Dictionary of obscene. You definitely didn't know that

Date of publication: 05/13/2013

Swearing, swearing, obscene expressions are an ambiguous phenomenon. On the one hand, there are poorly educated and uncultured people who cannot even put together two words without swearing, on the other hand, fairly intelligent and well-mannered people sometimes also swear. Sometimes these words themselves fly out of our mouths. After all, there are situations when it is impossible to express your attitude to what is happening in any other way...

So, let's figure out what this phenomenon is and where it came from.

Mat is a type of profanity in Russian and other languages. For the most part, swearing is condemned by society and is perceived negatively. And sometimes it can even be regarded as hooliganism. In addition, there are cases when swear words were used in the works of classical authors such as Pushkin (yes, yes! It’s hard to believe, but it’s true), Mayakovsky, etc.

If someone covers someone or something with an endless stream of swear words, and doing it in their own intricate way, then this is called a “three-story obscenity.”


There is an opinion that swearing was brought to our land Tatar-Mongol hordes. And that until this very moment in Rus' they didn’t know swear words at all. Naturally, this is not so. Because the position in the spirit of “everything nasty was brought to us from outside” is very convenient, and is so characteristic of many of us.
Nomads have nothing to do with this, because... they had no custom of swearing. This fact was noted back in the 13th century by the Italian traveler Plano Carpini, who then visited Central Asia. He wrote that the Tatar-Mongols had no swear words at all, and on the contrary, Russian chronicle sources tell us that swear words were widespread in Rus' long before the Horde yoke.
Modern obscene language has its roots in distant linguistic antiquity.

The most important swear word is the word x**, the same one that can be found on walls and fences all over the world :)

If you take this iconic three-letter word, then the word “dick” also corresponds to it. In Old Russian, “pokherit” means to cross out cross by cross. And the word “her” means “cross”. We are accustomed to thinking that this word is used to designate the male genital organ, along with that same three-letter swear word. The fact is that in Christian philosophical symbolism, the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified is viewed not as an instrument of shameful execution, but as the victory of life over death. Thus, the word "her" was used in Rus' to mean the word "cross". The letter “x” in Russian is denoted in the form of intersecting lines, and this is not just so, because Christ, Christianity, temple, kher (cross). There is also an opinion according to which the phrase “Fuck you all!” was invented by defenders of Slavic paganism. They shouted it, swearing at the Christians who had come to instill their faith. Originally this expression meant a curse, to paraphrase we can say that they meant “Go to the cross!”, i.e. let you be crucified like your God.” But in connection with the victory of Orthodoxy in Rus', the term “cross” ceased to have a negative meaning.

In Christianity, for example, foul language is considered a great sin, and the same is true in Islam. Rus' adopted Christianity later than its Western neighbors. By this time checkmate along with pagan customs firmly rooted in Russian society. With the advent of Christianity in Rus', the fight against swear words began. Orthodoxy declared war on swearing. There were cases when in Ancient Rus', foul-mouthed people were punished with whips. Swearing was a sign of a slave, a stinker. It was believed that a noble person, and an Orthodox one at that, would never use foul language. A hundred years ago, a person who used bad language in public could be taken to the police station. And the Soviet government waged a war against abusive people. According to Soviet law, foul language in a public place should have been punishable by a fine. In fact, this punishment was used very rarely. Along with vodka, swearing at this time was already considered a certain attribute of brave valor. The police, military, and senior officials were arguing. The top management has a “strong word” and is still in use. If a leader uses swear words in a conversation with someone, this means special trust.

Only in an intelligent environment was swearing a sign of bad taste. But what about Pushkin, you say, and Ranevskaya? According to contemporaries, Pushkin did not use rude expressions in his life. However, in some of his “secret” works you can find swear words. It was just shocking - a slap in the face to the refined society that rejected him. Oh, you are so polished - so here is my “peasant” answer. For Ranevskaya, swearing was an integral part of her bohemian image - image, as they say now. For that time it was original - internally a very subtle nature, outwardly he behaves like a man - he smokes stinking cigarettes, swears. Now, when obscenities are heard at every step, such a trick will no longer work.

In general, linguists believe that the roots of swear words are in many Indo-European languages, but they managed to truly develop only on our land.

So, three main swear words denoting male and female genital organs and the sexual act itself as such. Why did these words, which basically mean things inherent in all living beings, eventually become curse words? Apparently our ancestors attached very great importance to reproductive function. Words that denoted the reproductive organs were given a magical meaning. It was forbidden to pronounce them in vain, so as not to damage people.

The first violators of this prohibition were sorcerers who were engaged in casting spells on people and doing other charming things. Afterwards, this taboo began to be violated by those who wanted to show that the law was not written to them. Gradually they began to use obscenities just like that, out of fullness of feeling, for example. At the same time, all this developed, and the main words acquired a mass of words derived from them.

There are three main linguistic versions of the introduction of swear words into the Russian language, based on research conducted in different time various historians and linguists:

1. Russian swearing is a legacy of the Tatar-Mongol yoke (one of the theories, which, as we have already found out, is untenable in itself);
2. Russian swear words once had two meanings, subsequently displacing one of the meanings or merging together and turning the meaning of the word into a negative one;
3. Mat was and is an integral part of occult and pagan rituals existing in different languages from different nationalities.

There is no single point of view where the word mat itself came from. In some reference books you can find a version that “swearing” is a conversation. But why is the word “mate” so similar to the word mother?
There is a version related to the fact that the word “mate” came into the Russian language after the appearance of the expression “send to mother.” In fact, this is one of the first expressions to become obscene. After the appearance of this particular phrase, many words that had previously existed in the language began to be classified as abusive and indecent.

Practically, until the 18th century, those words that we now classify as obscene and abusive were not such at all. Words that have become indecent previously denoted some physiological features (or parts) human body, or were even ordinary words.
Relatively recently (just about a thousand years ago), a word meaning lung woman behavior, it comes from a completely normal ancient Rus' the words “vomit”, which means “to spew out abomination.”

The verb “whore” in the Old Russian language meant “to talk idle talk, to deceive.” In the Old Russian language there was also a verb fornication - “to wander.” There are two meanings of this word: 1) deviation from the straight path and 2) illegal, celibate cohabitation. There is a version that there was a merger of two verbs (blyaditi and fornication).

In the Old Russian language there was a word “mudo”, meaning “male testicle”. This word was rarely used and did not have an obscene connotation. And then, apparently, it came down to our times, turning from rarely used to commonly used.

Addition to the article from Artyom Alenin:

The topic of swearing in Russia is a very fertile and popular topic. At the same time, there are a lot of untrue facts and rumors regarding swearing wandering on the Internet. For example: “Once upon a time, scientists conducted an experiment. They swore at the water and then poured it on the wheat seeds. As a result, of those grains that were watered with water with a curse, only 48% sprouted, and the seeds watered with holy water sprouted by 93%.” Naturally, this is all a lie and fiction. You cannot “charge” water with just one word. As they say, no one has yet canceled the laws of chemistry and physics. By the way, this myth was once perfectly dispelled in the show MythBusters.

They very often try to ban swearing. Various laws are constantly coming out that limit the use of swear words in the media. But you don’t need to do this! The reason lies in the following aspects.
Firstly, swearing is not necessarily an offensive word. Work at a construction site for a week and you will understand that swearing is great way communication. Especially swearing helps to communicate with citizens of the union republics who, apart from swearing, do not understand anything else :)

In addition, without using swear words, you can insult a person and even drive him to murder or suicide. So what needs to be banned is not swearing, but insults and humiliation in the media.

Secondly, mat is a word that reflects a very deep feeling. We associate swearing with sharp negative feelings like rage or anger. Therefore, it is impossible to prohibit swearing - for this you need to change your consciousness. Theoretically, if a child is fenced off from swearing from childhood, then he will not swear. However, he will still come up with words to express his anger.
The sensory background of swearing is also evidenced by the fact that a person with amnesia, even if he does not remember the language, can still swear.

Our legislators are smart people, and therefore there is no article punishing swearing. But there are logical articles about slander and insult. Moreover, these articles were recently canceled because the responsibility for them was too low (public apology). But then these articles were returned again. Apparently the state realized that the absence of at least some kind of punishment would let people off the “chain.” This is especially true for swearing in the media.

Interestingly, in Europe and the USA it is not swearing itself that is prohibited, but insults (which is logical). At the same time, one should not think that English language no swear words. According to statistics, there are more swear words in English than in Russian. There is also a lot of swearing in Dutch and French(with their famous "kurwa", which is now in Polish and other languages).

Thank you for your attention!

P.S. The fact that we talk so loyally about swearing does not mean that you need to swear on our website :) So write comments in the usual civilized style.

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Some people don't swear at all. Someone inserts abuse through a word. Most people use strong words at least sometimes. What is Russian swearing and where did it come from?

Russian swearing has a rich history

Attention! The text contains profanity.

The notorious social opinion does not allow you to study the good old mat. This is what most researchers who choose such a difficult path complain about. Therefore, there is very little literature about swearing.

One of the mysteries of Russian profanity is the origin of the word “mat” itself. According to one hypothesis, “mate” originally means “voice.” That is why phrases like “shouting obscenities” have come down to us. However, the generally accepted version reduces the word “mate” to “mother”, therefore - “swear at mother”, “send to hell” and so on.
Another problem with swearing is the inability to form exact list swear words, because some native speakers highlight certain words as obscene, others do not. This is the case, for example, with the word “gondon”. However, typical swear words come from only four to seven roots.

It is known that different peoples have a different “reserve” of mate, which can be raised to different areas. Russian swearing, like the swearing of many other cultures, is tied to the sexual sphere. But this is not the case among all nations, since there are a number of cultures where everything related to sex is not taboo in any way. For example, among the indigenous population of New Zealand - the Maori people. One of the tribes - the ancestor of the Maoritans - quite “officially” bore the name “Ure Vera”, which translated means “hot penises”, or “hot penis”. In European culture, the sphere of swearing, by the way, is also not necessarily associated with sexual relations. If you look at the Germanic languages, it becomes clear that many swear words there are associated with bowel movements.

The basis of Russian obscene vocabulary, as in many other languages, is the so-called “obscene triad”: the male genital organ (“x.y”), the female genital organ (p..da), and the verb describing the process of copulation (“e ..t"). It is interesting that the Russian language is characterized by a complete lack of designation for these words by literary native Russian terms. They are replaced either by bare Latin and medical soulless equivalents, or by emotional ones - swear words.

In addition to the obscene triad, the Russian swear word is also characterized by the word “bl.d” - the only one that does not mean genitals and copulation, but comes from the Slavic damn, which translated into Russian means “fornication – error, error, sin.” In Church Slavonic the word “bl..stvovat” means “to lie, deceive, slander.”


Also popular are “m..de” (male testicles), “man.a” (female genitalia) and “e.da” (male genitalia).

The above seven lexemes, the famous researcher of Russian swearing, Alexey Plutser-Sarno, proposes to take Russian swearing as the basis for the concept, citing, however, another 35 roots that survey participants considered obscene (among them, by the way, such words as “eat” and “vomit” ).

Despite the very limited number of roots, Russian swearing is characterized by a simply gigantic number of derivative words. In addition to existing ones, new ones are constantly emerging. Thus, researcher V. Raskin gives far from full list derivatives from the word “e..t” (verbs only): e..nut, e..tsya, e..tsya, e.izdit, e.nut, e.tsitsya, e.sti, v..bat, you.fuck, you.fuck, fuck.fuck, fuck.fuck, forget.fuck, forget.fuck, fuck.fuck, fuck.fuck, fuck.fuck, fuck.fuck, fuck..fuck, b..fuck, stop..knock, kick..knock, kick..knock, kick..knock, kick.knock, fuck..knock, kick..knock, kick..knock, raz..knock, break up, fuck up, fuck up, fuck up, fuck up, fuck up, etc.

No one knows for sure where the Russian swear word came from. The once popular hypothesis that we got it “from the Mongol-Tatar yoke” (“Tatar version”) was completely refuted with the discovery of Novgorod birch bark letters of the 12th-13th centuries. It was not possible to blame it on the yoke. This is understandable, because obscene language is, in one way or another, characteristic, apparently, of all languages ​​of the world.

But there are other versions. Two of them are basic. The first is that Russian swearing is associated with erotic pagan rituals, which played an important role in agricultural magic. Second - swear words in Rus' once had different meaning, for example, double. But over time, one of the meanings was supplanted, or they were merged together, turning the meaning of the word into a negative one.

Psychologists believe that foul language is excellent remedy to relieve stress and restore energy. Some historians consider Russian swearing to be a consequence of the destruction of taboos. In the meantime, while experts are engaged in professional disputes, the people “don’t swear, they speak it.” Today we are talking about the origin of Russian swearing.

There is an opinion that in pre-Tatar Rus' they did not know “strong words”, and when swearing, they compared each other to various domestic animals. However, linguists and philologists do not agree with this statement. Archaeologists claim that the Russian mat was first mentioned in a birch bark document beginning of XII century. It is true that archaeologists will not make public what exactly was written in that document. Let's try to understand the intricacies of profanity, which is an integral part of the Russian language.

As a rule, when speaking about mat and its origin, linguists and philologists distinguish three main derived words. These derivatives include the name of the male genital organ, the name of the female genital organ, and the name of what happens under a successful combination of circumstances between the male and female genital organs. Some linguists, in addition to the anatomical and physiological derivatives, add a social derivative, namely, a word that is used to call a woman of easy virtue. Of course, there are other obscene roots, but these four are the most productive and effective among the people.

Delight, surprise, agreement and more

Perhaps the most frequently used word among profanity, the word that is most often written on fences throughout Russia, denotes the male genital organ. Linguists have never agreed on where this word came from. Some experts attribute Old Church Slavonic roots to the word, arguing that in ancient times it meant “to hide” and sounded like “to hove.” And the word “forge” in the imperative mood sounded like “kuy.” Another theory attributes the word to Proto-Indo-European roots. In which the root "hu" meant "shoot".
Today it is extremely difficult to talk about the credibility of each of the theories. What can be stated unequivocally is that this word is very ancient, no matter how people with diosyncratic obscene vocabulary would like it. It is also worth noting that “this very word” of three letters is the most productive root that forms new words in the Russian language. This word can express doubt, surprise, indignation, delight, refusal, threat, agreement, despondency, encouragement, etc., etc. The Wikipedia article of the same name alone lists more than seven dozen idioms and words that are derived from this root.

Theft, fighting and death

The word denoting female genital organs in Russian obscene vocabulary is less productive than the word - representative of the stronger sex. Nevertheless, this word has given the Russian language quite a lot of expressions that perfectly reflect the harshness of Russian reality. Thus, words with the same root from this well-known word often mean: lie, mislead, beat, steal, talk incessantly. Set expressions, as a rule, denote a course of events that does not unfold according to plan, an educational process, a fight, a beating, failure, and even a breakdown or death.
Some particularly ardent linguists attribute the origin of this word to Sanskrit. However, this theory does not stand up to even the most humane criticism. The most convincing theory, researchers believe, is the origin of Proto-Indo-European languages. There, according to scientists, the words with the same root as the second most popular word in Russian language meant “saddle”, “what they sit on”, “garden” and “nest”. It is also worth noting that this word can have both a strictly negative and positive connotation.

About sexual intercourse and not only about it

The word that today in obscene vocabulary denotes sexual intercourse comes from the Proto-Indo-European language (jebh-/oibh- or *ojebh) and in its pure form means “to perform a sexual act.” In the Russian language, this word has given rise to a huge number of very popular idioms. One of the most popular is the phrase “fuck your mother.” Linguists claim that the ancient Slavs used this expression in the context of “Yes, I am fit to be your father!” Other expressions with this verb are also known today, meaning to mislead, express indifference, or make claims.

Devaluation of the mat

To be fair, it is worth noting that many Russian writers were distinguished by their ability to insert a “strong word” into their speech. There was swearing even in some poems. Of course, we are not talking about fairy tales or love lyrics, but about friendly epigrams and satirical works. And it is worth noting that the great Pushkin masters swear words organically and skillfully:

Be quiet, godfather; and you, like me, are sinners,
And you will offend everyone with words;
You see a straw in someone else's pussy,
And you don’t even see a log!

(“From the All-Night Vigil...”)

The trouble with the modern Russian language is that today, due to various circumstances devaluation of the mat occurs. It is used so widely that the expression of expressions and the very essence of swearing are lost. As a result, this impoverishes the Russian language and, oddly enough, the culture of speech. The words spoken by another famous poet, Vladimir Mayakovsky, are suitable for today’s situation.

In 2013, March 19 State Duma The Russian Federation adopted a bill banning obscene language in the media. Those media outlets that still risk using this or that “strong” word will have to pay a fine of about 200 thousand rubles. It is noteworthy that ardent supporters of this bill were deputies from the United Russia faction, who commented on their actions as a desire to protect the country’s population from the immoral information environment. However, most Russians believe that fighting with swearing is useless. Neither campaigning nor fines will help with this. The main thing is internal culture and education.

This series would be incomplete without one topic that is widespread throughout the CIS countries. I'm talking about rude and swear words.

Today we are completely Let's look into the issue of the influence of swearing on a person and his health. We will pay attention to 4 aspects:

  1. what is mat,
  2. the history of the origin of swearing (here you may be very surprised),
  3. what is the effect of swear words, what happens with constant use of swear words.
  4. And How get rid of the influence of swear words

What are swear words? The influence of swearing

It seems that swear words have become so deeply ingrained in our society, as if it were normal. I've even met people who claim that swearing allows you to relax,

Curse words - these are unnatural rude words. No matter what they say, these words evoke unpleasant feelings, shame, and indignation inside.

But worse than that, swear words are contagious. It has already been noted more than once that when a child is sent to kindergarten, for example, and there is at least one child who swears - your child easily adopts the “shoemaker habit.” And he himself begins to swear like a shoemaker. Yes, and adults are the same, in fact - a man will work among builders who speak swear words for only 30 days, and involuntarily he himself begins to use this language.

Let's figure out where this infectious thing came from.

The history and origin of swear words/swear words.

There are several versions of the origin of the mat.

  1. The influence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.
  2. Pagan roots of Slavic peoples

Some deny the first and agree with the second. But both seem to have an impact.

First version in Lately is finding fewer and fewer supporters among researchers.

It is refuted by two facts.

First- analysis of the language of the ancient Mongols, carried out in the 20s. last century did not reveal the presence of swear words.

Second - birch bark letters found in Novgorod. A total of 4 letters were found containing words starting with the letters “e”, “b”, and “p”. Three of the four charters date back to the 12th century, i.e. they were written at least half a century before the Mongol invasion. Apart from this, it is also important to mention one more fact. Italian traveler Plano Carpini, visited in the 13th century Central Asia, noted that the nomads did not have swear words. In fairness, it is worth noting that the word with “x” still exists in the modern Mongolian language. It has several meanings, but none of them refers to the male sexual organ.

How did swear words enter our speech?

During the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, the use of swear words in public places was punishable by cruel punishment - up to and including the death penalty.

In the 19th century foul language is transformed from swearing into the basis of the language of factory workers and artisans.

And after the revolution of 1917, swearing entered the lexicon politicians. AND Lenin, And Stalin used rude language in his speech. The fish rots from the head, so it is all the more clear why all the other high-ranking party workers swore.

In the early 90s, swearing came into widespread use. And without "hot word" many people cannot speak up.

The mystical origins of such a phenomenon as swearing go back to the pagan past. To protect themselves from the attacks of the demonic world, people of the pre-Christian era contacted it. This contact had two sides to the coin:

  • on the one hand, the pagans pleased him by sacrificing him,
  • on the other hand, they drove away, scared away.

Exactly, and people scared away the demon with his name or spells. By the way, they called upon demons with the same words, thereby showing their readiness to merge with him.

The spells that were addressed to pagan idols consisted of their names. And it was precisely during that period of time that the cult of fertility was widespread. Thus, Most swear words are associated with the genitals of men and women.

The Slavs were also familiar with swearing. For example, the swear word of a girl of easy virtue “b...” is found on Novgorod notes and birch bark documents of the 12th century. It just meant something completely different. The meaning of the word was the name of a demon with whom only sorcerers communicated. According to ancient beliefs, this demon punished sinners by sending them a disease, which is now called “uterine rabies.”

Another word, the verb “e...”, is of Slavic origin, and is translated as to curse.

The remaining swear words are the names of pagan gods, or demonic names. When a person swears, he calls demons on himself, his family, his clan.

Thus, swearing is an appeal to demons, only it consists of spells and names of certain demons. The history of swearing shows this.

In other words, swearing is the language of communication with demons.

It is no coincidence that lexicologists call this type of vocabulary infernal, which means hellish.

Today the mat is used for:

  1. Displays of emotions
  2. Emotional release
  3. Insults, humiliation
  4. Demonstrations of fearlessness
  5. Demonstrations of belonging to “their own”
  6. Demonstrations of disdain for the system of prohibitions
  7. Demonstrations of aggression, etc.

The effect of swearing on human health

Let’s just give 6 facts about the influence of swearing:

  1. The effect of swearing on DNA

Human words can be represented in the form of electromagnetic vibrations, which directly affect the properties and structure of DNA molecules responsible for heredity. If a person uses swear words day after day, DNA molecules begin to produce "negative program" and they change significantly. Scientists say: a “dirty” word causes mutagenic effect similar to radiation exposure.

Swear words have a negative effect on the genetic code of the person swearing, are written in it, and become a curse for the person himself and his heirs.

  1. Curse words pass along other nerve endings than ordinary words

There is an observation by doctors that people suffering from paralysis, with a complete lack of speech, express themselves exclusively in obscenities. Although at the same time unable to say “Yes” or “No”. At first glance, the phenomenon, although very strange, says a lot. Why does a completely paralyzed person exclusively utter obscenities? Is it really of a different nature than ordinary words?

  1. The influence of mat on water. Scientific experiment.

Sprouting technology has long been used in biology and agriculture.

Water is treated by some influence, and this water wheat grains are processed.

Three types of words were used:

  1. Prayer "Our Father"
  2. Household mat, which is used for speech communication
  3. The mat is aggressive, with clearly expressed expression.

After a certain time, the number of sprouted grains and the length of the sprouts are checked.

On the second day

  1. 93% of the grains sprouted in the control batch
  2. In a batch of grains processed by prayer - 96% of grains. And the longest sprout length, up to 1 cm.
  3. In the batch treated with household mat - 58% grains
  4. The expressive mat had such an effect that only 49% of the grains grew. The length of the sprouts is uneven and mold has appeared.

Scientists believe that the appearance of mold is the result strong negative impact mat on the water.

After a while.

  1. The influence of household swearing - only 40% of sprouted grains remained
  2. The effect of the expressive mat - only 15% of sprouted grains remained.

Seedlings placed in mat-treated water indicate that this environment is not suitable for them.

Humans are 80% water. Draw your own conclusions, friends.

Here is a video proof of this experiment.

  1. Swear words very often come out of people from whom demons are cast out.

This is recognized by all confessions: from Orthodox to Protestants.

For example, Orthodox priest, Father Sergius writes: “The so-called swearing is the language of communication with demonic forces. It is no coincidence that this phenomenon is called infernal vocabulary. Infernal means hellish, from the underworld.” It is very easy to be convinced that swearing is a demonic phenomenon. Go to Russian Orthodox church during the report. And take a close look at the person who is being chastised with prayer. He will moan, scream, struggle, growl, and the like. And the worst thing is that they swear a lot...

Thanks to science, it has been proven that because of swearing, not only a person’s morality suffers, but also his health!

Ivan Belyavsky is one of the first scientists to put forward this theory. He believes that everyone mat is an energy charge that negatively affects human health.

It has already been proven that swearing comes from the sacred names of the gods. The word "mate" means "strength". A destructive force that affects a person’s DNA and destroys him from the inside, especially women and children.

  1. Swear words have a detrimental effect on women

Abuse of swear words is destructive for a woman's hormonal background. Her voice becomes low, testosterone is in excess, fertility decreases, and the disease hirsutism appears...

  1. The influence of swear words on a person in countries where there is no abuse against the reproductive organs.

Another very interesting fact. In countries where there is no swearing indicating the reproductive organ, cerebral palsy and Down syndromes have not been found. But in the CIS countries these diseases exist. Unfortunately…

How to get rid of the influence of swearing?

You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.

We have already proven the origin of swear words. Considered a scientific experiment. But the purpose of this series and the “Word of Encouragement” project is to encourage, to help overcome every vice that binds a person.

Here we will give a recipe for liberation from swear words, which is tested on personal experience. Just 5 simple steps.

  1. Recognize

Very important admit that swear words are a vice that has a destructive effect on a person. It is to admit, not to resist.

  1. Repent

Warm repentance before God is very important.

He is the Lord, He knows everything. And He will help, but first just repent of the fact that this dirty language came out of your mouth.

(If you have never acknowledged Jesus as the Lord of your life - then you should)

  1. Accept yourself as a new creation

If you have prayed the prayer of repentance, then you have become a new creation, a child of Almighty God. Before that, every person is a sinner, a product of the devil.

Many people in the world say “Why reject swearing - it’s normal!” It's okay if you are a sinful person. And if you repented before God and asked for forgiveness of your sins, you have already become a new creation.

And you need to accept it

The Word of God says:

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the ancient has passed away, now everything is new.

Start to think well of yourself, to think of yourself as God’s beloved child, as the one for whom the Lord gave His Son.

Trust God. You have become different inside.

Eph.5:8 You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: walk as children of light,

  1. Believe that words are capsules filled with power.

That's essentially what this series is all about. What we say is what we have.

But you, if you have already cursed, need to accept it again. Your swearing produced one effect in your life.

Now you need your words to bring good.

Col.4:6 Let your word always be with grace

Eph 4:29 Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouth, but only that which is good for edification of the faith, so that it may bring grace to those who hear.

This means that every time you open your mouth, ask God for wisdom, so that your words will bring grace and benefit to those listening.

  1. Dedicate your mouth, your tongue to God.

This is not just a resolution: “I’ll stop swearing since the New Year.”

It is a decision that your mouth belongs to the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth. And with your lips you will only bless God and His creation.

James 3:9-10 With it we bless God the Father, and with it we curse men, created in the likeness of God. From the same lips comes blessing and curse: it should not be so, my brethren.

If you dedicate your mouth to God, it will not be easy. But even when you stumble, remember that the word of God says “it must not happen.” God does not give impossible tasks. If it is written in His Word, then it is real. And this means that it is possible to live in such a way as not to utter curses and swear words against loved ones.

Word of Encouragement

I want to end in a very good place.

Remember that you will give an account for every word. And if you say a lot of good things into the lives of your loved ones, bless your wife/husband, children, parents, employees - God will bring these words to judgment. And from these words you will be justified. So says the Word of God

Matthew 12:36-37 But I tell you that for every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment: 37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.

Text prepared by: Vladimir Bagnenko, Anna Pozdnyakova

There are a lot of myths around Russian swearing that do not correspond to reality. For example, Russian linguists and historians have spread two myths about swearing: that Russians began to swear in response to the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” and that swearing is supposedly “a product of Slavic paganism.”

Our ancestors divided some words into:
1. Swear words are words from the mother, i.e. her blessing!
2. Swear words are words used on the battlefield to intimidate the enemy!
3. Foul language is the very bad thing you shouldn’t say!
All these points were reduced by the enemies of our Race to one thing and now mean the same thing, that is, bad words!

A lot has been written about the dangers of swearing. A long time ago I read an article by one writer, I no longer remember his name. He attacked the mat with noble anger. For a long time and convincingly he proved how disgusting and disgusting this was. In conclusion, he brought the only one to him famous case usefulness of the mat.

I will retell this incident too. A freight train is traveling, but it is carrying people. I don’t remember why, but there was a man on the other side of the carriage. He is holding on with all his strength. It's about to fall off and die. The men in the carriage are trying to open the door and get him in. But the door is jammed and it won’t budge. The men are already exhausted and have mentally come to terms with the loss, but they continue to fiddle around. And then the unexpected happened.

A modest, quiet girl will shout: “Oh, you guys, fuck you! Anu got it!” And a miracle happened. Wild strength was revealed in men. The muscles tensed in one impulse, the door flew off, and the man was saved. Then they asked the girl how she decided to say such a thing. And she blushed, looked down and couldn’t utter a word out of shame.

Here the author hit the nail on the head, without even suspecting it. The point is that the mat is designed for exceptional cases. In Russia, swear words are also called swear words. Here you are standing on the battlefield, wounded, exhausted and, staggering, leaning on your sword. And your enemies are attacking you. For them and even for you, the outcome of the meeting is obvious. But you raise your head, look at them for a long time and say: “Well, come here, damn it, so get over you!!” And a miracle happens. A wild power is revealed in you. And your sword whistled like the blades of a helicopter, and the heads of your enemies rolled with an astonished expression on their faces. Then you yourself are surprised. This is what a mat is, this is why it is needed.

Our ancestors knew and understood the power of swearing very well. They carried it for centuries, and maybe even millennia, but they were not fools. Mat is exactly what is needed in emergency, critical situations. The ban creates a reserve of energy, like a battery, or more precisely, like a capacitor. Because the battery releases energy slowly, and the capacitor discharges instantly. This burst of energy works wonders. Any nation, people and even tribe have forbidden words, words that are tabooed. This is a common property of people, or more precisely, a property of a community of people. Fighting this property is as stupid as creating a new person. Why is Russian swearing so developed? Yes, because our history is difficult. Who knows, maybe thanks to swearing they survived and survived as a people.

To combat swearing, they propose to introduce swear words into everyday use and stop considering them swear words. And that will be? Here's what. You stand on the battlefield, wounded, exhausted and staggeringly leaning on your sword. And your enemies are attacking you. For them and even for you, the outcome of the meeting is obvious. But you raise your head, look at them for a long time and say: “Well, come on, damn it, so get over you. And then do the same again.” But a miracle does not happen. There is no longer any energy in these words. These words sound like: the weather has turned bad. You don't have a hidden reserve. And they take you lukewarm and rape your wife in front of your eyes, and take your children into slavery. Reducing swear words to ordinary ones discharges the people, making them sluggish and flabby.


There are a lot of myths around Russian swearing that do not correspond to reality. For example, Russian linguists and historians have spread two myths about swearing: that Russians began to swear in response to the “Tatar-Mongol yoke” and that swearing is supposedly “a product of Slavic paganism.”

In fact, the Slavs never swear. Including Belarusians and Ukrainians, as well as Poles, before the Russian occupation of 1795, the worst curses were only “curva” (corrupt girl) and “cholera” (disease). Neither Kievan Rus, nor the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, nor the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth have preserved a single document with obscenities and not a single order from the authorities on the fight against swearing, although in Muscovy there is a huge abundance of such documents.

If it were not for the Russian occupation, then Belarusians (Litvins), Ukrainians and Poles would not be swearing today. Today, however, Poles still hardly swear, and Slovaks and Czechs do not swear at all.

And this is quite normal, because most peoples of the world do not know swear words - just as the Slavs, Balts, Romans, and Germans did not know them. Their sexual vocabulary is extremely poor (compared to Russian), and many languages ​​do not use sexual themes at all when using foul language. For example, the French “con” conveys the name of both the male and female genital organs with different articles, and the limit of foul language in the French is to simply call the opponent with this word. And only in the English language and only at the beginning of the twentieth century, and only in the USA, did the curse “mother fucker” appear, which has no analogue in Europe, and which was a copy of Russian obscenities - it was introduced into the US language by emigrants from Russia (see. V. Butler “The Origin of Jargon in the USA”, 1981, New York).

Thus, swearing is not at all a “product of Slavic paganism,” for the pagan Slavs did not swear.

The statement that “in ancient Rus' they swore” is also a myth. IN Kievan Rus no one swore - they swore only in Muscovy, but that was not Russia.

Historians find the first mention of the strange habit of Muscovites to use obscenities in 1480, when Prince Vasily III, along with Prohibition, demanded that Muscovites stop swearing. Then Ivan the Terrible ordered to “click on the auction” so that the Muscovites “would not swear and would not reproach each other with all sorts of obscene and nasty speeches.”

Then the German traveler Olearius, who arrived in Muscovy, noted with regret the wide prevalence of swearing: “Little children, who do not yet know how to name either God, or mother, or father, already have obscene words on their lips.”
In 1648, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich conceived the idea of ​​“getting rid of the infection” and gave a royal decree so that “they should not sing demonic songs, swear, or use any obscene barking... And if people teach someone to scold someone with swearing and all sorts of barking - and to those people for such opposite Christian law for the fury of being from Us in great disgrace and cruel punishment."

Moscow priest Yakov Krotov notes:

“Throughout the 17th and most of the 18th centuries, Muscovy was calm about swearing. A simple example: near the Savinno-Storozhevsky Zvenigorod Monastery, located three kilometers from Zvenigorod, a stream flows, and in all scribe books, starting from the end of the 16th century, when the first one was compiled, scribes quite normally recorded the name of this stream flowing through the land that belonged to the monastery. The first letter was "p", the second half ended in "omoy". Who came here to wash from Zvenigorod, several kilometers away? Not quite clear. But, one way or another, at the end of the 18th century, when the general survey of Russia was carried out, drawing up full map Russian Empire, by decree of Catherine the Great, all names that contain obscene language and obscene roots are replaced with more euphonious ones. Since then this Zvenigorod stream has also been renamed.”

Until now, on the maps of Muscovy-Russia there were thousands of toponyms and hydronyms created on the basis of swear words.

There was nothing like this at that time either in Belarus-Lithuania or in Rus'-Ukraine then - the people there did not know curse words.

This circumstance could seemingly be explained by the fact that the Belarusians and Ukrainians were never under the Horde, and the Muscovites lived in the Horde for three hundred years, and then seized power there, annexing the Horde to Muscovy. After all, Soviet historians used to think so: that the Muscovites’ curses were supposedly their response to the “Tatar-Mongol yoke.”

For example, Vladimir Kantor, fiction writer and member of the editorial board Russian magazine Questions of Philosophy recently wrote:

“But in Russia, during the Tatars, the word “eble” appeared, which is a derivative for us, Russian people, understandably, associated with defamation of the mother and so on, in Turkic it simply meant to get married. The Tatar, capturing the girl, said that he was “eble” her, that is, he was taking her. But for any Russian commoner whose daughter, wife, or sister was taken away, he committed violence against a woman, and as a result, this word absolutely acquired the character of rape. What are swear words? This is the language of the raped, that is, of that lower layer who always feels outside the zone of action of high culture and civilization, humiliated, insulted, raped. And like any raped slave, he is ready to use this violence against his comrade, and if it works out, of course, against a noble one.”

At first glance, the version seems foldable. However, she is wrong.

Firstly, the current Tatars of Kazan (then Bulgars) were just like that “languishing from the Tatar yoke” (for Kazan was equally a vassal of the Tatars, like Moscow), but for some reason they did not give birth to any curses to the world.

Secondly, the Tatars of the Horde were not Turks, but were a mixture of Turkic and Finno-Ugric tribes. For this reason, they annexed the Finns of Suzdal-Muscovy (Mordovians, Moksha, Erzya, Murom, Merya, Chud, Meshchera, Perm) to the Horde and sought to unite all the Finno-Ugric peoples who left the Volga for Europe, including those who reached Hungary, the people which they considered “ours by right.”

Thirdly, there was no “Tatar yoke”. Moscow paid only a tax to the Tatars (half of which it kept for itself for the labor of collecting it - which is how it rose) and sent its Moscow army to serve in the army of the Horde. It never happened that the Tatars captured Muscovy girls as wives - these are modern inventions. They were captured as slaves during wars, but in the same way, hundreds of thousands of Slavs were captured as slaves by the Muscovites themselves (for example, 300 thousand Belarusians were captured by the Muscovites as slaves in the war of 1654-1657). But a slave is not a wife.

Generally speaking, this whole version of Vladimir Kantor is “sucked up” only on two dubious grounds: the presence in the Turkic language of the word “eble” (to marry) and the myth about the notorious “Tatar yoke”. This is very little, especially since other main swear words in the Russian language remain without explanation. How were they formed?

Although I must note that this hypothesis of Cantor is already a kind of breakthrough in the topic, because earlier Soviet historians generally wrote that the Muscovites simply adopted swear words from the Tatar-Mongols, they say they taught the Muscovites to swear. However, there are no obscenities in either the Turkic language or the Mongolian language.

So, there are two serious circumstances that completely refute Cantor’s hypothesis about the origin of one of the Russian mats from the Turkic word “eble” (to marry).

1. Excavations by academician Valentin Yanin in Novgorod led in 2006 to the discovery of birch bark letters with mats. They are much older than the arrival of the Tatars in the Suzdal principality. Which puts a BOLD CROSS on the general attempt of historians to link the obscenities of the Muscovites with the language of the Tatars (Turkic).

Moreover, these mats on the birch bark letters of Novgorod are adjacent to elements of Finnish vocabulary - that is, the people who wrote them were not Slavs (colonists encouraged by Rurik, who sailed from Polabye and built Novgorod here), but local semi-Slavicized colonists of Rurik, Finns (or Sami, or miracle, all, muromoy).

2. There is another people in Europe, besides the Muscovites, who have been swearing for a thousand years - and with the SAME RUSSIAN cuss words.

These are Hungarians.


For the first time, Russian historians learned about the Hungarian mats quite recently - and were extremely surprised: after all, the Hungarians are not Slavs, but Finno-Ugrians. And they were not under any “Tatar-Mongol yoke,” for they left the Volga for Central Europe centuries before the birth of Genghis Khan and Batu. For example, Moscow researcher of the topic Evgeny Petrenko is extremely discouraged by this fact and admits in one of his publications that “this completely confuses the issue of the origin of Russian obscenities.”

In fact, this does not confuse the question, but rather provides a complete answer.

The Hungarians have been using mats absolutely similar to those of Muscovy since the time they came to Europe from the Volga.

It is clear that Cantor’s hypothesis about the origin of one of the Russian mats from the Turkic word “eble” (to marry) is in no way applicable to the Hungarians, because the Turks did not force their girls to marry. And there are no Turks around the Hungarians in Central Europe.

Evgeniy Petrenko notes that the Serbian swear expression “ebene sluntse in pichku” appeared historically recently - only 250 years ago, and was adopted by the Serbs from the Hungarians during the period when Serbia came from the Turkish yoke to the rule of Austria-Hungary under Empress Maria Theresa. The Hungarian chronicles of the Middle Ages are filled with such obscenities that did not exist anywhere else and among no one else around (Slavs, Austrians, Germans, Italians, etc., including Turks). They were then carried to the Serbs by the Hungarian colonial administration, the Hungarian army and the Hungarian aristocracy.

Why are the Hungarians’ swear words absolutely identical to the Muscovite swear words?

There can be only one answer: THESE ARE FINNO-UGRIAN MATS.

Let me remind you that Hungarians, Estonians, Finns and Russians are one and the same Finnish ethnic group. The Russians, however, were partly Slavicized by the priests of Kyiv, who instilled Orthodoxy among them. But studies of the gene pool of the Russian nation, conducted in 2000-2006 by the Russian Academy of Sciences (which we previously described in detail), showed that in terms of genes, Russians are absolutely identical to the Finnish ethnic group: Mordovians, Komi, Estonians, Finns and Hungarians.

Which should not be surprising, since all of Central Russia (historical Muscovy) is the land of the Finnish peoples, and all its toponyms are Finnish: Moscow (of the Moksha people), Ryazan (of the Erzya people), Murom (of the Murom people), Perm (of the Perm people) etc.

The only “blank spot” remains the question of the ancient presence of mats in Estonia and Finland. Judging by the fact that the birch bark letters of Novgorod with mats could most likely be written by the Sami (and not the Chud or Muroma), who also inhabited Estonia and Finland, the Estonians and Finns too must have had mats since ancient times. This nuance needs clarification.

On the other hand, in the Finno-Ugric ethnic groups, it was the Ugrians who could have given birth to mats. That is, the Hungarians and those who remained to live in the lands of the future Muscovy are related peoples to them. The Ugric group of languages ​​today includes only the Hungarian language and the Ob-Ugric Khanty and Mansi. In the past, this group was much more powerful, including, presumably, the Pecheneg people, who went with the Hungarians to Central Europe and along the way settled widely over the Crimea and in the steppes of the Don (they were allegedly exterminated by the Tatars). In Muscovy itself, the main ethnic group was the Mordovian ethnic group Moksha (Moksel in its language), which gave the name to the river Moksva (Moks Moksha + Va water), changed in the Kiev language to the more euphonious “Moscow” for the Slavs. And the Erzya ethnic group (with the capital Erzya and the state Great Erzya, later changed to Ryazan). In the Perm group of Komi and Udmurts, the state of Great Permia stood out. All this is the historical territory of the original distribution of mats.

Thus, the very term “Russian swearing” is absurd. For they are not Russians at all (in the understanding of Rus' as Kyiv State), and Finnish ones. Those who remained in the language of the native Finnish population of Muscovy as subjects of their pre-Slavic language.


What is the essence of Russian obscenities?

It is clear that Russian researchers of the issue have always been confused by the fact that the Russians have mats, while the Slavs and other Indo-Europeans do not have them at all. Therefore, in this matter, Russians have always, under the shadow of some kind of “inferiority complex,” instead of scientific consideration, tried to justify themselves or “make amends.” They tried to drag the Slavs into swearing - they say, this is Slavic paganism. But it didn’t work out - because the Slavs never swear, and the Russians are not Slavs. They tried to show that Russian obscenities were invented for a reason, but in response to the yoke of the Tatars. And it didn’t work out: the Hungarians had exactly the same mats, but they didn’t have any “Tatar yoke”.

In fairness, it should be said that the Russians are truly an unfortunate people of the former Finnish ethnic groups, whose fate over the last thousand years has been simply terrible.

At first, he was conquered as a slave by the younger princes of Kyiv, who simply did not get their principalities in the Rus of Kyiv. Since there were no Slavs here in future Muscovy, the princes and their squads treated the local Finnish population as slaves. Exactly Kyiv princes They introduced serfdom (that is, slavery) in Muscovy, which was wild in Kyiv in relation to the peasants of their own ethnic group. Let me remind you that neither in Ukraine nor in Belarus-Lithuania there was ever serfdom before the Russian occupation of 1795, and besides Muscovy, serfdom existed in Europe only in one place - in Prussia, where, in exactly the same way, the Germans made local foreign Prussians slaves and local Slavs.

Then these Finnish lands enslaved by Kievan Rus fell under the rule of the Horde of Trans-Volga Tatars, whose capital was located near present-day Volgograd. They created the Empire of the Turks and Finno-Ugric peoples, so mentally the Suzdal lands were drawn to the Horde, and not to the Indo-European Rus of Kyiv and Lithuania-Belarus of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (the country of the Western Balts). Moreover, the princely elite of the lands of the future Muscovy found in the Horde a very successful justification for their slave-holding power over the local Finnish population: eastern traditions they elevated rulers to the rank of God, which the Europeans never had, including Byzantium and the Russian Orthodox Church of Kyiv, which baptized Rus'.

These two main arguments turned Muscovy away from Rus' and Kyiv forever and created a new eastern type states - a complete satrapy.

Therefore, the Finno-Russians (Muscovites) had every reason to swear at everyone: they lived freely only in their national Finnish states (of which only Finnish place names remained) until the arrival of the Kyiv enslavers. And then came a thousand years of complete slavery: first, slavery as part of Kievan Rus, then the same slavery, but when the Tatar enslavers were sitting on top of the Kyiv enslavers, and then the enslavers began to be called “Moscow Sovereigns.” Until 1864 (the abolition of serfdom), the people remained in the state of enslaved natives, that is, slaves, and the aristocracy despised them with the same degree of contempt as the British and French despised the African blacks they conquered in the 19th century.

Yes, from such a thousand-year oppression of Kievan Rus, the Horde and then Muscovy-Russia, there is enough hatred in the Finnish people to give birth to obscenities - like native slang of foul language towards the oppressors.

But... We see that these mats existed among the Finno-Ugrians even before their enslavement by their neighbors from the West and the East. And they exist among the Hungarians, who very successfully escaped from the Volga to Europe, avoiding the fate of their fellow tribesmen.

This means that the mats of the Finno-Ugric peoples did not originate as a response to their enslavers, but as something internal, purely primordial and without any external influence. Because the Finno-Ugric people ALWAYS swore.

Some researchers express the following point of view: swearing is part of some mystical culture, in a series of conspiracies or curses. Including some (A. Filippov, S.S. Drozd) find that a number of obscene curses essentially mean not something offensive, but a wish for death. For example, going to “n...”, as they write, means the desire to go to where you were born, that is, to leave life again into oblivion.

Is it so? I doubt.

Did the Finno-Ugric peoples in the past, during the era of the birth of swearing, have such a mystical culture in which sexual themes of swearing would have been used? Personally, it’s hard for me to imagine this. Yes, sexual themes are present among all ancient peoples - but as symbols of fertility. And in our case we're talking about about something completely different. And there is simply no “mystical culture” or “pagan cults” here.

It seems to me that the Moscow priest Yakov Krotov finds the essence of the obscenities most correctly:

“One of the modern Orthodox publicists, Abbot Veniamin Novik, published several articles against foul language, against swearing. In these articles, he emphasizes that swearing is associated with materialism. There is a kind of play on words here, with dialogue. “Why should release, and swearing, foul language, this is often justified as an emotional release, have to happen,” writes Abbot Veniamin, “at the expense of other people? A swearer certainly needs someone to hear him. Swearing is, first of all, a symptom evolutionary underdevelopment. Biologists know that in the animal world there is a pronounced connection between aggressiveness and sexuality, and some “especially gifted” (hegumen Veniamin writes sarcastically) individuals use their genitals to intimidate the enemy. And some no less gifted representatives of the homo sapiens family do this "It's the same verbally. Exhibitionists are just more consistent." This is a refutation of foul language and a rebuff to it from the position of a modern, well-educated person.”


The Indo-Europeans did not swear because their ancestral ethnic group was formed as more progressive and excluded in communication the ape habits of “using your genitals to intimidate the enemy.” But the ancestral ethnic group of the Finno-Ugrians, who are not Indo-Europeans, was formed in a different way - and used monkey habits.

That’s the whole difference: Russians and Hungarians swear because they are not Indo-Europeans. And because their ancestors developed differently than the Indo-Europeans - in a completely different cultural environment.

Moreover, the use of swear words in communication necessarily retrospectively means that in the distant past the ancestors of Russians and Hungarians used these swear words as an illustration of ACTIONS - that is, the Finno-Ugric people used to show their genitals to their opponent as a SIGN OF INSULT. And various other indecent ACTIONS.

Does it seem wild? But this is no more savage than the very fact of almost COMPLETE approval of obscenities in Russia - primarily by cultural figures. How, for example, should we relate to such statements: GALINA ZHENVOVA, Chief Editor The joint editorial board of Gubernskie Izvestia shares with readers: “I have a positive attitude towards swearing. Russian people have two ways of letting off steam. The first is vodka, the second is swearing. Let it be better to swear.”

Why don’t other nations have “ways to let off steam” only in the form of vodka and swearing? And why is swearing “better” than vodka?


In Russia they don’t understand that swearing destroys the foundations of Society. Swearing, being an animal behavior of “using one’s genitals to intimidate the enemy,” is already antisocial. But swearing has evolved compared to animals: the very name “swearing” means an insult to the opponent’s mother in sexual violence on the part of the speaker. What animals don't have.

For Finno-Ugric peoples (Russians and Hungarians), this is perhaps their own normal local traditional form of communication. But for Indo-Europeans this is unacceptable.

Each of us was a child and knows that all sorts of nasty things easily penetrate into children's brains. Likewise, the swear words of the Hungarians and Russians were introduced into Europe not through our adult Europeans, but through children who had contact with the children of these peoples who spoke swear words. This fact alone shows that swearing enters the minds of people through the corruption of our children and, in essence, differs little from child pornography or the corruption of minors.

Let them always use obscenities in Russia. But why should we be like them? Our ancestors did not know these foreign obscenities.

It is very bad when sexual education of children begins with their knowledge of obscenities and their meaning. This is exactly what happened to me: teenagers taught me swear words and explained their meaning - they were the discoverers for me of the mystery of the relationship between a man and a woman - through swear words.

This is fine? This is absolutely abnormal.

Therefore, the opinion of the editor of a Russian newspaper that swearing seems completely erroneous better than vodka. Our children don’t drink vodka at the age of 10, but learn swearing. For what?

Russian publicists say with pride and joy that Russian obscenities completely replace any transmission of thoughts and concepts. Olga Kvirkvelia, the head of the Russian educational Christian center “Faith and Thought”, a Catholic, said about swearing in a Radio Liberty program in February 2002: “In principle, swearing is like a good swearing, real, not the street one that we hear today, it’s just a sacred language with which you can really tell absolutely everything. I became interested in swearing when I accidentally heard in the Novgorod region, in a village, how my grandmother explained to my grandfather how to plant cucumbers. There were only non-obscene pretexts, which is understandable perfectly. She didn’t swear, she very kindly, very friendly explained how to plant cucumbers correctly. This is a language that, unfortunately, we have practically lost and turned into something vulgar, disgusting, vile and bad. Actually this is not true. And this reflects very deep layers of consciousness.”

I'm shocked. Why can’t grandma talk normally about planting cucumbers in normal human terms, but replaces them all with sexual terms? Olga Kvirkvelia sees this in “sacred language.” What is “sacred” about it, besides the animal display of its genitals?

She also says that “This is a language that, unfortunately, we have practically lost.” It turns out that the Finno-Ugric language of Russians and Hungarians is the language of complete obscenities, where all concepts are replaced by them?

Unfortunately, everything bad and nasty tends to spread around like a disease. So Russia brought its obscenities to the neighboring peoples it conquered: Belarusians, Ukrainians, Balts, Caucasians, peoples of Central Asia, who speak their own language, but insert Finnish obscenities every other word. So Finnish " sacred words"became the everyday vocabulary of distant Uzbeks. Moreover, they began to swear in the USA - already in English, and it is quite normal in the film “Police Academy” to see a plot, the action of which takes a long time to unfold against the background of an inscription written in Russian on a telephone booth from the familiar three letters “x..”. Who wrote it there? Yankees?

But there is nothing like this anywhere else in the world: writing obscenities on the walls. And even Vysotsky noticed: in public French toilets there are inscriptions in Russian. Writing obscenities on a wall is tantamount to the animal behavior of displaying your genitals. This is what the “sacred” eastern neighbors do, like monkeys. This is the exhibitionism of our eastern neighbor.

Is this the norm of behavior for us Europeans, including Belarusians and Ukrainians? Of course not, because we cannot express anything sacred, that is, sacred, simply because our ancestors did not know curse words. These swear words are foreign and alien to us.

Our European languages ​​have enough means to express any concept without obscenities, just as there are no obscenities in the works of Lev Tolstoy. He did not use the “sacred language”, but created literary masterpieces of world culture and the Russian language. Which already means that the Russian language will not lose anything without these obscenities. But he will only get richer
