Social studies as an academic subject includes the basics of social sciences. Introductory lecture: Social science as a complex of sciences

Why do we need social studies?

The first thing that will help a student is to ask himself the question: “Why do I need social studies and how will it help in real life?”

This subject teaches how to live in modern society. We find answers to the questions: “Why do we need a family?”, “Why did people begin to live in cities?”, “Why did religion appear and why did people begin to believe in one God, and not in many pagan ones?”, “Why do they wear clothes? ", "What is power?", "Why do we vote for the president, what is his role in modern world? etc.

With the help of social studies, we become familiar with our rights and responsibilities, learn to live in society and form a civic position. You can be completely irreligious, not belong to any social movement and not even participate in the life of the country. But every member of society must know about the existing types of inequality, government structure, etc. in order to live fully.

Unfortunately, even most adults cannot properly explain why you need to get married, why you cannot change your partner within the family.

To get to the bottom of things, you need to broaden your horizons, familiarize yourself with theories and form your own opinions. This exam is easiest for those who are always looking for answers to questions, for whom one opinion is not enough. Such students are passionate about the subject, and their goal is not just to pass the exam, but to understand social studies and use it in their lives.

Considering subject matters with different points vision, we stop looking at the problem subjectively.

How to avoid subjectivity from the teacher taking the exam?

In specific questions in parts 1 and 2 regarding facts and definitions, there is no ambiguity. From basic knowledge you can create different variants answer for the second part: for example, there may be “the culture of civilization”, there may be “human culture” - there are many definitions and you just need to navigate in the context.

Teachers taking the exam follow the standard template of the Ministry of Education. In order for the answers to correspond to this scheme, you need to study social studies using university textbooks: they have more accurate and correct definitions than school textbooks.

Within the framework of university sociology, it is difficult to interpret the concept of society differently. It simply does not exist in any other version. The same is true with definitions in other areas of social science: without deep study it is impossible to understand and give a competent answer.

What is social studies?

The science of society. What do we call society: residents of a city, residents of a country, residents of planet Earth? All this is human society: different types, but under one definition. Society is people who are united by an essential characteristic.

If two people simply exist somewhere separately, society does not appear. As soon as they begin to interact with each other, a society is formed

If we take people from planet Earth and, for example, from Alpha Centauri, we will not be able to unite them under the definition of “human society”, since there is no such common feature. How to identify a characteristic that unites people? We are talking to you, we live on the same territory (if we talk about a country or planet), but at the same time we cannot call animals our society.

If we talk about international relations, many will say that this is a trade. But if we have established trade with the Chinese, but not with the aborigines, this does not mean that the latter are not included in human society. Therefore, this is not trade, this is not living on separate territory, these are not general signs, because even a robot can have them, and we can even talk in a pattern with a smartphone.

A feature that unites speech, trade, possible residence in the same territory, and all other features is interaction. That is, if two people simply exist somewhere separately, society does not appear. As soon as they begin to interact with each other, a society is formed.

But when we talk to each other, trade with the Chinese, there is interaction. How do we interact with the inhabitants of planet Earth, with whom we have neither political, nor trade, nor everyday relations?

Interaction occurs because we live within the same ecosystem, on the same planet. There is no water or air separately for the Russians, separately for the Chinese and Africans.

There is a water cycle in nature: the water we drink, the air we breathe, the rain we have - they are common to all inhabitants of planet Earth. If chemical waste is dumped into a river somewhere in China, then this poisoned water will end up in our ecosystem.

Therefore, there are no independent people whose activities would not affect all other inhabitants of planet Earth if this activity affects water and air. If the Brazilians cut down all the jungle in the Amazon, there will be 2 times less oxygen on planet Earth. And if we, the inhabitants of Russia, cut down the entire taiga that exists in Western and Eastern Siberia, then oxygen will run out on the entire planet. Because it is the Amazon jungle and Siberian taiga are the lungs of the planet.

If these two forests are not there - the amount of oxygen that is produced by the leaves, as well as the needles of these trees - the remaining oxygen will not be enough to normally supply all living beings on earth.

And again we return to the need to study various sciences within the framework of social studies. After all, oxygen is produced through photosynthesis - and this fact is studied in botany, but at the same time unites people into a society within an ecosystem

Therefore, to define society, you need to know that interaction takes place in a variety of forms: for example, if we cut down the taiga, the Chinese will not have enough oxygen, and if all the Chinese exhale air at the same time, then Far East will be covered with a cloud of carbon dioxide.

To summarize: society is people interacting with each other in different areas and circumstances.

The school teaches many different subjects in different directions. Not only those subjects that are related to the exact sciences are important, but also those that are related to society. Among these subjects is social studies. What is this item? Social science how the subject teaches the basics of life, explains the development of society, as well as the role of man and his actions in society. This subject contains a knowledge base from other sciences, such as philosophy, political science, sociology, ethics, etc. Thus, this subject allows you to master the basics of these sciences.

By studying this subject, schoolchildren can learn basic information about society, people, economics, culture, spiritual life, etc. Some people think it doesn't have special significance, but in fact it all depends on how a person looks at the world, and this is where social studies helps. Any achievements of a person depend on what role he finds for himself in this world, and first you need to get acquainted with the world itself and find harmony with it. To find harmony with the world you need to find your place in this world.

Functions of social studies :

  • Educational– forms general knowledge about man and society.
  • Cognitive– allows you to understand and know everything that concerns society.
  • Practical– allows you to fit in and exist in society.
  • Methodological– allows you to become familiar with the methods and methods of studying social phenomena.

It turns out that this subject will not teach you any profession, but will help you develop as a person. Human factor has always had a special influence on society, since it intervenes in all spheres of society: economics, politics, culture, etc. Man rules everything, so it is necessary to understand the actions of people, and know how to act in a certain situation depending on the actions of others.

The decisions and actions of people, as well as the reasons that served these actions, are explained by social studies and what this subject can teach. They also say that school doesn’t teach you how to live. They teach, and an example of this is the subject of social studies at school, the main thing is to find the strength to teach, and also to understand why it is needed. First you need to become a person, develop as a person, and then achieve something. Social studies will help with this. The subject is not very simple, even if it seems so at first glance, and in fact there is a lot to learn and understand, and social studies and history tutors will help with this.

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Social science is a science that studies the development of human society and the place of man in it. It includes knowledge from other branches of science, such as philosophy, sociology, political science, ethics, history, economics. Social studies includes the following sections: society, man, knowledge, spiritual life of society, economics, social relations, politics, law.

In modern society, the need and importance of social science are already sufficiently realized. WITH scientific point of view The need for social science lies in the fact that no science can replace it, since it gives a holistic picture of society. By forming a holistic idea of ​​society, social science creates new knowledge, a new worldview. It absorbs the most important, fundamental and valuable of the social sciences, but is not a simple sum of them. It is thanks to social science that we have the opportunity to acquire knowledge about society, in which the diversity of information leads to ideological changes in consciousness associated with the understanding of society, which means that social science has a scientific meaning.

By creating changes in worldview, social science becomes the basis for the formation of a person’s moral values ​​and moral principles. This is what the study of the spiritual sphere of society leads to: religion, philosophy, culture, art, ethics and aesthetics. This humanistic meaning social studies, which gives young people the necessary knowledge about morality and the society in which we live. Therefore, social science is necessary for everyone, regardless of their chosen profession, because there is no real citizen without knowledge of society. Social studies helps students adapt to a changing and complex social reality, promotes successful socialization of the individual, and provides career guidance assistance.

Why do you need to study social studies?

In the modern world, every person is a part of society, he performs several social roles, and directly interacts with other people. Modern democratic society is gradually becoming civil. A true citizen is not just a person who has legal rights and responsibilities, but also has achieved a certain level of self-awareness. This is a person who consciously relates to himself, his place in society, actively participating in social and political life. Social studies contributes to the formation of an active civic position, which represents the social needs necessary for modern development society. This is awareness of one’s belonging to a small and large Motherland, the willingness and ability to build a decent life, fulfilling one’s civic duty, and an understanding of what it consists of. All this is impossible without the body of knowledge about society that can only be provided by the study of social science, this its civic aspect.

Don't forget about your general outlook. The knowledge that students acquire while studying social studies remains with them for the rest of their lives, no matter who they become in life, no matter what profession they receive, no matter what social and economic position they occupy. Social science provides the basis for practical competencies that help one take a worthy place in society, promotes self-realization, and hence social progress.

The society has existed for millennia, but understanding it from a scientific point of view happened not so long ago. Sociology as a science that studies society appeared only in the first half of the 19th century. The subject of social science is akin to philosophy; it is not Dan, A given because it is a problem. The study of society largely consists of finding an increasingly deeper definition of the very concept of society. This is philosophical aspect social studies.

Social science also has something that brings it closer to science. This is, first of all, the desire for objective knowledge of one’s subject. Another feature that unites science and social science is the desire to identify cause-and-effect relationships, to consider the subject in its formation and development. The fact that in social science there is no mathematical rigor of the obtained results of knowledge as in the natural sciences does not mean that there is no knowledge in it. This kind of knowledge, for example, is embedded in the spiritual traditions of humanity: in philosophy, religion, morality and art. It is sometimes difficult to analyze scientifically and can be destroyed under its influence. Without manifestations of spirituality there is no human society.
Social studies, like science, is incompatible with superstitions. Social science does not predict or prophesy, but is capable of making scientific forecasts that may or may not come true, because there are many factors that are difficult to predict, but, nevertheless, they have a strong influence on the development of society.

Social studies is also academic discipline. Goals The academic subject of social studies is structured by highlighting five areas: development of students’ personality, education, assimilation of a knowledge system, development of skills, formation of the ability to apply acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities. .

Since social science covers a wide range of different sciences, studying this subject is necessary for those who choose the following professions: political scientist, sociologist, cultural scientist, lawyer, economist, psychologist, teacher, lawyer, manager (by industry), etc.

Let's consider one of the lesser known, but very interesting professions- lawyer A lawyer is a legal specialist, a legal scholar, an expert in current legislation, as well as the fundamentals and philosophy of law. Jurisprudence (or jurisprudence) is a science that studies the body of knowledge about the state, government and law. A lawyer, as a specialist in the field of law, knows exactly what and how, and most importantly, why. Based on the laws of the state, he will help resolve any situation in which his client finds himself for various reasons.

A specialist in this field must, first of all, be trained both theoretically and practically to approach the problems of business, criminal, land and labor law. To do this, you need to graduate from the appropriate university, receive a higher legal education, and after completing your studies, a person will be able to work not only as a practical professional, but also in the scientific field.

During their studies, students study a whole range of legal sciences:

· general theory states and rights;

history of political and legal doctrines;

· history of state and law, constitutional law;

· branches of the national legal system.

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The school curriculum involves the study of many subjects. All of them were chosen for some purpose. After all, not only those subjects that are responsible for the exact sciences are important. No one doubts such a subject as the Russian language or mathematics. It is clear here that the presented items will be useful in later life each person. But there are “controversial” subjects when even adults cannot understand why it is included in the school curriculum. One such subject is social studies. Many people ask the question, what kind of lesson is this and what is it for? However, since it is approved as a school subject in Russia, it means that for some reason this is the case.

Social studies is a school subject taught in high schools Russian Federation, who studies various social phenomena and aspects, namely:

  • prepares the child for social life;
  • explains by what laws society develops;
  • explains the role of man in society;
  • interaction of people with each other;
  • teaches how to properly communicate with other people;
  • socializes.

Social studies as a subject combines the knowledge of other sciences, for example, psychology, philosophy, ethics and others. Thus, by studying social studies, you cover the basics of several sciences at once and at the same time spend much less time studying each separately.

Some people think that such a subject has no place in the school curriculum, because it is of absolutely no use. In fact, this is far from the truth. According to Daria Rudnik, head of the website, a portal for finding tutors on Skype: “the presented subject helps to socialize children, preparing them for adult life.”

Social studies as a subject of the school curriculum has the following functions:

  1. Educational. Allows you to form superficial knowledge about a person and his interaction with other people (society).
  2. Practical. Allows you to learn the rules of life and how to fit into society. Includes practical examples from life.
  3. Cognitive. Allows you to study all concepts related to human relationships and interactions.
  4. Methodological. Teaches you to understand the methods and phenomena that occur in society.

From this we can conclude that the presented school subject does not teach any professions. Maybe just a social studies teacher. But even despite this fact, this subject is very important, as it teaches children to develop as a social person. The human factor plays an important role in other fields of activity and other professions. In addition, no matter what job the student goes to later, he will be in contact with people in any case. But how to properly contact them, how to resolve conflicts and other equally important issues is studied in social studies lessons. In order for a person to achieve anything in his life, he needs to know himself first. This can also be learned in this lesson.

Many people illegally accuse the school and the entire education system of not teaching life there. Just the opposite, they teach. And a clear example would be a social studies lesson. And no matter how it may seem at first glance, this subject is quite complex. To understand it correctly, you need to study constantly. This is what all schoolchildren should understand. After all, this is one of the few subjects whose knowledge will certainly be useful in later adult life.

Dictionary of social studies from A to Z.

Absolute truth - this is the complete correspondence of the form of the psyche (for example, judgment, image, etc.) and the object of cognition.

Absolute delusion - this is a complete discrepancy between the form of the psyche and the object of knowledge.

Agency - this is a type of agreement, under the terms of which the agent, for a fee, is obliged to perform legal and other actions on behalf of the other party (principal) on his own behalf, but at the expense of the principal.

Agents of Socialization - these are individuals, groups or organizations that provide training and help a person master roles, these are family, school, facilities mass media, group of teenagers.

Promotional period - the period during which election campaigning is permitted.

Agnosticism - this is a theory about the fundamental impossibility of knowing the world around us, since the world around us does not exist, but only our consciousness and our sensations exist.

Addictive behavior - this is behavior that consists of escaping reality by taking various psychotropic drugs - alcohol, drugs, toxins, smoking tobacco.

Administrative offense(misdemeanor) - is an action or inaction that infringes on public order, the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Axiology is the science of values.

Promotion - this is a security sold to an investor for money used for the development of the company, and giving him the rights to co-own the company’s property and to receive future profits of the company (dividends).

Ordinary share - this is a share that gives the right to participate in the management of the enterprise and receive a portion of the net profit.

Preferred share - this is a share that gives the right to receive dividends of a fixed amount, regardless of the amount of profit, but does not give the right to participate in the management of the company.

Altruism is the willingness to sacrifice for other people.

Amnesty - this is an exemption from further serving a sentence for certain categories of persons (but not personally), which is announced State Duma in connection with significant date or an event.

Questionnaire - This is a multiplied document containing several dozen questions.

Anomie - this is a state of lawlessness, lack of norms, which exists in modern big cities, and occurs in the country during a period of revolution or rebellion.

Antisocial behavior - this is behavior that represents the commission of actions that are contrary to ethics and morality.

Philosophical anthropology - this is the doctrine of man.

Apartheid - this is the system of separation of whites and “coloreds” in South Africa in the recent past.

Apeiron (according to Anaximander's theory) - it is infinitely divisible.

Aporia (translated from Greek) is a hopeless situation, a logical contradiction or a puzzle.

Apostles - these are the disciples of Jesus Christ.

Rent - this is a type of agreement, under the terms of which the lessor undertakes to provide the tenant with property for a fee for temporary possession and use.

Aristocracy is a form of government in which there is rule by a good minority of citizens.

Artifacts - these are the creations of human hands

Asceticism (from the Greek “I exercise”) - This is the ultimate limitation of your needs.

Atheist - this is a person who does not believe in the existence of God, this is an atheist.

Atman (in Buddhism) - this is emptiness, God.

Bank - is a financial intermediary for accepting deposits, providing loans, organizing payments, buying and selling securities.

Bankruptcy (insolvency) of an enterprise is the inability to repay debts to creditors.

Barter - This is a direct natural exchange of one good for another good.

Cashless cash - these are the amounts in the accounts of citizens and organizations in the bank, while calculations are carried out by changing the entries in the accounts.

Unemployed - these are people who want and can, but do not have the opportunity to work due to the fact that they cannot find work.

Biosphere - this is the shell of the Earth, it is an open system created by living organisms.

Behaviorism (from English behavior - behavior) is the science of behavior.

Economic benefits - means to satisfy human needs

Bohemia is a culture of artists and artists.

Marriage is a voluntary union between a man and a woman for the purpose of creating a family.

Bourgeoisie - This is the class of entrepreneurs.

State budget - This is an estimate of government revenues and expenses.

Budgetary (fiscal) policy (from the ancient Roman "fiscus" - "money basket") - the use of the state budget (and it consists of taxes and expenses) to regulate business activity, stimulate economic growth, overcome the recession, fight inflation, and the like.

Budget deficit - is the excess of government expenditures over revenues, covered either by loans or by issuing money

Bureaucracy is a hierarchical organization built on administrative control and the behind-the-scenes struggle of cliques for power.

Gross National Product (GNP) - is the total market value of all goods and services produced in the country during the year

Bill of exchange is the obligation of one person to another to pay a fixed amount of money at a certain point in time.

Supply quantity - this is the volume of a certain type of goods in physical measurement that sellers are willing and able to offer over a certain period of time at a certain level of market price.

Verification procedure - this is a test of philosophical concepts for scientificity, for compliance with facts.

Veto - is the right of one authority to accept or reject proposed regulations, decrees or laws adopted by another authority.

Guilt is a negative judgment about oneself.

Political power - this is the ability to exercise social control over people’s activities in the political sphere.

Perception is an image consisting of several sensations.

Elections - this is a democratic procedure by which executors for the positions of president, deputy or governor are determined

Upper or exploitative (in Marxist terminology) class is a group of people who are the controllers in society.

Heliocentric theory is a theory about the rotation of the Earth and planets solar system around the Sun.

Geographical direction in sociology is a theory whose representatives believed that geographical factors influence society.

Geopolitics (from Greek earth + state affairs) is the social science of space control.

Geocentric theory is a false theory about the rotation of the Sun, planets and stars around the Earth.

Geoeconomics - This is the world economy.

Gerontocracy - this is the rule of old men.

Gerusia - this is the council of elders (in Greek - geronts).

Hypnosis - this is the inculcation of norms of behavior by immersing a person in a trance.

Global society - this is a modern society throughout the globe, when instead of many isolated local civilizations, a single earthly civilization arose.

Epistemology is a theory about human knowledge of the world.

Homeostasis is the process of maintaining balance.

State - This political organization, which controls the activities of citizens in society.

Civil plaintiff - this is a person or organization that has suffered material damage from a crime and requires compensation.

Civil defendant - this is a person or organization that, by virtue of the law, is financially responsible for damage to a civilian.

Civil society - is a collection of people, groups and non-governmental organizations that should be able to control the activities of the bureaucracy.

Group marriage is a marriage between several men and several women.

Movement - this is movement in space over a certain period of time. Social movements are active groups of people whose goal is to establish a new system of life.

Devaluations - this is the depreciation of the national currency.

Deviant behavior - This is deviant behavior.

Deduction - this is a descent from the abstract to the concrete, from axioms to consequences and predictions that should be tested.

Capacity - the ability to conclude deals and contracts

Acting crowd - This is an aggressive crowd.

Demagogue - this is a person who knows how to influence the crowd for personal unseemly interests.

Demography is the science of the size, composition and change of population.

Democracy - This political regime, in which the ruler can control only the political sphere, but within the framework of the constitution.

Extreme democracy is a form of government in which power belongs to the majority of citizens, who rule poorly.

Polis democracy or polity is a form of government in which power is in the hands of the majority of citizens, who rule well.

Dumping - selling goods at reduced prices in order to ruin competitors, and having become a monopolist, the company begins to inflate prices and more than compensate for the loss of profit from dumping.

Money supply is the sum of the denominations of all cash and non-cash money in the country.

Monetary policy (monetary policy) - measures of the central bank aimed at increasing or reducing the money supply in the country in order to regulate economic conditions, curb inflation, stimulate economic growth, etc.

Money is a special product that is accepted by all people in exchange for any other goods.

Deposits - these are bank deposits.

Shortage - this is a situation in the market when buyers, at the existing price level, are ready to buy a larger volume of goods than sellers are willing to offer.

Government budget deficit is the excess of government expenditures over revenues.

Default - This is a gross deception, the government's refusal to pay its debts to its creditors.

Price discrimination - is the sale of the same product in the same market to different buyers at different prices.

Dialectics - this is the art of argument.

Dictatorship is strong power, which often means tyranny.

Dynamics - this is a description of the sequence of stages in the development of the structure of a social organism, that is, the emergence of more and more new organizations and groups.

Trust property management - this is a type of agreement, under the terms of which the founder of the management transfers property to the trustee for a certain period of time for trust management and the trustee undertakes to carry out management in the interests of the founder.

Agreement is an agreement between two or more persons to establish civil rights.

Strike (strike) - this is a way of conducting an administrative conflict on the part of hired workers, which means stopping work until the employer agrees to an increase in wages.

Loan and credit - this is a type of agreement under which the borrower takes money from the bank and undertakes to return the amount received and pay interest on it.

Law - this is the norm and rule of behavior.

Pledge - this is the value (for example, gold and jewelry) that the creditor can acquire ownership in the event that the debtor has violated the terms of the contract.

General costs - these are the costs of acquiring the resources necessary for production a certain volume products

Mortgage is a pledge of land, enterprises, buildings, structures, apartments and other real estate.

Eid - This is the instinctive core of personality.

Idealism is subjective - this is a theory according to which things are complexes of our sensations; there are not things, but only our consciousness.

Ideology is a theoretical system that justifies certain values ​​and norms.

Excess of goods (overstocking) - a situation in the market when sellers offer more goods than buyers can buy.

Isomorphism - This is a similarity of different systems.

Hierarchy social - this is a pyramid.

Empire is a country built by conquest.

Impeachment (English impeachment - accusation, conviction) - the procedure for removing the president of the country from office by parliament.

Import - This is the purchase of goods abroad.

Investments - These are capitals invested in production.

Investment - this is the direction of money for the acquisition of additional capital.

Induction - this is an ascent from the concrete to the abstract, from experimental data to theory.

Industrialization - this is the creation of industry.

Instinctivism is a theory according to which social processes are explained by the instincts of people.

Symbolic interactionism is a theory whose representatives believe that people exchange information, conflict and control the activities of other people with the help of symbols - gestures, acting out scenes and creating an image.

Introvert - this is a person whose interest is directed into himself; he is guided in his behavior only internal principles.

Intuition - this is the perception of the surrounding world by a person or animal with the help of the unconscious, when, on the basis of past experience and without any reflection, it emerges from somewhere from the depths of the subconscious ready-made recipe solutions to a problem or a ready-made plan of action in the form of a premonition.

Inflation (from Latin "inflation") - is a process of increasing the general price level in a country, leading to depreciation monetary unit.

Economic infrastructure - this is the construction of a transport network, ports, communications, gasification and electrification.

Irrationalism - this is a movement in philosophy that insists on limiting the role of reason in history and knowledge, where the main role is played not by reason, but by instincts, intuition and feelings.

Art - this is a specific form of reflection of the surrounding world with the help of artistic images.

Correctional work - these are deductions from the earnings of the convicted person for a period determined by the court to the income of the state in the amount established by the court verdict.

True are confirmability, consistency and effectiveness.

Cadastre - This is the book of taxpayers.

Physical capital - this is equipment, machines, buildings, structures that were created by human labor.

Immaterial capital (invisible) - this is knowledge, skills and information (patents, licenses, copyrights, people's skills, trademarks).

Cartel - this is an agreement between oligarchs on dividing the sales market, agreeing on sales volumes and price levels for each of them.

Castes - these are groups of people in a social hierarchy where social elevators are completely turned off, so people have no opportunity to make a career.

Qualification of the crime - this is the correspondence of the crime and the article of the criminal code.

Import quota - This limit value imports per year from a particular country.

Social class is a large group of people occupying specific place in the system of social control.

Clique (from the French "gang", "gang") - This small group comrades, closely united among themselves to achieve unseemly goals at any cost.

Clergy is a hierarchical pyramid of priests with strict discipline within this pyramid.

Coacervates - These are protocells, organic structures surrounded by fatty membranes.

Code of Laws - these are many laws that describe norms of behavior in some area of ​​​​activity - in the economy, family sphere, and the like.

Collective agreement is a legal act regulating the relationship between the employer and hired workers at the enterprise.

Command economic system is a way of organizing an economy in which land and capital are publicly owned and the allocation of resources is in the hands of government central authorities in accordance with government plans.

Commission - this is a type of agreement, under the terms of which the commission agent undertakes, for a fee, on behalf of the other party (the principal), to carry out one or more transactions on his own behalf, but at the expense of the principal.

Inferiority complex is a deep, pervasive feeling of inferiority compared to other people.

Communist movement - this is one of the directions of the socialist movement, communists, in fact, following the example of Lenin, strive to seize power without elections or to abolish free elections after coming to power in elections, to establish tyranny or oligarchy instead of representative democracy, to abolish private property and the market.

Increased competitiveness - this is an increase in quality and a decrease in the price of a product.

Market competition is an economic conflict over the right to obtain economic resources.

Conservative movement - this is a movement whose representatives have the goal of establishing social order, sometimes even returning to the past, preserving the power of the old elite, bureaucracy or aristocracy, preserving traditional moral, family and religious values.

Contracting is a type of contract under which the agricultural producer undertakes to transfer the harvest to the harvester for processing or sale.

Counterculture - this is a type of culture whose norms contradict the norms of the dominant culture.

Social control - this is a type of social interaction in which the controller forces the object of control to comply with norms through the threat of positive or negative sanctions, through the introduction of stereotypes.

Confederation - this is a form of territorial structure where almost all powers and tax revenues remain with the periphery.

Social conflict is a type of social interaction in which participants try to defeat their opponents using various means with the goal of physically destroying the enemy, turning him into an object of control, or conquering someone else's sphere of influence and resources.

Conflict school is a school of sociology whose representatives believe that social conflicts inevitable, but they need to be dealt with.

Conformism is a person’s willingness to submit to pressure or threats.

Commercial concession - this is a type of agreement under the terms of which the copyright holder grants the user the right to a company name and trademark for a fee.

Market conditions is the relationship between supply and demand.

Corner - this is a secret agreement between merchants or manufacturers to temporarily withdraw some of their goods from the market in order to artificially create a temporary shortage and increase in prices for this product, after which the scarce product is thrown onto the market, and the participants in the conspiracy receive increased profits.

Indirect intent during the crime - this is an intent when a person did not want to, but allowed dangerous consequences of his actions.

Lending (from the Latin “creditum”, that is, “loan”, “debt”) - is the provision of funds for temporary use commercial organizations for a certain price.

Borrowers' creditworthiness - this is the opportunity and ability to repay the debt to the bank.

Blood feud - This is the custom of members of a primitive tribe to help each other in the process of taking revenge for damage caused by strangers.

Xenophobia - this is fear and hostility towards other cultures and foreign customs

Cult - this is a system of rituals, symbolic objects, musical instruments that have the function of amplifier of influence in the hands of the priest.

Culture (from the Latin "colere" - to cultivate or cultivate the soil) is a system of values, ideas about the world and rules of behavior common to a certain group of people.

Material culture - This material values, created by members of society, from weapons to cars.

Culture is intangible is a world of ideas created by members of society from altruism to Buddhism.

Purchase and sale - This is the exchange of goods for money.

Laconic style of speech (from the name of the region in Sparta - Laconia) - this is a concise and clear style in expressing thoughts.

Legitimate - it's legal.

Liberal movement (from the English word liberty - freedom) - this is a movement whose representatives aim to carry out gradual peaceful reforms and introduce political freedoms.

Leasing (financial lease) is a type of agreement under which the lessor undertakes to acquire ownership of the property specified by the lessee from a seller identified by him and to provide this property to the lessee for a fee for temporary possession and use for business purposes.

Foreign trade license - is a government-issued permit to import or export from a country certain types goods.

Liquidity of shares or money - this is the confidence of buyers that they will be able to sell them at any time.

Lobby These are pressure groups.

Formal logic is the science of the laws of correct thinking.

Lie - it is unconfirmable, inconsistent and ineffective.

Lockout (from English “to slam a door in front of someone”) - this is the closure of an enterprise for several weeks without maintaining wages for workers.

Love - this is the attraction between a man and a woman.

Lumpen proletariat - this is a social group that includes the lower classes of society - criminals, vagabonds and beggars.

Majoritarian system is an election system in which voters vote not for parties, but for specific candidates

Macroeconomic policy - is the regulation of economic activity by influencing the level of consumption and investment, as well as the money supply through fiscal and monetary policy.

Maximalist - this is a person who wants to get everything or nothing from life, he does not accept half measures.

Small group - this is a small number of people - from 2 to 15 people, between whom a relationship of moral leadership has been established.

Margin (from the Latin “margin”, that is, “border”) - this is the bank’s income received for providing loans to commercial organizations, which goes towards the banker’s costs for conducting business and the banker’s profit.

Marketing is the study of supply and demand in the market.

Weight - this is the uncreative majority of people, this is a collection of people who are concerned about the same problem, but they are not in close proximity to each other.

Matter - this is everything that surrounds us, except for ideas and feelings, this is matter and physical fields.

Melancholic (from the Greek “molasses chole” - black bile) - This is a weak type of temperament.

Meritocracy (from the English merit - “merit”) - this is “the power of honored people.”

Mechanism in sociology is a theory whose representatives believed that society is like an aggregate of elements, each of which can be studied independently of each other.

Mysticism (from Greek - “secret”) - these are supernatural phenomena and spiritual practices aimed at connecting with the other world and supernatural forces.

Social mobility - this is the movement of people along the social “ladder”.

Vertical mobility - this is the movement of people up or down the social “ladder” during life with an increase or decrease in social status.

Mobility horizontal - this is moving along one step of the social ladder without changing social status.

Fashion - this is the desire of the lower classes to imitate the elite.

Fashion Items - these are identification marks indicating belonging to the elite.

Monetarism - this is a direction of economic thought that denies - as opposed to Keynesianism - the need for state regulation of economic activity. Gives preference to anti-inflationary policies aimed at maintaining sustainability monetary system.

Monogamy is a marriage of one man and one woman.

Monopoly foreign trade - this is a situation where only the state, and not private firms, has the right to enter into foreign trade transactions for the export and import of goods.

Monotheism - this is monotheism.

Multiplier (in Keynesian theory) - this is a coefficient characterizing the increase in national income as a result of the initially spent amount of money - government spending or investment.

Cash - These are paper money and small change.

Taxes - these are mandatory payments collected by tax authorities from organizations and individuals for the purpose of financing the state and municipalities.

Nationality is an ethnic group that managed to create its own state.

Naturalism in sociology - this is the point of view that social phenomena obey the laws inherent in nature - the laws of physics, mechanics, biology, geography.

Nationalization of enterprises - This is a buyout or seizure by the state of enterprises from private owners.

The science - is a human activity to obtain, systematize and test knowledge

Nation - this is an ethnic group that managed to build a capitalist society - a common national market, democracy, private property, the rule of law, and national culture.

Incompetent - this is a citizen who, due to a mental disorder, cannot understand the meaning of his actions; only a court can recognize a citizen as incompetent.

Arrears - the amount of unpaid tax.

Unfinished crime - preparation for a crime or attempted crime.

Minors - these are persons who have not reached the age of 18 at the time of committing the crime.

Penalty, fine, penalty - this is a certain amount of money, determined by agreement, which the debtor is obliged to pay to the creditor in case of violation of the terms of the agreement, for example, in case of delay in payment of the debt.

The lower or exploited (in Marxist terminology) class is a group of people who are the object of control in society.

Nirvana (in Buddhism) - this is the achievement of a state of complete equanimity and indifference, supreme bliss, happiness and tranquility.

Nomenclature - this term originally meant “list of positions”, and later came to mean the ruling stratum under socialism

Noosphere - this is the shell of the Earth, which is the result of human activity.

Normal goods - these are goods for which the demand increases along with the growth of income of the population.

Norms - these are rules of conduct.

Manners - this is a system of taboos, they distinguish between what is proper and what is not proper,

Accused is a person at the trial stage.

Bond is a security that certifies that its owner has lent a certain amount of money to a company or state and has the right to receive it back along with a certain premium.

Exchange theory in sociology is a theory whose representatives believed that in the process of social interaction people exchange goods, services, information and gratitude before entering into social interaction, people weigh future rewards and costs.

Society - it's progressive developing system, consisting of groups and organizations, which is built on relationships of conflict and control between people.

Folk customs - These are moral standards that distinguish between what is right and what is offensive.

Mandatory work - this is the performance by a convicted person of free socially useful work in his free time from his main job.

Restriction of freedom - this is the maintenance of a convicted person who has turned 18 years old in a special institution without isolation from society under conditions of supervision over him.

Oligarchy is a form of government where power is in the hands of a few and unworthy citizens - oligarchs.

Homonyms - these are words that have not one, but two or more meanings.

Opposition parties - these are the parties that lost in the last elections.

Exit poll or exit poll - an informal invitation to voters to write down their choice to control the actions of the election commission.

Organization is a system of interrelated and specialized statuses. Organicism in sociology is a theory whose representatives believe that society and the organism are similar to each other.

Orthodoxy - this is the desire of some scientists for backwardness.

Convicted - this is the person after the court has rendered a guilty verdict.

Ostracism - this is an extreme sanction of a group, expressed in refusal to talk, bullying, persecution.

Open system - is a system that has input and output, exchanges with environment matter and energy and maintains internal balance.

Relative truth - this is a partial correspondence between the form of the psyche and the object of cognition.

Ochlocracy (from the Greek ochlos - crowd) - this is the power of the crowd, rabble, bandits.

Feeling - this is the most elementary form sensory knowledge.

Memory - this is a person’s ability to retain and reproduce previously received information.

Panslavism is a cultural and political movement among Slavic peoples, which is based on ideas about the ethnic and linguistic community of the Slavs and the need for their political unification.

Punks (from the English punk - scum, scum) - counterculture, characterized by a love of fast and energetic rock music (punk rock) and freedom, protest against the establishment, conservatism, authoritarianism, nationalism and radical capitalism, as well as commitment to the ideals of anti-racism and anti-fascism

Paradigm (from Greek - “sample”, “template”) is a scientific principle, model or sample for research or a scientific formula.

Parliament - This is the legislative body of government.

Parliamentary republic - this is a state where the government bears full responsibility for its activities before parliament.

The consignment is an organization created to win elections and take over government leadership

Passionarity - this is passion, the will to live, strength of character.

Patriarchal marriage - this is a form of marriage where the husband has great power over other family members,

Pacifism - this is the desire to preserve peace and prohibit wars.

First principles in ancient Greek physics - this is what everything consists of.

Peripatetics (from the Greek "strollers") - a school in Greek philosophy to which Aristotle's students belonged.

Permanent revolution - this is a worldwide, continuous revolution along a chain in different countries.

Plagiarism - this is the “theft” of ideas in science.

Tribe is an ethnic group that managed to streamline the reproduction of people, eliminate cases of children with hereditary diseases caused by incest, and create its own dialect, customs, and conquer its territory.

Pluralism - this is ideological diversity.

Absorption - buying up competing firms that undercut the monopolist's price.

Suspect - this is a person at the investigation stage.

Contract - this is a type of contract under the terms of which the contractor undertakes to perform work on the instructions of the other party (customer) for a fee.

Polyandry is a marriage of one woman and several men.

Polygyny is a marriage of one man and several women.

Polytheism - this is polytheism.

Political science is the science of the political structure of society.

Pardon is an exemption from further serving a sentence that the president announces for individuals.

Concept - this is the designation and name of things.

Witnesses - these are citizens who are not interested in the court case, who are called by the investigator in the amount of at least 2 people during the search and inspection.

Victim is a person who has been harmed by a crime.

Customs duties - These are taxes in favor of the state, levied on the owner of a product when he crosses the border in order to sell this product within the country.

Right is a system of norms and rules of conduct established by the state, the implementation of which is ensured by the power of state coercion.

Constitutional state - this is a state where the law rules, and not an official, where even an official, even the president of the country is obliged to comply with the law.

Ownership - this is the right to own, use and dispose of one’s property.

Legal capacity - this is the ability to have rights, it arises at the moment of birth of a person and disappears at the moment of death.

Ruling parties - these are the parties that won the last elections.

Pragmatism is a philosophical theory, from the point of view of which, a thought is true insofar as belief in it is beneficial for our life.

Entrepreneurial activity - is an independent activity aimed at systematically generating profit from the sale of goods or provision of services.

Performance - this is an image of an object previously perceived or created by the imagination.

Presidential republic is a state where the president who wins the general election is the head of the executive branch, and legislative power is concentrated in the hands of parliament.

Crime - This is a socially dangerous act provided for by criminal law.

Profit - this is the excess of the amount of income from the sale of goods over the amount of costs for the production of these goods.

Privatization - this is the transition of state property into private property through the sale at auction of state-owned enterprises into the hands of private owners

Progress - this is complication, the appearance of new connections and elements in the system.

Progressive income tax is a tax that is collected according to the principle: than more amount income of the taxpayer, the more percentage income tax imposed on him by the tax authorities.

Living wage - this is a “basket” of products and clothing items that provide a person with the minimum necessary for simple survival.

Labor productivity is the amount of goods produced per unit of time.

Arbitrariness - These are illegal actions of the authorities.

Rental is an agreement under which the lessor undertakes to provide the lessee with movable property for a fee for temporary possession and use.

Proletariat (according to Marxist terminology) - This is the class of hired workers.

Proportional system - this is the election system that determines the rating political forces, in proportion to which seats in parliament are distributed.

Protectionism is a policy of protecting domestic producers from competition from foreign producers.

Surplus - is the excess of revenues over expenditures in the state budget

Interest rate - a fee charged for money provided on credit.

Direct tax is a fee in favor of the state levied on each citizen or organization. Direct intent in the process of a crime is that the person wanted to achieve dangerous consequences of his actions.

Psychologism in sociology - this is a direction whose representatives believe that the laws of society can be reduced to the laws of psychology.

Development - this is a complication or simplification of the system.

Revolution (from Latin revolution - turn, change) social - this is a way of change social structure, in which innovations are often carried out from below through mass riots or armed seizure of power, this is a process when one social group takes away by force of arms political power from another social group

Regression - this is a simplification of the system, the disappearance of some connections and elements from it.

Reincarnation - a myth about the transmigration of souls.

Raiding is a forceful takeover of a competing enterprise with the help of criminals.

Rent - this is a type of agreement when one party (the annuity recipient) transfers ownership of property to the other party, and the annuity payer undertakes to periodically pay the recipient annuity in the form of a certain amount of money.

Respondent - this is the person to whom the questions of the sociological questionnaire are addressed.

Referendum - This is a popular vote on any issue.

Reform (from Latin reformo - I transform) social - this is a way of developing a social structure in which innovations are carried out from above, from the government, peacefully.

Recession (from Latin recessus - retreat) in economics - is a moderate decline in production, characterized by zero growth in gross national product or its decline for more than six months; a recession is one of the phases of the economic cycle that follows a boom and is replaced by depression

Rigidity - is a person’s inability to adapt to new people or to new environmental conditions,

Rhetorician - This is a teacher of public speaking.

Rhetoric is the science of eloquence.

Social role - this is the behavior expected from someone who has a certain social status.

Stock market - This is the stock market.

Ruble - is a legal means of payment throughout the Russian Federation.

Self-realization - the highest desire of a person to realize his talents and abilities.

Sanguine (from the Latin "sanguine" - blood) - This is a strong, balanced, mobile type of temperament.

Sanction - is a reward or punishment, thus sanctions can be positive or negative.

Samsara (in Buddhism) - This is a circle of rebirths in the process of reincarnation.

Saving - part of the income not spent on consumption, which can be used for investment.

Collection is a mandatory fee levied on organizations and individuals in exchange for the issuance of rights or permits.

Political freedom - this is the absence of arbitrariness of the authorities.

Transactions - these are the actions of citizens and legal entities to establish, change or terminate civil rights and obligations

Segregation is a system of separating African-Americans from whites in the southern states of the United States in the recent past.

Family - is a group of people based on blood, marriage or adoption, connected by a common life and responsibility for raising children.

Senate - legislative assembly of aristocrats in Ancient Rome.

Symbols - this is everything that carries a special meaning, recognized by people of the same culture.

System is the sum of elements and connections between them.

Political system - is an open, developing system that consists of elements such as government, parliament or other legislative body, political parties, army, court, police and bureaucracy.

Skinheads - “skinhead” culture (from the English skinheads).

Layers - these are groups of people in the social hierarchy, where social “filters” do not create any artificial obstacles for those wishing to make a career; the only condition for this is that the applicant has talent and financial resources.

Estates - these are groups of people in a social hierarchy, where strict “filters” severely limit social mobility and slow down the movement of “elevators”.

Sophists (from the Greek sofos - wisdom) - These are paid teachers to think, prove and speak beautifully.

Social Darwinism is a theory whose representatives believe that the mechanism of social evolution is no different from the mechanism of biological evolution, therefore the strongest survive in society.

Socialization - This is learning to fulfill social roles.

Socialist movement - this is a movement whose representatives promise to improve the situation of wage workers; they have achieved the introduction of benefits for poverty, old age, disability and unemployment.

Sociometry - this is a method for identifying the composition of small groups and leaders.

Speechwriters - these are people who write speeches for overly busy politicians.

Excessive demand - this is the demand that arises in case of fear rapid growth prices when people take any goods for future use.

Middle class - this is a group of people who are outside the control system or occupy an intermediate position in the system of social control.

Stagflation period - this is a period when prices rise unusually quickly and at the same time there is a decline in production

Statics - this is the social structure or anatomy of a social organism at a given historical moment, as a system of organizations that resemble organs in the body.

Social status - this is a person’s position in society, this status has a corresponding list of rights and responsibilities.

Stereotype is a role model that is introduced into people's consciousness through the media and culture.

Price - is the amount of money that is paid or received when buying or selling a product.

Strata - these are social layers.

Social stratification - this is the stratification of society.

Streaming (from English stream - stream, flow) - this system of sorting students in Britain into four streams depending on academic success (on test results).

Social structure - this is a system social groups and organizations, roles and statuses.

Shame is a painful feeling that other people do not approve of our actions.

State sovereignty - is the independence of one country from other countries.

Suicide - this is suicide

Sublimation - this is a way to get rid of anxiety through a safe release of energy through other channels (through sports, art, politics, etc.)

Judgment - this is an affirmation or denial of the connection between two concepts.

Subculture - this is a type of culture whose norms do not contradict, but differ from the norms of the dominant culture

Superego - this is the moral side of the personality, which is acquired in the process of socialization, that is, learning.

Scholasticism (from the Greek “school philosophy”) - this is a medieval philosophy, as a synthesis of Christian theology and Aristotle’s logic, this is a philosophy that sought to find general ideas - universals, and from them to derive and explain all the richness of the surrounding world

Taboo - a strict prohibition among primitive people.

Tautology is a circle in definition.

Theocracy - this is a form of government in which the church controls the government, this is the power of the priests.

Theology (theology) - this is a theoretical justification for the existence of God and the human soul.

Rational Expectations Theory - anti-Keynesian direction of economic thought, it substantiates the pointlessness of government intervention in the operation of the market mechanism in order to regulate economic activity.

Technocrats - these are people who believe that the development of technology will solve all environmental, economic and other problems,

Technological determinism - this is a direction in sociology, whose representatives believe that technology develops independently of the will of man according to the law of endless improvement of technical parameters.

Technophobes - these are people who believe that humanity will die from technology, for example from poor ecology or as a result of a war of people against robots, so they need to break the technology or escape from it to a desert island.

Timocracy - the power of the military.

Tyranny is a form of government in which one person has power and abuses his position for selfish interests.

Product - This is an item for exchange for other goods.

Prestigious goods - these are products with which people demonstrate their success in life

Goods of inelastic demand - these are goods for which the demand increases less than the price of this product decreases

Goods of elastic demand - These are goods for which the demand increases more than the price of this product decreases.

Crowd - this is a large number of people face to face.

Trade is the voluntary exchange of goods and services for money in the form of purchase and sale.

Totalitarianism - a political regime in which the ruler controls all spheres of society

Trusts - unification of various enterprises in order to coordinate among themselves the volumes of purchases of raw materials, conditions for obtaining financial resources, and volumes of sales of goods.

Work - is the activity of people to produce economic goods.

Labor contract - this is an agreement between an employee and an employer, according to which the employee undertakes to perform work in a certain specialty, and the employer undertakes to pay wages and provide good conditions labor.

Inference - this is the conclusion of new knowledge, a new judgment from two or more initial judgments.

Unitary state - this is a form of territorial structure where the entire amount of taxes collected in the country and all powers are concentrated in the center.

Urbanization - this is the creation of cities and the resettlement of a significant part of the population there from rural areas.

Services - this is labor activity on the basis of hiring or in exchange for goods.

Social utopia (translated from Greek is “a place that does not exist”). is a pipe dream, a fairy tale for adults about social order, a false theory that calls for the regression of the social structure and the violent abolition of great social inventions.

Utopians - these are thinkers who substantiated the possibility of building a utopia in the future.

Factors of production - these are the resources used by people to create life's goods

Fanatic is a person who blindly believes in an outwardly attractive idea and ignores all the facts and arguments that contradict this idea.

Federation - this is a form of territorial structure where powers and tax revenues are divided as a result of a budget agreement into three parts between the center, state and city.

Ancient Greek physics - this is the study of nature and the search for the fundamental principle of all things, that is, what everything consists of.

Physiocrats - these are economists who believed that the only source of wealth is nature, therefore, the more a nation produces agricultural products, the richer it is.

Individuals - these are individual citizens. Philosophy is translated as the love of wisdom.

Firm or enterprise is an organization that produces goods for sale.

Phlegmatic person (from the Greek “phlegm” - mucus) is a strong, balanced, inert (“inhibitory”) type of temperament.

Phobias - this is fear and anxiety.

Folklore - This is folk culture.

Form of government - This is a type of structure of supreme power in the country.

Formal logic is the science of correct thinking.

Formations - these are the stages of development of society.

Phratries - these are the initial genera, which later broke up into secondary genera.

Functionalism is a theory whose representatives believe that every organization, every custom, idea or belief has its own function in society.

Charisma - this is the leader’s ability to instill faith that he can perform miracles, that he is a god or a “wizard”, this is grace, a gift of God, the gift of miracles and prophecy.

Subsistence farming is an economy without exchange of goods and trade.

Choleric (from the Greek “chole” - yellow bile) - this is a strong, unbalanced type of temperament with a predominance of excitement.

Industry holdings - this is the purchase of a controlling stake in competing companies, which allows them to agree on sales volumes and prices.

Kingdom is a form of government in which one prominent person has power.

Property qualification - this is the minimum limit of a person’s wealth in monetary terms, which allows him to occupy a position.

Censorship is a government organization that monitors the media, art and science in order to prohibit criticism of the dominant ideology.

Equilibrium price - this is the price that allows you to sell the entire volume of goods that manufacturers are willing to offer at that price.

Security - is a document certifying property rights

Values - these are fundamental norms and requirements (imperatives) in society about dignity, beauty, piety, these are cultural standards of good and bad.

Civilization - this is a society built on a certain set (list) of great social inventions. One civilization differs from another civilization by the set (list) of these inventions.

Cycle in the development of society - this is the alternation of progress and regression.

Check - this is a monetary document containing a written order to the bank to pay a certain amount of money to the recipient of the check at the expense of the money in the account of the drawer.

Human - is a rational animal with the ability to use tools, oral speech and abstract thinking.

Strikebreakers (from German "strike breaker") - these are temporary workers who agreed to work for the same pay instead of the strikers, for this the strikers considered them traitors.

Egalitarian family - this is a family where power and rights are distributed almost equally between husband and wife.

Ego - this is the rational part of the personality, whose task is to draw up a real plan of action in accordance with the restrictions of the external world in order to satisfy the demands of instincts, on the one hand, and ensure one’s safety on the other hand.

Selfishness - this is the desire to love only yourself, and not other people.

Existentialism (from English existence - “existence”) - this is the direction in Western philosophy 20th century, from the point of view of which, a person is internally free from technology and economics, he is looking for the meaning of life in this meaningless world, this meaning of life is revealed to a person in a period of deep upheaval.

Transport expedition - this is a type of agreement, under the terms of which the forwarder undertakes to perform the following services for a fee: receiving documents, sending and receiving goods, performing customs formalities, loading and unloading.

Economy - this is 1), (economy) a way of organizing the activities of people to create the goods they need for consumption, 2), a science that studies the behavior of participants in the process of economic activity.

The economic growth is the growth of gross national product.

Economic cycle - regular change of phases of rise and fall in the level of business activity in a market economy.

Export is the sale of goods abroad.

Expressive crowd is a dancing crowd that forms when religious sects arise.

Extrovert - this is a person whose interest is directed outward, he is guided external circumstances And public opinion.

Political extremism - these are movements and organizations that have the goal of seizing power without elections.

Elite - this is a layer the best people who occupy the status of controllers in society.

Embargo - this is a ban on trade in one’s own country for entrepreneurs from another country in order to force that country to make certain concessions.

Issue of money - is the release into circulation of an additional number of banknotes.

Ethics - these are discussions about morals, about what is good and what is bad.

Ethnos is a group of people related by blood.

Ethnocentrism - this is the desire to judge other cultures from the position of superiority of one’s own culture.

Economic efficiency - This is a method of organizing production in which production costs are minimal.

Effective demand - is the effective demand for goods and services of consumer and industrial purposes.

Entity - this is an organization that owns property and is liable for its obligations with this property; it can enter into contracts and transactions, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and a defendant.

Language is a means of transmitting culture through symbols.
