Scenario for the year of ecology in the camp. Ecological fairy tale

Galina Pyatkina
Entertainment script " Ecological fairy tale»

Children sit on chairs

Reb. Watch the fairy tale, Would you like?

There are many fairy tales in the world,

You won't read it right away

But like ours

You won't find it in the world!

This tale is not easy

About nature - that's what it is!

Reb. We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

In the summer, magical, fairy forest

He invites us to visit him.

Walks in to the music "Little Red Riding Hood" sings a song

Reb. Little Red Riding Hood:

How nice it is in the forest in the spring,

What a beauty!

The birds sing merrily,

That sun is shining brightly!

I'm in a hurry to see my grandmother

I bring her pies,

And I rejoice at the flowers around,

And butterflies in the forest.

I walk boldly along the path,

No one is afraid of me

And my favorite song

I always sing everywhere.

Disturbing music sounds "Wolf" Little Red Riding Hood is hiding

Wolf: Well, I've finally arrived,

It's so nice to relax here.

Sits on a stump, eats, scatters garbage, goes to bed

They jump out to cheerful music "Bunnies"(3 boys)

1 Hare: Oh, how nice it is for us to catch,

Summer ray of sunshine!

We love to run and jump,

Play hide and seek with each other.

2 Hare: Play naughty, laugh, laugh

And never lose heart.

Dancing to fun music

3 Hare: Oh, trouble, quickly, save me,

Call the doctor here.

I stepped on something

My poor paw.

Comes in "Bear"

bear: Good afternoon animals,

Cute bunnies.

Why don't you download?

And what are you crying about?

2. Hare: We hurt our paws

About tin cans.

Someone broke the glass here

It crashed into my paw.

bear: Oh, how disgusting!

Oh, how bad!

Someone is probably very evil

I visited the forest here,

Garbage was scattered everywhere.

We'll take the bunnies to the doctor,

And then we’ll clean it up together.

The bear takes the bunnies to the doctor and bandages their paw

The fox went to the forest and punishes the children

Fox: I got up early today,

To go into the forest for food.

I ask you: be obedient,

Clean everything up.

Don't pick up matches,

Don't joke with fire!

1st fox.

We promise: foursome

We will clean everything in the house!

Fox: Well, look, don’t be naughty

And expect me at lunchtime.

Lisa leaves.

2nd little fox.

Mom left home -

We need to get down to business!

I'll water the flower now.

To the music the fox cubs begin work: putting away toys, watering flowers, sweeping the floor.

4th little fox

Well, it's all done

Let's drink some tea!

1st fox

But what about the kettle?

Shall we warm it up?

After all, mom is strict

She didn’t tell me to take matches!

2nd little fox

Just think! What nonsense!

We only need one match

Moreover, I have seen many times

How mom lit the gas in the kitchen.

3rd little fox

Or maybe it’s not necessary?

4th little fox

Yes, I see you are just a coward!

The 4th little fox enters the house and takes a box of matches.

3rd little fox

Our brother took the matches after all!

fox cubs (together) .

Oh, there wouldn't be a fire!

The cry of a fox cub is heard from the house

Oh-oh-oh-oh! I got burned!

My match fell!

Our house is on fire! Hurry here!

The foxes run into the house, on the roof of which flames appear. (They can be made from red paper or fabric.)

fox cubs (loud). Fire! Fire!

3rd little fox

No! We can't cope with such fire!

You'll have to leave home and run away!

Suddenly a cloud appears with thunder and it starts to rain

Oh, the weather is gloomy,

The cloud is approaching

You need to stand under a birch tree

Wait out the summer rain. (hides)

They run to the music "Droplets"(2 girls) and put out the fire

Children read

1. The light is always like this -

Both good and bad:

It shines, it warms,

And he knows how to play pranks.

2. So that the forests can bloom,

And gardens and rivers,

Take care of all living things

You are in this world.

3. Don’t leave trash, friend,

In a clearing in the forest.

Don't pollute the rivers.

Let's declare a fight to the bottle.

We will love nature

Let's live together with nature

All (together): And then at any time of the year,

Nature will delight us!

All children: Always remember this!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of educational activities on cognitive development “Ecological fairy tale “About a little drop”“Ecological fairy tale “About a Little Drop” Program content: Introduce children to natural phenomena: rain, water.

Ecological fairy tale There lived an old man, old man Ekovichok. He loved the Earth very much and wandered through the forests and fields. All the bugs, bees, butterflies, and flowers adored the old man and sang.

Ecological fairy tale “Take care of the forest!” for participants of the project “Flora and Fauna of the Tomsk Region” A red fox was walking along a forest path.

Ecological fairy tale "Nature's Complaint Book". This performance was staged in our kindergarten for the city theater festival, which.

Ecological fairy tale “Forest Pharmacy” Program objectives: fostering respect for nature, animals, love and care for all living things on the planet. Ved: The forest is not only.

Once a month, the Kineshma Theater comes to our kindergarten with its performances. This time they came to us with environmental concerns.

Ecological Fridays at a school health camp. Part one.

Description: The work is intended to acquaint visitors of the material with the activities of members of the environmental club of friends wildlife WWF "Researcher" during the summer health camp"Rainbow", where young environmentalists work as volunteers.
Scenario development is designed for teachers additional education, primary school teachers, biology and ecology, middle and high school students. It can be used to carry out cool hours, holidays, ecological decades.
Perkovskaya O. V., coordinator of the environmental center Level III on environmental education and upbringing of students of MAOU "Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 1".
Target: formation of environmental consciousness junior schoolchildren and development of volunteer consciousness.
Tasks: develop observation skills, ability to find correct solution, expand students’ knowledge, show the importance environmental problems in life, learn to behave correctly in nature, master a broader worldview of nature, learn to actively participate in communication processes, contribute to the development of schoolchildren’s emotional and sensory attitude towards nature.

First Ecological Friday

Before working at the stations, the guys introduce Ecokolobok, the main character of the day.
A small performance creates the mood for eco-travel.

Eco-kolobok: Hello guys. Hello adults. I am Ecokolobok. And I am made not from dough, but from synthetic fabrics. And it was not my grandparents who baked me, but young ecologists from Molchanovskaya high school No. 1. And I didn’t run away from anyone, but came to you together with the guys from the “Researcher” environmental club. But before coming to you, I traveled a lot around the world, and what surprised and outraged me, I will now tell you together with my friends. Meet me!

Chamomile: Hello, friends! I am a daisy. I live on a green meadow
Polyanka: I am a green meadow. I need rain.
Rain: I am the rain. I need evaporation from ponds and rivers.
River: I am a river. To prevent me from drying out, forests must grow on my banks.
Forest: I forest. I am home to many animals, for example, a hare.
Hare: I am a hare. I love carrots and cabbage, but sometimes I chew tree bark.
Forest: Yeah, hare... But caterpillars harm me much more! I need birds!
Bird: Without us birds, the forest will be boring: we start singing at sunrise.
Sun: I am the sun. A lot of people need me. For example, a bluebell in a meadow.
Human: And I am a man. I'll pick a chamomile into a bouquet! In the clearing, you can fry kebabs using hare meat, by the way! The forest will be used for firewood. The river is a good thing - I’ll swim. Sunshine - sunbathe. I need rain so I don’t have to water my dacha.... But I don’t like birds - they chirp in the morning and disturb my sleep! And I shoot them with shot from a gun! Tra - ta - ta!
Hare:- But we need them!
Human: Yes, you all need each other for something! And which of you needs me, the man – the King of Nature?! Here you are, hare, do you need me? And you, forest. will you live without me? What will happen to the river if a person disappears? If there is no man, will there be a sun on earth? So, no one needs me?... No one?!..
Rain: Do not Cry!
Forest: You have done a lot of harm to Nature, but you were not always like this.
Polyanka: It’s just that when you were a child, you were never in a green meadow...
Bird: And I have never heard birds singing...
River: You are also a part of Nature, which means you are also needed for something!
Hare: Just don't behave... like a human being.
Everyone watches the cartoon “About Garbage” together.

Work begins at the stations

The time during which work at the station continues is 7 minutes.
Each team receives a route sheet, where the conducting stations assign the number of points to the team based on the results of the work. This motivates the guys to work more actively.
First station “We are surrounded by garbage...”

Target: getting to know the garbage that people produce.
Tasks: get acquainted with garbage, learn to understand its danger in nature.
Everyone present watches the cartoon “Fixie - Tips”. Protect the environment! The duration of the cartoon is 1.5 minutes.

Station presenter.
The amount of waste depends on the population size. For example, 10 million tons are generated annually in Moscow, 225 thousand tons in Tomsk, and 640 thousand tons in the Tomsk region.
Our region has identified an area of ​​611 hectares for the needs of landfills and waste disposal sites. This area could accommodate more than 600 football fields.
How long can they “live” miscellaneous waste V natural environment(taken to special landfills):
Wood and products made from it: about 5 years;
Paper and cardboard: about 10 years;
Plastic bag: 200 years;
Plastic – 500 years;
Aluminum can: 500 years;
Glass bottle: 1,000,000 years.
Volunteers are holding a competition “Through the Mouths of Babies”, where they talk about what today’s population of the Earth, a society of super-consumers, produces for their livelihoods. It is estimated that each of us spends 20 tons of raw materials per year, most of which – 97% – goes to waste. There are many various garbage. What kind of garbage this is is encrypted in its description, but in childish sayings. If participants guess from the first clue what kind of garbage they are talking about, then they get “5” points, from the second - “4” points, and so on. For example:
I have a lot of toys made from it.
It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break.
Items made from it weigh little.
If you set it on fire, it will produce a lot of black smoke that smells bad.
It cannot be thrown away, since it itself does not decompose in nature (does not rot).
(The answer is plastic).

Second station "I'm getting ready to go..."

The ecologist is holding a testing competition “Checking readiness for travel.” Participants were asked to answer the following questions:
1. You went into the forest and found a clearing with beautiful flowers.
A) pick a bouquet;
B) collect flowers for the herbarium in the biology classroom;
C) admire it, take a photo and move on.
2. You saw a bush with unfamiliar but beautiful berries
A) eat yourself;
B) treat your comrades and observe their well-being;
C) stop and write in your diary to find out the name using the key.
3. I saw a chick under the tree. You:
A) catch it and take it home;
B) hide, watch and move on;
C) you will look for a nest to return to your parents.
4. You were tired and hungry:
A) stop, light a fire, boil water to drink tea;
B) choose the most a nice place and settle down for a rest;
C) you will find the strength to reach the place where others stopped before you;
5. After lunch you have some cans left. You:
A) take them home;
B) bury;
C) you will leave it under a tree on the garbage heap that was here before you arrived.

After working on the tests. The guys are asked to comment on their answers.
The game is played based on the picture “Guys on a hike,” which is shown on the screen.
Target: development of attention and observation when working with drawings.
The following questions are asked.
1. How many tourists live in this camp?

3. What did they use to come here?

6. What time of day is it now?
7. Where did Shura go?
8. Who was on duty yesterday? (Say the name.)

1.How many tourists live in this camp?
There are four, the duty list is for 4, there are 4 spoons and 4 plates on the mat.
2. When did they arrive here: today or a few days ago?
Not today, a cobweb had already formed between the tent and the tree.
And it’s not Kolya who’s on duty (he’s sitting next to the backpack with the letter “K”)
3. What did they use to come here?
On the boat. There are oars near the tree. This is a Soviet mystery, and at that time
there were not so many cars.
4. How far is it from the camp to the nearest village?
It’s unlikely that the guys brought a live chicken with them. The village is nearby.
5. Where does the wind blow from: north or south?
The tree has longer branches on the south side and shorter branches on the north.
And now you can look at the flame of the fire - it “stretches” to the north.
Therefore, the wind is south.
6. What time of day is it now?
Morning, as the shadow falls to the west => the sun shines from the east.
7. Where did Shura go?
Shura went to catch butterflies. You can see a net behind the bushes, falling on a butterfly.
8. Who was on duty yesterday? (Call me by name.)
So, Shura went to get butterflies, Kolya is sitting next to the backpack with the letter “K”.
Another boy is taking photographs. We directly see a backpack with the letter “B”,
which contains the tripod. Consequently, the photographer’s name begins with the letter “V” - Vasya.
By method of elimination - Petya is on duty today. So, Kolya was on duty yesterday.
9. What day is it today, what month?
Today Petya is on duty => 8. And August 8th. Watermelons in August. Although there are watermelons in September, butterflies and unfallen leaves also indicate August.
Third station "Ekomusikalnaya"

The guys in the teams prepare a song (2 verses) and perform it all together. The counselors learned the words in groups.
Song "Road of Goodness". Words by Yu. Entin Music by M. Minkov
Ask strict life: “Which road should I take?
Where in the world should we go in the morning?”
Follow the sun! Although this path is unknown,

People must remember - there will be no other Earth!
Take care of the meadows and rivers, don’t light a fire in the forest...
So that both flowers and animals can believe you,
Go, my friend, always go along the Road of Good!
Then the guys are divided into groups of three, and, drawing out the words of the ditties, perform them.
We'll sing ditties for you,
How we live in Molchanovo,
We all love the environment
And we protect nature.

Our lake is getting shallow
The fish is choking
There are only skeletons on the sand
They're lying around from her.

We have a big river,
Children swim in it
Only with them all the cows
They're having fun in the river!

Geese were swimming in the lake
Our Aunt Marusya
And now all the geese
Ten paws and six ears!

He went to a stream of water to drink.
I dipped my nose into the water.
Sticking out of my nostrils
Two cigarette butts.

You go into the forest, and there -
Here the stream continues to run into the distance...
Nothing is needed forever
If only our land would bloom! All!!!
Fourth station “Ecowalk”

The eco-walk takes place on the camp grounds. The first observations are based on children's sensory perception of living and inanimate nature, the assimilation of which is facilitated by the emotional richness of the cognitive material.
« Ecological walk“is a direct experience of children’s communication with nature, so it is very important that next to them there is a person who can not only answer all questions, but also “infect” children with his enthusiastic attitude towards nature.
In the area where the lesson is taking place, the girls previously found natural objects (a dry tree branch, pine cones, pebbles, leaves, etc.) and objects that should not be in nature (glass, candy wrappers, sticks, and so on). They put all these objects on a tray and, having lined up the children in a circle, showed them to the participants, asking them in advance to look carefully and remember all the objects that they see. Then, on command, the presenters note the time, the teams begin to collect items in the square allocated for the station.
The “elder” from the group, whom the guys choose, remains in place. To him, all team members carry the found items and place them on a tray that each team receives.
Fifth station “World of Senses”
The educational cycle “World of Senses” is aimed at enriching perception. Children are offered natural objects as objects of perception.

The sensory development techniques used in classes give children the opportunity to become familiar not only with the color, shape, size and spatial arrangement of objects, but also with the richness of sound, taste, olfactory and tactile sensations that gives them the world. In addition, children not only get acquainted with standards of shape and size, with the taste of various berries, vegetables and fruits, with natural aromas. Each time they are asked to describe their feelings and impressions in words. As a result of this approach, two more important tasks are solved: children develop imaginative thinking and develop imagination. The classes in this cycle are some of the most intense, and very often even one type of activity provides the opportunity to “train” several senses at once.
From natural objects The children were asked to recognize a goose and peacock feather, an ostrich and quail egg, a coconut, an apple and others.
By taste it was proposed to identify honeysuckle berries, dates, pine nuts, kiwi, banana and other fruits and berries.
The counselor uttered natural sounds into the ear, for example, “ha-ga-ga” and passed on a model of the ear, and the last person sitting was asked what he heard.
Sixth station "Ecoplakat"
Here the children are offered whatman paper, pencils, paints and felt-tip pens. Each detachment brings supplies with itself.

Second Ecological Friday

The game is held within the framework of the project “Formation of responsibility for the state of the environment of the younger generation of Russian citizens.”
Target: creating conditions for improving the environment through communicative and cognitive activities.
Communication - uniting children within a team and between teams of different schools to complete assigned tasks.
Developmental – development of logical and abstract thinking through the prism of environmental components and skills project activities personalities in environment, development of creative abilities.
Social – awareness of one’s role in preserving the environment, as well as prospects and opportunities for participation and influence on processes in society.
Educational – informing and involving the public in activities to improve the state of the environment.

There is a knock on the door and the postman Pechkin enters. He brought a letter - a telegram from environmentalists in the area and reads it to the guys.
“Dear guys! The number is growing every day household waste in our village. Residents throw it into forests, ponds, or just outside their gardens. Environmental pollution household waste contributes to an increase in the number of mice, rats, crows in the village, and these animals are carriers of many diseases. You could help us a lot in the fight for the cleanliness of our village and the health of its inhabitants. To do this, you need to explain how you can reduce the amount of waste you throw away. We count on you and thank you in advance for your help. "Ecology Committee".

Leading. Today you and I will have to conduct our investigations, and environmental experts will evaluate your work. For correct and original answers, the group will receive tokens: green, red, blue and yellow.
Exercise 1.
Decoding the telegram.
(Groups receive cards with a word on each). It is necessary to put together a proverb, and the team that will be the first to form the words correctly will win.
Encryption - seven rectangles on which one word or preposition is written: “not”, “spit”, “in”, “well”, “useful”, “water”, “get drunk”.
Task 2.
“Find the criminal and bring charges.”
1. An application was received with a request to find the criminal. The criminal's nickname was “Fal”; he left no traces. “Pal commits the crime late at night. Above the garden where he visited, one can only notice how smoke rises into the air. If you come to the garden in the morning, you won’t find anyone.”
Part of the team - “investigative officers” - find the elements of the crime (what is the criminal’s fault?).
The lawyer seeks justification for the criminal's actions.
Answer. The lawyer seeks justification for the criminal's actions.
"Pal" is a fire that people use to burn leaves or tops of cultivated plants in autumn period. The benefit of burning is that in this way people get rid of a huge amount of plant residues.

“Investigative officers” find elements of the crime (what is the criminal’s fault?).
The harm caused by burning leaves and tops is enormous. During the development and growth of plants, they accumulate toxic substances, which the plant “gets rid of” in the fall. When burned, all these substances enter the air, and people breathe them, which is not safe for their health.
2. The forester is accused of having in the forest where they grow conifers, there were no needles on the trees. The inspector filed a statement accusing the forester of illegal actions that resulted in the destruction of the forest.
“Investigative authorities” are looking for what the “criminal” is to blame for, and the “lawyer” is looking for justification in the actions of the forester.
Answer. “Investigative authorities” do not find evidence of a crime.
The “Lawyer” tells what can justify the forester in this story.
We are talking about a coniferous forest of larch. This forest species sheds needles from trees in the fall due to the absence of a waxy coating (cuticle) on them. And since it's natural a natural phenomenon, then the forester has nothing to do with it.
3. A statement was filed against a group of tourists, accusing them of destroying bird nests. After a group of tourists visited the forest, birds no longer appeared in this place.
Answer. Investigators are looking for evidence of a crime.
The noise that tourists make when visiting the forest scares away birds. The noise prevents birds from raising their offspring normally. This is the reason why the birds left this forest.
“Lawyers” find justification for their clients.
None of the tourists destroyed the nests, and the guide who was with them kept an eye on this.
Task 3.
Let's remember what we throw in the trash at home.
At home, the trash can may contain a plastic bottle, a plastic bag, an old book, an old dress, broken toys, dead houseplants, torn tights... .
The inquiry team is studying old items and trying to select those that can be reused somewhere.
Answer. Example. From plastic bottle you can make a glass for seedlings and a funnel for watering plants, and old book, perhaps used to make crafts (papier-mâché).
Task 4.
Release of the combat leaflet “The police are looking for them.”
In the combat leaflet, each group must warn in a sensitive manner the unruly neighbors who continue to create a garbage dump in their garden. The offender, having read your message, should not guess who wrote it, but should be afraid to continue storing garbage outside the garden.
Teams are invited to defend their combat sheet “The police are looking for them.”
Task 5.
"Emergency situation". Call 02.
Each group gives reasoned answers to the questions.
Question for the first group.
Is it possible to wrap a sandwich in glossy paper with a colored pattern?
Answer. No, since paints may contain salts of lead, cadmium and other heavy metals, as well as harmful organic compounds.
Question for the second group.
What to do with a used battery?
Answer. Since batteries contain salts of heavy metals, they should not be thrown away anywhere, but must be handed over to special items reception.
Question for the third group.
What to do with a broken thermometer?
Answer. You must work with gloves. Collect the mercury very carefully using a piece of paper and a metal knitting needle. Place the balls in a jar of water to prevent the mercury from evaporating. Close the jar tightly with the lid.
Task 6.
"Police patrol."
Team members are given a tray and asked to collect from their fans all the garbage they have with them in two minutes.
These trays are placed in front of the commission members who sum up the results, and the winner is the team that was able to quickly restore order in its conditional area.
The results of all competitions are summed up. Green chips are 5 points, yellow chips are 4 points, blue chips are 3 points and red chips are 2 points.

1. Bychkova, N. What a schoolchild needs to know about ecology: a guide for workers in children’s and school libraries and additional teachers education. M.: Chistye Prudy, 2009.
2. Agalarova, P. I. Competition games in environmental education of schoolchildren // Primary School – 2007.

I would like to express my gratitude to Alena Dmitrievna Krutenkova for the KOLOBOK costume.

Alexandra Konoplya
Scenario of a sports and environmental event for older children preschool age"Forest Adventure"

Target: physical education, environmental education preschoolers


Learn children comply with the laws of nature; show what needs to be done both for human health and for the health of nature.

Cultivate a sense of awareness of unity with the outside world.

Develop activity and physical qualities.

Correction of the emotional-volitional sphere.


Chairs by quantity children, tape recorder or other equipment for playing music, recording melodies and songs, blue and green scarves for competition participants, pine cones 16 pcs., hoops 6 pcs., landmark 2 pcs., baskets 4 pcs., 2 pcs. large wooden spoons, 4 pcs. deep transparent plates, water, 8 pcs. ring throwers, 8 pcs. berries (dummy, 2 pcs. balls, apples or pears according to the number children.

To the music ( “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”) children go into the hall, make a circle around the hall, then the teams (2 teams - distributed in advance by the group teacher) chairs sit opposite each other, fans (children of junior and middle age) go to the benches.


Our Earth is a blue planet,

Dressed in fresh air and sunshine.

No, believe me, the Land of Doves,

From the blue of rivers, lakes and seas.

Mountains, plains, forests and fields -

All this is our planet Earth.

The winds sing, playing with the clouds,

Showers are noisy... And from edge to edge

You won't find anything more wonderful in the world,

Our beautiful and kind planet!

Guys, today we will go to forest trip. But first we need to remember the rules of conduct in the forest.

(Question answer)

Is it possible to destroy birds' nests?;

Is it possible to destroy anthills?;

Is it possible to take animals home from the forest?;

Can I pick wildflowers?;

You can catch butterflies and dragonflies;

How should you behave in the forest, is it possible to scream?;

Is it possible to make fires in the forest without adults?

(praise children)

The guys prepared poems for us about correct behavior In the woods.

Child #1

The forest has its own music...

Listen to her friends!

So many sounds here and there!

There is no need for noise in the forest and hubbub:

You can't make noise, shout or scream

And turn on the music loudly!

Child #2

It’s dangerous to have fun with fire without adults -

The fun can end horribly.

Sometimes the forest is very dry,

The fire will turn into a serious disaster!

Child #3

You guys have come for a hike...

Relax, of course necessary:

Play and frolic

And eat and drink...

Child #4

But there are banks around

Cellophane, pieces of iron, bottles...

You can't leave them here!

Let's not be lazy, friends:

The garbage here in the forest is alien,

Let's take him with us!

Leading: Well done boys! Well, now you know everything for sure, you can go for a walk in the forest with you!

The sun is shining in the morning,

And we prepared in advance.

Guys, it's time to start

Sport competitions!

Team greetings (welcome music)

The presenter gives the go-ahead

Two teams:

1 team (children answer in unison):

"Friends of Nature" (in blue scarves).

Motto: "Nature faithful friends! We are friendly, like one family!”

2nd team (children answer in unison): "Green Patrol" (in green scarves).

Motto “We are protecting your vacation, it will be cool - we promise!”

Leading: Guys, our judges will judge you fairly. (performance).

After each competition, our judges will evaluate the quality of the task, the accuracy and consistency of their execution. For each competition, a team can score a maximum of 3 points and a minimum of 1 point. Interim results will be announced after each competition. The team that receives large quantity points.

Now open up and get ready to warm up (warm up is done to music "Barbariki". Fans can also take part):

There is a forest on the mountain

(circular movements with hands)

He's neither short nor tall

(sit down, stand up, hands up)

(eyes and hands up, stretch)

Two tourists along the path

We walked home from afar

(walking in place)

They say: “Such a whistle,

We haven't heard yet"

(shoulders up, down)

Warm-up is performed 2 times.

Leading: Well done guys, we conducted the training very cleverly.


Guys, before you start the first task, you need to guess two puzzles:

Team No. 1:

Everyone goes around this place

Here the earth is like dough,

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses -

No leg support.


Team No. 2:

Who from the tall dark pines

Did you throw a cone at the kids?

And into the bushes through a stump

Flashed like a light?


That's right, now the task. You turn into a squirrel, which must carry the cones to your hollow through the swamp.

Relay No. 1 "Squirrel".

On line « start – finish» there is a basket with pine cones. The first child picks up one pine cone from the basket. Runs to "bump"(hoops, jumping from "bumps" on "bump" (from hoop to hoop) on two legs, runs up to the landmark, throws (in a way convenient for the child) cone into an empty basket at the end of the race. He comes back running, passes the baton to the next one and stands at the end of the column.


Well done boys.


If our hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose,

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't live without

No cooking, no washing,

Without which we will say frankly,

Should a person die?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that ears of bread grow,

For ships to sail -

We can't live without (water) (answer in unison).

Water is one of the most amazing substances on the planet, and you and I must protect and appreciate it.

The next obstacle is water,

But carrying it is a problem.

Who's bad at carrying a spoon?

He will leave the game wet.

Relay No. 2 "Don't Spill"

The distance has been shortened. The first child has a spoon in his hands (large) and next to it on the table there is a deep plate of water, on command the child fills the spoon with water and walks to the end of the distance, where there is an empty plate (pours water from the spoon into it, runs back, passes the baton to the next one and stands at the end of the column.

Leading: Well done guys, you handled the task so cleverly!

For the next relay you must choose 4 people per team.

Relay No. 3 "Gather the Harvest"

On line « start – finish» there is a basket of berries (dummies). On command, the first child takes one berry and runs to the mark, throws the berry at the first (only the first one) ring throw (distance between the mark and the ring throw is 1m). If the berry rolls out, you need to put it in the ring thrower. Runs around the ring throwers and runs back, passing the baton next child and stands at the end of the column. The next child runs to the mark, throws the second berry (only in the second) ring thrower, runs around the ring throwers and runs back, passes the baton to the next child and stands at the end of the column, etc. The team that quickly and accurately completed the task wins.

Leading: How clever you guys are! Well done!

The next relay race is called « Forest stream» , now we will see whose stream will be the fastest and most dexterous.

Relay No. 4 « Forest stream»

A race of balls over our heads and under our feet.

The participants of the game line up in columns one at a time. The distance between players is 0.5 m. The first numbers are given balls. At the leader’s signal, the first player passes the ball back over his head and so on until the end of the column. The last player in the column to receive the ball passes it further, but down between his legs.

The team whose ball returns first to the beginning of the column wins. The game is repeated 2-3 times.


River, river, river

Wide and deep.

You flow between the fields

Cities and villages.

You run under the ice in winter,

You spill in the spring,

In autumn leaves-ships

They swim quietly all day.

You are a home for the fish.

For animals - a watering hole.

Help each other cross the river.

Relay No. 5 "Crossing"

Teams line up at the line starting in a column one at a time. The first participant runs for a hoop located on the other half of the hall, puts it on and returns to the team. Second player "clings" for the hoop, and both run to the other side of the hall. The first participant remains behind the line, the second, having put on a hoop, runs after the third, etc. as soon as all participants "will cross" to the other side, the team raises their hand up, the relay is over. The team that completes the task faster wins.


They did an excellent job.

Our competition has come to an end and while the judges are deciding who won, I invite our fans to solve the riddles on forest theme.

In the summer I ate honey and raspberries,

To sleep well all winter.

Quiet, children! Keep quiet!

Let him sleep peacefully. (bear)

Guess who it is?

She is wearing a red fur coat.

Neither a fish nor a bird.

This is a tricky one. (fox)

He grew up in a dense forest,

All overgrown with gray fur.

Knows a lot about delicious bunnies

Angry hungry gray. (wolf)

He has needles

Like in the forest on a Christmas tree.

It's better not to disturb the beast!

It's prickly. This. (hedgehog)

He has paws and ears

As if made of plush.

The girl and the boy know -

Loves to eat carrots. (bunny)

I'll build a skyscraper in the forest

I am made of twigs and pine needles.

I have a lot of friends

It's more fun to build together! (Ant)


Guys today, you were brave and dexterous, you were strong, you were skillful, you were fast and cheerful, friendly and perky, but who is our winner?

Word to our judges.

The teams are awarded medals; each team is given gifts of the forest - fruits - on a tray. (apples or pears)


Our dears athletes! We love the forest at any time of the year,

We hear the rivers speaking slowly...

All this is called nature,

Let's always take care of her

In the first half of the day, children go out into groups in groups. At each of them, a specific task related to nature awaits them. Each squad follows its own route. The entire route is not immediately known to children. At every stage they learn what lies ahead.

Let's give examples of possible stages.

1. “Riddle Grandmother”. Children are offered riddles about the forest, flowers, animals, birds, and inanimate nature.

2. “The proverb is said for a reason”. 1) Children are given the beginning of a proverb, they must continue it. 2) Remember and name as many proverbs (sayings) related to nature as possible.

3. “It’s fun to walk with a song.” At this stage, the unit must perform a song about nature.

4. “Where is whose house?”. Circles are drawn on the asphalt with the inscriptions: sky, lake, ice, swamp.

The person responsible for the stage names animals and plants. For example: sparrow, polar bear, water lily, heron, Brown bear, sedge, etc.

Children must stand in the circle that is the home of the named inhabitant. (Sparrow - sky; heron - swamp.)

5. "Green Patrol". Children talk about the rules of behavior in the forest, about what can and cannot be done in the forest.

At the same stage, you can invite children to listen to the story and find errors in the behavior of schoolchildren in it:

For a week there was only talk in class about a future trip to the forest. At the last moment the teacher got sick. But we decided yet go to the forest by yourself. We already knew the road, stocked up on food, took a compass, and didn’t forget about the transistor.

We notified the forest with cheerful music - We arrived! The days were hot and dry, but the heat was not felt like that in the forest. A familiar road led us to a birch grove. Along the way we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus, russula. Who cut off the elastic stems of mushrooms, who twisted them,and who pulled it out. We knocked down unknown mushrooms with sticks.

Halt. Fast broken branches, lit a fire. We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and moved on. Before leaving the grove Petya threw away the cans and plastic bags, saying: “Microbes will destroy them anyway!” The burning coals of the fire winked at us goodbye. In the bushes we found the nest of some bird. Kept warm bluish testicles and put them back. The sun rose higher and higher and it became hotter.

We found a small hedgehog at the edge of the forest. Deciding that his mother abandoned him, took him with them- It will be useful at school. We are already very tired. There are many anthills in the forest. Petya decided to show us how formic acid is produced. He cut the sticks and started piercing the entire anthill with them. A few minutes later we were happily sucking on ant sticks.

Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it became darker, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. I went heavy rain. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely tree and hide under it.

Excited, we walked to the station, jumping over puddles. And suddenly a snake slithered across the road. “It’s a viper!” - Petya shouted and hit her with a stick. We approached the motionless snake and saw two yellow spots on the back of its head. “It’s not a viper, that’s it,” Masha said quietly. “Anyway, she’s a reptile!” - Petya answered.

With armfuls of meadow and forest flowers we went to the station. An hour later the train approached the city. It was a fun day!

6. At this stage, children draw posters in defense of nature.

All posters are then hung up for everyone to see.

During the day, teams can hold a drawing competition or a competition for crafts made from natural materials (they should not be leaves, green branches, or flowers). You can take your children on an excursion to the park (forest).

In the evening it is appropriate to show on stage a small scene about flowers and herbs.

Characters: Chamomile, Herbal Witch.

Chamomile(with a bouquet of medicinal herbs).

Many useful herbs grow

On the soil of the native country.

Can cope with illness

Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.

Herbal witch.

I want you, my friend,

Add another flower to the bouquet.

(Holds out the dope.)


I figured out your deception!

Look, here's dope -

Poisonous grass.

Your head will hurt

From your gift.

Take him back.

The grass witch runs away.


Oh, that Grass Witch!

So he strives to do something nasty.

Then he will slip a poisonous root,

That's inedible grass.

Herbal witch.

(returns stealthily).

I've come to my senses, guys.

Let's go into the forest together,

Let's collect sage and mint,

We'll pick tender lilies of the valley.

At home we will put them in water.


I understood, brothers, right away

Her cunning plan.

We know these plants

We take care and protect.

From such dashing ones as this one,

Bouquet gatherers,

In the Red Book they

They've been listed for a long time.

We don't tear them for fun,

We'll take them to the pharmacy.

From the gifts of the forest kingdom

People make medicine.

The day ends with the singing of songs about flowers known to children.

IN Lately skits on environmental theme have become very relevant. With the help of environmental scenes, you can teach children from a very early age to take care of nature and love all life on Earth. Today's schoolchildren are future adults. Perhaps some of them will become ministers, deputies or directors of industrial enterprises. And in a few years it will depend on them ecological situation in the country and around the world.

Skits on an environmental theme clearly explain to children why they need to take care of the cleanliness of the environment, and what consequences can result from neglect of nature.

Ecological skit for schoolchildren

From the plot of this sketch on an environmental theme, schoolchildren will understand that the planet’s natural resources are not endless, and they must be used sparingly. In particular, no one thinks about what will happen if stocks drinking water on the planet will be reduced hundreds of times! After staging this environmental skit for primary classes, the children will learn to use natural resources carefully.

Presenter 1:
We live strangely and incorrectly on Earth: we protect what is valuable and precious, but we do not preserve what is priceless. Diamonds, diamonds, gold, money is protected, and lakes, springs, clouds, zones clean air, deserted places - no. This is completely incomprehensible if you look at the life of earthlings from somewhere from the outside. We do not want to learn the most important thing: Air is our father, Water is our mother, Earth is our home.

Presenter 2:
The world of living nature is beautiful, and we are part of it. Let's protect and multiply together!

Presenter 1:
Nature has vibrant colors
Millions of radiant inflorescences.
Why are miracles from fairy tales,
If you can meet them in life

Presenter 2:
Miracles, big and small, funny and not so, await us everywhere. And our nature gives us these miracles. Be attentive and you will hear the cheerful song of a stream, the singing of birds, the chime of raindrops, the blowing of wind, the dance of flowers.

(There are flowerpots (vases) with fresh flowers on the stage. To the music “How beautiful this world is,” a carefree girl comes out and reaches out her hand to pick one flower.)

Presenter 1:
Stop! How much joy there is at the sight of flowers! How much tenderness is in the heart. How many sincere exclamations!

Presenter 2:
And how many flowering plants were torn out by their roots. How many withered, tortured and thrown bouquets on the ground.

(Primary school students come on stage one by one and recite poems.)

Student 1:
She picked a flower and threw it right away,
She carelessly pressed it down with her foot.
You stand and don’t worry about anything
And mechanically you tear another one.

Student 2:
How can you? How dare you?
He was blooming now... He was alive...
I breathed... I looked at the sky boldly,
He stretched his head towards the sun.

Student 3:
He believed in human friendship,
I did not know the cruelty of the hand,
I trust you to meet me
He raised his petals.

Student 4:
And he is for you and everyone who is nearby,
Who didn't look at him?
Will give beauty and joy -
Everything - everything that is full and rich.

Presenter 1:
Lists known species animals and plants of the area that are listed in the Red Book.

Presenter 2:
Protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds,
For the multifaceted space to survive
For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.

Presenter 1:
We offend forests and fields,
The rivers groan from bitter grievances
And we forgive ourselves, and we forgive ourselves,
And the future will not forgive us.

(The melody from the movie Terminator 2 plays.)

Voice behind the scene :
2148 After the global environmental disaster that broke out on Earth, reserves fresh water decreased by 50 times. In this regard, every inhabitant of the planet received a special electronic key by which he could receive his daily norm- 350 ml of water.

(On the stage there is a water distribution point. At the point there is a dispenser and two police officers in uniform (a guy and a girl). They have a laptop on the table. The line reaches the mother and son. The mother hands the policeman two electronic keys (flash drives). The policeman checks keys by inserting them into the laptop.)

Policeman (addressing the distributor):
700 milliliters for two.

(The distributor measures water into the mother’s can. He and the boy move away from the distribution point, the woman slips, falls and spills water. The boy helps her get up.)

Boy :
Mom, are you hurt?

Mother :
It doesn't matter, son, I spilled all our water. What to do now? How to live today without water?

Boy :
Let's try to ask for water a second time, because everyone saw that you didn't fall on purpose.

(They approach the water distribution point again.)

Mom (addressing the police girl):
Miss, can we get some water again, I accidentally fell and spilled everything.

Police Girl:
I saw it, ma'am, but I can't help it. You have already received your quota today. I'm really sorry.

(Mom sits at the edge of the stage and cries.)

Boy (addressing the policeman):
Excuse me sir, why can't we get some more water?

Police officer :
It's just that in this case someone else won't get their portion.

Boy :
And my mother said that once there was enough water for everyone, and it even flowed from the taps in every house.

Police officer :
It really used to be like that.

Boy :
So what happened?

Police officer :
If you want, I can tell you.

(Only the boy and the policeman remain on stage. They carry him to the middle of the stage big poster, on which a lake with clear water is drawn.)

Police officer :
Not so long ago there was enough fresh water on the planet for everyone. It was possible to enter the water without special equipment protective clothing, you could even swim in it. But a person rarely appreciates what he has. And especially when it came to water. After all, there is so much of it on the planet. But only 2% of this amount was fresh water suitable for drinking. Springs, rivers, lakes were its repositories. Man used them at his own discretion.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of the enterprise to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Grew up on the banks of reservoirs industrial enterprises who discharged untreated waste into the water.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of agricultural land to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Rains washed away pesticides and fertilizers from the fields, which were widely used in agriculture.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of a gas station to the drawing of the lake and paints over part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Numerous car washes and gas stations uninterruptedly supplied groundwater highly toxic petroleum products.

(The student comes out, attaches a model of a tanker to the drawing of the lake and paints over the remaining part of the lake water with paint.)

Police officer :
Frequent tanker accidents led to the leakage of millions of tons of crude oil into the seas and oceans, destroying all life for many square miles around. And one day it turned out that there was practically no potable water left on the planet. And every day its quantity decreases and decreases...

Presenter 1:
The way a person now manages water resources- a crime against humanity.

Presenter 2:
Children, think about it, because what you just saw could really be your future.

Presenter 1:
Our yes: peace and tranquility, love and respect for nature, factories without smoke, factories without toxic drains, cars without suffocating exhaust, silence, reason and science, caution and wisdom.

Presenter 2:
Ours is not: any wars, any battles with nature, illiterate use of nature, everything that threatens the Earth, threatens people, each person - all and separately.

(Primary school students come on stage and sing a song to the soundtrack “Let there always be sunshine.”)

Student 1:
The circle of the sun, the sky around, -
Do you remember the boy's drawing?

Student 2:
He drew on a piece of paper
And signed in the corner:

Student 3:
May there always be sunshine

Student 4:
May there always be heaven.

Student 5:
May there always be a mother
May it always be me!

Student 1:
The time has come and grown
Lots of capable kids.

Student 2:
Each of us wants to know
Where is that boy now?

Student 3:
He sits in his office

Student 4:
Builds chemical plants

Student 5:
Drains the lakes
Floods forests.

Student 1:
He prepares reports

Student 2:
Speaking from the podium

Student 3:
And then at your leisure,

Student 4:
Sitting in a chair, he sings:
May there always be a position
And a career opportunity,

Student 5:
Office, secretary,
And, of course, me!

Student 1:
Everything would be fine, but he
A stubborn son grew up.

Student 2:
And he wrote on a piece of paper,
Walking out with a poster in hand:

Student 3:
Let's protect this land
From the hands of bureaucrats!

Student 4:
We won't allow you to mock
Above the native nature!

Student 5:
May there always be rivers
May there always be fish
Let there be water in the sea
And in the desert there is a camel!

Student 1:
May there always be groves
May there always be birds

Student 2:
Let there be animals in the taiga,
And there are flowers at home!

Student 3:
May there always be people

Student 4:
May there always be children

Student 5:
May you always be in clear skies
The sun will shine!

Ecological mini-scene

This eco-themed mini skit is perfect for summer camp, school or kindergarten. All children know the characters depicted - three Russian heroes, so every child will be happy to play one of them. Staging an environmental scene takes only a few minutes, but at the same time, it carries a deep meaning. This will allow children to think about the future of the environment on the planet.

Dobrynya Nikitich (looking from under the palm):
Eh, little pole... You stand neither alive nor dead, as if after a massacre...

Ilya Muromets :
There’s something written here: If you go to the left, you’ll end up at a chemical plant... If you go to the right, you’ll be lost in a restricted area..., if you go straight, you won’t be able to pick up any bones on the off-road... Well, here we are!

Alesha Popovich :
Look, a black cloud is spreading over the field - this is not good! Do the dark forces really want to attack Rus'? Let's protect Mother Earth, brothers!

Nikitich :
Wait, don’t get excited, Alyosha! It’s not a cloud of enemies that covers the sky. And the smoke from the thermal station.

Ilya Muromets :
Tell me, Dobrynya Nikitich, why is this field dead?

Nikitich :
Because the battle raged on this field for many years. And this battle was called - the battle for the harvest. All of it, Mother Earth, was tortured with pesticides and nitrates, and now with atoms, radiation...

Alesha Popovich :
What is this! It’s in vain, then, that we, heroes, took away these fields from our enemies and watered them with our own blood?

Ilya Muromets :
No, it’s not in vain, Alyosha, come on, turn your horses, let’s go to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and hold a veche! Apparently, our time has come again - heroic!

Ecological skit for high school students

The following skit on an environmental theme is recommended for high school students. In fact, the script consists of several, in which there are witty jokes and modern humor. High school students are already fully aware of all the consequences of environmental pollution and irrational use natural resources, so this scene is more entertaining. Such an environmental skit can be staged at a summer camp or at a themed school event.

Presenter 1:
Dear friends, homo sapiens, how are you feeling? Nothing? I'm sorry, what? My head hurts? Is your heart pounding? Does your side tingle? Well, it’s nothing, tomorrow you’ll see a doctor, and then you can go in for an examination, x-rays, tests, this and that...

Presenter 2:
Now let’s think about who will take Nature to the doctor? Who will listen to her heart? Who, don’t you know?

(A student wearing a white coat and a doctor’s cap comes onto the stage.)

Doctor :
Comrades! I would like to know if there are any smokers among those present? Homo tabacus, so to speak? If you have, raise your hands! However, you don’t have to raise them; they are easy to recognize by their complexion. The news we just received is just for you:
Nicotine is good for you! This discovery was recently made by demographers. Using simple calculations, he proved that thanks to nicotine, the number of smokers poisoning the city's atmosphere is decreasing much faster than it would have decreased without nicotine!

(At this time, several high school students come onto the stage with lit cigarettes, approach the Doctor and blow smoke at him. He faints, they pick him up and carry him away.)

Presenter 1:
Yes, it turns out that nature is kind of an orphan. But she is our mother. And the diseases of nature are instantly transmitted to you and me. For example, in areas adjacent to Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the number of severe respiratory tract diseases, cancer and other diseases has recently increased...

Presenter 2:
According to GREENPEACE, every year the children of nature dump millions of tons of garbage into the Pacific Ocean. And even the mighty ocean becomes sick, whales wash ashore, and icebergs are already blackened with mud...

(A student dressed as a scientist comes on stage.)

Scientist :
As you know, science does not stand still! The perpetual motion machine has not yet been invented, but... Finally, a motor ship engine has been invented, powered by oil and waste dumped into rivers. chemical industry. Scientists predict a long and fruitful life for this invention!

(Several people enter the stage like a train, one after another. They, as they do in a children’s game, imitate the movement of the steamship, imitating the sound of the engine and the whistle. At the same time, they hold their noses with their fingers, wincing with disgust from the smell of the poisoned river.)

Presenter 1:
We once joked: In a dispute with nature, man has not yet said his last word. Now there is no time for jokes. And won't it last word SOS!?

Presenter 2:
The ozone holes that we look at today with horror are holes in the ship of our planet. Who are we sending SOS signals to? Isn't it to yourself?

(A schoolboy dressed as a sea captain appears on stage.)

Islands untouched by civilization conceal amazing surprises! We recently visited one of these. There was a population explosion there. Population desert island Cappuccino in Pacific Ocean, has today already half a million inhabitants!

(Dancers run onto the stage in savage costumes reminiscent of beach ones. They dance a lambada, the Captain joins them).

Presenter 1:
Attention! Latest issue of the newspaper!

Presenter 2:
You say newspaper? Where is she? Would like to watch...

Presenter 1:
She is here! The title is not catchy, but accurate: “Ecological Truth.”

(A high school student comes out with a large piece of whatman paper and reads out the lines written on it to the soundtrack “Holidays in Prostokvashino.”)

Student :
Comrades, we are starting an oral special edition of the newspaper "Ecological Truth"! This is the message we received from the village of Verkhnyaya Lepetikha! (is reading):
Albino fox. Experienced hunter Pavel Samokhin shot a fox white. Imagine the surprise of the 75-year-old hunter when at the reception point it turned out that the fox fur was... synthetic! Over the past season, this is already the second case of foxes with artificial fur being shot!

As the information is read, a miniature is shown on stage.

Characters: Hunter and Receiver.

The hunter dumps the fur out of the bag and is surprised to discover that it is not a fox skin, but a factory synthetic fur coat. The receptionist, who is no less surprised, coquettishly tries on this fur coat, then takes the Hunter by the arm, and they leave together.

Also, school humorous skits on an environmental theme can be supplemented with rhymes, riddles and competitions. But the main idea they carry is the preservation of natural balance, and careful attitude to the environment, with the goal of ensuring the best future for future generations.
