In the heat it becomes bad reasons. Why does a person’s body, head, and face sweat a lot in the heat? Heat and vegetative-vascular dystonia

Despite the fact that it is already August outside the windows, I want to talk about the high air temperature. Why do some people feel bad in the heat? What happens in the body in such weather? Is it possible to somehow prepare yourself or “train” your body for hot weather?

Summer. It would seem, what a wonderful time of year! Long daylight hours, the sun is shining, everything around is green and blooming! This is traditionally a time for vacations and relaxation. Everyone tries to spend more time in nature, swim, sunbathe, and eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.

But inevitably in summer time Each of us falls into a streak of hot days. Someone goes to the sea or simply to warmer climes, where they face more high temperature air. But in the summer, even in a temperate climate, there are very hot days, and sometimes such weather drags on for a long time.

Some people do not tolerate high temperatures very well. Of course, many will now say: “I don’t like heat either.” But it’s one thing to “not love” her, and another thing to simply not stand her. And most of them do not think about the reasons, do not go to the doctor, but simply put up with this state of affairs, and sometimes even worsen it with their ill-considered trips to a hot climate.

How does thermoregulation occur in the body?

A person who has no health problems feels fine in any weather. Yes, on a frosty day he is cold and dresses warmer, on a hot day he drinks more water, takes a shower more often, covers his head with a wide-brimmed hat, etc. But his body adapts and regulates body temperature properly.

The thermoregulation center is located in the brain. It is the hypothalamus that is responsible for maintaining body temperature. When you are hot, the hypothalamus sends signals to our autonomic system so that it begins to react: dilate blood vessels, increase the secretion of sweat, which, when evaporating from the surface of the skin, cools our body.

But if the vegetative system does not work too well, and a person does not feel sufficient cooling, then in this case the consciousness simply comes into play, and we begin to look for shelter in the shade, fan ourselves, if possible, plunge into water or go into a room with a working air conditioner to cool down. return your overheated body back to normal.

Why does a person feel unwell at high temperatures?

High air temperatures increase the concentration of carbon dioxide, which leads to dilation of blood vessels. As a result, blood pressure drops, both in hypertensive and hypotensive patients. In hypertensive patients, blood pressure decreases for a while, but you must monitor it and remember to take the medications prescribed by the doctor. But people with low blood pressure suffer from this even more. Weakness, weakness, difficulty breathing, headache appear, dizziness and even loss of consciousness may occur.

The amount of oxygen in the air decreases, which is also a big disadvantage.

The load on the heart increases noticeably. With the dilation of blood vessels, blood flows from the heart to the peripheral areas and, in order to maintain blood circulation, the heart has to work at the limit of its capabilities. In addition, a person loses potassium and magnesium, which is so necessary for the heart, through sweat.

Who suffers most from heat intolerance?

  • People with diseases thyroid gland. It is most often caused by hyperthyroidism.
  • Persons with low blood pressure - hypotension.
  • Overweight people
  • Sufferers
  • Heart patients who have had a heart attack or stroke
  • Aged people
  • Persons with respiratory diseases
  • Overheating of the body is caused by taking certain medications: for example, antihistamines, decongestants.
  • Drinking caffeine-containing drinks large quantities can also lead to deterioration of well-being during the heat. Caffeine is a psychostimulant and can cause heart palpitations. Caffeine speeds up metabolism, and this causes an increase in body temperature, which is completely undesirable in the heat. Coffee also has a diuretic property, and in the heat, on the contrary, a person needs to drink more water and thin the blood.

Heat and vegetative-vascular dystonia

I would like to especially dwell on the intolerance of high air temperature in people suffering from VSD. We can say that VSD and heat are simply two incompatible concepts. After all, vegetative-vascular dystonia is a weakness, a dysfunction of the autonomic system, precisely the one that “manages” the work internal organs, including regulating body temperature and is responsible for heat exchange.

Therefore, it is not surprising that VSDs are the most vulnerable victims of high temperatures. For many of them, summer is their least favorite season.

Lack of oxygen, increased concentration of carbon dioxide, stuffiness, direct Sun rays and high temperature provoke a deterioration in health in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia and can cause a panic attack. Since the patient almost always experiences a feeling of fear due to deterioration in health, this factor further aggravates his condition.

On a hot day, being outside, a person may experience severe general weakness, lethargy and apathy with a decrease in blood pressure. But on the other hand, direct sunlight, affecting the body, overheating it especially in the head area, can cause a rise in blood pressure, pulsation in the head, headache. This is extremely undesirable for both people with high and low blood pressure.

How to behave in the heat if you have VSD? Not going anywhere and not going anywhere?

Well, to be honest, it's best to spend time in your climatic zone, where you don't have to adapt to a new climate.

If you went to the seaside, then first of all you should prepare yourself mentally at home for hot weather. Psychological attitude and self-education are very important for a patient with VSD.

Your hotel room should definitely have an air conditioner and a refrigerator so that you can keep cold water there.

Do not go outside during the hottest hours, from about 11 to 16. Or decide on your own when the temperature is comfortable for you. Morning and evening walks and swims are even much more pleasant than during the day.

Be sure to cover your head with a wide-brimmed hat and wash your face, neck, and back of your head with cool water more often. You can tie a scarf dipped in cold water around your neck.

On the beach, choose places in the shade of trees, under umbrellas.

Drink lightly salted or acidified with lemon juice water, do not replace clean water sweet soda. Do not use medicinal alkaline mineral water for drinking, since its composition, rich in salts and minerals, can create additional stress on the cardiovascular system. vascular system.

The heart of the VSD-schnik in hot weather requires special attention and protection. Therefore, if you have any heart medications or medications prescribed by your doctor, high blood pressure, then be sure to carry them with you. At least have Corvalol or Valocordin with you.

Remember to take the sedatives prescribed by your doctor. When a person’s condition worsens, fear and panic always seize them, which further aggravates the situation. IN stressful situation It’s good to eat something sweet and wash it down clean water. Dark chocolate is perfect.

If, on the contrary, you have low blood pressure and a high temperature lowers it even more, then you can take one of the stimulant drugs: ginseng, lemongrass, eleutherococcus, etc.

On the sea coast, the effect of solar radiation increases, which is harmful, of course, not only to patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. But the latter have a risk of worsening the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, despite all the benefits of sea bathing, the time spent near the water should be limited.

For your holiday, choose better not summer months, A the Velvet season, when the sizzling heat disappears and the sun shines much softer.

First aid if you feel unwell

And yet, at high air temperatures, no one is safe from negative consequences overheating of the body. Therefore, it is imperative to know the rules of first aid.

Preventing heat intolerance

Thermoregulation is a very important system in the human body. And our body constantly monitors and controls the increase and decrease in air temperature. Moreover, it itself regulates, using signals sent from the brain to the autonomic system, what it needs, for example, to cool the surface of the body.

Is it possible to somehow adapt to the heat and alleviate your condition in the summer?

It is clear that patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia and people with low blood pressure feel the worst in the heat.

  • Therefore, whenever possible, relax in a climate that is familiar to you.
  • Eat right! The food should not be heavy, but be sure to monitor the content of potassium and magnesium in it, which are necessary for the heart.
  • The heart demands in the heat increased attention, because it works in enhanced mode.
  • Therefore, do not be outside during the hottest hours.
  • Dress in simple easy and loose clothing made from natural fabrics. Don't forget about your headdress.
  • During hours with the highest air temperatures, try not to perform heavy physical work. Set them aside for the evening or morning.
  • Also take walks in the morning or evening.
  • People with hypotension need to get a good night's sleep.
  • And give up bad habits, that is, smoking and alcohol, do not be your own enemies!
  • Monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood; they often suffer from anemia.
  • If there are no special health problems, then drink plenty of water.
  • Be sure to toughen up! Train your vascular system to work. Drench your feet cold water. Wait until their temperature returns to normal. Then pour another ladleful of cold water over your feet. In winter, you can alternate between warm and cold water. The main thing is that the vessels begin to work: contract and expand when necessary and get used to the effects of different temperatures.

However, just don't overdo it! Do everything gradually. This is especially true for older people and people with health problems.

In many regions of our country, unbearable heat periodically sets in during the summer. However, passionate gardeners are accustomed to working regardless of the weather, especially after retirement. Imagine this situation. A pensioner lives in a country house that is not equipped with an air conditioning system, perhaps without a simple fan. In the morning he goes out to the garden beds and begins his usual work, not noticing how bad he is getting: he gets dizzy and faints. And there is no one nearby who would come to the rescue. And it’s good if the children are worried, they’ll call, and if they don’t get through, they’ll come.

Severe form of heat overheating

Hyperthermia, and we have briefly outlined its symptoms, is a serious type of thermal overheating. The prerequisite for the occurrence of this disease is high air temperature and humidity.

Too much heat is unsafe

If it's hot outside, doctors recommend refraining from staying outside for long periods of time. fresh air. Too much heat is unsafe for any organism, especially if there are health problems. The so-called risk group includes the elderly, children, outdoor athletes, as well as people prone to hypertension.

What to do if things get bad?

If a person feels something is wrong, it is important not to hesitate and get relief from the heat as quickly as possible. Otherwise, weakness or increased heartbeat may occur, even to cardiac arrest. You must immediately drink water and lie down in the shade in a position where your legs are higher than your head. If dizziness does not go away after a while, it is advisable to call an ambulance.

How does the body work in hot weather?

For normal functioning of the body, it is important to maintain thermal balance and produce exactly as much heat as the body loses. Due to the imbalance in heat balance in hot weather, the body struggles with the problem of increased sweating. Sweat, appearing on the skin, dries out after a while and thereby cools the body temperature. But excessive and prolonged exposure to conditions abnormal heat leads to various forms hyperthermia.

Physical activity on a hot day

A person puts himself at even greater risk if he performs physical work or sports in the heat. Heatstroke makes itself felt with convulsions, fainting, and dizziness. Pain in the abdomen, arms and legs may also occur. Body temperature and pulse may remain normal, but the victim may experience chills.

Peace and coolness

The victim must be sent to a cool room, in the shade, and given water to restore moisture. It is important to avoid caffeine as well as alcoholic drinks, which increase blood pressure and further dehydrate the body. Heat often causes swelling of the legs, which is why they need to be placed above the level of the head.

What to do if the condition is critical?

Often, the symptoms of hyperthermia pass quickly, but in critical cases, dangerous symptoms may continue: thirst, dizziness, nausea, weakness and chills. Rapid heartbeat and changes in pulse are also possible. It is important to remember that the body can cope with heat exhaustion on its own. But if this type of hyperthermia turns into heatstroke, and the symptoms do not stop even in a cool place, you should immediately consult a doctor!

As we noted earlier, older people are at risk. Therefore, do not leave your loved ones unattended during the hot period. Make sure that there is a cool room in their home or install an air conditioner. In many cases, the fan that drives warm air, unable to improve the situation.

When emergency help is needed

Don’t be callous to strangers who find themselves on the street in a critical situation; call an ambulance and make sure the victim is placed in a car. Clear signs Things to look out for include fainting, changes in behavior, incoherent speech, swaying from side to side, and some oddities. Pay attention if the victim's skin is very red. In this case, check your pulse: both a rapid and very slow pulse indicate that an ambulance is needed. Very dangerous symptom is the absence of sweating, even if the body is hot.

Follow safety precautions

It must be remembered that hypertensive patients, like no one else, are at risk. Do not expose yourself to excessive heat if you have been diagnosed with lung or kidney disease. In this case, the symptoms caused by hyperthermia, against the background of existing diseases, can lead to fever.

If you are being treated for infectious disease and are taking prescribed chemical medications, ask your doctor how long you can stay in the sun and whether the medications will lead to additional dehydration.

Persons suffering from alcoholism should avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Avoid going out in the heat if you have weight problems, especially during peak sun hours. When traveling, take enough water with you and wear a hat.

Causes. People who are overweight or have increased function usually do not tolerate heat well. thyroid gland - thyrotoxicosis .

In the case of obesity, the essence of the problem is that the layer of fat is a good heat insulator that prevents full heat transfer. The body of an obese patient is therefore susceptible to overheating at high ambient temperatures, explains Dr. Norcross. Therefore, if the air temperature in the room is only 20* C, the person staying here may complain of unbearable heat.

In thyrotoxicosis, the reason for poor heat tolerance is somewhat different. The thyroid gland is responsible for maintaining the intensity of metabolic processes in the body at a certain level. The occurrence of these processes is accompanied by the release of energy, that is, heat, which causes an increase in the amount of heat in the body. This is scientifically called heat production. When the function of the thyroid gland increases, the intensity of metabolic processes in the body increases, which means that heat production also increases. Therefore, poor heat tolerance is one of the symptoms thyrotoxicosis. Other signs of this disease include nervousness, insomnia and weight loss.

Taking certain medications makes a person very susceptible to exposure to high temperature, especially if the person is exposed to a lot of physical activity. Such drugs include diuretics, phenothiazines (drugs similar to aminazine, they are used in psychiatry), amphetamines and barbiturates. Excessive alcohol consumption also reduces heat tolerance.

Poor heat tolerance does not mean that you are sick with something. There are simply people who can handle heat well and people who can't handle it well. If you prefer it cool autumn forest the heat of the ocean beach, then your heat intolerance is fine.

What to do. Unless you move to a more temperate climate, you will suffer from poor heat tolerance for the rest of your life. environment. There's nothing you can do about it. But this intolerance can be reduced. If you are obese, you can help your problem by losing weight. overweight. People who are particularly sensitive to heat may be advised to limit physical activity during the summer. daytime- between twelve and fourteen hours. At this time the sun is especially hot.

If you go outside in the heat, wear light, light clothing that reflects the sun's rays and does not prevent sweat from evaporating. Don't forget to wear a summer sunhat. While at home, dress in such a way that when the air temperature rises, you can take off part of your outfit in any situation. It would be a good idea to install air conditioners in your home if you want to enjoy cool air in the summer.

If you have thyrotoxicosis, it is best to discuss your concerns with your doctor. Perhaps you need to change something in the treatment of the disease. If you think that the medication you are taking is causing your intolerance, tell your doctor. Most likely, he will replace these drugs with others for you.

Increased thirst.

Causes. If you are on vacation in a hot southern town and drink more water than usual, this is because in this heat you are losing more water through sweat than usual. If you work out until you sweat during a workout, and then are ready to drink a bucket of water, then the reason is the same. Loss of water in the body requires replenishment. So such thirst is a completely normal phenomenon and only signals that water losses need to be replaced.

Pure water - the best remedy such compensation. Indeed, you yourself have noticed that an attempt to quench your thirst with fruit water rarely achieves its goal. This happens because sweet drinks linger in the stomach for a long time, preventing water from being absorbed into the blood and from there penetrating into the tissues that need water for normal functioning.

Dr. Norcross also advises against drinking coffee or drinks containing caffeine in hot weather, as caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, which can lead to increased urination. Never use salt to cope with thirst, it is dangerous.

If you are taking diuretic tablets and become very thirsty, tell your doctor right away. Such symptoms may mean that you are losing too much fluid and need to change it.

If, however, thirst remains, especially if it is accompanied frequent urination, then you need to see a doctor to check if you have diabetes - diabetes mellitus or insipidus. Although the names of these diseases are similar, they have nothing in common and require completely different treatments.

Diabetes insipidus is a disease, in which the body lacks a certain hormone that regulates the release of water from the body. Its direct effect is to inhibit the release of water. Treatment consists of instilling a synthetic hormone into the nose, inhaling the powder of this hormone through the nose (as tobacco is snorted), or injecting the hormone. Sometimes surgery is required.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease, which has a chronic course and is characterized by an increase in blood sugar due to the fact that sugar cannot be effectively used by body tissues. Such diabetes is treated with diet, special exercises and sometimes medications: insulin or sugar-lowering tablets.

Heat Whole body Swelling of the body

“I can’t handle heat well” is not a diagnosis!


Nowadays, using modern household appliances, it’s not difficult to create a routine at work and at home that allows you to escape the heat. In this plan the best device, perhaps, is the air conditioner. If you are in an air-conditioned room, then you don’t even need soft drinks - your body is in comfort mode.

Problems can only arise in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and even then only when they leave an air-conditioned room to go outside. A sudden change in temperature can cause spasm of blood vessels in the heart or brain. Therefore, it is highly desirable to make the temperature change as smooth as possible.

Where there is no air conditioning, a fan can help. It will not reduce the temperature in the room, but it will create an air flow that improves the body’s thermoregulation. If you are in a room with a fan, you can escape the heat more easily. However, you should periodically take cold drinks, an alternative to which is hot white or green tea.

What to do if there is no air conditioning or fan? You can cool the skin and thereby increase heat transfer from the body by creating a slight draft in the room.

Now about the properties of water. In many hot countries, swimming pools with cool water are common in private houses and spacious apartments. There are swimming pools available for swimming in in public places- parks, squares, squares, beaches. Things are different in Russia: we have few swimming pools. This forces many of our fellow citizens to seek life-saving coolness on the banks of open natural reservoirs and fountains.

Unfortunately, swimming in many lakes, especially within the city, is prohibited for sanitary and epidemiological reasons, and swimming in fountains is prohibited by law. But there is a silver lining: in extreme heat, the police most often turn a blind eye to this violation. If for some reason you personal property, you yourself do not want to plunge into the waters of the fountain, then at least moisten exposed parts of the body and hair on the head with water . This will create a comfortable feeling and increase heat transfer, which helps escape the heat.

In addition, for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels (and some may not even know that they are sick!), the contrast of the coolness of a fountain or pool with the sultry air is dangerous. This can cause severe vasospasm and cause an attack of angina. "I can't stand the heat well!" - this expression will not be an excuse in such a situation.

If you are at home, you can escape the heat by taking a cool shower or bath with cool water.

During the hottest time of the day - from 12-00 to 16-00 - try to stay in the sun as little as possible. If this is still inevitable, then you need to cover your head with a headdress - a cap, a hat, a sombrero, etc. During this time, carry an umbrella or fan, seek shade, loosen your tight belt a little, loosen your collar, and avoid wearing synthetic clothing. This way you can escape the heat and avoid health problems.

Food to help beat the heat

Doctors in countries where intense and prolonged heat is common, recommend either not eating meat at all, sharply limiting animal fats, minimizing spicy and smoked foods, or consuming such foods in small quantities. It is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits more often, especially those that grow in this region. If you are talking to yourself, isn’t this a direct encouragement to at least hot time years to be strict with your diet?

Meals should be small and, if there is an appetite, frequent - up to 5-6 times a day. Food portions should be reduced, after eating you should not drink for at least half an hour, then - in small, rare sips and not much at a time. Here .

Drink to help beat the heat

In the heat, you need to drink as much fluid as you want: the body itself will regulate its usual water-electrolyte balance. Everyone knows that in hot weather, cool and cold drinks best quench thirst. However, it is better to take with extreme caution or completely refuse drinks from the refrigerator: you can easily and unnoticed get a cold throat . It is better to give preference to not very chilled green and white tea, kvass, mineral water, kefir, tanu (airan), matsun (matsoni) and jelly.

Species exotic for Russia perfectly quench thirst in the heat.

In this article you will learn what you need to do to make it easier to transfer summer heat.

How to survive the heat in an apartment without air conditioning without harm to your health?

To survive the summer heat you need to drink enough cool, clean water

A few secrets to make it easier to survive the summer heat:

  • You need to know how to dress properly. Residents of hot Asian countries put on a warm robe, wrap their heads, sweat, and thus escape the heat. But this does not suit Europeans. We, who are not used to wrapping ourselves in clothes in the summer, need to wear light clothes made from natural fabrics - linen, cotton.
  • What to drink to make it easier to cope with the heat? All the same Asians drink hot green tea in the heat. Is this correct? In the heat, the blood thickens, and tea with lemon thins it. But beer, which we sometimes drink in the heat, thickens the blood, increases blood pressure, the heart beats faster, and a hypertensive crisis may well occur. Also, you should not drink kvass, pomegranate and dark grape juice, or very cold water from the refrigerator in hot weather. You can drink light juices with a sour taste, compotes, green tea.
  • In hot weather, you should give preference to boiled fish and vegetables, not meat.
  • Windows should be opened at night and closed during the day.
  • How to cool the air in an apartment by a few degrees? If you place a bowl in front of the fan or plastic bottles with ice, the temperature in the room will decrease slightly.
  • How to sleep in the heat? Before going to bed, you should take a shower at room temperature, and sleep with open windows, hanging a wet sheet in front of the window.

Why does my heart feel pressure in the heat? How can a core survive the heat?

To survive the summer heat, your core needs to take some measures

In the heat, the heart is subject to additional stress, and it works in an enhanced mode. Therefore we must give our hearts Special attention, and especially those who have heart problems.

Preventative measures for people with heart problems:

  • In the heat, in the middle of the day, try not to be in the sun for more than 15 minutes.
  • Wear a hat and clothes made from natural fabrics.
  • In hot weather, reduce stress at home and at work.
  • Try to walk outdoors in the evening, when the heat subsides.
  • Try to eat foods that contain potassium and magnesium (vegetables, fruits), they help the heart function.
  • Eat less fatty foods.
  • Drink water, juices, compotes only when you are thirsty. Excessive fluid intake for people with coronary disease heart leads to its retention in the body and increased blood pressure.
  • If you are on the street and you feel unwell, pain in chest, go into the shade, take the medicine prescribed to you by your doctor, which stimulates heart activity, and call the doctor.

How to survive the heat when pregnant and with a baby?

To survive the summer heat with a baby, you need to follow your doctor's recommendations
  • If possible, go out of town during your pregnancy.
  • The following will help lower your body temperature in the heat: a cool shower, cool foot and hand baths, and washing your face with cool water.
  • Tea with mint and lemon, baths with mint, compresses with mint infusion will improve your well-being.
  • In the heat, your feet swell, so you need to wear comfortable shoes, and when resting, place your feet on a special pillow.
  • Wear loose, light-colored clothing made from natural fabrics.

How to survive the heat as a baby?

  • You can walk in the heat with a small child in the morning and after 17:00 in the evening.
  • You need to dress your child in a light jumpsuit made of natural fabric and a panama hat or a light hat.
  • In hot weather, the need for mother's milk in children may increase, as they eat less, but more often, to quench their thirst.
  • It is also necessary to give your child boiled water more often in hot weather.
  • In hot weather, you can bathe your child up to 5 times a day, especially if the child is flushed and sweating a lot, the procedure takes 5 minutes.
  • Also, in hot weather, you can give your child wet rubdowns with a soft towel, first with one hand, and when dry, with the second, and so on.

Why do your arms, legs, and body swell in the heat? What to do?

To survive the summer heat and have less swelling in your legs and whole body, you need to take cool foot baths

In the heat, legs can swell even in healthy people.

The main causes of swelling of the legs:

  1. Due to standing work (salespeople, hairdressers)
  2. Problems with the liver, heart, kidneys
  3. Vascular problems
  4. Pregnancy
  • During the heat blood vessels under the influence of heat they expand, the outflow of blood from the heart occurs more slowly, fluid accumulates in the body, and this leads to swelling of the legs.
  • Increased sweat production through the skin also leads to swelling of the limbs.
  • Swelling of the legs in the heat is a sign that blood circulation is impaired and the body has lost a lot of salts.

To keep your feet swelling less in the heat, you need to follow these rules::

  • If possible, then during the day, or in the evening and on weekends, lie with your legs raised for about 15 minutes several times a day.
  • For better contraction of blood vessels, take a contrast shower in the evenings.
  • In the summer heat, do not eat pickles, smoked foods and spicy foods, as they help retain fluid in the body.
  • Drink more clean water, but in no case sweet drinks, beer and strong alcoholic drinks.
  • Swimming and water aerobics.
  • Drink less fluids at night.

For people who have a sedentary job to Legs swell less, experts advise, right at the workplace, do it several times a day the following exercises:

  1. Having taken off your shoes, press your heels to the floor, and at this time lift your socks as high as possible, and then vice versa.
  2. First, curl your toes and then spread them out.
  3. Rotational movements of the feet, first in one direction and then in the other.

To survive the summer heat you cannot do without clean, cool water.

If swelling of the legs and body only occurs during the day and goes away at night, then there is no need to worry.

Signs of unhealthy swelling that does not go away after a night's rest and is observed long time, the following:

  • Heart failure. Swelling on the legs forms in the evening from the feet to the legs, the same on both legs, dense, pale, legs cold to the touch.
  • Kidney diseases. Swelling on both legs, arms and face, not dense, but loose, the skin is pale, cold to the touch.
  • Liver diseases. Swelling on both legs and abdomen.
  • Pancreatic diseases. Symmetrical swelling of the legs, no dents remain after pressing with a finger, the skin at the site of the swelling is rough and flaky.
  • Disturbance of the lymphatic system and then development of elephantiasis of the legs. Swelling may develop in one leg but not the other. The swelling is red, hot to the touch, and painful.

My child sweats a lot in the heat, what should I do?

To make it easier for a healthy child to survive the summer heat, always carry clean, cool water with you.

Sweating in adults and children is normal, as nature intended. The nervous system is responsible for the secretion of sweat.

Your child may sweat if:

  • He is not dressed for the weather: it’s hot outside, and you dressed him in a T-shirt, sweater and jacket.
  • Sweating a lot when you have a cold.
  • Sweating in nervous situations.
  • The child is tired or has not slept much; this situation may also be accompanied by sweating.

During the above-mentioned moments, all parts of the child’s body sweat evenly, the sweat is odorless.

If your child has sweat that has a pungent odor, is thick and sticky, or is runny and profuse, then you should contact your local doctor. These may be the following diseases:

  1. Rickets. The child is restless, does not sleep well, the skin itches, sweats heavily during meals, after using the toilet, the sweat smells sour.
  2. Disorder nervous system . The child sweats in certain places, the sweat has a strong smell, sticky or very liquid.
  3. Heart failure, hyperthyroidism, vitamin D deficiency. Increased sweating in a child, bad dream, frequent hysterics.
  4. Hereditary diseases: phenylketonuria (disorder of amino acid metabolism)– profuse sweat with a mouse odor, cystic fibrosis (gene mutation)– profuse sweat with the formation of crystals, salty taste, with a high content of chlorine and sodium.

Why does a person’s body, head, and face sweat a lot in the heat?

To survive the summer heat and sweat less, you need to follow some tips

Sweating or hyperhidrosis promotes thermoregulation of the body.

A person sweats in the heat for the following reasons:

  • Due to physical activity
  • After drinking alcohol
  • After a big meal
  • Due to health problems

A person’s face sweats a lot for the following reasons::

  • After suffering stress
  • Due to fatty, spicy foods with alcohol
  • In women after 45 years of age due to the onset of menopause

The following may be the cause of a sweating head::

  • Improper scalp and hair care
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Heavy sweating at night due to tuberculosis
  • Emotional stress
  • Vegetovascular dystonia

If the back of your head sweats, this may be a sign of liver or gallbladder disease.

If your neck sweats, this may be a sign of an endocrine system disease.

I sweat a lot in the heat, what should I do to sweat less?

To make it easier to survive the summer heat, you should drink green tea with lemon in the morning rather than coffee.

To sweat less in the heat, you first need to install cause of sweating:

  1. Stress. If you know that you will be worried at work, in the morning you need to drink a soothing tea made from mint, peony petals, valerian roots, motherwort or lemon balm. You can also prepare for the upcoming worries by drinking soothing tea for several days in a row.
  2. Heat. In hot weather, you can wipe your face and neck with ice cubes made from herbal infusions or wash your face with an infusion of herbs that have a vasoconstrictor effect (oak bark, burnet).
  3. Nutrition. In the morning, instead of coffee, drink green tea, avoid fatty foods, and eat more vegetables and fruits.

Why does it hurt and feel dizzy, nauseous, and want to sleep in the heat?

To survive the summer heat, the main thing is to prevent dehydration.

In the heat, you may feel sick and dizzy for several reasons.:

  1. Dehydration. In extreme heat, beneficial microelements and salts are released through sweat, and the body becomes dehydrated. To prevent this from happening, you need to have clean water with you and drink it in small sips. This way the body will be saturated with water.
  2. If you walk for a long time in the heat without a hat. You can get heatstroke, usually a headache begins before it.

Why does blood pressure drop in the heat, weakness?

To survive the summer heat, people suffering from hypertension and hypotension need to take medications prescribed by a doctor
  • In the heat, in hypotensive people, blood pressure drops. And so the low blood pressure drops even more, and the person feels unwell.
  • Blood pressure in hypertensive patients may decrease slightly only at the initial stage of the disease. Hypertensive patients who take pills all the time should continue to take them.
  • A slight decrease in blood pressure is explained by the fact that in the heat the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air increases, blood vessels dilate slightly, and as a result, pressure decreases.

Why does it feel bad in the heat, hard to breathe, no strength?

If you can't stand the summer heat very well, this may be the result of some disease that you don't know about.

If in the heat a person feels very bad and it becomes difficult to breathe, this may be the cause of some kind of disease.

There is not enough air in such conditions:

  1. Diseases of the heart and lungs.
  2. Allergy for flowering plants.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Pregnancy. Changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. All organs are working in enhanced mode. At the last stage of pregnancy there is not enough air, and even more so in extreme heat. All symptoms will go away after the baby is born.
  5. Reaction to heat is expressed in the following: severe sweating, pale face, can’t breathe, loss of strength, numbness of the limbs and heart beating strongly.

If the cause of this condition, when it is difficult to breathe, is some kind of illness, then you need to immediately go to the doctor. He will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Why do you crave sweets when it’s hot, but don’t feel like eating?

In extreme heat, a lot of sweat is released from the body, and microelements come out with it, the first sign of their loss is a craving for sweets

You may crave sweets in the heat due to loss, with copious discharge sweat and stress, vitamins and microelements. These are the following minerals:

  • Magnesium. Nervous breakdowns deplete the amount of magnesium in our body, and cocoa from chocolate replenishes it, which is why we crave sweets.
  • Chromium. If the amount of chromium in the body is less than it should be, glucose stops flowing from our cells into the blood, and therefore we crave sweets.
  • Phosphorus. To replenish this element in the body, you need to eat fish, eggs, cereals, but a sign of a lack of phosphorus is a craving for sweets.

But you don’t want to eat in the heat for the reason that the body spends energy on completely different things - fighting a high temperature, and you should not overload it with heavy lunches and dinners, but eat light food, and little by little.

To survive the summer heat, wash your face with cold water more often.

It will be much easier to cope with the summer heat if you listen to the following tips:

  • In the heat of the day, 11-16 hours, do not go outside and do not do work related to large physical activity. This time should be spent indoors or on the balcony if there is no direct sunlight.
  • It is advisable to go to bed at sunset and get up early, when it is not yet very hot.
  • You can drink cool, clean water, sour compote, fruit juice, green and mint tea, no more than 100-150 ml at a time, but often.
  • During the heat, do not eat fatty meat foods and flour products, but give preference to okroshka, beetroot, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, fruits and berries.
  • In the summer, it is useful to season dishes with hemp oil, which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids that strengthen blood vessels.
  • Take a cool shower every day, and during the day, rinse your face and hands, up to the elbows and above, with cold water more often, and wipe your entire body with a wet towel.
  • Wipe your face and neck several times a day with ice cubes from a decoction of sage and chamomile.
  • At work, you can spray your face with a special spray to freshen up.
  • If you have swollen legs or varicose veins, then in the evening you need to pour cold water on your legs.
  • Face powder and foundation should be avoided in summer.
  • In summer, you should use a protective cream on your face and lubricate your lips with a special hygienic lipstick.
  • You should dress in loose-fitting, light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics.

To make it easier to endure the summer heat, you should prepare for it in the spring, collecting useful tips.
