Which stone is suitable for Gemini women? What stones are suitable for Gemini women?


Sociable Geminis

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Gemini is one of the most controversial signs of the Zodiac. He is patronized by Mercury and the element of air. That's why personal traits signs are so changeable, elusive and deceptive. This is an intellectual sign, but Gemini will not make much effort to gain knowledge. He takes what is on the surface. The directions of his activities often replace each other, which is why a lot of unfinished business remains behind him. But he can return to them and complete everything later.

Geminis need communication and society. Thanks to the versatility of their nature, they easily find mutual language with absolutely different people. Geminis achieve great success in the field of trade or teaching, because they are incomparable in negotiations. Representatives of the sign show their worst qualities in stressful situations. They can be selfish, petty and self-serving. Gemini is afraid of fatigue and illness, but despite this, he loves to travel and is very easy-going.

Gemini birthstone according to date of birth

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When choosing jewelry with precious stones as a gift for Gemini, you need to take into account his date of birth. So, which stone is suitable for Gemini according to their date of birth:

  • Astrologers believe that for those born from May 21st to 31st fit Moonstone, malachite, rock crystal, agate, obsidian, jade and amazonite. These people are ruled by Jupiter. They have well-developed both logical and intuitive thinking.
  • Twins born from June 1st to June 10th, are influenced by Mars. Therefore, they are characterized by aggression, selfishness and assertiveness. Precious stones for Gemini in this decade are: amber, citrine, jade, chalcedony, pearls, onyx, chrysoprase, opal and cat's eye.
  • Those who were born during the period from 11th to 21st June, protected by the Sun itself. They brightly illuminate everything around and warm those close to them with their warmth. But they also have outbursts of uncontrollable anger. Geminis of this decade do not obey anyone. It is useful for them to have items with emerald, sapphire, topaz, tourmaline and alexandrite.

Learn more about stones for Gemini in the video:

Stone talisman for the sign

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Astrologers consider alexandrite to be the best talisman stone for Gemini.. It will develop in representatives of the quality mark strong man. If you monitor changes in the shade of a gem, you can predict the onset of illness or a difficult period in life. If alexandrite has become darker, you need to take care of your health. Gemstone has a beneficial effect on the finances of the sign, allowing you not only to earn money, but also to save money.

A good talisman for Gemini is the moonstone. He does not allow them to be scattered over trifles and directs them towards one goal. The duality of nature often pulls the sign into opposite sides, the stone helps you gather yourself and act confidently and wisely. Moonstone has a positive effect on creativity and its manifestations. Representatives of the sign who are flighty in their personal lives often take risks family happiness because of momentary impulses. The mineral promotes stability in relationships.

Stones of sunny colors and shades are very suitable for Gemini: citrine, amber, tiger and cat's eye. Citrine is especially recommended for Geminis who are involved in business. It attracts profit, protects against overly risky and rash actions, and restrains gambling Gemini. For public people, citrine is a protection against unsuccessful performances.

Geminis are often superficial and frivolous. Jewelry with onyx will help them concentrate and bring them down to earth a little.. The preferred pattern for onyx is straight stripes. He is able to develop fighting qualities in a frivolous representative of this zodiac sign.

Gemini birthstone - agate. This stone has magical properties and is endowed with energy, therefore it is a good helper for weak and sickly Gemini. Creative representatives of this sign have their head in the clouds; agate will help them realize their ideas on canvas or paper. Products with agate will add attentiveness, prudence and responsibility, which they often lack.

Jade has a beneficial effect on Gemini. It helps with various diseases, improves sleep and the state of the nervous system. Jade helps increase life expectancy. But it cannot be worn for a long time, since it attracts loneliness, which representatives of the sign cannot tolerate.

For avid travelers and restless Gemini, turquoise will be a good talisman. It protects you from dangers on the road, adds energy and strength. Turquoise is also a peacemaker, extinguishing conflicts and preventing quarrels. Turquoise protects from the evil eye and warns of impending danger, and also helps its owner in financial affairs.

Charms for Gemini

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Geminis have a hard time experiencing any nervous shock. They lose energy easily and are susceptible to illness. The amulet stone that gives Gemini protection and energy boost is citrine. Its crystals give strength, protect against illness and store energy for special occasions. It is especially useful to wear citrine during periods of troubles or health problems. The stone helps to tune in to a positive mood and look at the situation from the other side.

Citrine is useful during negotiations and in conflict situations. The stone will help convey your thoughts to listeners and opponents. Geminis often have multiple points of view on the same thing and want to move in several directions at once. Citrine concentrates and unites their efforts.

Tiger's eye is an "inner" amulet for Gemini. He protects them from the negative traits of his own character. Jewelry with a tiger's eye fights the suspiciousness, jealousy and suspicion of Gemini. The stone protects against misfortune, promotes financial well-being and advancement in life. career ladder. The tiger's eye “warns” its owner of impending troubles. At these moments his weight seems to increase. The gem is able to relieve stress and overcome fatigue.

Chrysoprase is a magical amulet for Gemini. Mysterious green stone wards off the evil eye, damage and other mystical troubles from its owner. A product with chrysoprase protects Gemini who deal with other people’s money (bankers, investors) or work with large sums cash. For family people the gem brings prosperity, strong marriage and a cozy home. Chrysoprase is useful on the road or in a risky business; it will protect against evil intent and envious people.

Agate is the best amulet for Gemini in the romantic sphere. It promotes success with the opposite sex. Representatives of the sign often hesitate between several candidates for the role of their soulmate. Agate will help you decide and make the marriage strong and happy. The stone has a positive effect on work internal organs and the entire body as a whole. Agate provides protection from negative magical effects.

The zodiac sign Gemini is under the protection of Mercury and the air element. That is why Geminis are characterized by contradictions to a greater extent than other signs. The character of these people is elusive, deceptive and changeable. They are intellectuals, however, they do not like to make efforts in search of knowledge, being content with what comes to them on their own. They are fickle, they tend to often change the nature of their activities, which is why they almost always have unfinished business. However, Gemini is able to subsequently return to the work he started and finish it.

These people always feel the need for society; they need communication. Thanks to their interests and knowledge in a wide variety of industries, Geminis can easily communicate with a wide range of people. They are excellent at negotiations, which is why Geminis make excellent teachers or sales workers. However, they may not be able to cope psychologically stressful situations, and then the negative qualities of this zodiac sign appear: selfishness, self-interest and pettiness.

Gemini birthstones by date of birth

Geminis born in the first decade (21st - 31st May) are under the influence of Jupiter. They have well-developed intuition and logic. Suitable stones for these people - rock crystal, amazonite, and obsidian.

Representatives of this zodiac sign born in the second decade (June 1st - June 10th) are protected by Mars. They are assertive, selfish, and sometimes aggressive. Suitable talisman stones for Gemini of this period - pearls, onyx, etc.

People born in the third decade (June 11th – 21st) are under the protection of the Sun. This bright personalities, they have a lot of warmth in their souls for loved ones, but they can also experience strong uncontrollable anger. These people do not tolerate any subordination. Useful gemstones-talismans for them are distinguished by their unsurpassed beauty - this and tourmaline.

Talisman stones for Gemini

Alexandrite ‒ best stone for Gemini

According to astrologers, the best talisman stone for the Gemini zodiac sign is alexandrite. This stone promotes the development of Gemini traits strong personality. In addition, alexandrite changes its shades and, thanks to this property, you can find out about the approach of a difficult life period or deterioration in health (in the case of a darkening of the shade of the gem). Alexandrite will also serve as a talisman for Gemini in the area of ​​good, stable earnings and saving the money they earn.

Moonstone will help Gemini choose the right path

Moonstone will also become good talisman for Gemini. Such a talisman will restrain the throwing of this sign from one goal to another and will direct one at a time the right way. In addition, the frivolity of these people can sometimes lead to the collapse of normal family life due to a momentary impulse, the moonstone will also take care of stable relationships in the family. The stone will also help increase creativity and their disclosure.

Good talisman stones for the Gemini zodiac sign are minerals that have sunny shades: amber, feline or citrine. Citrine, for example, is indispensable for businessmen. It promotes profitable management affairs, protects against unreasonably risky transactions, and brings Gemini’s excitement within a reasonable framework. For representatives of this zodiac sign who engage in public activities, citrine will ensure successful performances.

Onyx will strengthen the resolve and develop the strength of character of Gemini.

Onyx will help Gemini make reasonable and real decisions, reducing the frivolity and superficiality characteristic of the sign. Moreover, an onyx talisman with straight stripes has a higher potential; it will reduce frivolity and develop strength of character.

Agate will erect reliable shield for Gemini, will easily ward off illness

Agate will also be an excellent talisman for Gemini. This stone itself is endowed with magical properties and will become reliable protection for weak and often ill representatives of the sign. Agate will help creative people to bring their plans to completion, not allowing them to soar in the clouds. Jewelry with agate will help develop such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness and prudence, which are so often lacking in Gemini.

A talisman with agate will help Gemini in the love field

An agate talisman is also good for romantic relationships, it will perfectly contribute to the success of the chosen applicant for the role of spouse and will help to make the right choice, because representatives of this zodiac sign often hesitate between several options.

Jade attracts loneliness in Gemini

Jade has a beneficial effect on the state of the Gemini nervous system, helps overcome illness and normalizes sleep. The stone even increases life expectancy, but you should not wear jade long time, since this stone attracts loneliness, and for people of this sign this is unacceptable.

Turquoise is an excellent assistant in money matters

For Geminis who are prone to frequent travel, astrologers recommend turquoise as a talisman. The mineral will add energy and strength, protect against possible dangers. ‒ a peacemaker stone, it eliminates conflicts and prevents quarrels. In addition, turquoise will be a good assistant for this zodiac sign in money matters and will protect against slander and the evil eye.


Geminis tend to have a hard time withstanding the consequences of stress and nervous shock. They often have poor health, and during periods of illness and stress, these people weaken, losing energy at a high rate. A citrine talisman stone will increase vital energy and protect Gemini. The amulet is capable of accumulating energy in a person, protecting him from possible misfortunes in the future. During periods of stress or illness, citrine brings positivity to the owner’s emotions, helping to see the situation from the outside.

Citrine is also very good for businessmen, helping with contracts and conflict resolution. A citrine talisman for Gemini perfectly helps to concentrate on one specific direction, without scattering to the sides, and to convince opponents of your opinion.

A talisman for Gemini made from a tiger's eye will protect against his own negative qualities. Suspicion, suspiciousness, jealousy are traits that interfere with a normal life, and the tiger's eye fights them with constant success. This talisman is also good for stable material well-being and career growth of representatives of this sign. This stone is good for relieving fatigue and nervous tension. Sometimes the tiger's eye can cause a feeling of increasing its weight - this is how the amulet warns the owner about possible future unpleasant situations.

Chrysoprase protects Gemini from damage and the evil eye

Chrysoprase ‒ magic talisman for Gemini. The stone protects the owner from damage, the evil eye, and other mystical negativity. Chrysoprase is also a good protector for people whose occupation involves other people's money. These are, for example, brokers, bankers, cashiers. For married Geminis, chrysoprase will provide family well-being. The mineral is able to protect against evil intentions or envy, so it will be useful in matters involving risk.

How to wear talisman stones correctly

How and in what product it is better to wear this or that gem is of considerable importance for a given sign. For example, alexandrite should be worn in a ring, and the ring itself should be worn on the middle finger, and the ring should be removed at night.

It is better to choose turquoise set in gold if it is Ural turquoise, and in silver if the birthplace of the mineral is Iran.

Women born under the sign of Gemini have such wonderful qualities as sociability, erudition, openness and mobility. They must be aware of all events and show extraordinary dexterity when it comes to receiving and transmitting information or bringing together people with common interests. Due to the high speed of reactions, multifaceted and chaotic activities, Geminis often suffer from nervous overexcitation. They can be relieved from distraction, worry and stress. Which stone is best for Gemini women can be determined by their date of birth.

For absolutely all representatives of this air sign, gems of green shades are suitable: emerald, malachite, olivine and jade. They will help their owners demonstrate extraordinary intellectual abilities, curiosity, resourcefulness, the gift of eloquence and the power of persuasion. The woman’s date of birth will suggest an alternative when choosing an amulet.

Stones for Gemini women born from May 21 to May 31

Stones such as aquamarine and tourmaline will emphasize humanism, generosity and inner nobility in women born during this period. Minerals will help unlock their creative potential and help them understand the world around them.


The crystal purity and transparency of this stone makes it very popular. The blue gem has unusual feature– it changes its shade depending on weather conditions, mood and well-being of a person. Wearing jewelry with aquamarine enhances Gemini's diplomacy and promises them happiness in marriage. The stone helps to smooth out rough edges in relationships, show tact in awkward situations and find a common language with any partner.

The nature of this stone is very mysterious. Tourmaline has many faces, its stones can have a wide variety of shades: green, brownish, blue, red and even black. Rare colorless varieties of tourmaline and polychrome stones are also known. This miraculous mineral will bring good luck and success to Gemini women. creative activity will help you find inner harmony and balance of spirit.

Stones for Gemini women born from June 1 to June 10

For ladies born at this time, amulets made of agate and chrysoprase are perfect. The stones will help them achieve success in their careers and happiness in love, and will also make them more practical and realistic.

Agate, semiprecious stone of various colors, suitable for Gemini in a green-brown version. The striped mineral reflects the duality of Gemini. It makes them masters of compromise and helps them overcome difficulties in relationships.

Agate will give the Gemini woman a lot of positivity and energy. Thanks to her eloquence, she will be able to achieve success during public speaking. The mineral will save her from slander and allow her to create a positive reputation in society.

Chrysoprase comes in a variety of shades of green, and women can choose the stone that best suits their definition of beauty. The gem can be greenish-blue, apple green, grassy and emerald tones.

The mineral will be the best talisman for Gemini women who dream of achieving career heights. He will attract honest partners to them, prevent dangers and financial risks. Thanks to magical influence With this stone, any trip or journey will be successful.

Stones for Gemini women born from June 11 to June 21

Beryl and green zircon will help these women achieve high status in society, popularity and prestige. Thanks to the influence of stones, they will easily navigate interpersonal relationships and become happy in marriage.

Ordinary beryl does not have transparency, unlike its varieties - emerald and aquamarine. However, it must be admitted that this white or bluish-gray mineral is more affordable. The stone will help improve the personal life of Gemini women. It brings happiness in love and fidelity in partnerships. In addition, the mineral improves the mood of Gemini, making them even more cheerful, joyful and friendly.

Green zircon also helps to find happiness in a partnership; thanks to its action, the Gemini woman attracts the stronger sex with her lively mind, sociability, attractiveness and charm. In addition, zircon helps you realize your goals in life. She feels powerful spiritual forces within herself, opens new horizons for other people and leads them to high goals.

So, the Gemini woman is smart, sociable and able to easily integrate into public relations. However, in order to achieve recognition and success, it doesn’t hurt to choose a miracle cure for Gemini women. By date of birth, you can easily find a gem, thanks to which a woman’s talents will manifest themselves most clearly, and success in career and love will not keep you waiting.

Sometimes it needs restoration of vitality. Therefore, stones that suit this zodiac sign should, on the one hand, attract enough attention, and on the other hand, protect emotional resources.

When determining which talisman stones are suitable for a Gemini woman, you need to proceed not only from the date of birth, but also take into account the main activities of this lady. It would also be useful to pay attention to the inner voice - it is no coincidence that some objects attract to themselves, while others repel.

The famous Gemini woman Marilyn Monroe preferred diamonds from stones

Which stones are suitable for a Gemini woman: general characteristics

Since typical Geminis are always looking for new sensations, they make numerous acquaintances with interesting people, it is important for them to constantly be, as they say, in the saddle. It's no secret that this lady's most dangerous enemy is boredom. Of course, no one likes to be bored. But in the case of a twin, the blues can turn into long-term apathy and even depression, the causes of which, at first glance, are not at all clear.

That is why, judging by the characteristics of the zodiac sign, you can advise a Gemini woman those talisman stones that help preserve peace of mind, performance cherished desires. After all, this lady has many dreams, but all of them are quite realizable, since in general she is not demanding of life and is content with what she has.


It is this stone that skillfully tunes into a person’s wavelength associated with his true desires. It is no secret that every person is constantly affected by the information flow. As a result, at some stage a strange feeling arises: how valuable is what you are moving towards? this moment. If this feeling is familiar, you should pay attention to this stone. By harmonizing with a person’s energy, it helps to understand his true interests.



It is advisable to purchase this stone for those representatives of Gemini who have certain doubts about the correctness of their choice regarding a life partner. It's no secret that ladies of this sign do not consider warm communication or even light flirting to be some kind of hint of betrayal. But the fact is that in some cases such friendly relations just have the risk of turning into a real whirlwind romance. And since Geminis sincerely do not want to offend anyone, it is important for them to prevent the development of such problems.


Finally, jade is another stone that you should consider adding to your collection. Most twins surround themselves with numerous friends, disappear from morning to evening, either at a party, or in a company, or at fashion exhibitions or stadiums... the list of places is endless. This is the horoscope of most Geminis. That is why, to restore psychological strength, especially when you want to be in solitude, it is better to purchase a jade stone, which helps a person bring his internal resources into a state of balance.


Along with other stones for Gemini, you should pay attention to emerald. It helps to pour emotions into communication, making it truly warm and the relationship passionate. From an astrological point of view, this is one of the best options energy harmonization.

Earrings with emeralds

Gemini 1st decade

The connection between the date of birth and the talisman stone has been established for a long time: according to the date of birth, the zodiac sign of a woman, Gemini, is divided into 3 categories, the representatives of which are quite noticeably different from each other. For example, the Gemini of the 1st decade is most strongly influenced by the most big planet solar system- Jupiter. That is why these people have extremely developed not only logic, which is characteristic of almost all Geminis, but also intuition. Often you catch yourself in the fact that the motives for some actions are unknown even to you. However, in the end the decision led to favorable consequences.

Jade - helps to find balance

When choosing a talisman stone for a Gemini woman whose zodiac sign falls in the 1st decade, you should take into account that intuition can sometimes be confused with outright frivolity. To distinguish the inner voice from irrational emotions, you can pay attention to the following stones:

  • nephritis helps restore physical and mental strength;
  • rhinestone represents loyalty;
  • – a symbol of health and longevity;
  • amazonite represents devotion in a relationship;
  • obsidian warns against frivolous actions;
  • malachite allows you to fulfill your most cherished desires.

Agate is a symbol of health and longevity

Gemini 2nd decade

For women born under the sign of Gemini, the choice talisman stone almost always difficult. It’s just that the nature of these people is very multifaceted, because they really harmoniously combine seemingly incompatible features. This is especially true for girls born in the second decade.

These ladies are patronized by Mars - the planet that gives energy, activity, and a constant surge of strength. This manifests itself in great willpower and assertiveness, but in extreme cases it can result in real aggression. Therefore, it is better to try to harmonize your internal energy by investing it in different things. And the following talismans will help with this:

  • cat eye allows you to stabilize your condition and warns against frivolous actions;
  • pearl personifies spiritual wisdom;
  • amber- symbol happy life and physical health;
  • opal helps to attract true friends into your life;
  • chrysoprase– a symbol of success;
  • citrine gives hope and strength;
  • chalcedony helps to attract the attention of the stronger sex;
  • emerald- gives warmth and passion.


Gemini 3rd decade

But women born under the sign of Gemini in the 3rd decade are patronized by the Sun itself. Bright, energetic, cheerful, they, oddly enough, do not at all strive for total domination and struggle. Indeed, they already have a place in the Sun. But such optimistic people really don’t like to conflict with others.

However, these ladies will not be able to truly submit to anyone. They are for equal relationships, so they cannot tolerate any pressure. And it is in such cases that they can rise to fight, taking an uncompromising position. For compensation negative energy associated with strong emotional outbursts, the following talismans are suitable:

  • sapphire personifies nobility and modesty;
  • alexandrite– a symbol of falling in love, attracts romantic feelings;
  • tourmaline– personification of creative powers and sexual desires;
  • warns against careless actions.

Which stones are not suitable for Gemini?

Since Geminis are creative, multifaceted girls who, at the same time, have retained a sense of humor and a democratic approach to communicating with almost all people, they are not recommended to wear stones that are large in size and heavy in weight. They literally absorb energy and take away strength, because they personify conservatism, adherence to the traditional way of life, which most twins reject.

Also to these ladies won't fit 3 stones:

  • diamond;
  • aquamarine;
  • ruby.

They also have quite heavy energy, largely contribute to the development of pride and have a bad effect on the well-being of the twins.

Thus, choosing a specific stone is a responsible task. Since Geminis are girls who are developed in all respects, they need to choose talismans especially carefully.

Stones have always aroused great interest among people. For many centuries, man has tried to unravel them mysterious properties. It is believed that the energy of minerals can influence a person’s destiny, bring good or evil, and cure diseases.

And how many legends and myths are associated with the world of stones! Amulets, talismans, amulets - for all this, magicians have been using stones and their magical powers for centuries.

To choose the right stone for yourself– the talisman must be clearly understood what it is for. Do you want to strengthen your positive traits and reduce the bad ones, attract love, good luck, get rid of negative influences? A horoscope will help you choose a talisman.

Astrologers believe that stones are associated with the location of the planets and enhance their magical properties if they suit a person’s zodiac sign.

What stones are suitable for Gemini women?

Under the sign of Gemini, unpredictable and fickle women are born, with very dual (changeable) natures. They are smart and at the same time frivolous, erudite, well-read, can carry on a conversation on any topic, and it is very pleasant to communicate with them. Beautiful, agile, spontaneous.

But quite suddenly this woman can become irritable, quarrelsome and irreconcilable. It is impossible to guess her reaction to anything.

Representatives of the Gemini sign It's best to have several different stones and wear them depending on your changing mood. Stones of bright, rich colors are suitable for Gemini. Not cold, but warmer colors - yellow, golden, purple, green.

Good talismans would be agate, topaz, amethyst, pearl, sapphire, as well as alexandrite, beryl and tiger's eye.


Agate brings harmony, stability, and prosperity to its owner. Agate jewelry can protect you from the intrigues and machinations of enemies.

It is believed that with the help of its properties the stone will help enhance insight and unleash creativity.

This mineral can help Geminis develop stronger positive sides of your character.


For a Gemini woman, this stone will give attractiveness and sexuality. It will help you discover your talent and focus. Topaz has very strong energy; it will protect against the evil eye and witchcraft. It will help during periods of depression, remove fears and dispel doubts. A person who wears topaz is always in good mood, enjoys life, is in harmony with himself.


This mineral is considered a symbol of sincerity and happiness. It helps to cope with despondency, neuroses and insomnia, puts thoughts in order, and restores inner harmony. The owner of an amethyst can develop the gift of foresight.


For beautiful representatives of the Gemini sign, pearls are a very good talisman. He protects from envious people and ill-wishers. Also directs natural energy in the right direction, helps to concentrate. Pearls attract good luck, guide you toward self-improvement and achieving your goals, and can help you achieve success in any endeavor.


Geminis are distinguished by such character traits as inconstancy, impatience, and quick mood changes.

Sapphire stone will help you become more restrained, patient and concentrated. He will reveal everything best sides its owner.

Sapphire will help improve relationships with friends and the opposite sex, as well as find an even larger social circle. The inconstancy of nature will acquire a more holistic character.


Alexandrite is a very favorable talisman stone. He is very close to the fickle Gemini. The color of alexandrite changes depending on the lighting and even the mood of its owner. It can be bright emerald or dark of blue color, and may even turn burgundy-red.

Alexandrite is able to help with any troubles in life, improve relationships between people, and maintain emotional balance.

It is very suitable for bright Gemini women who love to make an impact in society.

Eye of the Tiger

This stone is a wonderful talisman for women - Gemini. It balances character, calms, and imparts wisdom.

This stone helps to cope with jealousy and extinguishes irritability. Also brings success in career growth and good luck.

For a Gemini woman, the tiger's eye will protect her from dangers and injuries, and will help her become more self-sufficient and independent. Protects from gossip, intrigue, envy.

Gemini women 1st decade (from May 21 to May 31)

Geminis born in the first decade have a more analytical mind, are very lucky, and have well-developed intuition. There is a great need for freedom of expression, for independence. They do not accept “frameworks”; they cannot be put under pressure. It is important for them to communicate and receive new information- they cannot stand privacy.

Stones such as moonstone, beryl, jade, agate and rock crystal are suitable for them.

Gemini women 2 decades (from 1 to 10 June)

Women born in this period charming, persistent, loving. They are energetic and have quick reactions. Their life is full of passions.

Stones such as beryl, topaz, agate and cat's eye are suitable for them.

Gemini women 3rd decade (from 11 to 21 June)

These are intellectuals. They are observant and practical. Women born in this decade are very bright and charming. But their reaction is unpredictable, they are prone to outbursts of anger, and have a sharp tongue.

Stones such as emerald, alexandrite, tourmaline and sapphire are suitable for them.

What stones should young Gemini girls wear?

The stone will be a wonderful talisman for a girl. This is a symbol of a carefree life, helps you find time for entertainment, restores a positive attitude, teaches you how to please people - with it you can become the life of the party.

Chrysoprase will help a young girl in love, strengthening feelings between lovers. Rhinestone And rose quartz worth wearing unmarried girls Gemini. Jewelry made from these stones is not only very beautiful, but also helps to find a loved one and get married.

Also, a young Gemini girl can wear jewelry with. It will ensure success with the opposite sex. If you wear agate constantly, it will help you advance in your career, and help your creative nature find its purpose in life and achieve success.

Stones suitable for older Gemini women

Beryl will help cope with various diseases, including gynecological ones. Heliodor will help married woman maintain family harmony, but women suffering from loneliness need an emerald. Also he has special meaning for pregnant women and those who have already become mothers, strengthens the family.

Chrysoprase helps in family life, brings happiness and prosperity. To combat wrinkles, insomnia and nervous disorders must be worn amethyst.

Stones that help financially

How money talisman, suitable stones are: citrine, beryl And

Citrine Helps Gemini women develop intuition and put their thoughts in order. This stone is a talisman in financial matters - it helps to build a career and protects you from rash transactions. It attracts good luck in any endeavor.

Chrysoprase is a stone of success. It will help reduce the risk in monetary transactions and protect against material losses. This talisman will be an assistant in any endeavor.

Beryl, like a stone - a talisman, will be very useful for Gemini women. It is associated with reason, intellect, thinking. This stone gives its owner a surge of strength, the desire to achieve goals, and protects against laziness, so characteristic of Gemini. Beryl helps in building a career, gives success in business and attracts good luck. This talisman protects restless Geminis on long trips and travels.

Topaz also helps to achieve faster financial well-being. It is relevant for those who decide to engage in commerce. Attracts success in business.

Undesirable stones for a Gemini woman

It is better for Geminis not to choose stones that are too powerful and active. Such stones include diamonds, rubies, and aquamarines. They will not bring any benefit to their owner, and sometimes they can even cause harm. Gloomy and very expensive minerals can deprive the easy-going Gemini of a positive attitude towards life, cause depression, and bring on illness and trouble.

How to properly wear stones - talismans

For the effect of talismans to be complete, they must be able to be combined and worn correctly.

For example, a ring with alexandrite has great power if worn on the middle finger. Alexandrite cannot be left overnight; it must be removed.

Moonstone has a calming and relaxing effect, so Geminis should not wear it all the time; sometimes they still need to be able to concentrate.

It is advisable to wear the agate stone on the left hand, then it will be easier for Gemini to pacify their negative qualities. Citrine is best worn on the little finger.

It is not advisable for young girls or single people to wear pearls - they can lead to depression and cause melancholy. But family twins it brings peace and tranquility. It gives widows and divorced people the opportunity to find their soul mate.

For Geminis, hands are the most sensitive part of the body, so they need to wear rings, bracelets, watches, and cufflinks. In these jewelry stones - talismans will work at full capacity.
