Expand the content of the internal and external environment of the organization. Internal and external environment of organizations

All organizations differ from each other in various ways. However, they have characteristics common to all organizations. One of the most significant characteristics of an organization is its dependence on the external and internal environment. No organization can function in isolation, regardless of external guidelines. They are largely dependent on the external environment. These are the conditions and factors that arise in environment regardless of the activities of the organization, one way or another affecting it.
Distinguish between factors of external and internal environment.
EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION - these are conditions and factors that arise independently of its (organization) activities and have a significant impact on it. In addition, they contribute to the functioning, survival and efficiency of its work. External factors subdivided into factors of direct and indirect impact.

To factors of direct influence include suppliers of resources, consumers, competitors, labor resources, the state, trade unions, shareholders (if the enterprise is joint stock company) that have a direct impact on the activities of the organization;
To factors of indirect impact include factors that do not directly affect the activities of the organization, but they should be taken into account in order to develop the correct strategy... The following factors can be distinguished indirect impact:
1) political factors - main directions public policy and methods of its implementation; possible changes in the legislative, regulatory and technical base; international agreements concluded by the government in the field of tariffs and trade, etc .;
2) economic forces - the rate of inflation; the level of employment of labor resources; international balance of payments; interest and tax rates; the size and dynamics of GDP; labor productivity, etc .;
3) social environmental factors - the attitude of the population to work and the quality of life; customs and traditions existing in society; mentality of society; level of education, etc .;
4) technological factors - Opportunities associated with the development of science and technology, which make it possible to quickly reorganize to the production and implementation of a technologically promising product, to predict the moment of abandonment of the technology used.
INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION - it is the environment that determines the technical and organizational conditions the work of the organization and is the result of management decisions. The organization analyzes the internal environment in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its activities. This is necessary because an organization cannot take advantage of external opportunities without having some internal capacity. At the same time, she needs to know her weak spots that can exacerbate external threat and danger. The internal environment of organizations includes the following main elements:
Production : volume, structure, production rates; product range; provision of raw materials and materials, the level of stocks, the speed of their use; available equipment park and the degree of its use, reserve capacities; ecology of production; quality control; patents, trademarks, etc.
Staff: structure, qualifications, number of employees, labor productivity, staff turnover, cost work force, interests and needs of employees.
Organization of management: organizational structure, management methods, management level, qualifications, abilities and interests of top management, prestige and image of the company.
Marketing covers all processes related to production planning and product sales, such as: manufactured goods, market share, distribution and sales channels of products, marketing budget and its execution, marketing plans and programs, sales promotion, advertising, pricing.
Finance - This is an indicator that allows you to see the entire production and economic activities of the enterprise. The financial analysis allows you to reveal and evaluate the sources of problems on a qualitative and quantitative level.
Enterprise culture and image: factors that create the image of the enterprise; the high image of the enterprise allows attracting highly qualified workers, stimulating consumers to purchase goods, etc.
THUS , internal environment of the organization is the source of her life force. It contains the potential that enables an organization to function, and, therefore, exist and survive in a certain period of time. But the internal environment can also be a source of problems and even death of the organization if it does not provide the necessary functioning of the organization. The external environment is a source that feeds the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of survival. But the resources of the external environment are not unlimited. And many other organizations in the same environment apply for them. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain necessary resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization. Therefore, the interaction of the organization with the environment must maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thereby give it the ability to survive in the long term.

3. Methods of studying and managing enterprise assets: basic and working capital and their purpose.

The management of the company's current assets is carried out in the following stages

I. Analysis of the current assets of the enterprise in the previous period.

The main purpose of this analysis is to determine the level of provision of the enterprise with circulating assets and to identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of their functioning. At the first stage of the analysis, the dynamics of the total volume of current assets used by the enterprise is considered - the rate of change in their average amount in comparison with the rate of change in the volume of sales of products and the average amount of all assets; dynamics specific gravity current assets in the total assets of the enterprise. At the second stage of the analysis, the dynamics of the composition of the company's current assets in the context of their main types - stocks of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products; stocks of finished products; current accounts receivable balances of monetary assets and their equivalents. In the process of this stage of the analysis, the rate of change in the amount of each of these types of current assets is calculated and studied in comparison with the rate of change in the volume of production and sales of products; the dynamics of the share of the main types of circulating assets in their total amount is considered. Analysis of the composition of the company's current assets for their individual types allows you to assess the level of their liquidity. At the third stage of the analysis, the turnover of certain types of circulating assets and their total amount is studied. This analysis is carried out using indicators - the turnover ratio and the turnover period of current assets. At the fourth stage of the analysis, the composition of sources of financing of current assets is considered - the dynamics of their amount and share in the total volume financial resources invested in these assets; the level of financial risk generated by the existing structure of funding sources for current assets is determined. The results of the analysis allow us to determine general level efficiency of management of current assets at the enterprise and identify the main directions of its increase in the coming period.

II. The choice of policy for the formation of current assets of the enterprise.

Such a policy should reflect the general philosophy of financial management of the enterprise from the standpoint of an acceptable ratio of the level of profitability and risk.

III. Optimization of the volume of current assets.

At this stage, a system of measures is determined to reduce the duration of the production and financial cycles of the enterprise, which should not lead to a decrease in the volume of production and sales of products. The total volume of current assets for the coming period is also determined here:

ОАп = ЗСп + ЗГп + ДЗп + DAp + Pp, (4)

where ОАп - the total volume of current assets of the enterprise at the end of the upcoming period under consideration;

ЗСп - the sum of stocks of raw materials and materials at the end of the coming period;

ЗГп - the sum of finished goods stocks at the end of the forthcoming period (including the recalculated volume of work in progress);

ДЗп - the amount of current accounts receivable at the end of the coming period;

DAp - the amount of monetary assets at the end of the coming period;

Пп - the sum of other current assets at the end of the coming period.

IV. Optimization of the ratio of constant and variable parts of current assets. The need for certain types of current assets and their amount as a whole varies significantly depending on the seasonal and other characteristics of the existence of operating activities. Therefore, in the process of managing current assets, their seasonal (or other cyclical) component should be determined, which is the difference between the maximum and minimum need for them throughout the year.

V. Ensuring the necessary liquidity of circulating assets is achieved by the correct ratio of the share of circulating assets in the form Money, high - and medium liquid assets.

Vi. Ensuring the required profitability of current assets is achieved by the timely use of the temporarily free balance of monetary assets to form an effective portfolio of short-term financial investments.

Vii. Minimization of losses of circulating assets in the process of their use. At this stage, measures are developed to reduce the risk of losses from various factors(primarily inflationary and associated with the possibility of non-repayment of receivables).

VIII. The choice of forms and sources of financing of current assets.

At this stage, the cost of attracting various sources of funding is taken into account.

Sources of financing of current assets are indistinguishable in the process of capital circulation. The choice of appropriate funding sources ultimately determines the relationship between the level of capital efficiency and the level of risk of financial stability and solvency of the enterprise.

The division of circulating assets into own and borrowed indicates the sources of origin and forms of providing the enterprise with circulating assets for permanent or temporary use.

Own current assets are formed at the expense of the company's own capital (authorized capital, reserve capital, retained earnings, etc.), and are in permanent use. The enterprise's need for its own current assets is a planning object and is reflected in its financial plan.

Coefficient of provision with own assets of the total value of current assets:

Ko = Coa / OA, (5)

where Co is the coefficient of the provision of own assets,

Сср - own current assets,

ОА - the amount of current assets, i.e. p. 290 balance sheet.

Borrowed current assets are formed on the basis of bank loans and payables. All borrowed assets are provided for temporary use. One part of these assets (loans and borrowings) is paid, the other (accounts payable) is usually free.

The purposes and nature of the use of certain types of current assets have significant distinctive features. Therefore, at enterprises with a large volume of circulating assets used, they are divided according to the main types.

Consider the features of management of certain types of current assets of the enterprise.

One of the main types of current assets is the production inventories of the enterprise, which include raw materials and supplies, work in progress, finished goods and other inventories.

Inventory management can be roughly divided into two parts16:

· The first part is the preparation of reports on stocks and the processing of other data related to the current control of their level.

· The second part - periodic monitoring of reserves.

Effective management stocks allows to reduce the duration of the production and the entire operating cycle, reduce the current costs of their storage, free up part of the financial resources from the current economic turnover, reinvesting them in other assets. Ensuring this efficiency is achieved through the development and implementation of special financial policy inventory management.

Inventory management policy is part of the general policy of managing current assets of the enterprise, which consists in optimizing the total size and structure of inventories, minimizing the cost of maintaining them and ensuring effective control over their movement.

The development of an inventory management policy covers a number of sequentially performed works, the main of which are the following:

1. analysis of inventories in the previous period;

2. determination of the objectives of the formation of reserves;

3. optimization of the size of the main groups of current reserves;

4. Justification of the accounting policy for reserves;

5.construction effective systems control over the movement of stocks at the enterprise;

Fixed assets industrial enterprise(associations) are a set of material and material values ​​created social labor, participating in the production process for a long time in unchanged natural form and transferring their value to manufactured products in parts as they wear out.

Despite the fact that non-productive fixed assets do not have any direct effect on the volume of production, the growth of labor productivity, a constant increase in these funds is associated with an improvement in the welfare of employees of the enterprise, an increase in the material and cultural standard of their lives, which ultimately affects the result of the enterprise. Fixed assets - the most important and predominant part of all funds in industry (meaning fixed and circulating assets, as well as circulation funds). They determine the production capacity of enterprises, characterize their technical equipment, are directly related to labor productivity, mechanization, automation of production, production costs, profits and the level of profitability.

Organization environment, what is it? Organizational environment is the elements and factors that surround any organization, and affects the processes that take place in it. How diverse are they? Here you can draw a parallel with astronomy, there are as many factors as there are stars in the sky. And even if this is a figurative comparison, but there is some truth in it, the factors are diverse, and the level and degree of their influence is different, and therefore a lot of them can be distinguished.

In management theory, it is customary to subdivide the environment of an organization. In this case, the division is carried out, as a rule, into two structural parts. This is the internal environment of the organization and external environment... Given their name, the two media differ from each other as entry and exit, or as up and down. In general organizational environment looks like a layered cake.

The immediate and distant environment represent the external environment of the organization. Next, let's take a closer look at the elements of the organizational environment.

Internal environment

Internal environment Are elements or factors that are within the organization. Here it is worth talking about the relationship between the concept of the internal environment and management. It is the system that consists of parts that are interconnected. Likewise, internal variables interact with each other and enable or disable an organization to work effectively.
The main elements of the internal environment are actually subsystems within the organization. There are two approaches to selecting items. General theoretical or classical and technological or administrative.
Technologically, any organization consists of a number of internal elements, which Henri Fayol spoke about. Based on his activities, we can tell them that the elements of the internal environment include:

  • production subsystem;
  • commercial subsystem;
  • accounting subsystem;
  • security subsystem;
  • control subsystem.

In this approach, it is possible to isolate the elements of the internal environment and by departments that are in the organization - personnel, economic, sales, production, and so on.
A more common approach identifies five main elements of the internal environment. In this case, it is believed that internal variables are inextricably interconnected. This relationship can be represented schematically.

The inseparable relationship of internal variables of the organization

Let us briefly characterize the listed elements of the internal environment.
Goals - this is the basis of any organization, it is the basis of all management, organizations are created for purposes.
People - this is the second basic foundation of the organization, there is no action without a person, even with very good goals.
Structure - this is a kind of framework or skeleton of the organization, puts everything and everyone in their place.
Tasks - they say who and what should be done in the organization.
Technology Is the process of work, how an organization operates and makes products or services.
Thus, all variables affect the performance of the entire organization. In addition, even if one variable is missing, then there will be no organization, this is the inextricable relationship of internal variables of the organization. There are no people, no one to work, no goals, nothing to work for, no task, no one knows who and what is doing, and so on.

External environment

The external environment, or as it is often called, the business environment, is outside the organization. This environment is very diverse and has a significant impact on the activities of all organizations. This influence can be both positive and negative.
For example, the introduction of a food embargo in Russia had a negative impact on the activities of retail chains, especially large ones, they had to look for new supply channels, new products within the country. At the same time, this is a positive fact for domestic producers, since they can sell their products in a larger volume without experiencing competition with foreign manufacturers, primarily European ones.
The level and degree of influence is also different. If a competitor offered the new kind products, the organization can respond in kind. But if there is an economic crisis, then there is nothing to oppose, it will be tedious to adapt. Such differences led to the appearance of two elements of the external environment - environment of direct impact and environment of indirect impact .
The external environment can be schematically represented as follows.

Direct exposure environment - these are factors in the immediate vicinity of the organization that affect it directly, but the organization also influences such factors. We get the mutual influence of the factor on the organization and the organization on the factor.
Elements of the external environment of the organization of direct impact:
- competitors - offer similar products, distract our potential consumers, offer them more interesting products;
- consumers - those who bring us the main profit buy our products, but they can also leave the organization following competitors;
suppliers- enable organizations to work by providing necessary materials, but they may not provide and then the organization will have difficulties, infrastructure organizations are also referred to as suppliers;
- labor resources - the most unique factor, it is present both in the internal environment and in the external one, in this case it is those who can come to the organization, influence the level of qualification or vice versa by its absence, improving or deteriorating the efficiency of the company;
- laws and authorities state regulation and control - establish the rules of the game for all organizations, oblige them to comply and punish for non-compliance with the law.

Indirect impact environment - these are macro factors influencing the activities of organizations, not always immediately, but the organizations themselves cannot oppose them with anything. Indirect environment forces the organization to play by the rules of the environment. An organization can anticipate and prepare, or already adjust to change. Well, if it didn't work out, it means that the organization will be destroyed.

The main elements of the indirect impact environment and their impact on the organization:
- economic environment - the impact of economic processes
- political environment - the impact of political processes and transformations
- scientific and technical environment - the impact of new technologies and innovations
- sociocultural environment - the influence of society, fashion in society, cultural structure
natural environment - the influence of various natural factors and man-made
international environment - the influence of events taking place in the life of the world community.

In total, we can conclude that the external environment of the organization has a serious impact on all processes occurring in the life of any organization. Modern management speaks of the need to constantly and systematically collect and analyze data about the external environment.
The process of collecting information about the environment and especially its analysis for modern governance extremely important, all this provides a field for further management procedures and actions.

Each organization carries out a complex process, which involves all the links and divisions of the subject of modern business. enterprise and represents the interaction between all components of production throughout the full cycle from the purchase of raw materials to the sale of goods to the consumer.

For successful management it is not enough for a business to understand the mechanisms of interaction of the constituent elements, but it is also necessary to analyze the process both from the inside and outside.

For the purpose of detailed and correct analysis, economic activity the enterprise is broken down into several aspects, of which the main indicators are distinguished, which are used to track the dynamics of activity in different reporting periods.

Synthesizing methods of analysis are often used: all indicators are combined into a single mechanism, and the relationship between them is monitored, the degree of influence on each other and the level of interdependence of factors among themselves are determined (for example, how indirect costs depend on gross income and, conversely, in the reporting period or in previous).


Undoubtedly, the organization plays an important role in the direct analysis procedure. It is impossible to evaluate by the same coefficients, for example, a private hotel complex and a company that produces cellophane bags with a state share in the capital.

Depending on the form of ownership, there are private and public enterprises... The latter types differ in that they have part of the state capital. The former include private and cooperative economic entities.

In addition, the type of activity of the organization, according to the degree of entrepreneurship, can be either commercial or non-commercial. In this case, the name speaks for itself - the latter do not make it their primary task to make a profit as a result of their main activities and rather function according to trade union, religious and fund principles.

also in Russian legislation there is a ranking of organizations according to economic types activities. This list is included in the Unified Classifier and is represented by groups of about a hundred items.

Enterprise environment: definition

The organization cannot function in isolation, according to the plans and objectives, without interfering with the factors influencing its activities. The reasons can be varied: weather, the actions of competitors, the work of the accounting department, certain actions of the staff of the recruiting department, etc.

All these events can be summarized as a separate concept - the environment of the enterprise. No business entity can do without it, and sometimes the environment can influence both positively and negatively, despite the abstractness of its definition as such.

Let's say a person is late for work because his car broke down - he was negatively influenced by the external environment. But if he arrived early for the reason that he met an old friend and he gave him a lift, then there is a positive influence of the external environment.

A business entity is no exception - its activities can be influenced by the internal and external environments of the enterprise in a positive or negative aspect.

What is the enterprise environment

So, we have decided that any changes in the functioning of a business entity depend on factors influencing the production process.

However, it is not entirely correct to separate the influencing indicators into purely internal and external environments of the enterprise, since each of them can be divided into several subgroups. So, for example, any field of activity can be divided according to the degree of influence, factors of the distribution of forces and the area of ​​influence.

Internal environment of the enterprise

Any components that take place inside the enterprise and somehow affect the economic process are elements of the internal environment of the economic entity. This phenomenon is a completely controllable process and can be regulated in any way by any management decisions, which together constitutes the mechanism of interaction between technological and organizational engines.

The internal and external environments of the enterprise have a clear distinction among themselves in terms of their components, so the elements of the first are:

  • labor resources (ordinary personnel);
  • management capabilities (leadership);
  • technological stocks (production equipment);
  • advertising promotion of goods (marketing group);
  • financial security;
  • company culture;
  • social image.

These indicators are not constant, therefore, some of them may be absent in some business entities. All of the above elements can be combined and the factors of the internal environment of the enterprise can be distinguished:

  • economics (includes marketing and financial elements);
  • working capacity (cultural and image elements of the environment, personnel structure);
  • technological support (includes the entire production group).

The procedure for analyzing all of the above forces allows the enterprise to strengthen all its weak sides and improve the strengths, which allows a business entity to gain greater resilience in the foreign market.

The internal environment of the enterprise by example

Let's take a practical look at how changes in the internal environment can affect the business as a whole.

Let's say you have a staff that is a little more qualified, but not enough to work quickly and efficiently. You, as a manager, organize refresher courses aimed at the specifics of your company.

As a result, the staff after completing the courses receives answers to many of their questions and now it takes less time to carry out direct duties, since the employee does not spend his work time, seeking help from colleagues, and thereby distracting them from their work.

We have considered the changes in the labor factor, let's try to change something in the technological support. For example, replace the equipment with a newer one. Thus, we exclude or minimize production stagnation due to a breakdown of a particular mechanism. This means that we no longer spend money on the repair of fixed assets, thereby affecting the economic factor, changing the indirect costs of capital investments.

Work environment

Since we are talking about technological support, let's dwell on the production environment of the enterprise in more detail, as one of the main components of the internal one.

Each manager should be treated with the greatest responsibility in planning the release of products, since this component, although not constant, is one of the most long-term.

The production environment of the enterprise includes the following components:

  • any space in which the work process is carried out: including the main structures, outbuildings with all infrastructures included;
  • programmatic and which is involved in the main process;
  • other services and systems that are involved in the auxiliary production line.

Each sector of the sphere responsible for the production of products must be equipped in such a way that it can serve the enterprise for many years.

External environment of the enterprise

Any environment outside the economic entity that in any way affects its activities, even indirectly, is called the external environment of the enterprise. Moreover, it has macro- and microeffects. The first are indirect driving forces and the latter are based on the activities of other entities directly related to the enterprise.

Main enterprise environments:

  • nature (weather conditions, impact on production by changing them);
  • demographic indicator (change in the average age of the population);
  • economic component (any processes taking place in the country and affecting national and foreign exchange markets, the presence of competitors);
  • institutional engine (any actions of government and fiscal authorities).

So, we can say that the external environment of the enterprise is in no way subject to management decisions and can influence a business entity chaotically, without a clear algorithm and directional vector.

External environment by example

Let's use an example to imagine how the external environment of an enterprise's activity affects a business entity in a demographic aspect. Let's say there is a corporation that has been producing goods for newborns for several decades, while last years average level the birth rate dropped by 20%.

Roughly speaking, entrepreneurs will have to adjust to the demographics and slightly reduce their volumes (unless, of course, during these same reporting years they did not manage to enter the external market).

Let's consider how a natural factor can affect a business entity. For example, a hurricane, a storm warning - and the supply of raw materials is disrupted due to adverse weather conditions.

The institutional indicator manifests itself in practice under the guise of government regulations, changes in legislation and the taxation process. Jumps in the exchange rates make up in which the competitive environment of the enterprise also plays an important role, with which, by the way, the manufacturer can fight in the slightest degree.

Competitive environment

It is known that competition is a kind of process of rivalry that can be caused by the release of the same goods sold in the same geographical framework.

You can fight the competitive environment by varying some indicators of your business. For example, pricing policy. The cost of goods is one of the indicators that directly affect the choice of the buyer. Therefore, the lower it is, the higher the demand.

However, do not forget about the quality of the products. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers sacrifice quality in order to lower the price threshold. There are other ways to reduce the cost of a product: for example, by cutting delivery costs or automating the production process, thereby reducing direct production costs.

Internal environment of the organization is an organic combination of components such as technology, personnel, structure, intra-organizational processes, organizational culture... The formation of the internal environment and the management of the processes taking place in it is the responsibility of the organization's management.

Technology includes technical means and technological processes... Any manufacturer of products (goods, works, services), including design, consulting and audit organizations, are interested in using advanced technologies. Technology is often a key issue in ensuring the effectiveness of an organization and the competitiveness of its products.

Staff(personnel) constitutes the backbone of any organization. In order for the created products to meet the requirements of the market, management organizes the formation of the composition, knowledge, skills, skills and culture of personnel for the purposes of the organization.

Organization structure - it is the composition and system of interaction of its constituent subsystems, distinguished according to the criteria of production and management processes. The structure reflects the division of managerial labor that has developed in the organization, the hierarchy of management and communication, it connects into a single organism all the elements of the organization that are in constant interaction.

Intra-organizational processes. The internal environment of the organization consists of a large number different actions combined into processes and subprocesses. Allocate process: a) general, b) functional.

General intra-organizational processes-- this is communications, making decisions and coordination.

In the process of communication, information is exchanged, the effectiveness of which depends on the forms of communication, the technical means used and restrictive procedures that establish who, where, when, with what frequency, in what form and for what purposes, exchanges information. The communication system must ensure optimal information exchange.

Any actions and management functions are based on decisions taken... The decision-making process is organized in different ways: the right to make decisions is assigned to the highest level; management, delegation of rights to the lower levels of the hierarchy is practiced; solutions are widely discussed and agreed upon in advance.

To coordinate means to give things and actions the necessary proportions. The coordination process can be carried out through two types of procedures: 1) direct management of actions in the form of orders, orders and proposals; 2) a system of norms, rules and procedures governing activities.

Quantity and significance functional processes depends on the goals, objectives, type of activity of the organization and its size. The main groups of functional processes covering the activities of any organization are as follows: marketing, production, finance, work with personnel (personnel), accounting and analysis of information about the work of the organization (accounting).

Organizational culture consists of organizational design and strong positive norms, ideas, principles and beliefs that are shared by the majority of employees. It manifests itself in all components of the organization's activities, gives stability to the behavior of the organization and its employees. Building and maintaining a culture is an ongoing process that requires persistence and consistency from its management.

The state of the organization's internal environment, in comparison with the external environment, is assessed by management according to two main criteria:

a) strengths (merits) of the organization(for example, highly skilled workers, advanced technologies, protected patents, organic type of management system, etc.);

b) weaknesses of the organization(for example, worn out equipment, outdated working methods, poorly trained personnel, backward technology, ineffective communication system, etc.).

Management activity involves the development of strengths and the elimination of weaknesses.

Management methods

Management methods are methods of managerial influence on a management object (a person, a group or an organization as a whole) in order to achieve the set goals. They are divided into three main groups: organizational and administrative, economic and socio-psychological.

Organizational and administrative management methods. The techniques and methods of influence of the subject of control on the object of control inherent in this group are based on the strength and authority of power.

Organizational Impact is carried out through the system of organizing workplaces and regulation of the activities of the organization and its personnel through internal regulatory documents, which include: the charter of the organization, collective agreement between the administration and the team, provisions on organizational structure and structural divisions, internal regulations, job descriptions of employees.

Regulatory influences are aimed at achieving the set goals through direct administrative influence, the means of which can be orders, orders, instructions, instructions, target planning, rationing of labor, coordination of work and control over performance.

The use of administrative methods requires a clear distribution of rights and responsibilities in the organization. Let's emphasize characteristics these control methods:

· Direct impact on the object of management;

· The mandatory nature of the implementation of norms, rules, instructions, orders, orders by objects of management;

· Establishment of responsibility for non-compliance and application of coercive measures.

Economic management methods. V this group includes a set of measures, means and instruments based on the operation of economic laws and factors. They influence people, groups and organizations through their material interests, making them interested in the final quantitative and qualitative results of labor.

The role of economic regulators can be: wages, pricing, taxation, property, loans and rates on them, preferences, etc. The mechanism of their influence is manifested through a system of economic indicators, including income, profitability, profit, dividends, material incentives.

Economic incentives can create preconditions for the development of new products, improving their quality, increasing production volumes, rational use material resources, the optimal combination of personal interests with the interests of the organization and society.

Socio-psychological methods of management. This group unites the methods of implementing managerial influences on people based on the use of the laws of sociology and psychology, in connection with which the methods used can be conditionally divided into sociological and psychological subgroups. The objects of influence of these methods are groups of people and individuals.

In terms of the scale and methods of exposure, these methods are divided into two main groups: sociological and psychological... This division is rather arbitrary, since a person does not live in isolation, but is in constant interaction with his environment.

Sociological methods are aimed at groups of people and their interaction in the production process (the outer world of a person). They allow you to determine the purpose and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and opportunities for their support, link people's motivation with end results work, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team.

Psychological methods affect a specific person (the inner world of a person). Their main difference is the appeal to inner peace a person, his personality, intellect, feelings, behavioral features, in order to direct the internal potential of a person to solve the problems of the organization.

Similar information.

In most cases, management deals with organizations that are open systems and consisting of many interdependent parts. Let's consider the most significant internal variables of the organization.

Traditionally, the main internal variables are: goals, structure, objectives, technology and people.

1. A goal is a specific end state or desired result that a group of people working together aspires to achieve. In the course of work, the management develops goals and communicates them to the employees of the organization, and this process has great importance, as it enables members of the organization to know what they should strive for. Common goals unite the team and give awareness to all work. Organizations have a variety of goals, and their essence largely depends on the type of organization.

  • Commercial organizations. Goals similar organizations should reflect the commercial result in the form of profit (profitability), income, labor productivity, etc.
  • Non-profit organizations (associations, foundations). By definition, the activities of these organizations are not aimed at making a profit. Their purpose is mainly determined by a social orientation, therefore, the goals can be formulated as protection of rights, development of a scientific direction, support of the culture of the region, etc.
  • State (municipal) organizations. For these organizations, making a profit is not the dominant goal. Often the goals of supporting the existence and development of the state (region) prevail. Organizations develop within the established budget (country, region, district). Therefore, the goals are determined by the territorial authorities and can be formulated as the development of secondary education, ensuring the commissioning of new hospital complexes, supporting public catering, etc. state objects.

Also, the object of attention of managers is the goals of the departments.

2. In general, the entire organization consists of several levels of management and various departments, interconnected with each other. This is commonly referred to as the structure of the organization. All divisions of the organization can be attributed to one or another functional area. The functional area refers to the work performed for the organization as a whole: marketing, manufacturing, finance, etc. It is obvious that marketing can be carried out by several departments and even, for example, a production department, if it is developing a new product for a consumer. When considering structure as a component of the internal environment, two issues are usually dwelling on: division of labor and control.

The division of labor is carried out not according to the principle of using any free worker for a specific job, but based on considerations of attracting a specialist in a given field. So, when organizing a new marketing department, it is inappropriate to use the freed engineers or technicians without their corresponding retraining. The advantage of a specialized distribution of labor is obvious, and how exactly to implement the division of labor in an organization is a question that belongs to the most significant management decisions. Separate horizontal and vertical division of labor. Horizontal - division of labor by specialized levels, for example, procurement manager, sales manager, HR manager, etc. The vertical distribution of labor (volume of management) is carried out on the principle of having work to coordinate the execution of the task. This distribution results in a management hierarchy or a number of management levels. Hierarchy permeates the entire organization, descending to the level of non-management personnel.

The number of people subordinate to one leader is called the sphere of control. In an organization, each leader has his own area of ​​control. Organizations with a flat structure have fewer levels of management and a broader scope of control than comparable organizations with a tiered structure.

3. A task is a prescribed job that must be completed in a specified manner and within a specified time frame. Each position in an organization includes a number of tasks that must be performed in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Tasks are traditionally divided into three categories:

  • tasks for working with people;
  • tasks for working with machines, raw materials, tools, etc .;
  • tasks for working with information.

In an age of explosive growth in innovation and innovation, tasks become more and more detailed and specialized. Each individual task can be quite complex and in-depth. In this regard, the importance of managerial coordination of actions in solving such problems is increasing.

4. The next internal variable is technology. The concept of technology goes beyond the usual understanding of production technology. Technology is a principle, a procedure for organizing a process for optimal use. different kinds resources (labor, material, temporary cash). Technology is a method that allows for some kind of transformation. This may relate to the field of sales - how to best implement the manufactured product, or to the field of collecting information - how to collect the information necessary for managing the enterprise in the most competent and cost-effective way, etc. recent times exactly information Technology became a key factor for the enterprise to gain a sustainable competitive advantage in doing business.

Two classifications of technology are commonly considered: Woodward and Thompson.

Woodward classification:

  • single, small-scale or individual production;
  • mass or large-scale production;
  • continuous production. Thompson classification:
  • multi-tier technologies, characterized by a series of interrelated tasks that are performed sequentially;
  • intermediary technologies, characterized by the meeting of groups of people. For example, sellers connect the manufacturer of products with consumers (in this case, we are dealing with sales technology);
  • intensive technology, characterized by the use of special techniques to change the state of any material (for example, intensification of production).

5. People are the central link in any management system. There are three main aspects of the human variable in an organization:

  • behavior of individuals;
  • behavior of people in groups;
  • the nature of the leader's behavior.

Understanding and managing the human variable in an organization is the most complex component of the entire management process and depends on many factors. Let's list some of them:

  1. Human abilities. According to them, people are most clearly divided within the organization. Human ability refers to the characteristics that are most readily changeable, such as learning.
  2. Needs. Each person has not only material, but also psychological needs (respect, recognition, etc.). From a management point of view, the organization should strive to ensure that the satisfaction of the employee's needs would lead to the realization of the organization's goals.
  3. Perception, or how people react to the events around them. This factor is important for the development of various kinds of incentives for the employee.
  4. Values, or shared beliefs about what is good or bad. Values ​​are embedded in a person from childhood and are formed throughout all activities. Shared values ​​help leaders bring people together to achieve organizational goals.
  5. The influence of the environment on the personality. Today, many psychologists say that human behavior depends on the situation. It was noticed that in one situation a person behaves honestly, and in another - not. These facts point to the importance of creating a work environment that supports the type of behavior desired by the organization.

In addition to these factors, groups and management leadership affect a person in an organization. Any person seeks to belong to a group. He accepts the norms of behavior of this group, depending on how much he values ​​his belonging to it. An organization can be viewed as a kind of formal group people, and at the same time in any organization there are many informal groups that are formed not only on a professional basis.

In addition, there are leaders in any formal or informal group. Leadership is a means by which a leader influences people's behavior and forces them to behave in a certain way.
