Moon conspiracies consequences. White magic spells for the waxing moon

In our modern times magical rituals became very popular, especially among women. These folk remedies help many people find happiness, win love or become rich. Today we will present to your attention waxing moon spells for love, wealth and good luck, which you can read at home.

Moon - magical properties

The moon is a satellite of our planet that reflects sunlight. If you decide to seek help from the powers of black or white magic, it is very important to take into account the lunar cycle, which is twenty-nine days.

Experienced magicians and sorcerers recommend reading a plot for love, a plot to attract money and good luck specifically on the newborn moon. To obtain maximum effect from conducting such rituals, it is recommended to read them sincerely, from the heart and in your own words. This not only enhances the effect of magic, but will also help to achieve the speedy fulfillment of desires.

In addition, you must address the Moon with the utmost respect while casting the spell. A disrespectful attitude can cause the most unpredictable consequences that will be directed against you and the person being spoken to.

Now, let's look at what money and love rituals magicians offer us to perform at home.

Rituals for strong and mutual love

If you want to force your loved one to call you or love you, you will need to perform just such rituals. Also, if you want to fall in love married man you can use this magic within yourself. Suspension for the love of a man, marriage, various love spells on a loved one are carried out precisely in the first week of the birth of the moon. The beginning of a new phase is a symbol of a new period in your relationship with your lover.

There are many love rituals that are performed during this period. Let's look at each of them in detail.

How to bewitch your loved one with bread

As soon as the sun sets and the sky lights up with the new moon, place a small slice of bread on the table. At the same time, he must fall under Moonlight. Say the words:

“A beautiful girl came to an open field. And there is a lot of bread in her basket. Whoever plucks at least a piece of bread will be able to begin his love. I, a servant of God, will find that girl and taste her bread. I call upon all the powers of heaven and all directions of the world to help me fulfill my desire. Amen".

Leave the enchanted product in the place where it lay until the morning. And early in the morning, eat it on an empty stomach. Believe me, your love will be mutual. Rituals of this type must be read three times. And after they are done, go straight to bed and don’t talk to anyone.

Such powerful rituals can also be performed at a distance. Their effect does not change.

How to get your love back

If you want to remove quarrels in your relationship, use this ritual! Also, this ritual is well suited for men if you need to return your lover, wife or fiancee in order to create or maintain a family and relationship. This ritual can also be used if you want to get your lover back.

This love spell is recommended to be carried out on Friday evening during the waxing moon. Take candles, preferably 3 church candles, a small mirror, a photo of your wife or lover and a large barn lock with a key.

Place a mirror on the table, light each candle in turn and place a photograph on the table. Take in left hand lock, and on the right - the key and say the words:

“There is a man sitting on a large stone island. In his hands is a lock with a key. As he turns this key towards himself, so he will attract and tie the love of his beloved to himself. His wife herself will come to him and stay with him forever. Amen".

Read the spell words three times over each candle. After reading the spells, extinguish each candle. As soon as you “dealt” with the last candle, insert the key into the keyhole and turn. Put this talisman in a secluded place and go to sleep.

Candle stubs should be thrown away from home.

Such a magical and very powerful ritual for the waxing moon will quickly work and help you get your woman back.

How to get your husband back

This women's ritual is performed on the last day before the moon is full. It is suitable for those women who want to return the former love of their husband and rid themselves of their rival. Take fresh liquid honey or melt old honey and apply it to your lips. Stand at open window and read powerful magical words about love while looking at the moon:

“My lips are honey, sweet, delicious. May my good betrothed, the one closest to me and loved one(boyfriend's name) will show love for me. Let his heart belong only to me. Let him reach out to me all his life, showing his affection, love and care. Let him worship me as all people worship the Lord God. He will have neither peace nor happiness without me. Our love will be endless. Amen".

If you still live together with your loved one, you should approach him after such a ceremony. Then kiss him on the lips and make him want to have sexual intimacy with you. This will strengthen the power of the ritual, after which your loved one will be with you until the end of your days. If your husband has left home, then after performing the sacrament, go to bed and imagine how happy and loved you are together again. And its return will be guaranteed to you.

Hair dryer

Do you want to tie your husband to you forever? So that he doesn't even think about cheating? Then this dryer is just for you. Take your lover's hair, preferably from his head. You can cut them while you sleep. Then take a candle and tie it around your hair and your husband's hair. With a lit candle, walk through all the corners of your bedroom where you sleep together and say love words:

“Just as this candle burns and our hair melts together, so you and I will unite and never be separated. May your heart and soul always belong to me. Amen".

What to do with a burnt out candle? It needs to be folded into a handkerchief, tied in a bag and stored as a talisman until the conspiracy begins to take effect.

Strong spell with candles

The most perfect option to attract a man’s love is a ritual with church candle. Moreover, only white candles are suitable for this, which symbolize purity and innocence. This is a fairly simple ritual. You will need to wait until midnight, when there is a new moon in the sky. Lean over a lit candle and say secret words for love:

“A clear and bright candle is burning. Let it burn slowly and attract my lover's love to me. May there be no edge or limit to your love for me. Let the guardian angel (name of the object) fly to you and pierce your heart with a love arrow. Forever you will be mine and I will be yours. Amen".

After reading such a conspiracy for a man to love himself, wait until the candle burns out, wrap it in a scarf and put it under your pillow. After the ritual, take a shower or bath, tune your entire mental flow to the fact that you and your loved one are happy and desired by each other. Keep the love talisman under your pillow until the spell takes effect.

Rituals to attract money

What conspiracies exist to attract money and wealth? This is perhaps one of the most popular rituals. After all, everyone probably wants to become rich, to live in abundance and without need. Quite often, people acquire wealth due to their own luck and luck in money matters.

Powerful money spells will help you suddenly get rich without any effort. There are a great many of them, but we will look at the most effective, fastest, which already have positive reviews.

Ritual with a banknote

Such a money conspiracy is carried out on the waxing moon. Take 1-2 large denomination bills and fold them into a triangle. Wait for the full moon, stand by the window in front of the moon, put money to your lips and read the words of the prayer:

“As seas draw in rivers, and oceans draw in seas. Just like a guy is drawn to a girl with all his soul and heart. So let the money reach out to me and stick to me. My will is strong and will certainly be fulfilled. Amen".

After this, put the crumpled money in your wallet and preferably separately from all the bills. It cannot be spent or exchanged for a whole month. Add bills of the same denomination to your wallet in the same compartment. This way you increase your wealth. You cannot take out and count the money saved in your wallet.

This money plot for the waxing moon will certainly begin to work. Already next month you will notice how your income will begin to increase.

How to spell money and luck for the waxing moon

This spell for money is carried out during the waxing moon phase, but the words of the spell themselves must be spoken early in the morning, as soon as the sun begins to rise.

Take a large container, pour holy water into it, and wash your face in it early in the morning. Next you need to read the text of the conspiracy:

“Let money pour on me just like this holy water pours. I want my money to increase; I have never known poverty or misery. Amen".

After reading the spell for profit and wealth ten times, you need to wipe yourself with a piece of natural fabric or a handkerchief. Fold it neatly and put it in the pocket of something you wear often. Such a talisman should always be with you for a month. It is very important that no one touches it, otherwise this ritual will not work.

We attract money to ourselves with salt

To attract money, win the lottery or get great luck in business, you will need to perform this particular ritual during the waxing moon phase. It is best if you perform such a ritual on Wednesday or Thursday evening.

Take coarse salt - 1 teaspoon, dilute it in a glass of sacred water. On the night when the moon appears in the sky, stand by the window. Looking at the “queen of the night” you need to read the following text:

“Salt will help me collect both gold and silver, and will give me a lot of money. I will collect salt bit by bit and add to my wealth. My words will come true. Amen".

The remaining water will need to be applied with a tampon to the forehead, forehead and cheeks. Place a little on the back of your head and behind your collar. And pour the rest onto the street.

Such a money plot during the waxing moon phase will work very quickly and will help you attract big money in lottery ticket, on a bet in a casino, etc.

Ritual under the moon for great enrichment

When there is money, special conspiracies are of no use. But what should someone do who wants to become rich and forget about poverty and misery once and for all? In this case, you need to perform a very effective and powerful ritual to attract wealth.

This ritual is performed during the waxing moon. You will need to read the spell words three nights in a row. Then, when the next full moon comes, the ritual will need to be repeated. In order not to get confused and not to miss the very time for the sacrament, make a mark on the lunar calendar.

On the night of the new moon, put your wallet on the windowsill, empty it first.

Read the words:

“The sky is strewn with stars, the sea is full of fish. Neither one nor the other can be counted. So let my wallet be so full of money that you can’t even count it. And you, Moon, help me attract this wealth so that it will always be with me. Amen".

This conspiracy for money and wealth has been tried by many and has had positive success. Soon you will notice how your wallet will be filled with money and you will have great luck V financial affairs.

Rituals for good luck and money from vanga

Experienced magicians believe that it is the spells for money and great success from vanga that are the most powerful and effective. Do monetary rituals rising month phase. How to attract good luck in financial matters, business and successful trading a Bulgarian healer will tell us.

Strong conspiracy for wealth

This conspiracy to bring money into the house must be carried out during the waxing moon phase during the day. To carry it out you will need:

  1. Two green candles. They need to be placed on the table and lit.
  2. Then take a bowl, put three coins, a cinnamon stick, poppy seeds and a couple of pinches of salt in it, stir and mentally imagine how much money you have. But just don’t go too far in your desires. Greed, as they say, “will destroy the fraternity.” Your wish for good luck and wealth must be realistic in fulfillment.
  3. Take all the coins out of the water and throw them back into the water one at a time. Roll until you get two heads and one head on your coins.
  4. Remove the coins from the water, the spices, dry them and put them in a wallet that you no longer use. The main thing is that this thing belongs to you.

Say the words:

“I put cinnamon salt in my wallet to attract money. May I always have them in abundance. So be it. Amen".

You need to put the enchanted item in the place where valuables that are important to you are stored - money, securities and other important documents.

Raspberry plot

Do you want to find a good and profitable work, grow up career ladder- get a boss position? Of course, this business requires more than just luck. For success in your search new job or advancement in your old position will be helped by a good luck spell from Vanga.

For luck in finding a job or improving your work situation, you will need to go into the forest during the day and find a piece of bark from a tree that will fall off on its own. Then the inner surface of the bark needs to be rubbed with raspberries until red. Then, using a pen or marker, write on this side the name of the company where you would like to work or where you already work. Write your name next to it.

After this, the bark must be taken and buried in the place where you found it. Return home, eat the remaining berries and read the words to attract success in your business:

“Let my success in my career ripen like raspberries ripen on the bushes. I want to get a good, decent and profitable job.”

This ritual needs to be done only on Wednesday. After all, this particular day is under the auspices of the planet Mercury - the protector of everyone who wants to get good luck in a new job, win the place of a boss or boss, and also attract new clients to their company.

Lucky spells from Natalia Stepanova

The Siberian healer offers the most powerful rituals that need to be performed on the new moon. Among them are powerful money and healing rituals that ensure good health and success in life.

Ritual to improve health

Undoubtedly, in order to become a successful and lucky person, you must first of all be healthy. A person who has good health can “move mountains.” Read below on how to perform rituals to improve health.

First of all, you need to go to church on Thursday and get some holy water, and also buy a church candle. Light a candle and place it on the table in front of you. Place a glass of holy water next to it and say the following words into the water:

“You are holy water - the queen of the earth. No one can live without you, and I, a servant of God, cannot live without you. I will drink you to the dregs, heal you from head to belly, from belly to feet, and get rid of all ailments. I will strengthen my health and become clean. Give me more strength and energy. Amen".

After performing such a healing ritual, you need to drink water in small sips, imagining how it fills you with strength and health. In addition, you need to really believe that this magic will help you.

Having crossed the threshold of the place where you work or study, quietly say the words of the conspiracy:

“The house is yours and everything in it is yours, and the roof will be mine. I will hold the upper hand and I will be successful in this place. May luck be with me and never leave me. Amen".

This magic is performed on Thursday, since this day is considered lucky for attracting money, for profitable trading, and for successful studies.

How to spell luck on a pin

Another powerful ritual for attracting money, which is offered by Natalya Stepanova. It can be used if you are going to conduct your own trading. Take a brand new pin, pin it in a secluded place indoors and read the words:

“As I pin a pin, so I pin all evil tongues, and eyes from the evil eye, and mouths from bad words, hatred and envy. Let everyone evil person avoids me and wishes me no harm. Let this amulet be my protection and always be with me. Amen".

The Siberian healer believes that Easter is the most successful day when you can perform such monetary rituals. After this, you can safely go home, and the next day begin your planned activities and undertakings.


If you are still not sure whether you want to use the rituals of black and white magic to fulfill your desires, then magicians recommend the “simoron” technique. This is an excellent and safe way to find a way out of any problem through games and the use of funny rituals. There is no magic or esotericism here, only your correct and positive self-hypnosis. And as we know, self-hypnosis is a strong thing and has the ability to materialize.

New moon rituals- one of the most effective ways start something new, bring long-awaited changes into your life. New moon- a symbol of new life, bringing with it renewal to all areas. Try rituals for the waxing moon if you want to make new acquaintances, get a different job, or start a new business.

In the article:

Rituals under the moon

For a long time, people have noticed that the moon, depending on its phase, affects nature and humans in different ways. Ancient magicians performed different rituals, depending on the position of the earth's satellite in the sky, and came to the conclusion that the moon plays a big role not only in the obvious world, but also in the world of the mysterious and supernatural. In addition, the Earth's satellite has traditionally been associated with everything related to women. Each period was compared with one of the life cycles.

Rituals and hypnotic sessions of witches are always carried out in accordance with the phases of the moon, and witches adjust their work to their menstrual cycle. Reflecting on the three phases of the moon and the traditions of worship of the gods female, we will discover that the moon has power and mystery, as well as its own wisdom, which tells the story of the Divine Mother of the universe.

Laurie Cabot "The Power of Witches"

IN ancient Rome they called the moon Selena, and in China it was associated with yin (feminine energy). Traditionally, to lunar magic include primarily all rituals related to beauty and feminine. The lunar cycle is divided into several stages:

  • The new moon is the beginning of the calendar (the first two days of the lunar calendar, when the new month can not see). This time is otherwise called days Hecates, when it is recommended to make plans and, with the help of rituals, call on everything new.
  • Waxing moon (two weeks from new moon to full moon). This period is considered the most active, and the new moon is the strongest. Plans are now not just made, but actively implemented.
  • Full Moon (). This is the time for maximum realization of previously accumulated forces. The most energetically charged period is when the moon is at its zenith. Beginners are not recommended to practice magic at this time.
  • Waning moon (two weeks from the full moon). A period when strength gradually decreases and the level of vitality decreases. During this period, they are held.

Days of Hecate can be used to prepare for the entire future lunar month. For example, cook moon water . Charged water is useful for beauty rituals. Also this great time to prepare ingredients that you will use in future rituals.

Among the most popular rituals for the new moon are rituals to increase cash flow, the emergence of new romantic relationships, to attract positive events and so on. But it is recommended to use talismans when the moon has risen and is clearly visible in the sky.

Rituals for prosperity

Below we present one of the most popular. Conduct the ceremony outdoors. You must have twelve of any coins with you. Say:

Everything that grows and lives multiplies from sunlight, and the money is from the moon. Grow up. Multiply. Increase yourself. Make me (your name) rich, come to me. Let it be so!

Carry money with you until the end of the current lunar month. It requires:
  • Any dish is white;
  • Any seven coins;
  • Some wheat;
  • A piece of green or white fabric.

Cover the plate with coins and wheat with a cloth, and water them through the cloth every three days. When watering, it is important not to forget to say the following words:

Mother wheat, you feed young and old, the poor and the bar. Give it to me too God's servant(name), money originates like this wheat. It grows night and day, it doesn’t let you die of hunger. Let my money grow like that, they feed me. God bless. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!

When the wheat sprouts, you need to plant it, and carry the charged coins, like a talisman, in your bag or pockets.

At the beginning of the lunar month, say:

I love myself, I love the whole world, and I am the source of love and happiness, the light of love burns in my chest, I am ready to meet my beloved man, I am a powerful magnet for happiness, for love and good luck. I attract ideal relationships into my life, I am loved because I am chosen by love, may there be peace and light in heaven, may there be peace on earth, may there be peace on water, may there be peace to all beings, may there be joy to all beings, may there be happiness to all beings . Amen.

But this ritual is known as Slavic. Girls used it to quickly meet their betrothed. The time for the ceremony is before the sun goes down. Cut into two halves ripe pear, saying:

Just as the whole was divided, just as the whole was separated, so I sit and feel sad alone.

Now pierce both halves with three matches, saying:

Just as different parts united and turned into one whole, so I will find my soul mate, I will drive away sadness and melancholy! Let it be so!

After the ceremony is over, wrap everything in cloth and bury it.

Rituals for making a wish

For the ritual you need paper and two candles.
You need to write a wish, and then carefully burn part of the paper with the last letter in the sentence. Don't forget to say:

Today I’m burning the letter “...”. The Holy Spirit will immediately deliver you from curses, damage, and the evil eye.

You need to burn a letter per day. Once you have burned the entire sheet, do not put out the candles; they should burn out. Throw away the cinders along with the ashes.

Don't forget that:

  • All rituals must be performed with pure intentions;
  • No one needs to talk about the rituals performed;
  • No one should touch the objects with which you perform rituals.

Every 28 days, the new moon provides a wonderful opportunity to plan and realize your deepest desires. Don't miss this chance and use rituals during this period to make plans and quickly achieve what you want. Carefully follow the conditions described in the rituals, and in the near future you will get what you want.

Magic is the strongest force in the universe, capable of changing the course of events and entire destinies. It helps restore forgotten relationships, renew interrupted friendships and gives new perspectives and opportunities.

The waxing moon has magical power. If you ask her for wealth, you will definitely get it

The magical effect itself is of a neutral nature and only a person decides what it will ultimately turn out to be - light or dark. Any proven ritual that is truly effective and brings lasting results requires constant nourishment. Another important condition for the correct operation of the ritual is exact time its implementation.

What rituals can we perform during the waxing moon?

Magicians with many years of experience, beginners who are just learning the intricacies of the magical craft, all people who encounter magic, without a single exception, are required to follow a certain procedure for performing one or another ritual. Otherwise, the consequences of influencing another person are unpredictable and sometimes pose a real threat to your life.

The waxing moon is a great opportunity to improve your life

Using magic that gives strength allows you to quickly and completely safely attract money, luck and even love into your life. How to choose right moment to perform a secret ceremony? The ritual for the growing Moon is a simple procedure that can be performed at home without outside help. The main thing is to decide what results will suit you and bring you a feeling of constant happiness.

Possibilities of rituals for the waxing moon

The opportunities that appear during a certain phase of the arrangement of the heavenly bodies were noticed by astrologers and magicians many years ago. It would seem that the same, identical rituals performed in different days months - they worked completely differently. Studying the phases of the Moon, sorcerers came to the conclusion that the “growing” celestial body endows rituals with special effective power, and full moon– promotes effective dark rituals.

Ritual for money on the waxing moon

Rituals for attracting money are very popular all over the world, because in an age when everything can be bought, wealth opens up many opportunities for the implementation of any endeavors (creativity, charity).

The choice is always yours, so you can either renounce the material component of the world and live according to the principle “the main thing is what’s inside a person,” or discard prejudices and attract benefits that are not sinful. Money magic- this is a separate branch, independent part magical actions, which has a number of rules and recommendations for performing all rituals.

The duality of the Moon as a celestial body is fascinating, sometimes even frightening. The only satellite of the Earth, always facing us with only the light side (the dark side, as if deliberately always hidden). Like a person, the Moon allows you to see only what it itself wants to demonstrate. It affects the ebb and flow of the tides, and the full moon is still called the day of general madness.

The lunar phases, which you will have to study before starting the chosen ritual, total thirty days and have a clear division (corresponding phases). Some rituals are not so whimsical to changes in the shape and illumination of the Moon, so they can be performed at any time of the day and season. Other rituals, especially those with clear instructions from sorcerers, are performed strictly according to the calendar.

The ritual for attracting money for the growing moon is called the most powerful and effective. It should only be performed in complete, pre-created solitude, when the night sky is clear and your morale is not clouded by unnecessary worries. If there are few positive changes in your life and there is not enough money for anything, there is no need to despair. Accept the right decision– turn to money magic for help.

A variety of spells for the waxing Moon

Majority love rituals(money rituals or a love spell for a man) is performed according to a certain pattern. First, you should get rid of everything unnecessary in the house - by cleaning your home, you allow the new and clean to linger in your own life. It would be a good idea to confess in church or light candles in church for the health of your loved ones. Then, attributes (ritual object and personal belongings) are prepared for the future ritual, helping to direct the magic in the right direction.

By cleaning your house, you make room in your life for something clean and new.

During the main ritual, the following happens - a magician or novice calling on wealth reads a spell over money or another item that has meaning for him special meaning. Speaking about the power of the conspiracy, the opinions of magicians on this matter differ. Some believe that repeating a long-established order magic wordsrequired condition the work of the ritual in the long term, while others insist that the spell, that is, the main plot, must carry your individuality and not be universal.

In any case, before the ceremony begins, it would not be amiss to find out the opinion of a competent person - a magician or sorcerer, with many years of experience working with money magic. If you are not completely confident in your own abilities, then do not resort to experiments, do not disrupt the course of the ritual under the influence of your own whims.

Rituals for the waxing moon will work immediately, only if you have unquestioning faith in the successful outcome of the magical action.

Money ritual for the waxing moon

Stories of sudden wealth roam the world like real fables. Is luck, especially in money matters, destined for only a few? Your life path, no matter how predetermined it may seem at times, is only under your control.

You are the beginning of all changes, and you are the cause of all downtime, especially in money matters. A quick ritual for profit that can attract wealth, is performed exclusively during the period of the waxing Moon and will bring you instant amazing results.

You don’t have to be an avid materialist to happily live your allotted life. People who have the courage to make good money know what their true purpose is. Freedom of action and the right to choose. You can attract new cash flows at home, for this you will need:

  • large denomination banknote;
  • candle.

Just two items that are easy to find in the house will ensure you prosperity in all financial matters. An attractive ritual can be performed on the first day of the new moon.

How to perform a ritual

A banknote that will be enchanted to increase your wealth should not be considered part of the main budget, so select the money for the ritual in such a way that you do not count on it in the near future. After waiting until nightfall, begin a strong ritual:

  1. Stay alone (no one should interfere with charging your bill).
  2. Fold the selected bill into a triangle, bending its edges.
  3. Place money to your lips and whisper the following incantations:

    “Like a mighty river attracts small streams to itself, like the sea deep river collects in itself. Just like a woman attracts a man to her, and a man attracts a woman. How night is always side by side with day, and day is inseparable from night. So you, money, attract people like you to yourself, and gather them together. Let it be so. Amen".

  4. Throughout the ritual, the light of the Moon should fall on you and your money, it will grow and increase your income.
  5. Place the bill next to your wallet the first night, and then carry it with you for several months.
  6. If possible, save money of similar denominations throughout the month.

The ritual performed will increase your income in the first two months

Contacts with enchanted money are not advisable, so if possible, limit access to it (highlight a separate pocket in your wallet). A simple ritual to perform works in the first two months, increasing your income and profits. A ritual to attract money gives you a chance to earn much more, but it cannot work for you.

A powerful money ritual during the waxing moon

Magic, in any of its manifestations in the future - love, money, love spells, first of all serves man. She does not ask his motive, is not interested in his emotional experiences. She reacts to a powerful desire. To attract love, they use love spells that attract the attention of the betrothed, they put a certain block on health and magical protection, for well-being they immediately perform a set of rituals, and for financial success they wait for the waxing Moon. For a person with a goal for which he is ready to give his last shirt, there are no barriers or excuses.

What is needed for the ritual

A specific money ritual, with an important difference from similar rituals, is performed only after careful preparation. Take care of the following attributes in advance:

  • basin or large bowl;
  • clean water (blessed in a temple or church);
  • new scarf.

The main part of the ritual is performed after the waxing moon - in the morning, but the plot is read at night, when clear sky the heavenly body is visible.

How to perform a ritual

Have a bowl of water ready before you begin the ritual. Make sure you are mentally prepared for the changes ahead. Perform the ritual:

  1. Stay alone, lock the windows and doors in the room.
  2. Stand over the bowl and read:

    “As water pours into this basin, so let the money spill on me, but it’s not for me, but it never ends. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  3. Repeat the spells 11 more times.
  4. Go to bed peacefully.
  5. As soon as the sun will rise, return to the enchanted water.
  6. Wash your face with water several times.
  7. Wipe your face thoroughly with a new handkerchief so that it absorbs all the charmed liquid.
  8. Carry a scarf with you for a month.

After the ritual is completed, give thanks higher power for the assistance provided. Enchanted objects, such as a scarf, are worn carefully and protected from prying eyes or hands. Otherwise, the effect of money magic will stop. Rituals for money and for love (male or female ritual) are superficially similar, but each of them needs careful elaboration, but the results obtained will delight you for many years.

Lunar ritual for wealth

There are two types of rituals for the waxing moon - quick and multi-stage. For more complex manipulations, you will need to spend a long time preparing. Be patient and have the courage to wait for positive changes. In general, a complex ritual for wealth is performed over three nights, from the moment the waxing Moon appears in the sky.

Afterwards, you should take a break until the full moon and repeat the entire ritual again. Be confident as never before that everything will definitely work out for you. You can perform a similar ritual for both work and health. It is equally effective for attracting any good you need.

What is needed for the ritual

It is not necessary to study lunar cycles or keep a special diary of the activity of celestial bodies or stars. Such tricks are of no use to you. Enough to buy moon calendar or check the lunar cycle online. To carry out the ceremony, you need to stock up on:

To carry out the ritual, it is important to take an old wallet

  • an old wallet;
  • bills of different denominations.

Wait for the growing Moon, and boldly begin to implement your most secret goals and plans.

How to perform a ritual

The first part of the ritual is performed on the waxing moon, and then the full moon is waited for. For the ritual to work correctly, you should take the following actions:

  1. Close all doors and make sure you won't be disturbed.
  2. Place an empty bag or wallets containing your energy on the windowsill.
  3. Use spells:

    “How many stars there are in the sky, how many lights there are at night, how many fish there are in the sea, and how every fish cannot be counted. So there will be a lot of money in my wallet and no one will be able to count it. Help me Moon, Lady of the Night, bring me good luck and good prosperity. Please help (name).”

  4. Repeat the spells for three more nights in a row.
  5. After the full Moon appears in the sky, leave your wallet already filled with banknotes on the windowsill.

In a month or two, the ritual for wealth will begin to actively work and your profits will increase. You can repeat such a ritual no more than once every six months. Your life is only in your hands, the time has come to lead it.

Magic is a lever of influence and influence on own life. You no longer need to look with grumbling at people who are stronger than you, richer and more successful. It is within your power to become such a person. Get everything you want from the world around you. Wealth opens up paths for you that just yesterday seemed impossible and distant. Don't waste precious time, take action and reap the benefits of your efforts.

Get your husband back (if you are not single, your boyfriend will return to you), expand good trade, and organize attraction successful life. Nothing in the world, neither inside you nor outside, happens without a reason. Be the reason for your own success. Magic does not decide fate, it is created by those who know how to obtain the benefits of the world with the help of magic. Wait favorable phase Moon and perform rituals that can change your life path.

Spell for money on the waxing moon on water

In order to perform this ritual, the moon must be clearly visible in the sky. If the moon is not visible in the sky because of the clouds, then you should turn in the direction where the Moon is. Picking up a glass of clean water, turn it so that the moonlight is reflected in it. The glass should be filled to the brim with water. The spell must be said 3 times:


Money will start coming to you starting the next morning.

Sweet as honey
I learned this ritual from my grandmother; I can’t call it very simple, but I wouldn’t call it complicated either. It's all about technique. Much later I learned that he has ancient Egyptian roots. I know for sure that it is quite effective, with a temporary supply of 4-5 years.

The ritual should be performed on the night from Thursday to Friday, ideally on the waxing moon.
You need to take a vessel with liquid honey (if the honey is frozen, then just heat it on the stove or microwave, but just a little bit, so as not to kill all the vitamins). And now the most mysterious...

Take your photo and say: “I will be as sweet as honey, I will be as desirable as honey, and let everyone flock to me like honey, and I will just choose.” circle the vessel with honey several times. After this, place the photo on the container of honey and place it either next to the bed, or ideally directly under the bed. And in the morning you can calmly drink tea with this ancient elixir, and be calm, now nature itself is helping you.

Love spell for the waxing moon
The love spell is read with a candle. In the evening, light a candle, preferably red, and say: “As the moon grows every day, so will my love grow. Just as a candle melts every minute, so does my bad luck disappear.”

If you want to attract love, on the first lunar day, put any red item in your pocket with the words: “Look for me the one whom my heart and soul desire.” Let the little thing remain in your pocket until the full moon. On this day you need to throw it out into the street - it will bring your person to you.

Money rice

This ritual can be performed on Thursdays and Sundays on the waxing Moon
Ritual to attract money using RICE grains.

Take a clay pot with earth, mix the earth with rice and small coins. Coins are a kind of sacrifice, a percentage of future income. After the ritual they should not be used, it is better to throw them away.

Mix. We water and whisper:




It makes sense to accompany the whispering with colorful visualizations. After the ritual, water the pot every Thursday and Sunday and whisper: “The rice will grow, the money will come”.

Since ancient times, the Moon has been associated with folk beliefs with mysticism and witchcraft. The most interesting thing is that there is a certain “rational grain” in these beliefs. Today it has been scientifically proven that the night star has a huge impact on almost all processes and phenomena occurring on Earth. Therefore, it is absolutely not surprising that adherents of magical teachings, conducting their witchcraft rituals, turn Special attention on lunar phases. Let's consider what rituals there are for the waxing Moon, and what areas of a person’s life they may concern.

The magic of the growing moon

Full moon month takes twenty-nine and a half days, eleven of which are during the growth phase. As you know, the lunar filling phase begins on the third lunar day, and ends in fourteenths. From a magical point of view, the period of growth of the night luminary is associated with beginning, growth and improvement. Therefore, it is logical that rituals for the waxing Moon are creative in nature. The lunar growth phase can be divided into two parts.

The first period of filling the night luminary covers from the third to the seventh days of the general lunar cycle. These days, the energy of the Month is still quite weak and unstable. Therefore, in the first period of lunar growth, it is recommended to perform lighter influences associated with attracting Money or the emergence of sympathy among a representative of the opposite sex. Also on these days you can install protection against damage and the evil eye and charge amulets. The first period of the waxing moon - good time to perform rituals on future pregnancy and the beginning of a new life stage.

The second period of lunar growth begins on the eighth lunar day and ends on the fourteenth, before the full moon. During this phase, you can perform more complex love magic rituals associated with strong love spells and drying. In the second period of growth of the Month, rituals aimed at good luck, health, wealth and development work well business relations. In general, the second phase of lunar growth is the most favorable time For dramatic changes in life.

Summarizing all of the above, we can highlight the following areas of rituals for the growing Moon:

  1. Attracting love and rituals for marriage.
  2. Acquiring and growing material well-being.
  3. Attracting good luck.
  4. Fulfillment of desire.
  5. Finding a new job, receiving all kinds of incentives and moving up the career ladder.
  6. Business development.

Love magic

Finding the Month at the stage of growth is the most best time to carry out influences aimed at attracting love. During this period, you can make a man fall in love with a woman, and a girl - reciprocate the guy. On the waxing moon, the wife will be able to return her husband “to the bosom of the family,” and the unmarried young lady will be able to find her betrothed. In this regard, you can use any means from the rich “arsenal” of love magic rituals: love spells, sugar spells, whispers, spells and prayers.

Ritual with a photograph

To attract the attention of the man you like, use love spell to his photograph. It is important that the photograph used in the ceremony meets certain parameters. The first thing you need to pay attention to is its “freshness” and good quality. Take a photo in which the guy’s eyes are clearly visible and they should be open. And finally, the representative strong half humanity must be depicted in full growth.

In addition to the photo, you will need a candle and a piece of fabric. All these items must be red. The last ingredient of the ritual is a large needle. The ritual is carried out in the second half of the lunar growth after midnight. You need to do a love spell completely alone and not tell anyone about it.

At the appointed time, close the doors and curtain the windows. Then light a candle and place it on the table. Lay out the prepared fabric nearby and place a photo of a man and a needle on it. Sit quietly for a few minutes, look at the candle flame and “look into the eyes” of your loved one, imagining how good you will be together. Then take a needle, stick it into the head of the person depicted in the picture, and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I’m not sticking a sharp needle into your head, I’m planting a love longing for the Servant of God (your name) in your thoughts. Now you will be obedient to me in everything, you will be attached to me forever.”

“I’m not sticking a sharp needle into your heart, I’m kindling the love in it for the Servant of God (your name). Now you won’t be able to live a day without me, you will love me alone forever.”

On last stage To read the plot, you need to stick a needle into the guy’s groin and say:

“I’m not plunging a sharp needle into your loins, I’m igniting a love passion for the Servant of God (your name). Now you want me alone, and you run away from others. As I said, so be it.”

After reading, wrap the photograph in “red matter” and place it under the pillow on which you sleep, leave the candle on the table - let it shine until dawn. In the morning, hide the photo in secret place, and take the remains of the candle and needle out of the house and bury it in the forest or take it to the river bank and throw it into the water.

Spell for husband's love

If you think that your husband has stopped loving you or is having an affair on the side, do not despair. A shirt plot will help you attract the attention of your spouse and rekindle faded love. To do this, at night on the waxing Moon, light a red candle and place a bowl of water next to it. Then, holding the candle over the water, say:

“Icy water, you are the Moon’s sister. You wash everything around, you see everything, you know everything. Do not refuse to help me, bewitch the Servant of God (name of the faithful) to me. Let him think only about me, both under the Sun and under the Moon. Let his heart burn with love for me, let him desire me alone. As soon as I wash his shirt in water, I will become his mistress. His shirt will dry out, the Servant of God (husband’s name) will yearn for me and suffer. Amen".

Then return the candle to its place and leave it to warm until the morning. Place the shirt in a bowl of water and rinse. Then twist it well and hang it to dry. The next day, take out the remains of the candle and bury them under a young tree, and pour the enchanted water on top. Once the shirt is dry, try to get your spouse to wear it.

Money rituals

The period of the waxing Moon is “exactly” the time to start “attracting” wealth and prosperity into your life. In this regard, there are a lot of rituals, from simple and uncomplicated to complex and time-consuming to perform. To attract money to your wallet, and material well-being into the house, you can make a money talisman and read a special one on it on the growing moon money conspiracy. Let's look at some of the simplest rituals for money.

Talisman coin

You can “attract” money using a specially charmed money talisman. To do this, at night on the waxing Moon, light a green candle and pick up a coin of any denomination. You need to choose it as follows: pour out all the coins you have and choose the one you like best. Next, recite the following spell on her:

“In a dark forest there is a lonely pine tree, under it lies a deep hole. A forest devil sits in a hole, guarding gold coins. To hell with my bow, I’ll go and ask him for a gold coin. I’ll bring that coin home and put it in my wallet. There will be a coin in my wallet, I will attract my sisters to it. As soon as the Moon leaves the sky, there will be no transfer money in my wallet.”

After reciting, place the coin on the table, place a green candle on it, and go to bed. The next morning you will need somewhere to put the remains of the green candle. It is best to bury them under a young tree. Place the charmed coin in your wallet and keep it as a talisman. If you follow all the above recommendations, you will soon forget about your past financial difficulties.

Spell for money and luck

On the waxing Moon, you can perform a ritual that will help you gain financial stability. With its help, you will be able to improve your business in trade or any other business projects. You need to do the following: at sunrise, go to the river or sea, and take with you several coins of any denomination. Arriving at the river bank, enter the water and, facing the direction of the rising sun, say: “I see off the Moon, and I meet the Sun - I attract wealth and good luck to myself. Let…” and then say what you want to receive at the next stage of life.

After you have voiced your desires, you need to say: “As he said, so it will come true,” putting as much energy and desire into these words as possible so that everything happens exactly as you planned. After last words pronounced, throw pennies into the water and say: “Paid.” Then quickly go home, without turning around and remaining silent. The disadvantage of this ritual is the fact that it can only be performed in the warm season, because in February or March you are unlikely to be able to go into icy water.

Magic note

For this ritual you will need a clean white sheet of paper, a pencil and a candle. orange color. At night, light a candle and, by its light, write all your most cherished desires on a piece of paper. After you finish writing, fold the piece of paper and light it on the fire of a burning candle. The ashes from the burnt paper must be collected and placed in a paper envelope.

Next, we proceed as follows: do not extinguish the candle, put the envelope under our pillow and go “to the side.” The next morning, collect the remains of the candle and take them out of the house. It is best to bury them in the ground or throw them into running water. As for the ashes, if your note contained a desire to acquire something (love, success), then the ashes must be scattered to the wind. If you want to get rid of something (illness, rival, bad habits), then the ashes must be thrown into running water.

Desire knots

To achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desire, you can resort to the services knot magic. To perform the ceremony you will need an orange candle and an orange ribbon. At night on the waxing Moon, curtain all the windows, close the doors and light a candle. In the room where the ritual will take place, there should not be “a single living soul” except you.

Next, take the orange ribbon in your hands and think about your wish, imagining that it has come true. Then tie a knot on the ribbon and say: “I’m not tying a knot, I’m making a wish. I want…”, then say out loud what you dream about. Try to make this clear and concise. Then add:

“Just as a knot fails to unwind, a wish will come true.”

If you have accumulated more than one cherished wish, then you can tie a few more knots, exactly repeating all the above “manipulations”. At the same time, you must remember what kind of desire is “tied” in this or that knot. After all the wishes have been made, extinguish the candle and go to rest, and put the ribbon under your pillow. Now, throughout the entire phase of lunar growth, you will need to light a candle and, tightening the knots, say out loud your cherished desires.

If during this period any of the wishes come true, then simply skip the corresponding node. On the full moon last time light a candle, repeat the ritual and burn the ribbon with knots. Carefully collect the resulting ash and scatter it in the wind. This ritual can be repeated only when the Moon enters the growth phase again.
