Water temperature in the Black Sea. Water temperature in the Black Sea in June Water temperature at the chpk in June

Holidays on the shores of the Black Sea considered one of the most popular among Russians. But what month is the best time to go there so that you can lie on the beach, and most importantly, swim in the sea itself?

The water temperature in January differs depending on the resort, but almost everywhere the situation is similar. No matter where you go, you are unlikely to be able to swim, since maximum value recorded in the Gulf of Mersin, and it is only 13 degrees above zero.

In Anapa, Tuapse and Gelendzhik, the Black Sea water temperature in January ranges from 9 to 11 degrees, in Yalta it is a couple of degrees lower. The most cold water in January in Odessa - only 4 degrees.

In February, the indicators do not change better side, the temperature becomes two to three degrees lower. In March the situation persists, so swimming is still prohibited.

At the beginning of April, the temperature of the Black Sea is similar to March, but by the end of the month the water warms up almost everywhere up to 13-14 degrees above zero.

In May in the Gulf of Mersin, despite the fact that the temperature in winter was higher than in other places, is a maximum of 20 degrees Celsius, while the Black Sea in the area of ​​​​Gelendzhik, Anapa and Tuapse warms up to 21 degrees. In Yalta and Odessa - 18-20 degrees at the end of the month.

But with the onset of summer, the thermometer creeps up. The warmest water is in Yalta - 25 degrees, a little cooler in Gelendzhik and Anapa, and in Tuapse temperature is unstable: During June it can vary from 19 to 25 degrees. The average temperature of the Black Sea in June is 23 degrees.

In July, the water in Russian resorts can warm up to 27 degrees, and in the Gulf of Mersin - up to 28 above zero. In Odessa - 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. At the end of August, the Black Sea begins to warm up more slowly, so the temperature drops by about two degrees.

In September you can still swim, although, for example, in the Gulf of Mersin the temperature of the Black Sea is 23-24 degrees, and in Russian resorts it drops to 21 degrees. In Yalta, the water is still warmed up to 24 degrees above zero, but by the end of the month it cools down to twenty. In October it is only 18 degrees. The lowest rate is in Odessa- 15-17 degrees, in other Black Sea resorts it is heated to 21 degrees Celsius.

In November The warmest water is in the Gulf of Mersin, Yalta and Gelendzhik, but in cooler waters it is about 15 degrees above zero. About the same temperature on Golden Sands. The coldest place is in the Black Sea off the coast of Odessa: the water temperature drops up to 10 degrees.

With the coming of winter water temperature in the Black Sea may drop below ten degrees. This situation is observed in Odessa and Golden Sands. In the Gulf of Mersin Maximum temperature December- 12-14 degrees, and at other resorts the average is 11 degrees above zero. .

To the question Black Sea in June. Cold or not so cold for a holiday with a 6 year old child? given by the author Neurologist the best answer is Water temperatures in the Black Sea are difficult to predict; it all depends on the direction of the wind. If the wind blows from the sea, it blows away the warm surface waters and the water on the beach is warm, but dirty. If the wind blows from land, it, on the contrary, blows away the warm surface layer and the water on the beach is cold. This happens most often. But if the weather is calm and windless, then the water is clean and warm. But it is very difficult to predict the weather. Just hope for luck.
I live near the sea and am very familiar with this phenomenon.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: The Black Sea in June. Cold or not so cold for a holiday with a 6 year old child?

Answer from Enlighten[master]
I was at the end of June - normal.

Answer from MM[guru]
but it seems to me that August is the best, and June is not quite warm..

Answer from efficient[guru]
August, taking into account the child, is preferable. Been there.

Answer from Sinyorita[guru]
Of course it's cold. The ideal time for a holiday with a child is the second half of July-August-the first half of September. And it doesn’t happen year after year.

Answer from Bead[guru]
It was cold, and the stones and sand had not yet been warmed up; as an adult, I was treated afterwards. We need to go at the end of June on the 20th

Answer from . [guru]
I think it all depends on where exactly you are going... what further south warmer... judging by the south of Ukraine, which is located on the Black Sea coast... then June is often a cooler month - it often rains. the temperature does not rise above 25-28 (often) and hence the temperature of coastal waters is about 20 degrees. In July-August it is usually much hotter, the air temperature rises above 30-35, and the temperature of coastal waters accordingly...
although this is in Ukraine and it’s not even Crimea... It all depends on where exactly on the Black Sea you are going :)
Decide and have a nice holiday!

Answer from Alex[guru]
Last year the sea was warm from the very first days of June. On June 8, we swam to our hearts' content and even managed to get a tan. But this doesn't always happen. It's about about Feodosia.

Answer from Inna Neznaika[guru]
Yes, it’s normal, it’s absolutely not hot, there are no people.. but it rains)

Answer from ITsochi[active]
The Black Sea (Sochi coast) in June is mostly cool, that is, from +18 to + 22, it is better to go closer to July or in July itself. In August (especially in the middle) the water is often “very warm” around +27+29 degrees, but there are several side effects, prices are higher, there are more people, the sea is dirtier. If possible, come in the first half of September, there are fewer people, housing prices are reduced, and the water is cleaner and more pleasant.

Answer from Alexander Plokhoi[active]
It all depends on the time you are going to spend in the water. If we take the body of an average non-hardened person, then something like this: Up to 10-11 degrees you can swim for about 1-2 hours on average, if 12-15 then you can swim for 4 hours on average, if 16-20 degrees then 8-10 you can swim for hours. Above 20 degrees, you can spend unlimited time in water, if necessary - the average person’s body will cope with thermoregulation at this temperature. Information from personal experience, swam for many years in all oceans of the world, including the Arctic Ocean.

Best beach holiday in June

Mediterranean Sea

Air daytime temperature





Holidays on the coasts of the Indian Ocean, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in June

In June there is no longer any need to take long flights to enjoy warm water and hot sun. However, if you want to see exotic countries, then in June you should pay special attention to the rainy season. The monsoon season is in full swing in Goa. Rain is possible in both Hainan and the resorts of Thailand. In the Caribbean, June is not only the rainy season, but also the beginning of hurricane season. However, the likelihood of hurricanes is not high.

In Nha Trang there is no rainy season in June and although it is quite hot, June good month for travel to this part of Vietnam.

Rain is completely excluded in the resorts of Israel, Egypt, and the UAE. But in June, the hot desert heats the air in these countries to very high temperatures. high temperatures. Daytime temperatures can exceed 40 degrees. Holidays in the resorts of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf in June can only be recommended to those who love real heat.

water Season
How many hours does it take to fly from Moscow?
32 27 No 5
32 27 No 5
39 25 No 4

Tel Aviv

28 25 No 4

India Goa

28 30 rain season 8


June – beginning of summer. And as soon as the calendar shows us the first number, we immediately strive for the sea. After all, summer has begun, and everything else is not important. It doesn’t matter that the sea is still cool, thunderstorms and winds are not so scary, and even high prices It’s not clear why they’re not afraid. The most important thing is the sea! And if so, then you will be interested to know where it is warmer in June on the Black Sea in Russia so that you can sunbathe and swim. Let's look at the resorts and make the right and informed choice so as not to regret it.

There are many on the Black Sea coast big cities and small resorts. They are all famous and attract tourists from mid-spring. But only with the onset of summer can you swim, and not everywhere. Next, we will talk about which resorts are the most popular in June and where you will have a better and warmer holiday. And so, let's watch.

One of the hottest resorts on the Black Sea in June is Adler. At the same time, it is also the driest.

During the day the air temperature warms up to +25 degrees. and this is just at the beginning of the month. Towards the end of June it becomes even hotter and not lower than +29. At the same time, the nights do not warm up so quickly, and only by the end of the month they become warm at least +19. The sea is already such that people are swimming here with all their might, it is +23 degrees. And it can rain 1-2 times a month. As a rule, these are the first ten days of the month. Further only rare showers at the height of the heat. And what is definitely the most important thing here is the daylight hours, which lasts 14.5 hours! And this is only the time when the sun is shining. In general, it gets light at the resort at four in the morning, and it gets dark around 11 at night. So the night does not last long, which is what vacationers like.

Anapa also boasts warm weather And warm sea. And the nights here from the very beginning of summer are such that you can walk under the moon as if under the sun - in just swimming trunks.

Yes, after sunset it doesn’t get cold in Anapa. The air drops to +20, and with the first rays of the sun it is again hot and up to +25. The sea is the same as in Adler, but there is more rain. All because of the heat, which contributes more thunderstorms But this is more than compensated by the heat after the rain and warm evenings.

Arkhyz is not the best warm place in June. But the rainiest. It can rain here up to 17 times in a month! What attracts tourists here? The sea is warmed up to +23 +25.

If you are lucky with the weather and the sun is shining, the beaches will be full of vacationers. They all happily swim and bask in warm water. But you can only swim during the day, since after sunset it becomes autumn-like cold, about +6 degrees. if you had other plans and you like moonlit walks along the sea, then Arkhyz should not be considered as a resort for your holiday in early summer.

Gelendzhik – already in June there are many tourists here who enjoy relaxing on the beach.

The temperature during the day is always above +25 degrees, and the sea is slightly lower and +23. The nights are warm, above +18, and if there is no rain, which happens here at night, then evening walks around the city and along the sea will be a real fairy tale. Total for the first summer month The resort receives more than 78 millimeters of precipitation. This is normal for Gelendzhik, and experienced tourists They take it calmly.

Not far from Sochi there is a resort - Lazarevskoye. Here during the day it’s +25, and the sea is up to +23 degrees.

Rains may occur at the beginning of the month, and they are quite heavy. Up to 20 millimeters of precipitation may fall per day. In general, more than 50 millimeters of rain is recorded per month. It is convenient to relax at this resort because Sochi is nearby. And in cases bad weather you can go to the city, visit the Olympic venues and see the sights of the famous resort.

Up to +28 in Novorossiysk, and daylight hours are more than 13.5 hours. At the same time, the sea also does not lag behind, warming up to +24 degrees.

There is also a lot of rain here due to the heat. Therefore, be sure to take an umbrella with you. During the month there are 7-9 showers during the day, and precipitation falls at least 80 millimeters. There are many in the city beautiful places, which are worth visiting. It’s better to live in the private sector by the sea. It's cheaper and more beautiful.

Since we mentioned Lazarevskoye, it’s worth talking about Sochi, where it’s also +25 and the warm sea.

But unlike its neighbor, vacationing in Sochi is initially more expensive. There is almost no private sector here, everything was removed for the Olympics. In the city you can only stay in hotels and inns, which are a little more expensive, but more comfortable. Plus, you are already in Sochi and can visit sports facilities, excursions and amusement parks any day.

So we got to Tuapse, where the sun shines so brightly that without sunglasses You shouldn't go outside.

In June the sun is still high and warms up to +26. But by the end of the month at lunchtime it seems very close to the ground, and the temperature rises to +30. The sea at the beginning of summer is +23, and closer to the beginning of July it warms up to +26. There are not many rainy days, and there may be only 2-3 days when it rains. Daylight hours last 14.5 hours, which is great. You can relax on the beach in the evenings until midnight, and it will be light.

These are the main resorts of the Black Sea, where it is warm and sunny in June. Choose any one to your liking. As you can see, there are no ideal ones, where it’s hot there’s downpours, where there’s no rain it’s cool. Therefore, a vacation in June is a lottery, but it’s still bright and healthy!
