What a season in india. Holiday seasons in Kerala (India)

The most populous democracy in the world, occupying the seventh largest territory, the world's largest supplier of cinema, wise and mysterious India is a state in South Asia on the Indian subcontinent, washed by the Indian Ocean in the south, the Arabian Sea in the west, and waters in the east Bay of Bengal. Read our article on the Tour-Calendar and you will find out why the best time to visit it - from the second half of October to March.

Tourist season in India

Crazy, noisy, full of contrasts, dirty, but at the same time bright and mesmerizing. All this is about India - one of the ancient countries a world that you can either love with all your heart, or hate, because it does not tolerate compromise. India's modern face is evident in a striking variety of religions and castes, landscapes, sights and sounds, people renowned for their hospitality and unbridled love of commerce, crowded cities and chaotic traffic. From lush jungles to sunburned deserts, from the soaring mountain peaks of the Himalayas to the golden beaches of Goa, from yoga centers to mind-blowing outdoor rave discos, India has something to offer all its guests. And she has quite a few of them. Every year, during the tourist season, which lasts from October to March, over 6 million tourists come from all over the world. As a rule, the inexplicable attractiveness of the country takes its toll, and most of them return here again and again.

High season in India

High season in India falls on winter months- December-February, when the beach season is in full swing. At this time, the optimal temperatures of water and air are established, the amount of precipitation is sharply reduced, which favors not only swimming and doing aquatic species sports, but also active excursion activities, taking a course of Ayurvedic treatment or skiing in the country's ski resorts. Trips to India during the Christmas and New Years are very common: due to the mixing of many confessions and cultures, many colorful festivals, religious processions and exciting events take place here. also in high season in India, mainly on the island of Goa, a lot of weddings are played. The cost of tours during this period of time is at its maximum, and all budget hotels, as a rule, are already occupied. A good solution may be to "hunt" for hot vouchers: it is enough to subscribe to the promotions of several travel agencies, and you will easily find an acceptable option for yourself.

Low season in India

The decline in tourist activity is observed during the season tropical rain, which falls on part of the hot season "April-October", when the thermometer often crosses the 40-degree mark. Coupled with 100% humidity or, conversely, dry winds in some states of the country such weather become very uncomfortable for any kind of vacation, and for some travelers - dangerous. And even in hotels, on public transport and government agencies a European who is accustomed to comfort is very uncomfortable due to the widespread lack of air conditioning. Perhaps the only place you can go at this time is to the mountainous regions (with the exception of the ski areas of Jammu and Kashmir), located in the north of India, where the daytime air temperature fluctuates between +23 .. + 29 ° С, and the amount of precipitation comes down to only 7-8 rainy days. However, even here the weather tends to present surprises - in the form of a sharp cold snap or strong winds... In addition, not every traveler, having paid an impressive amount of money for the flight and spent 6-7 hours on board the aircraft, wants to voluntarily limit himself in the geography of travel.

The best time for excursions

Going to India, tune in to a rich excursion program, but at the same time do not run headlong, hoping to see everything at once. If only because due to the incredible abundance of temple complexes, tombs, historical monuments and nature reserves scattered across different corners countries, this is simply impossible to do. You can explore India all your life and discover something new every time. If you are here for the first time, in order to get a general idea, we advise you to take the "Golden Triangle" tour, the program of which includes a visit three main cities of the country - Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. However, the outcome of this and any other excursion largely depends on the weather prevailing at this time. The best time for sightseeing is from November to March, when precipitation is extremely rare. It is more expedient to visit mountainous regions from April to November.

Beach season in India

While the tops of the Himalayas in November are covered with another portion of snow, in Goa and Kerala, the aquamarine waters of the ocean invitingly attract the opening of the swimming season. Hundreds of kilometers of stunning sandy beaches - from wild and sparsely populated to ultra-modern with first-class hotels and well-trained service - promise their guests an unforgettable experience surrounded by exotic nature. The resort public is mainly represented by tourists from America, Russia, Israel, as well as many countries Western Europe... Some people prefer parties from dusk to dawn and a simple bed in a bungalow, while others lay out whole bundles of bucks for a luxury vacation. The beach season lasts until the end of March, at which time the water temperature can range from + 25 ° C to + 28 ° C. One of its striking features is the constant alternation of ebb and flow, their schedule can be seen on every beach suitable for swimming. During low tide, especially in the evening, you should not go very deep into the water, you can easily drown.

Diving season

The underwater kingdom of the Arabian Sea is rich in a variety of the brightest flora and fauna: the coastal waters are teeming with groupers, barracudas, angel fish, moray eels, sweet lips, sharks, very bizarre here Coral reefs... Merchant ships, which suffered shipwrecks here during the Second World War, are excellent objects for research. Today India has thousands of dye sites scattered all over its coast. but the best places for scuba diving are the Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands. There is also diving in Goa, but it is mainly aimed at beginners. Best season for this sport lasts from October to March.

Surfing season

So far, few people associate India with an ideal surfing destination, but in recent times in the country there is an increase in the popularization of this sport. Especially after the state entered International Association Surfing Federation of Surfing ISA. The main surf sports are located on some beaches in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. The most favorable time for surfing in India is from May to September, when the waves reach 4-5 m. However, for beginners it is better to ride in conditions of more calm sea- from October to April on 1.5 m waves.

Ski season in India

Holidays in India are exotic even in its ski resorts, of which the country has a decent number. Himalayan landscapes and great heights can turn your head, as well as the largest cable car in Asia. The skiing season lasts from mid-December to early May and coincides in time with the main swimming season, but unlike the beaches, the air temperature here fluctuates between -10 ..- 8 ° С.

Wellness season

"Health tours" - every year hundreds of thousands of tourists who go to India acquire such vouchers to entrust themselves and their shattered nerves to practicing specialists in Ayurveda, an ancient medical science that can heal even the most serious diseases without a single pill. To obtain a positive effect, the minimum course of procedures should be at least 3 weeks, since this system is based on a progressive process. It is believed that the rainy season, or more precisely, the period from June to September, is the best for Ayurveda: rather hot weather and high humidity contribute to good opening of pores on the body, which is important for effective treatment.

It's time for holidays and festivals

India is a tangle of religions, cultures and peoples that keep track of the years according to different calendars. It is difficult to imagine how many holidays and festivals are actually celebrated in the country, and even more difficult to count them. Therefore, in this section, we will only mention the most significant dates and events for the country. January 1 - New Year for Christians; January 5 - Birthday of Guru Gobind Sinha, the holiday of the Sikhs; January 13 in Punjab - holiday of the end of winter Lori; January 14 - 4-day Pongal / Makar Sankranti Harvest Festival and International festival kites in Ahmedabad; January-May (movable dates, 12th day of the month of Rabi al-Awwal according to the Islamic calendar) - Mawlid al-Nabi / Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad; January 26 - Republic Day; March-April - Catholic Easter for Christians; April 13 - New Year at the Vaysaki shikhs; August 15 - Independence Day; July-August (full moon of the month of Shravan) - the festival of Raksha-bandan, main topic which is the blood relationship between brothers and sisters; July-August (8th day of the month of Shravan) - Appearance Day of Krishna; September 5 - Teacher's Day; August-September (Bhadra month) - Birthday of the God of wisdom Ganesh Chaturti; October 2 - Birthday of the leader of the national liberation movement Mahatma Gandhi; September-October (Ashvin month) - 10-day Dashahr holiday; October November (month Kartik) - Festival of Lights; November 14 - Birthday of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru or Children's Day; November-December (full moon month of Kartik month) - Birthday of the first Sikh Guru Nanak; November-December in state of Goa- Indian international film festival; December 4 - Day navy; December 25 - Catholic Christmas among Indian Christians.

Climate in India

India - hot country, where all year round stand high temperatures... In a state stretching from the Himalayas to the coast Indian Ocean, you can count half a dozen climatic regions, but if you do not go into details, it is dominated by tropical climate monsoon type. This means that in India, the change of seasons is not due to changes in temperature per se, but due to changes in wind direction and an increase or decrease in the amount of precipitation. It is also worth noting that equatorial features are clearly expressed in the south, and subtropical mountainous ones in the north, where it can even be very cool. The dry season lasts from October to March, and the wet season lasts from June to early October. The water temperature during the year ranges from + 25..26 ° С in winter to + 28..29 ° С in summer.

India in spring

From March to May in India, the hottest season of the year lasts, when the thermometer sometimes reaches +41 ° C, and the amount of precipitation is reduced to 2-5 rainy days a month. Solar activity is very high, so you need to be very careful. In a capital famous for its temperate climate, the air warms up to +38 ° С, in the south these figures are even higher. The most optimal region for traveling at this time is the mountainous regions of the country.

Temperature and weather in India in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilMay weather
Mumbai +31 +26 +32 +27 +33 +29
Calcutta +34 +36 +35
Chennai +33 +28 +35 +29 +38 +30
Kerala +33 +29 +33 +30 +32 +30
Goa +32 +28 +33 +29 +33 +30
Delhi +30 +36 +41

India summer

In summer, almost the entire territory of India is subjected to a powerful impact of heavy rainfall, which is provided by the southwestern monsoons. The rains can be a wall for 2-3 hours. At this time, about 80% of the annual precipitation falls, the largest amount falls in June. It is almost impossible for a tourist accustomed to the European way of life to move around the country - the roads are very washed out, transport goes badly, there is dirt and unsanitary conditions everywhere. In addition, acclimatization is quite difficult: in conditions of 100% humidity and air temperature, fluctuating in the range of +29 .. + 37 ° С, it is impossible even to breathe normally - stuffiness follows everywhere. And even evenings do not bring any relief, since the thermometer drops by only 6-8 degrees. Hottest in the south. For example, in the city of Chennai during the day it is expected to reach +38 ° С, on the southwestern coast, in Goa, no more than +33 ° С. It is also rainy in the Himalayas, but it is much cooler there: in Darjling it is approximately +21 ° С, and in the evening it is really cold - around +16 ° С.

Temperature and weather in India in summer

June weatherJuly weatherWeather in August
Mumbai +32 +29 +30 +29 +29 +28
Calcutta +33 +32 +32
Chennai +38 +30 +36 +29 +35 +29
Kerala +29 +28 +29 +27 +29 +27
Goa +31 +29 +29 +28 +29 +28
Delhi +40 +35 +34

India in autumn

The northeast monsoon season lasts until the middle of the calendar autumn in India, flooding the country with torrential rains. However, in October (with the exception of the southern regions), precipitation is almost halved, and the first tourists begin to arrive here. At the end of the month, the rains become insignificant, and in November they disturb no more than 1-2 times a month. Some areas generally suffer from drought. For example, the north of the country, where the Indogang plain lies. In the south, things are different, here the whole autumn season is marked with precipitation. In the capital, it becomes one degree cooler, while in the resort of Goa there is a slight warming.

Temperature and weather in India in autumn

Weather in SeptemberWeather in OctoberNovember weather
Mumbai +30 +28 +32 +29 +32 +28
Calcutta +32 +32 +29
Chennai +34 +29 +32 +29 +29 +28
Kerala +29 +27 +30 +28 +31 +29
Goa +30 +28 +31 +29 +32 +29
Delhi +34 +33 +29

India is one of those countries that make an indelible impression on tourists. Guests remember it as bright and luxurious, sunny and welcoming. It attracts travelers to its territories, promising new experiences. Tourist season in India it lasts all year round. This is facilitated by her geographic location, exotic nature, many attractions, rich story country, its glorified traditions, spiritual values.

More than 6 million tourists from all over the world come to India annually. Here you can meet both Europeans and Americans. They strive to learn as much as possible about this country and enjoy its beauty.

But in order that the impressions are not spoiled by the vagaries of the weather, and the rest is as comfortable as possible, you need to know when is the best time to go to India.

High tourist season

For lovers beach holiday The best time to visit India is from December to February. It is at this time of the year that water and air warm up to a comfortable temperature. There is practically no precipitation.

These months average temperature air is 25-31 degrees depending on the region of India. At this temperature, traveling around the country will be a real pleasure. You can combine relaxing on the beach with an excursion program or water sports.

A large congestion of tourists is observed during the New Year or Christmas. Due to the residence of people of many nationalities and confessions in India, these days a large number of festivals and holidays. Also during this period in the state of Goa are traditionally held wedding ceremonies in the national style. If you're lucky, you can even take part in one of them.

The cost of vouchers in the high tourist season reaches its maximum. For those wishing to relax at a lower price, it is worthwhile to think in advance about booking a room in a budget hotel or buying a last minute ticket, which is not difficult to buy. To do this, it is enough to send a request to travel companies, and they will definitely select a tour according to the wishes of the tourist.

Low tourist season

The least number of tourists come to India when the rainy season begins. This time falls in the period from April to October. except heavy rainfall the air temperature rises above 40 degrees. This combination of humidity and heat makes rest almost impossible.

For people who are used to something different temperature regime and humidity, staying in a hotel that is not equipped with climate control and even simple air conditioning is quite problematic. Therefore, when planning a visit to India in low season, be sure to ask the tour operator about the living conditions.

More comfortable temperatures are maintained in the mountainous regions of the country. Precipitation does not occur there often, about 10 days for the entire period. But people who have paid for a trip and want to get acquainted with the culture and sights of India, probably will not want to sit in one place.

Best time to travel around the country

Optimal time to commit sightseeing trips across the country and familiarization with its rich sights - this is the period from May to October. Despite the fact that the weather is favorable for traveling around the country, you should not try to see all the significant artifacts in one visit.

It simply cannot be done. Firstly, there are a lot of really noteworthy sights in India, and secondly, they are scattered throughout its territory. Culturologists believe that this is a country that is generally impossible to fully study. Each time a tourist comes here, a tourist opens up new horizons for himself.

Experienced travelers advise those who have come to India for the first time to choose excursions along the "Golden Triangle". The Golden Triangle includes Largest cities countries: Delhi, Jaipur and Agra.

Beach holiday season

The best time to enjoy the sun and soak in warm waters ocean is the period from November to March. It's time for contrasts. Tops Himalayan mountains already covered with snow, and on the coast of the ocean it is warm and comfortable.

The month of November begins beach season... The water temperature reaches 25-26 degrees, and the air warms up to 29 degrees during the day.

Everyone can choose a vacation that meets his requirements and financial capabilities. Hotels, private apartments of any comfort level and for any budget have been built along the entire beach line. It will be interesting for fans of parties and parties, and for those who prefer quiet rest away from the hustle and bustle.

Every day on the beaches of India you can see the ebb and flow. They take place at the same time on every beach. Care should be taken during high tides and do not go deep into the water.

Diving and surfing season

Beach vacation can be diversified with active pastime, practicing various types of water sports.

While diving, there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the unique flora and fauna of the Arabian Sea. There are coral reefs of the most diverse forms, and different kinds fish such as groupers, barracudas, moray eels and many others. For adventure lovers, the study of sunken ships is of interest.

All along the coast, small diving centers provide equipment rental and basic diving training.

There is also an opportunity to rent surfing equipment. India is not yet a country where surfing is developed. But for last years this sport is gaining popularity both among the local population and among tourists. The peak surfing season is in September. This month the waves reach a height of 5 meters! Beginners are advised to come here when the sea is calmer. Usually this is the period from October to April. Then the waves reach a height of 2 meters. Surfing will give you drive, adrenaline rush and a sense of freedom.

Skiing season

India is a land of contrasts in every sense. At the height of the beach season, those who wish have the opportunity to ski on real snow. To do this, you need to go to ski resorts country. Rest here is as exotic and varied as on the beaches. And while the choice of ski resorts is large enough.

The scenery of the Himalayan mountains is simply breathtaking, and the largest cable car in Asia will impress even the most inveterate skeptic. Ski season in time coincides with the beach holiday season and lasts from December to May. The air temperature in the mountains does not rise above -8 degrees, while most often it is calm, with a clear blue sky overhead - these are excellent conditions for skiing!

For avid tourists, there is no such thing as a "tourist season". They are always open to new experiences and are ready to enjoy every day spent in wondrous India.

India as a resort country attracts many tourists from all over the world. First, a fairly acceptable climate for recreation. Secondly, the relatively low prices for accommodation, meals and travel programs. And they vary depending on the season. What time of year in India? It all depends on how well you handle the heat.

Indian summer

Indian summer according to the calendar is somewhat different from summer in other countries. It starts at the end of March and ends at the end of June. During this period of time, there is not a very large influx of tourists. First, the humidity and temperature are too high. Forty degree heat in conditions high humidity brings many inconveniences. It is highly discouraged to visit the country at this time for people with heart disease, blood pressure problems. Secondly, many private cafes and restaurants on the shore are closed (the season ends). The cost of living is significantly reduced, which attracts tourists looking for a cheap and hot rest... Those who decide to visit the country during the Indian summer can pay attention to the mountain resorts, where the air is much cleaner and fresher, and the humidity is not so high.

Rain season

In India, there is a monsoon and monsoon season from late June to September. Showers with a piercing wind completely kill the tourist season, since a rare tourist agrees to stay in a country where you cannot see the sea or go on an excursion. It is the low season in India when it is not advisable to visit the country.

Indian winter

From the first days of October, the tourist season begins throughout the country, regardless of the city. During this period of time, cafes, restaurants, private beaches, excursions are opened throughout the country. The air temperature is 20-25 ° C, which is optimal. The water temperature, regardless of the season, is kept at 25-27оС. Starting from the end of October in India, various holidays are held in resort cities, beach parties open, an active cultural and entertainment... It is worth knowing that mountain resorts in winter period correspond precisely to winter weather (the temperature often drops below zero). But on the coasts, the temperature and weather are stable. Even if you like to travel from one city to another, it will not bring you any surprises. The tourist season ends at

Forever blooming India boasts a huge amount of rainfall. But this is only for the benefit of its lush vegetation. It is the lingering rains that tourists who are going on vacation to this country are often afraid of.

Weather in India now:

Although it is generally considered the best time to travel to India from October to March, each season has its own unique beauty. Much also depends on the choice of the area. So, in the Thar Desert in the west, precipitation is practically absent, and the eastern lands are abundantly saturated with rainwater, providing a lush growth of plants and a variety of fauna. The south of the country is always hot, and in the north it can be quite cold in winter. But the climate of the Indo-Gangetic Plain is a bit like the Russian continental one: hot summers and cold winters.

India climate by month:

Blooming spring in India

Spring according to the Indian calendar, like the European one, begins in March, only from the 20th. This is the time of the northeast monsoons, bringing dry and hot weather to a large territory of the country. At this time of the year, the daytime air temperature ranges from 27-30 ° C. Sunbathers and beach lovers should choose this time for a trip. Already on May 20, the Indians start summer, or grishma. So at this time it will be quite hot, over 40 ° C.

Spring in India is a period of lush bloom. But bright colors are not only in nature. In March, the country celebrates Holi - the holiday of colors. This is a kind of spring festival, a celebration of the forces of fertility. Residents paint their bodies with paints. At the same time, you can often see how someone is doused with colored water. The merry celebrations are accompanied by the use of bhang, a drink made from juice, milk and hemp leaves.

Indian summer

Summer in India lasts from 20 May to 20 July. And then the monsoon season begins with big amount precipitation. Heat (more than 35 ° C), high humidity are comfortable conditions for insect reproduction, therefore it is difficult to do without repellents. Showers often scare off tourists. But the monsoon season has its own charm - all dust, dirt and even debris are mercilessly washed away by rain streams, giving cities an extraordinary cleanliness. The most comfortable air temperature during this period is in the mountainous regions of the Himalayas (18-30 ° C) and in the south of the country. The north receives 75% of all annual precipitation.

The charm of Indian autumn

Indian autumn can be called velvet season, which tourists love so much. At this time it is no longer hot, but it is warm enough and comfortable. This is the harvest time for apples, fire peppers, rice and other crops. In autumn, the country is flooded with tourists in a hurry to enjoy the comfort of those leaving warm days and visit National parks with rare animals.

It is on these warm days that a whole series of holidays take place in India. It all begins with the celebration of the birth of the deity Ganesh Chaturti, depicted with the head of an elephant. Not without a harvest day - the Onam festival. It is traditionally celebrated in the state of Kerala and is full of songs, flowers, varied entertainment events... Don't forget about Diwali, a celebrated festival of lights that symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness.

Winter India

Lovers winter species Sports are chosen for recreation at this particular time of the year, since ski resorts are opening in the Himalayas since December. But in other parts of the country it is quite comfortable for recreation and excursions. At this time, the flow of tourists to India is increasing even more. It is worth noting that in winter they fly to this country migratory birds so this is the best time of the year to watch them.

Christians in India celebrate Christmas and new year holidays... And already in January in the northern part of India, the celebration of the end of winter - Lori begins. This month, as a rule, also falls on the Pongal harvest festival.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of the tourist services that are part of the tourist product, and the authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, I give my consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of persons (tourists) contained in the Application: surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; residence and registration address; home and mobile phone; address Email; as well as any other data relating to my personality and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those included in the tourist product formed by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or a set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by current legislation Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without using such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such tools corresponds to the nature of the actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows in accordance with the given algorithm, the search for personal data recorded on a tangible medium and contained in card files or other systematic collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as for the transfer (including cross-border) of these personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (the Tour Operator and direct service providers) in order to fulfill this contract (including, depending on the terms of the contract, for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claims issues when they arise, submitting information to authorized state bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me to the Agent is reliable and can be processed by the Agent and its authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and the Tour Operator to send me emails / newsletters to the e-mail address and / or mobile phone number provided by me.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide the personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and I undertake to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with the sanctions of the inspection bodies.

I agree that the text given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, consent to the processing of personal data is stored in in electronic format in the database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be revoked at any time by me, and in terms of a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person, by sending a written notification to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of revoking this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and I understand.

This Consent is an attachment to this Application.
