Combat readiness is complete. What is combat readiness, degrees of combat readiness: constant, increased, military danger, complete

Against the backdrop of massive calls for world peace, almost every state is constantly developing its military-industrial complex. After the Second World War, two superpowers took absolute leadership in the political arena: the USA and the USSR, which was succeeded by modern Russia. Over the seventy-year period, no direct armed conflict arose between these countries, but relations often entered a rather aggravated phase.

That is why it is advisable to periodically check the military potential of the armed forces. This is achieved by organizing exercises or combat drills, but there is also a political subtext, since any test of the level of combat readiness of the RF Armed Forces is regarded by a potential enemy as an aggressive step. At the same time, such events are aimed at demonstrating the capabilities of the Armed Forces and their readiness to take active action, which should significantly reduce the ardor of presumptuous “partners.”

It is necessary to soberly assess the situation in the world associated with the constant expansion of the NATO military bloc. It is gratifying to understand that the US worries are not unfounded, because the success of the Russian Aerospace Forces during its implementation showed a high degree of preparedness of military personnel, as well as superiority in many positions domestic technology ahead of their Western counterparts.

Concept of combat readiness

Each of us has probably heard about the degree of combat readiness, but the direct understanding of the basic term is sometimes quite far from the truth. Combat readiness is defined as the state of the armed forces at the current moment to mobilize and complete the assigned task in the conditions of real battles with the enemy.

IN war time a high degree of combat readiness is important for all units and subunits. The tasks must be completed by everyone possible ways, for which the use of equipment, weapons, nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction is envisaged.

Bringing to combat readiness

The process of bringing the armed forces to a state of combat readiness is proceeding according to plan. The regulatory document for personnel and commanders, as well as for officials, is the manual on combat training in the RF Armed Forces, which includes the corresponding order of the Ministry of Defense, a collection of standards that discuss combat training in the RF Armed Forces, standards for physical training. This should also include a drill manual, a manual on methods and means of camouflage, rules for using PPE, behavior when using MP weapons, and, finally, textbooks for officials.

The leadership of bringing into combat readiness rests with the unit commander. The plan specifies methods of alerting personnel, signals and locations, and defines the action of the personnel daily outfit and all those on duty, the leadership of the commandant service has been appointed.

The signal to put on combat readiness is received by the HF duty officer. The command is then transmitted, using available warning systems, to the unit commander or, alternatively, to unit duty officers. Be sure to carry out the command clarification procedure.

The raising of a company on alarm is assigned by the unit commander and announced by the unit on duty. All soldiers are informed about the start of a certain operation and a general gathering is announced. If a citizen does not live on the territory of a military unit, he will receive a collection order from a messenger. Drivers of military equipment are required to arrive at the park, where they will have to prepare their vehicles before the appointed time.

Often, a stay at the place of deployment involves the transportation of certain property. These works are assigned to the personnel, where the chief is appointed from among those senior in rank. After successful preparatory measures, it is necessary to wait for the officers. Military personnel not included in the combat crew must independently arrive at the assembly point.

Constant combat readiness

The degree of combat readiness depends on external factors. First of all, this is the level of threat of violation of state borders. It should be noted that for each level of readiness a set of measures is clearly prescribed, which covers the entire chain of command in the army. This is the only way to achieve high efficiency to reduce the response time to a threat.

Statistics show that the quality of combat readiness depends on the preparedness of military personnel and their field training. The professionalism of the officers also has a direct impact. Here it is most appropriate to mention the implementation of all points of the combined arms regulations. Last but not least is the unit's logistics. When fully staffed, the unit can be easily brought to any level of readiness.

One of the approved degrees of readiness of the Armed Forces, in which a unit can remain in peacetime, is constant combat readiness. All units are geographically located in a stationary location, general activities are carried out as usual. There is no need to talk about maintaining proper discipline, since it must be present in any military unit. Weapons and ammunition are stored in specially equipped warehouses, and equipment may be subject to scheduled maintenance. But we should not forget about the possibility of transferring the unit to a state with a higher degree of readiness.


The state of a unit in which it conducts planned activities, but at any moment can carry out a real combat mission, is called increased readiness. There are some standard activities for this degree. They are appointed by the command of the unit, based on external conditions and internal structure.

  • Vacations and dismissals, as well as transfers to reserve, are not temporarily assigned.
  • The daily outfit is reinforced by personnel.
  • A 24-hour duty regime is established.
  • The availability of weapons and equipment is regularly checked.
  • Officers are issued weapons and ammunition.
  • All military personnel, without exception, are transferred to barracks status.

In a state of heightened combat readiness, a unit must react not only to the expected actions of the enemy, but also be prepared for a sudden change in his plans. But in fairness, it should be noted that some can remain in such a status only during exercises. In reality, either the foreign policy situation becomes more complicated, or everything returns to a peaceful course. Staying in a state of high alert for a long time is fraught with significant financial costs.

Military threat and complete BG

Military danger arises in the maximum permissible conflict without active combat operations. At the same time, the armed forces are redeployed in such a way that the equipment is withdrawn to alternative areas, but in general the unit performs its main function. Military units rise upon an alarm and can be sent to carry out strategic tasks. The third degree of readiness is characterized by standard activities.

  1. Military personnel who have completed their term of service are not subject to dismissal.
  2. Young recruits are not recruited for service.

Speaking about financing, it should be noted that in this case the volume Money for the maintenance of the army is even greater than in the previous case considered. Alternative areas are being developed no further than 30 km from the previous location. One of them must remain secret, and therefore may not be equipped with communications. The equipment must be refueled, and the personnel must be supplied with ammunition.

With full readiness, the state is on the verge of conducting hostilities. At the same time, various options for introducing martial law are provided. All officers are subject to general mobilization. 24-hour duty is organized. Staffing units that were reduced in peacetime are being staffed again. Communication between officers is subject to encryption. Oral reports must be documented. The unit can be transferred to full readiness from any of the listed states.

Encyclopedic sources note: “Combat readiness is a state that determines the degree of readiness of troops to carry out the tasks assigned to them... This, ultimately, is the crown of combat excellence in peacetime and the key to victory in war.” 1

Many works have been written about the concept of “combat readiness”, its essence and the need to maintain it in the troops. Combat readiness is of particular importance for the Russian Armed Forces. Untimely and disorganized bringing them into combat readiness with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War resulted in dire consequences not only for the army, but also for the country as a whole, with the death of millions of people.

IN Soviet period A corresponding conclusion was drawn from this lesson. I would like to remind you what efforts military and non-military people throughout the country had to make in order to subsequently maintain the combat capability of the army and navy at the proper level for many decades and thereby preserve the peaceful labor of their citizens. This problem is still relevant today. Experience has been accumulated in creating a coherent combat readiness system for the domestic Armed Forces. This is an example of the creative, selfless work of the people and the army.

In the post-war period, military science gave Objective assessment reasons for miscalculations in ensuring the combat readiness of the Red Army on the eve of the war and in its initial period, and certain recommendations were developed in order to avoid making mistakes in the future. Everything that was done during the Soviet period in the field of improving the organizational structure of formations and units, their technical equipment, command and control systems, combat training, combat, technical and logistical support, strengthening the moral and psychological state of personnel, discipline and organization, was ultimately is aimed at ensuring that troops are not taken by surprise in the event of war.

It was concluded that the country's Armed Forces must be in constant high combat readiness to repel a surprise attack by an aggressor, and be able to carry out the tasks assigned to them at any time. After World War II, five main stages can be distinguished in the development of the theory and practice of combat readiness. The first stage covers eight and a half years - from 1945 to 1953. It is due to the transfer of the Armed Forces to a peaceful position, their reorganization and modernization. At this time, complete mechanization and motorization of the army was carried out, technical renewal of all branches of the military was carried out, jet aviation was created and the country's air defense forces were formed. During this period, requirements were formulated for maintaining the combat readiness of troops in peacetime.

It was taken into account that during the Korean War (1950–1953), new combat weapons were used - jet aircraft, effective incendiaries- napalm, some types of bacteriological and chemical weapons. The second stage took six years - from 1954 to 1960. It is characterized by the massive equipping of all types of Armed Forces with nuclear weapons, the creation and introduction of new weapons, the restructuring organizational structures and, accordingly, a revision of views on the nature of the operation and battle. The troops switched to a new system of gradually bringing formations to combat readiness, according to which three levels of combat readiness were provided: everyday, increased and full. The third stage includes the next ten years - from 1961 to 1970.

This was the decade of creating strategic nuclear forces, the massive introduction of missiles for various purposes into all types of armed forces, the emergence of military space assets, a sharp leap in the development of information and control systems. During this period, according to the state of combat readiness levels, the Armed Forces were divided into several categories. At the same time, most of the troops, forces and assets capable of immediately starting to carry out combat missions without additional deployment were classified as permanently ready troops.

These are the strategic missile forces, all foreign groupings of troops, a significant part of the air defense, air force and navy forces. The second category included compounds with a short readiness period (1–2 days). Most of these formations were part of border military districts. The third category included reduced strength troops with terms mobilization readiness up to 10–15 days. The fourth category included framed formations with a deployment period of 20 to 30 days from the start of the war. The fourth stage lasted from 1971 to 1980. and was also very rich in content. At this time, a sharp qualitative leap occurred in the state of the Armed Forces and their combat readiness. Their strategic potential has increased several times.

Particular attention was paid to increasing the combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces. They switched to new level management. The Signal A system was put into operation. This advanced control system missile forces combined with centralized system combat control of the Armed Forces (Center). The warning time for launches of small missiles was increased to 30–35 minutes, and for launches of RSD and radar-guided missiles - to 5–8 minutes. A new element of “airmobility” appeared in the combat readiness system, which affected the timing of the maneuver. This was facilitated vietnam war, where multi-purpose helicopters were used in large numbers.

Taking into account the increased ground and air mobility of troops on the battlefield, it was necessary to make certain adjustments to the standards for bringing troops to combat readiness. It is also significant that the war in Vietnam, as well as the wars in the Middle East (1967, 1973, 1982) marked the beginning of the wars of a new technological era, where the massive use of controlled precision weapons: in Vietnam these are air defense systems, guided bombs, homing aircraft missiles"Shrike", in the Middle East - guided missiles ATGM, SAM, air-to-air missiles that meet the "fire-to-hit" concept. The fifth stage in the development of the troop combat readiness system took place from the 80s to the 90s. Its main content was the wars in Afghanistan (1979–1989), in the Persian Gulf zone (1991), and military campaigns in the North Caucasus (1994–1996; 1999–2000). The important thing is that from one local war to the other, new weapons systems began to be introduced more and more intensively. If in the Korean War 9 fundamentally new combat systems were put into operation, in Vietnam - 25, in the Middle East - 30, then in the Gulf War - 100.

The new quality was manifested in the fact that in the 90s the specific gravity use of precision weapons. If in Operation Desert Storm (1991) the share of guided bombs was 8 percent, then 7 years later, during Operation Desert Fox (1998) against Iraq, their share increased to 70 percent, in Operation Terrifying Force (1999) against Yugoslavia - up to 90 percent. All American weapons were controlled, high-precision weapons. Taking into account changing conditions in the 70s, it was developed new system bringing troops to combat readiness. It provided for administrative order and the possibility of extreme deployment of forces and means in the event of a sudden crisis situation.

A genuine revolution in views on war, methods of waging it and, accordingly, the system for ensuring the combat readiness of the armed forces was caused by grandiose scientific breakthroughs in nuclear physics, optics, physics solid, radiophysics, thermal physics, space, electronic and laser technology and other scientific fields. The development of the theory and practice of combat readiness of the Armed Forces was greatly facilitated by a coherent system of operational-strategic exercises in theaters of operations. Thus, from 1971 to 1980, 9 such exercises were held in the West, 7 exercises in the East, 2 exercises in the South, 4 operational-strategic exercises of air defense forces, 3 operational-strategic exercises of the Air Force, 2 strategic exercises of the Navy. The entire range of problems of the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of that time was reflected in military-theoretical works that appeared from 1961 to 1990, including such as “The Initial Period of the War” (1964), “ Common problems Soviet military strategy" (1969), "Strategic operation in the theater of military operations" (1966), "War and the art of war" (1972), "War and the army" (1977), "Modern warfare" (1978), " Military strategy"(1970), "Combined Arms Battle" (1965), Field Manual of the Armed Forces (1948), etc. An analysis of the theory and practice of combat readiness of troops in the Soviet period would be incomplete without coverage psychological aspect Problems.

In textbooks, psychology is considered as a science about the patterns, mechanisms, conditions, factors and features of the development and functioning of the human psyche. A separate branch of it is military psychology, which studies the patterns of the psyche and behavior of people in conditions military service, especially in a combat situation. 2

The study of combat is the study of laws human activity in battle. At one time, Clausewitz wrote: “Combat is the ultimate goal of an army, and man is the first weapon of battle; without accurate knowledge of man and his condition at the decisive moment of battle, no tactics are possible.” But the nature of human psychology has remained unchanged over the centuries. People are still guided in their behavior by passions, base inclinations, instincts, and in particular, the most powerful - the instinct of self-preservation, which can manifest itself in battle in different forms: in the form of fear, indifference, and sometimes panic.

To be able to control a person’s behavior in battle, to instill fearlessness in him, to inspire him to heroic deeds, to mobilize him to carry out a combat mission - this means ensuring the proper combat capability of the unit in any situation. Napoleon said: “The instinct of every person is to prevent himself from being killed by the defenseless.”

Philosophers argue that it was human knowledge that created Roman tactics and ensured the successes of Julius Caesar. 3 Combat tests a person’s spiritual and physical strength. The famous historian B. M. Teplov’s statement about fear in battle is noteworthy. “The question,” he writes, “is not whether a person in battle experiences the emotion of fear or does not experience any emotion, but whether he experiences the negative emotion of fear and positive emotion combat excitement. The latter is a necessary companion to military vocation and military talent.” 4

Maintaining proper combat readiness in battle is impossible without the combat cohesion of the unit, without the courageous, decisive actions of military personnel, which is the result of their targeted training and education. Perhaps the most difficult and most important thing in a commander’s activity is managing the behavior of people in battle. To do this, we need to find ways to the heart of every soldier, awaken the best in him. fighting qualities. M.I. Dragomirov wrote that “only war causes that joint tension of all the spiritual sides of a person, especially his will, which shows the full extent of his power and which is not caused by any other type of activity.” 5

As a conclusion from what has been discussed, we note that without instilling such fighting qualities in military personnel as determination, courage, courage, combat activity, willingness to take reasonable risks, strength of character, initiative, collectivism, military camaraderie, mutual assistance, composure in the face of mortal danger, belief in the superiority of one’s weapons, the ability to control oneself in stressful situations it is impossible to ensure high combat readiness of the unit. Taking care of this is the most important duty of a commander.

With the strength of his intellect, depth of foresight, originality of the battle plan, military cunning, decisiveness of action, achievement of surprise, swiftness of maneuver, clarity and flexibility in coordinating combat efforts of forces and means, firmness and flexibility in leading units, a commander can double or triple combat capabilities divisions. Decisive role The time factor plays a role in ensuring combat readiness. The loss of time is irreplaceable. Strengthening the combat readiness and combat capability of a unit is work today and for the future. It is necessary to take into account not only that likely enemy has today, but also what weapons he will have tomorrow.


1 . Soviet military encyclopedia, vol. I, 1976. M.: Military Publishing House. P. 511.

2. Military psychology and pedagogy. Tutorial. M.: “Perfection”. 1998. P. 10.

3. Shumov S. Weapons, army, war, battle. Kyiv-Moscow: “AlternativeEvrolints”, 2003. P. 399.

4 . Teplov B. M. The mind of a commander. M.: Pedagogy. 1990. P. 97.

5 . Dragomirov M.I. Analysis of war and peace. St. Petersburg: 1898. P. 14.


Methodological development

Topic No. 9

“Combat and mobilization readiness of units”

Lesson No. 1

Considered at the meeting of the State Duma cycle

Protocol dated “___” _________ 201__ No. ____

According to the book of accounting of methodological documents of cycle No. ____


I approve

Boss military department

PSU named after S. Toraigyrova

Lieutenant Colonel S. Shintemirov

Of the year

Methodological development

on Tactical training for VUS-260100, 300400, 801500

Topic No. 6. Combat and mobilization readiness of units - 2 hours

Lesson No. 1. Combat and mobilization readiness of units – 2 hours.

Objectives of the lesson (educational and educational):

To cultivate a sense of patriotism for the Motherland.

To familiarize students with the levels of combat readiness.

Location and type of lesson:

classroom, lecture.

Material support:

Posters, stands, tutorial;

Presentation on the topic of the lesson;

Computer with video projector.

Organization of classes and timing:

Introductory part - 10 min.

Leader actions:

1. Receives the duty officer’s report, checks availability, appearance and students' readiness for classes.

2. Conducts a quiz on the previous lesson and evaluates students’ answers. If necessary, analyzes errors and indicates the correct answer.

3. Announces the topic of the lesson, its goals, educational questions.

Student actions:

1. Listen to the leader.

2. Answer control questions.

3. Understand the topic, purpose of the lesson and the order of working out the questions.

Main part -60 min.

Question No. 1. The concept of combat and mobilization readiness - 20 min.

Organizational and methodological instructions

Leader actions:

Trainee actions:

By combat readiness, military science understands the ability of units and subunits of various types of troops to the utmost short time carry out comprehensive preparation, engage in battle with the enemy in an organized manner and, under any conditions, complete the assigned task.

Combat readiness is the quantitative and qualitative state of troops, which determines the degree of their readiness to begin decisive action in any situation. fighting with all their available forces and means and successfully complete the combat mission.

The level of combat readiness of formations and units depends on:

Combat training of troops in peacetime;

Mobilization readiness of formations and units of reduced strength and

Professional training of commanders and staffs;

Good condition of equipment and weapons;

Provision of material resources;

Conditions of duty equipment on combat duty.

Question No. 2. Degrees of combat readiness - 10 min.

Organizational and methodological instructions

Leader actions:

1. Announces the educational question and the procedure for working it out.

2. Presents the material of the educational question, using a presentation on this topic, while monitoring the work of students in taking notes.

3. After presenting the educational question, answers students’ questions, conducts a quiz on the material of the educational question, and evaluates students’ answers.

Trainee actions:

1. Listen to the lesson leader and take notes.

2. If necessary, after finishing the presentation of the material of the educational question, ask the supervisor questions.

3. Answer test questions based on the material of the educational question.

In the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan there are the following levels of combat readiness:

1. Combat readiness “Constant”.

2. Combat readiness “Increased”.

3. Combat readiness “Military danger”.

4. Combat readiness “Full”.

CONSTANT combat readiness is the daily state of formations and units, maintained according to peacetime states and time sheets and provided with all types of military reserves, in readiness to carry out a combat mission.

Units and units are engaged in daily activities in accordance with the combat training plan, while duty assets are on combat duty;

Combat vehicles, weapons and vehicles are maintained in accordance with the norms and procedures established by orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Commander-in-Chief Ground forces; military reserves of ammunition, fuel, lubricants and supplies technical means are stored in machines, and the main supplies are stored in warehouses echeloned by type and nomenclature for issue to units (divisions).

INCREASED combat readiness is a state of units and subunits in which, while remaining at points of permanent deployment (in combat duty areas, at training grounds), they carry out additional activities combat readiness, as a result of which the readiness to perform a combat mission increases.

Gathering units and subunits located at exercises, training grounds, and work in their garrisons and carrying out measures to replenish them;

Organizing the protection of headquarters, barracks, warehouses, fleets of combat vehicles and other vital facilities in places of permanent deployment and at training grounds by strengthening the detachment of allocated duty forces and equipment and setting up paired patrols;

Clarification of applications to cover the current shortage of personnel, suspension of the next dismissal of military personnel who have served the established terms, and continuation of the planned conscription, suspension of the secondment of those liable for military service, called up for training, and assigned vehicles National economy;

Removing from storage and making weapons and military equipment ready for combat use, loading military reserves of materiel into combat vehicles and motor transport;

Preparation for the delivery of excess material and technical means, barracks funds, training equipment and property.

If a unit remains in HIGH combat readiness for more than two days, combat training classes are organized and conducted in the units, taking into account the implementation of upcoming tasks.

It should be noted that the scope of activities carried out by troops when they are put on HIGH combat readiness is developed taking into account the location and activity of the unit and, depending on the conditions of the situation, can be changed and supplemented.

Combat readiness MILITARY DANGER is a state of units and subunits in which they are raised on combat alert and carry out combat readiness measures at the point of permanent deployment, combat duty areas, at training grounds, followed, if necessary, with withdrawal to concentration areas.

Withdrawal of units to concentration areas (while radio communications in places of permanent deployment continue to operate as before);

Bringing command posts to the concentration area and preparing them for work in field conditions;

Carrying out additional staffing of units to wartime levels; personnel are issued cartridges, grenades, personal protective equipment, steel helmets, “NZ” gas masks, individual anti-chemical bags (cartridges and grenades are in standard closures in units).

FULL combat readiness is the state of the highest readiness of units and subunits that have completed the entire range of measures to transfer from a peaceful to a military situation, including full staffing and direct preparation for combat operations, ensuring an organized entry into battle and the successful completion of the assigned task.

This state of the troops is characterized by the following indicators:

Units and subunits are in the areas indicated by them in readiness for immediate combat operations (movement and occupation of areas (positions) for conducting combat operations);

Reconnaissance of advance routes and deployment lines is carried out, a commandant service is organized;

A decision is made (clarified), tasks are communicated to subordinates, and combat operations are planned;

Interaction and all types of support are organized (specified); Air defense units (units) are in readiness for the immediate destruction of enemy air attack weapons.

When brought to FULL combat readiness from a state of constant readiness, the measures provided for by the degrees of combat readiness are carried out in the course of direct preparation for the execution of a combat mission.

The specificity of the activities of troops when they are brought to the highest levels of combat readiness imposes certain features on the work of commanders of all levels to ensure state secrets in these conditions.

This work is based on several main areas that are inherent in any of the introduced levels of combat readiness:

Camouflage and comprehensive counteraction to foreign technical intelligence are organized;

It is ensured that information about the combat and mobilization readiness of units and subunits, their combat mission and the nature of their activities is kept in the strictest confidence;

In units (subdivisions) associated with the operation of secret weapons systems (military equipment), a special secrecy regime is established;

Additional protection of information is organized in automated control systems and computing systems, closing channels for leaking secrets when using technical means of communication and control; The rules of covert command and control of troops are strictly observed.

Related information.

Degrees of combat readiness

established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and departmental regulations types of state of the troops and bodies of the RF PS, from which they can prepare for the implementation of the safety protection system within the required time frame. They are introduced by order of senior commanders (chiefs). S.b.g. (“Constant”, “Increased”, “ ” and “Full”) are established in order to maintain the ability of troops and bodies in any situation to successfully carry out the tasks of protecting and guarding the State Guard of the Russian Federation.

Border Dictionary. - M.: Academy of the Federal PS of the Russian Federation. 2002 .

See what “Degrees of combat readiness” are in other dictionaries:

    COMBAT READINESS INTERMEDIATE GRADES- the state of the troops (naval forces), which ensures the implementation of a number of priority measures necessary to complete one or another stage of bringing the armed forces to full combat readiness. The content of these stages may be different: RF Armed Forces... ... War and peace in terms and definitions

    Combat crew- 1) (Rocket.) component duty combat shift (b.r. control point, launch, combat post, command post etc.); 2) Determination of special (additional) responsibilities of military personnel in the upcoming performance by the unit of combat or... ... Encyclopedia of the Strategic Missile Forces

    Order of battle- ORDER OF BATTLE, tactical. a combination of organizational units of manpower that most conveniently ensures the conduct of combat. The modification of means of combat (including elements of the properties of weapons, the composition of the army) also caused a change in the forms of B.P. Historical... ... Military encyclopedia

    Combat Kit- COMBAT KIT. Military supplies are prepared in peacetime in the amount of b. the need for them, determined per unit of this weapon based on instructions b. experience, properties of weapons and their purposes. In siege and fortress artillery. All… … Military encyclopedia

    Combat Kit- a certain amount of ammunition contained in peacetime for each weapon in case of war. The size of the B. kit is determined by three conditions: 1) the amount of ammunition located with the battery or in general with the unit... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree- Order "For Service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR" I degree II degree ... Wikipedia

    Order of Kutuzov, II degree- Order of Kutuzov, 1st class, 2nd class... Wikipedia Wikipedia

Combat readiness: definition, content. Constant, increased, full combat readiness. Military danger

What is combat readiness and how is it determined?

BG - the ability of units and subunits of various types of troops to carry out comprehensive training in an extremely short time, engage in battle with the enemy in an organized manner and, under any situational conditions, complete the assigned task.

The level of combat readiness of formations and units is at big dependence from:
. combat training of troops in peacetime,
. mobilization readiness of formations and units of reduced strength and personnel,
. vocational training commanders and staffs,
. good condition of equipment and weapons,
. provision of material resources,
. the state of duty equipment on combat duty.

Constant degree of combat readiness and its content

The daily state of the troops, the level of personnel, weapons, armored vehicles and transport, the provision of all types of material resources and the ability to go into “increased”, “military danger” and “full” combat readiness within the time limit established for them.

Units and subdivisions are located in places of permanent deployment. Combat training is organized according to the combat training plan, classes are conducted according to the training schedule, strict implementation of the daily routine, maintaining high discipline, all this has a significant impact on the level of combat readiness in peacetime.

Increased level of combat readiness and its content

The state of troops in which they can be put on combat readiness in the shortest possible time." military danger" and "full" without performing combat missions.

When combat readiness is “increased,” the following set of measures is performed:

Officers, if necessary, are transferred to a barracks position;
. all types of fees and vacations are cancelled;
. all units return to their location;
. current allowance equipment is removed from short-term storage;
. Batteries are installed on TD equipment;
. combat training equipment and weapons are loaded with ammunition;
. the outfit is enhanced;
. round-the-clock duty of responsible staff officers is established;
. the warning and alarm system is checked;
. transfer to the reserve ceases;
. archives are being prepared for delivery;
. weapons and ammunition are issued to officers and warrant officers.

Military danger and its content

The state of troops in which they are ready to perform combat missions. Personnel receive weapons and gas masks. All equipment and weapons are removed to the reserve area.

Reduced personnel units and personnel, which are staffed according to the mobilization plan with officers, warrant officers, sergeants and active-duty soldiers, as well as reserve personnel, receive the organizational core, prepare for the withdrawal of equipment, weapons and materiel to the reserve area, and deploy reception points for enlisted personnel .

Full combat readiness and its contents

State highest degree combat readiness of troops, at which they are able to begin performing combat missions.

Parts of the reduced staff and personnel begin to receive assigned personnel and equipment from agriculture. The units are staffed according to the mobilization plan with reserve personnel up to their full wartime staff strength.
