When is the best time to vacation in Cuba? High and low season in Cuba Cuba, when is the best time to go on vacation and where.

When to go on vacation to Cuba? Cuba is one of the largest Caribbean islands. The country is known for its gorgeous white sand beaches and centuries-old traditions. Cuba is one of the largest Caribbean islands. The land of eternal summer is known for its gorgeous white sand beaches and centuries-old traditions. This is an island of freedom with colorful vintage cars, delicious Cuban cuisine, a relaxed Havana atmosphere and happy residents, where there is always music playing.


Cuba has a tropical climate and two seasons: dry and rainy season. When is the best time to go to Cuba? The best time to visit Cuba is from December to May, during which time the dry season lasts . At this time, you can walk in a T-shirt and shorts in good sunny weather, sunbathe, swim in the sea and ride around the country. From May to November is the rainy season in Cuba. But this does not mean that no one visits Cuba at this time.

Dry season

From December to May, daytime highs fluctuate around 27°C, the air is fresh and not stuffy. This best time for a beach holiday, although the water here is warm all year round. Also during the dry season you can explore the sights of Cuba.

Rain season

During the rainy season, you can go to Cuba much cheaper, so tourists still come. The rainy season lasts from May to November. The most a large number of Precipitation in Cuba falls in June and July. The average temperature hovers around 31°C. In January, night temperatures drop to 15°C and can be chilly. During the rainy season, Cuba is hot, humid and wet. But during this time you can go sightseeing. Cuba is at risk of occasional hurricanes and typhoons during the wettest months of the year.

Temperature in Cuba by month

Minimum and maximum temperatures in Cuba by month.

  • January 19-26°C
  • February 19-26°C
  • March 20-28°C
  • April 21-29°C
  • May 22-30°C
  • June 23-31°C
  • July 24-31°C
  • August 24-32°C
  • September 24-31°C
  • October 23-29°C
  • November 21-28°C
  • December 20-27°C

Water temperature

The Caribbean coast is famous for its beaches, the most famous of which are Playa Paraiso and Varadero. In Cuba you can not only swim, but also snorkel and dive. When to go on vacation to Cuba for a beach holiday? Water temperatures all year round range from 24°C in January to 29°C in August.

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How much do air tickets cost to Cuba?

During the high season from November to May it is more expensive than the rest of the year. The all-inclusive system is common in hotels (everywhere except the city of Havana). Taking into account accommodation and flights, a holiday in Cuba during the high tourist season will cost 20-30% more than in low season.

During the low season from June to October, prices for holidays in Cuba are reduced. Airfare prices start to drop in April and May (off-season), and in the rainiest months of June and July they are 40% cheaper.

Festivals and holidays in Cuba

  • Havana Jazz Festival (January) is the most famous jazz festival in Cuba, which takes place over 4 days.
  • The Habano Cigar Festival (February) is an event where cigar lovers from all over the world come to Havana, visiting plantations, gala dinners and fairs.
  • Carnival in Havana and Santiago de Cuba (July) are the most famous carnivals in Cuba, which take place in every city and each tries to surpass the others in entertainment and scale.
  • International festival Ballet in Havana (November) - one of the oldest ballet festivals in the world, held every two years in the large theaters of Havana.
  • Las Parrandas de Remedios (December) is one of the largest festivals in Cuba, held from December 16 to 24.

What clothes to take to Cuba

  • Shorts, a few T-shirts and dresses
  • Swimsuit
  • Trouser and light cardigan (for cool nights)
  • Beach bag
  • Sun hat
  • Pareo
  • Flip-flops
  • Hiking shoes

Now you know when to go to Cuba on vacation. People come to Cuba to visit UNESCO heritage sites, museums and historical sites. Here you can also watch the process of growing coffee, bananas and making the famous Cuban cigars. By the way, the time difference compared to Moscow is 8 hours.

The island of Cuba attracts tourists not only with its revolutionary surroundings, but also with its magnificent nature, gorgeous beaches stretching into the warm emerald sea, and a host of attractions and entertainment for every taste and budget. You should definitely visit here at least once to feel the sweet taste of freedom after a couple of glasses famous Cuban cocktails, wander the bustling streets of Havana, explore the colonial architecture of Trinidad, visit the port city of Sanfuegos or sunbathe on snow-white beaches Varadero, list interesting places I could go on for a very long time.

Summer on the island lasts all year round. But you should plan your vacation taking into account the fact that in some periods the vacation may not be very comfortable for unprepared tourists: the air temperature and humidity go through the roof, and sometimes rain falls on the island. tropical cyclones. Let's look at the holiday season in Cuba by month: when is the best time to go and what to see.

Do Russians need a visa to Cuba?

To begin with, it is worth noting the documents required to visit the country. It is noteworthy that Russians can vacation on the island without a visa. You can stay here for up to 30 days.

The list of documents required to enter the country is very small: a valid passport, round-trip air tickets and an insurance policy. Independent tourists may be asked to confirm their solvency.

Each traveler must have with him an amount of $50 per day. On the way back, at the airport you will have to pay an airport tax ($25).

Aeroflot has regular flights from Russia to Cuba. You can also get there with transfers using the services of foreign airlines. A flight from Moscow to the capital Havana will take about 13 hours. if you save depends on the carrier, of course, but we recommend comparing different options.

Briefly about the climate of the “island of freedom”

What should tourists know about the island’s climate? Cuba's climate is determined by its location. The country is located just south of the Tropic of Cancer, on the border Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, and the weather is greatly influenced sea ​​currents and northeast trade winds.

The climate on the island is tropical and humid. Average annual temperature on the island 29°C. The hot air is softened by the influence of the sea and ocean; moisture is also carried by the trade winds, penetrating almost all corners of the island. Therefore, in summer the heat is quite moderate - the average temperature here is about +28°C, and in winter it is also warm and comfortable (about +22).

The beach season in Cuba does not stop even for a day. The water temperature does not drop below +22°C even in winter. In summer, the sea heats up like fresh milk - up to +30°C.

The climate in the country as a whole is not very diverse. There are only two distinct periods here: the dry season (from November to April) and the rainy season (from May to October).

From June to November there are quite strong hurricanes, the bulk of precipitation falls in the form of tropical showers. The rest of the time in Cuba it is quite fresh and comfortable, especially on the coast, where the wind brings coolness. But in the interior of the island it is still quite hot and humid.

When is the season in Cuba and you can swim?

The tourist season in Cuba starts from November. At this time, the trade winds recede, the rainfall subsides, and the air humidity after the peak levels of the rainy season decreases, although it remains quite high. Most of the showers are short-lived and occur only at night. During the day, the thermometer rises to 29-31°C, and the water temperature drops to 25-26°C.

However, in November it begins to get dark earlier, after 17:00. In the evening the air cools down and breezes bring coolness to the coast. After sunset, the temperature can drop to +17°C, so warm clothes will not hurt tourists. There is still a possibility of cyclones manifesting themselves with strong winds, the sea or ocean may be stormy. However, travelers always have a choice - rent a car and go to the opposite coast of the island.

In the capital Havana at this time it is most comfortable and not very hot. On November 16, Saint Cristobal (Christopher Columbus) Day is celebrated here. You can, together with local residents, walk around the sacred tree on the territory of the El Templete chapel three times and make a wish.

Overall November - great time for surfing, diving, beach holidays, all kinds of excursions and independent exploration of the island. Prices for tours in November are not the highest, but operators practically no longer offer last-minute tours.

Decemberofficially opens the high season in Cuba. Tourists literally fill the island, which also affects the pricing policy. Prices for travel packages begin to rise, and in the second half of the month they increase two to three times. The weather is ideal for swimming and beach holidays: it rains once a month, and the sweltering heat finally subsides. During the day the air warms up to an average of +27°C, and by night it drops to 20°C. The sea is very often even warmer than the air: 24-25°C.

In general, December is one of the coolest months in Cuba. The reason is strong winds from the north, which can cool the air quite significantly. In some areas the thermometer can drop to 16-18°C at night. So don't forget to bring warm clothes with you. The most comfortable resorts in winter are Varadero and Santiago de Cuba.

On windy or rare rainy days, you can safely go on excursions. December is also rich in events. The key holiday for which travelers from all over the world come here is the New Year. Here he is greeted on a grand scale; in the evening, carnival processions take place in all cities. And yes, Cubans decorate a palm tree for the holiday, and at midnight they raise their glasses with the Cuba Libra cocktail.

January -most cold month per year. But this does not stop tourists: there are almost no hotel rooms, and the beaches are full. In the south and southeast it is traditionally warmer, here the temperature during the day rises to 27-29°C. A little cooler in Havana and Varadero (+25°C). The water temperature is almost equal to the air, but if the wind starts blowing from the Atlantic, sunbathing on the beach becomes not very pleasant. Sometimes winter comes cold front, and the temperature immediately drops by 5-10°C. So a jacket won't hurt on days like these.

What to do when the wind brings coolness? Return to the hotel to the pool or go explore the island. By the way, in Cuba there are as many as nine objects (including several cities) included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

And in January, Cubans celebrate one of the main public holidays. New Year“flows” into the Triumph of the Revolution - the anniversary of the victory of the 1959 revolution and the liberation of Cuba from the dictatorial regime. The holiday is celebrated on a grand scale: parades, processions and concerts. In the same month, the Cabildos festival of Cuban culture starts in Havana.

Februaryis also one of the most “gentle” months for tourists who are not used to tropical climate. Residents actively come here to relax European countries. The air is still quite dry, and there is almost no rain. The average air temperature is very comfortable (26-27°C), water temperature is +25°C. Like the rest winter months, there are also cold snaps down to 20°C, but they are quickly replaced by warm days.

If you choose the end of February for your holiday in Cuba, then do not miss the international Cuban Cigar Festival. These days there are fairs and exhibitions dedicated to one of the main local products. All the action is accompanied by concerts. Wealthy tourists come to Cuba specifically to buy special items at auctions. valuable varieties cigars

IN March The thermometers begin to creep up to +30°C, and thanks to the sea breeze, the daytime heat and humidity are not yet felt. The nights also become warmer (20-22°C). There will be virtually no rain on the island this month. Therefore, March is a great time to sunbathe on the beach, work out aquatic species dispute, try to catch a swordfish while fishing or go on excursion routes. But it is worth considering that prices for holidays in Cuba are still high.

April- the final high season in Cuba. This is the perfect month to relax. As in March, air and water temperatures are gradually increasing, but moderate wind and low humidity are very comfortable for tourists. There are also no sudden temperature changes. After sunset, you can safely go for walks; the temperature at night does not drop below +22°C. Besides, in April in many major cities large-scale festivals are held. By the end of the month, the flow of tourists will subside, hotels will be empty, and local residents will begin preparing for the rainy season.

Rainy season on the island

IN May Cuba is gradually adjusting to the rainy season, which has not yet come into its own. It's borderline, but not far bad month for a holiday in the country. Right now you can find relatively. It's getting hotter, but breezes ease the heat. It doesn’t rain every day; it’s intense, but ends quickly and doesn’t cause much inconvenience. Afterwards the sky clears up and the sun peeks out from behind the clouds again. The air warms up to 30-32°C, water - up to 28°C. The sea is almost perfect: there are no jellyfish or algae.

Junecomes to Cuba with showers, and in some areas even with hurricanes. This is where one of the peaks of the rainy season falls. Daytime temperatures reach 32-35°C, the water warms up to 27-29°C. Heavy rains The city streets are flooded, and the terrible heat subsides only after sunset. Red flags appear on many beaches warning of the possibility of encountering jellyfish or sinophores appearing in coastal strip after storms.

IN July o a fresh breeze can easily turn into a strong wind. During the day it is hot and stuffy due to high humidity. Even the sea can’t save you: the water temperature rises to 30°C. Sunscreen, clothing that protects your skin and hats are essential in this weather. Rains can start quite suddenly and last for several hours, flooding entire streets and turning beaches into mush.

Despite this, there are quite a lot of tourists in Cuba. The reasons lie not only in low prices, but also in the fact that it is precisely at the time of year that there is a large number various events: festivals and carnivals. So in in the second half of July the famous carnivals in Havana and Santiago de Cuba. The events are accompanied by costumed processions, musical performances and fiery dances. Clothed The participants in enchanting costumes have fun, drink and dance from morning to night.

IN August You can swim and sunbathe only in the morning. It may rain in the afternoon, accompanied by strong winds. During the day, it is better to take a siesta and not go out in the sun until four o’clock in the afternoon: you can get sunburned even in cloudy weather. This is the most hot month of the year. During the day the temperature rises to 34°C, at night it does not fall below 23°C.

And although the likelihood of storms is below average, traveling to Cuba in August is not worth it. The humidity at this time of year is literally off the charts, so not everyone can bear the heat. In addition, at this time there is a peak of mosquitoes, midges and other midges. Excursions and sightseeing in such weather risk turning into torture. Therefore, when it comes to entertainment, you should choose those that do not take place under the scorching sun: museums in Havana, tastings in restaurants.

Septemberin Cuba full of unpleasant surprises. The heat begins to gradually subside to 31-32 °C , but the air is literally saturated with water. Air humidity exceeds 78%. As a result, rest risks turning into torture.

Water temperature remains stable at 26-29°C. The sea is periodically stormy, strong winds sometimes they develop into real hurricanes. However, most often hurricanes affect only the western part of the island, and reach other regions only as echoes. That is why tourists are not recommended to visit the province of Pinar del Rio and the island of Cayo Largo. Sea cruises at this time it is very dangerous, and excursion walks along the streets in the stuffiness are incredibly difficult. The only thing left for tourists is to relax on the beach in between the surf and rain.

IN October the inclement weather begins to subside. Every two or three days the island is flooded with showers, but they end as suddenly as they begin. On the coast there may still be small tornadoes or hurricanes. The terrible heat passes by mid-autumn, and the temperature drops to 28-30°C. The water temperature is approximately the same - up to 29°C. It is coolest on the northern coast and in the capital. October in Cuba beach holiday You can already alternate with small excursions and trips. But you should still refrain from going out to the open sea. Instead, you can visit numerous festivals: the International Festival of Contemporary Music in Havana, sometimes smoothly flowing into a guitar festival, the Rumba Festival in Matanzas, or the largest Ballet Festival in the Western Hemisphere.

When is the best time to go to Cuba?

So, let's summarize. When is the best time to go to Cuba?

The high season from November to April is optimal and suitable even for weather-sensitive people and families with small children. But the prices here are quite high, and on New Year’s Eve the cost of tours simply goes through the roof. More acceptable offers can be found at the beginning and at the end of the season. This good time for all types of recreation: both beach and excursion.

In summer, vacation prices can drop by 30-50%. However, not everyone can withstand the heat and high humidity, and walking on fresh air risks turning into torture. Buying a tour turns into roulette: you can guess the weather or not. But it is during the low season that the most interesting festivals and carnivals take place on the island. If your choice falls on autumn, choose hotels carefully: they should not be too close to the sea and have pumping stations in case of flooding. The indoor pool will also be a plus - here you can relax even if it’s stormy outside.

Cuba is a place that is known as the “island of freedom” and as an option for an exotic and extremely eventful vacation. But many people think that no matter what time they come to Cuba, it will always be warm, cloudless, and the ocean will beckon. But it is not so. When going to Cuba, it is important to take into account that it is located in the same hemisphere as Russia, which means that in winter it is still winter there, albeit without snow, but there is still a chance of encountering a “cold front”. Let's consider when is the best time to vacation in Cuba, what time of year, and where exactly to spend your vacation.

Seasons in Cuba

Each season in Cuba has its own characteristics, and does not always meet tourists’ requests for warm water and warm air. Let's consider what climatic conditions prevail at one time or another in Cuba, and when the season opens for tourists.

Winter time

IN winter time years, if you are a coward and still worry about hot days, when your clothes instantly become wet from sweat, it is better to refuse a trip to Cuba. Despite the fact that during the day in Cuba in winter it is so hot that it is quite possible to get sunburned, the evenings are quite cold. The second problem this time of year in Cuba is the strongest winds. The wind not only prevents you from feeling all the hot weather, but also makes even the waters of the hotel pool so icy that you not only get goosebumps, but also cause cramps.

The average air temperature in winter is 26 degrees, but sudden temperature changes can take even local residents by surprise, not to mention tourists. Therefore, it cannot be said that winter is the best time to visit Cuba, especially to warm your bones, lie on the beach and swim in the sea waters.

Spring in Cuba

But spring is the best time to travel to the island of freedom. In March, temperature fluctuations can still be a surprise, but April and May really beckon with their comfortable climate. The air temperature in these months is 29 degrees, and the water heats up to 25-27 degrees. Under such conditions it is very easy to get not only sunburn, but also sunstroke, so using sunscreen and hats are strictly necessary, especially if you are traveling with small children.

Summer period

But in the summer in Cuba it’s hot as hell. Everything is literally melting under the scorching rays of the sun, but even such heat does not repel tourists, which is due to the huge number of street festivals, carnivals and other fun, colorful and emotional events. Only in the summer can Cuba be known as it really is, because the island lives life to the fullest. If you are ready for the merciless heat, then summer in Cuba awaits you!


The autumn period in Cuba is a time of hurricanes and rains, despite the fact that the air and water temperatures remain high. The consequences of a Cuban hurricane are not always devastating, but it is impossible to predict when and with what force the storm will strike. It is definitely impossible to swim in the fall; due to constant rain, the water is not only cloudy, but also constantly stormy, and there is a danger of drowning even when you are close to the shore.

But, prices for tours to Cuba fall in the fall, accommodation becomes cheaper, which is due to the low flow of tourists. But, given what is happening in Cuba in the fall, the trip is unlikely to be enjoyable, despite its attractive and changing price.

If you are looking for the most favorable time year to visit - then it’s definitely spring, but you won’t be able to escape from the harsh Russian winter to Cuba, it’s better to choose something else, for example.

Top 3 places to go to Cuba

Having figured out when is the best time to vacation in Cuba, at what time of year, you can move on to the question of where exactly to spend your leisure time. Let's look at three of the most popular destinations for tourists who will discover the island of freedom in its full glory, and even from a historical point of view.


The capital of Cuba, which is less than ten years away from its 500th anniversary. Here you will find architecture from the Spanish colonial era juxtaposed with new high-rise buildings made of concrete and glass. History and modernity are literally intertwined in Havana, which cannot but fascinate. In addition, the center of Havana is the history of the entire island of freedom; in the old center of Havana you can find more than 900 historical objects and monuments. During the day, on the streets of Havana, you can become part of the colorful show parade that takes place every day, and in the evening, visit a cabaret and feel like a true Cuban. Havana has a huge selection of hotels, from two stars to five, and you certainly won’t get bored here. Those who love sightseeing, history, carnivals and city life will definitely enjoy this place.

Havana has 47 kilometers of coastline, 20 of which are beaches. However, the city beaches of Havana are more suitable for fishing and contemplation, but to swim and lie on the sand you will have to drive a little away from the capital.

Varadero is another popular Cuban resort where you can visit the House of Rum and taste the most famous Cuban drink. In addition, here you can visit the Muslim Cave and Villa Dupont. Unlike Havana, Varadero is a less busy resort, but with the same well-developed infrastructure.

Varadero is not only an abundance of museums and attractions, but also a resort of continuous beaches. The shores of the beaches consist of sandy sand, the water of the Atlantic Ocean is clean and warm, it is the beaches of Varadero that have repeatedly become the best in the world top beaches.

Varadero is located 135 km from Havana, tourists who come here come precisely to get plenty of sunshine and the “swimming” season. There are discos and salsa classes here. open air, and, of course, the rum flows like a river. During the day - a beach holiday, in the evening - a party!

Santiago de Cuba

Santiago de Cuba is the cultural capital of Cuba. A true Afro-Caribbean atmosphere, energy, and the rebellious spirit of the island of freedom reign here. All the famous Cuban music, sona and salsa, were born here. But for those who prefer a relaxing holiday, it is better not to come here. After all, in Santiago de Cuba there is constant movement and chaos. In addition, the place is also dangerous: here you need to be constantly on alert so as not to fall into the clutches of swindlers, although tourist places(hotel areas), they still don’t bother.

This resort is great for diving and also hosts some of Cuba's most colorful carnivals and fire festivals.

Let's find out together when is the best time to travel here, and when is it better not to even think about traveling to Cuba. It will not be good for anyone if you arrive at the resort and it turns out that this period It's raining in Cuba. Your mood will be spoiled, your perception of the country will be wrong. So, when does the rainy season begin in Cuba, and when is the season for an unforgettable, unclouded holiday?

Cuba, unlike other countries, does not have 4 seasons, but only two:

  • hot “summer”, often with showers and very high humidity;
  • dry "winter".

Cuba is truly an island of warmth and summer mood, because the sun shines here 330 days a year.

Number of sunny days per year Average annual air temperature, ºС Humidity, % Tourist seasons, months
winter summer rains dry
330 +25 +30 78 May-October November-April

The rainy season in Cuba begins in May and lasts until October.

In January, the air temperature does not rise above + 23ºС and this month is considered the coolest, the most “winter”. The hottest month is probably, like here in Russia, July. But the difference is significant - due to the high humidity, temperatures of +30ºС are very difficult to bear and you can only escape in the shade of palm trees. The temperature at night is + 23ºС. High heat combined with high humidity requires acclimatization for some time, but constant winds come to the rescue.

From May to November, air humidity rises and precipitation increases. Absolutely nothing to fear heavy rains for the whole day, this will not happen. The rains come and go, but summer always remains. You can enjoy the rain for 5-10 minutes, and after a couple of hours everything becomes the same. Such rains can occur from June to September.

The rainy season is not as scary as it might seem. If you are not afraid of the sweltering heat and heavy rains, then the holiday season in Cuba can be year-round for you.

Indicators of the rainy season in Cuba, lasting from May to October:

  • the number of sunny days is the same during the holiday season, that is, 8 hours;
  • the number of days when it rains doubles. Already 10 days in the month will become rainy;
  • daytime temperature rises to + 31 ºС;
  • at night the temperature does not drop below + 24 ºС;
  • the water warms up to a state fresh milk and its indicators freeze at + 28 ºС.

Average temperature in Cuba, ºС
Month Jan February March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
t air, ºС 23,1 22,9 24,1 25,1 27,1 27,6 28,4 28,1 27,6 27,7 24,6 23,5
t water, ºС 24,3 24,3 24,6 25,3 26,2 27,3 28,0 28,3 28,3 27,5 26,3 25,2
rains 3 4 3 4 8 11 9 10 10 10 5 3

Holiday season in Cuba is the best time to travel

The best time to travel to Cuba is from December to March, when the “dry” season is actively gaining momentum in receiving tourists coming on vacation. Season

Cuba is an island nation that attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. Many travelers associate Cuba with the paradise island of communism. Everyone who has visited this island at least once will want to return there again. All thanks to the unique climate, many carnivals and holidays, as well as beautiful nature.

The climate in Cuba is unusual. Thanks to warm currents, which wash the shores of Cuba, the island maintains a constantly favorable temperature. The weather on the island changes frequently. There are only two seasons: the rainy season, which lasts from May to October, and the dry season from November to April. However, you should not think that it will rain all day long during the rainy season, sunny days will also make you happy. Cuba has a tropical trade wind climate. The temperature stays around +25 - +28 degrees Celsius all year round. But thanks constant winds and high humidity do not feel unbearably hot. Despite this, the island invites tourists all year round. Although the best time to go to Cuba , Still, it can be highlighted, because tourists often ask this question before going there.

The best season for a holiday in Cuba

Definitely, the best time to visit this fabulous island is in autumn or winter, the most best months– from September to April. It is at this time that there is practically no precipitation in Cuba, and the air temperature is maintained at +26 degrees Celsius. The best way to visit Cuba is to book a tour with a travel company. The cost of a week-long tour usually costs about 4.5 thousand dollars for two people. Yes, the pleasure is not the cheapest. However, the price of the tour includes accommodation, flights, meals, as well as a list of excursions with a Russian-speaking guide. Such an adventure will not leave anyone indifferent; upon arrival home, you will share your impressions and talk about it for a long time. interesting stories about Cuba.

Good weather will allow you to explore all the significant sights of Cuba, of which there are quite a few. The main pearl of the island can easily be called the city of Varadero. Varadero has incredible white sand beaches and clean blue color sea. The beaches of the city of Varadero periodically receive the status - cleanest beaches peace. In addition to beautiful beaches, tourists can see the sights, which, by the way, are quite numerous in the resort area. Nature lovers can visit the Ambrosio Cave with its unique rock art. On the territory of the lake you can visit the famous dolphinarium. In addition to sightseeing, tourists are invited to do more active recreation. There are 23 diving centers in Varadero.

The capital of Cuba, Havana, is famous not only for its cigars and rum. Havana is also famous for its Colonial and Anthropological Museums. There are several more in the city interesting museums, which are a must-see, and the manor house where Ernest Hemingway lived. He lived in the capital of Cuba for several years, and his house still receives visitors.

You should also definitely visit the most big park Cuba - park named after V.I. Lenin - the Soviet leader. Tourists are offered unique opportunity visit the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, built in the mid-17th century, the Botanical Park, the San Carla Monastery, which was built in the 17th century, as well as the Havana Zoo. Not far from the La Cabaña fortress is the Havana Christ, whose height is 18 meters. As soon as evening comes, all visitors to the fortress can witness the most beautiful cannon firing ceremony. Everyone who attended this ceremony advises their friends to attend it.

As soon as you step foot on Cuban soil, you instantly fall in love with its beauty, especially if you choose the right time for your trip. Now you know when is the best time to go to Cuba.
