Fruit and berry drinks to strengthen the immune system. Delicious natural drinks that increase immunity in children and adults

Main component spices curcumin is best known for its anti-cancer potential without the typical chemotherapy drugs toxic properties to normal cells. It also has antibiotic properties and helps improve immunity by activating phagocytes with monocytes (carriers of lysozyme, an antibacterial enzyme).

Original Indian version the product turns out to be very greasy and spicy, some of the ingredients cannot be completely dissolved - only with the help of a blender. Therefore, it is prepared for children according to a simplified “scenario”: boil a glass of milk, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, and leave it under the lid for 3 minutes. When the milk reaches a suitable temperature for consumption, add vanilla sugar or honey to taste, stir and allow the children to drink the entire portion at once.

Pumpkin with lemon

Three hundred grams of pumpkin pulp are cut into small cubes and boiled for 10 minutes in 1.5 liters of water. After cooling, beat until smooth, squeeze fresh lemon into the solution and “season” with a couple of tablespoons of honey.

Sea buckthorn and pear

A yellowish berry with a peculiar but pleasant aroma copes with the role of a source of vitamin C no worse than rose hips. Additionally, it contains a lot of retinol with tocopherol in digestible form (the seeds contain enough oil to dissolve them). Pears can “boast” 5 components of group B and 13 microelements, including iodine, which is rare in “land” areas.

Place 100 g of fresh and seedless berries in half a liter of boiling water and cook for 7 minutes. Turn it off, put 1 branch of thyme in the broth, and cool. Take out the thyme, pour the rest into the bowl of the food processor and grind it into a puree. 150 g of this improvised “compote” is topped up with black tea to the standard volume, fresh lemon wedge is squeezed out and honey is added to the immunity drink for children.

Is it possible to drink immune drinks in winter to avoid getting sick?

Taking fortifying drinks from up to the middle remains one of the most good options immune deficiency due to lack of vitamins and mineral compounds. You just need to remember that they help exclusively against resistance disorders of a deficient nature.

Reviews: effectiveness

On the part of their fans, the assessment of the effectiveness of drinks for boosting immunity in preventing various infections is generally high. But it does not concern scenarios of his fall for other reasons (HIV, birth defects, hormonal imbalances, and courses of immunosuppressants).

Evgenia, 23 years old:

“I like all sorts of fruit and berry delicacies just as a way to finally feel at home at the end of the day, to warm up from the cold. Well, protect your facial skin and bronchi from the cold. A cup of aromatic herbal tea after a hot one is just right.”

Vladimir, 29 years old:

“Our twins went to kindergarten - and my wife and I were no longer able to live. Once a week they will definitely bring something new home, and you know, we are asking for sick leave! We stopped this only with raspberry jam and turmeric milk. We give it to the children as usual, and to ourselves with almond oil.”

Angelina, 37 years old:

“I think I quit smoking, but 5 years ago I still don’t care. chronic bronchitis"acquired." I'm probably getting old. I try to eat fruits and vegetables, but I also remember cocktails with them. I can say for sure that winter in such a “company” is clearly more cheerful.”

Do you want to boost your child's immunity? Introduce some healthy warming drinks into his diet.


The task of increasing the child’s immunity faces mothers all winter. This can be done different ways. Including tasty ones: with the help of the right winter drinks for children.

Do no harm!

When there is a need to increase the immunity of an adult, immunomodulators are most often used: various drugs, tinctures, decoctions, extracts from radiola, ginseng, echinacea, aralia, Chinese lemongrass. However, experts warn: it is extremely undesirable to use all this without a doctor’s prescription, without obvious indications for the use of these drugs and a clear dosage. After all the immune system The person is very subtle and does not tolerate rude interference in his work. The child's immune system is even more vulnerable. Therefore, never give your kids immunomodulatory drinks without a doctor’s prescription. Instead, introduce tasty and healthy drinks into your baby’s diet that will help you get through the winter without frequent colds.


Chamomile is the best herb

Chamomile is a wonderful plant that is often underestimated because of its “simplicity”: we are more inclined to look for an overseas miracle than to trust the gifts of our native fields. But Chinese doctors, for example, are often surprised by our desire to be treated with Chinese herbs. They know for sure that what is grown in their native land is perceived by the body much more fully and without side effects.

Therefore, do not neglect chamomile: warm chamomile tea not only calms overly active babies, but also effectively fights pathogenic bacteria, improves the functioning of the digestive system and removes harmful substances from the intestines. And immunity as a whole depends on the cleanliness of the intestines, the largest immune organ in the human body. Chamomile tea can be given to a child from 7 months. But consult your pediatrician before doing this.

Warm milk with cinnamon

If your child is over three years old and tolerates whole cow's milk, keep warm after winter walk warm milk with cinnamon. Cinnamon has a very good effect on the work of everyone's vitals. important systems body, increases overall tone and strengthens the immune system. In addition, cinnamon is rich in potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

Good old uzvars

Uzvar is just a vitamin bomb, which is very easy to prepare. Take a handful of any dried fruits, wash them, put them in a thermos and pour hot water, but not boiling water. Let it brew. It is best to do this in the evening, then the drink will be more saturated. If the child is not allergic to bee products, you can add a little honey to the cup with the uzvar, when it has cooled to a temperature of 40˚C. This will increase the immunomodulatory qualities of uzvar.

Vitamins from the bush

You can boost your immunity with natural vitamins. To prepare vitamin tea for a child, take 1 tsp. chopped raspberry and black currant leaves, 8–10 berries of these plants and 1 tbsp. l. dried rose hips. All this is poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos for about 3 hours. This delicious drink It perfectly boosts the immune system and helps resist colds.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry is a wonderful berry that saturates the body with vitamins and strengthens the immune system. Cranberries are very rich in vitamins P and C, as well as tannin - a substance that removes harmful substances, waste products of bacteria and viruses, from the body.
Making cranberry juice is easy. Wash fresh cranberries and squeeze the juice out of them. Pour cold water over the berry peels, bring to a boil, let it brew, strain. Mix this compote with juice, add a little honey (if the child is not allergic to it). This drink can be drunk well warm, after a walk. Or as a regular drink.

For nine months the child was completely protected from all kinds of negative manifestations outside world. Developing in the belly of the expectant mother, he received all the vitamins and microelements necessary for growth. Already there, his immunity began to form, taking the genes of his parents as a basis. But then the baby was born, breathed air with his tiny lungs and was instantly attacked by microorganisms, not all of which are harmless. And if in the first hours and days the little one is in a relatively sterile maternity hospital, then later, when a happy mother and father brought him home, the danger increases significantly. It is absolutely impossible to completely eliminate it, and this is not required, because raising a child in greenhouse conditions means dooming him to inferior development.

A growing body needs stress and relative inconvenience in order for it to learn to deal with them. You just need to make sure that they are beneficial and do not cause diseases. Although no one will ever be safe from the latter.

During the first six months of life, the baby, feeding on mother's milk, continues to receive everything it needs. But already at this time, parents are obliged to take some steps and actions to strengthen their child’s immunity. The premises must be kept clean. The toddler should be on the floor more fresh air. Mandatory daily bathing and special physical exercise for newborns. Gently bend the arms and legs, massage the tummy and back, massage the heels.

A normal daily routine when the child is not too tired and sleeps well. All this helps the baby quickly adapt to external stimuli and enter into this contented state. dangerous world fully armed.

Hardening the child - strengthening the immune system

And now your child is three years old. He is cheerful, active, he has developed favorite activities and food preferences that do not always meet proper diet. During a walk, he communicates with his peers with pleasure and curiosity, always strives to pick up something bright from the ground and pet the neighbor’s dog. And it's time to go to kindergarten. It is better to start preparing for this difficult time in advance.

At this age, the list of folk remedies for strengthening children's immunity is not yet very diverse. It is still too early to use various herbal decoctions and tinctures - after all, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to cope with such unusual ingredients. But there are other very effective ways.

  • In the first place is hardening. Just don’t immediately push your child into a cold shower or plunge him into an ice hole. You need to start with rubbing with a damp, slightly cool towel, gradually lowering the temperature, and only then move on to dousing the legs and the whole body. The main principle of hardening is its systematicity and consistency. In this case, the body will not only learn to fight the cold, but also produce the necessary defense mechanisms for some groups viral diseases such as acute respiratory infections, flu and sore throat.
  • Rinsing is also very useful oral cavity and tongue gymnastics. You should rinse every morning, for example, while brushing your teeth, with cool and slightly salted water. And gymnastics can be done in the form of a game. Have a competition to see who can reach their tongue to their chin. Exercise helps improve blood flow and removes plugs from the tonsils, which pathogenic microbes love to sit on.
  • And, of course, as much fresh air as possible. Ventilate the apartment periodically, and go out for a walk without wrapping yourself up too much. Never stand in one place on the street. Play, swing on a swing, slide down a slide, and so on.

How to strengthen your child's immunity before school

Strengthening the child's immunity - hardening the throat

At seven years old, a child needs to be prepared for school. Don’t just buy notebooks, textbooks, pencils, pens and take measurements for sewing school uniform. But also once again strengthen the immune system. In the initial educational institution contacts with other children will be much greater than in kindergarten. At recess, when children who have sat too long and are bored during the lesson run out of all classes screaming and making noise, there is not only a mixing of groups that will quickly take their places when the bell rings for the next lesson. Everything gets mixed up. One of the children coughed or sneezed at one end of the recreation area, and within a few seconds germs flew throughout all the nooks and crannies. The possibility of contracting an infection increases several times. We need to anticipate this and take action ahead of time.

Hardening, gymnastics, fresh air - this has not been canceled. But there is an opportunity to strengthen the immune system with other folk remedies. A child at this age can already easily tolerate any type of food, and it is with them that the body receives the most important and necessary for health nutrients. Gastrointestinal tract strengthened enough to react correctly to decoctions, tinctures, vitamin compotes, and this is a real storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

However, let me start with ice cream. There is not a single child, and perhaps even an adult, who would not love this wonderful delicacy. But few people know that it can be used not only as a dessert or refreshment on a hot summer day, but also as a means of hardening the throat. This must be done without fanaticism, in small portions, otherwise there is a big risk of getting a sore throat instead of strengthening the throat.

Must be present in a child's diet dairy products. At least once a day you need:

  • a glass of kefir,
  • a few spoons of yogurt,
  • cottage cheese.

They are stimulating and very positive influence on digestive system, and she is one of the main builders of immunity.

In general, the menu should include the most different products. Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals. This helps balance the body's defense mechanisms across the board. Some parents, who consider themselves modern and advanced, focus on patented vitamin complexes and homeopathic remedies purchased at the pharmacy. There are no contraindications to this, and if they really help the child, they are welcome. But the same necessary substances can also be obtained from the use of old, time-tested folk remedies. Moreover, it is not only healthy, but in the vast majority of cases it is very tasty.

Decoctions, tinctures, juices and compotes to boost immunity in children

Folk remedies for boosting a child’s immunity – dried fruit compote

On a hot summer day, a child, having run around on the street with friends, comes home tired, happy and, after washing his hands, runs to the kitchen to drink. This is where the moment arises when, instead of ordinary water Give a pre-prepared compote of fruits and berries, freshly squeezed juice or herbal decoction. They quench thirst several times better, and at the same time they also deliver a whole bunch of all the most useful things to the growing body.

This is in the summer, when by definition there is no shortage of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. But in winter and spring you can’t pick an apple, a cherry, or a currant in the garden, and the grasses in the forest rest under a thick layer of snow. There is no need to despair. In this difficult time, dangerous for vitamin deficiency, dried fruits and pharmaceutical herbal preparations will come to the rescue if you yourself, for one reason or another, could not stock up on them.

It is worth giving a few simple but very effective recipes for such drinks that have a beneficial effect on strengthening in children of all ages.

Herbal decoctions and tinctures

  • rosehip infusion, rich in many useful substances, but most of all contains ascorbic acid, which in turn is a very effective means of preventing infectious diseases. You can cook it in two ways. Steam a certain amount of berries in a thermos and let it brew for 10 hours. If the taste is too rich, dilute with boiled water. The second method is faster, but entails some loss of vitamins. 200 grams of berries, whole or cut, are dipped in a liter of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes and then allowed to brew for 3 hours. Give your child a drink 1-2 times a day, no less than half a glass. Since the drink contains neither honey nor sugar, it is well tolerated even by allergy sufferers.
  • Chamomile tea, as well as a decoction of horsetail, are prepared in the same way. For a glass of boiling water, a teaspoon of raw materials. Very good remedy from colds.
  • aloe juice In its pure form, drinking it, to put it mildly, is not very pleasant, since its taste is bitter. Therefore, children can prepare the tincture according to the following recipe. Pass 100 grams of peeled aloe leaves and 500 grams of walnuts through a blender or meat grinder. Squeeze the juice of 3 lemons into the resulting mixture and add 300 grams of honey. Take a teaspoon 2-3 times a day about half an hour before meals. It is worth paying attention to the presence of honey, which is not suitable for everyone.

Dried fruit compotes

Dried fruit compotes can be very different. Apple with dried apricots, prunes with peach, pear with raisins. Or a mix of all of the above fruits. Wash the dried fruits thoroughly, let them sit for 10-20 minutes in water until they swell, throw them into a pan of boiling water and cook for 20 to 30 minutes. Cool and you can drink. There are more than enough vitamins and microelements in such compotes to stimulate the body to strengthen the immune system.

Along with compotes, you can drink freshly squeezed juices: there’s no need to talk too much about this – their benefits have been proven a long time ago and are known to everyone.

Enhanced folk remedies to boost immunity in children

Strengthening the child's immunity - fish oil

The most famous is everyone’s “favorite” fish oil. One of the best immunomodulators, rich in vitamins A and D and fatty acids. It not only strengthens the immune system, but also has a beneficial effect on brain function.

  • Eleutherococcus is a plant that reduces the risk of infectious diseases by 2-3 times. Small side effect– increases activity, which not all parents like.
  • Mumiyo – natural mountain resin – effective remedy not only to strengthen the immune system, but also against allergies.
  • Echinacea – fights infections and inflammatory processes.

These products must be used with caution and the main rule must be followed: 1 drop per year of age. You can add it to the same compotes, juices, tea.

All of the above remedies are good helpers in strengthening the child’s immune system. However, the main thing that parents should remember is that children should not grow up in greenhouse conditions. At the first suspicious cough, there is no need to wrap the child in warm blankets, deprive him of walks in the fresh air and stuff him with medications. It will be much more productive to engage in physical activity with your baby, outdoor games, hiking in the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Properly strengthening the immune system is as important as teaching your child to read, write and have an opinion.

Immunity - most important property body, which helps us resist threats in the form of bacteria and viruses. To increase protective functions, not only medications or vaccinations will be useful, but also a more affordable remedy - a drink for immunity. This drink can be made at home. It contains various vitamins (A, C, PP, etc.) that activate the immune system, and consists of ingredients that can be easily found.

Prerequisites for the decline of immunity

Before preparing a drink to boost immunity, it is worth understanding how protective functions are activated and weakened.

Sleep disturbance, stress, both emotional and in the form of physical activity, will make many think about what to drink from effective and affordable strengthening agents to improve immunity. This is due to the fact that the nervous, immune and endocrine systems closely interact. When stressed, glucocorticoids, steroid hormones of the adrenal glands, are released into the blood. These hormones suppress immune cells.

Bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction - cause irreparable harm not only to the immune system, but also to the entire body.

Living in areas with high background radiation or near industry with chemical emissions can also make changes to the functioning of the immune system, suppressing it.

  • liver pathologies;
  • HIV infection;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  • renal proteinuria;
  • diseases of the blood system;
  • acquired or congenital immunodeficiency;
  • disorders associated with intestinal function.

Thus, there are many prerequisites for a decrease in immunity, and if a person is often sick, then this is a reason to think about how to increase the improvement of immunity, including by eliminating negative factors and additionally nourishing the body with home remedies.

The immunity of adults is stronger than that of children, because the latter is just developing. Therefore, recipes made from natural products, for example, a drink made from pine needles, are especially useful for children if they are not allergic to the ingredients.

Needles are an antimicrobial, diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory agent, which also has a weak analgesic effect. It is taken both during a cold and as a course for prevention. To prepare it, you need to chop 2 tbsp. l. pine needles, pour a glass of boiling water over them and leave for an hour. Take the product throughout the day, dividing into 3 doses.

Among general recommendations health promotion, primarily those associated with lifestyle changes are highlighted. Healthy sleep, moderate sports activities, refusal bad habits And good nutrition will play a big role in achieving this goal.

Drinks to improve immunity are selected based on their vitamin composition and properties. It is important to understand that an excess of vitamins is just as harmful as their deficiency, so you should first get tested for microelements and vitamins.

Read also Effective ways quickly raise and strengthen the immune system of an adult

Many vitamins (especially C) can provoke rashes when in excess; vitamin A affects hormonal levels, and its excess is toxic. Rare species When used uncontrolled, vitamins are excreted by the body without consequences, without accumulating.


Alcohol tinctures to boost immunity can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. The alcohol medium helps the product to be stored for a long time.

Propolis tincture is one of the most affordable and popular remedies. It is used both during colds and for its prevention. It has the following pharmacological properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • cardioprotective;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Propolis tincture can be prepared at home using the following recipe:

  • glass container with a volume of 1 l;
  • 400 ml medical alcohol (96%);
  • 200 ml boiled cold water;
  • 60 g of crushed propolis raw materials;


  1. Keep the propolis in the freezer until it hardens, and then grate it on a fine grater.
  2. Pour the resulting mass into a container into which you first need to pour water and alcohol.
  3. Close the lid tightly.
  4. Shake the mixture and repeat this action up to 8 times a day so that the substances react with alcohol.
  5. After 10 days, the tincture is ready for use.

The product should be stored in a cool, dark place. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

Dairy products

“Live yoghurts” are popular products for immunity. Products with lacto- and bifidobacteria enrich the intestines with beneficial microflora. This organ is closely related to the immune system; it contains about 70% of immunomodulatory cells. The most reliable methods for obtaining beneficial bacteria are homemade “live yoghurts” or tablets in capsules.

To prepare this drink you will need:

  • yogurt maker;
  • leaven;
  • milk 1-3 l;
  • as an additive - syrup, jam, fruit.

Before use, yogurt jars are sterilized, then the starter and milk are poured into a large container and mixed thoroughly. Add a sweet additive to taste in a yogurt container and pour the mixture of milk and sourdough. The yogurt maker can maintain temperatures up to +40°C. Maintain the time specified in the instructions for the device.

You need to take yogurt 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Immune drinks in the form of yogurt, kefir and milk are useful for people of all ages because they contain macronutrients (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium).

Vegetable and fruit juices for immunity

Naturopaths treat freshly squeezed juices as if they were medicine because they are quickly absorbed by the body and contain active substances and vitamins. This method of boosting immunity should be treated with great caution - an overdose can lead to complications, including hormonal disruption.

Carrot, apple, pumpkin, grapefruit and lemon juices will be useful for immunity.

Carrot and pumpkin are rich in vitamin A, apple contains iron, grapefruit contains naringenin, and lemon contains vitamins E, C, PP, A and group B.

Read also The best herbs that increase immunity in adults, what herbal teas can be bought at the pharmacy, folk methods

Juices should be taken 30 minutes before meals, but this method is not recommended for people with peptic ulcers. They also cannot be prepared in advance, since some vitamins are destroyed upon contact with oxygen. It is recommended to take no more than 1 glass per day - freshly squeezed juice puts a lot of stress on the kidneys and liver.

Women with abnormal estrogen levels and a predisposition to breast cancer should avoid grapefruit juice because its active substance naringenin promotes the accumulation of estrogen.

Drinks based on berries and medicinal herbs to boost immunity

Vitamin remedy for immunity is easy to prepare at home. It should not be abused by people prone to allergic reactions, and take more than 2 weeks. The best option is a weekly alternation of different formulations.

Lemon juice for immunity enriches the body with vitamin C, which is directly involved in the formation of immune cells. By mixing the juice of half a lemon, one orange and 150-200 g of peeled pumpkin, you can increase resistance to microbes. Such an immune drink for children will not only be healthy, but also pleasant due to the sweet taste of orange.

Recipes for vitamin drinks from rowan are also popular because these berries are rich in vitamins A and C. Rowan can be brewed as tea, mixed with sugar, or juice can be prepared by first putting it in boiling water for 3 minutes and then squeezing it in a juicer.

Viburnum contains a large number of vitamin C. It is easy to prepare a vitamin drink from these berries: viburnum is mixed with sugar so that it produces juice, and then poured with boiling water.

To make the tea more healing, add 1 tsp each of chamomile flowers and sage leaves. for 1 liter of decoction.

Drink Recipes

Basic rules for preparing a drink to strengthen the immune system:

  • select ingredients with the maximum vitamin C content;
  • subject fruits, vegetables and berries to minimal heat treatment;
  • Do not store freshly squeezed juices and teas for more than 2 hours;
  • use ingredients that grew in an environmentally friendly area away from highways.

Turmeric with milk

For preparation you will need:

  • turmeric - 2 tsp.
  • milk - 1 l;
  • honey - 1 tbsp.

Heat the milk without bringing it to a boil. Stirring slowly, add turmeric. When the drink acquires a golden hue, remove from heat and let cool until warm, after which you should add honey.

For a more piquant taste, you can add half a teaspoon of cinnamon to the milk.

Ginger teas

Folk methods that include ginger in their recipes are popular in Eastern countries. Ginger is considered the best remedy to speed up metabolism.

Tea with ginger, lemon and honey stimulates the immune system and warms the body well. This healthy tea should be taken no more than 3 times a day due to possible stress on the vascular system.

200 g of ginger root should be chopped with a knife, mixed, crushed with several slices of lemon and pour boiling water over the resulting mixture. Before drinking, add honey to taste to taste.

These recipes use only natural products, so to speak, folk remedies. Study, choose the most suitable recipe for you. If in doubt, consult with specialists. Increase, elevate, strengthen your immune system and... Be healthy!!!

1. 300 g peeled walnuts, 300 g dried apricots, 300 g raisins and 3 lemons with zest pass through a meat grinder and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Take 1 tablespoon (adults) and 1 teaspoon (children) per day. It is better in the morning on an empty stomach or before lunch, an hour before meals. Can also be taken at night. Store in the refrigerator.

There is also this option: Take 1 cup each of walnuts, raisins and dried apricots and 1 lemon (you can peel it). Grind everything in a meat grinder and add 1 glass of honey, mix. Some people also add figs to taste.

2. Mix 100 g peeled ground walnuts, 100 g grated peeled apples, juice of 2 lemons, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Take a tablespoon (teaspoon for children) 2-3 times a day before meals. Store in the refrigerator.

3. In spring for 3 weeks take any freshly squeezed red juices: beetroot, cherry, blackberry, strawberry, grape, pomegranate, cranberry. In the first week it is recommended to take 1/2 cup 3 times a day, in the second - 2 times, in the third - 1 time in the intervals between meals.
After 10 days the course can be repeated.

4. Rub 1 kg of berries chokeberry with 1.5 kg of sugar. You can use 1 tbsp for 3 weeks. spoon, morning and evening.

You can make an infusion: 1 tbsp. Infuse a spoonful of berries in 1 glass of boiling water in a thermos for 4-5 hours. After the contents have infused for 20 minutes, close the thermos with a stopper.

5. Mash 0.5 kg of cranberries, add a glass of kernels walnut and 2-3 green (preferably winter varieties) apples with peel, cut into cubes. Add 0.5 cups of water and 0.5 kg of sugar, cook over low heat until it boils, put in jars. Take 1 tbsp. spoon morning and evening, washed down with tea.

6. 2 tbsp. spoons dried rowan berries ordinary pour 2 cups boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day before meals. It is better to take with honey, which enhances healing properties rowan.

7. The body's defenses can be increased vitamin compote, which is recommended to drink at least 0.5 liters per day.

Take herbs: lemon balm, mint, chestnut flowers, fireweed, brew 5 tbsp. spoons in 1 liter of water and leave to infuse for 2 hours.

Take cranberries, black currants, viburnum, cherries, strawberries, any other local fruits (can be dry or frozen), cook a compote from them in 2 liters of water for 10 minutes.

Add the strained decoction of herbs to the compote, bring to a boil, add honey to taste.

8. Grind the berries of viburnum, lingonberries, add honey to taste, mix well, add a little hot water, wait until the mixture is infused. Drink 1/2 cup of the mixture 3 times a day during seasonal illnesses.

9.Rosehip is an excellent helper for the immune system. Its fruits are used as a vitamin remedy for vitamin deficiencies, for the prevention of infectious diseases, as a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, and wound healing agent.

Drink recipe: pour 8 tbsp. spoons of dried fruits with 4 cups of boiling water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar and boil for 10 minutes. Leave for 4 hours, then strain and bottle.

10. 2-3 heads onion and finely chop the medium one and mix with 200 g of sugar. Add 0.5 liters of water and cook over low heat for at least one and a half hours. When the mass has cooled, add 2 tbsp. l honey. Strain and pour into a glass container. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-5 times a day.

It is used not only to strengthen the immune system, but also to prevent colds.

11. Boosts immunity and is an excellent prophylactic against seasonal viral diseases with an infusion of the following composition: rose hips, viburnum, taken approximately equally, add herbs in proportion - lemon balm and sage. 2.5 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, cool. Before use, add 2 drops of sea buckthorn oil.

12. Once a day, 30 minutes before meals, take 1 tbsp. spoon of prophylactic mixture prepared from a medium-sized head garlic A. The garlic should be chopped, add half a finely chopped lemon along with the zest. Pour the mixture with cold boiled water (0.5 l) and let it brew for 4-5 days in a dark place. It can be used as a preventative until spring.

You can simply eat a clove of garlic every day or every other day. External remedy: pour 2-3 cloves of finely chopped garlic into a glass of boiling water, after the remedy has been infused for an hour, you can drip 4-5 drops into the nose, as well as gargle.

13. 1 tbsp. spoon horsetail and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and strain.
Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

14.Walnut is the absolute champion in ascorbic acid content. It contains 8 times more than black currants and 50 times more than citrus fruits.
2 tbsp. spoons of walnut leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 2 hours, drink 1/4 cup a day. You can simply eat 5-6 walnut kernels within a month.

15. 1 tbsp. spoon white birch leaves with buds pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes, drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

16. 1 tbsp. spoon hop cones pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

17. Teaspoon dry herb celandine pour a glass of boiling water and cool. Take warm, 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

18. Very useful fennel seed tea, you can also use seeds that are sold in pharmacies. Regular consumption of pumpkin, zucchini, squash, zucchini, parsley, celery and any greens gives an excellent effect.

19.Melissa, valerian root, hop cones, linden flowers, oregano herb, motherwort and coriander seed taken in approximately equal parts. The collection is brewed at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave the collection to steep overnight, and by morning it is ready. The volume of infusion is calculated for a day, apply in 2-3 doses.

20.V green tea add rosehip, red rowan, lemon balm, fireweed, strawberry leaf, St. John's wort, black currant leaf, rose petals. This tea will be a strong strengthening agent that stimulates the immune system.

21. Echinacea purpurea contains biologically active substances, it is used in the form of a decoction or tincture.

Decoction recipe: 2 tbsp. Place spoons of herbs in an enamel bowl, pour in 200 ml of hot boiled water, and close with a lid. Boil for 30 minutes in a water bath with frequent stirring. Cool, strain, add chilled boiled water to 200 ml.
Take 1 tbsp orally. spoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The decoction is considered suitable for consumption for no more than two days when stored in a cool place.

Tincture recipe: 50 g of raw material, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 6 days in a cool, dark place, strain. Take 20 drops 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, diluted with a small amount of water. The full course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. After a break of 5-7 days it can be repeated.

22.Hemlock spotted- a potent immunostimulant that activates the body's defenses.

Hemlock is not used as a prophylactic; it helps in cases where the disease has already occurred and the immune system is significantly weakened. This plant should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and the dosage should be strictly observed.

23.Marsh cinquefoil- a powerful immunostimulant.

Tincture recipe: Pour 60 g of cinquefoil into a half-liter bowl, add vodka, close the lid and leave for 7-8 days in a dark place. Drink tincture 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals. For preventive purposes, 1 liter of tincture is enough.

24. Great for boosting immunity quail eggs. They should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, starting from 2 to 7-8 pieces.

25. From pine needles Excellent vitamin infusions and drinks are obtained that have a general strengthening effect on the body. They are easy to prepare.

Cut 3-4 cups of pine needles as finely as possible, pour in 4 cups of cold water, add a little citric acid, let it brew for 3 days in a cool place. Strain, add lemon juice, take half a glass 2 times a day.

26. You can prepare this drink: take 2 tbsp. spoons pine needles, rinse it in cold water, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Before use, add honey and citric acid to taste and drink a glass a day in 2-3 doses.

27.Anise. Decoction of anise fruits: pour 4 g of fruits with a glass of boiling water, boil for 6-7 minutes, strain, take 2 tbsp. spoons a day.

28. Arnica montana. Pour 1 part of finely chopped flowers into 10 parts of 70% alcohol, leave for 7 days, strain, take 30-40 drops orally 3 times a day to prevent flu and strengthen the immune system.

Or: pour 1 teaspoon of flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, strain. Take the infusion orally, 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day after meals.

29.Astragalus. Pour 10 g of crushed dry roots into 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 6-7 minutes over low heat, leave for 3 hours, strain, add boiled water to the original amount. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day.

30. Birch. Pour 4 teaspoons of dry birch leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day.

Or: pour 2 teaspoons of birch buds with 2 cups of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes, leave for 25 minutes, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day.

31.Watch. Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink 1/4 cup half an hour before meals.

32.St. John's wort. Brew 10 g of herb in a glass of boiling water and leave. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day after meals.

Or: infuse 15-20 g of dry herb in 200 ml of alcohol or vodka. Take 25 drops with water 3 times a day after meals.

33.Golden rod (common goldenrod). Leave 2 teaspoons of the herb in a glass of boiled water for 4 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.

34. Nettle. 2 tbsp. spoons of nettle leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day.

35. Helpful fish fat, which not only helps improve immunity, but also normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Fish fat recommended to take with autumn months until mid-spring, 1-2 teaspoons per day. published
