Protecting your home from negative people. Finding and fixing weaknesses in home defense

It is not known when and by whom the expression "My home is my fortress" was invented. And this is really so, because, in fact, only at home can a person feel almost completely safe.

However, we cannot constantly be in our monastery, and sometimes, going on vacation or just leaving for work, willy-nilly the question arises - how to protect the house from ill-wishers? After all, as police statistics show, modern robbers can conquer any fortress. "House of Dreams" will help you deal with the security issues of a house or apartment in the absence of the owners, and will tell you what measures you need to take to protect your property from intruders.

Home starts with a door: reliable protection against thieves

It would seem that what could be stronger than an armored door, because in the middle of its structure is used the material from which bulletproof vests are created that do not let bullets through? An armored door is really a heavy-duty protection against thieves, but for some reason many burglars enter the house through the door. It turns out that a highly professional "master" of thefts does not care at all what material your door leaf will be made of - if he manages to break the lock, he will freely enter the house.

Almost every month, new models of door locks are released in the world, designed to protect the property of honest citizens. So far, the most durable are lever locks, working on a code system. To open such a device, in addition to the usual key, you must enter a secret code. Some progressive models are designed in such a way that if the code is entered incorrectly three times, the lock is reprogrammed and sends a signal to the mobile phone of the owner of the house. In addition, it is not possible to take an impression of a key suitable for a lever lock. And if the robbers want to cut or knock out the door lock, then they will not be able to do so for the reason that these devices are made of heavy-duty material.

Eyes at home: secure windows

If you think that by installing an armored door in combination with a lever lock, you can completely ignore the question of how to protect a house from thieves, then you are mistaken. As the sad statistics say, more than 50% of burglars prefer to enter the house through the windows. In particular, this problem is relevant for residents of private or country houses.

Protection of windows in a country house

Lattices are an old and reliable way of protecting windows. Of course, especially inventive craftsmen manage to cut them out, but this process takes time and, moreover, it cannot be carried out silently.

In the modern version, the bars have long ceased to resemble a prison attribute, securely fixed between the openings. Now it is quite possible to find a compromise between protection and beauty, for example, by choosing wrought iron grates... In addition, this method of protection can be secured not only from the outside, but also from the inside of the house.

A less reliable way to protect windows from intruders is to install steel or aluminum roller shutters. The technical peculiarity of modern roller shutters is such that it is impossible to open them from the outside.

How to keep your home safe from thieves

However, the installation of sliding window shutters is, rather, psychological protection of the house from thieves. Indeed, in fact, it will not be difficult for professional burglars to overcome this obstacle, however, the robbers are afraid to contact the house in the windows of which the shutters are installed, since very often alarm systems are connected with them.

Installation of locks on plastic windows- alternative protection of windows in a country house. Special locks are discreetly attached to the inside of the house so that the windows attract burglars with their insecurity. However, it is impossible to open them silently.

Home alarm - a cry for help

The alarm system is a real panacea for robbers and burglars. According to statistics, if thieves decide to enter a house where an alarm is installed, in 99% of cases they are caught on the spot.

Home protection from thieves

The most reliable alarm system is installed invisibly to the naked eye, but in case of illegal entry, it immediately sends a signal to the task force. On average, the task force reaches the scene of an incident in five minutes. During this time, the robbers will not be able to find valuable things in an unfamiliar house, take them and hide unnoticed. However, such a security system requires a lot of financial costs, because in addition to expensive equipment and installation, the owner of the house will have to pay for monthly maintenance.

A more budgetary option for signaling is the so-called psychological "scarecrows". They are not connected to the task force, but when illegally entering the house, this type of device begins to emit loud sounds and signal flashes of light, attracting the attention of others.

All seeing eye of the camera

Hidden cameras are ideal for protecting a private home from ill-wishers and thieves. Having installed them in such a way that the entrance or the perimeter of the house is highlighted on the monitor, it is possible to protect yourself from robbery even before the fact of atrocity. As a rule, robbers do not come to an unfamiliar house at random, because first they need to familiarize themselves with the territory and look out for "weak" places of protection.

However, in order to draw attention to suspicious persons, it is necessary to constantly be near the monitor, which is almost impossible. A more reliable way is to install a motion-sensitive camera. Just as in the case of alarm systems, in case of intrusion, internal surveillance cameras can give a signal to the operational group or the owner.

The main advantage of hidden cameras is the ability to save the recording. And even if we assume the likelihood that the thieves will be able to escape, go unnoticed from the house where the cameras are installed, they simply will not be able to.

Alternative ways to protect your home from ill-wishers

As a rule, the greatest number of robberies occurs between 10 and 15 hours. If you have not yet had time to purchase a security system and do not know how to protect your home from thieves, experts recommend setting a random timer on your TV or music center. Before breaking into a house, burglars must make sure that it is empty, but having heard extraneous sounds, they are unlikely to decide on active actions.

Also, to scare off burglars, you can install a dummy camera, a device with a flashing red light and a sign about an angry dog ​​in a prominent place. Of course, professional thieves are unlikely to be stopped by such obstacles, but, as practice shows, quite often burglars are by no means professionals, but so-called "amateurs" hoping for a miracle.

This is just a small list of options to protect yourself from burglars. Any specialist, answering the question - how to protect a house from ill-wishers, will recommend that you apply comprehensive measures, because if a burglar has chosen a specific house for his purpose, he will certainly try to study all its barriers and obstacles.

The article will tell you how to protect your loved ones and your home with the help of conspiracies and prayers, and will present you with icons.

For many centuries, people believe in the power of someone else's envy and evil eye, considering this the source of their troubles and problems. From an esoteric point of view, this is completely logical. By directing his negative energy to a person for any occasion (envy, resentment, hostility), he contributes to the disruption of his energy field, which means the appearance of certain problems: in business, relationships, mental and physical health.

Old and effective methods will help protect yourself from any evil eye and damage:

  • Red thread on hand(often replaced with a red bracelet). It is believed that if a loved one ties this thread to you and at the same time reads a prayer, his words will protect you from any evil coming from the envious person, and the red color will scare away damage and slander.
  • Pin... It should not be fastened in a visible place (under clothing, under the hem or on underwear). It is believed that if a person wishes you harm, his unkind words will surely stumble upon the point of a pin and will not be able to harm you.
  • Pectoral cross. Any image of Jesus Christ can protect you from evil, but the cross with which you were once baptized has the greatest power. It is customary to wear it on the body, hiding it under clothes.
  • Blue bead... Like red, blue drives away all unkindness from a person and restores his energy field. A protective blue bead is most often made in the form of a small eye. This bead can be hung on a bracelet, on a neck, on a pin and simply carried in your pocket.
  • Reading prayers and conspiracies... Regular "cleansing of your aura" will remove all negative streams, influences, any evil eye (unintentional or special) from you. To do this, you need to choose the appropriate prayer (see below) and read it with firm faith in your soul, performing the rite (washing yourself with holy water, for example, or lighting a candle).

How to protect your child, newborn from the evil eye and damage?

A small person who has recently come to this world is very vulnerable to all the negative influences of the outside world. That is why the frequent whims and lack of calmness of the baby are explained by the intervention of the evil eye or damage. It is imperative to protect your child from such things.

In what ways can you protect your child:

  • Baptism. This is the surest and most effective way. So the child stands before God and he will grant him a Guardian Angel, which will protect him from any evil. Baptism also "drives away demons" from the child, making the baby calm and peaceful. After baptism, it should be worn without removing the cross.
  • Name icon. During baptism or attending church, you can purchase a personalized icon for your child. In the case when you give a child an unusual and non-Orthodox name, you acquire a second name for the child, which is chosen by the clergyman (analogous or consonant). The name icon should be read to the mother in front of the child and kept in a stroller or crib.
  • Tying a red thread. This should be done by mom and no one else. During tying, mom necessarily makes 7 knots and reads a protective conspiracy. The thread should be woolen, from an ordinary ball (or a special thread ordered from Jerusalem). Therefore, to the same principle, there are a number of similar amulets, for example, attaching a red ribbon, bow or flower to a stroller or crib. The red color will be able to "scare away" any evil from the child.
  • Silver pin on clothes. Just as in the case of an adult, the safety pin has its place in protecting the child. It is believed that the form of this device is very unusual and this is what the amulet is "obliged to". The negative, falling on the pin, loops and rotates in a circle, not falling on the person. The pin can also be attached to the stroller so that anyone looking into it cannot harm the child.

For a child

How to protect your family from the evil eye and corruption, curse and envy?

Despite the fact that not every person believes in protective magic, conspiracies and prayers that protect the home and family from the "evil eye" are quite popular and in demand. Everyone wants to protect their relatives in any way, when this cannot be done on their own (at the energy level), as well as to preserve their health, strength and not spoil the relationship.

Ways to Protect Your Family:

  • Icon. Every home must have at least one icon. It is most preferable to have the image of Christ and the Mother of God. These saints will protect not only the home, but also each member of the family. Icons should be stored in a "high place" (taller than a person, on a shelf, for example) or hung in one of the corners of the house. Icons should be looked after, not allowing them to gather dust, icons should be prayed and candles should be lit in front of them.
  • Rowan. As already mentioned, the red color scares away evil, and the red color that nature has created, moreover, will also bring only positive things to the house and family. In order for any evil and unkind person to leave your home, tie a bunch of viburnum berries (one twig) with a red woolen thread, read a protective prayer (see below) and hang it over the front door.
  • Protective fee. Some herbs have a magical effect to identify evil and drive it away from the place where there is a protective amulet. It is very easy to make it yourself. To do this, you should collect several branches of mint, St. John's wort and wormwood in a bunch. Tie the twigs together with red thread and say a prayer. Hang the bundle over the front door to the house. If you don't want to attract attention with this amulet, you can simply sprinkle dry wormwood under the rug in front of the entrance.
  • Horseshoe. This is a frequent amulet that not only drives away evil, but also attracts good luck to a person. Each family member can wear such a pendant in the shape of a horseshoe, you can also hang a symbolic (or real) horseshoe over the entrance to your house, it is only important to make the ends of the horseshoe look up and not down, otherwise you risk achieving a different effect ...

For home

How to protect your loved ones from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

If you want to protect loved ones who do not live in the same house with you, but are still dear and beloved people for you, you should read protective prayers for them every day (or quite often). You can do this in front of any Holy image that you trust. When reading a prayer, be sure to remember the person and call his name.

IMPORTANT: Present your loved ones with miniature personalized icons and ask them to always carry them with you for protection. You can also stock up on holy water for Orthodox holidays and periodically let your loved ones wash with it or add it to food and drinks.

How to protect a pregnant woman from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

It is known that a pregnant woman, sometimes carrying a child, is very vulnerable to negative manifestations from the outside world. An unkind person can not only jinx her, but also contribute to the fact that she will be sick and difficult to give birth. The evil eye can also harm women in labor by "spoiling or taking" milk.

If you are in a position or a woman close to you is pregnant, try to protect her from the "evil eye" on your own. To do this, you can tie with red thread belly under clothes if you are in crowded places. So, any person on purpose and not, but will not be able to harm you with his thoughts and words.

You can also wear the image of the Virgin- a faithful protector of all women and children. To do this, you can buy an amulet in the church and consecrate it there. It is known that silver repels evil, and gold attracts, therefore, during pregnancy, give preference silver jewelry, but do not take off the wedding band - it is a loyal protector for you. Do not remove the pectoral cross with the image of Christ and often read prayers for the protection of the mother and child to the Mother of God.

For a pregnant woman

How to protect yourself at work from the evil eye and damage, curse and envy?

The workplace of any person is full of negativity, envy and the "evil eye". A huge number of people accumulate here, who do not always wish the best for their colleagues. So that you enjoy your successes and your career can move up rapidly, make it a rule to always "protect yourself" with effective methods:

  • Pray for protection to Holy images and read conspiracies for successful work.
  • Wash your face with holy water before or after a working day (you can also use water infused with silver to eliminate negativity).
  • Have your personal amulet with you, which will protect you in "vulnerable" situations.

Self-defense rituals:

  • Protection "Brick Wall" from the ill-wisher. If you have a person at work in whom you are sure that he does not want well for you, but only wants to harm you. Regularly, before the start of the working day, mentally build 4 walls around you, imagining each brick. Of course, it will take time, but such energy protection will save you from any "eyes and words."
  • Protection with a mirror. This mirror should be imagined as well as the wall. In this case, it should be imagined where you have contact (visual, for example) with a person who wishes you harm. Thus, any of his threats and wishes can come back to him.
  • Groats. Nature was created in order to please man and give him good. It is known that a person is surrounded by things that absorb and things that emit negativity. If you are surrounded by a lot of evil and envy at work, try using "natural protection". Have a small box with grain (any) on your table. Every day, dip your fingers into the grain and sort out the cereal so that it absorbs all the evil that "settled on you" and you feel better, fueled by the positive.
  • Jade figurine. This mineral is known for being able to protect its owner from any negative influences from the outside world. Such a figurine should be placed on the desktop, you can also wear jade jewelry, the main thing is not to talk about the magic of this material to anyone.

At work

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy through photography on the Internet?

It so happens that a loved one is not with you at the moment, he is on a trip, or simply your contact is not possible for a number of reasons. In such situations, you cannot take care of it yourself, and then protection from the evil eye from the photo comes to the rescue.

How to do:

  • Retire with photography in a quiet room
  • Light three church candles, place them on the table around the photo.
  • Wash your hands with holy water
  • Put your hands on the photo (on the person you want to protect).
  • Read the Creed prayer three times and ask the Lord for protection for this particular person (say his name and imagine an image).
  • Ask to remove all the evil that may lie on him in the same way. And symbolically remove the evil eye, like dirt or dust, wiping it off with your hand and throwing it away.
  • After reading the prayer, cross the person in the photo three times.
  • Do not blow out the candles, let them burn out

How to protect your house, your apartment from damage?

The most effective protection for a person from any evil is an icon. There are a number of prayers and icons that are designed to protect the home and family from any evil from the outside world. You can attach the security image to the back of the entrance door (in the residential part). While attaching the image, you can read a prayer and hang a bunch of wormwood next to it (it does not come off even when it dries up).

How to protect the front door, threshold?

From time immemorial, homemade salt has been a powerful talisman for a home. She did not allow evil and any person with malicious intent to penetrate into the house. Salt could be sprinkled around the house, the surest way was to draw a strip under the threshold with salt (you can cover it with a rug).

How to protect your garden, yard?

It's no secret that a large and prolific garden plot can arouse admiration and envy among neighbors. For good or evil, but an ordinary person can "jinx" the garden and he will cease to please its owner with the harvest. There is a surefire way to protect the earth. You should drip mirrors (any, but not broken) in each corner of the garden (only 4 corners, as in a square figure). Then any "word and eye" will not be able to affect the earth, and the damage will return to its owner.

How to protect your car from damage?

A car is not only a means of transportation, but also an object of envy for those who do not have one. Each owner should protect his car, especially if he buys a car that has already been used by another person. You can do this yourself or by asking for help from a clergyman. It is necessary to sprinkle the car with holy water and read a protective prayer. It will not be superfluous to have in the car the image of the Saint and the cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.


How to protect your cow, dog?

Healthy and large livestock can also be the envy of neighbors and people around them. You can protect any animal that you have in your house. For this, you can use a bunch of wormwood. A dry bundle can be set on fire, blown out the flame and cover the animal with smoke, walking around it three times. Household salt is also used, which was sprinkled on the animal during the conspiracy.

IMPORTANT: On Trinity, any Orthodox person collects a bouquet of fresh greenery and birch, which is kept for exactly 40 days under the roof of the house. After 40 days, you can use this dry herb to cleanse your animal of the evil eye, just stroke it several times from head to tail, read a prayer or conspiracy.

How to protect your business?

In order for your business to flourish and any evil eye could not disrupt your plans, as well as contribute to the formation of a debt pit, you should read a special conspiracy to the business owner himself. For the ritual, he uses three church candles, a glass of water, into which he immerses 5 coins with the number 5 (5 kopecks or 5 rubles).


How to protect your store?

In order for your personal store, like your business, to flourish, you should read special protective prayers and conspiracies. This should be done before the start of the working day and right in the store, when there is not a single customer in it. This way you will not only protect your store from bankruptcy, but also make it “prosper”.


How to protect your account?

An office is a personal workplace where decisions important for a business or company can be made. Conspiracies and prayers will help to make sure that there is always a prosperous atmosphere in the office. Do not be lazy to get your own personal amulet that will give you prosperity and success by placing it in your office.

A conspiracy for many occasions

Prayers that protect against the evil eye and corruption, curses and envy

Relationships with people are not always good, someone may envy you and wish you harm. Reading special prayers will help to avoid curses in your direction, the evil eye and slander. If you often feel unwell, you lose strength and inspiration, everything breaks down and falls out of your hands - this is a sure sign of the evil eye.

"Our Father" - from the evil eye and corruption: prayer

Icons protecting from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

Icon Seven-arrow

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Icon of the Mother of God

A stone that protects from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

Special amulet stones can protect a person from bad and negative influences from the environment. Such a stone should be chosen based on two methods:

  • According to my feelings. If at first sight and touching the stone you felt something or noticed that in the presence of a certain stone you are "lucky".
  • By the signs of the zodiac. In this case, there is a number of stones that correspond to the characters and characteristics of each sign. You can find out which stone is like you in the article.

Amulets that protect against the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

Every amulet that people invented or found in the history of mankind, one way or another, but justified itself. There are a number of the most "faithful" amulets: four-leaf clover, horseshoe, red and blue, blue eye, cross, hare's foot and much more. You can choose your personal "happy" amulet by reading a detailed description of each amulet from damage and the evil eye here.

How does salt, tansy, a cross, a wedding, protect from damage and the evil eye, curses and envy?

The most powerful amulets from the evil eye:

  • Salt - absorbs negativity
  • Tansy - drives away evil spirits
  • Cross - blesses every good deed and does not allow evil to be done.
  • Wedding - protects lovers from the evil eye, betrayal, parting.

How to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself at home?

It is customary to remove damage in church, confessing sins and reading prayers to cleanse the soul, but if you have a "difficult case" or you cannot visit a person who removes damage and evil eye, you can try to do it at home. For the ritual, holy water and a church candle will come in handy. You should read the conspiracy and wash your face with water. Then pour the water into the ground.

Orthodox prayer from the evil eye and corruption: text

If you do not know Orthodox prayers, you will need one that protects the believer from any evil, damage and evil eye.


Prayer for the evil eye and corruption: strong, text

In case prayer for protection does not help you, you can read a strong prayer. It should be read three times, loudly, with candles lit and in front of the icon.

From damage and evil eye

Dua from the evil eye and corruption: how to read?

Dua is a Muslim prayer that protects a person from any evil. It is customary to read it to Allah at any time of the day and on any day when a person feels bad or has a desire to turn to the Almighty.

Surahs from the Koran from corruption and evil eye.Strong Muslim prayer against evil eye and corruption:

Video: "Surahs from the Evil Eyes and Corruption"

Prayer from the corruption of the evil eye of witchcraft and the tricks of the devil

Powerful prayer, directions against the Devil, will help protect yourself from evil forces. It should be read only by those who truly believe in God.


Damage to health: signs and how to remove

If a successful and healthy person suddenly feels a breakdown, experiences ailments and a series of failures, he should definitely check himself for damage and the evil eye, as well as try to remove this slander on his own.

Signs of damage and evil eye:

  • Irritability and nervous breakdowns
  • Feeling unwell that is untreated
  • Dishes break frequently
  • Everything falls out of hand
  • Frequent hiccups that won't go away
  • Constant yawning
  • Fatigue and apathy, depression

IMPORTANT: You can remove damage to an Orthodox person by visiting a church. There you should earnestly pray to the Theotokos, Jesus Christ and put three candles at the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Cyprian from corruption: text

The Great Martyr Cyprian will be able to protect everyone that he asks from any evil coming from other people.

Prayer of Cyprian and Ustinya from corruption:


Damage to death: signs and how to remove

Corruption to death is a terrible curse that, slowly but surely, can make a person wither. Such damage manifests itself very clearly: next to a person, animals die, plants wither and a house collapses, he unexpectedly spoils relations with all close people, and he himself feels very bad. Only a person who possesses knowledge and knows the rituals is capable of removing such damage. You can help yourself by reading prayers.

Orthodox prayers from corruption and witchcraft

In order not to harm himself and betray the Lord, an Orthodox person can read the prayers prescribed in the psalms. They will protect a person from any evil that may surround him and will only strengthen faith in the Almighty.

Strong prayer

Damage to a person: how to read a conspiracy against corruption?

Damage to a person is black magic, it can be brought about by an unkind person who owns the "black art". You can protect yourself by putting up a defense or reading a conspiracy that will return damage to its owner.

How to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself at home with salt, how to remove yourself and your child?

It is advisable to use sea salt or ordinary salt hardened on the stove (this is how it is "charged": sea salt during evaporation, and ordinary salt with fire). While sprinkling the doorstep, around the house, livestock and rooms, read the defensive plot. Read prayers by sprinkling salt on yourself or the child.

Corruption conspiracy

Prayer from the enemies of evil and corruption. Prayers from the evil of enemies and corruption

Strong prayers from enemies and their evil:

Prayer from enemies

Removal of spoilage with an egg at night. How to remove egg spoilage?

Identifying and removing egg spoilage is common. The egg must be taken from your own farm, from personal chickens. The egg rolls over a person while reading a prayer or conspiracy. This should be done for a long time. After reading, the egg should be broken, if it is light (normal) - there was no damage, and if it darkened (or even black) - this is damage, the black content of the egg is damage to death.

Prayer to Jesus Christ from corruption. Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption. Prayer to the life-giving cross from corruption

Strong Prayers:


Thursday salt from the evil eye and spoilage

Thursday salt - salt stored on Maundy Thursday, the holiday preceding Easter. This salt is considered sacred and healing. It can be used during rituals to cleanse the evil eye and spoilage.

An indestructible psalter to remove corruption from a person


The indefatigable hymnal

How to get rid of spoilage? How to cleanse a house from damage and evil eye?

To cleanse the house from any evil, you can sprinkle it with holy water. Water must enter all corners, doorways and window openings. You can also use quaternary salt. Read during the ritual the prayer "Symbol of Faith" and "Our Father".

Symbol of faith

Damage to money: signs and how to remove

Damage manifestations:

  • Losing money
  • Job loss
  • Business loss
  • Constant failures
  • Frequent drops
  • Frequent theft
  • Unpaid debts
  • Apathy, lack of inspiration
  • Feeling unwell

IMPORTANT: Reading prayers and conspiracies will help get rid of damage to money. Lay out coins everywhere around the house: under cabinets, a sofa, a bed, a threshold, a floor, a carpet - this is necessary in order for money to flow.

Conspiracy on a pin from damage and the evil eye

Read the conspiracy while pinning the pin:


Mirror protection from damage and evil eye

Read the conspiracy while burying the ritual mirror.

Video: "Ritual" Mirror ". Magic Defense with Backward Strike. Return flow protection "

Unfortunately, our home can easily become the object of energetic attacks, conscious or unconscious, that will inevitably affect our entire life. Fortunately, there are many proven guidelines on how to protect your home from the evil eye and damage.

It is worth starting from the threshold

The threshold is the border. The border in a general sense: between the internal and the external, between our own and the alien, between the safe and the dangerous. And, as you know, you need to keep a close eye on the borders.
If something lies near your doorstep - shells from seeds, sand, even water - this is a reason to be wary. Very often, damage is induced by throwing any garbage to the threshold, which a person most likely simply will not pay attention to.
To protect the house, you need to pour salt on the outside of the threshold and, standing on the inside, mentally ask for salt to protect the house and not let in trouble. However, if negative energy has accumulated in the house - flowers do not grow, dishes often break, households constantly quarrel - before carrying out this simple protective ritual, it is imperative to carry out energy purification.
Garlic and onions, as well as thistle and mint pods, are hung over the threshold to protect against unclean forces. Fortunately, they hang a horse shoe, and to protect against the evil eye - branches of rowan or spruce. In addition, you can put wormwood under the rug, and if you put a bunch of St. John's wort under the threshold, a person with evil intentions will not enter your house. You can also stick a needle with cotton or woolen thread into the lintel of the front door, always from the inside.

Onions for protection

Few people know that peeled onions are capable of absorbing any disease or destructive energy. How to protect your home from damage, evil eye, and unkind people using this affordable tool?
For the ritual, you will need three small onions, it is better if they are about the same size. Each is cleaned and pierced from bottom to top with a red woolen thread needle. The thread is tied in a loop around the onion and hung in a secluded place. Each bulb should be hung in a separate room. They hang for seven days, and then they are removed, put on clean sheets of paper (without cells or lines), sprinkle each onion with salt and wrapped in paper, and then burned in a fire.
This ritual is performed both to cleanse the home and to protect it.

Protection from intruders

If not the most pleasant guests unexpectedly come to you, use a simple ritual to protect yourself from possible negative consequences: after the ill-wishers leave, sprinkle the threshold with salt, imagining how it protects your home from the penetration of evil.
You can secure your home with pins stuck in the openings of windows and doors. For each opening, you need to take four pins and at a large slope, almost parallel to the wall, stick them with a tip to the center of the opening in four corners.
A well-wisher will not come to a house protected in this way, and if he does come, he will feel such discomfort that he is unlikely to want to return.
Enemies can also be ward off with the help of a knife-amulet. Buy a new knife and read prayers over it every day, or simply ask for protection in your own words. Treat him like a living being, and he will protect your home from ill-wishers and unpleasant guests.

Protection from evil spirits

For the ceremony, you will need wormwood, holy water and a large candle. Dry branches of wormwood must be tied with black thread so that the bundle passes into the neck of a vessel filled with holy water.
After sunset, on any day except Saturday, you need to wash your hands, feet and face with warm water and, standing in the middle of the room, into which the moonlight penetrates well, read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Thus, you cleanse the house of accumulated negativity and prepare it for the ritual of protection.
Take a vessel with holy water in your right hand, and wormwood in your left. Turn to the east and, having dipped a bunch of wormwood in holy water, sprinkle it on the wall from top to bottom, then from left to right, in the form of a cross, saying: “Lord God the Great, Eternal, Magnanimous, the demon of evil execution, the devil, the intrigues of the building, and us, people earthly, have mercy. Take away the unclean power from this house and from all your sons and daughters (names of the household) who live in this house. Amen".
Repeat this on all four cardinal points, rotating clockwise. After completing the ceremony, pour water under a tree or flowers in your yard. Wormwood can be used in other rituals.
To consolidate the protection during the week, every evening before going to bed, read the prayer "Our Father".

Strong home protection

How to behave in order to protect the apartment from damage, evil eye and misfortune, if you know for sure that something threatens the safety of the house? There is a powerful ritual that can help protect your home and your loved ones, but you shouldn't use it without an unshakable belief in its need.
Since unnecessary actions inside the house can interfere with the free movement of the necessary energies, it is highly desirable that during the ritual there is no one in the apartment except you.
Buy a church candle in advance. It is important that the candle is not lit earlier, otherwise the ritual will not give the desired result.
The ceremony is carried out on the fifth lunar day, after sunset. Wash your hands, feet and face with warm water, put on clean clothes, comb your hair. Take a lighted candle and, turning to the east, cross the wall three times with it, reading the prayer: “Lord Almighty, my Merciful God, bless my abode and save me from the intrigues of the wicked, from the wiles of the devil, from the misfortunes of the black. Put the Divine spirit into my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Then turn to the west and, having crossed this wall three times, read: “Holy Mother of God, save my hearth from a thousand devils, save from anger and human envy. May the Divine Spirit enter my home. Amen".
After that, turn to the south and repeat the same with prayer: “Seraphim, cherubim, guardian angels, archangels, come to my aid, save my house from witchcraft and witchcraft, instill God's spirit in my home. Amen".
Finally, do the same, turning to the north, reading: “All dominions, powers, powers, martyrs are all holy, hear me, save my roof from evil, from misfortune, from an envious person and from a hater, from a rapist and from a thief, from the calamity of everyone. Instill in my house my spirit, Divine Almighty, All-Powerful. Amen".
Go to bed yourself, and leave the candle to burn out.

How to protect your home from the evil eye and damage after the arrival of guests. Who among us doesn't like to receive guests? Russians are probably the most hospitable people in Europe. For a Westerner, his home is his fortress, which, however, is quite correct. In Russia, however, many houses, regardless of the wealth of their inhabitants, resemble walk-through courtyards: all the time someone jostles, or even lives for a long time.

Reception of guests is not always planned. True, with modern means of communication, mankind has minimized unexpected visits. The guest always has the opportunity to notify about his arrival in advance. Even if a person suddenly on the street has an irresistible desire to visit a friend, he will call him on his mobile phone. However, unexpected and unplanned visits are not uncommon. Too often, our guests fall like snow on their heads.

Guess what might anticipate a sudden visit to your home? That's right, omens.

I'll start with the most primitive, anecdotal: if a fork falls to the floor, a woman will come; if a knife falls to the floor, a man will appear. By the way, this folk belief is not too old.

Such a sign is also well known: the cat washes its muzzle with its paw - it washes the guests. A spoon forgotten on the table is for guests.

But, alas, guests are not always welcome. Both for us and for our home. I think we have already made sure that the house has a soul. Moreover, we ourselves, cleansing our house, put our soul into it, animated it. And the soul is a very delicate, delicate, vulnerable structure. Well, she can't stand rude intrusions! Can't stand envy!

Among those who can come to us, there will always be people with a difficult character who pressure psychologically. These are carriers of "black energy". After their visit, causeless fatigue is felt, it does not go away for a long time. And this is explained by the fact that the guests left part of their energy. After such a visit, you will have to clean the house again. Sprinkle at least salt on the threshold with the words:

"As I pour this salt so as not to let evil into the house, so let no danger penetrate through any crack, now I turn to the law of the three elements, this is my will, then so be it!"

How to distinguish real friends from imaginary ones? After all, this is not always possible to determine at a glance?

For a long time, our wise ancestors - not only sorcerers, sorcerers, sorcerers, but also the simplest people - knew one very effective remedy for enemies and ill-wishers who entered our house under the guise of a guest.

This knowledge has survived to this day. This is protection with the help of a spoken point - a knife, a needle, a scythe, etc. You need to take an ordinary knife and read a prayer over it every day and ask for help and protection.

It looks like a knife - a wooden handle, a blade, pointed at the end, small, only fifteen centimeters. But this is only his visible blade. And he has one more blade, an invisible continuation of the visible blade, and its length is as much as three meters! But most importantly, the knife itself, without your help, will be able to determine where the enemy is and where is the friend. As soon as an ill-wisher or just a naturally evil person comes into the house, the invisible blade of a knife seems to cut him in half. Of course, a person does not receive any bodily harm from this, but he becomes ill, uncomfortable, he himself does not understand why, but he wants to run away from this house. Naturally, he simply does not have the strength to be angry, envy, and even more so to induce the evil eye or damage!

How to create such a knife-amulet? To do this, you need very little - to turn to the knife as if it were alive, to convey your love and warmth to it and ask for protection, be sure to imagine that the knife also has an invisible blade that is dangerous only for bad people. Then you can greet guests with a knife in hand, as if accidentally captured in the kitchen. Thus, you will already cut off many ill-wishers from your home and protect yourself and your home from them.

In general, stabbing, sharp objects are an excellent means of protecting your home. Take tailor's pins, for example: they can protect as much as the front door and all windows. You will need four pins for each window and door.

Stick the pins in the four corners of the windows and doors so that the tips of the pins are directed outward - from the wall to the window (door) itself, that is, as if to prepare them to repel a blow from the outside.

If you can't stick the pins in any way, you can glue them with plasticine or plaster; the main thing is that the sharp ends remain open!

It will be very difficult for an evil person, enemy, secret or obvious ill-wisher to enter a house protected in this way. And if such a person even enters you, he will want to leave your house as soon as possible and never return to it! He will not understand what the reason for such a reaction is, but that latent, incomprehensible fear that he will suddenly experience in your house will make him keep as far away from him as possible. This means that there will be fewer angry, envious, unfriendly people in your life. Both you and your home will live much calmer and happier.

A few more tips.

When meeting a guest, in no case shake hands with him across the threshold. It has already been said that from time immemorial the threshold was endowed with a deep mystical meaning. After long-term communication of people across the threshold, hostility can arise between them - a negative and dangerous force. In other words, relationships between people are saturated with negative energy, which can lead to anger, hatred, anger.

If annoying uninvited guests have sat in your house for too long and interfere with your business, you can resort to the help of ... brooms. Stick an ordinary fork into the bars of a broom turned upside down and whisper quietly: "Take him out the door of my house, because I am sick of him worse than a bitter radish!" The scissors on the front door will also work. Why, here again the fork and scissors - those very sharp objects-amulets!

Protecting the house from the evil eye and damage after the arrival of guests

Protecting a house from the evil eye and damage after guests leave is a whole science. We'll have to perform the most real magical actions. Folk remedies for providing "first aid" to well-being at home have existed for a long time. I recommend using traditional Russian folk rituals along with the usual means from the Feng Shui teachings. They help twice. And they use four magical substances - an egg, a candle, salt and water, and not by chance.

In various mythologies, the egg symbolizes heaven and earth, life and death, it seems to contain the beginning and end of everything.

An equally important element of various magical rituals is salt. Let's say that an evil person leaves your house. What should be done to prevent him from returning? Spit over your shoulder and throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder as well. What is so magical about this salt?

She is an excellent energy carrier. In the old days, everyone knew: if one morning he sees spilled salt at the doorstep of his house, it means that someone is causing the evil eye or damage. But with the help of salt, you can just as successfully ward off adversity from your home, protect yourself from any troubles, get rid of ailments. The main thing is to know how to properly use the magical properties of salt so that it becomes your ally in difficult life situations.

But if one of the "well-wishers" guests scattered the charmed salt at your doorstep, do not be alarmed, you can ward off the trouble. Take a pinch of the sprinkled salt with your right hand, throw it over your left shoulder, repeating:

"I am not an enemy, I am not an enemy, an enemy to an enemy is a friend."

Repeat this action and this conspiracy three times. Then collect all the spilled salt on a piece of paper and throw it into the fire: together with the salt, the evil spell will burn.

The most important substance of the ceremony is a candle. She is not just light, but also fire. Even the simple psychological effects of living candle fire, as stated in modern medicine, are considered very beneficial. A burning candle is considered the best psychotherapeutic medicine for relieving stress and nervous excitement: it is recommended to sit and look at its flame.

In this article: why there can be no absolute protection system; we block the paths for intruders; a double door is an unpleasant surprise for a burglar; imitation and real security and warning systems; "Panic room" for storing expensive equipment and property.

Every city dweller wishes to be among the owners of comfortable suburban real estate, successfully located in some picturesque corner of nature not far from a river or lake. In a country house, you can take a break from the bustle of the city, Brownian traffic on highways and the constant hubbub of the streets, spend time in the bosom of nature with your family or close friends. But for all its advantages, a house outside the city has one serious drawback - the owners visit it on short visits, which dark personalities will not fail to take advantage of. Only reliable doors, roller shutters on the windows of the first floor or agreements with a neighbor permanently residing on a neighboring site cannot provide protection for a country house - a set of measures is needed, which will be discussed later in the article.

Ideal protection of the summer cottage

Let's decide right away - it is impossible to guarantee a safe country house from professional intruders, since criminals of this category are well aware of most of the protection systems and are able to bypass them without unnecessary noise. However, professional robbers will not break into country houses without full confidence that solid prey awaits them inside - the risk is too great. Most of the thefts in country houses are carried out by petty amateur thieves, hoping that at least something of value will fall into them. Such criminals “work” rudely, counting on the simplest tool and physical strength - you can and should protect your country house from them.

The complex of works to increase the degree of security of the dacha from outsiders must be done in a non-routine manner - the more unexpected difficulties fall on the head of the robbers, the more likely they are to abandon the idea of ​​robbing this house. Go out into the courtyard of your country house and take a close look - you need to find out how potential burglars can get inside the buildings.

Finding and fixing weaknesses in home defense

The country house either faces the street, or is located in the back of the courtyard, fenced off. In both the first and second cases, the robber prefers to get inside the courtyard - on the street random passers-by may notice him. Therefore, the first line of defense is the fence and the gate in it.

The cottage fence should be strong, high and, ideally, impenetrable to prying eyes. A fence of 2 meters or more is required, barbed wire can be installed along its end in such a way that it cannot be seen from the outside, but it did not allow it to be pulled up along the fence. In principle, the owner of a country house can equip the fence with several rows or rings of barbed wire, fixed between the racks, set with a slope towards the street, but the appearance of the site will lose from this. The gates, placed in the fence, must be locked with mortise locks - any padlock can be knocked down with a sledgehammer or turned out with a crowbar. Make sure there are no gaps between the gate leaves and the adjacent fence.

The easiest way to enter the house is through existing entrances and window openings. There are usually two entrances - front and rear, each of them must be equipped with a tricky door vestibule, consisting of wooden and steel doors. We put the set of doors leading from the courtyard to the house exactly the same as at the front entrance! The leaf of the first door facing the outside of the building is made of wood, taking care of a strong jamb and reliable locks. Intruders must spend a lot of effort to open it, and if they succeed, the robbers will face a second, metal door equipped, among others, with a bolt lock, which will be much more difficult to overcome. As a rule, when a metal door is found, criminals abandon their intentions - it will take time to open it, during which they can be detected. However, additional measures will help to increase the degree of panic among hunters for other people's good, which we will talk about a little later.

Windows, covered with modern frames, are somehow considered by many homeowners to be impregnable for intruders, although it is not difficult to open them - in extreme cases, it is enough to break the glass unit with a tire iron. Double-glazed windows with a transparent film applied to the glass or made of tempered glass are more difficult to break, but they will not be cheap for the owners. It is better to use an alternative solution - installing roller shutters on the windows of the first floor and, which is correct, the second floor, the guides for which are cut into the walls of the window opening. Since it will not be possible to install such roller shutters on windows without their serious alteration, it is necessary to take into account the installation of roller shutters even at the stage of construction of a country house. By the way, overhead shutters, which are installed outside the existing window, especially those fixed with distinguishable screws, are easy to remove.

It is naive to count on window bars - almost any burglar will be able to remove them, using pliers to cut the reinforcement, it will take only a few minutes.

Technical doors, hatches and windows located at a height - if the owners do not think to use them to enter the house, this does not mean that robbers with good physical training will not be able to enter through them. The attic windows must be protected with lockable roller shutters, the hatches must be enclosed in a steel frame and provided with a reliable lock, and not a rocker shutter. If there are doors and hatches to the basement facing the courtyard, they must also be reinforced with a frame made of steel corner and securely locked from the inside.

Another opportunity for burglars to enter the house will be a garage room, combined with the building or located in its basement. It is better to close the opening of the garage entrance with a sliding or lifting sash; garage roller shutters are also suitable - in all cases, the sash should be equipped with a bolt lock, which non-professionals will not be able to open.

It is also important to protect the outbuildings in the courtyard with reliable doors and window covers - after unsuccessful attempts to enter the house through the doors and windows of the first floor, the robbers will try to open them in order to steal at least something more or less valuable. In the barn, they can find a ladder to climb up to the second floor of the building in the hope that these windows are weaker than those on the first floor.

The measures described above will seriously complicate the task of the robbers, but with the time, sufficient equipment and preparation, their goals will still be achieved. Therefore, you should not rely only on locks and steel doors, because it is equally important to detain intruders and preserve your property.

Tracking, control and signaling systems

There are two types of tracking systems - imitation and real. The cheapest way to simulate tracking is to install one or two defective and purchased for a pittance video cameras on the facade of a country house, and equip their body with flickering LEDs powered by a small battery inside the body of each such “security camera”. You can put one blinking LED on the windows of the facade and facing the courtyard of the site - together with "video surveillance" they are guaranteed to frighten potential burglars.

Simultaneously with imitations of the tracking system, it makes sense to establish genuine video surveillance, only its infrared ip-cameras should be located covertly, placing the video recorder in a protected compartment inside the house - it is most difficult for robbers to track down, since there are no cables.

A wonderful means of psychological defense of a summer residence is a siren, a sudden and incessant signal of which will frighten the intruders and force them to run away. The siren must be connected to a motion sensor installed secretly in the vestibule between the two entrance doors: as soon as the thieves open the first door and see the second steel door, a mournfully howling siren goes off. A good solution would be to associate the activation of the siren siren with the lighting inside the house, which is activated at the same time. A wide range of impressions for the robbers are guaranteed!

Let's imagine the worst-case scenario - the front doors, sirens and video cameras were not stopping the intruders, they intend to get to the property of the homeowners in spite of the interference. This is bad, but not hopeless - you will need a GSM alarm system that informs the homeowner about the penetration of the cell phone and, when arming, the police station or security agency. Upon receiving such a signal, the owner of a country house turns to the police and the criminals will be promptly detained.

There is one more nuance - alarm systems work only if power is supplied to them, and this moment is well known to experienced robbers. It is not difficult for attackers to cut the electrical wiring at home and wait a couple of days so that the backup power supply batteries are completely discharged, so it is important for the homeowner to receive alarms not only when there is traffic in the house, but also in the absence of power supply. Often such signals are ignored by the owners of summer cottages, because power outages in Russia, unfortunately, are in the order of things - this is what the robbers are counting on!

Before a long absence, you need to remove all valuable property from the country house - if possible, then household appliances along with garden equipment. If it is impossible to do this, it makes sense to arrange a secret "panic room" in the house, the entrance to which, for example, hides the cabinet from ceiling to floor, and there are no other openings - steel roller shutters will additionally block access to this room, which are very difficult.

Finally, if you do not preserve your property, then insurance of the building and the property inside it will help to compensate for the losses from the actions of intruders - the cost of payments will be about 1-1.5% of the value of real estate and property.

Please note - in most cases, the source of information for burglars is the homeowner, his family members, relatives and friends, as well as employees of the companies that installed security and warning systems. No one except the homeowner should know the exact location of the security and alarm system devices; he needs to personally make sure that the systems are working properly before leaving the country house, and that all windows, doors and hatches are locked with locks. Be careful and pedantic - any mistakes you make in matters of home defense will benefit the robbers!
