Where are the German 9 prodigies. B

German. 9th grade. (Geeks) Radchenko O.A. and etc.

M.: 20 15. - 1 76 p.

The textbook is an integral part of the educational complex "German Language" of the "Prodigies" series for the 9th grade of general education organizations. The textbook contains positive conclusions from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Education and the RKS for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic general education. The material in the textbook was compiled by an international team of authors. The textbook consists of 9 chapters, a special section with reading materials "WUKI-EXTRA", a German-Russian dictionary and detailed content. At the end of each chapter there is a section with training tasks to prepare for the GIA (OGE). Plot basis, reversal principle of presenting material, modern vocabulary, detailed grammatical rules, tasks for implementation project activities enable the teacher to conduct lessons with maximum efficiency in groups with any level of training.

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Dear friends!

Here is a new textbook on the German language in the “Geeks” series, and we, the authors, would really like you to like it.
We hope that textbooks for grades 5-8 helped you overcome the difficulties of German grammar, you learned a lot of interesting things about people, culture and customs, cities and sights of Germany and German-speaking countries, and also enriched your knowledge of the Russian language, learned a lot of interesting things about Russian cities and Russian culture.
With the German language textbook for 9th grade, you will continue your acquaintance with the language and culture of Germany together with 9th grade student Lisa, who came to Berlin to improve her German. She will study at the gymnasium with her friend Maria, meet her German peers, spend her free time with them, walk around Berlin, and get acquainted with its sights. Interesting acquaintances and discoveries await her as well.
You still have a lot to discover and a lot to learn. You will be able to compare studying at our school with studying at a German gymnasium, you will find out where and how German teenagers study, where they can continue their education.
We, the authors, really hope you find it interesting!

Many people really asked for the ninth part, although for me it did not become a cult one. main reason– it was incredibly laggy on my computer, there were some strange optimization problems. Parts 08 and 10 went well. It seems I'm not the only one complaining about this. As a result, my time was spent either on FIFA 08 or on pes, which turned out great that year. For this article, I skated 15 seasons in my career and about three dozen matches, since I remembered few people from this FIFA. Well, let's go through the names of those to whom the number nine gave high potential. Everyone on this list was under 21 at the time. And yes, I will again write the current rating from FIFA 18, since you also asked for it.

Became stars

Marek Hamsik

In 2007, Napoli entered Serie A along with Juventus and Genoa. The first strengthening for the club was the purchase of a 20-year-old dispatcher from Brescia. But since in FIFA 07 almost all the prodigies were from Brazil, and in 08 - from Brazil and Germany, Hamsik in those versions was considered to have a potential of 65. But Marek had a great season for Napoli, really big clubs began to be interested in him, and EA endowed the guy with deservedly high characteristics. But Hamsik is still loyal to Naples and is a decoration of Serie A, although all these years large clubs have offered the Slovak to move to them. A great player and one of the main Napoli legends in the history of the club.

Miralem Pjanic

During the 2007-2008 season, Pjanic was the leader of the French Metz (Ruslan Pimenov's former club), although at that time he was 17. Lyon took him in the summer, and FIFA rewarded the Bosnian with high potential. Neither Lyon nor FIFA made a mistake. Miralem immediately became the main player, knocked out Real in the 1/8 of the Champions League, 3 years later he moved to Roma, and from there to Juventus. Today, without Pjanic, his free kicks and penetrating passes, it is difficult to imagine the grandee of European football.

Hugo Lloris

He came to Lyon with Pjanic and became a replacement for the legendary Gregory Coupe. Despite his young age, he stood quite well for Nice, and Lyon itself had to win competition for the goalkeeper from Tottenham and Milan. In France everyone knew about Lloris, but in Europe at that time he was not very well known. However, Hugo immediately became the best goalkeeper in Ligue 1 in 2009 and 2010, took a place in the national team, and in 2012 he moved to Tottenham. At the moment, perhaps the best goalkeeper in the English Premier League among those whose name is not David.

Almost became stars


Moved to Manchester with his brother Fabio in January 2008. However, Rafael grew faster, and became the main young talent of the Devils in the 2008-2009 season. After Gary Neville, he became the main right-back for Manchester United, helping the club win the 2011 championship, but after the departure of Sir Alex, he wilted. Why? I don't know. But now Rafael doesn’t even make it into Lyon. His prospects were clearly brighter.

Jack Wilshere

Yes, then people quickly learned about talents from Arsenal, even if the guy was only 16. The English press loves its young prodigies most of all and trumpets about them left and right. But Wilshere really started quickly. What is the reason for such a rather average career? Injuries and a wild lifestyle - Jack is not the first Englishman to lash out at this. Surely he won't be the last. But every year Wilshere plays more and more lousily, although he does have successful matches. He is now 25. Will there be more progress? Hardly.

Sebastian Giovinco

As we can see, with each game FIFA researched one more country. In part 09, EA scoured Italy, and Giovinco is one of the main heroes of the career. In his life, Giovinco had 3 opportunities to gain a foothold in Juve: after a loan at Empoli, he returned, played for two seasons, but, frankly speaking, did not shine with results. Juventus sold half of the rights to Parma for 4 million, where he played so well that Juve, after the first championship season, had to buy half of the rights back for 11 million. It is worth admitting that at that time the Turin team had serious problems in attack: Vucinic, Matri, Quagliarella could have worked for the domestic championship, but in the Champions League there was nothing to do with them. Therefore, Giovinco returned as Juve's main hope in attack. In the first season he was not bad, scoring 11 goals, but then he was used in the rotation, and after the arrival of Tevez and Llorente and Morata, he firmly sat in the reserve. 3 recent years plays in MLS and is perhaps the best player in the league there.



“In terms of potential, Diogo is comparable to Alexandre Pato,” these were the words spoken by the President of Portugal at the beginning of 2008. Then Diogo had a good run, Arsenal was interested in him, but Olympiacos was not greedy and gave 9 million euros for the talent. In his career, he was just another cheap Brazilian in the early years who grew quickly. In life, his first season in Olympiacos turned out to be quite successful, he scored 4 goals in European competition, and Rafa Benitez was ready to pay 12 million. But in the end, the player remained in Greece, received a serious injury, lost competition in the squad to Kostas Mitroglou and went on loan to Brazil. After this, his career went downhill - Diogo could not regain his former form, scored few goals, and eventually sunk to the Thai Championship. Well, he can boast that he played on the same team with the legendary Kanu from Terek.

Martin Fenin

Fenin grew his cucumber in Teplice (for those who don’t understand, Teplice is a football club in the Czech Republic). He performed well in the domestic championship, and with the Czech youth team he reached the final of the World Youth Championship. Then Juventus became interested in him, but Martin decided that he did not want to first go on loan to conditional Udinese, and chose Eintracht. In Germany, at first everything went well, but then Fenin lost the competition to Khalil Altintop, Theofanis Gekas and Yiannis Amanatidis. After Eintracht Fenin did not score anywhere. A typical forward who was good at the beginning of his career, but then slipped to the lower leagues. Now the Czech is 30, but he was not needed even in the youth team of such a wonderful team as Zbroevka Brno.


At the age of 18, Arsenal, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid, Inter, Juventus and even CSKA Moscow were interested in him. In the game he was available to almost any poor club, grew well and became a star after 5-6 seasons. But in life, Dentinho remained in his native Corinthians until he was 22 years old, after which he moved to Shakhtar. On this short biography The Brazilian can be finished, since he is still having an affair with the bench in Donetsk and is of no use to anyone.

Vincenzo Fiorillo

As I already said, FIFA is closely focused on the youth from Serie A. In Fiorillo, researchers found a new Gianluigi Buffon. In fact, in Italy itself they expected a lot from the goalkeeper: he played for all the youth teams, made his debut in the championship at the age of 17 and made a good impression. However, he became another goalkeeper who spent his entire youth on loan and was not remembered for anything other than talking about his prospects. Now he sits in the reserves of Pescara.

Everyone who read to the end will receive gingerbread and tea. Well, or any other sweet that you have at home. Feel free to upvote and write comments, it’s no less pleasant for the author than it is for you to eat gingerbread. Subscribe to the blog and life will be a little sweeter.

Explanatory note

The work program for the German language course for grades 5-9 of Municipal Educational Institution-Secondary School No. was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, sample program in the German language and the author’s program “German Language. Subject line of textbooks “Geeks” grades 5-9” O.A. Radchenko, “Enlightenment” 2012

The program is implemented according to O.A. Radchenko’s educational complex “GERMAN LANGUAGE. Grades 5-9” of the “Geeks” series. To implement the content of the academic subject “German”, textbooks by O.A. Radchenko and others “Geeks. German language" for grades 5-9, Education 2016

Place of the training course in the curriculum

According to the curriculum of the Municipal Educational Institution-Secondary School No. for studying the subject “German language” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, for the compulsory study of the academic subject “German”, 510 teaching hours are provided (at the rate of three teaching hours per week): 102 hours annually (34 teaching weeks).

Program Goals

1. Mastery students' ability to carry out direct communication with native German speakers in the most common situations of everyday communication and read simple authentic texts in order to extract information about the countries of the language being studied, their culture and way of life.

2. Development foreign language communicative competence in the totality of its components - speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive:

-speech competence– development of communication skills in four main types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing);

-language competence– mastery of new language means (phonetic, spelling, lexical, grammatical);

-sociocultural competence– familiarization with the culture, traditions and realities of the country of the language being studied;

-compensatory competence– development of skills to get out of a situation in conditions of language deficiency;

-educational and cognitive competence– use of new information technologies

3. Development and education students’ understanding of the importance of learning a foreign language in the modern world, the ability to use it as a means of communication and knowledge; nurturing the qualities of a citizen and patriot.

The subject “German Language” is understood by the authors of the educational educational complex of the “Geeks” series as one of the key components of the main educational program of basic general education. Teaching this subject involves the implementation of the following tasks:

develop and educate schoolchildren using a foreign language, in particular understanding the importance of learning a foreign language in the modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation;

cultivate the qualities of a citizen and patriot;

develop national identity, the desire for mutual understanding between people of different communities;

cultivate a tolerant attitude towards manifestations of another culture;

develop awareness of your own culture.

Personal, subject, meta-subject results

This program ensures the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Personal results:

Nurturing Russian civic identity: patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the past and present of the multinational people of Russia; awareness of one’s ethnicity, knowledge of the history, language, culture of one’s people, one’s region, the foundations of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and humanity; mastering humanistic, democratic and traditional values ​​of a multinational Russian society; fostering a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland.

Formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge, conscious choice and construction of a further individual educational trajectory based on orientation in the world of professions and professional preferences, taking into account sustainable cognitive interests.

Formation of a holistic worldview that corresponds to the current level of development of science and social practice, taking into account the social, cultural, linguistic, spiritual diversity of the modern world.

. Formation of a conscious, respectful and friendly attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, citizenship, history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values ​​of the peoples of Russia and the peoples of the world; willingness and ability to conduct dialogue with other people and achieve mutual understanding in it.

Mastering social norms, rules of behavior, roles and forms social life in groups and communities, including adults and social communities; participation in school self-government and public life within the limits of age competencies, taking into account regional, ethnocultural, social and economic characteristics.

Development of moral consciousness and competence in solving moral problems based on personal choice, the formation of moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions.

Formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, seniors and juniors in the process of educational, socially useful, educational and research, creative and other types of activities.

Formation of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle; mastering the rules of individual and collective safe behavior in emergency situations that threaten the life and health of people, rules of conduct in transport and on the roads.

. Formation of the foundations of an ecological culture based on the recognition of the value of life in all its manifestations and the need for responsible, careful attitude to the environment.

Awareness of the importance of family in the life of a person and society, acceptance of the value of family life, respectful and caring attitude towards members of one’s family.

Development of aesthetic consciousness through the development of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world, creative activity aesthetic character.

Meta-subject results.

Universal learning activities:


Formation of the ability to independently set goals, plan ways to achieve them, the ability to choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems;

Formation of the ability to correlate one’s actions with planned results, monitor one’s activities in the process of achieving results, and adjust one’s actions in accordance with the changing situation;

Formation of the ability to evaluate the correctness of completing a learning task, one’s own capabilities for solving it;

Formation of the ability to master the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and making informed choices in educational and cognitive activities;


Formation of the ability to use sign-symbolic means of presenting information to solve educational and practical problems;

Formation of the ability to use the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to various signs, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships,

Formation of the ability to build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

Developing the ability to work with listened/read text: determine the topic, predict the content of the text by title/keywords, establish a logical sequence of main facts;

Formation of the ability to carry out information search; including using computer means;

Formation of the ability to isolate, summarize and record the necessary information;

Formation of the ability to consciously construct one’s statement in accordance with the assigned communicative task, as well as in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the language;

Formation of the ability to solve problems of a creative and search nature;

Formation of the ability to work independently, rationally organizing one’s work in the classroom and at home;

Formation of the ability to control and evaluate the results of one’s activities;


Formation of the ability to carry out intercultural communication in a foreign language:

Formation of the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of intercultural communication;

Formation of the ability to enter into dialogue, as well as participate in collective discussion of problems, master monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the language being studied;

Formation of the ability to adequately use verbal means for discussion and argumentation of one’s position;

Developing the ability to ask, be interested in other people’s opinions and express your own;

Formation of the ability to discuss different points vision and contribute to the development of a common (group) position;

Forming the ability to argue one’s point of view, argue and defend one’s position in a non-hostile manner for opponents;

Formation of the ability to obtain missing information using questions (cognitive initiative);

Developing the ability to establish working relationships, collaborate effectively and promote productive cooperation;

Formation of the ability to show respect for partners, attention to the personality of the other;

Formation of the ability to adequately respond to the needs of others; in particular, to provide assistance and emotional support to partners in the process of achieving common goal joint activities;

Formation of the ability to work with functional supports when mastering dialogic speech;

Formation of the ability to illustrate speech with examples, compare and contrast facts;

Formation of the ability to use verbal means to explain the cause and result of an action;

Formation of the ability to use verbal means to argue one’s point of view;

Subject results:

Formation of a friendly and tolerant attitude towards the values ​​of other cultures, optimism and a pronounced personal position in the perception of the world, in the development of national self-awareness based on familiarity with the lives of their peers in other countries, with examples of foreign literature of various genres, taking into account the level of foreign language competence achieved by students.

Formation and improvement of foreign language communicative competence; expansion and systematization of knowledge about language, expansion of linguistic horizons and vocabulary, further mastery of general speech culture.

Achieving a subthreshold level of foreign language communicative competence.

Creating a basis for the formation of interest in improving the achieved level of proficiency in the foreign language being studied, including on the basis of self-observation and self-assessment, in learning a second/third foreign language, in using a foreign language as a means of obtaining information that allows one to expand their knowledge in other subject areas.

A. In the communication sphere(that is, proficiency in a second foreign language as a means of communication):

Speech competence in the following types of speech activity:


    the ability to start, conduct/maintain and end various types of dialogues in standard communication situations, observing the norms of speech etiquette, asking again and clarifying if necessary;

    the ability to question the interlocutor and answer his questions, expressing one’s opinion, request, respond to the interlocutor’s proposal with agreement/refusal, based on the studied topics and learned lexical and grammatical material;

    talk about yourself, your family, friends, your interests and plans for the future;

    provide brief information about your city/village, your country and the countries of the language you are learning;

    describe events/phenomena, be able to convey the main content, the main idea of ​​what was read or heard, express one’s attitude towards what was read/heard, give brief description characters;


    perceive by ear and fully understand the speech of the teacher and classmates;

    perceive by ear and understand the main content of simple authentic audio and video texts related to different communicative types of speech (message/interview);

Perceive by ear and selectively understand based on
language guesswork and context brief, uncomplicated authentic
pragmatic audio and video texts highlighting the necessary/
information of interest;

read simple authentic texts of different genres and styles with full and accurate understanding and using various methods of semantic processing of the text (selective translation, language guesswork, including relying on the first foreign language), as well as reference materials;


    fill out questionnaires and forms;

    write congratulations, personal letters based on a sample using speech etiquette formulas accepted in the countries of the language being studied;

    draw up a plan, abstract of an oral or written communication.

Language competence(proficiency in linguistic means and actions with them):

    application of the rules for writing learned words;

    adequate pronunciation and auditory discrimination of all sounds of a second foreign language; maintaining correct stress in words and phrases;

    compliance with the rhythmic and intonation features of sentences of various communicative types (affirmative, interrogative, negative, imperative); correct division of sentences into semantic groups;

    recognition and use in speech of the studied lexical units (words in their basic meanings, phrases, cliche remarks of speech etiquette);

    knowledge of the basic methods of word formation (affixation, compounding, conversion);

    understanding the phenomena of polysemy of words in a second foreign language, synonymy, antonymy and lexical compatibility;

    recognition and use of basic morphological forms in speech and syntactic constructions second foreign language; knowledge of the signs of the studied phammatic phenomena (tense forms of verbs, modal verbs and their equivalents, articles, nouns, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, pronouns, numerals, prepositions);

: knowledge of the main differences between the systems of the second foreign, first foreign and Russian/native languages.

Sociocultural competence

    knowledge of the national and cultural characteristics of speech and non-speech behavior in one’s own country and the countries of the language being studied; their application in standard situations of formal and informal interpersonal and intercultural communication;

    recognition and use in oral and written speech of the basic norms of speech etiquette (cliche remarks, the most common evaluative vocabulary) adopted in the countries of the language being studied;

    knowledge of common background vocabulary and the realities of the country of the language being studied; acquaintance with samples of fiction, journalistic and popular science literature;

    understanding the importance of speaking several foreign languages ​​in the modern multicultural world;

    an idea of ​​the peculiarities of the lifestyle, way of life, culture of the countries of the second foreign language being studied, of world-famous attractions, outstanding people and their contribution to world culture;

    an idea of ​​the similarities and differences in the traditions of one’s own country and the countries of the foreign languages ​​being studied.

Compensatory competence

The ability to get out of a difficult situation in conditions of a shortage of linguistic means when receiving and receiving information through the use of contextual guesses, including relying on the first foreign language, ignoring language difficulties, asking again, vocabulary substitutions, gestures, facial expressions.

B. In the cognitive sphere:

    the ability to compare linguistic phenomena of the native and studied foreign languages ​​at the level of individual grammatical phenomena, words, phrases, sentences;

    mastery of techniques for working with text: the ability to use a specific reading/listening strategy depending on the communicative task (read/listen to a text with different depths understanding);

    the ability to act according to a model/analogy when performing exercises and composing one’s own statements within the topic being studied;

    willingness and ability to carry out individual and joint project work;

    ability to use reference material (grammatical and linguistic reference books, bilingual and explanatory dictionaries, multimedia tools);

    knowledge of methods and techniques for further independent study of foreign languages.

B. In the value-orientation sphere:

    the idea of ​​language as a means of expressing feelings, emotions, as the basis of a culture of thinking;

    an idea of ​​an integral multilingual, multicultural world, awareness of the place and role of native and foreign languages ​​in this world as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation;

familiarization with the values ​​of world culture both through sources of information in a foreign language, including multimedia, and through participation in school exchanges, tourist trips, etc.;

    achieving mutual understanding in the process of oral and written communication with native speakers of a foreign language, establishing interpersonal and intercultural contacts within accessible limits.

D. In the aesthetic sphere:

    mastery of basic means of expressing feelings and emotions in a second foreign language;

    the desire to become familiar with examples of artistic creativity in a second foreign language and the means of the second foreign language being studied;

    development of a sense of beauty when getting acquainted with examples of painting, music, literature of the countries of the foreign languages ​​being studied.

D. In the labor sphere

The ability to rationally plan your academic work and work in accordance with the planned plan.

E. In the physical sphere

The desire to lead a healthy lifestyle (work and rest schedule, nutrition, sports, fitness).

Subject content of speech grades 5 – 9

1. Interpersonal relationships in the family, with peers. Solution conflict situations. Appearance and character traits of a person.

2. Leisure and hobbies (reading, cinema, theater, museum, music). Types of recreation, travel. Youth fashion, shopping.

3. Healthy lifestyle: work and rest schedule, sports, balanced nutrition, giving up bad habits.

4. School education, school life, subjects studied and attitudes towards them. Correspondence with foreign peers. Holidays at different times of the year.

5. The world of professions. The problem of choosing a profession. The role of a foreign language in plans for the future.

6. The Universe and man. Nature: flora and fauna. Ecological problems. Protection environment. Climate, weather. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Transport.

7. Means mass media and communications (press, television, radio, Internet).

8. German-speaking countries and home country, their geographical position, capitals and large cities, regions, attractions, cultural features (national holidays, significant dates, traditions, customs), pages of history, outstanding people, their contribution to science and world culture.

Types of speech activity/

Communication skills


Dialogue speech : ability to conduct dialogues of various types (dialogue of an etiquette nature, dialogue-questioning, dialogue-incitement to action, dialogue-exchange of opinions and combined dialogues).

Volume of dialogue: from 3 remarks (grades 5-7) to 4-5 remarks (grades 8-9) from each student. Dialogue duration: 2.5-3 minutes (grade 9).Monologue speech : the ability to construct coherent statements using basic communicative types of speech (description, message, story, reasoning/characterization) with the expression of one’s opinion and brief argumentation with or without reliance on a read or heard text or a given communicative situation.

Volume of monologue statement: from 8-10 phrases (grades 5-7) to 10-12 phrases (grades 8-9). Duration of the monologue: 1.5-2 minutes (grade 9).


Development and improvement of listening comprehension of authentic audio and video texts with understanding of the main content, selective and complete understanding of the aurally perceived text of a pragmatic or journalistic nature. Types of texts: announcement, advertisement, message, story, dialogue-interview, poem, song, etc. The content of the texts is relevant for students adolescence, corresponds to their interests, needs and age characteristics, has educational and educational value. Audio texts presented forfull understanding , By-

built on completely familiar language material. Audio text playing time - up to 1 minute.

Audio texts presented for understandingmain content, are authentic in nature and contain, along with with the studied linguistic material a certain number of unfamiliar linguistic phenomena. Audio text playing time - up to 2 minutes.

Audio texts presented forselective understanding necessary or interesting information, have authentic and pragmatic nature. Audio text playing time is up to 1.5 minutes.


Understanding the main content;

Full understanding of the content;

Selectively understanding relevant or interesting information.

Genres of texts: popular science, journalistic, artistic, pragmatic.

Types of texts: article, story, interview, announcement, recipe, menu, prospectus, advertisement, poem, etc. The content of the texts is relevant for teenage students, corresponds to their interests, needs and age characteristics, and has educational and educational value.

Text volume forunderstanding of the basic content - 600-700 words, including a number of unfamiliar words. The amount of text intended forunderstanding the necessary necessary information , - 350 words. The amount of text intended forfull understanding content and built mainly on the studied language material - 500 words.

Written speech

Further development and improvement of written speech, namely the skills:

Write short congratulations happy birthday and other holidays, express wishes (volume: 30-40 words, including address);

Fill out forms with brief information about yourself;

Write Personal letter with and without support on the sample. Volume - about 100-140 words, including address;

Draw up a plan, abstract of an oral or written communication;

Briefly outline the results of the project activities.

Language knowledge and skills


Knowledge of reading and spelling rules and skills in their application based on the lexical and grammatical material being studied.

Phonetic side of speech

Skills in distinguishing by ear and adequate pronunciation of all sounds of the German language in the flow of speech, observing stress and intonation when reading aloud and in oral speech, rhythmic and intonation skills in distinguishing communicative types of sentences (affirmative, interrogative, negative).

motivating, motivating).

Lexical side of speech

Skills in recognizing and using lexical units in oral and written speech (words, phrases, evaluative vocabulary, cliche remarks of an etiquette nature) in the amount of 900 units (including 500 learned in primary school), serving topics, problems and communication situations within the primary school .

Knowledge of basic word formation methods:

a) affixation:

nouns with suffixes -ung, - keit, - heit, - schaft, - tum, - ik, - e, - ler, - ie; adjectives with suffixes -ig, - lich, - isch, - los, - sam, - bar; nouns and adjectives with the prefixes un-, vor-, mit-; verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes;

b) compounding: noun + noun

adjective + adjective

adjective + noun

verb + noun

c) conversion (transition from one part of speech to another);

d) international words.

Understanding the phenomenon of polysemy of words in the German language, synonymy, antonymy, homonymy.

The grammatical side of speech

Further expansion of the scope of meanings of grammatical means studied earlier and familiarization with new grammatical phenomena. Uncommon and common proposals,

Impersonal sentences, compound and complex sentences. Using direct and reverse order words

Verb controlliegen- legen, stehen- stellen, sitzensetzen, hä ngen- hä ngen.

Offers with Infinitiv with and without zu.

Incentive offers like Lesen wir!

All types of interrogative sentences.

Sentences with the indefinite personal pronoun man.

Sentences with the infinitive group um … zu, statt … zu,

ohne … zu, (an)statt … zu + Infinitiv.

Compound sentences with conjunctions darum, deshalb, deswegen, denn.

Complementary complex sentences with conjunctions dass, ob.

Complex sentences of reason with conjunctions da, weil.

Complex sentences with the conditional conjunction wenn.

Complex tense sentences with conjunctions wenn, als, nachdem.

Compound attributive sentences with relative pronouns die, deren, dessen.

Complex sentences of purpose with the conjunction damit.

Subordinate clauses with the conjunction obwohl.

Sentences with the construction haben/sein + zu + Infinitiv.

Recognizing sentence structure by formal features.

Weak and strong verbs with auxiliary verb

haben in Perfect.

Strong verbs with the auxiliary verb sein in Perfect.

Präteritum of strong and weak verbs, auxiliary and modal verbs.

Verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes in different tense forms.

All temporary forms verbs in Passiv. Passive with modal verbs. Zustands passiv in Präsens, Präteritum.

Pronominal adverbs.

Reflexive verbs in basic tense forms.

Recognition and use of definite, indefinite and zero articles in speech; declensions of nouns, adjectives; adverbs; prepositions having double control, prepositions requiring Dativ, prepositions requiringAkkusativ.

Double alliances entweder...oder, nicht nur...sondern auch,

weder... noch, bald... bald, sowohl... als auch, je... desto.

Pronouns: personal, possessive, indefinite (jemand, niemand, einige, andere).

Homonymous phenomena: prepositions and conjunctions (wenn, als, zu). Plusquamperfekt and its use in speech when agreeing tenses. Cardinal numbers over 100 and ordinal numbers over 30. Date and year. Fractions.

Sociocultural knowledge and skills

knowledge of the national and cultural characteristics of the regions of Russia and the countries of the German language, acquired in German lessons and in the process of studying other subjects (interdisciplinary knowledge);

awareness of the role and place of the native and German languages ​​in the modern world;

knowledge of common background vocabulary and the realities of the country/countries of the German language;

an idea of ​​the sociocultural portrait of German-speaking countries, their cultural heritage;

understanding the differences in speech etiquette in situations of formal and informal communication within the framework of the subjects of speech being studied;

the ability to carry out adequate speech and non-speech behavior, including with native speakers of German, in common situations in everyday life, educational and work, sociocultural/intercultural spheres of communication;

the ability to represent one’s native country and culture in a foreign language, to provide assistance to foreign guests of our country in everyday communication situations.

Compensatory skills

Skills being improved:

Ask again, ask to repeat, clarifying the meaning of new words;

In the process of speaking and writing, use a plan for the text, keywords, a thematic dictionary, etc. as support;

Predict the content of the text based on the title and previously posed questions;

Guess the meaning of new words from the context, from the facial expressions and gestures used by the interlocutor;

Use synonyms, antonyms, and descriptions of concepts when there is a lack of linguistic resources.

General educational skills and universal methods of activity

Work with information (reduce, create a second text based on a sample, fill out tables, etc.);

Work with text: extract basic, complete, necessary/necessary information;

Work with reference books and other sources of information in German, including Internet resources;

Draw up a work plan, analyze, summarize the information received, develop a project (task in a general project) of both short-term and long-term nature, present its results orally, interact with communication partners within the project;

Work individually, in pairs, in a group.

Special training skills

The following skills are formed and improved:

Find key words and sociocultural realities in the text;

Semantize words based on linguistic and contextual guesses;

Carry out word-formation analysis;

Use translation selectively;

Use bilingual and explanatory dictionaries;

Participate in project activities.

Thematic planning

5 CLASS (102 hours)

Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. Grammar material Use direct order words

Lecture 2. Deutsch international

Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. Resolving conflict situations. Grammar material Using direct word order. Conjugating verbs in the present tense (repetition)

Lecture 3. Wie geht's?

Interpersonal relationships with family and peers. Resolving conflict situations. Grammar material Use of forward and reverse word order. Types of Interrogative Sentences

Lecture 4. Geschenke für alle

Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. Grammar material: Definite and indefinite articles (repetition). Negation of kein (repetition). Paired conjunction kein… sondern

Lecture 5. Deine Adresse bitte?

Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. Grammar material Conjugation of verbs in the present tense (repetition). Numbers from 1 to 20 (repetition)

Lektion 6. Die große bunte Welt

Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. Grammar material Conjugation of verbs in the present tense (repetition). Compounding

Lecture 7. Morgen geht es los

School education, school life, subjects studied. German-speaking countries and their native country, outstanding people, their contributions to science and world culture. Grammar material Declension of nouns (repetition)

Lektion 8. Eine Woche - sieben Tage

Leisure and hobbies. Healthy lifestyle: work and rest schedule, sports. Country of the language being studied and native country. Cultural characteristics. Grammar material Conjugation of verbs in the present tense (repetition) Negation of nicht in a sentence (repetition). Use of


Lektion 9. Es weihnachtet schon

German-speaking countries and their native country, their cultural characteristics (national holidays, significant dates, traditions, customs). Grammar material Recognition of sentence structure based on formal features


Lektion 10. Ohne Sprachen geht es nicht

School education, school life, subjects studied. The role of a foreign language in plans for the future. German-speaking countries and their native country, their cultural characteristics, outstanding people, their contribution to science and world culture. Grammar material Conjugation of verbs in the present tense (repetition). Affixation (adjectives with the suffix -isch)

Lecture 11. Winter, Wetter, Spaß

Climate, weather. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Leisure and hobbies (reading). Grammar material Sentences with the indefinite personal pronoun man. Impersonal offers. Offers with Infinitiv with and without zu. Plural of nouns (repetition). Compounding

Lecture 12. Zahlen, Schmetterling, Piraten

Country of the language being studied and native country. Cultural features, pages of history, outstanding people, their contribution to world culture Grammar material Cardinal numbers up to 100 (repetition)

Lecture 13. Wunderkinder können was!

Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. Leisure and hobbies. Country of the language being studied and native country. Cultural characteristics. Grammar material Conjugation of modal verbs in the present tense (repetition)

Lecture 14. Lecker!

Country of the language being studied and native country. Cultural characteristics. Healthy lifestyle, balanced diet. Grammar 88material Modal verbs in the present tense (repetition). Using forward and reverse word order

Lecture 15. Burgtreff

Country of the language being studied and native country. Cultural features (national holidays, significant dates, traditions, customs). Grammar material Recognition of sentence structure based on formal features


Final repetition



6 CLASS (102 hours)

Country of the language being studied and native country. Big cities, attractions. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Transport. Leisure and hobbies (museum). Grammar material Verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes in different tense forms. Modal verb dürfen (repetition)

Lecture 2. Herbst in Germany and Russia

German-speaking countries and their native country, their geographical location, capitals and major cities, regions, attractions, cultural features (national holidays, significant dates, traditions, customs). Climate, weather. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Grammar material Recognition and use of adjectives and adverbs in speech (degrees of comparison)


Lecture 3. Tagesablauf

School education, school life. Country of the language being studied and native country. Healthy lifestyle: work and rest regime. Grammar material Weak and strong verbs with the auxiliary verb haben in Perfekt. Strong verbs with the auxiliary verb sein in Perfect. Recognition and use of prepositions with double control in speech


Lecture 4. Winterfeste in Germany and Russia

Country of the language being studied and native country. Cultural features (national holidays, significant dates, traditions, customs). Grammatical material Präteritum of strong and weak verbs, auxiliary and modal verbs


Lecture 5. Aussehen. Gesundheit. Hygiene

A person's appearance. Healthy lifestyle. Grammar material Incentive sentences like Lesenwir!


Lecture 6. Meine Stadt

Country of the language being studied and native country. Major cities, attractions. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Grammar material Plurals of nouns (repetition and expansion of the topic)


Lektion 7. Haustiere in unserem Leben Leisure and hobbies . Nature: flora and fauna. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Grammar material Modal verbs in the present tense (repetition)


Lektion 8. Karneval in Sankt Petersburg Youth fashion , purchases . Leisure and hobbies. Nature: flora and fauna. Country of the language being studied and native country. Cultural features (national holidays, significant dates, traditions, customs). Grammar material Sentences with the indefinite personal pronoun man.

Repetition and systematization of lexical and grammatical material over the year.






7 CLASS (102 hours)

Lecture 1. Berlin und Sankt Petersburg

Lektion 1. Berlin und Sankt Petersburg Country of the language being studied and native country. Major cities, attractions. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Holidays at different times of the year. Types of recreation, travel. Grammar material Weak and strong verbs with the auxiliary verb haben in Perfekt


Lecture 2. Winterfeste in Germany and Russia

Lektion 2. Winterfeste in Deutschland und Russland German-speaking countries and their native country, their cultural characteristics (national holidays, significant dates, traditions, customs). Climate, weather. Grammar material Präteritum of strong and weak verbs, auxiliary and modal verbs (repetition).


Lecture 3. Umweltschutz

Lecture 3. Umweltschutz Problems of ecology. Environment protection. Countries of the language being studied and the native country. Attractions. Grammatical material Futur I. Composition


Lecture 4. Gesundheit

Lektion 4. Gesundheit Human appearance. Healthy lifestyle: balanced diet, avoidance of bad habits. Media and communications (television). Grammar material Complex sentences with the conditional conjunction wenn. Modal verb sollen (repetition)


Lecture 5. Stadt und Land

Lektion 5. Stadt und Land Living conditions in urban/rural areas. German-speaking countries and their native country, their geographical location, capitals and major cities, regions, prominent people, their contribution to world culture. Grammar material Complex tense sentences with conjunctions wenn, als


Lecture 6. Sport

Lecture 6. Sport Healthy lifestyle: sports. Country of the language being studied and native country. Major cities, attractions. Grammar material


Final repetition

Revision of grammar material for grade 7






8 CLASS (102 hours)

Lecture 1. Schüleraustausch

Lecture 1. Schüleraustausch The role of a foreign language in plans for the future. Interpersonal relationships with family and peers. School education, school life. Country of the language being studied and native country. Major cities, attractions. Grammar material. Control of verbs. Prepositions that control the dative and accusative cases. Pronominal adverbs. Complex sentences of reason with the conjunction weil Complex sentences of concession with the conjunction obwohl


Lecture 2. Leckeres Essen. Flohmarkt

Lecture 2. Leckeres Essen. Flohmarkt Healthy lifestyle: work and rest schedule, sports, balanced nutrition, giving up bad habits. Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. Country of the language being studied and native country. Major cities, attractions. Grammar material Declension of adjectives. Strong declination


Lecture 3. Schulsystem in Germany

Lektion 3. Schulsystem in Deutschland Interpersonal relationships in the family, with peers. School education, school life, subjects studied and attitudes towards them. Country of the language being studied and native country. Major cities, attractions. Grammar material Double conjunctions entweder … oder, nicht nur … sondern auch, weder … noch, bald … bald, sowohl … als auch, je … desto. Complex sentences ( indirect questions)


Lektion 4. Das Äußere eines Menschen

Lektion 4. Das Äußere eines Menschen Appearance and character traits of a person. Country of the language being studied and native country. Large cities, attractions, cultural features (national holidays, significant dates, traditions, customs), pages of history, outstanding people, their contribution to science and world culture. Grammar material Declension of adjectives (repetition)


Lecture 5. So verschiedene Menschen!

Lecture 5. So verschiedene Menschen! Appearance and character traits of a person. Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. Country of the language being studied and native country. Grammar material Declension of adjectives (repetition)


Lektion 6. Orientierung in der Stadt

Lektion 6. Orientierung in der Stadt The country of the language being studied and the native country. Major cities, attractions. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Transport. Grammar material Recognition and use of prepositions with double control in speech


Lecture 7. Schulparty

Lektion 7. Schulparty German-speaking countries and their native country, their cultural characteristics, significant dates (national holidays, traditions, customs). Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. School education, school life. Leisure and hobbies. Media and communications (Internet). Grammar material Temporal forms of verbs in Passiv


Final repetition




9 CLASS (102 hours)

Lecture 1. Willkommen in Berlin

Lecture 1. Willkommen in Berlin Interpersonal relationships in the family, with peers. Country of the language being studied and native country. Major cities, attractions. Grammar material Recognition and use of declension of adjectives in speech (repetition). Compound sentences with conjunctions darum, deswegen, denn. Zustandspassiv in Präsens and Präteritum


Lecture 2. Was lohnt sich?

Lecture 2. Was lohnt sich? School education, school life, subjects studied and attitudes towards them. Ecological problems. Environment protection. Grammar material Complex sentences of reason with the conjunction weil (repetition). Sentences with the infinitive group um...zu. Complex sentences of purpose with the conjunction damit. Conversion (transition from one part of speech to another). Complex sentences with the conjunction wenn (repetition). Compound sentences are complementary with the conjunction ob (repetition). Complex sentences of reason with the conjunction da. Homonymous phenomena: prepositions and conjunctions (wenn, als, zu)


Lecture 3. Die Reise nach Wien

Lektion 3. Die Reise nach Wien The country of the language being studied and the native country. Major cities, attractions. Grammar material Präteritum of strong and weak verbs, auxiliary and modal verbs (repetition). Imperative mood (repetition). Plusquamperfekt and its use in speech when coordinating tenses. Complex sentences with the conjunction nachdem


Lecture 4. Stars and Fans

Lecture 4. Stars und Fans Leisure and hobbies (music). Appearance and character traits of a person. German-speaking countries and their native country, outstanding people, their contribution to world culture. World of professions. The problem of choosing a profession. Grammatical material Compound sentences with relative pronouns die, deren, dessen. Auxiliary verbs in the conditional form


Lecture 5. Fernsehwelten

Lektion 5. Fernsehwelten Media and communications (press, television, radio). Grammar material Sentences with the construction haben + zu + Infinitiv, sein + zu + Infinitiv. Common sentences (repetition). Future tense Futur I (repetition). Ordinal numbers over 30


Lecture 6. Die Schweiz

Lektion 6. Die Schweiz German-speaking countries and home country. Major cities, attractions. Grammar material Double conjunctions nichtnur... sondernauch, zwar... aber. Sentences with the infinitive group statt … zu, ohne … zu, anstatt … zu + Infinitiv. Fractions


Lecture 7. Wie geht es dir?

Lecture 7. Wie geht es dir?A person's appearance. Healthy lifestyle: work and rest schedule, sports. Grammar material Recognition and use of declension of adjectives in speech (repetition). Weak and strong verbs with the auxiliary verb haben in Perfect. Strong verbs with the auxiliary verb sein in perfect (repetition). Subordinate concessive clauses with the conjunction obwohl (repetition). The verb sollen in Konjunktiv II


Lecture 8. Die Theater-AG

Lektion 8. Die Theater-AG Leisure and hobbies (cinema, theater). Interpersonal relationships in the family and with peers. Resolving conflict situations. Grammar material 11 1 17 Modal verb lassen (repetition). Recognition and use in speech of prepositions with double control, prepositions requiring Dativ, prepositions requiring Akkusativ. Subordinate clauses attributives (repetition)


Lecture 9. Die Zukunft

Lektion 9. Die Zukunft Interpersonal relationships with family and peers. Living conditions in urban/rural areas. Universe and man. Grammar material All tense forms of verbs in Passiv. Passive with modal verbs


Final repetition






List of literature for teachers

    German. Contents of education: Collection of legal documents and teaching materials. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2010. – 192 p. – (Modern education)

    Sample programs for academic subjects. Foreign language grades 5-9 standards of the second generation, 4th ed., rev. – Moscow: Education, 2012. – p. 63-86.

    Radchenko, O.A. German. Work programs. 5-9 grades. Subject line of textbooks “Geeks”: a manual for teachers of general education institutions / O.A. Radchenko. – Moscow: Education, 2012. - 140 p.

4. Radchenko, O.A. German. "Wunderkinds": 5-9 grades, etc. . - Moscow: Enlightenment, 201 7..

8. Radchenko, O.A. Teacher's book, 5-9 grades : manual for educational institutions / O.A. Radchenko, O.L. Zakharova. - Moscow: Enlightenment, 201 7g.

10. Dictionaries and reference books.

List of literature for students

1. ": 5-9 grades , textbook for educational institutions / O.A. Radchenko and etc. . - Moscow: Enlightenment, 201 7g.

2.Radchenko, O.A. German. "Prodigies"": 5-9 grades, workbook for educational institutions / O.A. Radchenko, I.F. Congo, G. Hebeler. - Moscow: Enlightenment, 201 7g.

3. Dictionaries and reference books.

ScrollWEB - sites for additional education on the subject

Official website of the German cultural center them. Goethe (Goethe – Institute) in Moscow

Official website of the publishing house "Hueber", Germany, online exercises, work materials

Official website of the publishing house "Schubert", Germany, online exercises, work materials

Internet portal “German as a foreign language for educational institutions”

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- (philosophy) a broad cultural movement in Europe and the North. America con. 17-18 centuries, which aimed to spread the ideals of scientific knowledge, political freedoms, social progress and expose relevant prejudices and superstitions.... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

1. general characteristics. 2. Idea " natural man" 3. The contrast between “civilization” and the “state of nature.” 4. " Civil society"and the political ideal of the Enlightenment. 5. Disadvantages of Enlightenment materialism. 6. Artistic… Literary encyclopedia

Cm … Synonym dictionary

ENLIGHTENMENT, enlightenment, many. no, cf. Action under Ch. enlighten1 enlighten; education, training. “The communist commissars who worked in the Red Army at that time played a decisive role in strengthening the army, in its political education, V… … Dictionary Ushakova

Education- Enlightenment ♦ Lumières This word refers to both a specific historical period and the ideals laid down by it. Period: European 18th century. Ideals are reason, which Descartes already called “natural light”; a mind freed from the shackles of theology and... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

"Education"- “Enlightenment”, publishing partnership in 1896–1922 (with interruptions). Founded by educator N. S. Tsetlin with the financial support of the Meyer Bibliographic Institute (Leipzig). Publishing office on Nevsky Prospekt, 50;… … Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

ENLIGHTENMENT, an ideological movement of the 18th mid-19th centuries, based on the belief in the decisive role of reason and science in the knowledge of the natural order corresponding to the true nature of man and society. Ignorance, obscurantism, religious fanaticism... ... Modern encyclopedia

1) dissemination of knowledge, education. 2) The system of general education institutions in the country (see also Public education) ...

Legal monthly Bolshevik theoretical journal, December 1911 June 1914, St. Petersburg, 27 issues. Closed by the tsarist government. In the fall of 1917, one (double) issue was published... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Ideological flow 18 ser. 19th centuries, based on the belief in the decisive role of reason and science in the knowledge of the natural order corresponding to the true nature of man and society. The enlighteners considered ignorance, obscurantism, and religious fanaticism... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Publishing house (until 1964 Uchpedgiz), Moscow. Founded in 1931. Publishes textbooks and teaching aids in Russian for all types secondary schools and pedagogical educational institutions, methodological literature, magazines, printed visual... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
