The largest shark in the world is megalodon. New facts about the life of megalodon

Megalodon is a super predator that, after the extinction of dinosaurs on our planet, moved to the top of the food chain. Although it should be noted that this did not happen on land, but in the vast expanses of the World Ocean.

This monster shark, which lived in the waters of the World Ocean in the Paleogene/Neogene, although, according to many experts, it captured the Pleistocene, received its name in connection with its huge mouth and sharp teeth. Translated from Greek, megalodon means " big tooth" Experts also believe that this shark kept people at bay sea ​​creatures for 25 million years ago and disappeared about 2 and a half million years ago.


The teeth of this monster, which scientists found in different points oceans. In addition to teeth, specialists were able to find vertebrae, as well as entire spinal columns. They have survived to this day due to the high concentration of calcium, which allowed sharks, or rather their vertebrae, to withstand enormous mechanical loads during the movements of this creature in the water column.

Historical fact! The teeth of such a shark were at one time considered ordinary rocky formations, until they came to the Danish anatomist and geologist Niels Stensen. He was able to determine that these rocky formations are nothing more than the teeth of a megalodon. This happened in the 17th century, after which this scientist began to be called the first paleontologist.

First of all, it was possible to reconstruct the jaw of a giant shark, which contained up to 5 rows of strong and sharp teeth, and their number was 276, while the length of the jaw was about 2 meters. The next stage consisted of recreating the megalodon’s body, which was enormous in size. The females were especially massive, and it was assumed that the monster was related to the white shark.

The result was a shark skeleton, about 11.5 meters long, which in its shape resembles the skeleton of a great white shark. At the same time, the dimensions are significantly increased, both in length and width, which frightens many visitors to the Maritime Museum in Maryland in the USA. The skull is impressive in size, wider, and the jaws are gigantic with a set of sharp and large teeth. The snout is short and blunt, as a result ichthyologists say that "megalodon was a pig." In other words, the creature is distinguished by its repulsive and terrifying appearance.

Already today, scientists have begun to move away from the definition that megalodon is similar to carcharodon (white shark). Increasingly, one can hear the opinion that this monster is more reminiscent of a sand shark, but of abnormal size. Scientists also found that the real behavior of this monster, due to its enormous size and habitat features, was radically different from the behavior and lifestyle of modern sharks.

Naturally, in our time it is difficult to determine exactly what size the megalodon had, so debate on this issue still does not subside. To determine the actual size, scientists are developing various methods that are based on the number of vertebrae or on the correspondence between the sizes of the teeth and the body. The teeth of this ancient predator, living in the water column of the World Ocean, are still found on the bottom in various parts of it. This is clear evidence that megalodons lived throughout the entire waters of the World Ocean.

Interesting information! Carcharodon has similar shaped teeth, but they are not as massive and strong as its extinct relative. The teeth of Carcharodon are almost 3 times smaller and are not “sharpened” so evenly. At the same time, the megalodon does not have a pair of lateral teeth, which tend to gradually wear down.

The monster shark was armed with the largest teeth known to modern scientists compared to other extinct sharks throughout Earth's history. The diagonal dimensions of the teeth are almost 20 cm, and some short fangs reached a height of at least 10 cm. The tooth of a modern white shark is no more than 6 cm, so there is something to compare with.

As a result of studying and compiling various megalodon remains, which are based on vertebrae and numerous teeth, scientists came to the conclusion that adult individuals grew up to one and a half ten meters in length and could weigh about 50 tons. More impressive sizes require serious discussions and debates.

As a rule, the larger the fish, the slower its movement speed, which requires sufficient endurance and high level metabolism. Megalodon belonged to precisely such fish. Since their metabolism is not so fast, their movements are not energetic. According to these indicators, it is better to compare megalodon with a whale shark, but not with a white one. There is another factor that negatively affects some indicators of a shark - this is the low reliability of cartilage tissue compared to bone, even despite the high level of calcification.

Therefore, megalodon is not distinguished by high energy and mobility, since almost all muscle tissue was connected not to bones, but to cartilage. In this regard, the predator preferred to sit in ambush, looking for suitable prey. Such a significant body mass could not allow itself to pursue potential prey. Megalodon was not known for its speed or endurance. The shark killed its victims in 2 ways known today, and the method depended on the size of the next victim.

It is important to know! When hunting for small cetaceans, megalodon rammed, striking areas with hard bones. When bones broke, they injured internal organs.

When the victim experienced swipe, then instantly lost orientation and the ability to escape the attack. Over time, she died from serious internal injuries. There was a second method that megalodon used in relation to massive cetaceans. This began to happen already in the Pliocene. Experts found numerous fragments of tail vertebrae and fin bones that belonged to large Pliocene whales. They were marked with megalodon bites. As a result of the examination, it was possible to find out and assume that the predator thus immobilized its potential prey by biting off its tail or fins, after which it was able to deal with it.


Natural habitats

Based on the fossil remains of the megalodon, experts came to the conclusion that the population of the monster shark was very numerous and inhabited almost all the waters of the World Ocean. The shark lived in temperate and subtropical zones both hemispheres, with conditions when the water temperature ranged from +12 to +27 degrees.

Shark remains have been found in various places such as:

  • North America.
  • South America.
  • Japan and India.
  • Europe.
  • Australia.
  • New Zealand.
  • Africa.

At the same time, the teeth of this creature were found at a considerable distance from continental shelves. In Venezuela, the teeth of this huge predator were found in freshwater sediments, indicating the predator's adaptability to different conditions a habitat.

For a long period of time, until toothed whales appeared in the form of killer whales, megalodon was at the top of the food chain, so it could not limit itself in the choice of food items. Due to the shark's large size, its diet included a wide range of living creatures. Thanks to the presence of massive jaws and huge teeth, which were quite sharp, this predator could easily deal with any animals that modern sharks cannot cope with.

Interesting to know! According to experts, the megalodon had a relatively short jaw, so the predator could not tightly grasp and effectively and quickly devour its prey. The shark simply had to tear off fragments of flesh and swallow them.

The diet of the megalodon was based on smaller animals, as well as turtles, since the shark with its powerful jaws she easily crushed their shells, and her teeth did their job.

In addition to sharks and sea turtles, megalodons hunted:

  • On bowhead whales.
  • For small sperm whales.
  • On minke whales.
  • On odobenocetox.
  • On cetatherium (baleen whales).
  • On porpoises and sirens.
  • For dolphins and pinnipeds.

Megalodon without special effort coped with animals whose length reached 7 meters. These were primitive baleen whales that did not have enough strength and energy to escape persecution. A group of researchers from the USA and Australia, in 2008, using computer modeling, determined how powerful the megalodon bite was.

As a result of the calculations, unique data were obtained. It became known that the megalodon's mouth squeezed its prey 9 times stronger than any modern shark, and also 3 times stronger than the force of a saltwater crocodile, which holds the absolute record for this indicator. Despite this, the bite of this huge predator was noticeably weaker than some extinct species that existed before the megalodon on our Planet.

Natural enemies

Even though the megalodon was a super-predator, it still had some natural enemies, in the form of toothed whales or sperm whales, such as Zygophysithera and Melville's leviathans. Other giant sharks were not afraid of this predator. Later, killer whales appeared, which were also not afraid of megalodon and preferred hunting for juvenile megalodon.

Megalodon extinction

Such superpredators disappeared from the face of the Earth at the junction of the Pliocene and Pleistocene, and this is about 2.6 million years ago, although there is an opinion that about 1.6 million years ago.

Experts are still puzzling over what determining factors so seriously influenced the life of megalodons. Most likely, several factors turned out to be decisive, including global climate change. Back in the Pliocene era between Northern and South America The bottom rose, resulting in the appearance of the Isthmus of Panama, which divided the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. As a result of this, the usual direction of the currents changed and water was no longer delivered to the Arctic. required amount heat. Thus, the northern hemisphere began to noticeably cool.

This is the first and quite important negative factor that significantly affected the life activity of megalodons, which were better adapted to warm conditions a habitat. During this period, large whales appeared that preferred cold waters. Large whales began to migrate during the warm period to cooler waters, so megalodon lost its usual diet.

Important point! Megalodons, deprived of large prey, began to starve en masse, which caused cannibalism, as a result of which huge populations of young animals suffered. As a result, the populations of these superpredators began to decline, and at a rapid rate. The second reason is associated with the appearance of killer whales, which differed more developed brain and could hunt in whole packs, so they were practically not afraid of megalodons.

Since the shark was more impressive in size, it was inferior in speed and maneuverability. In addition, the megalodon had other vulnerabilities, such as gills, for example. At the same time, he was often immobilized, like most sharks, having exhausted his reserves of strength and energy.

Should we believe that megalodon is alive?

According to some experts, the monster shark could survive to this day, since there is one well-known thesis: if after 400 thousand years nothing is known about any species, then only then can this species be considered extinct. In addition, there are very recent finds of megalodon teeth, which are only about 11 thousand years old. They were found in the Baltic Sea and near Tahiti. They did not even have time to fossilize, and are recognized as the “children’s” teeth of megalodons.

In 1954, 17 huge teeth were found stuck in the hull of the Australian ship Rachel Cohen. They were discovered when the ship was being cleared of shells. When the extracted teeth were analyzed, it turned out that they belonged to a megalodon.

Interesting moment! Many are skeptical about the story of the Australian ship, calling it all an obvious hoax, although according to opponents, even today the world’s oceans have been studied no more than 10%, so it is possible that in the near future an extinct one will appear in the vastness of the ocean (as considered) megalodon.

These experts who believe in the modern megalodon have strong arguments that relate to the real secrecy of the shark genus. Therefore, it is not surprising that only in 1828 the world learned about the existence of the whale shark, and in 1897 it became known that there was a goblin shark that literally swam out of the depths of the World Ocean. By the way, until this moment it was believed that the goblin shark had long ago and irrevocably disappeared from the face of the Earth.

Largemouth sharks became known to mankind only in 1976, when one of them simply got stuck in the anchor chain of a research vessel anchored near the island. Oahu, which is in Hawaii. Much time has passed since that moment, and largemouth sharks I managed to see it no more than 30 times, and then only in the form of carrion that washed up on the coast. It has not yet been possible to conduct a general scan of the World Ocean, although no one has set such a task for anyone. Megalodon, which could adapt to great depth due to its enormous size, it will not enter smaller areas.

Sperm whales, which are equated with the eternal rivals of megalodons, have adapted to significant pressure and are capable of diving to depths of up to 3 kilometers. At the same time, they occasionally swim to the surface to get a breath of air. Compared to the sperm whale, the megalodon had gills, which made it less vulnerable, since there was no need, although occasionally, to rise to the surface. Therefore, it is possible that the megalodon simply hid at great depths for the time being.


The fact that even in the third millennium humanity still does not know much is a fact, so one should not say that megalodon has disappeared once and for all. It is still strange that scientists, with such a level of technological progress, cannot look into the depths of the oceans to determine how much we still do not know. This applies not only to hitherto unknown species deep sea fish and other living beings, but also other surprises. Many experts claim that at the bottom of the oceans, in the deepest places where man has not yet looked, entire settlements of aliens have been established. In other words, there are still quite a lot of mysteries on our Planet.

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The most varied names could be given to this powerful and terrible species of creatures - super predator, invincible horror, Scylla, Charybdis and tyrannosaurus in one bottle... Not a single living creature of the oceans could ever resist this greatest fish, the embodiment of the power and strength of evolution itself. Megalodon was truly the most terrifying shark in the multimillion-year history of the Earth, a shark next to which a large White shark, nicknamed the “white death”, looks like a pathetic herring...

Megalodon shark in the surf

Scientific disputes around the megalodon do not subside to this day - habits, habitat, the date of complete extinction of this species and its causes, the size of the mouth and body - there are no final answers to all questions about the megalodon to this day. It is very difficult to determine the parameters of the species Carcharocles megalodon, if all that remains of it and has survived to this day are giant triangular teeth of 17 centimeters meter long, which is five to six times larger than the teeth of the largest great white shark. The mass of an adult megalodon is about 100 tons, the body length was, according to various estimates, from 16 to 30 meters - not a single sea animal, not a single fish would ever dare to compete with this creature!

Megalodon shark tooth dimensions

The big-toothed megalodon's hunting targets were... who do you think? Whales and sperm whales! The ancestors of modern whales, of course, were smaller - about 10 meters, the bigtooth shark easily bit their bodies in half, broke bones with one powerful blow of its head and immobilized the victim. In an attempt to preserve their species, sperm whales and whales began to hastily modernize, grow their bodies and develop mass, which, however, did not really help them. For millions of years, the reign of the “Big Tooth” continued in the oceans of the Earth - what has changed, why did this giant become completely extinct and did it become extinct?

Megalodon hunts whales (reconstruction)

According to scientists, the species Carcharocles megalodon did not survive one of the glaciations - the whales moved to cold waters, and the megashark could not follow them, because. her body temperature depended on the temperature of the surrounding water. It turns out that megalodons died of starvation a couple of million years ago - according to a number of ichthyologists, this is nonsense. Here are the facts: when pulling a deep-sea dredge in the Pacific Ocean, two megalodons were lifted aboard a research vessel, which is not a sensation in itself, because their teeth are found everywhere. But an analysis of these teeth showed that these two teeth are not millions of years old, but 24 and 11 thousand years old! It turns out that the “long-extinct” megalodons can safely exist today, because only 10% of the World Ocean has been studied.

Skeptics will say that the existence of a megalodon is impossible, since a fish of that size would certainly be noticed. What about the other three basking sharks that exist in the oceans today - the whale shark, the basking shark and the largemouth shark? They are huge, the first type is 20 meters long, the second is 10 meters, and the largemouth is 6 meters long. And what? Do you think it was impossible not to notice these sharks? Then how to explain that the view whale sharks discovered only 200 years ago, basking sharks discovered several decades earlier (which is why they are called “giant”, although cetaceans are much larger). But largemouth sharks were found completely by accident - one individual got stuck in the anchor target of a research vessel in the waters near the island of Oahu, Hawaii in 1976, since then only 25 individuals have been seen, and only dead on the coast.

The only thing that could make the existence of megalodon uncomfortable is the cooling of the oceans. There are two comments here: first, whale sharks are cold-blooded, but live and feed in not at all warm temperate waters; second, close relatives of the megalodon, great white sharks, are partly warm-blooded, i.e. their body is able to maintain a body temperature 10 degrees higher than the ocean temperature. And why couldn’t the megalodon have acquired the same heating system? It would be fair to say that whale sharks are more heat bodies are of no use, since their prey - plankton - will not run away from them anywhere, therefore, there is simply no need for them to rush. But for a shark hunting for a large, live shark, body heat is very necessary - after all, cold muscles do not allow you to develop high speed, which means you will not be able to catch up with the prey.

Megalodon - hunting sperm whales

If the giant megalodon is ever discovered, it will be the biggest sensation in the scientific world since the lobe-finned coelacanth. However, this predator has already been seen, and not so long ago - at the beginning of the last century. Next time I’ll tell you this story, confirmed by a famous Australian ichthyologist...

  • Oddly enough, the most famous prehistoric shark is still shrouded in mystery. After all, it is known mainly from its teeth and a small number of vertebrae. Latin name of the species comes from a pair of ancient Greek words for "big tooth". The reason is simple: the fish’s teeth were gigantic in size, just like the fish itself. It can be called one of the largest and most dangerous marine predators of all time.

    Business card

    Time and place of existence

    Megalodons existed from the end of the Oligocene to the beginning of the Pleistocene, about 28.1 - 1.5 million years ago (from the Rupelian to the beginning of the Calabrian stage). They were very widespread: remains are found on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. Fossilized teeth have also been discovered at considerable distances from land, for example in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.

    A rich painting by Italian paleoartist Alberto Gennari: a megalodon begins to eat a whale. Restless seagulls are circling nearby, and smaller sharks have gathered in the depths, ready to snatch a piece at any opportunity.

    Types and history of discovery

    For a long time, the extinct fish was considered a relative of the white shark and was assigned to the genus Carcharodon (in this case Latin name kind - Carcharodon megalodon ), however, recent research suggests that it belongs to the genus Carcharocles (in this case the name is Carcharocles megalodon). At the moment, there is no complete certainty on this issue due to the lack of sufficient material.

    In this dynamic painting by Canadian artist Andrew Domachowski, a megalodon literally bursts into a living gathering with its mouth open.

    By all indications, people have found fossil remains of megalodon and other prehistoric sharks since primitive times. However, the first fairly clear mention in the literature dates back to the Renaissance: the finds of huge triangular teeth extracted from rocks are described.

    Naturally, in those days mythical and even mystical properties were easily attributed to these impressive artifacts. It was said that these were real confirmations of the existence of terrible dragons and giant snakes– their petrified tongues. There was even a common name - glossopetras (Latin word glossopetrae comes from the ancient Greek phrase "stone tongues").

    However, even then there were scientists who were well acquainted with the anatomy of sharks. In 1667, the Danish anatomist and geologist Niels Stensen published his work "Elementorum myologiæ specimen, seu musculi descriptio geometrica: cui accedunt Canis Carchariæ dissectum caput, et dissectus piscis ex Canum genere", in which he notes the extraordinary similarity between glossopetra and teeth large shark, caught near the port city of Livorno (Italy) a year earlier.

    His famous illustration from the treatise is presented, where we see the supposed head of a megalodon at the base of the teeth. It still appears in many books on the history of paleontology as one of the first paleontological discoveries.

    However scientific description Megalodon was born only two hundred years later. In 1835, the Swiss naturalist Jean Louis Agassiz, using the knowledge on sharks accumulated by the 19th century, assigned the name Carcharodon megalodon to the owner of the huge fossil teeth. It happens within the book "Recherches Sur Les Poissons Fossiles", which was completely completed in 1843.

    Turkish illustrator Kerem Beyit shows us an attack on a pod of sperm whales from the depths.

    At the beginning of the article, we explained the species name of megalodon. The Latin name of the genus, Carcharocles, comes from a pair of ancient Greek words for “glorious tooth” (Carcharodon - “ shark tooth"). Since then in different parts light, a huge number of fossilized megalodon teeth of various sizes were found. Some of them were deposited in museums, while others are in private collections.

    Body structure

    The body length of the megalodon reached 16 meters. The height is up to 4.5 meters. He weighed up to 47,690 kilograms. It is the largest representative of the lamniformes order and one of the largest sharks in the entire history of our planet.

    Comparison of an animal with a white shark and a diver from BBC artists.

    And finally, a comparison of the megalodon with the average bus from documentary film "Prehistoric predators: Monster Shark" produced by National Geographic.

    Unfortunately, megalodon is known only from numerous teeth, as well as fragments of the spine. This is directly related to the fact that the shark’s skeleton consists not of bones, but of cartilage: the likelihood of their fossilization is significantly less. Therefore, the full image of the ancient predator remains a mystery. Currently, most reconstructions are based on the structure of its possible relative, the white shark.

    Megalodon moved, just like modern views, controlling movement in the water through several types of fins. He was capable of developing high speeds, so necessary for a swift attack and when chasing prey. The head is equipped with powerful trap-like jaws with several rows of sharp teeth.

    Dr. Jeremiah Clifford, who specializes in skeletal reconstructions, stands in the jaws of a megalodon, holding the jaws of a white shark in his hands.

    And now a rather spectacular comparison of a megalodon tooth with the teeth of a white shark.

    Note also that the length of the largest tooth is about 18.5 centimeters diagonally. It was discovered by paleontologist Peter Larson of the Black Hills Geological Research Institute. This is the largest tooth for the entire existence of the superorder of sharks.

    We present to your attention a photograph of a record-breaking megalodon tooth (in the foreground).

    Bite force
    Recent studies show that the megalodon had an incredible bite force of up to 108,514 N. Apparently, it was necessary to inflict effective damage when hunting large animals.
    Other aspects
    The body of the Cenozoic super predator was voluminous and teardrop-shaped. It smoothly turned into a tail, which ended in a rather long heterocercal caudal fin. Overall, the megalodon was a superbly armed shark of enormous physical strength.

    The photo shows an exhibit of the species Carcharocles megalodon (formerly Carcharodon megalodon) from the Calvert Maritime Museum (Solomons Settlement, Maryland, USA). Reconstructed on the basis of a white shark, taking into account available fossils.

    Below are spectacular jaws in the beautiful interior of the American Museum of Natural History (New York, New York, USA).

    Nutrition and lifestyle

    Megalodon lived in seas almost all over the world, but preferred warm environments. Apparently, the predator used behavioral patterns quite similar to modern white sharks. However, there were also significant differences dictated by the unique structure of the body and colossal size. Megalodon was a pronounced solitary predator, although it could easily tolerate other individuals in its immediate vicinity. In cases of attacks on very large whales, the collective attack was mutually beneficial.

    Unlike its modern relative, the adult megalodon had almost no restrictions on its range of potential targets. Megalodon could attack alone both schools of small fish and very large whales. This made it possible to become a real thunderstorm of the oceans, a marine resemblance to a tyrannosaurus. A superpredator over a fairly long chronological interval. At the same time, megalodon had different attack strategies for each type of animal, which is also observed in sharks today.

    An unusual illustration by English paleoartist Robert Nichols. A herd of Anancus was carried out to sea by a tsunami that suddenly arrived on the calm sea shores. Their dead bodies drifted for some time until the spreading smell attracted the attention of huge ancient sharks. A pair of adult megalodons and one cub took advantage of the opportunity, not at all shying away from the taste of decomposition.

    And here a living Platybelodon was attacked in shallow water. Sometimes young megalodons could hunt in shelf seas and, moreover, swim very close to the shore. Author: Canadian paleoartist Julius Csotonyi.

    Let us note that the total capacity of the arsenal is not comparable with analogues of its contemporaries. Moreover, even the teeth were somewhat stronger than those of the latter: thicker and wider, with a massive base.

    Comparison of the teeth of a megalodon (left) and a great white shark (right) at the same scale from Prehistoric Wildlife.

    They were adapted to the high loads that arise during the hunt for perfectly protected animals. As fossils show, megalodon tried to inflict critical injuries by attacking important organs and motor systems. The force of the bite was so great that even bones were cracked. And these were not only multi-meter thick-skinned whales (from the families of sperm whales and smooth whales to dolphins), but also giant sea turtles.

    3D scene of a megalodon attacking sea ​​turtle from the Discovery Channel series Shark Week: Sharkzilla.

    Other potential victims include smaller cetaceans, as well as pinnipeds and sirenians.

    A very large megalodon is chasing a mammal from the order of sirens - the dugong.

    Odobenocetops and Brygmophyseter, which appear in documentaries, could theoretically also be targets.

    And this is not the full range of marine animals. Since megalodon existed for many millions of years, it managed to meet and survive more than one evolutionary generation of sea inhabitants. With a high probability, megalodons also ate representatives of other sharks. It is also important to say that the diet of very young individuals differed significantly from the diet of adults: the proportion small fish and shellfish in it was significantly higher.


    Excerpt from the documentary "Prehistoric Predators: Monster Shark." Skeletal elements and hunting scenes are shown.

    A fragment from the popular science series "Shark Week: Sharkzilla". Megalodon attacks various representatives of the ancient fauna.

    Excerpt from the documentary "Fight Club" Jurassic period: Sea Hunters." A member of a pack of ancient brigmophyseters is attacked. Note that the size of the latter is greatly overestimated here.

    Fragment of the feature-documentary film "Walking with sea ​​monsters"Observation of megalodon in its native habitat.


    Recommended scientific works:
    1. Wroe, S.; Huber, D. R.; Lowry, M.; McHenry, C.; Moreno, K.; Clausen, P.; Ferrara, T. L.; Cunningham, E.; Dean, M. N.; Summers, A. P. (2008).

    The largest carnivorous marine animal that ever existed was the prehistoric monster megalodon - a direct relative of the modern great white shark.

    It is believed that megalodons became extinct more than two million years ago, when in the Pliocene the climate cooled and the shelf seas, with the food familiar to megalodons, were covered with glaciers. Traces of these huge ancient fish were found in the rocks of India, North Africa, Australia, Japan, Belgium and many other countries.

    The most common teeth of the entire skeleton are the teeth of an extinct sea creature: the diagonal height of one megalodon tooth can reach 18 cm - not a single creature that existed in the ocean had teeth of this size.

    However, here’s the strange thing - archaeologists began to find relatively young remains of megalodon - aged 10,000 - 8,000 years ago. Moreover, reports began to appear from experienced crews of various sea vessels who saw a huge yellowish back with a characteristic fin in the waves. Does all this mean that the prehistoric fish did not become extinct?

    Yes, we can admit that sailors are mistaken when they confuse the silhouette of a megalodon with the silhouette of a whale shark. But how can we explain the fact that the fish seen by the Christina’s crew reached 35-37 meters in length? Even if you reduce this figure by half, there are no whale sharks of this size. But what kind of creature was this?

    The news spread throughout the world as a sensation when, in 1954, 17 huge teeth stuck in the wood were found in the bottom of the ship Rachel Cohen, which was docked for repairs in the Adelaide dry dock. The width of each incisor reached 8 cm, length - 10 cm. By the way, even the size of the teeth of a great white does not exceed 6 cm.

    The teeth embedded in the bottom were located in a semicircle - a bite characteristic of sharks, near a bent propeller, and the diameter of the semicircle was about 2 m. The captain later recalled how the ship shuddered off the island of Timor (Indonesia). Later analysis showed that the teeth actually belonged to a megalodon. So giant predators are somewhere nearby?

    More recently, megalodon teeth began to be found on Baltic beaches - in Otradnoye, Pionersk and Svetlogorsk. Over four years, starting in 2008, about 800 huge teeth that once belonged to prehistoric creatures were found.

    Off the coast of Tahiti, a research vessel with a dredge found unfossilized megalodon teeth; their age did not exceed 11,000 years. From a geological point of view, animals whose presence remains undiscovered for more than 400,000 years can be considered extinct.

    And here it’s only 11,000 years! By the way, the goblin shark was considered extinct back in the Pliocene. Its teeth were not found, its silhouette was not seen, so it was deservedly included in the list of prehistoric fish.

    And suddenly, unexpectedly, they found the goblin shark itself, not even its young remains, but a completely alive individual itself. And not even one. The revived relic was floating at great depths. Maybe a megalodon is also swimming somewhere nearby?

    If we assume where she could wait unfavourable conditions all this time a giant carnivorous shark, then most likely paleontologists call the Mariana Trench - the fourth pole of the planet.

    Only two people sank to the bottom of the Mariana Gorge. And they saw nothing there except deep-sea invertebrates. After this, ocean sensors and sonars began to explore the depression. They then recorded the movements of massive bodies of strange animals at the bottom. Many scientists believe that surviving representatives of Carcharodon megalodon may well be hiding at great depths.

    Moreover, the bottom of the gorge is dotted with the teeth of a prehistoric monster. Paleontologists say that megalodon, like other ancient animals, could wait out unfavorable times here, at the fourth pole of the planet, where active hydrothermal vents erupt. The Mariana Trench is quite a suitable place.

    It turns out that periodic rumors that a giant shark was seen somewhere may be true? Perhaps the megalodon was leaving its shelter to make sure that the world above had become quite suitable for existence?

    If this is so, very soon, when global warming leads to warming of the waters of the world's oceans, we will again be able to see the ruler of salt waters - the huge Carcharodon shark megalodon.

    As for the Mariana Trench, according to some ichthyologists, due to the presence of active hydrothermal springs, colonies of prehistoric marine animals that have survived to this day may exist at its bottom.

    There is evidence that in 1918, lobster fishermen from the city of Port Stephens (Australia) saw an amazing transparent white fish 35 meters long in the sea. It was clear that this fish had surfaced from great depths. Many researchers believe that the Mariana Trench hides in its unexplored depths the last surviving representatives of the giant prehistoric shark of the species Carcharodon megalodon. Based on the few surviving remains, scientists have recreated the appearance of the megalodon. This predator lived in the seas 2–2.5 million years ago and was of monstrous size: about 24 meters long, weighing 100 tons, and the width of its mouth dotted with 10-centimeter teeth reached 1.8–2.0 m - a megalodon could easily swallow automobile.

    Recently, while exploring the bottom Pacific Ocean, oceanologists have found perfectly preserved megalodon teeth. One of the finds was 24 thousand years old, and the other was even younger - 11 thousand years old! So, not all megalodons went extinct 2 million years ago?

    During one of the dives in the Mariana Trench area, the German research vehicle Haifish with a crew on board, being at a depth of 7 km, unexpectedly “refused” to surface. Trying to understand the reason for this, the hydronauts turned on the infrared camera. What they saw at first seemed to them a collective hallucination: a huge creature, similar to a prehistoric lizard, grabbed the body of the bathyscaphe with its teeth, trying to chew it like a nut... Having come to their senses, the crew activated a device called an “electric gun.” Affected powerful discharge, the monster unclenched its terrible jaws and disappeared into the darkness of the abyss...

    The dive of the American unmanned bathyscaphe platform into the abyss of the Mariana Trench has sensationally completed. Equipped with powerful searchlights, highly sensitive sensors and television cameras, it sank into the depths of the ocean using a steel net woven from 20 mm thick cables. After the submersible reached the bottom, cameras and microphones did not record anything significant for several hours. And then suddenly, silhouettes of strange huge bodies flashed on the television monitors in the beams of spotlights. When the device was hastily raised to the surface, part of its structures turned out to be bent.

    And in 2004, the British magazine New Scientist spoke in detail about mysterious sounds in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, detected by underwater sensors American system SOSUS tracking. It was created in the years " cold war"to monitor Soviet submarines. Experts who studied the recordings of signals from highly sensitive hydrophones identified, against the background noise representing the “call signs” of various marine inhabitants, a much more powerful sound, clearly emitted by some creature living in the ocean.

    This mysterious signal, first recorded in 1977, is much more powerful than the infrasounds with which large whales communicate with each other at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from each other.

    We have already briefly analyzed the main “parameters” of the life of Megalodon based on scientific and research data that were at our disposal - nutrition, anatomy, biological features, etc.

    Of course, the main question about Megalodon is its localization, i.e. the place of his supposed habitat.

    Ancient sharks activate

    First, let's look at the panorama of the discovery of ancient or rare species sharks for Lately in the World Ocean.

    • more and more often information is coming about the capture of ancient goblin sharks near the mainland of Australia;
    • scientists found 2 rare specimens of largemouth sharks (in Japan in May 2014 and in the Philippines in January 2015);
    • prehistoric frilled sharks caught off the coast of Australia in January and February.

    Let us immediately note the geographic location of the appearance of individuals of these shark species.

    Now let's take a look at the cases of representatives of "food attractiveness" washed up on the shore for sharks - seals, fur seals, lions, dolphins and even the sharks themselves.

    Several similar events occurred in the first months of 2015.:

    • in Australia, a pack of 51 fur seals washed ashore;
    • about 200 dolphins washed ashore in New Zealand;
    • in the USA (Southern California), 223 sea lions were found washed up on the coast;
    • then New Zealand appears again - about 200 whales washed ashore;
    • the paradoxical discovery of a 4-meter great white shark on the coast of Greece.

    Of course, such cases of suicide are phenomena that are periodically repeated and, in principle, not yet precisely explained by scientists.

    There is talk about mysterious diseases that simultaneously affected various types of marine animals, loss of orientation, unknown viruses and other assumptions.

    However, researchers studying the biology of life of Megalodons and other ancient animals can offer their own unexpected interpretation on this issue! Namely: all episodes of beaching were provoked by the activity of Megalodon!

    As arguments, experts suggest paying attention to tests taken from affected animals. In all cases, the blood of the victims was oversaturated with adrenaline! Hormone of fear!

    Moreover, according to the rescuers themselves, the frightened animals did not want to return to the ocean, making attempts to return to land again when they were dragged into the water during rescue operations.

    By the way, there were no signs of injuries or bites on the bodies of mammals in these particular incidents, which allows assumptions that Megalodon (or several of its individuals) either did not attack them at all, or killed them accurately and immediately, without giving the victim the opportunity to leave. This often happens in shark attacks, when the predator, after the first tooth test, either completely eats the victim or loses interest in it.

    Consequently, the flocks of these suicidal animals washed ashore were not even driven by the fear of becoming hunted more than large predator, but an instinctive desire to leave the territory of his hunt at any cost.

    White sharks or young Megalodons? Giant sharks killed a pod of killer whales
    (New Zealand)

    So, back to geography. Previously, we assumed that the place of modern existence of Megalodon sharks is the Mariana Trench, which was indicated by a number of reasons, including the peculiarities of its feeding.

    Looking at the map, we will find that the Mariana Trench is surrounded by Japan, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand.

    Based on the localization of the appearance of ancient sharks and episodes of animal releases, as an indirect assumption of their reaction to the appearance of a huge predator, it is this geographical contour that is the most likely place for the appearance of the prehistoric Megalodon shark.

    Australia - nursery for young Megalodons

    At first glance, it looks strange that Megalodon ignores seals, lions, seals, etc., which are valuable in terms of nutritional value.

    It is surprising that this giant managed to avoid bleeding at all in the ocean near its habitat, although several cases did occur.

    We know practically nothing about this great predator, and, most likely, in the near future some amazing discovery of the features of its existence will again await us.

    For analysis, let's take the life of its close relative - Carcharodon. Often in episodes of shark attacks on people, incidents occurred when the victim of the attack “got off with fright” or very minor injuries, although he was too accessible and, according to the logic of such situations, should not have remained alive.

    Then experts said that a baby shark took part in the attack, which had not yet acquired the skills of a competent attack or was just learning to hunt.

    Scientists currently know the places of birth and maturation of young individuals of Carcharodon, which are entire shark nurseries - water areas with relatively shallow depth and current, which are characterized by an abundant biocenosis and the absence of natural enemies.

    One such nursery for the great white shark is coastal zone in the state of New South Wales in Australia. Regularly once a year, female white sharks appear in this water area to hatch young sharks.

    Perhaps the zone we noted above precisely belongs to this category of kindergarten, but only for Megalodon.

    Here we invite readers to turn to the map again and include another position in consideration - the Isthmus of Panama.

    It’s interesting, but when the hypothesis about a manger for a historical monster was still only timidly expressed, it unexpectedly found counter confirmation for the researchers themselves. The fact is that at the bottom of Lake Gatun, in the Isthmus of Panama, significant quantities of well-preserved teeth were found at one time.

    Of course, the teeth of such a giant themselves are an invaluable find, but these were remarkable for another circumstance: the teeth belonged to cubs, whose age at that time was no more than 2 years (the result of calculation by the ratio of the length of the tooth to the total length of the animal).

    This means that Megalodon “organized” a nursery in this water area for young individuals a very long time ago, and the functioning of this territory obviously did not stop for centuries.

    Watch the video “What a young Megalodon looks like”:

    The question arises, why doesn’t Megalodon leave offspring in Mariana Trench, where does he live? Does it swim specifically for this purpose in almost shallow coastal waters?

    Scientists have yet to answer this question. In the meantime, there is an assumption that the baby of this huge shark still needs sunlight, which is inaccessible at depth. And that the food of this predator during adolescence should be affordable both in terms of quantity and ease of hunting.

    It is the facts of fossil finds, as well as the peculiarity of the water area itself between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans (a huge area of ​​shallow water, which was not deep enough for the natural enemies of Megalodon, but optimally safe for its offspring) that make this geographical location ideal for organizing a kindergarten there for his cubs.

    Some researchers make serious assumptions that Australian waters will soon become an alternative to the Isthmus of Panama - optimal climate and availability large quantity easily accessible food will attract Megalodons to breed in this area of ​​the World Ocean.

    Technique for detecting Megalodons in the ocean

    Having come to these conclusions, scientists have moved noticeably closer to the habitats of prehistoric giant sharks. Now all that remains is to track down the female Megalodon (which is more difficult), or her offspring (which is easier, due to their natural carelessness).

    Modern ocean researchers will soon be equipped with a unique sound detection technology - acoustic hydrophones, which have already been tested in the Mariana Trench and have given amazing results in detecting huge objects there.

    Especially for these purposes, engineers from the NOAA Bureau of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research created the first hydrophone that can withstand enormous pressures. ocean depths, equipped with modern electronics, a disk for recording data, a powerful amplifier and a high-capacity power supply.

    Now that the specific localization of not only Megalodon, but also its offspring has been identified, the time to meet it, as they say, is a matter of technology.

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