Dhow dancing games. Musical and dance games for children of younger (middle) age

But do you still want to do some extra exercise with him at home? Your desire is commendable. This way you will not only demonstrate your interest in your child’s activities, but will also be able to further entertain him and keep him occupied for a while. And games are not only fun, but also very useful. It will be better if you gather your child’s friends - after all, playing alone is boring. Ready? Then let's begin!

1. "Dancing on chairs." Chairs are placed in a circle and children sit on them. The presenter stands in the center and shows simple dance moves to cheerful rhythmic music. Mainly the head, shoulders, arms, and back work. This game is not a competition. It can serve as an excellent warm-up before other dance games. If the children like it, they can get up from their chairs and continue doing exercises with the participation of their legs: jumping, stomping, turning.

2. Probably everyone knows the game with music and chairs. The point of the game is that any number of children and chairs are selected - but so that one child is not enough. The chairs are placed in a circle, the music is turned on, and the children begin to run around. When the music stops, the children try to take a chair before everyone else. The one who does not have enough chair is eliminated. However, we offer you a modernized version of the game. In it, children should not run, but dance around the chairs. Make sure that no one starts running - violators are eliminated!

3. “Frozen figures.” This game requires several children - from three to ten, but not too many, so that it is easier to keep track of everyone. Find fun, up-tempo children's music and bring a record player. The essence of the game is that children dance while the music plays. When she stops - this must happen suddenly - the children take any dance position and freeze. The one who moved, laughed or was unable to maintain his balance is eliminated.

4. “Find a friend.” This game requires only children, music and a certain amount of free space. Children dance to a cheerful tune, moving around the playground in random order. When crossing paths at random, children greet each other with a nod. The music suddenly stops, and each child must find a “friend” - that is, simply a neighboring person - and greet him with a handshake. The one who does not have enough “friend” is eliminated. This game perfectly develops reactions and facilitates socialization, because children, although in the game, learn to make friends.

5. “Hat.” Participants break into pairs and dance to rhythmic music. The presenter moves around the hall with a hat and randomly puts it on the head of one of the participants, after which he changes places with him. The child with the hat, in turn, begins to walk around the hall and look for someone to trade with. The game ends when everyone has been in the hat. By the way, the hat can be replaced with any item; for example, participants can pass an ordinary bottle to each other.

All children dance around the chairs, when the music stops, you must take any free chair; those who do not have time are eliminated from the game.

Dancing hat

Children dance in a circle, the hat is passed around the circle, the one who received the hat puts it on his head, makes one turn around himself and passes it to the next one. The music stops and the one who has the hat comes to the center and shows dance moves, all the other children repeat after him.

Musical freeze

When the music plays, everyone dances, whoever wants, as soon as the music stops, everyone freezes in the poses of some characters (from fairy tales, from cartoons, etc.). The presenter guesses the first one, then together they guess the second one, and so on until they guess all the characters.

Musical Freeze 2

Everyone dances to the music, the presenter says - and now our right hand is frozen, and everyone hides right hand behind the back and dance with the rest of the body, then the left hand is frozen - we dance with the legs and head, then the legs are frozen, we dance with the nose, etc.

Musical goodies

While the music is playing, the children, holding hands, walk around the buns (circles from a children's pyramid), of which there is one less than the number of children. Children must grab only one bun as soon as the music stops. The one who does not have time to take the bun leaves the game and becomes the presenter’s assistant. The one who manages to grab the last bun wins.

"Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"

We dance like bunnies, foxes, mice, cats, etc.

Dance competition for pairing

The boys come out, stand in a circle, two girls stand in the center of the circle with their backs to their backs, blindfolded, the music is turned on for 10 seconds, at this time the boys walk in a circle, after the music turns off, the girls must choose a mate without looking.

Dancing with balloons

To conduct this competition you will need balloons - one for each pair of participants, and of course music.
Pairs are formed from among the participants, and not necessarily of different sexes - there will still be no close contact between the dancers.
Each couple is given balloon, which is placed between the players. As soon as the music starts, couples begin to dance, holding the ball with their stomachs. Those who could not hold the ball are eliminated from the competition. Also eliminated are those who held the ball too tightly and it burst. The couple who touches the ball with their hands is also disqualified.
The last couple remaining wins.

Ice dancing

The competition participants are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a sheet of Whatman paper A2. The couple must place themselves on the sheet, and in addition, dancing a certain dance on it depends on the music and the whim of the leader.
Then, at the command of the leader, the dance composition changes to a faster one, and the pieces of ice on which the participants are dancing melt - the Whatman paper is folded in half. It gets tighter, and you have to dance faster. Those who step on the ice floe drown, that is, they drop out of the competition.
Then the ice melts again, that is, the paper folds in half again, and the music changes to even faster music. It becomes almost impossible to dance. Only the most slender and agile remain.
The last couple standing wins.

Dances of the peoples of the world

A wonderful dance competition that will help warm up any company, even the most dull one. Several pairs are required for the competition. The more people there are, the more fun and interesting it will be.

The couples stand in the center. The host explains the rules. When the music starts, the participants must start dancing the dance that matches the music. A sound recording of various dances and songs is prepared in advance: Lezginka, Lambada, Gypsy, Seven Forty, East Dance, There was a birch tree in the field (Rucheek dance), Tango, Waltz, Chardash, Kalinka, etc.

Whichever pair gets their bearings faster will win.

Some dances are inserted specifically to show the collective cohesion of the participants.
After such a competition, any company will be friendly and open to further fun.

(Primitive dance, “robot dance” to techno music)


This competition is perfect for adult company, who celebrates her birthday.

The presenter chooses two and gives them a jump rope or rope.
Children first pull it at a height of 1.5 m from the ground. The musicians play catchy melodies, and the guys take turns walking under the rope without touching it. It’s not easy to get through, but dancing to a fiery tune. With each stage the rope is lowered lower and lower.

Where to celebrate a birthday


For children from 1, 2, 3 years old

Interactive fairy tales, animation with Pony Rainbow, Soap Bubbles Show, VideoHolidays, Photo Tale

Target: to help music teachers, teaching staff, and music directors organize children’s leisure time in the most interesting way.”


    Educational – teach dance games to children of younger (middle) age.

    Developmental – develop the ability to improvise, showing free dance movements during a dance game.

    Educational – cultivate a sense of solidarity and mutual understanding towards each other through the process of participation in dance games.

“Children’s play often has deep meaning.” (Johann Friedrich Schiller )

Everyone knows that for children to develop a sense of rhythm, tact, musical ear and memory, it is necessary to early years closely introduce them to musical games.The music accompanying the games should have an incendiary, cheerful rhythm, thanks to which children quickly lift their spirits and increase their physical activity. Musical accompaniment of various outdoor games brings only positive results, as it forms the basis for the harmonious development and strengthening of children’s health.

The game introduces the child to life, to communication with others, with nature, and contributes to the acquisition of knowledge. It always has a specific goal. In music gamesfor this purpose is the development of intelligence, sense of rhythm and tact, memory, ear for music, voice, creative activity child. Musical dance games promote quick memorization the material studied, the intensity of training, the emancipation of children, getting rid of complexes. Music introduces a child to beauty, to a sense of harmony; in a word, it enriches his spiritual world.

Play is an integral part of children's activities. While playing, children remember better and quickly understand what is required of them. The game helps to achieve many pedagogical tasks.

Children love to make things up. In order for them to express and express themselves, they need to be given as much independent time as possible to invent and implement their ideas. The task of the leader of the lesson is only to direct the child’s imagination and impulse, and not to impose his own. Therefore, encourage their imagination and allocate “independent time” to implement their ideas.

I providegame file, which I use when working with children.

« Each game has its own rules." (Johan Huizinga)


Target : explore the possibility of making contact and interacting in a group.

Participants stand in a column and move like a snake. Their hands are in constant grip, which, at the command of the leader, takes various shapes: hands on the shoulders, on the belt, crosswise, by the arms, under the arms, etc.

At the same time, the presenter changes the proposed circumstances: “we move along a narrow path on our toes,” “we walk through a swamp - we step carefully,” “we step over puddles,” etc.


Target: remove internal pressure, help self-awareness and self-understanding, as well as the release of feelings.

Participants are located throughout the hall in a chaotic manner and perform dance walking on the spot. At the leader’s signal (clap or whistle), they stop and freeze:

Option 1: in different poses, representing a sculpture.

Option 2: with a smile on your face.

The presenter makes a comment, after the second signal everyone continues to move (repeated 5-8 times). The game can be played as a “sculpture competition” and a “smile competition”.

"We are looking for each other."

Target: explore mutual acceptance of each other and contact, develop a sense of quick response.

Participants dance around the site chaotically, greeting all passing group members with a nod of their heads. The music stops - everyone must find a partner and shake hands (repeated 5-7 times).

"Everybody dance".

Target : warm up the body, awaken emotions, relieve muscle tension, create the mood for work.

Participants stand or sit in a semicircle. The presenter gives the task “the right hand dances”, “the right hand dances” left leg", "the head is dancing", "the shoulders are dancing", etc. - participants improvise. At the command “everyone dance” - all parts of the body are included in the work (repeated 3-4 times). The presenter can combine explanation with demonstration.

The game is usually carried out at the beginning of the lesson and can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.

"Round dance acquaintance"

Target: develop group feelings of cohesion, involvement, belonging, and encourage entry into interpersonal relationships.

Participants form a circle and, holding hands, move slowly clockwise. The leader with a scarf in his hand walks in the opposite direction inside the circle, stops opposite any participant (at this moment the circle also stops moving), makes a deep Russian bow and passes the scarf. After returning the bow, she changes places with him. The game can continue until everyone is in the role of leader.


Target : help orientation in space, give the opportunity to experiment with movement, realize one’s peculiarity of self-expression, and develop the ability to improvise.

The game recreates the atmosphere of the ball.

Option 1: Participants move at a slow, sedate pace around the site in a chaotic manner, while greeting everyone walking towards them with a nod. A musical pause is a signal that you need to curtsey (repeated 5-7 times).

Option 2: The group lines up. The king (queen) walks along the participants, each of whom, as a sign of greeting, alternately freezes in a curtsy, and stands at the end of the row. The game is repeated until everyone has played the role of king.

“Allow me to invite you.”

Target: opportunity to experiment with movement. Everyone stands in a circle. The presenter invites any of the participants and dances with him in pairs, showing movements that the partner “mirrors”. At the “musical break” signal, the couple separates and invites new participants. Now there are two couples on the site, and so on until everyone is involved in the dance process. Moreover, each invitee “mirrors” the movements of the one who invited him.

"Solo with guitar."

Target : stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, develop the ability to improvise, increase self-esteem.

Everyone stands in a circle and moves to the rhythm of the music. The leader with a guitar in his hands goes to the center of the circle and performs a solo, expressing his feelings in the dance, then passes the guitar to any participant. Next, each participant does the same, and he can, if he wishes, interact with anyone from the group. Each solo dance is rewarded with applause at the end.

"Circle Dance"

Target: strengthen children's communication in a team, training dance and musical memory.

Children stand in pairs in a circle facing each other. The presenter shows in advance the movements that will need to be performed to the music, they must be rehearsed without music: side steps left and right for four counts with a blow on the last beat, then four steps back with a clap, then four steps forward and we return to the wrong pair, and, moving to the left - to a new partner (partner). Let's turn on the music and dance!

« Dance of Nature"

Target: coordination of movements, sense of dance space.

All children are divided into pairs and triplets (larger groups if desired), and then each group prepares their own dance to the same music. general theme. (for example - sunrise dance, sea surf, clouds, stars, fire, fountain).

It is good that you take the time to watch not only the “process” of each group of children dancing, but also arrange a general “review” of what happened. Let all the children sit in one part of the hall, as in auditorium, and then each team will show their dance in turn.


Target: development of movement coordination, creative imagination and improvisation.

The game leader prepares cards with situations that will need to be acted out in the dance. Children are divided into teams of two to five people and receive their card. After which the music is played and the teams are given time to prepare. The children’s task is to assign roles, prepare and show a dance-situation in front of everyone, like a small scene.

Spectators look at who got what, and then try to guess and retell what exactly they thought was played out. Example cards: The Priestess makes a fire in the Temple, The Girl collectsin the forest, Traveler climbing a mountain, Fire, etc.

"Fire Dance"

Target:development of imagination, creative ingenuity.

All sit in a circle. They represent Fire and their common task- dance the Bonfire dance. Each person can have their own movements, or they can be “set” by one person, or best of all, by each of the dancers in turn. This is preliminary preparation for the game, after which children can be asked to complicate it.

The whole circle becomes simply travelers who relax around the Bonfire (savages orpirates), and only one of the dancers remains in the center and dances the Bonfire. He has the right to move in all directions like tongues of flame. Travelers try to prevent the Bonfire from burning them. (At the same time, the movements of those sitting around the Fire must remain synchronous.)

Dance without music

Target: encouragement to emancipate, identify emotions, develop dance skills.

Everyone stands in a circle, one person goes to the center. Children must invent and create for dance atmosphere. For example – rain, fire or gust of wind. (The circle can clap, click, stomp, blow, hum, howl, spin, jump, etc. in a certain rhythm.)

The task of the one who remains in the circle is to feel and convey in the dance the state of space that is given to him.

There is another version of the same game: children choose one person and then come up with a Dream for him (fairy-tale circumstances in which he finds himself. In this Dream, everyone dancing can play your role, or you can all dance together.) Task playing – with his dance, without preparation, to react to the circumstances in which he found himself. He can interact with the characters of the Dream or even direct them, the main thing is that the atmosphere of the Dream is “picked up” and conveyed correctly.

"Dance of the Ocean"

Target : development of creative activity, plasticity.

All children are divided into three teams. The best thing is with an unequal number of people. (The first team should have the most people, the second - a little less and the third - no more than three to five people). Then the music is played and all three teams are given the same task - to feel like one with the team and come up with an Ocean Dance.

After preparation, the circles show each of their dances, and then they gather one into another to form a common Ocean of three nested circles. Each group dances its part at the same time.

Introducing children to the world of dance should be pleasant and exciting, but what could be more interesting than the game for a child? Only a game of dance!Dance games suitable for any holiday, and many adults will not refuse such fun. Some dance games can be played for no reason, for example, at the end of a “stressful” workout, you can play with children to relax, thus encouraging them for their diligence.There are no children in the world who do not love fun games and entertainment. And if they are also carried out against a musical background, this contributes to the diversified development of the little person.

As a result, we can safely say that games with musical accompaniment will ensure the development of abilities in children as a whole, and teachers will be the main assistants here.

Childhood is a state of mind. Play, and especially in combination with dance, is an ideal way to plunge into happy carelessness.

dancing with the kids!

Joint outdoor games teach children and parents to interact with each other, adapt to their partner’s pace, and promote mutual understanding, trust, and cohesion.

By learning to move freely, you will discover a lot of new things in yourself and in your child! You will see how he is carried away by the sounds of music, how he forgets about everything and begins to come up with new movements, and becomes collected.

It is necessary to take care in advance about the availability of music with different tempos.

Dance is a kind of language that helps you and your child express your emotions without words. Feel how your body relaxes, the fatigue and stress of the day go away.

There are many games with repetition of movements - these are round dances. They teach children to make the same movements to the beat and act together.


Quickly inflate the balloon.

We show a big ball with our hands.

Suddenly the balloon burst: “ssss.”
We narrow the circle towards the center.

The air is out.
Raise the handles up.

He became thin and thin.

We will not grieve.
We shake our heads.

We'll inflate again.
Quickly inflate the balloon.

The children disperse, forming a circle.

He's getting big. That's what it is!
We show with our pens what the ball has become.

"A king walked through the forest"

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Found myself a princess, princess, princess.
Let's jump, jump, jump.

We all jump happily together.

We kick our legs, we kick, we kick.
Shake your right and left legs.

Let's clap our hands, clap our hands, clap our hands.
Let's clap our hands.

Let's stomp our feet, stomp our feet, stomp our feet.
We stomp our feet.

Let's shake our heads.
We shake our heads from side to side.

Let's start first!
The game starts over.


Bunny, walk around,
Gray, walk around.
Walk like this.
Walk like this.

We stamp our feet and walk in place.

Bunny, spin around,
Gray, spin around.
Spin around like this.
Spin around like this.

We spin around ourselves several times.

Bunny, stamp your foot.
Gray, stomp your foot.
Stomp your foot like that,
Stomp your foot like that.

Let's stomp.

Bunny, dance,
Gray, dance.
Dance like this
Just dance like that.

We dance squat.

Bunny, bow down,
Gray, bow.
Bow down like this
Bow down like this.

We bow to everyone.

Rhymes and songs can serve as the basis for round dances, or they can be depicted and staged, which children like no less.

Dance with a bear
Mom shows a teddy bear, asking: “Who is it?” You can ask the children to growl like bears. Teddy Bear just loves to dance. To the music, mother and cub dance, march, inviting the children to join, stand with them in a train or in a circle, dance in circles, and imitate all the actions of a toy animal.

Forbidden Movement
Players must repeat all movements after the leader, except for one, which is taboo. Instead of this movement, children must perform some of their own. For example, if they can't jump, they can squat, run, etc. instead.

Dancing in a circle
The leader stands in the center of the circle and performs several different dance movements, and the child copies his dance. After some time, the presenter touches any player, he goes to the center and shows his impromptu dance. The others imitate him.

"Shadows"- another type of dance game with repetition of movements.
One player walks around the room and does different movements, unexpected turns, squats, bends to the sides, nods his head, waves his arms, etc. Everyone else stands in a line behind him at a short distance. They are his shadows and must quickly and clearly repeat his movements. Then the leader changes.

"Dance of Nature"
For this dance game it is necessary to prepare different music corresponding to the nature of the events depicted. Performing soft and smooth movements, we depict various natural phenomena:
An alarming forest at night - music and movements are impulsive and abrupt, quickly changing.
Deforestation. Children depict trees that groan and fall under the blows of an ax. Movements are unfinished and interrupted.
Flight of butterflies. Lyrical, smooth music, subtle, graceful, gentle movements.
Tidal bore. Sounds that imitate the sound of water. Children stand with eyes closed, rocking back and forth, listening to your body and gradually calming down.

Talk to your children about which movements they liked best, what was easy and what was difficult.

Dance with eyes closed
Invite your child to dance with his eyes closed, performing any movements. This will allow him to get rid of embarrassment and fear. Change the rhythm and volume of the music, protect him from falls and collisions with objects.

Fixed body parts
Rhythmic music sounds. The presenter shows the order of the movements. First you just need to shake your head and neck in different directions, forward and backward, in different rhythms.
Then only the shoulders move: now together, now alternately, now forward, now back, now up, now down.
Next - arm movements in the elbows, then in the hands.
The next movements are with the hips, then the knees, then the feet.
And now you need to gradually add each practiced movement in order. We add shoulders to the head and neck and dance. After some time, hands are connected, etc.
In the end, you should try to move using all parts of the body at the same time.

"Convey the mood with dance"
The presenter shows the movements and asks to depict the mood:
“We started dripping like a fine and frequent rain, but now heavy, large drops are falling from the sky. We fly like a sparrow, and now we fly like a seagull, like an eagle. Let's walk like old grandmother, let's jump like funny clown. Let's walk like Small child who is learning to walk. Let's sneak up carefully, like a cat sneaking up on a bird. Let's feel the bumps in the swamp. Let's walk thoughtfully, like an absent-minded person. Let’s run towards mom, jump on her neck and hug her.”

To the music, children turn into different creatures and dance, imitating their character and behavior.
For example, they can attend the festival of the sea king. Everyone turns into fish starfish, little mermaids, shells, crabs, seahorses.
And then into birds, butterflies, dragonflies. For a short time they will become jumping grasshoppers, jumping high, bending their legs, kicking, and jumping merrily across the “field.”
The mother asks the child to show the dance of a proud and brave rooster, an angry goose, and a turkey with its tail fluffed to the music.
Portray an affectionate cat; playful foal; a happy goat; a lively cow; a formidable bull; a pig wallowing in the mud; camel
Show a cunning mouse running away from a cat, and a sad cat.
Convey the behavior of animals through facial expressions and movements: a raccoon is rinsing itself in the water, a badger is hiding in a hole, a hedgehog is looking for a place to hibernation, a giant elk walks through the swamp, a squirrel gnaws nuts.

All players walk in a circle holding hands. At the leader’s signal (this could be the sound of a bell, a rattle, clapping hands, or some word), the children stop, clap their hands 4 times, turn around and walk in the other direction.
Anyone who fails to complete the task is eliminated from the game.
The game can be played to music or a group song. In this case, children should clap their hands when they hear a certain word of the song (agreed in advance).

The music is calm, but not too slow. Children walk in a column one after another. Suddenly the music stops.
Everyone stops and listens to the leader’s whispered command, for example:
“Put your right hand on your neighbor’s shoulder,” and they immediately do it.
Then the music starts again and everyone continues walking.
Commands are given only to perform calm movements.
The game will help you calm down and easily switch to another, calmer activity.

"Dance of Fire Sparks"
The dancers squeeze tightly into a circle, raise their arms up and gradually, in time with the cheerful music, lower them, depicting tongues of flame.
The fire rhythmically sways in one direction or the other, becomes higher (we rise on tiptoes), then lower (squats).
Blowing strong wind, and the fire breaks up into small sparks, which fly freely, swirl, and connect with each other (let’s hold hands).
Sparkles glow with joy and goodness.

“Path – command – bumps”
A group of children is divided into two teams.
When the word “path” is said, the guys should stand one after another in a chain and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front.
When you hear the word “team,” gather in a circle, hold hands and raise them up.
And when you hear the word “bumps,” sit down on the ground, as close to each other as possible. The game is played to fast music.

"Dance of the Builders"
Participants line up in one line.
The presenter invites you to imagine and show various movements with your body and face, as one conveys to the second:
heavy bucket of cement;
light brush;
a huge heavy board;

"In the village yard"
The presenter invites everyone to the village yard to portray its inhabitants. He reads the text, and the children show animals to the music.
Early morning. Here, with his head raised importantly and proudly, his wings laid behind his back, a rooster walks around the yard and shouts: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
And the cat gently and carefully comes out onto the porch. He sits on his hind legs, and smoothly licks and washes his face and ears with his front legs, saying: “Meow!”
Clumsily and funnyly stepping from foot to foot, the duck comes out and begins to clean its feathers with its beak, quack-quack.
The proud goose strides, slowly turning its head in different directions and greeting us: “Ha-ha.”
Piggy, having fallen into a puddle on his side and stretching out his front and hind legs, sharply raises his head, squints his eye in surprise and asks: “Oink-oink?”
A horse sleeps standing, head down. So she opens her eyes, raises one ear, then the other and joyfully neighs: “Hey!”
The chickens wake up and begin to fussily run around the yard: “Ko-ko-ko.”
Everyone is awake! WITH Good morning!
Children can come up with movements themselves.

"In the forest"
“Birch, fir-tree, oak grow in our forest, weeping willow, pine, grass, flowers. Choose a plant or tree that you like. At my command, you and I will turn into a forest. Show with music and movements how your plant reacts to different phenomena:
a quiet, gentle breeze blew;
strong cold wind;
fine mushroom rain;
very hot;
gentle sun;

Paired movements
Children are divided into pairs or choose one of their parents to be their partner.
They are asked to perform paired actions to music:
sawing firewood;
rowing in a boat;
rewinding threads;
tug of war;
handing over a crystal glass;
couple dance.

"Fire - Ice"
At the leader’s command “Fire!” Children standing in a circle begin to move all parts of their bodies.
At the command “Ice!” - freeze in some position.
The presenter alternates teams several times.

Fun games that keep children occupied, entertained and educational in terms of their use are not too burdensome for parents. There are many resources available on the Internet with highly interactive and educational games, which are given completely free of charge. Classic traditional games are being replaced by electronic versions, which is why children move less actively, as they spend more time sitting at a computer or game console. Parents and all adults who are responsible for the development of children need to understand this. Therefore, now, more than ever, the relevance of children's outdoor games has increased. And dance games for children in particular.

Earth, Air, Fire, Water
This game forces children to act quickly and clearly, broadens their horizons, and allows them to be creative. All children stand in a circle, and one is placed in the center and given a tennis or other small ball. To the music, children, holding hands, move in a circle counterclockwise, and the driver moves in the opposite side. When the music stops, everyone stops. A child with a ball in his hands must carefully throw it to the person standing opposite him in a circle and say one of the words to choose from: earth, air, fire or water. The child who catches the ball must respond by naming the animal or creature associated with this element.
For example, if the driver shouts “water,” then the second child must name an animal that lives in water, for example a dolphin. If a child shouts “air,” another child must name an animal that flies, such as a crow. However, if the child shouts “fire,” the child who receives the ball must name a fairy-tale or mythological animal, such as “Serpent Gorynych” or “Dragon.”
Ice figures
This game is designed for children of any age. All you need is music. Gather the children in certain place. Have your CD player or stereo ready. Use age-appropriate music. When the music starts playing, the children start dancing. They must dance all the time while the music is playing. When the music stops, they must freeze in dance poses. Whichever child moves or laughs is eliminated from the game. Stop the music for 15-20 seconds, no more. The game will continue until only one child remains. You can give a prize to the winner.

Dancing around the chairs

This game will play like regular musical chairs, but kids must add dance moves. Before you start playing, be sure to have a few age-appropriate songs ready. You will need one less chair than the number of players. Arrange the chairs in a circle. When the music starts, tell the children that they should dance around the chairs. If they do not dance, but only move, they are automatically eliminated from the game. When you stop the music, children should try to sit on the chair first. A child who does not have time to take a chair leaves the game. Then you need to remove one chair and play again. When there are two participants left, the first one to occupy the remaining chair wins.
This dance game It is also popular among adults. The essence of the game is simple: a single participant, moving along a corridor formed by dancing couples, must choose a soul mate and stand at the end of the corridor. Left alone, the next participant must choose a partner in the same way. The game is accompanied by cheerful rhythmic music. Participants can slowly move forward.
