The most powerful rivers in the world. The most dangerous rivers

It is not without reason that the Amazon River basin is considered one of the most... dangerous places in a world where there are a huge number of predators. I invite you to find out what is found in the waters of the Amazon, and why this place is considered so dangerous for life.

Black caiman

You could say this is an alligator on steroids, their muscles are much larger, and they can grow up to six meters in length. These are undoubtedly the apex predators of the Amazon River, the local kings who indiscriminately eat anyone who gets in their way.



Another giant monster of the Amazon is the well-known anaconda, the most large snake in the world. The weight of a female anaconda can reach 250 kilograms, and this is with a 9-meter length and a diameter of 30 centimeters. These predators prefer shallow waters, so most often they can be found not in the river itself, but in its branches.



The huge predator arapaima is equipped with armored scales, so it fearlessly swims among piranhas, feeding on fish and birds. These creepy fish are almost three meters long and weigh 90 kilograms.

Brazilian otter


Brazilian otters grow up to 2 meters in length and feed mainly on fish and crabs. However, the fact that they are always hunting numerous groups, allows them to successfully obtain more serious prey: there have been cases when these harmless-looking creatures killed and ate adult anacondas and even caimans. It’s not for nothing that they were nicknamed “river wolves.”

Common vandellia or candiru


Bull shark


Most often, bull sharks live in salty ocean waters, but they feel just as great in fresh water bodies. There were cases when these bloodthirsty predators swam so far along the Amazon that they reached the city of Iquitos (Peru), located almost 4 thousand kilometers from the sea. Considering that sharp teeth and powerful jaws These 3-meter creatures provide a bite force of 589 kilograms, you definitely wouldn’t want to meet them, but they are not averse to feasting on humans!

Electric eels


We would not advise you to approach them under any circumstances: two-meter creatures are capable of producing electrical discharges voltage up to 600 volts. And this is 5 times the current power in an American outlet and is enough to easily knock down a horse. Repeated blows from these creatures can lead to cardiac or respiratory failure, causing people to lose consciousness and simply drown in the water.

Common piranhas


It’s hard to even imagine more terrible and ferocious creatures; this is the real quintessence of the horror of the Amazon River. We all know that the sharp teeth of these fish have more than once inspired Hollywood directors to create creepy movies. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that piranhas are primarily scavengers. But, unfortunately, this does not mean that they do not attack healthy creatures. Their incredibly sharp teeth, located on the upper and lower jaws, meet very tightly, making them an ideal weapon for tearing flesh.

Mackerel hydrolic


These meter-long underwater inhabitants are also called vampire fish. On the lower jaw they have two sharp fangs that can grow up to 15 centimeters. They use these devices to literally impale the victim on them after they rush at it. The fangs of these fish are so large that nature had to take care of the safety of the hydrolics themselves. To prevent them from piercing themselves, they have special holes in their upper jaw.

Brown pacu


Fish with human teeth, the brown pacu, is a larger relative of the piranha. True, unlike the latter, these freshwater animals prefer fruits and nuts, although in general they are considered omnivores. The problem is that the "stupid" pacu are unable to distinguish nuts that fall from trees from male genitalia, which has left some male swimmers without testicles.

Watching the flow of a river, we rarely think about the danger that awaits in its waters. But there are bodies of water in the world that are simply terrifying and deadly. Some are dangerous because of the predators that live in it, and some are even a kind of poison. There is a water artery in the world whose temperature is approaching the boiling point and, naturally, those who decide to swim in it are at great risk. There is also a river on our planet, in the bed of which, instead of water, acid splashes, corroding everything organic. So which river is the scariest in the world? Where should you not relax, but should you be attentive and keep your eyes open?

According to legend, the sacred river Ganges works miracles; its waters can bring a person back from world of the dead or heal a seriously ill person. Unfortunately, these are just myths. In fact, the Ganges is one of the most terrible rivers. The dangers it carries are due to human negligence. The Ganges has become one of the most clogged and polluted bodies of water in the world. All industrial and sewage wastes flow into it. big cities India, which are overpopulated and require additional treatment facilities. According to inspections, the number of dangerous enterobacteria is 120 times higher than the maximum permissible norm, and even a short swim in the Ganges can have dire consequences. Infections can lead not only to severe illness, but also to death.

The ritual burial of bodies in Varanas worsens the condition of the river and also interferes with the purification of its waters. Every day, about 1,000 bodies, both burnt and untouched, are thrown from the embankments.

The length of the ritual embankments reaches 8 km

One of the most terrible and dangerous rivers, the Rio Tingo, flows in Spain. Instead of water, its bed is filled with acid, a concentration comparable to that of the stomach. One look at the Rio Tingo makes it clear that it is dangerous, the color of its waters ranges from blood red to rusty. This is due to the different concentrations of heavy metals in it. No fish or other creature can survive in such conditions, but the artery is still an attractive habitat for extremophiles. For this microorganism, terrible acidic conditions are suitable for reproduction and comfortable existence. Along the riverbed you can observe landscapes reminiscent of alien reliefs.

Why does acid flow in the riverbed? The reason for this is long-term mining. For thousands of years, people have searched and found in this place valuable species. Washing them away, the river became filled with heavy metals and gradually turned into acid. 30 years ago, all excavations and searches in the area were closed, but this did not reduce the percentage of acidity in the Rio Tingo.

It is not known when Rio Tingo will become clean or at least less dangerous

When discussing which river is the scariest and most dangerous, the South African Congo immediately comes to mind. It is the deepest waterway in the world. Its depth in some places reaches 230 meters, and the current is so strong that nothing can resist it. Congo is scary, but at the same time it gives great opportunities. Shipping is developed in quiet areas; the total length of shipping routes is approximately 20 thousand km. Local residents engage in commercial fishing. Nile perch, large tiger fish, barbel, freshwater herring, tilapia and other types of fish.

The history of the Congo is shrouded in mystery and magic, they say that in the depths tropical forests, running along its bed, there are many dangers; here you can meet the local tribe - the pygmies - or become infected with an intolerable disease. For tourists and rafters, the Congo is attractive. There are many dangerous, even scary rapids that even the most experienced cannot overcome. The so-called “Gates of Hell” are located on the riverbed. The famous 120 km long canyon frightens with its unpredictable rapids.

The Congo has not been fully explored and is fraught with many dangers in its waters.

Tourists who decide to visit Indonesia should know that one of the most terrible rivers in the world flows here. Man made it that way. Many years ago, Citarum was clean and supplied water to all nearby settlements and fields. But with progress, factories began to be built on its banks. On this moment there are already more than half a thousand of them. All waste and slag is dumped into Chitarum, and there is no time clean river has become one of the dirtiest and most dangerous water arteries peace. In some places the water surface is not visible due to debris. Chitarum is a breeding ground for many pathogenic bacteria, and once you swim in it, you can contract a terrible infection.

The worst thing is that people living along the river bed still use it for drinking water and for irrigating fields. This happens out of hopelessness, because they have no other source of water. The garbage floating in Citarum is also a strong pollutant for the hydroelectric power station in Java. According to scientists, this could soon lead to complete clogging and shutdown of the station.

In pursuit of profit, people do not notice how they pollute the environment

The Peruvian river was an amazing discovery for Andres Ruzo. For 5 years he studied the water artery. So what's so special about it?

Shanay-Timpishka is the only river, in which boiling water flows. There are no volcanoes near the artery (up to the nearest 700 km), and it is heated thanks to artesian springs gushing from the depths of the earth. In its waters, naturally, there is no life except endemic microorganisms - extremophiles. The length of the channel is about 6 km, at the very source it is cold, but soon the water temperature begins to increase. Throughout the entire river it stays average temperature 60-80°C, and in some places it reaches the boiling point, here you can see how the water is bubbling, releasing steam bubbles. People from the tribe through whose land a hot water artery flows call it “Warmed by the heat of the sun.” They use water for cooking, washing and other household needs.

Shanai-Timpishka is scary and dangerous for people, not those who know the river, for those who decide to swim in it or behave carelessly on the rocky shores. Once in its waters, any Living being Almost immediately he dies painfully and painfully.

Shanai-Timpishka cools down only in the lower reaches, where hot artesian waters stop gushing from underground

The deepest river in the world is one of the most terrible bodies of water on the planet. It flows into South America and full of various predators. The waterway is fraught with many large and small inhabitants that strive to attack a person. In the waters of the Amazon you can meet ruthless black caimans or get into a strong embrace giant anaconda. At the depths of this river there are huge catfish, they can reach 450 kg. Another of its most dangerous inhabitants are the terrible piranhas. These fish are small, but very dangerous. They are attracted by the smell of blood, and, attacking in a pack, they tear off pieces of flesh from their prey, gradually gnawing it to the bone. Very small candiru may seem harmless, but this is far from true. Attracted by the smell of urine, it penetrates the male urinary system and, when stuck there, causes severe pain. It can only be removed in a hospital through surgery.

The shores of the Amazon are also fraught with many dangers. Here you can find yourself in an impassable and deadly quagmire or meet a jaguar, a not very friendly representative of the cat family.

Floods that periodically occur due to the Amazon overflow can wipe out villages and nearby settlements.

China is home to the third largest river, the Yangtze River. It is the main waterway for many kilometers, its length is approximately 6440 km. The Yangtze is rich in flora and fauna. Chinese crocodiles, paddlefish and Guinea pigs, listed in the Red Book. The waterway provides stability and income to the people who settle along its banks, but not everything is as good as it might seem. Settlements are often subject to floods, the river overflows its banks and destroys not only housing, but also takes lives. The worst was the flood in 1954. More than 30,000 people died during this terrible event, and more large quantity left without shelter and livestock, they had to start all over again, with clean slate. Every year, the river tests the strength of residents during the rainy season, which lasts from May to August. The water is scary, but people still continue to live and build new settlements on its banks.

Another problem is the ecology of the Yangtze. On its banks there are many settlements and small factories that discharge untreated wastewater in its direction. Thus it becomes a big sewer with poisonous waters.

According to environmentalists, the scale of Yangtze pollution is 34 billion tons, and this figure continues to increase

The famous waterway is famous for its calm disposition. Compared to some rivers, it is harmless and its floods are not as frequent. But still, the Yenisei is included in the list of the most terrible rivers in the world. This happened due to its high radioactive background. The river bed was contaminated with radiation due to human fault. To produce weapons-grade plutonium, 2 direct-flow plants were built in 1950 nuclear reactor. Water from the Yenisei was used to cool the reactors and was discharged back without purification. Over several years, radiation accumulated in the riverbed.

Medical institutions noted an increase in leukemia, as well as breast cancer in women among residents of nearby settlements

Since ancient times, people have built settlements along the banks of rivers. They water us, feed us, and provide us with many benefits. But they can also be dangerous for some residents and even entire villages and towns. But for the most part, man is to blame for all these disasters. Its intervention in nature changes many factors that subsequently affect the condition of water arteries, the concentration of harmful substances and their flow.

Without water, a person will die, just as without air. That is why rivers rightfully bear the title of water arteries of our planet; we value them and protect them to the best of our ability. However, nature does not care about human sorrows.

The most large rivers The world can suddenly turn from saviors into merciless monsters and it is better to always stay on your guard around them.


Swimming here is like putting your head in the mouth of a tiger. The waters of the Amazon are very treacherous, and the local fish can be scared to death. And this is not to mention the anacondas, huge snakes, capable of breaking a person in half with the movement of a powerful body!

Kern River

The Californian river attracts many thrill-seekers. Many remain at the bottom of this treacherous body of water. In 2014, a group of 9 boys, accompanied by three adults, drowned here; in 2017, the river took eight of them.


When this 4,180 km long river overflows its banks, everything around it dies. Cities are being washed away, and farmland is turning into disastrous swamps. Millions of Africans died of starvation after the 2010 Niger flood.


The length of the Mekong is 4350 kilometers. This river flows through China, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma and Thailand. Along its entire length, dangerous Siamese crocodiles found refuge in small pools. The Mekong floods quite often: the last one happened in 2000 and cost the lives of 130 people.


Do you know what the local tribes call Kongo? Heart of Darkness, that's how it is. It is almost impossible to navigate due to its wild current and incredible depth for a river, reaching 220 meters in some places.

Red River

The river crosses several southern states of America. The currents here are dangerous and very unpredictable. A person who dares to plunge into the waters of the Red River must be prepared to meet a suddenly appearing whirlpool: one that can pull you to the very bottom in a split second.

Huang He

The third longest river in all of Asia, which also has a reputation as one of the most dangerous and destructive rivers in the world. What can I say, because another name for Huang He is the River of Sorrow! Over the past 10 years, the river has changed course 26 times, causing 1,500 floods and killing several million people.

The rapid flow of the river can cause admiration for those who are able to appreciate its beauty. But often the splendor of the landscape hides tragedies that people don’t like to talk about, writes Publi.

We have prepared a list of rivers that keep terrible secrets in their waters: murders, unexplained deaths, monsters living at the bottom.

#1 Toxic algae

As New Zealand's warm and dry weather sets in, the local government is warning people about the dangers posed by the blooming Hutt River. Toxic algae - cyanobacteria - begins to bloom with the onset of warm weather. If a person or animal swallows it, it is unlikely that their life will be saved. The neurotoxin contained in this algae more dangerous than poison cobras

Sometimes algae detaches from rocks and floats in the water column, and the risk of ingesting them unnoticed increases. Between 2003 and 2018, 150 dogs were recorded to have died after swimming in the river. Quantity human deaths it has not been established, however, local residents and tourists continue to swim here despite warnings.

#2 If you enter the river, you will find your death

Not far from the US capital is the deadliest river on earth. east coast- Potomac. Its banks annually become the site of many festivals, and fast flows annually claim many lives. Warnings from local authorities about the danger had no effect on tourists, so a sign “If you enter the river, you will find your death” was placed near the river, which was installed after a group of 6 people died in those waters.

Surprisingly, most deaths occur during fairly harmless activities: people going to cool off in shallow water or playing with dogs. In 2010, on Remembrance Day, a woman walked into shallow water to retrieve a ball and was swept away by the current. Her thirteen-year-old daughter tried to help her mother and also died. Both bodies were pulled out of the river only two days later. Because of mortal danger, which represents the waters, kayakers sign an agreement with local authorities before they begin rafting. Local residents say that every year with the onset warm weather people start drowning in this river. This is a pattern that is impossible to get used to.

#3 Burials on the water

In January 2015, a group of local residents from Indian settlement Varanashi came across hundreds of corpses floating in one of the canals of the Ganges River. Varanashi - ancient city in India, this is the religious capital, millions of Hindus dream of dying here to achieve the eternal liberation of moksha.

On average, from 30 to 100 bodies a day are lowered into the river on a special raft and set on fire, cremation occurs while the body floats on the water. Those who cannot afford a full-fledged procession simply throw the bodies of the deceased into the river, where they float until they rot. Needless to say, local residents wash their clothes here too.

Of course, in such conditions, a huge number of infections appear that are transmitted in water. According to statistics, 80% of all diseases in India occur due to water pollution. People drink this water and develop diarrhea, which kills 600 thousand people a year.

#4 Restless Souls of the White River

On an early February morning in 1887, a train traveling from Boston to Montreal derailed and fell from the Hartford Bridge into the icy waters of the White River. The flames from the explosion reached the bridge and destroyed it. This catastrophe railway became the most terrible of all in the history of Vermont. The bodies of the passengers, who were not burned beyond recognition, were identified by the remains of clothing and personal belongings. 37 people died that night. They say that strange phenomena occur in the river area; they are attributed to the fact that the souls of the dead have not found peace and are still wandering here.

Local residents try to avoid this place, citing the fact that ghosts are often seen here. Eyewitnesses note that sometimes there is a smell of burning here and cries for help can be heard. In addition, they say that a young man in 19th-century clothing was seen here, standing on the frozen surface of the river. Of course, there is no evidence that the souls of the people who died that night are wandering here, but they say that it is in the area of ​​the tragedy that people become inexplicably restless.

#5 Corpse Collectors

The Chinese Yangtze River has played the unpleasant role of a collector for corpses. Dead bodies are discovered floating downstream every day, prompting local boatmen to demand higher wages. Collectors refuse to catch the corpses, which is why the waters are polluted.

In this place, events happen all the time that lead to the death of people, which is why such a strange position as a collector of corpses appeared. In 2015, a cruise ship sank in a storm on the Yangtze, killing 456 people, mostly retirement age. All found bodies were subjected to mass cremation.

In addition, one of the bridges leading across the river is very popular among suicides. About once a week a suicide occurs here and the body of the deceased is carried downstream until he is caught.

By the 1980s, the second longest river in the United States, the Missouri, had become mass release corpses. The seclusion of this river allows killers to quietly dump the bodies of their victims into the water. But in most cases, the current carries the bodies down the river, straight to the city. By the mid-80s, Kansas City authorities noted that too many corpses were being found in the waters of this river, so special patrols were organized along its banks that not only looked for the bodies of victims of domestic violence, but also tried to prevent accidental deaths and reduce the number of drownings.

The murders of seven women between 1982 and 1995 were considered the most brutal; the legs of the corpses found in the river were cut off. The youngest victim, Beverly Tracey, was just 13 years old when her lifeless body was pulled from the river in April 1991.

Gregory Breeden was convicted in 1996 of the murder of Viola McCoy; her dismembered body was found in a river in September 1994. The same convict was suspected of six more murders, but at the last moment the main witness stopped cooperating with the investigation and it was not possible to prove it. The killer spent the rest of his days in prison, dying at the age of 67 in May 2014. The murder of seven women, whose corpses were mutilated, was never solved.

#7 Colorado

The Grand Canyon attracts crowds of tourists with its splendor; here flows the Colorado River, whose beauty is tarnished by tragedy. In 1928, newlyweds Glen and Bessie went missing here, and in 1869, three members of Powell's expedition died under mysterious circumstances. The walls of the canyon are full of inscriptions about people who will stay here forever. The remains of those who fell from the cliff remain in the river, as well as the remains of the boat of the famous Bert Lauper, who died in the waters of Colorado in 1949.

Boating enthusiasts die here every year, and suicides are also very fond of this place. The most terrible, perhaps, can be considered senseless and very brutal murders on the banks of Colorado. In May 2006, Japanese tourist Tomomi Haamuri received 30 stab wounds right on my 34th birthday. Her body was found in the river only a week later. Many believe that the souls of those killed in the canyon do not leave it. According to tourists who stay here with tents, strange voices are heard here.

#8 There is no friend for the taste and color

In the waters of the Kali River, which flows on the border of India and Nepal, lives the largest and most dangerous freshwater fish gunch. It was originally known as a man-eating fish, and there have been cases of its fatal attacks in villages along the banks of the river. It's more like a horror movie scenario: a huge fish drags a man into the water, and witnesses to this event can do nothing to help. Even a domestic buffalo could not escape from this fish. It is worth noting that no remains of victims or pieces of clothing were found after these attacks. When researchers studied the waters of the Kali River, they noted a large number of huge fish. The largest gunch that was caught was 1.8 m in length and weighed 75.5 kg.

British biologist Jeremy Wade suggests that the increase in the number of attacks by this fish on people may be due to a thirst for human flesh. The fact is that funeral ceremonies are held on the banks of Kali and burning corpses are sent to float down the river to last way. In this regard, the theory that gunch fish are simply accustomed to eating human flesh has a right to exist.

#9 Congo

The Belgian king Leopold II, under the guise of good intentions, annexed the Congo, thereby sowing chaos on the banks of the river in Central Africa in the 19th century. Special bases were established along the banks, which marked the beginning of events known as the “forgotten Holocaust.” Villages along the river were burned, women were raped, men were executed, even children were subjected to terrible torture.

These terrible events were only a prelude to further misfortunes. In 2005, an epidemic of pneumonic plague broke out in the main trading center on the Congo River. In the first four days, 60 people fell ill; in the following days, hundreds of diamond miners were infected, and it was they who spread the disease further, moving along the river.

The waters of the Congo River are very treacherous, their danger lies not only in the speed of the flow, but also in the aggression of fishermen and local residents. Every year, hundreds of people go missing in storms, and looters risk their lives to salvage loot from sunken boats. In 2010, there was a fire on a boat here; potential robbers did not help the drowning passengers; they searched the burning boat, while finishing off the drowning people with oars.

#10 Cannibalism

In 1961, Michael Rockefeller, son of Nelson Rockefeller, went missing during an expedition on the Dairam Kabur River in New Guinea. His body was never discovered; according to the official version, he became a victim of a tribe of cannibals living on the river bank.

The Korowai tribe hunts strangers on the banks of the Dairam Kabur River, whom they believe to be ghost demons. In addition, these superstitions more than once led to the death of members of the tribe. It should be noted that the inhabitants of the tribe use ancient tools: stone axes and bows and arrows. And the one who commits murder can take the victim's skull as a trophy.

In 2006, a representative of this tribe gave an interview to one of the Western magazines, in which he said that the body of the murdered person is cut into pieces, wrapped in banana leaves and divided among clan members. “We cook human meat the same way as pork: we put palm leaves and hot river stones on the wrapped meat to create smoke.” If the prospect of becoming someone's dinner doesn't quite terrify you, remember that there are other dangers in New Guinea: huge killer reptiles, malaria, tuberculosis and elephantiasis.

It seems that after reading such an article, you can hardly continue to calmly sunbathe on the beach and go into the water, because you never know what danger is hidden in it.

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There are a great variety of surface water bodies on our planet. Such bodies of water also include rivers that help people transport goods, travel, and supply us fresh water. True, rivers not only bring good, but they can also rebel, destroying everything in their path. The larger the river, the more useful it is for humans, and the more dangerous it is. Harnessing the river is not easy, and using it can be compared to riding a bronco. Let's see which rivers are considered the most powerful.

10. Mekong River

This river flows through countries such as Burma, Thailand, Yunnan (province of China), Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. The Mekong is one of the longest rivers in the world, ranking 11th in the world and 7th in Asia. The length of this river is impressive - 4350 kilometers.

Due to constant seasonal changes, various forms The relief encountered along the Mekong route makes navigation along this river very difficult. Almost every year the river overflows its banks, causing floods and loss of life. Despite everything, the people of Asia have great respect for this river, because they owe it good harvests and an advanced navigation system (albeit very complex).

9. Lena

The Lena River flows through Eastern Siberia, and is in tenth place among the ten longest rivers in the world (note that the criterion for our rating is the power of the river, not its length, so the indicators of places may differ, this is not a mistake). The Lena River is approximately 4,399 kilometers long and flows into the Laptev Sea. This river is known for its rapid flow, especially in summer and spring when the water warms up. In the spring of 2007, the Lena flooded more than 1,000 houses, and the flood affected about 12 cities.

8. Parana

This is a river in South America, which is in 14th place on the list of the longest rivers in the world. Most of the channel is located in Brazil, but the Paraná also flows through other countries, in particular Argentina and Paraguay. Its length is 4 thousand kilometers, and along its entire length the Paraná merges with three more rivers, which are quite large.

This river is known for its turbulent nature. In particular, she constantly causes some problems to the residents coastal zones, flooding everything and everyone with enviable regularity. The Parana is washing away the banks, destroying buildings, forcing people to look for other places to live. El Niño winds are one of the reasons for this behavior of Paraná.

7. Yenisei

This river is the largest of those that flow into the Northern Arctic Ocean. It is the fifth longest river in the world, with a channel length of 4092 kilometers. The Yenisei flows from Mongolia directly to the center of Siberia, and from there to the Arctic Ocean. The upper course of the river poses a frequent problem for local residents - either it will flood or something will break.

6. Mississippi

This river is the second largest in the USA. The length of this river is 2050 kilometers, the channel begins in Minnesota and ends at the Gulf of Mexico, where the river flows. People living near the waters of this river both love and fear it - it is well known for its violent temper. They have been trying to pacify the river since the very beginning of the formation of the United States, and even earlier. However, neither dams nor channel straightening help much, and the river continues to frighten with its instability.

5. Brahmaputra

This river is located in Bangladesh, starting its journey from the southeastern part of Tibet, flowing through the Himalayas, and eventually ending up in Bangladesh. The length of this river is almost three thousand kilometers; it is used mainly for transporting goods and for irrigation needs.

While most of the river is quite easy to navigate, small parts of the riverbed are not only impassable, but also dangerous for residents of the coastal zones. The river is especially dangerous during the spring melting of the snows of the Himalayas. At this time, floods, destruction and disasters begin. This river often has complex currents, and sometimes waves travel up the river, posing a threat to ships.

4. Yangtze

This is the longest river not only in China, but throughout Eurasia. In terms of length (5800 kilometers) it ranks third in the world, but in terms of importance and power it ranks fourth. This river often destroys all dams and other structures, as it often overflows its banks. Of course, the river is being pacified, but so far the effectiveness of such structures is minimal, although scientists confirm a gradual decrease in the number of floods.

Researchers claim three various types floods characteristic of this river. Some seasons and years are much more dangerous than others. Sometimes a river behaves very peacefully for several months, suddenly, within a couple of days, showing all its power.

3. Orinoco

This river is one of the longest rivers in South America. Its total length is 2410 kilometers, and it flows through the territory of Colombia and Venezuela, originating near the border with Brazil. After the river reaches a flat terrain, its flow slows down and the Orinoco gradually calms down. However, some sections of the river bed are marked in navigation locations as extremely dangerous.

At the end of the journey, the river gives up its waters to the Atlantic Ocean. The river waters are used for irrigation and for transporting goods.

2. Congo (Zaire)

This river is known to everyone under two names - Congo or Zaire. This river is the second longest in Africa, and one of the most powerful in the world. Very often the river overflows its banks and floods, which are followed by periods of quiet serenity. Then there may be another week of disasters, and then a month of calm. The ships, of course, sail along the river, but the sailors are afraid to make an unnecessary movement.

1. Amazon

This river is most famous all over the world - it is extremely powerful, strong, fast. For a long time it was believed that the Nile is the most long river in the world. After conducting aerospace research, it turned out that the Amazon, with its 6992.06 kilometers, is the longest. The Amazon, so to speak, is the “queen” of all rivers, representing in some parts of its channel the sea in miniature.

Its channel is so wide that it is never crossed by bridges - the Amazon can only be crossed by ferry or other vessel. The river is about 50 meters deep in some places, so think twice before swimming in its waters.
