How to bring rum from Cuba. Cuban customs rules for Russian passengers on international flights

This topic worries almost EVERYONE and EVERYONE who is going on a trip to ANY country, and even more so to Cuba, since there is ALWAYS something to bring as a gift to FRIENDS (or future friends) from Russia, and you want to take away the famous Cuban rum, the best in world Cuban cigars and other rare souvenirs.

For the COMPLETE TRUTH, it is necessary to note that customs rules can change quite OFTEN (like everything in the country now), and it is really difficult to keep track of ALL changes, since the Cuban customs officers themselves (in our opinion) DO NOT ALWAYS know them well and FOLLOW them. For example, one of our comrades who arrived in Cuba brought FREE (that is, WITHOUT declaring) a printer (although this is prohibited by the rules), and during the inspection he said that he was a writer and he needed the printer to work on stories about Cuba. At the same time, he was NOT ALLOWED to bring two simple radio sets into Cuba, and was forced to fill out a declaration with the OBLIGATION TO REMOVE the radios when LEAVING FROM Cuba. Three months later, he left Cuba, flying to the city of Cancun (Mexico) for 3 days and returning back to Havana, since his tourist visa had expired and he needed to formally leave Cuba. Upon departure, he was asked to present these same walkie-talkies and a declaration during inspection, which he did, prudently taking them with him, and UPON RETURN three days later, WITHOUT ANY problems, he IMPORTED THESE same walkie-talkies BACK TO Cuba WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS, declarations and responsibilities .

In general, Cuban customs is LOYAL to foreign travelers who come for a SMALL period and do not have A LOT of luggage and simply “turn a blind eye” to A LOT. BUT if you are traveling for a LONG TIME and BRINGING A LOT of luggage, attention to your Person is GUARANTEED.

Here are some GENERAL TIPS for you that you MUST follow when dealing with CUBA customs:

1. Upon arrival in the country, DO NOT TAKE A LOT of electronic gadgets and devices, and other THINGS in the ORIGINAL PACKAGING, as this will VERY “ANNOY” Cuban customs, hinting at the COMMERCIAL further USE of equipment and things in Cuba - that is, SALE, EXCHANGE or “GIVING” for some other services. As a general rule, YOU WITHOUT PROBLEMS can IMPORT EVERYTHING that YOU PERSONALLY need for your NEEDS (for example, you personally may have two or three phones, since you may have two or three lines from different operators with different tariffs).

2. If you are carrying SOMETHING to large quantities(for example, phones as a gift), PLACE these things into DIFFERENT TYPES of luggage: two phones in your carry-on luggage, two phones in the suitcase you check, and two in your pockets. This WILL NOT GUARANTEE you the “success of the event,” but POSSIBLY in some cases it will allow you to avoid “unnecessary questions” regarding the number of gadgets. At the same time, from a purely legal point of view, it will be VERY DIFFICULT for customs to prove that these same, for example, 6 phones (WITHOUT packaging!) are NOT intended for you, since, perhaps, YOU PERSONALLY MAY NEED ALL 6 phones - this is YOUR PERSONAL BUSINESS, how many personal gadgets to have in reserve when traveling.

3. DO NOT TAKE COMPONENTS or SPARE PARTS for electronics or other equipment with you. IT IS HIGHLY likely that there will be problems associated with the obligation to declare upon entry and pay DUTIES. At the same time, we can note with surprise that VERY OFTEN ALL Cuban CUSTOMS CHANGES at the AIRPORT DO NOT KNOW EITHER ENGLISH, OR especially RUSSIAN, and communication with them can be VERY DIFFICULT if you DO NOT know SPANISH. The duties are “announced” as simply “astronomical”, such that it is easier to simply throw this thing away right at the airport. For example, an acquaintance of ours brought a gift to a friend to Cuba RAM for a laptop, which a friend, in turn, could NOT buy in Cuba. Upon arrival, Cuban customs announced the need to pay a duty of 150 US dollars for memory costing 50 US dollars in Russia. Our friend simply THROWED this memory into the “trash”, after which the duty “as in the market” “reduced” to 50 US dollars, but STILL HAD TO PAY IT!

4. It is written everywhere that you cannot export more than 50 cigars per person from Cuba without additional permission. In this case, the total cost of all cigars with a permit should not exceed $2,000. Yes, there is such a RULE. We can safely tell you that usually everyone takes out 100 cigars (that’s 4 standard boxes of 25 pieces each) WITHOUT ANY problems: 50 pcs. V hand luggage and 50 pcs. in luggage. We know NUMEROUS cases of cigars being exported at times big amount, but this is at your risk.

5. With the export of rum, the SITUATION is more COMPLEX, since bottles with liquid on board the plane in hand luggage are simply NOT allowed, so GENERAL rule You can safely take out no more than 3 bottles per person, or 2 liters in total. We know of NUMEROUS cases of rum being taken out in luggage in MANY times larger quantities, but this is at your own risk.

6. You MUST NOT export products made from BLACK coral and SEA SHELLS without special permission. They will NOT allow you to take out exotic birds and animals, as well as their feathers, skins or stuffed animals. An exception is made for products made from crocodile leather, but if you have paper, which you need to get when purchasing these souvenirs in STATE stores.

7. It is PROHIBITED to export museum samples and objects that are of historical value. WHO determines this value is NOT clear. Therefore, you CAN carry it, however, with a great RISK of “losing” these items at customs, if they DECIDE that there is value. BUT, Books that were published more than 50 years ago are DEFINITELY prohibited from being exported. When exporting a purchased painting, you must have a certificate from the National Register of Cultural Property of the Republic of Cuba, while our compatriots, WITHOUT any certificates, export hundreds of paintings per day purchased on the streets and galleries throughout Cuba.

To conclude these Tips, let’s say that dealing with Cuban CUSTOMS is more like “roulette”, BUT if you follow the BASIC RULES, you should NOT have any problems.

For travelers who know Spanish, we provide a link to the Official Website of the Cuban Customs Service:

YOU CAN ORDER SERVICES OF GUIDE-TRANSLATOR-ASSISTANT for ANY NUMBER OF HOURS, according to YOUR SCHEDULE, for ANY TIME, to solve YOUR VARIOUS TASKS ANYWHERE IN CUBE based on the following prices and conditions: 1 hour of work 15 CUC during the day and 20 CUC at night, minimum 5 hours of work, maximum 15 hours of consecutive work by ONE specialist during the day. The cost and conditions for the provision of CONSULTANT servants are discussed INDIVIDUALLY.

You can keep in touch different ways indicated on the Page –

We wish you a WORRY-FREE TRIP! See you in Cuba!

You can get additional information about Cuba by using Google search, since the Yandex search engine provides information that is largely outdated and dates back 5 years.

Thank you.

Cuban customs rules for Russian passengers on international flights. The customs service of the Republic of Cuba "La Aduana General de la Republica" has a little more than 3,000 employees, however, this is quite enough to provide all the functions assigned to this unit in full. People with the inscription “Aduana” on the uniform farm have achieved special achievements in the field of prompt detection of attempts to smuggle synthetic drugs; however, the Cuban customs service also detects organic drugs “from the gate.” This is what one cunning tourist was convinced of when, on August 25, 2013, he tried to smuggle 34 capsules with liquid cocaine through the customs office of the airport. Jose Marti in his own stomach (if the capsule was damaged, this “magician” could instantly “glue his flippers together”, so he will definitely serve time in prison for this “trick”, but will remain alive). In fact, the Cuban customs service is one of the most loyal to incoming tourists. Upon arrival at the airport, in the most conspicuous place, you will always see a table with an employee in an orange sleeveless jacket with black shoulder straps, on whose table there is a sign “Supervisor de Aduana” - it is this person who will help you learn all the intricacies of passing customs control and will put his comrades in black in the safe hands sleeveless vests with a golden inscription on the back "ADUANA CUSTOMS". Enough interesting fact customs rules of Cuba is that according to the Customs rules of Cuba, a tourist has the right to duty-free transportation of 25 kilograms of personal belongings (to electrical appliances does not apply), everything else is subject to payment of duty at the rate of 10 pesos per kilogram, but at the same time, Cuban customs regulations provide for a tax rebate of 50.99 pesos. As a result, we get 30 kilograms without paying duty. Another interesting fact is that up to the age of 10, a child can carry without paying duty only those things that he is able to carry himself. Those over 10 years of age may receive an "adult" baggage allowance provided they help carry the luggage for an adult. It should also be taken into account that passengers arriving in Cuba for the purpose of “tourism” are not eligible for duty-free import of household items (including hair dryers and electric kettles). The approach to transporting medicines is very interesting. According to Cuban customs regulations, a passenger can bring into Cuba without paying customs duty up to 10 kilograms of medicines (original packaging and separately from the rest of the luggage)!!! Regarding the export of cigars from Cuba, an interesting situation has also developed (from 50 cigars must be declared, they can be confiscated if there is no necessary documents. Read more on the website of the customs of the Republic of Cuba in the section "FAQ regarding Export of Cigars"). For passengers arriving by air (or - it doesn’t matter at all) for the purpose of “tourism”, the customs rules of Cuba provide for the following action: mandatory export of imported valuables (marked upon import as “personal belongings” and exempt from duty) before the expiration of 30 days of stay in the country.
Since Cuba's customs regulations may change over time, it is worth reviewing before flying to Cuba. up-to-date information, which is published on the official website of "La Aduana General de la Republica".

Cuban customs rules for Russian passengers on international flights.

  • Import and export of currency.
  • What can you bring into Cuba with exemption from customs duties?

Import and export of currency.

Filling out the import and export declaration Money to Cuba is mandatory procedure! According to the customs rules of Cuba, an amount of 5,000 usd (or its equivalent in other currencies and payment instruments) is subject to mandatory declaration! Export of an amount over 5,000 usd is possible only if such an amount was declared upon entry into the country or if there are documents confirming the legal purchase of this currency. It should be taken into account that in Cuba there are 2 currencies: the regular Peso and the second, rather interesting currency - the Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC), and so the export of these same “Pesos Convertibles” is strictly prohibited.

What goods are subject to mandatory declaration?

When passing through customs control, you must enter in the customs declaration:
  • goods not intended for personal use.
  • goods whose value exceeds the duty-free limit (1000 pesos).
  • goods, the quantity of which exceeds the amount established for exemption from customs duties (tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, medicines and other duty-free goods).
  • goods subject to import bans or restrictions.

The following goods for personal use can be imported into the customs territory of Cuba with exemption from customs duties:

The following goods for personal use or as a gift can be carried in your personal luggage with an exemption from customs duties:
  • Tobacco products: 400 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 500 grams of smoking tobacco.
  • Alcoholic drinks: 2.5 liters of alcoholic beverages.
  • Medicines: Import of up to 10 kilograms of medicines that are not prohibited for import, provided that the medicines are transported separately from the rest of the baggage and the original packaging is not damaged. It is allowed to transport psychotropic and hallucinogenic medications necessary for the duration of your stay in the country.
  • Other goods: Citizens of the Russian Federation can bring into Cuba personal items necessary during travel, duty-free in the amount of up to 1,000 pesos. Personal items are understood as objects and things that a foreigner visiting the country uses, consumes or uses for his professional activities. At the same time, the quantity and purpose of these things and items must correspond to the nature and purpose of the trip around the country. According to data published on the official website of the customs service of the Republic of Cuba, personal belongings should be understood as: A device for measuring blood pressure or glucose. Jewelry and personal items. Clothing, footwear, personal hygiene items and toiletries, if they come in quantities that imply personal use. Mobile phone, camera or portable video camera and its accessories. Portable TV. Personal Computer. Means for transporting and feeding small children. A portable device for recording and playing back sounds, images, and other data (MP3, MP4, etc.), along with an appropriate set of portable headphones and accessories. A portable compact disc (CD) player and/or DVD player, etc., together with their corresponding set of portable headphones and accessories. Portable receiver, Portable TV, laptop for personal use. Portable typewriter, tent and camping equipment. Binoculars for personal use. Sports equipment (canoe or kayak with a length of less than 5.50 meters; a set of fishing accessories; a bicycle (without engine); a pair of skis, two rackets, two walkie-talkies (walkie-talkie with mandatory indication in the declaration) and other similar items).
    For children under 10 years of age who can only carry their own personal items: 2 toys, 2 electronic games or electrical devices for personal use.
    Exceeding the weight (25 kg) or value (1000 pesos) of these items will be considered as permanently imported items and duty will be charged on them. (Progressive rate: for goods costing from $51.00 to $500.99 - 100%; from $501.00 to $1000.00 - 200%).

Prohibitions and restrictions on import into Cuba.

When importing into Cuba, import bans apply to:

Products of animal origin (all types of ungulates that can be carriers of dangerous diseases).
Motorcycles and bicycles with internal combustion engines.
Portable electric stoves.
Electric water heaters.
Electric irons without a steam generator with a power of 290 W/hour or with a steam generator with a power of 703 W/hour.
Electric fryers.
Electric toasters.

Import restrictions into Cuba.

Weapon ( firearms, sharp objects and other objects that can be used as weapons, etc.) and ammunition.
Live animals.
Samples or other items imported for trade purposes.
Satellite positioning systems (SPS, GPS)
Satellite communication equipment.
Other means of communication (wireless data transmission devices, walkie-talkies, radio microphones, cordless phones, with the exception of those operating in the ranges: 40-49 MHz, 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 1900 MHz.)
Works of art and museum exhibits.
Any valuable item that the passenger intends to take with him when leaving the country.

Transport of medicines.

You can import for personal use medications classified as hallucinogenic and psychotropic in a volume corresponding to the prescribed treatment for the duration of your stay in Cuba. For import medicines from blood derivatives and biological products (vaccines, serums, strains of microorganisms) it is necessary to obtain a license from the Ministry of Health (MINSAP).

Transportation of animals

Transport of animals included in the list of rare and endangered species protected by the "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna" into Cuba is possible only with a CITES certificate. Pets such as dogs and cats can be brought into Cuba upon presentation of health and vaccination certificates obtained in Russia. However, the animal will still be placed in quarantine and released from it only after passing veterinary control.

Who can afford a trip to Cuba: only those with good means or anyone interested in the spirit of the proud island of the free? Of course, the cost of flying across the ocean does not allow us to call visits to Cubans the most popular. But the absence of visa obstacles for our fellow Russians, the exoticism of the Caribbean, not sky-high prices in Cuba itself and, of course, the spirit of the revolution have not left rebellious Cuba without tourists for many years.

An international passport without expiration, return tickets, money for accommodation and normal insurance - that’s all that border guards need from visiting Russians, Belarusians, travelers from Moldova, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan. Ukrainian tourists, alas, need a visa, but they are allowed to obtain one under a simplified program.

Collecting documents is a separate issue. But you can find out how much money to collect right now.

The lion's part of the calculation of how much a trip to Cuba costs is related to travel expenses. Therefore, this is where the business needs to start. You can fly to Cuba from Moscow, St. Petersburg, the main big cities Volga region (Kazan, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod), the Urals (Ufa, Yekaterinburg), the South (Minvody, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don). The cheapest tickets are sold in the capital, and the whole picture of flight prices is as follows:

  1. From Moscow there are direct and compound flights to Havana and Varadero. Planes fly directly to Havana at an average fare of 50,000 rubles, plus or minus 10 thousand, depending on the season, round trip, 1 seat, economy. In addition, direct flights are occasionally carried out by charter companies; such a flight costs from 70,000 rubles in both directions, one person. Flights with transfers are cheaper - a full ticket to Havana with a connection in Paris today will cost from 45,000 rubles. in summer and from 37,000 rubles in autumn (2018). The route to Varadero is not much more expensive - the cheapest flight with a transfer in one of the European cities starts from 43,000 rubles. There is no direct connection to the resort. The most profitable airlines are Air France, Air Canada Rouge, Condor, Lufthansa in combination with KLM-Netherlands, Aeroflot and Pobeda.
  2. From St. Petersburg - direct routes are not provided; any offers contain 1-2 transfers in cities in Europe and/or Canada. Prices in Havana are slightly higher than in Moscow by 3-5 thousand, and sometimes lower. Prices for Varadero are the same, but only for 2-connecting flights - 1-stop flights, firstly, are quite rare, and secondly, they can cost 90 thousand rubles or more.
  3. From other regions of Russia, air travel to Cuban soil is available for an average of 70-80,000 rubles. All flights have several transfers and, as a rule, fly through Moscow. Single-stop routes are very expensive.
  4. You can also fly to Liberty Island from Ukraine without any hindrance - Air Canada Rouge, Air France, KLM airlines together with Ukraine Int. willingly deliver their Ukrainian passengers from Kyiv to Varadero with 1-2 European-Canadian transfers at a price of 46,000 rubles, which in the national Ukrainian currency is about 20,100 hryvnia at the current exchange rate. But tickets to Havana are much more expensive - from 60,000 rubles/26,000 UAH, unlike Russian flights, where the opposite is true.

A very important nuance - all figures are approximate, established as of the second half of 2018 - beginning of 2019 and are constantly changing, almost every hour. Therefore, at the time of counting money, it is necessary to check the current positions on travel search engine sites.


You can eat with Cubans both expensively and on a budget, depending on what you like or what is available, since the price of food in Cuba is designed to suit any budget. Independent tourists are always more interested in how to eat inexpensively, so we will talk about the most affordable food.

Best places to eat inexpensively:

  • snack bars, restaurants or cafes away from tourist areas, the further the establishment is from foreigners or vacationers, the more adequate the requests are;
  • private home restaurants with homemade, delicious food, the cost of breakfast is no more than $5, dinner – no more than $10, if you order from a printed menu (if you order verbally, dishes can mysteriously become more expensive);
  • eateries for locals in the suburbs or nearby villages, where payments are made not in dollars, but in domestic national pesos.

By the way, the Cuban currency is divided into two types - pesos for tourists CUC (cook, siusi) and pesos for Cubans CUP. Tourist CUC is always equal to a dollar and is used to pay for purchases in markets, hotel services, travel, etc. It exchanges foreign currency and is always decorated with images of Cuban beauties. CUP has internal circulation, it is distinguished purely by portraits of leaders; to buy 1 cookie you will need 25 coupons. In eateries for locals, you can perfectly reduce the cost of food for the entire trip by paying in coupons. In general, it is better to take euros with you rather than US dollars to avoid an additional 10% commission on American currency.

Choosing inexpensive National dishes, you can perfectly satisfy your hunger without gastronomic shock. For example, the most delicious, according to tourists’ reviews:

  1. Lobsters have many variations of Cuban preparation. Lobsters are boiled in boiling water, fried on the grill, served with sauces and side dishes. It is believed that it is here on the island that they are prepared best in the world. A street option will cost only $3/180 ₽, a restaurant order costs from $10.
  2. Ajiaco in Creole - pork stewed with vegetables and seasonings of moderate fat content, or not at all fatty. Portion – from 7-8 $.
  3. Crocodile meat under a vegetable coat. It looks exotic, but tastes like a combination of tender chicken and squid meat. It costs $15/serving and is very popular among guests.
  4. Tasaho – dried pork cut. Portion – 8-9$.
  5. Famous freshly prepared juices from oranges, pineapples, mangoes, papaya - around a dollar for a large glass. You can buy it everywhere.

Accepted prices in Cuba may not seem as rosy as in popular southeastern resorts, but the quality of food or products here is higher than in more affordable Asians.

Prices for more common products for cooking yourself, in dollars and rubles as of 2019:

  • white bread, pcs. – 0.5$/30 ₽;
  • milk, liter – $1.8/107 ₽;
  • eggs, 10 pcs. – 1.08$/64 ₽;
  • chicken, breasts, kg – 4 $/240 ₽;
  • potatoes, kg – $1.5/90 ₽;
  • tomatoes, kg – $1.5/90 ₽;
  • water, 0.33 – 0.6 $/36 ₽;
  • Cuban beer, half a liter – $1/59 ₽;
  • Imported beer, half a liter – 2$/120 ₽.

Cheap Exotic fruits– up to a dollar/kg, expensive “ordinary” fruits (apples, pears) – up to $4 per kilogram.

Cuban cigars, rum

You cannot visit almost the homeland of the Roma (nearby Jamaica and Barbados) and their legal homeland the best tobacco, and not take these attractions with you. Cuban rum costs from $8 to $25 per bottle; of course, the more expensive it is, the more valuable it is. Only 2 liters per person are allowed to be exported abroad.

Buying cigars is a more delicate matter. Firstly, you don’t need to buy them from street sellers, the latter make all the mistakes. You need to buy cigars from official master manufacturers. Secondly, there are no export restrictions for this product; the main thing is that a batch of over 23 pieces should be packaged and equipped with a special hologram. This can easily be done by the seller himself if asked. The cost of street options is $4, the product from a real manufacturer is much more expensive.

You should not save on these purchases - such an original product is found only on the island; in all other places it is either a tough fake or a gigantically inflated price.

Accommodation, transport, excursions

Accommodation is very simple - either always affordable, budget homestay, or many 2-5 star hotels.

Homestay – owners of their houses invite tourists to share their accommodation directly with them for a small fee. This does not mean super-convenience; guests live in the same conditions as the owners. But for two people it is enough to pay only 17 dollars, minimum. The offer is very profitable if living next door to the owners does not bother those interested. If such accommodation does not appeal, there are plenty of traditional hotels everywhere with prices ranging from $60 for a clean 2-star double room to $120 for a double room at a 5-star all-inclusive hotel in Havana.

An important expense item is transportation. There is no shortage of it in Cuba, although there is also superabundance. Each type of movement is different in its own way:

  1. Public buses are the main transporters of the population. The fare is about 4 kopecks. However, buses run at great intervals, the passengers on them are always higher than the roof, and it is impossible to determine the desired stop without help; there are no signs or signs. As soon as you make it clear to the driver that you are “non-local,” the fare suddenly becomes more expensive.
  2. Taxi is divided into two categories: for tourists, for “our own people”. Tourist cars are comfortable, clean, and in good working order. The fee per kilometer is from half to a whole dollar, and payments are made in this currency. Taxi drivers working for local pesos have no right to take orders from tourists. But if you had to take advantage of the locals, then you need to keep your eyes open, there are many who like to make money.
  3. Car rental – by paying $50 per day, you can easily move around the island on your own. Fortunately, the Cubans have such a service. You will also have to pay for insurance, about $20.

There are still excursions left. No big expenses are expected here - firstly, there are many beauties available for free, and secondly, the most expensive excursion to the Museum of the Revolution or the Kabanya Fortress will require a maximum of $6. On average, you can see Hemingway’s house or go to the crocodile village for $4-5.

Difference with ready-made tours

A standard trip to Cuba is very expensive. Even a 7-day vacation with a flight from Moscow, without meals, at a regular hotel costs from 120 thousand. R. All-inclusive tours with hotels 100 meters from the beaches are estimated at 140,000, at a minimum. For St. Petersburg, prices are even higher.

  • tickets from Moscow, round trip, on average - 80,000 ₽;
  • accommodation in a simple hotel – 25,000 ₽ ($420);
  • meals, 3 times a day in a cafe – 14,300 ₽ (about $240);
  • a couple of bus rides per day – 5,100 ₽ ($85);
  • three basic excursions – 1,800 ₽ ($30).

The total in rubles will be about 126,200 rubles for two, excluding purchases, at the current exchange rate and prices.

It turns out that expenses to Cuba do not depend much on the method of travel, and cost approximately the same. The difference here is important only for free tourists who prefer to travel without the confines of travel agencies. But whatever your habits, a trip to the Cuban Republic will never be forgotten by anyone.

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The most valuable thing you can bring with you will be your memories of your vacation on the island of freedom. There is nothing physical there that cannot be bought in Russia.

Although there are some goods there, such as rum and cigars, that can be bought much cheaper. Cuban cigars and rum are the most common souvenirs that can be brought from Cuba.

Cuban cigars

If you are going to buy as many cigars as possible in Cuba, then it is better to buy them in branded stores, where they will give you a receipt. Firstly, you will be sure that you bought truly original Cuban cigars, and not fakes, which are sold second-hand here. Secondly, it is officially allowed to export a maximum of 200 cigarettes per person, provided that you have a receipt for their purchase. If during inspection you do not have a receipt, then you are allowed to take only 50 pieces with you. The most famous brands of Cuban cigars are: Partagas, Cohiba and Montecristo.

Every Cuban you meet will offer you to buy real Cuban cigars, and they will tell you that his relative works in a cigar factory and sells a little money, and if you buy cigars from him, it will be cheaper than in the store. You don’t need to believe these fairy tales, because they will sell you a fake, and you won’t be happy with the price.

You can buy real Cuban cigars of the Partagas brand in the company store at the tobacco factory, which is located right behind the Capitol in Havana.

Near the entrance to the store, local businessmen may be waiting for you, who will tell tales that the store is closed and that you can buy cheaper from them. Immediately send these “businessmen” away and go to the store.

Cuban rum

The most popular Cuban rum is called "Havana Club", and it is freely available in local stores. You can take with you a maximum of 2 liters of this liquid, but in practice no one checks this, however, remember that at the Russian airport upon arrival, you may be subject to a check of your belongings and there is also a restriction on the import of alcohol into Russia.

Cuban Rum Havana Club

It is best to buy Cuban rum at Duty Free at Havana airport, as prices there are lower than in the city and the selection is better. You can also buy Cuban cigars there. The cost of a 0.7 liter bottle of Cuban rum “Havana Club” starts from $6. You can pay in both cookies and dollars. The longer the rum ages, the more expensive it is.

In Cuba, rum is added to almost all alcoholic cocktails, for example, Mojito, and bartenders never regret it, as it costs less than other ingredients.

Coins stamps books icons

In Old Havana, when you reach the end of Calle Obispo, you will find the philatelic market, where they sell old coins, stamps and books. Coins with Che Guevara can be a good souvenir, but sellers do not agree to sell them individually, but only as part of a set, which also includes not particularly attractive coins. The cost of a set of 10 coins is from 4 cookies and above.

Collectors here can spend a lot of time looking at old books, badges and stamps. The price quoted by the seller is very difficult to reduce, since it is not customary for Cubans to bargain.

Fridge magnets

It is better to buy refrigerator magnets in a souvenir shop, as their quality is noticeably better there, because in the markets they sell homemade magnets, with a piece of a refrigerator magnet glued on. In the markets, magnets are sold for 1 kuk, two or three pieces, and in the store one magnet costs 1-2 kuk.

Cuban coffee is considered to be of high quality and tasty, and it is especially attractive because there are no restrictions on its export, although few people export it from Cuba on an industrial scale.

In Cuba you can buy the following brands of Cuban coffee: Cubita, Arabica Serano Washed and Turquino.

Hats, shirts and bags

A street vendor in Havana sells Cuban hats.

Walking along the central tourist streets of Havana and Trinidad, you can see wicker hats and women's bags. Men's hats cost 5 kuk. You can also pay attention to the traditional Cuban “guyaberu” shirts, which are available for both men and women.

Musical instruments

Musicians on the beach near Havana

While relaxing on the beach of Playa Santa Maria del Mar near Havana or on the beach of Varadero, you can see local merchants who offer to buy local musical instruments, such as drums, bongos or maracas. If you need such a souvenir, you can take it, but remember that it takes up quite a lot of space in your luggage.

Further, what else can you bring from Cuba: carved figurines and masks of blacks made of wood, paintings by local artists, souvenirs made of shells, machetes, the Cuban flag, T-shirts with Che Guevara and license plates, which are also sold.
