer vacancies that most often do not meet the requirements of applicants. Therefore, if you want to find a good, well-paid job, rely on yourself.

Work without experience

According to the results of recent sociological surveys conducted in the capital, many potential employers We are ready to hire employees without work experience. They can offer you special testing developed by company specialists. If you are looking for where to go to work in Moscow without experience, believe in yourself and start looking for available vacancies. Attend interviews, confidently answer all questions and you will definitely succeed.

The easiest option for men who do not have any specialty is general laborers at construction sites, wholesale warehouses and various warehouses. Such professions are not very attractive to people, especially young people, but at the same time they guarantee a decent, stable salary. If you are not afraid of hard physical work, you can get a job, for example, at a large construction site. During the crisis, people, as in a stable economic environment, continue to build and renovate houses, so you can find a vacancy in this area at any time.

Catering establishments

If you're looking for a place to work without a degree, try getting a job as a bartender or waiter in a cafe. There are many different establishments in the capital where you can have a snack and a cup of coffee, so finding such a job will most likely not have any problems.

Of course, many coffee shops operate at a frantic pace, so you will have to work hard to earn money. But there are also advantages. Some companies offer their employees official registration And full social package. TO to the same in many prestigious institutions, staff undergo free education at advanced training courses. Sometimes bartenders are sent abroad so that they can exchange experiences with their colleagues from other countries.


This is a huge field of activity in which any person who is looking for where to go to work during the 2018 crisis can choose a suitable option. Most often, applicants are not required to have experience or any special knowledge. Salaries for sales workers are average, but many citizens of our country are quite happy with it.

There is also the other side of the coin. Some companies have too much staff turnover, and these can be both small and large companies retail chains. Almost everyone knows about this, but, no matter what, they go to work in trade. Your best bet is to find a job in a grocery store, supermarket, or pharmacy.

Government agencies

If you are not afraid of a small government salary, you can get a job in kindergarten, school or any other social institution. This is an ideal option for specialists who are interested in where they can go to work with education. Many young people who have recently graduated from university are attracted by stability, legal security, and all kinds of guarantees.

But some experts believe that not everything is so optimistic in this area. In their opinion, yesterday’s graduates most often get jobs in government agencies. Basically, they find their way into government agencies through labor exchanges or find employment on their own in order to gain experience. Besides, in government institutions There are many employees who are over forty. These are people who cannot get a job commercial organizations due to age restrictions, so government agencies are the only way out of the situation for them.

Jobs for girls

As you know, it is much easier for men to find work than for women. Employers doubt whether the fairer sex has enough strength for intense active work, so they most often give preference to men. In addition, a woman may not be able to cope with stress or go on maternity leave.

Let's try to figure out where a girl can go to work in the capital? In principle, any profession is suitable for women - lawyer, doctor, computer engineer, etc. Some girls easily master even typical male professions. It is much easier to get the job you want if you have some professional skills.

If you don't have special education, you can use one of three methods:

  1. Take training courses to master a certain specialty;
  2. Try to get a job in a profession that does not require any special skills;
  3. Make useful contacts with people who can help you find a job.

The most popular professions for girls are secretaries, managers, accountants, sales representatives and lawyers.

Employment for youth

Young people don't have to worry about where to go to work in Moscow. Many companies are happy to hire young people with on-the-job training.

Without work experience you can take the following positions:

  • Shop assistant;
  • Cashier;
  • Telephone operator;
  • Manager.

If a young man manifests himself with the best side, the company management will definitely pay attention to it, which means that broad prospects will open up for the employee career growth.

Many young people who come to Moscow for the first time to earn at least some money get jobs as promoters. They hand out promotional items in busy areas. Each employee must distribute a certain number of leaflets per day. Sometimes promoters wear special suits to attract people's attention. In the center of the capital, there are often walking hamburgers or hot dogs that invite hungry passers-by to visit a specific establishment.

Another common option where to go to work without experience is in a courier service. Almost every company needs such employees. If you don’t want to travel all over Moscow every day, you can find a job as a district courier. In this case, you will deliver within a specific area.


If you can’t find where you can go to work in Moscow, try becoming an employer yourself. Of course, not every person has an entrepreneurial spirit, but if you still have it, you can organize your own business.

This option is perfect for citizens who are wondering. If you don’t have start-up capital, you can take out a loan from a bank or try to get a free financial assistance from the state. The most important thing is to choose the right direction of activity. In Moscow, almost all niches in the market are occupied by experienced entrepreneurs, so if you decide to open your own business, you need to be prepared for fierce competition.

Free profession

For many residents of the capital who are interested, an alternative option may be to make money on the Internet. If you want to work from home, think about what you enjoy doing and then carefully explore all the possibilities. The most important thing is your desire, and there will always be work.

How to find a job in Moscow? Without experience. No connections.

People who have certain skills or knowledge in programming, design, or self-education can become freelancers. This is where in the work chain there are only the performer and the customer who hires him to perform a certain job. You can start writing texts, translating or developing program codes. The more tasks a freelancer completes, the higher his rating. Along with the rating, client confidence grows, as does the specialist’s remuneration. If you cannot find a suitable option, choose a freelance profession.

  • If you want to take a good vacancy, you need to first inquire. Be clear about what salary you want to receive and what position you are applying for. In addition, you should note in your resume where you previously worked, had an internship, or attended additional courses. Focus employers' attention on your personal qualities and capabilities;
  • During the interview, you may be asked questions that relate to your professional skills. To pass such a test with dignity, collect as much information as possible about the chosen position and prepare approximate answers;
  • Before the interview, carefully study all the employer's requirements for the applicant. If you have any questions about work, it is better to ask them by phone;
  • To get a well-paid job, you need to have a Moscow residence permit. In principle, registration in the Moscow region will do. If you do not have the opportunity to register in the capital or region, try to resolve this issue at an interview.
  • (32 voted. Rating: 4.75 out of 5)

All companies are good! Choose any!

or how choose a network company

One of the current topics in network marketing is the problem of choosing a company with which to cooperate! It’s not for nothing that I chose the title of this article “All companies are good! Choose any!" This makes some sense.

Indeed, in any network company you can build a business and earn money! But how can we make our business successful, promising, reliable and needed by other people? Of course, this depends, first of all, on ourselves and on our actions. But this may also depend on the right choice companies.

There are many different criteria for choosing a network company. I’ll focus on the main ones that I took into account when I began choosing which company to go to!

Production of the company

The first and most basic criterion for a network company is the availability of products or services. If you only get money for inviting people, and the company does not have a product that is valuable, avoid such a company!!! Most likely, this is a financial pyramid! Beware of such companies!

Any MLM company always has a product and money is paid only if the product is promoted, that is, from turnover!

What should the product be?

- High-quality and environmentally friendly product! Of course, the product must be of high quality, otherwise it will not be promoted, people will not want to purchase it again and recommend it to others. Therefore, the idea of ​​multi-level marketing will not work. After all, the main principles of MLM are personal consumption and recommendations.

- Affordable prices! The issue of product prices is very important. The product must be affordable for the majority of the population of the region or country where you are going to work. Ask yourself: “Would I buy this product or service for myself? retail price, if you weren’t a distributor of this company?” If the answer is “No,” then why do you think others will buy?

- The product must be consumable! Ideally, the product should have a short period of use (1 - 6 months), when it runs out, the person will order again. If the product has long term use (for example, dishes - 5, 10, or even 30 years!), then you will have to constantly search and search new clients, and we are all lazy by nature, it’s easier to work with several regular customers, acquaintances and friends! Ideal consumable products include cosmetics, perfumes, hygiene products, household goods, and health products.

- A wide range of. The products should be in obvious demand (it’s unlikely that they will buy felt boots from you in Egypt! J ). Again, these are cosmetics, toothpastes, household goods, health products. And it is desirable that the company has a wide range of products. From which everyone can choose something suitable for themselves. The more often a company releases new products and new catalogues, the better for your business. Of course, I have nothing against companies with one or two unique products, there are people who achieve success there too, but I would not cooperate with such a company.

Company reliability

There are two sides of the same coin here. Which one to choose is up to you! Reliable or “dark horse”?

The determining criterion for the reliability of a company is the time it has been in operation and the legality of the company in the country where you are going to work. If the company works long time, then this indicates stability - it reduces the risk of ending up in a fly-by-night company, since more than 90% of all new MLM companies break up in the first 3-4 years. A company that has been operating for at least 5 years can be considered reliable. Some believe that it is difficult to make money in such companies, since many already know the company and, perhaps, are its distributors. But this is a wrong opinion! Since new people are constantly being born, some come, some leave, some remain unemployed, some retire, and more. earnings! The fame of such a company very often plays into your hands. Clients and those wishing to become a consultant are looking for you themselves; people are not scared when you hear the name of your company and do not ask unnecessary questions about the product, since they may have tried it before! Work becomes easier.

And there is another possibility! Some people are attracted to start-up companies because many want to be among the first. Of course there is more possibilities“conquer” new cities and regions, and perhaps make money quickly. But there is always a risk, since the company has not yet been tested by time. In addition, people don’t know this company, people don’t know these products, and they don’t always trust them!

Which one to choose? It's up to you to decide!

I am a supporter of the "Golden Mean". I am collaborating with a company that is still relatively young and has great prospects, but has already established itself as a reliable partner. The company is 5 years old, operating legally in Russia.

Conditions for joining the company

Another important point that you should pay attention to. This is the absence or presence of a fee for registration of a distribution agreement, the cost of the starter package, the initial purchase, etc. The lower this cost, the more attractive the company becomes for creating a personal group for recruiting newcomers. You should be wary of a company that tries to overload newcomers with a significant amount of product in advance or requires a large financial contribution. If it is actually just a fee for membership, then be careful, it could be a pyramid scheme.

Many online companies provide a small entry fee that is affordable to almost everyone. If these are exorbitant amounts, think carefully: will everyone be able to pay them?

Company marketing plan

The marketing plan gives the answer to how much I will earn, and what is needed for this c do. I'm not advocating choosing one in particular. Take a good look at the marketing plan, analyze all the pros and cons and make a decision!

Regarding the marketing plan, Randy Gage in his book “How to Build a Multi-Level Money Machine” gives a complete breakdown of all the options for marketing schemes that exist today and their combinations. And then he cites statistics that in 99% of cases in the world history of network marketing, the greatest success was achieved by companies that used only one marketing scheme out of all possible options. This scheme is called “breakaway” - a step-by-step marketing plan with separation of leaders or a classic marketing plan. Personally, I work with a company that has a marketing plan of this type.

Consultant training and information system

If you are new to MLM, then this should be one of the defining criteria for you.

A lot can depend on how the system of preparation, training, information and motivation of distributors is organized in the company. Having a step-by-step system for training and business development will allow you and your partners to move up the career ladder very quickly.

Great importance here the company has the necessary advertising and educational materials in the form of catalogs, leaflets, books, audio and video discs, presentations, the company’s official website on the Internet, etc., which are integral tools of the modern MLM business.

Product delivery system

How will your company's products be delivered to new consultants? Very important question for everyone who is going to seriously engage in this business and will certainly be faced with the delivery of products, which is especially important when “opening” new cities and regions. If there is no company office in your locality, then many newcomers do not start cooperation with the company because they do not know how to deliver the product. There are many companies that will take care of this for you. Choose a company that has clearly established delivery to any regions of Russia (if you live in Russia) or another country. First of all, this will make your work easier and you won’t have a headache about delivery.

Possibility of working via the Internet

Now MLM is thriving on the Internet! Despite this, there are network companies that prohibit their distributors from working through the World Wide Web and posting any information about products and companies. A those who violated this ban They are severely punished, even kicked out of the company, deprived of all well-deserved titles and regalia. Before joining a company, if you want to promote your business on the Internet, find out if your company prohibits it!

This, of course, is not everything, but the main criteria for choosing an MLM company.

Based on them, I chose your company. I will be glad if this information is useful to you.

March 2010

Edelstar is the strongest! Edelstar is our great success!

Having been involved in network marketing for many years, I constantly come across some, to put it mildly, “butt fights” between representatives of different companies who are foaming at the mouth trying to prove that their network marketing company is better, and it is in their company that you can “ earn all the money in the world!

As arguments why you should register with their company, you can hear:

  • we have a new unique product, people themselves ask us to sell it to them;
  • our company is young, and the market is still open for it, there is an opportunity to be the first and stand at its origins;
  • We have the most favorable compensation plan, because... pay 0.0001% more;)
  • with us... with us... in general, if the arguments run out, then something from the series begins: “we have it better, because... yours is worse! In a year you reached the income level of $1000??? - Ha-ha-ha!!! A shame! With us you would get twice, or even three times more!” etc.

And what happens: people go to one, another, a third company, or register with several at once. Is the situation familiar? And if you recognize yourself, then I want to convey to you only one thought:

You will never earn two or three times more if you work in two or three network companies!!!

Want to argue? “It’s not worth wasting time on this, neither mine nor yours.” Better use it to your advantage - make a few calls and set up a couple of meetings. I'm simply saying that:

Proof of this is the TOP leaders who are present in every network marketing company. Who show by their example that everything is real.

So why do people “run” from one company to another if they can earn money in their own? Where do these “cheap arguments” come from in favor of their unique company, where the payouts are higher and it’s easier to earn money? Why do some distributors register with several companies at once? — Earn more money? So practice shows the opposite. What is the reason?

The reason for writing this post was a statement from a consultant who is on my 4th line. He said something like this: “I’m interested in the network marketing industry, but I think it’s too late to start anything in this company. The market is saturated, all the places are already taken, we should have started earlier.”

I’ll be honest: IT’S BOILING!!! Yes, when I first started, this statement pulled the rug out from under my feet. The sponsor who “should” help me was not nearby. So I took the blow upon myself. Many of the wounds were almost fatal, but he survived. Time has healed. This same time allowed me to verify the following:

“If a person has not achieved results in network marketing, then even if he goes to another network company, he will not succeed either. He simply doesn’t understand the meaning of this business and doesn’t know how to do it.”

Needless to say, there was a time when I myself was in the ranks of the same people about whom I am now writing. There was a time when I myself was ready to take an A4 piece of paper, divide it in half, offer my interlocutor on the side where the column is narrower, to write all the advantages of his company, and then, using the second column, smash it to smithereens, citing irrefutable proof of your super-mega company.

I was taught to talk about the advantages of the company and the uniqueness of its product. I was taught to talk about the advantages of our marketing plan compared to other companies. At some point, I was ready to take on any opponent and defeat him in this battle called “My network marketing company is better”!!! ;) I don’t know what to call what I did. But clearly not a business. I just didn’t understand it and didn’t know how it could be done and how it couldn’t be done. I knew perfectly all the benefits of a marketing plan, but I could not take advantage of them. I skillfully invited dozens and hundreds of people to meetings, and my first line swelled to unimaginable proportions, but people did not repeat me and left. And the more people I registered, the faster they left. I won’t be mistaken if I say that in total during my practice I personally registered more than 1000 people. And, apparently, I should have had a decent check a long time ago from this job alone. But these people are not here today. I didn’t understand the meaning of this business and therefore solved the problem head-on.

And today I see people who have their own experience, but it is somewhat reminiscent of mine. They work 8-10 hours a day and cannot achieve the desired result. They are marking time and cannot understand why. And this picture can be observed in any company. It’s just that the majority, the absolute majority of people who are already distributors of this or that company do not understand the meaning of what they do.

Where does this understanding come from? After all, most presentations are based on a story: about an amazing company, about a unique product, about a super profitable marketing plan and about crazy rewards and trips around the world. In the end, all that remains is to say: “Register, invite your friends and all this will be yours! After all, such unique offer No company will do it for you!”

I recently met a man who was very willing to meet with me to learn about business opportunities that I am involved in. As it turned out, even before our meeting he had a desire to engage in network marketing, and by now he had already attended several presentations at various companies. We met on Tuesday and he planned to visit several more companies by the end of the week. His goal is to find the best company network marketing with which he will build his business.

Great, I said, and, as usual, I started talking not about the company, products, marketing plan, etc., but about the business. About your understanding of this business. About how my wife and I understand it.

I repeat once again: I am convinced that you can earn big money in absolutely any network marketing company! That's why I talked about business. I always talk about business at meetings, answering 5 questions:

  1. What is the point of this business?
  2. Where does the money come from?
  3. What should I do?
  4. Who will help?
  5. What will happen as a result of the work done?

His reaction at the end of our meeting was the best assessment of my work. He said: “I have been to many presentations and meetings. At each of them, only perspectives were drawn to me... But this is the first meeting where I saw and understood how I could get all this. I understood what is required of me and what is expected..."

What am I calling for with this article?

Invite people to business! Don’t invite someone to join the company; it’s just a tool for doing business. . . Invite to business!!!

Help them master this new activity. By your example, by your experience, by your support...

Help the people you invite into business to build their building, their corporation :) Draw them a picture of what they have to do and what they will get as a result. And they will get down to business with pleasure.

To somehow convey my idea, I will make the following analogy.

Imagine you decide to start building your own house.
What is your order of action?

First you draw a plan, a picture of what you want to get as a result. You think through everything! Technical documentation and design project.
And only after you imagine in the smallest detail what your home will look like as a result, do you begin construction. You will need materials and tools.

If you decide to build a warm brick house, then you are looking for where you can buy bricks, insulation and all the necessary finishing materials.

You want to lay marble tiles on the floor, you are looking for tiles.

Only when you have an understanding of what you want to get as a result, it is difficult for you to be led astray or misled. You are building your dream home.

But what happens if you haven’t yet decided for yourself what kind of house you want to build and from what? What if you make decisions as you go along? What could this turn into?

Come to the market, look at the timber, look at the bricks, compare prices, and then the seller ran up and started giving good advice. Yes, everything he says is correct. But what to choose? What materials should I buy? You haven’t decided what your home will be like yet. You don't know what you want to get as a result. One thing is clear: your construction will never end! And whether you are satisfied with the result of your work is another question!

Visit any dacha association. You will always find two types of houses:

  1. They are constantly being built, completed, modified... There is always someone knocking, sawing, polishing. Construction never ends there! And the house itself is always in some kind of unfinished state. Scattered around the area Construction Materials. Work is in full swing.
  2. Neat houses. Which once were erected and after that people live there. Perhaps the area on which it stands new house, for a long time empty. Then - once, and it arose within 1-2 years. People took the time to understand what they wanted. They painted themselves a clear picture of the finished house. And when the work was completed, they began to live there.

Bottom line.
Understand for yourself what you need. Choose a reliable company with a comfortable product. Don't chase for more high percentages. Network marketing is a whole science. Study business. Develop as a professional and as a person. Find people who are doing this business and learn from them. Be successful in your company.

Always remember:

You can earn big money in absolutely any network marketing company! AT ANY!!!

ps: And while I was writing this post, I was given an “amazing” offer to register with another network company. This time it’s not just me, but me and my structure. Work in two companies at once and receive a check twice as big. :) no comments!!!

Answers (17) to "Which network marketing company is better?"

    Yes, I was really lucky with the candidate. And this is also an indicator of growth that such people come to you. It happens to me that when you give a presentation, you start with a quadrant cash flow, and at the end the candidate’s question arises - but about the division into quadrants, I would argue :) I would like to say with whom? With Robert Kiyosaki? You? You, living in a 1-room Khrushchev house, inherited from your grandmother in your 30s and working as a security guard? You have to somehow press down your finger with your fingernail so that some indecent word doesn’t come out. Still, we are ethical people, and we set an example for our consultants :) Therefore, I say: Sooooo good question, it’s great that you asked it! And I really want to ask, do you really need money, or do you prefer full board in a psychiatric hospital? What a blessing that there are people who are already consciously looking for and choosing a network company for themselves, understanding what and why they need money.

    Yes, working in 2 network companies at once and receiving 2 checks at once is an amazing argument! I just want to answer, I’m already working at 5, well, yours will be the 6th, even a 6th check wouldn’t hurt me, how cool it is that we met! In general, I collect all the network companies that come my way, I am a network collector! Let's quickly get your agreement, otherwise I have to run faster at 7!

    Hello, Alexander! I have been with Oriflame since September. From my little experience, I can note that indeed, Polezhaev’s presentation is about business, and not about the company, and works with excellent results. Unfortunately, I didn’t attend your seminar on the “Magnet” method.

    Alexander, you confirmed my experience: those who came from other network companies people quickly “fade out”; They listen and pay attention, but are they either waiting for miracles, or for people to work for them?! How do you work with such people? And another question: Do you recruit through social networks?

    Alexander, I completely agree with your opinion about companies. Everyone praises their own, but only a few can give arguments. I have friends from other network companies. I always watch them and I realized one thing: no matter what company you are in, results can be achieved anywhere if you work not only on the presentation, but also on yourself. I think you are familiar with the words of Leader No. 1 of Oriflame T. Polezhaeva: “There are many network companies, but ONE life”

    Not everyone can afford to go to any company. Most people, I think, still choose whether this one suits him or not. Network business is not only about registering people, but also about sales. If the social environment has average income below the national average, then it is more difficult for a company with an expensive product to develop in a given area than, for example, in Moscow. It’s possible to be a consumer in this company, but to build a business...

    • In my opinion, network business (the way I understand and do it) is not about registering people or sales, but primarily about Training/Sponsoring/Mentoring.

      For example, I myself am in Moscow, but I have friends/relatives in different cities and countries. Of course, some of them accepted my offer and became distributors. And their friends/acquaintances/relatives are also scattered around the world. As a result, I have branches in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Saratov, Cheboksary, etc. The list of cities can be endless. And this is only Russia. Plus Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia. The film “Yolki” illustrates our connections very well.

      Few people consciously choose a network marketing company, and often those who have already been in this field for at least 3-5 years. Everyone else at random: “What if this company/with this product/marketing plan works out?” Or on the person who makes the offer. In this case, the company itself fades into the background and...

      If you can be a consumer in a company, then business is possible.

      I agree with you that experienced people choose a company. But otherwise there is not even a close thought. And here's the terrain. The work is carried out via the Internet and there are no boundaries here. You can live on a farm and build a huge network. Regarding the product, I tell potential partners: throw away the product and look at the marketing plan. I sell the product only to those who ask. Our company has only 2 products, but it is growing rapidly and the income is the same. I also advise beginners to get to know him better before registering with a sponsor. Will he be able to teach you how to build a structure? Will he leave you alone with questions after registration? I believe that 50% of success depends on the sponsor. You can invite many people, but to ensure that those invited do not remain consumers, but build a network - this is task No. 1

    great article! I liked it, you’re right, of course), I was in these ranks myself. I was in company N for 3 years, I was doing garbage, to be honest, people grew up, but I didn’t. they offered a business with company M left N) and everything started to work out, income, car from the company, etc. and I realized that it was also possible to earn money in company N; the slibs taught me)) the main thing I think is that the company is legal, large, at least 15 years on the market and with a normal marketing plan. not a binary and not a matrix and not a hybrid. and other network garbage... Thank you for the article.

    The competition between marketing plans and products of network companies is now so high that it is difficult for people to figure out which is better.
    In the end they go where they see real opportunity in solving their problems, where it is more comfortable, where the atmosphere is better.
    It turns out that it doesn’t matter where, the main thing is with whom.
    This is where the personality of a mentor comes to the fore, to whom you can trust and entrust your destiny.
    It is important to see his professionalism and willingness to provide a working system that leads to results.
    At the same time, an essential criterion when choosing a mentor is the coincidence with him in values.
    In general, what is important now is the value of the leader you follow, your own efforts to achieve results and you can earn money anywhere!

    “Having been involved in network marketing for many years”...
    Is this Alexander in the same company? If during this period of time you reached the level of income that you expected, you will be sure that your company is the best. For, if you are married, for example, to A. Jolie, and you are offered to change her to Thekla from New Vayuyaki, then you are unlikely to agree. That’s great for you.

    On the other hand, a newbie. By showing him the possibility of a network business in a company that has been on the market for more than 15-20 years, are you saying that you can earn a lot of money there? Which ones are big? In numbers? For some, 30,000 rubles will be a lot of money. And for some it’s daily expenses.. What kind of money do you mean?

    I am very grateful to Oriflame for the opportunity to personally communicate with T. Polezhaeva and V. Polezhaev. Legendary people network business. When I learned the news about Tamilla, my condolences.

    For that person who is looking for success and prosperity in this life, it is important to find an honest and holistic mentor whose income level is tens of times higher than your current income. It is better to learn from practitioners, and better from playing coaches.

    As for choosing a company, first of all, you need to look not at the 15-20 years that the company had in the past, but 15-20 years ahead.
    1. What trend is the company working in? Is this trend growing around the world, or is it already ending? For example, the cost of a minute of conversation is falling, does it make sense to connect your life with a company that offers a calling service around the world?
    2. International development. Thanks to Internet technologies, today we have the opportunity to communicate with people from all over the world. In which countries does the company operate?
    3. Financing. A company with a turnover of US$1 billion must have financial resources to ensure such a turnover: about 2-3 times more min. Why am I talking about this kind of money? Because: goods in warehouses, on the way, purchase of raw materials, payment of commissions, Why 1 billion? Because with such a turnover, MANY people in your structure will be able to earn 20,000 and above, and not just a few. When you invite people into your business, you will be 80% sure that they will be successful. 20% - if they leave, we’ll leave it on their conscience.
    Only, again, one thing: $1 billion in the future, but not in the past. The company that formed this turnover in the past has ALREADY attracted its customers and distributors, the market has been formed...
    By the way, this applies to any business, not just online. The main piece of the pie goes to those 2-15% of leaders who developed the regional market (country market) of a particular company. Either Cell phones or online food products.
    Other important criteria:

    4, - remuneration plan (it rewards for the right actions, promotes recruitment)
    5 — the composition of the company’s management (its experience in the MLM industry, international business development)
    6 - leader-mentors, and even better, player-coaches. (learning system that can be repeated)
    7 - And yet “The Beginning”. the company must be in a state of pre-exponential growth. When quantity turns into quality.

    This site contains official statistics from the Direct Selling Association.
    Look, gentlemen, analyze.

    Hello, Alexander!
    Indeed, many people who decide to engage in network marketing very often move from one company to another, thinking that they will succeed in the new one. In most cases this is true. Some companies “go out of business” without really starting to work, some have very unpleasant policies for partners, and some simply can’t do business and don’t know how to sell products.
    I completely agree with you about the invitation to business - you need to show and tell how you can make money here a certain amount, since a person who has no experience in network marketing is generally far from this. I don’t agree with you on one thing. It is easier to build a business in a company that has just entered the Russian market, and of course, has been successfully developing for at least 6 years in other countries. Must have an excellent reputation!

    Alexander, just a wonderful article.
    You are right, many people are involved in athletics, and at the same time they claim that it is impossible to make money here by running away from another company.
    At the beginning, I myself was shown the prospects of huge money, communication, travel, etc.
    But how to build a business, there was already a certain snag.
    I didn’t want to work the old fashioned way, so I switched to online. The prospects are simply amazing!

    Alexander, I really liked the article, as well as all your other articles. I'm fired up, I really want to do network marketing and most likely Oriflame, because... my neighbor works there and tells me about it all the time. But how to find a good mentor? how to understand that it is him?

The capital is a personnel treasury for employing companies. Thousands of Muscovites, Russians and specialists from neighboring countries come in search of better fate. For them it becomes a chance for success, career growth and significant earnings, so people gather in the city the best specialists, hardworking and experienced employees who are ready to do anything for the sake of the highest rung of the career ladder. Many paths for development and employment open up before them: some are satisfied with any job for reasonable money, others carefully select a company in which they plan to continue their creative and working career.

At the same time, not only employers are faced with the choice of employees, conduct many tests and multi-stage interviews with applicants for positions, but also applicants have long stopped “rushing” to the first position they come across in unknown or unpopular companies. On the contrary, some firms or government agencies enjoy a good reputation, some strongly recommend avoiding them, this is how a kind of rating of popular employer companies is formed.

Popularity has two sides of the coin: some are famous for their ease of employment, minimum requirements, and, consequently, high staff turnover, others meet the most high requirements reliability, prospects and solvency, and therefore specialists strive, at all costs, to get into the main staff. An example of the first is McDonald's, an example of the second is Gazprom, Google and many other large companies that confidently position themselves in the market. Therefore, the ranking of the most popular may include companies from the first and second categories, but among the best you will never find companies in which employees never stay for long.

Working in a serious company gives you confidence in the future, which is why many specialists and job seekers still rely on the reliability and rating of the company in the market. Surprisingly, statistical data, various surveys of specialists and students demonstrate modern trend: even cleaners, middle managers and specialists in rare professions strive to find a place for themselves in large and well-known companies.

What is the advantage of this choice?

1) A prestigious company is an additional plus for self-esteem. Any job in a company that everyone knows about gives them self-confidence, and for many it becomes a reason for pride and even self-confidence.
2) Confidence in the future - a large and well-known company, according to many applicants, will not disappear one day, and therefore each employee can confidently and calmly build their career, invest effort and time, without fear for the future. This is an option for ambitious applicants who plan to achieve considerable success in their industry and profession.
3) Social package and level wages V large companies often better. The modern approach to team building, social benefits, and remuneration of employees in monopolistic companies or representative offices of foreign enterprises in many ways compares favorably with small firms. Giant companies offer decent working conditions and optimal pay that corresponds to the real complexity and labor intensity of the work.

Who remained an outsider in popularity?

It goes without saying that job seekers and students ranked insurance companies, banks, and IT enterprises at the top of their popularity among employers. Who was left behind? Poor budgetary enterprises, for example, schools, kindergartens and city hospitals. Here, hellish, nervous and difficult work is associated with a minimum wage and tedious reporting. Outsiders also include small construction contracts, thousands of beauty salons and hairdressers, and many magazines and newspapers. Only selected companies in the field of media and beauty are always heard by specialists, and therefore working for them is prestigious and profitable. Service sectors are not often popular among specialists; the principle of “hopelessness” continues to operate in the country when looking for a job, a hairdresser, or. These professions are chosen when success has not been achieved in others.

Who is at the peak of popularity?

Business giants who stand firmly on their feet have always been a tasty morsel for specialists from different areas. It is not surprising that Gazprom is one of the most desirable places to work for experienced and newly minted specialists. The trend has remained unchanged over the past few years: the insurance industry, finance and IT companies are “unsinkable” and therefore attractive for job seekers. In addition, it is easier for banking specialists, economists and programmers to find work than for journalists or advertisers. A good specialist is worth his weight in gold, and good employer and even more expensive.

1. Gazprom is the most tasty morsel for all job seekers. Advantages: full benefits package, prestigious and well-known company, confident leader in its field, opportunities for career growth and regular salary increases;
2. Rosneft and Lukoil share silver in the ranking best employers fields of engineering and economics; in addition to them, McKinsey & Company attracts specialists from various fields;
3. Sberbank of Russia is a stronghold of stability for many specialists, therefore the company does not lose its relevance;
4. Google, Luxoft, Beeline and MTS are giants in the communications and telecommunications sector, and then they open not a large number of new vacancies regularly, as they expand their spheres of influence, but also improve working conditions for employees;
5. VTB 24, Goldman Sachs and the Bank of Moscow are desirable places of work for economists and banking specialists. In them for office employees and managers of all categories have great prospects for development;
6. Insurance Company ROSNO, Ingosstrakh, Military Insurance Company are companies that confidently stay afloat even in the most difficult times, since insurance is gradually becoming mandatory in Russia for most areas of life;
7. Logistics operator "
The top 10 employers are constantly changing as many companies make regular improvements and changes in corporate policies. Young companies are confidently rising in the rankings and boldly asserting themselves in the employment market. Therefore, every year the number of worthy “white” employers is growing, which leads to a struggle for good specialists between competing companies, and new opportunities and vacancies open up for job seekers.

Great Place to Work presented its annual ranking of the most attractive employers

Experts of the organizationGreat Place to Work selected the 25 best companies to work for. Every year, the research organization analyzes survey data from more than 5 million employees and analysts. corporate culture labor from 7,200 companies, the total number of employees of which is more than 16 million people. Thus, Great Place to Work employer rating can be called one of the largest.

Since the release of the first Best Companies to Work For lists in 1997, Research institute Great Place to Work identifies top employers in nearly 50 countries. The ranking is based on data collected from approximately 2,900 companies that have been included in the Great Place to Work Institute's country lists.

To qualify for a spot on the World's Best Employers list, a company must have been listed in at least five national Great Place to Work Best Employer rankings and have more than 5,000 employees, 40% of whom are located outside the country where the company is headquartered.

As a result, Great Place to Work experts selected 25 truly best companies in the world. They studied working conditions and companies' achievements in creating a comfortable working atmosphere.
Google took first place in the ranking in 2013 (it first appeared on the Great Place to Work list in 2006). The total number of its employees worldwide is 40,178 people, its revenue is $50.2 billion. The head office is located in Mountain View (USA, California). Google has offices in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, Mexico and several other countries.

In general, the top four leaders in the ranking are occupied by IT giants. SAS Institute takes second place. It currently has 13,732 employees and revenue of $2.9 billion. SAS's senior management team is 33% women, average age employees in the company are 45 years old. NetApp, which ranks third in the ranking, has 12,604 employees. Global revenue is estimated at $6.3 billion, and the average age of professionals is 40.5 years. The number of women in senior management is 20%. Microsoft is in fourth place. The number of employees and revenue are higher than the top three top employers, with 100,517 people and $77.8 billion, respectively. The top management consists of 29% women, the average age of employees is 37.8 years.

Rounding out the top five employers is W. L. Gore & Associates, an American manufacturing company specializing in a variety of polymers. 10,197 employees, $3.2 billion in revenue. This company cannot be called very young either - the average age of employees is 42.7 years. W. L. Gore & Associates has offices in France, Germany, Italy, and Korea, among others.

2. SAS Institute
