Seasons of Thailand. Tourist seasons in Thailand - when is the best time to relax in the land of smiles

Low prices, a variety of entertainment, a wide selection of resorts and hotels - all this gives Thailand a significant advantage over other Asian countries. If we talk about the nature of the country, it is amazingly beautiful.

Thailand is primarily a tropical country, so a lot of exotic fruits grow here. Not all tourists know about the season of mangoes, rains or beach seasons. We will talk about when it is better to fly on vacation by month and season in Thailand in this article. Having familiarized yourself with it, you can better prepare for your trip to the mysterious Siam (as Thailand was previously called).

If you are going to celebrate the January holidays in Thailand, then you need to book a hotel in the fall or even summer. Many tourists come to fight the “Russian blues”, so you can easily meet your compatriots in hotels and on the beaches.

In the capital of the country it is warm and not rainy. The temperature during the day remains at +26, +27 degrees, and in the evening it falls up to +20. Therefore, this is the perfect month to explore this city.

In the northern parts of the country the temperature is about +20. In the southeast, on Koh Samui, there may be rare rainfall.

The sea is pleasant, so you can swim or go diving.

Mango season begins in Thailand in January.

January is also the month when they start selling mangoes on the streets. Until May, you can find this fruit everywhere in Thailand.


If you are asked “When is the season for beach holiday in Thailand?”, then we can safely answer that it’s February. There are already fewer tourists, and weather- very good!

Temperature doesn't rise above +30, which means there is still no that sweltering heat from which you want to hide in a hotel, under the air conditioning.

It is good to relax in Pattaya in February.

The sun shines more, but It may rain 1-2 times a week. This time is suitable to go to the island. Ko Chang, etc.

It's also getting warm in the northern part of the country. Dry and warm weather allows you to move freely in these areas.

If we talk about when it is better to fly to relax in Phuket and the season in Thailand, on this island, then it is definitely February. On the Andaman coast (Phi Phi), weather conditions allow you to enjoy the sea and sun.


This month in Thailand not very suitable for traveling to northern regions Siam. Peasants begin to destroy last year's crops in order to plant others in their place. As a result, smoke streaks stretch across the region.

The hot season is beginning to come into its own. The temperature rises during the day up to +33, +35. At night she stays at level +25. For those who like excursions, it is better to postpone them until the morning or evening.

Starts in Bangkok heatwave , so walking the streets during the day is not recommended. It is better to replace such walks with a vacation by the sea. Travel to the west of the country. The resorts of Tao, Phangan or Samui will gladly welcome tourists.

In the east of Thailand, clouds are beginning to gather more often and discharged by rain.


Speaking about the tourist holiday season in Thailand by month, we must not forget about this month, which promises a lot for travelers.

You can participate on the 20th of the month in the local New Year, which is called Songkran. If in Russia they cook Olivier and herring under a fur coat for this holiday, then in Siam they water themselves and those around them cold water. This is part of the ritual that helps withstand the heat.

New Year in Thailand is celebrated by dousing everyone with water.

Temperatures are rising in the North up to +40, and in Bangkok +35. It becomes almost impossible to be outside.

April is coming in order to go to Pattaya or Koh Chang. The rains alleviate the unbearable heat, but the precipitation is increasing. Koh Samui and the Gulf of Thailand are good areas for tourism.


If you are wondering when the rainy season begins in Thailand, then from May. This will also be the answer to the question “When is it cheaper to fly to Thailand?”

High humidity begins to blanket the country. This applies primarily to Bangkok. But Fires are dying down in the north and it becomes easier to breathe.

Everything blooms in the parks, and waterfalls gurgle in the forests. The roads are very washed out, so traveling around the country is not very convenient.

There are storms at sea, and the entire northeast and southwest are flooded with water. The western coast of the Gulf of Thailand is a more or less suitable place to relax.

You can write a whole dissertation about the fruit season in Thailand by month, in which it will take its rightful place The king of Thai fruits is durian. Its season begins in May and runs until the end of June.

Durian is called the king of fruits in Thailand.

He doesn't make the most pleasant first impression. The smell it gives off is not even close to pleasant. But when you taste its pulp, you will immediately forget about it!


The rainiest summer month! Rainfall breaks all records, and ferry service to the islands of the southwest is discontinued.

In Bangkok it will be very difficult to get to the most famous temples. Water floods the approaches to them, so tourists have to walk in the water.

There is a lot of rain in the center of the country, as this is Thailand's main agricultural land. You can rarely find them on Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao.

There are few tourists, and prices are falling. But there are a lot of fruits - rambutan, longan, lychee and many others.

Rambutan is one of the sweet fruits that can be found in June in Thailand.


The West of the Gulf of Thailand is the most suitable area of ​​the country to visit. It will be difficult to get to the islands, but national parks you can see unique landscapes - rivers and waterfalls that spill along the banks.

In July you can find from fruits - mangosteen, custard or sugar apple(it’s best to buy it chilled) or carambula.


The rainy season is in full swing. In cities, water reaches 1-2 meters. Landslides can occur in mountainous areas. Temperature during the day +30, but the high humidity makes it very difficult to breathe.

The sun only appears a couple of times a day, and the rains never stop falling day or night.

Grows from fruit pink apple, which is sold everywhere.

August is the month of rose apples in Thailand.


To the capital of the country and its center It's better not to even come. But the islands of Koh Samui and those nearby, will suit you for a wonderful holiday.

On the Andaman coast they continue to walk heavy rains with winds. This makes it a destination for all surfers in the world.


In the north and center of the country already rain is getting less. The rainy season can significantly damage roads and some historical sites, so the Thais repair them.

Travel to Koh Chang, Pattaya or the north of the country— the weather is getting better there. The south is not suitable for this, since cyclones are still raging there.


It can be safely called the beginning of the tourist season. The weather contributes to this. Take into account one important detail - the further from the coast, the higher the humidity. Tourist buses are beginning to actively travel between resorts and airports, transporting people to hotels.

Good weather conditions are established in Pattaya, Bangkok and Koh Chang. It is still very cold in the north, and it is raining on the Andaman coast. The worst option for choosing a holiday destination is the Siamese coast. Koh Samui, Koh Phangan- the most uncomfortable resorts for tourists in November.

November is a good month to visit Bangkok.


If you decide to visit Siam during this period, then it is best go on different excursions. In Bangkok, it is convenient to wander through the streets of the country, enjoying the city landscapes. The sun is warm, but the clouds are not gathering.

The shores of the Gulf of Thailand will be ideal, since the weather there is very good. There may be more rain along the southwest coast. They can prevent you from enjoying a full vacation.

Thai “winter” sets in in the north of the country when the temperature at night is +15. Residents of the country warm themselves with coats and scarves, and for Russian tourists traveling through these regions is a pleasure.

Thailand is wonderful place where is summer all year round. However, there is a rainy season here, which can ruin your holiday, especially if you are only flying for two weeks. Therefore, before your trip, I recommend finding out in advance when the rainy season is in Thailand, what the weather is like there and which region is best to go to. The thing is that the territory of Thailand is quite large and the rainy season is different regions and cities may differ.

In general, it is generally accepted that torrential tropical downpours in Thailand begin from May to October; it is at this time that there are the fewest tourists and the lowest prices. Large quantity precipitation occurs in October. The rains, as a rule, are short-lived and the sun begins to shine again, but it also happens that the showers do not end for several days in a row.

Rainy season by region and city

I have compiled for you a table of the rainy season for the most popular places in Thailand.

yellow is the most best period for relax

green - a satisfactory period for rest

blue - rainy season

It is also important to note that the amount of rain and its duration largely depends on the cyclone. For example, in 2014 on Koh Samui there was dry sunny weather in December, and in 2015 it was raining at the same time heavy rains and it was quite cool.

Is it worth going to Thailand during the rainy season?

I believe that it is also worth going to Thailand during the rainy season. The only thing is to choose the region where the amount of precipitation during this period is the least.

Great holiday destinations include Chumphon, Khanom, Koh Samui, Koh Tao and Koh Phangan from March to October.

The best time to fly to Phuket, Phi Phi, Samet, Koh Chang, Krabi, Ranong, Lanta, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai is from November to April.

And places like Bangkok Hua Hin and Pattaya can be visited throughout the year.

Benefits of the rainy season

During the rainy season, much fewer tourists visit Thailand, so flight prices are lower, hotel accommodation and house rentals become cheaper, prices for excursions, cafes and restaurants also fall. Therefore, during this period of the year you can save quite a lot on your trip.

Another advantage of the rainy season is that the number of tourists is sharply reduced and there are no crowds on excursions, the beaches are half-empty, and cafes, restaurants and shopping centers are freer.

If you fly to Thailand during the rainy season, then try to follow the rules of hygiene, wash your hands thoroughly, drink clean bottled water (although this is important at any time of the year). The rainy season has the most mosquitoes, so make sure to stock up. by special means from them so as not to catch any disease.

In the evenings it can be quite cool, do not forget to wear a long sleeve jacket, especially if you decide to ride a motorcycle or scooter. It is not recommended to drive a motorcycle or scooter in heavy rain, even if you are wearing a raincoat, as it is not at all safe, strong winds and rain reduce visibility on the road, and traffic in Thailand can be unpredictable.


And finally, I want to say that if your vacation falls during the rainy season in Thailand, then best place for a holiday during this period there will be Hua Hin or Pattaya.

Also, if your main goal is not the beach and the sea, then you can go to Bangkok and visit a large number of attractions. In the capital at this time the heat subsides and the air becomes fresher.

The northern capital of Thailand, Chang Mai, will welcome you in September and October with sunny and warm weather, where you can immerse yourself in the traditions and culture of the Kingdom of Thailand. And the sea will be replaced by beautiful ones mountain lakes and hot springs.

The demand for trips to the Kingdom of Thailand during the rainy season practically does not decrease, because Thailand is a country of contrasts and exoticism, striking with a riot of colors and ensembles of extraordinary buildings.

Summer holidays in Thailand

When a bluish cold or gray shines through the frost-fogged windows, cold rain fills dull twilight everyday life, in this incredible country the golden, pure sun shines and cheerful, ultramarine waves sparkle, beckoning with their coolness and freshness.

Isn't it great to celebrate Christmas with the sound of the sea breeze, sitting in a comfortable sun lounger, and choose a fashionable, bright swimsuit as your outfit? However, if the question winter holiday can be considered decided, then what can surprise this unusual country in the summer?

Believe me, in summer Thailand is no less exotic than in winter time, and such a feature as the rainy season makes tourists’ vacation even more eventful and colorful. Only in the hot European summer can you get acquainted with the most unusual, exclusive feature of Thailand, called the rainy season.

Should you be upset if you go to Thailand during the rainy season?

It would be naive to think that the rainy season in a tropical country is cold, constantly drizzling. light rain, making you want to hide somewhere in a cozy place, wrap your feet in a warm blanket and dream while the fireplace crackles and the crimson flames dance. This, of course, is also charming in its own way, but then Thailand would be called differently, for example, England or Finland.

The rainy season seems to be something unkind, but in fact, at this time it rains only in the evening and for about two hours. During the day, the sun shines and warms, giving tourists the opportunity to enjoy visiting the sights of this country. Giving you the opportunity to contemplate the expressive architecture of ancient temples, amazingly contrasting with modern motifs of “frozen music”.

Is it worth going on vacation during the rainy season?

Starting to talk about the attractiveness of traveling to Thailand during the rainy season, it should certainly be noted that the number of tourists here is summer time relatively small, and this is one of the most attractive factors for lovers of intense and, one might even say, intellectual relaxation.

After all, the truth has long been known: the most effective is considered to be a vacation that gives the opportunity to completely detach from daily affairs and problems, namely, one that is saturated with new, bright, unexpected impressions. In Thailand, you are guaranteed such a vacation from May to October, and especially during the rainy season!

Another very significant feature of this time of year is the highest level of service against the backdrop of significantly reduced prices. This feature, in turn, provides a rather pleasant component of a tourist trip.

Weather by month:

Excursions during the rainy season in Thailand

Traditionally, a journey through the kingdom begins from its capital. Bangkok is the heart of Thailand, a huge, majestic city! Thais consider it the most beautiful city in the world, treat it with reverent love, and consider it sacred. Well, perhaps they are not far from the truth...

Bangkok is a must visit

This city, whose architecture is influenced by all the religions of the world, has its own special atmosphere. It mixed the mystery of ancient Buddhist temples, the grandeur of the magnificent royal palace, the numerous canals, the modern splendor of nightclubs and supermarkets filled exotic fruits, the sweet aroma of shady alleys and parks, and many other colorful features of the culture and nature of Southeast Asia.

A tour along the canals will introduce tourists to the life of Thai people during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, leaving a wide variety of impressions. As the experience of the guides shows, the most amazing excursion will be a trip to the Wat Phra Kaew (Emerald Buddha) temple.

The secret of which is kept by huge stone demons, twinkling golden snakes twinkling with a warm, yellowish light, intricate mosaics assembled from numerous shades of glass and the finest faience, skillful wall paintings, as well as a golden altar located at the feet of the Buddha himself, made from a monolithic piece of jade by ancient masters.

When you find yourself in Thailand for the first time, you should definitely visit the Wat Pho temple and admire the colossal stone statue of the Reclining Buddha, reflecting the great wisdom and peace that immerse the deity in a state of nirvana. This statue, measuring 49.5 meters in length and rising 12 meters into the sky, will amaze the imagination of everyone who dares to contemplate it.

Undoubtedly special attention deserves a visit to one of the most significant temples in the city, called Wat Arun (the rising sun). The 86-meter-high structure looks mystical at sunrise in eternal game its shining rays.

To fully get acquainted with the capital of the Thai kingdom, you will need at least three days, but keep the impression of visiting it for for a long time Photo or video cameras will help, with which you can take away a piece of this amazing place with myself.

A fun holiday in Thailand is possible even during the rainy season

If daytime spent getting acquainted with the sights given by ancient culture, then the night time will no less amaze the imagination of tourists with the vibrant life of numerous restaurants with exotic cuisine or other entertainment venues, such as bars and nightclubs, or markets and shops. The opportunity to have a fun, interesting and eventful time on a tourist trip is present here around the clock.

It would be wrong to think that in Thailand you can only be amazed by the exotic. Thanks to the Gulf of Thailand, its beautiful coastline, which amazes with the luxury of its beaches and vegetation, you can plunge into the turquoise waters of crystal transparency and “gild” your body with gentle sunbathing.

Pattaya resort is beautiful at any time of the year

The most famous resort in the kingdom is Pattaya, an area rightly called a tourist Mecca, and received its name due to the wind that arrives here from the southwest and runs away to the northeast, thereby symbolizing the beginning of the rainy season.

Pattaya service combines all the variety of types sea ​​holiday And sports entertainment, while having quite affordable price. The main thing is not to get overwhelmed by the number of attractions and the abundance of local cuisine.

If you decide to go to Thailand, then be sure that the most important, unchanging feature of this trip is the fact that no one has ever left this country indifferent.

Ready to receive guests all year round. For residents of Russia who are accustomed to cold winter and in moderate summers, Thailand seems like a paradise. After all, the hot climate here is complemented by a gentle and warm sea. But even tropical living conditions are not always the same, because the season in Thailand varies.

There are two types of division of holiday conditions in Thailand:

  • According to the time of year.
  • At a place of rest.

Let's look at the first point first.

Throughout the year, Thailand's climate undergoes some changes. And we can talk about the most and least comfortable time of stay in the country.

They change in the following sequence.

November - February

The most popular time for tourists. The retreating air gives way to cool air - the tropical winter has begun. It is not for nothing that in Russia these months are considered the coldest of the year. Holidays in Thailand at this time are the most comfortable, but also the most expensive. The country is flooded with millions of tourists.

Prices for accommodation, food and excursions are skyrocketing by 20-40%. At this time, many compatriots come here for "wintering", including with small children. For those who have health problems, it is also better to choose these months for travel. The air temperature during the day is about 28-30 degrees Celsius, and at night about 22. Bright sun and fairly dry air make the stay very pleasant, especially on the coast and islands. But don't forget about sunscreen;

March, April

At this time there is practically no rain, but the air becomes hotter by 3-5 degrees, which, of course, cannot but affect the comfort of your stay. If near the sea such a difference is compensated by a pleasant breeze - a breeze, then in the depths of the country, especially where they grow "rainy" forests, the air becomes excessively humid and stuffy. Not everyone likes the scorching sun. For example, in cities it is better to escape under air conditioning at this time. If in Southern European countries the hottest time of the day is called "siesta" and prefer to relax, then in Thailand they simply will not work if it is not for them "sanuk" and not "sabai"- that is, not a pleasure.

During this season in Thailand, all the street life begins to appear only towards sunset. Prices at this time of year are quite high, as many people like "roast" under the sun. But you need to be very careful. For northerners, such solar activity is not typical, so you need to be in direct rays as little as possible. Be sure to use protective creams on the beach, and when outside, do not neglect closed clothing. Even if there is no sun, ultraviolet light breaks through the clouds and harms the skin. Be careful!

May– August

This is the most favorite season in Thailand for Russians, but unfortunately at this time in the country it's raining . IN different areas countries, its intensity varies. Even the Thais themselves and our compatriots, who have lived in Thailand for many years, do not make forecasts about the amount of precipitation. However, the so-called "rain season" will not become an obstacle to proper rest. It doesn't rain all the time, only 3-5 days a week, for a maximum of 2-3 hours. The rest of the time it is dry. And even if the sun is not shining, you will receive your dose of ultraviolet radiation through the clouds. Be sure to use protective creams even during these months.

May-August are especially attractive because prices for everything in Thailand are reduced, sometimes by 20-30%. There are fewer tourists from Europe, more and more of our compatriots who are taking advantage of the savings and lower prices;

September October

If you have once seen what a tropical downpour is, then you are unlikely to confuse it with other precipitation. It really rains in Thailand "out of the blue". In autumn, this spectacle is usually observed for 2-3 hours almost every day. Therefore, during these months there are the fewest tourists in Thailand. Prices are minimal when compared with other seasons. Are you unsure when is the cheapest time to go to Thailand? Make no mistake, this is exactly September and October. This is the most cheap season in Thailand for relaxation, if you close your eyes to the continuous rains.

The combination with hot air gives the feeling of a sauna, especially away from the coast. For example, in Bangkok, such weather is difficult to survive if you do not have air conditioning nearby. In addition, the rain fills the streets and temples with liquid so quickly that literally after 20 minutes of rain, you will have to wade through ankle-deep water on excursions. However, moisture on the ground disappears as quickly as it appears.

But it remains in the air constantly. This weather is not suitable for people with problems in cardiovascular system, with joints and bones. High humidity and heat are an excellent environment for bacteria. For example: tuberculosis, other infectious diseases. What didn’t cause trouble at home in a colder climate can “grow” here in a matter of days. Keep this in mind.

Need to know

It is better to consult your doctor before visiting Thailand. By the way, doctors do not advise changing the climate even for healthy people for less than 2 weeks. An organism that has received stress in the form of acclimatization will not feel the benefits of a week-long trip. If you don’t have enough time or money for a longer trip to Thailand, as well as to other tropical countries, then it’s better to choose another holiday destination.

Now let's talk about Where is the best place to relax in Thailand? , in relation to geographic reference.

The most expensive and comfortable holidays are the islands and the province of Krabi. The latter at the expense of its own natural beauty. The climate on the islands is milder due to coastal winds. is located south of the other islands and, unlike the latter, is located in the Andaman Sea

Indian Ocean. Due to this, the climate here is slightly different – ​​drier and hotter. On the other hand, it is more open to external natural disasters.

The islands located in the Gulf of Thailand are protected from unpredictable things such as tsunamis.


In 2004, Phuket was hit hard by a huge wave that hit the southern provinces of Thailand. The islands of the Gulf of Thailand were much luckier. There was no destruction or casualties. At least they were not comparable to those in Phuket.

But let's not talk about sad things.

Thailand is very long coastal strip. It consists of thousands of large and small islands. Choosing where to relax in Thailand is a problem. There are so many interesting places here.

The most popular mainland resort is. Since this Big City, then it's pretty dirty here. It's not so much the abundance of tourists as the peculiarities of the seabed. Compared to nearby islands, such as Koh Chang, it receives more rainfall. But a holiday here is 20-30% cheaper than the last one.

But Thailand lives not only by the sea. On its territory there are more than a hundred natural national parks, including more than 20 marine reserves. You can go north - deep into the country, where no tourist has gone before.

Climate in the north of the country

The climate here is completely different than on the coast. In the north of Thailand there is no high mountains, rather these are hills. Nature is sometimes similar to northern Russia, with deciduous trees and the absence of palm trees. If on the coast the night temperature does not fall below 20-25 even in the winter months, then in the north at night it practically never exceeds 20-22 degrees. During the day the air warms up no higher than 30-35. Comfortable enough for travel. It can be said that the climate of northern Thailand is similar to middle lane Russia, when it's a hot summer. The seasonality of precipitation is comparable to the rest of the territory.

The disadvantage of the north is the complete absence of the tourism industry in these regions. On the other hand, this can be an advantage for those who love adventure. While places like Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket have been on everyone’s lips for many decades, the north of the country remains unexplored. And perhaps in vain.

The further south we go, the hotter it gets. During the rainy season, the ground no longer cools so much, and evaporating moisture hangs in the air, creating "bath" Effect. Therefore, the popularity of coastal holidays is due to climatic factors. Here the air does not stagnate, it is renewed by the breeze, making it more comfortable and easier to breathe.

To summarize, we can say that Thailand will be glad to see you at any time of the year. Rainy season is compensated low prices for accommodation and food, and cool is comfortable, attracts a maximum of tourists from all over the world and, of course, is characterized by increased prices. What you choose for yourself is up to you!

Have a nice trip!

Located several climatic zones .

In Thailand, it is customary to talk not about the four seasons of the year that are familiar in our latitudes, but about seasons, of which only three can be distinguished: tropical, hot and rainy. The rainy season in Thailand is called period characterized by frequent and heavy rainfall– from 80 to 90% of the annual norm. There is no talk of bad weather on a global scale.

Tours and packages

You can look at prices on Level.Travel and buy a ticket online. The tour price includes: airfare, transfer from the airport to the hotel and back, accommodation and meals at the hotel and medical insurance.

Rains are usually short-term and most often spills early in the morning or at night, leaving no trace by morning. With rare exceptions, rains occur during the daytime, but last no more than 15 minutes. At the same time, the air temperature decreases insignificantly, but in the evenings it can be quite chilly.

Important! The rainy season is accompanied not only high humidity, but also often gusty winds.

Many travelers mistakenly believe that during wet season throughout the Kingdom from May to October Every day and around the clock it “pours like buckets” and it is better to reschedule the trip to other dates. In some cases this is true, but there are exceptions due to which it can be stated that rainy season in Thailand – This is not at all a reason to refuse to live in this country during certain, not very favorable, periods of time. Despite the surprises of the weather, the trip can be bright and memorable.

Trips during the wet season have a number of advantages: with a decrease in the number of tourists, the bustle and noise disappear from the streets of Thailand, which guarantees more comfortable stay. In addition, for placement, thanks to which vouchers purchased from tour operators are also significantly cheaper.

Prices for excursions are also reduced up to two times, however, some routes, being unclaimed, are closed at this time until the next peak of the tourist season.

At what time of year does it happen and why?

The Kingdom of Thailand, stretching from north to south, located in subtropical and tropical climate zones, subject to the direct influence of monsoons - wind directions: northeast and southwest. That is why rains are very common here.

By the beginning of summer strong winds(southeast monsoon), born above the ocean and for a long time pushing air currents to land, bring to the coast the long-awaited drop in temperature.

From mid-February already has a serious impact on the weather northeast monsoon, which does not affect the central, northeastern, eastern parts of the territory.

Because in Thailand, like others tropical countries, the rainy season is associated with the movement of the so-called “rain belt” between the tropics; the time gap between a pair of wet seasons following each other is practically not noticeable. It is customary to single out only one, long season. Rains, heavy and prolonged, are characteristic mainly of its first and last third.

Monsoons are receding only in the period from February to May, when sunny, hot days return to Thai resorts.

When does it start?

Timing of the wet season varies depending on the geographical location of a particular settlement. Throughout most of the Kingdom wet season starts in May, however, the height of tropical rainfall usually occurs during from July to October.

In October there is significant increase in precipitation on islands such as Koh Phangan, Koh Tao and Phuket. Based on this, the second autumn month can confidently be called a rather unfavorable time for traveling to the Thai resorts beloved by our compatriots.

The rainy season is completely impossible to avoid in certain regions due to their geographical location. Mainly this northern Thailand, where the rainy season fully lives up to its name. Wherein heavy rains in the north can last from a couple of days to several weeks on end.

On the mainland of the Kingdom rainy season not as pronounced as on the islands. It also happens that in some years the season hasn't even started yet.

When does it end?

The rainy season is usually comes towards the end of the second half of November. The rains almost stop falling at this time. in Pattaya, Koh Chang and Bangkok.

On the Andaman coast the amount of precipitation is also decreasing and the popular resorts of Phuket and Krabi province welcome numerous tourists who have managed to miss the sun.

The wet season may last for Koh Tao, Koh Samui and Phangan until the end of December. From December to April the likelihood of heavy rainfall is much lower.

Precipitation data for popular resorts by month

The rainy season in Thailand is much milder than in other Asian countries. Nevertheless Before traveling, you need to take into account the geographical location of one or another resort, so that before the planned trip you can be prepared for various surprises that the weather may present.

Phuket, Krabi, Phi Phi

The holiday season begins in Phuket and surrounding areas in November and lasts until May. The rainy season comes with the end of spring and the rainy weather continues until mid-October.

Rain is quite rare in April, but it is in this month that the so-called monsoon time when strong winds form at sea big waves, preventing a pleasant beach holiday.

Rainy season on a resort island characterized by real tropical downpours, lasting several hours a day. The sea is pretty often stormy, small things happen floods. The greatest amount of precipitation falls in late spring and October. The rest of the time it is sunny on the island.

The holiday season on the islands lasts from November to May. The tourist season is characterized by sunny and dry days with relatively little humidity.


Generally almost all year round, and the precipitation here is 2-3 times less than in most Thai resorts.

The rainy season continues in the capital from May to November. The rains here are short-lived - up to 1-2 hours a day. Periodically, minor floods occur on the outskirts of the city.

The best time to go to Bangkok is high season– from mid-November to April. This is exactly the time when the capital is not very hot and humid.


Since the resort town is located in a bay and thanks to its geographical location least affected by monsoons, holiday season here it lasts a long time - from November to the second half of August.

Summer in Pattaya is relatively dry and weather conditions are quite conducive to holidays from June to August. The rainiest days here are first two months of autumn when the resort is at risk of minor flooding. The air temperature during this period does not rise above +25 degrees.

In November sometimes happen heavy showers , and now in the last winter month pleasant sunny and hot weather gradually sets in.

The ideal place to relax in the Land of Smiles during the wet season is Pattaya, where you can not only have a good time, but also save money.

Koh Samui, Ka Tao, Koh Phangan

Rest on , Ka Tao and Koh Phangan the best thing from January to the end of September. A month later swimming season interrupted by storms and heavy rains, lasting until December. The rains can be prolonged and last for several days in a row. After this, good weather sets in again.

The greatest amount of precipitation in favorite among tourists Samui observed and early winter, so purchasing tickets for the period from October to December is not the best solution.
