Information resources on mathematics education. If checkmate

Lecture No. 5. Flows and stocks - main categories of logistics - 2 hours.

The concept of flow is key in logistics. Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, warehousing and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer.

Material flow(MP) - a set of resources of one name that are in the process of applying various logistics operations to them (warehousing - elementary MP).

FLOW, MATERIAL - products considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them and assigned to a time interval. M.p. thus has the dimension “Volume (quantity, mass)/time”. The form of existence of M.p. may be warehouse turnover, cargo flow, etc.

Mat. resources:

Basic materials (materials included in the product and forming its basis);

Auxiliary materials (materials in small quantities that are integral part)

Semi-finished products;

Components (can be purchased externally or from the enterprise);

Work in progress (items of labor not completed by processing in a given workshop);

Part (finished part of the mechanism used in assembling finished products);

Assembly (assembly unit of 2 or more parts);

Block (enlarged assembly units);

Finished products (meeting all GOST requirements);

System (set of devices).

Material resources can be a material flow under the following conditions:

What? - we're talking about about a specific name.

How many?- clarity in determining the volume of resources.

Who?- the resource provider is specified.

Where?- where the mats were stored. resources to be moved.

Where?- the place where resources should be delivered.

When?- a period that determines the movement of resources from the storage location at the supplier to the storage location at the consumer.

Mat. flow- material resources certain types, in certain quantities moved from a specific supplier to a specific recipient from one specific place at another time at a predetermined date.

Characteristics of the mat. Flow:

1st part:



Quality (grade, brand)

Part 2:

The amount of material resources and flow intensity (piece cargo is estimated in pieces; lightweight but bulky - by volume; heavy and large - by area, by weight).

The starting point of the path is the supplier, the final point is the consumer.


Path length

Movement time.

Many elementary MPs formed at the enterprise make up a common mat. flow that ensures the functioning of the enterprise. The MP has a dimension (volume, time, quantity, mass), the form of existence of the MP can be the turnover of a warehouse or a cargo flow (the number of goods transported certain types transport from the point of departure to the point of destination for def. period of time).

Types of material flows:

By nomenclature (simple or complex, single or multi-product);

According to the degree of readiness (planned, formed, disbanded)

By location in the circulation process (awaiting shipment, shipped, on the way, arrived, awaiting unloading, received at the warehouse).

By continuity (continuous and discrete).

By frequency of arrival or departure (urgent, long, hourly, daily, etc.).

By differences in mass or volume (mass, large, medium, small)

Mass flows - the movement of which is carried out not in single vehicles, but in a large group of them, large ones - smaller than mass flows (1-2 cars, but often).

Small flows - the mass of which is less than the carrying capacity of vehicles.

By weight differences:



According to the degree of aggressiveness, flammability, explosion hazard:







By degree of compatibility:



By packing method:

Container cargo

Bags and other bulk cargo.

Material flows are divided into:



Stressful flows include multi-product flows in large volumes, taking into account the complexity of unloading or receiving.

Unstressed - narrow assortment, single assortment, small volumes. But single-item flows can be stressful.

Material flows according to the degree of certainty are divided into:


Stochastic (if some characteristic is missing)

According to the rhythm of sending:



Rhythmic M, P, - in which delivery (shipment) dates are synchronized in accordance with a pre-planned schedule.

By degree of uniformity:



Uniform are characterized by a constant speed of movement.

Uneven - variable speed

Material flows are divided into



Externals move outside the logistics system.

Internal - inside her.

According to the place of their receipt, M.P. are:



Stable and unstable M.P.

Stationary (for an established technological process) and non-stationary M.P (for newly mastered products).

Material flows can flow between various enterprises or within the same enterprise. Before forming a definition of material flow, let’s look at specific example material flow flowing within an individual enterprise.

Schematic diagram of material flow at a trading wholesale base

In Fig. given circuit diagram material flow at the trading wholesale base. As follows from this diagram, unloaded from vehicle the goods can be sent along one of three routes: either to the receiving area, or to the storage area, or, if the cargo arrived outside of working hours, to a direct forwarding expedition. In the future, the goods are somehow concentrated in the storage area.

The routes for cargo movement from the storage area to the loading area can also be different. In Fig. 4 options are shown:

a) storage area – loading area;

b) storage area – dispatch expedition – loading area;

c) storage area - acquisition area - dispatch expedition - - loading area;

d) storage area – acquisition area – loading area.

Along the path of cargo movement, various operations are carried out with it: unloading, palletizing, moving, unpacking, storing, etc. The amount of work for a separate operation, calculated for a certain period of time, for a month, for a quarter, etc., represents the material flow for the corresponding operation.

At wholesale warehouses, material flows are calculated, as a rule, for individual sections. To do this, the volume of work for all logistics operations carried out in a given area is summed up.

Material flow refers to cargo, parts, inventory items, etc., considered in the process of applying various logistics operations to them and assigned to a time interval.

The dimension of the material flow is a fraction, in which the unit of measurement of the cargo is indicated (pieces, tons, etc.), and the denominator is the unit of time (day, month, year, etc.).

When carrying out some logistics operations, the material flow can be considered for a given point in time. Then it turns into material reserve.

Regarding a specific logistics system, material flow can be external and internal. External material flow flows in the external environment, i.e. outside the logistics system. Internal material flow is formed as a result of logistics operations with cargo within the logistics system.

Rice. Types of material flows

There are input and output material flows. The input material flow enters the logistics system from the external environment. The output material flow comes from the logistics system to the external environment. For a wholesale base, it can be determined by adding up the material flows that occur during loading operations various types Vehicle.

When maintaining the enterprise's inventories at the same level, the input material flow will be equal to the output.

At the firm level, inventories are among the objects that require large capital investments, and therefore represent one of the factors that determine the policy of the enterprise and affect the level of logistics services as a whole. However, many firms do not pay enough attention to it and constantly underestimate their future needs for cash reserves. As a result, firms typically find themselves having to commit more capital to inventory than expected.

Changes in the volume of inventories largely depend on the currently prevailing attitude of entrepreneurs towards them, which, of course, is determined by market conditions. When the majority of entrepreneurs are optimistic about the possibilities of economic growth, they expand their operations and increase investments in stockpiling. However, fluctuations in the levels of the latter are not caused by investment alone. Important factors here are the quality of decisions made, as well as what specific inventory management technology is used.

Inventory has always been considered a factor that ensures the safety of the logistics supply system, its flexible operation, and is a kind of “insurance.” There are three types of inventories: raw materials (including components and fuel); goods at the manufacturing stage; finished products. Depending on their intended purpose they are divided into the following categories:

a) technological (transitional) stocks moving from one branch of the logistics system to another;

b) current (cyclical) inventories created during the average production period, or inventories in the amount of one batch of goods;

c) reserve (insurance or “buffer”); sometimes they are called “inventories to compensate for random fluctuations in demand” (this category of inventories also includes speculative inventories created in case of expected changes in demand or supply for a particular product, for example, due to labor conflicts, price increases or deferred demand).

Thus, there are many reasons for creating inventories in firms, however, what is common to them is the desire of subjects production activities to economic security. It should be noted that the cost of creating inventories and the uncertainty of sales conditions do not contribute to increasing the importance of an expensive backup “safety” network in the eyes of company management, since they objectively contradict increasing production efficiency.

One of the strongest incentives to create inventories is the cost of their negative level (scarcity). When there is a shortage of inventory, there are three types of potential costs, listed below in order of increasing negative impact:

1) costs due to non-fulfillment of the order (delay in sending the ordered goods) - additional costs for promoting and sending goods of the order that cannot be fulfilled using existing inventories;

2) costs due to loss of sales - in cases where a regular customer turns to some other company for this purchase (such costs are measured in terms of revenue lost due to the failure to carry out a trade transaction);

3) costs due to the loss of a customer - in cases where the lack of inventory results not only in the loss of a particular trade transaction, but also in the fact that the customer begins to constantly look for other sources of supply (such costs are measured in terms of total revenue that could have been receive from the implementation of all potential transactions between the customer and the company).

The first two types of costs are obviously among the so-called “time costs of the company as a result of adopting an alternative course.” The third type of costs is difficult to calculate, since hypothetical customers are different and so are the corresponding costs. However, it is very important for the company that the estimate of this type of cost is as close as possible to the amount of costs that could actually occur.

Keep in mind that the cost of stock outs is greater than simply the cost of lost sales or unfulfilled orders. This includes lost production time, lost working time, and possibly lost time due to costly interruptions in production during transitions between complex technological processes.

Indicators of efficiency in the use of material resources

Mat resources are raw materials and technical and energy resources. resources. Raw fuels and energy. resources are used in the production of products and are completely consumed, this is their difference from PF. Mat raw material resources transfer their level to the level of released products during the 1st technol. process. Types of industrial raw materials:

1) By origin: industrial. and agricultural

2) According to the nature of the image: organic, mineral, chemical.

3) According to the nature of labor: primary, secondary (ore, metal).

Raw materials decom. on the:

1) Basic - composition. mat. - technical basis.

2) Auxiliary - performing non-basic functions during production.

Mat. R. are divided into:

1) Inventories are inventories of raw materials. have not entered into production. percent .

2) Unfinished cont. - this is cont. the cat entered the prot. pr-va, but did not leave it.

3) Expenses bud. periods - this is the average cat. already exists now and is consumed now, but relates to the future. products.

Indicators of the effectiveness of using mat. resources

The analysis of the use of own OBS is carried out according to the data in section B of the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet.

Asset - standardized OBS

Liabilities - bank loans against standardized inventory items.

Problems of analyzing the efficiency of use of material resources, comp. is to install:

1) Is everything swearing? required for production are in stock.

2) Sufficiency V of these reserves for the production of planned V products.

3) Determine the efficiency of using consumed items of labor.

4) Does the enterprise employ workers? on the introduction of progressive types of mats.

On the effectiveness of using mat. influenced by factors:

1) Use of local language. cat. yavl. cheaper.

2) Replacement of some mats. others (while maintaining quality).

3) Reducing material consumption rates.

Sources of information for the analysis of material resources are: logistics plan, applications, contracts for the supply of raw materials and materials, forms statistical reporting on the availability and use of material resources and production costs, operational data from the logistics department

To characterize the efficiency of using mathematical resources, a system of general and specific indicators is used. In general, we show the profit per ruble of material costs, material productivity, material intensity, the ratio of the growth rate of production volumes and material costs, specific units. weight of material costs in agricultural products, coefficient of material costs. Profit per ruble of material costs is determined by dividing the amount of profit received from the basics. activities for the amount of material costs.

Material productivity is determined by dividing the cost of manufactured products (CP) by the amount material costs(MZ). This indicator characterizes the return of materials, i.e. the amount of products produced for each ruble of material resources consumed (raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, etc.).

Material consumption is determined by dividing MH by VP and shows how much material costs need to be produced or actually account for the production of a unit of product.

The ratio of the growth rate of production volume and material costs is determined by the ratio of the VP index to the MH index. it characterizes in relative terms the dynamics of material productivity and at the same time reveals the factors of its growth.

Ud. the weight of material costs in agricultural production is calculated by the ratio of the amount of labor costs to total agricultural production. The dynamics of this indicator characterizes the change in the material intensity of products.

The cost factor is a relative fact. the amount of the Ministry of Health to the planned one. Recalculated to fact. volume of products produced. It shows how economically materials are used in the production process, and whether they are overused compared to established standards. If the coefficient is greater than 1, then this indicates an overexpenditure of material resources for production, and vice versa, if less than 1, then material resources were used more economically.

Material intensity (ME) can be general, specific and specific. IU depends on the volume of VP and the amount of MH for its production.

General ME is determined: MH/VVP

The total IU depends on the volume of production. products, its structure, consumption rates for materials per unit of products, prices for materials resources and selling prices for products.

Specific ME is determined: UME=NR (consumption rates)

Partial ME (PME) is determined: PME=UME/CI (price of the product)


UME, = HP,-CM1 CM (material price)


DIed=NR, * TsMo




Websites with a mathematical and educational focus: Resources for schoolchildren and applicants

  • portal EduStudio/ - created for teaching and testing knowledge in mathematics for schoolchildren
  • - online collection of problems on school course mathematics.
  • - solutions to prototypes of the Unified State Exam 2012 in mathematics, useful materials and articles for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Free access to Unified State Exam video lessons (mathematics, 2012).
  • Department of BMA SSTU - website of the Department of Biotechnical and Medical Devices and Systems of Saratov State Technical University.
  • - online mathematical portal for solving problems. The site presents more than 20 online calculators, which allow detailed solution problems from various branches of mathematics: differential and integral calculus, operations on matrices, plotting function graphs, solving equations and much more.
  • - subject Olympiads for the 2011/2012 academic year in Russian, English and mathematics.
  • - Free program CatchAnswer for automatic solution mathematical examples any complexity with display of solution stages online.
  • - The goal of this project is to unite the geological Internet community to create a convenient information and educational resource, which includes an electronic library of geological literature, a section of educational video lessons and lectures, announcements of geological community events and other materials on geological topics.
  • PSTU student library - books, articles, coursework, energy calculations are freely available.
  • Mathematics for school. - Clear explanations. Solving problems and examples in mathematics.
  • - Student laboratory. Review of software for students. Internet experiments. Library educational materials. Original MathCad solvers.
  • Website of secondary school No. 60 with gymnasium classes named after. V.S. Oparina
  • - Fascinating logic puzzles that will be interesting for both children and adults. Fun tasks adapted for modern schoolchildren. For each problem, a solution method is described. The basic concepts and principles of logic are presented in a simple and understandable form. Tasks develop logical thinking and mathematical acumen.
  • - Examples of solutions typical tasks from a higher mathematics course using the most popular mathematical packages Mathcad, Matlab, Maple, Statistica. Eat methodological developments mathematics teachers on their use. Textbooks on the mentioned programs, demo versions and free software for solving equations, files for books. Competitions are held from time to time. Forum, links by topic."
  • - A site where differential equations are solved.
  • - The site is designed for solving various problems in mathematics online, i.e. You get the solution to your problem immediately, right on the website.
  • - The project collects all the mechanisms created by the great Russian mathematician - Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev.
  • - The site presents sketches made using modern 3D computer graphics, telling about mathematics and its applications in a fascinating and interesting way. We invite you to take educational tours of beautiful mathematical problems. Their formulation is understandable to a schoolchild, but some problems have not yet been solved by scientists.
  • - Collection of textbooks and resources for teaching schoolchildren. Solutions to assignments various subjects, Unified State Exam and much more.
  • - Blog of the school Know-It-All. The Blog contains information about teenage competitions, tournaments and Olympiads in which you can try your hand at and get your moment of fame.
  • - The site contains presentations of mathematics lessons designed for secondary school students. All presentations are 5 – 10 minutes. Extracurricular activities are also posted.
  • - Uniquation was created to search for mathematical information on the Internet. To search for information about a mathematical object, you need to enter a representation of this object in TeX format and click “Find”.
  • - Mathematics, Russian language online assignments. - Information, entertainment and educational portal for preschool and younger children school age and their parents.
  • - Educational video portal Database of free video lessons on the school curriculum.
  • - Website about mathematics. Includes sections of higher, school and entertaining mathematics, as well as the history of science. Particular attention is paid to the issue of preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics.
  • - Faculty website applied computer science Kuban State Agrarian University.
  • - Solving mathematical problems, grades 5-6. Online check answers.
  • - Official website of Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
  • - detailed information about universities in St. Petersburg, secondary and additional education, courses and training abroad.
  • - First social network for schoolchildren of Ukraine and Russia. The site contains a complete database of online GDZ from grades 5 to 11, topics, abstracts and much more. Meet people, chat and help others with their homework!
  • - website of the mathematics tutor Pavel Berdov. A collection of lessons and tests to prepare for exams.
  • - Children's Math Forum for schoolchildren in grades 4 - 8.
  • - North-West correspondence mathematical school: remote in-depth study of mathematics, biology and chemistry for schoolchildren in grades 8-11.
  • - EGE trainer. Generator of problems and their solutions.
  • - On the site you will learn a lot of interesting things from the world of science, get acquainted with the history of the greatest scientific discoveries and achievements, read the works of outstanding scientists of the world: physicists, astronomers, mathematicians and biologists. Study the Universe and space in detail.
  • - Unified State Examination in mathematics. The site is designed to prepare students for the exam. There are: on-line testing in the form of the Unified State Exam, notes on school mathematics, services for mathematics teachers - trainings, test tasks, a grade book, educational materials.
  • - Training on the Internet. Online textbooks on the following disciplines are presented: Economic Informatics; Computer networks and telecommunications for economic specialties; Fundamentals of e-business.
  • - Website of teacher Sakovich (Belarus) about multi-level teaching of physics and its didactic support for specialized grades 9-11 of the school. Articles from the methodological journal "Physics: Problems of Teaching" have been published. The forum is working.
  • - Educational portal, ready-made lessons, work plans, forum.
  • - Resources for mathematics: textbooks, lectures, links to useful sites, programs, online solvers. Solving tests in higher mathematics and probability theory.
  • - All-Russian information and entertainment online magazine for schoolchildren 9-14 years old ZATEEVO.
  • - The site is dedicated to practical aspects of mathematics, algebra and geometry. the main task site - so that students and just students can go to it and, without installing any special programs, without having any skills in working with the site, can perform the mathematical operations they need.
  • - Internet Olympiad in computer science and programming St. Petersburg. All-Russian and city Internet Olympiads at St. Petersburg State University ITMO, St. Petersburg. Regulations, deadlines, examples of typical tasks and registration of participants.
  • - Center for Distance Education, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov presents courses in in-depth study of physics and mathematics for schoolchildren.
  • - Solutions from Kuznetsov’s problem book. - on the website you will find solutions to the problem book by Kuznetsova L.A. in higher mathematics, as well as the problem book itself in electronic form.
  • - Department of Mathematics, SUSC, Moscow State University.
  • - PMS books - teaching aids and fiction, written by teachers and graduates of Physics School-18 - SUSC MSU.
  • - Physics School Digest - articles and publications about students, teachers and graduates of Physics School-18 - SESC MSU.
  • - International scientific conference for schoolchildren "Kolmogorov Readings".
  • - A.N. Kolmogorov: biography of the scientist, books, photographs.
  • - The site was created for applicants, schoolchildren and students. It presents Unified State Exam tests on various subjects, Special attention devoted to mathematics. Both school and higher education. Let’s make the complex understandable, and the understandable easy.
  • - On the website, teachers from Moscow universities talk about the possibilities of early admission to the best universities in Moscow - how to become a student by participating in Olympiads, passing Centralized testing, etc.
  • - WEBSITE of MSUP students Educational materials that make life easier for students.
  • - World of Geometry - a portal for schoolchildren, applicants and students. The site was created with the goal of making any information about Geometry available to all network users. After studying our project, you will be able to learn how to prove theorems and apply them in solving problems, learn the sign language used in Geometry, and study the history and biography of scientists.
  • - Distance education, correspondence education.
  • - Abstracts, homework, coursework, biographies.
  • - Computer science teacher portal. The portal presents didactic and methodological material on the subject, lesson plans, student notes on programming, a teacher forum, on-line tests...
  • - Portal of the mathematics department of the Open Lyceum "All-Russian correspondence multi-subject school" at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
  • - The site covers the activities of the State Educational Institution “Regional Center for Information Technologies in Education” (GOU OCITO) in the Kaluga region. Talks about events in Kaluga and the region that are important for educators. Describes educational projects, in which the Kaluga region participates. Allows you to enroll in computer courses for children and adults.
  • -Collection of lectures and spurs on various subjects.
  • - Solving problems in TOE, OTC, Higher Mathematics, Physics, Programming, Termekh, SoproMat...
  • -Mathematical Internet school. All sections of the program high school in elementary mathematics. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, functions and graphs, basics of analysis. Theory and problem solving.
  • - Distance education: courses, olympiads, competitions, projects, online magazine "Eidos".
  • - Method of multiplication with a triangle.
  • - NOU "University Mathematical School", full-time and correspondence preparatory courses in mathematics, physics, Russian language and literature. The school's staff are teachers from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, the Faculty of Physics, and the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.
  • - mathematical online game, based on the tasks of entrance exams for mechanical mathematics, computer science, and physics department of Moscow State University.
  • - official website of Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 30 (St. Petersburg). In-depth study of mathematics, physics and programming, organization and holding of Olympiads, conferences and competitions. Information about the school, teachers, students, graduates, admission rules, news.
  • - educational and scientific center of pre-university education.
  • - Applicant's Book Shop.
  • - on-line tests for applicants and high school students.
  • - SESC MSU - School named after. A. N. Kolmogorov. Official website The school has been teaching gifted children from all over Russia since 1963. Recruitment is ongoing for grades 10 and 11. Specializations: physics and mathematics, chemistry, computer science. Learning programs, history, teachers, graduates and everything related to the Kolmogorov school - FMS 18.


Math-Net.Ru: all-Russian mathematical portal

Information system Math-Net.Ru is an all-Russian mathematical portal that provides Russian and foreign mathematicians with various opportunities to search for information about mathematical life in Russia.

Natural science educational portal

It is an integral part of the Federal Portal "Russian Education". Contains resources and links on physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics. Review of literature and periodicals, tests, assignments for olympiads

Mathematics teacher website

Advanced learning program, competitions, articles and reports, “Mathematics in Faces” museum.

Algorithm library

Mathematical algorithms are presented in the form of block diagrams, science articles etc. A selection of links to mathematical resources on the Internet. educational mathematics site

Problems with solutions, reference book on mathematics, electronic consultations. A large amount of information on mathematical software (Matlab, Mathcad, etc).

Mathematical Olympiads and Olympiad problems

Information about the Olympiads, a large number of Olympiad problems and tasks for preparing for Olympiads. International competitions, foreign national Olympiads, all-Russian competitions, Moscow competitions and competitions in other cities of Russia.

Website of elementary mathematics by Dmitry Gushchin

A site for everyone interested in elementary mathematics: schoolchildren, applicants, students of preparatory courses, students pedagogical universities and teachers. Objectives of school final examinations, entrance examinations to universities, mathematical olympiads, methodological manuals and other useful information.


This online project is intended for teachers and schoolchildren. The site contains problems in mathematics, including mathematical Olympiads and tournaments different levels. Most problems are given with solutions; geometry problems are provided with drawings.

Mathematical studies

The site presents films and cartoons made using modern 3D computer graphics, which tell a fascinating and interesting story about mathematics and its applications. It tells about unsolved mathematical problems that are understandable to a schoolchild.

Deuce? No!

Lectures, coursework, problems, drawings, laboratory - for the student. Elementary mathematics (geometry, stereometry, trigonometry). Higher mathematics- lecture course. Problem solving. Descriptive geometry, engineering graphics, physics, computer science, electrical engineering, nuclear energy.


Everything about scientific conferences in Russia and in the world. Main sections: chemistry; chemical Technology, chemical industry; geography; biology; physics; mathematics; public education, pedagogy; social Sciences generally.

Official website of I. S. Tsurkov

Official website of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ivan Sergeevich Tsurkov. On the website I. S. Tsurkov provides his scientific works, including a unique public proof of Fermat's Last Theorem

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books

Library of electronic textbooks

Problems and solutions of mathematical Olympiads. Electronic tutorial with the following sections: 1. Problems and solutions of competitive exams in mathematics; 2. Samples of examination papers; 3. Samples test tasks mathematics; 4. Sample of an interactive test in mathematics.

Institutions, museums, libraries

PARALLEL.RU Information and Computing Center

Information and consulting services in the field of high-performance computing of the Laboratory of Parallel Information Technologies of the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University.

Mathematical Institute named after. V. A. Steklova

Databases of articles in domestic mathematical journals. Information is searched by a fragment of the title, author's last name, year of publication, etc. - electronic library "Science and Technology"

Science and technology news, electronic versions of popular science magazines, selected popular science articles, biographical articles about Nobel laureates, electronic versions of rare books.

All Elementary Mathematics: Secondary Mathematics Online School

This site is a secondary online math school where you can study without leaving your home. Unlike other sites, it contains all the necessary materials on elementary mathematics in full.


Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education

Currently the largest website in Russia dedicated to Olympiads and mathematics education for schoolchildren, a remote consultation center in mathematics for teachers and high school students

Virtual Math Library

Mathematics on the pages of WWW: mathematical journals

Directory of mathematical resources on the Internet (SB RAS). Information system "Web resources of mathematical content": Databases; Libraries; Publishing houses; Books; Collections; Mathematical journals, articles; Projects. Em Net/NIS Project Development and support information networks mathematical content.

Electronic version of the journal "Computational Technologies".

The journal "Computational Technologies" publishes review and original articles on the following sections of computer science and applied mathematics: mathematical modeling, computing technologies, information Technology. Articles are published in Russian or English languages. Frequency - 6 issues per year

Information processes: electronic scientific journal

The electronic scientific journal publishes articles and notes containing new scientific results in the field of theoretical and applied problems of information processes. The journal also publishes reviews, reports on the most interesting scientific conferences, materials of scientific discussions, and reviews of new books.

Mathematical journals OM RAS

Journal "ALGEBRA and LOGIC"

The journal publishes works presented at meetings of the seminar of the same name at the Novosibirsk state university, published by the Siberian Foundation of Algebra and Logic. The publication was founded by A. I. Maltsev in 1962. The frequency of the magazine is 6 issues per year. The electronic original version of the journal can be found on the Scientific website electronic library( at

Fundamental applied mathematics

The magazine publishes original research papers, review scientific articles, short messages from all areas of fundamental and applied mathematics.

Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal

The journal is published by the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Depending on the accounting of cash reserves, gross and net requirements for materials are distinguished. Gross– the need for materials for the planning period. It includes materials necessary for the production of products, for repairing and maintaining equipment, making samples and conducting experiments, as well as safety stock.

The amount of safety stock (Zstr) depends on the average daily production demand for a given material D and the average delay time for material deliveries T line. Zstr = D * Tstr.

Net- consumption in materials for the plan. period minus cash reserves in the enterprise's warehouses. To determine the need for materials, direct counting, dynamic coefficients, and exponential smoothing methods can be used.

1. Direct counting method., Where R - total material requirement; N and consumption rate for the product; P and is the production program for a given product in the planning period, n is the number of types of products in the production of which this material is consumed.

The material consumption rate includes useful material consumption, additional material costs caused by technological process, and material costs not associated with it, but practically occurring in production (for example, waste during cutting).

Varieties of this method are the method of analogy, calculation based on a typical representative, etc.

Analogy method provides for the use of known norms for the consumption of mat resources for the production of similar products (in the absence of calculated norms for the desired type of mat resources) and can be represented by the formula

Where is Nai rate of material consumption for the manufacture of a basic product (analogue); P production program for this product; TO coefficient that takes into account the peculiarities of material consumption in the production of a given product in comparison with an analogue. Approximately, the coefficient is set as the ratio of the weight of this product to the weight of the base product.

Calculation method by typical representatives– use of consumption standards for production typical representative manufactured products. This method is used in conditions of a wide range of similar products planned for production and can be represented by the formula P = Ntype * Total, where Ntype is the rate of consumption of materials for the manufacture of a standard representative; P total general production program for products of this group.

Dynamic coefficient method (statistical method) basic on the use of data on the actual consumption of mat resources in the past period, taking into account changes in the plan (structure and volumes) of production, as well as resource consumption rates due to the use of new equipment and technology, improvement of production organization: Рм = Рф * Iп * In, where Rf is the actual consumption of materials for the previous period; I p – index of changes in the production program; I n index of changes in material consumption rates in the planning period.

To ensure uninterrupted and rhythmic operation of the enterprise, the need for materials is determined not only for commercial output, but also for work in progress (WIP):

Where is the volume of work in progress for the jth type of parts, semi-finished products at the end and at the beginning of the planning period, nat. units change The standard reserve at the end of the planning period is calculated using the formula

Where is the production program for the j-th product, nat. units change;
– duration of the manufacturing cycle of the j-th product, days; T – number of calendar days in the planning period (30, 90, 360).

A simpler, but less accurate calculation of work in progress is made based on data on work in progress in monetary terms. In this case, the percentage K of work in progress is determined by which the need for each material, calculated for the production program, increases or decreases:

Where WIP k, WIP n – the amount of work in progress at the end and beginning of the planning period; P – program for the production of commercial products.
