Scenario of the sports game "sports quest". Game - quest “We are for a healthy lifestyle

Date of publication: 05/22/17

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 48"

Topic: “Journey for the secrets of health”

(quest - a game to develop a healthy lifestyle for older preschoolers)

Compiled by:

Bronnikova Veronika Alexandrovna,

teacher of the highest qualification

Theme: “Journey to the Secrets of Health”

Educational area: cognitive development

Form of implementation: quest - game

Age group: preparatory

Target: consolidation of pupils’ knowledge about the main components of health.

Tasks: educational: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the main components of health; develop motivation and responsibility for maintaining one’s own health; developing: to develop children's curiosity, cognitive activity, speech skills, creative and artistic abilities; educating: to cultivate a sense of collectivism, the ability to work in a team, a responsible attitude of pupils towards their health, to introduce a healthy lifestyle.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, information and technical.

Forms of organization of pupils’ activities: collective, group.

Materials and equipment: ICT (computer, screen, video projector, Power Point presentation); pictures depicting healthy and harmful products, easel, plan - diagram.

Preliminary work: conversations with children about the benefits of vitamins, proper nutrition; reading fiction and educational literature on the topic, looking at illustrations, watching videos.

1 slide

Progress of the game:

2 slide

(Children, to the music of “Radiant Sun,” run into music hall, perform exercises with winders).

3 slide

Educator: We study with childhood we,

Greeting rules.

"Hello" is the best word

Means "Be healthy"!

The one who is younger

I owe it to my elders

Be the first to say “Hello”

By this the younger can reach the elders,

Show respect.

Since childhood, we have been observing the rules of greeting.

Educator: Let's say hello to our guests.When we say “hello” to each other, we always wish our interlocutor good health and good mood. They say that “A good mood is half of your health!” We hope that today in our hall everyone good mood!

4 slide

(There is a knock on the door. Doctor Pilyulkin comes in.)

Pilyulkin . : Hello guys! You recognized me? I am Doctor Pilyulkin from the glorious country of Health. Today I came to you for a reason: I invite you to take a trip around my wonderful city for the secrets of health. And so that you don’t go astray, I have prepared a map for you with the indicated route. At the end of the journey you will learn all my secrets on how to be healthy. So, are you ready to hit the road? Then go ahead!

The teacher and the children look at the map and hit the road.

Not in reality and not in a dream, without fear and without timidity

We will wander around a country that is not on the globe.

5 slide

1 station “Healthy and harmful products”

Pilyulkin: Our first stop at the station "Healthy and harmful foods."

Educator : Do you think food brings us health? What food brings health? (useful).

Educator: What foods are good for our health? Which ones are harmful?

Educator: Now you only need to choose healthy foods and fill the refrigerator with them.

(There is a sheet of paper with a drawing of a refrigerator on the table. Children stick cards with pictures of healthy products on it.)

Educator: What was the first health secret we unraveled?

(You need to eat right, eat only healthy foods).

Child: To always be healthy,

Cheerful, slim and cheerful,

We are ready to give you advice,

How to live without doctors.

You need to eat tomatoes

Fruits, vegetables, lemons,

Porridge - in the morning, soup - at lunch,

And for dinner - vinaigrette.

6 slide

2nd station “Vitaminnaya”

Pilyulkin: We are met by the Vitaminnaya station.

Educator: Guys, do you think our health has friends?

That's right, our most faithful friends are vitamins.

What contains the most vitamins?

What do you think is the healthiest vegetable?

- The vegetables themselves will help us figure this out!

Scene "Dispute of vegetables".

Pilyulkin: The vegetables started an argument.

Which of them, from vegetables,
Both tastier and more useful?
Who with all the diseases,
Will everyone be more useful?

Peas (fun)

I'm so pretty
Little green boy
If only I want
I'll treat everyone to peas!

Pilyulkin: Blushing with offense, the beets grumbled

Beets (important)

Let me say a word,
Listen first.
You need beets for borscht,
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is no better beetroot.

Cabbage (interrupting)

You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!

Cucumber (perky)

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber,
Everyone will like it, of course!

Carrot (flirty)

A short story about me:
Who doesn't know vitamins!
Always drink carrot juice
And bite the carrot -
Then you will be, my friend,
Tough, strong, dexterous.

Pilyulkin: Then the tomato pouted and said sternly

Tomato (strictly)

Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,
Shut up a little.
The most delicious and pleasant
Of course, tomato juice.

Pilyulkin: Place a box by the window, water only more often and when true friend, will come to you green onions.

Onion (important)

I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
Did you guess it? I am your friend -
I'm just a simple green onion!

Potatoes (modestly)

I, potato, am so modest -
She didn't say a word.
But everyone needs potatoes -
Both big and small!

Child: It's time to end the dispute!

Vegetables. There is no point in arguing.

Which one of us, from vegetables,
More important and tastier than everyone else?
Who from all diseases,
Will it be better for everyone?

Pilyulkin: (struggling)

To be healthy and strong,
You have to love vegetables.
All without exception
There is no doubt about it!
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which of you is tastier, which of you is more important!

Educator: Guys, do you know that vitamins are found not only in vegetables, but also in fruits. I will ask riddles, and you must guess the names of the fruits.

7 slide

1. Round, ruddy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

The kids love me. (apple)

8 slide

2. Far in the south somewhere

It grows in winter and summer.

Will surprise us

Thick-skinned... (pineapple)

Slide 9

3. Kids know this fruit

Monkeys love to eat it.

He comes from hot countries

In the tropics it grows... (banana)

10 slide

4. Yellow citrus fruit

It grows in sunny countries.

But it tastes sour,

And his name is... (lemon)

11 slide

5. He looks like a red ball,

Only he doesn’t rush at a gallop.

It contains a useful vitamin -

This is ripe... (orange)

12 slide

6. Twins on a thin branch

All vines are native children.

Everyone in the house is happy to have a guest.

This is sweet... (grapes)

Educator: I'll tell you a secret: vitamins, like soldiers, protect our body from harmful microbes and diseases. Each of them has their own names, just one letter in size: A, B, C.

Slide 13

Look what you see on the screen?

(A slide appears on the screen - a red house with the letter A, a diagram of the eye and height)

Educator: Vitamin A is important for vision and growth.

(The slide shows: carrots, potatoes, ice cream, pumpkin, apricots)

Slide 14

Educator: Vitamin B helps the heart work and strengthens our bones. (The slide shows: tomato, milk, pine nuts, meat, cheese)

15 slide

Educator: Vitamin C strengthens our body and helps fight germs.

(On the slide are drawn: lemon, currant, rosehip).

Educator: What is the 2nd secret that we revealed to you?

Child: Vitamins, vitamins.

Vitamins all year round.

You need to eat vitamins.

So that the people are healthy.

16 slide

3rd station "Mudraya"

Pilyulkin: We arrived at the most difficult station, which is called “Wise”

Educator: Decipher the words and you will find out what you can use to fight dirt.
LMOY (soap) -17 slide

ASCHTEK (brush ) – 18 slide

LMCHOAAC (washcloth) – 19 slide
LTOENPOETS (towel) – 20 slide

ASHUPMN (shampoo) – 21 slides

Educator: What is the 3rd secret we learned here?

Live without diseases

You must always be clean and tidy.

4 station "Sportivnaya"

Educator: We go to the last station “Sportivnaya”.

Pilyulkin: But we can get there if we unravel the motto and find out what is most important in the life of every person

22 slide

(Children guess the motto: “Sport helps us increase our strength”).

Slide 23

Pilyulkin: Here we are at the Sportivnaya station.

Educator: Everyone knows that physical education and sports are the main contributors to health. And that’s why we will now show sports ingenuity and speed.

Let's play with balls

Find out for yourself how to play.

To begin, we will all line up together in 2 rows on the spot.

Afterwards we need to take the ball in order to complete the task with it.

One-two, where is the attention?

We complete all tasks.

1 relay race “Roll the ball”.
Roll the ball with both hands to the post, then pick it up and run back to your team. At the starting line, the baton is passed to the next one.

2 relay race “Jumping on two legs with a ball held between the legs.”
Each child on the team holds the ball between their knees and jumps to the finish line, trying not to drop the ball. He comes back running.
At the start line, he passes the baton to the next person by touching his hand.

3 relay race “Pass the ball”

Each child on the team passes the ball over their head to a friend standing behind them.

Educator: So the 4th secret was revealed to us: what?

Children: To be healthy, you need to exercise and play sports!

Educator: Our wonderful journey has come to an end. Thank you, dear Doctor Pilyulkin.

Where have we been? What health secrets have you learned?

Educator: I hope that you will follow them, and the doors to a happy and joyful country called “Health” will always be open for you!

1 child: All healthy image life,

The guys and I are leading

Even though we are still preschoolers,

We don't lag behind adults.

2nd child: We will always be healthy

Let's grow strong

If you play sports,

You will become the strongest!

24 slide

Quest game “Journey to the country of healthy lifestyle”

Goal: popularization of a healthy lifestyle, promotion of sports.


Introduction to one of the sports;

Developing curiosity and the ability to work in a team.

To participate in the quest game, 2 teams of 10-15 participants are formed
(grades 1-2). The commander is selected.


Main characters:


doctor Tabletkina

Loser Vitya.


The sport is rhythmic gymnastics.

Cards depicting objects (ball, clubs, jump rope, hoop, ribbon), a school map indicating the stages.

The game is held on the basis of the school.

Teams line up in the school yard.

Host: Hello, guys! Today is an unusual day for us. You and I will go on a journey. But this will not be an easy journey. Adventures await us: riddles, adventures and much more. You will complete tasks, and for each correctly completed task I will give you cards. Whichever team has the most cards at the end of the game wins. Ready?

Teams: Yes!

Host: And now I want to know what your teams are called.

Children pronounce the team name and team motto in unison. The facilitator gives the teams maps and using the map the teams go to the venueIstage.


The sad student Vitya comes to visit the team with chips and/or lemonade in his hands.

Host: What happened? Why are you so sad?

Vitya: Oh, they gave me a bad mark in physical education! I hate this exercise! I can't do anything!

Host: Well, how can that be? Physical education lessons are not only interesting, but also useful. Really, guys? (addresses the teams). Children's answers.

Vitya: Why is it useful, physical education?

Presenter: (addresses Vita) Do you want to know how physical education is useful? What is a healthy lifestyle? Do you want to learn something new about sports? (Addresses the team) What about you guys? Then go ahead!

Doctor Tabletkina enters.

Doctor: Where are you going? I won't let you go anywhere until you answer my questions. I must be sure that you are prepared for such a difficult journey.

Doctor Tabletkina talks about healthy eating. The story can be about any useful products. IN in this case we're talking about about milk and vegetables.

Many years ago, Eastern sages believed that milk was magic drink. Milk makes a person intelligent, helps him understand the world and distinguish good from evil, and this is exactly what you guys need! Therefore, in order for a child to grow up healthy, he must drink one glass of milk daily! Now I will check what you know about milk.

1. What happens when milk sours?

    Curdled milk



2. The first food of a newborn baby




3. Why do children need milk?

    For happiness

    For the mood

    For growth

4. What is butter obtained from?

    From the cream

    From cottage cheese

    From sour cream

5. What cold dessert, loved by children, is made from milk?

    Cottage cheese

    Ice cream


Well done! Now let me see what you know about vegetables?

Vegetables are very healthy foods and are essential for schoolchildren.

1. Which vegetable is very good for vision?




2. Which vegetable is called the second bread?




3. Which vegetable has the most vitamin C?

    In cabbage

    In beets

    In sweet red pepper

4. What other name does tomato have?




5. This vegetable in green pods is a favorite children’s delicacy in the country garden.




6. Most fabulous vegetable?




Well done, you guys. (Hands out cards to the teams). But for some reason you stayed too long. Let's play. If the product is healthy, clap your hands and say loudly “Yes!” If it’s not healthy, then everyone stomp together and say “No!” (Game taken from the Internet)

There are harmful and healthy foods.

Who will give the correct answer?

What is useful and what is not?

Apple juice(Yes)

Pepsi, lemonade (No)

Roasted sunflower seeds(No)

Refined sugar (No)

Hot pies (Yeah)

Crispy chips (No)

Milk and porridge (Yes)

Fruits, curdled milk (Yes)

Now I'm sure you're ready to travel. Here are your directions on where to move next. Goodbye, don't forget to eat right. (Gives an envelope with a piece of map).

Vitya: So chips and lemonade make me weak!? I'll throw them away.

Throws harmful products into the trash.

Teams follow the map toIIstage.


Teams come toIIstage.

Vitya: Oh! Look, what is this? (Points to the envelope). Let's see what's there? (Opens the envelope). There's a task! (Gives the captain the task to read).

Once you solve the crossword puzzle, I will allow you passage.

The host opens the board with a crossword puzzle on it.

The word "gymnastics" is closed.

























1. Stand with clubs facing each other

Teams of guys in red and blue.

Wearing helmets like knights, but don’t be timid,

The fight here is for training - they play (hockey)

2. Very bitter - but healthy!

Protects against diseases!

And he is no friend to microbes -

Because it - ... . (Onion)

3. Since childhood, people have been told to everyone:

Nicotine is deadly...(Poison)

4. Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race.

And it’s not the horses that carry me,

And the shiny ones... (Skates)

5. I can’t feel my legs from joy,

I'm flying down a terrible hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me,

Who helped me, children? (Skis)

6. Svetka is unlucky today -

The doctor gave me bitters... (Pills)

7. I have no time to be sick, friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself

What gives me health... (Sports)

8. Here is a silver meadow:

No lamb in sight

The bull does not moo on it,

Chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow good in winter,

But you won’t find it in the spring. (Ice rink)

9. Early morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass,

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer -

This is my...(Bicycle)

10. Round side, yellow side

Gingerbread man sitting in the garden bed

He was rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this? (Turnip)

11. Don't be afraid of the pediatrician

Don't worry, calm down,

Don't be capricious, don't cry,

It's just childish... (Doctor)

12. So as not to be frail, lethargic,

Didn't lie under the covers

I wasn't sick and was fine

Do every day...(exercise)

Presenter: Well done guys! Solved the crossword puzzle! (Hands out cards) But what is rhythmic gymnastics? Who will tell us about this? We have a map (Gives a piece of the map). There we will learn what rhythmic gymnastics is! Children follow the map toIIIstage.


At the stage, the team is greeted by a child athlete. (Girl artist, in a swimsuit, with medals). She tells and shows the children a film presentation about rhythmic gymnastics.

Athlete-presenter: Guys, every athlete involved in rhythmic gymnastics has a beautiful swimsuit. I suggest you create a sketch of a leotard for a gymnast and decorate it with sparkles. (A swimsuit is printed or drawn on whatman paper; children are given paints, glue and glitter. Children draw to the music).

The leading athlete distributes cards and gives out the next piece of the card leading toIVstage.


The teams go outside according to the map. There they are met by the second child athlete.

Sportsman-presenter: I want to test how strong, dexterous, and skillful you are! (Conducts general physical training to music). Had a great time! Here are your work cards! And this map will show you the further path. (According to the map, children enter the hall).

In the hall, children are greeted by a child athlete and a rhythmic gymnastics coach. The coach talks about sports, training, trips to competitions. Children athletes demonstrate demonstration performances. The coach conducts a master class: children are asked to try to repeat simple elements with a ball, hoop, jump rope, and ribbon.

At the end of the master class, the cards are counted and the winning team is determined.














Director of the Municipal Educational Institution_____________ N.I. Semenyuk

"____"_________________ 2016G


About the competition


1.1. This regulation determines the procedure for organizing and conducting stage 2 of the competition “The Healthiest Class”Quest relay race “Time to be healthy!”(hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. The competition is held with the aim ofimproving activities to protect and promote the health of schoolchildren, instilling healthy and active image life, reducing the prevalence of bad habits and creating an environment favorable to health.

1.3. Competition objectives:

Activating the work of school classrooms to create a healthy environment at school and master the skills of a healthy and active lifestyle

Increasing the effectiveness of measures to promote health and a healthy lifestyle, searching for new forms of work

Attracting the attention of parents, teachers and school students, the city public and the media to the issues of creating a healthy environment at school.

Identifying classes with the best health indicators;

Developing friendships between school students.


2.1. The organizers of the Competition are the Municipal Educational Institution additional education further (MOU DOD. The founder of the Competition is the City Youth Policy Department and the Administration of UKMO

  1. All organizational activities, related to the Competition, is carried out by the Organizing Committee, which includes: Director of the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education, methodologists of the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education, teachers of the Municipal Educational Institution of Children's Education.

    Class groups from municipalities can take part in the competition educational organizations under the guidance of teachers in two age groups:

Age group 2 - 5 - 8 grades

Age group 3 - 9 - 11 grades


3.1. The competition takes place in one stage: face-to-face round, April 7, 2017 at

3.2. The face-to-face stage will be held on site in the form of teams traveling through stations, at each of which students will have to complete a set of tasks (Appendix No. 6). Teams receive a route sheet with station numbers.

3.3. The time limit for completing tasks at each station is 7 minutes. To move from one station to another, the time is set to -2 minutes.

3.4. The beginning and end of tasks at stations will be notified by a call.

3.5. Each team must overcome 12 stages (stations) in accordance with the route sheet.

3.6. At each stage, the station leader puts the earned number of points on the route sheet. (Appendix 6).

3.7. The teams hand over the route sheet to the leader of the final station.


4.1. Applications for participation in the Competition are submitted to the organizing committee within a yearat the address: MOU DOD st. Rechnikov 44a. Help by phone.


5.1. To sum up preliminary results, an expert commission consisting of:
5.2. To sum up the final results, a jury is created consisting of:

5.3. The winner of the municipal Quest relay “Time to be healthy!” becomes the team that scores greatest number points.



Total points



"Me and my team"

introducing teams, improving self-presentation skills

Presenting your team on health topics (speech time 3-4 minutes)

accumulated experience in maintaining health-preserving

activities - 5 points,

self-presentation skills - 5 points,

creative approach to the task - 5 points

Healthy eating

Questions on the basics of a healthy lifestyle (20 questions)

level of awareness in healthy lifestyle issues - 1 point for each correct answer

ingenuity - 4 points (additional)

« HELP »

assessment of first aid skills medical care

improving first aid skills

Providing first aid for a fracture

ability to provide first aid for a fracture - 5 points

cohesion, teamwork - 3 points

History of the Olympic Movement

analysis of the level of awareness of schoolchildren about famous athletes and sports

Taking the game quiz (20 questions)

level of awareness in sports - 1 point for each correct answer

teamwork - 3 points

Problem darts

(captains competition)

skills development,

motivating schoolchildren to lead a healthy lifestyle

Participation in a darts sports competition

features of strategies,

overall success of completing the game - points are awarded for each hit


Brand "ZOZH"

for 10-11 grades

Poster “I am for a healthy lifestyle”

For grades 5-9

Performance creative tasks

ingenuity, creativity, content - 5 points

illustrativeness, aesthetics - 2 points

teamwork - 3 points



for 10-11 grades

Vitamin for

5-9 grades

development of creative and intellectual thinking of schoolchildren,

generating ideas for conducting health-saving activities

Completing creative tasks

divergent and convergent thinking skills - 5 points

ingenuity, creativity, - 4 points

teamwork - 3 points

Folk wisdom

development of creative and intellectual thinking of schoolchildren.

Complete the proverb of the peoples of the world about health

level of awareness about folk wisdom about a healthy lifestyle - 5 points

teamwork - 3 points



(association game)

development of creative thinking of schoolchildren,

generating ideas for conducting health-saving activities

Completing creative tasks

divergent and convergent thinking skills - 5 points

ingenuity, creativity - 4 points

teamwork - 3 points


development of creative thinking of schoolchildren,

generating ideas for conducting health-saving activities

Remember and sing as many songs as possible about sports, health, physical education, exercise.

For each song -1 point

Cohesion, teamwork - 3 points

« Preventative"

analysis of the level of awareness of schoolchildren about healthy lifestyle.

Questions on the basics of a healthy lifestyle

level of awareness in healthy lifestyle issues - 5 points

ingenuity - 4 points

cohesion, teamwork - 3 points

"Big Relay"

Motivation for physical activity

Passing sports tests


physical training,

team cohesion - 5 points

Summing up, rewarding

Goal: popularization of a healthy lifestyle, promotion of sports.

introduction to one of the sports;

developing curiosity and the ability to work in a team.

To participate in the quest game, 2 teams of 10-15 participants (grades 1-2) are formed.
The commander is selected.


Main characters:

doctor Tabletkina

poor student Vitya.


The sport is rhythmic gymnastics.

Cards depicting objects (ball, clubs, jump rope, hoop, ribbon), a school map indicating the stages.

The game is held on the basis of the school.

Teams line up in the school yard.

Host: Hello, guys! Today is an unusual day for us. You and I will go on a journey. But this will not be an easy journey. Adventures await us: riddles, adventures and much more. You will complete tasks, and for each correctly completed task I will give you cards. Whichever team has the most cards at the end of the game wins. Ready?

Teams: Yes!

Host: And now I want to know what your teams are called.

Children pronounce the team name and team motto in unison. The facilitator gives the teams maps and using the map, the teams go to the venue of the first stage.

The sad student Vitya comes to visit the team with chips and/or lemonade in his hands.

Host: What happened? Why are you so sad?

Vitya: Oh, they gave me a bad mark in physical education! I hate this exercise! I can't do anything!

Host: Well, how can that be? Physical education lessons are not only interesting, but also useful. Really, guys? (addresses the teams). Children's answers.

Vitya: Why is it useful, physical education?

Presenter: (addresses Vita) Do you want to know how physical education is useful? What is a healthy lifestyle? Do you want to learn something new about sports? (Addresses the team) What about you guys? Then go ahead!

Doctor Tabletkina enters.

Doctor: Where are you going? I won't let you go anywhere until you answer my questions. I must be sure that you are prepared for such a difficult journey.

Doctor Tabletkina talks about healthy eating. The story can be about any useful products. In this case we are talking about milk and vegetables.

Many years ago, Eastern sages believed that milk was a magical drink. Milk makes a person intelligent, helps him understand the world around him and distinguish good from evil, and this is exactly what you guys need! Therefore, in order for a child to grow up healthy, he must drink one glass of milk daily! Now I will check what you know about milk.

1. What happens when milk sours?

  • Curdled milk
  • Yogurt
  • Oil

2. The first food of a newborn baby

  • Milk
  • Kefir

3. Why do children need milk?

  • For happiness
  • For the mood
  • For growth

4. What is butter obtained from?

  • From the cream
  • From cottage cheese
  • From sour cream

5. What cold dessert, loved by children, is made from milk?

  • Cottage cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Pudding

Well done! Now let me see what you know about vegetables?

Vegetables are very healthy foods and children need them.

1. Which vegetable is very good for vision?

  • Carrot
  • Cabbage
  • Tomato

2. Which vegetable is called the second bread?

  • Eggplant
  • Potato
  • Cucumber

3. Which vegetable has the most vitamin C?

  • In cabbage
  • In beets
  • In sweet red pepper

4. What other name does tomato have?

  • Tomato
  • Signor

5. This vegetable in green pods is a favorite children’s delicacy in the country garden.

  • Peas
  • Beans

6. Most fabulous vegetable?

  • Pumpkin
  • Eggplant
  • Zucchini

Well done, you guys. (Hands out cards to the teams). But for some reason you stayed too long. Let's play. If the product is healthy, clap your hands and say loudly “Yes!” If it’s not healthy, then everyone stomp together and say “No!” (Game taken from the Internet)

There are harmful and healthy foods.

Who will give the correct answer?

What is useful and what is not?

Apple juice (Yes)

Pepsi, lemonade (No)

Roasted sunflower seeds (No)

Refined sugar (No)

Hot pies (Yeah)

Crispy chips (No)

Milk and porridge (Yes)

Fruits, curdled milk (Yes)

Now I'm sure you're ready to travel. Here are your directions on where to move next. Goodbye, don't forget to eat right. (Gives an envelope with a piece of map).

Vitya: So chips and lemonade make me weak!? I'll throw them away.

Throws harmful products into the trash.

The teams move along the map to stage II.

Stage II.

Teams come to stage II.

Vitya: Oh! Look, what is this? (Points to the envelope). Let's see what's there? (Opens the envelope). There's a task! (Gives the captain the task to read).

Once you solve the crossword puzzle, I will allow you passage.

The host opens the board with a crossword puzzle on it.

The word "gymnastics" is closed.

1. Stand with clubs facing each other

Teams of guys in red and blue.

Wearing helmets like knights, but don’t be timid,

The fight here is for training - they play (hockey)

2. Very bitter - but healthy!

Protects against diseases!

And he is no friend to microbes -

Because it - ... . (Onion)

3. Since childhood, people have been told to everyone:

Nicotine is deadly...(Poison)

4. Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are running a race.

And it’s not the horses that carry me,

And the shiny ones... (Skates)

5. I can’t feel my legs from joy,

I'm flying down a terrible hill.

Sports have become dearer and closer to me,

Who helped me, children? (Skis)

6. Svetka is unlucky today -

The doctor gave me bitters... (Pills)

7. I have no time to be sick, friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself

What gives me health... (Sports)

8. Here is a silver meadow:

No lamb in sight

The bull does not moo on it,

Chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow is good in winter,

But you won’t find it in the spring. (Ice rink)

9. Early morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass,

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer -

This is my...(Bicycle)

10. Round side, yellow side

Gingerbread man sitting in the garden bed

He was rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this? (Turnip)

11. Don’t be afraid of the pediatrician,

Don't worry, calm down,

Don't be capricious, don't cry,

It's just childish... (Doctor)

12. So as not to be frail, lethargic,

Didn't lie under the covers

I wasn't sick and was fine

Do every day...(exercise)

Presenter: Well done guys! Solved the crossword puzzle! (Hands out cards) But what is rhythmic gymnastics? Who will tell us about this? We have a map (Gives a piece of the map). There we will learn what rhythmic gymnastics is! Children follow the map to stage III.

At the stage, the team is greeted by a child athlete. (Girl artist, in a swimsuit, with medals). She tells and shows the children a film presentation about rhythmic gymnastics.

Athlete-presenter: Guys, every athlete involved in rhythmic gymnastics has a beautiful swimsuit. I suggest you create a sketch of a leotard for a gymnast and decorate it with sparkles. A swimsuit is printed or drawn on whatman paper; children are given paints, glue and glitter. Children draw to music.

The leading athlete distributes cards and gives out the next piece of the card leading to stage IV.

The teams go outside according to the map. There they are met by the second child athlete.

Sportsman-presenter: I want to test how strong, dexterous, and skillful you are! (Conducts general physical training to music). Had a great time! Here are your work cards! And this map will show you the further path. (According to the map, children enter the hall).

In the hall, children are greeted by a child athlete and a rhythmic gymnastics coach. The coach talks about sports, training, trips to competitions. Children athletes demonstrate demonstration performances. The coach conducts a master class: children are asked to try to repeat simple elements with a ball, hoop, jump rope, and ribbon.

At the end of the master class, the cards are counted and the winning team is determined.

Appendix 6.

Participants are students in grades 8-9. Design – drawings, newspaper “Our Rights”, scoreboard.

Leading: Hello, participants collectively - creative play" We are for a healthy lifestyle!". We welcome everyone gathered in the hall and propose that we begin our game by collectively pronouncing these very words: " We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

Leading: Little son came to his father

And the little one asked:

"What is good

And what is bad?

Leading: Today we all have to answer this question together:

"What is good

And what is bad?

Leading: But our KVN not only concerns physical health, but also the moral appearance of a person. There are a lot of documents that secure the rights of the child in society. Today we will ask you questions about the main document on the rights of the child – the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Before you are books - children's fairy tales.

You all know them well. Your task is to answer our questions.

In which fairy tale is the right to personal integrity, life and freedom violated? (“Gray Neck”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “Thumbelina”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

What literary heroes could complain that their right to the inviolability of their home was violated? (Three little pigs, a bunny from Russian folk tale"Ice Hut".)

Which fairy-tale heroines suffer from interference in their privacy? (Lyudmila from the poem by A. S. Pushkin. Marya Morevna is a character in Russian folk tales.)

- The heroines of which fairy tales took advantage of the right to free movement and choose their place of residence?(“Frog Traveler”, old woman from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”)

In which fairy tale did the heroine exercise the right to seek and find refuge and protection from persecution in other countries? ("Thumbelina".)

In which fairy tale is a person’s right to own their property violated? ("The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio.")

Which literary hero constantly enjoyed the right to freedom of thought, speech, as well as the unhindered expression of his opinions and beliefs?

(Baron Munchausen, Captain Vrungel, "Puss in Boots")

Which fairy tale confirms the right of a worker to fair remuneration? (“Moroz Ivanovich”, “Mistress Blizzard”, “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda”.)

Which famous fairy tale heroine the right to rest and leisure, a reasonable limitation of the working day, has been violated? (Cinderella.)

Which fairy-tale characters exercise the right to use scientific and technological achievements? (Baron Munchausen, Alice - a girl from the future, Lady from the poem "Baggage".)

Which literary heroes took advantage of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly? (Bremen Town Musicians, Quartet, Seven Dwarfs.)

Which famous literary character took advantage of the right to work, and ensured free choice of work and fair working conditions for himself and others?

(Tom Sawyer.)

Leading: And now the competition "SONG ABOUT RIGHTS"

A song is performed for each of the five teams. Players must say what rights it refers to.

Song “I'm walking down the street” (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin) - (Right to freedom of movement. Right to freedom of peaceful assembly.)

“Samovaro, steam locomotive wind” (music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Yu. Entin.) from the film “Adventures of Electronics.” (The right to enjoy the benefits of scientific and technological progress.)

“Two” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky). (Right to education.)

"The Secret for a Small Company" (music by A. Nikitin)

(Right to freedom of association and peace negotiations.)

“Dialogue of a stupid king and a beautiful princess” from the film “ The Bremen Town Musicians»

Leading: And now, while the jury is summing up the results, you are greeted by the propaganda team, we invite you to watch the video social advertising= participant of the SOS competition

Leading: The chairman of the jury speaks.

Leading: I would like to end our meeting with the words of the famous poet:

Goodbye, our twentieth century!

But we will also treasure

We are all that is sacred in life.

We value our dreams

Your way, your land,

And the most difficult burden,

And a good song.

We live in the twenty-first century.

And everything we dream about

We can do it with you -

We know this for sure.

We have everything ahead of us:

And a new song in my chest,

And youth and strength,

And the homeland is Russia!

Appendix 7.


Target (Darts game),

- “mines” (skittles, plastic bottles with water)

Poster with a password word (the letters are written randomly in advance).

Progress of the competition

Guys! What holiday is our country celebrating today?

Who is congratulated on this day?

Which of you had a grandfather or grandmother who fought? Which of them have awards? Were you injured?

Do you know what troops your dads served in?

Question for girls: why today they congratulate not only adult men, but also boys on the holiday?

Boys are the future defenders of our Motherland, and today they must prepare themselves for military service. Today there will be an unusual competition for boys. Boys with full combat equipment are allowed to participate in the “Knight’s Tournament”:

With apt words



With endurance



We wish them success in the competition. May the best man win!

Competition "Unable to Know".

Make up a word from the letters that will be the password to participate in the next task. Whoever fails to complete the task, unfortunately, drops out. VOUSVRO

The great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov was an ardent enemy of drill. He instilled in the soldier ingenuity, knowledge of his craft, and the ability to navigate the situation. Suvorov highly valued his desire to understand, comprehend, and learn. The answer “I can’t know” was capable of infuriating the commander. When asking questions to soldiers, he was glad if an unexpected question took the soldier by surprise, but did not stump him.

Each participant is asked to select question numbers. For the correct answer - an asterisk.

Sample questions

1. Why are the spear and shield inseparable, but eternal enemies?

(The spear is intended for attack, and the shield is for defense against it).

2. According to ancient sources, Spartan women, distinguished by courage and willpower, escorting their sons to war, gave them a shield with the words: “With it or on it.” What did they mean with these words?

(Return victorious or die with glory).

3. What was the name of the hero about whom folk tales tell: he boasted of strength and courage, but when he met death, he was afraid and was defeated?

(Anika the warrior).

4. Name literary work, in the name of which is the personal cold piercing weapon of officers.

(“Dirk” by A. Rybakov).

5. What was it called in tsarist army a soldier who did not dream of becoming a general, but served him?

6. View ancient weapons, which was used to make a “head ax.”

7. Who is the creator of the St. Andrew’s flag and the design for it? What did its symbolism mean?

(Peter I created a design for the flag: a blue cross on a white field. White color means faith, the oblique cross is a symbol of fidelity. Andrew the First-Called, who in Rus' was considered the apostle of the Russian land, who brought the teachings of Christ to it, was crucified on the cross).

8. Who established the title of “midshipman” in Russia? What does it mean?

(Peter I in 1876 for pupils of the senior companies of the school of mathematical and navigational sciences. Translated from French, “midshipman” means “sea guard”. The title of “midshipman” in the Russian navy was awarded to pupils who graduated from the school of mathematical and navigational sciences, the naval academy) .

9. The victories of Russia, the development of the army and military art are associated with the names of Russian commanders. Name those you know.

(A. Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, P. A. Rumyantsev, A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, A. A. Brusilov, A. M. Vasilevsky, K. K. Rokossovsky, R. Ya. Malinovsky, I. S. Konev, N. F. Vatutin, G. K. Zhukov).

10. Which Russian commander owns the famous phrase: “It’s hard in training, easy in battle”?

(To A.V. Suvorov).

11. Which Russian commander did A.S. speak about? Pushkin in the poem “Before the Saint’s Tomb”?

This idol of the northern squads,

The venerable guardian of the sovereign country.

Suppressor of all her enemies,

This is the rest of the glorious flock of Catherine's eagles.

(About M.I. Kutuzov).

12. Sword, broadsword, saber, checker, epee belong to bladed weapons. What unites them and what differentiates them?

(All of them are edged weapons. A sword, a broadsword, a checker are chopping, piercing with a double-edged end, an epee is a piercing weapon, a saber is a chopping weapon with a single-edged blade that cuts on impact, but does not stab).

13. What are the names of shoulder insignia in the Russian army and navy?

(Epaulette and epaulette).

14. The word “soldier” and the name of the coin. What do they have in common?

(The word “soldier” owes its origin to the coin. The money that Roman soldiers received for their service was called “solidarius.” The word spread to other countries and became “soldier”).

15. What is common between the unit of the Russian banknote “kopek” and the spear of the warrior St. George?

(The unit of Russian monetary account, minted by order of Elena Glinskaya, the mother of Ivan the Terrible, received the name “kopek”, as it had an image of the spearman St. George slaying a dragon with a spear).

16. Who is called the fighter of the “invisible front”, who refuted the saying “Alone in the field is not a warrior”?


17. What does the expression mean: “Keep your nose to the wind”?

(In the days of the sailing fleet, sailing the seas depended on the weather and wind direction. To go to sea, you only needed a fair wind, filling the sails and directing the ship forward, i.e. with its bow in the wind).

18. What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs?

19. But there is no friendship between us either.

Having destroyed all prejudices,

We respect everyone as zeros,

And in units - yourself.

We all look at Napoleons.

Tell me, which Russian poet do these lines belong to, and from which famous work are they taken?

(A.S. Pushkin. “Eugene Onegin”).

Competition "Watch".

Our observation point is located in the “swamp”. We found a hummock, but a very small one. You can only stand on one leg on it. Whoever stumbles first and “falls” into the “swamp” is eliminated from the competition.

Competition "Mined Field".

Night. Dark. You need to go through a “mined field” and not hit a single “mine”.

Blindfolded, walk around 8 “min” - skittles or plastic bottles. Whoever hooks the most “mines” is the one

is eliminated from the competition.

Competition "Hit the Target".

Every soldier must shoot accurately and have keen eyes.

At a distance of 4-5 meters, hit the Darts target. (Points are counted).

Competition "Love Letter".

Each participant pulls out a piece of paper with one line of poetry.

Exercise. Complete the message to the Lady of the Heart.

Your eyes are like two diamonds...

Your lips are like rose petals...

Your hair is like silk threads...

Your face beautiful as a violet...

You are as beautiful as a star in the night...

Your flexible figure is like a white birch...

Curve of eyebrows like a seagull above the water...

Time - 5 minutes.

While our knights are writing messages to the Beautiful Lady, we will do a warm-up with the audience “Almost jokes, but almost.” Let's see how our viewers feel about humor.

Conclusion. Summing up and awarding

Dear participants and spectators! Our competition has come to an end. While the jury is summing up the final results, I would like to say that all participants in the competition with honor and dignity passed the difficult tests proposed to them, convincing us that real defenders are growing on our land, capable of showing male character, courage, perseverance, courage: “He who wins is the one who is familiar with the art of thinking subtly.”

Each participant deserves an incentive prize. (Participants are given books). And the winner of our “Knight’s Tournament” was..., who was awarded a diploma and a memorable gift.



1. pastries, tea for everyone

2. group of assistants for competitions

3. support group

4. report, motto from each class

5. selection of sports melodies

6. two presenters (adult, child)

7. preparing a pole and twine for the flag concept

8. a group of male teachers for the cordon


1. Meeting at the sports ground at 9.00. MUSIC

1 presenter: Attention! Attention! Dear fans, athletes and judges! Our microphones are installed on the school playground.

2 presenter: So that the songs are sung louder,

To make life more interesting

You need to be strong and healthy!

These truths are not new.

1 presenter: Sport is good for health.

Stadium, pool and court,

The hall, the skating rink - you are welcome everywhere.

Reward for effort

There will be cups and records.

Your muscles will become hard.

Presenter 2: Just remember, athletes

Every day is yours without fail

They start with physical exercises.

Don't play hide and seek with your sleepy sleep.

1 presenter: That’s the secret of health!

Hello to all physical education friends!

Presenter 2: School, attention! Let's start our sports festival“Health is great!”

1 presenter: School, stand still, get ready to submit your report. Roll call of classes. Submission of the report. Class motto.

1 presenter: Team captains are given the right to raise the school flag. The school anthem plays.

I ask you to take an oath.

Be faithful to the sport forever:

We swear!

Maintain health from youth:

We swear!

Don't cry and don't be sad:

We swear!

Don't offend your opponents:

We swear!

Competitions to love:

We swear!

Try to be first in games

We swear!

Main part:

Mass race. During the general race, those released do exercises and warm-ups. MUSIC

After the race:

1 presenter: To restore breathing, I offer classes and class teachers find your place on the sports field, hold hands and repeat the movements after me to the music:

1. go to the right, speed up the pace, speed up even more, run......

2. go to the left, speed up the pace, speed up even more, run......

3. turned, looked at each other, smiled...

4. Now show how friendly you are: everyone come to the center of your circle and hug... Well done!

5. Raise your hands and applaud each other!

6. Look around how many of us there are, do you think it will be a big circle if everyone in this stadium joins hands and stands in one big circle. Let's try, friends! MUSIC intensifies...

Presenter 2: Now you have warmed up, regained your breathing, and we can move on to our sports competitions.

The middle-level guys compete after the juniors.

While junior level competitions are taking place, middle and senior level kids are invited to try their hand at other sports: play streetball, tennis on the left side of the court.

1 presenter: We would like to introduce you to the members of the jury and at the same time the counting commission.

Presenter 2: He will count all the points for you

Counting commission.

1 presenter: While the guys are getting ready, I offer you chants, answer my questions in unison:

Let sports records

Never get old!

Let them be beaten more often in sports,

Do you agree with me? Yes

We are for battles and fights,

For the sporting spirit of victories.

We are for the bitterness of defeat

Only in sports! In life: no.

All amateur fans

They always know a lot about games.

Do you want to play yourself?

Answer together: yes!

Presenter 2: So, the competition begins, fans, don’t forget to root for your favorite team!

MUSIC in the background. Competitions are underway.

1 presenter: It’s still interesting to watch the competing teams. How they all work out together and harmoniously. How deftly they handle this or that object. How well they manipulate the viewer.


2 presenter: The floor is given to the members of the panel of judges. THE JUDGES ANNOUNCE THE RESULTS.

1 presenter: That's not all, my friends! We bring to your attention fun starts for adults. Do you think it’s easy to persuade our teachers to compete with our adult children – high school students? We understand that they are stronger than us, but, nevertheless, the team of teachers will show what they are capable of! Children from grades 9, 10, 11 and teachers are invited to the start.

Fans, respond!

Is everyone ready?

Competitions between teachers and high school students.

1. Don’t be afraid, children, of rain and cold.

Go to the stadium more often.

And everyone who has been friends with sports since childhood,

He will be agile, healthy and strong.

2. Long live nets, balls and rackets,

green field and sunlight!

Long live rest! Fighting and marching!

Long live the joy of sports victories!

Nazarova N.N. Project of the health-forming environment program “Step by Step”

You can modify the question: leisure from personal experience.

Let's say NO to smoking! / Levanova E.A., Romannikova M.V., Tatarnikova M.V. Telegina I.O. Under general Ed. E.A. Levanova. - M.: ARKTI, 2012. - 160 p.

Extracurricular event “Healthy lifestyle quest”
Objectives: - To form an idea about the prevention of a healthy image.
- Define and consolidate knowledge about meaning medicinal herbs, hygiene skills.
- Cultivate interest in a healthy lifestyle, create a joyful mood.
Each squad is a team with a captain. The rest are fans. Teams receive route sheets with the names of stations, with which they move from one station to another. The jury is working.
Penalty points for:
Noisy behavior at competitions and on the road;
Late arrival;
Stations are located in classrooms. There are name signs at the stations. Questions are scored for the team from 1 to 3 points, for fans - 1 point. I station “Green Pharmacy”Equipment: herbarium medicinal plants, pictures - illustrations. Poster: Dandelion, plantain, cornflower, sage and mint. Here is a green pharmacy Helps you guys! Questions:
What grass do cats like, what disease is treated with this grass? (Valerian, heart disease).
Which plants have flowers or inflorescences used as medicinal raw materials? (Linden, primrose, calendula, chamomile, tansy, corn silk).
Which plants use roots and rhizomes as raw materials? (calamus, valerian, elecampane, ginseng, burdock, licorice),
Which plants have fruits used as medicinal raw materials? (Hawthorn, rose hip, rowan, blueberry, currant, sea buckthorn, viburnum, raspberry).
Which poisonous plants Are they also medicinal? (Belladonna, Datura, May lily of the valley).
This nickname is not without reason for a beautiful flower, A drop of juicy nectar is fragrant and sweet, It will help you recover from a cold…….. (Lungwort)
Bells appeared - White peas. Bells blossomed in the green meadow. (May lily of the valley)
Why do you steam in a bathhouse with a birch broom? (Vatoncides from birch leaves kill microbes).
The unusual leaves of this tree secrete phytoncides that kill microbes, treat scurvy, and are used for soothing baths. Name it? (Pine).
II station "Moidodyr"
How to brush your teeth in the forest? (Charcoal, mint, split pine, spruce, oak twig).
How to escape from mosquitoes? (Smoke screen, chamomile branch, smell of cloves, bird cherry).
Which tree removes the smell of sweat from your feet? (Oak bark).
Do the berries of this plant whiten the skin of the face and make it elastic? (Strawberry).
The juice of this plant is used instead of iodine to remove warts, they wash their hair with the infusion? (Celandine).
Are the leaves and roots of this plant used for bruise pain? (Burdock, plantain).
The leaves of this plant burn us, The juice of the leaves of this plant saves us. In the spring they use it for soup, wash their hair with its decoction - hair grows. (Nettle is a hemostatic, vitamin remedy, accelerates hair growth).
Hair washed in a decoction of this plant acquires a golden hue, and when washed, the skin becomes velvety. (Chamomile flowers).
The oil of this plant is rubbed into the scalp to help hair grow better. (Burr oil).
III station “Cafe “Robinson”. Postcards, pictures, drawings with the image and name of the plant are distributed. Children must name dishes that can be prepared from them.
Nettle – soup, salad.
Hog parsnip - reminds chicken broth, leaves look like carrots, rhizome replaces sweet fruits). Oak - porridge, flatbreads, pancakes are prepared from acorns.
Dandelion – leaf salad, jam, tea.
Bird cherry - berries are added to pies, jelly and drinks are cooked.
Burdock - the root replaces carrots and parsley.
Wild onions and garlic are a vitamin remedy.
IV station "Ambulance"
Stop bleeding with a tourniquet.
Provide first aid for a fracture.
What plants are used to stop bleeding? (Shepherd's purse, nettle, yarrow).
What plants are used to treat boils? (Aloe, plantain, calendula, Kalanchoe, cabbage).
What plants are used for heart attack? (Tincture of lily of the valley, valerian, motherwort).
What plants are used as antipyretics? (Raspberry, lemon).
What plants are used for stomach and intestinal upsets? (Plantain, bird cherry, blueberry are fruits).
Provide first aid for heat and sunstroke.
Provide first aid if bitten by poisonous animals.
V station "Sportivnaya"
Show a complex of gymnastics for the eyes.
Show a gymnastics complex for posture with a gymnastic stick.
Show the gymnastics complex for attention.
Show a gymnastics complex for relaxation (relaxation).
Show a gymnastics complex for the neck, shoulder girdle, and arms.
Name the sports included in the Winter Olympic Games(Hockey, figure skating, skiing, biathlon).
Name the sports included in the Summer Olympic Games (Swimming, athletics, football, cycling).
What is bodybuilding? (Development of certain muscles of the body).
VI station "Aibolit"
What are the preventive measures for influenza? winter time You know?
Name the diseases dirty hands"(Gastrointestinal disorders, dysentery, hepatitis (jaundice)).
What diseases are hidden in a sip of water from a river or lake? (Cholera, dysentery, hepatitis, salmonellosis, helminths).
Why can’t you drink cold water immediately after exercise? (Sharp cold can cause a sore throat.)
How to avoid head lice? (Wash your hair more often, don’t use other people’s combs, don’t go to someone else’s bed).
Why can't you pet unfamiliar dogs? (Possible infection with worms, fleas, lichen).
Redness and itching may be signs of what disease? (Possible scabies, consult a doctor).
How to avoid sunstroke? (Wear a hat and avoid being in the sun for long periods of time).
VII station “Bad Habits” The poster shows a neatly dressed, combed man. At the top of the poster are overlay drawings for the questions. When answering a question about bad habits, the corresponding pictures are removed and only the drawing on the poster remains. Presenter: Here is the image of a sloppy person. Let's try to find out what bad habits brought him to this form.
Why can’t you chew the tip of a pencil or pen? (Teeth will be uneven, infections,…). Why can't you smoke? (Yellow teeth, bad breath, cough).
How does it affect health and appearance alcohol consumption? (Vessels dilate - red nose, veins on the face, liver disease, stomach disease).
How can you tell that a person is using drugs? (Red complexion and eyes, dilated pupils, aggressiveness, thinness, pallor, jumping gaze).
How often and why should you wash your hair?
A friend asks you to give her your comb. What will you do? - Offer her your comb - 0 points; - Give her the comb, but then you won’t use it until you wash it - 1 point; - Politely refuse, explaining that you can’t use other people’s combs - 3 points;
Why shouldn't you bite your nails? (There are microbes and worm eggs under the nails).
Why should you not put inedible objects in your mouth? (Can be swallowed, pierce the palate or cheek, or contract diseases).
Why can’t you change clothes, shoes, and hats? (You can become infected with skin infections infectious diseases, lice, fungus).
VIII station “Hardening” Equipment: sponge, towel, soap, bucket, basin, water, sign “Water procedures”: Washing cold water faces,
Washing with cold water up to the waist.
Dousing the whole body.
Cold foot baths.
Swimming in a pond.
Cold and hot shower.
Wiping down to the waist.
Choose the correct answer:You decided to harden your body. Where do you start?
Consult your doctor and parents.
Start pouring cold water over your entire body.
You will swim in the river until you freeze.
VIII station “Tourist” Narrow path. Designated by 2 narrow “paths” 3 – 6 m long and 25 cm wide (with cords, ropes, chalk). The paths end in a circle of 1 m. Each team has an equal and even number of participants. On the command “March”, one of the players of each team takes a “live load” on his back, i.e. member of his team, and tries to get to the final site as soon as possible in order to leave the “cargo” there and return to the starting point. Only after this the next pair comes into action, without leaving the “path” (fine 1 point). Crossing. (Balance training). Each participant crosses the log (tree) separately. A penalty point is awarded for leaving the crossing. Running over bumps. On command, the guys run a race over “bumps”, which are marked in circles or lined with chalk. The circles are located at a distance of 80-100 cm. Participants are penalized if they step on the border of the circle or beyond it. In this case, the player returns to the start and starts running again. Packing the backpack. On command, a backpack with camping supplies is placed. Then fasten and adjust the shoulder straps. Each participant, having packed his backpack, reports: “Ready!” Checked by the manager, he fines for mistakes. Heavy things are below. Soap and mug are in the side pockets. SUMMARY. AWARDS
Antonova L.N. Psychological basis for the implementation of health-saving technologies in educational institutions/ L.N. Antonova. - M.: MGOU, 2004. - 100 p.
Butova S.V. Health-improving exercises in the classroom / S.V. Butova // Elementary school.- 2006.- No. 8.- P.98.
The work used materials from Internet sites.
Health-saving activities of the school in the educational process: problems and ways to solve them // School.-2005.- No. 3.- P.52-87.
