How many degrees in winter in Tunisia. Weather in Tunisia by months and water temperature

For those who dream of spending their holidays on white sandy beaches, getting acquainted with ancient culture and improving their health with the help of thalassotherapy, they should definitely visit Tunisia.

From this article you will learn what the weather is like in Tunisia by month. And also which resort to choose in a particular season.

The climate of Tunisia is characterized by its variability, and all because the country's territory is large. The northern part is influenced by a tropical Mediterranean climate, while the southern and central parts are characterized by a tropical desert climate. IN summer period Tunisia is generally hot and humid (with the exception of the desert, where temperatures drop noticeably at night), and winter is rainy but moderately warm.

Let's see what the air and water temperatures promise to be throughout the year:

MonthTemperatureTour prices
January+14…16°C / +10…12°C+12°Cfrom RUB 80,948
February+12…16°C/ +9…11°C+11°Cfrom 72,440 rub.
March+14…19°C / +10…12°C+13°Cfrom 73,511 rub.
April+17…22°C / +13…15°C+16°Cfrom 78,744 rub.
May+20…26°C / +16…18°C+20°Cfrom RUB 36,813
June+24…32°C / +20…22°C+24°Cfrom 43,592 rub.
July+30…33°C / +23…25°C+28°Cfrom 39,370 rub.
August+28…34°C / +23…25°C+28°Cfrom 38,657 rub.
September+26…30°C / +21…23°C+25°Cfrom 40,415 rub.
October+21…27°C / +18…20°C+21°Cfrom 41,452 rub.
November+17…23°C / +14…16°C+16°Cfrom 38,062 rub.
December+13…17°C / +11…13°C+13°Cfrom 35,300 rub.

Tunisia, Mahdia

Important Tips:

  • In the resorts of Tunisia tourist season lasts from April to October.
  • The high season in Tunisia lasts from June to September.
  • The low season starts immediately after the end of the beach season, that is, in November, and ends in April. But the flow of tourists does not stop completely. During this period, you can relax at the resorts low prices and instead beach holiday devote time to thalassotherapy.
  • Regulars of Tunisian resorts prefer to plan their holidays in the Velvet season which starts in September and continues until the end of October. During this period, local resorts provide all conditions for a comfortable beach holiday.
  • The ideal time for excursions and sightseeing is from March to June.
  • There is great news for diving enthusiasts: the diving season in Tunisian resorts coincides with the tourist season.

Weather in Tunisia in winter

In winter, Tunisia is certainly not like our region: everywhere there is greenery, like in summer or spring, but at this time it is quite rainy in the resorts of Tunisia.

Daytime temperatures can fluctuate; as a rule, the thermometer rises to +16°C, +18°C. Climatic conditions can change dramatically. Bright sunshine can suddenly give way to rain. At night it is already noticeably cool: in the southern and central parts of the country the temperature reaches +6°C, +8°C, but in the desert the temperature indicators may well be negative.

Tunisia in December

In December, the temperature during the day, compared to November, drops by a couple of degrees, on average the thermometer rises to a maximum of +18°C, at night the air cools down to +13°C.

Which resort should you choose?

It is warmest in December at the following resorts in the country: Mahdia, Monastir, Sousse.

Tunisia in January

In January in Tunisia there is a noticeable increased level humidity, which is caused in particular by significant precipitation. Although, according to weather forecasters, the January rainfall is slightly less than December. The exception is the capital of the country, where the amount of precipitation does not change and on average it rains for about 11 days. High humidity It is also observed on the northern coast, where the landscape is elevated. And all because the north wind brings wet air masses, which when colliding with mountains become rain.

Taking into account climate indicators, January can be considered the coldest month of the year. However, you should not miss the fact that the weather is very capricious and fickle, so who knows, perhaps in January you will be able to experience short-term warming.

Which resort should you choose?

January is not very suitable for a comfortable vacation, especially for those tourists who do not like rainy weather. But if you still plan to visit the country, Any will do resort.

Tunisia in February

Do you want to spend your holiday in peace without spending a lot of money? Then in February it's time to pack your bags for a trip to Tunisia. It is worth immediately noting that despite these advantages, climatic conditions may not meet expectations. It is unlikely that you will be able to take a walk in shorts or a sundress or sunbathe at this time. But if you don’t like stuffiness, then February weather is just what you need. Unlike the previous month, in February the air temperature drops by a couple of degrees, but precipitation becomes slightly less.

Which resort should you choose?

In February, you can stay at absolutely any resort in Tunisia, since big difference no in temperature indicators.

Weather in Tunisia in spring

We can safely say that in March, spring is already coming in Tunisia, which immediately pleases all residents and guests of the country with warm, and most importantly, sunny weather.

Tunisia, Monastir

This month the thermometer may well reach +20°C, so sunbathing is already possible. Also, with the onset of spring, the amount of precipitation decreases significantly, but this does not apply to the northern part of Tunisia, where rainy weather still prevails. In the morning it can still be noticeably fresh, but at night it can be quite cold. In April the time for excursions begins, and in May you can safely open the beach season.

Tunisia in March

Spring is slowly but surely replacing winter and every day the air temperature is warming up more and more. The weather is gradually getting better and better and at noon it is quite possible to undress a little. However, March can bring surprises in the form of downpours or rather cold winds, so you shouldn’t relax too much.

Which resort should you choose?

It is best to opt for coastal resorts in March, due to the fact that heavy rainfall may be observed in the northern part of the country. March is warmest in Sousse.

Tunisia in April

April already brings joy to all tourists with sunny days and cloudless skies. African spring is radically different from ours! What can I say, by our standards this month resembles early summer. Climatic conditions are getting better every day and you can see how the flow of tourists is slowly growing. It’s still quite cool to swim, but the bravest ones are already opening the beach season. The water does not have time to warm up by this time, but sunbathing is just in order, because the amount sunny days increases, and precipitation is observed less and less.

Which resort should you choose?

In April, you can choose absolutely any resort; in principle, sunny weather is slowly but surely establishing itself in the country. The only thing worth paying attention to is that it can still be quite rainy in the northern part of the country.

Tunisia in May

The May weather is very reminiscent of real summer, especially if you arrive at the country's resorts after the 15th. The air temperature is comfortable not only during the day, but also at night. At the end of spring, a decrease in temperature indicators is quite possible, but generally this situation does not last long.

Which resort should you choose?

May days are characterized by comfortable climatic conditions, so choose any resort in the country and you won’t go wrong!

Weather in Tunisia in summer

We can say with all confidence that summer in Tunisia begins almost from the first days of June.

In June the air already warms up to +30°C and you can relax to the fullest. Although the air temperature is quite high, there is no heat here, and all thanks to the refreshing breeze, which makes staying at the resorts of Tunisia even more comfortable. In addition, at this time you can safely start swimming! It's quite hot in midsummer daytime, but at night there is a decrease in temperature to comfortable levels.

Tunisia in June

June pleases with its temperature indicators already from the beginning of the month. Thus, the air warms up to +30°C during the day, which cannot but please all vacationers who planned their vacation at this time. During this period, you can safely open the swimming season.

Which resort should you choose?

In June, you can have a great time at all resorts in the country.

Tunisia in July

In July the afternoon sun is on clear sky it shines without interruption, and the sea pleases you not only with warm water, but also with its ideal surface. The air temperature is quite high, so during this period you should be especially careful and not long time under direct sunlight. Precipitation at this time is rare.

Which resort should you choose?

During this period, all resorts in the country offer maximum services, because weather conditions allow it. Therefore, the choice of place to relax is entirely at your discretion!

Tunisia in August

August pleases all sun and beach lovers. But for those who cannot stand or simply do not like the heat, it is better not to plan their vacation at this time. Indeed, in August the sun does not spare anyone - neither man nor nature. The thermometer is inexorably creeping up and the figure +33°C is by no means the limit.

Which resort should you choose?

All Tunisian resorts are hot in August, so there are no special recommendations regarding choosing a place to relax.

Weather in Tunisia in autumn

Let's figure out what African autumn is like. While summer months are not particularly different from each other, autumn still has some features in each month.

With the onset of autumn days, the heat gradually recedes and holidays in the resorts of Tunisia become much more comfortable, and for some, more acceptable, compared to summer heat. The Mediterranean Sea has warmed up well over the previous months, when there was unbearable heat, so in September the velvet season comes into its own at the resorts. Showers can be very rare in September, but they bring freshness rather than coolness.

In October, the so-called African autumn begins in Tunisia, which is characterized by warmth. During the daytime, it is still quite possible to wear light clothes, but in the evening, it is best to dress warmly. Towards mid-autumn, the amount of precipitation increases significantly, and the water in the sea is quite cool.

In November, precipitation becomes significantly greater and cold temperatures are observed in almost all Tunisian resorts. In a word, the country is preparing for winter.

Tunisia in September

If you purchase a tour to Tunisia in September, consider yourself to have hit the jackpot! And all because it is equivalent to a time machine, thanks to which you will instantly find yourself from a rainy autumn to a warm summer. Great way relax comfortably in the fall if you did not have time or were unable to do so during the summer months.

It is absolutely no exaggeration to say that this month is one of the best. Firstly, the sweltering heat that burned everything around in the summer is gradually receding. Secondly, the influx of tourists is decreasing. Thirdly, the resorts of Tunisia are still a great place to spend your vacation.

Which resort should you choose?

Comfortable weather conditions prevail in all Tunisian resorts in September, so feel free to choose the place you like and fully enjoy the enchanting velvet season.

Tunisia in October

If you think that in October there is no point in planning your vacation somewhere, since nature is already fresh like autumn, you are mistaken. In Tunisia at this time the velvet season is in full swing! The sweltering heat has already moved far back, and even at noon you can be under open air and be completely safe. October climatic conditions are the best suited for those tourists who can hardly tolerate or cannot tolerate the heat at all. In addition, at this time elderly people or those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system can come here. October is the ideal time for a holiday with children in Tunisia.

This month there is some instability in weather conditions. It mainly manifests itself in precipitation, which becomes more abundant during this period, as well as cloudy days. Moreover, there may not be any rain, but the sky will be hidden by clouds. Therefore, guess when bright sun to appear in the sky again and delight everyone with its rays is almost pointless. But according to weather forecasters, this month there are on average about 4 to 9 rainy days.

Which resort should you choose?

In October, the most favorable weather sets in at Tunisian resorts, so the choice of a place to relax depends solely on the preferences of each tourist. Concerning climatic conditions, then almost all resorts in the country will delight you with warm and sunny weather. In addition, the water temperature is still quite suitable for swimming.

Tunisia in November

The November weather is already completely devoid of its former heat. Almost radically begins to rebuild temperature regime and during the day the thermometer does not exceed +20…21°C. Nights in the country are quite cold. For example, in the desert at night the temperature may well drop to 0°C. In November, winds can often be observed, which is seasonal feature climate. Their influence is most noticeable in the coastal areas of the country. For this reason, the corresponding resorts may seem a little cooler. Another one distinctive feature November climate – a significant increase in precipitation. Thus, the number of rainy days in the country reaches 9. However, precipitation is short-lived and not too intense. The most precipitation is observed in the northern part of the country.

Which resort should you choose?

Are you planning a holiday in Tunisia in November? Then it is best to opt for the resort areas: Sousse, Hammamet or Monastir because the weather remains the warmest there when compared with the rest of the country and November holiday it will become truly comfortable for you.

IN high season the air is heated to +30.1°C, and the sea is +24.6°C. Low - air +14.3°C, water +14.8°C, precipitation 47.6 mm, 4 rainy days, only 15 sunny days. The city is the capital of the state of Tunisia and it is very visited among tourists. The weather in Tunisia by month, winter, spring, summer and autumn is presented below in the graph. Beach season here lasts at least 6 months.

The best months to travel

In September, July, October - best time for relax. The weather is nice and warm, from +27.2°C to +31.6°C. At this time of year there is little rain, no more than 0 days per month, with precipitation ranging from 3.8 to 38.6 mm. Also in Tunisia there is a warm sea with water temperatures from +23.8°C to +25.7°C and swimming is a pleasure. There are maximum sunny days for the whole year - from 25 to 30 days. The monthly climate and temperature in Tunisia are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Tunisia by month

The difference in daily air temperature throughout the year is 19.9°C, but due to the presence of the sea, the weather in Tunisia and the monthly climate in Tunisia are quite mild. Most cold month- December, when the air warms up to +14.3°C, and the warmest is August with +34.2°C.

Water temperature in Tunisia

The beach season here lasts 6 months: November, June, October, July, September, August. The sea temperature at this time of year ranges from +21°C to +25.8°C, conducive to pleasant swimming. Worst weather in Tunisia and the water temperature was recorded in March +14.8°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

A bad month for travel is December, it rains on average 4 days. Maximum monthly norm precipitation is 47.6 mm.

Rest comfort rating

Climate summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
Rainy days
January +15.2°C +15.2°C 15 2 days (38.2mm)
February +17.6°C +14.8°C 12 4 days (43.0mm)
March +17.3°C +14.8°C 17 2 days (47.6mm)
April +20.8°C +16.2°C 22 2 days (15.0mm)
May +24.5°C +18.4°C 27 2 days (17.2mm)
June +30°C +21.6°C 28 1 day (2.4mm)
July +31.6°C +24.4°C 30 0 days (3.8mm)
August +34.2°C +25.8°C 30 0 days (14.1mm)
September +31.5°C +25.7°C 28 3 days (19.2mm)
October +27.2°C +23.8°C 25 2 days (38.6mm)
November +21.3°C +21°C 16 4 days (35.8mm)
December +14.3°C +17.8°C 18 4 days (37.8mm)

Number of sunny days

Beautiful sunny weather will delight tourists in August - as many as 30 sunny days per month. Great time for a holiday in Tunisia.

Wind speed

The wind reaches its maximum strength in February up to 5.3 m/s with gusts up to 8.4 m/s.

What weather will you encounter here: hot African heat or humid tropical downpour?

In order to fully enjoy your trip and not find yourself in conflict with natural phenomena, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance with the climate plans of Tunisia and, in accordance with them, choose the most suitable place for yourself and a favorable holiday season in Tunisia.

Climate in south and central Tunisia

But for those who want to get acquainted with the real African climate and to experience all the courage of the local sun, it is better to go to the south of Tunisia or its central part. Precipitation in this area is rare and occurs only in winter. At the same time of year there is the most low temperature- approximately +17ºС. In the summer in the south of the country there is a real scorching heat: the air warms up to +40ºС, and the sand becomes so hot that it is impossible to touch it. Are you ready for such sensations? Then come to south-central Tunisia and submit to the will of the unshakable Sahara.

Most hotels start accepting guests only in mid-May. Consider this fact when choosing a month for your trip to Tunisian beaches.

Can rain ruin your holiday?

Tunisia is an arid country, and most of this rare rainfall occurs in winter, when few tourists come to the country. The level of precipitation is approximately the same in all Tunisian resorts. Look at the comparison table below, the average figures are given.

For comparison, the norm of precipitation in Moscow is 700 millimeters per year; in the resorts of Tunisia the figures are on average two times less.

During the summer months in Moscow and other cities middle zone Russia receives about 80 millimeters of precipitation, in Tunisian cities no more than 20. Rain cannot spoil the holiday in June, July and August. It is unlikely that you will experience any rain at all during these months.

At the end of April, May and October, the chances of getting rained on are quite significant. But rains occur in the late evening and at night; during the day on the beach, the chances of getting caught in the rain are almost zero.

In Tunisia there are no torrential downpours that last all day. It is raining 5-10 minutes, then quickly subsides. The photo on the left shows the consequences of rain in , the photo was taken at the very beginning of May 2016. As you can see, it’s okay, there are no puddles on the asphalt at all.

However, rains in Tunisia have an unpleasant feature; they are always accompanied by strong wind– up to 10 m/s, rarely up to 15 m/s. It is extremely unpleasant to be on the street at such a moment. Moisture or puddles on the asphalt quickly dry up, and tourists do not even suspect that it rained at night.

Air temperature – maximum during the day

The summer months will delight warm weather during the day. Fortunately, there are no extreme events in Tunisia high temperatures as in Egypt, although there are days when the thermometer rises to 40 degrees and above.

For example, temperature record in Sousse +48 degrees, in Hammamet +47 degrees. On the island of Djerba +48 degrees was recorded on July 29, 1982.

The hottest large Tunisian city is Tauzar, where on June 12, 1979, a temperature of +53 degrees was recorded. And in the vilayet (province) of Kebili, in some areas the thermometer rises to +55 degrees. We hope that none of the readers will experience such temperatures.

For average maximum daily temperatures, see the table below. Keep in mind that these are statistical averages.

In terms of climate, the whole Tunisia belongs to the category " warm countries" . The climate of Tunisia, as well as the climate of other countries North Africa, influenced by the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert.

Average summer temperatures here range from +22 to +32 degrees, and average winter temperatures- from +5 to +12 degrees. The difference between the average temperatures of the hottest and coldest months does not exceed 15-20 degrees.

Climate in Tunisia predominantly subtropical Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and relatively cool, wet winters. Dry conditions prevail in the northern part of the country. subtropical climate Mediterranean type, in the south - hot climate tropical deserts and semi-deserts. The direct influence of the sea on climate is most significant in the northern part of the country. Northern winds, encountering mountains on their way, bring moisture here in the fall and winter, which falls in the form of rain. The impact of the sea also affects the Sahel - coastal strip in eastern Tunisia, where cool winds somewhat relieve the summer heat.

When hot southern winds blowing from the sultry Sahara break into Tunisia, dryness and heat prevail throughout the country right up to the northernmost coastal regions. The most difficult to tolerate is drying South wind Sirocco, which blows every year for many days in a row. When the sirocco arrives, in areas where the average maximum temperatures are +30-40 degrees, temperatures up to +53 degrees and even higher are observed. During such periods, grain crops often die, grapes wither, and the fruits of fruit trees dry up.

The tourist season in Tunisia begins at the end of April and ends at the beginning of November. This is related to both water temperature and air temperature. At the end of April, the air warms up in the resort area to 23-25 ​​degrees.

At the height of summer (July-August) the resort area is quite hot (35 and above).

Average temperatures in Tunisia by month

Month Air temperature (day) Water temperature (sea)
Tunisia in January +15 °С +15 °С
Tunisia in February +18 °С +15 °С
Tunisia in March +20 °С +15 °С
Tunisia in April +23 °С +16 °С
Tunisia in May +25 °С +16 °С
Tunisia in June +27 °С +20 °С
Tunisia in July +31 °С +23 °С
Tunisia in August +35 °С +28 °С
Tunisia in September +31 °С +26 °С
Tunisia in October +29 °С +26 °С
Tunisia in November +26 °С +24 °С
Tunisia in December +23 °С +18 °С
