When will it be hot in June? Cold summer 2017: what is happening with the weather in the Moscow region 

Is it time to go on your planned vacation or forget about swimsuits, creams and tanning? When will the long-awaited summer arrive? People call it fleeting because the days fly by like crazy, especially for schoolchildren who are enjoying the holidays. When summer comes for 2017, the latest data, tips and wishes.

This summer

If nature followed the calendar, then most likely a place with an ideal, precise climate would appear, when by December 31 people would be delighted with fluffy, plentiful snow and moderate frosts, spring was in a hurry by March 1, the snow was melting and the drops were ringing, and on June 1 the temperature was cheerfully jumped from +15 to hot +30, with clean, blue sky, where there is no cloud, no breeze. Yes, maybe somewhere (in fairy tales, films or cartoons) this exists, but in reality nature is full of surprises, when March is still snowy, “winter”, April barely scrapes up +10, and May is more or less like spring. What about summer?

Yes, the beginning of May, or rather the middle of it, justified the expectations of the weather forecasters. People were finally able to remove the heavy winter clothes away and enjoy the first flowers and the birds arriving. And they could think about the upcoming, future vacation.

Further, June pleased us with long-awaited warmth. Most regions noted +20, at least +15 heat, with sunny, fine days. Some broke records, the temperature reached 30 degrees, summer heat, especially towards mid-to-late May.

If we talk about summer, weather forecasters' forecasts will differ here. Some are sure, for Russia summer will pass rainy, cool, with a minimum of real, fine days. Only the south is threatened by drought, even fires.

In general, summing up the general, intermediate results, summer will bring warmth, but, as usual, it will be short. Temperatures will be slightly higher than normal and there will be warm summer rains at times. But why short? According to weather forecasters, by the middle, around the 20th of August, the first coolness will arrive, and the end of August will become much colder than the middle or beginning. True, the south of the country will be able to extend its summer as usual, although from time to time torrential, real, autumn rains will bring it there. Warm, sunny, pleasant weather will remain there. All of August, then September (until the 15th-20th).

In the Urals, June will be dry, hot, with minimal precipitation. July is just as hot and fine, when +28+30 normal temperature. Although the heat is sometimes replaced by rain and thunderstorms, in the summer it is pleasant and does not interfere at all. August is warm and sometimes rainy.

Other forecasters, on the contrary, assure that Russia will face a dry, stuffy, hot summer. The crop may suffer. If we remember the crisis predicted earlier, now is the time to run, stock up on breadcrumbs, buy flour, firewood and various cereals. What else .


Well, tourists who decide to spend their own vacation there have nothing to fear. Summer is there, thanks to the sea, continental climate, it will be long, comfortable, and the sea is nearby. Beauty. The water is +23, and the air is at least +26, there is little rain.

Although, of course, reality will show how good weather forecasters are at their job. People are used to scolding them if anything happens, but there is only nature and its desires. Although weather forecasters use modern, high-quality equipment and knowledge, they only make forecasts, calculating how the front will move later, and look at the amount of precipitation.

It is impossible to give 100% accurate forecasts up to the maximum value. Therefore, the options differ. True, if you look at people’s opinions, they are more likely to support the first group. It’s better to get wet in the summer rains and listen to a thunderstorm than to sit without a harvest in a hot, suffocating summer.

And so, if you look at it in practice, the course and atmosphere of summer will be determined as usual by July. In June, everything is just beginning, the weather “settles down”, and a number of regions experience June as spring. Flowers bloom, leaves form, late birds arrive - spring. From time to time, rains delight lovers of thunderstorms and coolness. The evenings are cool. But you can walk as much as you like, it’s warm during the day. Hot days are rare.

Studying the most accurate forecasts allows summer period pick up optimal time for traveling around Russia. For example, many families want to visit relatives in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Tourists want to visit the Urals and enjoy the splendor of nature. Forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center will help you find out what the summer of 2017 will be like. Accurate data for all 3 summer months will allow you to create a convenient travel plan.

What will summer be like in Moscow 2017 - weather for 3 months from the Hydrometeorological Center

Weather forecasts for the entire summer of 2017 in Moscow from the Hydrometeorological Center

Temperatures are expected to warm in June, but cloudy weather will remain. Rain is very likely. According to forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center, residents who want to know what summer 2017 is expected to look like and when to travel to Moscow should pay attention to July and August. It is during these periods that the temperature will rise to +25 degrees.

What will summer be like in Russia in 2017 - accurate weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

Studying information about what summer 2017 will be like in Russia will help you choose the best place to travel. It will help determine best places for a family holiday.

Accurate weather forecast for summer 2017 for all residents of Russia from the Hydrometeorological Center

For the southern regions, the weather will be consistently warm and already quite hot even at the end of June. Describes the most accurate forecast of slight cold snaps and precipitation in the north throughout all three months. That's why best time July and August can be considered summer for traveling around Russia.

Weather features in St. Petersburg: what will summer be like in 2017?

Many tourists come to St. Petersburg to “get acquainted” with the white nights. But before you calculate the time of your trip, you need to study what kind of summer it will be in St. Petersburg in 2017.

Weather forecast for summer 2017 for St. Petersburg

It will be quite warm in the city in June. Acceptable strong gusts winds, but they will not be felt as sharply as in the spring. In July the real heat will be about +32 degrees. In August the temperature will drop to +23, rain is possible.

What will summer be like in the Urals in 2017 - weather forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center

A trip to the Urals allows you to admire nature and have a great time. But before traveling, you need to find out what summer 2017 will be like in the Urals.

Weather forecasts for the Urals for the summer of 2017 from the Hydrometeorological Center

The exact forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center determines June in the Urals to be a rather cool month: temperatures will be from +15 to +20 degrees. In July it will increase, but frequent rains are possible. But in August the thermometer will be able to show over +34 degrees.

We are all looking forward to summer! This is a wonderful time of vacations, magical walks in nature, sunny days and travel, including across the expanses of our homeland - Russia. But any plans for the summer can be seriously spoiled by unexpected weather vagaries. Therefore, we invite you to find out in advance what the summer of 2017 will be like in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and also in the Urals. We are confident that this most accurate forecast of the weather expected in these regions, from the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, will help you plan the ideal summer rest this year!

What will summer 2017 be like in Russia - the most accurate forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center

Let's start with general information about what the summer of 2017 in Russia will be like accurate forecast Hydrometeorological center. This information, of course, is preliminary and is based on many years of observations by weather forecasters of weather situations in our country. Nevertheless, when compiling the most accurate forecast of what summer 2017 will be like in Russia, experts also take into account solar cycles. For example, in the summer of this year, solar activity will no longer be at its most acute stage, and therefore, we should not expect abnormal temperatures for us.

What weather is expected in Russia in the summer of 2017 according to forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

According to forecasters, the weather in the summer of 2017 in most of Russia will be typical for certain regions. Experts from the Hydrometeorological Center suggest that June and July will be warm and rainy for most Russian regions, and minimum precipitation is expected in August.

What will the coming summer of 2017 be like in Moscow - what weather is expected according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

If we talk separately about what the coming summer of 2017 in Moscow will be like and about the weather that is expected according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center in the capital, then there will be no abnormal temperatures. Most forecasters are inclined to believe that the summer of 2017 will be typical for the capital: moderately hot, with moderate precipitation and mostly windless.

What weather is expected in Moscow in the summer of 2017, according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center

According to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center for the coming summer of 2017, the weather in Moscow is expected to be warm and sunny. Forecasters predict short periods of precipitation and a drop in temperature to 19-20 degrees above zero in early June and mid-July. Throughout August, the weather in the capital will delight with hot +25-27 degrees and almost complete absence of rain.

What kind of summer is predicted to happen in 2017 in St. Petersburg - what weather is expected at the beginning and end of the season

The question of what summer is predicted to be like in 2017 in St. Petersburg, or more precisely, what weather is expected at the beginning and end of the season, worries not only local residents, but also tourists. Summer is the ideal time to visit Northern capital and enjoy all its beauties. So, according to weather forecasters, the weather in the summer of 2017 in St. Petersburg is expected to be sunny and warm at the beginning and end of the season.

What weather is expected at the end of summer 2017 in St. Petersburg according to weather forecasters

The hottest days from temperature indicators around 25-27 degrees will delight St. Petersburg residents in mid-August. True, already at the end of summer, experts from the Hydrometeorological Center predict the beginning of rains and a drop in temperatures to 19-20 degrees above zero.

What will summer 2017 be like in the Urals - the most accurate weather forecast

If you believe the most accurate weather forecast, then what summer 2017 will be like in the Urals will not surprise local residents. Of course, average temperatures will vary depending on the specific region, but the general picture for summer in the Urals will be similar.

Accurate weather forecast for summer 2017 for the Urals

So what will summer 2017 be like in the Urals according to the most accurate weather forecast from the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia? To put it in one word, typical: moderately hot, mostly dry, but also possible heavy rainfall. The beginning and end of summer in this region resemble similar forecasts for Moscow and St. Petersburg in these months. However, in mid-summer the weather in the Urals is expected to be sunnier, but not as hot as, for example, in the south of Russia.

On Tuesday, January 31, the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, made his annual appeal to residents of the region. RIAMO has collected 15 of Vorobyov’s most important statements. Next is direct speech.

We need our own breakthrough. What? The Moscow region should be among the top five (regions of the Russian Federation - ed.) in all key areas of human life. Safety and health, education and ecology, roads and quality of housing and communal services, efficient public administration and a favorable investment climate.

In three years of work we were able close 20 solid waste landfills. A federal program has been adopted under which we will continue to close these dangerous landfills. We will open new, safe waste processing plants and build them.

Every region and every person wants to live richly. That is why our priority is the economy and investment.

Today the Moscow region is in the top three by gross regional product. 3 trillion rubles. And our neighbor has 13. Despite the fact that only the Moscow Ring Road separates us. In terms of per capita income, we were 17th in the country, and now we are in 15th place.

We will continue to resettle the barracks. As part of the implementation of the presidential decree, 16 thousand people have already received new apartments. Here are some very recent shots from Shchelkovo and Kotelnikov. People moved out of the stables and barracks.

Most valuable result industrial, agricultural, investment policy - this is work close to home. In Kashira and Noginsk, in Lyubertsy and Shatura. In total, there are 250 thousand new jobs in the region.

In four years we have released There are 2.5 thousand new buses on the routes - this is exactly half of the Mostransavto fleet - and 96 electric trains. Such a renovation of the park has never been carried out in the modern history of the Moscow region.

To our healthcare workers last year we increased salaries twice. This year, doctors and medical staff.

By quality of education we maintain a leading position in the country. The number of USE scorers in Russian, history, and history increased by 25%. foreign languages. This is an objective indicator. Our graduates are among the best.

We agreed with the residents about the improvement of parks. At the start, we had 25 of them - and all of them were in extremely disrepair. Today there are already 82 of them - with lighting, paths, benches, a development plan, and most importantly - with strollers and children's laughter.

Over these four years we have become the best in the country in terms of the smallest number of officials per 10 thousand population. This figure is 17 people. That is, we have the most optimized management structure at the regional and municipal level.

Last year we opened six overpasses (Stupinsky district - two, Khimki, Solnechnogorsk, Dolgoprudny, Chekhovsky district), 28 roads, including the long-awaited Southern bypass of Podolsk, bypass of the village of Aviation, approaches to Zhukovsky, Ramenki, Yegoryevsk and other settlements.

Over three years - decline(mortality on roads - ed.) by 30%. In January we are reducing mortality by 15%. However, in absolute terms we are still anti-leaders. I am sure that if we keep the pace, we will be able to turn the situation around.

Today we have 104 multifunctional centers - in every settlement within walking distance, as required by the May presidential decrees. The number of requests has grown over four years from 400 thousand to 12 million per year.

Crime rate in the area in 2016 decreased by 20%, below the national crime rate. We are implementing a very important “Safe Region” system.

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The summer of 2017 did not bring any joy to the citizens of Russia. Throughout June there are heavy rains, downpours and even hurricanes. The abnormally cold summer of 2017 spoils all plans. After all, in this weather it’s difficult to even get home, let alone go to the beach. Why was June so cold? Will the heavy rains stop? What to expect in July and August? What will the weather be like in the next months of summer?

Reasons for the abnormal summer 2017

Meteorologists believe that the cold summer has come due to several reasons. First reason– abnormal heating of the Earth. The fact is that the mesosphere and other layers of the air envelope are very heated. Because of this, the temperature on Earth is slowly decreasing. Scientists predict the consequences of such weather - not global warming, but global cooling, which could lead to an ice age.

The second reason- launch of a Chinese satellite called Mo Tzu. It is the first satellite designed for quantum transfer information on Earth. The mission explores the mechanism of quantum entanglement and also tests quantum teleportation. The first experiments went well, but then something went wrong.

When the satellite begins to transmit information, negative air ions increase in the atmosphere, which contribute to the deterioration of the weather. Hurricanes and rainstorms form on Earth. In addition, monopoles appeared in the stratosphere. IN last time they were seen in 1816, which was nicknamed the year without a summer. Then the main reason for the cold summer was the eruption of Mount Tambora.

No matter how absurd this reason may be, world experts believe that the equipment on the satellite and the quantum operations carried out can really affect weather planets. But they also report that everything should soon return to normal, and the long-awaited summer will come.

Third reason- "North Atlantic bloc". According to meteorologists, the “North Atlantic block” is an anticyclone. A powerful ridge has formed at the middle level of the troposphere high pressure, which does not miss air masses from west to east. Now this unit is located in the UK, so only Arctic air enters Russia.

Each of these reasons can have its own impact on the planet as a whole, but so far the result is the same - we are experiencing an abnormally cold summer. We can only hope that July and August 2017 will bring Russian citizens a little more warmth than June.

Forecasts for July and August 2017

According to meteorologists, abnormal heat there won't be any in the summer of 2017. But already in July the thermometer scale will begin to rise. The long-lasting coolness will give way to real summer. Temperatures are expected to reach +26 – 29 degrees. After Ivan Kupala, the temperature will rise a few more degrees.

According to the popular forecast, Russians will expect rain again in July. And indeed, in the middle of the month the rains will return for several days. But the end of the month will please us with the absence abnormal weather. It will be warm, the temperature will rise to 32 degrees.

According to popular forecast, the weather in August will constantly fluctuate. The first week of the month will start with quite hot weather. This week will be the peak heat of the anomalous summer of 2017 in Moscow. Residents of Russia are advised to visit the beaches and sunbathe a little. Meteorologists note that forest fires are possible at this time.

After a week of heat, we will have to endure several rainy days again. From 25 degrees Celsius the temperature will drop to 17 degrees. We should expect a little more warmth in the second half of the month. August ends heavy rain and cold wind.

The summer of 2017 will give not only heavy rains, but also wonderful summer warmth. Every resident of Russia will be able to enjoy the hot weather. Don’t get upset ahead of time, even an abnormally cold summer will end one day.
