Which artist died today? Paul Walker, Heath Ledger, Cory Monteith, Vladislav Galkin - actors who died young

Leonid Sergeevich Bronevoy. Born on December 17, 1928 in Kyiv - died on December 9, 2017 in Moscow after a serious, long illness. Soviet and Russian theater, film and television actor. People's Artist of the USSR.

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky. Born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk - died on November 22, 2017 in London from brain cancer. Soviet and Russian Opera singer(baritone), People's Artist of Russia.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov. Born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala (Latvian SSR) - died on November 9, 2017 in Moscow from brain cancer. Soviet and Russian satirist, playwright, humorist, comedian, one of the first stand-up comedians in Russia.

Dmitry Yurievich Maryanov. Born on December 1, 1969 in Moscow, he died on October 15, 2017 on the way to the hospital in the Moscow region town of Lobnya. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor.

Oleg Borisovich Vidov. Born on June 11, 1943 in the city of Vidnoye, Moscow region - died on May 16, 2017 in Westlake Village (California, USA) from complications after oncology. Soviet, Russian and American actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva. Born on January 31, 1956 in Moscow - died on August 16, 2017 in Baden-Baden (Germany). The cause of death was cancer. Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, film director, screenwriter and producer. Honored Artist of Russia (1995). People's Artist Russia (2011). On August 19, the farewell and funeral of Vera Glagoleva took place. The actress was buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery Moscow.

Alexey Vladimirovich Batalov. Born on November 20, 1928 in Vladimir - died on June 15, 2017 in one of the Moscow hospitals. Soviet Russian theater and film actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher and public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1976). Hero Socialist Labor(1989). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1981), State Prize of the RSFSR named after the Vasilyev brothers (1966), State Prize of Russia (2005).

Georgy Georgievich Taratorkin. Born on January 11, 1945 in Leningrad - died on February 4, 2017 in Moscow. The cause of death was a severe long-term illness. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR. He was buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko. Born July 18, 1932 in Zima Irkutsk region— died on April 1, 2017 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. The cause of death was cancer. Soviet and Russian poet. On April 10, a funeral service for Yevgeny Yevtushenko was held in the Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Igor of Chernigov in Peredelkino. On April 11, the poet was buried in Peredelkino next to Boris Pasternak according to his will.

Vladimir Alekseevich Tolokonnikov. Born on June 25, 1943 in Almaty - died on July 16, 2017 in Moscow. Soviet, Russian and Kazakh theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR, famous performer of the role of Sharikov in the film “Heart of a Dog”.

Nikolai Lvovich Godovikov. Born on January 1, 1950 in Leningrad - died on November 23, 2017 in St. Petersburg. Soviet and Russian actor, performer of the role of Petrukha in the film “White Sun of the Desert.”

Alexander Grigorievich Tikhanovich. Born on July 13, 1952 in Minsk, he died on January 28, 2017 from a serious illness. Soviet and Russian musician, People's Artist of Belarus, one of the founders and soloist of the popular VIA "Verasy".

Oleg Zhamsarayevich Yakovlev. Born on November 18, 1969 in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) - died on June 29, 2017 in Moscow. The cause of death was pulmonary edema secondary to liver cirrhosis. Russian singer, ex-soloist of the group " Ivanushki International».

Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko. Born on May 25, 1931 in Leningrad - died on April 8, 2017 in Moscow. Famous Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero Soviet Union, made three flights into space as a flight engineer on Soyuz spacecraft.

Chris Kaspersky(real name Nikolai Vladimirovich Likhachev). Born on November 2, 1976 in the village of Uspenskoye Krasnodar region- died on February 13, 2017 in Reston (Virginia, USA) after injuries received as a result of an unsuccessful parachute jump. Famous Russian programmer, IT journalist and hacker.

Allan Vladimirovich Chumak. Born on May 26, 1935 in Moscow - died on October 9, 2017 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian psychic, healer, writer, philosopher. He gained fame in the late 1980s for his “water charging” sessions.

These are the most bright stars Russia. May their names forever remain in our memory and may the stars sing a lullaby to them. Eternal human memory to talented extraordinary personalities.

Unfortunately, the past year was the last for many celebrities. Many of them left prematurely...

Let's remember famous personalities who left us in 2017.

Vladimir Shainsky (December 12, 1925 – December 26, 2017)

The remarkable composer died two weeks after he turned 92 years old. The cause of death was cancer.

Shainsky composed many melodies for children's films and cartoons. Among the songs he composed: “Song of the Crocodile Gena”, “Grasshopper”, “When my friends are with me”.

Eugene Cernan (March 14, 1934 – January 16, 2017)

On January 16, Eugene Cernan, an American astronaut who today is the last earthling to stand on the surface of the Moon, passed away. This happened on December 14, 1972.

Loalva Braz (June 3, 1953 – January 19, 2017)

On January 19, soloist Loalva Braz died under horrific circumstances. Brazilian group Kaoma, who performed the legendary hit “Lambada”. Criminals broke into the singer’s apartment, first robbed Loalva, and then, putting her in a car, burned her alive.

Georgy Taratorkin (January 11, 1945 – February 4, 2017)

The famous Russian actor passed away on February 4, after a long illness. He played in more than 30 films, but his role as Rodion Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment, which he performed at the age of 23, brought him national fame.

Vitaly Churkin (February 21, 1952 – February 20, 2017)

Russia's permanent representative to the UN died a day before his 65th birthday. According to media reports, the cause of death was a heart attack. After the death of the diplomat, the figurative expression “Churkin syndrome” even appeared in medical circles, denoting a situation where an outwardly calm and calm permanent representative experiences constant stress and many years of psycho-emotional stress, which, according to many doctors, led to death.

Alexey Petrenko (March 26, 1938 – February 22, 2017)

The legendary actor passed away a month before his birthday. Alexey Vasilyevich played in more than 80 films and performed many roles in the theater.

Chuck Berry (October 18, 1926 – March 18, 2017)

The brilliant blues singer died at the age of 90 at his home. Doctors were called to the unconscious musician, but they were unable to save the rock and roll legend.

Chuck Berry is considered one of the greatest rock artists. After his death, many famous musicians, including Mick Jagger, Ringo Starr and Lenny Kravets, publicly expressed their condolences.

David Rockefeller (June 12, 1915 – March 20, 2017)

American billionaire passed away at a very old age - he was 101 years old. According to rumors important role Numerous heart transplant operations played a role in his longevity.

Lembit Ulfsak (4 July 1947 – 22 March 2017)

The Soviet and Estonian actor, the famous “Mr. Hey” from “Goodbye Mary Poppins,” died at the age of 70. Soviet television viewers remembered Lembit Ulfsak mainly for the roles of foreigners: in addition to Mr. Eye, he also played Till Eulenspiegel in the film of the same name, the Varangian Eymund (“Yaroslav the Wise”) and the journalist Schleyer (“TASS is authorized to declare...”)

Evgeny Yevtushenko (July 18, 1931 – April 1, 2017)

On April 1, the “last man of the sixties”, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, the author of the poem “A Poet in Russia is More than a Poet,” the poem “Babi Yar” and the song “Do Russians Want War,” passed away. The cause of death was cancer.

Yevtushenko was the most widely read Russian poet of the second half of the 20th century. From his pen came 20 large poems and about 200 poems. Although the poet lived in the USA since 1991, he often visited Russia, where he performed poetry evenings. A week before his death, doctors told Evgeniy Alexandrovich that he had less than three months to live. According to Yevtushenko’s son, in response to this news, the poet closed his eyes, cried for a minute, and then went back to work. Until the last moment, even through an oxygen mask, Yevtushenko dictated chapters of his novel to his household.

Georgy Grechko (May 25, 1931 – April 8, 2017)

The famous cosmonaut, twice hero of the Soviet Union, who made space more understandable and relatable for us, died at the age of 86. Georgy Mikhailovich was a very brave and desperate person, in addition to space, he was fond of motorsports, parachute jumping, had categories in shooting, gliding and parachuting, and always said that good boys don’t fly into space.

Oleg Vidov (June 11, 1943 – May 15, 2017)

Oleg Vidov is a wonderful actor, known for his roles as noble handsome men. His character Maurice the Mustang from the movie “The Headless Horseman” made the whole country go crazy. In 1985, Vidov emigrated to the USA, where he starred in the famous film “ Wild Orchid" IN last years the actor was seriously ill and was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. On May 15, the actor died as a result of complications of this disease.

Chris Cornell (July 20, 1964 – May 18, 2017)

On May 18, the American rock musician was found dead in his hotel room. According to the official version of the investigation, 52-year-old Cornell, who was diagnosed with AIDS, committed suicide.

Roger Moore (October 14, 1927 – May 23, 2017)

The British actor, who became famous for his role as James Bond, has died from cancer, a few months short of his 90th birthday.

Alexey Batalov (November 20, 1928 – June 15, 2017)

On June 15, one of my favorite actors passed away Soviet cinema- Alexey Batalov. During his career, he played many very piercing and deep roles, among which there is not a single negative one. For several generations of Soviet and Russian viewers, the actor was the embodiment of courage and nobility.

Oleg Yakovlev (November 18, 1969 – June 29, 2017)

The death of the ex-soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” - Oleg Yakovlev - was a complete surprise. As it turned out, Oleg spent 10 days in intensive care with a diagnosis of double pneumonia and died of cardiac arrest. It later became known that the pneumonia was caused by cirrhosis of the liver.

Oleg was a very delicate person; he did not tell even his closest people about his serious illness, so the musician’s colleagues and friends, upon learning of his death, were in shock.

Ilya Glazunov (June 10, 1930 – July 9, 2017)

On July 9, the painter Ilya Glazunov passed away. For 30 years he was the rector of the Russian Academy of Painting and painted many paintings in the genre of historical painting.

Chester Bennington (March 20, 1976 – July 20, 2017)

Lead singer of the famous punk band Linkin Park died at the age of 42. The cause of death was suicide. The musician hanged himself in his home on July 20, the birthday of his best friend Chris Cornell, who two months earlier also committed suicide.

Jeanne Moreau (January 23, 1928 – July 31, 2017)

Jeanne Moreau is one of famous actresses French cinema. According to critic Jeanette Vensaendo, “If Brigitte Bardot was the embodiment of sensuality, and Catherine Deneuve of elegance, then Jeanne Moreau was the ideal of intellectual femininity.” The actress died at the age of 89 in her apartment in Paris.

Vera Glagoleva (January 31, 1956 – August 16, 2017)

On August 16, the whole country was shocked by the news of the death of actress Vera Glagoleva. Vera Vitalievna died in one of the German clinics, having failed to defeat stomach cancer. She was 61 years old.

Despite the lack of acting education, Vera Glagoleva brilliantly, with deep psychologism, embodied her characters on the screen. Usually she got the roles of fragile but purposeful women.

Stella Baranovskaya (July 26, 1987 – September 4, 2017)

A young actress who was just starting out creative path, died at the age of 30 in terrible agony. Stella was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She left behind a small son.

Rada Zmikhnovskaya (? – September 14, 2017)

The ex-soloist of the Band'Eros group, Rada Zmikhnovskaya, died of a stroke in California, where she was visiting a friend. Little is known about Rada’s life; no one even knows what year she was born: according to some sources, she was 38 years old at the time of her death, according to others – 51.

Natalia Yunnikova (February 25, 1980 – September 26, 2017)

On September 26, Natalya Yunnikova, who played the role of Vasilisa in the series “The Return of Mukhtar,” passed away. The actress fell in her house and, having received a head injury, lost consciousness. Four days later she died in intensive care without waking up. Yunnikova left behind an 11-year-old son, whom she raised alone. Now the boy is being raised by his father.

Hugh Hefner (April 9, 1926 – September 27, 2017)

The 91-year-old founder of Playboy magazine died on September 27. He was buried in Westwood Cemetery, next to Marilyn Monroe, a woman he had always admired.

Egor Klinaev (April 10, 1999 – September 27, 2017)

18-year-old actor Yegor Klinaev, known for his role in the popular youth series Fizruk, became the victim of a monstrous coincidence. He got out of his car to help those involved in the accident and was hit by a passing car.

Dmitry Maryanov (December 1, 1969 – October 15, 2017)

On October 15, actor Dmitry Maryanov, who is in rehabilitation center"Phoenix", it suddenly became bad. When he was brought to the hospital, it was already too late: doctors pronounced him dead... According to experts, it was caused by a detached blood clot.

Mikhail Zadornov (July 21, 1948 – November 10, 2017)

Everyone's favorite satirist Mikhail Zadornov died after long struggle oncology, before reaching his 70th birthday. A few months before his death, Mikhail Nikolaevich converted to Orthodoxy, although lived before in accordance with the laws of paganism.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky (October 16, 1962 – November 22, 2017)

The famous Russian baritone, applauded by opera houses around the world, died of a brain tumor. Thanks to his incredible voice, the appearance of an epic hero and the courage with which the performer fought the disease, he will forever remain in the hearts of his fans.

Leonid Bronevoy (December 17, 1928 – December 9, 2017)

After the release of the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring,” Leonid Bronevoy became a star, but he always remained indifferent to fame and in life he was a modest, absolutely unglamorous person. He shunned fans and never sought to take advantage of his popularity. Leonid Sergeevich died on December 9, 8 days before his 89th birthday. Just before he died, he asked for ice cream.

For an artist, attention to his person is very important. Many Soviet film actors became real idols for the residents of the vast country. But, as it turns out, from people's love Complete oblivion is not that far away. the site remembered several wonderful Soviet film actors

For an artist, attention to his person is very important. Many Soviet film actors became real idols for the residents of the vast country. But, as it turns out, people’s love is not so far from complete oblivion. the site remembered several wonderful Soviet film actors who left this world alone and in poverty.

Mikhail Kononov

Still from the film

Mikhail Ivanovich lived in the village for the last years of his life - he decided to leave the capital in order to be more in fresh air after the postponed serious illness. In recent years, he has been trying to publish a book of his own memoirs. But his autobiography turned out to be of no use to anyone. They stopped inviting Kononov to the movies after he rejected offers several times because of what he thought were vulgar scripts. Until the end of his life, the actor dreamed of trying his hand at being a director. But this was not destined to come true - none of Kononov’s projects interested investors. The artist passed away in 2007. He was 67 years old.

Georgy Vitsin

The idol of Soviet viewers, Georgy Mikhailovich Vitsin, passed away very quietly and unnoticed. In recent years he lived alone and was sick a lot. There was old broken furniture in his apartment, some of the glass in the windows was broken. The actor did not have the money to fix this - he hung bags in which sugar is usually stored on the frame. Every day he fed pigeons in the yard and treated the children to sweets, which he bought with his own meager pension. When Vitsin died, only a few relatives and neighbors came to his funeral. At the modest grave of the great actor for a long time there wasn't even a monument.

Alexey Smirnov

Source: globallookpress.com

Alexey Makarovich Smirnov was a scout during the war - he repeatedly went behind enemy lines. His best friend was the actor and director Leonid Bykov, whom they met long before the filming of the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle.” In recent years, the actor lived alone. The directors did not invite him to the filming, since the artist had problems with alcohol and the filmmakers were afraid that he might disrupt the production process. One day Smirnov was hospitalized with a heart attack. He lay there for six months. The doctors did not tell Alexei Makarovich that he best friend died in a car accident - they were afraid that his heart would not stand it. When the artist found out about Bykov’s death, he simply lay down on the bed and died of grief. No one went to Smirnov’s grave for a long time - it was overgrown with grass and for 25 years no one could find it. The burial place of Alexei Smirnov was discovered not so long ago quite by accident.

Vladimir Ivashov

Source: globallookpress.com

The star of the film “The Ballad of a Soldier” was fired from the theater in the early 90s. The artist could not find himself - he knew practically nothing. Vladimir got a job as a laborer at a construction site, where he had to mix concrete and carry bricks, slate and cinder blocks. As a result, the artist developed a stomach ulcer. Ivashov lost a lot of blood. He died on the operating table without regaining consciousness, due to the fault of the surgeon, who was drunk at that moment.

Isolda Izvitskaya

Still from the film

Amazing Soviet actress Izolda Izvitskaya, the star of Pavel Chukhrai’s film “The Forty-First,” experienced a deep creative crisis in the 60s of the last century - directors invited her exclusively to minor roles. The artist was very offended by this. Being under the influence of her own husband, Izvitskaya became addicted to alcohol. It was alcohol that ruined her - in recent years she lived in absolute poverty. The actress died when she was only 38 years old.

Nonna Mordyukova

Death famous person always causes great public resonance and is widely discussed in the press. Every time we learn about the death of a celebrity, for some reason we feel involved in this tragedy. Perhaps because this man's face often appeared on television screens and newspaper pages. Today we decided to remember iconic personalities in the history of domestic show business and tell you about Russian musicians, who tragically passed away.

Ratmir Shishkov (1988− 2007)

More recently on PEOPLETALK appeared , in which the aspiring rapper was a participant Ratmir Shishkov. His death shocked all the musician’s fans and friends. The star of his fame faded as quickly as it lit up. Close friend (32) , member of the group " Gang“Crashed to death in his car on March 23, 2007 in the very center of the capital.

In a Mercedes at the time of a collision with a Volkswagen at the intersection Sadovaya-Spasskaya street And Orlikov Lane there were five people. All of them, including Ratmir, died instantly from an explosion as a result of a gasoline fire in the car. The death of the singer was a real tragedy for the “manufacturers”, because he did not live to see his 19th birthday only one day, and two hours after the terrible disaster, Ratmir’s daughter was born.

Igor Sorin (1969 − 1998)

In 1995, one of the most popular domestic musical groups « Ivanushki International", the original composition of which was Igor Sorin. For three years, the young musician tried to find a use for his talent, but came to the conclusion that the best solution would be to leave the band. On September 1, 1998, the singer was in the studio, working on recording his new solo album.

Sorin fell from the sixth floor balcony of this building, and to this day there are several versions of the cause of the singer’s death. Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov(45), for example, believes that there was a manslaughter: Igor’s neck was twisted and thrown out of the window to hide the circumstances of his death, and some friends of the deceased believe that it was a matter of a sect that threatened Sorin with violence and drove him to suicide.

Murat Nasyrov (1969− 2007)

« The boy wants to Tambov“- almost every second person sang this song in the late 90s. The author of the immortal hit sang a duet with Alena Apina(51) and sometimes quarreled with producers because of the iron principle of always and everywhere singing without a soundtrack. But the fate of this talented promising musician was dealt with in the most cruel way.

December 13, 2007 Nasyrov fell from the balcony of his apartment on Vuchetina street, located on the fifth floor. The body was found on the sidewalk, in the hands of Murat was holding a camera, hence the assumption that death occurred as a result unsuccessful attempt take a photo. But the musician’s daughter, who was with him at this tragic moment, said that her father’s death was the result of prolonged depression. This version became official.

Viktor Tsoi (1962 − 1990)

Legend of Russian rock− Victor Tsoi was and remains the idol of millions of fans of the group’s work “ Movie" Tsoi also starred in 14 films and received wide fame and love from the Russian public. The death of the singer, lines from whose songs are quoted to this day, took everyone by surprise and shocked everyone.

This year, many great people, whose talent was admired by millions of fans around the world, passed away. Next, we invite you to remember all those who passed away in 2015.

The famous opera singer Elena Obraztsova died on January 12 in a clinic in Germany from a serious illness. She was 75 years old. Farewell to opera diva took place at the Bolshoi Theater. The singer was buried at Novodevichy Cemetery. Obraztsova's repertoire included more than 80 roles in classical and modern operas, Russian folk songs, ancient romances, and jazz compositions. "The World's Best Carmen" was applauded at the Metropolitan Opera and Covent Garden; it was impossible to get a ticket for her performances in Vienna and Milan.

People's Artist of Russia Rimma Markova died on January 15. She was 89 years old. The actress was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. In recent years, Markova was sick a lot and almost never filmed. She became famous for her role in Alexei Saltykov's film "Woman's Kingdom." In total, Markova played more than 70 film roles. Among the most famous films with the participation of Rimma Markova - “Eternal Call”, “Kinfolk”, “Pokrovsky Gate”, “Midshipmen, Forward” and others.

Died on January 26 in Athens at the age of 68 famous singer Demis Roussos. Roussos' funeral took place on January 30 at the First Cemetery of Athens, the burial place of Greek politicians and cultural figures. World famous Roussos gained thanks to such hits as Souvenirs, Goodbye My Love, Forever and Ever. At the peak of his popularity, the singer gave 150 concerts. Demisos Roussos was also loved in the USSR.

Australian writer Colleen McCullough passed away on January 29. She was 77 years old. World fame came to the Australian writer in 1977, after the release of the book “The Thorn Birds.” The novel became an international bestseller and has been translated into more than 20 languages.

Politician Boris Nemtsov was killed on the night of February 27-28. He was 55 years old. The politician was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery. An investigation into the murder of Nemtsov is ongoing. He started his political career in the late 1980s. In the early 1990s he acted as a confidant of Boris Yeltsin. He was the first governor Nizhny Novgorod region. Founded an all-Russian political movement"Young Russia" Participated in organizing mass opposition actions. In 2012, Nemtsov was elected co-chairman of PARNAS.

English writer Terry Pratchett died on March 12 at the age of 66. Death occurred while he was surrounded by family members at his home. The writer was diagnosed early stage Alzheimer's disease. Pratchett is the author of more than 70 books, the total circulation of which was about 50 million copies. The writer became famous thanks to the cycle in the genre of satirical fantasy " Flat world".

Satirist writer Arkady Arkanov died on March 22 in Moscow at the age of 82. For the past few years he has suffered from cancer. Arkanov was buried at the Vvedensky cemetery in the capital. His stories and tales, marked by subtle, often sad humor, entered the golden fund. Arkanov's plays at the Satire and Lenkom theaters attracted full houses year after year.

On April 28, at the age of 52, the first soloist of the group "A" Studio, Batyrkhan Shukenov, passed away. The artist died of a heart attack. In 1988, he and his friends created "A" Studio, becoming its frontman. He sang in the group until 2000, and then took up solo career. Over a 30-year career, Shukenov recorded 13 albums - solo and as part of the group "A" Studio". In addition to music, the artist was engaged in social activities- was a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in Kazakhstan.

Prima Bolshoi Theater Maya Plisetskaya died on May 2. The artist was 89 years old. Plisetskaya died of a severe heart attack. Doctors fought for the ballerina’s life, but could not do anything. The artist bequeathed her ashes to be scattered over Russia. Plisetskaya performed many roles on the Bolshoi stage, but some of the most famous were: Odette-Odile in Swan Lake, Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty, Raymonda in Glazunov’s ballet.

On May 15, at the age of 90, the king of the blues, 15-time Grammy Award winner B.B. King, died. People around the musician say that he died quietly in his sleep at his home in Las Vegas. BB King released his debut single in 1949, but stopped performing concerts only in 2014. The musician has sold millions of his records around the world. He was inducted into the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

On May 19, at the age of 69, People's Artist of Russia Evgeniy Menshov died. Death occurred after a severe and prolonged illness. The artist was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Evgeny Menshov played in the films “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Where Are You, Love?”, “ State border". Also, together with TV presenter and announcer Angelina Vovk, he hosted the TV show “Song of the Year” from 1988 to 2006.

Famous British actor Christopher Lee left the world on June 7. He died in hospital from problems with respiratory system and heart failure. Christopher Lee has appeared in more than 250 films. He gained worldwide fame thanks to his roles in such franchises as "The Lord of the Rings" and " star Wars"The actor became famous as a performer of the roles of Dracula, Saruman and Count Dooku. In 2009, Lee was knighted for his contribution to theater and film arts and charitable activities.

The famous healer Dzhuna Davitashvili died on June 8 in Moscow at the age of 66. A few days before her death, she fell into a coma. Juna became famous in Soviet years, thanks to unusual abilities. It was believed that she could get rid of diseases thanks to her energy. The media reported that her clients in different time there were Leonid Brezhnev, Robert de Niro, Marcello Mastroianni, Andrei Tarkovsky and Boris Yeltsin.

Zhanna Friske passed away on June 15. The singer was buried in Moscow at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in a family grave. An inoperable brain tumor was discovered in Friske a few months after the birth of her son. At the end of 2014, Friske completed treatment for cancer and returned from China to Moscow. Last months the artist lived in a country house near Moscow with her husband and little son. Zhanna Friske gained fame thanks to her participation in the girl group "Brilliant" since 1996.

On June 26, at the age of 86, former Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov died. He died after a long illness. The politician was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. Primakov headed the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences from 1977 to 1985, and from 1985 to 1989 he headed the IMEMO of the USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1991 to 1996, he headed the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, in 1996-1998 he served as Russian Foreign Minister, and from 1998 to 1999 he was chairman of the government.

The legendary Czech footballer, winner of the 1962 Ballon d'Or, Josef Masopust, died on June 29 at the age of 84. He died after a long illness. IN different years Masopust played for the Czech clubs Vodrtechna and Dukla, as well as Royal Crossing. He played for the national team from 1954 to 1966. As part of the Czechoslovakian team, the midfielder became the bronze medalist of the Euro 1960 Championship and the silver medalist of the 1962 World Championship.

Former Marussia team driver Jules Bianchi passed away on July 17 after nine months spent unconscious. He fell into a coma on October 5, 2014 during the Japanese Grand Prix. Nine laps before the finish, his car flew off the track and collided with a tow truck. Jules Bianchi signed a contract with the Russian team Marussia in February 2013. His best result in Formula 1 was ninth place at the Monaco Grand Prix in 2014.

On July 19, at the age of 68, the former chairman died after a serious illness. State Duma Gennady Seleznev. He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery. Over the years, Seleznev worked as editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda and the newspaper Pravda, then joined the State Duma from the first to fourth convocations, and in 1996 took the post of chairman of the lower house. Seleznev’s colleagues note that he was a principled leader, he knew how to get along with everyone mutual language. They called him a man of compromise.

On the night of August 20, People's Artist of Russia Lev Durov died after a long illness. He was 83 years old. The actor was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. Durov played more than 200 roles in films. His work in the films “I Walk Through Moscow,” “Old Robbers,” “Seventeen Moments of Spring,” “Big Change,” as well as the films “Shouldn’t we send a messenger?” brought him national fame. and “The garden was full of the moon.”

On August 30, People's Artist of Russia Mikhail Svetin died in St. Petersburg. He was 84 years old. A week before his death, the actor was hospitalized with a stroke. Svetin was buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg. Mikhail Semyonovich starred in almost a hundred films. Viewers will remember him for his roles in the films “Afonya”, “12 Chairs”, “Sorcerers”, “The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”.

In Moldova, actor Mihai Volontir died on September 15 at the age of 82. He suffered for several years diabetes mellitus, in July the actor was urgently hospitalized. Mihai Volontir gained national fame for his role as Budulai in the films “Gypsy” and “The Return of Budulai.” In 1988 he received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In 2000, in Moldova, Volontir was recognized as one of greatest actors XX century.

On November 8, the famous Soviet and Russian composer, author of the songs “And it’s snowing” and “You are alone in my destiny,” Andrei Eshpai, passed away. He died at the age of 91 from the consequences of a stroke. Andrey Eshpai wrote music for more than 50 drama theater performances and films.

On November 11, at the age of 82, film director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich died. He died of heart failure. Yungvald-Khilkevich was a prominent figure in theater and cinema, he directed more than two dozen films - "D" Artagnan and the Three Musketeers", "Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville", "The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If", "Dangerous Tours" are known to several generations of viewers. In recent years, he has collaborated with theaters, including foreign ones, was involved in productions, painted scenery for performances, and wrote books about cinema.

Director Eldar Ryazanov died on November 30. His heart stopped. People's Artist USSR, state prize winner, screenwriter, teacher, novelist and playwright was 88 years old. Eldar Ryazanov made about 30 films and almost every one of them became a hit. The director's most famous films are "Carnival Night", "Beware of the Car", "Cruel Romance", " Love affair at work", "Garage", "The Irony of Fate, or C light steam".

Iconic rock musician Scott Wayland died on December 3 while on tour. He was 48 years old. The rocker's body was found on the bus. Scott Wayland is an American musician, vocalist and former frontman of the band Stone Temple Pilots. He is known for his style of singing using a megaphone. Wayland previously performed with bands such as Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver. Long years the rocker suffered from drug addiction, but overcame it in 2002.

On December 28, the leader of the rock band Motorhead, Ian Fraser Kilmister, nicknamed Lemmy, died of cancer. He died at his home in Los Angeles. The rocker learned about the illness on December 26; two days before that, he celebrated his 70th birthday. Motorhead was founded in 1975. Bassist and vocalist Kilmister was the only member of the band's original lineup.
