How can an old fat woman with two children get married?

IN modern world A woman’s fragile shoulders bear such a burden of responsibility and a number of tasks that just listing them would take several pages. The areas in which women develop and succeed are so vast that there are practically no areas left where they could do without women's help. Women are used to working hard, setting up businesses and climbing the ladder. career ladder with short breaks for weekends and vacations. How can you not lose yourself in this whole cycle? Remain a woman. Save and expand your inner world, your sensitivity and emotionality. Do not turn into an electronic computer, but, on the contrary, expand your horizons, acquire new hobbies, allow yourself to be weak and trusting somewhere. After all, woman is not just a distinctive name based on gender.

Her inner feelings and perception of the world around her are significantly different from a man’s view of life. It has its own unique, subtle, sensitive spectrum, which is sorely lacking in Everyday life. Only this emotionality should be warm and affectionate, gentle and attentive, and not irritated and hysterical. By nature itself, a woman is endowed with the qualities of subtlety and charm, patience and compassion, gentleness and kindness. It just seems that if you don’t hide them, it will be impossible to survive, everyone will go to jail "on the head and dangling the legs". In fact, everyone around us really needs a “woman” in the full sense of the word, her sensitive care and attention.

Purpose of trainings and seminars

In order not to lose yourself, not to become isolated in the circle of your problems and responsibilities, not to become simply tired of everything and lonely, there are many trainings and seminars for women. They will help you remain a woman in any situation and give you a new surge of feelings and hobbies. Sometimes they will simply help you talk it out and tell you how to overcome difficult periods. They will also bring new colors and emotions to life, with which you can make even everyday life bright and interesting.

How a woman feels inside, what feelings overwhelm her - this will be her mood and attitude towards everyone around her. If a woman is filled with love, tenderness, kindness and beauty, this peace emanating from her will be felt by absolutely everyone around her: children and loved ones, employees at work and a loved one, even animals and plants, and this will also make their lives happy and colorful. And vice versa, if a woman is irritated and dissatisfied: it will not seem like enough to anyone! Everyone will get "nuts".

Trainings and seminars will allow a woman to feel her uniqueness and inner beauty; they are necessary to find harmony with herself, reveal her most powerful potential and correctly realize her desires and capabilities. You can learn a lot of useful and vital things from them, reveal your individuality and feel like a sorceress who can change your life and the lives of your loved ones, as well as add a little fairy tale even to ordinary affairs.

Training for women helps not to extinguish their emotional side, but, on the contrary, to use it correctly so that positive results inspire more and more achievements and victories. This is a very exciting process, once launched, the whole inner life a person is transformed, new horizons of development and self-knowledge open up.

Practical results from classes

Practices for women allow you to be surrounded by friends, quench your thirst for communication with like-minded people, and learn new ideas and ways to implement them.

Very often, relationships with loved ones: with children, relatives, with a loved one carry various conflicts and misunderstandings, causing a lot of anxiety and causing a sensitive nature to suffer. Women's trainings suggest solutions, help you see the real picture of things and your misconceptions, offer working options for eliminating them and moving relationships in a completely different direction.

Factors of female emotionality

Femininity is enormous strength, which, if managed wisely, can change the whole world for the better, not to mention small cells in society.

There are many examples of this; good always triumphs over evil. Correct understanding and mastery of this power - femininity - will help men become stronger and nobler next to such a woman, and children - more caring and attentive. To better understand yourself, your inner desires and feelings, you need to get at least a little education, thanks to which it will be possible to correctly apply this knowledge in practice.

There are few examples in life of women purposefully acting in accordance with their inner essence, and not under the influence of prevailing circumstances and situations, and this wealth of intuition and sensory sensations remains unclaimed and is not used in everyday life. As a result, feelings not only do not develop, but, on the contrary, fade away and are replaced by fatigue and irritation. An offended and indifferent person simply cannot organize a holiday, come up with and arrange a surprise, create an unusual romantic evening or turn a boring children's breakfast into entertainment. Noticing how colorfully and delicately the flowers bloomed in the spring, hearing the melody in the singing of birds, bringing spontaneity and curiosity back into life - this also all depends on the woman.

Who she feels like inside is how she will look and dress, and how she will present herself in society. This is the inner world - it is very important to pay attention to it. They need to be engaged, developed and enriched, filled with new colors and impressions. It must be very diverse and full, so that a woman feels joy and passion, so that her eyes glow and her feelings flow like a fountain, namely positive feelings. So that ideas do not run out, and there are not enough hours in the day for a holiday inside and around. Trainings and seminars will help women realize their wildest dreams and fulfill their most unfulfilled desires.

Men are attracted to women precisely by this opposite - the emotional side of kindness and tenderness, qualities that are so lacking in today's life. Behind external data there is a huge need to see the wealth of the soul, regardless of age. It is never too late to engage in self-development; age does not play any role here. Learn what you have long wanted, but did not have enough time, or it seemed that it was too late to start. Creativity and the realization of your desires - all this will only help you feel happy and give joy to everyone around you.

Importance self-development, What it gives For women:

  • Inspiration for creative ideas.
  • Confidence in your strength.
  • Discovering new qualities and talents in yourself.
  • Another level of relationships with loved ones.
  • Elimination of complexes and uncertainty.
  • An interesting and educational time spent.
  • A wealth of feelings and impressions.
  • Meeting interesting people.

The trainers conducting the seminars are very curious and innovative people with extensive experience. successful work and personal achievements. It's never too late to become yourself, try and learn new and unknown things. Every day you live can be beautiful and unique, filled with your favorite things and exciting conversations with friends and colleagues. It is always very interesting to communicate with versatile people who think freely, have bold ideas and plans, are not afraid of change and are ready to take action.

Ideal woman. What is she like?

A real woman has boundless charm and versatility of personality, is pleasant to talk to, intelligent and deep in reasoning, and has many talents and skills. She creates an environment around herself that is comfortable and pleasant for any person, like sunlight, giving everyone around warmth and care. It is important for every woman to be valued and respected, but this always starts with her own attitude towards herself, with her self-esteem. And it can be objective and high only if a person takes care of himself and develops in many directions. A light touch of healthy adventurism and curiosity also adds its own zest to this image.

Inside every woman lies a huge number of wonderful feelings and qualities; you just need to give them the opportunity to manifest themselves in this world, not interfere with their development and not force them into the usual framework and restrictions.

Beautiful and well-groomed woman will be interesting only if there is enthusiasm and a sparkle in the eyes, which always accompanies a passionate and developing person.

Emotional burnout

Sooner or later, almost every mother faces such a problem as emotional burnout when the last mental strength leaves her. The woman becomes extremely irritable, tired, and impatient. At such moments, the world around fades away, the woman seems to fall into a hole from which, as it seems to her, she cannot get out.

It becomes very difficult to carry out your responsibilities at home and caring for your child, you feel as if you are in a cage from where you want to break out just to breathe fresh air. This is a normal phenomenon, because mom is under stress every second.

At any moment, the mother is ready to react with lightning speed to a suddenly changed situation, like a panther, to catch a falling baby in a jump, to determine by hearing what forbidden place the baby has climbed into, to see with peripheral vision that danger is approaching the child. You can completely relax only if the baby is sleeping, however, any extraneous rustle or sound will again return the mother to a state of tension.

Total lack of time

Most often, moms have a problem not just of lack of time, but a problem of total lack, when there is no time for anything. To get anything done requires maximum effort. The world collapses when mom realizes that even with her best efforts, she can’t accomplish everything she wants.

There is a catastrophic lack of time, no matter how fast, dexterous or tense the mother is, but as soon as you relax, the heap of everyday worries covers you so much that you simply can’t get out from under them, but you still want to find time for communication, for your hobbies, for beauty, for my husband, and just to eat in peace, preferably alone... And in silence...

Motherhood and fulfillment

It might seem that the first two points are enough to complicate the life of a young mother, but lack of time and emotional strength are not the only problems. In the carousel of diapers, cooking, baby cries, constant mental stress, the joys of the first steps and baby teeth, a burning desire appears to realize oneself not only in the maternal field.

Sometimes this is a call to the true nature of a woman, sometimes an imposed stereotype of success, and sometimes a seeming lifesaver from the constant “Groundhog Day”. This question is ambiguous and purely individual, and, of course, requires special attention and prompt resolution in order to free up the already not so large free resource of mental forces.

And many more different questions

It seems that everything listed above is already behind the scenes to make a mother’s life not as simple as we would like, but that’s not all. Many more questions arise that give rise to doubts and worries and require attention and detailed study. How to help a child develop, how to feed him correctly, how to feed himself, whether to vaccinate, how to raise a child without yelling and punishment, and dozens of other hot and controversial topics that concern young parents.

Is there a solution to all problems and questions?

It was with the aim of solving all the issues raised above that this training was created. How will problems be resolved and questions answered?

There are several reasons:

The first thing I would like to start with is. There is our own successful family experience in solving all these issues, which will not be imposed as the only and correct one, but recommendations will be given taking into account the fact that each child, mother and father is individual. Everyone has their own habits, character, upbringing, routine and rhythm of life.

Second. Many years of experience in conducting psychological trainings, consultations, and creating training programs that have been completed by thousands of people. Thousands positive feedback confirm that no matter what topic the trainings are created on, they always achieve results. All the most successful and well-developed training technologies will be applied in this program.

Third. The program is based on transformation training that has proven itself over many years. Mothers and children took it and got results. Now this program has been changed and adapted specifically for mothers with children, but the foundation and technology have not been changed, which means you are guaranteed 100% results from completing this training. You will get your hands on the tools that will definitely work and change your life for the better.

How it works?

It is impossible to fully describe in words what you can only experience (go through the training), but there are basics that will help you understand the logic of the training and why it works.

To solve all problems and answer pressing questions, you need several ingredients, all of them are in the training. Personal successful experience + fruitful communication + ability to relax + efficiency + finding the perfect balance between efficiency and relaxation + specially developed training technology.

Who conducts the training?

Mikhail Gavrilov

Entrepreneur, business coach, personal growth coach, author of books and articles, blogger, marketer, philosopher, psychologist. Happy man, who has found himself and helps other people solve life issues that they encounter along the way. Husband, father of two children. He took part in the birth of his children.

Someone may wonder why I decided to launch a training on such a purely feminine topic. In fact, there are quite a few cases where men successfully conduct women’s trainings, and there is a reasonable explanation for this, which is that it is easier for men to structure and transmit information due to the characteristics of their masculine nature.

Again, due to the characteristics of male nature, it is much easier for many women to perceive this information from men and accept the coach as a teacher.

And of course, it can be much easier to see the solution to problems from the outside - this famous technique, which is used in many areas of life, in business, in psychology, in family relationships, when you need to be outside the process in order to study this process, sort it out and see the essence.

I spend a lot of time with my family. Many dads see their family only in the evenings and weekends, since in order to conduct business or go to work they need to leave their home or apartment, but I work remotely, so I am with my children and my family 24 hours a day. I have the opportunity to continuously observe my wife and experience for myself everything related to children, and when I travel I spend even more time with my family, so my family experience allows me to create such specific training programs.

How is the training going?

It is clear that mothers and children have a special regime. Few mothers can attend a webinar on the appointed day, so that no one interferes at this time, sit and listen motionless, and everyone has different time zones, so in our training everything is organized so that everyone has the opportunity to learn, outside depending on the time zone, the peculiarities of the regime, the time of the child’s nap or the time of his going to bed.

The training consists of 3 weeks, each week is devoted to its own topic. Study materials and assignments for the week are given in advance; you study these materials at any time convenient for you. A special online dialogue is created for training participants, where communication between participants takes place, and participants write reports into the dialogue every day. The entire learning process is very flexible, yet incredibly effective.

Internet access and a desire to make your life better is all you need to learn.

Cost of the training and when does it start?

The cost of the training right now is only 2250 rubles. Every week the price increases. Starts January 25th. Duration 3 weeks. To participate in the training, you only need Internet access.

Price increase through:

Reviews from mothers who have already completed this training:

I received a letter in the mail with the title " Lifebuoy for moms."

In a state of stress and irritation, I decided to go through it. What if it helps?

I admit, nothing has changed radically in my life. The child still did not sleep well during the day, cried if something did not suit him, there was no more time... But! It became easier for me to breathe. I became calmer, more harmonious, and began to accept the situation as it is. I began to relate to many things more simply.

The child cried, I calmed him down, the next moment the child was playing happily. But now such situations do not unsettle me and do not make me feel sick for another half a day. I just sit next to you and play happily too. After all, “now” everything is fine! :)

I began to enjoy being a mother more. And in general, my days with my child became more fun. Thanks to Mikhail for creating this training. Thank you for trying to adapt it for moms! :) And special thanks for the “Here and Now” diary.

I wish you, your loved ones and your business well! :)

When my husband received a letter about the training in the mail, I decided to take it almost without thinking.

I was attracted by several things: the level of my trust in Mikhail, the description of the training and the low price (for a family with two children this is important). I wanted joy, to learn to receive it, to see the beauty around me, to appreciate moments with children, with my husband, with myself, and not run around like a stung person all day.

During the training, I felt this simple joy from life, I became MUCH calmer, more balanced, and more organized. And yet, the communication between the participating mothers and Mikhail himself in a relaxed atmosphere is simply priceless!

The training gave me an understanding and awareness of how to enjoy simple things, and where to strive next, that you can change your life the way you want, it’s really possible and not that difficult.

Now I will continue to work with myself, as I did during the training, and move on.

A HUGE thank you to Mikhail for what he does. This is very important for everyone and especially for mothers, as they create the future)))! Thank you!!!

Training is, of course, a step. Or a step, depending on your luck. That is, we do not come to him from nowhere and do not leave after nowhere. I have been going “towards myself” for a long time: to understand who I am, what emotions I have and what to do with them, how to interact with others and what to do with tension/irritation, etc. And after the training I continue this path. With additional skills, knowledge and thoughts. Where would we be without them?

The decision in favor of participating in the training came almost instantly. Because mailings about the Reality Constructor have been coming for a long time, I looked through them and closed them. My realities and rules of participation (strict time limits, the need to write reports, etc.) were very far from each other and I knew that I could not cope.

A lifeline for mothers is another “song”. This takes into account mom’s schedule, the specifics of the so-called. parental work (children get sick, mom may even fall out of the process for a couple of days), the video is shorter, the tasks are adapted. And that's why I took the risk.

I definitely don’t regret it.

The most important thing that I understood at the training is to stop writing down recipes and tips (in a separate folder on the computer, in a notebook, just mentally say “I will remember”), you need to take it and do it. And only then, after a month of DOING, decide whether this method suits you or not. There were a lot of insights while completing tasks; sometimes it’s amazing how one simple morning task for ten minutes can change, if not everything, then a lot in the mood for the whole day.

I was surprised by Mikhail’s active participation in the group’s dialogue and in personal messages. For me, this became an additional incentive and support during the training process.

Very close voiced: helping people, while understanding who you are and what your nature is.

Willpower and the daily struggle with yourself (laziness, fatigue, irritation) is a struggle FOR yourself, for your well-being, for family relationships. And that's work. As well as many habits that I have yet to consolidate.

Three weeks flew by completely unnoticed. Of course, preparation for the New Year also played a role, but... everything was clear, concise, concise and at the same time emotional, with personal examples and a sincere message. This worked for me personally. I recommend it to everyone who is ready to work on themselves (taking into account the mother's regime) and is ready to do something for real changes in life.

Before the training, I was in a negative emotional state, lashing out at my husband and child, at that moment my husband received an email about the training and invited me to take it, I agreed.

During the training, I found answers to questions and ways to solve them. As I completed tasks every day, I became calmer and realized what I needed to add, how to properly organize my day so as not to be torn between tasks and a child demanding attention.

The most important thing is that now I can spend quality time with my son, and be in harmony with myself, and my husband is not afraid to go home. After all, when the mother is happy, the whole family is happy.

Many thanks to Mikhail for this training, support, and inspiring comments! Good luck to you!!!

I signed up for the training more out of curiosity than the need to solve any problems. I am an experienced mother of three children and have more or less coped with the difficulties that arise in raising me.

Imagine my surprise that keeping a diary “Here and Now” will bring me spiritual pleasure. I will learn to slow down and enjoy the moments, live them slowly, savoring them.

Many thanks to Mikhail for the idea to write a letter to my husband. That's where I "came off", in in a good way, to the fullest. Love and tenderness shone through literally every line of the letter.

It turned out to be easier for me to write everything on paper. In the afterword, I asked my husband to be sure to re-read my letter after our quarrels - so that he would know how much I love him! On this moment- I'm happy! I feel good and calm! I live "Here and Now"!

This training taught me to switch my focus to my husband, and not just be experienced and caring mother. After all, I’m also loving woman, which is very necessary for my husband. I recommend taking the training - amazing insights and nice talking with other caring and warm-hearted people!!!

At the “Lifebuoy for Moms” training, I first became acquainted with the online training format. Previously, it seemed that it could only be something boring, stuffed with unnecessary information and dry.

This training changed my opinion dramatically and I even started thinking about creating my own online projects.

About the training. I came to the training a little tired, with a lack of energy and a conflict with time. Not quite understanding what to do about it or simply not finding the strength and additional motivation to do it.

I can compare the training to the support of a good friend. Which charges you with energy, understands you, and gives you something new that is close and relevant to you now.

The most important result for me is that the training helped me understand my support points, which support and are basic, both for a mother on maternity leave and in life. We managed to work through and strengthen them.

The training helped me look inside myself, open my heart and simply want to become better for myself, my child, my family and the whole world around me.

The role of the author of the training has always been very important to me. And this training was no exception. Mikhail, as a coach and author, aroused great respect and gratitude. This is a person who not only tells how it should be, but lives it and practices what he conveys every day. For me, this was a key moment in mastering it. In our information age, many try to tell how it is necessary and what is needed, while finding themselves very far from it. Everything is different here. Which in my opinion is paramount.

Mikhail teaches from himself, from the heart, from the soul, and it’s hard not to feel it! Thank you for the training, I hope that it will bring much more joy and benefit to its future participants :))

Most main problem, as I read, there was a lack of time and energy. When there was time for things to do, there was no more strength, and when there was strength, unfortunately there was no time. There was a lack of balance. Of course, irritability against this background with all the ensuing consequences: tense relationships with her husband, restless children, breakdowns. In general, a complete set!

During the training, I noticed improvements in my condition. Both physical and emotional. I no longer go to bed with the baby during the daytime nap, as I did before, but use this time for myself or for household chores. In addition, it has become easier to get up earlier in the morning and this also gives me a little time for myself! For peace, quiet, taking care of yourself and family. And another nice bonus - I lost 2.5 kg!!)))) Haste has practically disappeared from my life. I realized that it's simple bad habit. There was actually more energy.

Everything became simple, clear and understandable in my head, what should be done now, and what can wait, and what to get rid of altogether. It's easier to make choices. And it dawned on me that my life is my doing! You just have to make a choice and follow it. I realized that there will always be a lot to do, but living for the sake of redoing everything is simply stupid :) Previously, I didn’t notice life myself behind the bustle. It seemed like I would do this and that would be time for my family, but that’s not how it works... I lived in the future: now, after I finish this and that, I’ll rest or devote time to my family or myself. But it turns out that the present moment is also beautiful, simply because we have it!!!

There are also plans for the future: to develop in the direction that Mikhail set with a “magic kick” :)), not to forget about a single lesson. Go towards harmony of yourself, towards balance (there is always something to strive for)

I am filled with gratitude to Mikhail! Because he came up with all this, made it available in financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically))))
Now I understand very clearly that what I want to do should be the focus of my attention and not all at once. Free time, of course, has not increased, but now it is used much more effectively. I actually get more done.

I’ll write separately about getting up early. I always considered myself a night owl and did everything quite late, but with the birth of my child it turned out that it was simply impossible to get enough sleep this way. My son has the longest first night sleep, and then he can wake up every 1.5-2 hours, i.e. If I miss this dream, then it’s very difficult for the rest of the day. So getting up early is just a salvation for me now. Of course, the child’s routine didn’t improve after 3 weeks either, but now I understand how to act to fix it.

As a pleasant bonus to all of the above, minus 2.5 kg on the scales, changing your diet and improving general condition, communication in the company of mothers with similar problems, a clear vector in working on yourself and your attitude to what is happening... the list goes on. In some amazing way, this training allows you to solve very different problems equally effectively. Everything depends only on your own mood and desire, and Mikhail’s inspiration and support are truly priceless.

I realized that my priorities were not set correctly and I completely forgot about my husband, did not understand his hints and suffering. Relationships in the family have become better at the moment, I’ll try not to lose them 😊.

I want to repeat some tasks and do them better, but the work did not allow me to fully immerse myself in the process. But most of the information is stored in the head; the main thing is not to throw it away, but to use it.

I would like to say a big thank you to Mikhail and the girls, because I don’t know what state I would be in now if I had not gone through this path with them.

Of course, all our mental traumas cannot be healed in three weeks, but the main beginning has been made and I am very GRATEFUL for that!

When I saw information about the “Reality Constructor” training, I immediately got the idea to take it and upgrade myself spiritually! But I was immediately stopped by the thought that my lifestyle is now controlled by my one year old child than myself, so it will be difficult to fulfill the training conditions efficiently and on time.

Then I wrote Personal letter Mikhail asking if this training is suitable for mothers on maternity leave. And after some time I receive an invitation by mail to a new training “Lifebuoy for Moms”. And of course, without hesitation, I decided to take part in it, because it is absolutely adapted for mothers and takes into account all the nuances and extreme lack of time!

Most main question before the training it was like this: “Learn to control your emotions and not take it out on the child.” Because sometimes it got to the point where I was scared... Thank God, everything is fine now.

During the training, we worked with different points view, examined different faces our life. And then it became obvious that in order to control and prevent these negative emotions, maternal love alone is not enough (it is immense, that’s understandable). But it is necessary to improve everything in other areas of life in order to find harmony and find happiness. Then there can be no talk of any breakdowns.

It turned out that it is extremely important to maintain a normal daily routine, proper nutrition, sufficient volume of liquid. Then - plan your day, and most importantly, prioritize! And don’t suffer from the fact that at the moment you don’t have time to do something. After all, it’s impossible to do everything!

In addition, a separate week is dedicated spiritual development, exploring yourself, building relationships with your spouse. There are a lot of useful techniques and techniques, tests and tablets for studying your individuality. And also, this training prompted me to study other materials by Mikhail, at the moment I’m listening to a webinar about purpose - exciting.

And it is impossible not to note the merits of the teacher himself. In addition to clear and structured materials, he provided us with his whole heart; through the screen it was felt that the person puts his soul into what he does and is sincerely interested in it.

I am very glad that I accidentally subscribed to the newsletter, thus finding a constant source of food for thought and improvement. Thanks for all!

Are you a smart, educated, young, purposeful beauty who has achieved a lot in this life? But is your personal life somehow unsatisfactory? Do men either sit on your head or run away as soon as you start talking?

Have you already attended many trainings and master classes to change something in your personal life? As a result, your head is a mess and your heart is not at all lighter? Are men also somewhere over the horizon, or are they secretly peeking at you from behind the bushes?

You're smart with higher education or even three, but you don’t understand anything. Why don't men perceive you as a Woman? Why are you a friend, comrade, brother to them, but not a fragile defenseless woman?

"What is wrong with me?" - you ask yourself in moments when you still “turn on a woman.” Why am I lonely? I’ve already listened to all of Torsunov and Rakov, I already only wear skirts, I’ve already attended so many trainings on femininity, and there are books about the “goddess within” all over the house? What's wrong? Why am I alone, why doesn’t my man love and respect me, I’m so smart?

This, or a similar set of questions, appears in the minds of many successful women. Some more often, some less often. And it's not even about the answers to these questions. The fact is that after women's trainings, women “see the light” that they have lived wrong for 20, 30, 40, 50 years and “already know how to do it,” expecting instant changes in life. Immediately married, immediately to a prince, immediately lost weight, immediately healthy and happy, immediately harmony in relationships.

So, it is clear that it is impossible to “retell” the training. Your man needs to go to it himself.

If you are now in search of the man of your dreams, you don’t need to tell him what trainings you go to when you meet him until you understand that your goals in the relationship are the same.

A woman is a relationship, this is “talk and settle”, and a man is an action, this is “achieve and conquer”. In order for your man to want to attend the training, he must have his own, masculine motivation.

What is the motivation of women? There's a wide field here! I want to marry a prince, I want my husband to become a prince, I want to eat everything and become slim, I want to do nothing and please men, I want, I want, I want... If a woman wants at least one of the above, she is alive.

It's more difficult with men. If they helped him all his life (put him on a tree (mother), pushed a bicycle (grandmother), made him men's work in everyday life (sister), the girls provided backup on dates (“what if he doesn’t have enough money, I’ll take the money with me”), the employees took on his tasks (“he’s still studying, it’s so difficult for him, poor thing”), his wife earned more, working three jobs (“he’s going through a difficult period, now I’ll work, and then he’ll see how he gets on with it...”), he won’t go to the training, he has no motivation. He won’t even open the book “How to Be the Best at What You Do,” which you’ve been “unnoticed” leaving on his nightstand for a month. For what?! He has everything, everyone is happy, and if something happens, his beloved women-saviors will help him, give him support, replace him, “insure him.”

This trend has long been visible in our society; our savior mothers, either consciously or subconsciously, guided by the genetic memory of war and losses, protect “their boys” from life until their (the boys’) old age. Accordingly, all Ukrainian women are actively involved in this rescue activity, picking up the baton after mothers.

And then these same women sit “at the bottom” and ask the question: “What’s wrong with me, why do normal men shy away from me, why does he have a mistress, why am I lonely?”

Men who are lucky and who were not “loved” by their mother, grandmothers and sisters to the stage of victimhood will seek training themselves, and at the same time, will subconsciously run away from women-saviors, from women focused on achievements, on fanatical concern for their neighbors, from women who, while attending trainings on self-love, still save on their underwear and cosmetics in favor of dinner for a man.

What percentage of such men? This can be determined independently in our transport. A man “unloved by savior women,” unless of course he is healthy, will not sit on public transport if a woman is standing next to him. So much for the percentage. You can count it. You're smart.

Whose fault, dear women, is that they don’t give up your place, that they don’t help you in everyday life, that they put extra work on you, that your husband doesn’t develop and doesn’t respect you, such a smart girl?

And most importantly. Training is just a form of intensive training aimed at developing knowledge, skills, abilities and social attitudes. The purpose of the training is to develop competence in interpersonal and professional behavior in communication, to create conditions for independently searching for ways to solve one’s own psychological problems. This is where the “dog is buried.” If you are now calm and balanced and are able to independently solve your own emotional problems, then the training is for you. He will help you see the “salt of the problem” and find a way out of the current situation.
But, if you are trying to cope with some emotions that are tearing you apart from the inside, thoughts that haunt you day and night, if the situation is “on the brink”, do not flatter yourself, training will not do it. In this situation, you can endlessly go to all kinds of trainings, meditations, etc., it won’t get any easier. You will become even more confused and lose your last vital forces. In this case, personal consultation with a psychologist or therapy is vital.

I’ll end with the same words as the first part of the article. Don’t try to change someone else (partner, children, parents, friends, relatives, employees, store clerk, minibus driver, neighbor on the subway...), let professionals, the Universe and your positive changes do it. Be interested in the psychology of both men and women, change yourself, be patient and then you will see how gradually others will “catch up” with you. What if they don’t “catch up”? This is a topic for another article.

Top 7 most hellish women's trainings

We have already told you how to determine that your girlfriend is... And now we want to tell you what she, poor thing, encountered there. And let's start, for starters, with special women's trainings.

7th place. Marathons of femininity from Valyaeva

Let's start with a fairly mild one. About Olga Valyaeva and her great Vedic teachings they usually tell only anecdotal things: they say that her adherents walk without panties and trousers according to the Vedic teachings (Indian women traditionally wrapped in dhoti-harem pants in this place look with some bewilderment) in order to catch either torsion fields or or the energy of the Earth. And all in order to inspire her husband (of course, without orders and reminders!) and earn money more money. But that’s okay, at least Valyaeva doesn’t take money for women to take off their panties. And for their special marathons of femininity - yes.

The essence of the marathon is that women who have paid for it in advance receive tasks that must be completed every day. At the end of the marathon, femininity will increase many times over. For one day, a set of washing your hair, lubricating your hands with cream and putting on a flowered skirt/dress can be given. Or from complimenting your husband, preparing semolina porridge for breakfast for the children and applying lipstick. And so it was for two or three months. Marathons must be repeated, otherwise femininity will not take hold. However, Olga takes money for her unique method carefully (about 2000 rubles per adept), so even those who are dissatisfied and dissatisfied do not fuss too much later. Yes. All tasks completely duplicate Olga’s free advice on her website.

6th place. Insults from Pavel Rakov live

Although in reality, of course, in the recording

Pavel Rakov made himself comfortable. Firstly, he conducts the unprecedentedly popular training “Why I’m smart, but I live like a fool.” The training is worth it good money and consists of two parts. Throughout the first episode, Rakov shows off in every possible way over the women who come (for example, he demands to smell his socks in a bow), not very covertly insults them and gives them idiotic tasks, such as walking around the city with an iron. In the second, women are given the classic Stockholm syndrome in relation to the coach: after the stick, they are given a carrot. Clients who have paid for the training receive from Rakov a bunch of contradictory statements and attitudes, and the purpose of the training, in essence, is to instill in a woman that she should be as submissive as possible to a man, and teach her to beg for gifts. You should see exalted women who say: “After Rakov’s training, a MIRACLE happened!” You’re just waiting for a story about how her ears fell off again during the first part of the training from shouts of “stupid.” But it is a MIRACLE when my husband buys a fur coat or a bracelet.

Secondly, Rakov did all the same things in his show on Ren TV the year before. That is, he publicly humiliated women, gave advice and instructed how MIRACLES are done.

Yes, and Rakov is also a distributor of Noni juice (it’s like with distributors of Amway, only Noni juice) and uses every training to push the product. Double profit!

Review from the Internet:

Was on women's training Pavel Rakova. I really didn't like it.
He is charismatic and a wonderful actor - a fact. However, the training is not structured, the impression of okroshka is completely different exercises. The image of the woman one is asked to become is a mixture of a submissive and a glamor chick. This idea is presented in a rather exaggerated manner and without a discount on individual characteristics, everything is justified by statistical data. Example: if you want to build serious relationship Giving your partner sex is allowed only after 120 days from the start of meetings, because according to statistics, such relationships are stronger.
My attempt to give feedback of my disagreement on a number of issues caused an outburst of aggression towards me, but I never received a substantive answer.

– Alexandra Lutokhina, psychologist

5th place. Ekaterina Fedorova and her school of geishas

Hurray, a lot of women will scream when they see such a name. Without tours to Japan, we will finally be taught to play the shamisen, talk about cultural news, drape in a kimono and mince on bench slippers. No, ladies. At school they teach you how to suck. That is, in general they teach a lot there, but for some reason in the promotional video they talk primarily about playing the magic flute. In the second - about training intimate muscles (banal Kegel exercises, which we use for you). And there you can dance if you really want to. With a fan, but without clothes, most likely, because this is exactly the combination that the whole concept of a “geisha school” looks like through the eyes of Fedorova.

Who taught Ekaterina the subtle art of geisha so much that when performed by Fedorova it looks like a long, diligent blow job? Catherine readily reveals her teachers: her herbal grandmother, Mexican sorcerers, Baikal shamans and astrologers Irina and Mikhail Kosh. What relation these people have to geishas, ​​we will never know. To finish off the curious, we will also inform you that Fedorova introduces herself as a specialist in “micro” psychoanalysis. In vain. It was necessary to use “nano”. It's more fashionable.

4th place. Slavic enchantresses

It’s about the same as with geishas - you think that for your money they will teach you to be proud of the natural generosity of your body, to beautifully carry a forty-kilogram rocker with buckets of water and a birch bark headband and give birth in a bathhouse, but they tell you about the return of harmony after childbirth and... oh, no, everything else is quite like that of the ancient Slavs - complete superstitions and folklore. Attracting good luck, betrothed, shotguns and round dances. Unless vibration massage and yoga-like gymnastics cause amazement.

Unlike previous trainings, master classes from enchantresses are cheap, but they tear the brains of every Russian woman who knows at least some of her native history on the spot. “How to get your husband off the couch? Here are our ancient great-grandmothers, when the husband was lying on the sofa... that is, on the stove... woman, shut up already, he lay there and watched TV!.. so, most women then knew how to rule the world... yes, woman, the world, will you calm down? ... but like a woman... and so, like a woman, they lifted her husband from the stove!”

3rd place. School of seduction from Lyalya Bezhetskaya

Lyalya Bezhetskaya is a burlesque dance performer, and if you now remember Dita von Teese and nodded approvingly, then you are in vain. Just Googled it to understand how in vain it is. Lyalya discovered burlesque for herself, according to her own stories, in search of true meaning and the purpose of female sexuality. Google Lyalya’s video again to remind yourself what the purpose of female sexuality looks like. The school of seduction teaches you how to seduce men in two ways: through dress-up games and through astrology. Give me money, and they will teach you to dress up not only as a nurse, but also as a housewife! Yes, she is on Lyalya's list of erotic characters role playing games, next to a military woman and a business woman. And they will also teach you a little astrology.

2nd place. Conversations with the mother from Larisa Renard

There are two ways to join Renard’s wonderful knowledge of attracting men and controlling them. Cheap - buy a paperback book for 500 rubles. Moreover, the plot is interesting. One of the main characters is Larisa herself, the other is her great-great-grandmother, the widow of the French prince Renard, a reverent graduate of the Smolny Institute. Larisa finds herself in a whirlwind of adventures, consisting of permanent shift outfits (described very carefully) and attempts to recapture a man who is very much in love with her from her rival, with whom the man for some reason likes to be more. The great-grandmother becomes acquainted with the secret wisdom of women thanks to her aunt, also a princess of the nineteenth century. Let's give the princess of the nineteenth century a direct word:

“Beautiful flowers,” said the aunt and turned to me. - Well, let's look at your inner flower?
- My inner flower?
- Yes, the place of your feminine power is your vagina and the “G” spot! The walls of the vagina are like four petals, upper and lower, right and left.

(Brief historical reference. The term “G-spot” appeared in the fifties of the twentieth century).

But in general, Renard advises potential clients not to waste time on trifles, but to pay for normal training. There she will teach you how to trick a man for a gift, how to talk to your mother (exactly like that), and also how and how many times a day you need to spin around your axis in order to attract this guy (preferably several). In general, refined courtesan science, supported by high magic.

1 place. Denis Baiguzhin

If previous coaches were hell only for a normal, fully schooled brain, then Denis Baiguzhin is downright dangerous.

Baiguzhin lures women with promises to ensure that they soon marry a rich man. Apparently, he has hypnotic powers - the Internet is filled with stories of frightened women whose friends found it acceptable, on instructions from a trainer, to go out topless and ask for money and vodka. To others, he suggested that, in order to liberate himself, they should go and offer some man to sleep for a small sum on his part. The training didn’t end there; you really had to sleep with the man. At least several times, Baiguzhin’s tasks led to gang rapes, and often the women only realized what had happened the next day and were horrified.

There was another task to ask unknown man help you choose underwear. Flirt with him during fitting, touch his penis, say “Wow, what a man.” After that, Baiguzhin assured that the man would buy you this underwear as he was cute. It’s good that I turned on my brain in time and didn’t do this exercise.

Of course, training does not begin with a dangerous task. First, Baiguzhin organizes a powerful emotional build-up with an emotional swing that is steeper than that of Pavel Rakov. Insults, compliments, obscene jokes, swearing, screaming, howling, wailing, repetition of hook words (“get married”, “ woman's happiness”, “Stop dying at work”) - everything is used to cheat a woman to the maximum.

For a week after this, the girls were in euphoria, and then the rollback began. Depression, tears, shame, unwillingness to live. It didn’t take long to realize that they were not only scammed out of money, but also mocked. Now some of them are under the supervision of a psychotherapist. They don’t want to go to court, they’re afraid of publicity, they’re ashamed.

Making snowmen naked at gunpoint. Dance a striptease to the best friend husband Having sex with a stranger in certain circumstances, for the sake of liberation. By the way, Baiguzhin personally is also always happy to liberate women, so to speak.

Revelations of a coach who was imprisoned for fraud in exchange for trust were shown on TV and published in the newspaper, but more and more victims are found, like little ones, and Baiguzhin himself continues to walk free. It’s hard to understand what’s going on, but if you hear this name from a friend... Save her. Urgently.

Text: Lilith Mazikina

For women. Fortunately there are many offers. They promise that after completing the training you will marry a millionaire or find the man of your dreams, or at least become a bitch.

Loneliness is a painful state. It is especially difficult to bear when, in the public consciousness, living together as a couple is considered the norm. Consequently, if a woman is lonely, not taken by anyone, then it is implied that she is not good enough, flawed, even if she is perfection itself.

Her married friends feel sorry for her, her parents suffer, her neighbors constantly ask when she will have a wedding. Former classmates ask when they meet: “Well, didn’t you get married?” Answering such questions is unpleasant and the thought involuntarily creeps in that this problem needs to be solved somehow.

But what to do if not suitable man? Don't go after the first person you meet! It is for such situations that training for women was invented.

Life of a single woman

Thoughts about training for women often overwhelmed Nina, an intelligent girl with a higher education, knowledge of English and a separate apartment. True, the apartment belonged to her mother, who lived with her next husband and could return at any time.

But for now she suffered alone. Nina had to break up with her last boyfriend after she found some girl with piebald hair with him. It’s good that at least I didn’t allow myself to fall in love with him, otherwise I would have felt like a completely miserable fool.

“Why am I so unlucky?” - Nina thought sadly - “Some scoundrels come across!”

She couldn’t understand why some girls constantly come across millionaires, young and good-looking ones at that, but only “the wrong kind” come up to her to get to know each other.

She replayed in her memory those corporate events and parties she had attended, fleeting acquaintances, exchange of phone numbers. Only they never called her.

Who would call if, when she found herself in the company of men whom she would like to please, Nina immediately wilted, began to mumble something and tried to make herself invisible.

Apparently she doesn’t understand something - Nina thought - she doesn’t know some secret and she needs to go through training for women to understand everything women's secrets. But which training to choose?

not Option 1 Training “How to attract love”

Training "How to attract love" promises to attract love to everyone who passes by. For this purpose, visualizations are built, affirmations are read, meditations are conducted, “energy flows are rearranged,” and so on.

As you know, the properties of all seven billion people are represented by eight vectors. These properties are different for all vectors and, accordingly, each vector has its own ideas about love, not similar to others.

We imagine the feeling called love from descriptions in fiction. All the writers who left vivid descriptions of love had a visual vector and perceived life in a visual, emotional way. Of course, they described love through their feelings.

Experiences, delights replaced by despair, happiness mixed with tears - all these are emotional swings of the visual vector, which has the greatest emotional amplitude. This is a feature of people with a visual vector.

However, “attracting love” and loving are two different things. And the readiness for this feeling to come into your life is the readiness not to give, but to receive. You will never be able to “attract” anyone until you and you are a gaping hole of lack, resentment, fears and other emotional garbage that life hangs on us.

not Option 2 Training “Man of Dreams”

There is also such training that promises to help you find the man of your dreams. The man of your dreams certainly means an already wealthy “prince on a white horse.”

In our time, everything has become mixed up, women have acquired independence, including financial independence. Having your own social status, the woman does not want to lower him by connecting her life with a man who is lower than her on the social ladder.

Usually they want to get a ready-made successful man. However, for some reason, few ready-made princes are produced at the prince production factory. Perhaps you will be able to find a training where they will teach you how to attract the attention of such men with external techniques, as they now say “tricks,” and they will teach you how to manipulate. However, be prepared to immediately answer the question: is it possible to build on deception with the help of clever “chips”? strong relationships and become happy?

Where's the answer? Behind every man's success there is a woman. Do you want a prince on a white horse? Create this prince from your chosen one. You just have to choose correctly. And here, again, neither affirmations nor mantras in the morning will help.

not Option 3 Training “How to become a bitch”

The training “How to become a bitch” is popular among many women. They are assured that such a transformation is available to every woman and will immediately make her irresistible and desirable.

If in the old days the word “bitch” was a curse word, now it is perceived by many as a compliment, since now it is the definition of strong, bright, self-confident and attractive woman. Times have changed, and concepts have changed accordingly!

Life in the modern landscape requires a woman to be able to survive on her own, without relying on men. Women today are mastering traditionally male professions, doing business, and earning money for themselves and their children. In the vanguard, as always, is the skin-visual charmer - that very “bitch”.

Naturally seductive, attracting all men to her, without panties and in high heels, she paved the way for all women through the savannah of the concrete jungle. However, can all women be her? Is it right for them, silencing their innate properties, to try to correspond to an ideal that is so alluring, but not theirs?

Definitely not. You can become truly happy only and exclusively when you remain yourself.

So how can you truly become happy?

None of the trainings listed above, unfortunately, can make everyone happy simply because everyone is different, has different vectors, and everyone has different concepts of happiness. However, everyone receives the same recommendations, which are not suitable for everyone. Therefore the quantity happy women does not increase after completing such trainings.

The only path leading to happiness, which suits absolutely everyone, is a deep disclosure of oneself, one’s properties and the corresponding desires, which is provided by systematic training. vector psychology Yuri Burlan.

This training reveals to every woman the secrets of her psyche; she begins to understand her sexuality and the causes of her problems in relationships with men.

The training brings amazing changes in life: relationships with children and colleagues improve, mood improves, bad conditions go away. Fears go away, self-confidence appears, natural attractiveness appears, based on the emerging harmony of mind and heart.

During the training, you gain a deep understanding of yourself and other people, which makes it possible to consciously build relationships. You get results that stay with you for the rest of your life, making you happier and more joyful.

You can spend long years on fruitless searches and throw a lot of money down the drain, comprehending the endless “tricks” of female attractiveness that will never allow you to achieve true happiness in a relationship, but today you can come to a deep understanding of yourself and your future or current partner and be happy together .

Read the numerous and lasting results of the training on the portal of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Go for it.

The article was written based on training materials on system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan.
