Svinushka thin mushroom is edible or not. The most insidious mushroom: how to identify pigs

Until recently, some types of mushrooms were classified as conditionally edible, but then, after studying their properties, scientists added individual subspecies to the list of poisonous ones. This fate, for example, befell the pig mushrooms. Scientists have been studying them for a long time chemical composition. They came to the conclusion that it is better not to eat such a product. And that's why.


Two types of pigs out of the eight existing ones grow in Russia. This pig is thin and thick (black). Until 1984, the first was listed in all reference books as conditionally poisonous. Black pig was initially classified as a poison. Conditionally poisonous mushrooms After additional heat treatment you can eat. They keep everything beneficial features, which mushrooms can boast of. It is not difficult to identify them and answer the most pressing questions. This is what could be said in favor of consuming pigs.

Can the product be called dietary?

Mushrooms, including pigs, are dietary product. One hundred grams contains only 30 calories. The percentage of fat is small, only 28.2%, the share of carbohydrates is 16.9%, and proteins are 58.9%. Since protein is of plant origin, it is completely absorbed by the human body. The carbohydrates contained in pigs are not classified as complex, so they are also instantly absorbed. Polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats are contained in minimal quantities, only 1% of the daily value.

What are the beneficial properties of the product?

Mushrooms, including conditionally poisonous mushrooms, are useful because they contain lecithin, a substance that prevents harmful cholesterol from accumulating in the body. Therefore, mushrooms help with heart disease vascular diseases. They are also rich in fiber, which improves digestion. Recent Scientific research showed that in fresh mushrooms There are antioxidants that can boost immunity.

How does the product affect the functioning of the body?

Svinushki can be eaten only after careful processing. They must first be soaked for three days, constantly changing the water, then boiled and only then salted. After such manipulations healing properties are significantly lost. Therefore, it is difficult to say how much the product affects the body’s functioning.

Does the product affect a person's appearance?

Pork - a source of natural protein - the main building material, which is actively consumed during many processes occurring inside the body. But this subspecies is not used in any way in the cosmetology industry.


Modern scientists are inclined to believe that pig mushrooms should not be present in the human diet. This is a very insidious subspecies; dishes prepared from it often cause poisoning. Mushroom pickers attribute this to the fact that even pigs that have just been cut from the stem begin to rot very quickly.

Attention - what older mushroom, the more toxic substances accumulate in it.

In the 70s, it was discovered that when heated, dangerous compounds are destroyed, so thin pigs were not classified as poisonous. But poisoning from their use increasingly began to lead to deaths. And this forced scientists to take up the study of pigs again.

Their work revealed that mushrooms accumulate a substance called muscarine over time. Its composition is similar to that of fly agaric poison. Moreover, in different areas During the growth of mycelium, different concentrations of this substance are observed. It does not decompose during heat treatment; it is muscarine that causes severe poisoning.

Does the product contain high levels of saturated fat?

The product does not contain a high content of saturated fat.

Does the product contain high carbohydrate content?

The share of carbohydrates in pigs is insignificant. It makes up only 16.7% percent of the total content of useful microelements. Moreover, these carbohydrates are easily digestible, which means they are completely harmless to humans.

Are there any substances in the product that are considered harmful?

In addition to dangerous toxins and muscarine poison, pigs contain substances that can cause blood diseases. Lab tests showed that over time, compounds of heavy metals contained in waste accumulate in pig houses industrial activity person. Therefore, you cannot eat pigs that have been collected around industrial enterprises and highways.

Note! All types of pigs are classified as poisonous. This is evidenced by the book of J. Klan “Mushrooms”, as well as the works of the German professor M. Maze, published in the GDR in 1978.

In our country, pork has been banned since 1984, when it was included in the list poisonous mushrooms, compiled by the deputy chief sanitary doctor THE USSR.

Can the product contribute to the development of cancer?

The described fungus can cause severe poisoning with a fatal outcome. Modern scientists have no information that it can cause cancer.

Calorie content

The nutritional value

The nutritional value of pigs is insignificant. The content of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as fats, is minimal. The following table helps to verify this:


The composition of vitamins and minerals in pig mushrooms is the same as in all other mushrooms:

In 100 g mg Daily value in %
Vitamin A, RAE 0,001 0
Vitamin A, Retinol 0,1 1
Vitamin C 7 8
Vitamin B1, Thiamine 0,1 7
Vitamin B2, Riboflavin 0,4 25
Vitamin B5, Pantothenic acid 2,1 42
Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine 0,05 3
Vitamin B9, Folate 0,03 8
Vitamin PP, Niacin 4,8 24
Vitamin PP, NE 5,6 28


In 100 g mg Daily value in %
Potassium, K 530 21
Calcium, Ca 4 0
Magnesium, Mg 15 4
Sodium, Na 6 0
Phosphorus, P 115 14
Chlorine, Cl 25 1
Iron, Fe 0,3 2
Yod, I 0,18 12
Cobalt, Co 0,15 150
Molybdenum, Mo 0,003 4
Fluorine, F 0,14 0
Chromium, Cr 0,13 26
Zinc, Zn 0,28 2

Svinushki have a unique chemical composition. They are able to compensate for the lack of protein in the body. But this can be done by paying attention to other more valuable and safer for health species. There are a lot of first-class mushrooms growing in Russia. Therefore, there is no point in discussing pigs.

Svinushki are mushrooms that cause a lot of controversy. They used to be eaten and considered safe, but today mycologists are calling for mushroom pickers to stop collecting them. This mushroom is dangerous and toxic, capable of accumulating harmful chemical compounds and heavy metals that threaten health, so it should be avoided.

General characteristics of the mushroom

This lamellar mushrooms, belonging to the pig family. There are several types of these mushrooms, each of which has its own characteristics. Pigs get their name from the dark, dirt-like spots that appear on their surface when you touch them.

Externally, the pig is a small mushroom with a thick cap, the size of which can vary from 10 to 20 cm. During early development pigs are convex, but as they grow they become smooth and then funnel-shaped.

The edges of the grown mushrooms have wavy, inverted caps. The pig's leg is small: its size reaches 10 cm. The flesh is dense, creamy, and odorless.

The color of young pigs is olive, old ones are gray-brown. The mushrooms are dry and smooth to the touch. When the weather is humid, the surface of the pigs becomes covered with a sticky film.

Usually such mushrooms grow in whole groups; single specimens are rare. In summer, these mushrooms are often affected by worms, especially poisonous species of pigs.

There are currently 10 known species of pigs. Not all of them are poisonous, but all pigs contain substances harmful to the body in certain quantities.


There are such types of pigs:

  • Thick (or felt). This type of mushroom has a velvety cap with a brown, red-brown or pistachio color. The diameter of the cap varies from 15 to 20 cm. The stem of this mushroom is short, curved, and its color is brown. The mushroom has thick and tough flesh. It darkens when cut. The fat pig has no smell, the taste of this mushroom is bitter. This variety belongs to the group conditionally edible mushrooms. Scientists point to the antitumor properties of this mushroom, as well as such a feature of the pig as its action as a natural antibiotic. Fat pig is tasteless, so it makes no sense to purposefully collect it for food.
  • Thin pig . The cap of this type of mushroom varies from 5 to 15 cm in diameter. It is fleshy and convex, and may have a light olive or greenish-beige color. The cap is depressed in the center. The leg of a thin pig is cylindrical, its thickness is 1-2 cm. The pulp is thick, has a pleasant smell, and has a sour taste. The thin pig is classified as poisonous species mushrooms This variety is often affected by worms.
  • Alder. The mushroom grows on the bark of aspen and alder trees. The cap has a shallow funnel, its edges are downward, slightly wavy. The color is brown, with a yellow or reddish tint. The alder pig does not have a specific smell of mushroom. This species is poisonous.
  • Ear-shaped. This pig has a hard cap with a diameter of up to 12 cm. Its shape resembles a shell or a fan. The edges of the cap are uneven - wavy or jagged. Feature ear-shaped pig - a pleasant pine aroma emanating from it. This type of mushroom belongs to the group of conditionally edible ones.

Fat pig

Thin pig

Alder pig

Ear-shaped pig

Although some types of pigs belong to the group of conditionally edible ones, they are still not recommended to be collected for food because of the substances they contain. toxic substances. In addition, any species of this fungus has the ability to accumulate radiation.

There are two types of pigs most common in Russia: thin and thick.

Places where pigs grow

These mushrooms can be found everywhere, but the most common places for their growth are deciduous and coniferous forests, as well as forest edges and the outskirts of swamps. Very often, mushrooms can be found near areas where shrubs, birches and oaks grow.

You can also see the pigfish on the roots of uprooted trees, and some of its species can be seen on the bark. Sometimes this mushroom is found on abandoned anthills.

This fungus prefers moisture and grows well in moist soil conditions. The pigweed grows in whole groups in summer and autumn, from July to October. There are especially many of them in autumn. Pigweed brings frequent and abundant harvests.

Why is pigweed considered a poisonous mushroom?

Not so long ago, pigs were not considered dangerous mushroom and enjoyed collecting and preparing. Today, this issue is approached with caution and some species are classified as inedible and harmful to health, and some as poisonous.

The fact is that pigs contain toxic dangerous substance– muscarine, which does not disintegrate with any method of heat treatment, and is also not excreted from the body.

Scientists have also proven that these mushrooms contain antigens that stimulate the production of blood antigens. The latter attack blood cells, including red blood cells. When antigens accumulate, severe diseases develop. One of these serious pathologies is hemolytic anemia.

Pigweed can damage the glomeruli and cause the development of renal failure.

In case of severe poisoning with these mushrooms, there is a possibility of death.

Pig animals are capable of accumulating harmful chemical compounds and heavy metals, including copper and radioactive cesium. The concentration of these elements in the body of the fungus is quite high and can be many times higher than their concentration in the soil on which it grows. This ability to accumulate harmful substances is explained by the structure of the pig: it is spongy, so it holds dangerous elements inside.

Taking into account all the dangers that pig mushroom poses, this mushroom was removed from the list of edible mushrooms in 1981. It was also included in the list of toxic products of the fourth hazard category.

Signs of poisoning can be detected both a few hours after eating mushrooms, if a large portion of pigs was eaten immediately, and after several years if they are systematically eaten. That is why you should not listen to those who claim that pigs are quite edible and the main thing is to cook them correctly. The consequences in this case can be unpredictable.

It should be taken into account that the following are especially vulnerable to pigs:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • persons suffering from pancreatic diseases;
  • persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract.

Before your next trip to the forest, you should review the images of the pig so as not to put it in the basket.

Symptoms of pig poisoning and first aid

The severity of symptoms of intoxication with substances contained in these mushrooms depends on the characteristics immune system person. If a person has hypersensitivity to the elements that make up pigs, then characteristic symptoms appear 1-3 hours after consuming them.

If the poisoning has mild degree, then you can count on a successful outcome.

The following symptoms are typical for mild poisoning:

  • abdominal pain that is not constant in nature and localization;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • lower back pain;
  • coldness in hands and feet.

Poisoning is accompanied by severe dehydration of the body.

With this degree of poisoning, if measures are taken in a timely manner, the symptoms of poisoning weaken after 2-3 days.

Average degree of poisoning pigs is expressed, in addition to the above symptoms, in the development of liver and kidney failure.

At severe intoxication Cardiovascular failure also develops, and the possibility of organic brain damage from poisons cannot be ruled out.

More serious degrees of poisoning are expressed in the appearance of symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, respiratory distress, severe sweating, excessive salivation, pale skin, hallucinations and delirium.

At the first signs of pig intoxication, you should call an ambulance as quickly as possible. Before the arrival of specialists, to quickly remove toxins from the body, the victim should drink as much as possible warm water with salt or potassium permanganate dissolved in it. After this, you need to induce vomiting several times.

Since poisoning is a toxic-allergic reaction, after washing the stomach, the poisoned person should be given an antihistamine (Suprastin, Tavegil) to drink.

The poisoned person must be hospitalized, regardless of the severity of the poisoning.

IN medical institution The patient undergoes gastric and intestinal lavage. If the symptoms of intoxication progress, the intestinal tract is washed with saline solution.

If necessary, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • blood purification;
  • hemodialysis if renal failure has been determined;
  • restoration of water-salt balance in the body;
  • taking medications to restore the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Pig mushrooms are currently defined as mushrooms harmful to the body. Some types of such mushrooms are poisonous. You should avoid collecting and eating them, as severe intoxication can cause death.

Kira Stoletova

It is important to be able to distinguish edible fruits from inedible. On a person’s way, he may encounter a mushroom called svinushka (in common parlance - dunka). It is highly toxic and contains heavy metals.

Description of pigs

There are more than 30 varieties of Dunki. The description of the appearance of the fruiting bodies of representatives of the genus Paxillus has common features. The shape of the cap is wavy, at a certain angle it resembles a pig’s snout.

The fruiting body looks like a milk mushroom. The cap is fleshy and spreading. The shape can be elongated or round. The average size of the cap is 10-15 cm. Some specimens grow up to 35 cm.

According to the description, young fruits have a convex cap shape. With age, it becomes flattened, becomes dry and cracks. A concavity is formed in the center. After rain, the dry and rough surface becomes sticky.

The color also varies. The pig is found in white, brown, olive, brown and black colors. The color of the leg is the same, only the shade changes.

Types of mushrooms and their distribution

Varieties of pig a large number of. All of them germinate in deciduous and coniferous forests, also love marshy areas. Dunki prefer temperate climate, so they are often found in Europe, Asia and even North America.

Svinushka is a whole genus of mycelium. There are 35 species in total. The most common pigs are:

  • Thin. Such fruiting bodies are popularly known as Poddubniki. They sprout at the roots of fallen trees. Their cap is round and slightly wavy. The diameter often reaches 20 cm. The color is brown. As the cap ages, it becomes gray shade. The leg is creamy, short, up to 8 cm long.
  • Alder. Distributed in most European countries. It is distinguished by a funnel-shaped hat, with a diameter of 6-8 cm. Alder Pig has Brown color, scaly structure, there are cracks. The pulp is yellow, there is no smell.
  • Felt (black pig). Grows only in coniferous forests. This pig mushroom has a large rounded hat, the edges of which are curved towards the stem. The color is brown, brown. A black tint often appears. The leg is brown or brown, with a velvety surface.
  • Ear-shaped. It is distinguished by its small leg size (does not exceed 3 cm) and a large fan-shaped cap. Its dimensions reach 14 cm. The surface of the cap is rough, but becomes smooth with age. The color is light brown. The pulp is yellow and has a pine aroma.
  • Gigantic. This dunka has a huge cap size. Diameter - 25-30 cm. Wavy shape, white color. The species is common in Europe. It grows by mycelium in Russia, as well as the Caucasus.

Vernallis pig mushrooms (Paxillus Vernallis) are found in the forests of North America. This species is known for its symbiotic relationships with certain plants. It grows on birch and aspen.

Southern European countries suffer from the spread of another poisonous mycelium - Paxillus ammoniavirescens. It grows not only in the forest belt, but also in city parks and alleys. Appearance mushroom is similar to others. It has a spreading, fleshy cap of beige or olive color with a diameter of up to 15 cm. It is rough at the edges and smooth in the center. The leg is medium, 5-8 cm.

Is piggyback edible?

To beginning mushroom pickers, pig mushrooms often seem similar to other edible types of mycelium. This poisonous fruit grows in the same conditions as edible fruiting bodies.

Dunka was banned from collecting in 1993 due to a series of poisonings. The first one famous case death is dated 1944, when mycologist J. Sheffer tasted pig mushrooms. He had severe pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea. Schaeffer died 17 days after the meal.

The mushroom is inedible. Harm from its use:

  • Svinushka mushrooms contain a dangerous toxin, the concentration of which remains high even after prolonged heat treatment of the fruit. Some varieties of mycelium contain the poison muscarine, the toxicity of which is comparable to the poison of the red fly agaric.
  • The product contains antigens, which, when entering the body, destroy the cell membranes of the mucous membrane internal organs. The result of consuming such fruiting bodies is unpredictable. Anemia, nephropathy and renal failure may develop.
  • The pig mushroom contains chemical compounds based on heavy metals, as well as radioactive particles.

Svinushka is a poisonous mushroom; even its accidental use leads to allergic reactions, disruption of the functioning of internal organs and systems, severe poisoning and death. When you see a place where such mycelium grows, it is better to avoid it. If in doubt, it is better to show the find to an experienced mushroom picker, who will tell you whether these are false fruiting bodies or not.

Signs of poisoning

Pig mushrooms were previously considered edible, because signs of poisoning did not always appear. The reason is the different sensitivity of people to heavy metals and poisons contained in fruiting bodies.

People with health problems or children received the greatest harm. After consuming the mycelium for 1-3 hours, no symptoms appear. Later people are worried:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • yellowness of the skin;
  • dizziness.

In case of poisoning, an increase in hemoglobin in the urine is observed. Kidney activity is also impaired. Urination becomes rare, and there is a risk of oligoanuria.

The benefits of pigs

The benefits and harms of pigs are often discussed. This type of mycelium is poisonous, but if used correctly it will not cause harm. The benefits of pork are the same as those from eating edible varieties of fruiting bodies. They are also rich in vitamins, amino acids and proteins, and contain a large number of microelements: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.

Eating such fruits is not dangerous if they are prepared correctly. They will not lead to poisoning or other consequences if:

  • Clean them within the first hour after collection.
  • Soak the peeled fruits for 24 hours in saline solution with citric acid (this is important for removing poisons and heavy metals from the product).

Pig mushrooms are common gray-yellow mushrooms. Fierce debate still arises around the question of the possibility of eating them.

Some experts are strongly against their use, while others describe the incredible beneficial properties of mushrooms, believing that they exceed all harmful qualities.

Many housewives have successfully made preparations, claiming that they are tasty and healthy. And no one seemed to have died.

That was until scientists received frightening research results on these mushrooms.

Indeed, people did not die immediately after consuming them. It acts like a time bomb.

Pork is divided into two types: thick and thin.

Fat pigweed grows on stumps all summer, most often forming on coniferous trees. This is a fairly large mushroom, its cap reaches 20 cm in diameter.

The leg is covered with small villi, yellowish in color. The hat itself has a dirty red tint.

Fat pig:

Important! They were eaten during times of war and famine, when there was little choice. They were salted and pickled. Today it has been proven that the fat pig is poisonous.

The thin pig's ear has always been considered a bad mushroom; the mushroom is popularly called "pig's ear."

It grows on stumps, near birches, coniferous trees. Happens frequently. It was also pickled before, but only in lean, lean years.

The thin pig is a low specimen, the cap is no more than 10 cm in diameter. Color - yellow-brown, spotted. The pulp is yellow.

Thin pig:

Important! All types of pigweed today are classified as poisonous.

For a long time it was not possible to determine exactly how the poison worked, since people did not die immediately, but after a long time.

The black pig was initially considered poisonous, and the thin and thick ones were added to the “black” list relatively recently.

How long to cook pork

Since today we know for sure that it is impossible to eat pork, we will describe the cooking method that was used by our ancestors.

Preparatory activities before preparations:

  • Wash the mushrooms.
  • Leave for 3 hours in cool water.
  • Cook for half an hour.
  • Drain the broth.

How to salt and pickle mushrooms: pickling recipes for the winter

In the past, a wooden barrel was always used for pickling mushrooms. This vessel is an ideal container.

If you can get it, you will get the most delicious mushrooms in the world. Moreover, a wooden barrel is ideal for all varieties.

But let’s be realistic: wooden barrels are not the most popular attribute today; not every housewife has one.

We replace the barrel with any ceramic vessel deep enough to accommodate all the products.

Important! Pig - inedible species. The official conclusion of experts allowed it to be included in the list of poisonous ones.

The cooking method described below was used by our ancestors in those days poisonous properties pigs were not identified.

Salted mushrooms recipe

  • Preparation time - 40 days.
  • Time preparatory work and the process of salting together with cooking is 4 hours.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:


  • Mushrooms.
  • Salt.
  • Garlic.
  • Dill.
  • Allspice.


  1. Wash and soak the mushrooms in water for 3 hours.
  2. Cook for 30 minutes, drain the boiled water.
  3. Let cool.
  4. Place in a ceramic container in rows.
  5. Sprinkle each row with salt, chop finely chopped pepper, and add allspice as desired. Sprinkle with dill.
  6. Leave at a temperature of about 5 degrees for 40 days.
  7. Periodically add boiled water. We do this as they evaporate and absorb so that they do not turn out to be overdried.

Why was pig meat banned in the USSR?

Pig for a long time was considered an edible product. Citizens of the USSR collected different types for myself.

There were collection points for mushrooms for production. People brought there what they had collected themselves. But since 1981, pork has been removed from the list of acceptable food products.

The citizens shrugged their shoulders and continued collecting the familiar pig, but for personal use.

Then the government decided to include it in the list of poisonous mushrooms prohibited for consumption.

This order had an impact on conscious citizens - mass procurement of red mushrooms stopped.

Scary facts about the pig - reasons for being included in the list of poisonous:

  • During the Second World War, scientist Julius Schaeffer tried to prove that the pig contained a deadly poison.

    He died two weeks after eating mushrooms from kidney failure. The fact alerted experts, but the official ban came only in 1981.

  • Today it is known for certain that deadly poisons, which thin and thick pigs contain, destroy blood cells, this leads to the gradual destruction of the liver and kidneys.
  • As a result of eating pork, a person develops anemia and jaundice.
  • Since the diseases caused by this species develop slowly, no one has associated their occurrence with eating mushrooms.

    Many Soviet citizens continued to eat them even after the ban was issued and they were listed as poisonous.

Interesting facts about pigs:

  • The poisonous substance is muscarine. It is also part of the poisonous mushroom in the world - fly agaric. Even half a fly agaric can kill an adult.
  • The pig kills slowly: its poisons do not disintegrate even after very long cooking. Muscarine is contained in small quantities, but it is not excreted from the body, accumulating, poisoning the organs and blood.
  • The organs responsible for cleansing are the first to suffer: the kidneys and liver.
  • A common consequence of eating is anaphylactic shock.
  • Pigs contain substances similar to radiation. According to unconfirmed data, when they enter the body, they reduce tumors.
  • In addition to poisons, mushrooms contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the body: improve heart function and enhance immunity.
  • An interesting fact about mushrooms: they are neither plants nor animals. But according to their genetic makeup, they are closer to humans.

The benefits and harms of pigs are not comparable. Useful substances can be obtained from edible mushrooms. You can cook pigs and marinate them.

Just don't do this - human life priceless. Take care of yourself, eat only edible species mushrooms

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