Holiday destinations in September. Holidays in October: where is it warm at sea abroad?

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TOP 5 destinations in September - where to go on a seaside holiday abroad: prices, advantages and weather

Since it so happened that your vacation coincided with the beginning of autumn, then you should not panic and scold your boss. On the contrary, thank him, because he helped you and your vacation. Yes, yes, you heard right. In fact, there are not so few places where to go on vacation abroad in September 2019 at sea. And if you consider that at this time of year you can relax inexpensively and better than in the summer, then it turns out that you pulled out happy ticket. In order not to talk too much, let's start describing countries where it is warm in the first autumn month and what features you may encounter in a particular country.

Italy – not only beaches, but also excursions

Going to beach holiday to Italy, you should remember that there are thousands of attractions and beautiful places. Therefore, your beach holiday will be diluted with excursions and you will, without a doubt, enjoy it.
In the country of pizza and pasta, delicious wine and romantics, there are many places where you can relax by the sea. The most famous resort is Rimini. Tourists also visit the island of Sicily and the resort of Capri.

Climate and weather

Summer is over, but the country is still quite hot and sunny. In the southern part of the country there is more sun and it is several degrees warmer there. IN daytime in popular resorts the air easily warms up to +30 degrees. The Adriatic Sea is cooling down a bit. But you can still swim here, especially if the day turns out to be sunny and cloudless. The Mediterranean Sea is 5-6 degrees warmer, and swimming here is not only possible, but also necessary. Precipitation can occur in any city in the country. But most of them are in the north or in cities far from the seas. Also note that the rains mostly start towards the end of the month. And in the first half of September the sun shines more often.

Prices and other details

After the peak of the beach season, prices begin to decline. If in cities such as Milan, Rome or Verona prices remain at the same level almost all year, then in the beach direction there is a downward trend. It is the beach resorts that begin to “lose” tourists and therefore they are forced to reduce prices so that tourists come to them.
Another nuance is visas. You can only enter Italy with a valid country or Schengen visa. If you have planned a trip, you should apply for a visa at least a month in advance.

Do you know that there are hundreds of ski resorts in Italy and you can ski at some as early as September! Look at all the ski resorts in Italy on the map and you can open the season.

Israel - very hot and beautiful

Israel is somewhat similar to Italy, especially in the sense that there are also many attractions and beautiful places. But in Israel there are not many cities and resorts where you can relax. The main resort is Eilat. Tourists also choose Haifa and Jerusalem.
Half of the tourists come to the country to improve their health; this can be done in local clinics or at the Dead Sea, where salt and mud have healing functions.

Weather and climate in September

This month the country is very hot and dry. Perhaps September is best month for a trip to the country for a beach holiday. During the day, the thermometer can rise to +34 degrees, and the sea warms up to +25 +27 degrees. There is no rain, just as there are no sandstorms. Strong winds also haven’t arrived yet and you can safely enjoy your holiday on the beaches.

Prices, visa and more

An undoubted advantage of a holiday in the country is the absence of a visa regime. All you need is a valid passport and that’s it. This is why Israel is so popular as a weekend destination. This is when people fly here only on weekends, for example, on Saturday and Sunday.
But on the other hand, many tourists are scared off by prices. They are higher than others European countries, and sometimes much higher. This again explains that people come here for the weekend, and not for 7 or more days, as in regular tours.
The average cost of a tour to the country for 7-10 days is more than 70 thousand rubles. This is expensive, because for that kind of money you can relax on islands, for example, in Mauritius.
Another feature of holidays in Israel is local laws and color. It is worth remembering that this is the only Jewish country, and here the laws and life in general are different from those to which we are accustomed.

Türkiye - the cheapest holiday

If you have plans for a vacation, but very little money, then there is only one choice - Turkey. Here you can relax for a whole week even for 12 thousand rubles! And at the same time you will be fed in hotels. Of course, find such profitable offer It’s not easy and you need to look for them more often among last-minute tours, but they happen every day.
There is nothing special to say about Turkey, since most tourists from Russia vacation there and everyone knows everything about it. The only thing I can recommend is that in September it is better to relax on the Mediterranean Sea. The Black and Aegean Seas are colder and may rain there.

Tunisia is almost a replacement for Turkey

Many tourists say they are tired of Turkey and fly to Tunisia. What's the point? After all, it’s almost the same vacation. The only difference is that Tunisia is in Africa and everything is different there, including the life and mentality of the inhabitants.
But on the other hand, although you should visit Tunisia once. There is something to look at and be surprised by. Firstly, these are luxury resort areas, where hotels are designed in the style of royal palaces. Secondly, the beaches here are spacious and unique. Sun beds. The umbrellas and everything else are made in the local style, and this style cannot be confused with anything else. Also, don’t forget about the oriental bazaars, where you can buy absolutely everything and bargain. There are also excursions to the desert and much, much more.

Weather and sea

Tunisia is northern country on the continent, so it's cold here in winter. As for September, this month beach season continues. average temperature the air during the day is about +28 degrees, and the water in the sea is +25 degrees.
There is little rain, but it happens. The winds also begin to blow, which in Tunisia can blow for several days in a row. There is already a possibility of a sandstorm and you should carefully monitor the weather and its forecast.

Hainan - another China

If for you China is one big factory where everyone is constantly working and where thick black smoke pours out of the chimneys, then you simply have not been to Hainan. This heavenly place, which resemble dozens of different resorts in the world. And all because when they designed this resort, and it is a very young resort, first Chinese engineers and architects visited all the world’s resorts and took a little bit from each. And here is modern Hainan the best place for relax.
Tens of millions of tourists come here every year. And if we take into account the fact that the resort is still under construction and growing, then over time hundreds of millions of tourists will be able to relax here every year!


It’s great to vacation in Hainan in September, but there are also some inconveniences. First of all, it's rain. They rain almost every day, but the rains are short and the sun always comes out after them. We can say that here the sun and clouds take turns replacing each other. Sometimes a day can be completely without precipitation, and there are at least seven such days this month.
In any weather, the air temperature remains unchanged: during the day up to +28, at night about +26 degrees. This is due to the fact that Hainan is on the same line as Hawaii, and the climate here is the same. Hainan is also called the “Chinese Maldives”, and this also has its own truth.
The sea temperature is also high and you can swim in it. On average, the water is warmed up to +27 degrees and the sun is shining, the beaches are full of tourists.

Hainan - what's interesting here

Hainan is not your typical Chinese destination, but if you want to see the real China, it couldn't be easier. Every day there are hundreds of excursions that will take you to the “big” country and you will be able to see everything that you previously saw only in pictures and in movies. So be sure to spend a day or two and go on excursions - you won’t regret it.

Where else to send

The world is full of places for a September seaside holiday. This could be Morocco - another one African country. This could be Singapore - a country of night lights and incredibly beautiful cities and buildings. Also consider taking a trip to Spain in the fall. More distant and exotic places include Cuba or Sri Lanka.
The choice is great and the choice is only yours!

For most, September is the time to get back to work, but in some areas this month is the peak of the “velvet season”. Basically, there is a decline in the tourist flow to hot countries, but this does not cancel beach holidays. In many resorts, the sea is only warming up by the first month of autumn, and prices, on the contrary, are falling. In this publication we will take a closer look at where it is better to relax in September.

Holidays at sea in September 2019

Despite the beginning of autumn, beach holidays have not been cancelled. Although in some resorts the weather and water temperature are much lower than in summer months. For example, in Crimea and southern Russia it is no longer as warm as in summer, but you can still swim and sunbathe. In Bulgaria, Montenegro and Croatia, the average daily temperature is also starting to drop.

But the south of the Mediterranean may well please tourists with warm waves. On beach resorts southern Europe and Turkey begins an unforgettable " the Velvet season" Africa will delight you with its heat in September: the beaches of Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt will hospitably welcome vacationers from all over the world.

Of particular note are Israel and Jordan. The beaches of the Red Sea are still quite hot in September. When planning a trip to Southeast Asia, it is worth studying the weather in more detail due to the tropical rainy season.


Every year, hospitable Türkiye attracts millions of Russians. The country is famous for its beach holidays. September is especially attractive as the heat begins to gradually subside and spending time in the sun becomes much more comfortable than in the summer months. A big plus is Turkey’s all-inclusive system, which delights vacationers with its abundance year after year. For a beach holiday, it’s worth heading to southern part countries.

Other useful information about Turkey:

  • No visa required.

Prices for tours to Turkey in September 2019: from 30,000 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Turkey here:


Currently, tours to Egyptian resorts are only available with a flight via Cairo, which significantly affects their cost. The opening of charters to resort cities is expected.

Egypt has always been a popular destination for Russians due to the low cost of tours. Many people who follow discounts have managed to get a very profitable trip to this country. In most regions of Russia, September brings quite noticeable cold temperatures and rains, while Egypt, in turn, is the complete opposite of this. Compared with summer heat the weather becomes a little milder, but the heat is still present.

Other useful information about Egypt:

Prices for tours to Egypt in September 2019: from 71900 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Egypt here:


With the arrival of spring, Greece delights guests with not only educational, but also beach holidays. In September, colorful religious holidays and festivals begin in Greece. The most optimal place for sunbathing and sea bathing will be the island of Crete. Temperature indicators They begin to fall only in the middle of the month, so you don’t have to worry about a good beach holiday in the first half, and the special rich blue hue of the sky will allow you to take unforgettable photographs.

Other useful information about Greece:

Prices for tours to Greece in September 2019: from 33,300 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Greece here:


Along with Greece, Cyprus is one of the most popular destinations just for a beach holiday. September for swimming on the island is no exception. The climate in general, as well as the weather at the beginning of autumn, are conducive to a pleasant time on the beaches of Cyprus. A pleasant addition to your beach holiday will be the numerous culinary festivals held in September.

Other useful information about Cyprus:

Prices for tours to Cyprus in September 2019: from 46,300 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Cyprus here:


As summer ends, the weather in most parts of Italy begins to deteriorate. The air temperature drops only a few degrees, but it is quite noticeable. In turn, the south of Italy pleases with a delayed summer, hot sun and water temperature suitable for swimming. Italy is an amazing country with a rich history. It will be especially nice to combine a beach holiday here with a visit to cultural events and exploring centuries-old sights.

Other useful information about Italy:

Prices for tours to Italy in September 2019: from 48,000 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Italy here:


In September, you can safely go to Tunisia without worrying about the weather. A beach holiday will allow you to enjoy thirty-degree heat and the absence large quantity vacationers in connection with the beginning of the school and working year. Diving enthusiasts will appreciate the coral bottom and colorful exotic fish species. With the beginning of autumn, marine festivals with octopus fishing, competitions and prize competitions start in Tunisia.

Other useful information about Tunisia:

Prices for tours to Tunisia in September 2019: from 48,100 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Tunisia here:


September is rightfully the “velvet season” for a beach holiday in Morocco. Holds stable heat, the sea does not have time to cool down, swimming here is in full swing at the beginning of autumn. The main attraction of ancient African culture is nature itself. Local species amaze with their pristineness and the patina of centuries, and the lush vegetation delights with the brightness of its colors.

Other useful information about Morocco:

  • Visa - no need

Prices for tours to Morocco in September 2019: from 44,600 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Morocco here:


In September, Israel becomes slightly less hot than in the summer months. The beaches of the Mediterranean, Red and Dead Seas are available for swimming. It is interesting to combine a beach holiday with a visit to Christian religious shrines, local parks and nature reserves.

Other useful information about Israel:

  • Visa - no need

Prices for tours to Israel in September 2019: from 77,500 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Israel here:


With the arrival of calendar autumn, the air temperature in Jordan begins to decrease by several degrees, but this, in fact, has little effect on the quality of a beach holiday. The water temperature fluctuates around +30°C, there is no precipitation. Surprisingly, in the evening the air temperature drops slightly below the water temperature. Jordan is located next to Israel, and also delights travelers with the exoticism of the Dead Sea. In the second half of September, the temperature drops by several degrees, which leads to some cooling of the water.

Other useful information about Jordan:

  • Visa - no need

Prices for tours to Jordan in September 2019: from 54,700 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Jordan here:


Spain in September offers to enjoy the warmth on south coast countries. In the southern part, the temperature has not yet begun to drop at the beginning of autumn, the water is conducive to swimming, and the beaches are becoming calmer due to the start of the school year. Vibrant and always lively Spain pleases with the missing warmth. Relaxing on the beach can be combined with visiting cultural attractions, of which there are a great many in the country. Spain gave the world the architecture of Antoni Gaudi, bullfights, fiery dancing and wonderful cuisine - all this splendor is available to travelers at any time of the year.

Other useful information about Spain:

Prices for tours to Spain in September 2019: from 36,000 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Spain here:

Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)

In Tenerife, the beach season continues in September. The Atlantic Ocean warms up to +24°C. Compared to northern Africa, these temperatures may seem quite low, but in fact, a beach holiday on the island in September is very comfortable. The Atlantic Ocean is famous for its calmness; Tenerife attracts a lot of surfers from this shore. In September, religious parades in honor of saints and a folklore festival start, which will be a pleasant addition to a beach holiday.

Other useful information about Tenerife:

Prices for tours to Tenerife in September 2019: from 57,800 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Tenerife here:

United Arab Emirates

At the beginning of September it is quite hot in the UAE. The air temperature here reaches +40°C and it becomes quite difficult to be on the beach in the open sun for a long time. But in the second half of September the air temperature drops and spending time on the beaches becomes much more comfortable. It should also be noted that the second half of the month is marked by an influx of vacationers and the beaches can be a little crowded.

Other useful information about the UAE:

Prices for tours to the UAE in September 2019: from 58,600 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to the UAE here:

Where else to relax on the beach in September 2019:

  • Croatia (Central and Southern Dolmatia)

Rain season

In September, not every traveler will dare to spend a long-awaited vacation at some popular exotic resorts. In Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Maldives, the rainy season continues in September. It is also unlikely that you will be able to enjoy a beach holiday in the Dominican Republic and Cuba; storms and gusts of wind close to hurricanes are possible there. Typhoons periodically rage in Hong Kong from May to the end of September. A beach holiday is unlikely to be a joy. However, if you still decide to vacation in countries South-East Asia in September, it would be a good idea to study the weather forecast and reviews of tourists by month.


September in August is still considered wet season and before you go for very reasonable prices, you should familiarize yourself with the weather forecast in detail. In combination with a high level of humidity, high air temperatures create a “sticky stuffiness” effect, which should be taken into account by weather-sensitive people. Perhaps a trip to Vietnam for a beach holiday should be postponed until a more suitable time, because the rainy season will soon end.

Other useful information about Vietnam:

Prices for tours to Vietnam in September 2019: from 123,500 rubles*

You can select and book a tour to Vietnam here:


In Thailand, the rainy season still continues in September, but in some places a beach holiday is still possible. The least precipitation falls at this time in the north of the country. Koh Samui is perfect for relaxing by the water in September. The weather here is changeable, but this will not cause any inconvenience. Rains are rare and short-lived. Cloudiness increases only in the second half of the month. Due to the rainy season, prices for holidays in Thailand are declining. Before you go to Thailand in September, you should read reviews from vacationers and check the current weather forecast at a particular resort in the country.

Weather: in September the rainy season continues in Thailand, persists high humidity, the air warms up to +30°C, and the water to +28°C. More details -

Finally a vacation! How you want to lie on the sand, bask in the sun and swim in the warm sea, throwing away thoughts about pressing matters! If your vacation is in September, where to go? Amazing places Plenty for a relaxing holiday. These are Morocco, Tunisia, Montenegro, Greece and other wonderful countries.

Holidays at sea

The beginning of autumn is considered the velvet season - here and warm sun, and a light breeze, and a pleasant sea. This great time for those who don't like heat. In September, the Mediterranean Sea warms up to an average of +25 degrees, the Red Sea - up to +28, the Black Sea - up to +22. The air temperature also allows you to feel comfortable at the resorts.


Autumn in this country is one of the most pleasant times of the year. Amazing nature and soft white sand attract thousands of tourists every year. The country is perfect for a family holiday. Where to go in September in Tunisia? Northern Hammamet attracts with its huge water park with many water attractions, and its southern part is famous for its unusual amusement park. For younger travelers, the resort of Sousse will be relevant. It is famous for its open-air discos, a wide selection of excursions, as well as the Ice Cream House, where more than a hundred varieties of treats are presented.


Ideal holiday conditions include September. Where is the best place to go on holiday in Egypt? The average air temperature ranges from +30 to +35 degrees, and the Red Sea warms up to +28. The beaches of the city of Alexandria are sandy, but not all hotels have them. Basically, hotel guests will have to relax on city public beaches. In Hurghada, swimming areas are gently sloping and artificially dredged lagoons are common. The beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh are also sandy, but it is advisable to have special shoes for swimming, as corals often begin to grow almost at the very entrance to the sea.


The beginning of autumn is a magical holiday destination on the islands of Crete and Rhodes. The air warms up to +27 degrees, and the water - up to +23. The country is famous for its variety of fruits, delicious food and amazing sights. For example, while vacationing on the island of Crete, you can go on excursions to the Lassithi Valley and the Knossos Palace, go sea fishing, visit water parks and much more. In Greece, the beaches are mostly sandy, but there are also pebbly ones.


Where to go in September in this country? The beginning of autumn gives a comfortable holiday on the coast of both Antalya and Aegean Sea. Türkiye is famous for its low prices and good quality service. This is a country that is washed by the Black, Marble, Aegean, Mediterranean seas. The air temperature in September reaches +28 degrees, water temperature - +27. The sea is calm for almost the entire month, which is favorable for trips on yachts, diving, and you can simply laze on the sandy beach. During the same period, brand stores open their sales season, which is an additional advantage when choosing a tour. Thanks to the mild climate, a holiday in Turkey will be useful for children who will quickly get used to natural conditions.


The holidays started in September, where to go? The gentle climate invites tourists to Israel, where the air temperature reaches +30 degrees, and the Red Sea - above +25. Medicinal resorts of Dead seas with high quality service attract travelers who want to combine relaxation with health promotion. The city of Arad in Israel has been recognized as one of the most environmentally friendly in the world. Here you can treat respiratory diseases, as well as nervous disorders, walk around the National Park and the Masada fortress. An unusually sunny city in the country is Eilat. It practically never rains here. The city is famous for its great marine reserve, which contains various types corals and representatives of fauna and flora.


Where to go in September? Resorts in Montenegro open their doors this month. The Adriatic Sea caresses tourists tired of everyday work. Its temperature reaches +26 degrees. Holidays in Montenegro are suitable for budget, unpretentious travelers who are looking for a relaxing pastime. The country has both sandy beaches and artificial concrete platforms on the coasts. Most of them are located in bays sheltered from the wind. Montenegro is known for its incredible harmonious landscapes and ancient sights. For example, the Ostrog monastery, the bastions of Forte Mare, the Cathedral of St. Tripun and many others. The country is open to diving enthusiasts. The Adriatic Sea contains many reefs and corals, as well as sunken submarines, an Austrian warship, and a World War II destroyer that will be of interest to explorers.


This country is a holiday filled with bright lights and friendly smiles. This is a place that is known to everyone as the birthplace of crazy carnival and dynamic football. Brazil combines striking contrasts - islands, deserts, and jungles. There is something to see and where to lie down. The country's beaches are distinguished by their diversity. Clean and cozy places there are holidays in Rio de Janeiro. For example, Lebnon, Copacabana, Botafogo, Vidigal and so on. Mostly beaches contain Coral reefs, which attracts diving enthusiasts.

Tourists will be interested in visiting the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro, National parks Foz de Iguazu and Tijuca, the world famous statue of Christ on top of Corcovado, as well as beautiful waterfalls, zoos and, of course, the Amazon jungle. The last place is one of the most mysterious in the country. It is named after the Amazon River, which flows through the territory. Traveling along it, you can meet pink dolphins, caimans, a huge water lily, as well as settlements of Indian tribes.

The temperature in September is conducive to traveling around the country, but in different areas she hesitates. Thus, in the northeastern part of Brazil the air warms up to +33 degrees, and on the tropical coasts - up to +27. The water is also warm, in some places reaching +28 degrees. So, if the question arises: “Where to go in September?”, then the unmistakable answer will be: “To Brazil!”

Exotic places

It's vacation in September, where to go? Especially if you want something unusual and surprising? For connoisseurs of extraordinary experiences, a trip to Cuba is suitable. With the arrival of autumn, the country begins a dry season, with virtually no rain. Cuba is being washed Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. One of the most visited places in the country is Varadero. This is a resort located on the Hikakos Peninsula. Here, all holiday homes and hotels are located near the water. You can take a walk in Varadero Park, go on an excursion to the caves, and the resort also has 23 scuba diving centers.

Where else can you go in Cuba in September? The leader in tourist attendance is the city of Havana. There are majestic skyscrapers next to ancient buildings here. For example, the fortresses of Castillo del Punta and Castillo del Morro, the Monastery of Santa Clara, the Granma Monument and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. In this city there is a Lenin Museum, a Museum of the Fight against Illiteracy, a Museum of the Revolution and others.

Most hot city in the country - Santiago de Cuba. The lowest air temperature recorded was +23 degrees. The sea water is very warm, not lower than +32 degrees. Behind amazing beauty streets of the city, as well as its ancient monuments, Santiago de Cuba was awarded the " Golden Apple" There are luxurious parks, educational museums and even its own castle, surrounded by cannons and moats. Where to go at the end of September in this country? As in any month of autumn, tourists choose the following resorts: Havana, Varaero, Cayo Coco, Cayo Largo, Cayo Guillermo.


Where to go in September in this country? Many resorts welcome guests at this time of year, especially the islands of Pemba, Mafia, and Zanzibar. On the coast, the air temperature never drops below +25 degrees. Autumn in the country is a period of drought and migration of African animals. Therefore, safari lovers try to organize their holidays at this particular time. Marvelous beaches on the coast Indian Ocean, reserves where you can see many animals in all their glory and almost in natural conditions, stunning nature are important factors that play in favor of choosing a vacation spot. Of course, traveling to Tanzania is not cheap, and there is nothing to do there without routine vaccinations, but there will be a lot of impressions.

Ski holiday in September. Where to go?

For fans of this winter sport, some countries open their resorts before the official start of the season. These are vacation spots such as:

1. Sölden in Austria.

2. Tignes in France.

3. Saas-Fee and Zermatt in Switzerland.

4. Ukkohalla, Palyakka, Tahko and Himos in Finland.

If the answer to the question of where to go at the end of September is: “Of course, where you can ski!”, then these resorts will certainly be a good choice for a vacation destination. Here you can improve your health, take a break from the bustle of the city and breathe real mountain air.

CIS and Russia. Where to go on vacation in September?

“Indian summer” begins just at the beginning of autumn. It's better to spend this time in nature, enjoying the last warm days. When traveling to St. Petersburg, you can walk along quiet streets and visit many museums, without the traditional crowd of tourists.

The trip to Karelia will remain in my memory for a long time. In autumn there are no more mosquitoes and midges, and you can have a good rest in nature. During this period, the season of mushrooms and berries begins, which ripen in abundance in the forests. You can stay in cottages or holiday homes. There is often a bathhouse in the adjacent area. And, of course, fishing in this region is one of the most productive. Lovers of a calm, quiet holiday in their own country will not be disappointed in their holiday in Karelia.

So September has arrived. Where to go to the sea in Russia? At this time, most often visit the resorts of Stavropol, Crimea and Krasnodar region, namely Anapa, Sochi, Khosta, Tuapse, Evpatoria, Yalta and others. In autumn there is no longer a large flow of tourists, and therefore finding a place in hotels will not be difficult. The average air temperature reaches +29, water +25 degrees. You can spend time on the coast, entertaining yourself with boat trips, or going to a water park, or you can go on excursions to nearby cities and admire the nature outside the resort. There is a lot of entertainment, and their prices vary.

Where is the best place to go in September in the CIS countries? Abkhazia is considered one of the most peaceful and hospitable republics of the Caucasus. Mild climate, opportunity to improve health in sanatoriums, beautiful landscapes- all this attracts many tourists every year. Of course, there are also attractions. For example, in the famous Gagra you can visit the Castle of the Prince of Oldenburg, the Memorial of Glory, the Krubera-Voronya Cave, mansions of the early 20th century and much more. The air warms up to +23, and the water - up to +26 degrees.

Your holiday in Turkmenistan will be quiet and unfussy. On the shores of the Caspian Sea there are recreation centers that very warmly welcome guests. There are no attractions, but there are clean beaches, tasty food And good service. There are few tourists, so you won’t hear any noise from your neighbors walking around. The air temperature reaches +29 degrees, and the water - +26.

A holiday in Kazakhstan will be amazing. The tourist will see deserts, meadows, mountains, diverse animals and vegetable world, as well as beautiful and modern cities. The routes for travelers have been developed in a variety of ways; they can be chosen both for connoisseurs of mysterious caves and for lovers wildlife. An important landmark of Kazakhstan - Great Steppe, which stretches over millions of square kilometers. The world-famous Baikonur Cosmodrome and the Medeo Ice Stadium are located in this country.

Where is the best place to go on vacation in September? There are many countries and cities that are ready to welcome tired tourists. All that remains is to decide on the type of vacation and price category and you can start your trip.

Cost of tours (on-line) at this moment time! Only real offers! All prices for holidays in September are here:

Check out prices for last-minute tours in September:

September begins the velvet season for many tourist destinations, and spending a vacation at this time is a pleasure.

Despite the fact that the period of children's holidays is already over, it is in September that it is good to go on vacation with children at sea. The fact is that weather more gentle, acclimatization is shorter, the influence of ultraviolet radiation is weaker, and of course the trip is more profitable, because Last minute tours appear.

Choosing a beach holiday

The water temperature in the seas is still quite warm, and the sun is no longer so merciless; its rays have become softer by the beginning of autumn. That's why holidays in September are so popular. sea ​​resorts Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Tunisia. This month, prices for trips to these countries are already much lower than they were a month ago. In addition, the holiday will be convenient because the number of people at the resorts will noticeably decrease.

You need to plan a trip to the Mediterranean in early autumn a little more carefully: the water off the local shores is still quite warm, however, in some places, the rainy season is already beginning. But holidays in September in Tunisia and Morocco climatic conditions It will be very similar to a holiday in Egypt, where the water and air temperatures remain pleasant like summer. If, when deciding where to relax in September, you chose Montenegro, then the Adriatic coast is the most suitable place to relax in early autumn. The oppressive heat is gone, and the waters of the Adriatic are still warm like summer.

Combining vacation in September 2019 with recovery

Terminal springs in Italy, Slovenia and Bulgaria will allow you to combine a beach holiday with treatment and healing of the body. In September, the cost of tours to these countries is much cheaper, and treatment in this month is more effective. You can relax just as well at the very beginning of autumn at domestic resorts. Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik are waiting for you. The water and air temperatures in these cities are still at summer levels, and you can swim in the sea here even until the end of October.

Excursion tours. Holidays and Festivals

Fans of excursion tourism in September can only be envied. In many European countries, various events and holidays take place at this time. For example, in Germany this time coincides with the season of total sales, and in the UK the famous Thames Festival and Boat Show takes place.

Holidays with a child will be pleasant in France, Spain, Sweden - these countries have various amusement parks and a number of attractions.

No less popular are September tours to Cuba, Chile, Venezuela, Brazil, especially historical trips. You will visit the ruins of Mayan cities and other bygone civilizations. You will also be impressed by the local waterfalls and observations of the habits of wild animals. You can also see shamanic shows here. This month marks Father's Day in Australia, Grandparents' Day in Canada, Japan and Moldova. There are also unusual holidays - Salami Day in the USA, Cut Glass Day in Russia, as well as International Smiley Birthday and International Night bats. Several colorful national holidays noted in different countries on the day of the autumn equinox.

You wait and wait for this summer, but it just flashes by in just three or four weeks of heat - and that’s it... And again - jackets, sweaters, the sound of rain on the windowsill...

Not ready for autumn? Just managed to get away on vacation? Have you been waiting for your girlfriend or husband to join you? Well, all is not lost; in some countries, September is a velvet season at many resorts. From this article you will find out where you can go on a beach holiday in September.

Vacation in September: for those who know a lot about relaxation

In general, September is my favorite month of the year. And not only because my birthday is at the very beginning of September. And because in recent years Ten years ago I had the opportunity to go on vacation (just vacation, not on a promotional tour, galloping around hotels) only in the fall. And I can assure you that at this time of year there are still plenty of resorts for beach holidays, both in Russia and abroad.

In some, the heat has already subsided to a comfortable level, in others, the temperature of the air and water has not yet gone beyond its limits. Read, choose where to go in September if you need a seaside holiday.

New Sochi

Holidays in Sochi in September were considered prestigious back in Soviet times. At this time, there is still the same lush greenery, warm evenings and the sea, warmed up to +25 0 C. Only the sharply decreased number of children on the beaches reminds us that autumn has begun.

What I personally like about this option: holiday conditions in Sochi can be very different - from excellent service for very good money to budget holiday in Spartan conditions. That is, unlike other destinations, here everyone will find what they are looking for. Don't even doubt it. Looking at my friends’ Instagram feed, I realized - in Sochi in Lately Everyone checked in. Even those who until recently did not understand at all how you can vacation NOT ABROAD...

Well, beautiful mountains, waterfalls, canyons, as well as the Olympic venues of Greater Sochi - all this continues to delight us in the best possible way in September!

Blue-blue Black Sea)))

Crimea without problems

It is believed that Crimea is especially charming in September. Since he has been part of Russian Federation, many residents of our mighty country are eager to visit it to see the sights and, of course, relax.

If earlier many were frightened by many hours of waiting in queues for the ferry, now this moment will no longer overshadow your holiday - traveling across the Kerch Strait on the new bridge has significantly increased the chances of Crimea to win the love of tourists.

This is what Crimea looked like in November...

But there is so much you can and need to see in Crimea that you can’t cover it in one trip. Works, i.e. rest for at least a couple of trips)) Last year we also rushed through Crimea in the fall, we were stunned by its beauty and this fall we plan to return and devote at least a week to Crimea. So stay tuned for new articles on the blog by subscribing to updates through this form:

You can find the full report on Crimea.

Sunny Abkhazia

Only a completely lazy tourist does not yet know that from Sochi you can go to neighboring Abkhazia for a day. Or maybe not for a day, but for a week or two. And you will have a good beach holiday, and without a visa. And very inexpensive.

I have an article about holidays in Abkhazia in the fall. Well, those who don’t believe in the pessimistic remarks of “experienced” tourists that Abkhazia is a “big garbage dump” can have a very soulful vacation. And I will answer such “experts”: dear, since you are such “clean” people, take care of the nature of Abkhazia, relax at home - in Nizhny Uryupinsk or somewhere else...

Always new New Athos!

Sunny Cyprus

Cyprus is the place where you can pack up and fly away in one or two days. This is exactly how long it takes to receive free tourist provisions, in the application form for which you only need to indicate the passport number and the names of the parents. The September Cypriot sun no longer burns - during the day the air temperature rises to +29–31 0 C, at night it drops to +20 0 C, the water in the sea remains heated to +26 0 C.

Except gentle sun And warm sea guests of the island of Aphrodite can expect sweet malvasia - a sweet wine made from grapes of the same name, ancient monasteries in the mountains and, of course, resorts - noisy youth Ayia Napa, discreet Paphos in English, serene beach Larnaca. I wrote more about the resorts of Cyprus in the article What you can see in Cyprus during a week of vacation, read the review Direct charter flights from different cities of Russia fly to Cyprus until mid-October.

Cyprus, Limassol.

Türkiye again

The main summer destination for Russians does not lose its relevance in the fall. And it seems that this year the Turks are ready to keep their hotels in Belek, Kemer, Marmaris and other resorts open until the last Russian tourist. The service that many have already missed, Turkish dishes that have become familiar, the All inclusive system, cheerful animators, colorful evening shows - everything is returning to its usual places. Moreover, in September on the Turkish shores it is much more comfortable than in summer - air +28–30 0 C during the day, +20–23 0 C at night, water +25–28 0 C. And prices for Turkish hotels this year are much more interesting last year's.

Turkish hotels are yearning for Russian tourists...


This country can become a worthy replacement for the usual Turkey and Egypt. Russians like Tunisia because here, unlike Egypt, there are no problems with service and food. The Tunisian resorts - Hammamet, Sousse, the island of Djerba, Monastir - owe their high level of service and delicious cuisine to the French habit of vacationing in their former colony. By September, the sea off the Tunisian coast has warmed up to +25–28 0 C, and the daytime temperature remains at +30–32 0 C. There is practically no rain, but towards the end of the month the sea swell increases.


During the velvet season, tours to Montenegro also remain in demand. Compared to other countries in this review, the sea there will not be as warm - the water temperature in September drops to +22-24 °C. But, you see, this is not critical! And you will definitely be able to sunbathe: during the day on the coast the thermometer will reach +26-27 °C, at night – +16-17 °C. You need to carefully choose a resort for a September holiday, since the temperature in different areas varies significantly. The warmest resorts are Bar, Budva, Ulcinj.

The weather in September can also present unpleasant surprises in the form of prolonged rains. And, if you still decide to go to Montenegro in September, then you should definitely put warm clothes and a light jacket in your suitcase for evening walks along the seashore, and don’t forget an umbrella.

Montenegro in September - it is so...different.

But in September in Montenegro there is a real paradise for fruit lovers: these are, first of all, figs, watermelon, mulberries, nectarines, grapes, melon. At the same time, prices for all products, as well as services, are noticeably reduced, becoming “like for our own”.


Some of the hassle associated with obtaining a visa to this country is fully compensated by the cheapness of flights and holidays in this country, a varied excursion program and good cuisine. Bulgaria in September is a surprisingly wonderful place to relax. At the very beginning of autumn, a real velvet season opens here, which delights vacationers warm air and the sea, minimal precipitation, warm and light breeze and, most importantly, the absence of fuss and large crowds of tourists. An important advantage is also that you can buy a ticket for this particular period for very little money. People with means can recommend the elite resort of St. Constantine and Helena, the middle class - Golden Sands, families with children and youth - the democratic Sunny Beach.

The sandy beaches of Golden Sands take a break from the invasion of tourists in September...

In September the air temperature in Bulgarian Black Sea resorts varies from +25 0 C during the day to +17 0 C at night, the sea temperature is +23 0 C, and it rains only once or twice during the whole month. Don’t delay your choice - the last charter to Russia flies from Burgas at the end of September.


Well, I’ll finish today’s rating of September beach destinations a country that has everything - Greece. It doesn’t matter which Greek resort you decide to go to, each of you will find what you are looking for. Greece lives up to any expectations. If you want to find an oasis of glamorous relaxation here, everything will be so. If you expect a quiet family holiday- so it will happen.

September on Halkidiki– the most comfortable month, when during the day the temperature rises to +25–27 0 C, and the sea is warmed up to +25 0 C. In addition to the joys of the beach, Halkidiki is a convenient starting point for those who are planning to buy a Greek fur coat, since no one has experienced winter in Russia yet didn't cancel. Read about my experience of buying a fur coat in Greece in the article

The ideal beach holiday in September can also be boasted by Crete- the birthplace of Zeus and the Minotaur. Compared to the mainland, both the sea and the air will be a couple of degrees warmer here. And there are well-preserved architectural monuments here literally at every step, and in order to see something interesting, you don’t have to go somewhere far. However, tourists who just want to relax on the coast will also enjoy this island. At the beginning of autumn, rentals of all kinds of accessories for classes are still open. aquatic species sports There are no problems with the infrastructure - bars and cafes are open as usual on the coast, major cities– various entertainment venues.

Tickets to Greece for September are much cheaper than for July or August. If your budget is strictly limited, consider last-minute tours. There is no need to worry about the quality of your vacation - it is not customary to save money on guests (that is, tourists) in Greece.

In a word, in September only the lazy will not find a suitable resort for relaxation. And those who are not lazy have long ago chosen nice hotels in these countries and are now reading this post, lying on a beach lounger, with a tablet in one hand and a glass of good wine in the other.

Have an impressive September holiday, friends, and see you on the blog!
