Stories for children about nature and animals. Card file on the world around us on the topic: Ecological fairy tales for preschool children

3. The teacher and children’s story about nature, its features

When solving certain educational problems, the teacher builds a story taking into account the experience and interest of preschoolers, and addresses it to children of a specific age group. This is its advantage over reading. fiction. Perceiving a story for children is a rather complex mental activity. The child must be able to listen and hear the speech of an adult, and, as the story progresses, comprehend it, based on verbal description actively recreate fairly vivid images, establish and understand the connections and dependencies that the teacher talks about, and correlate what is new in the content of the story with one’s previous experience. The teacher's story about nature should be built taking into account these requirements.
The knowledge conveyed in the story must meet the requirements of reliability and scientificity. The teacher, before reporting something to the children, checks the correctness of the facts. The story should be entertaining, have a vibrant, dynamic plot, and be emotional. Plotless stories large descriptions They don’t attract kids’ attention and aren’t remembered.

Brightness, imagery and specificity of language are a mandatory requirement for the teacher’s story. Such a story affects not only the mind, but also the feelings of the child, and is remembered for a long time. However, brightness and imagery should be subordinate to the content of the story, and not be an end in itself. Stories from the hero's point of view are well received by children. In order to emphasize what is essential and significant, the story includes questions for children, encouraging them to exchange thoughts and better understand the material.

You can tell stories to children for different purposes: to expand knowledge about already familiar phenomena, animals, plants; to become familiar with new phenomena and facts (the work of adults in nature, the protection and attraction of birds, the protection of wild plants, etc.). The story must be accompanied by illustrative material - photographs, paintings, filmstrips. Without clarity, interest in the story decreases and children perceive it less well. Duration of the story for older children preschool age should be no more than 10-15 minutes.

For the story, the teacher uses a variety of material: his own observations from the life of nature, business essays about natural phenomena, notes and stories of naturalists, scientific materials.

4. Reading educational natural history fiction about nature

When introducing children to nature, we must not only impart specific knowledge to them, but also evoke an emotional response in the soul of every child and awaken aesthetic feelings.

Each object of nature, bright or modest, large or small, is attractive in its own way, and by describing it, the child learns to determine his attitude towards nature, convey it in stories, drawings, etc. Encounters with nature excite the child’s imagination and contribute to the development of verbal, visual, and play creativity.

Thus, by introducing children to nature, we form in them a moral and aesthetic attitude to reality.

The task of cultivating an emotionally positive attitude towards nature is closely related to the task of developing and maintaining a sustainable and deep interest in it. It has great importance to prepare children for future work for the benefit of the Motherland. beauty native nature It also reveals the beauty of human labor and gives rise to the desire to make one’s land even more beautiful.

Love for nature is determined primarily by a real, careful attitude towards it. In preschool children, this is primarily expressed in basic care for animals, accessible labor in growing plants, etc.

Interest in nature appears already in early preschool age. The kid is surprised when he meets a new flower, an unfamiliar animal, unusual phenomenon(first snow, running streams, unopened bud). His questions are the first shoots of a joyful feeling of knowledge of nature, interest in it, and this needs to be strengthened and supported.

When a child meets nature, cognitive, moral and aesthetic problems must be solved in unity. For example, a poetic work provides an example of a humane attitude towards nature that preschoolers can understand, which can be used by them as a role model.

An emotional attitude towards nature and love for it are born not only when a child walks through the forest and listens to birds. Very important in this regard creative work children with natural materials.

While looking at the painting “Birch Grove” with children, we turn to the story “Birch” by I. Sokolov - Mikitov. Birch was often mentioned in folk songs and fairy tales. Simple village people affectionately called the birch tree birch. You can invite the children to listen to the round dance song “There was a birch tree in the field” and remember what other songs they know about the Russian birch tree. Read A. Prokofiev’s poem “Birch” to the children.

In order to cultivate a love for nature, you can conduct various didactic games, games-activities, etc.

With rational combination different types activities, it is possible to achieve success in environmental education and training.

In children's literature, nature is depicted in different ways. artistic means. Being scientific in its content, a natural history book for children should be artistic at the same time. This is its peculiarity.

Children's books about nature are used by teachers primarily for educational purposes. Being a form of art, it affects not only the child’s consciousness, but also his feelings. A figurative description of the lush flowering of gardens, colorful meadows, and fancy trees helps to form a child’s aesthetic attitude toward nature and to love it. A natural history book provides rich material for education cognitive interest, observation, curiosity. She poses new questions to children, makes them look closely at surrounding nature.
In the hands of a teacher, a children's book about nature has great educational value. It takes children beyond the limits of what is observable and thereby expands their understanding, introducing them to those phenomena that are impossible to directly perceive. With the help of a book you can learn about natural phenomena, the life of plants and other animals climatic zones, clarify and concretize existing ideas about objects and phenomena. A natural history book reveals to children the phenomena of inanimate nature, helps to establish connections and relationships that exist in nature.

The founders of the Soviet children's nature history books are V.V. Bianki and M.M. Prishvin. V. Bianchi's books teach children a scientific vision of nature. Each story and fairy tale created by V. Bianchi is based on accurate facts and scientific information about the surrounding nature. The works of V. Bianchi help the teacher to reveal complex natural phenomena to children in an entertaining way, to show the patterns that exist in the natural world: the variety of forms of adaptation of the body to environment, interaction between the environment and the organism, etc. Thus, the fairy tale “The First Hunt” by V. Bianchi introduces young children to such a complex phenomenon in nature as mimicry, shows various forms of animal protection: some cleverly deceive, others hide, others scare, etc. Interesting fairy tales by V. Bianchi are “Whose legs are these?”, “Who sings with what?”, “Whose nose is better?”, “Tails.” They make it possible to reveal the dependence of the structure of a particular organ of an animal on its habitat and living conditions. The teacher also uses the works of V. Bianchi to show the child that the natural world is in constant change and development. From the works of V. Bianchi “Forest Newspaper”, “Our Birds”, “Titmouse Calendar” children will learn about seasonal changes V inanimate nature, in the life of plants and various representatives of the animal world.

Children's natural history literature is useful in working with children of all age groups. But you need to skillfully combine the artistic word with the direct observations of children. A nature history book is used in working with preschool children for various purposes. Reading a short story, tales can precede an observation, helping to generate interest in it. In early spring When the first coltsfoot bushes appear, the teacher can read to the children a short description of this plant from the story “Early Spring” by N. M. Pavlova. After reading, children become interested in this plant, their attention is directed to what and how to observe. For the same purpose, they read the works of N. M. Pavlova “Under the Bush” (about a goose onion) and “Like a Cloud” (about a bedstraw).

Before introducing children to protective properties snow and the state of plants in winter, you can read the story “Under the Snow in the Meadow.” The children learn that plants do not die in winter, but only stop growing. Verifying the information obtained from this story becomes a task of observation while walking.

The use of natural history literature in the process of observation helps children to correctly perceive and understand the world nature, connect it with your experience. For this purpose, short messages from “Lesnaya Gazeta” by V. V. Bianki, “Magpie Taratorok” by N. Sladkov and others are useful.

The teacher reads a nature history book to the children after observation. This helps to summarize what was seen, supplement, deepen observation, and direct children’s attention to further perception natural phenomena.

Reading a children's natural history book can also be an independent method of becoming familiar with nature, with a mandatory conversation after reading. In a conversation after reading a book, it is important to help children understand the meaning of the work, to master its content more fully and deeply. Therefore, the conversation should not be based on a retelling of the text read. The main attention here should be paid to revealing the connections between phenomena and understanding the facts. The stock of previously acquired knowledge influences children's assimilation of new information. Therefore, in a conversation you should make connections personal experience with new knowledge. A mandatory requirement for a conversation is to preserve the immediacy of children’s impressions of artistic images. This is achieved with the help of questions on behalf of the hero when using images of a story or fairy tale in questions.

5. The use of small forms of folklore to introduce nature (poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings, folk signs) and the formation of environmental knowledge

Proverbs, sayings, riddles, and short poems are offered to children during the observation process. Their figurative language helps to highlight the features of a phenomenon, certain qualities of an object, and enhance the aesthetic perception of nature. While observing ice, snow, and weather in winter, the teacher asks riddles: Transparent, like glass, and you can’t put it in a window; It neither burns in fire nor sinks in water; uses proverbs: Take care of your nose in the deep frost; The frost is not great, but it does not require standing, etc.

6. Bibliography

1. Gromova O.E. “Poems and stories about the animal world for preschool children.” Ed. "Creative Center SPHERE", 2005.

2. Veresov N.N. Fundamentals of a humanitarian approach to environmental education of older preschoolers // Preschool education - 1993. - No. 7. - P. 39-43.

3. Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A. Ecological pedagogy and psychology. – Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House “Phoenix”, 1996. – 480 p.

4. Zatsepin V. Planet Earth is ours common Home(from work experience) // Preschool education. – 1996. – No. 7. – P. 29-36.

5. The natural world and the child (Methodology environmental education preschoolers) / Ed. L.M. Manevtsova, P.G. Samorukova. – St. Petersburg: “Childhood - press”, 2000. – 319 p.

6. "WE". Children's environmental education program /N.N. Kondratyeva and others - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-press”, 2001. – 240 p.

7. Nikolaeva S.N. The place of play in the environmental education of preschool children. – M.: New school. - 1996. – 48 p.

8. Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education of preschool children. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 1999. – 184 p.

9. Smirnova V.V., Balueva N.I., Parfenova G.M. Path to nature. Environmental education in kindergarten: Program and lesson notes. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen; Publishing house "Soyuz", 2001. - 208 p.

10. Samorukova P.G.. How to introduce preschoolers to nature. M. “Enlightenment”, 1983 – 208 p.

Practical part

1. Compose a story about nature, taking into account the basic requirements for it.

2. Select poems and riddles about nature by topic. (about vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, birds, domestic and wild animals, seasons, flowers).

3. Analyze the notes of conversations about nature (select or compose final tasks about nature).

4. Pick up word games to clarify knowledge about nature.

5. Make a selection of fiction to familiarize children with the work of adults in nature, to familiarize children with domestic and wild animals, and the seasons.

1. A story about the wind

There are many winds in the world and they all have different characters. A light, warm breeze loves to play with the curtains on the window, move the leaves, throw cones from the pine trees and bring people coolness, the smell of flowers, forest berries. At the end of summer, the wind smells of hot ears of wheat and ripening fruit. People are very happy about this wind, they open their windows and doors wide. The reveler wind flies through fields and forests, breaks twigs, and tears leaves from trees. Sometimes he misbehaves: he breaks trees, blows roofs off houses, and can rip a hat off his head and throw it into a puddle. You already know that wind appears when warm and cold air meet. If one of them is very, very cold, and the other is very, very warm, then you will get a quick and strong wind, which can be called a hurricane. It will be a real whirlwind, sweeping away everything in its path. A very strong whirlwind is called a tornado.

This is a column of air that spins very quickly. He even has his own “trunk” into which he pulls everything that comes in his way. It was the same tornado that captured Eli’s house and carried it to magical land. Sometimes a tornado passes very quickly, and sometimes it rushes along the ground for several hours.

Storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes threaten people all over the world, bringing misfortune and destruction, as they appear suddenly, without warning. But scientists use special satellites and airplanes to monitor where hurricanes are moving in order to warn people against the impending danger.

It will not cause an emotional response in them if role behavior is violated, etc. Research by I.A. Komarova showed that the optimal form of including role-playing games in the process of introducing preschoolers to nature are game-based learning situations (GES), which are created by the teacher to solve specific didactic problems of natural history classes and observations. Three types of IOS have been identified. ...

It matters role-playing game. SECTION 2 DIDACTICAL GAMES AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON CHILDREN’S ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN THE PROCESS OF NATURE EXAMINATION 2.1 Use didactic games in the process of introducing nature to preschool children. Didactic play, as an independent play activity, is based on awareness of this process. Independent play activity...

Preschoolers. Its role in mental and speech development preschoolers. Nature, with all its diversity of shapes, colors, and sounds, is the richest source for the development of a preschooler’s vocabulary and the child’s aesthetic experiences. In the process of contemplating nature, a child has the opportunity to correctly determine the size of an object, its shape, symmetry, colors, their harmonious combination and color contrast, or...

Relevant work to cultivate a love of nature native land in children through didactic games. 4. Determine the effectiveness of the work (work system) on the use of didactic games as a means of nurturing love for the nature of the native land in the context of the formation of a common ecological culture. Object of study: the process of nurturing love for the nature of the native land as part of the formation of a common...

  • 6. Stages of development of the biosphere. Noosphere.
  • 7. Mushrooms as a typological unit.
  • 8. Algae, lichens and their role in nature.
  • 9. Diversity of gymnosperms. Reproduction of gymnosperms, their distribution and role in nature.
  • 10. Angiosperms. Reproduction, features, structural features.
  • 11. Life forms of plants and animals.
  • 12. Seasonal phenomena in plant life. Their reasons.
  • 13. Seasonal phenomena in the life of animals. Their reasons.
  • 14. Insects. Their diversity, structural features, reproduction, development and role in nature and human life. Biology of beetles, dragonflies, butterflies.
  • 15. Pisces. Features of their structure and nutrition. Methods of reproduction and features of caring for offspring.
  • 16. Amphibians. Features of their structure, reproduction and development. Main systematic groups. Biology of newts, frogs, toads.
  • 17. Reptiles. Features of their structure, reproduction and development. Main systematic groups. Biology of lizards, turtles, snakes.
  • 18. Birds. Features of their structure and reproduction. Ecological groups of birds. Characteristics of the main systematic groups and their representatives.
  • 19. Mammals. Characteristic features of the structure. Features of reproduction and development. Characteristics of the main orders, families of individual representatives.
  • 20. Forest biocenosis. Types of forests, their structure, composition, relationships between organisms.
  • 21. Biocenosis of a freshwater reservoir. Its structure, composition, relationships between organisms.
  • 22. Meadow biocenosis. Types of meadows. Structure, composition, relationships of organisms.
  • 23. Swamp biocenosis. Types of swamps. Structure, composition, relationships of organisms.
  • 24. Creation of cultural biocenoses. Differences between cultural biocenoses and natural ones.
  • 25. Protection of plants and animals, Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. National parks, reserves, reserves, natural monuments of Belarus.
  • 26. The relevance of environmental education of preschool children at the present stage.
  • 27. The history of introducing a child to nature in the works of outstanding foreign teachers and thinkers of the past.
  • 28. Introducing children to nature in the pedagogical heritage of K.D. Ushinsky, E.N. Vodovozova, A.S. Simonovich, E.I. Tikheeva.
  • 29. Belarusian educators, teachers and writers on the use of knowledge about nature in the education and development of human personality.
  • 30. The idea of ​​introducing children to nature in the theory and practice of Soviet preschool education. The role of congresses on preschool education (20-30s of the 20th century).
  • 31. Environmental education of children at the present stage in foreign countries.
  • 32. Modern research on the role of nature in the diversified development of personality.
  • 33. Principles for selecting knowledge content for preschool children about nature.
  • 34. General characteristics of the program content of knowledge about inanimate nature in different age groups.
  • 40. Creation of conditions on the site of a preschool institution. Types of landscaping at a preschool site.
  • 41. Ecological room, ecological museum, nature laboratory, ecological path, etc. In a preschool.
  • 42. Observation as the main method of getting to know nature. Types of observations. Organization and methodology for guiding observations in different age groups.
  • 43. Recording observations. A variety of ways to record observations.
  • 44. The use of illustrative and visual material in the process of introducing preschoolers to nature.
  • 45. The use of experiences and experiments in the process of introducing preschoolers to nature.
  • 46. ​​Demonstration of models. Types of models. Directions for using models in the process of familiarization with nature and environmental education of preschoolers.
  • 47. The meaning and place of games in the process of introducing preschoolers to nature and environmental education. Variety of games.
  • 48. Children's work in nature. Types of labor in nature. Forms of organizing children's labor in nature.
  • 49. The teacher’s story about objects and natural phenomena. Types of children's stories about nature.
  • 50. Use of natural history literature.
  • 51. Conversations about nature.
  • 52. Use of an ecological fairy tale.
  • 53. The use of speech logical tasks of natural history content in working with preschoolers.
  • 54. Specific forms and methods of environmental education of preschool children.
  • 55. An activity as a form of introducing preschoolers to nature.
  • 56. Excursion as a special type of activity. The importance and place of excursions in the system of natural history work with preschoolers. Types of excursions.
  • 57. The meaning and place of walks in the system of work to get acquainted with nature.
  • 58. The use of leisure time in natural history work with preschoolers.
  • 59. Project method in environmental education of preschool children.
  • 60. Continuity in the work of a preschool institution and a natural history school.
  • 61. Interaction between a preschool institution and family in the process of introducing preschoolers to nature.
  • 62. Methodological guidance of the work of the teaching staff of a preschool institution in introducing preschoolers to nature.
  • 49. The teacher’s story about objects and natural phenomena. Types of children's stories about nature.

    During classes, excursions and walks, and in everyday communication with children, the teacher uses stories about nature. The main goal of this method is to create in children an accurate, concrete idea of ​​what is observed in this moment or a previously seen object, natural phenomenon. The story is also used to inform children about new, unknown facts. The story should attract children's attention, give food for thought, awaken their imagination and feelings. Requirements for using a nature story: First of all, it is necessary to take into account what children know and what is unknown about the reported phenomenon. It is important to take into account their interests, as well as rely on their age-related abilities to perceive literary texts. The topic of the story is chosen by the teacher taking into account the content of knowledge determined by the kindergarten program. For stories, you can use short excerpts from natural history children's books. You can create stories yourself, using the experience of your own observations of natural phenomena. However, it should be remembered that high demands and exactingness must be placed on your own story. It is necessary to tell the story to children with enthusiasm, figuratively, and colorfully. And for this you need to be able to select precise, vivid, figurative words that characterize events. When composing a story, the teacher must take care to include in it not only words known to children, but also new ones that enrich their speech.

    The teacher’s work on developing children’s monologue speech based on familiarization with nature can be structured as teaching them the following types of stories:

    1) a plot story based on direct perception or work in nature (“How we built a flower garden,” “How we saved a bird,” “Who dined in the bird canteen?”);

    2) plot and descriptive story based on the generalization of knowledge gained as a result of conversations, reading books, looking at paintings (“How animals live in winter”, “What happened on the river in spring”, etc.);

    3) a descriptive story based on a comparison of different seasons (“Our site in winter and summer”), and a description of a landscape painting;

    4) a descriptive story about the season as a whole (“Tell me about spring”, “My favorite time of year”, “What do you know about autumn?”);

    5) a descriptive story about a separate object or natural phenomenon (“Snowdrops”, “Lilac Branch”, “Autumn Bouquet”).

    50. Use of natural history literature.

    In children's literature, nature is depicted through various artistic means. Being scientific in its content, a natural history book for children should be artistic at the same time. This is its peculiarity. Children's books about nature are used by teachers primarily for educational purposes. Being a form of art, it affects not only the child’s consciousness, but also his feelings. A figurative description of the lush flowering of gardens, colorful meadows, and fancy trees helps to form a child’s aesthetic attitude toward nature and to love it. A natural history book provides rich material for cultivating cognitive interest, observation, and curiosity. It poses new questions to children and forces them to take a closer look at the surrounding nature. In the hands of a teacher, a children's book about nature has great educational value. It takes children beyond the limits of what is observable and thereby expands their understanding, introducing them to those phenomena that are impossible to directly perceive. With the help of the book, you can learn about natural phenomena, the life of plants and animals in other climatic zones, and clarify and concretize existing ideas about objects and phenomena. A natural history book reveals to children the phenomena of inanimate nature, helps to establish connections and relationships that exist in nature. The founders of the Soviet children's nature history books are V.V. Bianki and M.M. Prishvin. V. Bianchi's books teach children a scientific vision of nature. Each story and fairy tale created by V. Bianchi is based on accurate facts and scientific information about the surrounding nature. The works of V. Bianchi help the teacher in an entertaining way to reveal complex natural phenomena to children, to show the patterns that exist in the natural world: the variety of forms of adaptation of the body to the environment, the interaction of the environment and the body, etc. Children's natural history literature is useful in working with children of all age groups . But you need to skillfully combine the artistic word with the direct observations of children. A nature history book is used in working with preschool children for various purposes. Reading a short story or fairy tale can precede an observation, helping to arouse interest in it. The teacher reads a nature history book to the children after observation. This helps to summarize what was seen, complement, deepen the observation, and direct children’s attention to further perception of natural phenomena.

    Fairy tale for children 5-8 years old “The Wishing Tree”

    Sofia Shatokhina, pupil of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
    Supervisor: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
    Purpose: We recommend this work to kindergarten teachers and teachers. primary classes, children of senior preschool and primary school age.
    Target: Cultivate interest in literary works.
    - develop the ability to empathize with the characters of the work.
    - improve the ability to independently compose fairy tales.
    - Instill care and not offend friends.

    In one forest there lived a sparrow. He had his own very beautiful house with a nice window.

    He had a friend, a woodpecker. They met a long time ago, when they were still kids, and continued their friendship very for a long time. Their friendship was strong.

    And in this forest there grew a beautiful, magical tree.

    The woodpecker thought, maybe this magic tree will fulfill my wish. And the tree was not simple, but speaking.
    A woodpecker flew to a tree and said:
    - Dear tree, fulfill my wish, please.
    - Will try. Tell me what you want? - asks the tree.
    “I want to be an adult, so that I have many friends, so that everyone is happy,” the woodpecker asked.
    “Go home, all your wishes will come true,” the tree answers.
    The woodpecker came home and he really became an adult. On his way home he met many different birds and the animals with which he managed to make friends.

    The woodpecker returned to the tree and said:
    - Thank you so much tree, you fulfilled all my wishes.
    “But this must remain our secret, no one should know about it,” the tree answers him.
    “Okay, grow big, tree,” the woodpecker wished and went for a walk.
    A woodpecker flew to the sparrow, could not resist and told his best friend about the magic tree.
    They played together, flew over forests and meadows, and watched butterflies. Evening approached and they scattered to their homes.
    But the sparrow also wanted to make a wish, and he also flew to the magic tree and began to ask the tree to fulfill his wish too.
    But the tree turned green and sad.

    The tree was very upset that the woodpecker did not keep his promise. And the sparrow was also upset that his wish did not come true. The sparrow flew to the woodpecker and said:
    - None your tree not magical, it did not fulfill my wish.
    The woodpecker immediately flew to the tree with all his might and began to beg him to forgive him for the fact that he could not resist telling the little sparrow and did not keep the secret. But the tree stood silently, only the leaves swayed quietly in the wind, as if driving away a woodpecker, and the branches of the tree sank lower and lower, as if hiding from everyone.
    The woodpecker was upset that the tree was not responding, flew far into the forest and hid from everyone, punishing himself.
    But the next morning, the sparrow flew to the woodpecker’s house and began to call him, but no one answered him. The sparrow guessed that this happened because of the magic tree. He began to look for the woodpecker, searched for it for a long time, but still found it.
    - My friend woodpecker, it’s my fault, I couldn’t resist, I flew to the tree and asked for a wish to be fulfilled. Forgive me, let's continue to be friends, you are my best friend. I have no better friend than you. Please fly home, let's play, I won't do that again.

    The woodpecker thought for a long time, but still forgave the sparrow.
    So keep secrets and secrets, and the friendship will be strong and long.

    This stories is about late autumn, about the coming of winter. Stories about the last days of autumn and the first days of winter. Stories about the first snow, about the winter forest.

    Air path. Author: N. I. Sladkov

    The river froze at night. And as if nothing had changed: just as she was quiet and black, she remained quiet and black. Even the domestic ducks were deceived: they ran downhill with a quack, ran straight away, and rolled on the ice on their bellies!

    I walked along the shore and looked at the black ice. And in one place I noticed an incomprehensible white stripe- from the shore to the middle. Like the Milky Way in the night sky - made of white bubble dots. When I pressed on the ice, the bubbles crawled under it, began to move, and began to shimmer. But why did the air bubbles run such a narrow and long path?

    The answer did not come immediately. Only on the third day, and in a completely different place, I saw an animal swimming under the ice: air bubbles marked its path! The air path was immediately explained. There was a muskrat hole under the shore; while diving, the muskrat “inhaled” his amazing trail out of thin air!

    It's time to sleep.

    Grunting angrily, the fat badger hobbled into his hole. He is dissatisfied: it is damp in the forest, dirty. It's time to go deeper underground - into a dry, clean sandy lair. It's time to go to bed.

    Small, disheveled forest crows - kuksha - fought in the thicket. Colors flicker with a wet pen coffee grounds. They scream in sharp crow voices.

    An old raven croaked dully from the top: he saw carrion in the distance. He flew, shining with the varnish of his blue-black wings.

    Quiet in the forest. Gray snow falls heavily on the blackened trees and on the brown earth. A leaf is rotting on the ground.

    The snow is thicker, thicker. It came out in large flakes, covered the black branches of the trees, covered the ground...

    Whispering snow. Author: I. D. Poluyanov

    Snow falls on brown thickets of meadowsweet and green, blue-gray juniper. The snow rustles, rustles, as if whispering, colliding with tree branches in slow flight. Rustle in the forest. The rustle of snowflakes. It merges into an incessant whisper, quiet and a little sad.

    Each tree encounters snow differently. Smelling the pine needles like fur coats, the spruce trees stretch out the very tips of their heavy snowflakes towards the snowflakes. furry paws. Well, hello, hello... Fly by! They make it clear: we are fine in winter even without you, snow!

    Absentmindedly, in detached reverie, the pine trees take on the snow, and it accumulates between the smoky needles. The rowan tree, from which the blackbirds did not peck all the berries in the fall, shows a crimson frozen bunch: please, fill it up, snow, there is only one left... The birches have lowered their flexible branches. Dry, prickly snow flies, barely touching them, and accumulates in the forks of the branches. Snow falls and falls. And the birches did not move, their branches dropped. They lowered it and suggested: here... there are more rashes here, cover our feet. If they feel cold, cover them warmly!

    And the young Christmas tree exposes all its paws to the snow. It’s as if snow is new to her. It seems she is looking at its needle-like crystals. The snow whispers, and she whispers: good-sh-sho... good!

    Snowfall in the forest. Whispers in the forest. What do white snowflakes want to tell the world?

    The forest listens sensitively. The fields froze and listened. In a lonely hut on a hillock, the windows flashed - as eyes opened onto the forest, onto a field with hedges and stacks of straw. The hut listens, its eyes widen; She, old one, with a rickety porch, will understand what the snow is whispering about!

    Whisper, whisper... Snowflakes carefully and tenderly fall onto the fields and trees, onto the blades of grass and the roof of the hut. They lower themselves and whisper. And it seems to me that I understand this whisper: if you touch trees, grass and the white roof of a hut, then you must touch it as carefully as snowflakes in a soft winter snowfall.

    Consultation for parents

    The Russian book market is replete with beautiful children's publications. Elegant, with bright illustrations, they create Magic world knowledge, including knowledge about nature. A book, like a film, allows a child to see and learn what is hidden from him by distance and time.

    In childhood, everything begins with a fairy tale. Children love to listen to fairy tales, stories, and poems. They attract kids with an interesting, entertaining plot, bright images, simplicity and expressiveness of the language. Displaying reality in artistic form makes it easier for a child to get acquainted with reality, helps clarify and consolidate knowledge about the world around him. Many interesting features The behavior and lifestyle of animals, the growth of plants, the essence of some phenomena of inanimate nature, are inaccessible to observation, and here fiction comes to the rescue.

    The impressions of childhood are the most vivid and lasting; they leave a deep imprint in the life of every person. A fairy tale occupies a special place in a child’s life. A fairy tale contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings, without which the nobility of the soul, sensitivity to other people's misfortune, grief, and suffering are unthinkable. Thanks to a fairy tale, a child understands the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart, and not only learns, but responds to events and phenomena of the world around him, expresses his attitude towards good and evil. The first ideas about justice are drawn from the fairy tale.

    Therefore, most fairy tales are based on animal images and tell about nature. The first fairy tales for children should be small in volume, and their content should evoke positive emotions. The actions of fairy-tale characters awaken the child's imagination. He listens with interest as a cheerful bun rolls through the forest, meeting a wolf, bear, and fox along the way. In another tale, animals meet near a small mitten. The child easily remembers their first characteristics:

    Who - who - who, who lives in a mitten?

    A mouse is a scratcher, a frog is a jumper, a bunny is a runner, etc.

    The kid excitedly follows the adventures of the girl Masha from the fairy tale “The Three Bears.” The child's eyes are full of excitement for the girl who is sleeping and does not know about the danger. And how much sincere joy a child experiences at the successful ending of a fairy tale!

    A fairy tale should have a happy ending and not contain scenes of mockery of living beings or their destruction. It is difficult for a child or even a child of senior preschool age to understand the objective need to kill an animal for the purpose of using it for food, even if it is a domestic animal specially raised for this purpose. Extreme sensitivity nervous system a child is fertile ground for developing empathy for any living creature.

    Scenes of abuse of animals, although they are presented in some fairy tales as retribution for the cruelty of the animal itself, hurt the child, and then gradually develop in him bitterness and indifference to the suffering of others. What does an adult do in such cases? Most often, he tries to convince the baby that the animal deserves cruel punishment and, in the end, the child says: “Serves him right, the evil wolf” (Fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”). But how can it be? In cases where a fairy tale is told to a child of primary and secondary preschool age, it is advisable to replace some words, and sometimes phrases, paragraphs. An adult can replace the bullying scene with a funny scene. A wolf can fall, miss, end up in the water, but all this should not cause pain to the animal, much less take its life. Children of older preschool age can read a fairy tale without changes, because after a while they will learn to read on their own. However, after reading the fairy tale, you should talk to your child about the fact that there is a lot of fiction and unreality in fairy tales. Then you and your child can try to come up with another, less harsh punishment for the animal. You should tell him about the peculiarities of the animal’s life in natural conditions, about how it arranges its home, takes care of its young, gets food, explain its significance in nature.

    Forming in children realistic ideas about the life of animals in natural conditions is also necessary because many folk tales distortion of reality is inherent. For example, in fairy tales, a bear, as a rule, while hibernating, sucks its paw. The hedgehog eats apples, which it pricks on needles and stores for the winter. In reality, bears and hedgehogs do not eat food in their winter dens. In addition, the hedgehog is a predator and does not eat apples at all.

    Expanding the range of a child’s ideas about nature, an adult must skillfully select literature to read.

    Children have many questions about the essence of phenomena occurring in inanimate nature. What types of clouds are there? How does snow form? What is frost? The answers to these questions can be found in the book by V. Arkhangelskaya “The Journey of a Drop of Water.”

    And how amazing there is in the behavior of animals! You will find a description of some of the behavioral features of domestic animals in the books by V. Ivanov “Chil”, I. Akimushkin “These are all cats”, A. Bostrom “How do cats catch fish?”, N. Rakovsky “Jolly Champions”, etc.

    Children will learn a lot of interesting things about the behavior of birds from the books of G. Skrebitsky “The Forest Voice”, D. Gorlov “About Birds and Animals”, E. Suvorova “Bird Concerns”, E. Charushin “In the Forest”, V. Chaplina “ Random encounters”, M. Zverev “Forest Weather Bureau”, N. Sladkova “In the Forest and on the River”, “Lentil Bird”, V. Bianchi “Forest Houses”.

    After reading stories about birds, invite your child to watch birds in the yard or on the way to kindergarten. While observing the movement of rooks or sparrows on the ground with your child, ask why there are no titmice and swallows among them. Invite your child to independently observe where the birds land and how they move. The feeling of joy from the first independent discoveries will undoubtedly become the basis for the development of cognitive interest.

    With the help of fiction, you can introduce children to the interesting habits of well-known insects. N. Rozanov’s books “The Red Dot Ant”, “The Underground Traveler”, “On a Green Needle” tell about ants; about butterflies and dragonflies - books by F. Lev “Because they are beautiful”, I. Stekolnikov “The Extraordinary Swallowtail”, V. Tanasiychuk “Six-legged Neighbors”, “How many eyes does a dragonfly have?”, A. Mikhailov “Like a chrysalis!”, And Feta “Butterfly”.

    Each of us has at least once witnessed children tearing leaves from trees, bushes, or even breaking entire branches. As a survey of preschool children showed, this is most often done by those children who do not have a clear understanding of the importance of leaves for plant life. In the book by F. Lev “Why do trees need leaves?” The author, using convincing and well-illustrated examples, introduces readers to the various structures of leaves and their purpose.

    It’s not easy to learn to navigate the diversity of the world herbaceous plants. On the pages of A. Onegov’s book “In a Forest Glade” the children will meet coppice, anemone, lungwort, corydalis, lily of the valley and others forest plants. Short stories are accompanied by color illustrations, which make it possible to examine and remember the plants.

    Currently, a time of great flow of information, a huge variety of educational books and encyclopedic publications for preschoolers have appeared on the book market. Parents cannot be competent in many areas of knowledge, so reference books should be in every home. When answering the child’s questions, the adult, together with him, looks for answers in one book or another, looks at drawings, diagrams, maps.

    The educational books of domestic authors deserve attention: A.E. Brem “The Life of Animals”, V.V. Zotov “Forest ABC”. Interesting are the books by T.A. Sharagina, published by the Gnome publishing house under the heading “Acquaintance with the world around us. Development of speech": "What animals live in the forest?", "Trees. What are they?”, “Insects. What are they? These books are inexpensive, but capacious in content and educationally valuable. The author accompanies them with his beautiful and easy-to-understand poems.

    You can also recommend the series of educational books by A.I. Shapiro “Your First Scientific Laboratory”, published by the publishing house “Mosaic - Synthesis”. The books in this series are real guides to amazing world sciences, they include descriptions entertaining experiences and experiments.
