Taoist massage to restore vision. Taoist massage

Taoist massage acts as a special method of getting rid of various diseases and pathologies. Its essence is the exchange of energy and improvement of the overall energy background. Today, many types of Taoist massage are used in many relaxation centers.


  • Taoist massage is a component of the teachings of the Tao. His homeland is Ancient China.
  • The main task of the technique is to ensure the flow of energy (Qi) throughout the human body for a long time. healthy life. With the help of massage, energy channels are no longer blocked.
  • Movements in massage are carried out along the direction of certain energy meridians, which are responsible for the functioning of many organs.


  • Removing all clamps during energy circulation.
  • Increased vitality and strength.
  • Relief from stress and bad mood.
  • Improving sleep and nervous system function.
  • Restoration of hormonal levels.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Rejuvenation.
  • Elimination of symptoms of chronic fatigue.


  • Severe diseases of internal organs.
  • Infections.
  • Chronic diseases with exacerbation;
  • Skin inflammation and damage;
  • Allergy;
  • Oncological problems;
  • Pregnancy period.


Taoist massage combines a variety of alternative medicine and yoga techniques. Among the many techniques, the following components of Taoist massage can be distinguished:

  • Warming up muscles and joints, stimulating blood circulation;
  • Energetic warming of the whole body;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Using tools for local impact on zones;
  • Exercises for concentration;
  • Use of sound vibrations.

Types of Taoist massage

The use of energy practices has been possible since ancient times for the most different people. However, depending on the zones of influence, Taoist massage for women, aimed at preserving beauty and rejuvenation, and for men, aimed at relaxation and relieving tension, should be divided:

  • Female

  1. Taoist breast massage. The chest is usually held in the palms of the hands and gentle rotations are performed without pressure from the shoulders to the center. At the same time, try to avoid stretching the skin. The mammary glands are also subjected to light pressure with the hands, while the nipples should be in the center of the palms. You need to repeat the exercises at least 9-10 times and always while exhaling. Thanks to regular sessions, you can achieve beautiful and healthy breasts for many years.
  2. Taoist facial massage for rejuvenation. Videos with such massage techniques are very popular today. Preparing for a facial massage should begin with cleansing the skin. Then there is work with biologically active points on the face, which increase muscle tone and improve the facial contour. It also accelerates the removal of toxins and waste from the body. Neck massage, in turn, relieves muscle tension and eliminates migraines, providing lightness throughout the body.
  3. Taoist massage of the sternum. The central part between the ribs has an area responsible for the cardiac system, immunity and rejuvenation processes. Impact on the sternum stimulates the thymus gland, which becomes smaller over the years and brings shortness of breath and chest pain. The massage begins by alternately using two fingers - the index and middle. Movements in a circle start from the upper sternal region and gradually approach the lower one.
  • Male

  1. Taoist head massage. It is believed that most of the necessary pressure points are in the back of the head. Circular movements are carried out easily, starting from the occipital region and ending with the neck. Essential oils It is better not to use during this procedure.
  2. Taoist shoulder blade massage. On the contrary, essential mixtures are used here most often. Circular movements with slight pressure on the scapular part allow you to completely relax after hard physical labor.
  3. Taoist spinal massage. Using circular techniques, it is important to massage all the vertebrae, first from top to bottom, and then back. You can also run your fingers with slight pressure along the spine. This will relieve your back from fatigue.
  4. Taoist hip and leg massage. You can free yourself from sexual tension with the help of circular movements, pressing and pinching the skin. First, massage the thighs with both hands on both sides, then knead knee joints And calf muscles. The foot is rotated clockwise and counterclockwise, and also massaged especially carefully between the toes.
  5. Erotic Taoist massage. The reproductive system contains many points responsible for the functioning of human organs and energy exchange. It is necessary to massage the testicles in a spiral, then lightly stretch the head of the penis. It is important to rub your entire penis with your hands to activate all the energy points.

Taoist eye massage to improve vision

Separately in this classification is Taoist eye massage. It is widely popular among both men and women. It is performed early in the morning, warming up the hands and applying it to the eyes. The eyeballs are lightly pressed in turn with the index, middle and ring fingers. Then the exercise is repeated using knuckles. This technique for restoring vision returns the brightness and clarity of the picture to the eyes.

Secrets of love. Taoist practice for women and men Bing L

Chapter 6. Erotic massage

Chapter 6. Erotic massage

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Do you want to please your man and surprise him, but you have already tried all the sexual techniques for a long time? Then give him... a massage! Only not ordinary, but intimate, which is the subject of this article today. Knowledge of structure human body, genitals have been used by the ancient Chinese for thousands of years. Thanks to the effects on certain areas of the body, Taoist sages learned to control a person’s internal energy, the health of his individual organs and the body as a whole. It is known that the most sensitive reflexogenic points are located on the genitals.

Taoist massage and energy

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the reflexogenic zones of the following organs are determined on the male penis:

on the head of the penis: pituitary gland, adrenal glands, prostate gland, lungs, heart
upper part of the penis shaft: spleen, stomach, pancreas;
middle part of the penis shaft: liver, small intestine;
base of penis: large intestine, kidneys, bladder;
testicles: associated with all glands.

It is known that vital energy circulates throughout the body, covering all organs and living tissues of the body. Sexual energy is the quintessence of body energy.

The “Taoist Sexual Practices for Men” meditation will help increase the level of male sexual energy and strengthen men’s health. Download the disk and get health:


1,470.00 R ub.

We present to your attention 6 amazing meditations “TAOIST HEALTH PRACTICES FOR MEN”.

The duration of each meditation is 4-5 minutes.

The total duration of the meditations on the entire disc is 24 minutes.

These meditations are written FOR YOU!

You can do the meditations sequentially one after another. Each of them can also be used as an independent practice.

The meditations were created by me personally and reproduced in a recording studio.

The average duration of each meditation is 4 minutes.

Small excerpts are posted here.

All meditations can be ordered today!

By downloading meditations, you receive audio (MP3) and video (MP4) files.


The entire body takes part in the nutrition of the sexual center, which is why the health of this center has such a significant impact on the mental, emotional and physical state of the entire organism.

Sexual reflexology, based on the use of sexual energy, can activate the richest internal source human vitality.

Taoist sexologists argue that sexual intercourse is a type of ecstatic acupressure. When the sexual centers of a man and a woman connect during sexual intercourse , a wave of amazing sensations spreads throughout the body.

Due to the remarkable healing properties of this act, ancient Taoist doctors called sexual intercourse “healing love,” prescribing to their patients specific positions designed to stimulate certain reflex points.

It should also be taken into account that in order to fully activate a man’s internal organs, his penis must be stimulated along its entire length.

If sexual stimulation is performed only on the head of the penis, only the heart and lungs will be activated, while the kidneys, liver and spleen will remain uninvolved. Over time, this can lead to imbalances in the body.

The same applies to women. For complete and uniform stimulation of all vital organs, the male penis must enter the entire depth of the vagina.

But before we begin the massage itself, let's take a closer look at the structure of the male genital organs.

How are the male genital organs arranged?

Male genital organs are anatomically and functionally divided into:

external: penis and scrotum;

internal: prostate gland (prostate), seminal vesicles, testicles, vas deferens, epididymis and spermatic cord.

The male internal genital organs perform the function of maturation, storage and transmission to the woman of the basic genetic material contained in sperm. The external genitalia are directly involved in the process of sexual contact with a woman.

Penis structure

The penis is a complex structure and consists of the following anatomical parts:

1. Penis body contains spongy cavernous tissue (corpora cavernosa), filled with venous blood. Penile erection is ensured by rapid blood filling of the corpora cavernosa.

2. Head of the penis represents the free end of the penis. It has a slightly flattened conical shape at the top and bottom.

3. At the top of the head it opens external opening of the urethra (urethra), through which urine is removed from the bladder, as well as semen during sexual intercourse. The sphincters of the urethra regulate the sequence of intake sperm and urine, as a result of which they do not mix.

4. In the area of ​​the glans neck, the skin of the penis gathers in the form of a fold called foreskin. Usually it covers and covers the head.

A space is formed between the foreskin and the glans in which smegma accumulates (a white, odorous, oily secretion produced by the smallest sebaceous glands of the head of the penis and the foreskin and acts as a lubricant during sexual intercourse).

Sometimes for hygienic or religious reasons foreskin surgically removed. The idea that circumcision helps control ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse is erroneous.

Structure of the scrotum

The scrotum (scrotum) is a musculocutaneous formation located between the penis and the perineum, consisting of the skin and several layers of membranes, which is the receptacle for the following internal male genital organs. Comprises:

1. Seminal glands (testicles), whose function is the formation of sperm and the release of male sex hormones. The process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) begins in adolescence and continues continuously throughout the man's life.

It takes about 72 hours for a new sperm to be born. For normal functioning of the testicles, their temperature should not exceed 35°C. If the temperature rises, spermatogenesis is blocked.

2.Vas deferens, through which sperm passes during ejaculation and mixes with liquid, seminal vesicles and prostate gland and as a result of contraction of the prostate, it is thrown out through the urethra.

Taoist massage for men

Knowledge of the anatomy of the genital organs and understanding of the energy processes that occur during the interaction between a man and a woman help to establish harmony in family relationships.

Even the ancient Chinese priestesses of love knew about massage, which increased the male power of their lovers, which gave the woman the opportunity to reign supreme over the man.

Today we will talk about this massage. I don’t know how much it will contribute to strengthening power over a man, but what will be useful and pleasant to him is guaranteed.

This massage can be performed in the morning, as well as during hours of activity of the genitourinary system: from 15:00 to 19:00. During the massage itself, it is better not to bring the man to ejaculation. It is advisable that the man refrain from ejaculating for some time after the massage. And then, after 15-20 minutes, be sure to have sex with your loved one.

So, let's begin…

1. We activate the reflexogenic zones on the foot. Foot massage - great way relax the body and stimulate the male sexual center.

If you want to quickly increase your partner's sexual energy, lightly bite his big toe. Then, with light massaging movements, we massage the legs, moving from the feet up to the man’s knees and hips.

Be careful: this area is very sensitive for men. and your impact may be painful. Select the amount of pressure individually, focusing on your partner’s feelings.

3. Then let's get started massage of the head of the penis. First, hold the head between two fingers and knead it with gentle movements. You can lightly “beat” the head on your thigh to improve blood flow.

4. Considering the presence of reflexogenic zones of other organs on the male penis, do not forget: it is important massage the entire penis! We rub the body of the penis with our hands along three lines: along the central and two lateral ones.

5. Finally, we examine the perineum and find the depression between the prostate and the anus (prostate projection point). Pressing this point simulates contraction of the prostate. We massage it in a spiral pattern 36 times in each direction.

The Taoists called this place the “Million Gold Coins” point because pressing on it during sexual intercourse immediately before ejaculation inhibits the ejaculation reflex, thereby increasing the duration of sexual intercourse.

Study yourself and your loved one!

ABOUT various types I talk about Taoist massage at the “Multiorgasm” marathon. You can watch it in the recording. You can purchase each of the four parts separately.


4,990.00 R ub.

Every woman has her own unique recipe for her own sexuality. It doesn't matter how old you are, what size your breasts are or what color your eyes are. Sexuality is something much deeper and more sensual than just external attractiveness. Who is she - sexy woman? What do you need to be, what should you strive for in order to feel confident and desired?

During the course I will reveal the secrets of Taoist sexual practices that for a long time were “under seven seals”: ​​“Taoist breast massage”, “Ovarian breathing”, “Ovarian gongfu”, “Orgasmic stretching”, etc.

You will learn how to use these unique techniques in everyday life, as well as how, by using them, you can maintain women’s health and fill your intimate relationships with unearthly sensations.

I will also talk about Taoist recipes for strengthening intimate muscles, working with jade testicles and the tricks of Chinese priestesses during sex.

Improving female sexual energy is a long but very interesting path, which I, as a gynecologist and just a woman, recommend that every representative of the fair sex take. It doesn't matter what level you reach in your promotion. The main thing is to move forward along the path of eternal pleasure! So, let's go!

10 lessons that will allow you to maintain health, develop natural sexuality, and achieve longevity. The duration of recording the entire course (10 lessons) is 11 hours 20 minutes.

By purchasing a course recording, you receive as a gift:

1. Recording of the “Multiorgasm” marathon

2. MP3 and MP4 (audio and video) files of 4 DISKS of meditations that are used during classes:


49,990.00 R ub.

Taoist exercises and qigong have been practiced in China for several thousand years. These techniques are designed to maintain health and longevity. They are widespread today in the West, as a new generation of masters has emerged who teach ancient art qigong to the broad masses of people.

I was lucky enough to study with Master Mantak Chia. And I am eternally grateful to him for the knowledge that he brings to people. I am currently certified instructor of the international center of the “Universal Tao” , created by Mantak Chia, and with great pleasure I talk about Taoist practices to those who want to improve their health.

For this purpose, I created the “School women's health Olga Pankova" (www.olga-pankova.ru), whose applicants can receive truthful information about maintaining their health. As a gynecologist, in my practice I mainly encounter women. But in Lately More and more men began to contact me asking for help in resolving issues. men's health and teach Taoist practices.

This is how the idea of ​​creating a distance course for men emerged, training in which will help every man improve his health, increase masculine strength and desire, get rid of various diseases, and achieve longevity.

Improving male sexual energy is a long but very interesting path, which I recommend that every member of the stronger sex take. It doesn't matter what level you reach in your promotion. The main thing is to move forward along the path of eternal pleasure! So, let's go!

The course “Taoist Sexual Practices for Women” consists of 10 lessons that will allow you to maintain health, develop natural sexuality, and achieve longevity. Classes are conducted remotely in webinar format. This makes it possible to show demonstration material, videos, presentations, meditations, slides. Don't forget after payment. Also, immediately after payment you will receive MP3 and MP4 (audio and video) of 3 DISCS of meditations that are used during the class:

The duration of the entire course (10 lessons) is 10 hours.

Payment for the entire course entitles you to 1 personal consultation meeting with Olga Pankova in Moscow (the specific place and time will be agreed upon additionally).

Upon completion of the course, after an interview, a CERTIFICATE is issued or sent by mail, which gives the right to teach men Taoist sexual practices.


14,997.00 R ub.

TAOIST BREAST MASSAGE is an ancient technique that will help maintain inner harmony, preserve women's health, and normalize the menstrual cycle. “Taoist breast massage” is a prevention of female diseases and promotes healthy conception.

Taoists believed that breast massage should begin with the union of two elements: fire and water. This contributes to the emergence inner harmony. The source of fire is the heart, water - the genitals. By mixing the hot energy of the heart and cold sexual energy, we build internal balance and increase the body's energy reserves.

Even several thousand years ago, Taoist priestesses knew how to reduce the duration of menstruation and the amount of menstrual blood loss. Ancient treatises describe cases when concubines stopped the “red dragon” altogether.

According to Taoist philosophy, it goes away with menstruation. feminine power. Having gotten rid of “critical days,” the woman retained her energy reserves and became free from the restrictions that occur during menstruation.

The possibility of influencing the myometrium (uterine muscles) through breast massage has now been scientifically confirmed. By influencing the breasts, you can achieve contraction of the uterus and, thereby, influence the amount of menstrual blood loss.

Classes are taught remotely by Olga Pankova in webinar format. This makes it possible to show demonstration material, videos, presentations, meditations, slides. Don't forget after payment. Also, immediately after payment you will receive MP3 and MP4 (audio and video) of five meditations that are used during the class. The duration of the entire course (3 lessons) is 3 hours.

Upon completion of the course, after an interview, a CERTIFICATE is issued or sent by mail, which gives the right to teach women Taoist breast massage.

I talked about Taoist sexual practices in my webinars:


499.00 R ub.

The webinar is dedicated to health issues modern women, as well as Taoist secrets of maintaining youth and sexuality. The webinar also presents a case history “Treatment of arterial hypertension in menopause.” The webinar can be watched as a recording. Download the video in MP4 format.


499.00 R ub.

The webinar is dedicated to ancient Chinese recipes for conceiving and carrying a pregnancy, eliminating internal conflicts, causing infertility and miscarriage, psychological preparation to conception and motherhood. The webinar also presents medical aspects of conception and gestation, including 3 case histories: “Pregnancy with thrombophilia”, “Conception with elevated prolactin”, “ Ectopic pregnancy: how to avoid?". The webinar can be watched as a recording. Download the video in MP4 format. The product is intellectual property. Cannot be returned or exchanged.


499.00 R ub.

The webinar is dedicated to unconventional methods of preventing female diseases - Taoist secrets of women's health that have come to us through millennia. The webinar also provides information about the medical aspects of conception, in particular, the case history “Regulation menstrual cycle after IVF." The webinar can be watched as a recording. The webinar can be watched as a recording. Download the video in MP4 format. The product is intellectual property. Cannot be returned or exchanged.

This massage is one of the components of the teachings of Tao. Its goal is to restore the functions of all organs and body parts of the human body and its energy forces.

The Taoists believed that old age occurred as a result of the loss of vital energy; if it seems to us that it is impossible to restore former strength, then these Chinese sages argued the opposite. You can stay forever young and restore lost energy according to the teachings of Tao with the help of Taoist massage.

The peculiarity of this type of massage therapy is that it can normalize the functioning of your entire body. The Taoist ideology was structured in such a way that during the procedure a person must get rid of all obstacles that prevent his internal energy from moving normally.

By eliminating obstacles with the help of massage according to the Tao system, you will have the opportunity to achieve inner harmony and improve your emotional, mental and physical condition.

A Taoist massage course can not only improve sleep, eliminate fatigue, provide a surge of energy, restore strength, but most importantly, it will give you eternal youth. The Taoists sincerely believed that massage using this technique could slow down the natural aging process.

Important Mark, that if massage is carried out according to the Taoist method according to all the rules, then it is possible to normalize blood circulation functions, strengthen the immune system, saturate the cells and tissues of the body with oxygen, and make the skin elastic.

primary goal

The main goal of massage according to the system of wise Taoists was to gain inner balance, harmony of body and spirit, and tranquility. This type of massage therapy is recommended for those people who are often stressed, nervous and irritable.

Taoist massage can restore all functions of your body, unlike traditional massage, which can only eliminate specific problems, for example, relieve joint pain.


This type of massage therapy is indicated for those people who have the following health problems:

  • Frequent migraines and headaches.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Constant stress and depressive moods.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Cellulite.
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

It is worth noting that this massage also has a positive effect on reproductive system men and women, prevents the development of various sexual disorders, increases libido.

Breast massage

This type of massage therapy will help a woman keep her breasts firm, beautiful and healthy. Regular manipulations of this kind will allow you to forget about oncology, as they serve as its prevention. In addition, Taoist massage can improve the contour of this part of the body, give it tone and prevent the development of diseases such as mastopathy.

The massage therapist performs the procedure using a vessel whose size corresponds to the size of the breast. It is applied to this part of the body and remains on it for several minutes. Then it is taken in the palm of your hand, and the specialist begins to perform rotational movements, then presses it again. Oils such as chamomile, rose, olive, jasmine or coconut are used for the procedure.

This type of massage is not contraindicated for men either.. It is carried out using the following technique:

  1. The massage therapist's hands are placed on the chest.
  2. Circular movements of the arms are made from the shoulder to the center of the body in a number of nine turns.
  3. The palms are placed on the chest, the nipples are in the center, the specialist applies ten light pressures.

After the procedure, you may feel some pain that will go away after a couple of hours.

Face massage

Manipulation performed on the face promotes rejuvenation; before proceeding, it is necessary to carefully prepare the skin by cleansing it of cosmetics and exfoliating.

Facial massage according to the Taoist system helps strengthen facial contours, increase muscle tone, helps remove toxins and waste, and improve blood flow. Also this procedure helps eliminate headaches and ensure the preservation of youth and beauty for as long as possible. When carrying it out, the following manipulations are used:

  1. You need to rub your palms, bring them to your face and move them in a circle, moving them up, then to the sides and down.
  2. Place two fingers of each hand on both sides of the wings of the nose, move them up to the bridge of the nose, and then, having reached its top, spread them in different directions, continue movements, gradually moving towards the hairline.

These manipulations will help reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Spine massage

The spine is massaged in a circular motion from the collar area, capturing each vertebra. When the hands have reached its lower part, they should be repeated in the reverse order.

You can also run your fingers along the entire length of the spinal column, pressing lightly. This technique will help you relax and relieve your spine from feeling tired.

Massage of buttocks and legs

This procedure is usually performed after a specialist has worked on the spine and back. The buttocks are massaged using circular movements and lightly pinched. After such a massage, the person completely relaxes.

After the buttocks, the thighs are massaged, grasped with both hands and lightly beaten. Next comes the turn of the knees, which need to be massaged in a circular motion with patting and light kneading. Next comes the turn of the feet, which are massaged over the entire surface and between the toes.

It's worth saying, that foot massage according to the Tao system is very useful, since it is on a person’s feet that there are vital points responsible for the functioning of organs such as the heart and brain, but it must be done very carefully.

Shoulder massage

This type of massage therapy will be useful for those people who are engaged in work involving physical effort. A procedure is carried out with aromatic oils, the movements are circular, the palm lightly presses on the scapula bone.

Video lesson: Taoist facial massage

Massage for men

Most of the energy points of the stronger sex are located on their genitals, which are also responsible for the functions of other organs and systems. Sessions of this massage should be carried out in the morning or from 15-00 to 19-00. It is necessary to massage the entire genital organ, since the points responsible for the functioning of the heart, stomach, prostate gland, small intestine, bladder, lungs, liver and kidneys.

Energy massage options for men

In addition to the basic massage for men according to the Taoist method, strong half humanity also enjoys and becomes healthier from massaging other equally important parts of the body, that is, the head, which is recommended to be massaged from the back of the head using circular movements, moving towards the collar area.

Massage therapy for the shoulder blades is no less important; it allows you to get rid of tension and relax. The spine, hips and legs, buttocks, and feet should also be subjected to the procedure.

To restore vision

Wise Taoists could use massage to help restore vision. Some of their techniques have survived to modern times:

  1. The eyes should be closed, the hands folded in a “boat” are placed on them, the inner part of the palms touches the nose, but they should not touch the eyes. For the full effect, you need to completely relax and lean on the table.
  2. One elbow rests on the table, a hand with an outstretched index finger is placed in the center of the eyes, and the head begins to move to the right and left, without taking your eyes off the finger.


Despite the many positive characteristics Massage according to the Tao system is contraindicated for people who suffer from the following ailments:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of internal organs.
  • Chronic diseases in the form of exacerbation.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Oncology.
  • Excessive hair growth.
  • Bronchial asthma.

In addition, this procedure is prohibited for pregnant women.

Taoist massage will help you become not only healthier, more beautiful, young and energetic, but will also help you change your worldview. Will help you find harmony and tranquility, find mutual language with your body, feel its unity with the spirit.

There is a whole direction in Eastern medicine - Taoist massage. If you need urgent restoration of the body, then you cannot do without this procedure. The energy component determines the state of the body - the Taoists understood this many centuries ago. We have to understand the essence of them massage technology.

It is generally accepted that Taoist practices have a long-lasting rejuvenating effect. This is a set of techniques that is not so much a massage as an energy exchange between partners. The procedure cannot be imagined without the philosophy of Tao, which is based on ensuring stable circulation of Qi energy. The causes of our diseases, according to the Taoists, lie in the plane of blockage of the channels. Removing clamps leads to good health and longevity.

What are the features of Taoist massage?

As you already understand, Qi energy must circulate freely through the channels of our body. There is a full cycle of Taoist massage - it has its own structure based on basic energy transformations. Here are the key features of the technology:

  • movements are directed along the meridians that run through the most important organs of the human body;
  • the massage is restorative in nature, since Qi is present in each of us from birth;
  • Taoist monks believe that Qi is transmitted genetically;
  • By restoring energy balance, we stop the suffering of our body.

An incorrect lifestyle can lead to suffering - Taoist sages are convinced of this. Low level mobility, chaotic eating, negative emotions and bad habits - these are the sources of our problems. If we don’t allow all this to happen, we will get an extension of our youth. And if your health is already damaged, you need to release healing energy. This is the meaning of the Taoist teachings.

Massage Basics

Taoist massage practices seem very unusual for an untrained person. At first, the session will seem drawn out and boring to you - events will unfold extremely slowly. And it's not just about technology. Taoist monks believe that the client needs serious preparation. If you are trying to master Taoist self-massage, a lot of time will be spent on “setting up” respiratory system. Here are a few more important points:

  1. Bad emotions are neutralized with the help of special movements.
  2. The psycho-emotional state depends on the circulation of internal energy flows (sometimes it is necessary to activate the bypass channel).
  3. Each area of ​​your body needs specific preparation.
  4. The session consists of successive stages, which are not recommended to be interchanged.
  5. The patient is involved in educational process, helping to restore internal balance.
  6. If you do a massage according to all the rules, you will learn to restore your mental balance.
  7. Before starting the session, you need to create a favorable environment.

Types of Taoist massage

There are several types of Taoist practices depending on which part of the body is affected. Even techniques have been developed for the female uterus to promote the most comfortable conception of a child and a successful pregnancy. But remember: no matter what type of massage you choose, you will have to attend sessions regularly and learn some techniques at home.

Some techniques help rejuvenate the body, others are aimed at healing physical ailments. Try to get help Taoist techniques throughout your life - you will see that longevity becomes a reality. It’s worth starting under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

Taoist breast massage

Japanese and Chinese women remain young for a long time - everyone knows this. But why is this happening? Girls eat right, lead an active lifestyle, avoid drinking alcohol and do not smoke. In addition, many Chinese women are fond of Taoist practices. Residents of the Celestial Empire pay special attention to breast massage. Here are the main steps of this procedure:

  • The chest is slightly squeezed with the palms.
  • 9 rotational movements are performed (they should be gentle, the direction should be towards the center of the shoulder areas).
  • You cannot stretch the skin.
  • The next step is to cover the mammary glands with your palms.
  • Gent pressure (nipples in the center of the palms).
  • The exercise is repeated nine times.
  • All movements are carried out while exhaling.

Taoist facial massage

Facial rejuvenation practiced by Taoists is based on the ancient traditions of Chinese healers. It is important to consider: every area of ​​skin on woman's face associated with a certain internal organ. Therefore, recovery is complex. Restoring energy flows will relieve the patient of blackheads, skin rashes and wrinkles. It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  1. quiet music promotes maximum relaxation;
  2. breathing should be deep and even;
  3. Before the session, the face is cleansed with special cosmetics;
  4. in some cases peeling is performed;
  5. points of biological activity are massaged;
  6. the cervical-collar area is being worked on;
  7. The duration of the session ranges from 50-80 minutes.

Taoist eye massage

To strengthen your eyesight, use one of the proven techniques of Taoist monks. Massage your eyes with warm hands daily and you will soon feel positive changes. Taoist eye massage comes down to four stages:

  • Warm palms touch the eyes (the eyelids are lowered, the massage therapist feels the circulation of vital energy).
  • Pressure on the eyeballs through the eyelids (combined with light circular movements).
  • Three-finger circulation (translational pressing movements with the fingertips).
  • Pressure reverse side fingers (reminiscent of the previous technique, only the pressure decreases).

Taoist testicular massage

For men, massage of the testicles is extremely important because the scrotum is connected to various internal glands. In addition, sexual energy is released and you enjoy the session. The testicles are massaged with gentle, barely noticeable touches. The motion vector is a spiral. The optimal number of repetitions is 36. Stroking the scrotum leads to the release of testosterone. The result is strengthening of male potency.

Taoist penis massage

When people talk about Taoist massage for men, they immediately think of penile stimulation. But the procedure does not boil down to banal masturbation; it is a complex art that has been developed over centuries. The stages look like this:

  1. The head of the penis is pinched with two fingers and gently kneaded.
  2. The foreskin is removed.
  3. Massaging is done in a spiral (18-36 repetitions are recommended).
  4. Massaging of the entire trunk begins in three vectors (lateral and central).
  5. The point associated with the prostate gland is stimulated (spiral rotation in both directions 36 times).

Indications and contraindications for massage

If you live in big city(unfavorable ecology), Taoist practices are considered mandatory. Train correct breathing, learn to perceive the flow of internal energies. The philosophy of Taoists will also help those people who:

  • eat poorly;
  • experience chronic stress;
  • get tired at work;
  • abuse alcoholic beverages.

This should also include:

  1. allergies;
  2. skin lesions;
  3. bronchial asthma;
  4. bleeding;
  5. high degree of hair growth.

For men

In men, any contraindications can be serious illnesses genitourinary system, as well as inflammation of the prostate gland. It is not recommended to massage the prostate, testicles and penis if you have anal fissures or sexually transmitted diseases.

For women

Sometimes Taoist massage for women brings not so much benefit as harm. The main contraindication is pregnancy. This also includes sexually transmitted pathologies, diseases of the mammary glands and ailments that affect the uterus. First you need to do treatment, and only then resort to the help of Taoist practitioners.

Our article covered many aspects of Taoist philosophy, but you won’t get an idea of ​​all the subtleties from the Internet. It is worth looking for an experienced mentor and devoting a lot of time to self-improvement. Do not forget about meditation and reading Taoist literature, comprehend the depths of the ancient teachings. The one who walks will master the road.
