What signs attract money? Money symbols and signs

Long gone are the days when a tattoo was a sign of belonging to a criminal community. Beautiful, bright designs today decorate the bodies of men and women, with a special, hidden meaning. For those who want to attract luck, wealth, and happiness into their lives, they need to figure out which tattoos to do this with.

Tattoo with meaning

The story goes back to the times when marking on the body provided information about a person, belonging to a tribe, and status in it. Modern tattoos are filled with a special meaning, while people believe in miraculous power drawings and symbols. Before getting artistic painting done on your body, it is advisable to:

  • decide what you want to add to your life with her support;
  • distinguish male signs from female ones;
  • know what meaning is contained in symbols and drawings.

Incorrectly selected images cause harm with hidden meaning. You can look at photos and read descriptions in the online magazine Tattooed Souls to make an informed choice. What is the meaning behind images on the body? Masters are ordered:

  • symbols of good luck and success;
  • inscriptions – an appeal to society and oneself;
  • amulets and amulets;
  • images of children, loved ones;
  • memorial signs about important events;
  • symbols of love and relationships;
  • signs of attracting wealth, health, luck.

For girls

For modern girls, drawings on the body are a tribute to fashion, part of the decoration that can emphasize uniqueness and attract attention. A small sign in a secluded place will add piquancy and sexuality. Tattoos with meaning for girls are selected taking into account individuality, character, based on photographs in tattoo salons. Very important point– you need to know exactly the meaning of the image so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

What do girls prefer to get, what tattoos bring good luck? Popular women's body designs and their implications:

  • cat – independence, elegance;
  • butterfly - beauty, freedom;
  • dragon - wisdom, power;
  • panther - gracefulness;
  • tiger – aggression, determination;
  • star – luck, prosperity, happiness;
  • heart - love;
  • Scorpio – attractiveness;
  • snake - wisdom, intuition.


Men have a completely different attitude towards drawings on the body - very rarely it is an element of decoration. The main task is to emphasize leadership, authority, strength, and courage. Men's tattoos with meaning are found in the form of symbols, drawings, inscriptions and hieroglyphs. They are pinned on the arms, back, and chest. These can be tattoos for good luck and luck, attracting wealth, wisdom, love.

To figure out what meaning they carry male symbols What they mean must be kept in mind - often the signs reflect aggression and power. What tattoos bring men luck, attract confidence, wealth, and strength? In salons and magazines you can see popular tattoos in photos with an explanation of their intention:

  • Leo – pride, cunning, courage;
  • dragon - power, strength, loyalty;
  • snake - abundance, wisdom;
  • tiger – ferocity, passion, strength;
  • heart – love, courage;
  • cross - power, fidelity, strength.
  • star – luck, abundance.

Good luck symbol

When not everything in life goes smoothly, when bad luck haunts you, a person wants this streak to pass as quickly as possible. He believes that if he constantly wears the sign of good luck, she will turn to face him. Tattoos with such symbols are the most popular in tattoo salons. What is most often stuffed in this case? Here are some tattoos that bring good luck to everyone:

  • feathers;
  • stars;
  • clover flower;
  • scull;
  • ladybugs;
  • martin;
  • elephant;
  • inscriptions on the body;
  • hieroglyphs.


Among the most famous, popular among women and men, is the plant sign of good luck and luck. They tattoo a clover with three or four leaves - it has its own meaning. To enhance the meaning, a symbol with a harsh meaning is applied on top. Interpretation of this flower in images:

  • trefoil, where each leaf carries its own idea - the unity of soul, body and spirit, and also hope, faith and love;
  • four leaves, since they are rare, bring luck and happiness.


Having a horseshoe above the door in a house has been considered a good sign since ancient times. It is a symbol of success, wealth, confidence and optimism. Those who want to attract good luck and happiness apply it to their body so that the talisman is always nearby. The horseshoe tattoo has interpretation features depending on its image:

  • the ends are directed downward - all troubles and misfortunes leave a person, leaving only good things;
  • turned upward - symbolize a filled cup, an increase in wealth, and bring happiness;
  • directed to the left - a sign of the birth moon, the growth of wealth.


One of the most popular images among girls is a cute red insect with black dots, which is considered a symbol Mother of God. This is a very powerful amulet, symbolizing fertility and helping the birth of children. This image is believed to be:

  • brings good luck;
  • protects from problems;
  • warns of danger;
  • protects from the evil eye.

This amulet is considered very positive and is often applied along with clover leaves. Several insects can be depicted at the same time. Particular importance when applying a ladybug tattoo is given to the number of points on the wings:

  • one thing – helps in your endeavors;
  • two – contribute to finding harmony;
  • three – assist in decision making;
  • four – protect from betrayal;
  • seven - bring happiness, good luck.


The image of this bird is recognized as one of the most favorable signs. Such tattoos imply bright, open, creative natures. Their main task is to attract the attention of others, the desire to decorate the world, and help other people. Parrot tattoo - a symbol of happiness and good luck has the following meanings:

  • optimism;
  • ease of communication;
  • desire for an interesting, vibrant life;
  • originality of thinking.

Tattoo for good luck

The desire to be successful and happy is natural for a person. Those who believe in the well-being of their lives and want to attract success get tattoos for good luck. Signs on the body bring confidence, wealth, luck, happiness. These symbols are:

  • Japanese, Chinese characters;
  • mythical creatures– mermaids, dragons;
  • images of animals;
  • inscriptions in all languages;
  • magic signs, symbols;
  • abstract drawings - lines, circles;
  • Slavic, Scandinavian runes;
  • images of flowers;
  • Feng Shui symbolism;
  • feathers;
  • stars;
  • skulls

Rune of luck

In an effort to add mystery to themselves, to attract mystical powers to fulfill their desires, people get tattoos with the rune of good luck. You need to pay attention - these signs look different in the Slavic and Scandinavian interpretation. Experts who seriously study runes do not recommend applying them to the body. This is due to the fact that:

  • signs can change their meaning if, over time, the thoughts and feelings of the person who pinned them are adjusted;
  • If applied incorrectly, serious problems may occur;
  • even after removal, the sign continues to affect the person.

In Latin

Tattoos for happiness and good luck in Latin are in great demand in tattoo salons. They add some mystery to the owner, becoming his talisman, a call to action. Among the popular phrases:

  • fortuna mecum - luck accompanies me;
  • veni, vidi, vici - came, saw, conquered;
  • fortes fortuna adjuvat - luck helps the brave;
  • nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - not a step back, only forward;
  • sic itur ad astra - let's go to the stars;
  • vivere est vincere - live to win;
  • per aspera ad astra – through thorns to the stars.

Tattoo for good luck and happiness

Attracting happiness into your life - isn’t this what girls and boys dream of at a young age? It seems that if you tattoo a design on your body, it will bring you good luck, without special effort. A lucky tattoo helps the owner to believe that everything will be okay - this is already part of success. Among the most common signs are a horseshoe and a clover, but you can look original and unique if you apply it to your body:

  • bat;
  • Yin-Yang sign;
  • scarab beetle;
  • symbols of cards, dice;
  • dragons;
  • birds;
  • acorns;
  • dog;
  • Japanese gods of happiness - any of the seven.


Tattoos depicting hieroglyphs are especially popular. They look laconic, elegant and mysterious. A hieroglyph can attract luck only if the image is filled correctly. These signs have powerful energy and deep meaning. They will help you achieve success, multiply your achievements, and not be afraid of difficulties. Before application it is important:

  • find out the exact meaning of the hieroglyph so as not to harm yourself;
  • choose a good master - even a slight distortion of a symbol can completely change the meaning.

For luck and love

Men and women dream of love at any age. Good luck is brought by symbols in which a person strongly believes. Tattoos to attract love and happiness can be divided into two blocks. The first includes images that attract the senses. It can be:

  • inscriptions in Latin, English;
  • hearts;
  • wings and feathers;
  • frogs;
  • elephants;
  • dolphins;
  • hieroglyphs;
  • infinity symbol.

The second block is considered no less important - signs that protect love, symbolizing fidelity. Among them are often used:

  • names and initials of lovers;
  • paired tattoos for men and women;
  • phrases-mottos about love, starting with one and ending with the other;
  • drawings that make up a single image;
  • rings;
  • hearts;
  • keys with locks;
  • pigeons;
  • dogs.

For wealth

People imagine that if they put special drawings and symbols on their body, they will attract material well-being, success, and fortune into their lives. This is a matter of faith, but tattoos that bring good luck and money are extremely popular. Among them:

  • insects - bee, butterfly, scarab beetle;
  • animals – fox, cat, lion;
  • birds - hummingbirds, parrots;
  • plants, flowers – lotus, peony, acorn;
  • objects - coins, money, horseshoe;
  • mythical images - mermaid, dragon;
  • hieroglyphs.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about symbols for attracting good luck, happiness and wealth. Oddly enough, many people confuse symbols and signs, mistaking one for the other or even considering these words to be synonyms. However, there is a difference, and a decisive one. A magical symbol is a certain image endowed with witchcraft power, carrying a special mystical semantic and philosophical meaning. While the magic sign is the actual image of the symbol.

Magic symbols and signs of attracting good luck to life

A magical symbol has so much power that it is capable of influencing an individual or group of people as a call, permission, guidance or prohibition. Magic symbols must be handled very carefully. Don't forget, they have strength and a colossal supply of energy. Frivolous use of magical symbols can lead to unexpected consequences.

Each magical symbol, and, of course, symbols that attract money and good luck in business, have an inner essence and meaning. The energy of any witchcraft symbol is objective, but depends on the psychic. An emotional connection must be established between the symbol and the person using it. The right attitude, full concentration on the goal and faith in getting the result will help you get what you want.

A correctly chosen magic symbol can become a guide to personal victory

Understanding the deep semantic meaning of the chosen personal symbol of attracting good luck in business, and the degree of impact on one or another aspect of life, it can and must be used for good. Special recognition in our country in last years received esoteric feng shui symbols. The main thesis of this mystical system is achieving harmony with the outside world and oneself.

Harmony is balance. And balance is impossible without ensuring basic human needs. And it is precisely the philosophy of the esoteric formula of Feng Shui that pays Special attention good luck, life success and the material well-being of a person. That is why people familiar with the Eastern Feng Shui system often and quite rightly use it in their work and Everyday life signs that attract money.

Interest in ancient runic magic is also growing. And to the equally ancient ones, endowed with great magical power, Slavic amulets, amulets and talismans that carry the marks and energy of signs to attract money and good luck.

How to use symbols that attract money

Some numbers can be classified as signs that can activate monetary energy. Each of ten Arabic numerals contains a perfect, precise and supernatural meaning. Numbers consisting of different numbers also have a magical meaning. This thesis is the basis for the doctrine of the connection between numbers and human destiny - numerology. There has long been no doubt that by using numbers and numbers as symbols to attract money and good luck, you can actually attract wealth and good luck into your life.

There are a lot of powerful symbols for attracting wealth.

They are varied in style, but essentially carry the same meaning:

  • attract good luck,
  • activate the energy of money
  • and fill the money channel.

From time immemorial practical magic took place. And today we should not give up such a powerful battery of good luck and prosperity as symbols and signs for attracting money, luck, happiness and wealth into your own life.

Money symbols can be kept at home, but they can also be carried with you as personal talismans that ensure success in any business. Magic talisman will push you in the right direction. For a business person who is internally successful, sometimes it is enough just to show him the path to prosperity and financial independence, and he will follow it.

Making or getting to know your a symbol of good luck and luck in life should begin on the days of the waxing moon or on the full moon. The last day of the new moon is also suitable for this purpose. To make a money talisman for yourself to attract good luck:

  1. in full concentration on the magical action,
  2. with thoughts about what you want,
  3. without being distracted by the everyday hustle and bustle,
  4. the hassle of every day.

Free wish fulfillment symbols - choose the talisman you like

It has its own size and color meaning, as well as the material from which the personal amulet of power will be made. It is not at all necessary that wealth and success be symbolized by some abstract or mythical image. Many living beings, as well as objects, are monetary symbols and are associated with some area of ​​human life and activity.

Images that are pleasant to us create flows of positive energy. On the contrary, unpleasant ones activate flows of negative energy, which works to the detriment of a person. Therefore, when choosing a magical sign for yourself, which, in your understanding, should work for money and good luck in business, start not from the general opinion, but from your own aesthetic tastes. For example, not every person will like a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth or a metal tree strewn with coins, despite the positive characteristics of these symbols of prosperity.

If you don't like it money talisman attracting luck in business, don't take it for yourself. Choose what you like, what you like. Then your magic signs that attract money and luck will really work as intended.

Magic sign that attracts money – Toad with three legs

The three-legged toad is probably the most popular symbol for attracting wealth and gaining monetary luck. It is known to us thanks to the teachings of Feng Shui. The main meaning of the magic sign for attracting money, good luck and happiness is wealth and immortality. It is located in the wealth sector (southeastern part of the house or office). You cannot place a money talisman in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and bedroom. The toad should be in the active zone of money with positive energy. Let's say in the living room or office.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

It is permissible to place a three-legged toad in the hallway, in the direction from the entrance, thus creating the visibility of wealth that has come into the house. A strong money talisman should be turned in the direction from the entrance, then the money will flow into the house and not flow out of it. You can strengthen the effect of the symbol that attracts money by placing the toad in a fountain or pond. Choose a money toad in gold, copper or bronze color.

The pot of wealth is an effective symbol that attracts money

The Pot of Wealth is another item from the money tradition of Feng Shui. This is exactly what it looks like - a clay or wooden pot filled with coins. This item personifies the inexhaustible golden depths of the world and helps its owner to find. In order for the magic symbol to work properly, it is placed in the south-eastern part of the house, and care is taken that this sign for attracting money of good luck and happiness is not covered with dust.

Along with Feng Shui symbols, runic talismans are becoming very popular to attract good luck and money. For example, the Fehu rune will help you achieve success and financial independence. But, you need to know some of the subtleties of communicating with this rune. There is no need to be greedy, otherwise Fehu can play a cruel joke on you - money will come and go.

Runic talisman - a sign of good luck and luck in trading

Money amulets and talismans related to rune magic can provide effective assistance in activating the energy of prosperity. The Fehu rune carries this colossal all-pervasive energy of money, and it is she who is responsible for material well-being and obtaining any material benefits. A magic rune can be worn as a personal sign that attracts money; it will help you gain financial benefit and will not allow you to pass by money.

The Fehu rune will help you get out of the most unenviable financial situation. Under its influence, you will begin to smell potential income with your nose and recognize the spicy smell of enrichment.

The Fehu rune is a sign that attracts money and luck, but it also helps to save money, and not just receive it. The image of a money rune can be applied to a box in which you store money, a safe or a wallet that you use daily. And in order to use a runic talisman to attract luck and success in business, you need to perform witchcraft rituals: stipulate (set a program) and activate the rune with your breath, saliva, blood, or your favorite perfume in order to connect it with yourself.

The Fehu money rune will help you in business, but know that this rune will not help you either in crime, or in fraudulent transactions, or in speculation and usury. Don’t risk contacting her; if you plan to deceive, you will be punished. The power of the runic egregor is enormous; underestimating it can be dangerous.

If you are familiar with the magic of runes, then you know that not only the magic rune Fehu is considered a sign of good luck and luck in trading and in general in any financial transactions. There are runic formulas and complex stakes to wealth and prosperity, in which runes are intricately intertwined, mutually influencing each other and the situation for which they work within the framework of the program agreed upon by the magician.

Such symbols, which attract money and good luck in business, can be applied as a strong amulet to objects that are in constant contact with you: a keychain, a bracelet, a working tool, etc. Typeface runic stave can be done on a mobile phone if your income depends on the number of calls.

Powerful magical signs to attract good luck, happiness and wealth

There are symbols of magic that ordinary people do not use to solve their life problems. This is a special category symbols that attract money and good luck in business, which are used only by magicians. And here is one of these magical designations: Hexagram with four animals.

The six-pointed star houses Ouroboros, a mystical serpent coiled into a ring and swallowing its own tail. The personification of eternity and infinity, and a symbol of enduring vitality. And the ring contains an eagle, a peacock, a swan and a lion. Birds symbolize the connection between heaven and earth. However, each of them has its own meaning.

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Amulets and clothing items
Celtic cross

The Celtic cross differs from the usual one by the presence of a circle, on background as if surrounding the intersection of lines or sticks (Fig. 30).

Figure 30. Celtic cross

This combined symbol represents integrity, the unity of opposites, as well as the Earth, the four cardinal directions and the four elements. The history of this symbol goes back more than 10 thousand years, so it cannot be called exclusively Christian. In ancient times, the Celtic cross was considered a universal amulet, and even today it is used mainly as a protective amulet. Quite often the Celtic cross can be found in embroidery. The symbol helps maintain vitality and energy, sets you up for success, attracts wealth, sincerity, spirituality and longevity. This amulet is worn to develop the sixth sense and achieve inspiration, the emergence of new ideas.

Starting position - standing, legs slightly wider than shoulder level, body turned slightly to the right, left arm extended to the side, right palm- at the left elbow. Lightly clench your right hand into a fist and your left hand into a fist with your thumb raised. Look at this finger and imagine that in your left hand there is a bow shaft, and your right hand is holding the end of an arrow in a fist between your fingers. Exhalation. Forcefully pull your right arm parallel to your body, as if pulling a bowstring. The fist of the right hand should stop at the right shoulder. Visualize the target and look at it through your left thumb. Take a deep breath, hold your breath. Release the “string” by unclenching your fists, but without hiding your left thumb. Exhale sharply. Move your right hand to the side, continuing to look through your thumb at the arrow flying towards the target. Take a deep breath, hold your breath. Smoothly tilt your body to the left (your left hand should touch the ankle of your left leg). Exhalation. Inhale in the same position. Tilt the body to the right while simultaneously changing the position of the hands through the “mill”: the right hand should be at the ankle of the right leg, the left hand should be pulled up with an extended finger. At the same time, concentrate your thoughts on “pulling the arrow out of the ground.” Exhalation. In the same position, take three breaths. Thoughts are concentrated on the fact that the arrow is sent back to the sky. On the third exhalation, return to the starting position, but with the mirror position of your arms and body. Do all of the above in a mirror manner. Repeat the exercise three times.

As you do this exercise, think about how you are removing the arrow of poverty and failure from your life.


The cross as a symbol existed long before the advent of Christianity. Its appearance cannot be traced, since its image was found even in the most ancient cave paintings. However, the cross as a non-religious symbol became most widespread in the alchemical tradition. The crosshairs of two lines personify the balance of the earthly and heavenly, as well as any opposites (Fig. 31).

Figure 31. Cross

The symbol of the cross is most often used as an amulet or an element of embroidered amulets (including embroidery on clothes). They resort to his help when financial support is needed (searching for sponsors, borrowing money, investing in their business). The symbol of the cross will help you reach out to decent people and organizations that will contribute to your financial prosperity.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. Streams of wealth are falling on me from the sky.

2. My goals are worthy of financial blessing.

3. I control success and can achieve what I want.

Magic circle with hexagram

This symbol is quite simple to depict: a circle in which a regular six-pointed star (outline hexagram) is inscribed (Fig. 32). The image has been known since ancient times and it is impossible to accurately determine its origin. In later biblical interpretations, the hexagram is known as the Star of David.

Figure 32. Magic circle with hexagram

The circle represents perfection, completeness, and integrity. The hexagram is hopes, plans, desire for prosperity. The combination of these symbols leads to a powerful and harmonious interpretation: the embodiment of hopes, the fulfillment of desires and perfection in development.

You can make an amulet in a fairly simple way by taking two round glasses of small diameter and gluing between them an image of a symbol printed on the fabric and a wire loop for hanging when worn. It is advisable to use natural materials.

This symbol is used as an amulet or image on clothing. People turn to him in order to balance, stabilize the financial situation, “insure” ongoing prosperity in business or start a new business with the planned good income. It is important that you look objectively at the situation in your business or at work, then the symbol will help you cope with any problems that are trying to get out of control. An amulet in the form of a hexagram in a circle helps to acquire mental and physical peace and strength, improve morale and activate creativity.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I am in harmony with material abundance.

2. I attract wealth, success and love.

3. Luck is always with me.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. The exercise is a meditation with candles. Take a comfortable position on a chair or floor (you can sit in the lotus position, if this is comfortable), place a lit candle in front of you at eye level. Watch your breathing, concentrate on the entry and exit of air, relaxing your body and soul. Look at the candle flame, receiving warmth, aroma and energy from it. Try to feel the flame intuitively, feel its presence by closing your eyes. Let light and warmth spread throughout your body. Before ending your meditation, take a deep breath, stretch, open your eyes and feel your body.

Pyramid with inscribed triangles

The symbol of a pyramid, consisting of many intersecting and adjacent triangles, comes from Ancient Egypt (Fig. 33). The symbol migrated to the alchemists, where it received the interpretation that has survived to this day - material wealth, and more specifically, an introduction to prosperity and abundance. The visual basis is associated with the psychological perception of the symbol: the pyramid is the most stable of geometric bodies, but at the same time its top is directed upward. Also in business: aspirations should be aimed at growth, prosperity, but based on a reliable foundation.

Figure 33. Pyramid with inscribed triangles

This symbol should be addressed if financial support is needed or when material well-being directly concerns the well-being of the family. More often the symbol is used in the form of an amulet or embroidery on clothing. Thus, the pyramid constantly contributes to the increase of wealth, directing energy to create a solid material foundation for your life.

1. I am saturated with the energy of money.

2. Everything I touch brings me success and money.

3. I am delighted (delighted) by the abundance of life and grateful (grateful) to it for everything I have.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. While standing, relax and lower your arms down, look at a fixed point directly in front of you. Exhalation. Tilt your head back as far as possible. Slow breath. Perform a series of 18 sharp exhalations and inhalations. Concentrate on the crown of your head, keep your shoulders motionless. Exhale slowly. Initial position.

Alchemists considered the number 18 sacred, allowing the energy of the symbol to fill a person and interact with his desires. I bury while doing the exercise, look at the symbol or hang it on my chest in the form of a pendant.


The symbol depicts the sacred animal of the god Keper (Fig. 34). The birthplace of the symbol is Ancient Egypt. Keper is the sun god who moves the solar ball across the sky. This deity personified rebirth, so the image of the scarab was placed in tombs and directly on mummies. Green stones were often used in such scarabs, which also symbolized rebirth.

Today, as in ancient times, the scarab can be seen mainly in the form of amulets made of ceramics and semi-precious stones. You should turn to the symbol if you have reached a dead end in your financial situation: you don’t see prospects for improving your well-being, you don’t know whether your salary will be increased, etc. The scarab can strengthen vitality and courage, bring happiness and invulnerability, as well as monetary profit. Another meaning of the symbol - infinity, continuity of the process - will help financial well-being become everlasting.

Figure 34. Scarab

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. The mistakes of the past are gone forever, only prosperity and well-being awaits me ahead.

2. I have an aura of wealth.

3. I am worthy of great monetary gain.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. Starting position - lying on the ground (or on the floor), the position is comfortable, arms outstretched to the sides. Listen to your breathing, immerse yourself in a series of inhalations and exhalations. Listen to the sounds around you. Thoughts are concentrated on the fantasy that appears after listening to these sounds, and then on believing in yourself. Imagine yourself in an incredibly beautiful virgin forest. You wander through it, immersing yourself in its world. You are open to nature and feel connected to it. As you go deeper into the forest, you see an animal coming out to meet you. He is not scary, he is very handsome and noble. You come closer to the animal and touch it, stroke its soft skin, feel it strong body. The soul of the beast enters you and you become it. The beast is invading your world. You feel calm and comfortable. You want to be this beast, live its life. You feel him in you, his energy, his heightened sense of feeling. You understand the language of nature. All previously incomprehensible moments of your life become clearer, become close and understandable. From now on, you are able to solve any problem. You smoothly return to your human body. However, part of the beast’s soul has settled in you forever, the spiritual connection has not disappeared. He will help you with his instincts and understanding of the nature of things.

This meditation will help you reveal your sixth sense, understand your strength and abilities.


This simple symbol represents transformation and evolution in general (Fig. 35). We are interested in its use as a symbol of material transformation.

The spiral symbol has been known since ancient times, but its interpretations have been clear since the times of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. The spiral was considered an attribute of the Greek gods Athena and Poseidon. In Ancient Egypt, this symbol contained the idea of ​​the development of the Cosmos and at the same time the concept of a life labyrinth. The spiral is also an active symbol in tantric teachings, where it is interpreted as an image of Kundalini energy (energy coiled in the spine).

Figure 35. Spiral

The symbol is used when you want to get a new job or position, as well as start your own business. Using this symbol, you need to turn off your emotions and tune in to the gradual development of the material component of your life.

The spiral is most often used as an amulet. Such an amulet is a continuous protection against the envious glances of rivals in the material race and various obstacles in development.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using the following affirmations:

1. I am a professional, people are ready to appreciate me and my work.

2. All my dreams and desires for material things come true.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body, back muscles tense. Exhalation. Slowly raise your arms up, without tilting them forward or back, strictly vertically. At the same time, the body is stretched. Cross the wrists of your raised hands: women place their left wrist on their right, men - vice versa. Inhale. A sharp lean forward, arms cutting through the air and stopping in a lowered position. This movement symbolizes the carving of a spiral between worlds. Exhalation. Raise your arms up, moving them to the sides and not tilting forward or backward, while straightening your body. Cross your wrists and repeat the spiral-cutting motion. Inhale. Exhalation. Repeat the exercise nine times. Stand up straight. Inhale. Starting position. Exhalation.

By doing this exercise, you create a spiral connection between what exists and what you want, between earth and sky, concentrating on the development and fulfillment of your desires.


The symbol is an image of the left eye of the Egyptian god Horus. Other names for the symbol are the eye of Horus and the eye of Ra. The image consists of the eye itself with the pupil and eyebrow and symbols complementing the eyes: a teardrop with a curled end and the sign of a falcon (the sacred animal of Horus) (Fig. 36).

Figure 36. Wadget: a) symbolic image; b) amulet pendant with wadget

The symbol appeared in Ancient Egypt and is associated with the myth of the loss of an eye by the god Horus. His left hawk's eye was lost in a battle with the god Set. The eye was then restored by the god Thoth and became a powerful universal amulet. In Ancient Egypt, everyone wore such an amulet, from commoners to pharaohs, believing in its power to resurrect the dead and protect them from misfortunes. The Eye of Horus was depicted on the bows of ships. Wadjet later came to be considered a female deity, often referred to as the daughter of Ra or the eye of Ra. In ancient Egyptian writing, this hieroglyph can be read as “guarding eye.” The symbol was developed in the alchemical tradition. Today it is associated with protection, vigilance and vigilance.

The help of the symbol is sought before important financial events: negotiations and transactions, cash deposits, large investments, lending money. Having the Wadget with you at all times, you will feel that you have become better at identifying harmful influences from the outside, protecting your property and uncovering deception.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I am a guide to success.

2. A stream of money falls from the sky onto me.

3. I always achieve my goals.

Exercise to release the energy of a symbol. Starting position - stand straight, clasp your hands below your back with your palms facing away from your body (women place them on top left palm, men – right). Exhale completely through the nose. Tilt your head towards your left shoulder. Turn your eyes to the left. Inhale. Tilt your head towards your right shoulder. Turn your eyes to the right. Exhalation. Tilt your head back. Look up. Inhale. Lower your head forward, lower your eyes down. Exhalation. Repeat the exercise nine times. Make it nine circular movements head clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Numerology of Wealth

To use numerology, i.e., the energy of numbers and numbers, to help you on your path to wealth, you should calculate your personal wealth number.

This number depends on the name and date of birth. Moreover, the name does not have to be full - you need to take as a basis the name by which you most often introduce yourself, or what your work colleagues or financial partners often call you. You can calculate wealth numbers for several name options and choose how to present yourself more advantageously in the future.

1. Calculate the number of birth. To do this, add up the numbers of the date of birth (month and year do not matter). For example, if you were born on the 29th, add 2 and 9, you get 11. Add two units and get your birth number, which is 2.

– 1 – a, i, s, b;

– 2 – b, j, t, s;

– 3 -v, k, y, b;

– 4 -g, l, f, e;

– 5 -d, m, x, y;

– 6th, n, c, i;

– 7th, o, h;

– 8 – f, p, w;

– 9 – z, r, sch.

Having written down the corresponding number for each letter of the name, add up the resulting numbers. If you get a two-digit number, the digits that make it up should be added together, thereby obtaining the number of the name.

3. Calculate the sum of the birth number and name number. When you get a two-digit number, add its digits together. The exceptions are the numbers 11 and 22; they do not need to be reduced to a one-digit number, since they have a special meaning.

4. Find out the meaning of your wealth number. Happiest in financially numbers 4, 6, 8 and 9.

Let's look at the characteristics of each number:

1 – it is desirable to have your own business or manage a department in an enterprise, having the opportunity to implement your ideas and satisfy your ambitions;

2 – a dangerous number in numerology, balance and contrast, the need to achieve harmony of negative and positive energy, it is best to work in a team of like-minded people, then success is very likely;

3 is a generally happy number, but financially unstable, even indifferent to wealth; it is necessary to use your talent and optimism, adapt to circumstances, only then is success possible, it is better to connect work with entertainment, recreation, sports (or hope for a sudden inheritance);

4 – stable material condition, the value of which depends on the owner of the number, stability, constancy; work better in the “mundane” sphere, in the production of necessary items, clothing factories or food production; By becoming a highly paid specialist, you will achieve your goals;

5 – “all or nothing”: or you make money great fortune, or you will live below the poverty line in general lucky number, however, carries constant financial risk, the need to gain experience and unpredictable life situations; you will not be lost if you manage to maintain optimism and develop the ability to find a way out of any situation; avoid conflicts;

6 – good savings for the second half of life thanks to hard work, a dangerous number in numerology, but it represents financial security; it is better to work in serious, vital areas (health care, politics, law, education) or start your own business;

7 – mystery, research, knowledge, there is no predisposition to sudden success and prosperity, the path to wealth lies through knowledge, spiritual development; material well-being can be obtained by engaging in science and research;

8 – lucky number, meaning comfortable existence throughout life, material success, you just need to successfully use your leadership acumen, find a worthy team or recruit your own team;

9 – there is always the right amount of money, but not for personal purposes, but for the implementation of business projects, constant striving and increasing capital to achieve new goals; work in the spiritual direction will bring great profit - charity, creation of a public fund, etc.;

11 is a lucky number, the owner of which is created for a special program of action; this program must be clarified from the Higher Powers, your financial patron symbol through meditation and spiritual searches; if some business doesn’t work out, then you need to look further: perhaps the mission is much more responsible or does not have the goal of obtaining untold wealth;

22 – see number 11.

Chapter 2
Symbols to attract good luck

Luck - white stripe in life. Sometimes you really need to bring her into the house.

There are many symbols that can inspire optimism and attract positive energy for “happy occurrences.”

Symbols in the interior

The mythical animal in the form of a horse (steed) with a long, most often sparkling horn on its forehead, has three main symbolic meanings: attracting good luck, pure strength and healing wounds (Fig. 37). Different cultures have different images of the unicorn, including an animal with the head of a deer and the tusks of a boar. However, the unifying difference in the form of a horn on the forehead is unchanged. In Russian culture, the image of a unicorn in the form of a graceful horse has taken root. The earliest time when the presence of this mythical animal in culture was established was the 3rd century. BC. Coins of ancient Indian cities with the image of a unicorn are dated to this period. India was considered the birthplace of unicorns in ancient Greek and Roman myths.

Figure 37. Unicorn

An embroidered panel with a picture of a unicorn will become a powerful talisman of good luck.

Hieroglyph "Luck"

Chinese character meaning “luck” (Fig. 38). The symbol attracts positive energy and good luck. It is good to place it in the career area (northern sector of the house) or carry it with you in the form of an amulet or tattoo.

Figure 38. Hieroglyph “Luck”

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I'm always lucky! I'm always lucky! I'm always lucky!

2. The energy of luck goes where there is joy, pleasure and happiness.

3. I am happy and attract the energy of luck.

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune is a double-sided amulet, on one side of which there is a wheel with symbols of planets or signs of the Zodiac, and on the other side a symbol of Jupiter, personifying prosperity and optimism (Fig. 39). Can be depicted as a one-sided symbol, without the function of a portable amulet and with almost free rules. Its origins are linked to several practices, including Buddhism, Hinduism and Feng Shui.

Figure 39. Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune personifies the changeability of luck, the continuity of the flow of life. However, it can be depicted independently in such a way as to set it to a slightly different meaning, namely gradual luck in different areas of life (Fig. 40). The wheel itself should be drawn in two lines, between which the wording of the affirmation should be written in a circle to work with the energy of the symbol. The inscription options are as follows:

1. The limitless abundance of nature is continuously expressed through my life.

2. I attract good luck, I affirm happiness, I multiply love with the endless power of nature.

3. The energy cycle of my life continuously goes through phases of luck, love and wisdom.

4. The power of the Creator more than satisfies my needs.

5. The more energy I give, the more energy I receive.

6. I express nature, abundance and luck.

Figure 40. Wheel of Fortune: homemade version

The wheel may have seven or eight spokes, each of which is signed by a certain area of ​​​​life and consciousness: love, success, compassion, joy, unity, wisdom, sincerity, happiness, perseverance, kindness, honesty, luck, courage. Select those that need to be emphasized and that require adjustments. An image of the OM symbol should be placed in the center of the wheel (where the bushing should be). This is the sign of the OM mantra. Instead, you can simply write the pronoun “I”.

The teachings of Feng Shui and other pagan and occult traditions are incompatible with many religions. You can combine the incongruous only if you carefully consider the great variety of advice and carefully select from among all the symbols exactly those that will bring harmony to your soul and home.

An exercise to strengthen the energy of a symbol. Holding the image of the symbol in front of you, relax completely. Watch the spokes of the wheel spread out to the sides. Focus on the fact that they affect all aspects of your life, bringing success and prosperity to them. Deep breath. Finish the meditation.

Once activated, you can place the symbol in a visible place in your home.

The music of wind

Wind chime in Chinese tradition feng shui is an object made up of small objects collected on a thread (fishing line, rope, ribbon) that vibrate under the influence of the wind and produce certain sounds (Fig. 41). Most often, objects are collected into a composition and carefully selected by color.

Figure 41. Wind chime

Other names for this symbol are windmill, windmill, Chinese bells. This is a symbol that attracts good luck. It received the name “mill” because objects strung on a rope are crushed and ground by the wind, breaking it into ringing or rustling sounds.

Today, the most popular symbols are those with a central pendulum and hollow tubes along the edges. Straws can be metal, glass, ceramic and bamboo. The sound version of the talisman depends on this.

To activate energy, wind chimes should be hung in “unfortunate” rooms - long corridors, rooms where the door is located opposite the window, rooms with sharp corners, etc. If it is necessary to use its protective function (repel negative energy), the talisman is placed outside the house . Some experts believe that this is not the best option, since wind music scares away the patron spirits. If you need to dispel negative energy when entering a room, hang wind chimes at the door so that the person entering always touches it (for example, with the door). To attract good luck, you should choose a wind chime with six or seven metal hollow tubes. The ideal number of tubes in wooden and bamboo talismans is three or four. You can place wind chimes in the sector of the house that needs to attract good luck and activate energy.

This talisman must be used constantly. If you just hang it up and forget about it, there will be no effect.


The leaves of this plant are considered a symbol of good luck (Fig. 42). This tradition has its roots in Slavic folklore. But a special symbol of good luck is the fern flower, which, according to legend, blooms on the night of Ivan Kupala. In fact, the fern does not bloom, but its image with blossoming flowers still remains powerful talisman Good luck. Legend has it that the fern flower emits light, indicating the place where the treasure is hidden.

Figure 42. Fern

The fern can be placed in the home in the form of an applique of a dried leaf, embroidery with the image of fern leaves or flowering plant, or you can carry with you an image of a fern leaf in the form of an amulet made of metal or wood. The leaf of this plant without flowers will personify faith in luck, thereby luring it to you.


The first horseshoes appeared in the 3rd century. in Europe, among the Germanic peoples. Metal hoof plates were invented in Ancient Rome, but only in the Middle Ages in Europe they began to be attached to the hooves with nails, i.e., to shoe horses. In Russia, the spread of horseshoes began under Peter I. Among the peoples of other continents, this symbol has its own history. There is a legend that the symbol acquired its meaning back in Ancient Egypt, but at that time there were no horseshoes as such. The legend is based on the fact that in Ancient Egypt there was a cult of the Moon goddess, whose talisman (the new moon) looked like a horseshoe and also brought good luck. Another legend, not supported by facts, says that the cult of the horseshoe arose from the devil’s promise to the Catholic Saint Dunstan to never enter a house where a horseshoe was nailed. The devil allegedly made this promise after the saint agreed to shoe him and pressed him to the wall.

Figure 43. Horseshoe

The main meaning of the symbol is a protective talisman and a magnet of good luck and happiness. In ancient times, the horseshoe also represented fertility.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui and the advice of some psychologists, it is better to place the horseshoe with the ends up (Fig. 43). This opinion is shared in most European countries. The horseshoe, with its horns pointing upward, symbolizes a full cup. However, in Russia, the horseshoe is responsible, first of all, for protecting the house, so it was always hung with the ends down, while bad energy did not linger in the house, but flowed down the horns of the horseshoe out the door. It is customary to place a horseshoe above the front door. Some countries have special rules for the placement of the horseshoe. So, in Italy it is customary to hang it low so that anyone entering will touch the horseshoe with their head. In Mexico, it is forbidden to touch a horseshoe, so it is placed very high.

In ancient times, people tried to take a horseshoe “for good luck” from the back leg of a gray mare. It was believed that the new horseshoe would have no power. A horseshoe found by chance on the road was also considered “strong”. It was nailed over the door of the house.

To protect the house, a horseshoe is placed above the entrance, for family well-being - above the hearth, for the birth of offspring - above the bed, etc., even to help in plant growing and navigation. Inside the house, the horseshoe is hung with the horns up, outside - with the horns down. Amulets in the shape of a horseshoe also usually “look” down. When nailing or hanging a horseshoe, you can say the following words, holding on to its horns: “The horse ran, carrying goods to the house; so you, horseshoe, bring good luck, goodness and wealth to our home.” Another version of the conspiracy is also possible: “We nail a horseshoe on the door - we protect the family from harm; We leave everything bad at the door, we attract peace and good luck into the house” or “I nail a horseshoe on the door - I protect myself from troubles; I leave everything bad at the door, I attract love and good luck into the house.” A horseshoe should be hung on one nail. It is desirable that the symbol be made of metal.

Double luck symbol

A Chinese character consisting of two identical styles located side by side (Fig. 44).

Figure 44. Double luck symbol

This symbol is most effective when good luck in love is needed. It can be embroidered or painted on fabric, wood or cardboard, and then placed in the southwestern part of the house or under the sleeping area (under the mattress, under the bed).

This symbol will work well in the sector of Wealth (southeast) and Glory (south). You can wear this symbol as an amulet. Red is a good color for the background in these areas.

Chimney sweep

The figurine of a chimney sweep symbolizes good luck and prosperity (Fig. 45). This is a little-known symbol common in some Germanic and Scandinavian countries. The first chimney sweep appeared in Denmark in the 17th century.

Figure 45. Chimney sweep

The soot that a chimney sweep works with is associated with warmth, and warmth with happiness. Since the chimney sweep is constantly exposed to danger at work and overcomes it, and no one sees him while working (an element of mystery), gradually the people began to believe that the chimney sweep as a talisman will bring good luck.

Meeting a chimney sweep on the street was considered a good sign.

You can buy a figurine of a chimney sweep, place it at home, or give it to a loved one with wishes of good luck. The symbol can be activated by lightly smearing it with real soot.

Lily of the valley flower

The spring flower is considered a symbol of good luck in France and some other countries (Fig. 46). The cultivation of lilies of the valley has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt.

Due to its method of growth, appearance and ancient history, the lily of the valley is in some way a mystical flower.

In different eras, it symbolized healing, the Mother of God, tenderness, youth and purity. According to legends, the Virgin Mary in a wreath of lilies of the valley appears (for example, in a dream) to someone who will be blessed with happiness and good fortune. There is a belief that lilies of the valley appeared from the tears of the Virgin Mary, but this is just a beautiful story.

In every culture there are your amulets and talismans . In Russia, for example, since ancient times it has been believed that a horseshoe brings good luck to the house. Thanks to the fact that people began to travel more and cultures can penetrate one another, we now have access to talismans and amulets from all over the world, including Feng Shui talismans.

The goal of the ancient science of Feng Shui is to change your life, bring harmony to relationships, bring prosperity and success to your home and family. Feng Shui amulets attract the energy of good luck and protect and protect against failure. Of course, with the help of amulets alone you will not change the Feng Shui of your apartment, house, or office, but you will attract a lot of good energy and good people who will help change your life for the better. With the help of talismans you can express what you strive for. If Chinese science is too complex for you, start with small talismans, such as three coins tied with a red ribbon. They are placed in a wallet for wealth, after performing a preliminary ritual. Or a Wallet Extension is also an excellent Feng Shui amulet for protection against theft and symbolically increasing your wallet to a favorable size.

Talismans and symbols in Feng Shui are designed to harmonize space , to really express our aspirations, to help create Additional information about various aspects of our life: protection, wealth, family happiness, career advancement, etc.

First of all, in order to achieve success in any field and attract good luck, you need to live in a harmonious space. Feng Shui symbols will help us with this (partially).

Aquarium with live goldfish - this is one of the most powerful Feng Shui talismans, but be careful, since for this kind of talismans you need to carefully choose a place, based on the San Yuan school of flying stars.

In Tibetan Feng Shui there is a wonderful talisman that brings prosperity, family happiness, abundance and fulfills wishes.This is the Boom Pa Precious Vessel. This ancient custom has come down to us through direct transmission from teacher to student. The vessel is filled with special components, earth from sacred places, special objects, the composition includes three white, three sweet, five jewels, five medicinal herbs, everything is consecrated by Tibetan lamas. In general, an amazing ritual with beautiful chants make the Precious Vessel “Boom Pa” one of the most powerful talismans in Feng Shui. You can add personal wishes for prosperity, health and wealth, a piece of gold, silver, a coin and any items dear to you to the vessel.

Another Tibetan The Feng Shui talisman is a ball - a talisman of the “five elements”. It protects children and pregnant women, brings peace and tranquility. According to Tibetan cosmology, the entire Universe, both the external world and the internal dimension of a person, his thoughts, feelings and physical body, are all woven from perfect five-color patterns that are in continuous motion, flowing into each other. A ball of thread, made according to the ancient Tibetan method, helps maintain the harmony of the elements even in an unfavorable place and protects its owner from negative influences. This ball can be placed under the baby's crib, and expectant mothers can carry it with them or put it in their bed.

In almost any esoteric store you can buy metal talismans on a leather cord to wear around the neck. Amulet (Arabic: Hamule) or Talisman (Arabic: Magic image) means a magical object with esoteric formulas, diagrams or symbols applied, giving strength and power, protecting from harm and protecting a person from misfortunes. They are worn around the neck, placed above the entrance to the home or hidden in special places.

In order for the amulet to have magical power, each of its sides must be made in accordance with all the canons of magical art. If you get a one-sided talisman, as a rule, it is an imitation of an ancient symbol that does not carry the corresponding magical load.

Today, like many centuries before us, amulets and talismans work wonders. Once in the hands of a person, they have a powerful positive effect on the psychophysical state of their owner, helping to solve problems that arise in everyday life. Each sign is energy focused over centuries, used for the benefit of its owner. Each image is a way of communicating with supernatural forces operating in space. There are so many symbols, signs and diagrams and the impact of each is as individual as human needs and goals are different. There is not a single wish that an amulet cannot fulfill. Amulets and talismans are used in the practice of clairvoyance, magic, to improve health, energy protection, removing the evil eye and damage, maintaining harmony in the family, success in business and love.

To activate the work of any talisman, you need to invest the mental power of your desire into it. To do this, you need to relax, close your eyes, accurately imagine your goal and mentally try to send it into the medallion shell. Then at first it is better not to part with the talisman at all, at least for the first seven days. It is normal if a talisman or amulet changes its color or darkens - this is the result of its work with your problem, in which case it needs to be cleaned.

Try not to give the amulet to anyone and never use it for personal gain (it may become “inoperative”).

Symbolic objects are used to energetically saturate living rooms, especially in the living room. When using symbolism, always choose items that have special meaning for you. Do not try to include oriental symbols in the decor if they do not fit into the interior of the room or do not match yours own feelings. On the other hand, sometimes objects from a foreign culture can resonate with aspects of our own personal experience.

When you use objects or images, place them in the area of ​​the house or room that you want to activate. For example, hang a picture of a beautiful landscape in the north corner of the room to create the impression of a successful career, or place a vase of flowers in the northwest corner to strengthen the marital relationship.

Some symbols are closely associated with the five elements and therefore must be placed in specific places in the house. Bamboo, for example, symbolizes Wood and is used where the qualities of that element need to be emphasized. On the other hand, a metal turtle will look good in northern zone living room.

Below is a list of Feng Shui symbols and their traditional meanings.

Diamond: the indestructible diamond, pure, still showing colors, becomes a symbol of the nature of the mind.

Bell : feminine part of Tantric polarity: symbol of emptiness - limitless openness, giving room for wisdom. In Feng Shui, bells are means that dissipate strong currents of energy through melodious sound (nada). Feminine part of Tantric polarity: symbol of emptiness - limitless openness, giving room for wisdom

Lotus : symbol of the Buddha's teachings. A plant with its roots in the mud, however, raised the flower to the light. In Feng Shui, the lotus, the flower of joy, is a symbol of the Buddha's teachings. The sacred lotus holds a special place in the hearts of the Chinese, especially those who practice Buddhism. It is often depicted floating gracefully and majestically over dark waters, symbolizing stunning purity amid polluted surroundings. This is a flower that symbolizes summer; the flower in which the beloved Buddha Padmasambhava was born. Lotus images or flowers in the home are used to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere and also to awaken spiritual consciousness. The lotus is an emblem of spiritual potential, rebirth, purity. Rising from the mud of the earth through water, symbolizing self-realization, he opens his golden heart to the Sun.

Bat - a symbol of good luck in business, happiness and long life.

Bear means courage and strength, and his image, hung at the entrance to the house, is effective protection against burglars.

Butterflies are a talisman of love and joy. The Chinese who practice Feng Shui recommend decorating the walls of the bedroom with fluttering butterflies to intensify romantic relationships, to add fresh air to the sex life of partners and to make cherished dreams come true. Butterflies in the bedroom will help lonely people quickly improve their lives and keep the fire of existing relationships alive.

Butterflies should be placed in pairs or flocks, as if they had naturally flown into your room through a door or window and circled around the bed or on the ceiling.

Every morning, when you open your eyes, you will see butterflies fluttering and every evening, when you fall asleep, you will be full of pleasant impressions. It is very easy to attach such a butterfly. A thin wire is attached to the abdomen, which you can hook onto anything. Or you can use double-sided tape, one side to the butterfly's abdomen, the other to the wall. Butterflies decorating the walls of the bedroom will help you enjoy the most pleasant moments in your life. Butterflies decorating the bedroom walls ignite the fire of passion. Butterflies decorating the bedroom walls strengthen existing relationships.

A gun is a very powerful symbol for reflecting sha qi and should be used with caution.

Chimera means protection from evil.

Twisted sink - a talisman used for prosperity and good luck in travel. Traditionally considered a symbol of great luck for the Glory zone. This talisman brings fame.

Heron symbolizes fidelity and longevity.

Deer- a symbol of wealth and longevity.

Dogs- a symbol of courage, bravery, selflessness, justice and reliable protection.

The Dragon symbolizes strength and generosity, courage and endurance, happiness and prosperity, good luck and Creative skills. It carries the spirit of rebirth and change and represents the productive forces of nature. It is also a symbol of vigilance and security, which stands apart from all celestial creatures and unites all the scaly creatures of the Universe. "A dragon in the sky is great luck!" This has been said in China since ancient times. The dragon must have a magic pearl, a symbol of spiritual and material wealth. The dragon patronizes bosses and directors and brings good luck in business. The Dragon figurine is placed on the work table in the boss’s office. If you want to support your business, then use an image or figurine of a dragon with a pearl.

Dragon turtles- a magical animal with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle.

It is believed that the Grand Duke of the year Tai-Sui likes it when the Dragon Turtle looks at him, and the prince does not show his anger at people. In 2003, the Tai Sui goat was located in the southwest, starting in February 2004 Grand Duke moved to the west. It is not recommended to make noise in these directions, do repairs, build, or dig there. This figurine should be placed in the western sector of the apartment, house, office so that the Dragon Turtle faces west, towards the Grand Duke Tai-Sui. Then the prince will be pleased and you will not have any troubles associated with this aspect.

Pair of ducks- tangerine means happiness in love. This talisman symbolizes a long and happy marriage.

Elephant symbolizes strength, wisdom and protection. Attracts the luck of a favorable star. Thanks to its trunk, the elephant can reach something that is quite far from it. This ability of his is used in Feng Shui to draw the luck of the auspicious star of prosperity into the house. If a favorable star is located right at the entrance and all the luck enters through the door, this is wonderful, but this is extremely rare. In other cases, you can resort to the help of an elephant. The elephant is placed on the windowsill, with its trunk in the direction of a good star, and it draws good luck from the street through the window into the house.

gold fish means success in financial affairs.

Geese symbolize fidelity in marriage.

Doves- a symbol of tenderness, love and fidelity. They activate the energies of partnerships. If you want to meet a person with whom you will spend the most happy moments life, share joy and love, then you need to activate the “love corner” with any paired symbols. If you have a bed in this partnership zone, then make sure there are two pillows on the bed. A pair of doves, or a pair of swans, or a symbol of double happiness, or a crystal lotus, or hearts are best suited for activating the space responsible for romance in your life

Monkey symbolizes cunning and protection from failure.

Oranges- symbols of abundance (golden color) and successful marriage.

Rooster- a symbol of beauty. The rooster figurine can be placed in the western part of your house, since that is where its direction is located. The Rooster will bring special luck to those whose business or work is related to real estate, insurance, mining and chemical industries, energy and electronics, and protects them from the wrath of the prince of the year Tai-Sui.

Umbrella (or canopy) is used to protect against thieves, especially front door.

Waterfall used to bring good luck to the home.

Circle- one of the most ancient and powerful symbols. It represents eternity, completeness, unity, perfection and great magic.

Square - a symbol of the four elements: air, water, fire and earth. It symbolizes stability and strength, as well as the four seasons. If the triangle is activity and dynamics, then the square is the material world, prosperity, abundance and prosperity.

Triangle- this is the embodiment of the power of the pyramids; it symbolizes connection with the powers of body, mind and spirit, as well as the unity of mother, father and child, past, present and future. This is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. The triangle has protective properties.

Cross- the oldest talisman in the world. It symbolizes eternal life, resurrection and divine protection from the devil.

Infinity symbol - figure eight lying on its side. This symbol, which came from outer space, has very strong energy.

Hieroglyph "Wealth and Money" - a symbol that promotes financial success

Sailboat model - a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. This symbol appeared in those days when a sailing ship was associated with the arrival of goods and money. Accordingly, this talisman means the symbolic “arrival” of good luck. For the talisman to work effectively, it is necessary that the sailboat has its bow turned inward towards the house, that is, it is “arriving.” If you place pieces of gold or imitation gold on the deck of the ship, this will greatly increase the effectiveness of the talisman.

Fu dogs(Foo dogs, dogs with a horn on their head and wings) are especially effective symbols of protecting the home and its well-being. They are good in pairs, as they combine the harmony of Yin and Yang energies. They place them opposite the front door. The dogs will greet those entering and serve to protect the well-being of the family. They bring happiness, luck and money, dissolve the influence of spirits. It is believed that a pair of Fu Dogs can protect against the negative effects of places such as cemeteries, hospitals and churches. If your window overlooks a church, hospital, hospice or cemetery, then place a pair of Fu Dogs on the windowsill, facing out. The effect will be the same as that of a convex ba-gua mirror, but the Fu dogs will not harm anyone. It is known that Ba Gua mirrors can only be used outside the house, but Feng Shui animals can be placed anywhere in the house. The Chinese call these animals "Pi Yau" and love them very much. In Malaysia there are huge stores that sell only Fu dogs of different sizes and designs. The Chinese believe that good luck, happiness and money come to the house if there is a pair of Pi Yau. You can place them anywhere in your apartment, house, or office. It is believed that a pair of Fu dogs can protect against external negative forms. Let your dogs watch your enemies. The Yang dog, which carries the masculine principle, is depicted with a ball and is located to the left of the entrance. The Yin dog, carrying the feminine principle, is depicted with a cub and is located to the right of the entrance. Will protect your home from any aggressive influence. In addition to the door or hallway, it can be located on the window if the view from the window is unfavorable.

Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth - a very popular symbol, a symbol of great luck. Most often she is depicted sitting on a stand of coins with the Yin-Yang symbol. The coin in the mouth represents gold. This is one of the most effective talismans for the wealth zone. The easiest way to activate monetary energy with the help of this talisman is to place one toad in the southeastern sector of each room or place it on the table, but not directly in front of you. Brings wealth, increases money luck. Once upon a time, the Three-Legged Toad was a malicious creature. But one day Buddha came, conquered her and bound her with an obligation to help people. Since then, Toad has been paying for the trouble he caused by spitting out gold coins. Usually a figurine of a Three-Legged Toad is placed near the front door so that it seems as if it is jumping into your house. You can also place the Toad in a fountain with moving water, this will also increase your money luck

Yin-Yang symbol (Chinese "Taiji") - a symbol of harmony and unity of the masculine and feminine principles. A symbol of life, giving energetic balance, a symbol of the Great Limit in Chinese philosophy. This is one of the oldest philosophical symbols. Continuous existence and harmony with the entire universe, existing through the balancing of the two opposing elements Yin and Yang. Yang - white - male sign; active; day; symbol of the sky; the power of creation; dominant. Yin - black - female sign; contemplative; night; the emergence of life; mystery. On the reverse side of the amulet - tai chi surrounded by eight trigrams - a magical amulet against evil spirits.

Bull represents reliability and calm strength. This is a symbol of a long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable. It also denotes perseverance in achieving goals and hard work. With the help of this talisman, you can activate the wealth zone so that wealth in the house is stable and permanent. Solar symbol, sign of spring and rebirth of life. Patron of crafts, symbol of diligence and great sexual power.

Peacock- a talisman that attracts good luck and success. By the way, the feathers of these wonderful birds act no worse than their image.

Double Luck Knot - the most powerful talisman for attracting all types of luck. Denotes an endless cycle of luck. His image can also be used to activate the Love zone. If you place it under your mattress, you will attract positive energy while you sleep.

crystal crystal - a symbol that ennobles the surrounding energies. Classic Feng Shui advice is to place a crystal with all its faces in the Wisdom zone so that sunlight or electric light falls on it. When tiny sunbeams scatter around your room, it means that good luck is in your home.

Crystal Pyramid Great for activating the Glory zone in the south. It will symbolize your striving forward and upward. Harmonizes and preserves. The operation of this pyramid is based on the principles of the Egyptian pyramids. The proportions are completely preserved. Such a pyramid on your desktop helps you work better and earn more. It harmonizes the space and preserves the achieved results. Such a pyramid can also be placed on the refrigerator, then the food will be better preserved

Red or pink hearts (necessarily paired) - one of the most effective love talismans. The best are rose quartz hearts.

Horseshoe- a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. Feng Shui recommends hanging a horseshoe with the ends up.

Snake- a symbol of perpetual motion and renewal of the universe. It personifies wisdom, deep knowledge, and is also a symbol of female beauty.

Ba-gua - magic octagon Feng Shui, containing life aspects: Wealth (southeast), Fame (south), Love and Marriage (southwest), Family (east), Health (center), Children and Creativity (west), Wisdom and Knowledge ( northeast), Helpers and Travel (northwest). This symbol takes its meaning from the eight trigrams located on its sides.

The music of wind(air bells) is a traditional talisman that helps to activate the positive energy of a favorable area and neutralize the harmful energy of an unfavorable angle. Air bells must have hollow tubes. Wind chimes should not have sharp corners or sharp design details. It is used to transform subtle energies, correct the energy state of the room, dissipate negative impacts, attracting and aligning qi.

Star Elders(three gods - Fu-hsin, Lu-hsin and Shou-hsin) - symbols that promote wealth, prosperity, health and longevity. Fu-hsing is the god of happiness and good fortune, he brings various kinds of luck. Lu-sin is the god of prosperity and wealth. Shou-shin is the god of health and longevity, with a staff made from ginseng root and a peach that grants immortality.

Turtle - Black Turtle - means laziness, slowness, purity and purity. Depicted near Venus means that wives should stay at home. The turtle is one of the four sacred celestial creatures that are considered sacred animals. This symbol of long life, strength, heavenly support, stability, protection, wisdom and longevity and endurance is considered immortal. She is identified with the north and winter. Those who want to live a long, healthy life keep turtles in their homes.

Hottei (canvas bag) - one of the seven gods of happiness, the god of wealth, prosperity, carefree and fun. A real-life monk who walked around the villages. Fun and joy came to the village with him. He walked with a bag over his shoulders, and when Hottei was asked what was in his bag, he answered that he had the whole world there. There is a belief that if you rub it on your stomach 300 times, thinking about your most cherished desire, it will certainly come true. Hottei figurines are depicted with various attributes. For example, a fan in Hottei’s hands symbolizes sweeping away all obstacles, and a gourd pumpkin symbolizes good health and long life. Sometimes Hottei holds a magic pearl in her hands - a symbol of spiritual and material wealth. A bag and coins mean prosperity and wealth. Chinese crown, scrolls - wishes for career growth, success in studies and high ranks. Hottei with rosary - a wish to find your spiritual path.

Ganesha is an Indian deity with the body of a man and the head of an elephant. This is a deity that helps in business and supports entrepreneurs. Ganesha opens up a world of unlimited possibilities in various fields of activity. Place this figurine in your office or desk, in a place of honor.

Singing bowl. The cup is placed on the open palm of the left hand. Take the stick in your right hand and, without lifting it off, move it clockwise along the outer edge of the singing bowl. Very soon the bowl begins to sing, and a strong vibration is felt in the hand. Each bowl has its own individual “voice”, and in the hands different people the bowls sound different. Since all singing bowls are handmade, color and shape may vary significantly.

Fan hung at the head of the bed to protect against adverse influences, and is also used to attract positive vibrations. An indispensable Feng Shui tool in many situations. Properly placed fans will attract a lot of favorable qi into your home. Fans carry the energy of the movement of air currents, behind which qi moves. Used in the following cases: 1. If it is necessary to add qi to the place where a person sleeps or works. The fan is hung on the wall near the head of the bed (but not above the bed itself, as this can deprive you of sleep) or behind the back of a working person, at an angle of 45 degrees, with the fan directed slightly upward. 2. If you need to direct qi to some room (attic, basement, room around the corner of the corridor).

The ancient sages kept many secrets about the power possessed by magical symbols. They opened the path to Money Power and Relics only to a select few, but now it is available to everyone. Now every person can activate the symbol of wealth, thanks to which abundance will come to life. You just need to decide for yourself what you want more: to achieve success or get a quick profit, or maybe get everything at once?

For the Slavs from Old Rus', they know the way to achieve power, get a lot of money or secure stable material support. You need to follow step by step and the result will not be long in coming. There are five main groups - these are symbols of wealth. They only need to be opened, the person and his entire Slavic family will have access to the Higher energy, which is necessary at this stage of life.

The first group of symbols is Higher

Stable connection to Energy higher powers provide the following symbols of wealth:

  • Key;
  • All-seeing eye;
  • Window;
  • Scales;
  • Pyramid truncated at the top;
  • Open Chinese umbrella.

If these items of well-being appear in the house, then the Slavs will be able to improve their financial situation, but this will not happen immediately, but gradually, over several years.

Second group - Ecumenical Money Bank

Symbols for attracting money, good luck, happiness, wealth according to Feng Shui, collected in this group will help you get big money in short term. But for this technique to work flawlessly, it is necessary to formulate a goal (can be in writing), why the funds are needed and what they will be spent on.

You need to collect the following items:

  • Five-pointed star;
  • Dam;
  • Umbrella Green colour;
  • Mountain or Mountains;
  • Sun;
  • Ladder.

Third group - Universal monetary power

The secret symbols leading to wealth according to Feng Shui in this group are:

  • Oak leaves or one Oak leaf;
  • A stone bridge;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Double-headed eagle;
  • Opened umbrella.

These signs have monetary power, which is necessary for the success of the Slavs, who constantly make deals. Thanks to the presence of such items, a person receives a special instinct that helps not to be at risk. A businessman will immediately learn to choose the right reference point in the world of finance, it will become easier for him to earn money, it will “float” like a river into his hands.

Fourth group - Monetary protection of human and home energy

Special secret symbols leading to wealth for the Slavs in this group are:

  • The Star of David is two equilateral triangles that intersect at three points);
  • Cross;
  • Thistle;
  • Large umbrella;
  • St. George the Victorious;

These items, which bring success according to Feng Shui, can provide protection for already accumulated funds. Protection will be carried out not only by the evil eye and bad people from the outside, but also from influences inside the house. For example, if the owner is a spender, he will be able to stop and be more thrifty.

Fifth group - Money abundance and constant prosperity

This is real Slavic ritual well-being, but with elements of Feng Shui. In Rus', Chinese sages also used these objects as symbols of wealth, abundance and prosperity:

  • Sakura flower (in Rus' people could use a birch branch, which had the same effect), you can have a Chinese umbrella in your house gently Pink colour- this is good energy;
  • Triumphal Arch;
  • Ears of wheat or rye;
  • White Lily;
  • Water poured into a wooden vessel;
  • Ship.

Those people who were in power necessarily kept these symbols in their palaces. This helps to increase your wealth many times over.

"Money" rules of well-being according to Feng Shui

There are special Chinese rules that must be followed in order to have money in the house.

  1. The first rule was in first place not only for those who respected the rules of Feng Shui, but also for the Slavs - this order in the house, harmony and complete order. If the owners are careless and do not put their things in their place, there will be no prosperity in the house. Old trash must be thrown away in a timely manner, it collects negative energy, and clean and new energy requires a lot of space.
  2. Feng Shui sector of well-being and prosperity. In Rus', in the left corner from the entrance they placed broom- it helps to sweep negativity out of the house. According to Feng Shui, you can install a TV, thanks to which there will be movement of energy. A Slavic custom is to place an umbrella in the hallway open. You can buy a small umbrella or a decorative umbrella to decorate your interior. This will help protect positive energy and keep negative energy out.
  3. Live fish- attracting wealth. Many Slavs have fish at home. It is necessary to place an aquarium in the south-eastern part of the apartment with nine fish or hang a picture with their image. According to Feng Shui, the presence of these creatures in the house leads to wealth in quantities equal to the number of eggs each fish has.
  4. Chinese coins- objects of power and money according to Feng Shui. It is unusual for Slavs to have such a thing in the house - it seems strange. But an umbrella in an open position is considered no less original; however, it is used to attract prosperity and power over money. These are not real coins, but copies, but they work great, like any other Slavic symbol.
  5. Money Tree is also a new subject for receiving large amounts of money for the Slavs. In Rus', oak or birch have always been revered, but for all Slavs such a plant brings good luck.
  6. Three-legged frog- girlfriend for the Slavs. Although it sounds strange, you need to make friends with her, because she has a coin in her mouth, and on her back is an image of Yin and Yang. In Rus' they also treated frogs in a special way; they were used in various legends. Chinese frogs should be placed in the living room, in the best place, for example on a stand near the TV.

In Rus' there are many different items that help you get easy and quick money. But there are many who protect what is, for example, an umbrella, the Slavic God, Slavic talisman Triglav and much more. They all carry their own symbolism that helps people, just like Chinese animals or household items
