Apache weapons. Attack helicopter "Alligator" versus "Apache"

The American AN-64 Apache and the Russian Ka-52 Alligator are the most famous attack helicopters in the world. Their competitors from other countries simply have no chance against them. Let's figure out who is “cooler”.

Initially, attack helicopters were created to support the Ground Forces. They provided superiority over the enemy on the battlefield. Using its impressive arsenal and advanced detection systems, the helicopter sees everything and quickly acts on inputs of any level of complexity. Destroys enemy personnel and armored vehicles or coordinates the combat actions of its own - there are no impossible tasks for an attack helicopter.

The American AN-64 “Apache” and the Russian Ka-52 “Alligator” are the most famous “personalities” in their family. Their competitors from other countries simply have no chance against them. Let's figure out who is “cooler”.

AN-64 attack helicopter"Apache"

The American helicopter at one time made a real breakthrough in the field of helicopter engineering. Back in the 70s of the last century, the Pentagon already saw in its ranks not just a helicopter with a pair of guns, but a promising fire support vehicle. Relevant requests: in conditions of active counteraction to air defense and electronic warfare at any time of the day and in any weather, the Apache was supposed to open enemy tanks like a can opener.

The helicopter body is made of high-strength materials, but they are such only on paper. The Apache has a tandem seat arrangement, where the pilot-gunner sits first, and the pilot sits a little higher (for better visibility). The cockpit is reinforced with Kevlar and polyacrylate to increase survivability. If we take the “non-show characteristics”, then the cruising speed of the Apache is 293 km/h, the flight range is 480 km, and the load capacity is 770 kg.

The four hardpoints located under the short wings can accommodate a fairly impressive arsenal: up to 16 Hellfire anti-tank missiles (those that embody the “fire and forget” principle); unguided missile blocks; M230E1 Chain Gun guns, and a couple of Stingers on the sides for air battles. Under the cockpit there is a built-in installation with a movable 20-mm automatic cannon.

The Apache Longbow modification is now in service with the United States. It is distinguished from the previous one by a powerful radar located above the main rotor hub and improved avionics. That's all, actually.

Attack helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator"

A favorite of the Russian public and, indeed, a unique new generation helicopter. Chief designer Sergei Viktorovich Mikheev tried to create a powerful “drummer” in the best traditions of the Soviet school, but taking into account modern requirements. And he succeeded.

Maneuverable, all-weather, well-armored, high-tech, armed to the teeth... In the end, he's just good-looking. The Ka-52 is a truly successful continuation of the Kamov Design Bureau’s line of vehicles, where earlier, during the years of the so-called “perestroika,” the forefather of the Alligator, the Ka-50 Black Shark, was undeservedly buried.

The Ka-52 is made according to a coaxial design (a pair of propellers rotate in opposite directions), which allows for miraculous maneuvers. A wind gust of 140 km/h? No problem. The helicopter's maneuverability does not deteriorate. In addition, thanks to this propeller design, the helicopter can fly both sideways and backwards, without turning the fuselage in the desired direction.

The Ka-52, like its predecessor the Ka-50, is capable of performing a unique maneuver - the so-called funnel - moving in lateral flight in a wide circle over a ground target with a downward tilt and precise aiming at it (mainly for active evasion of induced air defense).

The hull is well protected from large-caliber machine guns and small-caliber cannons (Afghanistan taught). The Alligator is equipped with a unique pilot ejection system, which has no analogues in the world, and, more precisely, the only one of its kind. Cruising speed – 250-300 km/h, flight range – 520 km, load capacity more than 2000 kg. Equipped with the “all-seeing eye” of the Samshit GOES, located under the fuselage (this includes a thermal imager and other technological wonders), as well as other state-of-the-art avionics.

Not a single existing attack helicopter can compare with the combat power of the Ka-52. Underwing holders allow you to contain an impressive arsenal, namely: up to 12 ATGMs of the latest modification (“Attack” with laser or radar beam guidance), up to 80 unguided missiles, 4 Igla missiles for air combat and anything else the client wishes, so say (mounted guns, guided missiles, aerial bombs, etc.). On the right side of the fuselage there is a built-in movable 30-mm cannon installation.

Alligator attack helicopter versus Apache. Who will win?

Let's look at helicopter power plants. Two units of 2700 each Horse power The Alligator is much more powerful than two with 1890 hp each. at Apache. Thanks to such powerful hardware, the Ka-52 can lift much more weapons, but in terms of flight range it is only slightly inferior to the American. Maneuverability is also good. The coaxial pattern plus sleight of hand is an elusive target for enemy air defense.

Let's return to the hull reservation. Apache's polyacrylic armor plates will only be able to repel a single Kalashnikov burst, and even that is not a fact. Although the American’s parameters include a column for “improved survivability,” cases of a helicopter being hit by a machine gun have been officially documented.

Developers from the USA decided to focus on maneuverability and stealth, but at the same time ignored such an important parameter as armor. The Ka-52, in the best traditions of the Soviet military industry, is generously and stylishly “wrapped” in armor plates. Well, and of course, the catapult - let's not forget about it! So who is more durable?

Regarding weapons. Our Alligator has three main advantages over the Apache. Firstly, it is the ability to lift as much ammunition and missiles as needed, and not as much as the small carrying capacity of the “American” allows. Secondly, the presence of identical weapons on other types of Russian military equipment. The same gun is found on armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, and ATGMs are found on attack aircraft. In addition, our 30-mm projectile is many times more powerful than the small-caliber projectile of the Apache cannon. Thirdly, both pilots can fire at the enemy from the Ka-52 (four hands are more than two).

And finally, the cost. For the latest modification of the Apache Longbow, the customer pays about $55 million. For the Russian Ka-52 - only 16 million dollars. Three Alligators or one Apache? The choice, I think, is obvious.

Apache is ideal for clearly planned tasks. When there are coordinates, there is support from the ground, there is an unsuspecting enemy... But if an American “strike fighter” is sent to patrol an urban area, then he will become easy prey for the enemy. A weakly armored hull simply cannot save the crew from the “burning arrow” of a MANPADS or heavy machine gun.

Our Ka-52 is also not a “patrol” vehicle, however, the tactical and technical characteristics fully allow the “Alligator” to work in absolutely any situation, be it reconnaissance, escort, or a full-fledged military operation using all types of weapons.

So, as they say, let's get away with it!

Helicopters of Russia and the world video, photos, pictures watch online occupy an important place in common system national economy and the Armed Forces, honorably fulfilling the civil and military tasks assigned to them. According to the figurative expression of the outstanding Soviet scientist and designer ML. Mil, “our country itself is, as it were, “designed” for helicopters.” Without them, the development of the vast and impassable spaces of the Far North, Siberia and Far East. Helicopters have become a familiar element of the landscape of our grandiose construction projects. They are widely used as vehicle, in agriculture, construction, rescue service, military affairs. When performing a number of operations, helicopters are simply irreplaceable. Who knows how many people were saved by the helicopter crews who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The lives of thousands of Soviet soldiers were saved by combat helicopters in Afghanistan.

Russian helicopters, before becoming one of the main modern transport, technological and combat means, helicopters went through a long and not always smooth path of development. The idea of ​​lifting into the air with the help of a main rotor originated with mankind almost earlier than the idea of ​​flying on a fixed wing. In the early history of aviation and aeronautics, generating lift by “screwing into the air” was more popular than other methods. This explains the abundance of rotary-wing aircraft projects in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Only four years separate the flight of the Wright brothers' airplane (1903) from the first flight of a man in a helicopter (1907).

The best helicopters were used by scientists and inventors; they hesitated for a long time which method to give preference to. However, by the end of the first decade of the 20th century. the aircraft, which was less energy-intensive and simpler in terms of aerodynamics, dynamics and strength, took the lead. His successes were impressive. Almost 30 years passed before the creators of helicopters finally managed to make their devices operational. Already during the Second World War, helicopters went into mass production and began to be used. At the end of the war, the so-called “helicopter boom” arose. Numerous companies began to build samples of new promising technology, but not all attempts were successful.

Combat helicopters from Russia and the USA were still more difficult to build than aircraft of a similar class. Military and civilian customers were in no hurry to add a new type of aviation equipment to the already familiar aircraft. Only effective application Americans helicopters in the early 50s. in the Korean War, it convinced a number of military leaders, including Soviet ones, of the advisability of using this aircraft by the armed forces. However, many, as before, continued to consider the helicopter “a temporary aberration of aviation.” It took more than ten years until helicopters finally proved their exclusivity and indispensability in performing a variety of military tasks.

Russian helicopters played a big role in the creation and development of Russian and Soviet scientists, designers and inventors. Their importance is so great that it even gave rise to one of the founders of the domestic helicopter industry, Academician B.N. Yuryev consider our state the “homeland of helicopters.” This statement, of course, is too categorical, but our helicopter pilots have something to be proud of. These are scientific works of the school of N.E. Zhukovsky in the pre-revolutionary period and the impressive flights of the TsAGI 1-EA helicopter in the pre-war years, the records of the post-war Mi-4, Mi-6, Mi-12, Mi-24 helicopters and the unique family of coaxial helicopters "Ka", modern Mi-26 and Ka -32 and much, much more.

Russia's new helicopter is relatively well covered in books and articles. Shortly before his death, B.N. Yuriev began writing the fundamental work “History of Helicopters,” but only managed to prepare chapters related to it own works in 1908 - 1914 Let us note that insufficient attention to the history of such a branch of aviation as helicopter construction is also typical for foreign researchers.

Military helicopters of Russia shed new light on the history of the development of helicopters and their theory in pre-revolutionary Russia, the contribution of domestic scientists and inventors to the global process of development of this type of technology. A review of pre-revolutionary domestic work on rotary-wing aircraft, including previously unknown ones, as well as their analysis were given in the corresponding chapter in the book “Aviation in Russia”, prepared for publication in 1988 by TsAGI. However, its small volume significantly limited the size of the information provided.

Civil helicopters in their best liveries. An attempt has been made to cover as fully and comprehensively as possible the activities of domestic helicopter enthusiasts. Therefore, the activities of leading domestic scientists and designers are described, and projects and proposals are also considered, the authors of which were significantly inferior to them in their knowledge, but whose contribution could not be ignored. Moreover, in some projects that were generally distinguished by a relatively low level of elaboration, there are also interesting proposals and ideas.

The name of the helicopters denoted significant qualitative changes in this type of equipment. Such events include the beginning of continuous and systematic development of helicopter projects; construction of the first full-scale helicopters capable of getting off the ground, and the beginning of mass production and practical use of helicopters. This book tells about the early stages of the history of helicopter manufacturing: from the birth of the idea of ​​lifting into the air by means of a propeller to the creation of the first helicopters capable of getting off the ground. A helicopter, unlike an airplane, a flywheel and a rocket, has no direct prototypes in nature. However, the propeller, which creates the lifting force of a helicopter, has been known since ancient times.

Small helicopters Despite the fact that propellers were known and there were empirical prototypes of helicopters, the idea of ​​​​using a main rotor for lifting into the air did not become widespread until the end of the 18th century. All rotorcraft projects being developed at that time remained unknown and were discovered in archives many centuries later. As a rule, information about the development of such projects was preserved in the archives of the most prominent scientists of their time, such as Guo Hong, L. da Vinci, R. Hooke, M.V. Lomonosov, who created the “aerodrome machine” in 1754.

Literally dozens of new designs have been created for private helicopters in a short time. This was a competition of a wide variety of designs and forms, usually single- or double-seat devices, which had mainly experimental purposes. The natural customer of this road and complex technology there were military departments. The first helicopters in different countries were designated as military communications and reconnaissance vehicles. In the development of helicopters, as in many other areas of technology, two lines of development can be clearly distinguished - but the dimensions of machines, i.e. quantitative, and the almost simultaneously emerging line of development of qualitative improvement of aircraft within a certain size or weight category.

Website about helicopters which contains the most Full description. Whether the helicopter is used for geological exploration, agricultural work or for transporting passengers, the cost of an hour of operation of the helicopter plays a decisive role. A large share of it is depreciation, that is, the price divided by its service life. The latter is determined by the resource of the units, i.e. their service life. The problem of increasing the fatigue strength of blades, shafts and transmissions, main rotor hubs and other helicopter components has become a primary task that is still occupied by helicopter designers. Nowadays, a service life of 1000 hours is no longer uncommon for a production helicopter and there is no reason to doubt its further increase.

Modern helicopters comparison of combat capabilities, original video preserved. Her image found in some publications is an approximate reconstruction, not entirely undisputed, carried out in 1947 by N.I. Kamov. However, based on the above archival documents, a number of conclusions can be drawn. Judging by the test method (suspension on blocks), the “aerodrome machine” was undoubtedly an apparatus vertical take-off and landings. Of the two methods of vertical lift known at that time - using flapping wings or using a rotor - the first seems unlikely. The report says that the wings moved horizontally. For most flywheels, they are known to move in a vertical plane. A flywheel whose wings perform oscillatory movements in a horizontal plane with an angle of installation that changes cyclically, despite repeated attempts, has not yet been built.

The best helicopter design is always forward-looking. However, in order to more clearly imagine the possibilities for further development of helicopters, it is useful to try to understand the main directions of their development from past experience. What is interesting here, of course, is not the prehistory of helicopter engineering, which we will only briefly mention, but its history from the moment when the helicopter, as a new type of aircraft, became suitable for practical use. The first mention of an apparatus with a vertical propeller - a helicopter - is contained in the notes of Leonardo da Vinci dating back to 1483. The first stage of development stretches from the model of a helicopter created by M. V. Lomonosov in 1754, through a long series of projects, models and even real-life devices. , which were not destined to take off until the construction of the world's first helicopter, which managed to get off the ground in 1907.

We will find out the fastest helicopter in the outline of this machine schematic diagram The most common single-rotor helicopters in the world today. B. I. Yuryev managed to return to this work only in 1925. In 1932, a group of engineers headed by A. M. Cheremukhitsnch built the TsAGI 1-EA helicopter, which reached a flight altitude of 600 m and stayed in the air at 18 m/sh , which was an outstanding achievement for that time. Suffice it to say that the official flight altitude record, set 3 years later on the new Breguet coaxial helicopter, was only 180 m. At this time, there was some pause in the development of helicopters (helicopters). A new branch of rotorcraft—gyroplanes—has come to the fore.

The new Russian helicopter, with a greater load on the wing area, came face to face with the then new problem of spin loss of speed. Creating a safe and fairly advanced gyroplane turned out to be easier than building a helicopter helicopter. The rotor rotating freely from the oncoming flow eliminated the need for complex gearboxes and transmissions. The hinged fastening of the main rotor blades to the hub used on gyroplanes provided them with much greater strength, and the gyroplane's stability. Finally, stopping the engine ceased to be dangerous, as it was with the first helicopters: by autorotating, the gyroplane easily landed at low speed.

Large helicopters for landing marines from ships determined the further development of military helicopter construction as a transport and landing one. The landing of American troops on S-55 helicopters at Inchon during the Korean War (1951) confirmed this trend. The size range of transport-landing helicopters began to be determined by the dimensions and weight of ground vehicles used by troops and which had to be transported by air. The fact is that conventional weapons, mainly artillery, transported by tractors weigh close to the weight of the tractors themselves. Therefore, the carrying capacity of the first transport helicopters in foreign armies was 1200-1600 kg ( lung weight military vehicle used as a tractor and associated implements).

USSR helicopters correspond to the weight of light and medium tanks or corresponding self-propelled chassis. Whether this line of development will be completed in such a range of dimensions depends on the constantly changing military doctrine. Artillery systems are being replaced to a greater extent by missiles, which is why we find demands in the foreign press. The power did not lead to an increase in payload. Indeed, but at the technical level of that time, the weight of the propellers, gearboxes and the entire apparatus as a whole increased with increasing power faster than the lifting force increased. However, when creating a new useful, and especially new for national economic application, the designer cannot tolerate a decrease in the achieved level of weight output.

Soviet helicopters, the first models, were created in a relatively short time, since the specific gravity of piston engines always decreased with increasing power. But in 1953, after the creation of the 13-ton Sikorsky S-56 helicopter with two 2300 hp piston engines. The size range of helicopters in Zapala was interrupted and only in the USSR, using turboprop engines. In the mid-fifties, the reliability of helicopters became significantly higher, therefore, the possibilities of their use in the national economy expanded. Economic issues came to the fore.

*Based on materials from foreign press.

Performance characteristics *

Maximum speed flight, km/h 300

Maximum (design) speed when diving a helicopter, km/h 365

Cruising speed, km/h 295

Rate of climb during vertical climb, m/s 12

Maximum flight range with fuel reserve in internal tanks, km 435

Ferry range with fuel reserve in external tanks, km 2000

Static hanging ceiling without taking into account the influence of the ground, m 3400

Dynamic ceiling, m 6100

Geometric parameters, m:

length with rotating screws 17 76

maximum height 4 65

fuselage width -]"2

wingspan 5 23

main rotor diameter 14 63

tail rotor diameter 2.79

Main rotor fill factor 0.092

Normal (calculated) take-off weight, kg 6670

Maximum take-off weight, kg 9400

Empty helicopter weight, kg 4810

Mass of fuel in internal tanks, kg 1160

Fuel mass in four outboard fuel tanks, kg 2525

Flight characteristics are given at the design weight of the helicopter.

The AN-64A began to enter service with the US ground forces in 1984. The helicopter is designed to destroy armored targets, including mobile ones, enemy personnel, as well as to carry out massive attacks on area targets. Can be used to escort transport helicopters, motorized infantry and tank columns. Foreign media claim that this is the world's first vehicle, the design, armament and on-board equipment of which allow the crew (pilot and pilot-operator), in cooperation with ground troops, to carry out combat missions in difficult weather conditions at any time of the day.

"Apache" is made according to a single-rotor design with a three-post fixed landing gear, main and tail rotors. The semi-monocoque fuselage has a relatively small cross-section, which reduces the effective dispersion area. It is made of aluminum alloys using materials of increased strength and toughness. Its reliability is ensured by the use of larger-sized load-bearing frame elements. There are flaps on the wing. Depending on the flight speed, they deflect downward by an angle of up to 20°, and when landing in autorotation mode, upward by 45°.

The cabin design uses a durable power frame (like a racing car). The pilot-operator's workplace is located in the front part, and the pilot's workplace is located in the rear part. Its seat is raised 0.5 m for better visibility. To protect the crew, Kevlar armor is attached to the bottom and sides of the cabin. In addition, special shields extend at pilot shoulder level. To reduce glare, flat glass is installed in the cabin.

The helicopter uses a main rotor with a completely unloaded shaft and elastic fastening of four blades.

In plan they have a rectangular shape, at the ends they are arrow-shaped, and in cross section they have a new NN-02 profile, which has a high lift coefficient and a lower drag coefficient. The blades are helical, with a geometric twist angle of 9°. Their spar, made of stainless steel, consists of five sections. To reduce erosion, the tip of each blade is encased in a metal plate. The tail part is made of composite materials. As elastic element a package of high-strength plates is used that absorb the load from centrifugal forces and provide the blades with smooth flapping motion and axial movement. Four blades are attached to the tail rotor hub using torsion bars. They are located relative to each other at angles of 55° and 125°, which significantly reduces the noise level. This is also facilitated by the relatively low (193 m/s) speed of their rotation.

The vehicle uses a three-post fixed landing gear with a tail wheel. This design ensures landing at a vertical speed of up to 3 m/s, and in emergency mode – at a speed of up to 13 m/s. In addition, landing and takeoff can be performed from a platform inclined in the longitudinal direction up to 12°, in the transverse direction – up to 15°. Wheels with hydraulic brakes are installed on the main lever struts. To reduce the overall height of the helicopter, which is important when transporting it by air, the struts are equipped with a mechanism that ensures their deflection back.

Workplace of the pilot and pilot-operator.

Marine version of the AN-64A "Apache" helicopter: 1,2 – operator and pilot cabin; 3 – above-hub radar; 4 – main rotor; 5 – tail rotor; 6 – stabilizer; 7 – engine; 8 – turrets with weapons; 9 – single-barrel 30 mm cannon; 10 – sighting and navigation complex.

In the main and auxiliary independent hydraulic systems AN-64A operating fluid pressure is 21010 5 Pa. Their hydraulic pumps are driven by the transmission. The systems are used to control the helicopter's rotors, and the auxiliary systems also control the main rotor brake, weapon system, auxiliary power unit and flaps. The main rotor control drive is duplicated: hydromechanical (main) and electrically remote (backup). A system of rods and cables is used to drive the steering propeller.

The helicopter is equipped with two General Electric engines, T 700-GE-701, with a power of 1247 kW (1696 hp) and a weight of 198 kg each. Their specific fuel consumption in takeoff mode is 0.210 kg/hp/h, in emergency mode – 0.211 kg/hp/h. To prevent simultaneous damage to the engines by one projectile, they were installed above the wing along the sides of the fuselage in special engine nacelles. The annular air intakes of the engines are equipped with an anti-icing system and a centrifugal dust protection device. To reduce the thermal radiation of exhaust gases from 540°C to 150°C in the exhaust manifolds of power plants, they are forced to mix with the flow of outside air. The power system uses two protected fuel tanks with a capacity of 1420 liters each. One of them is located behind the pilot's seat, the second - behind the main gearbox. Four more tanks with a capacity of 870 liters each are suspended under the wing.

The helicopter transmission consists of gearboxes (main, intermediate and tail rotors), angular motor gearboxes, connecting shafts and couplings. The main gearbox has two independent lubrication systems. Due to the use of special wicks in it, it is capable of operating in the absence of oil for 1 hour. Grease lubrication is used in the intermediate gearbox and the tail rotor gearbox.

The weapon system consists of 16 Hellfire ATGMs with a laser guidance system. The missiles (their launch mass is 43 kg, launch range is up to 6 km) are located under the wing in four pylons, which can be rotated up by 5°, down by 28°. The on-board TADS system is used for their guidance; the launch is carried out by a pilot operator. In another version, the helicopter is equipped with four launchers with 76 unguided aircraft missiles (NUR) of 70 mm caliber. Depending on the type of warhead, the launch mass of the NUR is 8-10 kg, the firing range is 4-6 km. The missiles are launched singly or in one salvo (2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 76) by both crew members. In this case, the pilot uses a helmet-mounted sight, and the pilot-operator uses the TADS system. One Sidewinder air-to-air missile can also be suspended at the ends of the wing consoles.

All helicopters have a single-barrel 30-mm M230A-1 "Chain Gun" cannon (up to 1,200 rounds of ammunition). It is attached to a turret mounted under the fuselage between the main landing gear. The cannon can be fired by a pilot operator using the on-board TADS system, or by a pilot using a helmet-mounted sight. Its rate is 800 rounds/min, the horizontal firing zone is 110°, vertically from 10° to -60°.

Exhaust gas temperature reduction system.

Sighting and navigation system: 1 – TADS identification system; 2 – PNVS night vision system.

The targeting and navigation system includes TADS/PNVS identification and night vision systems, as well as JHADSS targeting systems. The TADS/PNVS equipment is mounted in the nose of the helicopter (TADS in a barrel-shaped fairing, PNVS on a separate turret above the TADS). It combines five subsystems that make it possible to detect (PNVS) and identify (TADS) targets with high accuracy in difficult weather conditions at any time of the day. In this case, the distance to the target and its coordinates are simultaneously determined and one (or several) ATGMs are automatically aimed. The subsystems transmit signals for display on the pilot's and pilot-operator's television displays and their windshields. The operator can orient the TADS subsystem in azimuth in the range of 120°, in elevation from 30° to -60°, and the PNVS subsystem in the range of 90° and from 20° to -45°, respectively.

The JHADSS system includes helmet-mounted sights for the pilot and pilot-operator and an information display device. With its help it is carried out remote control TADS/PNVS system during the aiming process.

The helicopter has an AN/ANS-128 airborne radar, through which the helicopter’s position, its ground speed, drift angle and other parameters are determined. The AN-64A "Apache" is equipped with two radio stations, a radio compass, a radar transponder of the identification system, a low-altitude radio altimeter, means for detecting laser irradiation and electronic suppression, a radar irradiation warning receiver, and automatic dipole reflectors. To reduce labor intensity Maintenance And quick search malfunctions, an on-board alarm system is used.

Currently, work is underway to create a new AN-64B helicopter based on the AN-64A (it is planned to be delivered to the troops in 1994). At the same time, the main attention is paid to increasing combat effectiveness, reliability, survivability, improving tactical, technical and performance characteristics cars. One of the important tasks is to ensure reliable destruction of aircraft, helicopters and cruise missiles. To achieve this, the helicopter is equipped with AJM-9 Sidewinder guided missiles and a 30-mm cannon with more effective firing performance against air targets. It is planned to increase the survivability of the helicopter and expand its capabilities in the fight against ground targets through the use of ATGMs, Hellfire with thermal imaging and combined (passive radar and infrared) homing heads, as well as Sadarm FGM-122 guided missiles with a radar homing head. Radio-electronic and on-board instrumentation equipment is also being improved.

Work is underway to create a helicopter for the Navy and Marine Corps. In the naval version, the vehicle will be able to search for and destroy enemy ships, as well as cover the landing force during its landing. For this purpose, it is planned to install an over-the-barrel radar for searching and identifying targets. They plan to include Harpoon and Penguin anti-ship missiles in the weapons complex. The helicopter for the Marine Corps will be armed with Toy ATGMs, 127 mm unguided missiles, AJM-9 Sidewinder missiles, Stinger, Sadarm and automatic rapid-fire cannon.

Colonel I. SERDIUK

The other day, unpleasant news came from India. In a procurement tender attack helicopters It was not the Russian, but the American Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow that won. The “long-suffering” competition, despite some unfavorable forecasts regarding its outcome, nevertheless ended, even if not in favor of Russian helicopter manufacturers.

Let us recall that New Delhi first announced its desire to buy 22 attack helicopters back in 2008. Russia then presented the Ka-50, and European companies EADS and Augusta Westland acted as competitors. A little later, the Americans from Bell and Boeing joined the competition. In general, the result of the competition was hardly predictable. However, it all ended in a way that no one could have expected: less than a year after the start, the Indians canceled the tender. True, a few months later it was continued, but with a new line-up of participants.

The Mi-28N took part in the updated competition from Russia, and the United States presented its Apache Longbow. After comparing the documentation and the presented helicopters, the Indian military took a specific position. On the one hand, they were satisfied with the Russian Mi-28N. On the other hand, it was clear from the statements and actions of potential customers that they were unlikely to buy this helicopter. The reluctance of Indians to buy weapons and military equipment from only one country is sometimes cited as an explanation for these “double standards.”

This is understandable: India is currently the world's largest arms buyer. Naturally, New Delhi does not want to order weapons only from Russia and face a number of specific problems related to spare parts, etc. In the end, as already mentioned, the American project was chosen as the winner. In the coming years, Boeing will receive about one and a half billion dollars and will send more than two dozen new attack helicopters to India.

The outcome of the Indian tender looks sad for the Russian public. Naturally, the expected gossip and comparisons of our Mi-28N with the American Apache immediately began. As a matter of fact, these discussions have been going on for several years now, and now their next “round” has simply begun. Let's try to compare these machines, which are rightfully the embodiment of the most advanced technologies in the helicopter industry of the two countries.

Technical specifications

First of all, it is necessary to touch upon the application concept in accordance with which the Mi-28N and AH-64 were created. The American helicopter was designed to become a carrier of high-precision weapons designed to attack enemy equipment and objects. In the future, it was planned to equip it with equipment for all-weather operation and new weapons. All this most directly influenced the appearance of the finished car.

The Russian helicopter, in turn, continued the concept of an attack aircraft, a direct support helicopter for troops. However, unlike the previous attack helicopter, the Mi-28N helicopter was not supposed to transport soldiers. Nevertheless, Soviet project implied the installation of a wide range of weapons designed both to combat enemy personnel and to destroy armored vehicles.

The main work on both projects began at approximately the same time, but a number of technical problems, and then economic difficulties, “staggered” the start of mass production of helicopters by more than twenty years. Since the start of production, several modifications of both helicopters have been created. Of these, only the AH-64D Apache Longbow and Mi-28N went into large production.

Helicopter AH-64D Apache, 101st Aviation Regiment of the US Army in Iraq.

Let's start comparing helicopters with their weight and size parameters. An empty Mi-28N is almost one and a half times heavier than the “American” - 7900 kg versus 5350 kg. A similar situation is observed with the normal take-off weight, which for the Apache is 7530 kg, and for the Mi-28N it is 10900 kg. The maximum take-off weight of both helicopters is approximately a ton more than normal.

And yet, a much more important parameter for a combat vehicle is the mass of the payload. The Mi-28N carries almost twice as much weight on slings as the Apache - 1600 kg. The only downside to a larger payload is the need for a more powerful engine. Thus, the Mi-28N is equipped with two TV3-117VMA turboshaft engines with a take-off power of 2200 hp. Apache engines – two General Electric T-700GE-701C 1890 hp each on takeoff mode. Thus, American helicopter has a high power density– about 500 hp per ton of normal take-off weight than the Mi-28N - about 400-405 hp. per ton of take-off weight.

In addition, the load on the propeller needs to be considered. With a rotor diameter of 14.6 meters, the AH-64D has a swept disk of 168 square meters. meters. The larger Mi-28N propeller with a diameter of 17.2 meters gives this helicopter a disk area of ​​232 sq.m. Thus, the load on the swept disk for the Apache Longbow and Mi-28N at normal take-off weight is 44 and 46 kilograms per square meter, respectively.

At the same time, despite the lower load on the propeller, in terms of speed, the Apache Longbow beats the Mi-28N only in terms of the maximum permissible speed. In an emergency, an American helicopter can accelerate to 365 km/h. The Russian helicopter is several tens of kilometers per hour behind in this parameter. The cruising speed of both rotorcraft is approximately the same - 265-270 km/h. As for the flight range, the Mi-28N is in the lead here. When its own tanks are fully refueled, it is capable of flying up to 450 km, which is 45-50 km more than the AH-64D. The static and dynamic ceilings of the machines in question are approximately equal.

Mi-28N board No. 37 yellow at the MAKS-2007 exhibition, Ramenskoye, 08/26/2007.

Barrel and unguided weapons

It should be noted that weight and flight data are actually a means of ensuring the delivery of weapons to the place of their use. It is in the composition of the weapons and related equipment that the most serious differences between the Apache Longbow and the Mi-28N lie. In general, the set of weapons is relatively similar: helicopters carry an automatic cannon, unguided and guided weapons; The composition of the ammunition may vary depending on need.

The guns remain a constant part of the weapons of both helicopters. In the nose of the Mi-28N helicopter there is a movable NPPU-28 cannon mount with a 2A42 30 mm caliber gun. Automatic cannon Russian helicopter, among other things, is interesting because it was borrowed from the weapons complex of the BMP-2 and BMD-2 ground combat vehicles. Thanks to this origin, the 2A42 can destroy enemy personnel and lightly armored vehicles at distances of at least 2-3 km. The maximum effective fire range is 4 km.

On the American AH-64D helicopter, in turn, a 30-mm M230 Chain Gun is mounted in a mobile installation. With the same caliber as the 2A42, the American gun differs from it in its characteristics. Thus, the “Chain Gun” has a higher rate of fire - about 620 rds/min. versus 500 for 2A42. At the same time, the M230 uses a 30x113 mm projectile, and the 2A42 uses a 30x165 mm projectile. Due to the smaller amount of gunpowder in the shells and the shorter barrel, the Chain Gun has a shorter effective fire range: about 1.5-2 km.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the 2A42 is an automatic cannon with a gas exhaust system, and the M230, as its name implies, is designed as an automatic cannon with an external drive. Thus, “Chain Gun” requires an external power supply for the automation to operate. As practice shows, such a system is viable and effective, however, in some countries it is believed that aircraft cannon must be “self-sufficient” and not require any external energy sources. The barrel armament of the Mi-28N helicopter is a product of this very concept. The only parameter in which the Apache Longbow cannon is superior to the NPPU-28 is its ammunition load.. An American helicopter carries up to 1,200 shells, a Russian one – four times less.

The remaining weapons of both helicopters are mounted on four pylons under the wing. Universal holders allow you to hang a wide range of weapons. It is worth noting that of the helicopters under consideration, only the Mi-28N has the ability to use bombs. The fact is that the guided bombs available in NATO countries are too heavy for the AH-64D to take enough of them. At the same time, the Mi-28N's payload of 1600 kg does not allow it to hang more than three 500 kg bombs, which is clearly insufficient for most tasks.

It is worth noting that even at the development stage of the Apache project, American engineers and the military abandoned the idea of ​​a helicopter bomber. The possibility of carrying and using guided bombs was considered, but the relatively small payload of the helicopter ultimately did not allow this idea to be fully realized. For this reason, both the AH-64D and the Mi-28N mainly “use” missile weapons.

A characteristic difference between helicopters is the range of unguided missiles used. The American Apache Longbow carries only Hydra 70 missiles of 70 mm caliber. Depending on the need, launch units with a capacity of up to 19 unguided missiles (M261 or LAU-61/A) can be installed on the helicopter pylons. Thus, the maximum supply is 76 missiles. At the same time, the instructions for operating a helicopter advise taking no more than two blocks with NAR - these recommendations are determined by the maximum payload.

The Mi-28N was originally designed as a battlefield helicopter, which influenced the range of unguided weapons. In one weapon configuration or another, a Russian helicopter can carry a wide range of unguided aircraft missiles in large quantities. For example, when installing blocks for S-8 missiles, the maximum ammunition capacity is 80 rockets. In the case of using heavier S-13s, the ammunition load is four times less. In addition, the Mi-28N, if necessary, can carry containers with machine guns or cannons, as well as unguided bombs and incendiary tanks of the appropriate caliber.

Mi-28N board No. 08 blue at the air base in Budennovsk, 2010. The helicopter is equipped with a full set of on-board defense systems - containers with IR traps, SPO sensors, etc..

Guided weapons

This superiority in terms of unguided weapons is due to the original concept of using helicopters. “Apache”, and then “Apache Longbow”, was created as a hunter of enemy armored vehicles, which influenced its entire appearance and its weapons in the first place.

On early stages development, the intended use of the future attack helicopter was seen as follows. The helicopter formation is located on the expected path of the enemy mechanized column and is waiting for a reconnaissance signal or independently searching for targets. When enemy tanks or other armored vehicles approach, helicopters, hiding behind folds of terrain, “jump out” to the launch point and launch an attack with anti-tank missiles. First of all, it was necessary to knock out anti-aircraft self-propelled guns, after which other equipment could be destroyed.

Initially, BGM-71 TOW guided missiles were considered as the main weapon for the AH-64. However, their relatively short range - no more than 4 km - could lead to sad consequences for the pilots. In the mid-seventies, the USSR and its allies already had complexes in service military air defense, capable of fighting targets at such distances. Therefore, the attacking helicopter, while aiming a TOW missile, risked being shot down.

As a result, we had to look for a new weapon, which was the AGM-114 Hellfire missile. Early modifications of this missile used semi-active radar guidance, but then, for various reasons, experiments began with other types of homing. As a result, the AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire missile, designed specifically for the AH-64D Apache Longbow helicopter, was adopted into service in 1998. It differs from previous modifications primarily in its homing equipment. For the first time in the Hellfire family, an original combination of inertial and radar guidance was used.

Immediately before launch, the helicopter’s onboard equipment transmits data to the missile regarding the target: direction and distance to it, as well as the movement parameters of the helicopter and the enemy vehicle. To do this, the helicopter is forced to “jump” for a few seconds from behind natural cover. At the end of the “jump” the rocket is launched. Hellfire Longbow independently enters the approximate target area using an inertial guidance system, after which it turns on the active radar, which locks on the target and final guidance to it. This method of guidance actually makes it possible to limit the launch range only by characteristics jet engine rockets.

Currently, Hellfires fly at a range of about 8-10 km. Characteristic feature The updated Hellfire missile is the absence of the need for constant target illumination by a helicopter or ground units. At the same time, the AGM-114L is significantly more expensive than previous modifications of this missile, but the difference in the cost of ammunition is more than compensated by the destruction of an enemy armored vehicle.

The Mi-28N helicopter, in turn, was created as a vehicle for air support, including the destruction of armored targets. For this reason, its weapons are more universal than specialized. To combat enemy armored vehicles, the Mi-28N can be equipped with Sturm guided missiles or the newer Ataka-V type. The helicopter's pylons carry up to 16 missiles of one model or another.

Russian anti-tank missiles use a different guidance system than American ones. "Sturm" and its deep modernization "Ataka-V" use radio command guidance. This one has technical solution there are both pros and cons. Positive features The applied command system concerns the simplicity and low cost of the rocket. In addition, the absence of the need for heavy equipment for independent guidance makes it possible to make either more compact missiles or equip them with a more powerful warhead.

As a result, the base missile of the Ataka complex, model 9M120, delivers a tandem cumulative warhead with penetration of at least 800 mm of homogeneous armor at a distance of up to 6 km. There is information about the existence of new modifications of the missile that have better armor penetration and range. However, these qualities come at a price. Radio command guidance requires the installation of relatively complex equipment on a helicopter to acquire and track a target, as well as to generate and send commands to the missile.

Thus, to track and guide a missile, a helicopter does not have the ability to use anti-tank weapons in a “jumping” manner. Radio command guidance requires a relatively long stay in the enemy's visibility zone, which exposes the helicopter to the danger of a retaliatory attack. For this purpose, the onboard equipment of the Mi-28N helicopter has the ability to change the direction of the control radiation. The rotating unit of the transmitting antenna and missile tracking equipment allows the helicopter to yaw maneuver within 110° of the launch direction and roll up to 30° from the horizontal.

Of course, such capabilities in certain circumstances may turn out to be insufficient, which, however, is compensated by the missile’s sufficient range and high speed. In other words, with a successful combination of circumstances, the anti-tank missile of the Ataka-V complex will be able to destroy an enemy anti-aircraft installation before it has time to fire back the missile. At the same time, we should not forget about the trends of recent years, implying a complete transition to the “fire and forget” concept.

For self-defense, both helicopters can carry guided air-to-air missiles. The Mi-28N is equipped with four missiles for this purpose short range R-60 with infrared homing head; AH-64D - AIM-92 Stinger or AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles with similar guidance systems.

Crew and protection systems

When creating the Mi-28 and AH-64 helicopters, customers expressed a desire to receive combat vehicles with a crew of two people. This requirement was driven by the desire to make the work of helicopter pilots easier. Thus, the crew of both rotorcraft consists of two people - a pilot and a navigator-operator. Another feature that helicopters have in common concerns the positioning of the pilots. Designers from Mil and McDonnell Douglas (which developed the Apache before it was purchased by Boeing) together with the military came to a conclusion regarding the optimal placement of crew jobs.

The tandem arrangement of the two cabins made it possible to reduce the width of the fuselage, improve visibility from the workplace, and also provide both pilots with a full set of equipment necessary for piloting and/or using weapons. It is noteworthy that the helicopters in question are united not only by the idea of ​​​​accommodating the crew. On both helicopters, the pilot's cabin is located behind and above the weapons operator's cabin.

The composition of the cabin equipment is also approximately similar. Thus, the pilot of a Mi-28N or AH-64D helicopter has at his disposal the entire set of flight instruments, as well as some means for using weapons, primarily unguided missiles. Navigator-operators, in turn, also have the ability to control the flight, but their workplaces are seriously equipped for the use of all types of weapons.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on security systems. Being at a short distance from the enemy, the battlefield helicopter runs the risk of coming under enemy anti-aircraft artillery fire or becoming a target for guided missiles. As a result, some protection is required. The main armor element of the Mi-28N is a metal “bathtub” made of 10 mm aluminum armor. Ceramic tiles 16 mm thick are installed on top of the aluminum structure. Polyurethane sheets are laid between a layer of metal and ceramics. This composite armor can withstand fire from 20-mm cannons from NATO countries.

The design of the doors to reduce weight is a “sandwich” of two aluminum plates and a polyurethane block. The cabin glazing is made of silicate blocks with a thickness of 22 mm (side windows) and 44 mm (windows). Cabin windshields can withstand hits from a 12.7 mm bullet, and the side windows protect against rifle-caliber weapons. Some vital components of the structure also have armor.

In case the armor did not save the helicopter from critical damage, there are two ways to save the crew. At altitudes over 100 meters above the surface the main rotor blades, the doors of both cabins and the wings are shot off, after which special balloons are inflated to protect pilots from hitting structural elements. Next, the pilots independently leave the helicopter with a parachute.

In case of an accident at lower altitudes, where there is no way to escape with a parachute, the Mi-28N has another set of measures to rescue the crew. In case of an accident at an altitude of less than 100 meters, the automatic system tightens the pilots' seat belts and fixes them in the correct position. After this, the helicopter descends at an acceptable speed in autorotation mode. When landing, the helicopter landing gear and specially designed Pamir pilot seats, developed at the Zvezda Research and Production Enterprise, take on most of the overload that occurs when touching. An overload of about 50-60 units when structural elements are destroyed is extinguished to 15-17.

The armor protection of the AH-64D helicopter is generally similar to that of the Mi-28N, with the difference that the American helicopter is lighter and smaller than the Russian one. As a result, the Apache Longbow's cockpit only protects pilots from 12.7mm bullets. In case of more serious damage, there is an armored partition between the cabins that protects against fragments of shells of up to 23 mm caliber.

The overload damping system is generally similar to the set of measures taken on the Russian helicopter. The effectiveness of its work can be judged by several well-known facts. Thus, at the beginning of this year, a video from Afghanistan circulated on the Internet, where American pilots on an Apache performed aerobatics in thin mountain air. The pilot did not take into account some atmospheric parameters, which is why the helicopter literally drove across the ground. It later turned out that the crew escaped with a slight fright and a couple of abrasions, and the helicopter, after a short repair, returned to service.

Mi-28N helicopter board No. 50 yellow from a batch of helicopters transferred to the Air Force at the airbase 344 TsBPiPLS AA October 8, 2011, Torzhok, Tver region.

Electronic equipment

One of the most important elements of the Mi-28N and AH-64D Apache Longbow projects is electronic equipment. The improvement in the characteristics of military air defense systems led to the addition of one more point to the attack helicopter concept: new vehicles were supposed to be able to quickly detect and identify targets at relatively long ranges. To do this, it was necessary to equip the helicopter with a radar station and new computer systems. The Americans were the first to carry out such modernization by installing the Lockheed Martin/Northrop Grumman AN/APG-78 Longbow radar on the AH-64D.

The most visible part of this station is its antenna, located in the radome above the propeller hub. The remaining equipment of the Longbow radar is mounted in the fuselage. The radar can operate in three modes: against ground targets, against air targets, and to track terrain. In the first case, the station “scans” a 45° wide sector to the right and left of the flight direction and detects targets at distances of up to 10-12 km. At these distances, the station can track up to 256 targets and simultaneously determine their type.

Based on the characteristic nuances of the reflected radio signal, the AN/APG-78 station automatically determines which object it comes from. The radar memory contains signatures of tanks, anti-aircraft self-propelled guns, helicopters and airplanes. Thanks to this, the weapons operator has the opportunity to determine priority targets in advance and pre-configure the AGM-114L missile, transferring the parameters of the selected target to it.

In case of impossibility precise definition object hazard, a radio frequency interferometer antenna is mounted in the lower part of the Longbow radar radome. This device receives signals emitted by other combat vehicles and determines the direction to their source. Thus, by comparing data from the radar and interferometer, the weapon operator can accurately locate the most dangerous enemy armored vehicle. After detecting and entering the target parameters, the pilot makes a “jump”, and the navigator launches the rocket.

The operating mode of the AN/APG-78 radar for air targets implies a circular view of the surrounding space with the identification of three types of targets: aircraft, as well as moving and hovering helicopters. As for the terrain tracking mode, in this case the Longbow provides low-altitude flight, including in difficult weather conditions. Interesting display of surface information: so that the pilot is not distracted by a lot of symbols, only those obstacles whose height is approximately equal to or higher than the helicopter’s flight altitude are displayed on the radar screen. Thanks to this, the pilot does not waste time identifying those objects and landscape elements that can simply be ignored due to their safety.

It is worth noting that in addition to the new AN/APG-78 radar, the Apache Longbow avionics includes other, more familiar systems. The integrated weapons control system, if necessary, allows you to use TADS, PNVS, etc. equipment.

In addition, the AH-64D helicopters use a new “friend or foe” identification system, which, among other things, automatically blocks attempts to attack an object identified as friendly. This feature was added due to repeated cases of attacks on own and allied troops due to reconnaissance and target designation. According to various estimates, the combat effectiveness of the AH-64D helicopter equipped with the Longbow radar is up to 4 times higher than that of the base vehicle. At the same time, the survival rate increased almost 7 times.

The basis of the avionics equipment of the Mi-28N helicopter and its main “zest” is Radar "Crossbow". As with the AN/APG-78 Longbow, the antenna of this station is located inside the radome on the main rotor hub. At the same time, there are also differences. First of all, they relate to methods of application. Unlike the Longbow, the Crossbow has only two modes of operation: on the ground and in the air. The pride of the station’s developers from the NIIR “Phazotron” is its characteristics when working on the ground.

The Crossbow station has a larger viewing sector of the underlying surface compared to AN/APG-78; its width is 120 degrees. The maximum “visibility” range of the radar is 32 km. At the same distance, the automatic radar station is capable of drawing up a rough map of the area. As for target detection and identification, these parameters of the Crossbow are approximately equal to the corresponding characteristics of the AN/APG-78. Large objects like bridges are “visible” from a distance of about 25 km. Tanks and similar armored vehicles - from half the distances.

The air-to-surface radar operating mode provides low-altitude aerobatics in any weather conditions and at any time of the day. To do this, the “Crossbow” has the ability to detect small objects, such as trees or power poles. Moreover, at a distance of about 400 meters, the Mi-28N radar is capable of recognizing even individual power line wires. Another interesting feature of the mapping system is its function of creating a three-dimensional image. If necessary, the crew can use radar to “photograph” the area in front of the helicopter and carefully study it using the example of a 3D model displayed on the screen.

Mi-28N serial No. 07-01 board No. 26 blue in Rostov on the Day Air Fleet Russia, 08/19/2012.

When the Crossbow is switched to air-to-air mode, the antenna begins a circular rotation, scanning the entire surrounding space in azimuth. The viewing sector in the vertical plane has a width of 60°. The detection range of aircraft-type targets is within 14-16 km. Anti-aircraft and aircraft missiles are “visible” from a distance of about 5-6 km. In the “over the air” mode, the Arbalet radar can track up to 20 targets and transmit data about them to other helicopters.

A caveat should be made: information about air targets, both on the Mi-28N and on the AH-64D, is used only to analyze possible risks and transfer data to other combat vehicles. R-60 or AIM-92 air-to-air missiles, intended for self-defense, are equipped with infrared homing heads and, as a result, do not require prior data transmission from helicopter systems. In addition to the Arbalet radar station, the Mi-28N has an integrated weapons control system that allows the use of all available types of weapons in various conditions.

Who is better?

Comparing the AH-64D Apache Longbow and Mi-28N helicopters is a rather specific and difficult matter. Of course, both rotorcraft belong to the class of attack helicopters. However, they have equally common features, and differences. For example, to an ignorant person, both helicopters look quite similar. But upon closer examination, the difference in size, armament, etc. is striking. Finally, when studying the history of the helicopters in question, it turns out that they differ even at the level of concept of application.

In this regard, two quite different helicopters were created. Without going into technical details, the Apache Longbow is a relatively small and light helicopter whose task is to “shoot” enemy tanks from a long distance. In addition, the newest version of the AH-64 helicopter has the ability to conduct operations at any time of the day and in any weather conditions, naturally, when it is possible to take off.

The Mi-28N, in turn, was created as a significant redesign of its “big brother”, which did not receive a cargo compartment, but acquired new weapons. As a result, the Mi-28N turned out to be quite large and heavy, which made it possible to increase both the ammunition capacity and the range of available weapons. At the same time, the Russian helicopter, taking into account current trends in the development of rotorcraft and foreign experience, received its own radar station, which significantly increased its combat potential.

At the same time, despite the new capabilities in target attack range, the Mi-28N retained the ability to “hover” over the enemy’s head and attack from short distances. As for the combat potential of helicopters, it is generally impossible to compare it - from the machines in question to real battles Only Apache Longbow participated.

Thus, the AH-64D Apache Longbow and the Mi-28N are both similar and not. It is not difficult to guess that the main differences relate to weapons and the method of their use. Accordingly, it is precisely these qualities of helicopters that should be the main factor influencing the selection of the winner in competitions for the purchase of equipment. It seems that the Indian military, torn between two wonderful options, nevertheless decided to acquire lighter helicopters, “tailored” to combat enemy armored vehicles.

But Iraq, unlike India, apparently preferred a more versatile attack vehicle in the form of the Mi-28N. Recently, official sources from the administrations of Russia and Iraq confirmed that in the coming years Arab country will receive three dozen Mi-28N helicopters in export modification and more than 40 anti-aircraft missile and gun systems. The total volume of contracts exceeded $4 billion. As you can see, the AH-64D and Mi-28N helicopters are good. Moreover, each is good in his own way, which, however, does not prevent them from finding new customers.

According to many military experts, the finest hour of helicopter construction occurred in the second half of the 20th century. The Second World War ended without the use of such machines. However, already during the Korean War the situation changed dramatically. The first to use combat helicopters, the Americans became. At first, the United States Air Force high command was skeptical about the idea of ​​using helicopters on the battlefield. However, during the Korean War, helicopters, contrary to the expectations of American generals, effectively carried out fire adjustments, reconnaissance, landing paratroopers and evacuating the wounded. The American Apache helicopter took second place in the world in terms of prevalence after the Soviet helicopter Mi-24. Since 1980, it has been considered the main strike combat vehicle of the US Air Force. The description, design and performance characteristics of Apache helicopters are presented in the article.


The AN-64 Apache helicopter is the first army combat vehicle, the purpose of which is to ensure interaction with ground forces, stationed at the forefront. In addition, the use of shock “turntables” was envisaged to counter enemy tanks. Apache helicopters (a photo of the vehicle is presented in the article) were created specifically for offensive operations and supporting ground troops in all weather conditions.

IN modern army an attack helicopter is an indispensable and truly universal machine. For reconnaissance of concentrations of enemy ground forces, coordination of combat units from the air and destruction of armored vehicles, “turntables” are perfect. Today there is correspondence rivalry between the two leading armies in the world: the Russian Federation and the United States of America. Therefore, it is quite logical that many military experts compare the Apache helicopters and the Ka-52, developed by Russian designers.

On the effectiveness of combat “turntables”

Low performance of helicopters, difficulty in maintenance and vulnerability from anti-aircraft weapons enemy defenses hindered the purchase of these combat vehicles by the United States Army. Before the use of "turntables", almost 90% of American soldiers died from moderate and severe wounds. With the beginning of the “helicopter era,” military experts noted a decrease in mortality by up to 10%.

At first, helicopters performed tactical tasks: supplying and transporting troops. Soon the helicopter was no longer used as a vehicle, but as an attack vehicle, an ideal attack aircraft and a means of supporting ground troops. At the end of the Korean War, helicopters were already equipped with small light machine guns and unguided missiles.

Soon, military technologists developed anti-tank guided missiles. From that moment on, the helicopter began to be used as an effective means of destroying enemy armored vehicles.

About the first combat vehicles

During the Vietnam War, the Huey helicopter was widely used. This reliable and unpretentious car is still produced today. The Cobra helicopter has also become an effective means of providing support to ground troops and destroying enemy armored vehicles. At the end of the war, several special divisions were formed, armed exclusively with helicopters. In the second half of the 70s, there was a need for a new attack helicopter, which was planned to replace the Cobra.

Start of design work

The design of the new “turntable” was carried out on a competitive basis by several American aircraft manufacturing companies. In 1973, Bell and Hughes reached the finals. The first company developed the 409th model AN-63, and Hughes developed the AN-64. In 1975, comparative tests of two combat vehicles were carried out. By tactical and technical characteristics, as well as in such parameters as rate of climb and maneuverability, the AN-64 significantly surpassed its competitor. The Apache helicopter was flown by test pilots Robert Ferry and Releigh Fletcher. After the competition, the helicopter was fine-tuned and some changes were made to the design and on-board equipment. According to experts, the car was still tested for 2,400 hours. For unknown reasons, they decided to postpone serial production of the Apache helicopter for a couple of years.

On the requirements for the American “turntable”

The Apache combat helicopter was supposed to have the following tactical and technical characteristics:

  • Cruising speed 269 km/h.
  • Rate of climb 2.3 m/s.
  • Flight duration up to 110 minutes.
  • The Apache combat helicopter must carry out successful missions at night, in rainy weather, and also, with the help of special instruments, continue combat missions in conditions with poor visibility. In addition, a hit by a 12.7 mm projectile should not jeopardize the flight crew's assigned mission.

About serial production

In 1981, the design of the Apache military helicopter was completely completed. Serial production of “turntables” began in 1984. A plant was built specifically for the production of AN-64 in Arizona in the city of Mesa. Initially, the production of helicopters was carried out by the Hughes aviation company and its helicopter manufacturing branch. However, soon the right to serial production of the AN-64 passed to the MacDonell-Douglas Corporation. The Apache helicopter (helicopter photo below) is one of the best attack combat vehicles in the world, which entered service with the first squadron in 1986.

Three years later, these “turntables” were used to staff the country’s National Guard. Serial production of helicopters was completed in 1994. In total, the American military industry built 827 AN-64s. The production of one combat unit cost the state $15 million. Russia has to spend 16 million to produce one Alligator.


To design the Apache helicopter model, a classic single-rotor design was used. The helicopter is equipped with one steering and one main rotor, equipped with four blades of a special design. The main rotor is equipped with blades 6 m long. They are made of metal. The blades are covered with fiberglass.

Composite material is used for the trailing edge and titanium for the leading edge. Thanks to this design feature, the Apache helicopter is not afraid of collisions with small obstacles - branches and trees.

An X-shape is provided for the tail rotor. As the developers considered, this design is more effective than the traditional one. In addition, this “turntable” has a low aspect ratio wing and a three-post non-retractable wheeled landing gear using a tail wheel. The wing is removable. In the manufacture of the AN-64 fuselage, aluminum alloys and materials with increased strength and toughness are used.

The Ka-52 is an improved version of the Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter. The Russian machine is characterized by rotation of the blades in different directions. This makes it possible for unique maneuvering - creating a “funnel”. This technique involves flying a helicopter sideways. It is used in situations where it is necessary to evade air defense weapons aimed at the helicopter.

About the features of the American car

The US Apache helicopter is equipped with spaced, interchangeable engines. Since their operation generates thermal radiation, the designers, in order to reduce its impact, developed a special screen exhaust device for the helicopter. Its task is to mix cold outside air with hot exhaust.

The bow of the “turntable” became a place for the location of a video camera, a laser system responsible for measuring the distance to the target and illuminating it, a thermal imager and a mobile gun mount. To attach the above elements to the Apache helicopter, a special turret is used. By equipping the “turntable” with an X-shaped tail rotor, the developers managed to reduce noise. In addition, different angles are provided for the location of the blades. As a result, each blade dampens some of the noise produced by the other. According to experts, a double propeller is much quieter than a single one.

The Apache helicopter model uses a landing gear as the main supports. The ability to remove it is not structurally provided. This landing gear contains powerful shock absorbers, the purpose of which is to prevent injury to the flight crew by absorbing impact energy in the event of an emergency landing. The vertical speed should not exceed 12 m/s.

In combat, the Apache helicopter is reliably protected from missiles containing an infrared homing head. This was made possible thanks to a special infrared countermeasures system ALQ-144, whose task is to throw out IR traps.

About the cabin design

The Apache attack helicopter is equipped with a two-seater cabin, which is characterized by a tandem seat arrangement. The front one is intended for the second pilot-gunner, and the rear one, raised by 480 mm, is for the pilot. The lower part and sides of the cabin are covered with armor. The space between the seats became a place for a transparent partition. Kevlar and polyacrylate are used in its manufacture. This partition is capable of withstanding a direct hit from a bullet and projectile, the calibers of which vary from 12.7 to 23 mm. Thanks to this cabin design, the flight crew is provided with maximum protection.

In an effort to increase the combat survivability of the Apache helicopter, American designers in the helicopter use two independent hydraulic systems, protected fuel tanks and armored most important systems and areas.

The design of the Russian Ka-52 helicopter (according to NATO classification it is listed as “Alligator”) is characterized by a coaxial design. The cabin in this “turntable” is double. However, the seats are located side by side to each other. There are no restrictions for piloting in the Alligator. Thus, both pilots can fire and control the helicopter. The helicopter cabin is equipped with a special armored capsule. The crew can eject at an altitude of at least 4,100 m. The armored coating protects pilots from bullets of caliber no higher than 23 mm.

About weapons

The Apache can destroy enemy armored vehicles using the M230 aviation single-barrel automatic cannon of 30x113 mm caliber. Its weight is almost 57 kg. The length of the gun is 168 cm. Within one minute, the pilot can fire up to 650 shots. The fired projectile flies at a speed of 805 m/s. Communication with the gun is provided by an electric drive. Tanks are being fired on:

  • A cartridge containing a high-explosive fragmentation projectile M799 and an explosive weighing 43 g.
  • A cartridge that uses the M789 armor-piercing cumulative projectile. This ammunition is capable of penetrating 51 mm thick.

The AN-64 uses Hellfire anti-tank missiles as its main armament. One “turntable” can accommodate up to 16 such missiles. They are located on four underwing suspensions. Missiles are designed for precision shooting at a target at a distance of no more than 11 thousand meters. Since the indicator maximum range tank missiles do not exceed 5 thousand m, heavy machine guns 1.5 km, then the Apaches, according to experts, can be considered inaccessible to these enemy guns. Unable to destroy the AN-64 and the Igla, Verba and Stinger anti-aircraft missile launch systems.

The Russian “spinner” is equipped with:

  • Twelve Vikhr anti-tank missiles. They move towards the target at a speed of 400 m/s. Russian missiles are capable of destroying an enemy tank from a distance of up to 8 thousand meters. They penetrate 95 mm thick armor.
  • Small arms and cannon weapons, which are represented by a movable 2A42 gun of 30 mm caliber. The gun is loaded with 460 shells. The weight of one is 39 g. The projectile moves towards the target at a speed of 980 m/s. The gun is effective at a distance of up to 4 km.
  • Unguided missile weapons of 80 and 122 mm caliber.
  • Four R-73 and Igla-V air-to-air guided missiles.

What is the American helicopter equipped with?

The AN-64 is equipped with powerful electronic equipment. Flight crew training takes place on a special simulator. The Apache helicopter is equipped with a TADS system, which provides detection and target designation, and represents the main combat power of the helicopter. In addition, the designers developed the PNVS night vision system and the INADSS integrated helmet-mounted system, with the help of which small and missile weapons activated by turning the head. The main system is equipped with a laser pointer-rangefinder. The ability to track terrain to avoid detection by the enemy during combat missions has become available thanks to the more advanced FLIR-PNVS system.

About the power plant

"Apache" is equipped with a T700-GE-701 engine, the power of which is 1695 hp. With. The turntable is equipped with two fuel pumps high pressure, the placement of which became special gondolas on both sides of the fuselage. The helicopter is equipped with two protected tanks, the total capacity of which is 1157 liters. The tanks are located behind the pilot's seat and behind the gearbox. In addition, fuel tanks (4 pcs.) can be additionally attached to wing units equipped with weapon suspensions. The capacity of one tank is 870 l.

About performance characteristics

Here's what to note:

  • The AN-64 is capable of reaching a maximum speed of 309 km/h, and a cruising speed of 293. The Russian helicopter is considered somewhat faster. The Alligator's maximum speed is 350 km/h.
  • Apaches are designed for a combat load of up to 770 kg.
  • The flight range is 1700 km, the Ka-52 - 520.
  • The helicopter is designed for three-hour flights.
  • The flight crew consists of two people.
  • The maximum take-off weight is 8006 kg, the normal take-off weight is 6670 kg. An empty helicopter weighs 4657 kg.
  • The helicopter has a maximum rate of climb of 12.27 m/s.
  • The helicopter is operated in the USA, Israel, the Netherlands and Japan.

About modifications

The American helicopter is available in several versions:

  • "Sea Apache" AN-64A. This “turntable” model provides anti-submarine defense for the American Navy and Marine Corps. In addition, the helicopter conducts reconnaissance activities. The helicopter carries out flights over distances of up to 240 thousand meters, searching for and destroying enemy ships. This combat vehicle is also used in situations where it is necessary to cover a landing. airborne troops. 18 Sea Apache units were purchased by Israel, 12 - Saudi Arabia, 24 - Egypt, 12 - Greece. In addition, several "turntables" are used in South Korea and Kuwait.
  • "Apache Bravo" AN-64V. Represents a more improved previous model. During the design, the designers used the experience of using “turntables” in the Persian Gulf. In this case, the developers changed the layout of the cabin and increased the wingspan. Due to more powerful engines and external tanks, the helicopter can carry out combat missions, the range of which has now increased by 200 thousand meters. The military industry of the United States has produced 254 combat vehicles.
  • AN-64S. The Vertushka is an intermediate option between the AN-64A and Apache Longbow models. The helicopter underwent a 2000-hour test program in 1993. It was planned to modernize 308 combat vehicles. However, in 1993 the program was closed.
  • AN-64D Longbow Apache. It is an improved model AN-64A. It is considered the second main modification of the Apache. Main feature This “turntable” is the presence of the AN/APG-78 radar system. Its location was a special streamlined container above the main rotor. In addition, the helicopter is equipped with reinforced engines and new on-board equipment. It has been in service with the US Army since 1995.

Expert opinion

According to aviation experts, the engine power of the American model is inferior to the power plant equipped with the Russian Alligator combat vehicle. However, in such a parameter as flight range, the Apaches are superior to the Ka-52. Regarding weapons, the American helicopter is weaker. The Alligator is equipped with real giants - 122-mm unguided S-13 aircraft missiles, which are capable of penetrating concrete firing points, as well as armored vehicles and enemy ships.

Both models also differ in the quality of booking. The Apaches use polyacrylic and Kevlar armor plates, which, according to experts, are theoretically capable of withstanding a direct hit from a heavy machine gun. However, the events of 2003, when the United States Army invaded Iraq, show the opposite in practice. Then an ordinary peasant managed to shoot down the Apache. He used a simple weapon as a weapon. hunting rifle. The Ka-52 is more survivable.


The Apache's baptism of fire took place in Panama in 1989. Later this combat vehicle used in other armed conflicts. In Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan, the AN-64 established itself as the most advanced second-generation combat helicopter.
