The radius of destruction of a nuclear missile Satan. "Voevoda" (missile): characteristics of an intercontinental ballistic missile

DATA FOR 2016 (standard update)

Complex 15P018M "Voevoda", missile R-36M2 / 15A18M / RS-20V / mono GC 15F175 - SS-18 mod.5 SATAN / TT-09
Complex 15P018M "Voevoda", missile R-36M2 / 15A18M / RS-20V / MIRV IN 15F173 - SS-18 mod.6 SATAN

Fourth generation intercontinental ballistic missile. The complex and the missile were developed at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine) under the leadership of Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences V.F. Utkin in accordance with the tactical and technical requirements of the USSR Ministry of Defense and Resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers No. 769-248 dated 08/09/1983 Chief designers - S.I.Us and V.L.Kataev. After his transfer to the apparatus of the CPSU Central Committee, V.L. Kataev was replaced by V.V. Koshik. The Voevoda complex was created as a result of the implementation of a project to multilaterally improve the complex strategic purpose heavy class R-36M-UTTH / 15P018 with heavy class 15A18 ICBM and is designed to destroy all types of targets protected by modern missile defense systems in any combat conditions, incl. with repeated nuclear impact on a positional area (guaranteed retaliatory strike, ist. - Strategic missiles).

In June 1979, the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau developed a technical proposal for the Voevoda missile system with a fourth-generation heavy liquid-propellant ICBM under the designation 15A17. Preliminary design missile complex with the R-36M2 Voevoda ICBM (the ICBM index was changed to 15A18M in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the SALT-2 treaty) developed in June 1982.

Launch of the standard R-36M2 missile. Probably one of the launches to extend the guaranteed shelf life. (photo from the archive of Radiant user,

When creating the complex, the following cooperation of enterprises developed:
PA Yuzhny Mashinostroitelny Zavod (Dnepropetrovsk) - production of missiles;
PO "Avangard" - production of transport and launch container;
Design Bureau of Electrical Instrumentation - development of a rocket control system;
NPO "Rotor" - development of a complex of command devices;
Design Bureau of the Arsenal plant - development of an aiming system;
Design Bureau "Energomash" - development of the rocket's first stage engine;
Khimavtomatika Design Bureau - development of the second stage engine of the rocket;
KBSM - development of a combat launch complex;
TsKBTM - development of a command post;
GOKB "Prozhektor" - development of a power supply system;
NPO "Impulse" - development of a remote control and monitoring system;
KBTKHM - development of a refueling system.
Monitoring the implementation of the tactical and technical requirements of the USSR Ministry of Defense was carried out by the military representative offices of the Customer.

Flight development tests complex with the R-36M2 missile began at the Baikonur test site (NIIP-5) on March 21, 1986. The first launch of the new ICBM (1L missile) from the OS silo at site No. 101 ended unsuccessfully - after the ICBM exited the silo, the command to pressurize the first tanks was not passed stages, the propulsion engine did not start, the ICBM fell back, and the explosion completely destroyed the silo.

Footage of the launch of the 1L sample of the 15A18M / R-36M2 missile (Strategic ground-based missile systems. M., "Military Parade", 2007).

Further flight tests were carried out in stages according to the types of combat equipment:
1. with a multiple warhead equipped with unguided warheads;
2. with an uncontrolled monoblock warhead (“light” BB);
3. with an original multiple warhead of mixed configuration (guided and unguided warheads).

Chairman State Commission in charge of flight testing was the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Yu.A. Yashin, the deputy chairman and technical head of the tests was V.F. Utkin, and his deputies were V.V. Grachev and S.I. Us. High fighting and performance characteristics missile system confirmed by ground (incl. physical experiments) and flight tests. Under the joint flight test program, NIIP-5 carried out 26 launches, 20 of which were successful. The reasons for the unsuccessful launches have been established. Circuit design improvements were carried out, which made it possible to eliminate the identified deficiencies and complete flight tests with 11 successful launches. In total (as of January 2012), 36 launches were carried out; the actual flight reliability of the rocket based on the total of 33 launches carried out at the end of 1991 is 0.974.

The development of a set of means for overcoming missile defense (KSP PRO) for the version with the MIRV IN 15F173 was completed in July 1987, and for the version with the “light” monoblock MS 15F175 - in April 1988. Flight tests with the MIRV IN 15F173 were completed in March 1988 (17 launches, 6 of them unsuccessful). Tests of the missile with warhead 15F175 began in April 1988 and ended in September 1989 (6 launches, all successful, as a result of which it was decided to reduce the mandatory program from 8 launches to 6).

Launch of the R-36M2 "Voevoda" ICBM, Baikonur or Dombarovsky (Ground-based strategic missile systems. M., "Military Parade", 2007).

R-36M2 missile launches (c) using data from
№pp date Polygon Description
01 March 21, 1986 (according to other data March 23)
Baikonur, site No. 101
Emergency start. Rocket 1L / version 6000.00 - telemetric version, without MFP coating. The main engine did not start, the missile fell into the silo, and the explosion completely destroyed the silo. Launch of a model rocket with warhead 15F173. The silo was no longer restored.
August 21, 1986
Baikonur, site No. 103
Emergency start. Rocket 2L with warhead 15F173. The pre-launch pressurization of the tanks did not go through and after the mortar launch the main engine did not start ( ist. - Voevoda/R-36M).
November 27, 1986
Baikonur Emergency launch with warhead 15F173. Rocket 3L. The engine of the warhead breeding stage did not start ( ist. - Voevoda/R-36M).
04-12 1987 Baikonur Successful launches as part of the test program with warhead 15F173. Probably, some of the launches were carried out from site No. 105 of the training ground.
13 06/09/1987 Baikonur, site No. 109
Emergency launch with warhead 15F173.
14 September 30, 1987 Baikonur Emergency launch with warhead 15F173.
15 1988 Baikonur Successful launch as part of the test program with warhead 15F173.
16 February 12, 1988 Baikonur Successful launch as part of the test program with warhead 15F173. The launch was provided, incl. ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" ( ist. - Fires...).
17 March 18, 1988 Baikonur Emergency launch with warhead 15F173. The launch was provided, incl. ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" ( ist. - Fires...). The last launch of the missile testing program with warhead 15F173 ().
18 April 20, 1988 Baikonur First launch of the warhead 15F175 test program (April 1988). The launch was provided, incl. ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" (04/20/1988, ist. - Fires...).
19-20 1988 Baikonur Successful launches. Probably with warhead 15F175.
21-22 1989 Baikonur Successful launches of the test program are likely with the 15F175 warhead using commercially produced missiles. The ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" provided launches of 15A18M missiles on 04/11/1989 and 08/12/1989 ( ist. - Fires...). The last launch of the series of launches was probably September 1989.
23-26 1989 Baikonur Successful launches of the State testing program. The ship of the measuring complex pr.1914 "Marshal Nedelin" provided launches of 15A18M missiles on 04/11/1989 and 08/12/1989 ( ist. - Fires...).
27 August 17, 1990 Baikonur
28 August 29, 1990 Baikonur
29 December 11, 1990 Baikonur Successful launch of a testing program for modifications already adopted for service.
30 September 12, 1991 (September 17 according to other data)
Baikonur, site No. 103
Successful launch of the State Test program.
31 October 10, 1991 Baikonur Successful launch of the State Test program.
32 October 30, 1991 Baikonur Successful launch of a testing program for modifications already adopted for service.
33 November 28, 1991
Baikonur Successful launch of a testing program for modifications already adopted for service.
April 21, 1999 Baikonur The first launch as a launch vehicle "Dnepr" - to launch satellites into orbit.

December 22, 2004 Dombarovsky (Yasny)
The first launch to extend the missile warranty period. The target is the Kura training ground in Kamchatka. The missile, which had been on combat duty since November 1988, was launched.

December 21, 2006 Dombarovsky (Yasny) Successful launch to extend the missile warranty period. The target is the Kura training ground in Kamchatka.

December 24, 2009 Dombarovsky (Yasny) Successful launch to extend the warranty period of missiles - the Zaryadye-2 R&D program. The target is the Kura training ground in Kamchatka. A rocket launched 23 years ago was launched.
n+1 August 17, 2011 Dombarovsky (Yasny) Successful launch of the Dnepr launch vehicle to launch 7 foreign satellites and one vehicle.
n+2 August 21, 2013 Dombarovsky (Yasny) Successful launch of the Dnepr launch vehicle to launch the South Korean satellite Kompsat-5
n+3 October 30, 2013 Dombarovsky (Yasny) A successful launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka) was carried out as part of a surprise inspection of the Aerospace Defense Forces and Strategic Missile Forces.
n+4 November 21, 2013 Dombarovsky (Yasny) Successful launch of the Dnepr launch vehicle to launch 24 foreign satellites.

Putting into service. The first R-36M2 ICBMs as part of a missile regiment went on experimental combat duty on July 30, 1988 (13th Red Banner Missile Division, Yasny garrison, Dombarovsky village, Orenburg region, RSFSR), in December of the same year the specified missile regiment took up combat duty in full force. By Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1002-196 of August 11, 1988, the missile system with MIRV IN 15F173 was adopted for service. The missile system with warhead 15F175 was adopted for service on August 23, 1990 by the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

By 1990, two more regiments with R-36M2 ICBMs were deployed. Until the end of 1990, the complexes were also put on combat duty in divisions stationed near the cities of Derzhavinsk (since 1989, 38th missile division, UAH "Stepnoy", Derzhavinsk, Turgai region, Kazakh SSR) and Uzhur (since 1990 city, 62nd Red Banner Missile Division, UAH "Solnechny", Uzhur, Krasnoyarsk region, RSFSR). By the time of the collapse of the USSR, despite the political and economic difficulties in the country, the re-equipment of existing units was proceeding at a fairly high pace - by the end of 1991, according to some information, 82 R-36M2 ICBMs were put on combat duty (27% of the total number of heavy ICBMs THE USSR):
- 30 in Dombarovsky (47% of the division’s number of ICBMs);
- 28 in Uzhur (44% of the division’s number of ICBMs);
- 24 in Derzhavinsk (46% of the division’s number of ICBMs).

In 1991, the KBYU developed a preliminary design for a fifth-generation heavy ballistic missile system with the R-36M3 Icarus missile, but the signing of the START-1 Treaty and the subsequent collapse of the USSR stopped its further development. When preparing the START I treaty, the American side drew Special attention to reduce complexes with ICBMs 15A18 and 15A18M, because, according to the Americans, these missiles could form the basis of a preventive strike force from the USSR (heavy ICBMs accounted for 22% of the number of ICBMs of the Strategic Missile Forces, while their combat equipment accounted for over 53% of the thrown mass all ICBMs of the Strategic Missile Forces). The American side, taking advantage of the political and economic difficulties in the USSR and the virtually capitulatory position of the country's top leadership during the negotiations, managed to insist on a significant quantitative reduction of these complexes - by 50%. After the signing of the START-1 treaty and the subsequent collapse of the USSR a few months later, the production and deployment of R-36M2 missiles to replace the R-36M UTTH was suspended due to political and economic reasons (according to some sources, the last missiles were manufactured in 1992).

In 1996, in accordance with the letter of international legal acts aimed at reducing and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and their carriers, all ICBMs from positional areas in the former Kazakh SSR (now the Republic of Kazakhstan) were removed from combat duty and then transported by special transport for further disposal in Russia, including from the position area of ​​the missile division stationed near the city of Derzhavinsk. After the collapse of the USSR, the R-36M2 silo missile systems located on Russian territory remained in operation and entered into service. composition of the Strategic Missile Forces Russian Federation. KBYu, as the lead developer of missiles, exercises supervision over their operation throughout life cycle. As of 1998, 58 R-36M2 missiles were deployed in the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. By January 2012 the R-36M2 missiles in the MIRV version, which are planned to remain on combat duty until the early 2020s.

To date (2010), through constant long-term cooperation between Russian and Ukrainian enterprises and research institutes, the warranty period for the operation of the complex has been extended - by December 2009 to 23 years instead of the original 15. An important step in confirming the main Performance characteristics of the missile are the ongoing launches of the R-36M2 ICBM from a positional area in the Orenburg region, which began in 2004. The rocket with the maximum service life is selected for launch. As of January 2012, 3 launches were carried out, all successfully. Regarding the number of deployed R-36M2 Voevoda ICBMs, it can be assumed that by the beginning of 2012, 55 ICBMs of this type were deployed in the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation - 28 in the 62nd Missile Division (Uzhur) and 27 in the 13th Missile Division (Uzhur). Dombarovsky). Taking into account the ongoing combat training launches of ICBMs and work to extend the warranty period of missiles within the framework of the Zaryadye design and development project, it can be assumed that the 15A18M ICBMs will remain on combat duty until 2020 and, perhaps, somewhat further in the amount of about 50 pieces.

In order to ensure a qualitatively new level of performance characteristics and high combat effectiveness in particularly difficult combat conditions, the development of the Voevoda missile system was carried out in the following directions:
1. Increasing the survivability of silos and gearboxes;
2. Ensuring the stability of combat control under any conditions of use of the missile system;
3. Expansion of operational capabilities for retargeting missiles, incl. firing at unplanned target designations; in the control system, for the first time in the world, it implemented direct guidance methods, providing the ability to calculate the task in flight;
4. Ensuring the resistance of the missile and its combat equipment (use of warheads of the second level of resistance) in flight to the damaging factors of ground and high-altitude nuclear explosions;
5. Increased autonomy of the complex by 3 times compared to ICBM 15A18;
6. Increased warranty period.
7. Bringing firing accuracy to a level comparable to that of American ICBMs - accuracy is increased by 1.3 times compared to the 15A18 ICBM.
8. Charges of higher power are used compared to the 15A18 ICBM.
9. The area of ​​the disengagement zone for warheads (including in the free-form zone) has been increased by 2.3 times compared to the 15A18 ICBM;
10. Reducing by 2 times (compared to the 15A18 ICBM) the time of combat readiness due to the complex of command devices (CDC) continuously operating throughout the entire combat duty.

One of the main advantages of the missile system with the R-36M2 missile is the ability to launch missiles in conditions of a retaliatory strike when exposed to ground-based and high-altitude nuclear explosions at the launch position. This was achieved by increasing the survivability of the missile in the silo and significantly increasing the missile's resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion in flight. The body is made using high-strength materials. The outer coating is multifunctional along the entire length of the rocket (including the head fairing) to protect against damaging influences. The missile control system is also adapted to pass through the zone affected by a nuclear explosion during launch. The engines of the first and second stages of the rocket have been increased in thrust, and the durability of all main systems and elements of the rocket complex has been increased. As a result, the radius of the missile’s damage zone with a blocking nuclear explosion, compared to the 15A18 missile, is reduced by 20 times, the resistance to X-ray radiation is increased by 10 times, and to gamma-neutron radiation by ~ 100 times. The missile is resistant to the effects of dust formations and large soil particles present in the cloud during a ground-based nuclear explosion. Implemented to ensure a reciprocal launch, the levels of resistance of the missile to PFYV ensure its successful launch after a non-damaging explosion directly at the launcher and without reducing combat readiness when exposed to an adjacent launcher. The delay time for the launch to normalize the situation after a non-damaging nuclear weapon directly at the launcher is no more than 2.5-3 minutes.

So, the high characteristics of the 15A18M missile in ensuring an increased level of resistance to PFYA were achieved due to:
- the use of a newly developed protective coating applied to the outer surface of the rocket body and providing comprehensive protection against nuclear attack;
- application of control system developed on an element base with increased durability and reliability;
- applying a special coating with a high content of rare earth elements to the body of the sealed instrument compartment, which housed the control system equipment;
- application of shielding and special ways laying the onboard cable network of the rocket;
- introducing a special program maneuver for the rocket when passing through a cloud of ground-based nuclear weapons.

Design and engineering work to ensure durability new rocket to the PF of ground-based nuclear weapons were based on a new, refined mathematical model of this type of nuclear weapons, specially developed by TsNIKI-12 specialists, which contributed to the successful solution of problems to ensure the durability of the fourth-generation missiles being created at that time. Taking into account the need to ensure the specified high level of durability of the rocket, the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and other development organizations, with the active participation of the industry research institute and the Customer, carried out a large amount of theoretical and experimental work to ensure and confirm the specified requirements. Autonomous tests of hull structural elements, assemblies and systems were carried out at the experimental bases of the KBU, NPO Khartron and other related organizations. On modeling installations, tests were carried out on the effects of penetrating radiation, X-ray radiation, the impact of an electromagnetic pulse, the impact action of large soil particles, the mechanical and thermal effects of an air shock wave and soft X-ray radiation, and light radiation. Comprehensive tests were organized and carried out at the Semipalatinsk test site of the USSR Ministry of Defense, including: large-scale tests of a launcher with a rocket on the effects of seismic blast waves of nuclear explosions (physical experiments "Argon") and on the effects of an electromagnetic pulse; testing of various components and systems of the rocket, including functioning control systems and sustainer stages, for the effects of penetrating radiation and hard-spectrum X-ray radiation, etc.

After the first test launches at the Baikonur test site, the missile received the designation TT-09 (Tyura-Tam - Baikonur, 9th unidentified object) in the United States and for some time was designated as SS-X-26.

According to information from December 2016, the R-36M Voevoda ICBM is planned to be withdrawn from service with the Strategic Missile Forces in 2022.

Launch equipment and basing: the levels of resistance of the missile to PFYV implemented to ensure a reciprocal launch ensure its successful launch after a non-damaging explosion directly at the launcher and without reducing combat readiness when exposed to an adjacent launcher. The delay time for the launch to normalize the situation after a non-damaging nuclear weapon directly at the launcher is no more than 2.5-3 minutes.

The development of the launch complex was carried out on the basis of the launch complex 15P018. At the same time, existing engineering structures, communications and systems were used to the maximum extent. The 15P718M silo with ultra-high protection from PFYV was developed by re-equipping the silos of the 15A14 and 15A18 missile systems (silos 15P714 and 15P718). The modified launch complex can be guaranteed to withstand excess pressure in the shock wave front of a nuclear explosion of more than 100 atmospheres. During the development and testing of the Voevoda complex, under the leadership of the chief designer of the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (Kolomna) N.I. Gushchin, a complex of active protection of the Strategic Missile Forces silos from nuclear warheads and high-precision non-nuclear weapons was created (probably), and also for the first time in the country low-altitude non-nuclear interception of high-speed ballistic targets was carried out. The complex includes:
- 6 or 10 single mine automated surface launchers, providing high protection against PFYV, with comprehensive, including fortification, protection against conventional ammunition, including precision weapons, with missiles installed in the launcher in the TPK and equally survivable antennas for the combat control radio channel;
- a stationary mine command post, located near one of the launchers, providing high protection against nuclear weapons, with comprehensive, including fortification, protection against conventional ammunition, including precision weapons;
- security and communications equipment;
- internal power supply and security systems;
- nuclear weapons registration systems;
- inter-area cable communications, roads and communications.

The BSP PU and BP CP provide the possibility of placing elements of a complex of means of protection against conventional ammunition of medium and large calibers, as well as a complex of active protection against nuclear warheads. The RK operation system is centralized on the scale of a missile division, based on a scheduled missile operation scheme and preventive, volume-regulated maintenance of combat equipment, with which the maintenance of launcher systems is combined. During operation the following is provided:
- replacement of combat equipment;
- transportation of the rocket and warhead in isothermal units;
- craneless reloading of units and rockets into the TPK;
- two types of combat readiness of the control system: increased and constant;
- remote periodic checks, calibration of the control unit, determination of the basic direction, transfer of the control system from one type of readiness to another.

During the development of the complex, measures were also successfully taken to further increase the survivability of UKP 15V155 for DBK 15P018, as a result of which an improved UKP was created for DBK 15P018M.

Silo 15P718M with TPK missile R-36M2 (Called by time. Rockets and spacecraft of the Yuzhnoye design bureau. Under general edition S.N. Konyukhova. Dnepropetrovsk, Art-Press, 2004).

Monument - TPK missile R-36M2 / 15A18M. Orenburg, May 21, 2010 (photo - Zmey Kaa Kobra,

Artistic representation of the process of reloading the "SS-18 next generation" ICBM (presumably R-36M2) without a warhead from a conveyor to a loader for loading into a silo (1987, DoD USA,

An artistic representation of the process of loading an SS-18 ICBM into a silo without a warhead using, incl. truck crane - probably the drawing is based on some real situation (09/29/1989, DoD USA,

Installation of a TPK with a 15A18M / R-36M2 missile in a launcher silo (

Rocket R-36M2/15A18M:
- the rocket body has a wafer-welded structure made of aluminum-magnesium cold-worked alloy of increased strength AMg-6. The outer coating (MFP - multifunctional coating) is made multifunctional along the entire length of the rocket (including the head fairing) to protect against damaging influences. Taking into account the need to pass through dusty soil explosion formations - mushroom-shaped clouds of soil particles of various sizes floating in vortices at an altitude of 10-20 km above the ground, the rocket was made without protruding parts.

The missile was developed in the dimensions and launch weight of the 15A18 missile according to a two-stage design with a sequential arrangement of stages and a system for breeding elements of combat equipment. The rocket retains the launch schemes, stage separation, warhead separation, and disengagement of combat equipment elements, which showed a high level of technical excellence and reliability as part of the 15A18 rocket. The missile is housed in the TPK 15Ya184, made of organic materials(high-strength grades of fiberglass). Complete assembly of the rocket, its docking with systems located on the TPK, and checks are carried out at the manufacturer. The TPK is equipped with a passive system for maintaining the humidity regime of the rocket while it is in the launcher. The production of TPK housings for the 15A18M rocket was entrusted to the Avangard Production Association (Safonovo, Smolensk region, RSFSR), the development of documentation for special machines, stocks, tools and other non-standard equipment was carried out by UkrNIITmash, the production of unique technological equipment was entrusted to the Southern Machine-Building Plant. To support design documentation and development of technological processes, a special design and technological bureau was organized at Avangard. From the moment of production at the manufacturing plant, the missile is kept in the TPK throughout the entire operational cycle. PADs for “mortar” launch from a TPK with progressive and stable characteristics make it possible to obtain optimal rocket motion modes when launching from a TPK and in the initial part of the trajectory. In this case, the required law of changes in gas pressure in the sub-rocket space is provided by monoblock charges with a progressive combustion surface and a circuit of several sequentially operating PADs. PADs were developed jointly by KBU and LNPO Soyuz (fuels and charges, under the leadership of B.P. Zhukov, Lyubertsy, Moscow region, RSFSR).

A 15A18M missile without a warhead (above) and a TPK missile also without a warhead (below, source - Russian Arms. Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces. M., "Military Parade", 1997).

The 1L rocket and several subsequent ones were manufactured in the "6000.00" variant. This option was distinguished by a large volume of telemetry equipment. Two additional cable trays for telemetry were laid through the I and II sustainer and combat stages, and another additional cable tray for telemetry was laid between the II sustainer and combat stages. An additional rod with folding antennas was installed at the lower end of the combat stage. Two boxes with antennas were installed outside on the body of the combat stage. Of the 14 seats of the warhead, 8 were occupied by combat training units with a set of telemetry equipment, and the remaining 6 were occupied by conical cassettes with telemetry equipment. The tanks of the 1L and 2L rocket stages were not covered with MFP due to the complexity technological process applying MFP to the tanks, which was not fully developed by the time the first flight rockets were manufactured for the start of flight tests.

Rocket R-36M2 (Called by time. Rockets and spacecraft of the Yuzhnoye design bureau. Under the general editorship of S.N. Konyukhov. Dnepropetrovsk, Art-Press, 2004).

Control system and guidance- the missile has a circuit-algorithmic protection of the control system equipment from gamma radiation during a nuclear explosion - when entering the zone affected by a nuclear explosion, the sensors turn off the control system, and immediately after leaving the zone, the control system turns on and puts the missile on the desired trajectory. A specially developed element base of equipment with increased resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion was used, the speed of the executive bodies of the automatic stabilization control system was increased by 2 times, the separation of the head fairing is carried out after passing the zone of high-altitude blocking nuclear explosions.

Autonomous inertial control system - developed at KB "Khartron" and produced by NPO "Khartron" (NPO Elektropriborostroeniya, chief designer - V.G. Sergeev, chief designer on the topic - A.I. Perederiy) on the basis of two high-performance central control systems (onboard 15L860 and ground-based 15N1838-02) of a new generation and continuously operating during combat duty high-precision complexes (onboard 15L861 and ground-based 15N1838 Atlant) command devices with float sensitive elements developed by the Research Institute of PM (Chief Designer V.I. Kuznetsov). To increase the reliability of the CVC, all main elements are redundant. During combat duty, the BTsVK ensures the exchange of information with ground devices. For the first time in the world, the control system implements direct guidance methods that provide the ability to calculate the task in flight. To maintain the required temperature regime continuously operating devices, a special thermal control system for control system equipment was developed, which had no analogues in the domestic rocket industry (discharge of heat into the launcher volume). At the same time, the system had to be created “without room for error” - due to the tight deadlines, the STR was tested on a rocket during flight tests. The successful operation of the system confirmed the correctness of the fundamental decisions made in the development of the STR and its constructive implementation. The new powerful on-board digital computer is made using semiconductor “burnable” permanent and electronic random access memory devices. The main element base was developed and manufactured at the Integral Production Association (Minsk, BelSSR) and provided the required level of radiation resistance. In addition to standard blocks, the on-board complex included, first implemented in the USSR, a block of a specialized storage device on ferrite cores with an internal diameter of 0.4 mm, through which 3 wires with a diameter less than a human hair were sewn. For one of the types of combat equipment of the 15A18M missile, a storage device based on cylindrical magnetic domains was developed and, for the first time in the Soviet Union, flight tested. The creation of a missile system with the 15A18M missile took place in a very short time. For the control system, this was a modernization of the system from the previous rocket, but it resulted in the design of a number of fundamentally new devices, including the BTsVK. Relatively little known fact is that by the beginning of 1987 there was a need for a significant rework of the control system due to the need to switch to a more advanced element base High Quality. The 15A18M ICBM was already undergoing flight tests at that time. A series of spring-summer meetings with the participation of ministers, the command of the Strategic Missile Forces, heads of development organizations and industry ended with the decision to speed up the production of a new control system with their production and testing at two enterprises at once: the pilot plant of NPO Khartron and the Kiev Radio Plant. A special operational and technical group was created for coordination. At the end of September 1987, the group began work. The work went on seven days a week, with the most minimal formalism. Already at the end of 1987, sets of new equipment arrived at NPO Yuzhmash. All qualifying tests were completed on time.

Aiming the missile in azimuth is ensured by a fully autonomous system (without using a ground-based geodetic network); the aiming system uses an automatic gyrocompass in the unlocked position, a pre-emptive launch system and a high-speed quantum optical gyrometer, allowing for multiple aiming corrections for given models of nuclear weapons using the launcher. The components of the aiming system are located in the launcher. The 15Sh64 aiming system provides the initial determination of the azimuth of the base direction when placing the missile on combat duty and its storage during combat duty, including during nuclear impact by launcher, and restoration of the azimuth of the base direction after the impact.

Propulsion system: the most advanced technical solutions for its time were introduced on the rocket - improving engine performance, introducing an optimal circuit for switching off the propulsion system, implementing the second stage propulsion system in a “recessed” version in the fuel cavity, improving aerodynamic characteristics. As a result, the energy capabilities of the 15A18M rocket are increased by 12% compared to the 15A18 rocket, subject to all conditions of the size and launch weight restrictions imposed by the SALT-2 Treaty. Missiles of this type are the most powerful of all intercontinental missiles existing in the world. In order to reduce the time of exposure to PFYA, as well as to reduce the likelihood of missiles being detected by missile defense systems, the engines of both stages are boosted.

1st stage:
The DU 15D285 (RD-274) of the first stage block of the 15S171 rocket includes four autonomous single-chamber liquid propellant engines 15D286 (RD-273), having a turbopump fuel supply system, made in a closed circuit with afterburning of the oxidizing gas generator gas and hinged on the frame of the tail section of the first stage . The deflection of the engines according to commands from the control system provides control of the rocket's flight. The engine developer is KBEM (Chief Designer V.P. Radovsky). A proposal to modernize the engines for the R-36M2, providing increased thrust and increased resistance to PFYA, was received by the Energomash Design Bureau in 1980. A technical proposal for the development of the RD-263F engine was released in December 1980. In March 1982, a preliminary design for the development of a modernized first-stage engine RD-274 (4 RD-273 engine blocks) was released. It was supposed to increase the gas pressure in the combustion chamber to 230 atm and increase the rotation speed of the turbocharger to 22,500 rpm. As a result of modifications, the engine thrust increased to 144 tf, and the specific thrust impulse at the Earth's surface increased to 296 kgf s/kg. Development tests were completed in May 1985. Serial production of engines was launched at Yuzhmash.

2nd stage:
For block 15S172 of the second stage of the rocket, the propulsion system, developed in 1983-1987, consists of two engines combined into the RD-0255 propulsion block: the main propulsion engine RD-0256 and the steering engine RD-0257, both developed by KBKhA (Chief Designer A D. Konopatov). Engine development was carried out in 1983-1987. (). The propulsion engine is single-chamber, with a turbopump supply of fuel components, made according to a closed circuit with afterburning of the oxidizing gas generator gas. The propulsion engine is placed in the fuel tank, which helps to increase the density of filling the rocket volume with fuel (for an ICBM, such a decision was made for the first time; previously, a similar design scheme was used only for SLBMs). Steering motor - four-chamber with PTZ cameras combustion and one TNA, made according to a closed circuit with afterburning of the oxidizing gas generator gas. Engines of all stages operate on liquid high-boiling stable long-storable fuel components (UDMH+AT) and are completely ampulized. In the pneumatic-hydraulic circuit (PGS) of this rocket, like previous representatives of this family, a number of fundamental solutions have been implemented that have made it possible to significantly simplify the design and operation of the PGS, reduce the number of automation elements, eliminate the need for preventive maintenance with the PGS, and increase its reliability while reducing weight. Features of the rocket's ASG are complete amplification of the rocket's fuel systems after refueling with periodic monitoring of the pressure in the tanks and the exclusion of compressed gases from the rocket's side. This made it possible to gradually increase the time the missile system remains in full combat readiness to 23 years, with the potential for operation to 25 years or more. To pre-pressurize tanks, a chemical pressurization scheme is traditionally used - by injecting the main components of the fuel onto the liquid surface in the fuel tanks. As on the 15A18 ICBM, “hot” pressurization of the oxidizer tanks (T=450±50°C) and “superhot” pressurization of the fuel tanks (T=850±50°C) are implemented with regulation of the ratio of the components of the gas generators. The separation of the 1st and 2nd stages - gas-dynamic in a cold scheme - is ensured by the actuation of explosive bolts, opening of special windows - nozzles of the gas-jet braking system and the flow of pressurized gases from the fuel tanks through them.

Warhead breeding stage:
The 15S173 combat stage, which houses the main control system instruments and the propulsion system, providing sequential targeted deployment of ten APs, unlike the 15A18 missile, is functionally part of the missile and is connected to the second stage with explosive bolts. This made it possible to carry out complete assembly of the missile in the manufacturing plant, simplify the technology of work at combat facilities, and increase the reliability and safety of operation. The control four-chamber liquid propellant rocket engine 15D300 (RD-869) of the combat stage (developed by KB-4 KBYU) is similar in design and design to its prototype - the 15D117 engine for the 15A18 rocket. In the process of testing the engine, its consumption and traction characteristics were somewhat improved and the reliability of operation was increased. The separation of the combat and 2nd stages - gas-dynamic according to a cold scheme - is ensured by the actuation of explosive bolts, the opening of special windows - the nozzles of the gas-jet braking system and the flow of pressurized gases from the fuel tanks through them. In April 1988, the production of the rocket launch stage was transferred to enterprises of the RSFSR. A new one-piece ogive-shaped nose fairing has been developed for the rocket, providing improved aerodynamic characteristics and reliable protection of the warhead from damaging nuclear factors, including dust formations and large soil particles. The nose fairing was separated after passing through the zone of action of high-altitude blocking nuclear explosions. The separation of the head fairing was carried out using a retractable block with a dual-mode solid propellant rocket motor located in the front part of the head fairing.

Remote control characteristics:
Oxidizing agent - nitrogen tetroxide
Fuel - NGMD
Remote control thrust (on the ground/in the void), tf:
- Stage I 468.6/504.9
- II stage - / 85.3
- dilution steps - / 1.9
Specific impulse of remote control (on the ground/in vacuum), s:
- Stage I 295.8/318.7
- II stage - / 326.5
- dilution steps - / 293.1

Performance characteristics of the missile:
Length - 34.3 m
Diameter - 3 m

Starting weight:
- with RGCH IN 15F173 - 211.4 t
- with a "light" class warhead 15F175 - 211.1
Head mass:
- with RGCH IN 15F173 - 8.73 t
- with a "light" class warhead 15F175 - 8.47 t
Fuel weight:
- Stage I - 150.2 t
- Stage II - 37.6 t
- dilution stages - 2.1 t
Energy-weight perfection coefficient Gpg/Go - 42.1 kgf/tf

Maximum range:
- with MIRV IN 15F173 (10 BB with a capacity of 0.8 Mt) and KSP PRO - 11000 km
- with a “light” monoblock warhead 15F175 with a power of 8.3 Mt and KSP PRO - 16,000 km
KVO - 220 m
Flight reliability (at the end of 1991) - 0.974
Generalized reliability indicator - 0.935
The missile's resistance to nuclear attack in flight is level II (counter-counter launch is provided)
The guaranteed period of being on combat duty (according to the unregulated scheme for launchers) is 15 years
The warranty period has been extended from 10 to 25 years during operation

During combat duty, the missile is in full combat readiness in the silo. Combat use is possible in any weather conditions at air temperatures from -50 to +50°C and wind speeds at the surface of the earth up to 25 m/s, before and under conditions of nuclear impact according to the DBK.

Warhead types: TTT provided for the combat equipment of the new missile with four types of warheads of the upper level of resistance to PFYV:

1. monoblock warhead 15F171 with a “heavy” (power of at least 20 Mt) BB 15F172;

2. MIRV 15F173 with ten uncontrolled high-speed BB 15F174 of increased power class of at least 0.8 Mt each;

3. monoblock warhead 15F175 with a “light” (power of at least 8.3 Mt) BB 15F176;

4. MIRV 15F177 mixed configuration consisting of six uncontrolled (with a power of at least 0.8 Mt) 15F174 BB and four controlled (with a power of at least 0.15 Mt) 15F178 BB with an active radar homing system based on digital terrain maps.

The new generation 15F178 guided warhead, created in a standard version to equip the 15A18M missile, was developed for the 15F177 MIRV of a mixed configuration. The preliminary design of the UBB was completed in 1984. The controlled unit is made in the form of a biconical body with minimal aerodynamic drag. A deflectable conical stabilizer for pitch and yaw and aerodynamic roll rudders were adopted as executive controls for the UBB flight in the atmospheric section. In flight, a stable position of the block's center of pressure was ensured when the angle of attack changed. The orientation and stabilization of the UBB outside the atmosphere was ensured by a jet propulsion power plant operating on liquefied carbon dioxide. NPO Elektropribor as the main developer, as well as NPO TP and NPO AP were involved in the development of the control system. The developer of gyroscopic command devices was NPO Rotor. In the course of work on the standard UBB, a research version of the unit was created to confirm the aerodynamic characteristics by launching along the internal route "Kapustin Yar - Balkhash". Between 1984 and 1987 Four launches of research BBs took place, all with positive results. The achieved shooting accuracy was no more than 0.13 km KVO. The blocks for the first launches were manufactured at YuMZ, and further production in July 1987 it was transferred to enterprises of the RSFSR (the main one is the Orenburg Machine-Building Plant). The thermonuclear charge 15F179 of a small power class of a standard UBB should have a power of at least 0.15 Mt with a firing accuracy of 0.08 km KVO. The first launch of UBB 15F178 was carried out on January 9, 1990 in uncontrolled mode along an internal route. Subsequent flight tests of the UBB were carried out in a controlled mode. Three launches were carried out along the internal route and three launches as part of the 15A18M rocket. The launch results proved the reality of creating a UBB and equipping the 15A18M rocket with it. To continue flight testing, two 15A18M missiles, two 8K65M-R launch vehicles and a full set of warheads were prepared. However, after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, work on UBB was closed.

For the combat equipment of the created DBK, deep modifications of proven and well-proven thermonuclear charges developed by VNIIEF (Arzamas-16, RSFSR), tested in the 1970s, were used. The developed products differed: high degree operational and trajectory reliability; almost absolute nuclear safety; high fire and explosion safety throughout the entire life cycle (including in the event of emergency situations); high resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion; ensuring high combat effectiveness when hitting a target. For combat equipment variants with MIRVs 15F173 and 15F177, the MS is made according to a two-tier design. For all types of combat equipment, improved pulseless weapons separation devices are used. The spinning of warheads of all types of combat equipment is carried out using pyrotechnic devices.

For use as part of combat equipment, highly effective missile defense penetration systems have been created ("quasi-heavy" and "light" decoys, dipole reflectors, active jammers, etc.), which are placed in special cassettes installed on 4 seats of the warhead (for MIRVs 15F173, the remaining 10 seats are occupied by BB 15F174). Solid fuel charges are used to eject false targets from the cassettes. Radio-absorbing thermal insulating BB covers are also used. Special techniques are used for deploying and orienting BBs, making it difficult for the enemy to miscalculate the deployment scheme for combat equipment. Initially, the missile defense system was manufactured at the Yuzhmash Production Association, but since May 1986, production was transferred to related enterprises of the RSFSR. During the SLI process, it was decided to exclude “heavy” warheads and mixed MIRVs from the mandatory composition of combat equipment. The warhead with a “heavy” warhead was being prepared for production, but was not subjected to flight tests (according to some data, in order to fulfill the requirements of the SALT-2 treaty).

Rocket 15A17- ICBMs at the stage of technical proposal for development (1979).

Complex 15P018M "Voevoda", missile R-36M2 / 15A18M / RS-20V / MIRV IN 15F173 - SS-18 mod.6 SATAN / SS-X-26 / TT-09- ICBM variant with MIRV IN 15F173.

Complex 15P018M "Voevoda", missile R-36M2 / 15A18M / RS-20V / mono warhead 15F175 - SS-18 mod.5 SATAN- ICBM variant with warhead 15F175.

R-36M3 "Icarus" missile - SS-X-26- preliminary design of a heavy 5th generation ICBM developed by Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in 1991.

Status: USSR / Russia

1996 August-September - the last R-36M2 missiles were transported from the silo in Derzhavinsk (Kazakhstan) to Russian territory.

2009 - according to the commander Rocket Forces strategic purpose of Lieutenant General Andrei Shvaichenko about the RS-20B (probably the R-36MUTTH was meant): “The last missiles of this type were withdrawn from the operational composition of the Strategic Missile Forces in 2009 and are used under the program of liquidation by launch method with the accompanying launch of spacecraft (" Dnepr"). Thus, only the R-36M2 ICBM remained in the Strategic Missile Forces armament ( ist. - Strategic nuclear weapons).

2010 December 20 - in the media, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, General Sergei Karakaev, stated that the service life of the R-36M2 missiles has been extended until 2026.

October 11, 2012 - The media report that the operational life of the RS-20V ICBM will be extended to 30 years, i.e. The missiles will remain on combat duty until 2020.

June 19, 2014 - The media, citing a representative of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine), report that the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau continues to service the R-36M2 ICBM despite the cooling of relations between Ukraine and Russia: “as representatives of the design bureau indicated” Yuzhnoye," termination of cooperation with the Russian side is possible only if a corresponding decree of the President of Ukraine appears, which has not yet been issued." According to the agreement between the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and the Russian Ministry of Defense, maintenance of ICBMs should be carried out until 2017 ().

Deployment of the R-36M2 ICBM (c):

Year Quantity Locations Note Sources
December 1988 - Dombarovsky, UAH. "Clear" first regiment of ICBM R-36M2
1990 - Dombarovsky, UAH. "Clear"
- Uzhur-4, UAH Solnechny
- Derzhavinsk (withdrawal to Russia began in 1991)
1998 58
December 2004 58 - 13th Missile Division of the 31st Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Dombarovsky, UAH "Yasny") - 30 ICBMs
- 62nd Missile Division of the 33rd Guards Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Uzhur-4, UAH Solnechny) - 28 ICBMs
- missile division (Kartaly) - ??
together with the R-36MUTTH ICBM, presumably by the end of the year there will be 29 ICBMs in Dobarovsk
July 2009 58 - 13th Missile Division of the 31st Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Dombarovsky, UAH "Yasny") - 30 ICBMs
- 62nd Missile Division of the 33rd Guards Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Uzhur-4, UAH Solnechny) - 28 ICBMs
together with the R-36MUTTH ICBM (1 piece), presumably by the end of the year there will be 27 ICBMs in Dobarovsky - Strategic nuclear weapons...
December 2010 58 - 13th Missile Division of the 31st Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Dombarovsky, UAH "Yasny") - 30 ICBMs
- 62nd Missile Division of the 33rd Guards Missile Army of the Strategic Missile Forces (Uzhur-4, UAH Solnechny) - 28 ICBMs
presumably in Dobarovsky 27 ICBMs - Strategic nuclear weapons
2022 Planned to remove ICBMs from service (December 2016)

Voevoda/R-36M/R-36MUTTH/15A18/15P018/RS-20/SS-18/Dnepr. Website, 2011
Cosmonautics news. Magazine forum. Website, 2012
Weapons of Russia. Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces. M., "Military Parade", 1997
Fires at Space Forces facilities. Website, 2006
Called by time. Rockets and spacecraft of the Yuzhnoye design bureau. Under the general editorship of S.N. Konyukhov. Dnepropetrovsk, Art-Press, 2004
Russian military equipment. Forum, 2011-2012
Ground-based strategic missile systems. M., "Military Parade", 2007
Russia's strategic nuclear weapons. Website, 2010
Encyclopedia Astronautica. Website, 2012
Nuclear weapons. SIPRI, 1988

For a beginner, the launch of the world's most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile, the SS-18 Satan, invariably turns into disappointment.

For half a day you are shaking on the passing transport “board” to Baikonur. Then you spend a couple of hours dancing at the observation point, trying to warm up under the piercing Kazakh steppe wind (45 minutes before the start, the security service completely blocks traffic on the roads of the training ground, and after that you will never get there). Finally, the pre-start countdown is complete. Far on the edge of the horizon, a tiny “pencil” jumps out of the ground like a jack-in-the-box, hangs for a split second, and then quickly flies up into the sky in a shining cloud. Only a couple of minutes later you are covered with echoes of the heavy roar of the main engines, and the rocket itself is already sparkling at the zenith like a distant star. A yellowish cloud of dust and unburned amylheptyl settles over the launch site.

All this cannot be compared with the majestic slowness of the launch of peaceful space rockets. In addition, their launches can be observed with much more close range, since oxygen-kerosene engines, even in the event of an accident, do not threaten to destroy all living things around. With “Satan” it’s different. Looking at the photos and videos of the launch again and again, you begin to understand: “My mother! This is completely impossible!”

Jumping "Satan"

So the creator of “Satan”, designer Mikhail Yangel, and his fellow rocket scientists initially reacted to the idea this way: “For 211 tons to “jump” out of the mine?! This is impossible!" In 1969, when the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, headed by Yangel, began work on the new heavy rocket R-36M, the normal method of launching from a silo launcher was considered a “hot” gas-dynamic launch, in which the rocket’s propulsion engine was turned on already in the silo. Of course, some experience in designing “products” using a “cold” (“mortar”) start has been accumulated. Yangel himself experimented with it for almost 4 years, developing the RT-20P missile, which was never adopted for service. But the RT-20P was “ultra-light” - only 30 tons! In addition, it was unique in its layout: the first stage was solid fuel, the second stage was liquid fuel. This eliminated the need to solve the puzzling problems associated with a “mortar” launch of guaranteed ignition of the first stage. Yangel's associates from St. Petersburg TsKB-34 (now Design Bureau Spetsmash), who developed the R-36M launcher, initially categorically rejected the very possibility of a “mortar” launch for a liquid-fuel rocket weighing more than 200 tons. Only after a change in the leadership of TsKB-34 did its new chief designer Vladimir Stepanov I decided to try it.

It took a long time to experiment. The launcher developers were faced with the fact that the mass of the rocket did not allow the use of conventional means to cushion it in the shaft - giant metal springs on which its lighter counterparts rested. The springs had to be replaced with powerful shock absorbers using gas high pressure(at the same time, the depreciation properties should not have decreased over the entire 10-15-year combat duty period of the missile). Then it was time to develop powder pressure accumulators (PADs), which would throw this colossus to a height of at least 20 m above the upper edge of the shaft. Throughout 1971, unusual experiments were carried out at Baikonur. During the so-called “throwing” tests, the weight and size prototype of “Satan”, filled with a neutral alkaline solution instead of nitrogen tetroxide and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, flew out of the mine under the influence of a PAD. At an altitude of 20 m, the powder accelerators were turned on, which pulled off the pallet from the rocket covering its main engines at the time of the “mortar” launch, but the engines themselves, naturally, did not turn on. “Satan” fell to the ground (into a huge concrete tray specially prepared next to the mine) and broke into pieces. And so nine times.

And still, the first three real launches of the R-36M, already under the full program of flight design tests, were accidents. Only the fourth time, on February 21, 1973, “Satan” managed not to destroy its own launcher and flew to where it was launched - to the Kamchatka Kura training ground.

Rocket in a glass

Experimenting with a “mortar” launch, the designers of “Satan” solved several problems. Without increasing the launch mass, the energy capabilities of the rocket increased. It was also important to reduce the vibration loads on the taking off rocket that inevitably occur during a gas-dynamic launch. However, the main thing was still to increase the survivability of the entire complex in the case of the first nuclear strike enemy. The new R-36Ms put into service were placed in silos in which their predecessors, the heavy R-36 missiles (SS9 Scarp), had previously been on combat duty. More precisely, the old mines were partially used: the gas outlet channels and gratings necessary for the gas-dynamic launch of the R-36 were of no use to Satan. Their place was taken by a metal power “cup” with a shock absorption system (vertical and horizontal) and launcher equipment, into which the new rocket was loaded directly in the factory transport and launch container. At the same time, the protection of the silo and the missile located in it from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion increased by more than an order of magnitude.

Brain in blackout

By the way, “Satan” is protected from the first nuclear strike not only by its silo. The design of the missile provides for the possibility of unhindered passage through the zone of an airborne nuclear explosion (in case the enemy tries to cover the R-36M’s positional basing area with it in order to take “Satan” out of the game). On the outside of the rocket there is a special heat-protective coating that allows it to overcome the dust cloud after the explosion. And so that the radiation does not affect the operation of on-board control systems, special sensors simply turn off the “brain” of the rocket when passing through the explosion zone: the engines continue to operate, but the control systems are stabilized. Only after leaving the danger zone do they turn on again, analyze the trajectory, introduce corrections and guide the missile to the target.

An unsurpassed launch range (up to 16 thousand km), a huge combat load of 8.8 tons, up to 10 individually targetable multiple warheads, plus the most advanced missile defense system available today, equipped with a decoy system - all this makes “Satan” scary and unique.

For its latest version (R-36M2), even a breeding platform was developed, on which 20 or even 36 warheads could be installed. But according to the agreement there could not be more than ten. It is also important that “Satan” is a whole family of missiles with subtypes. And each can carry a different set of payloads. In one of the variants (R-36M) there are 8 warheads, covered with a shaped fairing with 4 protrusions. It looks like there are 4 spindles attached to the nose of the rocket. Each contains two warheads connected in pairs (with their bases facing each other), which are deployed above the target. Starting with the R-36MUTTH, which had increased guidance accuracy, it became possible to install weaker warheads and increase their number to ten. They were attached under the head fairing, which was dropped in flight, separately from each other on a special frame in two tiers.

Later, the idea of ​​homing heads had to be abandoned: they turned out to be unsuitable for strategic ballistic carriers due to problems during reentry and for some other reasons.

The many faces of "Satan"

Future historians will have to puzzle over what “Satan” actually was - a weapon of attack or defense. The orbital version of its direct “ancestor,” the first Soviet heavy missile SS-9 Scarp (R-36O), put into service in 1968, made it possible to throw a nuclear warhead into low-Earth orbit in order to strike the enemy at any orbit. That is, to attack the United States not through the pole, where we were constantly monitored by American radars, but from any direction unprotected by tracking and missile defense systems. It was, in fact, an ideal weapon, the use of which the enemy could only learn about when nuclear mushrooms had already risen above his cities. True, already in 1972, the Americans deployed a missile attack warning satellite constellation in orbit, which detected not the approach of missiles, but the moment of launch. Soon, Moscow entered into an agreement with Washington banning the launch of nuclear weapons into space.

In theory, "Satan" inherited these capabilities. At least now, when it is launched from Baikonur in the form of a Dnepr conversion launch vehicle, it easily launches payloads into low-Earth orbits, the weight of which is slightly less than the warheads installed on it. At the same time, the rockets come to the cosmodrome from the combat regiments of the Strategic Missile Forces, where they were on combat duty, in standard configuration. For space programs, only the breeding engines operate abnormally nuclear warheads individual guidance. When launching payloads into orbit, they are used as a third stage. Judging by advertising campaign, deployed to promote the Dnepr to the international commercial launch market, it may well be used for short-range interplanetary transportation - delivering cargo to the Moon, Mars and Venus. It turns out that if necessary, “Satan” can deliver nuclear warheads there.

However, the entire modernization of Soviet heavy missiles that followed the removal of the R-36 from service seems to indicate their purely defensive purpose. The very fact that when Yangel created the R-36M, a serious role was given to the survivability of the missile system, confirms that it was planned to be used not during the first or even during a retaliatory strike, but during a “deep” retaliatory strike, when enemy missiles had already covered our territory. The same can be said about the latest modifications of “Satan”, the development of which was carried out by his successor Vladimir Utkin after the death of Mikhail Yangel. So the recent statement by the Russian military leadership that the service life of the “Satan” will be extended for another decade was not so much a threat as it was concern about American plans to deploy a national missile defense system. And the regular launch of a conversion version of the “Satan” (Dnepr missile) from Baikonur confirms that it is in full combat readiness.

RS-20V "Voevoda" or R-36M, known as "Satan" SS-18 (NATO designation) is the most powerful missile in the world. "Satan" will remain in combat service Strategic Missile Forces of Russia until 2026. The SS-18 Satan heavy missile is the world's most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile; it entered service in December 1975, and its first test launch was carried out in February 1973.

R-36M missiles in various modifications can carry from 1 to 10 (in some cases up to 16) warheads with a total mass (with breeding unit and nose fairing) of up to 8.8 thousand kg over a distance of over 10 thousand km. Two-stage missiles in Russia are placed in highly protected silos, where they are stored in a special transport and launch container, which ensures their “mortar” launch. The strategic missile has a diameter of 3 m and a length of more than 34 m.

Quantity and cost

Missiles of this type are the most powerful of existing intercontinental missiles; they are capable of delivering a crushing nuclear strike to the enemy. In the West, these rockets are called “Satan”.

As of 2019, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces have 75 combat missile systems equipped with Satan missiles (750 nuclear warheads in total). This is almost half nuclear potential Russia, with a total of 1,677 warheads. By the end of 2019, most likely, some more Satan missiles will be removed from Russia’s arsenal and replaced with more modern missiles.

Performance characteristics

R-36M "Satan" has the following performance characteristics:

  • Number of stages - 2+breeding block
  • Fuel - stored liquid
  • Launcher type - silo with mortar launch
  • Power and number of warheads - MIRV IN 8×900 KT, two monoblock versions; MIRV IN 8×550-750 kt
  • Head mass - 8800 kg
  • Maximum range with a light warhead - 16,000 km
  • Maximum range with heavy warhead - 11200 km
  • Maximum range with MIRV IN - 10200 km
  • Control system – inertial autonomous
  • Accuracy - 1000 m
  • Length - 36.6 m
  • Maximum diameter - 3 m
  • Launch weight - 209.6 t
  • Fuel weight - 188 t
  • Oxidizing agent - nitrogen tetroxide
  • Fuel - UDMH (heptyl)

History of creation

The R-36M heavy-class intercontinental ballistic missile was developed at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk). On September 2, 1969, a resolution was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the creation of the R-36M missile system. The rocket had to have high speed, power and other high characteristics. The designers completed the preliminary design in December 1969. The intercontinental nuclear ballistic missile provided for 4 types of combat equipment - with multiple, maneuvering and monoblock warheads.

Yuzhnoye Design Bureau after the death of the famous M.K. Yangel was headed by Academician V.F. Utkin. When creating a new missile, designated R-36M, we used all the experience accumulated by the team when creating previous missile models. In general, it was a new missile system with unique performance characteristics, and not a modification of the R-36. The development of the R-36M proceeded in parallel with the design of other third-generation missiles, the general characteristics of which were:

  • use of MIRVs;
  • use of an autonomous control system with an onboard computer;
  • placement of a command post and missiles in highly secure structures;
  • the possibility of remote re-aiming immediately before launch;
  • availability of more advanced means of overcoming missile defense;
  • high combat readiness, ensuring quick launch;
  • use of a more advanced management system;
  • increased survivability of complexes;
  • increased radius of destruction of objects;
  • increased combat effectiveness characteristics provided by increased power, speed and accuracy of missiles.
  • the radius of the R-36M damage zone with a blocking nuclear explosion is reduced by 20 times compared to the 15A18 missile, resistance to gamma-neutron radiation is increased by 100 times, resistance to x-ray radiation is increased by 10 times.

The R-36M intercontinental nuclear ballistic missile was first launched from the Baikonur test site on February 21, 1973. Tests of the missile system were completed only by October 1975. In 1974, the first missile regiment was deployed in the city of Dombarovsky.

Design Features

  1. The R-36M is a two-stage missile using sequential stage separation. The fuel and oxidizer tanks are separated by a combined intermediate bottom. The onboard cable network and pipelines of the pneumohydraulic system, which are covered with a casing, run along the body. The 1st stage engine has 4 autonomous single-chamber liquid propellant engines, which have a turbopump fuel supply in a closed circuit; they are hinged at the rear of the stage on the frame. Deflection of the engines at the command of the control system allows you to control the flight of the rocket. The 2nd stage engine includes a single-chamber propulsion engine and a four-chamber steering rocket engine.
  2. All engines run on nitrogen tetroxide and UDMH. The R-36M implements many original technical solutions, for example, chemical pressurization of tanks, braking of the separated stage using the exhaust of boost gases, and the like. The R-36M is equipped with an inertial control system, which operates thanks to an on-board digital computer complex. Its use allows for high shooting accuracy.
  3. The designers provided for the possibility of launching the R-36M2 even after an enemy nuclear strike on the area where the missiles are located. "Satan" has a dark heat-protective coating that facilitates passage through the radiation dust cloud that appears after a nuclear explosion. Special sensors that measure gamma and neutron radiation during the passage of the nuclear “mushroom” register it and turn off the control system, but the engines continue to operate. After leaving the danger zone, the automation turns on the control system and corrects the flight path. ICBMs of this type had particularly powerful combat equipment. There were two variants of the warhead: MIRV IN with eight warheads (900kt each) and a monoblock thermonuclear one (24Mt). There was also a complex for overcoming missile defense systems.

Video about the Satan rocket

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NATO gave the name “SS-18 “Satan” (“Satan”) to a family of Russian missile systems with a heavy ground-based intercontinental ballistic missile, developed and put into service in the 1970s - 1980s. According to the official Russian classification, these are R-36M, R-36M UTTH, R-36M2, RS-20. And the Americans called this missile “Satan” for the reason that it is difficult to shoot it down, and in the vast territories of the United States and Western Europe these Russian missiles will create hell.

SS-18 “Satan” was created under the leadership of chief designer V.F. Utkin. In terms of its characteristics, this missile surpasses the most powerful American missile, Minuteman-3.

Satan is the most powerful intercontinental ballistic missile on Earth. It is intended, first of all, to destroy the most fortified command posts, ballistic missile silos and air bases. The nuclear explosives of one missile can destroy a large city, a very large part of the United States. Hit accuracy is about 200-250 meters.

“The rocket is housed in the most durable silos in the world”; according to initial reports - 2500-4500 psi, some mines - 6000-7000 psi. This means that if there is no direct hit by American nuclear explosives on the mine, the rocket will withstand a powerful blow, the hatch will open and “Satan” will fly out of the ground and rush towards the United States, where in half an hour he will give the Americans hell. And dozens of such missiles will rush towards the United States. And each missile contains ten individually targetable warheads. The power of the warheads is equal to 1,200 bombs dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima. With one strike, the Satan missile can destroy US and Western European facilities over an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. kilometers. And dozens of such missiles will fly towards the United States. This is complete kaput for the Americans. "Satan" easily penetrates the American missile defense system.

She was invulnerable in the 80s and continues to be creepy for Americans today. Americans will not be able to create reliable protection against the Russian “Satan” until 2015-2020. But what scares the Americans even more is the fact that the Russians have begun developing even more satanic missiles.

“The SS-18 missile carries 16 platforms, one of which is loaded with decoys. When entering a high orbit, all “Satan” heads go “in a cloud” of false targets and are practically not identified by radars.”

But, even if the Americans see the “Satan” on the final segment of the trajectory, the heads of the “Satan” are practically not vulnerable to anti-missile weapons, because to destroy the “Satan” only a direct hit on the head of a very powerful anti-missile is necessary (and the Americans do not have anti-missiles with such characteristics ). “So such a defeat is very difficult and practically impossible with the level of American technology in the coming decades. As for the famous laser weapons for damaging heads, the SS-18 has them covered with massive armor with the addition of uranium-238, an extremely heavy and dense metal. Such armor cannot be “burned through” by a laser. In any case, with those lasers that can be built in the next 30 years. Pulses of electromagnetic radiation cannot knock down the SS-18 flight control system and its heads, because all of Satan’s control systems are duplicated, in addition to electronic ones, by pneumatic automatic machines.”

SATAN - the most powerful nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile

By mid-1988, 308 Satan intercontinental missiles were ready to fly from the underground mines of the USSR towards the United States and Western Europe. “Of the 308 launch mines that existed in the USSR at that time, Russia accounted for 157. The rest were in Ukraine and Belarus.” Each missile has 10 warheads. The power of the warheads is equal to 1,200 bombs dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima. With one strike, the Satan missile can destroy US and Western European facilities over an area of ​​up to 500 square meters. kilometers. And if necessary, three hundred such missiles will fly towards the United States. This is complete kaput for Americans and Western Europeans.

The development of the R-36M strategic missile system with a third-generation heavy intercontinental ballistic missile 15A14 and a silo launcher with increased security 15P714 was led by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. The new missile used all the best developments obtained during the creation of the previous complex, the R-36.

The technical solutions used to create the rocket made it possible to create the world's most powerful combat missile system. It was significantly superior to its predecessor, the R-36:

  • in terms of shooting accuracy - 3 times.
  • in terms of combat readiness - 4 times.
  • in terms of the energy capabilities of the rocket - 1.4 times.
  • according to the initially established warranty period of operation - 1.4 times.
  • in terms of launcher security - 15-30 times.
  • in terms of the degree of utilization of the launcher volume - 2.4 times.

The two-stage R-36M rocket was made according to the “tandem” design with a sequential arrangement of stages. To optimize the use of volume, dry compartments were excluded from the rocket, with the exception of the second stage interstage adapter. The applied design solutions made it possible to increase the fuel supply by 11% while maintaining the diameter and reducing the total length of the first two stages of the rocket by 400 mm compared to the 8K67 rocket.

The first stage uses the RD-264 propulsion system, consisting of four 15D117 single-chamber engines operating in a closed circuit, developed by KBEM (chief designer - V.P. Glushko). The engines are hinged and their deflection according to commands from the control system provides control of the rocket's flight.

The second stage uses a propulsion system consisting of a main single-chamber 15D7E (RD-0229) engine operating in a closed circuit and a four-chamber steering engine 15D83 (RD-0230) operating in an open circuit.

The rocket's liquid-propellant rocket engines operated on high-boiling two-component self-igniting fuel. Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) was used as a fuel, and dinitrogen tetroxide (AT) was used as an oxidizing agent.

The separation of the first and second stages is gas-dynamic. It was ensured by the actuation of explosive bolts and the outflow of pressurized gases from the fuel tanks through special windows.

Thanks to the improved pneumatic-hydraulic system of the rocket with complete ampulization of fuel systems after refueling and the elimination of leakage of compressed gases from the side of the rocket, it was possible to increase the time spent in full combat readiness to 10-15 years with the potential for operation up to 25 years.

The schematic diagrams of the rocket and control system were developed based on the possibility of using three variants of the warhead:

  • Lightweight monoblock with a charge capacity of 8 Mt and a flight range of 16,000 km;
  • Heavy monoblock with a charge capacity of 25 Mt and a flight range of 11,200 km;
  • Multiple warhead (MIRV) of 8 warheads with a capacity of 1 Mt each;

All missile warheads were equipped with an improved system of means to overcome missile defense. For the first time, quasi-heavy decoys were created for the 15A14 missile defense system to penetrate the missile defense system. Thanks to the use of a special solid-propellant booster engine, the progressively increasing thrust of which compensates for the aerodynamic braking force of the decoy, it was possible to imitate the characteristics of warheads in almost all selectivity characteristics in the extra-atmospheric part of the trajectory and a significant part of the atmospheric part.

One of the technical innovations that largely determined the high level of performance of the new missile system was the use of mortar launch of a missile from a transport and launch container (TPC). For the first time in world practice, a mortar design for a heavy liquid-propelled ICBM was developed and implemented. At launch, the pressure created by the powder pressure accumulators pushed the rocket out of the TPK and only after leaving the silo the rocket engine was started.

The missile, placed at the manufacturing plant in a transport and launch container, was transported and installed in a silo launcher (silo) in an unfuelled state. The rocket was refueled with fuel components and the warhead was docked after installing the TPK with the rocket in the silo. Checks of onboard systems, preparation for launch and launch of the rocket were carried out automatically after the control system received the appropriate commands from a remote command post. To prevent unauthorized launch, the control system accepted for execution only commands with a specific code key. The use of such an algorithm became possible thanks to the introduction of a new centralized control system at all command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces.

The missile control system is autonomous, inertial, three-channel with multi-tier majority control. Each channel was self-tested. If the commands of all three channels did not match, control was assumed by the successfully tested channel. The on-board cable network (BCN) was considered absolutely reliable and was not defective in tests.

The acceleration of the gyroplatform (15L555) was carried out by forced acceleration automatic machines (AFAs) of digital ground-based equipment (TsNA), and in the first stages of work - by software devices for accelerating the gyroplatform (PUG). On-board digital computer (ONDVM) (15L579) 16-bit, ROM - memory cube. Programming was done in machine codes.

The developer of the control system (including the on-board computer) was the Electrical Instrumentation Design Bureau (KBE, now JSC Khartron, Kharkov), the on-board computer was produced by the Kiev Radio Plant, the control system was mass-produced at the Shevchenko and Kommunar factories (Kharkov).

The development of the third generation strategic missile system R-36M UTTH (GRAU index - 15P018, START code - RS-20B, according to the US and NATO classification - SS-18 Mod.4) with a 15A18 missile equipped with a 10-block multiple warhead has begun August 16, 1976.

The missile system was created as a result of the implementation of a program to improve and increase the combat effectiveness of the previously developed 15P014 (R-36M) complex. The complex ensures the destruction of up to 10 targets with one missile, including high-strength small-sized or particularly large area targets located on terrain of up to 300,000 km², in conditions of effective counteraction by enemy missile defense systems. Increased efficiency of the new complex was achieved through:

  • increasing shooting accuracy by 2-3 times;
  • increasing the number of warheads (BB) and the power of their charges;
  • increasing the BB breeding area;
  • the use of highly protected silo launchers and command posts;
  • increasing the probability of bringing launch commands to the silo.

The layout of the 15A18 rocket is similar to the 15A14. This is a two-stage rocket with a tandem arrangement of stages. The new rocket uses the first and second stages of the 15A14 rocket without modifications. The first stage engine is a four-chamber liquid propellant rocket engine RD-264 of a closed design. The second stage uses a closed-circuit single-chamber LPRE RD-0229 and a four-chamber steering LPRE RD-0257 open circuit. The separation of stages and the separation of the combat stage is gas-dynamic.

The main difference of the new missile was the newly developed propagation stage and MIRV with ten new high-speed units with increased power charges. The propulsion stage engine is a four-chamber, dual-mode (thrust 2000 kgf and 800 kgf) with multiple (up to 25 times) switching between modes. This allows you to create the most optimal conditions for the breeding of all warheads. Another one design feature This engine has two fixed positions of the combustion chambers. In flight, they are located inside the propagation stage, but after the stage is separated from the rocket, special mechanisms move the combustion chambers beyond the outer contour of the compartment and deploy them to implement the “pulling” scheme for propagation of warheads. The MIR itself is made according to a two-tier design with a single aerodynamic fairing. The memory capacity of the onboard computer was also increased and the control system was modernized to use improved algorithms. At the same time, the shooting accuracy was improved by 2.5 times, and the readiness time for launch was reduced to 62 seconds.

The R-36M UTTH missile in a transport and launch container (TPK) is installed in a silo launcher and is on combat duty in a fueled state in full combat readiness. To load the TPK into a mine structure, SKB MAZ has developed special transport and installation equipment in the form of a high-cross-country semi-trailer with a tractor based on the MAZ-537. The mortar method of launching a rocket is used.

Flight design tests of the R-36M UTTH rocket began on October 31, 1977 at the Baikonur test site. According to the flight test program, 19 launches were carried out, 2 of which were unsuccessful. The reasons for these failures were clarified and eliminated, and the effectiveness of the measures taken was confirmed by subsequent launches. A total of 62 launches were carried out, of which 56 were successful.

On September 18, 1979, three missile regiments began combat duty at the new missile complex. As of 1987, 308 R-36M UTTH ICBMs were deployed as part of five missile divisions. As of May 2006, the Strategic Missile Forces included 74 silo launchers with R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 ICBMs, equipped with 10 warheads each.

The high reliability of the complex has been confirmed by 159 launches as of September 2000, of which only four were unsuccessful. These failures during the launch of serial products are due to manufacturing defects.

After the collapse of the USSR and the economic crisis of the early 1990s, the question arose about extending the service life of the R-36M UTTH until they were replaced by new Russian-developed complexes. For this purpose, on April 17, 1997, the R-36M UTTH rocket, manufactured 19.5 years ago, was successfully launched. NPO Yuzhnoye and the 4th Central Research Institute of the Moscow Region carried out work to increase the warranty period of missiles from 10 years successively to 15, 18 and 20 years. On April 15, 1998, a training launch of the R-36M UTTH rocket was carried out from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, during which ten training warheads hit all training targets at the Kura training ground in Kamchatka.

A joint Russian-Ukrainian venture was also created to develop and further commercial use light-class launch vehicle "Dnepr" based on the R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 missiles

On August 9, 1983, by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau was tasked with modifying the R-36M UTTH missile so that it could overcome the promising American missile defense (ABM) system. In addition, it was necessary to increase the protection of the missile and the entire complex from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

View of the instrument compartment (expansion stage) of the 15A18M rocket from the warhead side. Elements of the propagation engine are visible (aluminium-colored - fuel and oxidizer tanks, green - spherical cylinders of the displacement supply system), control system instruments (brown and sea-green).

The upper bottom of the first stage is 15A18M. On the right is the undocked second stage, one of the steering engine nozzles is visible.

The fourth generation missile system R-36M2 "Voevoda" (GRAU index - 15P018M, START code - RS-20V, according to the US and NATO classification - SS-18 Mod.5/Mod.6) with a multi-purpose heavy-class intercontinental missile 15A18M is intended for hitting all types of targets protected by modern missile defense systems in any combat conditions, including multiple nuclear impacts in a positional area. Its use makes it possible to implement a strategy of a guaranteed retaliatory strike.

As a result of the use of the latest technical solutions, the energy capabilities of the 15A18M rocket have been increased by 12% compared to the 15A18 rocket. At the same time, all conditions for restrictions on dimensions and starting weight imposed by the SALT-2 agreement are met. Missiles of this type are the most powerful of all intercontinental missiles. In terms of technological level, the complex has no analogues in the world. The missile system uses active protection of the silo launcher from nuclear warheads and high-precision non-nuclear weapons, and for the first time in the country, low-altitude non-nuclear interception of high-speed ballistic targets was carried out.

Compared to the prototype, the new complex managed to achieve improvements in many characteristics:

  • increasing accuracy by 1.3 times;
  • 3 times increase in battery life;
  • reducing the combat readiness time by 2 times.
  • increasing the area of ​​the warhead disengagement zone by 2.3 times;
  • the use of high-power charges (10 individually guided multiple warheads with a power of 550 to 750 kt each; total throw weight - 8800 kg);
  • the possibility of launching from the constant combat readiness mode according to one of the planned target designations, as well as operational retargeting and launching according to any unplanned target designation transmitted from the highest level of control;

To ensure high combat effectiveness in particularly difficult combat conditions, during the development of the R-36M2 Voevoda complex, special attention was paid to the following areas:

  • increasing the security and survivability of silos and command posts;
  • ensuring the stability of combat control in all conditions of use of the complex;
  • increasing the autonomy time of the complex;
  • increasing the warranty period;
  • ensuring the missile's resistance in flight to the damaging factors of ground-based and high-altitude nuclear explosions;
  • expanding operational capabilities to retarget missiles.

One of the main advantages of the new complex is the ability to support missile launches in conditions of a retaliatory strike when exposed to ground-based and high-altitude nuclear explosions. This was achieved by increasing the survivability of the missile in the silo launcher and significantly increasing the resistance of the missile in flight to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. The rocket body has a multifunctional coating, protection of the control system equipment from gamma radiation has been introduced, the speed of the executive bodies of the control system stabilization machine has been increased by 2 times, the head fairing is separated after passing through the zone of high-altitude blocking nuclear explosions, the engines of the first and second stages of the rocket have been increased in thrust.

As a result, the radius of the missile's damage zone with a blocking nuclear explosion, compared to the 15A18 missile, is reduced by 20 times, resistance to X-ray radiation is increased by 10 times, and resistance to gamma-neutron radiation is increased by 100 times. The missile is resistant to the effects of dust formations and large soil particles present in the cloud during a ground-based nuclear explosion.

For the missile, silos with ultra-high protection from damaging factors of nuclear weapons were built by re-equipping the silos of the 15A14 and 15A18 missile systems. The implemented levels of missile resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion ensure its successful launch after a non-damaging nuclear explosion directly at the launcher and without reducing combat readiness when exposed to an adjacent launcher.

The rocket is made according to a two-stage design with a sequential arrangement of stages. The missile uses similar launch schemes, stage separation, warhead separation, and disengagement of combat equipment elements, which have shown a high level of technical excellence and reliability in the 15A18 missile.

The propulsion system of the first stage of the rocket includes four hinged single-chamber liquid propellant engines with a turbopump fuel supply system and made in a closed circuit.

The second stage propulsion system includes two engines: a sustainer single-chamber RD-0255 with a turbopump supply of fuel components, made in a closed circuit, and a steering RD-0257, a four-chamber, open circuit, previously used on the 15A18 rocket. Engines of all stages operate on liquid high-boiling components of UDMH+AT fuel; the stages are completely ampulized.

The control system is developed on the basis of two high-performance digital control systems (on-board and ground-based) of a new generation and a high-precision complex of command instruments continuously operating during combat duty.

A new nose fairing has been developed for the rocket, providing reliable protection of the warhead from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. The tactical and technical requirements provided for equipping the missile with four types of warheads:

  • two monoblock warheads - with a “heavy” and a “light” warhead;
  • MIRV with ten unguided warheads with a capacity of 0.8 Mt;
  • Mixed MIRV consisting of six uncontrolled and four controlled warheads with a homing system based on terrain maps.

As part of the combat equipment, highly effective missile defense penetration systems have been created (“heavy” and “light” decoys, dipole reflectors), which are placed in special cassettes, and thermally insulating BB covers are used.

Flight design tests of the R-36M2 complex began at Baikonur in 1986. The first launch on March 21 ended in an emergency: due to an error in the control system, the first stage propulsion system did not start. The missile, emerging from the TPK, immediately fell into the shaft of the mine, its explosion completely destroyed the launcher. There were no human casualties.

The first missile regiment with the R-36M2 ICBM went on combat duty on July 30, 1988. On August 11, 1988, the missile system was put into service. Flight testing of the new intercontinental missile The fourth generation R-36M2 (15A18M - “Voevoda”) with all types of combat equipment were completed in September 1989. As of May 2006, the Strategic Missile Forces included 74 silo launchers with R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 ICBMs, equipped with 10 warheads each.

On December 21, 2006, at 11:20 am Moscow time, a combat training launch of the RS-20V was carried out. According to the head of the information and public relations service of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel Alexander Vovk, the missile training and combat units launched from the Orenburg region (Ural region) hit conditional targets with specified accuracy at the Kura training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Pacific Ocean. The first stage fell in the Vagaisky, Vikulovsky and Sorokinsky districts of the Tyumen region. It separated at an altitude of 90 kilometers, the remaining fuel burned as it fell to the ground. The launch took place as part of the Zaryadye development work. The launches gave an affirmative answer to the question about the possibility of operating the R-36M2 complex for 20 years.

On December 24, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. Moscow time, the RS-20V intercontinental ballistic missile (“Voevoda”) was launched, said Colonel Vadim Koval, press secretary of the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense for the Strategic Missile Forces: “December twenty-four, 2009 At 9.30 Moscow time, the Strategic Missile Forces launched a missile from the position area of ​​the formation stationed in the Orenburg region,” Koval said. According to him, the launch was carried out as part of development work in order to confirm the flight performance characteristics of the RS-20V missile and extend the service life of the Voevoda missile system to 23 years.

I personally sleep peacefully when I know that such weapons protect our peace…………..

R-36M (GRAU index - 15P014, START code - RS-20A, according to the classification of the US Department of Defense and NATO - SS-18 Mod.1,2,3 Satan (Russian) "Satan")) - Soviet third-generation strategic missile system, with a heavy two-stage liquid-propelled, ampulized intercontinental ballistic missile 15A14 for placement in a silo launcher 15P714 of increased security type OS. It was created by industrial cooperation under the leadership of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Dnepropetrovsk), chief designers M.K. Yangel (1969-1971) and V.F. Utkin (since 1971). The control system was developed by the Kharkov NPO Elektropribor. The chief designer of the control system is V. A. Uralov.

Main features of the complex:

  • launcher - stationary, silo;
  • rocket - two-stage with a liquid-propellant engine using high-boiling fuel components, with a mortar launch from a transport and launch container;
  • the rocket control system is autonomous, inertial, based on an on-board digital computer;
  • the missile can be used various types combat equipment (warheads), including multiple warheads with individual guidance.

    History of creation

    The development of the R-36M strategic missile system with the 15A14 third generation heavy intercontinental ballistic missile and the 15P714 enhanced security silo launcher was led by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. The new missile used all the best developments obtained during the creation of the previous complex, the R-36. The leading designer of the complex (since 1985 - chief designer) and all its subsequent modifications since 1971 was S.I. Us.
    The technical solutions used to create the missile made it possible to create the world's most powerful combat missile system.

    It was significantly superior to its predecessor, the R-36:

  • in terms of shooting accuracy - 3 times.
  • in terms of combat readiness - 4 times.
  • in terms of the energy capabilities of the rocket - 1.4 times.
  • according to the initially established warranty period of operation - 1.4 times.
  • in terms of launcher security - 15-30 times.
  • in terms of the degree of utilization of the launcher volume - 2.4 times.

    The two-stage R-36M rocket was made according to the “tandem” design with a sequential arrangement of stages. To optimize the use of volume, dry compartments were excluded from the rocket, with the exception of the second stage interstage adapter. The applied design solutions made it possible to increase the fuel supply by 11% while maintaining the diameter and reducing the total length of the first two stages of the rocket by 400 mm compared to the 8K67 rocket.
    The first stage uses the RD-264 propulsion system, consisting of four 15D117 single-chamber engines operating in a closed circuit, developed by KBEM (chief designer - V.P. Glushko). The engines are hinged and their deflection according to commands from the control system provides control of the rocket's flight.

    The second stage uses a propulsion system consisting of a main single-chamber 15D7E (RD-0229) engine operating in a closed circuit and a four-chamber steering engine 15D83 (RD-0230) operating in an open circuit.
    The rocket's liquid-propellant rocket engines operated on high-boiling two-component self-igniting fuel. Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) was used as a fuel, and dinitrogen tetroxide (AT) was used as an oxidizing agent.
    The separation of the first and second stages is gas-dynamic. It was ensured by the actuation of explosive bolts and the outflow of pressurized gases from the fuel tanks through special windows.
    Thanks to the improved pneumatic-hydraulic system of the rocket with complete ampulization of fuel systems after refueling and the elimination of leakage of compressed gases from the side of the rocket, it was possible to increase the time spent in full combat readiness to 10-15 years with the potential for operation up to 25 years.

    The schematic diagrams of the rocket and control system were developed based on the possibility of using three variants of the warhead:

  • Lightweight monoblock with a charge capacity of 8 Mt and a flight range of 16,000 km;
  • Heavy monoblock with a charge capacity of 25 Mt with a flight range of 11,200 km;
  • Multiple warhead (MIRV) of 8 warheads with a capacity of 1 Mt each;

    All missile warheads were equipped with an improved system of means to overcome missile defense. For the first time, quasi-heavy decoys were created for the 15A14 missile defense system to penetrate the missile defense system. Thanks to the use of a special solid-propellant booster engine, the progressively increasing thrust of which compensates for the aerodynamic braking force of the decoy, it was possible to imitate the characteristics of warheads in almost all selectivity characteristics in the extra-atmospheric part of the trajectory and a significant part of the atmospheric part.
    One of the technical innovations that largely determined the high level of performance of the new missile system was the use of mortar launch of a missile from a transport and launch container (TPC). For the first time in world practice, a mortar design for a heavy liquid-propelled ICBM was developed and implemented. At launch, the pressure created by the powder pressure accumulators pushed the rocket out of the TPK and only after leaving the silo the rocket engine was started.

    The missile, placed at the manufacturing plant in a transport and launch container, was transported and installed in a silo launcher (silo) in an unfuelled state. The rocket was refueled with fuel components and the warhead was docked after installing the TPK with the rocket in the silo. Checks of onboard systems, preparation for launch and launch of the rocket were carried out automatically after the control system received the appropriate commands from a remote command post. To prevent unauthorized launch, the control system accepted for execution only commands with a specific code key. The use of such an algorithm became possible thanks to the introduction of a new centralized control system at all command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces.


    Roll tests of the rocket to test the mortar launch system began in January 1970, flight tests were carried out from February 21, 1973. Already at the first launches from the Plesetsk cosmodrome at the Kura training ground in Kamchatka, the control system made it possible to obtain an azimuth-range deviation of 600x800 meters.
    Of the 43 test launches, 36 were successful and 7 failed.

    The monoblock version of the R-36M missile with a “light” warhead was put into service on November 20, 1978. The version with a multiple warhead was put into service on November 29, 1979. The first missile regiment with the R-36M ICBM entered combat duty on December 25, 1974 .
    In 1980, the 15A14 missiles, which were on combat duty, were re-equipped without removal from the silos with improved MIRVs created for the 15A18 missile. The missiles continued combat duty under the designation 15A18-1.
    In 1982, the R-36M ICBMs were removed from combat duty and replaced with R-36M UTTH (15A18) missiles.


    R-36M UTTH

    The development of the third generation strategic missile system R-36M UTTH (GRAU index - 15P018, START code - RS-20B, according to the US and NATO classification - SS-18 Mod.4) with a 15A18 missile equipped with a 10-block multiple warhead has begun August 16, 1976.

    The missile system was created as a result of the implementation of a program to improve and increase the combat effectiveness of the previously developed 15P014 (R-36M) complex. The complex ensures the destruction of up to 10 targets with one missile, including high-strength small-sized or particularly large area targets located on terrain of up to 300,000 km², in conditions of effective counteraction by enemy missile defense systems.

    Increased efficiency of the new complex was achieved through:

  • increasing shooting accuracy by 2-3 times;
  • increasing the number of warheads (BB) and the power of their charges;
  • increasing the BB breeding area;
  • the use of highly protected silo launchers and command posts;
  • increasing the probability of bringing launch commands to the silo.

    The layout of the 15A18 rocket is similar to the 15A14. This is a two-stage rocket with a tandem arrangement of stages. The new rocket uses the first and second stages of the 15A14 rocket without modifications. The first stage engine is a four-chamber liquid propellant rocket engine RD-264 of a closed design. The second stage uses a single-chamber propulsion rocket engine RD-0229 of a closed circuit and a four-chamber steering rocket engine RD-0257 of an open circuit. The separation of stages and the separation of the combat stage is gas-dynamic.

    The main difference of the new missile was the newly developed propagation stage and MIRV with ten new high-speed units with increased power charges. The propulsion stage engine is four-chamber, dual-mode (thrust 2000 kgf and 800 kgf) with multiple (up to 25 times) switching between modes. This allows you to create the most optimal conditions for the breeding of all warheads. Another design feature of this engine is two fixed positions of the combustion chambers. In flight, they are located inside the propagation stage, but after the stage is separated from the rocket, special mechanisms move the combustion chambers beyond the outer contour of the compartment and deploy them to implement the “pulling” scheme for propagation of warheads. The MIR itself is made according to a two-tier design with a single aerodynamic fairing. The memory capacity of the onboard computer was also increased and the control system was modernized to use improved algorithms. At the same time, the shooting accuracy was improved by 2.5 times, and the readiness time for launch was reduced to 62 seconds.

    The R-36M UTTH missile in a transport and launch container (TPK) is installed in a silo launcher and is on combat duty in a fueled state in full combat readiness. To load the TPK into a mine structure, SKB MAZ has developed special transport and installation equipment in the form of a high-cross-country semi-trailer with a tractor based on the MAZ-537. The mortar method of launching a rocket is used.

    Flight design tests of the R-36M UTTH rocket began on October 31, 1977 at the Baikonur test site. According to the flight test program, 19 launches were carried out, 2 of which were unsuccessful. The reasons for these failures were clarified and eliminated, and the effectiveness of the measures taken was confirmed by subsequent launches. A total of 62 launches were carried out, of which 56 were successful.
    On September 18, 1979, three missile regiments began combat duty at the new missile complex. As of 1987, 308 R-36M UTTH ICBMs were deployed as part of five missile divisions. As of May 2006, the Strategic Missile Forces included 74 silo launchers with R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 ICBMs, equipped with 10 warheads each.

    The high reliability of the complex is confirmed by 159 successful launches as of September 2000, of which only four were unsuccessful. These failures during the launch of serial products are due to manufacturing defects.
    After the collapse of the USSR and the economic crisis of the early 1990s, the question arose about extending the service life of the R-36M UTTH until they were replaced by new Russian-developed complexes. For this purpose, on April 17, 1997, the R-36M UTTH rocket, manufactured 19.5 years ago, was successfully launched. NPO Yuzhnoye and the 4th Central Research Institute of the Moscow Region carried out work to increase the warranty period of missiles from 10 years successively to 15, 18 and 20 years. On April 15, 1998, a training launch of the R-36M UTTH rocket was carried out from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, during which ten training warheads hit all training targets at the Kura training ground in Kamchatka.
    A joint Russian-Ukrainian venture was also created to develop and further commercially use the Dnepr light launch vehicle based on the R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 missiles.

    R-36M2 "Voevoda"

    On August 9, 1983, by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau was tasked with modifying the R-36M UTTH missile so that it could overcome the promising American missile defense (ABM) system. In addition, it was necessary to increase the protection of the missile and the entire complex from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

    The fourth generation missile system R-36M2 "Voevoda" (GRAU index - 15P018M, START code - RS-20V, according to the US and NATO classification - SS-18 Mod.5/Mod.6) with a multi-purpose heavy-class intercontinental missile 15A18M is intended for hitting all types of targets protected by modern missile defense systems in any combat conditions, including multiple nuclear impacts in a positional area. Its use makes it possible to implement a strategy of a guaranteed retaliatory strike.

    As a result of the use of the latest technical solutions, the energy capabilities of the 15A18M rocket have been increased by 12% compared to the 15A18 rocket. At the same time, all conditions for restrictions on dimensions and starting weight imposed by the SALT-2 agreement are met. Missiles of this type are the most powerful of all intercontinental missiles. In terms of technological level, the complex has no analogues in the world. The missile system uses active protection of the silo launcher from nuclear warheads and high-precision non-nuclear weapons, and for the first time in the country, low-altitude non-nuclear interception of high-speed ballistic targets was carried out.

    Compared to the prototype, the new complex managed to achieve improvements in many characteristics:

  • increasing accuracy by 1.3 times;
  • 3 times increase in battery life;
  • reducing the combat readiness time by 2 times.
  • increasing the area of ​​the warhead disengagement zone by 2.3 times;
  • the use of high-power charges (10 individually targeted multiple warheads with a power of 550 to 750 kt each; general
  • throw weight - 8800 kg);
  • the possibility of launching from the constant combat readiness mode according to one of the planned target designations, as well as operational retargeting and launching according to any unplanned target designation transmitted from the highest level of control;

    To ensure high combat effectiveness in particularly difficult combat conditions, during the development of the R-36M2 Voevoda complex, special attention was paid to the following areas:

  • increasing the security and survivability of silos and command posts;
  • ensuring the stability of combat control in all conditions of use of the complex;
  • increasing the autonomy time of the complex;
  • increasing the warranty period;
  • ensuring the missile's resistance in flight to the damaging factors of ground-based and high-altitude nuclear explosions;
  • expanding operational capabilities to retarget missiles.

    One of the main advantages of the new complex is the ability to support missile launches in conditions of a retaliatory strike when exposed to ground-based and high-altitude nuclear explosions. This was achieved by increasing the survivability of the missile in the silo launcher and significantly increasing the resistance of the missile in flight to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. The rocket body has a multifunctional coating, protection of the control system equipment from gamma radiation has been introduced, the speed of the executive bodies of the control system stabilization machine has been increased by 2 times, the head fairing is separated after passing through the zone of high-altitude blocking nuclear explosions, the engines of the first and second stages of the rocket have been increased in thrust.
    As a result, the radius of the missile's damage zone with a blocking nuclear explosion, compared to the 15A18 missile, is reduced by 20 times, resistance to X-ray radiation is increased by 10 times, and resistance to gamma-neutron radiation is increased by 100 times. The missile is resistant to the effects of dust formations and large soil particles present in the cloud during a ground-based nuclear explosion.

  • For the missile, silos with ultra-high protection from damaging factors of nuclear weapons were built by re-equipping the silos of the 15A14 and 15A18 missile systems. The implemented levels of missile resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion ensure its successful launch after a non-damaging nuclear explosion directly at the launcher and without reducing combat readiness when exposed to an adjacent launcher.
    The rocket is made according to a two-stage design with a sequential arrangement of stages. The missile uses similar launch schemes, stage separation, warhead separation, and disengagement of combat equipment elements, which have shown a high level of technical excellence and reliability in the 15A18 missile.
    The propulsion system of the first stage of the rocket includes four hinged single-chamber liquid propellant engines with a turbopump fuel supply system and made in a closed circuit.

    The second stage propulsion system includes two engines: a sustainer single-chamber RD-0255 with a turbopump supply of fuel components, made in a closed circuit, and a steering RD-0257, a four-chamber, open circuit, previously used on the 15A18 rocket. Engines of all stages operate on liquid high-boiling components of UDMH+AT fuel; the stages are completely ampulized.
    The control system is developed on the basis of two high-performance digital control systems (on-board and ground-based) of a new generation and a high-precision complex of command instruments continuously operating during combat duty.
    A new nose fairing has been developed for the rocket, providing reliable protection of the warhead from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

    The tactical and technical requirements provided for equipping the missile with four types of warheads:

  • two monoblock warheads - with a “heavy” and a “light” warhead;
  • MIRV with ten unguided warheads with a capacity of 0.8 Mt;
  • Mixed MIRV consisting of six uncontrolled and four controlled warheads with a homing system based on terrain maps.

    As part of the combat equipment, highly effective missile defense penetration systems have been created (“heavy” and “light” decoys, dipole reflectors), which are placed in special cassettes, and thermally insulating BB covers are used.
    Flight design tests of the R-36M2 complex began at Baikonur in 1986. The first launch on March 21 ended in an emergency: due to an error in the control system, the first stage propulsion system did not start. The missile, emerging from the TPK, immediately fell into the shaft of the mine, its explosion completely destroyed the launcher. There were no human casualties.

    The first missile regiment with the R-36M2 ICBM went on combat duty on July 30, 1988. On August 11, 1988, the missile system was put into service. Flight design tests of the new fourth generation intercontinental missile R-36M2 (15A18M - “Voevoda”) with all types of combat equipment were completed in September 1989. As of May 2006, the Strategic Missile Forces included 74 silo launchers with R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 ICBMs, equipped with 10 warheads each.
    On December 21, 2006, at 11:20 am Moscow time, a combat training launch of the RS-20V was carried out. According to the head of the information and public relations service of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel Alexander Vovk, the missile training and combat units launched from the Orenburg region (Ural region) hit conditional targets with specified accuracy at the Kura training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Pacific Ocean. The first stage fell in the Vagaisky, Vikulovsky and Sorokinsky districts of the Tyumen region. It separated at an altitude of 90 kilometers, the remaining fuel burned as it fell to the ground. The launch took place as part of the Zaryadye development work. The launches gave an affirmative answer to the question about the possibility of operating the R-36M2 complex for 20 years.

    On December 24, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. Moscow time, the RS-20V intercontinental ballistic missile (“Voevoda”) was launched, said Colonel Vadim Koval, press secretary of the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense for the Strategic Missile Forces: “December twenty-four, 2009 At 9.30 Moscow time, the Strategic Missile Forces launched a missile from the position area of ​​the formation stationed in the Orenburg region,” Koval said. According to him, the launch was carried out as part of development work in order to confirm the flight performance characteristics of the RS-20V missile and extend the service life of the Voevoda missile system to 23 years.

    Launch vehicle "Dnepr"

    "Dnepr" is a conversion space launch vehicle created on the basis of the intercontinental ballistic missiles R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 "Voevoda" to be eliminated by the cooperation of Russian and Ukrainian enterprises and designed to launch up to 3.7 tons of payload (spacecraft or group satellites) into orbits with an altitude of 300-900 km.

    The implementation of the program for the creation and operation of the Dnepr launch vehicle is carried out by the International Space Company CJSC Kosmotras.

    The Dnepr launch vehicle is used in two modifications:

  • "Dnepr-1" - using the main components of the ICBM without modifications, with the exception of the fairing adapter.
  • “Dnepr-M” is a launch vehicle version, modernized by installing additional attitude control and stabilization engines, improving the control system and using an elongated nose fairing, due to which greater capabilities for launching payload have been achieved, including increased maximum height orbits.
    For launches of the Dnepr launch vehicle, a launcher is used at site 109 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome and launchers at the Yasny base of the 13th Red Banner Orenburg Missile Division in the Orenburg region.
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