How to attract a man to yourself with an apple? Possible consequences of the ritual. Ritual with red fruit

Everyone knows this story about Adam and Eve and how the insidious Eve seduced Adam and lured him with an apple. Currently, many girls do not succeed the way they would like. But, as great minds have always said: we are the creators of our own destiny and happiness, which is why many resort to love magic to create their own personal female happiness. There is such a type of love magic as piecing on an apple.

Love magic is a fairly broad area that includes both dark and light sides. Of course, black magic is used by experienced fortune tellers and mediums who are not afraid to take responsibility for the love spell they have committed. To attract the attention of your lover, just choose one of the following types of love magic:

  • love spell;
  • conspiracies;
  • drying.

As a rule, love spells are a kind of hypnosis or zombification, depending on who you like. After a love spell, a person is as if in a shroud, driven by some force and not understanding everything that is happening. Most often, this kind of magic has consequences that are quite sad. Believing religion, one can note the fact that it is considered a sin. A person interferes with his destiny and tries to change it, not knowing the future consequences.

As for conspiracies, the following can be noted: they can be both negative and positive. That is, if we charm our family for prosperity and happiness, this is a positive conspiracy, but if we charm water, for example, and give it to someone to drink, thereby tying the person to ourselves, this is already considered negative.

And finally, drying. This topic is quite controversial regarding its seriousness. Many people believe that this is similar to zombies, but with a milder effect that can only cause love-sickness or mild interest. The effect of this kind of magic is short-lived, and there are practically no guarantees that this hobby can develop into a great and pure feeling. Many girls still take up this type of magic, being confident that with the effort they make, the feelings of their loved one will definitely become hot and bright.

Consequences of a loved one's sugar

Why are dryers usually made? As a rule, to cause a slight effect of falling in love, manifested in melancholy. Then the only thing left to do is to show all the charm and feminine charms. Like any magical rituals, drying brings changes to the life of the object of interest in the following form:

  • loss of appetite, this often happens when people fall in love;
  • insomnia appears;
  • idealization of a particular girl;
  • feeling unwell, unwell or sick;
  • isolation (a person moves away from friends and family).

Therefore, if you decide to definitely dry your loved one, you need to carefully approach the choice, since the rituals differ in their magical effect.

Choosing Ritual Attributes

Since many sugars for your loved one are made on an apple, you need to carefully approach the choice of this very fruit. Why should we take this seriously? If you choose an apple with your soul and listen to your inner voice, then the dryness on the apple will have an effect stronger than that, which is when choosing the first apple you come across.

Types of rituals

The most common method is to dry the apple at midnight. It's pretty simple but effective method to send lovesickness to the groom. To do this, you need to choose a ripe and liked apple, and at midnight, holding it in your hands, you need to clearly imagine your loved one and pronounce the words:

“As the apple dries, so you (name) will miss me. Amen".

You need to say this seven times, and then put the fruit where it will be exposed to sunlight. The result will surprise you within a few days.

For period blood

Drying the apple is also done in another way. For many, it may seem quite unpleasant, but for those who still decide to cast a “spell,” it will be very effective. This ritual is performed during menstruation. Of course, you need to choose something beautiful and ripe apple, cut it into 2 halves, and what is most unpleasant and embarrassing, you need to “wipe” yourself with half an apple in that very place so that the fruit is covered period blood. Then leave for 15 minutes so that the apple dries a little, then remove excess blood with a napkin.

The most interesting thing about this apple addiction is that you don’t need to say anything, since everything happens at the energetic level. That is, your desires themselves will be sent to the universe, will be heard and directed in the right direction. At this point the ritual is not yet completed. This fruit must be given to the chosen one to eat; of course, this must be done so that nothing is noticeable. It is not recommended to eat this apple yourself. After such a ritual, the guy will be persistent, but in the first three days after the ritual, under no circumstances should you have sexual intercourse with him, only on the 3rd day, after which he is yours forever.

In order to achieve their beloved, girls are capable of much. But you need to remember that any conspiracy or drying is an unwanted love influence that changes not only the fate of the person charmed, but also yours. You need to be deeply confident that this person is your destiny.

Solution love problems using an apple

There are quite a lot of ways to force love, tormented and tormented. Some of them involve the use of fruits in their rituals.

Drying an apple is one of the magical effects for solving love problems. It is especially common among women when they want to bewitch the man they like or bring back their departed husband.

Features of apple drying

Your chosen one must eat an apple

Food is used for ritual rituals of love spells and sugars, as it is a carrier of energy strength and power. Considered since ancient times as the fruit of love and seduction, the apple takes its place of honor among fruits for icing loved ones.

Beginners are advised to use those methods of drying, which in their effect are a weak love spell and involve the use of a photograph and eating the fruit with the object chosen for love. Professional magicians and sorcerers, having strong energy, use stronger methods of drying and can do without photography.

It is believed that drying on a red apple is the strongest, and is done by husbands to get their wife back, suitable for young guy to attract the girl you love. However, on many forums dedicated to magic and witchcraft, participants actively argue that the choice of color does not have to be associated with the gender of the initiator: drying on an apple has the expected consequences and works equally well in both cases.

Love spell on an apple and features of the love spell

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Love spell on an apple from the witch Tatyana Moskovskaya. Z�

Love spell on an apple. 01:39. - Features of magical rit

Drinking on an apple can be for the victim and the initiator of the ritual who already have a relationship, as well as to attract the attention of the desired object for love. This should be taken into account when choosing a ritual.

Strong drying with an apple carries certain consequences when it starts to take effect:

  • causes acute melancholy in the object of dryness, who is bored, loses the meaning and joys of life,
  • the victim loses his appetite,
  • detachment from others occurs, the bewitched object sees only his love idol, everything else pales in comparison,
  • the ritual victim has only one desire in his head - to be with one person,
  • getting worse general state health of the attracted object: immunity decreases, fatigue appears, existing diseases worsen.

Getting ready for the apple ritual

You shouldn’t do a ceremony over trifles

If you have weighed all the pros and cons and decided for yourself that drying an apple is the only option To solve love problems, it is necessary to prepare for the ritual in advance; you should not perform ritual actions spontaneously or hastily.

Rules for selecting an attribute:

  • the most suitable living energy comes from an apple plucked from a tree, the efficiency of its use is greater, and the result is faster,
  • if you are a city dweller and taking fruit from an apple tree is a problem, then when buying fruit in a store or street stand, you cannot bargain and take change: give exactly the money or do not take the rest of the purchase,
  • if the drying conditions do not contain instructions to make cuts and remove the core, there is no need to deform the apple,
  • choose an apple to your liking, it’s easier to act with large apple fruits, the juiciness, attractiveness and ruddy color of the fruit are its essential qualities for use in ritual,
  • if suddenly the apple you have chosen turns out to be rotten or wormy, then the planned drying begs to be postponed for a week or two; if a defective apple hits three times, it means that you should no longer try to resort to the ritual - magic and its powers are against your witchcraft experiments.

Remember: magic does not allow frivolity and treatment over trifles. Sucking for love should be a deliberate decision.

If for the ritual you need a photograph of your husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, then you need to take into account that it would be a good idea to take the image full height, but the size should easily fit inside the apple without bending. If there is no photograph, on white paper, using a needle, piercing your finger with it, write in blood the name of the victim, the word “loves” and your own name.

The name in rituals is the one with which the person was baptized, and not the one he uses in the world.

Typically, dryness is held on Fridays during the waxing moon after sunset. As a rule, this is done alone, so if conditions do not allow you to be left alone with the ritual, as well as after it, it is better to postpone it until another time, because it is required to remain silent until the morning.

Simple ways to dry an apple

The ritual will bring back love

Reviews from those for whom apple pie is known firsthand claim that this is an effective way to return or find love, affordable ordinary people. They contain many recommendations on how to make a husband or boyfriend dry at home, get your wife back or attract your beloved girl. For love spells, the words of the spell are used:

“As the apple dries up, so the servant of God...will miss me.”

  1. The simplest drying is carried out at midnight on the waxing moon. Looking at the apple, imagine the image of your loved one and read the spell seven times. A charmed apple placed on a plate is placed in a place where the rays of the sun shine, but where other people’s eyes cannot see. If you did everything correctly, and the magic agrees with you, the love spell begins to work within a few days.
  2. For a weak love spell, you can read the plot by the number of years of the object of love, if you know your beloved girl or guy well. In this ritual, an apple is surrounded by seven lighted candles. The charmed apple fruit is treated to the person being bewitched the next day.
  3. In a dryer with a photograph, lay a tablecloth on the table and light a red candle. The cap of the apple is cut off and the core is cut out so that the photo fits into the resulting space. They pronounce the necessary words thirty-three times, and in order not to lose count, they usually use matches, breaking or rearranging one each time. The apple, previously covered with a cut cap, is put into a dark place, the matches are burned, and the ritual candle must burn out.

Simple drying remains effective for a year and can be repeated if necessary. Before starting the repeat ritual, the previous attribute must be buried, taking out a photograph from it, which should be burned.

Strong apple flavor

Use red apples

A strong drying is carried out on a red apple, since the scarlet color is associated with passion, associated with sexual energy and makes the love spell more effective. The main goal is to doom the beloved girl or beloved man to longing for the initiator of the ritual and arouse attraction. Often a love spell for a red-cheeked apple is cast on a husband to save the family. You will need:

  • a red apple picked at dawn,
  • two candles and toothpicks.
  1. Drying on a red apple is performed at midnight, all artificial light is turned off. Looking at the ritual attribute, turn on your imagination and imagine the object of your love happy and joyful next to you, pierce the apple fruit in two opposite places:

    “As the red apple dries up, so will the servant of God... yearn for the servant of God...”

    Leave the red-cheeked apple to dry in the sun and wait for the results of your work.

The apple pie is more often used to arouse the sympathy of a loved one than to instill passion in him. This fruit is used to cast temporary spells on a chosen one or chosen one.

Why apple

The use of apples in love magic is associated with Slavic beliefs, according to which the apple tree is the embodiment of female sexuality. In Christian Rus', the apple was associated with the forbidden fruit, which, according to biblical legend, Eve treated Adam to.

Working with apples involves contact with the forces of nature. Fruit drying is suitable for beginners who have not previously practiced magic. Negative consequences from such a ritual will be insignificant and will not cause great harm neither the victim nor the person who ordered the ritual.

How to choose an apple

The fruit chosen for the ceremony must be healthy and smooth to the touch. Fruits with signs of wilting or rotting, damaged by worms, are not suitable for magical actions. It is desirable that the fruit be red. However, if this is not an important condition ritual, you can use fruits of other colors.

To avoid the influence of extraneous energy, the fruit for the ritual must be plucked from the branch yourself. But if this is not possible, you can buy apples. The fruit can be large or medium in size. It is difficult to work with small fruits.


In terms of its effectiveness, the drying ritual differs from love spell. It acts more gently, without suppressing the will of a person. Drying an apple at home may not work if the victim is wearing a talisman against magical influence. It is advisable that the person they want to “dry” does not dislike the person who ordered the love spell. The first version of the ritual in the video:

On an apple with a photo

With the help of this ritual, men are bewitched. To carry out the ritual, you need a photograph of the person being bewitched, taken recently. In the photo, the man should be depicted at full height and completely alone. It is advisable to carry out the ceremony in the garden under the apple tree from which the fruit was picked. On back side In the photo you need to write the man's name and date of birth.

The fruit should be split with one blow of the knife. The photograph is folded inside the apple in such a way as not to damage it. For the convenience of carrying out the ritual, you can choose a small photo. The folded photo is clamped between two halves of the fruit and the spell is recited:

“Just as Eve seduced Adam, so I, (your name), will seduce you, (the man’s name). It is not the apple that crushes you, but my love that strangles you. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The fruit must be tied with a red ribbon and stored until the man begins to show interest or sympathy for the person ordering the ceremony.

On an apple and a mirror

To separate a man from his rival, a separation ritual is performed on the flawed moon. A white candle is lit on the table and a small mirror is placed. Then you should cut the fruit, attach it to the mirror and read the spell:

“There was an apple growing in the garden, filled with ripe juice. A sorcerer walked by, took out his sword, and cut an apple. He took one part in his hands, (the name of his beloved man) named it and gave it to (your name). He took the second part, (the name of his rival) named it, and threw it into the looking glass. Just as the two halves will never be united again, so (names of the beloved man and rival) will never be together again. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading the spell, half of the apple must be slowly taken away from the mirror and placed next to the candle, which should burn out completely. Part of the fruit that participated in the ritual must be preserved. The second part is left in a deserted place. After 1-2 weeks, the guy begins to pay attention to the person who ordered the ceremony and loses interest in her rival.

On a red apple

Drying on a red apple is carried out at night on the waxing moon. The fruit can become a love talisman. It is necessary to retire and cut the apple with a new knife, purchased on the eve of the ritual. Then, on a small piece of paper, you should write your name and the name of your chosen one with a red pen (pencil, felt-tip pen). A small depression is made in one half of the fruit, into which a neatly folded piece of paper with names is placed.

The apple halves are connected, tied with a bright red ribbon and stored in a place inaccessible to strangers. The talisman can be carried in a bag, placed under the pillow before going to bed, etc. The knife can be used for its intended purpose after the ritual.

To ignite passion

The ritual takes place on a full moon. A container of water is placed on the table, in which an apple could fit. 2-3 tsp should be dissolved in water. honey The fruit is dipped into the liquid, and the container is placed on the table. On the right they light a church candle and read the spell 12 times:

"The candle is burning, full moon looks out the window. I will call the moon: come into the room and illuminate the apple with your light. If only you, apple, moonlight full, sweet with honey. If I (the name of a loved one) were (sweet) like this rosy apple. If I were (the name of my loved one) as red as the full moon. I don’t put out the candle, but I awaken passion. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to take a candle to right hand and extinguish its wick by dipping it into a container of water in which the apple lies. The fruit is left in water for 3-4 hours. The candle can be used at your discretion. Water is poured at the threshold of a loved one. The apple must be given to the person for whom the drying was made. If the person agreed to accept the fruit, the spell will work. In case of disagreement, attempts to “dry” should be abandoned. It is forbidden to place an apple secretly. The victim must accept the fruit only from the hands of the customer (performer) of the ritual.

For melancholy

The ritual is performed on a full moon night. The drying room should be illuminated by moonlight. 12 red candles are placed in a circle on the table and then lit. After this, you need to take a bright red apple and cut it into two halves. Inside they put everything that can be associated with a loved one - nails, hair, a photograph or even a piece of paper with his name. The fruit is tied with a red ribbon and placed in the middle of a circle of burning candles. You need to read the spell 12 times:

“I, servant of God (servant of God) (name), will enter the Garden of Eden. I'll pluck the forbidden fruit from the branch. I will put the fruit under the red sun. The apple of paradise dries, and (name of the chosen one) without (your name) dries, grieves, suffers and does not know happiness. Roll, little apple, from my threshold to the threshold of (name of the chosen one), knock on his (her) door. Call not (name of the chosen one), but green melancholy. Amen".

The candles must burn out completely. The apple is placed in a place where it will be constantly exposed to sun rays(for example, on a windowsill). The fruit should dry out slowly. At the same time, the victim of the drying also “dries up”: the person yearns and thinks about the one to whom he was “dry”. Magicians believe that the fruit is rotting bad sign. Perhaps the victim is well protected from love witchcraft. It is necessary to refuse to influence such a person. The contents are removed from the fruit and discarded. The fruit itself should also be thrown away.

When will it work?

The dryness begins to act in the first few days after the ceremony, if the energy of the magician is stronger than the energy of the victim. In the absence of signs of attention from the chosen one or chosen one, the ritual can be repeated 28-30 days after the first ceremony.

Drying on an apple - true female way make a man experience the torment inherent in deep love affection. This method Love spell attracts with ease in achieving the desired effect and has been popular among the fairer sex since time immemorial.

The power of love spells with an apple

Drying – magical ritual, implying the awakening of tenderness, longing, longing, lust, passion and undivided love for the girl conducting the sacrament.

If you take an apple as a means to conquer a man, you can’t go wrong with your choice. Everybody knows biblical story about the Serpent-tempter who gave Eve this fruit, and what happened when the first people on earth tasted it.

A story from mythology has survived to this day. Ancient Greece about the fruit that caused a destructive war (the apple of discord).

According to legend, Eris gave a fruit with the inscription “To the Most Beautiful” to Aphrodite, Hera and Athena in order to create a quarrel. She made the right decision, because the celestials could not decide which of them was more beautiful. This ended, as we know, with the Trojan War.

And how many fairy tales are built around the fruit of paradise: “About rejuvenating apples”, “About the dead princess and the seven heroes”, “The Scarlet Flower”, “Geese-Swans” and others.

The apple tree is popularly called the tree of life. You can find a comparison in the wise folk sayings: “an apple from an apple tree...”, “a wormy soul like an apple.”

Endowed with magical qualities, the fruit rightfully took a dominant place in the love magic of the Slavs.

There are several types of apple icing. They do not require special preparations or special magical surroundings. The lunar cycle does not matter, nor does the location.

Note that if there is strong defense for the selected object, the ritual may not work. The magic will not work if a man experiences strong hatred, disgust, or disgust towards the performer of the sacrament.

We take a good large ripe fruit. We cut it into two halves and put small paper notes inside with the couple’s names and locks of their hair.

Then we pronounce the words of the love spell:

“Just as a pouring apple dries up, so the Servant of God (name) will begin to dry out over the servant of God (name himself). Amen!"

Then we sew the halves together with red thread (preferably wool) and hide them in a place inaccessible to anyone. The result will be noticeable when most of the fruit rots.

It is used for drying both boys and girls. You will need red apples, preferably from own garden, photograph of the one on whom the conspiracy is being made, scarlet wool thread, a new knife with a wooden handle.

Cut the ripe fruit in half and attach a photo. Having connected the parts, tie the thread in three directions, making knots. Every time you tie, say:

“Apple of love, love (name of the chosen one) give me! This apple is drying in the sun, and you, dear (name), dry up from your great love for me! Let your life be attached to mine, so be it!”

The enchanted fruit is placed in the sunny side of the house on the windowsill or in warm place(per battery). Bury the dried fruit in the garden of your loved one’s house or hide it under his threshold. It’s impossible to implement - cook a compote from it and treat it to your lover. The plot will not work if you are in a quarrel or your loved one has left you.

When a woman wants, she also needs to cut the ripe fruit with a new knife with a wooden handle and attach a photo. Only a love plot for an apple will be:

“Any of my hubby (you call him), come back to me (you call yourself), come back forever, come back soon, forget the other bitches, smear dirt on their faces, let the one who took you away from me like a bitch die. Let my tears flow down to her drop by drop, come out sideways and make a hole in her chest. Mother earth, hear my prayers. I ask you, I offer you a sacrifice.”

Bury the apple deeper in the ground (not in the sand), and bury the knife with it.

They say that as soon as the first worm crawls through the apple and gnaws a photo along the way, it will return to the family, and will forget about its adventures and love on the side forever.

The main thing is to wait for your return. Otherwise, he is destined for death from melancholy.

These terms are often used interchangeably, but there is still a difference.

Drying is a softer method arouse the sympathy of the man you like. Its action does not suppress the will of the subject. A person yearns and suffers, but feelings manifest themselves in a natural form.

With black, the consciousness of the bewitched object is clouded and closed: in my head I only think about the one that bewitched me. Their consequences are disastrous for the heroes of the ritual and for their descendants.

In terms of its strength and possible consequences, dryness is classified as an intermediate method of influencing a person - between non-working (weak) and very strong (cannot be removed).

However, if the feelings are carried out incorrectly or the feelings are not serious, the results of the “apple binding” will be similar to. The behavior of the chosen one will manifest itself as aggression, problems with health, alcohol, etc. will arise.

When performing a ritual, pay attention to details that may distort the effect of magic:

  • The cut fruit has flaws: rot, worms, mold - do not use it. This indicates that the object of the love spell was chosen incorrectly or the time for magic is inappropriate. Postpone the ritual immediately.
  • If, after the start of the sacrament, someone disturbed you (called, knocked, a bird began to beat on the window), the thread broke or slipped, the pen stopped writing, fell, etc. - postpone it for at least a decade. The drying will not work or the effect will not be what is needed.
  • It rots very slowly - the spell did not work. Give up the desire to get this person - he is not suitable for you.

Remember, drying does not last long on an apple. It is necessary to strengthen it with a tender and affectionate attitude towards the sweetheart. Feed him delicious food, create comfort so that he can’t do without you!

Since ancient times, man has been interested in the question of what awaits him in the future? As we know, there was no medicine, so they turned to various healers or sorcerers. A healer could solve the problem of physical health, but only a witch or sorcerer could heal from love experiences. This is how various love spells, lapels, and conspiracies appeared.

The problem of love experiences, unrequited love remains popular today. For this reason, people continue to turn to fortune tellers, psychics, and hereditary witches who can offer various ways problem solution. But it is worth remembering that any action has irreversible consequences that are aimed at the customer himself.

Since ancient times, sipping a guy on an apple has been known. This ritual allows you to bewitch a potential groom. The method is considered effective. So, drying an apple at home is used to make a loved one sad.

Those who were affected by the drying on an apple experience insomnia, bad dreams, unbearable longing for the one who “dry”, deterioration in health, loss of appetite, and a desire to be with only one person who did the drying.

Suck on a guy for an apple

To perform the ritual, you need to take a good apple fruit. His people must like him appearance and not be damaged. These conditions must be complied with. As for the ritual itself, it must be performed at midnight. To do this, looking at the fruit, you need to imagine the object of your love and say the words: “ As the apple dries, so you, servant of God (name of the young man), will miss me " After this, the charmed fruit should be placed in a sunny place. To see the effectiveness of this method, you need to wait a certain period of time.

Yes, a man or guy who has been “dried” will really be drawn to that one. Other representatives of the fair sex will not interest him. This is the effect that will be caused intense melancholy. Your chosen one may not find a place for himself and may be very sad. Being closer to the culprit of my melancholy, young man it becomes easier, but he cannot explain his condition. This is how love spells work, known since ancient times and preserved by those with magical abilities.
