Prepare a report on winter sports. Winter sports for children

Winter sports report on physical education will briefly help you deepen your knowledge in this area.

"Winter sports" report

When the cold comes, you want to stay at home under a warm blanket and with a mug. But it’s much more interesting to spend time outside, play sports on fresh air. The benefits of this type of activity are priceless. All winter sports are divided into:

  • skiing

Skiing is classified as an aerobic activity, which involves movement without stopping for a long time. long period time. It increases endurance and improves the health of the body: the functioning of the respiratory organs, cardiovascular vascular system, musculoskeletal system, and also improves immunity. In addition, skiing strengthens the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, back, abdomen, legs, and arms. In order to keep yourself in shape, you need to take hour-long walks of 3 km 2-3 times a week.

  • Snowboarding

Snowboarding is becoming more and more popular every year among young people and not only. This sport strengthens the muscles of the buttocks, legs, abdomen, and thighs. It also normalizes the functioning of the respiratory and of cardio-vascular system, strengthens the vestibular apparatus, saturates the blood with oxygen. In addition, snowboarding gives thrills that are indispensable for mental health.

  • Skating

Listing winter sports for children, Special attention should be devoted to ice skating. Skating trains speed, flexibility, agility, and balance. This sport develops the muscles of the lower body, improves health, increases the tone of the body, increases its resistance to infections, and improves mood through the release of endorphins (hormones of happiness) into the blood.

  • Hockey

Despite the fact that hockey is considered an aggressive sport, as an amateur game it is safe and beneficial for the health of the body. This sport develops the lower and top part body, working the muscles of the abdomen, legs, arms and back. Hockey has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal and vestibular system and improves immunity. Thanks to him, such qualities as agility, endurance, perseverance and reaction develop.

  • Sledding

Sledding is a favorite winter activity for children. But they also bring incredible benefits to adults. The body receives a cardio load, the heart muscle is strengthened, and it normalizes blood pressure, hormones are produced that are responsible for a great mood.

You should also list non-traditional winter sports - ice climbing (climbing icy slopes), broomball (a type of hockey), snowkiting (flying a kite on a board), ice diving, skijoring (dog sledding), winter windsurfing.

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The content of the article:

Children love winter, despite the cold, because at this time of year they can sled, ski, skate, play hockey, etc. One of children's favorite pastimes is playing snowballs and creating snowmen. It is quite obvious that parents are interested in which winter sports for children will be most useful, because everyone wants their offspring to be not only happy, but also healthy.

If a child engages in a winter sport that he likes, he trains his body and heals his body. By and large, all winter sports are beneficial for children. Thanks to these activities, children become stronger and are less susceptible to colds and infectious diseases. Don't forget about the joy that winter sports bring to children.

It’s great if parents not only support their child in sports, but also actively participate in them. It's nice to see when the whole family is on the ski track or visiting the skating rink on a day off. Moreover, children can engage in most winter sports disciplines with early years. For example, you can safely buy your child’s first skis at the age of three. As a result, your baby will have fun and improve the functioning of the heart muscle.

Mostly girls prefer to practice figure skating. And boys most often choose hockey. However, all children visit the city skating rink and it is advisable that parents keep them company. Children begin to get involved in luge sports from the age of five. This is a wonderful and exciting sport that can bring a lot of joy and improve your health.

The benefits of winter sports for children and age restrictions

Children should play sports at any time of the year. They are full of energy that must be expended. Unlike most adults, for children the weather is not a serious limitation on their physical activity. Let's deal with those positive aspects which are typical for winter sports.

First of all, this is the possibility of simultaneous training and hardening. Since in winter children play sports outdoors at sub-zero temperatures, this helps strengthen the immune system. It’s even better when the child is outside the city limits, for example, on a ski track. The air of a coniferous forest is especially beneficial for the body.

Coniferous trees emit special volatile substances - phytoncides, which destroy a large number of various pathogenic microorganisms. We should not forget that physical activity in the fresh air improves the performance of the brain, since it does not lack oxygen. All winter sports for children help to harden, strengthen muscles, and improve performance defense mechanisms body. They also cause accelerated production of endorphins.

It is quite obvious that there are some age restrictions when playing sports in winter. Parents should have an understanding of the development of the nervous and vascular systems, ligamentous-articular apparatus, muscles, etc. Whatever sport your child decides to engage in, it is extremely important to choose the right equipment and reduce the risk of injury to a minimum.

If a child wants to engage in alpine skiing or another sport, then it is worth finding a good instructor. You should also remember the importance of various protective equipment, for example, glasses equipped with an ultraviolet filter or ointments to protect against frostbite. In addition, we recommend that you give your child some freedom to develop strong personal qualities; however, this matter should not be left to chance either, because no one needs injuries.

The Best Winter Sports for Kids

It would probably not be entirely correct to talk about which winter sports for children are the best. We have already said that any sports discipline will be beneficial and the child just needs to choose the most interesting one for him. Most winter sports are considered extreme, as the risk of injury can be quite high. The exception to this rule, perhaps, are skis, sleds and skates. However, no one is immune from injury here either.
There are several types of skiing, for example, biathlon, skiing, orienteering, downhill, cross-country skiing, etc. You can organize some of them yourself in the forest closest to your city. Many children are attracted to skiing, which can also be divided into several types:
  1. Skiboarding is a short-distance downhill sport and is perfect for beginners.
  2. Ski tour - a collective ascent to the slopes of the mountains.
  3. Snowboarding - descent from the mountain on a board and in Lately This sports discipline is very popular among children.
  4. Twintip - descent from the mountains at maximum speed.
  5. Backcountry - climbing an unknown slope and then descending.
  6. Ski mountaineering is a descent from mountains without a paved route and for children this is not the most desirable sports discipline.
Let's take a closer look at some types of skiing, as well as other disciplines that are perfect for a child.


Children of both sexes can start skiing from the age of five. This sports discipline will allow the child to develop self-confidence and learn to correctly perceive not only victories, but also defeats. Medical workers We are sure that skiing is good for a child, as it helps strengthen the immune system and strengthens all the muscles of the body.

Thanks to skiing, your baby will develop harmoniously both from a physical and psychological point of view. However, you should never force your child to ski and they must make this decision on their own.


This is a very exciting sport that children can begin to practice from the age of seven. If you want to send your baby to the section earlier, then he must have well-developed leg muscles. However, we still recommend waiting until he reaches the required age.

Since while on a snowboard you need to maintain balance, your legs work actively. Through snowboarding, your child will develop confidence in their abilities and they will learn to communicate. Since this is a rather traumatic sport, it is best to practice it under the guidance of an experienced trainer. Contraindications to snowboarding include asthma and fragile bones.


One of the favorite children's entertainments, without a doubt, is a fast descent from the mountain on a sleigh. A child can start luge training as early as four years of age. Of course, in such a situation we are not talking about professional training. Note that there are several types of luge: skeleton, naturban and bobsleigh.


It's hard to find a man who didn't spend a lot of time outside playing hockey as a child. For this sport Any will do skating rink, and the first equipment you will need is a hockey stick. If you decide to send your offspring to a professional section, you will have to buy various shields with a helmet. However, believe me, the child will be happy.

He should start playing hockey at the age of nine, but from the age of four he can be taught to skate and given a stick in his hands. Like any other team sport, hockey requires a child to have the ability to communicate and play in a team. You should not send your child to the hockey section if he has problems with the functioning of the heart, vascular system and musculoskeletal system.

Figure skating

If boys play hockey, then it’s perfect for girls figure skating. However, boys can also choose this winter sport for children. You can learn to skate with early age, and girls can go to the figure skating section from the age of six, but boys should wait a year or two.

Since skates for figure skating are different from hockey or speed skating, you can start learning to skate on them earlier. By the way, the main difference between the skates is more reliable ankle protection and, in addition, they are more stable.


Girls can start speed skating from the age of five, and boys from seven. Of course, this only applies to professional speed skating. If desired, a child can be taught to skate at the age of three.

Interesting historical facts about winter sports

Over the entire history of the existence of winter sports disciplines, a mass of interesting facts concerning places, personalities and competitions. About popularity skiing says the fact that the training course exists even in the United United Arab Emirates. About six tons of snow were used during its construction.

Hockey is considered the most dangerous winter sport. Let's say that Eddie Shaw received five jaw fractures and 14 nose fractures over the thirty-odd years he spent in this sports discipline. The number of scars on his body is difficult to count, and in addition to this, the hockey player was left without teeth.

In 1999, a snowboarding speed record was set. This happened in France, and the snowboarder’s speed reached 2020 kilometers per hour. The first skates appeared several centuries ago. Already during the reign of Peter the Great there were prototypes of modern skates. They were planks to which a metal blade was attached.

The first speed skating tournament was held in England, and this event took place in 1763. It is likely that competitions in this sport could have been held before, but historical documents contain references to this particular event.

For safety rules during winter sports, see here:

Winter sports

Winter sport is a sport played on snow or ice, that is, mainly in winter.

Winter sports include: ski race,biathlon, freestyle, snowboarding,luge , figure skating , skeleton, short track,hockey, curling.

Winter sports have received the greatest development in the following countries: Austria, Germany, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, USA, Finland, France, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Japan. They host world and European championships, national championships, sports societies, and sports competitions.

The main winter sports are included in the winter program Olympic Games, which have been held since 1924.

Winter Games on snow:

Ski race - skiing races over a certain distance on a specially prepared track among persons of a certain category. Refer to cyclic types sports Olympic sport since 1924.

Biathlon is a winter Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.

Freestyle -type of skiing. Freestyle disciplines are ski acrobatics, moguls, ski cross, halfpipe, slopestyle.

Snowboard - an Olympic sport that involves descending from snow-covered slopes and mountains to special projectile- snowboarding.

Ski orienteering - Ski orienteering competitions are held in conditions of stable snow cover in the following disciplines: given direction, on a marked course or a combination of these types

Winter games on ice

Luge - This is a downhill competition on a single or double sleigh on a pre-prepared track. Athletes sit on the sled on their backs, feet first. The sled is controlled by changing body position.

Figure skating - speed skating is a complex coordination sport. The main idea is to move an athlete or a pair of skaters on ice, changing the direction of skating and performing additional elements to the music.

In figure skating there are 4 main ones: basic elements: steps, spirals, spins and jumps. There are also a number specific elements, performed in one type of figure skating, for example, lifts, twists, throws, tops in pair skating.

Skeleton - a winter Olympic sport, which is a descent down an ice chute on a two-runner sleigh on a reinforced frame, the winner of which is determined by the sum of two or four races.

Skating . Rules:In classic speed skating, people run in pairs - one athlete is on the outer track, the other on the inner track, changing tracks every lap. Races are run counterclockwise. In a team pursuit race, two teams of three skaters start on opposite straights and run the entire distance along the inner track.

Short track ( speed skating on a short track) is a form of speed skating. In competitions, several athletes (usually 4-8: the longer the distance, the more athletes in the race) simultaneously skate along an oval ice track 111.12 m long.

Hockey with a ball - winter sports team game, held on an ice field with the participation of two teams (ten field players and one goalkeeper each).

Hockey . Team sport game on the ice, which consists of a confrontation between two teams on skates, who, passing the puck with their sticks, try to throw it greatest number once into the opponent's goal and not into your own. The team that scores the most goals into the opponent's goal wins.

Curlin G- a team sports game on an ice rink. Participants of two teams alternately launch special heavy granite projectiles (“stones”) across the ice towards a target marked on the ice (“house”). Each team has four players.

Today, winter sports are in no way inferior in their importance and entertainment value to summer sports; they attract stadiums of fans, a huge crowd of people of different ages deals with them, both professionally and amateurly. The sports facilities for winter sports are being developed and improved. Athletes involved in summer sports are also forced to resort to winter sports, so winter sports will develop, sports equipment will be improved so that athletes achieve high results and set new records.

Outside, winter is a wonderful time of year, a time of gifts, magic, tangerines and aromatic tea... A time for Christmas films, warm blankets and gatherings with friends... And also a time for active pastime! Winter sports, which we will talk about in this article, will help you diversify your leisure time and provide great entertainment for the kids.

Winter Olympic sports

It is no coincidence that Winter Olympic sports are the most widespread. There are a huge variety of them. They are presented in various categories: snow sports, skating, skiing and ice. IN different years each of them became a mandatory event for competition at the Olympic Games. So, what winter Olympic sports officially exist today? According to the Russian Olympic Sports Organization, among those held in winter period Games include cross-country skiing, cross-country skiing or Nordic combined, which includes the actual racing and, in addition, ski jumping. There are individual and team competitions. In 2002, the Olympic Games program included the new kind Nordic combined – sprint. Biathlon, ski jumping, alpine skiing, freestyle skiing and snowboarding are also known throughout the world.

Alpine skiing is a sport that involves descending from a mountain. different ways at high speed. There are giant slalom, simple slalom, super-G, downhill and alpine combined. Freestyle is divided into acrobatics (difficult jumps from springboards of different heights (2.1 m, 3.2 m, 3.5 m)) and moguls. Mogul is an extremely difficult descent with a large height difference along the route with mandatory jumps. What snowboarding is is clear to everyone - descending on a board at speed or performing various acrobatic exercises.

Ice sports include sledding and skating. There are only two types of luge sports: bobsleigh and skeleton. Bobsleigh is a descent from an artificial ice slide on a special sled (bobsled) at high speed. There are individual and team competitions. Skeleton is a subtype of bobsleigh, the difference lies in how the athlete goes down the slide. In bobsleigh this is done while sitting on the fifth point, and in skeleton - lying on the bobsleigh facing forward.

There are more Olympic skating sports than luge. This includes speed skating, ice hockey, figure skating, and short track speed skating, which is a high-speed race on a hockey rink (essentially, it is mini speed skating). Distances can be 500 m, 1 km, 1.5 km and a 3 km relay. There is also curling - a team game on ice (2 teams of 4 people), the essence of which is to hit the stone as close to the scoring circle as possible. Ideally, the player manages to push away the opponent's stone with his stone.

Among those Olympic sports that are not well-known, iceboating stands out. This is a race on special light sailing boats on skates (buers) on ice. As you can see, winter and summer species sports differ significantly from each other. However, both of them are in a great way physical development and raising children.

Winter sports for children

Now let's say a few words about what winter sports for children exist, and which of them can be chosen for children's activities. You should start playing sports from a very young age. It is not at all necessary to immediately set records or set three year old baby for professional alpine skiing. It is enough to instill in your child a love of sports and active pastime. It will be much more fun for a child to run around on small children's skis after mom and dad or learn how to navigate in a winter forest than to puff around on a skating rink or ski slope, following the instructions of strict trainers. Everything has its time. Take your time, let your child understand for himself which children's winter sports he prefers. You just need to give him food for thought by telling him in detail and preferably demonstrating what he can do. Winter sports, the list of which we have compiled for you, will surely appeal to little fidgets

In the first place we will place hiking and race walking, as well as terrain orienteering. What could be better than a walk along winter forest at a brisk pace? Just walking through the forest, the child not only actively moves and develops physically, but also learns a lot new information O winter nature, observes the behavior of squirrels and birds, learns observation skills by looking at bird tracks in the snow, etc. It is only important to correctly distribute the load. Alternate brisk walking for 10 minutes with a 5-minute walk at a steady pace to regain your breath and admire the beauty of nature. Diversify the walking by adding sticks; give the child ski poles on which he will lean while walking. Walking exercises different muscle groups well, making your baby strong and healthy.

In addition to walking, do orienteering in the forest. Let the child follow a route marked in advance with bright flags. You can also come up with a quest. Orienteering develops spatial thinking in children, which will certainly be useful to them in the future. In addition, your child will receive an additional “bonus” from such walks - natural inhalations and a positive effect on the immune system.

Of course the baby can. For the youngest athletes (2-3 years old) it will be enough to ride simple cross-country skis purchased in children's store, along a broken track. Older children, of course, need slides to slide down. As the child learns to stand confidently on skis and feels inclined to do so, you can go with him to professional slopes for beginners and practice in. Skiing is useful because it teaches children to control their arms and legs smoothly, developing their coordination and dexterity.

Now let's talk about figure skating. According to experts, you can put your child on skates for the first time when he turns 2 years old. To get started, use special beginner skates with two runners. They are much easier to learn to ride. After your child learns to skate on double-slide skates, buy him figure skates. They secure the ankle better than hockey ones, protecting the child from injury. In addition, due to the structure of the blades, figure skates are more stable and safe.

Whatever sport you choose, make sure you have the proper equipment and protection (including spine protection and special Sunglasses with ultraviolet filter). In addition, purchase from home first aid kit ointment for sprains and bruises, plaster, elastic bandage and frostbite remedy. Now you are ready to conquer any winter sport! We wish you and your children clear snowy weather and sporting success this winter!

Nordic combined.

2. Speed ​​skating - speed skating, figure skating, short track.

3. Ice hockey.

4. Biathlon.

5. Curling.

6. Luge.

7. Bobsleigh – bobsleigh, skeleton.

Olympic sport, combining two different disciplines, shooting and cross-country skiing, is called biathlon. The name itself - biathlon- has Latin (competition) and Greek (twice) roots. That is, two sports in one. Biathlon's origins go back to 1767, when border guards guarding the Swedish-Norwegian border organized a similar competition. Further, biathlon was included in the training of soldiers in the Norwegian army, where it received the status of a sport.
Bobsled- This is a descent at high speed along an ice track. The descent is carried out on a controlled sleigh, which is called

beans. Bobsleigh tracks are not natural - they are specially equipped. Bobsleigh included in the program Olympic Games since 1924.

According to historical facts, bobsleigh originated in Switzerland. The date of birth is considered to be 1888. A tourist from England, Wilson Smith, in order to get from the city of St. Moritz (by the way, the Winter Olympic Games were subsequently held in this city twice) to locality Celerina, who is below, used two sleds, connecting them together with a board.
Skiing present in the program Olympic Games since 1936 (IV Winter Olympic Games, Germany, Garmisch-Partenkirchen). Alpine skiing is called downhill skiing, on specially designed skis, along a specific route.

According to generally accepted opinion, the birthplace of alpine skiing is the Scandinavian Peninsula. We know about downhill skiing competitions that took place in Norway in 1767. The first official, documented competitions took place in 1905 - in the Alps.

Curling is a sports team game. It takes place on an ice platform. At the same time, it involves two teams of four people, who launch heavy projectiles towards a target, which is marked on the ice at the other end of the ice rink.

The emergence of curling is associated with Scotland in the early 16th century. The first curling club is the Kilsyth Players' Association (Scotland), which was founded in 1716. Gradually, curling became widespread in many countries of the world. The first world curling championship was held in 1959.

Ice skating is one of the oldest sports. In general, speed skating means a competition where you need to cover a certain distance in least time. At the same time, the surface of the track is covered with ice, and the athletes run on skates. Skating included in the program from the very beginning first winter olympic games (1924, Chamonix, France).

Nordic combined consists of two sports disciplines. One of them is ski jumping, the other is cross-country skiing. Springboards can be 90 m or 120 m in height. The race distance is different for each type of double event. What is common to all types is that they first pass ski jumping , and the next day cross-country skiing ,
Ski racing are called competitions when participants need to cover a certain distance on skis. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first.

The first historical mention of cross-country skiing competitions dates back to 1767. This happened in Norway. The mass passion for cross-country skiing began in late XIX century, when national-level ski clubs began to appear in many countries. International Federation skiing was established in 1924. In the same year ( I Winter Olympic Games, Chamonix, France ) ski race took their place permanent place in the program of the Olympic Games.

Ski jumping have been part of the Winter Olympics program since first Olympics 1924 (Chamonix, France). They are long-distance jumps from specially equipped springboards. The governing body is FIS - International Ski Federation.

The birth of this sport took place in Norway.

In short, luge, this is a sleigh ride along a pre-prepared ice track. In this case, the sled, as in the skeleton, has two runners. But the athlete on them is positioned on his back and feet forward (in skeleton - face forward and on his stomach). Control is carried out using the athlete’s body - by changing its position. IN Olympic Games For the first time, lugers competed on a regular basis in 1964 ( IX Olympic Games, Innsbruck, Austria ).
Skeleton is a modern winter Olympic sport. It is a downhill race down an ice chute. The descent takes place on a two-runner low sleigh, which is called a skeleton.

Skeleton was included in the Olympic Games program for the first time in 1928 ( II Olympiad, St. Moritz, Switzerland ). This is due to the fact that only this city had a track suitable for skeleton. This state of affairs has not changed for a long time. For the second time, a set of Olympic awards was played out in the same St. Moritz, where the V Winter Olympics were held. This happened in 1948. Then there was a very long break when the Olympic medals in skeleton were not awarded.

Skeleton originated from tobogganing, which was widespread among the Indians of Canada. Such a descent involved sliding, or even better, sliding, down a mountain on a useless sleigh, which at that time was made of wood.
Snowboard- this is a type of winter sports discipline, which is a descent from a slope on a special board - a snowboard. At the same time, athletes compete against time and to perform various jumps and acrobatic elements.

The first mentions of such descents, vaguely reminiscent of snowboarding, date back to the beginning of the 20th century. But snowboarding began to develop in the 60s of the last century.

Figure skating– this is the implementation of various elements on the ice rink. Athletes skate on the ice and usually listen to music. Awards are played among men, among women and among mixed pairs.

It is believed that figure skating originated in Holland in the 13th century. It was there that iron skates appeared. By the way, they are called skates because before, their front part was decorated with horse figures. Figure skating began to develop in Great Britain. Mandatory figures were also created there. The first international competition took place in 1882. This happened in Vienna (Austria). The first rules for figure skating were published in 1772 (Great Britain). Figure skating appeared in Russia under Peter I.

Freestyle is a type of skiing officially included in the program Olympic Games. It involves performing various tricks on skis. Around the middle of the 20th century, skiers, going down the slopes, began to get carried away with performing various acrobatic and artistic tricks. This hobby very quickly began to spread throughout the world and was called freestyle, competitions in which are held between men and women.

Short track translated from in English(short track) literally, like “short track”. This discipline is a type of high-speed skating in a circle within the hockey rink. The perimeter of the skating rink for short track speed skating is 111.12 meters. Short track is a speed skating sport.
