When to fly to Israel for vacation. When to go to Israel? Best time to travel

Israel is a small state in the Middle East, washed by the waters of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Its area is only 26.9 thousand square meters. km, but in this territory they surprisingly combine natural beauty, architectural monuments, oriental bazaars, modern skyscrapers and health resorts. When is the best time to go to Israel to fully enjoy the unique natural conditions, make a pilgrimage to religious shrines or just have a good rest?

Travel company specialists recommend traveling in April-May or September-November. It is believed that climatic conditions At this time, they are favorable for any type of recreation, be it a trip for excursions, swimming at the sea or health treatments.

The Velvet season

September opens in Israel the Velvet season. Until the end of November at all famous resorts the prices are simply a wonderful weather: the sweltering summer heat has receded, the air temperature does not rise above +30 °C, and the water temperature does not fall below +25 °C. This creates comfortable conditions both for swimming in the sea or sunbathing, and for exploring local attractions.

If you want to wander around the local shops without haste and fuss, taste food in a restaurant or cafe national cuisine and visit the most famous museums, then when choosing a date for a trip to Israel, in addition to the weather, one more factor should be taken into account.

On autumn period There are many holidays and festivals during which most institutions do not work. Plus, prices for hotel accommodation and food increase several times, and there is a huge crowd of people on the streets. It is especially crowded during the celebration of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah), the day of atonement (Yom Kippur) and one of the most revered holidays of Judaism - Sukkot.

Spring voyage

Weather conditions in April-May are considered the most favorable for pilgrims and vacationers with small children. In spring there are no hot desert winds, the sun gently warms the earth and sea without burning your face and skin. Air temperature ranges from +25 °C to +27 °C, and water temperature - from +21 °C to +23 °C. The beaches are not yet so crowded, which allows you to enjoy the silence and take a break from the bustle of the city.

The amount of precipitation in spring is minimal, so you can safely go on a sightseeing tour of Jerusalem, Bethlehem or other major cities Israel. Late March or early April, depending on church calendar, the oldest is celebrated here Jewish holiday- Passover, or Easter. At this time, thousands of believers come to make pilgrimages to the greatest religious shrines.

Medical tours

Dead Sea - the only place in Israel, where holiday season lasts all year round. It is located on the border with Jordan and is famous for its unique medicinal properties. The healing mud and waters of this natural reservoir help with various diseases - skin, respiratory, muscle, neurological, etc. People from all over the world come here to improve their health and relax.

The air temperature at the Dead Sea fluctuates depending on the season. In summer it can reach +40 °C, and in winter - +25 °C. At any time you can find something to do and where to go. In addition to medical procedures, a wide selection of which is offered by any resort, you can go on a trip to national park"Ein Gedi", visit the caves of Qumran or just stroll along the embankment.

If there are weather, not comfortable for swimming or excursions, then you still won’t be bored at the Dead Sea. The resort's infrastructure is constantly developing, new entertainment venues, restaurants and shops are built every year, selling both clothing and high-quality medical cosmetics.

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Travel The World answers the question of when is the best time to go to Israel for vacation, excursions and getting to know local customs and traditions.

Experts consider Israel a year-round holiday destination. The Promised Land is a unique sacred place where, in a small area, you can take a walk into the past, touch the stones of ancient shrines, receive treatment and just lie on the sand.


Since the climate in Israel is tropical, if the purpose of the trip is a pilgrimage or city sightseeing, spring is very suitable for this. Heat and dust storms V spring months no, and children rest will go for good.

In Israel you can swim as early as March. This service can be found on the Red Sea coast in the city of Eilat. The water here never cools down, and there are many beautiful and interesting tourism sites in the sea and on land. The Mediterranean Sea is still cool in spring.

In spring, many religious and cultural events take place in the country, with Easter taking center stage. IN different days it is celebrated by Christians and Jews.


Not a good time for those who can't stand it high temperatures, especially for residents of the North. In summer, the temperature can rise very high, and only swimming helps combat this. The coolest area of ​​the country is the Golan Heights. There are interesting military and historical excursions here.

Opens in summer swimming season in the Mediterranean and Tiberias seas. The latter is a large freshwater reservoir with ancient settlements located along the banks. On summer vacation, it is better to do things related to water: fishing, scuba diving, surfing. There is no rain at this time at all. On the trip you need to take water, sunglasses and a hat.

Despite unsuitable temperature conditions, Israel's beaches are not empty in summer. Europeans come here and Israelis spend their holidays here.


A good time to visit world-famous attractions such as the Dome of the Rock, the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. These places make a stunning impression; atheists even strive to stealthily touch the stones that bear the imprint of eternity.

A series of holidays take place in the fall, such as Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah and the Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot. Retail outlets are closed during these periods, Jews are prohibited from working, and shopaholics must choose other days for shopping. The rest of the time there is no end to buyers, and the shelves are regularly filled with new goods.

October and November are considered the peak months for the number of foreigners.


Beach holiday, swimming in warm water? Yes and yes again! At this time, residents flock to Eilat northern countries, the climate becomes most suitable for them. This is not all the wonders of Israel. Welcome to the snow-capped Mount Hermon, where the unprecedented phenomenon of skiing against a desert backdrop takes place. Well, who knows, the Jews are well versed in a variety of recreational activities and have built a full-fledged ski resort for this purpose at the top.

A drop in temperature to an acceptable level promotes excursion holidays. Visit every nook and cranny of the country, from Christian Nazareth to Muslim East Jerusalem, and don’t forget that in Israel you can find any attractions your heart desires.

Dead Sea

This is a special place even for such a unique country as Israel. It is famous for being able to provide a pleasant and useful rest all year round. Here you can read a book while lying in the water. The almost dry reservoir is so salty that it creates a unique climate. This is a health resort in Israel that treats most long-standing ailments. People come here to visit numerous sanatoriums.

At any time of the year, you can have a good and useful vacation in Israel.

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Year-round recreation is determined by geographical location And climatic features countries. There are mountainous areas that are perfectly suited for recreation. coastal zones, as well as lowlands. The climate in all these places is different. For example, mountainous places are characterized by cold winters and hot summers. On the coasts winter time quite mild and summers are humid. The country's weather varies, so the best time to travel to Israel in 2019 depends on which area you want to visit and for what purpose.

Each tourist who comes here, as a rule, has his own intention. But there are also those who strive to combine all possibilities together. For example, when choosing a beach holiday by the sea in Israel, many are not averse to visiting places that are holy for people of different faiths, as well as improving their health and relieving fatigue at resorts Dead Sea. Fortunately, this picturesque country provides such opportunities.

Israel in winter

Tours to Israel for New Year are in demand. In winter, you can relax here on the coast of magnificent Eilat, which is washed by warm waters Red Sea. also in winter months you can undergo treatment at the Dead Sea.

In many regions of the country, especially in northern latitudes, in winter it often rains, and because of this you can easily find cheaper tours. At this time of year you can make a pilgrimage or visit attractions. The main thing is that the weather on the selected days is favorable.

On February 14, many countries around the world celebrate St. Valentine's Day. Valentine, but on sacred ground it does not have such a scope. And yet in Lately Many Tel Aviv restaurants offer romantic evenings on Valentine's Day. If your vacation falls on such holidays, like February 23, then you can spend your holiday actively, for example, on ski resort Hermon.


The Promised Land in spring is just perfect. Since March, the rains have stopped almost everywhere, nature literally blossoms and lifts your spirits. The air temperature is within +25 °C, and a refreshing light breeze blows from the sea. It will be especially pleasant to spend March 8th here, as exotic plants begin to bloom brightly and extremely beautiful flowers, delighting the eye and filling the air with its captivating aroma. Many Christians around the world head here in the spring to celebrate Holy Easter.

During May holidays prices for tours are very reasonable, so it’s worth going here for walking tours and city tours, museums and theaters. In addition, in the spring, exciting combined tours are offered with the opportunity to visit, for example, Jordan.

Israel in summer

If you are wondering when is the best time to go to Israel for a beach holiday, then the summer here is very hot, so during this period it is better to relax at the resorts Mediterranean Sea or Lake Galilee. Beach holidays in these places are very comfortable and last until the end of September. According to reviews, the most prestigious resort on this coast is Herzliya. However, we must warn you that in the summer (especially in June-July) jellyfish are often found on the Mediterranean coast, so you need to be careful.

It is better to organize a holiday with children in places such as Netanya and Bat Yam, which are famous for their sandy beaches and safe entry in the sea.

The Velvet season

Many people are concerned about the question of when to go on vacation to Israel in order to combine several activities at once. In autumn, just like in spring, the cities create excellent conditions for educational and therapeutic tours.

Within the standard package you can visit:

  • the capital and most cheerful city is Tel Aviv;

  • the holy city of Nazareth;

  • resorts and hospitals on the Dead Sea.

You can vacation in Israel all year round, however, one cannot help but admit that for certain areas of the country there is a seasonality factor. The country has three seas: Mediterranean, Red and Dead, as well as several climatic zones, including mountains and coastal resort towns. The Red and Dead Seas are so warm that the swimming season there lasts all year round. In principle, sights can also be visited in any season, unless, of course, the traveler is too susceptible to heat and winds.


You can vacation in Israel all year round, however, one cannot help but admit that for certain areas of the country there is a seasonality factor. The country has three seas: the Mediterranean, the Red and the Dead, as well as several climatic zones, including mountains and coastal resort towns.

The Red and Dead Seas are so warm that the swimming season there lasts all year round. In principle, sights can also be visited in any season, unless, of course, the traveler is too susceptible to heat and winds. In addition, year to year does not occur. If last year it was winter heavy rains, next December there may well be a sudden warming.

Weather in the country in winter

The weather in winter is warm, but rainy and windy, so visiting temples and museums can be difficult; wind gusts are sometimes so strong that umbrellas are turned inside out. If you are planning a trip to the sights this season, you should definitely stock up on waterproof jackets and raincoats, and a couple of warm clothes.

However, on the coast of the Red and Dead Seas in winter the temperature rarely drops below + 25 degrees.

During snowfalls, and they are also possible, you can even ride alpine skiing at the unique resort on Mount Hermon, although you will have to make decisions about travel and act quickly: the snow rarely lasts longer than a week.

At Christmas in Israel, the weather is comfortable for Europeans, many tourists appear, resulting in a sharp rise in prices.

Is it worth going on vacation to Israel in the summer?

In summer the country is very hot and stuffy. Only on the Mediterranean coast is the weather quite comfortable, but in the area of ​​the Red and Dead Seas strong dusty winds from the Arabian and Sinai deserts are possible. Therefore, we conclude that it is not worth going to Israel at the height of summer. After all, the water temperature near the coast reaches +28-+31 degrees by August, in the Red Sea beyond the reefs and at depth the water remains cool, but this does not solve the problem of suffocating heat. In the Dead Sea in the summer, not everyone is recommended to undergo medical procedures, however, it all depends on specific medical indications.

We recommend visiting museums and holy places in such weather only to hardy people who can tolerate the heat well. But there will be much fewer tourists, so you can see all the sights freely and without unnecessary fuss.

The best time for a holiday in Israel is the off-season

The high season in Israel is autumn and early spring; it is during this period that the weather is most comfortable: dry, warm and not at all hot. Prices for all tourist services begin to creep up from the end of February. Their peak occurs in April, when Easter is celebrated. If you are planning a trip to Jerusalem or a pilgrimage to the Holy Land on these dates, you should take care of the hotel in advance. It is unlikely that you will be able to rent a room on the spot; all hotels will probably be occupied, or the cost will increase tenfold. The streets of Tel Aviv on Easter look like an anthill; tourists from all over the world come to memorable places.

In September you can still find leftovers summer heat, and the most comfortable weather occurs in October and November. Thus, the most favorable time to visit Israel - from early March to mid-May and from late September to December. During this period, it is best to relax by lying on the beach or taking selfies against the backdrop of attractions. It is worth considering, however, that in high season prices rise significantly, and there are noticeably more tourists at resorts. In summer and winter, prices are lower, hotels are not so busy, and you don’t have to worry about long queues at temples and museums.

Well, the dates for medical procedures and the organization of pilgrimage trips are not determined by the weather. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, and for pilgrims the main reference point is the religious calendar.

Have good weather and bright emotions on your travels!

The holiday season in Israel is year-round: this is facilitated by climatic and geographical features (the country has coastal zones, 4 seas, mountains, and lowlands).

Tourist season in Israel

  • Spring: if your goal is a beach holiday, then in March you can visit the resorts of the Red Sea (water temperature - +20 degrees). In general, spring is ideal for city tours, theaters and museums, and walks in parks.
  • Summer: in summer the air can heat up to +40 degrees and above, so summer months It is better to spend on sea coasts.
  • Autumn: in the fall, just like in the spring, the country creates favorable conditions for excursion, educational, therapeutic, tours to holy and historical places. You should not go to the country in November - at this time the rainy season begins.
  • Winter: In winter there is no frost in the country, but it can rain. Fans of snowboarding and skiing can visit the northern part of the country in December-February - there is a ski resort on Mount Hermon.

Beach season in Israel

Beach season in the country it opens in April, but it all depends on which sea you are going to relax on.

It is better to come to Mediterranean resorts in the summer (the season lasts until the end of September), but it is worth considering that in June-July, jellyfish can spoil your holiday here. The best Mediterranean beaches are Zuk-Tsafan, Geley Gil, Herzel, Nordau.

On the Red Sea, it is worth taking a closer look at Eilat, famous for such beaches as Dolphin Beach (located in the Dolphin Reef Park) and North Beach (white sand). The best time to relax on the Red Sea is in April-May and September-October, although in winter the water temperature here is above +20 degrees.

You can relax at the Dead Sea throughout the year, but if your goal is to improve your health, then it is better to come here in spring or autumn, because in summer it is very hot and the water warms up to +35 degrees. Best beach Dead Sea - “Ein Bokek” (successful descent into the water).

Popular beaches of the Sea of ​​Galilee (Lake Kinneret) are Kiner, Duga, Ekev. Here in addition beach holiday, water activities are available (there are 3 water parks).

For a holiday with children, it is advisable to opt for the resort towns of Netanya and Bat Yam - they are famous for their sandy beaches (it is worth paying attention to the “Stone” beach - thanks to the installed breakwater, swimming is safe for children here).


Diving in Israel is possible all year round: the Red Sea in the Eilat area is of particular interest (visibility - 40 m). Here you will have the opportunity to swim with dolphins (Dolphin Reef), see an 8-meter sheer coral wall (Japenese Gardens), swim through underwater caves and see warships and coral thickets at the bottom (The Caves).

Pilgrimage, treatment, excursions, active and beach activities. All this awaits you on vacation in Israel.
