Why was the guinea pig called a guinea pig and where did it come from? Do you know why a guinea pig is a pig? Where does the name guinea pig come from?

Domestic guinea pig(from Latin Cavia porcellus) is a mammal from the rodent order and belongs to the pig family. These animals were domesticated in ancient times by the Incas. Nowadays, there are more than 20 types of guinea pigs kept at home: Angora (long hair), rosette (Abyssinian) (hair grows on the head in the form of a rosette), English shorthair, etc. The height of the animals does not exceed 35 cm, and the body is covered with fur. They have four toes on their front paws and three on their hind paws. The lifespan of animals is six to eight years. Puberty in males it occurs at two months, in females at five months. Pregnancy varies from 60 to 65 days. One litter can have from one to seven cubs, depending on the breed (multiple and low-fertility).

Guinea pigs got their name because they live in the sea. In fact, they were so nicknamed due to the fact that these animals came to Europe from South America, which, as is known, is located overseas. By the way, these animals live there to this day, moreover, in the form of wild animals. Once in Europe, the animals were called overseas pigs, and a little later the prefix “for” was cut off and the name “sea pigs” was obtained.

Pet guinea pigs should live in an aquarium with water. Well, this is complete absurdity! In such a “house” they will not last long, they will drown. Pigs are kept in regular cages specifically designed for domesticated rodents (hamsters, mice, etc.).

These animals were nicknamed "pigs" because they were unclean. In fact, these animals make a sound very similar to the grunting of a real pig. That's why the animals are called "pigs". Also, there is a version that they were so nicknamed because of the special structure of the head.

Guinea pigs give off an unpleasant odor and a lot of dirt. If, say, you don’t put things in order in an animal’s cage for a month, then of course it will smell bad. If you periodically clean up after him and clean the cage, then there will be no unpleasant smell. The only thing animals can smell is sawdust (which serves them as bedding) and hay (food). In addition, pigs wash themselves with their front paws every day, which indicates their cleanliness.

Pigs can bite. In most cases, these animals are not aggressive and treat others peacefully. The guinea pig prefers to run and hide from danger rather than defend itself. If she has nowhere to hide, then she hides in the far corner and you can hear her teeth chattering. In order for this animal to bite, you need to “get it” very hard.

Guinea pigs don't make much noise. Controversial statement. At the slightest rustle, the animal can make a sound that is not at all quiet, with which it is trying to communicate its condition (joy, greeting, fear...). Moreover, sounds can be in the form of whistling, squealing, gurgling, grunting, etc.

You don't have to give water to guinea pigs required amount They get their fluids from fruits and vegetables. Not a single person on our land can live without water. Living being, including a guinea pig. Therefore, a drinking bowl with water must be present in the cage. A pregnant guinea pig especially needs water, since in such an “interesting” position she needs twice as much liquid as usual.

About a week before giving birth, a pregnant guinea pig needs to reduce its food intake, otherwise it will not be able to give birth. Not feeding an animal enough, especially a pregnant one, is a real mockery! This approach can negatively affect the health of the female and her offspring. On the contrary, during this period the female needs double care and triple nutrition, because she so needs useful material and vitamins.

Pigs tend to give birth early in the morning when it's quiet. Is not a fact. They can just as easily give birth during the afternoon, in the evening, or at night. As for silence, at the moment of childbirth the female is focused on the process itself, therefore environment she has little interest.

These animals feed on scraps from the “master's table” and food waste. Such a “menu” will quickly bring the animal “to the grave.” Guinea pigs are very gentle creatures that need full balanced diet. Their diet must include various vegetables, grain mixture and hay.

These are uninteresting animals, since you can’t teach them anything, and therefore they don’t know how to do anything except eat and sleep. This is debatable. Guinea pigs are very easy to train. They are quite capable of recognizing their bowl by color, ringing a bell, responding to their name, guessing a melody, and much more. The main thing here is to be patient (as with any other animal) and the result will not take long to arrive.

Guinea pigs should not be overfed with carrots. That's what you can't do, that's what you can't do. And this is due to the fact that the beta-carotene contained in carrots is processed by the animal’s liver into vitamin A, which pigs already have more than enough of. As a result, an “overdose” may occur, which will negatively affect the animal’s liver.

The guinea pig (Latin: Cavia procellus) is a domesticated mammalian rodent belonging to the genus Guinea and the family Gilts. Even despite its very original name, this species of mammal is not related to pigs or marine life.

Origin story

The domestication of guinea pigs occurred in the fifth millennium, even before our era, with the active participation of Andean tribes in South America. Such animals were actively used as food by the ancestors of modern inhabitants of southern Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. It is generally accepted that wild guinea pigs themselves sought warmth and protection in human housing.

The Incas had a guinea pig for a long time was a sacrificial animal, so such mammals were often sacrificed to the Sun God. Particularly popular were animals with variegated brown or pure white colors. The ancestor of modern domesticated guinea pigs was Cavia arerea tschudi, which is found in the southern regions of Chile, in places located at an altitude of no more than 4.2 thousand meters above sea level.

This is interesting! Mammals of this species form small groups and settle in fairly spacious underground burrows.

to his appearance and the body structure of C. arerea tschudi differs markedly from the currently known domestic guinea pigs, which is determined by the food supply, poor in water and rich in cellulose compounds.

Description of the guinea pig

According to zoological taxonomy, guinea pigs (Cavis cobaya) are prominent representatives family of half-ungulate rodents and have a characteristic appearance, as well as a special structure.


The body structure of guinea pigs is very similar to the basic anatomical parameters and characteristics characteristic of most domesticated animals. However, there are a number of noticeable differences:

  • the guinea pig has a pronounced cylindrical body shape, as well as a total length, usually in the range of 20-22 cm, but some mature individuals may be slightly longer;
  • the animal's spine is represented by seven cervical, twelve thoracic, six lumbar, four sacral and seven caudal vertebrae;
  • the guinea pig, as such, lacks a tail, and such an animal is almost completely devoid of collarbones;
  • male guinea pigs are slightly heavier than females, and the weight of an adult animal can vary between 0.7-1.8 kg;
  • guinea pigs have very short legs, with both forelimbs noticeably shorter than the hind limbs;
  • There are four toes on the front paws, and three on the hind paws, which with their external characteristics resemble miniature hooves;
  • the guinea pig's coat grows at an average rate of 0.2-0.5 cm within one week;
  • the sacrum area is characterized by the presence of sebaceous glands, and the skin folds near the genitals and anus have paranal glands with a specific secretion;
  • The head of an adult guinea pig is quite large, with a fairly well-developed brain;
  • a mammal's incisors grow throughout life, and average speed growth processes are approximately one and a half millimeters per week;
  • The difference between the lower jaw of a guinea pig is the ability to move freely, regardless of direction;
  • the total length of the intestine significantly exceeds the size of the mammal’s body, so the digestion process can be delayed for a week.

Color, structural parameters and coat length can be very different, which is directly dependent on the main breed characteristics. There are individuals with both very short and incredibly long, wavy or straight hair.

Character and lifestyle

IN natural conditions wild guinea pigs prefer to be most active in the morning or just after dusk. The mammal is quite agile, can run quickly and always tries to remain on the alert. See wild pig possible not only in mountainous areas, but also in forest areas. Guinea pigs are not fans of digging holes and prefer to build a nest in a quiet and secluded place. To create a reliable and safe shelter, dry grass, fluff and fairly thin twigs are used.

This is interesting! Domesticated guinea pigs have become widespread not only as low-maintenance pets, but are also bred in vivariums at various research institutes.

The wild animal is very social, so it lives on common territory in a large flock, among their relatives. Each flock or family is characterized by the presence of one male, who can have from ten to twenty females. At home, guinea pigs are kept in ordinary cages with sufficient space for walking, which is due to the activity of the animal. Such pets sleep several times a day, and if necessary, a guinea pig can rest without even closing its eyes.

How long does a guinea pig live?

The average life expectancy of a wild guinea pig, as a rule, does not exceed seven years, and a domestic mammal, subject to the rules of care and proper nutrition, can live for about fifteen years.

Guinea pig breeds

Decorative guinea pigs are among the very popular pets, which has become the reason for the breeding of an incredible number of original and unusual breeds of this unpretentious animal:

  • The breed is distinguished by thick and beautiful, curly and long hair. Pigs have two rosettes on the back, as well as one, irregular in shape, on the forehead. The hair growing forward in the muzzle area forms whiskers, and the limbs are covered with hair exclusively from the bottom up;
  • The Texel breed has a very beautiful and curly coat, which looks a little like a wet perm. Thanks to the very unusual and attractive hairline, the Texel breed is one of the most popular in many countries;
  • The Abyssinian breed is one of the most beautiful and oldest, distinguished by its hard coat with several rosettes in the form of quite long hair cov. Pigs of this breed are incredibly active and have an excellent appetite;
  • The Merino breed has long and curly hair, as well as distinctive, well-developed cheeks and sideburns. The breed's characteristic features are large eyes and ears, a short head, as well as a strong and compact build. On the pig’s head there is a symmetrical and noticeably raised “Crown”;
  • The Peruvian breed is distinguished by long and beautiful hair that does not require special or too complex care. Owners of a guinea pig of this breed often use special curlers for their pet’s fur, which prevent excessive contamination of the long hair;
  • The Rex breed is a short-haired breed, so the fur is distinguished by an unusual hair structure that visually makes the domestic pig look like a cute plush toy. In the area of ​​the head and back the coat is rougher;
  • The Cornet breed in some countries is called “Crested” or “Crown-Wearing”, which is explained by the presence of a special rosette between the ears. The breed is distinguished by the presence of long hair throughout the body. The ancestors of the Cornet were the Sheltie and Crested breeds;
  • The breed is characterized by long and straight, very silky hair, as well as the presence of a peculiar mane in the head area, flowing down to the shoulders and back area of ​​the pig. Animals that are short-haired from birth receive their full coat only by the age of six months.

This is interesting! Guinea pigs of the Baldwin breed look very exotic and unusual, having soft and elastic, completely bare skin, and several barely noticeable and not too long hairs can be present only on the animal’s knees.

During the first few days after purchase, a domestic guinea pig, as a rule, behaves lethargically and very quietly, which is explained by standard adaptation pet. At this time, the animal is very timid, has a poor appetite and sits for a long time, frozen in one place. To make the adaptation period easier for the rodent, it is necessary to create an absolutely calm and friendly atmosphere in the room.

Cage, filling

By their nature, guinea pigs are shy animals, reacting heavily to any change in environment or too loud sounds. To keep them, you can use a terrarium or a cage with a tray, but the second option is preferable. The cage houses a house for sleeping or resting, as well as play attributes, feeders and drinking bowls. The dimensions of the house are selected taking into account the size of the animal.

Care, hygiene

Your pet needs to be protected not only from drafts, but also from prolonged exposure to direct sun rays. Water treatments are carried out as needed, and the coat is brushed weekly. A couple of times a year, you can trim claws that are not naturally sharpened.

Exhibition animals will require increased attention, which early age taught to sit in a motionless, strictly defined position. Long-haired pets must be accustomed to the daily process of combing, as well as winding their hair on special curlers. Smooth-haired and wire-haired pigs should be trimmed periodically.

Guinea pig diet

In their natural habitat, guinea pigs feed on roots and seeds of plants, leaves, berries and fruits that have fallen from trees or shrubs. The main food for a domestic guinea pig can be high-quality hay, which normalizes the condition of the digestive tract and allows the animal to grind down its teeth. Due to the special structure of the digestive system, such pets eat food quite often, but in relatively small portions.

Various are very relevant in a rodent’s diet. succulent food, which can be represented by apples, lettuce, carrots and others vegetable crops. Sweet fruits, fruits and berries are given as treats. To effectively grind down the teeth, the animal is given apple or cherry twigs, celery or dandelion root. A drinking bowl with clean and fresh water must be installed in the pig's cage, which must be replaced daily.

It is important to remember that guinea pigs are herbivores, so any food of animal origin should be excluded from the diet of such a pet. Among other things, adult animals cannot digest lactose, so supplementing such a pet’s diet with milk can cause the development of digestive disorders. Any low-quality feed and abrupt change diet cause severe illness and sometimes become the main cause of death.

Health, disease and prevention

An unbalanced diet or overfeeding can cause your pet to quickly develop severe obesity.

Reproduction and offspring

It is best to mate guinea pigs for the first time when they are six months old. The female's estrus period lasts sixteen days, but fertilization is possible only for eight hours, after which pregnancy occurs, ending two months later with the appearance of offspring.

A week before the onset of labor, the female’s pelvic part expands. In a litter there are most often from two to three to five cubs. Newborn guinea pigs are well developed and are quite capable of moving independently. The female most often feeds her offspring for no longer than two months.

The guinea pig, also known as the Guinea pig, cavy or kewi, is a domesticated rodent, a member of the guinea genus of the gilt family. These animals, despite their name, are not only not marine, but also have no connection with Guinea. The supposed ancestors of the modern guinea pig lived in Peru. They were domesticated by the Incas and used as a source of meat and as an ornamental animal.

The body length of a guinea pig is 25-35 cm depending on the breed, the body is round in shape, there is no tail, the ears are hanging, the muzzle is wide and blunt. The weight of an adult male ranges from 1 to 1.5 kg, the female usually weighs a little less, from 800 to 1200 g. The natural color of the guinea pig is brownish-grayish, the tummy and paws are light on the inside.

Due to the structure of the digestive tract, guinea pigs eat often, but in small portions. The main food for them is high-quality hay, which they need both in winter and summer. Hay normalizes the digestive system of animals and also promotes proper grinding of teeth. At home, hay is always left in the cage; the norm for dry food is 1 tablespoon per pig per day.

The second place in a rodent's diet is occupied by succulent food (apples, lettuce, carrots, beets, cabbage and other vegetables). Sweet fruits and berries will be an excellent treat for guinea pigs. Such food is a source of ascorbic acid for the animal.

To grind down the front teeth, twigs of apple, cherry, celery and dandelion roots are suitable.

A drinking bowl with clean water, the volume per pig is at least 250 ml. Females drink more water during pregnancy and nursing. The water is changed every day.

As herbivores, guinea pigs should not be fed animal products such as milk or raw or fried meat. This can cause digestive problems.

Interestingly, guinea pigs often eat their own droppings, and there is no need to prohibit them from doing so. The fact is that B vitamins and vitamin K are absorbed in their body only after repeated passage through digestive system. That is, eating droppings ensures the health of guinea pigs.

Guinea pig distribution

The guinea pig's homeland is South America, from where the animal spread to Eurasia and became a popular pet, thanks to which it is now found in many countries around the world.

To date, many ornamental breeds guinea pigs, which differ in the structure, length and color of their coat. Breeds of domestic guinea pigs are divided into the following groups:

    • short-haired (selfies, cresteds, smooth-haired);
    • long-haired (Sheltie, Texel, Peruvian, Merino, Angora);
    • Wire-haired (Abyssinians, American Teddies, Rexes);
    • breeds without hair and with a small amount of it (Baldwin, Skinny).

    Domestic guinea pigs also differ from their wild counterparts in having a more rounded body shape.
    When crossing within a breed, it is possible to obtain beautiful tri-colored tortoiseshell and white guinea pigs, which are called “cakes”, since their spots are inherited in a chaotic manner. To breed this breed, a large population is required: more than 100 guinea pigs, as a result of crossing which “accidentally” the most best combination from spots.

    The lifespan of cake guinea pigs is up to 10 years. average weight about 1.6 kg, body length up to 35 cm.

    Sexual dimorphism in guinea pigs is little pronounced. Its main manifestation is the smaller size of females compared to males.

    Guinea pigs are a very popular pet, they are trusting and peaceful. They are even taught to respond to their nickname. When petted, the animals purr and love to sit in a person’s arms.

    The guinea pig cage is cleaned 1-3 times a week. Pressed sawdust and shavings are used as bedding. The litter is changed once every 5 days.

    The average lifespan of guinea pigs is 5 years, with good care– up to 8 years.

    After mating, the male is placed in a separate cage so that he does not provoke a miscarriage. The pregnancy of a female guinea pig lasts 60-72 days. There are from 1 to 6 babies in one litter. The female is solely responsible for caring for the offspring.

    In some cases, after giving birth, the female does not break the membrane with the fetus. Then you need to carefully open it with clean hands. Without outside help in such a situation, only those babies who were able to chew the shell on their own survive.

    Little guinea pigs become independent a month after birth, at the same age they reach sexual maturity and readiness to reproduce.

    When breeding guinea pigs up to 1 month, the babies are left with the female, after which the young animals are separated separately by gender. The male is placed with the female only after six months, so that she has time to fully recover.

    Natural enemies

    Guinea pigs are widespread and popular pets with no known threat to their population.

Guinea pig (lat. Cavia porcellus), I would probably be very surprised if I found out about its Russian-language name, because it has nothing in common with either real pigs or the sea. Then why is it called that way?

Everything is very simple: it became “marine” because it was brought from America, i.e. from across the sea. Although it would probably be more correct to call it “overseas”. In Europe, it is most often called "Guinea pig", "pig mouse" or "Indian pig". As you can see, only the word “pig” does not cause controversy. Why? Because this animal sometimes makes grunting sounds, just like its big namesake.

The Andean tribes of South America were the first to domesticate guinea pigs 5 thousand years ago. True, then they were not just pets. People used them as a source delicious meat or in for various rituals and ceremonies. Since the 13th century AD. Indian tribes became seriously interested in breeding them and, before the conquest of the Inca Empire in 1533, managed to develop many different breeds.

Of course, modern breeders have gone even further. Today there are a huge number of varieties of guinea pigs that are completely... For example, in pet stores you can find both long-haired animals, as well as wire-haired, short-haired and even animals with no hair at all or with a little fluff.

In general, guinea pigs have a body length of 25 to 35 cm, they have a wide blunt muzzle with floppy ears, a large body with rounded shapes and no tail at all. Males weigh from 1 to 1.5 kg, females - from 0.8 to 1.2 kg. In wild individuals, the natural color of the upper body is brownish-gray, the belly and inner side paws are lighter.

These are quite cute pets with a good-natured and trusting character. They love to sit in their arms and play with their owner. However, during such activities you should be very careful, since a fall even from a small height can have very sad consequences for the animal.

It is interesting that guinea pigs, in addition to grunting, can make many other sounds. different sounds. For example, when they are happy, they may purr. Males sometimes purr when courting. Females, during pregnancy or in the absence of a male, begin to chirp like birds. They do this at night, continuing their “song” from 2 to 10 minutes. True, this happens extremely rarely.

Guinea pigs eat hay, grain feed, juicy vegetables and fruits. When feeding, it should be taken into account that fresh hay should be kept in the cage around the clock, since the animal uses it to grind down its teeth, in addition, it helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Sometimes the animal can be caught in a not very pleasant procedure - eating its own droppings. He inherited this habit from his wild ancestors - it turns out that in this way guinea pigs are enriched with vitamins, since vitamins B and K are absorbed in the animal’s body only when they repeatedly pass through the gastrointestinal tract.

Guinea pig house

Your new friend definitely needs his own house. Any one-story cage or aquarium of sufficient size will do. Since guinea pigs have short legs, they do not need many attractions in the form of ladders, hammocks, etc.

However, there must be some kind of shelter in the cage so that the timid animal can hide if necessary. It is better if it is a small structure made of bark, then the rodent will grind its teeth on it.

Some veterinarians believe that the constant presence of a shelter for a rodent makes it less tame: it sits in the house all the time, gets scared of everything and does not want to play with its owner. If you notice this with your pet, place the house only at night - let the animal do without it during the day.

It is necessary to pour bedding on the floor: tyrsa, hay, straw, sawdust or wood filler. Make sure that the tyrsa is large, otherwise it may clog the animal’s nose. Choose fresh hay, not soaked and free from any signs of mold. Tyrsa or hay will have to be changed every 1-2 days, otherwise an unpleasant smell will begin to spread throughout the apartment.

There will be less hassle with wood filler: it absorbs liquid well, so it needs to be changed much less frequently (every 3-4 days). True, all these materials can serve as a source of dust, so a special corn or paper litter for rodents would be a good alternative.

Guinea pigs are often very clean and use the same place in the cage for toileting. Then the owner just needs to put a small tray with low sides there and pour in a little filler. It will be much easier to care for such a cage.

Drinker and feeder

In addition to the house, the guinea pig will need two feeders and a drinking bowl. It is better to buy a vertical ball drinker; with a simple bowl it will not be so convenient: filler may get into the water, which will make it unsuitable for consumption. The water needs to be changed every day, even if it seems that the animal is not drinking at all.

For dry and wet food, you should purchase two separate feeders. They must be quite heavy and stable, otherwise the mobile animal will constantly turn them over. You can even attach one of them to the cage, and put the second one (for wet food) from time to time.

Guinea pig nutrition

Since hay can contain a lot of dust, it must be fed to the rodent in special devices - hay feeders or hay balls. The hay feeder is similar to a simple scoop - it needs to be attached to the outside of the cage so that it fits snugly against the wall. A hay ball is a round mesh structure that is filled with hay. It is hung on the ceiling or fixed in the corner of the cage.

In addition to hay, guinea pigs need to be given straw, various dry herbs (these animals love dandelions and plantain most of all), cereals and legumes. In summer they are given twigs fruit trees and shrubs, as well as the bark and leaves of maple, oak or birch.

In general, about 80% of an animal's menu should consist of dry food. Pet stores sell specialized food intended for guinea pigs. If you have settled on this option, you should not change it too often, otherwise the animal may take a long time to get used to the new taste.

Only 20% remains for wet and soft food. If you exceed this norm and feed the rodent such food constantly, this can lead to health problems and tooth regrowth. However, there is also no need to deprive the animal of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Guinea pigs love apples, cucumbers, broccoli, white cabbage, lettuce, parsley and various fruits. Since all this is extremely tasty, they may specifically begin to beg for just such delicacies and ignore everything else. You should not follow their lead, otherwise it will end badly, and, above all, for the pet itself. To calculate the permissible amount of wet food, it is enough to use a simple formula: 5-7 g of wet food per 100 g of animal weight.

Although the ancient Incas fed guinea pigs food from their table, as there is plenty of evidence of in the form of drawings on vases and other utensils, do not try to repeat this experience: after all, a lot has changed since then, especially our food.

Remember: a healthy pet is one who has the right diet.

Do I need to give my animal extra vitamins?

Veterinarians often recommend giving guinea pigs vitamin C by adding it to the water bowl at the rate of 1 mg per 1 ml of water. However, in the light this vitamin quickly loses its properties, so the solution must be changed at least once a day.

The animal must receive the rest of the vitamins through food. It is curious that vitamins B and K are absorbed only the second time, so rodents sometimes eat their own droppings.

Features of caring for guinea pigs

From time to time they need to be let out of the cage so they can play. Just take care of their safety: lock cats or dogs in another room and do not take the pig to your sofa or table - it may accidentally fall and get injured.

Otherwise, caring for them is not particularly difficult; they do not need as much attention as a cat or dog, so even very busy people often take them into the house.

By birth guinea pig from South America. The Spanish conquistadors saw many of these rodents in Indian villages. The Incas fried them and ate them holidays. And now guinea pigs still live in some Indian settlements; during the day they run freely around houses and come to huts to spend the night.

Guinea pigs were brought to Europe in the 16th century, 60 years after Columbus discovered America. In Conrad Gesner's book on animals, published in 1554, they are already mentioned.

Why was this purely land animal, which has nothing to do with pigs, given such a strange name? A pig, obviously, for the pig's squeal with which this animal expresses its fear. Perhaps also for the “grunting”, similar to the gurgling of water. This is the voice of a calm, peaceful guinea pig.

The origin of the epithet “sea” is more complicated. If they called it “overseas”, everything would be clear; brought from overseas. But it is still called sea. Maybe because in those distant times, sailors loved to keep guinea pigs on their ships for fun.

Pigs have a peaceful disposition, they never bite, children can play with them calmly. In many foreign countries Guinea pigs are slaughtered and eaten. But the main purpose of this rodent is not children's play, not gastronomic use, but service in the medical field. The guinea pig was and remains one of the best laboratory animals. She is very sensitive to various infectious diseases. Therefore, experiments are carried out on it to diagnose infectious diseases of humans and farm animals (diphtheria, typhus, tuberculosis, glanders, etc.).

Physiologists, geneticists, allergists, virologists, and bacteriologists are experimenting with it. In short, in all areas of medicine and related sciences, the guinea pig serves as an experimental animal.

For comparatively short term Amateur breeders have created different breeds of guinea pigs.

The Himalayan one is especially beautiful. The coloration is completely analogous to the Russian ermine rabbit: ears, muzzle, legs are black, everything else is white. Instead of black, let's use dark chocolate color. All other color deviations are rejected. This coloring appears in young pigs only at four months of age. Newborn Himalayan pigs are completely white.

Dutch pig. Bred in Holland and improved in England. Its color is also two-tone. The front of the body and head are white. The back half of the body, ears, cheeks are black, brown or gray.

Agouti. There are two varieties of this breed: the golden agouti (golden brown with a tan belly) and the gray agouti (with a light silver belly).

All three breeds mentioned above are smooth-haired. But there are also long-haired and wire-haired guinea pigs. They are infertile (rarely produce more than one baby and are not suitable for laboratory purposes).

Angora guinea pig. Her fur is long and silky. The color is different: black, white, red, agouti and blue. Because of this magnificent coat, the Angora pig requires special care.

Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)

And here she is, a guinea pig, only with long hair. That's why she looks so disheveled.

Wire-haired rosette guinea pig. Although it is often called Abyssinian or Japanese, its homeland is England. It is called rosette because her long and coarse hair is different places the bodies diverge in rosettes - from the center to the periphery, like on the top of our heads. Color black, white and red.

Unfortunately, there are few purebred guinea pigs; most are crossbreeds. different breeds. The most common of them are piebald guinea pigs: black and white, red and white or tri-colored (tri-colored) - red, black and white. There are also black or white with red eyes (albinos). These are the most susceptible to various diseases.

For laboratory purposes, breeders have developed breeds of guinea pigs that are sensitive to allergens and pathogenic microbes knew no limits. They got sick and died from almost everything. It became impossible to conduct experiments on such animals.

And in general, guinea pigs are highly sensitized animals by nature, allergy sufferers, who have almost no equal in this regard. Especially the so-called Brazilian varieties of pigs. Argentine ones are more persistent. But it is difficult to work with both of them because of their high sensitivity and poor - let's say - health. There is a light breeze in the room, and the guinea pig is already sneezing: it has a cold. It’s a hot day - she lies stretched out, breathing quickly: she’s overheated. And a very nervous animal! Can die of fear if roughly taken from its cage.

Guinea pigs live well both in laboratories and in the homes of various hobbyists and young naturalists. And you still need to remember that every guinea pig is susceptible to colds, and therefore the room where it is kept must be warm, bright, dry and draft-free.

One guinea pig can live in a simple box (which often happens). But for breeding purposes, special cages are needed - cages, which have two floors: the lower solid (sloping back) and the upper slatted. The cage size is approximately: 70 centimeters in length, 50 in width and 40 in height. The cage is closed on all sides, except for the front wall, which is made up of a door covered with wire mesh.

Such cages usually contain five adult females and one male. Pregnant females before lambing are either placed in special uterine cages or not. In the latter case, lambing occurs in a common cage. The male does not harm the newborn cubs, but, on the contrary, protects them, driving away other females. If two or more lambings occur at the same time, the cubs often confuse their mothers with other nursing females. They willingly accept the babies and feed them along with their own.

Puberty in guinea pigs occurs in about two to three months. But they should not mate before four months. Pregnancy - 60-70 days. Typically, females give birth to two to four cubs, which are born fully developed. Once dry, they stand firmly on their legs and run after their mother. On the 3-4th day they begin to try tender grass and other foods. But milk is the main food, and their mother feeds them for about a month. Guinea pigs, which are given succulent herbs and root vegetables for food, do not need water at all. But pregnant females are thirsty two to three days before lambing, and they need to provide a drinking bowl with warm water or milk.

The best food for guinea pigs is wheat bran, oats, carrots, beets and good hay, and in summer - root vegetables and freshly cut grass. The bran should be given slightly moist. Guinea pigs also eat vegetable kitchen waste and even mushrooms. But everything must be fresh. Musty hay, rotten vegetables, and sun-warmed grass cause stomach diseases and the death of animals.
