How to decorate a salad for a holiday table. Beautiful decorations for salads

A beautiful salad is quite easy to make. To do this, you just need to purchase the appropriate ingredients and show your creativity.

Today we will tell you how to make beautiful salad using fresh and boiled carrots and eggs.

Decorating the snack

How to do it? A beautiful salad can include completely different ingredients. However, decorating this with chopped vegetables is only permissible if it is puff pastry. If you have prepared a mixed appetizer, then it is best to purchase fresh parsley petals and, forming a thick bunch of them, place them in the center of the product.

Beautifully cut vegetables

For salads, garnish of cucumbers and tomatoes should only be used if the appetizer contains them. This way, guests will immediately understand what this dish is made from.

So, to decorate the salad you should use only the freshest and most elastic vegetables possible. They must be washed thoroughly. However, peeling them is not recommended at all. After all, thanks to her we can create contrast.

Making a "hedgehog"

For salads it can have absolutely any shape. The most popular are “roses” (from tomatoes) and “petals” (from cucumbers). Today we decided to tell you how you can make a “hedgehog” from the presented ingredients. This “character” will perfectly decorate a dish for children's party. For it we will need:

  • large round tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh elastic cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • red radish - 2 pcs.;
  • olives and black olives - several pieces;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - a little.

Cutting vegetables

DIY salad decorations should be done in stages. First, all the ingredients need to be washed and chopped. Fresh tomatoes should be divided in half, and then cuts in the skin should be made in a checkerboard pattern. After this, you need to cut the cucumbers and radishes into thin slices. As for olives and olives, they need to be chopped into circles. They will be useful to us for forming “eyes”.

Forming a "hedgehog"

A “hedgehog” from cucumbers and tomatoes is formed quite easily. To do this, place the tomato halves on a flat plate with the convex part facing up. Next, you need to place slices of cucumbers and radishes into their cuts. By the way, it is from the last ingredient that you need to make the “hedgehog” face. To do this, the radish should be divided in half and attached to the tomato. You also need to apply two mayonnaise dots on it and make a nose out of black olives.

This “hedgehog” is good to put on the “Senior Tomato” salad. It is prepared from the following layers:

  • boiled beef, shredded into strips;
  • onion half rings soaked in vinegar;
  • boiled potatoes, grated;
  • hard cheese;
  • a thick layer of mayonnaise;
  • chopped fresh tomatoes.

This dish can also be decorated with “roses” of tomatoes and “petals” of cucumbers.

Making egg decorations for salads

Decorations should be made from eggs for such salads as “Mimosa”, “Sunflower”, “Herring under a fur coat” and so on. For the presented snacks, egg “chamomile” is best suited. For this we only need three large chicken eggs, which should be hard-boiled in advance.

After preparing the components, they need to be cooled and cleaned. Next, the eggs need to be carefully separated into whites and yolks. The first ingredient must be cut into thin longitudinal strips. As for the yolks, they should either be chopped on a small grater or mashed with a regular fork.

Decoration process

After the eggs are prepared and the layered salad is formed, you can safely begin to decorate it. To do this, you need to place grated yolks in the center of the snack, and place strips of whites along the edges. As a result, you should get a kind of chamomile. If desired, you can make several egg flowers on the surface of one salad. So they don't lose beautiful view, the dish should be immediately presented to the table.

Chicken salad decoration

If you want to make a beautiful salad using chicken and eggs, then you can decorate it as follows. The eggs must be boiled, cooled and carefully peeled. Next, the white should be divided in half (you can make a relief cut), and then one half should be removed, but so that the yolk remains intact. Using pieces of olives and thin slices of boiled carrots, you need to make “eyes” and a “beak” for the yolk. In this form, the “chickens” can be placed on the surface of the salad, forming a kind of nest out of French fries.

Making carrot flowers

Decoration made from carrots in the shape of a flower is very popular among housewives. After all, doing it is easy and simple. However, it is recommended to use such products only for those salads that contain boiled carrots.

So, to decorate the puff pastry, you need to purchase a fresh thin and long vegetable. It needs to be washed thoroughly and then boiled as a whole in salted water. After this, the carrots must be cooled and carefully peeled. Next you can start cutting out the flowers. To do this, several triangular cuts with a depth of no more than 4 millimeters should be made along the vegetable. In this case, the cut out parts must be carefully removed.

Finally, the processed carrots should be chopped into rings 5 ​​millimeters thick. As a result of such actions, you should get beautiful and bright flowers that can be immediately placed on the surface of the salad. To complete the picture, you should add sprigs of parsley or dill to them.

In addition to ordinary flowers, cooks very often make roses, butterflies, etc. from carrots. But this requires more experience and skill.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to decorate. puff salads. Using these techniques, you can not only serve it beautifully, but also surprise all your invited guests.

By the way, in addition to eggs, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes, beets, red fish, various berries, nuts, fruits, etc. are often used to decorate appetizers.

Try to make your salads bright, combine the ingredients in them different colors- green, red, yellow, orange. This will not only give the dish a beautiful appearance, but will also affect the appetite, enhancing it.

The main rule: the decoration of the salad should be in harmony in taste with the main ingredients of the recipe. Ideally, the decoration should be composed from the same ingredients that make up the salad.

The exception is those decoration details that are easily removed from the salad and do not mix with it. For example, “mushrooms” from cucumber and tomato halves or “flowers” ​​from boiled carrots. Typically, such removable “decorations” are located in the center of the salad and stand out strongly above its surface.

In some photographs posted by housewives on the Internet, you can see that even meat salads have a central decoration made of strawberries or grape seeds. Of course, such decorations look bright and impressive, but their use is not always appropriate. Therefore, before you decorate the crab salad with your favorite combination of vegetables and fruits, you need to carefully check the ingredients of the decoration and replace those that can produce juice and spoil the taste of the salad.

The second rule in design: “curly” salads in the form of fish, snakes, crabs, etc. are obtained only from salads with finely chopped products and a sticky consistency.

How can you decorate salads?

Your imagination will tell you how you can decorate salads. Crab salad can be placed on a dish in the form of a fish with a striped color made from “scales” of a boiled egg or rice and contrasting yellow corn. This salad will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Meat salad, bean and ham salad can be turned into a cake. For this ingredients should be better arranged, without mixing, and each upper layer should be slightly smaller in coverage area than the previous one: this way the “cake” does not crumble and retains its shape. The finished salad is covered with dressing (usually mayonnaise) like a cake with icing. And the decoration can be a walnut, which is part of the salad itself. When serving, such a cake is cut into pieces and mixed in a plate.

Shrimp salad can be decorated in the shape of a flower and decorated with shrimp, placing each on a separate petal, and in the center of the flower place a “rose” of lemon.

How to decorate a winter salad so that none of the guests recognize it culinary masterpiece usual dish? The first option is curly design. From winter salad A snowman with a carrot nose and pea eyes would be great.

The second option is cake, the surface of which will be completely covered with finely chopped herbs, decorated with peas and mayonnaise patterns. In such a cake there is no need to arrange the ingredients in layers, the main thing is to simply arrange it in the form high circle onto the dish and properly “disguise”.


Cucumbers are the most excellent material for decorating salads, and they are used both pickled, salted and fresh cucumbers. Cucumbers can be cut into slices, slices, cubes, circles, rings, fans - whatever you like.

Carrots are widely used to decorate salads because of their bright, long-lasting color. In this case, you can also take both fresh and boiled carrots. You can cut carrots into bars, circles, stars, tulips, and vases.

Tomato is also one of the frequently used vegetables in salad decoration. Tomatoes can be cut in half, remove the ovary from both halves, and then fill them green peas, mushrooms, cheese and other products suitable for salad.


Salads are decorated with onion rings, cutting the onion into thin slices. You can make a cross-cut on the surface of a large onion to create a chrysanthemum flower. Almost all salads are decorated with dill, green onions, parsley. Small green leaves can be placed whole.


Lemons are usually used to decorate salads made from fish. Stripes are made on the lemon peel with a carved knife, and then the lemon is cut into thin slices and decorated with the salad. Pomegranate seeds add piquancy to any salad due to their size.

Meat products

Slices of sausage or ham are rolled into rolls. A cross-shaped cut is made on the sausage, which opens into a rosette shape after heating it in hot water.


Hard-boiled eggs are cut into slices or finely chopped. Various figures are made from a whole egg. For small portions of salad, separately grated yolk and white are suitable; they are sprinkled on top of salads.

Thus, salads must be decorated so that the main composition of the salads is visible, but the decoration must be simple and tastefully decorated. We talked about 5 ways to decorate salads; you can also see photos in the article.


Decorative carving of fruits and vegetables - carving, has become popular in last years. Salad decorations can be made from different products, for example: cheese, if you cut it into pieces with a curly knife different shapes- triangles, squares, diamonds, and so on. You can make curly cuts on the lemon peel, and then cut it into thin slices.

You can make bells from cucumbers, cut them into ribbons and make roses from them, and water lilies from cucumbers and eggs. Thick cucumbers can be turned into baskets and filled with sour berries or small radishes.

Tomatoes are useful for fly agarics and roses, and radishes for pine cones and tulips. Just hold them in cold water so that the bitterness comes out. A chrysanthemum made from radish will look simply amazing.

And the eggs! Whatever they make of them. Mushrooms, petals, flowers. They are rubbed, scored, sliced. Here's how to decorate your flower-shaped potato salad with them.

Or this salad with smoked chicken and pineapple.

Mushrooms are an excellent decoration for salads. Champignons, chanterelles, boletus, boletus, look beautiful boiled and pickled. Just look at the mushroom meadow salad, which your guests will definitely be delighted with.

Line a salad bowl with lettuce leaves or place it in a separate bunch. They not only decorate dishes, but are also very useful.

Photos of how to decorate salads

Most salads contain boiled eggs, with which you can decorate any salad in an original way, showing creativity and imagination. As the basis for such a decoration, you can take the white and yolk grated on a fine grater, which are contrasting in color, and make an original topping. To do this, the entire surface of the salad must be leveled and coated with mayonnaise on top, and then sprinkled according to the intended pattern. For example, sprinkle the middle of the salad with yolk, and the edges with white. But this is the simplest option, but you want to surprise and please your loved ones with something more original. In this case, you can lay out the white and yolk in the form of flowers, and these will most likely turn out to be daisies, with stems of dill or parsley.

And it is better to decorate the spring version of the salad with a sprig of mimosa, which is easy to do if you place a stalk of dill in the middle of the salad and sprinkle it with grated yolk like mimosa balls. On a white mayonnaise background it will look very delicate and beautiful.

Vegetable salads are decorated with vegetables, cutting out flowers, ornaments and other decorations from them. The art of carving vegetables even became a separate line of creativity called carving. Of course, like any art, carving requires certain knowledge, skills and special tools, so it is unlikely to suit every housewife, but you can decorate a salad with vegetables in an original way without carving. For example, lay the top of the salad with slices of tomatoes and cucumbers in the form of a flower, you can make small flowers from small red onion rings, and the stems will be green onions. If the salad contains canned corn, then you can put the salad on a dish in the form of two or three cobs and put corn kernels on top of the mayonnaise, and put green onion feathers on the bottom to imitate the stem.

If the salad includes cheese, then this is a very plastic material for decoration, which can be used both in grated form and in plates rolled into petals, from which you can make a magnificent flower or several calla lilies.

Small pickled cucumbers, intricately connected with the help of toothpicks, will become a real cactus, placed in the center of the salad, and if the salad contains fresh tomatoes or bell peppers, then the cactus can be made to bloom by decorating with shaped slices of cherry tomatoes or peppers.

The plot motifs in decorating salads look very original, which can be associated with the hobby of the birthday person or. It is clear that one of the New Year's salads must be laid out as a Christmas tree, decorated with toys made from all the ingredients of the salad, and women's day A salad decorated with flowers would be appropriate.

Children's parties give a huge scope for imagination, when kids need to be interested in the appearance of the dish, but it is better to make a salad for children in the form of portioned figures so as not to destroy the overall decoration. These can include shortcrust pastry baskets, egg halves filled with lettuce, spread on lettuce and decorated with crackers.

It is better to make figurines in the form of the faces of familiar animals, which delights children, or in the form of their favorite fruits.

Fairy-tale characters such as kolobok or cheburashka would be appropriate. Koloboks can be made from any thick salad and rolled in grated yolk, white or crab sticks, and draw eyes and mouth with ketchup or stick peas.

Not a single celebration, be it a birthday, wedding or New Year, is not complete without a festive table, which should be beautifully served: tablecloth, napkins, cutlery. Usually the owners stop there. But in vain, because serving is also about decorating dishes. Of course, it’s difficult to decorate both hot and sliced ​​dishes at once. But salads that will be on the table all the time are definitely worth paying attention to.

Flower arrangements

What do you associate with beauty? Surely there was a place for flowers in the row you named. Floral motifs are used to decorate fabrics, clothing, and accessories. So why not think about how to decorate your salad with edible flowers?

To make the floral design look more impressive, do it on a plain background: a layer of mayonnaise, grated cheese, etc.

Bulk drawings

If you like to sprinkle on salads, then turn this process into creating some kind of picture or shape. So, arm yourself with a grater and a template:

If you don’t have a vegetable on hand, replace it with a product of the same color. For example, cucumber on green pepper.

Edible figures

If you are no longer a beginner when it comes to how to decorate a salad with your own hands, then pay attention to the shape of the dish. You just have to imagine a little, and suddenly on the table instead of Olivier there is a large orange slice!

This type of dish design requires serving without salad bowls, so prepare wide and shallow plates.

Decorating with seafood

Beautiful salad decorations can be made from other ingredients. In particular, those related to seafood:

Before decorating a dish with any seafood product, try them for taste compatibility. If everything is in order, then feel free to start decorating.

Instead of dishes

Beautiful salad design is not only about designs or shapes, it is also about the way the dish is presented. Fight traditional salad bowls, make way for new solutions!

When you're waiting a large number of guests, it is better to call for help to prepare such portioned salads, because you will have to make a dish for each person. But this work will be rewarded: no dirty dishes there won't be any left after the holiday!

Decorating salads is a fascinating process, so it is likely that once you have tried to decorate an interesting dish for the holiday table, you will want to create on ordinary days. I wish you creative success!

Original decoration of salads is a must when decorating a festive table. Snacks with an unusual bright design will help surprise guests and look even more appetizing. Even the simplest budget salad made from the most affordable ingredients, after decoration, will be a worthy addition to the holiday table.

Decorating salads for March 8

Deciding on how to decorate salads for March 8th, Special attention you need to pay attention to the main figure of the holiday. It would be relevant to place an edible figure eight on the appetizer. It can be made from any vegetables, herbs, canned legumes, or decorated with any sauces.

By March 8, you can place any flowers on the salad. Finely grated cheese or the yolk of a boiled egg will help to depict a fluffy mimosa, pieces of white and yolk - chamomile, cherry tomatoes with a cut tip - red tulips, and thin rolled slices of ham or red fish - roses of different shades.

It will be very effective if edible flowers will be in the “basket”. It can be drawn with mayonnaise or cheese sauce at the bottom of the dish. Also, the interlaced basket is easily laid out from thin strips of smoked cheese, green onions, and fibers of boiled chicken.

For birthday, anniversary

A birthday salad should be especially bright and appetizing. You can endlessly experiment with its design. Single theme doesn't exist for that.

An interesting idea is to make a birthday salad in the form of a birthday cake.

  • The entire surface of such a snack (be sure to choose a puff version) should be covered with chopped herbs, grated cheese or egg, potato strips fried until golden brown, Korean or boiled grated carrots.
  • “Cream” roses are easy to create from mayonnaise, soft cheese or any thick sauce. A pastry bag or a cut off corner of a regular bag will help the housewife with this.
  • On the surface of such a “cake” you can place either real candles or ones made from blocks of cheese and pieces of red pepper that imitate a flame.

On birthday salads, you can use any delicious ingredients to display the age of the birthday person or write wishes for him with sauces.

Original vegetable decorations

Numerous vegetable decorations can be made interesting and unusual.

Even the simplest salad, but beautifully and unusually decorated, will give you the reputation of a masterful cook. And among in various ways salad decorations are so simple and uncomplicated that you are simply amazed and realize how simple everything is ingenious.

Date added: 2013-11-15 04:57:45

So, we prepare salads regularly. And it is important to remember that an originally decorated salad will attract the eyes of your guests and family members like a magnet. This article contains a lot simple ways salad decorations. These methods do not take much time, but the effect is amazing. Your salads will be devoured with their eyes. In this list we have collected only the most simple ideas salad decorations that even a child can probably handle, and at the same time, it’s very interesting ideas. So, sharpen your knife and let's get started.


Plant such a spider on your salad - it will surprise everyone. As you can see from the picture, it is very easy to prepare. You only need a few olives. Cut one olive in half and one of the halves will become the body of a spider. Cut the other half lengthwise into strips - and there you have the legs. The spider has eight legs. Such spiders need to be planted on salads with a uniform surface; for example, I planted them on a salad of chicken and walnuts (300 g boiled chicken fillet, 200 gr. peeled walnuts, mayonnaise, salt and ground black pepper. Mince the chicken and nuts, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper). Do you see how clearly these spiders are visible on the surface of the lettuce? And you can make not only spiders from olives. These round black berries look so much like black eyes...


Boil the eggs hard. Take a sharp knife (not serrated) and a peeled egg in your hand. Make oblique cuts around the perimeter (I would say “along the equator”) of the egg as in the photo and divide the egg into 2 halves. One half (like a basket) can be filled with green peas or sweet corn, or herbs, and the second half can be filled with chopped yolk and mixed with finely chopped dill.


You will need several slices of processed cheese (the kind they put in cheeseburgers, each cheese is wrapped separately in cellophane) and boiled carrots. A little more dill and parsley for decoration. So, the boiled carrots need to be cut into long strips - these will be the pistils of our flower. And make the lilies themselves from squares of cheese rolled into little bags. Insert carrot pistils inside, and green stems of dill or parsley will be the thick stems of our lilies. Our cheese “balls” need to be wrapped around these stems.


The idea is simple: you need to cut out a stencil from paper in some interesting form. For example, a star, or a bell, or some geometric figure, a circle, for example. Place this stencil on the salad and sprinkle a uniform color on top, for example, pureed yolks, or finely chopped herbs, but it should be a contrasting color to the background of the salad so that it is clearly visible. Then remove the paper, and our drawing will remain on the salad. Only if you are not an artist, and in general are not very experienced in these matters, it is better to work with a really simple, uncomplicated figure, for example, a star. Everyone will definitely recognize it, and you can decorate it along the edges, for example, with pomegranate seeds, to make the borders of the star brighter and more clearly defined. In my photo there is a cake (I decorated the cake with a star), not a salad, but the idea itself is clear from the photo :)


Tomato rose is a classic. This rose can be planted on almost any salad - the tomato is quite neutral and goes well with many salads. It is especially important to decorate vegetable summer and spring salads with such a tomato rose. With such salads you cannot create a perfectly flat surface on which you can draw whatever you want - they are a shapeless, uneven mass. Plant a tomato rosette in the middle of such a salad - and the salad is decorated. It’s clear that you won’t get a rose from a tomato the first time, but sooner or later your rose will become like a real one, the main thing is practice. There are two ways to make a rose from a tomato, for both methods you will need a very sharp knife. The first method is to simply peel off all the skin from the tomato with a spiral and form a rose from this skin. The rose is assembled from the skin itself, the main thing is not to tear it, the strip of skin must be whole. And the second way is that we simply cut the tomato into very thin slices, without cutting it all the way, and slightly shift and rotate these slices. The second method is a little more complicated, but it involves the whole tomato. In any case, from now on, if you add to your salad fresh tomato, and you usually peel the peel from it, now you know what to do with this peel... you can make a rose and decorate the salad!


These molds are sold at any hardware store. A mold like the one in the photo costs only ten rubles. And the material from which you can cut can be taken from any, you can cut from boiled sausage or ham, from boiled beets, from boiled carrots, from boiled potatoes (if only they are potatoes with low content starch, that is, it does not fall apart at all and does not become soft during cooking, but retains its shape well). If you don’t have such a mold at hand, use glasses, glasses... for example, you can make rings by first cutting out a large circle with a glass from a plate of boiled beets, and then a small one inside. Pay attention to the photo below: in order to lay out individual servings of salad, it is convenient to have a mold like this that does not have a bottom. With this mold, the salad can be formed perfectly round, already on the plate.


A mayonnaise mesh can be used to decorate a salad very simply and quickly. You need to make a very thin hole in the bag with mayonnaise with scissors, so that the bag with mayonnaise becomes like a pastry bag, from which you, squeezing out the mayonnaise, can draw anything with mayonnaise (even write text). But don’t rush with the text, it may not work out, but a mayonnaise mesh will always work out. In addition, you can place red caviar or greens, or other colorful greens, fruits and vegetables in the mesh cells in a checkerboard pattern, and it will turn out very beautiful. And the chips around the perimeter of the salad look like petals. And the chips will be the first to be snapped up :)


Thread the olives onto a skewer or toothpick. Decorate the tops of the palm trees with herbs (dill or green onions) and stick these palm trees into your salad. Original and quite simple.


In fact, half a can canned corn, or pineapple rings, or a few green peas are enough to make a rather original, eye-catching design - a pattern on a salad. You can simply chop radishes very thinly and come up with an interesting design from these circles. Pomegranate berries are also very good material for laying out the drawing. Pomegranate goes especially well with chicken salad. For example, simply boiled chicken fillet, mixed with mayonnaise and laid out on a flat plate, can be decorated with pomegranate seeds, and it will be very delicious salad, which everyone will like.


There is no particular need to describe this method - everything is clear. Even flowers, even a person’s face, even just geometric figures: All this is easily assembled from simple bright colorful bell peppers, cut into strips.

This second pattern, of course, is much simpler, but everything is in your hands. You can take bright yellow, bright green and bright red bell peppers. This colorful trio will decorate any salad simply with the brightness of its flowers.
