The child does not want to go to training. Four tips on how to instill a love of sports in your child

The development of medicine and microbiology has made it possible to learn a lot of interesting and useful information about the organisms that exist in our body. Some are beneficial, others cause various diseases. The Klebsiella bacterium is one of the microorganisms that carry out their activity in the composition normal microflora intestines.

What is a bacterium?

In the body it looks like a rod-shaped microorganism. It belongs to the family called Enterobacter. Modern research made it possible to identify 4 types, among which the most common:

  • Friedlander's wand;
  • causative agent of diseases in the large intestine.

This microorganism belongs to the group of opportunistic pathogens. The location is the intestines, mucous membranes, skin and respiratory tract.

It must be taken into account that, in general, the stick does not cause harm, but in combination with certain factors it can trigger the development of many diseases.

In the case when the body is completely healthy, the pathogenic properties of Klebsiella do not manifest themselves, but if weakened, the bacteria begin to actively multiply, which is the first step towards the appearance of inflammation. Interesting point: in the body, the shape of the bacterium is rod-shaped, but after it enters the environment, its shape is rounded and covered with a protective capsule shell. It perfectly protects bacteria from the effects of various factors unfavorable to them. environment.

Main routes of entry into the body

The reason for the development of infection in some cases is associated with the weakening of the body’s own protective factors, which leads to the activation of bacteria and the development of infections that are in a latent form. Routes of entry:

  • water;
  • food;
  • the soil.

The bacterium actively develops on the skin of children under 1 year of age; it also lives in the intestines of newborns in greater concentrations than in adults. This is due to the fact that the immune system of children in the first year of life is not sufficiently developed.

It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, wash vegetables and fruits, and carry out work in the garden or vegetable garden using special gloves. In addition, the source of the microorganism can be a person already infected with it, a carrier of the stick. Airborne transmission is also possible - a person with pneumonia transmits the disease by sneezing or coughing. The spices microorganism remains in the genital tract and does not cause problems if there are no concomitant diseases; it is often diagnosed in gynecology.

The bacterium is actively developing in the body of elderly people who, due to age, have lost strong immune system. The risk of infection is high for those who suffer serious illnesses, such as diabetes or oncology. The stick is not transmitted sexually. The incubation period varies and ranges from 1 hour to 7 days. Much depends on the strength of the body.


Depending on the location of the bacterium, it can cause various diseases, including:

  • pneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • urinary tract diseases, including cystitis;
  • meningitis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • ozena;
  • rhinoscleroma;
  • sepsis.

Symptoms of entry into the body may vary - it all depends on the disease that the microbe causes, for example, cough occurs with pneumonia, as well as elevated temperature, and indigestion is due to dysbacteriosis.

Complex treatment of diseases caused by Klebsiella depends on the location and severity of the process. Also, when prescribing treatment, it should be remembered that intestinal diseases are often caused by mixed microflora, and not just by the action of this microorganism.

Klebsiella pneumoniae

For the purpose of quick and high-quality treatment caused by the activity of the disease bacillus, a variety of bacteriophages are used, main task which is the restoration of natural and healthy intestinal microflora. Antibiotics are rarely used in treatment because they do not have the desired effect and also further disrupt the health of the microflora in the intestines.

In the case of pneumonia, antibiotic treatment is prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. Probiotics containing lyophilized yeast fungi that can reduce the activity of the bacillus, stopping its development, are effective in treatment. Also, when treating diseases caused by Klebsiella bacillus, special attention is paid to restoring the immune system, which is why a complex of vitamins is included in the course of restorative therapy. Due to the fact that the microorganism masks its presence with other diseases, consultation with a doctor is necessary; self-treatment can aggravate emerging health problems, and timely professional treatment, based on diagnosis and tests, will leave no trace of them.

To become stronger and healthier. But it happens that many people drop out in the first year. More than 100 children attend our school at any one time. And if you imagine how many children have started and stopped training during the existence of our organization, you can count up to 1000. Of course, part of the blame for this lies with the instructors, but the greatest responsibility for this lies with the parents and their ability to motivate their children to play sports.

We will not tire of repeating that martial arts And physical exercise, they are useful and accessible for any age. And it doesn’t matter whether your child is active or not - martial arts How aikido , struggle , capoeira , karate will be extremely useful for him.

Despite this, some children will try to quit playing sports. And the question that we will discuss today is the question of how parents should act to ensure a long healthy and athletic life for their child. After all, love for sports is a way of life that a little person will lead throughout his life. Interaction and communication during training will help them communicate with other people outside the gym: when they go to school, college and work. After all martial arts It's not just throws, strikes or techniques, martial arts is about self-confidence, discipline, attitude and behavior. During the training, children learn how to manage their lives in different aspects.

So we broke childhood into three main categories: from 4 to 7 years, ages from 8 to 12 years, over 12 years.

Junior group from 4 to 7 years old

This is the very beginning of a long journey. At this age, the trainer’s task is to make the lesson sections cheerful. And already myself sport school which can provide this, and choosing such a school is the task of parents. The only reason at this age why children might quit playing sports is because their parents stop taking them to practice.

The main thing in sections in this group of children for a professional coach is to get down to the level of the children because at this age children should trust the teacher more than ever. The coach must be a child himself, play with them, communicate. Experienced trainer must give children confidence in their abilities and only then will they want to come to the next training session. Often the instructor is not capable of this due to his own complexes or stereotypes. Usually the instructor takes a dominant position and forces the children to do this or that technique, technique, exercise. Many instructors teach children like adults: here’s a technique, move your hand here, throw like this, move your leg, move your hand to another place... No, you can’t explain to children like that. Our approach is different. If an instructor cannot be a child, then he cannot teach children. He must be at their level to explain. Of course, you can lock your child in the room, take a stick and conduct training in the style of old martial arts schools. And teach them discipline, order, strict control. We are against this approach. It is important for us to interest children, challenge them, encourage them and motivate them.

If you ask parents which sections they prefer - with strict discipline or more fun, entertaining training - most parents will choose the option with serious discipline. Because parents want their child to be in order. But we must be careful about giving parents what they want rather than what their children need. And all they need at this age is to play and have fun. After all, every child will choose a fun workout between strict restrictions and fun training. This means he will look for any excuses, reasons why he should not go to the section today where there is strict control. And then just stop playing sports.

In a playful manner, we can more easily convey to children, explain to them and thereby instill in them an interest in playing sports and attending sections. Here you can’t rush and rush forward. Parents want the result to be as quickly as possible, earlier than it would be correct. Earlier than the coach sees, who understands when it’s time for the child to move to the next level.

The main task at this age is sport school, where they can teach in a very playful and lively manner, so that the child wants and looks forward to his next training session this week. Despite our approach to teaching, children still learn discipline, they understand when to sit down, how to line up, and listen when someone speaks. These are the rudiments of discipline that are sufficient for children of this age. The task of our coaches is to maintain a balance between game training and the basics of discipline. Some children go to practice only because there will definitely be a game at the end. The goal of our coaches is for the child to leave after training with sparkling eyes and full of joy with the question “Mom, when will we come here again?” And when it’s time for the next training session, he hurries his mother “ Mom, hurry up, we'll be late for class!” One way and no other way should be training at this age. This attitude of children towards classes is the task of our coaches.

At this age, during training, children learn to be in close contact with their peers, they are not afraid of falling, they know how to control their partner, and they are not afraid of other children. They begin to exude self-confidence. And when the coach asks a 6-year-old child if he can beat him, the child confidently answers “yes.” The child also gains confidence in communicating with peers. They learn self-defense, control over themselves and their bodies. At this age, they do not learn painful techniques or any other techniques that could harm the child’s health.

So, why, for example, five years, the child does not want to study sports and visiting sections? The answer is given to us by the parents themselves: they enrolled their child in music, gymnastics, tennis, swimming and many other different sections. And each lesson twice a week! This is understandable: every parent wants his child to be the most best child in the world. But parents lose sight of the fact that this is too much. Too much for a small person.

And when parents understand this, they begin to choose which sections they can refuse. Can we give up martial arts, after all, these are amazing techniques, confidence, principles and philosophy that will come with a person throughout his life? Swimming? Where might you need swimming, where can you test the skills acquired in this sport? Of course, in open water: rivers, seas, oceans. To avoid drowning, you must be a pro in the water. But we are not in the water so often, some even rarely, if you think about where all people constantly live - this is land. And on land there are a lot of other people with whom we have to communicate every day. This means you need to be able to swim among other people. Aikido , jiu jitsu , karate , capoeira- This is the type of swimming that a child will practice every day throughout his life. Swimming and martial arts at one level of importance for survival. We want to be sure that the child will not drown while playing in the water and will feel comfortable and confident. But why then do we miss the same important detail as the ability to swim among other children - communication?

When at work some person tells you things with which you categorically disagree, you feel more calm: you could just strangle him now - of course, you won’t do this, but what an advantage it gives in communication! You are not worried, you are confident that you can control the situation. And if you can control yourself physically, you can more easily endure the difficulties of life. And these difficulties become much less for you. Or let's take another example. The child leaves the house to play outside. Any parent is concerned about the safety of their child. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a girl or a boy, you are always calm for them, because they can stand up for themselves. Martial arts- it's like a seat belt. This is a seat belt for life. It is simply necessary!

So, children quit classes V younger group due to an overloaded schedule and the placement of incorrect guidelines. Your task as parents at this age is simply to regularly bring your children to school. sections. You can give up music, you can give up gymnastics or tennis and basketball, but never give up martial arts!

And this is a resume for the first category!

Age from 8 −12 years

Why at this age children quit classes martial arts? Children of this age are extremely susceptible to criticism and they incredibly need the support of loved ones. They want to show their parents what they can do and what they have learned. Parents sometimes think that their child can do better, because they have invested so much effort in him and his upbringing. They suggest, criticize, correct. They feel like their child is doing nothing when other children are busy studying. new technology. The fact is that different people, not to mention children, need different time to assimilate new material. If you really think that your child is slacking or doing something wrong, do not criticize harshly yourself, bring this to the attention of your coach. Believe me, he knows better how to explain to the child and what to expect at this stage.

All a child needs at this age is support. " Mom, dad, we learned something new todayreception , look what I can" The most correct answer to this is to show attention and express your admiration. Don't be afraid to praise your children.

What are we doing? Often during training new material a maximum of 60% is absorbed, and 40% disappears from the head (the numbers are by no means exact, but the ratio gives an idea). So, we have a technique that is 60% correct and 40% incorrect. What do most instructors and parents do in this situation? That's right, they pay attention to that 40%. It’s clear that they want the child to become better. This is a natural desire. They begin to correct, adjust. But what does the child see here? All this criticism is perceived by the child as “ I can't do it», « that's not mine" This attitude discourages the child. He loses interest in doing what he is bad at.

Instead of criticism, why not focus on what he or she does well - that 60%? Good trainer will focus on what the child does well, let these 60% be 100% today. " Dima, you're great! You're doing great! You tried really hard today!” Can you imagine what inspiration this will bring to the child! He will be proud of himself, he will tell his parents and grandparents that he is making progress in his sports section! They have reason to be proud of him. This is what children need at this age. We should notice and be proud of their achievements. They need our support, because they do all this to attract your attention.

What happens next? At the next training session, when the child studies the same reception, he tries to meet expectations and already performs the technique 70% correctly, then 80%, and so on.

The situation is that parents, as a rule, have 1 or 2 children. And we have dozens and hundreds of them. We know very well how to interact with them, how to correct them, how to inspire and guide them in the right direction. Therefore, the best thing parents can do is not to criticize or give advice, but to praise him, praise him for coming to training, say that they like watching him train. Don't try to be a coach. You are parents. The coach is us.

Remember yourself as a child, what did you like more - when you were supported or when you were pointed out all the time? I think the answer is obvious. Don't be like those who criticize their children all the time. You have to support them and it will be build their self-confidence. And then you will be surprised how children will try to do even better, show even more effort to meet your expectations. This is the secret.

For our part, we must provide children not just with some movements, but only with those techniques that the child finds useful from a practical point of view.

Finally, children over 12 years old.

What is it at this age? the child does not want to study? Possibilities. They open up to the little person. A wide circle of friends appears: friends, girls or, on the contrary, boys. My head is full of completely different things. How can there be a section here?.. The life experience of one of the parents comes to mind.

When the son said that he no longer wants to go to the section ( struggle), the father agreed, but on the condition that the child would outline his daily schedule for him two days in advance.

Do you think children at 12, 14 years old have a plan? They don't have any plan. The child had to return to training because it was easier than creating a plan two days in advance.

The reason why children at this age do not want to study and refuse to train is because it seems to them that what they are doing now is more fun and interesting than studying and training. And I must admit, this is usually much easier and simpler.

Of course, it’s easier to play a PlayStation or sit on VKontakte with friends. As a parent, set a daily routine for your child. For example, a PlayStation for games from 14:00 to 15:00. That's all. The rest of the time the child cannot play. He frees up time for other useful things. You can set times when your child can use a tablet, go for a walk, or engage in some other activity.

Another reason why children quit sportssport sections or martial arts at this age, is their inability to defeat one or more peers in training. It's discouraging, it's frustrating, it's unpleasant, and it's painful. It hurts not so much physically as it hurts mentally. It’s normal to get away from what doesn’t work out, to run away, to hide. But it's not right. The child must understand that obstacles life path- this is the norm, and not all obstacles can be escaped. Obstacles must be treated as challenges. They must be accepted and defeated.

It often happens that children who are brought to our junior sections study regularly until they are 12-13 years old, and then suddenly disappear. This is a very common situation. This is due to the great temptations that open up to a child at this age. It happens that you meet his parents and ask what happened, why he doesn’t go anymore. " He has lost interest in training, there is no enthusiasm». Parents must be able to prioritize. The child is not able to do this properly. Here we can advise reducing the number of workouts to even one per week. But under no circumstances should you quit studying completely. Let him choose a day and time when he will definitely go. The benefits from this will be much greater than if he gives up training altogether.

It's already adulthood: you have to go to school, do homework and go to the section. And period. Because all of you - both the child and the parents - have invested too much to just quit training. Only in this case will you see the real results of your investments.

Encouraging exercise is a great way to instill healthy habits in children that will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, some parents take the art of encouragement too far, focusing on good results rather than on enjoying the process. So the activities that were to become exciting game, turn into a severe test.

Encouragement to exercise is a great way to instill healthy habits in your children that will stay with them for life. Unfortunately, some parents take the art of encouragement too far, focusing on good results rather than on enjoying the process. Thus, activities that should have been an exciting game turn into a severe test.

Every responsible parent should remember that the line between encouragement and coercion is quite thin - if you get carried away, you can cross it unnoticed.

If you are interested in your child playing sports and staying happy and healthy at the same time, remind yourself of the following simple rules.

What is absolutely necessary?

  • Encourage your child to play a sport that he or she enjoys. The most best motivation for the child - to have fun during training, make new friends and receive praise from the coach and parents.
  • Support your child if he does not want to play a sport that for some reason you like.
  • Allow your child to make mistakes. Making mistakes and overcoming difficulties is part of learning. If a child is constantly afraid of doing something wrong, he loses the desire to learn.
  • Allow your child to set a realistic sports goal and be responsible for achieving it. Unobtrusively help him choose achievable goals that will increase his motivation to train, but will not turn them into a pursuit of results.
  • Always be interested in your baby's successes and failures. Support him in everything, but don't take his hobby too seriously.
  • Remind your child that sports are good for health. Be a role model and a comrade. Help pack a bag of equipment, do exercises together, and participate in home workouts as a partner.
  • What should you never do?

    1. Don't replace your child's athletic goals with your own. Many parents mistakenly consider their child’s success in sports to be their achievement. Remember, your child is a unique person with his own interests and hobbies - let him realize them on his own.
    2. Don't look for excuses for your child's sporting failures. Parents believe that they are helping their child by blaming his losses on poor equipment, weather or incompetence of the judges. Unfortunately, by doing this, you prevent your child from learning from his mistakes. Children quickly get used to blaming others for their shortcomings.
    3. Encourage your child to actively participate in competitions, but do not focus on winning. If you only expect your child to win, your disappointment in the event of failure may cause him to lose interest in physical education in general and competitions in particular. Explain to yourself, and then to your child, that defeat is not a reason for frustration, but just one of the stages of training.
    4. Don't criticize your child or give him endless instructions during training. This will only confuse the baby and make him feel stressed. Talk to him in a positive way, give recommendations sequentially, and not in a long list. Keep in mind that children can only absorb a little information at a time and will have a better understanding of what to do rather than what not to do.
    5. Typically, children want to play sports because they are fun. If classes are carried out under pressure, the child quickly loses all interest in physical education. While instilling healthy habits, make sure your children enjoy playing sports.

      Sports play a very important role in a child's life. important role. Active exercises not only develop the baby’s physical abilities, but also reveal his creative potential. In addition, sport develops character traits such as determination, courage and self-confidence. But what if the baby does not show interest in active activities? And is it worth involving children in sports from the cradle? Elena Cherenkova, coordinator of children's programs at the Sky Club fitness club, helped us answer these and other questions.

      Getting a child interested in sports is often not so easy. Nowadays children are more interested in gadgets than in active games. First of all, it will help to instill a love for active activities own example. Usually in families where parents are passionate about sports and lead healthy image life, children are also very well developed physically.

      In addition, joint bike rides, roller races, team games and other activities not only have a positive effect on well-being, but also bring people closer together emotionally. This is a wonderful chance to get to know your child from a different side, while for the baby it is a reason to see you as a friend and ally.

      If the baby flatly refuses to participate in such events, do not force him. Explain to your child that the game will not work without him, make it clear that he is the most main member teams. Or go on vacation without your child, and when you return, tell them in as much detail and as colorfully as possible how much fun you had. Next time he definitely won't want to stay at home.

      It often happens that the baby is not attracted to the sports known to him, and he simply does not know others. In this case, tell your child about the variety of training, show him books, videos and websites dedicated to different sections. This will help you find something to do for your little one. The main thing here is not to interfere with the choice.

      It is important to approach physical activity carefully to prevent injury. In addition, if adult children are already quite independent, then the little ones need an eye and an eye. Good way out in this case, children's classes in fitness clubs may become possible. There, children can play sports in parallel with their parents, who will be in the gym at this time.

      Classes for children in fitness centers have appeared relatively recently. And if previously young visitors were offered only hip-hop dances, now a wide variety of specialized areas have appeared: from stretch and martial arts to belly dancing. Typically, children's groups in fitness centers are small, which means that the trainer is attentive to each little athlete.

      “Unusual things will help to interest a child. sports programs, which will be perceived as an exciting activity. Now there are many such classes,” comments Elena Cherenkova. – While parents are engaged in fitness, their children will be able to master developmental gymnastics and take part in interesting outdoor games and even try yourself in martial arts - in a word, easily find something you like.”

      Don’t rush to send your child straight into big sports. What is suitable for a 7-year-old child may not be suitable for a 3-year-old.

      Swimming is an ideal activity for little ones. This sport helps strengthen the skeleton and muscles, improves performance nervous system and blood circulation, and also hardens well. At the same time, there are practically no contraindications to swimming, except for a possible allergy to chlorinated pool water. However, many pools now use more modern methods water purification.

      Will fit well children 3–6 years old and gymnastics classes. Children are incredibly flexible, so success is guaranteed here, which means the child’s interest will not be lost. Such training will form a slender figure and correct posture, develop grace, endurance and flexibility. Gymnastics will especially appeal to artistic children.

      Child 4–5 years old can be sent to the figure skating section, especially if he loves it winter fun. This sport strengthens the musculoskeletal system, improves performance of cardio-vascular system, hardens and develops Creative skills. But it is worth considering that figure skating– a rather traumatic and expensive activity.

      The athletics sections, which include running, long and high jumps, race walking and other activities, include: children from 5–6 years old. True, so that the child does not get bored, such activities must be really interesting to him.

      Whatever section you choose for your baby, it is important that training brings him pleasure and is not a punishment. It’s not scary if, having started with one, the child wants to switch to another. Don't stop him. Support the search. Only what you love can be done for a long time and successfully.

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      And there the classes are much more serious. Over the past 4 months, significant progress has been noticeable (flexibility, plasticity, sense of rhythm), in addition, she was taken to the reporting concert (she was pleased both by the fact of the concert and by the paraphernalia - a suit, ballet shoes, etc.) According to the coach's reviews - " Gorgeous, great girl." And the coach is excellent - a master of her craft, raising dancing champions, but quite strict. In short, from the first lesson, my daughter was too emotional about ordinary work moments, to which the other children quickly adapted: loud commands from the coach, admonishments like “if you don’t try, you might embarrass yourself at the concert.”

      The first week I went to classes with reluctance, then I seemed to get used to it and went to training for 4 months in a row without any problems.

      And now, after some escalation of the situation around the reporting concert (which she danced with a bang), the negativity has returned again. Today for the second time at the entrance to the gym I cried and said that I was afraid of the coach (although they definitely don’t beat them there and they put much less pressure than, for example, in sports schools and gymnastics sections - I sit outside the door and hear everything). In general, today, after 20 minutes of persuasion at the door, we simply took off our uniform and went home, she doesn’t want ballet shoes, or stickers for her diary, or the next concert. The coach is not involved in the persuasion (although today at the beginning of the hysteria she came up and praised Masha, called me to class), but understanding the emotionality of the client, he puts less pressure on her than others.

      Option 2 - turn the situation around, change her attitude, teach her to react more easily to work moments. But how? Persuasion, explanations, motivation through “ballet concerts” and so on. does not work. A couple more tantrums, and her negative attitude will finally be fixed. I feel like this can still be broken, but I don’t know how.

      Mothers of children crying from stretching at gymnastics and screaming from coaches at hockey - how do you maintain a positive and healthy, don’t-give-a-fuck attitude towards the process in your child, no matter what?

      at least change the coach

      dancing was initially positioned as a sport - for beauty and health, and this was not a very powerful argument for her (she is such a beautiful girl, not at all like her mother 🙂 but here the coach does not go to the desired degree of “closeness”. Ours will definitely not last six months nerves with a child)))

      It’s definitely about the coach, because during one of the conversations we were looking for positive things in dancing - and she herself named the music, costumes, interesting warm-ups and new friends. Eh.

      Psychologist, mother of two girls who dance. I don’t support point two at all. it is destructive to the child's psyche. “You will embarrass yourself at the concert” is too harsh. Now there are dance studios where children eventually do the splits, but there is no hard forced stretching, now there is a choice of places where children are respected, not broken, motivated, supported. Dancing, and indeed any clubs, should bring pleasure, not stress, they cannot be under pressure

      One of the options is not to quit completely, just go to another place for a while, without pressure, in a calm environment. and then he will calm down and will not take the first one with hostility.

      There was a moment with the stretch when it didn’t work at all - as soon as I stretched, it would clamp down and that’s it. We stopped stretching altogether for a while, then we slowly started doing the exercises at home that the chiropractor suggested to us, and the process began.

      The main thing is that you are sure that the coach is not doing anything bad for your child. I think it might be worth talking to the coach.

      But on the other hand, if you think that she is too tough for your girl, then now big choice classes.

      Good luck resolving the issue and success in dancing!

      from what we tried: a week ago we went to ballet, watched dances on YouTube more than once and discussed, agreed that if the coach raises his voice, then listen only to the words of instructions, and not pay attention to the rest.

      I spoke to the coach twice. she is a former gymnast, and, apparently, is very focused on progress, and not on psychological comfort. And the casting for her group is she chooses, not her.

      I'll try a time out, vacation. If it doesn’t work, I’ll take it away after the first provocation.

      that firstly, there are both very flexible children and very inflexible ones, for whom the same exercises that for the majority are terrible torture.

      At one time I quit figure skating (when they stretched you out straight from the cold) and some other activities.

      maybe your child is not like that and you are lucky. But some parents, especially if they themselves are quite flexible, do not understand how painful it is and that it can be much more painful than for other children and that there may be no progress at all for a long time, when the whole group is already doing the splits.

      it is purely a matter of emotional sensitivity, aversion to loud voices and criticism, even in relation to others, and not just to oneself.

      If it is critical for you to stay with this coach, agree with your daughter for a certain period of time, for example, a week. If during this time she still feels uncomfortable, then I would look for another trainer.

      I’m also a coach and I yell because they won’t hear me any other way in the pool. But no one gets scared or cries.

      “Or maybe it’s not bad that they try different things in childhood, maybe they don’t have to go to the same section for years?” — I agree, and I’m already thinking about alternatives. but I look at her - from sports these are most likely only high-quality dances (and not the kind I spent all my childhood - two stomps - three slams, the level of the circle at bad school). she will readily accept the load precisely under the sauce of costumes and music, rhythm and images. and with our temperament it’s just dancing of all kinds, because such a tremulous doe will quickly be kicked out of rhythmic gymnastics.

      By the way, I didn’t suggest returning to the old group - he doesn’t want to, because “there are kids there, they don’t know how to do anything.” and she’s right - in four months we’ve made a leap forward. and they probably still won’t master the somersault there.

      as I said, people come to her for castings, and she trains champions, and she herself has international awards for good productions.

      I have a 10.5-year-old boy, a three-time regional champion in combined events, who has been swimming and running since he was 5 years old, that is, for more than half his life. In the last year, three more sports were introduced (he has a pentathlon), and everything would be smooth, except for equestrian sports. Not only is it physically difficult, we were also incredibly unlucky with our coach. The child likes it, but they stubbornly convince us that he has no inclinations for this (there is a different coach there, not our main one).

      I tried to tell my daughter about “we never give up” - she doesn’t buy my calculations))) she’s a little girl, she doesn’t seem to be ashamed of being weak (well, this is the first such case for us when we’re discussing such a serious thing).

      No matter what I say on the threshold of the hall, the flywheel of hysteria is spinning right before my eyes, and I see that my calls are falling on deaf ears, and in her eyes, “I will under no circumstances go to the hall today, what would be in my ears now?” didn’t pour in.”

      I’ll try to offer her another visual, without reference to our dances, but it’s that simple, by the way.

      - a former gymnast - from the point of view of the actual “dance” - it’s generally very rarely good (there are probably exceptions, but I haven’t seen it). Because dance is not a sport. This is a different relationship, a different approach, a different focus on classes and, in general, completely different (I myself studied rhythmic gymnastics and had the same coach - aimed at raising champions, it didn’t end well even for those who initially became champions - everyone’s health and nerves went to hell at the age of 15.

      And as someone who sits on the jury at competitions, I can also say that you can immediately see when a group has not a choreographer, but a “coach.” From my point of view, what they do in general can hardly be called DANCE

      - according to the second option - after a time out, if the child basically wants to dance, try to go to different groups, you are in big city. Almost everywhere there is a system of trial lessons. Don't get stuck on choosing something - just - let's see what's going on where. Maybe you'll find something you like. Maybe decide it's worth going back to where you were. In any case, it will be a useful experience, especially if the child is already prepared and will not feel that he can’t do anything.

      - regarding “you don’t try - you can embarrass yourself at the concert” - in relation to 5-year-olds, these are generally meaningless things - a 5-year-old child does not try, because he is either not interested, or something distracts him, or he just can’t do something yet, it’s difficult for him. And such comments cannot help at all; they can only add fears, which, on the contrary, will interfere. Instead of being involved in the process itself, the child will be afraid that it will not work out. A sports coach focused on selecting the surviving strongest probably does not understand this. Yes, there are children who, at the age of 5, endure everything and plow like adults, but there are only a few of them. And sometimes they turn on much later. And they get involved in such a way that they catch up with those who started much earlier. Take your time! I have seen amazing dancers who started at 10-12 and even 15 years old.

      The child does not want to play sports

      Finally, they advise you to find a sport that you like. but as practice shows, there can be nothing to the liking of such people who do not tolerate coercion ((

      I don’t even know, I still wanted to send him to rowing, but now they won’t take him yet, he’s very small, and before that time I wanted the child to understand what a sports discipline is, who a coach is, and in general become more attentive and organized. Now we are also sitting with the whole family and thinking: what to do next.

      But he walked without much desire, he was too lazy, he was used to silencing monsters with the mouse, but in real life it’s hard, you have to make an effort.

      Then he won the competition, passed the certification, yellow belt, won the competition, second place, beat the bully at school. He asserted himself and believed in himself.

      After 3 years, they changed the section to a stronger one, with a decent load, he aches, tries to skim, but works out. Friends have appeared again, I constantly sing songs about how handsome and strong he is, in general, we study without special achievements, for good health.

      At times it seems like I already have it green belt, sometimes it costs me so much moral effort. But there is no way without sports, especially with his gentle disposition and love for the computer and TV.

      mine doesn't want to go anywhere

      And mine didn’t want to go anywhere. I was just too lazy to put in the effort, no matter what sport or non-sport. Wherever she persuaded her, that’s what she does. Where the coach was able to somehow captivate and not cause negativity.

      key. but a good coach didn’t save us - it was a team sport, but there was no desire to try... the team didn’t understand this))))

      Does your spouse play sports?

      Maybe the child doesn’t have an example before his eyes?

      My son has been doing sports for the second month, ninjutsu, I think that’s what it’s called, there are boys from 4.5 to 9 years old in the group, so the child is really eager to train, at home he practices tricks on his dad

      Yes, and I immediately felt the difference, then he was rocking with me before lunch, then he would lie on the sofa, then he would jump into bed again,

      and now, ttt jumps in the morning, I forgot about the sofa already

      So I started going to art school with interest, because I came an hour before classes started, quietly walked onto the balcony and watched the dancing. Wow, I just remembered, I’m already nervous

      In general, I left art and sports stole my heart for exactly 9 years) But I definitely wouldn’t have stayed there if it weren’t for competitions, and the desire to get into them, in short, a show off, what I learned

      Therefore, my advice is to take your children and their peers to competitions. Because most children think that competitions are only for adults. Therefore, they do not motivate themselves with anything)))

      And what will he do at a time when he has access to TV, computer, set-top boxes, etc. d.?

      You know, as a child I myself was a rabid athlete, when my eldest son grew up, it was simply an amazing discovery for me that he didn’t need anything. That he himself won’t get up his ass to go and sign up somewhere. That he will learn only if he is controlled. I was simply amazed - how, how could I have such a non-athletic child. Dad is also an athlete. And like this. He flatly refuses to go to competitions, well, he doesn’t want to be beaten, but okay - there’s no point in getting kicked in the head again. There is no ambition or thirst for victory, although I won a couple of years ago.

      Now the dissatisfied person has been sent to training again. This is such a character, you can’t escape it. Our youngest will stop a galloping horse.

      How does this relate to sports? Well, of course, just let him go to the computer - he will play games, and different ones - catch-up, and racing, and shooting, and construction

      And I also don’t like all kinds of studios where they gather a crowd of 30 people and supposedly teach something. But we actually have few professional groups (and it’s not always possible to take a child there).

      Interesting line of thought! Yes, he really, really enjoys building something out of anything for hours - Legos, for example, or just from what he has. And ship modeling - where, for example, do we have it? and at what age do people join the yacht club?

      Shelest has a son who is a yachtsman and works out, you can ask her in PM

      Thank you! I tortured and tortured you about football - they went, so now he will “look at the coach.” It seems to me that he simply does not want sports AT ALL, violence, so to speak, and strict discipline. I wonder if without THIS it is possible to raise a normal boy, a MAN? This question should probably be developed in another topic

      What not dancing - I always look so fascinated at those who have

      He gave it up after about six months, their team broke up - people stopped coming

      There was still football. and it seemed to work out, at some competitions he was invited to the Lucha children's league, but during the qualifying games he got sick, and then he was embarrassed to come to training, although I persuaded him.

      The latest hobby is boxing. I studied with one coach for a year, then I started studying from the second shift - I found a coach myself. who studies in the morning. I went with pleasure, then a month ago it became difficult to wake up in the morning, miss classes, now I’m on sick leave and wondering whether to continue studying or not.


      We had a good football coach in Yunost (on Ovchnnikov), if I’m not mistaken, Vladimir Nikolaevich. FOR those who don’t like coercion, that’s it... although depending on how you look at it... maybe it was worth forcing the child)))

      Vladivostok, Irtyshskaya, 10 tel. 463274

      Aircraft modeling, auto modeling, ship modeling. They take junior schoolchildren. Competitions are held.

      Mine tried to go there. With all his love for design, after the first time he flatly refused - the teacher allowed himself very free jokes at the expense of the children, and I didn’t like him either, somehow on the level of intuition, this is not the person from whom I would want a child adopted something.

      Yes, it’s possible without sports, it seems to me. You also go to music school - it seems to me that they also need discipline.

      Yes, music requires discipline. I'm worried about physical development. Our dad, unfortunately, is not an example of MALE activities. At all. He is excellent in his profession (creativity), but in the male part - everything is completely bad. Well. this happens. And my first boy was born. In general, I’m like a sheep - HOW to raise them, these boys.

      Fafa simply does not have a single other example before her eyes, and the same opinion is confirmed by the ballet coach (that’s what she said in ballet dancers).

      I completely agree with you, just with every word. So I’m looking for this general physical training program either closer to home (Trudovaya) or in the center (we study in the 1st gymnasium). Probably, I myself should be firmer on this issue - like - go and that’s it! I raised the girls this way, but now. Either my energy and strength have diminished, or I’ve simply become wiser, like my mother. What confuses me is that as soon as someone gets to know my boy better (I mean adults, and among them there are many psychologists - well, it just happened that way.), for some reason they all say that WITH YOUR SON THERE IS NO COERCTION WILL RIDE. Just conviction, all sorts of inspiring things, incentives, etc. And I’m missing something for a long time. Here are the nuances of an “aged” mother. Damn, why did I get such a guy?

      Today I asked my husband about the yacht club, he says he doesn’t know for sure, but he saw people there who were about 12 to 15 years old. Well, in general, they’re more or less adults already.

      I remember when I was a child, my grandmother told me: Granddaughter, don’t go to school today, rest, I’ll write you a note. And in response: Why are you grandma, I can’t do this, I need to go to school and I’ll go.

      And now I have a nephew, just whistle for him not to go to school, and he’ll be buzzing with joy.

      There is a physical training facility at the Dynamo stadium, which seems to be not far from the 1st gymnasium.

      Yesterday we went to another sport. To my provocative question “will you go again?” the son replied "I'll have to"

      Thanks, I'll go after the holidays.

      why will he send it?

      why will he send? Find out more about the sections. paid? what is the price. Maybe you can go and sign up yourself)))

      In general, we did this in childhood, mothers often found out after the fact))

      Mine still does this - he finds out everything, then he says - like we won’t be able to afford the payment

      Yes, I meant that they were faced with the fact “I signed up (or went) to gymnastics (circle soft toy)")) mom answered “uh-huh” and that’s it)))))

      Well, in our time, sports were free.

      mine goes to a trial training session, finds out everything, comes and says this and that, this and that. I have never looked for him yet. I even asked around on the forum for a boxing section so that I could do it in the morning, and he himself came and said - he found out everything, I’ll go now in the morning

      after all, this is, first of all, discipline and classes, mostly monotonous and boring, and almost every day,

      of course everything is rewarded, the competition is very inspiring,

      I will sign every word. The only way. After a certain time, any child will say “I don’t want to”; who wants to work?

      Mine went with pleasure for six months, then, naturally, he said that he was tired, I want to snowboard))) But we are solving this issue, stimulating it, while it works out))) But I myself am such that you won’t give up what you started with me))))

      I don’t agree, there are a lot of children, I see them, who study with passion, without kicking and persuasion, I myself was like that and now there are such people.

      And training sessions are not always boring and monotonous - it depends on the coach, on his ability to organize a training session and unite the team.

      But the main thing is the character of the child, I have two sons, I constantly persuade one, the second is ready to study until they kick me out.

      Regarding “whether I want or not”, I always say “should” to my friends, calmly, without unnecessary noise, giving quite compelling arguments. Although the thought constantly “sits” in my head that there is no need to put pressure on boys, they are men and they deserve you need to be able to make decisions and defend them.

      But when it comes to health (and I associate playing sports with it) here, until a certain time, the decision is up to the parents. Senior in primary school I studied chess, English and the swimming pool at the same time, the tutor decided to take pity on him and said: “Why is there so much, you should Alyosha give up something,” he answered: “I won’t give up chess, but my parents won’t allow English and the swimming pool,” then I had taekwondo, football, the swimming pool again, when I was 14 I went to the gym and for 4 years I’ve been doing it 3 times a week, in any weather, which I’m very happy about. And I think if there had not been easy coercion at one time, then probably there would not have been a need for sports now.

      It’s almost the same with my little one, from the age of 4 corrective gymnastics (gym + water), there were even tears, but also “This is a MUST for health”, now a pool and a clear explanation that he needs it while his body is forming, he will swim for another two years, and There, let him choose the sport himself, but he will HAVE to play sports! In addition to other circles and something else. Maybe it turned out abruptly, I always try to be tolerant, but here my opinion is clear!

      the period of excitement cannot last forever

      and even non-boring workouts with a good trainer can get boring or become more interesting activity, even fleeting,

      and sport is every day and for a long time

      as our teacher says (with sooooo much experience) - either geniuses or fools do it themselves - the rest need to be forced (read stimulated, ... everyone has their own method

      I don’t even know what to say. I somehow manage to convince my own people. Although we started going out for sports at a young age ballroom dancing, without desire, but I encouraged these activities financially. It seemed to me that dancing classes build good posture, confidence, etc., and then, looking at the 15-16 year old boys leaving after training, I somehow began to doubt, I tried to objectively evaluate my and We have come to the conclusion to stop this matter.

      But then, really, music studies takes a lot of time, practically a second education, which may be enough for now. After all, it’s also first class.

      they clearly gave us children in one place)))) I don’t know what to do.. the person is like that.. on his own((

      How's your school?

      Well. such a slightly separate guy. Contactable, friendly, but somehow he doesn’t really like to be in a crowd. If EVERYONE starts singing, then he will hang out in the background, although he sings just awesome. I say - why don’t you come forward - you sing great? He looks at me like I’m a fool and says - WHY? He is NOT passionate at all, does not strive to win everyone and be the best at something. Not because he’s a weakling, but simply. Well, somehow he doesn’t understand why this is. This kind of thing is not competitive, or something. Maybe that’s why he’s not attracted to sports. I, he says, love to CREATE everything - to build, invent, design, make all sorts of crafts. Well, I can see right away how much this sport is against his soul!

      here's mine. in his class, a girl is leaving for training in Miami, for some super-duper competition there - and mine says - well, why do I need your Miami, what’s interesting there besides palm trees

      in general, I see that he is already going to training without enthusiasm, I feel that we will soon finish going there

      But if everything is so serious, then why break it, I probably wouldn’t. I would definitely have my own, it’s just that it wasn’t so difficult for me (pah-pah).

      you're lucky)) mine will sing louder than everyone else and not at all what is needed... in general, singing is the lesson from which he is expelled from the first grade

      We need to look for a sport that won’t break us. I see that my b would be quite happy if he and I were hanging out together in the pool, for example... but I don’t want to and he goes to the pool. and she suffers.. she only rejoices when free swimming is allowed)))

      If he’s not passionate, then maybe it’s not sports, but dancing that will attract him? Just not sports ballrooms, there are also competitions, but groups where they learn to dance and simply participate in various city events and concerts. Nowadays there is a lot of things - breakdancing, hip-hop.

      Then she told him this: physical activity is an obligatory and necessary part of our life in order not to be a sickly goner. You can’t not go to school, not sit at home in front of your homework, computer or TV - because it’s modern look the life of any schoolchild. Since you're not lucky enough to find a sport or trainer you like, or maybe you're just lazy, you should still have physical activity. This is as necessary as, for example, brushing your teeth, although we do not experience much joy or pleasure from this action.

      She researched financial and time opportunities and purchased a World Class family pass. She also had to change her lifestyle - now they go there together 3 times a week at the same time, but in different groups. There is even some choice of activities for children, besides the pool.

      Sorry, I apparently didn't read the whole topic.

      Great idea, by the way. I’ll take it into account, in case my thread someday doesn’t want to train either.

      The family subscription includes a subscription only for mom and dad, for the child it is always separate and it does not cost less than what you bought a family subscription. I myself go to this club and found out about this pricing policy, it is very inflexible and for people with average incomes, since February it has become completely unrealistic.

      You need to be a wealthy person to afford to go there with your whole family, and not just

      Nu-nu. Of course, it is possible to “look for opportunities.” I just don't see any reason to do this. A child can do great sports for a nominal fee or for free. And no worse in quality, and perhaps even better. Because In municipal institutions, trainers work for many years, are focused specifically on children, and often have special training. education and know the approach to children and adolescents. Unlike the glamorous showgirls in all sorts of “elite” clubs, you can use the money you save to offer your child to go somewhere during the holidays as an incentive. This is the first. And secondly, not everyone in the family has only one prince, he is the navel of the earth, for whose sake the whole family is ready to stand upside down. There are also the interests of the parents (primarily) and the interests of other children in the family. And cutting off their lives will entail infringement of their interests. So staaa. This option is very much an acquired taste, very much so.

      PS Some children, I think, will be helped by a good old method: a magic kickstand. However, some parents understand this too late

      Probably everyone who noted in this topic has children who go to sports for this reason))))

      mine was whining again yesterday that he hates sports. she said it was useless to whine)) fell silent)))

      Mine somehow have periods: sometimes they rush into the hall, and sometimes they start to groan. But my answer to whining is the same as yours, as a result - they walk and don’t buzz

      I still don’t know why I needed music school)) I felt the benefit of it once - at the institute during a test in aesthetics, when I came across questions about opera)))))

      But I am sure of one thing - if I were forced by a “magic kick” or something else to do something that I didn’t like, I would feel oppressed and maybe even unhappy. And if someone thanks their parents for the fact that they were forced to do something in childhood, I’m on the contrary - grateful for the fact that they were NOT forced. And I won’t force my child. Freedom of choice is the flip side of independence.

      We also visited a lot of sports sections but haven’t gotten caught up in anything yet. I can’t wait for him to grow up and I’ll say, go look for it on your own, but you can’t live without sports.

      There is a high chance that you will never “catch on” to anything. And when he grows up, he will respond to your “go and look” in a completely different way than you expect Examples - a carriage.

      I’m not saying that he needs to be forced into sports clubs every day, but nevertheless, he needs to be taken to at least a few classes so that the child gets to know this or that sport better.

      And it’s better not to compare what happened BEFORE.

      Previously, the grass was greener, the honey was sweeter, and the sections were all free, it was a sin not to go.

      what's wrong with that? before the child there was nothing to keep you at home - there were two programs on TV and no computer, if you want to have fun and communicate - go to the section.

      And now the children are happy at home. Why go to train, through pain and sweat, try to overwhelm the enemy, when you can free the whole world with the help of the mouse and buttons on the keyboard. Also self-affirmation and achievement, especially in a circle of your own kind, many of whom are comps. gambling addicts.

      I ask, does anyone play sports in real life? No, almost no one does. There are no conversations about sports. It's not cool, it's cool to kill Sidorov from 6th grade with a grenade launcher.

      Load him with work so that there is no free time. Well, of course, no one canceled control.

      That's not the worst part yet. Here we have a kid about Ilya’s age - he hangs around the entrances and smokes. Once in Ilya’s class, a kid came to school for lessons drunk, although I know that this guy is into some kind of wrestling. So, no matter how you look at it, the most important thing is that it doesn’t become cool for our children.

      Well, yes, somehow it turns out too much. I tried to send mine to handball at Voskhod in the fall (there is a serious section there, and it’s free), so there are classes 5 days a week. From 10 to 12 - the whole morning is down the drain.

      I say - but we have English on Tue and Thu, the coach was already indignant - how can this be, you can’t skip sports!

      Ha, when my son found out that instead of his taekwondo for 1.5 hours three times a week there was the prospect of such handball, he almost choked and assured that he had changed his mind about giving up taekwondo. I like the politics in taekwondo - if you don’t want to go to competitions, don’t. Just practice.

      There are very, very many chances and options for what this will lead to in the future. And among fans of kickstands and their non-lovers.

      And if a child doesn’t get hooked on one sport, there’s nothing to worry about; we don’t dream about professional athletes. The main thing you should know is that you should always do something healthy. And this is not a topic for discussion, but a rule.

      I also thought and drove for a long time. And now I think that the option when adults say - we thought it would be useful for you to do this or let’s try this - is not the best. In modern children, the sense of independence of judgment and contradiction is quite strongly developed, and this situation alarms them in advance. And if the coach also turns out to be unpleasant person- the result will be a categorical WILL NOT go there.

      On the topic of the present. I don't like sports. I mean, too lazy to strain yourself. But I constantly struggle with this - I go to fitness (for me this is already an achievement), my husband is an athlete in the full sense of the word - in the summer he bikes 20 km a day, in the winter he skates. We do exercises together at home. One of the incentives is a child who, looking at us, also does exercises with us, rides his bike (around the house for now), walks outside after kindergarten every day for 2 hours (with us, of course).

      Your own example will help you. It is impossible to say, for example, “smoking is bad,” and take another drag from another cigarette. Through words we convey to him only 5% of the information, the rest comes from our actions and deeds.

      Well, let's see.

      uh, no nonsense. God forbid you do not encounter this with your children, God forbid that your children are not special ((

      And what are “special” ones? If we mean an objective medical diagnosis, that’s one thing, I won’t argue; for sure, in this case special approaches are needed. And if the child is healthy, then his whole “specialness” lies in the excessive shaking of his parents over him. At least I haven't come across any other options yet.

      Well, that's what I'm talking about. many, like you, do not believe in the specialness of healthy children. I say, God forbid we collide)

      Well, let's put it this way. I try to keep my ORDINARY children away from the “special” ones. And I myself stay away from their parents because it’s fraught.

      Usually parents don’t see this point-blank and happily talk about “specialness”.

      Well, okay, we've already gone far from the topic.

      And I completely agree with you :)

      Well, okay, let the manipulators. But the child’s character cannot be helped; one happily runs to training, while the other whines and dodges.

      I won’t argue, I have just two children like this, and that’s a fact. He is the one who skillfully manipulates in life, and at the same time plays sports with great pleasure.

      yes, mine is not a manipulator)) for me, he is terribly simple-minded. but nothing good comes out of this.. another smarter person would have done what was most profitable for him, but this one got it in half.. for which he gets it))))

      It's true. But many people misunderstand the concept of “freedom of choice.” To choose, you need to try something, and then make a choice, but as a rule, the child’s desire disappears at the first difficulty, so you can give up what you started ad infinitum. I always tell “my” parents (my students) that you have to force them until the first victory, and then you will see for yourself and understand whether this is your business. If the child’s interest awakens again, then everything is normal, you are the right way, which means that even after a difficult situation it is better to insist, to explain that these are temporary difficulties, that later there will be the joy of victory over oneself or in a competition. And if even after this very first victory inspiration does not appear, then most likely it is not yours.

      Well, this is my experience and personal opinion.

      With mine own child it worked great)))) A couple of months ago I started going to training without interest, whining that I didn’t want to. But at the end of February I took part in " Happy starts"on the ice, received my first diploma, now walks with great desire and is proud of himself))))

      Everyone draws their own conclusions.

      I will sign every word.

      I work at a school and see a lot of things that I wouldn’t want to see in my own child. But all this is due to idleness; busy children have no time to even think about any nonsense.

      Children, for the most part, are terrible manipulators and if they feel weakness on the part of their parents, they will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of it.

      But many people misunderstand the concept of “freedom of choice.” To choose, you need to try something, and then make a choice,

      I will add that you still need to achieve some maturity that allows you to make a CONSCIOUS choice. It is not for nothing that adulthood does not come from birth, but only from the age of 18. And for some reason it would not occur to anyone to approve of “freedom of choice” when it comes, for example, to school. Probably, then only a few would go to school, and the rest, having exercised “freedom of choice,” would lie on the couch

      A good volleyball section at school 35. And you seem to be close

      Are there classes in the morning? in the evening and at 59, but he doesn’t have time - he’s been studying since the second shift, he crawls home only at 7

      Don't know. If you want, I can ask today.

      I will be very grateful

      KarochI. Like a decent person, I took a photo of the schedule on my sons’ phone, but in the end it turned out something unreadable. On Monday I’ll rewrite it by hand. There are training sessions in the morning too.

      forgive me for being intrusive, I wanted to remind you of myself

      It was necessary to show “obsessiveness” earlier. Memory, as they say, is a girl’s. That’s it, I put a pen and paper in my pocket, I’ll rewrite it tomorrow morning. I promise

      Again, how can I transport him there later? Maybe I'm a bad mother, but I can't understand how you arrange children in sections that are not close to home. Are you not working? I live in a residential area (71 microdistrict, if anyone knows), I don’t have a car, I arrive from work at 19.00 and when should I take it somewhere? Sending one, on public transport, across the city is somehow scary. And the nearest school only teaches wushu and taekwondo. But these are just thoughts out loud. Thanks if anyone has any advice

      Boxing, sambo, freestyle wrestling. Remember the same Valuev - you can’t call him slender. And right there he will be taught to put in their place those for whom his kilograms interfere with their lives.

      I don’t know if you need advice, but if I were you, I wouldn’t send my child to such sports that involve philosophy, with Eastern (or any other, far from our mentality) flavor. Believe me, in 99% of cases, this is generally a pseudo-eastern pseudo-philosophy. Ali correctly wrote to you: boxing, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman, sambo. I would add: swimming, volleyball, ping-pong, tennis, horse riding. Don't go where they beat you with sticks. Especially for mentally fragile children and teenagers. We need pure sport, so that it’s fun, with an ordinary, normal children’s coach, and not a crazy figure who considers himself an expert on the East

      As for driving and transporting, that’s a question. But in your neighborhood you probably have sections within walking distance. It’s just that many residents of neighborhoods don’t even know about it. I advise you to find the phone number of the district municipal youth sports school and call there. They will tell you everything about the available sections. Moreover, these sections are mostly free or budget-funded, which is also important in our time. Plus, the child will communicate with peers and older kids from his area; it’s important for boys to have older friends, you know. Go to the website of the City Administration, there is data on all such establishments: Link "Citizen's Handbook". If you are at a loss, write which district your street belongs to, I will help you find the coordinates.

      Well, what else? There is an equestrian section on Baleva, in the Mingorodok park. I know it’s difficult with swimming pools. But there is an option to take your child to the Pioneer House for commercial classes on weekends. The cost is only 87 rubles. per session, there are trainers there. It's easier than going there on weekdays. Well, sign up for free groups Available only on September 1st. The school should have sections, look there, on the website, or ask at the school.

      Should a child be forced to play sports?

      Every parent does everything to ensure that their child grows up physically strong and healthy. To make such a dream come true, many parents begin to force their child to play sports from childhood. Very rarely do they give it to the exact sport in which the child is interested. Most often, parents force them to attend exactly those sections that they would gladly attend if not for their age.

      A number of questions arise: should parents force their child to play a certain sport? If yes, then at what age should this be done? How to make sure that the child does not resist the wishes of his father and mother? First things first.

      Should you force your child to play sports: simple basics

      Parents should know that love for sports does not happen overnight. If you want your child to become interested in some kind of sport, he should be taught it from childhood.

      Perhaps one of the parents is interested in football. Don’t forbid your child to sit next to you when you watch the next football match, talk to him about sports topics, tell him that playing sports improves a person’s health.

      Child's independent choice

      You should not force the sport that you like on your child. Ultimately, it must be his own choice, even if it is athletics or boxing. Even if a child takes up sports under duress, nothing good will come of it.

      You should praise your child for every achievement in sports, which will motivate him for further activities. Let it be even small achievements, for example, he was able to score soccer ball on the leg not 5, but 10 times.

      When a child is still very young, the main thing for him is to be involved in sports, but over time, when he grows, every single victory and achievement is important to him. During this period (10-11 years) it is worth talking with the child and determining the goals that he sets for himself.

      Parents should not voice any criticism regarding their child’s play. Believe me, he will have enough criticism from his coaches. If you really want your child to continue playing sports, never criticize him.

      Children often copy the behavior of their parents. If dad decides to go jogging in the morning with his son, then that will be just great. In future sports education, this moment will only help the father get closer to his child.

      You should also take an active interest in your child's activities, where and when competitions are held, and who is participating. Seeing the interest of their parents, children strive to achieve even greater results and want their dad and mom to be proud of them.

      Remember that it is easy to force your child to play sports, but this will not bring any benefit, but will only cause an even greater aversion to sports. You must motivate your child, accustom him to sports from childhood by personal example and interest in a particular sport. Do not forget to repeat that sport is a huge benefit for the body, it is something that helps you survive even in the most difficult situations.

    A couple of decades ago, parents complained that they could not bring their children home from the street in the evening: active children had fun there all day long, playing football, playing printed games, tag, jumping in rubber bands and running back and forth.

    Today, children move less and less and sit more and more - first at their desks at school and in extracurricular activities and in developmental clubs, and then at home at the computer and in front of the TV. Therefore, it is very important to instill a love for sports, or rather even for movement as such, from childhood.

    All parents want their children to grow up strong and healthy. Now, in times of worship of tablets and selfies, this is more important than ever. However, in this matter it is very easy to go too far and inadvertently completely discourage a child from playing sports. To ensure that your child only enjoys movement and exercise, follow these rules:

    Let's play sports

    Young children perceive sport as a game, and not as a serious competition - this psychological aspect can be used effectively. Remember a simple rule: the simpler and more accessible a sports game is for a child, the more willing she will be to play it. Thus, the effectiveness of games on the playground or in a home sports corner may be higher than visiting a sports section, which you need to get ready for, get to, and at a certain time.

    Announce the whole list please

    Young children often experiment and express a desire to try different activities. You should not insist on any one sport and try to realize your childhood dreams at the expense of your child. The kid needs to figure out for himself what he succeeds and likes most. Of course, sometimes amateur sports turn into professional ones already in childhood, but generally psychologists recommend trying as many different sports as possible before the age of 8-9 or adding them to the basis of sports activities - physical education, cycling, running. This will allow the child’s body to gradually adapt to stress and develop comprehensively.

    Together - we are force

    Up to 10 years of age, children usually prefer team or pair sports: football, volleyball, tennis, different kinds struggle. This, among other things, contributes to the development of communication skills, because sport is not only physical exercise, but also the joy of communicating with peers, a competitive spirit that helps a child grow up not only healthy, but also confident in himself and his abilities. Motivate your child to compete, but don't focus on winning. Expecting only victory, it will be very difficult for a child to bear failure.

    Features of adolescence

    If your child has already decided which sport to develop in, it’s time to find him good coach. During this period, it is very difficult for parents to maintain a position of authority, but the teenager will listen to a coach who is not related to the family and who will give recommendations on sports.

    If your child has not yet shown any particular interest in sports, it’s time to call on the help of movie and music stars known for their in an active way life and sports. Teenagers want to be like strong superheroes and slender movie stars. You can take advantage of this - find information on the Internet about diet and sports that are popular among stars, and invite your child to do something similar. Teenagers also like sports-related surroundings: good sportswear, fashionable accessories- this can be used to attract a teenager to take up fitness.

    Do as I do

    Of course, the most contagious thing is personal example. If family exercise is as common as lunch or shopping, the child has no doubt that sports is an integral part Everyday life. If you yourself started playing sports not so long ago, you need to “ignite” your child with this. Watch interesting sports programs together and share your impressions after training. Joint sports activities significantly improve the microclimate in the family and bring parents and children closer together.

    More compliments!

    Don’t forget to praise your child for the slightest achievements and criticize less - be tolerant of failures and mistakes, because this is a normal learning process. And vice versa - do not condemn your child’s victories to yourself: she achieved them on her own, and not because you persistently took her to training every day. After class, tell your daughter how rosy her cheeks are, how her eyes are shining, and tell your son how strong his handshake is now and how straight his back is, and the like. And under no circumstances use sport as punishment - any sporting activity should be a source of exclusively positive emotions.

    Children are little motors; like previous generations, they are full of energy. But the modern lifestyle imposes passive leisure on them. Without an outlet, this bottled-up energy becomes destructive and often drives parents and teachers to white heat. Sport is The best way expend this excessive energy, not to mention the extreme benefits to children's health.

    Elena, mother of 12-year-old twin figure skaters Maria and Mikhail Nosovitsky:

    We came to the section when we were 5 years old. The children liked skating right away: they stomped, fell, sat on the ice, but they wanted more and more. From 5 to 7 years old, in the health group, children learned to “stand” on skates and master basic movements. When they could already be without ice outside help, the coach offered to put them through a program in pairs. We agreed - why not have some fun? A year later, Masha and Misha took this program to the 20th anniversary of the Specialized Children and Youth School of Olympic Reserve figure skating"Suite". Then they were 6 years old: small, pretty, artistic, adoring the public - that’s where they noticed us.

    Children are still very active, it is difficult for them to sit still: they easily tolerate early rises and daily training. They always like to ride, and then they invite us to play football, jump on a trampoline, or just run. Training gives you at least a little opportunity to throw out this inexhaustible energy.

    Sport also disciplines. After all, it’s worth talking about talent no earlier than 15-17 years old. Nobody knows what will happen next. That's why school program is studied thoroughly - on an external basis. This schedule is difficult for me, but the children cope perfectly.
