Money magic: attracting money. Letters from our readers

Money magic helps improve your financial and work situation. Thanks to simple rituals, you can unleash your creative potential, get a strong boost of energy, and also win over your management, colleagues and business and work partners.

Secrets and rules of money magic

To ensure that rituals have the desired effect, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Remember that in order for it to work, you need to make an effort, since rituals help improve the result, and do not make dreams come true out of nothing.
  2. Do not use black and white money magic to improve your wealth at the expense of other people.
  3. Be sure to believe that the rituals will give the desired result.
  4. Always be specific about the amount you want to receive. Just don’t mention sky-high numbers, everything should be real.
  5. Don’t tell anyone that you are using the help of a Higher Power.

Money magic on the full moon

To improve your financial situation, perform such a ritual. Take a cup and fill it halfway with clean water. Place a silver coin there. Place the cup on the windowsill so that the moon is reflected in the water. Open the window and move your hands over the cup, as if you were collecting coins, and then say the following words 3 times:

“Beautiful Mistress Luna! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever you give!”

At the end of the ritual, pour the water outside, and put the coin in your wallet and always carry it with you.

Money magic on the waxing moon

The ceremony must be performed on an even date. Take a bill and say the following words on it:

“Just as there is a lot of mud in a swamp, and fish in the water, so there is a lot of money for me.

Grow and grow for a month, and give me wealth, servant (fish) of God (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, put the bill in the corner of the room for a week, and then spend it. Repeat the ritual 3 times.

The magic of the money tree

It is recommended to take a seedling of this plant from someone, or, as a last resort, you can purchase it. To reveal and strengthen its magic, you need to buy green or black ceramic dishes on the growing moon. On Wednesday you can replant the plant. At the bottom of the pot, place 8 coins of the same denomination with the coat of arms facing up and write any money conspiracy. After planting the tree, say the following words 3 times:

“You grow, and I bloom in wealth. This is my will. Let it be so!"

Place Money Tree in the southeast. Make sure the plant is well-groomed. It needs to be watered on Wednesdays, reading the above plot.

The magic of a money wallet

If you bought a new wallet, then to increase your income you can spend. Place silver coins in it and leave it on the windowsill during the waxing moon. Say the following spell to him 3 times:

“I’m talking myself and my wallet into permanent monetary wealth. So that money constantly multiplies in it, like stars in the sky. So that their number grows as the moon arrives. Whoever steals my wallet, let him take with him 33 misfortunes with deep lack of money, which I will never see. Amen".

After 3 days, put any banknote in your wallet and you can then use it.

Happiness does not come from money, many say, but they are in no hurry to give away their hard-earned money, because everyone dreams of financial well-being. Moreover, in the flow modern world, it is impossible to live without money. Therefore, the issue of resolving financial problems is more relevant than ever. Let's figure out what the magic of money can do and how to attract money at home? It’s also funny that some, working tirelessly, barely make it to their paycheck, while others seem to stick to them themselves. But you shouldn’t get hung up on money, just as you shouldn’t underestimate it.

The magic of money: attracting money into your life yourself at home

Magic relating to financial stability belongs to the category of white magic. The reason for this is that thanks to a continuous cash flow, a person becomes more confident, successful, prosperous and happier. Money has enormous power, which controls the world and so that you have this power too, there are several effective ways.

A selection of magical money rituals

What is a money matrix and how can it help you achieve financial well-being? The answer is quite simple. The matrix consists of a combination of symbols, saturated and charged with an energy flow in which certain knowledge is hidden. To recognize this knowledge, 16 will help us magic symbols, which are compiled for each day of the week sequentially.

For the ritual, it is necessary to cut out sixteen squares, measuring four by four. Then draw a symbol on each square. It is advisable to apply the image in black ink or with a black pen. Each character has its own number. This will help you perform a magical ritual. The ritual of the money matrix is ​​carried out at the beginning of each season (December, March, June, September) after sunset. Place four white candles around you, then do the same with the symbols. There should be four cards next to each candle. Now you must concentrate and imagine a cosmic pipe from which coins, bills, bank checks, shares and other personifications of money are pouring down on you like a waterfall. When such a picture clearly appears before your eyes, say the following:

The magic of money: the money matrix helps attract money

I'm on the road at the beginning and at the end of the road,

Past and future between me

four legions of higher powers, I call to you

You are witnesses and participants in my secret action,

To enter the four cosmic spaces

And through four subordinate subspaces I will find a way out

Before arriving at the energy center of the four roads, where

Created and passed that the holder of the keys of power

Will remain in the center of additions and multiplications forever

From this time until the end of time.

To reinforce the ritual, carry cards in your wallet. The magic of money and the money matrix will help you attract money at home . And one more thing, to maintain strength, do not forget to perform the ritual at one time of the year.

Option 2: “The Magic of Numbers - The Magic of Money”

The magic of numbers and numbers is single organism, complementing each other. Therefore, people often turn to the magic of numbers to attract money. Among witches and sorceresses, there is even a science - money numerology, which explains how to attract money based on its numerical characteristics. According to this esoteric science, each number has individual qualities. Consider each number separately to become familiar with the magical power.

Use the magic of numbers to attract money

  1. The number 1 is used to give stability to your business and the same rushing cash flow, which concentrates on one of the things that is important to you.
  2. In magic, the number two is used to attract useful contacts, necessary connections and create profitable partnerships.
  3. But the number three, on the contrary, is used to expand cash flows and eliminate financial obstacles.
  4. The power of number four is used for constant and stable cash flow.
  5. The number five, a number that has been pleasant to the ear since childhood, helps to reveal one’s capabilities.
  6. In order for money to help you and not hinder you, use the magic of the number six.
  7. The number seven, which brings good luck and increased cash flow, reveals intuition and favors luck.
  8. Eight is a sign of infinity; the number eight conceals enormous power and possibilities. It will give you Universal harmony, balance and give stability to your financial situation.
  9. In money magic, the number nine is used to triple and expand cash flow. A ritual performed with the number nine will help you use your finances more prudently.

Advice:In order for the unit to begin to accompany you in your endeavors, you need to make a charmed ruble. To do this, wait for the mark on the calendar with the number one or eleven, and the clock will strike one in the morning or eleven o'clock in the afternoon. Place the coin on the open palm of your left hand, look at it without taking your eyes off for about a minute and say: “Little sister, attract money and call for wealth! You’re lying in my wallet - you’re growing profits for me!”

Then place the coin in a bowl with bay tree leaves for one day. Then you have a powerful money talisman that you need to keep with you in your left pocket.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Option 3: “Black magic of money”

Black magic to attract money

Not only white magic helps in acquiring financial well-being. The difference is that black magic is mainly for personal gain. To carry out a ritual of black magic, namely a spell for money, you will need 10 large denomination coins and 2 black candles. After sunset, light the candles and place a bowl between them. Pour holy water into it, saying:

Let my pockets be filled,

Let the money come to my house just as soon,

Like a jug I fill with water.

Then send a coin into the water, saying:

I wish you health. I wish you happiness.

I wish you success. I wish you wealth.

I wish you gold. I wish you silver.

I wish you abundance. I wish you help.

I wish that money would come into my life.

I wish this, so be it.

Leave everything in its place and go to bed, no need to blow out the candles. In the morning, when you wake up from sleep, spray water and coins into all corners of the house. Then place the coins along the window. When you receive your next paycheck, holding the money in your hands, whisper:

In my wallet is your money, your treasury is my treasury, so be it!

Option 4: “White magic of money”

In this article:

The magic of money - effective remedy, allowing you to solve any financial difficulties. With the help of special witchcraft rituals, you can attract financial well-being to yourself and never again think about possible financial difficulties.

Money luck through witchcraft

With the help of magical means you can indeed attract money to yourself, but the magician must be completely confident in his own abilities and the effectiveness of the ritual being performed. At the same time, you should always remember that you cannot become a slave of money, a slave of gold and silver. Dependence on material wealth can lead to many troubles in the future, which is why do not make money your dream, it is better to want a decent and comfortable life for yourself and your loved ones, such a dream will definitely not cause trouble.

Ritual for quickly attracting money

To perform this magical ritual you will need a large banknote. Fold the corner of the selected bill on the right side, and then do the same with the other side. As a result, you should end up with an isosceles triangle.

Then fold the bill over vertical axis in half, take it by the corner with the fingers of your left hand, bring it to your lips and speak the words of the conspiracy to it:

“Like a fast river attracts all the small streams to itself, how it collects water from them and gives it to the deep sea. How a woman attracts men. How day attracts night, and night attracts day. So you, money, attract to me, the servant of God (name), your own kind. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The bill charmed in this way should be placed in your wallet. Do not, under any circumstances, remove any money from your wallet or allow anyone to touch it for the next three months. If you come across bills of the same denomination, put them in the section next to the charmed bill.

How to quickly and easily raise money

Very good way attract money energy

This magical ritual should be performed only during the full moon in the country or in own home, next to which there is a vegetable garden or garden. Take a sieve, pour some fines into it and go to the garden. Sow money there and recite the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Earth, accept my seeds, let them sprout, let them cover all mine, servants of God (name). Expenses. Let my money sprout quickly and come to my wallet. May what has been said come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spell to attract money

This magical ritual refers to light rituals. White fortune telling for wealth is very effective and does not involve any dangers for the performer, which is why it is very popular among beginners.

This ritual is great for attracting money and increasing income in trade, however, to carry it out you will need to have the first money earned (you can have the first money earned at one retail outlet or in a new business, at new job). The first funds earned have the most powerful energy, which is quite easy to use in magic.

The method of working with appealing to the Christian egregor is very effective

Take the prepared banknotes in your right hand, close your eyes and read the “Our Father” prayer three times, cross yourself three times and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), am the seller, and you are the buyer. I, the servant of God (name), am a fine fellow, and you are a prospector. You come to me, you try. Attract buyers to my product and sell quickly. The buyer is not a joker, he is the main guide to my prosperity. He will buy a product and leave, and the next day he will come for another product. It is good for my heart, it is sweet for my soul that for me, God’s servant (name), everything will always be like this. Buyer to buyer, money goes to money, it will always be like this in my business, it will be like this forever and endlessly. Buyer to buyer, and money goes to money. Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The magic of money - a simple ritual

To perform this magical ritual, you will need a new yellow or golden wallet, as well as: a small round mirror, three yellow coins (preferably gold) and a small, thin piece of any wood (it should fit in the wallet).

Place all the prepared items in a crystal vessel and read the words of the conspiracy on them:

“Just as the foliage on a tree multiplies every year, so my coins, servants of God (name), will multiply in reflection. I, the servant of God (name), earnestly pray to the Lord God, I pray for financial prosperity. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, put all the enchanted items in your wallet and hide them in a safe place. This wallet will be your talisman to attract financial well-being.

Money Bank

To perform this ritual you will need a pen, a sheet of paper, 7 coins, a bay leaf and a square jar with a screw cap. The ceremony is carried out only if you need a certain amount of money for certain needs. If you just want finance for finance's sake, use a different ritual.

This talisman works great, especially in combination with other ways of working.

Write down on a piece of paper the exact amount you currently need, fold the sheet in half and put it in the jar. After that right hand Take one coin at a time and put them in the jar. When the coins fall and ring from the blows, try to imagine how their number multiplies and turns into the amount you need. At this time you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“The coins sparkle, the coins ring, I, the servant of God (name), have more and more coins for me. Where I don’t expect help from, I will receive income from there. Money comes into my pocket, money fulfills my desire. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On back side bay leaf write yours full name and add it to the jar with the paper and coins. Only after this, close the jar with a lid and hide it so that no one will not only never touch it, but will not even see it.

After this, you will need to add one or more coins to the jar every day, trying to imagine that the number of coins is growing and turning into the amount you need.

Once you receive the amount you asked for, take the jar out of the house and bury it in the garden.

Money talisman for money

This simple talisman for attracting money is made using coins found on the street. But remember that, under no circumstances, should you collect money found at crossroads, as there is a high probability that it was used by magicians for ransom. Taking someone else's ransom is very dangerous, because you cannot know what ritual was performed, maybe it is a black fortune, in which case you risk being involved in the relationship between the magician and his patrons on the part of dark forces.

When you collect change on the roads worth more than 100 rubles, you can proceed directly to performing the ritual for wealth. Place all the coins you find in a new clay pot, place it in a visible place in the house, where it should remain until the next full moon. During full moon you will need to take the coins out of the pot, wrap them in a linen scarf and go with it to church service in the morning.

After visiting church, return home, throw a handkerchief with coins on the floor in the hallway so that the coins scatter and roll around the room and forget about them for three days. For three days you cannot remove coins and receive guests. Only your family members should see the scattered money, and they should also be warned not to touch this important magical attribute.
After three days, collect all the coins in a bag and put them in a secluded place. This bag will now be your family talisman to attract financial well-being.

How to attract wealth to your home? Sometimes it is not enough just to work hard, spend the money you earn rationally and not indulge in financial adventures. For some people, even with the most good income money tends to fall through the ground.

It would seem: just a week after payday, nothing has been bought, and the money has already run away. If everything happens this way for you, you need the magic of attracting money and wealth. Such rituals have existed as long as money itself has existed. And, fortunately, these rituals have not yet been forgotten; it makes sense to ask magic for help.

Indeed, if money magic exists, why not use it? This obviously won't cause any harm. But the benefits can be enormous. Moreover, nothing extraordinary is required from you. Ingredients needed can be found in any home, you will only have to spend money on special ones magic candles colored wax. Shall we take a risk?

How do you feel about money?

  • How do you feel about money?
  • Maybe you are still sure that happiness is not in them, that being rich is even somewhat shameful, that honest people do not earn much?

If so, then your relationship with money has not worked out. You don't like them and are suspicious of their appearance. Money most naturally answers you in kind. They don't like you either and want to leave you.

This attitude is often fostered by the teachings you heard as a child. Now, having matured, you would be glad to change this relationship, but your subconscious attitude does not allow you to do this without additional effort. Therefore, before reading how to attract money using magic, you will have to overcome a harmful psychological attitude.

Start your relationship again with clean slate. The way relationships with people begin.

  • Think good things about money more often, imagine how happy you will be when it comes.
  • Take care of your money, count and smooth out your bills.
  • Take care of them. Don't let coins, even small ones that are no longer in circulation, lie in corners.

In general, any psychological practice that seems most successful to you will be suitable for reconciliation with money. Try to feel and remember the energy of money, learn to evoke it in yourself at the right moment.

Rules of money magic

  • All your magical actions must be kept secret.. The same applies to plans, preparation of rituals and subsequent storage of magical objects. Magic stops working as soon as strangers find out about it. No one except you should interfere with the sacred process either with thoughts or physical actions. This law is observed when performing any actions that are in one way or another connected with magic.
  • Magic to get rid of poverty happens on the waning moon. The magic for attracting money is growing. In the traditions of many magical teachings, it is believed that the moon and money are connected with each other. Therefore, before you begin performing rituals that last more than one day, carefully study the lunar calendar.
  • You have to pay for everything. In magic this is even more obvious than in everyday life. Engage in whatever charity you can, give alms, take things you don’t need to church. Give as payment what you are willing to give. Otherwise, it may happen that magical energy itself chooses to pay itself for the intervention, and you will not like this payment.
  • Keep the magical treaty in force. To do this, do some work every day to acquire or maintain wealth. A little more work than your usual norm will mean your serious attitude to the agreement with higher powers. Simply put, act in accordance with the saying: “water does not flow under a lying stone.”
  • Don't ask for more than you need. Demand a billion rubles lottery ticket not only useless, but even dangerous. Mindless greed has never brought anyone any good. You need a completely real, countable amount. That's exactly what you should ask for.

In the magic of attracting money and wealth, this rule works flawlessly. By naming the exact amount and clearly understanding what it will be spent on, you send a signal that wealth for you is not an end in itself, but an intermediate link on the path to your dream.

Instead of a conclusion

We present a ritual for bread. In any culture, bread is associated with prosperity and wealth. The ritual should attract money to your home, so it must be carried out on the waxing moon. You should buy, or even better, bake rye bread with your own hands.

When completely alone, place the bread on the table and slowly rotate the loaf clockwise with both hands. Concentrate on thoughts of incoming wealth and the desire to get rich. Read the plot three times:

“Glory to You, God! Give, Lord, new month golden horns for good deeds, give me, God’s servant (name), for high deeds. From now until forever and forever and ever. Amen".

After the ritual, put the bread in a secluded place and eat it within three days. Collect the crumbs and donate them to the birds on the third day.

Good luck in your magical endeavors!

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Video “How to become rich”

Svetlana Yadchenko
especially for “Psychology of Relationships”

It is probably impossible to overestimate the role of money in modern society. Money and financial relations literally everything in our society is permeated, in our everyday relationships, in work, in leisure. Finance is the flesh and blood of any metropolis, or whatever, any country. For each of us, money is an opportunity to feel comfortable and safe not only physically, but psychologically and emotionally. Magic can help you in gaining financial stability: enrichment rituals, tuning into the money wave, etc. Why do some people, from the very beginning of their careers, show remarkable abilities to accumulate and increase finances, while others live their entire lives and make ends meet? What's the matter? What mechanisms are at work here and why is it that a small part of any society always manages to prosper and stay afloat in any situation, while the rest are only content with living on the edge of the subsistence level? Let's try to understand this issue and give some valuable advice those who are ready to take responsibility for their own lives.

When it comes to money, the most important thing is the fact of your attitude towards it. Everything is extremely simple - you can either love them or not love them. This circumstance determines whether there will be banknotes in your wallet. This is a very important point, because It is on him that for the most part everything depends.
A harmonious relationship with a money egregor depends on your attitude towards him, on the amount and type of energy allocated to him and, of course, on the frequency of calls to him, that is, how often you think about money in the right way. Very rich people think about them all the time. If your relationship with money is not going well, then magic can come to the rescue: how to attract money, how to increase it, how to be stable - all these and other issues can be easily solved with its help.

It becomes clear that the main factor in having money is your reverent, tender and loyal attitude towards it. Having established working contact with this monetary force, you will not receive several million dollars in an instant. Everything will depend, of course, on the actual steps taken in the business field. But if there is strong contact with the egregor, everything will come easily and without special effort. Many habits are very difficult to change, because... They were developed in youth or childhood. But to attract money you need special mental attitudes that can be easily learned if you follow them every day.

We offer some tips for developing the right attitude towards money: Love your money. Right now, take them out of your wallet, count them and carefully put them back. Do this often to have constant contact with money energy. Don't forget that the love of money is the most important factor their availability. In order to acquire the love of money, white magic is used: spells for money, gold rituals, spells for wealth. Admire and rejoice in them. When you count them, imagine how nice it would be to have a lot of them and how many useful things you can buy with them. Treat them with care. Don't crumple your money, put it neatly in your wallet. Keep them in order. This shows your attitude towards them. Thus, Roman Fad, a famous sorcerer and participant in a show about psychics, advises keeping money at home in an expensive box and in perfect cleanliness. This factor will attract monetary energy into your home. Don't make senseless expenses. Remember the saying: money loves counting. This is just such a case, do not waste your hard earned money on unnecessary things. Multiply, don't divide. Try to direct all your thoughts towards accumulation and increase, rather than expenses and spending. Accumulate this energy, try to make yourself attractive to money. With the right mindset and habit, saving and saving money can bring just as much joy, happiness, and satisfaction as spending it.

Attracting finance into your life

In addition to the obvious rules for handling banknotes, it is also useful to know several conspiracies that can help you out at the right time. Many rituals are usually performed on various holidays; for example, white money magic at Christmas is much more effective than on any other day.

Fast money

This plot will be useful if you need money now. Magic for money will help well in this case, it is aimed at quickly obtaining finance. After the ritual, you can expect to receive money from almost any direction: repayment of old debts, unexpected gifts or surprises, a job that has turned up, and so on. To carry out the ceremony, buy a medium green candle, or maybe yellow - both colors symbolize money, gold, wealth. The magic of attracting money mainly uses only these two colors. Also buy basil powder and a small amount vegetable oil, preferably homemade. Choose a secluded place so that no one can disturb you. Concentrate on your work, coat the prepared candle with oil, and then completely sprinkle it with basil powder. Sit in a comfortable position and light a candle. Then repeat the spell 3 times:

“Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket!”

After you have read the spell several times, continue to calmly look at the candle and mentally imagine how the money finds its way into your pocket. It is important here not to specify exactly how the money will get there. The Force itself will find a way that is accessible to it to solve your problem. Just visualize the money coming to you. White magic for money it is quite effective if a person has good presentation abilities.

Conspiracy for monetary stability

Enough effective ritual, they spend it when they feel that the money is slipping away like water through their fingers. You need to perform the ceremony on the day you received your salary or a large debt was returned to you. Take the largest bill from this amount and place it on a clean table. Then concentrate, close your eyes and stroke the bill with your right hand, carefully remembering what tactile sensations you get. When stroking, talk to this bill, invite it to stay in your wallet longer, feel the connection with this bill. At the end it should feel like you are connected to her in some way. Do this for about 10 minutes, then fold the bill 3 times and put it in your wallet. You can no longer spend this money until the end of the week. This ritual can be done several times a year, and also when you notice that money is going nowhere or is being spent on empty things. If there is absolutely no money, then black magic can come to the rescue: spells for money, black rituals, rituals for success. But remember that for such rituals there will be a separate calculation with the forces.

Make friends with wealth

If you decide to perform special rituals to gain wealth, good trade, on successful business, then be sure to start donating to those in need. Your voluntary donations must balance all the benefits you receive through magic.

I see money

The ritual is useful for businessmen and traders. Helps you find profitable idea, conclude a profitable contract or simply increase income. Find any silver coin, you can decorate. Lubricate with sandalwood oil. If you don’t have this oil, you can use bergamot oil. Now, every morning, clasp the silver in your right fist and visualize how money energy flows into your fist and how it passes through your whole body. Clearly feel the joy of the prospect of enrichment. The magic of money and wealth implies your constant feeling of financial well-being and happiness. Then apply the silver directly to your forehead. This is necessary in order to show that you are open to any profitable ideas and offers that promise good profits and earnings. Imagine the money force flowing into your head through the silver element. Along with visualization, you can read and say something like: “I love money, and money sees me.” You need to do this every day for a month. And don’t show the silver to anyone or give it to anyone. Otherwise, all work will be ruined. Keep the silver element away from prying eyes. All representatives of money magic are very careful about their magical tools. Do not forget that the considered magical rituals require you to pay adequately. The cost can be your daily work for the money egregor, as well as the good deeds and deeds that you do in the name of your success. Remember that nothing comes for free in this world.


There are many rituals aimed at attracting money, and all of them should be carried out either during the waxing moon or on the new moon. This ritual can only be performed on the night of the new moon. It is suitable for you if your family urgently needs a large sum of money and there is no other source of income. top scores This magical rite shows in cases where a person is really in a very difficult situation and he needs money for good needs, for example, for urgent treatment.
To receive soon a large amount money, open the window so that moonlight illuminates the room, and read the words of the spell:
“Hope and support, Jesus Christ, with his support - the Most Holy Mother of God Mary, walked across the high sky, carrying bags of money. The bags opened by themselves, and money fell from heaven. I, the servant of God (name), walked through the low land, found the money, collected it, and took it home. I came home with money, lit candles, and gave gold to my family. You candles, candles, burn out faster, money is coming to my house. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Before pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you also need to light five natural wax candles (can be church candles). One of the most important conditions This ritual means that the performer should not put out the candles, but wait until they completely burn out.
To increase the effectiveness of the ritual, the performer must sit in front of the candles and watch their flame, concentrating on his desire to receive money. When the candles burn out, collect the remaining wax from them and put it in your wallet; this wax will become a kind of talisman that brings financial well-being.


Many magicians recommend this ritual for beginners, as it is characterized by simple execution, with very good end result. Not much is really required from the performer. You just need to say the following words every time after going to a store or market, when receiving money:
“Your money goes into my wallet. Your treasury will be mine, the servant of God (name), treasury. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".
On the one hand, there is nothing complicated about this, however, to increase the effectiveness of the ritual, you will need to concentrate each time on your desire for financial well-being. Tune in cash flow, and you will never be short of money again.


In order for the spell to have maximum power, it is important to follow all the details.
This strong conspiracy to attract money, which must be carried out on the new moon. Exactly at midnight, go out onto the nearest road with 12 yellow metal coins in your pocket (the main thing is the color and not the metal itself). Place the coins on your palms, lift them up so that they are illuminated by the moonlight, and say the words of the spell:
“Everything that lives and grows comes from sunlight gains strength, and money and wealth come from moonlight. You, my money, grow, multiply in my pockets, increase in my wallet. You, money, enrich me, the servant of God (name), come to me and call your relatives. Let what is said come true. Amen".
After that, tightly hold the coins in your fist and go home with them. When you enter the house, immediately hide the coins in your wallet.


This love spell must be performed during the waxing moon. Take a full glass clean water(preferably spring water), place it on the windowsill so that it is illuminated moonlight. The glass should be left to the moon all night. After this, you need to sprinkle your face with charged water in the morning and say the words of the conspiracy:
“As you, young month, were thin, but you become full, so let my house, the servant of God (name), be filled with wealth and prosperity. To be good in my house, to be peace in my family, to make my wallet full. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rules of money magic

  • All your magical actions must be kept secret.. The same applies to plans, preparation of rituals and subsequent storage of magical objects. Magic stops working as soon as strangers find out about it. No one but you should interfere with the sacred process either with thoughts or physical actions. This law is observed when performing any actions that are in one way or another connected with magic.

  • Magic to get rid of poverty happens on the waning moon. The magic for attracting money is growing. In the traditions of many magical teachings, it is believed that the moon and money are connected with each other. Therefore, before you begin performing rituals that last more than one day, carefully study the lunar calendar.

  • You have to pay for everything. In magic this is even more obvious than in everyday life. Engage in whatever charity you can, give alms, take things you don’t need to church. Give as payment what you are willing to give. Otherwise, it may happen that magical energy itself chooses to pay itself for the intervention, and you will not like this payment.

  • Keep the magical treaty in force. To do this, do some work every day to acquire or maintain wealth. A little work beyond your usual norm will indicate your serious attitude to the agreement with higher powers. Simply put, act in accordance with the saying: “water does not flow under a lying stone.”

  • Don't ask for more than you need. Demanding a billion rubles for a lottery ticket is not only useless, but even dangerous. Mindless greed has never brought anyone any good. You need a completely real, countable amount. That's exactly what you should ask for.

This is only a small part of the methods developed by the magical community for attracting money, but it gives a fairly complete picture of money magic.

Finally, I will say about black rituals. There is a considerable layer of spells belonging specifically to black magic. In exchange for wealth, they offer to renounce God and the Church; they appeal to demons, devils and devils for help in getting rich. Everyone decides for himself whether he needs it or not, that’s why we are given free will. I’ll make just one analogy: your (for example) nephew, who was released after yet another prison sentence for robbery, asks to live in your apartment with his recidivist friends (rapists and murderers). In exchange for asylum, he offers you to pay every month a large sum money. Will you let me in? But some people thoughtlessly allow demons and devils into their lives.

Instead of a conclusion

We present a ritual for bread. In any culture, bread is associated with prosperity and wealth. The ritual should attract money to your home, so it must be carried out on the waxing moon. You should buy, or even better, bake rye bread with your own hands.

When completely alone, place the bread on the table and slowly rotate the loaf clockwise with both hands. Concentrate on thoughts of incoming wealth and the desire to get rich. Read the plot three times:

“Glory to You, God! Give, Lord, the young month golden horns for good deeds, give me, God’s servant (name), for high deeds. From now until forever and forever and ever. Amen".

After the ritual, put the bread in a secluded place and eat it within three days. Collect the crumbs and donate them to the birds on the third day.

Good luck in your magical endeavors!

Best regards, Alex Garr
