Sturgeon breeding mini farm - business plan. Video “Family dairy mini-farm in Shargait”

Provide stable income a mini-farm for cows will help. Initially, you can purchase a small livestock. Gradually the business will increase, the number of bulls and cows in the herd will increase. The following recommendations will help you organize and arrange everything correctly.

A mini-farm for cows will help provide a stable income

If you are planning to organize a farm, you need to carefully think and calculate everything. An approximate business plan for a dairy farm for 20 heads includes the main points of organizing the process and financial issues.

The main points include:

  • choosing a location for a future mini-farm;
  • rent or purchase of land (if it is not available);
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of initial livestock - bulls and cows;
  • organizing proper care for each individual;
  • maintaining cleanliness;
  • cleaning waste products - manure.

Financial issues include expense items and ways to generate income in farming. The required investments determine the amount of initial capital required to organize a business.

The main expense items are as follows:

  • purchase of building materials;
  • construction of a mini-farm;
  • purchase and delivery of livestock;
  • wages for hired personnel;
  • food preparation;
  • payment for veterinary services.

In fact, the productivity of these animals is extremely high

A mini-farm for 10 cows will pay for itself very quickly. Such an enterprise can generate income in several directions. It could be:

  • sale of milk and dairy products;
  • sale of high-quality beef and/or meat by-products;
  • sale of skins;
  • sale of bulls and heifers, i.e. young animals;
  • sale of manure as;
  • paid provision of breeding animals for mating to owners of other farms.

In addition, you can also organize the sale of hay and/or silage. Of course, subject to the availability of appropriate land plots.

Farm from scratch (video)

Choosing the right place

To avoid problems, you need to choose the right piece of land. This should be a flat and well-trodden area. The presence of a small forest belt near the mini-farm will protect animals from drafts and/or strong winds.

Natural reservoirs and/or sources of drinking water according to legal norms relevant laws of the Russian Federation must be at least 30 m away from places where mass livestock are kept, otherwise the owner may be fined a large sum. In this case, the mini-farm will have to be moved to another site.

An equally important point is the absence of residential and/or other buildings near the place where the mini-farm will be built, a large cattle, is an inevitable unpleasant odor. Do not create discomfort for nearby residents settlements. On own plot a mini-farm for cows is being set up closer to the place where fruit and vegetable crops are planted. This will make it easier to use manure to fertilize the soil. A modern farm should be located at a distance of 15 meters or more from a residential building. Additionally, the main wind direction in the region should also be taken into account.

To build a farm for cows without any problems, you need to choose the right piece of land

Saving money

For a beginning farmer to maintain, for example, ten or twenty heads, it is better to rent land. It will be much cheaper than buying it. You can select a site with ready-made buildings, which, after minor repairs, will provide proper living conditions for cattle. A rented plot and/or barn for 50 heads has such a significant advantage as the ability to terminate the contract without any problems. For example, if a more suitable option was found.

The farm design and initial estimate should be drawn up based on recycled material. Used bricks, wood, etc. can be purchased much cheaper. The main thing is to check the quality of the product - the degree of wear, safety, etc.

Sawdust is used for bedding in the barn. You can prepare them yourself. To do this, you can buy old wood - frames, boards, lumber that is not suitable for use.

Preparing for construction

A farm diagram that needs to be prepared in advance will help ensure proper maintenance and/or care of the cows. You can do it yourself or find a suitable mini-farm project from friends and acquaintances.

Markings must be made on the work site. At the same time, a place for storing building materials and tools must be prepared.

Independent construction of a cattle farm requires significant labor and time. You can speed up the process by inviting assistants. Hiring a construction crew will be very expensive.

Tools and materials

Before building a farm, you need to stock up necessary tools and materials. To work you will need:

  • dry concrete mixture or cement and sand;
  • brick, wood or blocks;
  • slate;
  • roofing felt;
  • insulation;
  • fasteners;
  • beams and/or beams.

The set of tools must include:

  • shovels - shovel and bayonet;
  • construction tape;
  • plumb and level;
  • technical knife;
  • hammer drill or electric drill;
  • construction mixer or concrete mixer;
  • containers for solution;
  • saw and/or hacksaw;
  • mason's tool;
  • wire cutters and/or pliers;
  • hammers and sledgehammers;
  • workwear;
  • rags.

To store supplies of materials and working tools, you can set up a small barracks or a fenced area with a canopy.

Mini farm (video)

Barn dimensions

The health of cattle directly depends on the conditions under which the herd is kept. In order for the animals to feel comfortable, it is necessary to plan the following dimensions of the barn:

  • main area - 500 m² for 50 heads (at the rate of 6 m² per 1 adult or 10 m² for queens with offspring);
  • additional space for storing feed, tools and equipment;
  • wall height - from 2.5 to 3 m;
  • height to the roof ridge - at least 3.5 m.

Experienced livestock breeders do not recommend building very large barns for a wide range of livestock. In small rooms for 10 or 20 animals, animals feel more comfortable. At the same time, the cows on the farm are healthy and produce good milk yield. If one or more individuals are infected, the main population will be easier to protect from the disease. In addition, a barn for 20 heads is easier to keep clean and tidy to obtain high-quality milk and/or meat.

Independent construction of a cattle farm requires significant labor and time

Construction of a cowshed

The selected version of the mini-farm and barn project needs to be studied and, if necessary, slightly modified. This will help tailor proposed projects to specific conditions.

A brick cattle structure must be built on a solid foundation. A lightweight version can be made for frame, wooden or block walls. The roof is made 2-slope with a high ridge. On top there is a hayloft and a storage system for the necessary inventory, equipment, etc. Another option is a modern hangar-type barn with an arched roof. The profile for it is gradually increased to the required size.

The ceiling of a cattle shed is usually made of thick boards. For cold regions, double decking is required. Sealing joints is done using clay. To maintain heat, you need to pour sand or sawdust. Layer thickness - at least 10 cm.

The floor in the barn is best made of concrete. It is diluted and poured using conventional technology. Concrete floors are durable and comfortable for animals and staff. Maintaining cleanliness will not require significant effort and time.

Plank flooring will be cheaper. However, you will have to cover the joint seams with clay. The required slope for the floor in the barn is no more than 2 cm per 1 m. This is safe for cows and convenient for removing manure.

Inside the barn it is necessary to arrange stalls measuring 170 by 110 cm. The following materials can be used to make partitions:

  • board;
  • reinforcing rod;
  • log;
  • beam;
  • metal pipe.

The floor is covered with dry chopped straw or sawdust. You can make wooden flooring. A wide passage should be left in the center of the room for farm staff.

A channel or gutter is installed at the rear to drain manure. It is imperative to make a slope towards the container for collecting liquid manure. The gutter is brought out through a special hole (opening) in the wall. It requires a valve.

Drinkers and feeders are easy to make with your own hands. They are placed in front of the stalls. The width of the bottom is 40 cm. From the bottom up, the feeder expands to 70 cm. The height of the outer side is 70 cm. The inner side facing the animal is no higher than 30 cm.

Conditions of detention and sanitary standards

Microclimate is very important for cattle. Therefore, in the barn of a 50-head farm, windows are needed for ventilation. They are placed at a height of 120-150 cm above floor level. A ventilation system and heating device (if necessary) will help ensure temperature control and air circulation.

The area of ​​thermal neutrality, i.e. the optimal temperature regime, is ensured in the barn depending on the breed of animals. Usually +4 to +20 °C is required. Warmth is especially important for young bulls and heifers. Large rooms will require artificial lighting. Electrical wiring must be installed by a specialist during construction.

A village or any plot of land opens up a lot of prospects for business. Some grow vegetables for sale, while others keep rabbits or goats. One option is to organize a small farm for cattle. In this way, you can practice raising cows for milk or meat as a business. Let's figure out whether it is profitable to keep a cow, how to care for livestock, how to raise calves, and what else you need to know about cattle breeding in both directions.

Before starting work on the farm, it is necessary to find out in detail all the nuances and possible pitfalls of this activity. Key points that play a key role:

  • Features of maintaining a cattle farm in the cold and warm seasons by zone;
  • Meat and dairy breeds of cows, the nuances of their breeding and production of products using modern methods;
  • How to most cost-effectively sell products and manure from large animals.

Possible areas of work

A modern mini cattle farm can be focused on milk or meat. Where to start in this or that version of livestock farming, what conditions to provide them with depending on the breeding method?

Meat farm

A beef cattle farm is less expensive than a dairy farm. The first and most important thing here is to choose the right bulls or heifers in order to fatten them later. A large number of additional premises will not be required, equipment for the farm is reduced to a minimum, and only the costs will remain for high-quality feed for the cow herd, which is necessary to raise a calf or heifer at home and further breed animals.

If you are interested in livestock farming primarily as a way to quickly make a profit, then choose this most suitable option. However, if you are planning a long-term business, then in the future, in terms of profitability, a mini dairy farm for cows will be more effective.

On this moment Home family modules are becoming increasingly common to make bull breeding easier. These include the following methods and technologies:

  • Once the calves reach 1 year of age, the cattle are further raised in stalls;
  • The grazing period is used to the maximum by cattle during breeding;
  • Calf feeds on homemade milk up to seven months;
  • Use of automatic feed dispensers and dispensers that are easy to clean;
  • The use of a home free-stall care option for livestock, with this method the animals simply stand in stalls.

Milk farm

The main element of a modern farm dairy direction- a hall where cows are milked. For best results, its construction is regulated by strict dairy standards, as is the installation of equipment. As a result, a home farm in which cows are kept according to rules can become extremely profitable economic enterprise, like any well-organized livestock farming with high-quality products.

Usually in business they use loose housing in separate stalls or housing in groups. The cattle are fed on the territory of the yard for walking, and the cows are provided with water from automatic drinking bowls inside the premises. Dairy cattle require water at a temperature of approximately 12 degrees when raised. Each heifer needs to be watered and milked daily.

Having finished milking, the products (milk) are placed in a special cold tank, where the temperature is 3 degrees, before being sent for sale to stores or other farms. No other milk processing equipment is required.

What is a mini farm?

Livestock farming is limited to fairly strict limits in all its areas. Premises in which bulls are raised or cows are raised as a business must meet several important requirements:

  1. Versatility, allowing you to raise livestock in any climate and in any way, so that the heifers feel good;
  2. Possibility of supplying water and electrical communications to all areas for comfortable care of each cow and milking;
  3. Availability of equipment with which cattle will be serviced - bulls and cows, including free-stall housing;
  4. To have a cow, bull or calf, the total usable area should not be less than 1000 sq.m., so your domestic livestock will feel comfortable;
  5. The ceilings in the premises are not lower than six meters - crowding has a negative impact on milk production and the rearing of milk-age calves;
  6. So that a loose-leash system can be organized.

Also, raising cows at home as a business requires certain types of premises, depending on the focus. Dairy farms always have a modern workshop for bottling milk, and meat farms have a modern workshop for cutting up carcasses (including dehorning) and a laboratory. Farms for cows should be as comfortable as possible for the animals, then they will be profitable in terms of turnover.

There is a cold method for raising calves, which implies the following: animals must constantly breathe fresh, cool air, and the temperature and humidity in the room are constantly maintained as close as possible to natural outdoor conditions. Projects of such farms for cattle are very common today - everyone is talking about cows that grow well in such conditions.

How to design a mini farm

Land selection

In order to choose the right plot of land and organize the raising of calves at home on it, you need to take into account the following criteria: an area of ​​at least 1000 sq.m., the presence of pastures or places for building various kinds hangars, paddocks, hay storage for the winter.

Much depends on how you raise calves at home - whether you practice free-stall housing or not, whether you have a meat or dairy farm. Keep in mind the rule - it is unprofitable to keep mini-farms that do not have their own food supply - almost all the profit from the family trade in meat or milk will be used to feed the raised animals. And livestock farming is, first and foremost, a serious business where productivity is important.

Keep in mind in the plan that the site should be located in a place where it is easy to connect the necessary communications (hot and cold water supply, sewerage, gas, electricity are required). Ideally, there was already a cattle farm here before. Then even some buildings could have been preserved, which would make your work easier.

It is undesirable to choose a site that is located in a lowland, has poor, depleted soil, or is difficult to access. Eliminating each problem will require investing a considerable amount of family money.

Building equipment

To build a successful business on cows and bulls, you need to adhere to certain rules and plans. The size of the stall for one cow or heifer is 100 by 200 cm. In each box, the calf needs to make a slight slope where waste will go. This compartment should also have a door for easy removal of cow dung. For a dairy farm, it is important to consider the milking system and timely supply of water to animals in the layout. Modern automatic milking machines will cost less than hiring milkmaids. Attention should also be paid to the zone in which the cows are bred. Cow breeding as a business must be profitable in terms of turnover, otherwise there is no point in it.

Purchasing animals

The choice of calves depends primarily on the future direction of the farm. For dairy, buy cows with large, hairless udders, a rounded body and sharp withers; such a heifer will most likely provide you with milk. It is best to take young animals, since from each of them you can get maximum amount milk. When choosing a meat breed, opt for completely healthy and unpretentious individuals with a large weight. When purchasing, when calculating the number of animals, take into account the estimated turnover of the cattle herd.


The farm must have equipment such as feeders for heifers - single or group. When wondering how to choose this element, the easiest way is to choose a wooden gutter - the design is simple, but proven over the years. The same applies to drinking bowls. And in order to check the weight of animals before sale or other procedures, the mini-farm must purchase special scales, especially if it is a meat business. You can also monitor the weight of young animals; calves or heifers should quickly gain weight.


If your farm is located in a village or rural settlement, then it is most convenient to hire local residents. Jobs required to care for beef/dairy cows and bulls, as well as other operations: milkmaid (optional if there is no milking machine), general laborer who monitors the farm, livestock technician who monitors the health of each animal, accountant and sales manager. Salaries these people on farms rural settlement According to the plan, they are in the range of 13-17 thousand rubles.

Spending and profit

The approximate amount that can be met when organizing conditions for keeping dairy cows or bulls for meat is 650,000-1,000,000 rubles. This includes the construction or renovation of buildings, the purchase of livestock, registration of an individual entrepreneur, and the development of a business plan. During the first year you will have the following expenses: purchase of feed, payment of employees, taxes, as well as various unforeseen expenses associated with breeding. Profit depends entirely on how well the business is organized.

An alternative to building a mini farm

It is quite possible that the methods of raising calves do not appeal to you. Alternatively, you can build a dairy farm from the farm. They do this both from scratch and on the basis of existing buildings. In any case, it is necessary to pay attention to ensuring that the premises of the mini-farm are carefully repaired and insulated for each heifer. This is the key to obtaining quality products. You also need to install partitions if you prefer free-stall housing as a technique.

It is advisable that dairy farming work be carried out by professional builders. It’s better to pay once than to constantly spend money on repairs and alterations. Many construction companies They even offer a choice of several ready-made dairy farm projects that you can use. These projects take into account all the nuances of keeping farmed animals. Then all that remains is to purchase equipment, acquire a cow or calf and start producing milk. Each heifer will grow up healthy and fruitful in a properly constructed facility.

Organization of such objects as family farm or dairy farming, is not an easy task. But if you want, you can deal with it. The main thing is to make plans, carefully weigh all the pros and cons and thoroughly study the rules associated with business, be it the production of meat or milk. And then livestock farming will bring you a decent profit.

Mini farms for cows are small complexes for keeping and breeding a small number of animals. As a rule, today they can contain from 20 to 100 heads of adults. In other words, these are private farms that bring profit to their owner.

For example, you live in a small village near the city. There are no large enterprises in your area, which means there is no decent work either. It is precisely in such situations that many active people begin to think: why not make your own mini-farm for cows? The idea is good - it’s also profitable, because dairy products are always in price in the city, and besides, the terrain allows for good pasture and walking area. This is how small dairy and meat farms are springing up all over our country.

You can see more details about what mini-farms look like in the video. We will just add a little that modern Construction Materials and special devices make it possible to engage in livestock farming in any region and in any area. To do this, you just need to have free space depending on the maximum number of cows, as well as the ability to create all the conditions on the farm. That is, supply electricity, water, etc. As practice shows, this is also easy to do, because a small farm houses the entire complex of premises in just one hangar.

But why such farms are needed is an individual question: for some it is a business, for others the meaning of life, for others a hobby, for others the desire to consume and sell high-quality environmentally friendly products.

How to create a mini farm?

In order to build and create your own mini-farm, first you must decide how many cows you want to keep: 10, 20, 50 or maybe 100? This is what her plan will depend on. A small farm, for example, for 10-50 heads, can be easily placed in a rectangular hangar. However, regardless of size, each building must meet the following requirements:

  • the opportunity to engage in livestock farming in any region of the country;
  • be able to connect to household energy sources and water supply;
  • equipped with the necessary equipment to monitor the condition of animals and the indoor microclimate;
  • the required area should not be less than 1000 square meters. meters;
  • the height of the building must be at least 6 meters;
  • approximate size of a hangar for 50 heads: width 15 meters, length – 70 meters.

Also, depending on the type of activity (meat or dairy farming), the construction plan will depend. For example, a mini dairy farm must have a separate room for collecting, dispensing and monitoring milk. A meat farm must have a special meat cutting station, a workshop and a laboratory.

Comfort for cows comes first

Any farm, even the smallest one, should be equipped so that all the animals in it feel comfortable and healthy. To do this, the owner must provide all the necessary equipment and devices. First, you should consider how the animals will be kept: on a leash, in stalls or without a leash. If you have a few cows (up to 20 heads), then they can be placed in stalls or free range. If there are a lot of animals, it is advisable to install special boxes with leashes.


The farm must be equipped with automatic water supply, electricity, ventilation and heating, which is possible in cold regions. You can choose both group and individual feeders. If funds allow, mechanized feed distribution can be done. The dairy farm must have milking machines and a milk bottling system.

Despite its size, your farm must have a sufficient number of specialist employees who will not only look after the cows, but also perform other necessary work: electrician, plumber, cleaner, livestock specialist, veterinarian, milkmaids, accountant, product sales manager, etc. The cost of the investment will depend on the materials and equipment used.

Healthy! Today there are a number of companies engaged in the construction and reconstruction of such premises and mini-farms. Their work project already includes a whole set of necessary infrastructure, including the installation of a milking system and milk processing. As a rule, such companies work with prefabricated structures, which are cheaper and faster to build - on average up to 3 months.

For more information about what a mini-farm for cows can look like and what it is, watch the video.

Video “Family dairy mini-farm in Shargait”

In this video you will see an example of a mini farm that one family created. Today they are successfully engaged in the production of dairy products. The owners themselves will tell you about all the intricacies of their business.

The increasing popularity of cryptocurrency has led to a systematic increase in the interest of users - many began to find out whether it is even possible in practice with their own hands. Situation for different types means of payment are different, but the construction of a coin mining installation itself is a simple process. Even for people who have little knowledge of hardware and PCs. In the current century, all boards and components are modular in nature, and are also abundantly supplied with manuals and drivers - any of you are unlikely to have any difficulties connecting them.

How it works?

A video card farm for mining is a computer with equipment connected to it, which provides computing power for the benefit of the system. In the most common cases, such components are video cards - a standard tool used by ordinary users for games, rendering and other tasks.

But a video card mining rig will not be limited to just installing components on a rack or in a computer case. The fact is that the heat transfer of these cards is very high - for some models, a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius is still acceptable under short-term loads. Those who want to make money are faced with the question of how to set up a mining farm and maintain normal heat transfer. Cryptocurrency mining, after all, involves constant long hours of work “at high speeds”, therefore, a mining video card farm requires care about cooling.

Installing additional coolers increases air circulation and reduces the stagnation of hot masses in the space between video cards - this way the mining rig will work longer and more productively. This not only increases their performance, but also extends their life cycle - no modern component can be combined with excessive heat. Semiconductor elements on memory boards quickly begin to deteriorate if proper air circulation is not provided and if proper care is not taken, a DIY Bitcoin farm will turn into a pile of failed components.

Basic nuances during assembly

And yet, how to assemble a farm? In an ideal case, video cards are installed on a remote rack, and coolers for airflow are attached to the structure on several sides. The maximum number of cards connected to a computer is 6 pieces - these are the capabilities of modern motherboards. But before you create a mining farm, there are many details to consider.

The next issue that the future miner needs to solve is energy consumption. If we are assembling a mining farm, then this becomes a matter of first importance. The fact is that, with all their energy-saving improvements and reduced process technology, video cards consume a huge amount of current. If you are planning to build a mining rig from scratch, then electricity costs should also be taken into account - they will be very high.

The minimum power of devices in the mid-price segment with not the best computing power is 50 watts per hour. For top-end solutions, the more relevant figure is 100 W per hour, which when multiplied by 6 (the maximum number of slots) gives an impressive 0.6 kilowatts. Creating a mining rig will force you to consume current almost like any household appliance.

But that’s not all that those who want to build a farm need to know. The installation cannot work on its own - in fact, it is the same computer as everyone else, only with expanded capabilities. Therefore, we also add the central processor here, RAM, HDD and coolers on racks and inside the system unit.

All the components listed above can add another 200–400 watts, which is ideal conditions gives 1 kW per hour. Or about 24 kilowatts per day - for some citizens this is the consumption rate per month per person. Creating a mining farm will turn you into a current consumer comparable to a small office. Don’t forget about the dimensions of a do-it-yourself mining farm. The dimensions would be comparable to a small diesel generator or something similar. The size of an ASIC-based mining rig can also be huge. Some installations weigh up to 25 kilograms.

Another way to mine cryptocurrency

The profitability of mining could not help but attract large companies involved in high technology and electronics. Already in 2012, the first one saw the light - specialized microcircuits for counting hash sums. In fact, instead of a video card, which is a multifunctional device, manufacturers simply created a mechanism that can only mine cryptocurrency.

Now users have stopped thinking about how to make a mining farm on video cards - it turned out to be simply irrelevant. In addition, I didn’t have to think about how to make a mining farm from a bunch of spare parts and maintain them all. The performance of such solutions is incredibly high. Current controllers outperform flagship video cards in computing power by about three orders of magnitude. Such numbers gave rise to a bunch of questions about how to assemble a mining farm. The step-by-step instructions for controllers turned out to be several times simpler. Another thing is that the price of miners high class is one and a half to two thousand dollars, and sometimes even higher. Therefore, not everyone could afford a do-it-yourself mining farm. 2017 became the era of these microcircuits. At first glance, such a purchase seems unjustified and it is better to think about how to make a Bitcoin farm on video cards.

But here it’s worth comparing installations on video cards and miners in several key parameters. For example, Radeon RX 550 and Antminer S9 are taken - the most popular solutions:

Farm of six video cards + power supplyMiner
Power consumption – about 0.5 kilowatts per hour (not including the computer)Power consumption – 1.5 kW (without system unit)
Computing power is about 210 Mhash/s.Computing power – 13000-14000 Mhash/s.
The price (including the power supply, excluding additional coolers and rack) is almost $900 ($120 for each card and about $150 for the power supply).Cost – $1900 (power supply is built-in).
The noise level is about 60 dB.Noise level – less than 40 dB.

As a result: one miner, with a 2-fold loss in cost, has an advantage in power of almost 70 times. And given twice the energy consumption, the profitability of this farm will be even higher. The payback is higher, which is also worth considering before assembling a mining farm.

Profit and financial component

To calculate performance, we will compare a farm of six Radeon RX 550 with current models using calculators. We also use power databases, which can be found on the website with instructions on how to assemble a mining rig in 2017. Let’s take the average price for electricity to be around 4 rubles per kilowatt, for ease of billing. We select miner models based on the optimal price-performance ratio.


Radeon RX550 x6:

  • productivity 60 Mh/s;
  • net profit about $70 per week;
  • electricity costs – $6 per week;
  • price – 900 dollars;
  • payback period – 3.5-4 months.

Miners are absent as such.

Eggs are one of the most popular foods in the diet modern man. Yes, and chicken meat is popular among people who monitor their health and give preference to proper nutrition. Dietary, protein-rich meat, chicken eggs are in great demand, which, in turn, encourages many aspiring entrepreneurs to build a business on it. Chicken farm: how profitable is it and where to start?

The relevance of this idea is determined, first of all, by the high demand for eggs and dietary meat. IN Lately, with the emergence of a trend towards healthy sports nutrition, the demand for protein foods has increased significantly, which indicates great prospects development of this direction.

The advantage of raising chickens is also the simplicity of the process. You can run a small poultry farm even in the city, with a small plot of land.

All you need for a business is to build a chicken coop, study the technology of breeding birds, purchase equipment and feed. Armed necessary knowledge and simple skills, any aspiring entrepreneur can start implementing this business.

Chicken breeding

  1. High demand for products. Despite great competition, supply in this industry does not exceed demand. Eggs are bought at any time of the year.
  2. Minimum investment. The project does not require large capital investments. Subsequently, you can increase the number of birds by expanding production and investing money already earned from breeding birds.
  3. Low maintenance costs. The price of feed is low, and the sale of eggs will more than cover the cost of maintaining laying hens.
  4. Simplicity of content. Unlike other domestic animals and birds, chickens are the most unpretentious to keep, so anyone can implement such a business with the simplest skills and knowledge.
  5. Productivity. This business is good because you can sell eggs, meat, feathers, and chickens.

The downside is high competition. Due to the ease of keeping and unpretentiousness of chickens, many novice businessmen prefer this particular area of ​​agricultural activity. Therefore for successful implementation project, it will be necessary to immediately think through distribution channels.

Having analyzed all the advantages and disadvantages, we can conclude that this business is perfect for a novice entrepreneur and as a family business. You can set up a chicken coop in a small area, and you can earn income from the very first days.

In order to clearly demonstrate the attractiveness of the business idea of ​​​​breeding chickens, let's analyze the statistical data.

In Russia, on average, one adult eats about 280 eggs per year. Considering that the adult population includes about 100 million people, we can talk about a fairly large market for the products.

In addition, the trend towards healthy eating also creates a demand for environmentally friendly products. Therefore, today the era begins for small farms promising development. Even with a small investment, you can start with a small poultry house, gradually developing it to the level of a small poultry farm.

Where to start raising chickens?

But, before you start making money from raising chickens, you need to clearly define the format and model of the business for yourself. This will allow you to choose the right premises, equipment, staff and create sales channels.

This business can be implemented in two directions:

  • breeding of laying hens for sale of eggs;
  • maintenance of broilers for meat sales;
  • breeding purebred chickens for incubation.

The versatility of this business lies in the fact that you can work in several directions at once. This will avoid a seasonal downturn and reduce external risks that affect the profitability and profitability of the business. But in order to work in several directions at once, it is necessary to have serious capital investments.

But raising laying hens solely for selling eggs does not require large investments and can be carried out by anyone.

The first stage in this business is associated with the selection of land and equipment of the poultry house in which the birds will be kept.

The second stage is the creation of the necessary conditions, the purchase of feed and equipment.

The third stage is product sales and further business development.

With proper business organization and proper care of birds, a home farm will not cause much difficulty.

To prevent the chicks from flying out of the box, you need to think about the covering; at this age, the chicks are already quite playful. As the bird grows, it will require more space. By this time, you will need to build a small poultry house from an old barn or rebuild a mini farm.

Before the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to take care of the young animals walking for good development, but there is no need to release them for the winter. By the third month of life, chicks can be distinguished by gender - this will allow the livestock to be correctly distributed among sections.

An excellent option would be to develop a business in two directions: breeding laying hens next to broilers. While the young broilers are growing up, the businessman will already be earning daily income from the sale of eggs. This way, the laying hens will be able to support all the other broilers.

For a small farm, raising laying hens is the most justified option from a business point of view. On average, a healthy young laying hen begins laying eggs at the age of 5-6 months. There are special breeds, crosses that are different increased productivity and begin to lay eggs at 4-4.5 months.

The average egg production of one chicken is 270 eggs per year. But the weight of such birds is small, about 1.5 kg, so selling “waste” material will not bring in a lot of money.

The best time to start this business is early spring. The day is spent on profit and the bird will have the opportunity to spend the maximum amount of time outside, which has a positive effect on its development, health and productivity. In addition, maintenance costs will be minimized from May to September. With the onset of autumn, you will need to leave lamps in the chicken coop for 4-5 hours in order to extend the bird’s daylight hours, and this will entail payment costs utilities.

Despite the unpretentiousness of chickens in terms of keeping, there are certain standards from which one should not deviate when breeding these birds.

For example, keeping more than four individuals in one cage is unacceptable. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the health of the hens and productivity.

To make it easier to keep the poultry house clean, it is necessary to equip each cage with a tray in which bird waste, feathers, and food residues will be collected. This will allow you to quickly and easily adhere to sanitary standards.
In order to properly set up a chicken coop and select optimal housing conditions, it is important to determine the purpose of breeding.

In total, there are three main types of chickens:

  • egg breed;
  • meat (broiler);
  • universal.

There are also fighting, decorative, valuable species chickens, but this is a more complex option for business and we will not focus on them in this article.

By focusing on one of the bird species, it will not be difficult to properly arrange housing conditions and food. It is important to consider the size of the site and climate.

The egg type lives for approximately 3-4 years, with proper care they can lay eggs for 3 years. Egg meat does not have high taste qualities, therefore this breed is bred solely for the sale of eggs and incubation.

The most common breeds among egg-laying chickens are Loman Brown, Pushkinskaya, Kuchinskaya Yubileynaya and Leghorn.

To obtain meat and make money from this particular product, you will need to purchase broiler meat chickens. The advantage of this type of bird is the rapid gain of body weight. But for full development and rapid weight gain, you need to choose a special diet.

Broilers consume 50-60% more feed than laying hens and this fact should be taken into account when calculating maintenance costs. The slightest hypothermia can cause broilers to get sick, so you need to eliminate strong drafts in the chicken coop, leaving only natural or forced ventilation.

Talking about simple conditions keeping these birds, it should be understood that they are also subject to sudden changes in temperature and hypothermia. And some types of diseases do not bypass them, so to maintain sanitation in the chicken coop, from time to time you can invite a veterinarian to inspect the livestock. This is especially true for those entrepreneurs who breed birds over 200-300 birds.

The optimal temperature for chicken is about 20-22 degrees Celsius. It is under such conditions that laying hens are most productive, and broilers gain weight well.

For a large poultry farm, it is advisable to purchase special equipment that will allow maintaining this optimal temperature regime. For a small farm at home, the number of which does not exceed 20-30 birds, it is important to simply ensure that the birds do not overheat in the sun in the heat and do not become hypothermic in the winter.

Breeders need to take care not only of the permanent habitat of the animals, but also of the walking area. To do this, you need to install small containers with water, especially in the hot summer, in which the bird can clean its feathers and take a bath. This allows the birds to cool down and independently clean their feathers from insects and pests.

When setting up a chicken coop, you should consider a good flooring. It should not be made of concrete. The ideal option is wood or clay. Wherein upper layer should be covered with sawdust. This forms a dry, warm mound that will maintain optimal temperature conditions in the poultry house.

Chicken care and feeding

Each breed of chicken has its own recommendations for care and feeding. Deviations in diet can cause illness and reduced productivity of chickens. Therefore, the diet should be selected in accordance with the breed of bird.

When focusing your activities on breeding and keeping chickens, consider the following points:

  • for chicken health great importance has a sanitary condition of the cages, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of the poultry house;
  • the cage should have a fine mesh;
  • Under no circumstances should small birds be allowed to become hypothermic - this is detrimental to the chicks. If the chicks hatched in winter period, you need to equip the nursery with a special lamp and heater;
  • For feeding, you should select special food intended for chickens. The diet must contain vitamins, minerals, and beneficial microelements;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids is also very important for chicks. In addition to water, you can add glucose and yogurt to your diet. The main rule is that the liquid should not be cold to prevent hypothermia;
  • Once the chicks reach 20-22 days, the chicks can be taken outside for a short time. If outside the window low temperature, you should refrain from walking.

In winter, the cost of keeping and feeding chickens will be higher than in summer, because special vitamins and minerals will need to be added to the diet. There is no need to feed the bird only specialized food. This is unreasonably expensive and will have a negative impact on the profitability of the business. It is enough to include special additives three times a week in the bird’s diet.

On average, one chicken should receive about 100 grams of special feed per week.

The main food for birds will remain grain (barley, millet, wheat, corn). You can make mixtures in a ratio of 60/20/20, the basis of which will be wheat. To increase productivity and improve health, you can add feed yeast and bone meal to the feed.

Chicks at the feeder

In addition to food, the chicken coop or cage should always have fresh drinking water. Special drinking bowls for chickens are great for this purpose, which you can make yourself or buy in a store. Our article details the types of drinkers, as well as step by step instructions on production.

For growing young animals, sprouted grain is good nutrition, especially in winter time, when the bird does not have the opportunity to peck grass. To do this, you need to soak the wheat in a bucket of water, cover it with polyethylene, and after a day put it on burlap in one layer. Left for 2-3 days in a warm place, the wheat will soon produce its first shoots. For chickens, this will be a kind of delicacy, which, moreover, replenishes daily requirement in minerals and vitamins.

Adding small shells to the diet has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. This point is especially important when keeping a huge livestock and there is no opportunity to provide the birds with full walks around the yard.

Writing a business plan: why?

Any business venture is always preceded by a long planning stage. After all, it is necessary to carefully weigh everything, calculate cost estimates, correctly determine the premises, analyze the market and outline distribution channels.

Without proper planning, it is impossible to implement a single project. Without a thorough analysis of the competitive environment, studying supply and demand, it is impossible not only to correctly formulate a pricing policy, but also to find strengths project.

A business plan is an important document in the hands of a beginning entrepreneur that will help to successfully implement a project and avoid serious mistakes. A kind of desktop guide will tell you how to act step by step, rationally distributing your strength and resources.

The role of writing a business plan is especially important if a novice entrepreneur plans to attract investors to implement the project. In this case, you can write two documents: for external and internal use. And if the internal document clearly reflects weak sides project, focusing on which serious mistakes can be avoided, then the document for external use is intended for investors and business partners.

It should not distort the data and financial calculations, but at the same time it can focus on the prospects of the business, on its strengths. This will convince investors to invest the money necessary to implement the project.

Planning is the key to business success

Chicken breeding business plan: step-by-step instructions

Regardless of the scope of activity, scale and development, a business plan has a clearly defined structure that allows you to intelligently adjust activities and rationally distribute resources.

  1. Organizational part. This chapter describes in detail the stage of registering a business, searching for premises, recruiting personnel and purchasing equipment.
  2. Production part.
  3. Financial part. One of the most important and difficult chapters of the document. This part reflects the calculation of costs associated with the implementation of the business. Here it is important to calculate the income, payback, profitability of the business. Incorrect calculations can jeopardize the entire business and reduce efficiency and productivity.

Organizational plan

You should register business activities and bear the cost of paying taxes only if the farm population exceeds 100 pieces. Otherwise, it is not advisable to do this.

To legalize your business, you can choose the form of individual entrepreneur or LLC. The choice determines the scale and prospects of production. For a beginning farmer whose number of livestock will not exceed 100-150 chickens, the best option is to register an individual entrepreneur and select the Single Tax form.

In addition to registering the activity itself, it is necessary to obtain permission from the veterinary service, without which it will not be possible to sell products. Not a single store or cafe will purchase meat and eggs without the appropriate documents.

Setting up a chicken coop

The advantage of this business is that you can build a chicken coop with your own hands, reducing costs as much as possible.

To equip the poultry house you will need slate, cinder block, old boards, and brick. Even without serious construction skills, it is not at all difficult to build a small barn in which laying hens will be kept.

The simplest and budget option There will be a conversion of an old barn into a chicken coop. It is necessary to insulate the walls and floor so that the bird does not freeze in winter. To save money, you can use straw, dry leaves, and pine needles as insulation. To prevent rodents from infesting the poultry farm, the walls should be well treated with lime.

The main task will be its insulation and protection from external precipitation. Good insulation will avoid a decline in productivity in winter. Mineral wool is suitable as insulation.

For climatic zones, where in winter the temperature drops below 25-30 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to equip the chicken coop with a simple potbelly stove.

When building a poultry house, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. Insulation of floors and walls. This will ensure round-the-clock productivity of chickens.
  2. Ceilings should not be higher than two meters. Even if a large production is planned, it is better to build a wider chicken coop than a tall one.
  3. The poultry house should be immediately divided into several sections, which will facilitate its maintenance.
  4. It is imperative to consider the natural ventilation of the room and direct access daylight. Without these factors, chickens will not lay eggs. Keep in mind that the average daylight hours for a chicken starts at 6 am and lasts until 7 pm. In winter, this must be compensated by supplying white eclectic light, otherwise the hens should not count on good breeding.
  5. Maintaining the poultry house in sanitary condition. Complete disinfection should be carried out periodically to minimize the risk of spreading viruses and bacteria.
  6. Experts recommend placing the entrance to the poultry house on the east side - this increases the productivity of laying hens.
  7. Whatever type of chicken keeping you choose: cage or floor, you should equip separate zone for walks. This area should be adjacent to the poultry house.

The implementation of the chicken coop itself can be in a floor format or in a cage. Cage housing requires the purchase of special cages for keeping birds. This option is most preferable for large livestock and for keeping meat breeds.

For small production volumes and keeping laying hens, it is better to choose a floor type of chicken coop arrangement. In this case, the chickens move freely on the ground.

Production plan

Search and selection of personnel

When the premises and bird walking area are ready, it is necessary to start recruiting personnel. For a small farm of 100-150 heads, it is enough to hire 2-3 people whose functional responsibilities will be universal.

Ready chicken coop

Of course, you can clean the cages and feed the chickens yourself. But with large scale production it is impossible to do without additional workers.

A worker is needed who will clean the cages, maintain the sanitary condition of the chicken coop, feed, purchase feed, transport products to the market or breed them to wholesale clients.

The incubation process requires a separate person who will monitor the condition of the unit, select eggs, etc.

For a poultry farm of 100-150 birds, it is enough to hire two people:

  • chicken care worker;
  • courier/driver who will additionally purchase feed and negotiate with suppliers.

It is better to invite a veterinarian from outside, rather than keep a permanent staff member.

Purchase of chickens

After a plot of land has been selected for a poultry farm and a chicken coop has been built, an important stage begins, from which the farmer’s business begins. This is the purchase of the chickens themselves.

This is perhaps the most important stage in the entire project, on which the profitability and profitability of the business depends.

Many farmers take the simplest route and purchase adult laying hens, believing that they will begin to generate income literally from the first day. Ideally, this, of course, will allow you to quickly start earning money, but it can also have a downside.

Lack of experience can serve as a bait for unscrupulous sellers who, instead of productive laying hens, will sell adult waste material from large poultry farms. As a result, there will be no talk of any profit here.

Poultry purchase

Purchasing young animals in the form of day-old chicks can also cause many difficulties. They need to be provided with competent care, which inexperienced breeders cannot always do.

The best option is to purchase grown young animals at the age of 10-14 days. Very strong, they are not so whimsical to temperature conditions and conditions of detention. The main task is to maintain cleanliness, natural ventilation in the poultry house and good nutrition with the addition of vitamins and microelements. In this case, you will be able to minimize mistakes and will allow you to start receiving good income from selling eggs.

Equipment purchase

To start a business, you don’t have to purchase expensive equipment in the form of special lamps, an incubator, or cages. You can reach this level after 2-3 years of doing business.

If the farmer immediately focuses on large-scale production, then the following equipment will be required to keep laying hens:

So, to launch a small poultry farm, you need to purchase:

  • incubator – 12 thousand rubles
  • cages or perches – 5 thousand rubles.
  • brooder – 5 thousand rubles.

Incubators do an excellent job of laying hens, increasing productivity and reducing your labor costs several times. Types of incubator, General characteristics, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the incubator.

For large-scale production of eggs and meat, experts advise paying attention to additional industrial equipment:

  • feed mill;
  • refrigerator and freezer for storing products;
  • automatic machine for plucking chicken feathers.

Marketing plan

This chapter of business planning allows you to focus on finding and expanding distribution channels, which, in turn, increases production efficiency.

When searching for channels, it is important to correctly perform a market analysis, identify the main competitors, identify their strengths, set a price for products that will allow you to effectively expand your business and at the same time quickly sell your products.

Sales channels

One of the advantages of this type of business is the high demand and ease of sale of eggs and meat. With proper planning, it will not be difficult for a novice farmer to establish reliable distribution channels for their products.

Distribution channels may include fairs, farmers' markets, establishments Catering, supermarkets, restaurants, canteens of educational institutions, etc.

With large scale production, some farmers open their own points of sale, but this requires careful preparation and additional investment.

For beginners in farming, the product marketing stage is one of the most difficult.

At the same time, in order to properly organize the sale of meat and eggs, it is important to perform the following steps.

  1. Analyze the market and the main major players. This will allow you to focus on their success.
  2. Identify their strengths and draw parallels with your business.
  3. Study competitors' sales forms and their prices.
  4. Create your own commercial position. Keep in mind that prices should not be too low. This will not allow expansion of production.

Financial plan

To determine the prospects and benefits of a business, it is enough to make simple calculations of expenses and income.

The bulk of the costs will be on the construction of the poultry house itself, the purchase of equipment and materials. When pricing, it is important to take into account the cost of production, which includes expenses such as feed, utilities, wages, transportation, etc.

When calculating the payback, the initial investments in construction, repairs, and purchase of equipment are mainly taken into account. But when calculating profitability, you should take into account monthly expenses in the form of purchases of feed, transportation costs, and employee salaries.

In this article, we determine the average return on investment for a business. For example, let's take an average poultry farm with a population of 100 birds.


All expenses for raising chickens can be divided into two types:

  • capital (one-time);
  • monthly.

Table. Capital expenditures.

Among the monthly costs, the main part will be the purchase of feed and payment to employees.

On average, one laying hen eats about 42 kg of feed, about 3.5 kg per month. The cost of feed per month for one laying hen is 30 rubles.

To minimize costs, it is advisable to produce compound feed yourself. This will have a positive impact on business profitability.

Table. Monthly expenses.

How profitable is a home poultry farm: summing it up

To calculate the payback period, it is important to calculate the income from the sale of eggs and meat. To do this, we will divide the products into 2 parts and separately calculate each item of income.

The hen begins laying eggs at 4.5-5 months of age, producing an average of about 25 eggs each month. On average, per year, one cross produces about 250 eggs.

The cost of 1 egg is 5 rubles.

Income from the sale of eggs:

1 laying hen per month will bring about 125 rubles (25*5).

But you need to understand that, even with a population of 100, not all eggs will be sold. About 20% must be set aside for incubation so as not to purchase young animals from other farms.

Thus, only 160 laying hens will produce eggs for sale.

Let's calculate the income:

160*125r = 20 thousand rubles per month can be earned from selling eggs.

Let's add to this income from the sale of meat.

1 chicken weighing 3 kg costs 300 rubles.

On average, selling about 30 chickens every month, you can earn an income of 9 thousand rubles.

In addition to these main income items, you can make a profit from the sale of feathers, manure, etc. Such by-products are also in demand in the market.

So, total income farms per month will be about 30 thousand rubles. The average payback period for a farm will be approximately 6 months.

Review of the chicken business

Summing up and talking about the profitability of this type of business, we can conclude that even with a small flock of 200 chickens, you can achieve a stable monthly income of 30-35 thousand rubles.

Chickens are a source of income

Farmers who successfully occupy this niche eventually turn their attention to related services, investing in additional equipment.

With the right approach, average profitability poultry farms is about 200%. Thus, the money invested will quickly pay off and allow the farmer to receive a stable income without spending much effort on advertising and searching for sales channels.

Video - Business idea for raising chickens
