What does the wolverine animal look like? Wolverine: description, appearance and claws. Wolverine is a fierce hunter and rare prey

Wolverine animal, which people have endowed with mythical properties and created many legends about it. North American Indians and " forest people In the Yenisei taiga they consider this animal sacred, show respect and do not hunt it.

And the Sami, the people inhabiting the Kola Peninsula, personify the wolverine with demonic powers. In Chukotka they call the animal Yeti, because it appears from nowhere and goes in an unknown direction.

Features and habitat of the wolverine

Wolverine belongs to the mustelidae family and at the same time resembles a small one. The indigenous peoples of Scandinavia believed that some babies remain small and these are wolverines.

Some similarities of this beast can be seen with, but Wolverine is a separate species of animal. Giant sea otters and sea otters have larger sizes than the wolverine, but they are semi-aquatic representatives of this family, so the palm can be confidently given to this animal.

Male and female wolverines are practically no different from each other. The animal can reach 1 meter in length. The tail is up to 20 cm. On the small head there are small rounded ears, practically devoid of hair. The wolverine's height is up to 50 cm, its body is short.

The peoples of Scandinavia believed that some bear cubs do not grow up and remain babies for life - these are wolverines

The paws are long and wide, which creates a feeling of disproportion. The membranes on the limbs and their structure allow the animal to freely make its way through deep snow, where the path for lynx, fox, wolf and other animals is closed. The animal moves clumsily, but has incredible dexterity.

The ribcage is different for each individual and is as unique as a person's fingerprints. Huge claws on its paws allow the predator to excellently climb trees and even descend from them upside down, although the animal prefers to lead a terrestrial lifestyle. This animal is also an excellent swimmer.

Powerful jaws and sharp teeth enable the animal to quickly deal with its opponent and gnaw its large bones. When hunting for prey, the wolverine can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour and long time run without stopping. This animal is considered the strongest in its weight category. Indeed, with a weight of about 13 kg, the wolverine can defend itself against a pack.

Thick, coarse and long brown fur covers the body of the predator in winter; in summer it becomes shorter. On the sides there are stripes that can be white, gray or yellow color. The thermal insulation of the “fur coat” is so great that it prevents the snow from melting underneath it.

The wolverine's habitat is flat and low-mountain taiga in northern forests and forest-tundra of Asia, North America and Europe. However, the animal does not really like very coldy and prefers to live where deep snow lies on the surface of the earth for a long time, since this makes it possible not to fall into it, which makes hunting easier. In some countries, the animal is protected and hunting for it is limited.

The character and lifestyle of the wolverine

About the animal wolverine It is quite difficult to collect information, because it leads a rather hidden lifestyle and is the most unstudied predator in the whole world. This beast is very difficult to both photograph and simply see. The animal prefers a solitary life. Several individuals are very rarely found in one territory.

The controlled territory of one male, which he will definitely mark, can be up to several thousand kilometers. The animal moves around its territory in search of food and from time to time goes around all its possessions. In a few months, an animal can cover hundreds of kilometers.

Stops in the places where it is large quantity artiodactyls. In times of famine, wolverines can be found far from their range. The animal makes its home under the roots of trees, in rock gorges and other secluded places. It goes out in search of food in the evening.

Wolverine is excellent at climbing trees

Brave and daring beast does not lose his dignity even in front of an opponent superior to him, including with. When scaring away their competitors for food, they begin to bare their teeth or growl hoarsely. Relatives communicate with each other using sounds reminiscent of the barking of foxes, only ruder.

A cautious wolverine almost always avoids an attack or a bear. More enemies this beast has not. The biggest danger is hunger, which kills a large number of individuals.

The wolverine is not afraid of humans, but prefers to avoid them. As soon as it begins on the animal's property economic activity, it changes its habitat. There are cases of predator attacks on people.

Residents of the tundra warn about the danger for a person who finds himself in wolverine animal world and they warn that you cannot stop, otherwise you can become his food.

Wolverine cubs are easily tamed, they are not aggressive and literally become tame. However, these animals can be seen very rarely in the circus and zoo, since they cannot get along in places where there are a lot of people.

Wolverine nutrition

Wolverine is certainly a predator and can move many tens of kilometers in search of meat. However, in summer period it can feed on berries, roots, some plants, and bird eggs.

She also loves honey, catches, and feasts on small animals (,). But this animal’s favorite food is ungulates. The predator can defeat fairly large animals, such as, but most often attacks young, sick or weakened animals.

Being an excellent hunter, the wolverine ambushes and watches for its prey in a secluded place. Wolverine animal attack is sudden in nature, and the attacker makes every effort to fight for food, the victim is torn apart by sharp claws and teeth.

If the prey manages to escape, the predator begins to pursue it. The wolverine does not run very fast, but it has great endurance and simply “wears out” another animal.

In its territory, the animal is mainly located next to grazing ungulates and from time to time moves from one herd to another or follows them. It is very rare to observe wolverines hunting in groups.

Wolverine eats more carrion than any other predator.

If possible, food is taken from another predator: lynx or. The wolverine's amazing sense of smell allows it to find and dig up dead fish from under a thick layer of snow and sense the blood of a wounded animal over long distances.

It is generally accepted that he is the chief orderly of the forest, however, this opinion is erroneous. Wolverine destroys more carrion than other forest inhabitants. It feeds on animals that have fallen into traps, corpses and food remains of larger predators.

A predator can eat a large amount of meat at one time, but will not forget to make a reserve. Food buried under the snow or hidden in a secluded place will help you survive in difficult times.

Reproduction and lifespan of wolverine

Wolverines do not strictly maintain their territoriality, but this rule does not apply during the mating season. During mating, animals carefully mark the boundaries of their territory and can only share them with females.

For males, the breeding season occurs once a year, for females - once every two years and lasts from mid-spring to early summer, sometimes longer. Cubs are born at the end of winter, beginning of spring, regardless of the time of conception.

Pictured is a baby wolverine

The thing is that the egg can be in the female’s body and not develop until the onset of pregnancy. favorable conditions for the development and birth of the fetus. Direct intrauterine development of wolverines lasts a month to a month and a half.

Completely helpless, blind, with small gray fur, weighing 100g, wolverines give birth to 3-4 puppies in dens or specially dug underground tunnels. They begin to see after a month.

For several months they eat their mother’s milk, then semi-digested meat, and only after six months they begin to learn to hunt on their own. The mother and her offspring are in the period next winter. At this time, lessons are held on hunting large specimens of ungulates.

In the spring, babies grow up and leave their mother; some leave even after reaching two years of age, when they reach puberty. Male and female wolverines spend together only during the fertilization period, which lasts several weeks.

Structure chest wolverines are unique, like human fingerprints

However, dad does not forget about the kids and from time to time brings them food. A male can have several families and help everyone as much as possible. IN wildlife Wolverines live up to 10 years; in captivity, this period can increase to 16–17.

Description of the wolverine animal can last for a very long time, but scientists cannot fully study it. However, we can say with certainty that this is a very smart, strong, cunning and aggressive animal on whose path it is better not to meet.

A distant relative of the sable and marten, and somewhat similar to a bear cub, the wolverine is known for its courage and ferocity. There are many legends about her, which say that she is capable of defeating an animal much larger than herself in battle and can even attack a person.


Different peoples call wolverine differently: devil bear, skunk bear, nasty cat, messenger of the devil. This says a lot about her character.

What does a wolverine look like - description of the animal:

  • weight from 9 to 25 kg;
  • body length without tail - 110 cm;
  • powerful body with well-developed muscles;
  • rounded wide head with strong jaws capable of chewing even large bones;
  • small black eyes;
  • round, widely spaced small ears;
  • wide webbed feet;
  • long curved and very sharp claws;
  • thick and stuffed fur of a brown-brown color does not absorb water, does not freeze or freeze;
  • average life expectancy is 5-7 years.


The wolverine animal lives in the Arctic Circle: in Northern Asia, Scandinavia, North America, Siberia and Eastern Europe. Where do wolverines live? For life, these animals choose forest-tundra, wooded areas and bushes. They live only in areas with a cold climate, choosing remote places, away from people.

Where does the wolverine live in Russia:

  • Siberia;
  • Ural;
  • Far East.

Lifestyle and habits

Wolverine is a solitary animal, they live at a great distance from each other and jealously guard their territory from attacks by strangers. The home range of one individual can extend over a distance of up to two thousand square kilometers. Marks its territory with secretions from the anal glands. She is well oriented in her area, uses animal trails for movement and sometimes arranges ambushes in trees.

The wolverine animal, although not very fast, is very hardy. He loves to wander around his lands and can easily walk up to 30 km per day. This animal climbs trees well and swims well, has excellent hearing and excellent vision.

Wolverine - what kind of animal is this? This is a very cautious, cunning, strong and aggressive animal with excellent sense of smell.

Moves slightly sideways, with a slight gallop and a slight stoop. It does not have a permanent shelter; it constantly moves around its territory, mainly in the dark. And only during the period of feeding her cubs can she be seen during the day. After the hunt, it takes refuge under trees, on hills or under rocky overhangs. In extreme cold, it digs small holes in the snow.

Only the female sets up a permanent den for breeding. Usually these are dens in the roots of trees. In mountainous areas, it chooses rock crevices and small caves for dens.


This predator is almost omnivorous. The main diet is ungulates. In winter, he does not disdain anything and often eats up the leftovers in a large predators, and sometimes takes it away from smaller animals. In the spring it looks for bird nests and wasp larvae, and in warm weather also feeds on berries. Fish, rodents, and upland game are also included in the wolverine’s diet.

The animal often drags animals caught in traps and steals food from hunters, from large predators and stores under stones or in ice crevices. In general, these animals often steal and hide everything that is in bad shape.


The rut lasts from late spring to mid-summer. After mating, females enter embryonic diapause. If there is little food, the embryos die. If the food supply is sufficient, then at the end of winter the fetus begins to develop, and in February the female produces offspring.

Usually 1-2, rarely 3-4 cubs appear. They feed on mother's milk for up to three months, then switch to animal food. From six months of age, young animals begin to hunt independently, and in the second year of life they reach the size of an adult animal.


Rarely does anyone manage to see this animal and hear a wolverine scream, because this animal is secretive and extremely cautious. Not everyone, even the most experienced hunter, will deliberately hunt wolverine. The fact is that, thanks to its developed intelligence, the animal bypasses traps placed in places where the wolverine lives and easily escapes the chase. She is not afraid of dogs and thanks to her strength, agility, powerful jaws and sharp claws almost always come out victorious in a fight with a dog.

In rare cases, a pack manages to drive an animal into a tree and keep it there until the hunter arrives; As a rule, the prey are very young animals.

Sometimes hunters set traps right in the hut if they go on for a long time. Wolverine, known for his nasty character, will not miss an opportunity to get in there to steal something from supplies or just to cause mischief.

Using poison in baits is useless. Thanks to its keen sense of smell, the animal senses the smell of chemicals and does not accept such bait.

Some fishermen use a homemade trap - a pinch-rod, over which the bait is suspended. Trying to get the bait, the predator climbs onto the plane, gets its paws between the poles, pinches itself with its weight and cannot get out of there.

Most often, a wolverine becomes prey completely by accident when hunting other game.

Wolverine is a valuable and rare trophy; this animal is not easy to find in the forest, much less to catch.


Many more interesting facts you will find in the video about the life of wolverine.

Wolverine is a large predatory animal, the second largest in the mustelidae family. Wolverine is related to other representatives of this family: martens, otters, sea otters, badgers, skunks, ferrets, and at the same time does not resemble any of these animals. There is only one species of wolverine.

Wolverine (Gulo gulo).

The wolverine reaches 70-105 cm in length, with a tail length of 18-23 cm, and it weighs 9-19 kg. Outwardly, she looks like both a shaggy dog ​​and a high-legged badger. The wolverine's head is relatively small, like all mustelids, the ears are short and rounded, but not buried in fur, the teeth are large and sharp. The paws of this animal are a bit like a bear's - wide, with long claws. Like a bear, the wolverine walks, leaning on its entire foot, and deftly climbs trees. The wolverine's fur is long and thick, although rough, but smooth to the touch; it is interesting that in winter the fur of this animal never freezes. The color of the wolverine is dark brown, with stripes on the forehead and sides of the body. Their color can vary from pure white to grayish and yellowish, the shape of these stripes is also very variable, so that some animals can look completely dark or, conversely, gray. Sexual dimorphism in wolverines is not pronounced; males and females look the same.

Wolverine is a tireless walker; wide feet allow her to avoid falling into deep snow.

Wolverines live in cold regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. In the north, the wolverine's range covers southern part tundra, in the south it reaches the zone deciduous forests, but her favorite places habitats are the endless taiga expanses in both hemispheres. Despite its widespread distribution, the wolverine does not form dense populations anywhere, so even in its native places it is difficult to encounter this animal. Wolverines have individual areas of enormous size (up to 2000 km² per individual!) and constantly roam around them; moreover, when there is no food, they can leave their usual habitats and then they can be found far beyond the boundaries of their range (for example, in deciduous forests Ukraine). In general, these animals are avid loners; they can form small clusters (of 2-3 individuals) only near large prey.

The character of this animal is cautious and daring at the same time. Wolverines categorically avoid places inhabited by people and only in remote areas, where they are little disturbed, can they visit the outskirts of villages; they go out hunting more often at dusk, during the day they hide in a den under the roots of trees or in rock crevices. But in relation to other species of animals, the wolverine behaves boldly, and although it avoids direct collisions with large predators (bears, wolves), it can easily drive away a fox, lynx or attack a large ungulate. Wolverines are a little gloomy and unsociable; even with equal strength of food competitors, they frighten with a grin or a hoarse roar. These animals call to each other with a rough bark, similar to the yelping of a fox.

Wolverine on a tree.

Wolverines are predators, in whose diet carrion plays a significant role. These animals have a very keen sense of smell, vision and hearing; they follow the bloody trail and eat the remains of animals killed by bears, lynxes, and wolves. At the same time, wolverines themselves can attack deer, roe deer, musk deer, elk, mountain sheep. Wolverines often dare to attack even small predators (martens, foxes, weasels), although more often they catch simpler prey (squirrels, porcupines), pick up bird eggs, and eat insects, berries, and roots. They attack more often young, sick or weakened by hunger animals; the wolverine chases its prey at a run; despite its low running speed, the wolverine is very resilient and starves its prey to death. Wolverine can eat a large amount of meat at a time, and she hides even more in reserve by burying pieces of meat in the snow or forest floor. Even Latin name wolverine means “insatiable.”

The fox looks at the wolverine, who is busy examining a tree. Now there is peace between the animals, but in the event of a clash, victory will remain with the wolverine.

Wolverines breed once a year; the mating season for this species is very extended. For the most part, the rut takes place in April-June, but some animals can mate until October. Despite this, all wolverines give birth at the same time. The secret of this phenomenon is simple: out of 8-10 months of pregnancy, the development of the baby lasts only 1-1.5 months, the rest of the time the fertilized egg is in a preserved state. This period is called latent, it is very characteristic of many species of mustelids. The latent period can be shortened in animals that mate later, so all wolverines produce offspring in February-March. Since wolverine pairs last only 1-2 weeks during the rutting period, the female gives birth alone. There are 2-4 cubs in the litter; they are born blind and helpless, gain sight only after a month, and feed on milk for up to 2.5 months. The female feeds them with semi-digested meat for some time, then begins to take them hunting with her. The cubs stay close to their mother until they are 2 years old. Wolverines live up to 10 years in the wild, and 15-17 in captivity.

In nature, wolverines have few enemies; occasionally they can be attacked by wolves, lynxes, and bears, but the wolverine is saved from these predators by its innate caution. Much great danger For these animals it represents hunger; young individuals often die from it. Since ancient times, people have disliked and been afraid of wolverines. On the one hand, wolverines were credited with incredible gluttony (and therefore harmful to hunters); on the other hand, it was not easy to destroy this predator. The only good thing is that wolverines are few in number and you don’t encounter them often. Actually the wolverines are playing vital role forest orderlies, with their help the taiga is cleared of corpses and sick individuals that can be carriers of infections.

Wolverine - belongs to the mustelidae family. This is a large predatory wild animal, looking more like a bear or a badger.

It lives in northern Eurasia and the upper half of North America. Alpine meadows, forested areas, and tundra are suitable habitats for the wolverine.

The animal is very well adapted to cold and harsh climates; even 50 degrees below zero does not frighten it. In the wild, it prefers to be away from humans.

Average between... Inhabitant of the north...

The weight of the animal ranges from 9 to 30 kg. Hind legs longer than the front ones, so the body is curved upward. The tail is short but bushy. The wolverine's huge paws help it move around in its habitat. The animal walks just like a bear - clubfoot and has long hooked claws.

The jaw is powerful with sharp teeth. Poor eyesight compensated by excellent hearing and sense of smell. The animal is densely covered with long and coarse fur of black and Brown with a golden stripe that runs along the entire body.

In its life, the wolverine spends almost all its time protecting its territory - up to 1500-2000 km from other representatives of its sex. And only for a few weeks the male and female come together to create offspring. Wolverine is a wild animal and dangerous predator, in cases of external irritation, it becomes aggressive and makes sounds similar to grunting, growling, and yapping.

1 . The wolverine's body is covered with brownish-black fur with light brown stripes running along the sides. The fur is long, thick, and waterproof, which allows the wolverine to withstand harsh conditions. weather its habitat.

2 . This animal has a stocky build, a short tail, a large head and small ears. The paws have pads and large claws that help the wolverine walk in the snow.

3 . Wolverines are loners, but they need a lot of space to roam. Wolverines travel 15-20 kilometers per day, searching for food. Some individuals travel 70 kilometers.

4 . For food, wolverines attack caribou herds and also feed on corpses left by predators. Due to their need for extensive habitat, wolverines can be found in remote places tundra, taiga, and also in arctic forests. They prefer areas uninhabited by people.

5 . Wolverines are distinguished by their innate curiosity, courage and cruelty, as well as omnivory. In the summer they eat berries, all kinds of plants and edible roots, which make up only a small part of their diet. Being predators, wolverines travel long distances in search of their main dish - meat.

6 . Rodents and rabbits are the main and easy prey for wolverines. However, if given the opportunity, they will also attack large animals such as deer and caribou. And as mentioned above, they do not disdain the corpses of animals left behind by other predators. Eating carrion allows wolverines to survive winter when food is scarce. Wolverines also tear through the snow in search of wintering animals.

7 . Wolverine skillfully climbs trees and swims well. This is an energetic animal that can walk long distances without stopping to rest.

8 . This is a nocturnal animal. However, if necessary, she can change her sleep and wake patterns. Like bears in wolverine poor vision However, hearing and smell are very good.

9 . Males mark their territory with a special smell, and sometimes they also mark food supplies. Males are inherently polygamous, so they share their territory with several females. Although wolverines are solitary, members of the same family can play together.

10 . Females dig holes to give birth to cubs, of which there are usually two or three in one litter, or in early spring, or late winter. The cubs remain with their mother until they are two years old, when they reach sexual maturity to produce their own offspring.

With its absurd shape and short legs, the wolverine develops low speed, but due to its endurance it drives the victim, and the latter, exhausted, finds itself in a hopeless situation. It is not difficult for Wolverine to recapture prey from wolves and lynxes; it even happened that wolves became victims of large individuals of wolverines.

Adult wolverines have no enemies in their habitat. They can repel a predator 5 times their size. The wolverine does not attack people unless you drive it into a corner. In this case, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered, and the predator becomes very dangerous.

Wolverines manage to survive in harsh conditions and multiply quickly. In the past, wolverines were killed in large quantities because of their beautiful fur, which was used to make jackets. Currently, wolverines are protected.

Video: Wolverine - description...

Wolverine is the largest representative of the mustelid family. She is the only representative of her kind. Wolverine is a mammal of the carnivorous order.

The wolverine is sometimes called the “skunk bear.” It received this name for its smell. Like all mustelids, the wolverine has an unpleasant odor. In addition to the name “skunk bear,” this animal is also called “gulo,” which means “glutton.”

The size of the wolverine, as for a mustelid, is quite large. It weighs from 11 to 19 kg, sometimes very large individuals weighing up to 30 kg. Body length - from 76 to 100 cm. Tail - in length from 18 to 32 cm. Height at the shoulders 40-45 cm. The body is squat, the back is arched and curved towards the top. The legs are short, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones, and the feet are not proportionately large. The coat color is dark brown, with the exception of two light or milky stripes that stretch from the head to the tail itself on the sides. The head is large with a blunt muzzle and powerful jaws.

Where does the wolverine live?

Wolverine - inhabitant northern forests. At first glance, it may seem that the wolverine is not adapted to life in the snow. But that's not true. Thanks to its large and wide paws, this animal practically does not fall into snowdrifts and easily moves through the snow.

The habitat of the largest representative of mustelids, although slowly, is gradually becoming smaller. Now wolverines live in the taiga and forest-tundra of Eurasia and America, approaching the zone in the north arctic ice, and in the south it descends all the way to the Scandinavian Peninsula. The countries in which the wolverine is found are: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Russian Federation, Mongolia, China, USA, Canada. Once upon a time they also met in central regions Europe, as well as in other parts of North America, but due to deforestation and constant persecution of wolverines by humans, they were exterminated in these parts.

Wolverine lifestyle and reproduction

Each wolverine has a range of 1000 to 2000 km² in which it lives. Roaming around his domain, the wolverine drives away strangers and hunts. Male wolverines allow only individuals of the opposite sex into their possessions. Male aliens who cross the border must be prepared for a merciless fight to the death.

The owner is able to walk around his territory within a week. Walking up to 45 km per day, and in some cases up to 70 km per day. They mark the boundaries of their territory with odorous markers.

Wolverines have a good sense of smell, hearing and vision, climb trees well and are very hardy. These abilities help them in obtaining food. , like all carnivores with meat.

The active time of day is night, although sometimes they occur during the day. On far north Where there are periods of prolonged darkness and light, animals have 3-4 hours of alternating sleep.

The settled wolverine lives only during the period of reproduction and raising offspring. The female most often locates her den in gorges between stones, burrows built by other animals, or under uprooted tree roots.

The mating season for wolverines lasts from May to August. The fertilized egg then remains in a latent state. The embryo begins to develop only after 7-8 months. Babies are born 30-40 days after the start of embryo development. Wolverine cubs are born in February or March. Most often, the female gives birth to 1 to 4 babies, they weigh up to 100 g. For the first 4 months, the mother feeds the cubs breast milk. Then he begins to feed him semi-digested food. At 5-7 months of age, the cubs become adults and are able to go on their first hunt. During 1 or 2 years of life, the mother allows her offspring to hunt and survive.

Fathers also take care of their offspring, bringing prey to their offspring. Even if a male has cubs from different females, he always visits all his babies.

In the wild, wolverines live up to 10 years, and in captivity there have been cases where wolverines lived up to 17 years.
