DIY amulets or how to make talismans of the ancient Slavs to protect your home and family. How to make a personal amulet with your own hands

To attract wealth, there are amulets for good luck and money, which are designed to attract financial well-being and prosperity. The finished talisman should be placed in the wealth zone in the house or carried with you all the time. Amulets for attraction Money are an excellent auxiliary element of influence for improving the financial situation in the family. You can make a talisman for good luck and money yourself. For example, find coins, mold them using pieces of wax, decorate money tree desktop in red ribbons.

What is an amulet

A talisman or amulet is an item or jewelry, to which a person attributes the properties of a magical instrument that should bring good luck, happiness, and be a talisman against negative energy. Owners of amulets constantly wear them on their bodies to attract positive energy to the soul and favor the life of a person of white magic. To attract financial prosperity to the family, owners keep talismans in secluded corners of the apartment or house. The amulet should not be displayed because of the abundance of negative energy emanating from strangers.

What amulets attract money

People have long thought about ways to attract financial well-being. Since ancient times, talismans for good luck and money have been made by white magicians, psychics, and sages. As time goes by it becomes more and more difficult to find effective way to improve the monetary component of life. Most people have forgotten about this method of attracting success. Amulets for attracting money and good luck attract their owner not so much money as success in his affairs, work, business. The talisman can be any object, for example, a horseshoe, plants.

Money amulets that attract wealth are decorated with ancient symbols, runes, and images of the zodiac sign. Charms are often made in green, purple, red colors - they contribute to winning large sums, successful search for precious treasures. You can also understand which talismans bring good luck and money at own experience using a tool like money amulet.

To attract good luck in banking, the magic item must be properly charged: during full moon place the talisman on large banknotes, gold jewelry (rings, pendants, bracelets), light a candle and drop clover essential oil on the talisman, while visualizing the fulfillment of desires in the field of finance, the desired bill amount. Such rituals symbolize successful commercial transactions.

Rune image

Classically applied to inner side wallet or at the bottom of a piggy bank, metal safe. Runic talismans were used in conspiracies, magical rituals, to attract and preserve wealth - land fertility, livestock health, successful trading. Some emperors, great merchants and traders believed so strongly in the power of this powerful talisman that burned or scarred runes on own body. Suitable for the image:

  • fehu - similar to the Latin “F”, raised upward;
  • Inguz – rune of abundance and fertility, rhombus with “antennae”;
  • Uruz is a symbol of the sun, action and success.

Animal figurines

Ancient people believed in the sacredness of domestic and wild animals, in their ability to bring money, luck, and fame. They tried to keep these animals in the house and in the barnyard. If for some reason it is impossible to have an animal that brings wealth and prosperity, their images and figurines were used. Amulets were made from natural noble materials: mahogany, ivory, gold. You definitely need to make the figure yourself. The most common animal mascots are:

  • frogs;
  • domestic cats;
  • cows;
  • elephants (with trunk up).

Irreplaceable bills

One of the most effective amulets for enrichment is an irredeemable banknote or coin. The size of the denomination is not important, but it is desirable that it be a large bill. An irredeemable bill should definitely be stored separately and in a secluded place, away from prying eyes, since it is believed that strangers take away the energy of money. In addition, banknotes for money talismans you should choose from those found or donated - this contributes to easy income.


An alternative to fiat coins can be gems. The best choice for such an amulet would be an unprocessed, unrefined stone, preferably mined or found. If you use store-bought gems, they may be less effective. This is explained by the “shearing” of the energy of the stone during processing or during the possession of another person. Emerald is recognized as the most effective amulet stone.

Amulet for good luck and money with your own hands

It is customary to make amulets for good luck and money with your own hands from the very beginning of their use. Making a talisman with your own hands greatly enhances its effect, because... it “remembers” the owner, the creator, and directs all the power to a specific person. You can make amulets from any available materials, the main thing is to study suitable options for amulets and the principles of their action on the chakras. You can find out how to make a talisman for money on thematic forums, watch video on how to make amulets.

Imperial amulet

Making your own imperial coin is very simple:

  • you need to choose a suitable night (full moon);
  • in the dark, place the selected coin on a piece of red cloth;
  • tie with green thread;
  • read a prayer request for welfare;
  • hide the amulet in a secluded place.

Special magic cord

An amulet for good luck and money in the form of a special magic cord can be made as follows.

Everyone has probably heard what it is amulets, amulets and talismans and understand their meaning. But not everyone knows how to make a talisman, amulet, talisman for good luck and money with your own hands, i.e. independently, without the help of magicians and sorcerers (if there are any).

Due to such negative programming, people have various fears, phobias and neuroses, as well as failures in relationships, and indeed in life in general...

Since a program is essentially a set of various information stored in a person’s memory and tied to certain emotions and behavioral reactions - just like Pavlov’s dog, the bell is salivating - then everyone has the power to reprogram themselves, put new anchors and give themselves settings for success and good luck. The “start button” will be your talisman, amulet or amulet.

We program our talisman (amulet) for good luck and success, or make a talisman against the evil eye and damage

To begin with, make yourself simple talisman for general good luck, for example an amulet made from a ring on a finger, which will be a “start button” for positive emotions or

Yulia Alekseevna Caesar

Hereditary witch. Tarot reader. Runologist. Reiki Master.

Articles written

Undoubtedly, every person is a creator own life, but a little luck will give you confidence and help you quickly find answers to complex life questions. The source of luck will be a talisman that can easily be made at home. We will tell you in detail in the article how to make an amulet for good luck and what is needed for this.

The main purpose of the amulet is to protect against bad luck and troubles, to attract good luck in any endeavor, be it a career or family relationships. Considering that a talisman is an individual thing, you need to make it yourself, following certain recommendations.

Amulet and its form

Before choosing the shape of the amulet, it is important to determine the functions that it will perform.

  • The circle is a symbol of financial well-being.
  • Oval - helps develop Creative skills and make wise decisions.
  • The square is a symbol of the four elements and helps maintain constancy and inner strength of spirit.
  • Triangle – attracts good luck, promotes contact with higher powers.

These are just the basic forms for amulets, besides them there are others - a key, a star, animal figures, a heart.

Note: a strong talisman for attracting wealth is a coin, which just needs to be hung as a pendant. You can buy such a coin with a hole for a chain or cord in any esoteric store. A simple bracelet with several knots will help protect you from troubles and attract good luck; it is very easy to make with your own hands.

Talisman and material for it

Here are some tips to follow when choosing the material for your amulet:

Talisman and zodiac sign

The energy of each zodiac sign is reflected in objects of a certain shape and color. If we're talking about about an individual amulet that has powerful force, Special attention should be given to the zodiac sign.

Zodiac signMascot shapeColor
AriesCircle and squareOrange and green
TaurusA figurine of an animal, preferably an elephantLight shades
TwinsLocks and keysBlue, light blue and white
CancerMoon, heart, cancer figurineGold
a lionCircle, lion or eagleGold
VirgoIt is not the shape that is important, but the material from which the talisman is made - clayLight shades
ScalesAny items with the image of scalesSilver
ScorpionFrog - this can be a pendant in the shape of an animal or an object with its imageRed
SagittariusTraditional horseshoe, arrows or scarab beetleBronze
CapricornLadder, coinGold
AquariusDo-it-yourself items related to the sky are preferred - bird feathers, angelsThe colors are also of the heavenly palette - white, blue, all shades of blue
FishThe shape of the amulet should reflect the water themeAll shades of blue

When is the best time to create an amulet?

Talismans to attract good luck should be created in certain days and even at certain times.

  • wealth can only be attracted by a talisman created on the waxing Moon, since during this period the Month promotes all plans and increases strength;
  • a talisman, regardless of its purpose, does not tolerate fuss and noise; it must be created in an atmosphere of complete calm and silence;
  • the time of day does not matter, it will do as sunlight, so is the light from candles;
  • the attitude is important - you cannot start creating an amulet with your own hands with a heavy heart, bad thoughts and anger;
  • You should never tell anyone about the talisman, it is advisable not to show it to others, even close relatives, remember that you have special, intimate knowledge, any careless glance can harm both the amulet and you;
  • If possible, do not part with the talisman and always carry it with you;
  • The chosen day of the week is of particular importance, since each day corresponds to a certain energy.

Magic bags are filled with plants and herbs. Help to attract good luck:

  • orange peel;
  • pomegranate peel;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • hazelnuts and nutmeg;
  • acorns;
  • narcissus, violet and apple flowers;
  • cinnamon sticks.
  • The most famous symbol of good luck is the four-leaf clover leaf.

Note: periodically it is necessary to “charge” the amulet by lubricating it essential oils, – orange, anise, cinnamon or lotus. The finished magic item should be carried in a bag or wallet.

Magic wax.

The main condition for creating a wax amulet is faith in success and strength. How stronger man believes in the amulet, the greater the energy power the magical object will have.

First you need to choose a candle - the shape and color do not matter, the main thing is that you like the chosen candle and you feel that this particular item will bring good luck.

At midnight you need to place a candle in a small, transparent glass and light it. There is no need to carry out any special rituals; there is no need for conspiracies either. Considering that a talisman is a personal thing, it is important to convey your energy and wishes to it.

While the candle is burning, say to yourself everything you dream and desire, tell us what you are striving for, what goals you set for yourself. Wax is a soft and pliable material, it will absorb your words and thoughts, dreams and goals, and also remember your worries in order to protect you from them in the future.

Wait until the candle burns out and do not touch the wax until it hardens completely. Remember that intricate patterns on a piece of wax are your wishes and energy.

Note: a completely frozen wax figurine should be placed in a cloth bag, sewn into a small soft figurine or into a bracelet. The main thing is that the amulet is always near you and protects you, never transfer a magical object into the wrong hands.

The talisman is designed to protect its owner from any troubles, adversities, to prevent accidents that may happen to him, is designed to bestow health to his master and constantly provide him with support and protection. How to make a talisman will determine its energy orientation. You can do it yourself and you can do it by entrusting such a task to a specialist in magical matters.

Talisman protection

But in advance you need to get acquainted with the person who will make the talisman for you personally, and feel his energy: if warmth and positive vibes begin, then feel free to trust the making of the talisman for yourself, but if you feel the cold emanating from it, it is better to make the talisman yourself .

What is a talisman for?

Why do you need a talisman?

A talisman, by definition, must perform four basic protective functions.

  • The first and most important function is to directly protect its owner. The talisman must protect from all evil spirits and bad intentions of evil spirits, and must also ward off bad people from its owner.
  • The second function is a warning one: the talisman, with the help of impulses and signs sent from above, must warn its master about danger and signal it as strongly as possible.
  • The third function plays the role of attracting good luck and happiness to the house where the owner of this talisman lives. This is the only way a person can find peace and comfort in his home if he is lucky and happy in all his affairs.
  • The fourth function is designed to solve many problems that appear on the horizon every now and then. Do not allow these problems to develop further and become complex and difficult to solve matters and issues.

Determined with the size and shape of the mascot

Select shape and sizes

In order for the talisman to always accompany its owner, it is better to make it small or of a size that would easily fit, for example, into a handbag or a man’s trouser pocket. Depending on what form your future talisman will have, it will be endowed with certain properties aimed at performing its various functions.

  • Triangle. This shape is similar to the pyramidal one. And the pyramid has been used by the Egyptians since ancient times as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Therefore, choosing triangular shape for your future talisman, you endow it with properties that bring good luck to your home, as well as the ability to communicate with otherworldly forces aimed at creation.
  • Square. When choosing a talisman, it denotes the unity of the four elements: water, air, earth and fire. It is considered a symbol of constancy and indestructibility. The four elements combined in a talisman will give a lot of strength and energy to its owner. Very often, the square as the side of one of the faces of the cube was taken as the basis for the talisman, and a cubic die was chosen as the talisman.
  • Oval. Talismans of this shape will give the owner’s mind a certain flexibility. The oval will help determine the correctness of the chosen solution. As a rule, feeling all the flexibility of an oval, people unconsciously choose this shape for their talisman, endowed with certain talents from birth: these can be actors, artists, composers.
  • Circle. The circle has absorbed all the qualities of a harmonious mixture of financial and love affairs. Therefore, the vicious circle will contribute to the unbroken family idyll spouses.

Deciding on the material for the talisman

Choosing material

When choosing material for a talisman, you cannot use synthetic or artificially produced materials. Here preference should be given only to natural products. Only talismans made on the basis of natural materials, and not synthetics obtained by chemical means, can truly protect their owner to the fullest extent.

Before choosing a material, think about what you would most enjoy carrying with you at all times. After all, for some it may be a soft and pleasant-to-touch fabric, and for others it may be a wooden or metal object. The main thing is that the material should be positive emotions, and you felt it.

These can be stones of different values, it can be a glass talisman or, say, a straw one, for example, straw shoes, or a fabric linen bag filled with various things. In any of the above examples, the material should be pleasant to you.

Each sign has its own talisman

Dependence on zodiac sign

Thanks to the structured system of zodiac signs, all people can be classified into twelve groups. Moreover, each of the groups will have certain type their talismans. This is naturally connected with the energy of space and our universe.

People born under the same constellation, even in different time, are endowed with similar features to a certain extent, they are characterized by the same characteristics in their character, and accordingly, talismans chosen for people of the same sign can also be the same. Here are the right talismans for each zodiac sign.

Talismans for Aries, Taurus and Gemini

Type of talisman made of stones

The sign of Aries opens the zodiac system, as a stubborn and persistent representative of all fire signs. Such people will be helped by talismans made in bright green and orange tones, like the color of fire. It is advisable to choose a square shape, since this sign always knows what it is striving for.

Taurus are also persistent in their intentions, although they are earthly representatives: the most a suitable talisman for Taurus there will be a figurine of an elephant, made in the same natural gray tones.

Geminis have a dual character. Therefore, metal objects, for example, a lock with a key, which will be made in light blue tones, will be an excellent talisman for them.

Talismans for Cancer, Leo and Virgo

Vulnerable Cancers have been connected since birth with the Moon, which magically touches the deepest strings of their hearts. Therefore, the color for talismans should also resemble the color of the Moon, and the Moon has always been associated with silver among many peoples. A silver figurine made in the shape of a cancer itself – wonderful talisman for this zodiac sign.

All Leos have a proud disposition. The best mascot there will be a figure of the same name in the form of a lion and the same golden color as the lion itself.

How to make a talisman with your own hands for Virgo will depend on how well she will find in the future mutual language with your talisman. After all, for Virgo, a talisman needs to be sculpted. The material used for this sign only is either clay or sand. And then they apply light-colored paint to the talisman and completely cover the figure chosen as the talisman with it.

Talismans for Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Photography of mascots

For unstable Libra, a talisman in the form of the scales themselves, made of silver or silver-plated, is suitable for balancing.

Scorpio, the most magical and mysterious sign of the Zodiac, needs to choose talismans made in the water of toads or frogs, symbolizing their power and wealth. Scorpios, who are very bright by nature, prefer talismans made in red.

Sagittarius needs to make a talisman in the form of a horseshoe for good luck, or an arrow. In any case, their talismans must be made of any metallic material or bronze.

Talismans for Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Capricorns are well suited to different coins, which they are happy to string on their horn. Accustomed to hard work, Capricorn truly deserves a talisman made of gold or at least gilding as a reward for his hard work.

Aquarius, who is very unstable in character, prefers talismans associated with air, the same element as Aquarius himself. This could be a figurine of an angel, which will always protect the airy and spiritualized Aquarius, made in silver tones.

The list of mascots suitable for the Zodiac signs is completed by Pisces: everything is quite simple here. For fish, you need to make talismans that symbolize their water element. These could be figurines sea ​​creatures, sea ​​stars, pebbles from the bottom of the sea. And the color of such talismans should be close to the sea: from light blue and turquoise to dark blue tones.

When is the best time to make your own talisman?

Time to make the talisman

All talismans designed to protect and protect their patrons are usually made on the waxing moon. The growing moon absorbs all the forces even more, so the talisman will gradually also fill up magical properties protection. The waxing moon is a sign of the beginning, the birth of a new life. And your talisman is the beginning of your protection.

The atmosphere when creating your own talisman should be calm and at home. A room with lit fires in it is best. church candles and without extraneous noise. Time of day – late evening or night.

It is best to place the finished talisman under your pillow the first night after you have made it. And take it out in the morning and carry it with you all the time. This way it will be even more charged with your energy and will merge with your energy flows together, and will also have a karmic connection with the cosmos in the future.

It is better to make talismans of different directions on different days of the week. For example, financial well-being will be accompanied by a talisman made by you on Wednesday, since Wednesday is the very middle working week, and it’s not too late to earn some capital. Love talismans are created on Friday, just before the weekend: after the work week, it’s time to think about relaxation, and if the vacation is with a loved one, then the talisman will precisely accompany the successful course of love events. On Sunday, talismans made for good luck and fortune in business are considered the luckiest. Each day of the week corresponds to one of the planets in the universe, which endows the manufactured talismans with certain protective powers.

Numerical values ​​for talismans

Numbers play a magical role when written down when making talismans. Specific number carries its meaning and focus on certain concentrated flows of energy.

If you have the makings of a leader and guide, then the number one - one - will help you develop your leadership abilities, and you will be a leader in everything. If you want to be in a pair, choose or embroider the number two on your talisman. Three will favor creative people with a subtle nature, and by choosing the number four, you will stabilize not only your family situation, but also your work situation.

If you are an avid casino player or often visit clubs with slot machines, you need to make a talisman with the number five. And the number six will advance you up the career ladder.

Magical and lucky number seven is rightfully added to talismans for happiness and good luck in business. The number eight - the symbol of infinity - will orient you toward peace and tranquility. And by choosing and adding the number nine to your talisman, you will receive a surge of vital energy in the future, and all your endeavors will end successfully.

Since ancient times, people have tried to protect themselves and their families from both enemies and dark forces. This protection was provided by special rituals and amulets. The amulets were passed down from generation to generation, gradually accumulating magical properties.

Various objects acted as amulets, amulets and talismans. These included dolls, embroidered towels, pendants with symbols, and special stones. The amulets were created to protect their owner from the forces of nature, from enemies, from the evil eye, damage and any evil, as well as to attract happiness, money and good luck.

It must be said that today the tradition of using amulets is almost lost. Many people treat talismans or amulets only as decorations, although they can bring both happiness and health to the life of their owner.

If you didn’t have such a tradition in your family, then it’s time to start one. You can make the amulet with your own hands: it is not so easy, but the effect you get will exceed all expectations. Handmade always imbues the item with magical energy.

Traditionally, there were female and male amulets. Initially, women's amulets were made in the form of combs, ladles or spoons. They were at home feeding the home feminine energy, or carried with them, attracting love, maintaining harmony, and also protecting from damage and the evil eye. Edged weapons were used as men's amulets, which were always carried outside the house.

Later, the amulets became more complex: dolls, embroidery, a broom, etc. appeared. There were also more symbolic objects that were kept in the house or carried outside of it. Some of them were intended to attract love, others - to attract money.

Rules and principles of creation

So, if you decide to create a talisman with your own hands, then you need to take into account a number of points. If they are not followed, then the amulet will either have no strength at all, or it will be very weak.

Amulets that are made by request or under duress will have no power, since the talisman must be created out of good will and from the heart. Therefore, if you decide to buy a talisman, then remember that it is not endowed with any magical power, since this is most often continuous production to attract money.

Don't force yourself to make a talisman if you don't want to. If you feel that you are angry, everything is falling out of your hands, it is better to postpone the creation to another day, otherwise the negative energy will turn into a talisman.

The best way to create amulets with your own hands is at night, by candlelight. If this is not possible, you can make them during the day - at noon, when the sun is at its zenith; In rainy and cloudy weather, it is better to postpone the creation of the amulet.

The greatest power is endowed with those amulets made by your relatives, especially blood relatives, such as parents or grandparents. Spouses can create amulets for each other only if their union is harmonious; in any other case, the talisman will not have any power.

It is important to be alone when creating a talisman. No one from your environment, as well as those people for whom you make amulets, should know about this. During the manufacturing process, it is better not to take photos or video.

If you attend a master class on creating a talisman, then remember that you are acquiring a skill, and the talisman you make should not be given to anyone. The master class will help you “get your teeth into” so that at home, following all the rules, you create a real and working amulet.

It is important to choose the materials for the product correctly and competently, since each stone or type of wood and symbol is individual, so it is worth taking into account all the characteristics of the person for whom you are planning to make a talisman. The main principle of creation is the use of natural materials, this can be leather, wood, as well as wool or linen threads.

When creating amulets with your own hands, it is important to concentrate your attention on the image of the person for whom you are doing it. Imagine him in a good mood and in good health, try to feel his energy. The more and longer you concentrate, the more energy the amulet will be endowed with.

When you give the amulet to the person for whom it was intended, it is important to explain the rules for storing it.

  • If the amulet is personal, then you need to wear it under clothes, so that it is not visible, then it can be used to attract benevolent forces.
  • If the talisman was created for the home, then it is better to hide it where guests will not see it, so it will be protected from damage and the evil eye.
  • It is better not to tell anyone about the gifted amulet, otherwise it may lose its power.
  • If you plan to hang the amulet in your car, then the same rule applies to it. If you want your car to serve you faithfully, then it is better to put the talisman in the car under the seat.

It is also important to remember that any item, especially a talisman, can accumulate negative energy so it needs to be cleaned. From time immemorial, to renew energy, people turned to the main elements of our world - fire, water, earth and air.

So, to cleanse with fire, you need to hold the amulet over the candle for a while white. It would be good if the candle came from a church. To clean with water, you need to place the talisman under running water - it is better if it is not tap water, but, for example, a spring; It is also good to sprinkle the product with holy water.

Cleaning with earth means burying the amulet overnight. Many people recommend using coarse salt instead of soil, which is very important to throw away after you remove the cleaned amulet from it.

The air should be purified in nature, preferably at a higher elevation. It is necessary to raise the talisman high above your head, turning alternately to each of the cardinal directions, or hold the amulet in the wind, then the amulet will again be able to bring good luck.

Creation of a talisman

So, now we will try to give a master class and figure out how to make a talisman with our own hands. Types of amulets on this moment there are a huge variety. Here are just a few of them:

  • Broom.
  • Bracelet.
  • Necklace.

Venichek is a home talisman. In order to create a broom, it is important to know how a particular plant affects a person. For example, juniper and rowan provide protection from evil, the evil eye, damage, including from people with evil intent, evil spirits, and witches. Immortelle flowers are given long years life and love.

Bay leaves cleanse the space well, especially if people in the house are often sick. Wealth, financial stability, and a lot of money are bestowed by a sage broom. To attract health and good luck to children, it is good to use corn.

The necessary herbs and flowers need to be dried and then collected in a bunch so that they resemble a small broom. At the base it should be tied with natural, preferably wool, threads (it is important to remember that none of the threads should be dyed with artificial dyes). It is good to hold such a broom with the whisk up, this will ensure good circulation of energy in your home, and will also attract money into the house.

In addition, such a broom is good to put in the car. It is important that it does not stand in a visible place, but is hidden. If you are not buying a new car, then a bunch of bay leaves and juniper will cleanse your vehicle from someone else's energy.

If you decide to make a bracelet amulet, then it is important to use natural materials. It’s good to attend a master class on how to make an amulet with your own hands, or look at a photo of making bracelets, since there is a large number of types of weaving and knots.

The most simple view The talisman is a bracelet made of woolen threads, tied on the wrist. It is important that your close person; It’s good if a prayer is said at the moment of tying, then such a bracelet will protect its owner, give him good luck and attract money.

A more complex version of the hand amulet is the Shamballa bracelet. To make such a bracelet correctly, you need to have a good skill, which a master class or video tutorial can give you, but learning to make it from a photo is more difficult.

It is created from glass or wooden beads, of which there must be nine. The cord can be used either leather or linen; it is important to consider for whom you will make this bracelet. Depending on what the bracelet is intended for - for money or, for example, health - the knots and weaving will differ.

A necklace as a type of amulet is not intended to be worn; usually such a talisman is made for the home. It is made from acorns or bay leaves. If you decide to create a talisman from acorns, then it is important to consider that oak is male tree, and it will strengthen the masculine energy in the house: the man will become more independent, receive a promotion, begin to take on more responsibility and bring more money to the house.

This amulet is created for a certain period of time (usually the number of leaves or acorns corresponds to the period for which the amulet is created). To create, you just need to string the required fruits or leaves onto several woolen threads using a needle, and then tie them together to make a necklace.

If you want to decorate the resulting amulet, you should also use dried herbs or flowers (you can see all possible necklace options in the photo). After the expiration date, the amulet must be burned and a new amulet created with your own hands. This necklace can also be put in the car. It will add strength to a man, and will also protect the car from theft.

is one of the most difficult and strong amulets . Since you need to know the meaning of certain symbols, for this you can sign up for a master class on Slavic symbolism, where they will tell you how to make Slavic amulets with your own hands. It is important to take into account not only symbolism, but also color scheme(for example, red is used to attract love, and yellow is used to attract money).

There are some stable symbols that are still relevant today.

  • Trees give longevity and health.
  • Cross - closes the path for dark forces.
  • Flowers attract love.
  • Star - develops spirituality, gives enlightenment.
  • Square - will bring good harvest in every sense (both fruits and money).
  • Triangles are people.
  • Wave - flexibility, the ability to withstand all adversity and ups and downs in life.

When creating embroidery, it is important to choose threads, each of which has its own meaning.

  • Linen thread - gives harmony with oneself, love for oneself and others.
  • Cotton thread will help you protect yourself from the evil eye, damage, and will also give you good luck.
  • A thread made of wool protects against the forces of evil, it especially helps children and women, and also gives health to the elderly.
  • Silk thread - helps in work, in career growth in developing your business.

Once you have an idea of ​​threads, colors and patterns, you can start embroidering. To begin with, of course, it is better to look at photos of the finished products to understand what the amulet should look like.

Thus, if you look in detail at how to make a talisman with your own hands, you will notice that there are many options for creating amulets - the main thing is that the talisman is imbued with your kindness and love. In this case, it will give its owner happiness, health, and joy.
Author: Daria Potykan
