Komodo dragons: description and photos. Life is like an adventure An unusual strategy in the dragon hunt

Indonesian Komodo island interesting not only for its nature, but also for its animals: among the tropical jungles of this island live real “ dragons»…

Such " the Dragon"reaches a length of 4-5 meters, its weight ranges from 150 to 200 kilograms. These are the largest individuals. The Indonesians themselves call the “dragon” land crocodile».

Komodo dragon is a diurnal animal, it does not hunt at night. The monitor lizard is omnivorous; it can easily eat a gecko, bird eggs, a snake, or catch a gaping bird. Local residents say that the monitor lizard drags sheep and attacks buffalo and wild pigs. There are known cases when komodo dragon attacked a victim weighing up to 750 kilograms. In order to eat such a huge animal, the “dragon” would bite through the tendons, thereby immobilizing the victim, and then shred the unfortunate creature with its iron jaws. Once a monitor lizard swallowed a furiously squealing dog...

Here on Komodo island, nature dictates its own rules, dividing the year into dry and wet seasons. In the dry season, the monitor lizard has to adhere to “fasting,” but in the rainy season, the “dragon” does not deny itself anything. Komodo dragon does not tolerate heat well, his body does not have sweat glands. And if the animal's temperature exceeds 42.7 degrees Celsius, the monitor lizard will die from heatstroke.

Long tongue endowed with komodo dragon- This is a very important olfactory organ, like our nose. By sticking out its tongue, the monitor lizard catches odors. The tactility of the monitor lizard's tongue is not inferior to the sensitivity of smell in dogs. A hungry “dragon” is able to track down its prey using a single trace left by the animal a few hours ago.

Juveniles komodo dragon painted in dark gray colors. There are orange-red ring stripes throughout the animal's body. With age, the color of the monitor lizard changes, “ the Dragon» acquires an even dark color.

Young monitor lizards, up to a year old, small: their length reaches one meter. By the end of the first year of life, the monitor lizard already begins to hunt. Kids train on chickens, rodents, frogs, grasshoppers, crabs and the most harmless - snails. The matured “dragon” begins to hunt larger prey: goats, horses, cows, and sometimes people. The monitor lizard gets close to its victim and attacks with lightning speed. After which he throws the animal to the ground and tries to stun it as quickly as possible. If it attacks a person, the monitor lizard first bites off the legs, then tears the body into pieces.

Adults komodo dragon They eat their prey in exactly the same way - by spreading the victim into pieces. After the monitor lizard's prey is killed, the "dragon" rips open the belly and eats the animal's entrails within twenty-five minutes. Monitor lizard eats meat in large pieces, swallowing it along with the bones. To quickly pass food, the monitor lizard constantly throws its head up.

Local residents tell how one day, while eating a deer, a monitor lizard pushed the animal's leg down its throat until it felt like it was stuck. Then the animal made a sound similar to a rumble and began to frantically wave its head, falling on its front paws. Varan fought until the paw flew out of his mouth.

While eating an animal " the Dragon"stands on four outstretched legs. In the process of eating, you can see how the monitor lizard’s belly fills and stretches all the way to the ground. Having eaten, the monitor lizard goes into the shade of trees to digest food in peace and quiet. If something remains of the victim, young monitor lizards flock to the carcass. In the hungry dry season lizards feed on their own fat. Average life expectancy komodo dragon is 40 years old.

Komodo dragons have long ceased to be a curiosity... But one unresolved question remains: how did such interesting animals get to Komodo Island in our time?

The appearance of a huge lizard is shrouded in mystery. There is a version that the Komodo dragon is the progenitor of the modern crocodile. One thing is clear: the monitor lizard living on Komodo Island is the largest lizard in the world. Paleontologists put forward the version that about 5 - 10 million years ago the ancestors komodo lizard appeared in Australia. And this assumption is confirmed by one significant fact: the bones of the only known representative of large reptiles were found in Pleistocene and Pliocene deposits Australia.

It is believed that after the volcanic islands formed and cooled, the lizard settled on them, in particular on Komodo island. But here the question arises again: how did the lizard get to the island located 500 miles from Australia? The answer has not yet been found, but to this day fishermen are afraid to go sailing near Komodo Islands. Let's think that it helped the "dragon" sea ​​current. If the put forward version is correct, then what did the lizards eat all the time when there were no buffalos, no deer, no horses, no cows and pigs on the island... After all, cattle were brought to the islands by man much later than the voracious lizards appeared on them.
Scientists claim that in those days, giant turtles and elephants lived on the island, the height of which reached one and a half meters. It turns out that the ancestors of modern Komodo lizards hunted elephants, albeit dwarf ones.
One way or another, but Komodo dragons These are “living fossils”.

People have come up with all sorts of nicknames for lizards - mini-dinosaurs and little dragons. Each fits these amazing scaly creatures just perfectly. Let's get acquainted with the most striking and unusual representatives of tailed reptiles.

IN modern world There are about 6 thousand lizards various types.

The main tool for obtaining food among the miniature dragons of our planet is the tongue. He can be different shapes, color and size, but is always well mobile and easily pulled out of the mouth.

Many lizards are characterized by autotomy, in other words, sensing danger, these creatures can cast off their tail and then gradually grow a new one.

Lizards are true optimists, they see the world in orange color, and in the literal sense of the word.

Depending on the size of these scaly reptiles The weight of eggs laid by females varies from 4 to 200 grams.

The Arizona gila monster, or as it is also called, the Gila monster, has special grooves in its small sharp teeth through which, at the moment of the bite, a painful neurotoxin begins to flow into the body of the victim.

The round-headed agama, or toad-headed agama, lives in the desert, communicates with relatives by curling its tail and scares away enemies with its bizarre mouth folds.

The fastest lizard is the black iguana, which has a recorded land speed of 34.9 kilometers per hour.

Darwin nicknamed marine iguanas “demons of darkness” because they spend all their time diving under water and scraping overgrown plants from rocks that they feed on.

The well-known chameleon is rightfully considered the most a prominent representative infraorder iguanaformes.

This is a truly unique reptile that demonstrates its attitude to what is happening by changing its body color. Among other things, she has an extremely prehensile tail, her eyeballs move independently of each other, and her very long and sticky tongue shoots out at lightning speed to catch her prey.

The thin-bodied El Salvador monitor lizard is recognized as the longest of the lizards, its length is 4.75 meters, about 70 percent of which is the tail.

Geckos are very peculiar lizards that can stay on almost any surface, be it a steep slope, a smooth wall or even polished glass. At the same time, they can support their body weight with just one paw.

The dragon of Komodo Island - the Komodo dragon - is the largest carnivorous lizard on the planet, reaching a length of 3 meters.

The Moloch lizard, despite its name, has nothing to do with the Semitic deity; it was so nicknamed for the thorns covering its body and its terrifying appearance. The “thorny devil” feeds only on ants and, like many of its brothers, is capable of changing color.

Where is Komodo National Park?

Founded in 1980 National Park Komodo is located in the center of the Indonesian archipelago. The park spreads over 600 square meters. km of land and 1.2 sq. km sea ​​waters. It includes three main islands: Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as many smaller islands.

Komodo Island

All of them are part of the Lesser Sunda Islands group and are located between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores, the Indonesian archipelago. The largest of them is Komodo. Its population is 2 thousand people. The island's inhabitants are descendants of former prisoners who were landed on the island and who subsequently mixed with the Bugis tribe from Sulawesi.

Are Komodo dragons an endangered species?

Komodo dragons are classified as vulnerable animals. Experts estimate the population at 4,000–5,000 individuals. However, some scientists fear that among them there are only 350 females of reproductive age. All of them are listed in the IUCN Red List. A national park was organized especially for them on Komodo Island.

Any hunting of these pangolins is prohibited by law, and capture can only be carried out for zoos with special permission from the Nature Conservation Committee of the Indonesian government.

How much does a Komodo dragon weigh?

The Komodo dragon can reach a length of 2.5-3 m, its weight ranges from 50 to 70 kg. Females are smaller and reach a length of only 1.5-2 m. The length of the monitor lizard's tail is approximately half the length of the body.

How fast does a Komodo dragon run?

The Komodo dragon is quite fast and can reach speeds of up to 20 km/h. In principle, a Komodo dragon can catch up with a person, although a lot depends on the person himself - how fast he runs. Having no natural opponents, in addition to carrion, he hunts almost all large animals that can be found on the island - deer, buffalo, wild boar and his smaller relatives.

Monitor lizard hunts deer:

Hiding unnoticed in the bushes or any other shelter, the Komodo dragon waits for its prey and then attacks. Deadly danger consists of both sharp teeth and 50 strains of various pathogenic bacteria that cause blood poisoning and death of the victim, usually within 24 hours.

Feature article Mad Zoologist about Komodo dragons:

The Komodo dragon is sometimes called the Komodo dragon, and for good reason. This prehistoric predator with its appearance and size it really reminds us of mythical dragons. The Komodo dragon is one of the largest living reptiles and is the largest living lizard. The massive body of this monster can reach more than 3 meters, but most often its length is 2-3 meters. These monitor lizards usually weigh about 80 kg, but can be much heavier - approximately 165 kg.

This dinosaur of our days is very impressively armed. Its skull averages about 21 cm in length, and its huge mouth contains many large teeth with jagged edges that are flattened laterally and curved back. Each tooth is a kind of cutting knife. With such teeth, an animal can easily tear out pieces of meat from its victim. The monitor lizard does not have chewing teeth; all its teeth are of the same conical shape, so it practically does not chew, and when tearing off pieces of meat, it simply swallows them. The structure of the skull and pharynx allows this reptile to swallow very large pieces.

In addition to its terrifying teeth, the Komodo dragon is armed with long, hook-shaped claws and a truly terrifying tail. A blow from such a tail can knock an adult off his feet and cause him serious injuries. When monitor lizards fight among themselves, for example over prey or a female, they stand on hind legs, clasping each other with their paws and biting each other, while simultaneously trying to overcome the opponent. Although, it must be said that they rarely fight over prey. On Komodo Island, monitor lizards are specially fed for the amusement of tourists. Several monitor lizards can easily devour a deer carcass. These huge lizards do not attack people, but they potentially pose a serious danger. There are reliable cases of attacks by these reptiles on humans. Not only is the bite of a Komodo dragon extremely dangerous in itself, but its mouth contains many microbes that can cause blood poisoning.

In addition to the Komodo Island itself, which is lost among the many islands of the Indonesian archipelago, the Komodo dragon lives on the islands of Flores, Rindja and Padar. All these islands are quite small and difficult to distinguish on the map. And the Komodo dragon is not found anywhere else in the world, so this species is protected by law. It would be a real crime if this reptile, which has come down to us from the depths of many millions of years, disappears from the face of the earth now, in the 21st century AD.

Throughout its entire habitat, the Komodo dragon is the dominant predator. None of the animals living side by side with him can compare with him in strength. The diet of the giant monitor lizard is based on deer and wild pigs. In addition, it feeds on other, smaller animals, as well as carrion.

Monitor lizards search for prey using vision, as well as their unusual tongue. With its forked tongue, the monitor lizard perceives the slightest odor particles left by the victim and analyzes them using the Jacobson organ, which communicates with oral cavity. Having discovered its prey, the monitor lizard creeps up to it at a suitable distance and then makes a swift lunge. Despite its clumsy appearance, the Komodo dragon is capable of developing unexpected speed for such a huge lizard. In principle, a Komodo dragon can catch up with a person, although a lot depends on the person himself - how fast he runs.

Mating of Komodo dragons usually occurs in July and is accompanied by fierce fights between males. In August, the female lays more than two dozen eggs, which she usually buries in the ground or hides in a hole. After about 8-8.5 months, the eggs hatch into babies that grow very quickly. They are very timid and run away at the slightest danger. Not like adults, monitor lizards are excellent at climbing trees and often climb them to escape. Young monitor lizards are brighter colored than adults. Over the years, they acquire a darker, greenish-brown color. The lifespan of the Komodo dragon is about 50 years.

Captive komodo dragons They get used to people quite easily and become tame. It seems to me that monitor lizards are the most highly developed reptiles, after crocodiles. There are cases when tame monitor lizards responded to their nickname.

  • Class: Reptilia = Reptiles (Reptiles)
  • Subclass: Lepidosauria = Lepidosaurs, scaly lizards
  • Order: Squamata Oppel = Scaly
  • Suborder: Lacertilia Owen = Lizards
  • Family: Varanidae Gray, 1827 = Monitor lizards

Species: Varanus komodoensis = Komodo dragon, ora

Although dragons are fantastic creatures and, by and large, there are no such animals in nature, nevertheless, this is the name of the existing giant monitor lizards. Giant monitor lizards now live on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Fleres and several other small nearby islands. There appear to be somewhere around 5,000 individuals within their range across all the islands.

Living dragons or giant monitor lizards are of great interest to tourists visiting Indonesia. Therefore, in order to see this amazing animal - a miracle of nature, about 1 thousand tourists specially come to Komodo Island every month. And they are going with one goal - to visit Komodo National Park, where they can see living legendary dragons.

Komodo Island is located in the Lesser Sunda Islands group, and to get to it, you need to swim across the treacherous Seip Strait. Tourists are prohibited from walking around the park on their own. The reason for such strictness is simple: you can be eaten. In addition, the places where you can meet the dragon are known only to park rangers.

Holding a thick stick forked at the end in his hands, park ranger David Howe walks with measured steps along a well-known path. He leads Jane Stephen to a female guarding a clutch of eggs. So David ducked into a narrow passage between the bushes, crawled on his knees a few feet and motioned for Jane to follow him. In the middle of the clearing rises a wide hill. Howe suspected that it was here, on the nesting ground of the greatfoots, the long-legged brown weed chickens, that the female dragon buried her eggs. Slowly following the caretaker, Jane crept to the very edge of the nest. At this time, Howe pointed his hand towards the low-hanging branches. At first Jane didn't notice anything. And suddenly, 10 steps away from her, she saw a female dragon about 180 centimeters long lying on the ground among the fallen leaves.

For some time, the people and the dragon carefully examined each other, when suddenly, without any warning, the female, sticking out her long yellow forked tongue, moved towards them. Howe and Jane immediately rushed back. They both knew that dragons are not to be trifled with. They have a disgusting reputation: they cannot be tamed and do not distinguish between humans and deer - both are just food for them. True, they say that in private, keepers treat them quite familiarly: they caress them and sometimes even ride them on horseback. Nowadays, Komodo dragons are in danger of extinction. All types of animals belonging to this category always attract human attention. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Komodo, 700 kilometers away from the island of Borneo, once a week a kind of show with dragons is staged, which is attended by up to 13,000 thrill-seekers.

On everything historical path During their development, dragons had a strong reputation as carnivores. Perhaps they even ate dwarf elephants when they were still found here. Now the objects of their hunt are buffalo, deer, wild goats and pigs, which settled on the islands in a later period. But the reptiles themselves are not threatened by anyone, except humans, of course, and... brothers. Yes, dragons are cannibals.

Some statistics: Over the last 65 years (until 1993), 280 dragons were killed by humans. During the same time, the dragons killed and wounded 12 people. The main attraction of the park on Komodo Island is feeding the dragons. Out of curiosity, only twice a week do they bring a live goat to them, but the monitor lizards stubbornly wait for the keepers every day, which seems to do no honor to their intelligence.

2012 is the year of the dragon Chinese calendar and the dragon is the only animal that is completely fictional. Or not?

These six amazing dragons, although they do not quite correspond to the stereotypes of winged, scaly, fire-breathing reptiles, are real and, either by their appearance or by their name, represent the most real dragons.

1. Dragonfly

Dragonflies got their name from ancient folklore, which depicted them as distant descendants of extinct dragons. Many European legends described dragonflies in an unsightly light, calling them colloquial speech by various names such as Horse Stinger, Eye stealer, Eye Cutter and Devil's darning needle.
On the other hand, Chinese and Japanese folk tales associate dragonflies with prosperity, harmony, agility and strength.

Although dragonflies are predators and a threat to mosquitoes, they do not bite humans and there is no need to be afraid of them. However, everything was different 325 million years ago, when the huge insect-like ancestors of dragonflies from the order had a wingspan of more than a meter and ate everything that moved on the ground, including our primitive amphibian ancestors.

2.Bearded Dragon

Their gaping mouth, spiky skin and terrifying appearance make them feel like real dragons; there is only one drawback that spoils everything - their size.

They grow up to 60 cm and look as if they had just stepped out of a low-budget monster movie from the 1950s.

Bearded dragons are very popular as pets, although they are prohibited from being exported outside of Australia, where they live. There are seven different species of these animals, some of which have a kind of hood, which, when blossomed, gives them an even greater resemblance to a dragon.

3. Sea Dragon

Sea dragons are tropical fish that come in two types - leafy and grassy - and have family ties with the one who for some reason is usually called a seahorse. Leafy ones can reach a length of 24 cm, while herbal ones grow up to 45 cm.

Both sea dragons and seahorses resemble each other with a horse-like head shape, but dragons are more successful at camouflage. They have acquired numerous spines and ribs, which enhances their resemblance to their mythical ancestor, but does not make them any more frightening. Sea dragons are just as safe as their relatives, seahorses.

4. Chinese water dragon

Signs Chinese zodiac are divided into five different elements, which alternate every 12 years, so in 2012 Chinese water the dragon receives additional status. These representatives of the animal world can grow up to 90 cm in length, two-thirds of which is the tail.

The Chinese water dragon is a graceful green lizard with jagged spines on its back. She prefers to live in tropical forests, in close proximity to ponds and rivers. In case of danger, they simply jump into the water and hide in it.

With age Chinese dragon rainbow spots appear on the neck, usually red, orange or Pink colour. Their beauty and relative docile nature make them good pets, if you are a reptile lover of course. However, keep in mind that if you scare the Chinese dragon, it runs very fast on its short legs.

5. Mandarin Dragonet

Mandarin ducks (or tangerine dragonets) are one of the types of bottom-dwelling fish that do not have scales. But they have bright colors, wide fins and a triangular head, which once reminded someone of a dragon. Some mandarin ducks have amazing multi-colored colors, for which they could be called psychedelic dragons.

This is very beautiful fish, but they, unfortunately, survive very poorly in aquariums. Another dragon that is difficult to get into your home...

6. Komodo Dragons

We would call these creatures “terrible lizards,” but this name is already taken by “dinosaurs” (which is translated from Latin in exactly the same way). If only there was another more appropriate name for these huge, predatory and poisonous reptiles... Komodo dragons grow up to 3 meters in length, zoologists call this island gigantism.
Although Komodo dragons are taxonomically classified as monitor lizards, I think they are the most similar to dragons of any living animal.
Really, do you know anything outside of Anne McCaffrey's Riders of Pern that could chew a buffalo whole?

Komodo dragons are fairly well protected from poachers on their two islands. But lack of food increasingly forces them to attack people, which makes them quite dangerous animals.

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