Victoria Lopyreva we talk and show. Let’s be honest about ourselves: Victoria Lopyreva admitted that she doesn’t know how to save money, and named a dish that she is always ready to eat

17 May 2015, 13:27

Who is Vika Lopyreva and how did she appear?

Victoria Lopyreva is a girl from Rostov-on-Don with ambitions and character. At one time, she almost continuously took part in various Russian beauty contests, so she has at least a dozen titles like “Don Photo Model 2000.” The crowning achievement of her career as a beauty queen was the title “Miss Russia 2003”. After this, Lopyreva appeared in glossy magazines, not shying away from candid photo shoots, and turned into a TV presenter and socialite.
According to rumors, it was actively promoted by an influential native of the Caucasus Rustam Tariko, which provided her with financial “satiety.” In any case, two years after winning Miss Russia, she became the director of this competition. She seemed to really enjoy being the boss of such an event. “When the girls saw what ideal conditions they got it, they realized that Victoria Lopyreva made this fairy tale for them,” she boasted. However, now the girl is no longer “ruling” at “Miss Russia” and speaks about it this way: “I put the competition on its feet. There's nothing else for me to do there. I've outgrown it. When completing one task, you need to look for something more interesting.” Apparently, she was more interested in television: on TV she hosted the programs “Football Night”, “Real Sports”, “Question... Another Question” together with Lev Novozhenov, and was also a participant in the reality show “The Last Hero”.

As for her personal life, Lopyreva was engaged more than once, but at the last moment the weddings were canceled. They say she escaped from the wedding three times this way. However, Victoria has countless fans; for some time she even had a non-binding amorous relationship with famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. “One man proposed to me and gave me a private jet, but I did not accept it, since such gifts are obligatory,” said Victoria. “Three times I was handed the keys to luxury apartments, but I was not ready to share my bed with someone I didn’t love for this.”

Gossip about men Wiki:

"Victoria Lopyreva. Miss Russia 2003. In the photo she is with the owner of the competition, who is also a billionaire and owner of the bank and Russian Standard brand Rustam Tariko. Lopyreva gave birth to a daughter from him. But she registered the daughter as her mother. Now she own child listed as a sister. Morally? Below is a photo of her without plastic. Worthy of the title?"

Rumors about religion:

There are rumors that Vika converted to Islam for the sake of her chosen one (not Fedor).

Transfer The Invisible Man (text version)

Maria Pugacheva, psychologist (using drawings and psychological tests she can tell about a person even what he doesn’t know about himself):

In many ways, there is simply a gigantic connection with the mother. I can assume that they lived alone with their mother, without their father.

Victoria Lopyreva: My parents divorced. But my mother later got married. Therefore, in principle, I always lived in a house with my dad, but not with my family.

Victoria Lopyreva: It’s impossible to impose anything on me.

Now and throughout her childhood, my mother was our girl’s best friend.

Victoria Lopyreva: Mom gave me a lot, this is the honest truth.

Perhaps my mother began to mold it into what she wanted. It happens that parents do not realize some talents in their lives and then begin to realize them in their child. Without asking whether the child needs it or not.

Victoria Lopyreva: From the age of five they asked me what I wanted and told me that it was up to me to decide.

She has very high potential exact sciences. But judging by the drawing, mom was more invested in aesthetics.

We psychologists have this expression: it was my mother’s favorite doll.

Victoria Lopyreva: Given my character, it’s impossible to force anything on me.

Subconsciously, she always needs a locomotive man who will push her towards her goal.

Victoria Lopyreva: I'm too independent, they always tell me. Therefore, where can you be even more independent?

She wants to change something in her life. Perhaps he wants to change the purpose of his life.

Victoria Lopyreva: Everything has already worked out.

If you name vices, then she has no willpower. And this willpower can be slowly cultivated.

Victoria Lopyreva: Everyone tells me that I have a strong character.

Such a sociotype should love all sorts of noisy get-togethers, parties, an idle, easy life. I like to glide through life.

“Selects the best representatives of the male half of humanity”

Boris Akimov, palmist (by his left hand he determines the past and present of a person, and by right hand able to talk about the future):

People with this type of hand suffer a lot and are focused on their problems. A person with a “psychic” hand must have some kind of tragedy in his life. And she had it. Most likely, this tragedy is related to childhood. The biggest blow for her, as a child, was that she lost faith, faith in people close to her. There could have been betrayal on the part of the parents.

Victoria Lopyreva: I really had a hard time with my parents’ divorce. I think it's about dad.

She has a constant fear of betrayal.

Host of the “Invisible Man” program Evelina Bledans and Victoria Lopyreva.
Photo: TV-3

Victoria Lopyreva: He says very correct things, yes.

Men like her. This type of “Stranger Blok” - beautiful and aloof - attracts men very much. And she chooses the best representatives of the male half of humanity.

Victoria Lopyreva: Yes.

At the same time, she doesn’t trust men either...

Victoria Lopyreva: It’s no secret that I was going to get married several times, but the weddings did not take place. I certainly have a psychological barrier to getting married.

There are a lot of rich, successful men around who hover around her. But she needs that person who will give her a feeling of security, confidence that love will last, that love will be eternal.

Victoria Lopyreva: When you meet a pure, open, truly kind person, this is very important.

For a year or two she has been feeling unsatisfied in her life. Every morning she wakes up and says to herself: “Today something in life must change, a miracle must happen.” But the miracle does not happen because she is not ready for it yet. I would recommend that she study psychology.

Victoria Lopyreva: I had a period when I was interested in psychology. I read a lot of literature.

Perhaps the most important advice is to live exactly the way she wants, and not the way she is recommended.

Victoria Lopyreva: Borya, thank you!

“The loss made her tougher.”

Roman Fad, hereditary white magician, owns Voodoo magic, reads a person’s energy from a personal item:

There is an image of a beautiful young woman, quite successful. But there is only one person, next to him I don’t see any family or children. this moment. I do not rule out that the person is at the stage of choice now.

There was a clear feeling that the heroine had a loss in childhood, a loss loved one, because of which for several years the child did not understand how to live further.

Victoria Lopyreva: They all guess this situation about the parents. I was really very worried.

Her friends came to support Victoria - producer Artem Sorokin and model Elena Kochegarova.
Photo: TV-3

This loss made her tougher.

Victoria Lopyreva: It was.

At the age of 10-12 years, this child already had a clear idea of ​​what he wanted to get out of life.

Victoria Lopyreva: Yes! That's who I am.

And she achieves most of her goals in life. A person constantly demands some kind of recognition from others. She needs recognition, but at the same time she herself is distrustful of people. They will trust only those closest to them. And there are not so many close people - two or three people who enjoy authority with her.

I can’t indicate that a person is doing just one thing. There are a lot of related matters.

Victoria Lopyreva: I run a business, host programs and events, write...

But the perception of all this is somehow empty...

Victoria Lopyreva: I never aspired to show business. I accidentally hit it. Because I won the competition and, under the terms of the contract, moved to Moscow. If it turns out that I have the opportunity not to live in Moscow, I will gladly leave and forget about show business even tomorrow.

"She's very arrogant"

Aida, hereditary fortune teller (tells fortunes on cards and coffee grounds):

She has a huge number of men surrounded both now and in the past. But she wants something completely different. Wants love, feelings, sincerity.

At the moment, she has a young man in her heart. He has feelings for her – that’s 100%. But she doubts it to some extent.

Victoria Lopyreva: It’s no secret to anyone, including my future husband, that I’m afraid to get married. Yes, that's a fact. But there is no doubt that I love him.

She wants a child, understands what she already needs. But she understands that she will not give birth to just anyone. She needs this man to be a father in the future. To fall asleep and wake up next to him.

Victoria Lopyreva: I always thought about feelings. And often this was my problem.

She has marriage on her mind. She will get married very soon. But everything depends on her desire.

She will have children. Two.

Victoria Lopyreva: There will be two, great.

As a person she is not bad person. He clearly knows what he wants. But there is one nuance about her - she is very arrogant. There is a circle where she knows how to behave and how to treat whom. Very often she divides people into categories. The categories are based more on status, on material condition, than on spiritual or any human criteria.

Victoria Lopyreva: There really is my circle - my loved ones, friends. And then there are all the other people.

Experts from the Invisible Man program reveal the deepest secrets of celebrities.
"Surrounded by Envy"

Dardo Cousteau, shaman (his arsenal includes singing bowls, plant magic, tarot cards and even magical cooking):

She was born lucky, luck follows her around and accompanies her in everything. She would make a very good salesman, she knows how to persuade well, she has such a gift.

Victoria Lopyreva: I know how to advertise very well. If I walk into a store and it’s empty, I touch something, and five minutes later the store is full.

She has a certain energy, such magnetism…. But here's everyone's problem beautiful girls is that they are surrounded by envy. Envy is like rust, it eats up metal. Beautiful girls don't have friends.

Victoria Lopyreva: Now Lenka (Victoria’s friend – author’s note) is sitting in the next room and thinking...

After all, even according to statistics from sociologists, it is close friends who woo their suitors.

Victoria Lopyreva: No one has ever taken my suitors away.

I don't see any special achievements. They look at her like she's some kind of beautiful butterfly, admire, admire. And she was already somehow tired of it.

Victoria Lopyreva: In fact, the blonde is a very good alibi. You can always say: “Well, I’m blonde...”

And then a feeling of anger arises in her soul, as if she says: “I’m not just Nice picture, I am human! I am a person first and foremost! See the person in me."

Victoria Lopyreva: How can he know?!

You need to speed things up a little and do a certain thing that will make it possible for people to notice her as a person, as a person, and not just as a beautiful, chic picture.

“I learned not to show my true colors”

Victor Kolkutin, criminologist, forensic expert highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences:

Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to have any special natural talents. That is, in terms of his starting genetic capital, a person is quite mediocre.

Victoria Lopyreva: The blonde is a very good alibi.
Photo: TV-3

Victoria Lopyreva: How so...

From what relates to etiological features is a high level of ambition. She quickly realized that the world is a theater, people are actors, and she became one of the worthy actresses of this theater. She learned not to show her true colors. I learned not to show my true intentions. And, as you understand, such a life position does not pass without leaving a mark on a person’s health. Nervous system gets loose very quickly.

She is a southern person, but this is not Ukraine, most likely, the south of Russia (Rostov - author's note). Against the backdrop of stress and given our southern origin, the skin aging process occurs very quickly.

If you ignore a number of signs that are in fingerprints and look only at the number of white lines, then an inexperienced dictyloscopist will generally say that the person is already 70 years old. That's what it does to a person stressful situation, Yes? She lives constantly on the verge of hysteria. Constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. And in a state of uncertain life purpose.

There is a tendency to be overweight. While this is not associated with hormonal disorders, it is all physiological, this is a variant of the manifestation of stress. That is, her problems include skin aging and a tendency to become overweight. The heroine struggles, of course, with this.

Victoria Lopyreva: Apparently, very successfully.

We need to figure out why the confrontation continues - between her and the world? Maybe we need to make peace somehow, make some kind of deal with the outside world and start a normal life?

Victoria Lopyreva: I’m not convinced. Like Stanislavsky - “I don’t believe it!” I don't believe him.


According to the results of the program, Victoria Lopyreva was correctly named Aida and Dardo Cousteau, without seeing her and without having any additional data.


“First of all, I advise everyone to get their health checked. So that all hormones are in order and so on. And don’t just go on a diet to lose and then gain weight... You need to change your psychological attitude towards food. I eat little, but very often, in small portions.”

P.S. Vika has an amazing feature - all the materials about scandals with her participation mysteriously disappear from the Internet. From a small quarrel with Bonya on the Cosmopolitan program to the program Man and the Law, where she appears in an unfavorable light.

Updated 17/05/15 13:45:

And of course:

(comment by Rudkovskaya on the right)
Instagram of Yulia Sarkisova, who apparently separated from her husband.

Victoria Lopyreva is an ex-model, Miss Russia 2003, sports TV presenter, philanthropist and ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

The celebrity managed to take advantage of the chance that victory gave her All-Russian competition beauty, and build a career on television and in various public organizations.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Lopyreva was born in Rostov-on-Don in July 1983. The beauty's childhood passed in hometown. Victoria, like her peers, went to school and was interested in drawing and learning languages. In addition to general education, the girl attended piano lessons at the music school named after. Vika grew up as a creatively developed person, and this is not surprising, because the girl’s father is a famous artist in the city, and her mother is a model and journalist.

After high school Lopyreva continued her studies by entering the Rostov State University the University of Economics. There the girl received a specialty in enterprise management.

At the end of 2016, Lopyreva received a medal of honorary graduate of RINH, and the name of the TV presenter appeared on the university’s honor board. Later, her diplomas were supplemented by a document confirming completion of a sports management course in High school economy.

Modeling career

As a teenager, Lopyreva received offers from modeling agencies to participate in photo shoots and shows. But the young beauty did not intend to connect her life with this business, so she refused, although she had suitable parameters and appearance.

Only in 2000 did the girl decide to try her hand at the “Don Photo Model” competition, sending photos to the organizers. Unexpectedly, Victoria became the most beautiful girl in Rostov-on-Don. Then, as a university student, she participated in such competitions as Elit Model Look, “Face of the Year”, “Rostov Beauty”, “Miss Donbass-Open”, “Furor of the Year” and others.

In 2003, after winning the Miss Russia 2003 competition, Victoria Lopyreva became truly famous. From that moment on, a new stage in the girl’s life began - she was invited to numerous talk shows, fashion magazines were full of pictures of the model. She appeared on the pages of popular glossy publications “MAXIM”, Cosmopolitan, L’Oficiel, and starred for youth publications OK!, HELLO!.

Due to stress during the competition, after winning, the girl began to rapidly gain weight. Victoria weighed 72 kg when she decided to regain her model figure. Lopyreva chose strict diet and began to train a lot in the gym, which allowed me to lose 11 kg.

A television

Some time after winning Miss Russia, Lopyreva appeared at the Miss Europe beauty contest, but as a presenter. This work brought Victoria even greater popularity and provided the girl with several lucrative contracts. So, she became a TV presenter in a documentary program about Moscow, filmed by order of French television. In addition, the girl led a similar project created by the American Travel Channel.

In 2005, Victoria Lopyreva became the director of the Miss Russia competition. Then she appeared in Lev Novozhenov’s program “Question! Another question” as co-host. Since 2007, she began hosting the “Football Night” program, but after a year and a half she left the project to participate in “The Last Hero.”

Victoria continued to periodically return to her modeling career. In 2008 naked photos"Miss Russia" appeared in the popular men's magazine "Playboy".

Victoria Lopyreva in Playboy magazine

In 2009, the celebrity appeared before the viewer as the host of the “Real Sports” program. At the same time, the girl acted as a member of the jury of the “Property of the Republic” project. From that moment on, Lopyreva finally moved away from her modeling career, becoming a TV presenter. Work followed in projects dedicated to fashion and aimed at a female target audience: “Fashion Academy”, “Fashion Ambulance”, “Happiness! Video version", "FashionChart" and "Love Actually".

In 2014, Victoria moved even further from the world of fashion and connected her further biography with sports and sports television programs.

The celebrity is seriously interested in football. The ex-model organizes charity events for children and teenagers, to which she attracts professional Russian football players. In the summer of 2014, Victoria received the medal “For International Work with Youth.”

From 2014 to 2015, Lopyreva hosted the “Football Kitchen” program, and in 2015, together with a sports commentator, she became the TV presenter of the “Games with Olympus” program.

In October 2015, Lopyreva signed a contract with the management of Rostov-on-Don 2018 and became the ambassador of Rostov-on-Don at the upcoming FIFA World Cup.

Victoria promotes a healthy lifestyle and exercise and inspires others by example. But fans are sure that the TV presenter’s appearance is not a merit healthy image life. The press regularly collects photographs of the ex-model in the “Plastic surgery, before and after” collections.

According to journalists, Victoria corrected her nose, cheekbones and lips, but as a result she became more right face has not lost its flavor and originality.

At one time, information also appeared about mammoplasty, as proof of which fans used pictures of the beauty in a swimsuit.

Alleged plastic surgery There were practically no negative responses from Lopyreva’s fans. Fans of the TV presenter are sure that since Victoria makes a living beautiful appearance, then the decision to improve it is balanced and logical.

In April 2017, Victoria was invited to host the awards ceremony of the Miss Russia 2017 beauty contest. According to journalists, the ex-model eclipsed her current colleagues. Lopyreva’s parameters have already moved a little away from the model ideals of thinness, which only beautified the woman, giving Lopyreva’s figure more seductiveness. Victoria's height is 177 cm and her weight is 64 kg.

In the same year, Victoria was appointed honorary ambassador of FIFA in preparation for the FIFA World Cup. She attended the 2018 World Cup draw event, held in the Kremlin, and also visited many countries participating in the international competition. At the opening ceremony of the 2018 World Cup, it was Victoria who had the honor of bringing the championship ball onto the field.


Lopyreva is considered a scandalous person; latest news about the photo model.

In 2011, a scandal broke out with. The celebrity blondes had a fight on the Internet because of their page, which then appeared on Twitter. Both girls immediately greeted the head of Chechnya, but Kadyrov added only Rudkovskaya to his list of friends. As a result, a verbal spat broke out between the stars.

The scandal grew to such proportions that representatives of show business, taking the side of one of the instigators, began to sort things out among themselves. Meanwhile, Kadyrov’s account turned out to be fake.

Lopyreva’s flight from Yekaterinburg to Moscow in October 2014 ended in a loud scandal. Socialite removed from the flight for refusing to turn off his mobile phone while the plane was moving towards the runway. Aeroflot was going to sue the popular TV presenter for delaying the flight and even add Victoria to the “black list” of passengers. The incident received widespread press coverage.

Personal life

Lopyreva was constantly credited with many novels. The suitors of “Miss Russia 2003” were a singer and a hockey player. There were rumors about Victoria's relationship with a businessman, a sponsor of many beauty contests, but things did not go beyond rumors.

In 2012, public attention was drawn to the conflict between Victoria Lopyreva and her lover Vlad Topalov, which broke out at one of the parties due to the latter’s jealousy - the TV presenter lost her temper and threw several glasses at her boyfriend.

In 2012, Lopyreva met a football player. The young man played for Dynamo, Anzhi, Ural and other equally famous clubs.

6 months after they met, Victoria and Fedor got married. The celebration took place in December 2013 in the Maldives, which is why the union does not have legal force in Russia. It would seem that the celebrity’s personal life has improved.

Victoria Lopyreva with her ex common-law husband Fedor Smolov

The marriage lasted a year and a half - in May 2015, Victoria announced the breakdown of relations with her common-law husband.

In 2017, the public actively discussed the novel and Lopyreva with. Throughout the year, the couple broke up and then got back together, the gala event was postponed several times, and then it didn’t happen at all. Many called this union a PR campaign; the separation of Baskov and Lopyreva once again confirmed these rumors.

In May of the same year, the TV presenter attended the pop musician’s anniversary concert. Fans enthusiastically commented on joint photographs of Lopyreva and Kirkorov and named the artists perfect couple. The TV presenter confirmed that she has a warm relationship with the musician, but denied any hints of a romance between them.

Victoria Lopyreva now

In December 2018, it became known that the TV presenter. She posted her photos in an “interesting position” and already for a long time on her personal page in "Instagram". In an interview, Victoria confirmed that she was already pregnant during the World Cup. Lopyreva responded evasively to questions about who the father of the child was, calling her chosen one a “non-public person.”

Reporters were at a loss: paternity was attributed to the politician, entrepreneurs God Nisanov and the owner of the Tashir group of companies, Samvel Karapetyan.

Soon the situation became partly clearer: joint photographs of the TV personality and the first vice-president of the Tashir group of companies on vacation in Miami appeared on the Internet. The couple clearly did not hide their feelings for each other. Rumors began to actively spread that Victoria had stolen her husband from the daughter of Samvel Karapetyan.

Lopyreva entered the entrepreneur’s house and was even considered Tatevik’s friend, although the TV presenter herself later denied this fact. The heiress of a wealthy businessman found out about her husband’s infidelity from the media. She immediately filed for divorce, and later flew to the Maldives with her two children.

Now the spouses live separately, but the official divorce has not yet taken place.

Not all of Lopyreva’s subscribers shared the beauty’s joy about her upcoming motherhood. In addition to congratulations, negative statements about the homewrecker began to appear. Celebrities also did not stand aside. Victoria's action was condemned.

Nikolai Baskov expressed concerns about Igor’s future behavior. According to the singer, a person who once committed betrayal can do it again.

On February 5, 2019, a milestone took place in the life of Victoria Lopyreva happy event. In the Miami clinic she has a son. On Instagram, the TV presenter posted a post dedicated to the birth of an heir, which she accompanied with a laconic phrase:

"The happiest day of my life."


  • 2005 – “Question, another question”
  • 2008 – “Football Night”
  • 2009 – “Real Sports”
  • 2011 – “Fashionable First Aid”
  • 2012 – “Happiness! Video version"
  • 2014 – “Love Actually”
  • 2014-2015 – “Football Kitchen”
  • 2015 – “Games with Olympus”

This blonde's hair color did not stop her from graduating from the University of Economics and receiving an MBA degree. She loves cats classic literature and Ukrainian cuisine. The gossip columns are full of headlines about her high-profile novels, but she herself is in no hurry to reveal her secrets. It's about about the model, TV presenter and beauty queen – Victoria Lopyreva. It was her secrets that this time the experts of the program on TV-3 revealed. Traditionally, specialists - criminologist, magician, psychologist, shaman, fortune teller and palmist - did not know who was in the “secret room”. They talked about the heroine based on the little things requested - a bitten apple, a photo of a palm, a lock of hair... Here are the most interesting characteristics with comments from Victoria Lopyreva herself about whether this is true or not.

"She likes to slide through life"

Maria Pugacheva, psychologist (using drawings and psychological tests she can tell about a person even what he doesn’t know about himself):

In many ways, there is simply a gigantic connection with the mother. I can assume that they lived alone with their mother, without their father.

Victoria Lopyreva: My parents divorced. But my mother later got married. Therefore, in principle, I always lived in a house with my dad, but not with my family.

Now and throughout her childhood, my mother was our girl’s best friend.

Victoria Lopyreva: Mom gave me a lot, this is the honest truth.

Perhaps my mother began to mold it into what she wanted. It happens that parents do not realize some talents in their lives and then begin to realize them in their child. Without asking whether the child needs it or not.

Victoria Lopyreva: From the age of five they asked me what I wanted and told me that it was up to me to decide.

She has a very high potential for exact sciences. But judging by the drawing, mom was more invested in aesthetics.

We psychologists have this expression: it was my mother’s favorite doll.

Victoria Lopyreva: Given my character, it’s impossible to force anything on me.

Subconsciously, she always needs a locomotive man who will push her towards her goal.

Victoria Lopyreva: I'm too independent, they always tell me. Therefore, where can you be even more independent?

She wants to change something in her life. Perhaps he wants to change the purpose of his life.

Victoria Lopyreva: Everything has already worked out.

If you name vices, then she has no willpower. And this willpower can be slowly cultivated.

Victoria Lopyreva: Everyone tells me that I have a strong character.

Such a sociotype should love all sorts of noisy get-togethers, parties, an idle, easy life. I like to glide through life.

“Selects the best representatives of the male half of humanity”

Boris Akimov, palm reader (uses his left hand to determine a person’s past and present, and uses his right hand to tell about the future):

People with this type of hand suffer a lot and are focused on their problems. A person with a “psychic” hand must have some kind of tragedy in his life. And she had it. Most likely, this tragedy is related to childhood. The biggest blow for her, as a child, was that she lost faith, faith in people close to her. There could have been betrayal on the part of the parents.

Victoria Lopyreva: I really had a hard time with my parents’ divorce. I think it's about dad.

She has a constant fear of betrayal.

Victoria Lopyreva: He says very correct things, yes.

Men like her. This type of “Stranger Blok” - beautiful and aloof - attracts men very much. And she chooses the best representatives of the male half of humanity.

Victoria Lopyreva: Yes.

At the same time, she doesn’t trust men either...

Victoria Lopyreva: It’s no secret that I was going to get married several times, but the weddings did not take place. I certainly have a psychological barrier to getting married.

There are a lot of rich, successful men around who hover around her. But she needs that person who will give her a feeling of security, confidence that love will last, that love will be eternal.

Victoria Lopyreva: When you meet a pure, open, truly kind person, this is very important.

For a year or two she has been feeling unsatisfied in her life. Every morning she wakes up and says to herself: “Today something in life must change, a miracle must happen.” But the miracle does not happen because she is not ready for it yet. I would recommend that she study psychology.

Victoria Lopyreva: I had a period when I was interested in psychology. I read a lot of literature.

Perhaps the most important advice is to live exactly the way she wants, and not the way she is recommended.

Victoria Lopyreva: Borya, thank you!

“The loss made her tougher.”

Roman Fad, a hereditary white magician, masters Voodoo magic, reads a person’s energy from a personal item:

There is an image of a beautiful young woman, quite successful. But there is only one person, next to him I don’t see any family or children at the moment. I do not rule out that the person is at the stage of choice now.

There was a clear feeling that the heroine had a loss in childhood, the loss of a loved one, because of which for several years the child did not understand how to live on.

Victoria Lopyreva: They all guess this situation about the parents. I was really very worried.

This loss made her tougher.

Victoria Lopyreva: It was.

At the age of 10-12 years, this child already had a clear idea of ​​what he wanted to get out of life.

Victoria Lopyreva: Yes! That's who I am.

And she achieves most of her goals in life. A person constantly demands some kind of recognition from others. She needs recognition, but at the same time she herself is distrustful of people. They will trust only those closest to them. And there are not so many close people - two or three people who enjoy authority with her.

I can’t indicate that a person is doing just one thing. There are a lot of related matters.

Victoria Lopyreva: I run a business, host programs and events, write...

But the perception of all this is somehow empty...

Victoria Lopyreva: I never aspired to show business. I accidentally hit it. Because I won the competition and, under the terms of the contract, moved to Moscow. If it turns out that I have the opportunity not to live in Moscow, I will gladly leave and forget about show business even tomorrow.

"She's very arrogant"

Aida, hereditary fortune teller (tells fortunes on cards and coffee grounds):

She has a huge number of men surrounded both now and in the past. But she wants something completely different. Wants love, feelings, sincerity.

At the moment, she has a young man in her heart. He has feelings for her – that’s 100%. But she doubts it to some extent.

Victoria Lopyreva: It’s no secret to anyone, including my future husband, that I’m afraid to get married. Yes, that's a fact. But there is no doubt that I love him.

She wants a child, understands what she already needs. But she understands that she will not give birth to just anyone. She needs this man to be a father in the future. To fall asleep and wake up next to him.

Victoria Lopyreva: I always thought about feelings. And often this was my problem.

She has marriage on her mind. She will get married very soon. But everything depends on her desire.

She will have children. Two.

Victoria Lopyreva: There will be two, great.

As a person, she is not a bad person. He clearly knows what he wants. But there is one nuance about her - she is very arrogant. There is a circle where she knows how to behave and how to treat whom. Very often she divides people into categories. The categories are based more on status, on material condition, than on spiritual or any human criteria.

Victoria Lopyreva: There really is my circle - my loved ones, friends. And then there are all the other people.

"Surrounded by Envy"

Dardo Cousteau, shaman (his arsenal includes singing bowls, plant magic, tarot cards and even magical cooking):

She was born lucky, luck follows her around and accompanies her in everything. She would make a very good salesman, she knows how to persuade well, she has such a gift.

Victoria Lopyreva: I know how to advertise very well. If I walk into a store and it’s empty, I touch something, and five minutes later the store is full.

She has a certain energy, such magnetism…. But the problem with all beautiful girls is that they are surrounded by envy. Envy is like rust, it eats up metal. Beautiful girls don't have friends.

Victoria Lopyreva: Now Lenka (Victoria’s friend – author’s note) is sitting in the next room and thinking...

After all, even according to statistics from sociologists, it is close friends who woo their suitors.

Victoria Lopyreva: No one has ever taken my suitors away.

I don't see any special achievements. They look at her like some beautiful butterfly, admire her, admire her. And she was already somehow tired of it.

Victoria Lopyreva: In fact, the blonde is a very good alibi. You can always say: “Well, I’m blonde...”

And then a feeling of anger arises in her soul, as if she says: “I’m not just a pretty picture, I’m a person! I am a person first and foremost! See the person in me."

Victoria Lopyreva: How can he know?!

You need to speed things up a little and do a certain thing that will make it possible for people to notice her as a person, as a person, and not just as a beautiful, chic picture.

“I learned not to show my true colors”

Victor Kolkutin, criminologist, forensic expert of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences:

Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to have any special natural talents. That is, in terms of his starting genetic capital, a person is quite mediocre.

Victoria Lopyreva: How so...

From what relates to etiological features is a high level of ambition. She quickly realized that the world is a theater, people are actors, and she became one of the worthy actresses of this theater. She learned not to show her true colors. I learned not to show my true intentions. And, as you understand, such a life position does not pass without leaving a mark on a person’s health. The nervous system becomes unstable very quickly.

She is a southern person, but this is not Ukraine, most likely the south of Russia (Rostov - author's note). Against the backdrop of stress and given our southern origin, the skin aging process occurs very quickly.

If you ignore a number of signs that are in fingerprints and look only at the number of white lines, then an inexperienced dictyloscopist will generally say that the person is already 70 years old. This is what a stressful situation does to a person, right? She lives constantly on the verge of hysteria. Constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown. And in a state of uncertain life purpose.

There is a tendency to be overweight. While this is not associated with hormonal disorders, it is all physiological, this is a variant of the manifestation of stress. That is, her problems include skin aging and a tendency to become overweight. The heroine struggles, of course, with this.

Victoria Lopyreva: Apparently, very successfully.

We need to figure out why the confrontation continues - between her and the world? Maybe we need to make peace somehow, make some kind of deal with the outside world and start a normal life?

Victoria Lopyreva: I’m not convinced. Like Stanislavsky - “I don’t believe it!” I don't believe him.


According to the results of the program, Victoria Lopyreva was correctly named Aida and Dardo Cousteau, without seeing her and without having any additional data.


“First of all, I advise everyone to get their health checked. So that all hormones are in order and so on. And don’t just go on a diet to lose and then gain weight... You need to change your psychological attitude towards food. I eat little, but very often, in small portions.”

What secrets famous personalities will be revealed next time? Find out in the program on Friday, at 19:00, on channel TV-3.

To Dymarsky- Good afternoon! At the microphone is Vitaly Dymarsky. I immediately want to introduce my guest, although it would be more correct to do this on television so that everyone can see who is next to me. Victoria Lopyreva, FIFA Ambassador, as in the film “ Caucasian captive"and just a beautiful woman.

V.Lopyreva- Good afternoon!

To Dymarsky- Today, Victoria and I will try to talk on the radio. Although we still have some cameras here. Victoria, as far as I know, you are the only female ambassador in FIFA history.

V.Lopyreva- This is true.

To Dymarsky- What connects you with football and FIFA? Why did you choose this?

V.Lopyreva- Here, it’s probably more correct to say that I didn’t choose football, but football chose me. And this was more than ten years ago, when I became the first woman to host a football program on Russian television about football, respectively. And subsequently it turned out that when our country realized this fact that the World Cup would be held in Russia for the first time in the entire history of our country, then, of course, according to the practice of previous years and previous championships Ambassadors were chosen. These are, as a rule, the most famous people, representatives of their cities, which are the organizing cities of the World Cup. Choose famous people, which correspond to some social program.

But subsequently, the FIFA company itself, whose office is located in Switzerland, noted that of all the ambassadors, one is the most active and loves football very much. And I signed a contract directly with the FIFA organization and thus became the first and so far the only woman, FIFA Ambassador. And, frankly, even the lawyers at the first stage did not know how to register me, because before that, FIFA ambassadors were all former journalists, legends...

To Dymarsky- Men. And the word “ambassador” is masculine.

V.Lopyreva- Well, somehow this woman... it won’t sound good!..

To Dymarsky- Let’s not even talk as a woman... Vika, what is included in the duties of a FIFA ambassador?

To Dymarsky- So you are such an agent public opinion, Yes?

V. Lopyreva: I spent the whole year abroad, dispelling the fears of guests who want to come to Russia

I always remember my first trip to Vladivostok. I hosted an event there. And I remember my feelings when, after flying for 9 hours - and after flying for 9 hours, you can fly to New York - I got off the plane and realized that I was in Russia. And this moment...

To Dymarsky- Unlike New York.

V.Lopyreva- Unlike New York. I realized this power and this scale. And when I finished hosting the event, I took advantage of my official position, so to speak, and said: “Guys, do you actually care about what’s happening in Moscow? We are 9 hours away from you. We’re in Japan – it’s an hour and a half flight…” And how pleased I was to hear from the audience that “yes, Moscow, we are with you, we are Russia...”. It's really nice. Of course, having flown around the entire globe with this very trophy, the most expensive, desired...

To Dymarsky- Should I have shown the World Cup?

V.Lopyreva- Yes, I am also an ambassador for the NRZB and Coca-Cola, these are the general partners of FIFA for the World Cup. And we visited the most different corners globe. This is Sudan, a country that was under sanctions.

To Dymarsky- The situation there is terrible.

V.Lopyreva- ...In which no one expected us to arrive at all. It was a strange feeling. Because when I got off the plane and we were met by machine gunners... A rolled out carpet and a press conference right at the airport. And they looked at me, you know: “A woman... white... will speak... and we will listen to her?” And they listened and even applauded at the end of my speech.

Because football is a phenomenon that unites everyone, and it doesn’t matter what religion you are, the color of your skin, or what you do in life. And sports, in fact, if we are talking about amateur football, it is inexpensive. What do you need? A group of friends and one ball - and they went to play football in the yard. Therefore this unique phenomenon, thanks to which, indeed, people of all countries unite. And I sincerely hope that this World Cup will be a great opportunity for us to show what we really are.

To Dymarsky- And during this world tour as a representative of Coca-Cola, and Russia, and FIFA and everyone in a row - everything is connected with the World Cup - I felt the need to answer some questions regarding, let's face it, not the best relations right now between Russia and the West?

V. Lopyreva: Football is a phenomenon that unites everyone, and it doesn’t matter what religion or skin color you are

V.Lopyreva“I think the main reason why I succeeded so well is precisely my love for football and my reluctance to connect it with politics. Because when now, you know, I was in New York, I walked into a room and from FIFA I was alone at a press conference, and there were about 80 media representatives, of course, questions from the series: “Why should we come to you?” ?”, “And we are afraid...”, “And we actually want to, maybe, boycott...”. And given our relationship, it’s not very warm... But I found a way out, because I sincerely love football and I think that this is the World Cup for people like me who love football. And if a person loves football, he will come. Not because it comes in this country or that, but because this is an incredible holiday for which we are all preparing. So much effort has been put in, such preparations are being made. And we will all be united by this atmosphere of some kind of common... I don’t know what it was like at the 1980 Olympics. They say it was very cool...

To Dymarsky- I understand that the question is for me, as a person who should remember the 80 Olympics.

V.Lopyreva- It seems to me that it should be something like that.

To Dymarsky- Vika, I was already born then, of course...

V.Lopyreva- Just born.

To Dymarsky- Let's just say, approximately. But I was not at the 1980 Olympics. It so happened that I was abroad at that time.

V.Lopyreva- I just have a feeling that perhaps this event will become...

To Dymarsky- We visited Sochi. Sochi ended, unfortunately, in scandal.

V.Lopyreva- Sochi is one city. And the World Cup consists of 11 cities. And the number of television views for the World Cup is the most watchable event in the world of all sporting competitions.

To Dymarsky- By the way, the FIFA ambassador is an ambassador not only of Moscow...

V.Lopyreva- A FIFA Ambassador is exactly that: a FIFA Ambassador.

To Dymarsky- That is, it is not tied only to Moscow.

V.Lopyreva- No, it’s not tied.

To Dymarsky- Have you seen all 11 cities or not?

V.Lopyreva- No. I saw it in Saransk, I was in Rostov-on-Don...

To Dymarsky- Where you were - the general feeling from the preparations, from the stadiums?

V. Lopyreva: I really want to appeal to all Russians and say: “Smile! It is very important"

V.Lopyreva- I can say that we just had the trophy in Rostov. Yesterday we held a press conference with the governor. And I am extremely pleased to see how much the city has changed. I have inspected this stadium more than once. And I remember my first impression when I walked in there two or three years ago and everything was concrete. And I gasped, I thought: God, how can a stadium come out of this? This, of course, thanks to the builders. And now, when I see this stadium, and when I understand that this stadium will later, under the Heritage program, go to our Rostov team, which will finally have the opportunity to play in a normal stadium...

To Dymarsky- Rostovite?

V.Lopyreva- Rostovite.

V Dymarsky - A- ah, that's the thing.

V.Lopyreva- We can say that the Platov airport, which has been built now and will be such a southern hub, will relieve congestion southern directions even Moscow airports - well, this is the most beautiful airport I have ever seen. Not because I’m from Rostov, but because, really, objectively, it’s worth it.

To Dymarsky- But what would Victoria Lopyreva say to her compatriots? I know that in many families there are debates about what to do during the World Cup: leave, because there will be a lot of fuss, everything will get in the way, roads will be blocked, or stay and enjoy the championship, or go somewhere and watch on TV?

V. Lopyreva: And if a person loves football, he will come. Not because it comes in this country or that

V.Lopyreva- I would definitely recommend staying, because I know the program that is preparing for the World Championships, and it seems to me that having the opportunity, but missing such an event, is simply a crime. I would also like to appeal to all the Russians I know that it would be great if each of us became a volunteer during the World Cup, because the infrastructure, a beautiful stadium and other things are, of course, great to make an impression. But the aftertaste with which foreigners will leave us is only how we behave, how we meet and whether we smile. I really want to appeal to all Russians and say: “Smile! It is very important".

To Dymarsky- I want to cheat in order to meet Victoria Lopyreva again, I want to agree with her that after the World Cup we will do another interview and she will talk about her impressions.

V.Lopyreva- Thank you!

2018 is a special year for the site - our portal turns 20 years old. And we are happy to celebrate this event with you. Instead of a traditional cake with candles, we offer you to “feast on” interesting materials prepared for the holiday. We continue the special section “About Yourself Honestly,” in which our idols answer 20 unusual, not always pleasant, and sometimes downright provocative questions. This time the heroine of our material was Victoria Lopyreva.

website - 20 years old! We are proud of this figure and throughout 2018 we will repeatedly return to this joyful event for us (we hope for you too). So, we continue the section “About ourselves honestly,” in which we questioned our celebrities with passion. Why are they ashamed? What are they saving on? What are they afraid of? We want to know everything!

Our new heroine is Victoria Lopyreva - ambassador of FIFA, UN, philanthropist, model, and also the fiancée of Nikolai Baskov. The blonde beauty doesn’t like to talk about her wedding with the “golden voice of Russia.” Nevertheless, Lopyreva willingly and honestly answered the questions from our questionnaire. Believe me, after this material Victoria will open up to you from a new side.

1. What's the biggest challenge you've ever given yourself?

Probably the fact that I became an ambassador for the World Cup in a difficult political situation. Shortly before the start of the World Cup, I was in New York, where I participated in a press conference. I was the only representative of the World Championship, and there were about 80 journalists in front of me. It's a challenge. My task was not just to make them write well about us, but to convince them that there was nothing wrong with the World Cup being held in Russia. It was important for me to instill in them confidence that everything would go at the highest level. Which is exactly what happened. And I am glad that my words had a positive response.

2. What is your secret skill that would surprise many?

V.L.: I can skydive. I don’t know if this is a secret for someone or not, but this information about me surprises many (smiles).

3. What quality of yours are you proud of and do not miss an opportunity to demonstrate it?

V.L.: This is my communication skills. I know how to find an approach to any person, which helps me both in work and in life.

4. Signs that you believe in?

V.L.: I am not superstitious, I believe in the Almighty. Although... I’ll probably keep the thread in my teeth if they suddenly sew up my dress (smiles).

5. What information about yourself would you gladly delete from the Internet?

“We are all living people: everyone has difficult periods in life, stress, moments of weakness. At such moments we are especially vulnerable.”

And when, in addition, you read nasty things about yourself, you simply may not cope psychologically.

Fraudsters today steal our personal data, content, thoughts, photos and money. And we are in no way protected from all this. So I am for the Internet to become safer for each of us. Then you won't have to delete anything from there.

6. Cats or dogs?

V.L.: Cats. I love cats (smiles).

7. What do you save on?

V.L.: I'm a terrible spender! (Laughs.) But I save - on everything that causes harm environment. For example, I don't buy plastic bags and I don’t drink drinks from plastic straws, because they take a very long time to decompose and are harmful to the environment. I think these are the items that you can do without: go shopping with a fabric bag or take a paper bag at the checkout, which, by the way, can then be used for garbage.

8. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

V.L.: It would definitely be fried potatoes. What could be tastier?

9. What would you spend your last thousand rubles on?

V.L.: Difficult question... I would probably put it on mobile phone (smiles). There is nothing more important than contact with people close to you.

10. Have you encountered manifestations of the supernatural?

V.L.: Yes, I have. But I would like to keep the details of this “meeting” to myself.

11. What are you ashamed of?

V.L.: Hmm... In the first grade, I, as a particularly gifted child, was chosen among other children and given the task of reciting a poem in ceremonial lineup. I learned, but before the performance I was so excited that I burst into tears and couldn’t say a word. I'm ashamed of this. However, that failure became the starting point for my future activities.

“I am naturally very shy. Singing, speaking in public - all this is not as easy for me as it seems.”

And what you see today is the result of colossal work on yourself, your complexes and fears. Every time I remember that untold poem, it motivates me to never give up.

12. What is strength?

V.L.: In kindness and love.

13. WhatsApp, Viber or Telegram?

V.L.: What's up. For me, this is the most convenient application both for personal communication and for correspondence on work matters.

14. To whom would you like to apologize?

V.L.: Every time I want to apologize to my mother for the fact that I sometimes behave badly and incorrectly towards her. She loves me very much, cares, worries and gives advice, and I, like all selfish children (because I am the only child in the family), sometimes can tell her: “Mom, what are you doing? Stop teaching me about life.”

“I understand that I am already an adult, but for my mother I will forever remain a little girl.”

Over time, of course, I realize that she gives invaluable advice that every person needs, regardless of age.

15. What do you need to be happy?

V.L.: Now that my career has taken place (and I can say this because few people have managed to become in demand both in their own country and abroad), I don’t have enough free time to be happy. Time that I could spend on my personal life, on my family.

16. What character trait in yourself would you gladly get rid of?

V.L.: Touchiness. I get offended quite easily, but I'm learning not to take things personally.

17. What are you afraid of?

V.L.: I'm terribly afraid of spiders. But I think I didn’t surprise anyone here: this is the fear of many girls.

18. What superpower would you like to have?

V.L.: Teleportation. IN modern world(with endless traffic jams) this would be very useful: there would be so much to do then! And travel would be more accessible: once - and you are on the other side of the world.

19. In what era or civilization would you like to be and live at least a little?

V.L.: Considering that I am a fan of cleanliness and like everything to be perfect, I can say that I am happy with our era. It is in films that people who lived a hundred, two hundred or more years ago are shown so clean, tidy, and pomaded. In fact, the issue of hygiene was very acute, and this worries me.

20. If you believe in reincarnation and could choose your next incarnation, who or what would you become?

V.L.: I would like to be whoever God sees fit to be based on how I live this life. They say that the transmigration of souls occurs according to the same principle: a person in next life receives what he deserved through his actions in the previous one. Therefore, I want to live this life with dignity, so that my family and friends will not be ashamed of me, so that they will be proud of me.
