Five unexpected ways to use oil - food made from oil, use of oil, paintings with oil, cosmetology, treatment with oil, Naftalan, nylon, oil products, oil in food, oil in cosmetology, oil in medicine, oil in perfumery, use of oil, products.

Black gold. Yes, this is what a natural resource is often called, the usual name of which is oil. It’s not for nothing that they call him that. In its original, raw form, so to speak, this product began to be used by our distant ancestors. The materials obtained during excavations indicate that this happened four thousand years BC. At that time, oil was used in construction, using its astringent properties. The walls and towers of the great Babylon confirm this. The ancient Egyptians went further. They used oil when embalming the dead. The ancient Greeks began to use this fossil for almost the same thing we do. Oil became their fuel and was used as an incendiary mixture. There is even such a name - “Greek fire”. This is oil plus quicklime. When moistened, this mixture caught fire.

The famous traveler and merchant, Italian Marco Polo, who visited Baku in 1264, wrote that the oil that filled huge ponds was used to treat skin diseases and to illuminate houses. From there, from Baku, already in the sixteenth century they began to import oil to Russia, its central regions. Used in military affairs, medicine, and painting.

The first, so to speak, Russian oil was brought to Moscow in 1748 by the merchant and “ore explorer,” as he was then called, F. S. Pryadunov. It was delivered from the first oil refinery built in the Arkhangelsk province, not far from modern city Wow. At that time, no one knew that practically anything could be made from these raw materials for our needs, even food.

The latest technologies have made this natural resource, one might say, priceless. What is made from oil? IN modern world Crude oil is used very rarely. Perhaps in order to strengthen sand dunes during the construction of pipelines or power lines. Basically, after extraction it is purified and then processed. Moreover, there is so-called primary and secondary processing. In the first process, oil is divided into components, which are also called fractions. These are gasoline, fuel oil, diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, liquefied gas. If we look at statistics, almost half of all oil produced in the world is used to produce gasoline.

Various oils are made from a petroleum product called fuel oil. They are used for equipment, for example, hydraulic and lubricating oil, lubricating and cooling liquid. Vaseline and paraffin are also made from fuel oil. The bitumen used in construction is also made from fuel oil. Dear women, many of your creams, which make you look great, are also made from petroleum products.

And so, primary processing gave us a whole bunch of components. What remains is the concentrate – tar. It is also very much in demand, especially in construction.

When it comes to refining secondary oil, they change the structure of hydrocarbons, of which almost ninety percent oil consists. After this process, raw materials are obtained from which various synthetic fabrics are made: nylon, acrylic, polyester, lycra. So the clothes we wear are also made from oil. By the way, shoes, at least the soles, are made of synthetic rubber. These are also products from the same oil.

One of the most popular materials now made from oil is plastic. It is used to make many products. Look around you and you will see that plastic items are everywhere in your home. Kitchen utensils, children's toys, buttons, hair combs, jewelry. It’s simply not possible to list everything in one article. According to statistics, the world produces 180 million tons of plastic annually.

Plastic occupies a special niche. Appliances ours, thanks to him, fills houses, apartments, offices. Plastic is used to make parts for cars, dishes, and furniture.

To combat pests in gardens and vegetable gardens, it turns out, oil is also needed. Pesticides are made from it. Also household chemicals and detergents, varnishes, paints, solvents, building materials.

Medicine uses petroleum products in its arsenal in the form of aspirin, or, as it is also called, acetylsalicylic acid. They also make other drugs that treat the lungs, stomach, and intestines. Streptocide, sulfadimezine, and sulfidine are made from various petroleum derivatives. There are also ethers and alcohols, which are also widely used in medicine.

The list of things made from oil is endless. But new developments are appearing. Therefore, oil will probably never go out of fashion. If only there was enough of it for everything and everyone. After all, the reserves of this unique natural resource are not unlimited.

A lot of words have been said about the importance of gas and oil in the modern world. Meanwhile, they began to be actively used relatively recently, but quite quickly hundreds of uses were found for them. For example, fuel is a product of oil refining, and gas is very popular in everyday life. But these are not the only areas of their use.

History of gas and oil use

Today it is difficult to imagine how people used to manage without modern fuel and many types of equipment. Meanwhile, oil, which was known in ancient times and gave humanity a significant part of this variety of materials, began to be actively used relatively recently - in the second half of the 19th century. Its first purpose was lighting. But the crude oil burned rather dimly and smoked heavily, so people began to look for methods of distilling it - as a result, they managed to obtain an oil that was better suited for lamps. So petroleum products were led by kerosene, which literally turned the entire lighting industry upside down. Lamps based on it were easier to use and maintain and more economical than oil lamps, so it is not surprising that they soon occupied the entire market. Thus began the era of oil refining development.

To produce kerosene in large quantities, they began to build special plants, but distillation produced many by-products - gasoline, fuel oil, etc. They got rid of them without finding proper use for them. But later it became clear that oil can also be used as a fuel, this became especially important after the invention of the internal combustion engine. The search for new uses for black gold pushed the industry forward, opening up new prospects.

Natural gas also became known to man a very long time ago. Its outcrops were used by people, for example, as lighthouses if they were located near the sea, and in China - for lighting, heating and boiling down salt. In modern times he for a long time was considered a useless impurity that interfered with oil production, and therefore was burned. AND wide application he received only in the middle of the 20th century.

Oil refining process

Immediately after the start of active use black gold processed using fairly primitive methods. A conventional distillation apparatus was used, in which the raw material was brought to a boil and then condensed, separating into fractions. Modern process much more perfect. Oil refineries (refineries) are entire complexes of expensive and complex equipment.

Everything happens in 4 main stages:

Preparation involves further removing water and salts from the crude oil produced in the well. Next, the substance is heated so that at certain temperatures different fractions evaporate and condense separately. Some of them are then sent for sale, while others go through the following stages. In modern refineries, processing occurs at levels down to molecular levels in order to increase the yield of more expensive products and reduce the yield of cheaper ones. This process is called conversion or cracking. Compared to European and American technologies, processing in Russia is rather imperfect; the output is a lot of fuel oil and little gasoline, which is quite ineffective from an economic point of view.

However, it is worth talking about petroleum products in more detail. There are many more of them than have been mentioned, and each of them is valuable in its own way.

Main Products

Some substances are more in demand than others, and these are the targets for the construction of a large number of refineries around the world. Main products of oil and gas processing this moment are:

  • petrol;
  • diesel fuel;
  • naphtha (naphtha or petroleum alcohol);
  • fuel oil

All of this is used as fuel in one way or another or had such use previously. The ratio of these substances may vary depending on the methods used. But all of them are included in the products of primary oil refining, since they are obtained through simple distillation. In the future, they can be further cleaned and prepared for immediate use. But there are also other substances obtained from oil.

By-products and other products

Since oil is a complex complex of substances, and modern technologies- this is not just distillation, the output is greater variety. Further processing of the fractions makes it possible to isolate a large number of substances familiar to people in everyday life. These include such petroleum products as:

  • asphalt;
  • bitumen;
  • paraffins;
  • aromatic hydrocarbons;
  • raw materials for petrochemicals;
  • kerosene;
  • solvents;
  • petroleum coke;
  • lubricating and flammable oils;
  • liquefied petroleum gas.

As a result of deep processing, virtually no waste remains. In the future, all these substances can also undergo purification and preparation; for this, a huge number of technologies are used, such as hydrolysis, pyrolysis, reforming, isomerization, vacuum distillation, hydrocracking, etc.

Meaning of hydrocarbons

At the moment, oil and gas are important resources that states are still fighting for. Despite the fairly active use of alternative energy sources, there are, perhaps, simply no comparable efficiency sources. It is not surprising that people hold on to these raw materials and processed products so much. There is still a lot of oil and gas on the planet, but active production gives reason to believe that the reserves will run out in during the XXI century, and then humanity will face a global energy crisis. Still, it’s not for nothing that this foul-smelling and not very attractive-looking substance was called black gold.


Thanks to the development of processing of this valuable raw material, a whole branch of chemistry appeared - petrochemistry. This area manages the search not only for more effective methods processing, but also new ways of using what was received. Various types of plastic surrounding modern man, fuel, asphalt with which roads are covered, lubricants - all these are products of oil refining. And also the substances used in chemical reactions, polymers, fibers from which fabric is made, highly effective detergents and much more. So is it possible to do without all this?

Surprisingly, when you start to understand what is made from oil today, it turns out that almost all the goods that we use in the world Everyday life, contain petroleum products. There are about 6,000 such products, and maybe even more. This article lists only a few of them.

We all know what is the raw material for obtaining fuel for our vehicles (gasoline and diesel fuel for cars, aviation kerosene for jet engines aircraft). Fuel is one of the main products that are obtained from oil. But in addition to fuel, a lot of other useful components are obtained from oil, which are used in completely unexpected things. We use these petroleum products in our daily lives, without even thinking about their origin.

One of the most common petroleum products is polyethylene or plastic. Plastic plays extremely important role in modern world. Millions of tons polyethylene plastic used to make plastic bags, food containers and other consumer products. Using plastic is convenient because it can take any desired shape. In addition, the properties of plastic products can also be changed according to specified conditions.

Petrolatum is also a well-known and widely distributed product. Vaseline was invented by the English chemist Robert Chesbrough, who, thanks to his curiosity and observation, was able to discern beneficial features this product was found in oil refining residues back in the late 19th century. Vaseline is used today in medical purposes, in cosmetics and even as a food additive.

Women have been using cosmetics in general and lipstick in particular for thousands of years. Previously, lipstick often contained harmful components. Today, thanks to the development of chemistry, lipstick has not only an aesthetic effect, but also moisturizing, nourishing, and anti-inflammatory effects. One of the components of lipstick are hydrocarbons: liquid and solid paraffin, ceresin and others.

Aspirin. Aspirin has long established itself as one of the most reliable and safe drugs. Several billion aspirin tablets are consumed annually to relieve headaches and fever. The drug is also taken as a preventive method to combat cardiovascular diseases. Acetylsalicylic acid in combination with the chemical salicin gives the effect of relieving pain. However, aspirin production begins with benzene and hydrocarbons, which are derivatives of petroleum products.

Another common product containing hydrocarbons is chewing gum . The base of chewing gum is made from both natural components and polyethylene and paraffin resins. Because chewing gum uses petroleum-derived polymers, it degrades very quickly. long time. Therefore, you should not throw away chewing gum on the street, otherwise it, like plastic bags, will lie in the ground for many, many years.

Wrinkle-resistant clothes, which acquires its properties by adding polyester fibers to the fabric. Polyester is a polymer obtained from petroleum refining. It is produced in the form of fibers, film or plastic. Thanks to the addition of polyester, fabrics acquire useful properties. They do not wrinkle, are easy to wash, do not stretch or shrink after washing.

Solar Panels. Alternative sources energy, such as solar panels, are intended to replace non-renewable energy sources. But ironically, their production also requires petroleum products. The fact is that photocells that convert solar energy into electrical energy are applied to panels made from petroleum resins.

Another unique material that we get from oil is nylon. Millions modern women wear nylon tights for comfort and to fit in fashion trends. Nylon is a strong, lightweight synthetic fiber that has a wide range of uses. Today, nylon is used in the manufacture of a huge number of things, from dishwashing detergents to parachutes. Nylon is also used in industry for the manufacture of bushings, bearings, etc. This polymer was invented in 1935 in the DuPont laboratory.

As children, many of us used colored paraffin pencils. And this is also a product of oil refining. These pencils are made from paraffin resins. By the way, candles are also made from them.

What is made from oil?

Today, humanity cannot imagine its life without such natural resource, like oil. It plays a very significant role in human life, so many would like to know exactly how oil is used. The resulting petroleum products are very diverse and have wide industrial applications, ranging from plastics and bags to cosmetics and fuels. In this article we will tell you what is made from oil.


The most basic product of oil refining is fuel. It is for the production of fuel that the bulk of oil is consumed. Through numerous processing, all types of fuel are obtained, such as kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, etc.

Once oil is produced, fuel remains as a product that is used to make other things.


Literally everything is made from plastic now. Office equipment, household items, toys and much, much more. Plastic is convenient because it can take any shape. Here it is worth mentioning polyethylene, from which bags and packaging materials are made.


Another important material obtained from petroleum is nylon. Nylon has wide industrial applications. It is used to make tights, bearing parts, parachute elements, guitar strings, etc.


Today, almost all cosmetics are made from petroleum products. One of products is Vaseline. In addition to cosmetic purposes, Vaseline is also used in medicine. Petroleum products are also used in soaps, shampoos, powders and any other detergents as surfactants. Cosmetics such as lipstick also contain petroleum products such as paraffin, ceresin, etc.


Even medicine uses oil. Petroleum products such as benzene and hydrocarbons are used to make aspirin.


Paraffin is also a product of oil refining. Paraffin is used for the manufacture of ski lubricants, lubricants for wooden rubbing parts, candles, paraffin
pencils and much more.

Chewing gum

No matter how strange it may sound, chewing gum also contains petroleum products. Polymers are added to it so that it has its stretching properties.

You don't even realize that some of the products you use every day are partly petroleum. Find out how oil is used, what is made from it besides the familiar gasoline.

What is made from oil

Oil is also used in severe and in easy industry, both as fuel and as an element of a particular product. Even if you find out that your most familiar product contains petroleum, this does not mean that it is somehow dangerous or that it will smell like gasoline.

The fact is that crude oil undergoes first primary and then secondary processing.

Primary oil processing

As a result of primary oil processing, we obtain different kinds fuel And fuel oil.

Fuel types can be divided into the following:

  • gasoline (for cars and airplanes)
  • liquefied gas (used for heating, as fuel, as an energy carrier)
  • kerosene
  • jet fuel
  • diesel

For convenience, we will arrange all these elements in the picture.

What is made from fuel oil

Let us remember that fuel oil is obtained as a result of primary oil processing. Next they make from fuel oil:

  • bitumen (from which, when added minerals it turns out to be asphalt)
  • oils (which are used for the production of cosmetic creams, oils and ointments)
  • liquid boiler fuel(for heating houses)
  • paraffin (candles, etc.)

Secondary oil processing

As can be seen from the figure above, after secondary Oil refining produces the following products:

  • plastic
  • rubber and rubbers (synthetic)
  • polyethylene (bags, etc.)
  • fabrics (synthetics, e.g. polyester)
  • paints
  • detergents
  • fertilizers
  • dyes

In addition to all of the above, oil is used to make various lubricants:

  • petrolatum
  • hydraulic and electrical insulating oils
  • coolant

And that is not all. During oil refining, several other useful materials and substances are formed that are actively used in industry. Among such substances, for example:

  • tar(it is used in road construction)
  • coke(finds application in metallurgy)
  • sulfur(used for the production of sulfuric acid)

Petroleum products

Take, for example, the leisure time of any person and what products he encounters during his leisure time. For production CDs and DVDs leaves more 40 billion liters of oil per year. Each disc and its case contains up to 1 liter oil.

It's important to know what's around 625 millions of discs are thrown away every year. And again produced until 40 billion new.

Sofa, on which you sleep or watch TV contains up to 60 liters of oil. The material found in any sofa, polyurethane, is made from crude oil. This material allows you to isolate the parts of the sofa from moisture.

Let's move on to business hours. In every computer contained up to 11 liters of oil: 9 liters in the case and keyboard, 2 liters in the monitor.

The fashion world also cannot do without “black gold”. During production 40% of total textiles, oil is actively used in the composition materials. Especially it concerns functional wrinkle-resistant clothes.

Functional clothing - clothing for playing any sports or special clothing for people of various professions. It is made from synthetic materials. Oil in these clothes is present in huge quantities.

You all wear clothes like this: this ski suits, thermal underwear, fleece sweaters, all down jackets with synthetic filling, faux fur coats, artificial fabrics, e.g. polyester.

For the production of nylon pantyhose Petrochemical products are also actively used.

Even production cosmetics cannot do without the use of oil. IN soap, for example, add secondary petroleum products obtained by refining crude oil. The same products include lipstick, perfume, Vaseline and paraffin. In addition to candles, paraffin is also used to make colored candles. paraffin pencils.

Cell Phones made from materials, 40% of which come from petrochemicals.

Even medicine has not bypassed oil industry side. One of the most popular medicines is aspirin also contains oil.

Chewing gum. Containing polyethylene and paraffin resins, the delicacy also partially consists of petroleum.

Oil in our lives

As we see, oil is an integral part of our daily life. With its help we get heat, drive cars, launch planes and submarines, almost all synthetic products nowadays have petroleum components in their composition (take, for example, plastic, all detergents, paints and even some medications).

Our life without oil? So far this seems impossible. Every year, for example, Germany spends 18 million tons of oil on the production of synthetic fabrics.

From our article you learned which products are made from oil or have petrochemical products in their composition. We also tried to clearly show what is made from oil, what stages of processing “black gold” goes through.
